Today everyone knows that high professional results creative people achieve - those who from childhood had their own point of view, were not afraid to express it, demonstrating a new, non-standard approach to the situation. The sooner we begin to form a creative approach to everything in a child, the more successful he will be in life. Where to start - our article will tell you.

What is creativity?

Creative skills- this is a combination of personal qualities, suggesting the presence of a property that makes the product of the performed activity new and original, thereby increasing its effectiveness. In other words, creativity is about finding.

Creativity of Preschool Children

2. Create “masterpieces” with your child from a variety of materials!
By doing this, you will contribute to the development of creative thinking and fine motor skills. For example, create a winter night landscape using glue and salt. Draw a random pattern with glue on a black sheet of paper, and then sprinkle the paper with salt - you get "snow". Shake off the excess and you will see that the winter landscape is ready. If you use various cereals, you can create multi-colored creations, which will bring great pleasure from such a game to both you and your baby! The resulting "masterpiece" will become nice gift relatives or an important element of the family gallery.

3. Communicate with nature more often!
The environment around us has everything for the development of the baby's creativity. Teach him to observe the phenomena of nature, compare, analyze, reflect ... While walking, fantasize what clouds or silhouettes of trees are like. It is known that Leonardo da Vinci used this method when searching for ideas. The environment around us has everything for the development of the baby's creativity. Teach him to observe the phenomena of nature, compare, analyze, reflect ... While walking, fantasize what clouds or silhouettes of trees are like. It is known that Leonardo da Vinci used this method when searching for ideas. The development of a child's creative outlook on the world is facilitated by the manufacture of crafts from natural materials: leaves, seeds, cones, chestnuts, shells, sea pebbles, sand. This method will very quickly give positive results, which will be expressed in the child's desire for knowledge, the development of creative and logical thinking.

4. Don't forget about the development of speech!
In order for a child to learn to express his ideas verbally, it is important to develop his speech as well. Come up with the kid, create new characters, compose the continuation of existing fairy tales, move characters from one fairy tale to another. Give the child words with a request to find a rhyme for them, write poems and songs. It is useful to play various associative games, where the child will be asked to find a connection between two unrelated objects, words, and make up a story with them that can be provided with illustrations! A good continuation of this fascinating story maybe a game based on this, where the heroes will have amazing adventures.

Developing creativity through play

As the main mode of activity of preschoolers, it influences the formation of personality, including creativity. Develop your baby by playing with him. In the arsenal, the child should have educational games, toys, constructors, mosaics, coloring books, applications.

Have fun with your toddler in these fun activity games:
1. "Funny Pictures"
Draw geometric shapes on paper and have your child “transform” them into something new. It can be anything: a sun, a flower, a doll, etc.
2. "Guess!"
Place any item, any item in a box with a lid and have your child guess what is there. Let the child think: asks questions, fantasizes, builds a logical chain.
3. "Good and bad"
Parents call an object or phenomenon, and the child should reflect on its positive and negative qualities. For example, snow: it's good that you can go sledding, it's bad that you can catch a cold. Oven: good that you can cook food, bad that burn yourself.
4. "Words"
Riding in transport, standing in line with your baby, walking - don't waste time, play Words! Say any word and invite the little inventor to choose antonyms for it (opposite words in meaning): cold - hot, funny - sad; synonyms (similar in meaning): good - excellent, deceive - lie, etc.
5. "Unusual use of the subject"
Encourage your child to find unusual ways to use the most common objects. Unlimited imagination is welcome here! For example, you can not only pour compote into a jug, but also put flowers there, etc. Let him come up with unusual way using a spoon, chair, nail and other items! Don't be lazy, come up with various logic puzzles! By the way, this is a great reason to develop your logical thinking. Replenish stocks of your puzzles from special literature or the world wide web.
6. "What if?"
Invite your child to develop a topic: what would happen if, for example, all of a sudden, for example, everyone became Lilliputians or animals began to speak humanly?

Home puppet theater. The development of creativity will also be facilitated by presentations of home puppet theater that can be arranged during weekends and family holidays. Finger puppets and "parsley", hand-sewn toys for the theater, original decorations will create a relaxed atmosphere that positively affects the flight of your child's imagination! And the approval of the family members and guests present at the performance will demonstrate to the kid how wonderful it is to express himself creatively, to fantasize!

Painting. The first experiments in fine arts can be started when the baby is barely 6 months old. At this age, instead of a brush, babies use their palms - this is called "finger drawing", which refers to the techniques early development... It is very popular today. Sit the kid on a high chair with a table, tie an apron, put a sheet of paper and let them dip your fingers in the paint! See what unusual pictures you get! This will not only delight you and your child, but will help him learn more about the colors, textures and properties of objects. And working with your fingers will stimulate the activity of the brain of a little artist! When the baby grows up, supply him with all the means for drawing: albums, felt-tip pens, pencils, watercolors and gouache, brushes. Show your child how to hold a pencil and brush correctly, use different colors... In the process of drawing, the kid will learn colors, remember the geometric shapes and shapes of objects, and after a while he will delight him with landscapes and portraits!

"It is interesting! The outstanding teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky wrote that the child's mind is at the tips of his fingers, meaning that there are nerve endings responsible for the functioning of the brain. Therefore, finger painting and sculpting will stimulate the development of your baby's brain! "

Modeling. Sculpting is very useful, because it stimulates the nerve endings of the fingertips, develops the child's fine motor skills, creative thinking and imagination. Buy high-quality non-toxic plasticine, special mass or modeling clay - and let the kid roll balls, sausages and rings! Do not limit your imagination - using the sculpting technique, you can even learn how to make pictures or fairy-tale characters!
Application. Teach your toddler to cut shapes. Having previously explained the rules of work, give the child scissors: let him, with your help, cut a drawing along the contour, and then stick it on cardboard. You can start with a simple one geometric shapes or use ready-made kit for applications.
Reading. Read to your child every day, no less than 30 minutes a day. Poems, fairy tales, stories, riddles and sayings - all this will bring joy to the baby, will have a beneficial effect on the development of memory. When the child grows up, be sure to sign up for the children's library. Good book develops fantasy, imagination, positively affects the development of speech.

Music. A variety of music (children's songs, classics for children) should be included by the child from early childhood. Music wonderfully develops hearing, memory, imaginative thinking, helping to become a creative person. Sing songs with your baby, encourage his first dance moves. If you notice how a child easily remembers and reproduces a melody, you can safely send it to a music school.

A video revealing the secret of regular successful creative activities with your child

Enjoy your creative success!

"Advice. Rejoice with your child in his creative endeavors! The approval of creativity is important for the kid, because it reinforces his belief in his own strength. "

Seeing how adults with a smile encourage the artistic experiences of the little creator, the little one will strive to create again and again. A positive image will be fixed in the child's mind that doing something with his own hands, inventing, creating is good. The kid will be active, proactive, resourceful, will strive to learn new things and improve the acquired skills.
Do not scold your child if he gets dirty or ruined something. Cover the child's workspace with newspapers or plastic, put on an apron for the child. At the end of work or play - do the cleaning together with the child: - also an important point!
It is from creative personalities that real professionals, good leaders, and charismatic leaders turn out. The ability to consider a problem outside the box, to have several options for solving it is formed in childhood, and the sooner parents understand the importance creative development baby - the more successful he will be!

Development of creativity in children before school age.


Creativity is not a new subject of research. The problem of human abilities aroused great interest of people inall the time. However, in the past, society did not have a special need to master the creativity of people. Talents appeared as if by themselves, spontaneously created masterpieces of literature and art: they made scientific discoveries, invented, thereby satisfying the needs of the developing human culture. In our time, the situation has changed radically. Life in the era of scientific and technological progress is becoming more and more diverse and complex. And it requires from a person not routine, habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, creative approach to the solution of large and small problems. Considering the fact that the share of mental labor is almostof all professions is constantly growing, and an increasing part of the performing activity is shifted to machines, then it becomes obvious that a person's creative abilities should be recognized as the most essential part of his intellect and the task of their development is one of critical tasks in education modern man... After all, all the cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind are the result of the creative activity of people. And the extent to which human society advances in the future will be determined by the creative potential of the younger generation.

The object of the study of this work is the pedagogical process, namely the process of developing creative abilities in preschool age. The purpose of this study is to study the problem of developing the creative abilities of preschoolers, namely those aspects of it, knowledge of which is necessary for practical activities in this direction for kindergarten teachers and parents. In the course of work, you can set yourself the following tasks:

  • Identification of the main components of creativity based on the analysis of the literature.
  • Determination of conditions favorable for the development of creative abilities of children.
  • Determination of the main directions and pedagogical tasks for the development of creative abilities in preschool age.
  • Determination of the effectiveness of traditional methods of preschool education in relation to the development of creative abilities of children.
  • Revealing the effectiveness of forms, methods and clamps for the development of creative abilities based on the analysis and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

In this work, I have applied the following methods of scientific and pedagogical research.

  1. Study, analysis and generalization of literary sources on this topic.
  2. Diagnostics of the creative abilities of children.
  3. Study and generalization of pedagogical experience in the development of children's creative abilities.

The work consists of two parts ... The first examines the problem of the components of a person's creative potential, and on the basis of an analysis of various points of view on this problem, an attempt is made to determine the universal creative abilities of a person. In this parts the question of the optimal timing of the beginning of the development of the creative abilities of children is also considered.

The second part is devoted to the problems of effective development of creative abilities. It examines the conditions necessary for the successful development of creative abilities, determines the main directions and pedagogical tasks for the development of the creative potential of preschoolers. The second part also analyzes the results of diagnosing the creative abilities of preschoolers, and proposes a set of measures aimed at optimizing the development of these abilities in preschool institutions.

  1. The problem of creativity and creativity

in modern pedagogy and psychology

1.1 Concepts creativity and creativity

The analysis of the problem of the development of creative abilities will largely be predetermined by the content that we will put into this concept. Very often in the ordinary consciousness, creativity is identified with the ability to various types of artistic activity, with the ability to draw beautifully, write poetry, write music, etc. What is creativity really?

It is obvious that the concept we are considering is closely related to the concept of "creativity", "creative activity". By creative activity we mean such human activity, as a result of which something new is created - be it an object of the external world or the construction of thinking,leading to new knowledge about the world, or a feeling that reflects a new attitude towards reality.

If we carefully consider the behavior of a person, his activities in any area, then we can distinguish two main types of actions. Some human actions can be called reproductive or reproductive. This type of activity is closely related to our memory and its essence lies in the fact that a person reproduces or repeats previously created and developed methods of behavior and actions.

In addition to reproductive activity, human behavior contains creative activity, the result of which is not the reproduction of the impressions or actions that were in his experience, but the creation of new images or actions. This activity is based on creativity.

Thus, in the very general view the definition of creativity is as follows. Creative abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's quality that determine the success of his performance of various creative activities.

Since the element of creativity can be present in any kind of human activity, it is fair to speak not only about artistic creativity, but also about technical creativity, about mathematical creativity, etc.

This work will consider the problem of the development of universal creative abilities, which are necessary for the successful implementation of any type of creative activity, regardless of whether it is scientific, artistic, technical, etc.

1.2 Components of creativity

Creativity is a fusion of many qualities. And the question of the components of human creativity is still open, although at the moment there are several hypotheses regarding this problem. Many psychologists associate the ability for creative activity, first of all, with the peculiarities of thinking. In particular, the famous American psychologist Guilford, who dealt with the problems of human intelligence, found that so-called divergent thinking is characteristic of creative individuals / 6, 436 /.People with this type of thinking, when solving a problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only correct solution, but begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider as many options as possible. Such people tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, or to form connections between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common. The divergent way of thinking is at the heart of creative thinking, which is characterized by the following main characteristics:

1. Speed ​​- the ability to express the maximum number of ideas (in this case, it is not their quality that is important, but their quantity).

2. Flexibility - the ability to express a wide variety of ideas.

3. Originality - the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can manifest itself in answers, decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).

4. Completeness - the ability to improve your "product" or give it a finished look.

Famous Russian researchers of the problem of creativity A.N. Luke, based on the biographies of prominent scientists, inventors, artists and musicians, distinguishes the following creative abilities / 14.6-36 /

1. Ability to see the problem where others do not see it.

2. The ability to curtail mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using symbols that are more and more information-capacious.

3. Ability to apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another.

4. The ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts.

5. Ability to easily associate distant concepts.

6. The ability of memory to give out the right information at the right moment.

7. Flexibility of thinking.

8. Ability to choose one of the alternatives for solving a problem before checking it.

9. Ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems.

10. The ability to see things as they are, to distinguish the observed from what is introduced by the interpretation.

11. Ease of generating ideas.

12. Creative imagination.

13. Ability to refine details, to improve the original concept.

Candidates of psychological sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov, based on a wide historical and cultural material (history of philosophy, social sciences, art, individual spheres of practice), identified the following universal creative abilities that developed in the process of human history / 12, 54-55 /.

1. Realism of imagination - figurative grasping of some essential, general tendency or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person has a clear concept of it and can inscribe it into a system of strict logical categories.

2. Ability to see the whole before the parts.

3. The over-situational - transformative nature of creative solutions - the ability, when solving a problem, not just to choose from the alternatives imposed from the outside, but to independently create an alternative.

4. Experimentation - the ability to consciously and purposefully create conditions in which objects most vividly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations, as well as the ability to trace and analyze the features of the "behavior" of objects in these conditions.

Scientists and teachers involved in the development of programs and methods of creative education based on TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving) and ARIZ (algorithm for solving inventive problems) believe that one of the components of a person's creative potential is made up of the following abilities / 9 /.

1. Ability to take risks.

2. Divergent thinking.

3. Flexibility in thinking and acting.

4. The speed of thinking.

5. Ability to express original ideas and invent new ones.

6. Rich imagination.

7. Perception of the ambiguity of things and phenomena.

8. High aesthetic values.

9. Developed intuition.

Analyzing the points of view presented above on the issue of the components of creative abilities, we can conclude that despite the difference in approaches to their definition, researchers unanimously single out creative imagination and the quality of creative thinking as essential components of creativity.

Based on this, it is possible to determine the main directions in the development of the creative abilities of children:

1. Development of imagination.

2. Development of the qualities of thinking that shape creativity.

1.3 The problem of optimal timing for the start of development


Speaking about the formation of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of when, from what age should the creative abilities of children be developed. Psychologists call various terms fromone and a half to five years. There is also a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creativity from an early age. This hypothesis is confirmed in physiology.

The fact is that a child's brain grows especially quickly and "matures" in the first years of life. This is ripening, i.e. an increase in the number of brain cells and anatomical connections betweenthem depends both on the diversity and intensity of the work of already existing structures, and on how much the environment stimulates the formation of new ones. This period of "ripening" is the time of the highest sensitivity and plasticity to external conditions, the time of the highest and broadest opportunities for development. This is the most favorable period for the beginning of the development of the entire diversity of human abilities. But the child begins to develop only those abilities for the development of which there are stimuli and conditions for the "moment" of this maturation. The more favorable the conditions, the closer they are to optimal, the more successful development begins. If maturation and the beginning of functioning (development) coincide in time, go synchronously, and conditions are favorable, then development proceeds easily - with the highest possible acceleration. Development can reach its greatest height, and the child can become capable, talented and ingenious.

However, the possibilities for the development of abilities, having reached their maximum at the "moment" of maturation, do not remain unchanged. If these opportunities are not used, that is, the corresponding abilities do not develop, do not function, if the child does not engage in the necessary activities, then these opportunities begin to be lost, degraded, and the faster, the weaker the functioning. This fading away of opportunities for development is an irreversible process. Boris Pavlovich Nikitin, who has been dealing with the problem of the development of children's creative abilities for many years, called this phenomenon NUVERS (Irreversible Fading of Opportunities for Effective Development of Abilities). Nikitin believes that NUVERS has a particularly negative effect on the development of creative abilities. The gap in time between the moment of maturation of the structures necessary for the formation of creative abilities and the beginning of the purposeful development of these abilities leads to a serious difficulty in their development, slows down its pace and leads to a decrease in the final level of development of creative abilities. According to Nikitin, it was the irreversibility of the process of degradation of development opportunities that gave rise to the opinion about the innateness of creative abilities, since usually no one suspects that opportunities for the effective development of creative abilities were missed in preschool age. And the small number of people with high creative potential in society is explained by the fact that in childhood, only very few found themselves in conditions conducive to the development of their creative abilities / 17, 286-287 /.

From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. And parents encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in different kinds activities that contribute to the expansion of children's experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than that of older children. It has not yet been crushed by dogmas and stereotypes, it is more independent. And this quality must be developed in every possible way. Preschool childhood is also a sensitive period for the development of creative imagination. From all of the above, we can conclude that preschool age provides excellent opportunities for the development of creativity. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on how these opportunities were used.

2. Development of creativity in preschool age.

2.1 Conditions for the successful development of creative abilities.

One of the most important factors in the creative development of children is the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of their creative abilities. Based on the analysis of the works of several authors, in particular J. Smith / 7, 123 /, B.N. Nikitin / 18, 15, 16 /, and L. Carroll / 9, 38-39 /,I have identified six basic conditions for the successful development of children's creative abilities.

The first step to the successful development of creative abilities is the early physical development of the baby: early swimming, gymnastics, early crawling and walking. Then early reading, counting, early exposure to various tools and materials.

The second important condition for the development of the child's creative abilities is the creation of an environment that is ahead of the development of children. It is necessary, as far as possible in advance, to surround the child with such an environment and such a system of relations that would stimulate his most diverse creative activity and gradually develop in him exactly what at the appropriate moment is capable of developing most effectively. For example, long before learning to read to a one-year-old child, you can buy blocks with letters, hang the alphabet on the wall and call letters to the child during games. This promotes early reading acquisition.

The third, extremely important, condition for the effective development of creative abilities follows from the character itself creative process, which requires maximum effort. The fact is that the ability to develop is the more successful, the more often in his activity a person gets "to the ceiling" of his capabilities and gradually raises this ceiling higher and higher. This condition of maximum exertion of forces is most easily achieved when the child is already crawling, but does not yet know how to speak. The process of cognizing the world at this time is very intensive, but the baby cannot take advantage of the experience of adults, since nothing can be explained to such a small child. Therefore, during this period, the baby is forced more than ever to engage in creativity, to solve many completely new problems for him on his own and without prior training (if, of course, adults allow him to do this, they solve them for him). The child's ball rolled far under the sofa. Parents should not rush to get him this toy from under the sofa, if the child can solve this problem on his own.

The fourth condition for the successful development of creative abilities is to provide the child with great freedom in choosing activities, in the alternation of cases, in the duration of one activity, in the choice of methods, etc. Then the child's desire, interest, emotional upsurge will serve as a reliable guarantee that even more tension of the mind will not lead to overwork, and will benefit the child.

But giving a child such freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes unobtrusive, intelligent, benevolent help from adults - this is the fifth condition for the successful development of creative abilities. The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but help into a hint. Unfortunately, a hint is a common way of "helping" children among parents, but it only harms the business. You cannot do something for a child if he can do it himself. You cannot think for him when he himself can think of it.

It has long been known that creativity requires a comfortable psychological environment and free time, therefore, the sixth condition for the successful development of creative abilities is a warm friendly atmosphere in the family and children's team. Adults must create a safe psychological base for the child's return from creative pursuits and their own discoveries. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to be creative, to show sympathy for his failures, to patiently relate even to strange ideas unusual in real life... It is necessary to exclude comments and condemnation from everyday life.

But the creation of favorable conditions is not enough for raising a child with a high creative potential, although some Western psychologists still believe that creativity is inherent in the child and that it is only necessary not to interfere with his free expression. But practice shows that such non-interference is not enough: not all children can open the way to creativity, and maintain creative activity for a long time. It turns out (and pedagogical practice proves this), if you choose the appropriate teaching methods, then even preschoolers, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of a higher level than their untrained self-expressing peers. It is no coincidence that children's circles and studios, music schools and art schools are so popular now. Of course, there is still a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt.

The upbringing of the creative abilities of children will be effective only if it is a purposeful process, in the course of which a number of particular pedagogical problems are solved, aimed at achieving the final goal. And in this work, on the basis of studying the literature on this topic, I tried to determine the main directions and pedagogical tasks for the development of such important components of creative abilities as creative thinking and imagination in preschool age.

2.2 Development of the qualities of creative thinking.

The main pedagogical task for the development of creative thinking in preschool age is the formation of associativity, dialectic and systematic thinking. Since the development of these very qualities makes thinking flexible, original and productive.

Associativity is the ability to see connections and similarities in objects and phenomena that at first glance are not comparable.

Thanks to the development of associativity, thinking becomes flexible and original.

In addition, a large number of associative links allows you to quickly retrieve the necessary information from memory. Associativity is very easily acquired by preschoolers in role-playing games. There are also special games that contribute to the development of this quality.

Often, discoveries are born when the seemingly incompatible is connected. For example, long time it seemed impossible to fly in aircraft that are heavier than air. Dialectic thinking allows us to formulate contradictions and find a way to resolve it.

Dialecticism is the ability to see contradictions in any systems that hinder their development, the ability to eliminate these contradictions, to solve problems.

Dialectic is a necessary quality of talented thinking. Psychologists conducted a number of studies and found that the mechanism of dialectical thinking functions in folk and scientific creativity. In particular, an analysis of Vygodsky's works showed that the outstanding Russian psychologist constantly used this mechanism in his research.

Pedagogical tasks for the formation of dialectic thinking in preschool age are:

1. Development of the ability to identify contradictions in any subject and phenomenon;

2. Developing the ability to clearly formulate the identified contradictions;

3. Formation of the ability to resolve contradictions;

And one more quality that forms creative thinking is consistency.

Consistency is the ability to see an object or phenomenon as an integral system, to perceive any object, any problem comprehensively, in all the variety of connections; the ability to see the unity of interconnections in the phenomena and laws of development.

Systems thinking allows you to see a huge number of properties of objects, to capture interconnections at the level of parts of the system and interconnections with other systems. Systems thinking learns patterns in the development of a system from the past to the present and applies this in relation to the future.

Systematic thinking develops by correct analysis of systems and special exercises. Pedagogical tasks for the development of systematic thinking in preschool age:

1. Formation of the ability to consider any object or phenomenon as a system developing in time;

2. Development of the ability to determine the functions of objects, taking into account the fact that any object is multifunctional.

2.3 Development of creative imagination.

The second direction of the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers is the development of imagination.

Imagination is the ability to construct in the mind from the elements of life experience (impressions, ideas, knowledge, experiences) through their new combinations to correlations something new that goes beyond the previously perceived.

Imagination is the basis of all creative activity. It helps a person to get rid of the inertia of thinking, it transforms the representation of memory, thereby ensuring, in the final analysis, the creation of what is known to be new. In this sense, everything that surrounds us and that is made by human hands, the whole world of culture, in contrast to the natural world - all this is a product of creative imagination.

Preschool childhood is a sensitive period for the development of imagination. At first glance, the need to develop the imagination of preschoolers may seem reasonable. After allit is widely believed that the child's imagination is richer, more original than the adult's. Such an idea of ​​the vivid imagination originally inherent in preschoolers existed in the past among psychologists.

However, already in the 1930s, the outstanding Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky proved that a child's imagination develops gradually, as he gains a certain experience. S. Vygotsky argued that all images of the imagination, no matter how bizarre they are, are based on those ideas and impressions that we get in real life. He wrote: "The first form of connection between imagination and reality is that every creation of imagination is always built from elements taken from activity and contained in the previous experience of man.". /5, 8/

It follows from this that the creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of the previous experience of a person. The pedagogical conclusion that can be drawn from all of the above is the need to expand the child's experience if we want to create a sufficiently solid foundation for his creative activity. The more the child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learns, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, themore significant and more productive, other things being equal, will be the activity of his imagination. It is with the accumulation of experience that all imagination begins. But how to pass this experience on to the child in advance? It often happens that parents talk with a child, tell him something, and then complain that, as they say, it flew into one ear and flew out of the other. This happens if the baby has no interest in what is being told about, there is no interest in knowledge at all, that is, when there are no cognitive interests.

In general, the cognitive interests of a preschooler begin to manifest themselves very early on. This manifests itself first in the form of children's questions, with which the baby besieges parents from 3-4 years old. However, whether such children's curiosity will become a stable cognitive interest or will it disappear forever depends on the adults around the child, primarily on his parents. Adults should in every possible way encourage the curiosity of children, fostering love and the need for knowledge.

In preschool age, development cognitive interests the child should go in two main directions:

  1. Gradually enrichment of the child's experience, saturation of this experience with new knowledge about various areas of reality. It causes cognitive activity preschooler. The more the sides of the surrounding reality open before children, the wider are the opportunities for the emergence and consolidation of stable cognitive interests in them.
  2. The gradual expansion and deepening of cognitive interests within the same sphere of reality.

In order to successfully develop the cognitive interests of the child, parents must know what their baby is interested in, and only then influence the formation of his interests. It should be noted that for the emergence of stable interests, it is not enoughjust to acquaint the child with a new area of ​​reality. He should develop a positive emotional attitude towards new things. This is facilitated by the inclusion of a preschooler in joint activities with adults. An adult can ask a child to help him do something or, say, listen to his favorite record with him. The feeling of belonging to the world of adults that arises in the baby in such situations creates a positive coloring of his activity and contributes to the emergence of his interest in this activity. But in these situations, the child's own creative activity should also be awakened, only then can one achieve desired result in the development of his cognitive interests and in the assimilation of new knowledge. You need to ask the child questions that encourage active reflection.

The accumulation of knowledge and experience is only a prerequisite for the development of creative imagination. Any knowledge can be a useless burden if a person does not know how to handle it, to select what is needed, which leads to a creative solution to the problem. And for thisyou need the practice of such decisions, the ability to use the accumulated information in your activities.

Productive creative imagination is characterized not only by such features as originality and richness of the images produced. One of the most important properties of such imagination is the ability to direct ideas in the right direction, to subordinate them to certain goals. The inability to manage ideas, to subordinate them to your goal, leads to the fact that the best plans and intentions perish, not finding embodiment. Therefore, the most important line in the development of the preschooler's imagination is the development of the direction of the imagination.

In a younger preschooler, imagination follows the subject and that's it., what he creates is fragmentary, unfinished. Adults should help the child learn not only to fragmentarily fantasize, but to realize their ideas, to create, albeit small, but complete works. To this end, parents can organize a role-playing game and, in the course of this game, influence the child's performance of the entire chain of play actions. You can also arrange a collective composition of a fairy tale: each of the players speaks several sentences, and the adult participating in the game can direct the development of the plot, help the children complete their plans. It is good to have a special folder or album where the most successful drawings, fairy tales composed by a child would be placed. This form of fixing the products of creativity will help the child direct his imagination to create complete and original works.

In order to determine the level of development of the creative abilities of children in preschool age, on August 10 and August 15, 2008, I carried out diagnostics for preschoolers of the MDOU "Solnyshko" s. Tashtyp. For the research I used the express methods of the candidates of psychological sciences V. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov (see Appendix 1). With the help of these techniques, I have compiled an operational stating micro-section of the creative development of each child for all its reasons. The criterion for highlighting the grounds is the universal creative abilities singled out by the authors: the realism of imagination, the ability to see the whole before the parts, the over-situationally transformative nature of creative solutions, children's experimentation. Each of the techniques allows you to record significant manifestations of these abilities and the real levels of their formation in a child.

After diagnostics, I got the following results (see Appendix 2). The development of imagination realism in 61.5% of children is at a low level, and in 38.5% of children - an average. The development of such an ability as the oversituational-transformative nature of creative decisions in 54% of children is at a low level, in 8% at an average level, and 38% of children at a high level. The ability to see the whole before the parts is developed at an average level in 30% of children and at a high level in 70% of children. Analyzing the results obtained, the following conclusions and proposals can be drawn.

The children of this group have poorly developed creative imaginations. It should be said right away that this group is engaged in the developmental program "Childhood", but special work on the development of imagination with children is not carried out. However, psychologists and educators who analyze preschool education programs have long been saying that they actually do not contain special measures aimed at the consistent and systematic development of children's imagination. Under these conditions, it develops mainly spontaneously and as a result often does not even reach the average level of its development. This was confirmed by the diagnostics carried out by me. From all of the above, it follows that in the existing conditions in kindergartens it is necessary to carry out special work aimed atdevelopment of the creative imagination of children, especially since preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of this process. In what forms can this work be carried out

Of course, the best option is to introduce a special training program for the development of children's imagination. Recently, a large number of methodological developments such activities. In particular, in our country, the Public Laboratory of the Invention Technique was developed special course"Development of Creative Imagination" (RTV). It is based on TRIZ, ARIZ and G.S. Altshuller. This course has already been tested in various creative studios, schools and preschools, where it has proven to be effective. RTV develops not only the creative imagination, but also the creative thinking of children. In addition, it is possible to propose a methodology for the development of children's imagination by O.M. Dyachenko and N.E. Veraxes as well as special game trainings imaginations developed by the psychologist E.V. Stuttering.

If it is not possible to introduce additional classes, then the educator can be offered on the basis of the program according to which he works, without drastic changes in the form of classes, to use TRIZ elements to develop the creative potential of children. Also, in special classes in music, drawing, design, speech development, children should be given creative tasks.

You can develop creative imagination not only in special classes. Play, which is the main activity of preschoolers, is of great importance for the development of children's imagination. It is in play that the child takes the first steps of creative activity. Adults should not only observe children's play, but control its development, enrich it, and include creative elements in the game. At an early stage, children's games are objective in nature, that is, this is an action with various objects. At this stage, it is very important to teach the child to play around the same object in different ways. For example, a cube can be a table, a chair, a piece of meat, etc. Adults should show children the opportunity different ways using the same items. At the age of 4-5, a role-playing game begins to take shape, which provides the broadest opportunities for the development of imagination and creativity. Adults need to know how and what their children play, how varied are the plots of the games they play. And if children from day to day play the same "daughters - mothers" or the war, the teacher must help them learn to diversify the plots of the games. You can play with them, offering to play out different plots and take on different roles. The child must first show his creative initiative in play, plan and direct the play.

In addition, to develop imagination and creativity, there are special games that you can play with children in their free time. Interesting educational games were developed by B.N. Nikitin / 18, 25 /, O. M. Dyachenko and N.E. Veraksoy / 7, 135 /.

The richest source for the development of a child's fantasy is a fairy tale. There are many techniques for working with a fairy tale that educators can use to develop the imagination of children. Among them: "perverting" a fairy tale, inventing a fairy tale on the contrary, inventing a continuation of a fairy tale, changing the end of a fairy tale. You can compose fairy tales with your children. Speaking about the development of children's imagination with the help of a fairy tale, one cannot but recall the wonderful book by G. Rodari "The Grammar of Fantasy".

The results of diagnostics also show that in many children it is necessary to develop such a creative ability as the over-situational-transformative nature of creative decisions. For the development of this ability, it is necessary for children to pose various problem situations, solving which, they must not only choose the optimal one from the proposed alternatives, but, on the basis of transforming the initial means, create their own alternative. Adults should encourage children to be creative in solving any problem in every possible way. The development of this ability is closely related to the formation of dialectic thinking. Therefore, games and exercises for the formation of dialectical thinking can be used to develop the ability to be analyzed. Some exercises for the development of dialectic thinking are given in Appendix 4.

The results of diagnostics of the creative potential of children revealed a good development of the ability to see the whole before the parts. And this result is natural, since one of the features of the child's perception of the world is its integrity, the child always sees the whole before the parts. However, very soon children lose this ability, because the traditional method of preschool education comes into conflict with this objective law of cognition. Since, when studying any object or phenomenon, the educator is instructed to first draw the attention of children to its individual external signs and only then to reveal its integral image. However, forcing the analytical trend in cognitive development preschoolers can lead to a significant decrease in their creativity. There is evidence that fears and other negative experiences in affective children are directly related to their inability to see the whole before the parts, i.e. to capture in individual events the meaning given by the context of the whole situation. Hence the need for the development of systematic thinking in preschoolers. This quality is developed by correct analysis of systems and special games, some of which are given in Appendix 5.

Speaking about the problem of children's creative abilities, I would like to emphasize that their effective development is possible only with joint efforts both on the part of educators preschool institutions and from the side of the family. Unfortunately, the lack of proper support from parents is often noted, especially when it comes to the pedagogy of creativity. Therefore, it is advisable to hold special conversations and lectures for parents, which would tell about why it is so important to develop creative abilities from childhood, what conditions must be created in the family for their successful development, what techniques and games can be used to develop creative abilities in the family, and parents would be encouraged to read special literature on this issue.

I believe that the measures suggested above will contribute to more effective development of creativity in preschool age.


Universal creative abilities are individual characteristics, qualities of a person that determine the success of his performance of creative activities of various kinds. Human creative abilities are based on the processes of thinking and imagination. Therefore, the main directions for the development of creative abilities in preschool age are:

  1. The development of a productive creative imagination, which is characterized by such qualities as the richness of the images produced and the direction.
  2. Development of the qualities of thinking that shape creativity; such qualities are associativity, dialectic and systematic thinking.

Preschool age has the richest opportunities for the development of creative abilities. Unfortunately, these opportunities are irreversibly lost over time, so it is necessary to use them as effectively as possible in preschool childhood.

The successful development of creative abilities is possible only when certain conditions are created that are conducive to their formation. These conditions are:

1. Early physical and intellectual development children.

2. Creation of an environment that is ahead of the child's development.

3. The child's independent solution of tasks requiring maximum effort when the child reaches the "ceiling" of his capabilities.

4. Providing the child with freedom in choosing an activity, alternating cases, duration of one activity, etc.

5. Smart, friendly help (not a tip) from adults.

6. Comfortable psychological environment, encouragement by adults of the child's desire for creativity.

But creating favorable conditions is not enough for raising a child with highly developed creative abilities. Purposeful work is needed to develop the creative potential of children. Unfortunately, the traditionally existing system of preschool education in our country contains almost no measures aimed at the consistent systematic development of the creative abilities of children. Therefore, they (abilities) develop mostly spontaneously and, as a result, do not reach a high level of development. itconfirmed the results of diagnostics of the creative abilities of five-year-old preschoolers d / s "Solnyshko". The lowest results were given by diagnostics of creative imagination. Although preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of this component of creativity. To correct the current situation, from my point of view, the following measures can be proposed, aimed at the effective development of the creative abilities of preschoolers:

  1. Introduction to the preschool education program of special classes aimed at developing the creative imagination and thinking of children.
  2. In special classes on drawing, music, speech development, give children creative tasks.
  3. Management by adults of children's subject and plot-role play with the aim of developing children's imagination in it.
  4. The use of special games that develop the creativity of children.
  5. Working with parents.

Annex 1

Methods for diagnosing universal creative abilities for children

1. Method "Sun in the room"

Base. Realization of imagination.

Target. Revealing the child's ability to transform "unreal" into "real" in the context of a given situation by eliminating the discrepancy.

Material. A picture depicting a room in which there is a man and the sun; pencil.

Instructions for conducting.

A psychologist, showing a child a picture: "I give you this picture. Look carefully and tell me what is painted on it." After listing the details of the image (table, chair, man, lamp, sun, etc.), the psychologist gives the following task: “That's right. "You got it wrong? Try to fix the picture so that it is correct."

The child does not need to use a pencil, he can simply explain what needs to be done to "correct" the picture.

Data processing.

During the examination, the psychologist evaluates the child's attempts to correct the drawing. Data processing is carried out according to a five-point system:

  1. No answer, rejection of the assignment ("I don't know how to fix it", "You don't need to fix the picture") - 1 point.
  2. "Formal elimination of the discrepancy (erase, paint over the sun) -2 points.
  3. Substantive elimination of the discrepancy:

a) simple answer (Draw in another place - "The sun is on the street") -3 points.

b) a difficult answer (remake the picture - "Make a lamp out of the sun") - 4 points.

  1. Constructive answer (to separate the inappropriate element from others, keeping it in the context of the given situation ("Make a picture", "Draw a window", "Put the sun in a frame", etc.) -5 points.

2. Technique "Folding picture"

Basis. Ability to see the whole before the parts.

M ate r and l. Folding cardboard picture of a duck with four folds (size 10 * 15 cm)

Instructions for conducting.

The teacher, showing the child a picture: "Now I will give you this picture. Please look carefully and tell me what is painted on it?" After listening to the answer, the pedagogue folds the picture and asks: "What will become of the duck if we put the picture like this?" After the child's answer, the picture straightens out, folds up again, and the child is asked the same question again. In total, five folding options are used - "corner", "bridge", "house", "pipe", "accordion".

Data processing.

During the examination of the child, the pedagogue records the general meaning of the answers when completing the task. Data processing is carried out on a three-point system. Each task corresponds to one position when folding the pattern. The maximum score for each task is 3 points. In total - 15 points. The following response levels are distinguished:

  1. No response, rejection of the assignment ("I don't know", "Nothing will happen", "This does not happen") - 1 point.
  2. A descriptive answer, listing the details of the drawing that are in or out of the field of view, i.e. loss of the context of the image ("The duck has no head", "The duck is broken", "The duck is divided into parts", etc.) - 2 points.
  3. Combining answers: preserving the integrity of the image when bending the drawing, including the drawn character in a new situation ("The duck dived", "The duck swam behind the boat"), the construction of new compositions ("As if a pipe was made and a duck was drawn on it"), etc. etc. - 3 points.

Some children give answers in which the preservation of the integral context of the image is "tied" not to any situation, but to the specific form that the picture takes when folding ("The duck has become a house", "It has become like a bridge", etc.) ... Such answers are of the combining type and are also scored at 3 points.

3. Methodology "How to save a bunny"

Base. The over-situational and transformative nature of creative solutions.

Target. Ability assessment andtransformation of a task of choice into a task of transformation under the conditions of transferring the properties of a familiar object to a new situation.

M a t e r and a l. Bunny figurine, saucer, bucket, wooden stick. deflated balloon, paper.

Instructions for conducting.

A bunny figurine, a saucer, a bucket, a stick, a deflated ball and a sheet of paper are placed on the table in front of the child. The teacher, picking up the bunny: "Get acquainted with this bunny. Once such a story happened to him. The bunny decided to swim on a boat on the sea and sailed far, far from the coast. And then a storm began, huge waves appeared, and the bunny began to sink. Help we can onlywe are with you. We have several objects for this (the teacher draws the child's attention to the objects laid out on the table). What would you choose to save the bunny? "

Data processing.

During the survey, the nature of the child's answers and their justification are recorded. The data are assessed using a three-point system.

First level. The child chooses a saucer or a bucket, as well as a stick with which you can lift the bunny from the bottom, without going beyond a simple choice; the child tries to use finished objects, to mechanically transfer their properties to a new situation. Score - 1 point.

Second level. A solution with an element of simple symbolism, when the child suggests using a stick as a log on which the bunny can swim to the shore. In this case, the child again does not go beyond the choice situation. Score - 2 points.

Third level. To save the bunny, it is suggested to use a deflated balloon or sheet of paper. For this purpose, you need to inflate the balloon ("A bunny on a ball can fly away") or make a boat out of a sheet. Children who are at this level have an orientation towards transforming the available objective material. The initial task of choice is independently transformed by them into a task of transformation, which indicates the child's over-situational approach to it. Score - 3 points.

4. "Board" technique

Base. Children's experimentation.

Target. Evaluation of the ability to experiment with transforming objects.

Material. Wooden plank, which is a hinged connection of four smaller square links (the size of each link is 15 * 15 cm)

Instructions for conducting.

The unfolded board lies on the table in front of the child. Teacher:"Now let's play with this board. It's not simple board, and magic: it can be bent and unfold, then it becomes like something. Try it. "

As soon as the child has folded the board for the first time, the psychologist stops him and asks: "What did you do? What does this board look like now?"

Having heard the child's answer, the psychologist again turns to him: "How else can you fold it? What did it look like? Try again." And so on until the child stops himself.

Data processing.

When processing the data, the number of non-repeating responses of the child is assessed (naming the shape of the resulting object as a result of folding the board ("garage", "boat", etc.), one point for each name. The maximum number of points is not initially limited.

Appendix 2.

Diagnostic results of universal creativity

Preschoolers (in points)

d \ s "Solnyshko" (Tashtyp village)

group "Pochemuchki"

Surnames of children

The realism of the imagination

Min 1 point

Max 5 points

Min 5 points

Max 15 points

Min 1 point

Max 3 points


Low level

Average level

High level

The realism of the imagination



The ability to see the whole before the parts

The over-situational and transformative nature of creative solutions

Appendix 3.

Games for the development of associativity thinking

Game "What's What Looks Like"

3-4 people (guessers) go out the door, and the rest of the game participants agree on which object will be compared. The guessers come in and the presenter begins: "What I thought looks like ..." and gives the floor to the one who first found the comparison and raised his hand: For example, a bow can be associated with a flower, a butterfly, a helicopter propeller, with the number "8 "which lies on its side. The guesser chooses new guessers and proposes the next subject for the association.

"Surreal game"(multi-hand drawing)

The first participant in the game makes the first sketch, depicts some element of his idea. The second player, by all means starting from the first sketch, makes an element of his image, etc. to the finished drawing.

"Magic blots"

Before the game, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of the sheet and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet is unfolded and now you can play. Participants take turns talking. What object images do they see in the blot or her individual parts... The winner is the one who names the most items.

Game "Word associations"

Take any word, for example, loaf. It is associated with:

  • with bakery products.
  • with consonant words: baron, bacon.
  • with rhyming words: pendant, salon.

Create as many associations as possible according to the proposed scheme.

Thinking associativity can be developed on the go. Walking with children, you can think together what clouds, puddles on the asphalt, pebbles on the shore are like.

Appendix 4.

Games for the development of dialectical thinking.

Good - Bad game

Option 1 ... For the game, an object is chosen that is indifferent to the child, i.e. does not cause him persistent associations, is not associated for him with specific people and does not generate emotions. The child is invited to analyze this object (subject) and name its qualities from the point of view of the child, positive and negative. It is necessary to name at least once what is bad in the proposed object and what is good, what you like and dislike, what is convenient and not convenient. For example: pencil.

Like that red. Don't like that thin.

It's good that it's long; it's bad that he is sharply sharpened - you can inject yourself.

It is convenient to hold in hand, but inconvenient to carry in a pocket - it breaks.

A specific property of an object can also be examined. For example, it's good that the pencil is long - it can serve as a pointer, but it's bad that it doesn't fit into the pencil case.

Option 2. For the game, an object is proposed that has a specific social significance for the child or causes persistent positive or negative emotions in him, which leads to an unambiguous subjective assessment (candy is good, medicine is bad). The discussion proceeds in the same way as in option 1.

Option 3. After children learn to identify the contradictory properties of simple objects and phenomena, you can proceed to the consideration of "positive" and "negative" qualities, depending on the specific conditions in which these objects and phenomena are placed. For example: loud music.

Well, if in the morning. You wake up quickly and feel vigorous. But it’s bad if at night it prevents you from falling asleep.

One should not be afraid to touch upon in this game such categories that were previously perceived by children exclusively unambiguously ("fight", "friendship", "mother"). Children's understanding of the contradictory properties contained in any objects or phenomena, the ability to identify and explain the conditions under which certain properties are manifested, only contributes to fostering a sense of justice, the ability in a critical situation to find the correct solution to the problem that has arisen, the ability to logically evaluate their actions and choose from many different properties of the object, those that correspond to the chosen goal and real conditions.

Option 4. When the identification of contradictory properties ceases to cause difficulties for children, one should switch to a dynamic version of the game, in which the opposite property is called for each revealed property, while the object of the game is constantly changing, a kind of "chain" is obtained. For example:

Eating chocolate is good - delicious, but it can hurt your stomach;

The stomach hurts - it's good, you don't have to go to kindergarten;

Sitting at home is bad, boring;

You can invite guests - etc.

One of possible options the game "Good - bad" may have become its modification, reflecting dialectical law transition of quantitative measurements to qualitative ones. For example, sweets: if you eat one candy, it’s tasty and pleasant, but if you eat a lot, your teeth will hurt, you will have to treat them.

It is desirable that the game "Good - bad" become a part of the child's daily life. It is not necessary to set aside time for its implementation. You can play it out on a walk, during lunch, before going to bed.

The next stage in the formation of dialectic thinking will be the development in children of the ability to clearly formulate a contradiction. First, let the child select the opposite words for the given words. For example, thin - (?) Fat, lazy - (?) Hardworking, sharp - (?) Dumb. Then you can take any pair of words, for example, sharp - dull, and ask the children to find an object in which these properties are present at the same time. In the case of "sharp - dull", it is a knife, a needle, all cutting and sawing tools. At the last stage of development of dialectical thinking, children learn to resolve contradictions using TRIZ methods of resolving contradictions (there are more than forty of them).

Appendix 5.

Systematic thinking

Game "Teremok"

Children are given pictures of various objects: accordions, spoons, pots, etc. Someone is sitting in the "house" (for example, a child with a picture of a guitar). Next child asks interemok, but can get there only if he says how the object in his picture is similar to that of the owner. If a child with an accordion asks, then both are shown in the picture musical instrument, and a spoon, for example, also has a hole in the middle.

"Collect Figures"

The child is given a set of small figures cut out of thick cardboard: circles, squares, triangles, etc. (about 5-7 figures). 5-6 pictures are made in advance with the image of various objects that can be folded from these figures: a dog, a house, a car. The child is shown a picture, and he adds the object drawn on it from his figures. The objects in the pictures should be drawn so that the child can see which of the figures stands where, that is, the drawing should be dismembered into parts.


A picture is drawn for any subject - a forest, a courtyard, an apartment. There should be 8-10 errors in this picture, that is, something should be drawn in a way that doesn't really happen. For example, a car with one wheel, a hare with horns. Some mistakes should be obvious and others subtle. Children must show what is drawn incorrectly.


1. Berezina V.G., Vikentiev I.L., Modestov S.Yu. Childhood of a creative person. - SPb .: Bukovsky publishing house, 1994. 60 pages.

2. Bogat V., Nyukalov V. To develop creative thinking (TRIZ in kindergarten). - Preschool education... -1994 No. 1. pp. 17-19.

3. Wenger N.Yu. The path to the development of creativity. - Preschool education. -1982 No. 11. pp. 32-38.

4. Veraksa N.Ye. Dialectical thinking and creativity. - Questions of psychology. - 1990 No. 4. p. 5-9.

5. Vygotsky L.N. Imagination and creativity in preschool age. - SPb .: Soyuz, 1997.92 p.

6. Godefroy J. Psychology, ed. in 2 volumes, volume 1. - M. Mir, 1992. p. 435-442.

7. Dyachenko OM, Veraksa N.Ye. What does not happen in the world. - M .: Knowledge, 1994.157 p.

8. Endovitskaya T. About the development of creative abilities. - Preschool education. - 1967 No. 12. pp. 73-75.

nine . Efremov V.I. Creative upbringing and education of children based on TRIZ. - Penza: Unicon-TRIZ.

10. Zaika E.V. A set of games for the development of imagination. - Questions of psychology. - 1993 # 2. pp. 54-58.

11. Krylov E. School of creative personality. - Preschool education. -1992 No. 7.8. pp. 11-20.

12. Kudryavtsev V., Sinelnikov V. Child - preschooler: a new approach to the diagnosis of creative abilities. -1995 No. 9 p. 52-59, No. 10 p. 62-69.

13. Levin V.A. Education of creativity. - Tomsk: Peleng, 1993.56 p.

14. Luk A.N. Psychology of creativity. - Science, 1978.125 pp.

15. Murashkovskaya I.N. When I become a wizard. - Riga: Experiment, 1994.62 pp.

16. Nesterenko A. A. Land of fairy tales. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov University Publishing House. - 1993.32 p.

17. Nikitin B., Nikitina L. We, our children and grandchildren, - M .: Molodaya gvardiya, 1989. pp. 255-299.

18. Nikitin B. Developing games. - M.: Znanie, 1994.

19. Palashna T.N. Development of imagination in Russian folk pedagogy. - Preschool education. -1989 No. 6. pp. 69-72.

20. Pascal. Methodological guide for primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers on the course "Development of creativity".

21. Poluyanov D. Imagination and abilities. - M.: Znanie, 1985.50 p.

22. Prokhorova L. We develop the creative activity of preschoolers. - Preschool education. - 1996 No. 5. pp. 21-27.

23. Shusterman M.N., Shusterman Z.G., Vdovina V.V. The educator's cookbook. - Norilsk, 1994.50 p.

05.05.16 10:00 / 👁 20426 (32 per week) / ⏱️ 7 minutes /

The creative aspect in the character of a person is highly valued in modern society and world order. In almost any profession, creativity has a special place. That is why the disclosure of such abilities of a child is important point, both for the parents and for the child himself. We will talk about this in more detail in this material.
It is believed that a child whose creative abilities have developed since preschool age will find it easier in the future to be given the process of learning different disciplines, especially those in which creative thinking is required. What is creativity? How to define it? This concept is disclosed by different authors of teaching methods in different ways. For example, Teplov B.M. defined them as individual psychological abilities that distinguish people from each other, but are not limited to the existing stock of knowledge. Shadrikov V.D. believed that creative abilities are realized by individual mental functions that have an individual measure of expression. This measure is manifested in the level of success and the originality of the ways of mastering any activity. O.I. Motkov described creative abilities as the ability to wonder, learn and find the most different solutions even in unusual situations. Here he also attributed the focus on the ability to deeply cognize his experience.
To determine the ability to create, scientists advise relying on the identification of the following features in the character and activity of a person:

  • rich imagination;
  • ability to take risks;
  • flexibility of thoughts;
  • divergent thinking;
  • perception of ambiguous things;
  • developed intuition;
  • high aesthetic values.

If we talk about preschool children, then creative individuals most often strive for all sorts of discoveries, they are inquisitive, love to invent and fantasize.

Preschool creativity

Creativity often begins to manifest itself at a fairly early age. If parents are able to recognize them in time, "pick up" and help the child develop them, then in the future they will be able to manifest themselves in the form of some kind of talent. For example, does your one-year-old begin to move rhythmically when he hears music? Notice if it picks up the rhythm of the music. Perhaps in front of you is a future dancer. If the baby loves to be in the center of attention, attracts him, "lures" to himself, then perhaps he is trying to show you something and is waiting for a response.
How to properly develop the baby's abilities to parents and what to do depending on the child's age:

  • up to 4 years old, it is enough to regularly spend time with the baby for exercises and games on this topic;
  • from 5-6 years old, tasks for imagination and fantasy become more difficult. At this age, some talent may already be “revealed”, the development of which is worth spending the most time and resources;
  • from the age of 7, the development of creative abilities, and here, as a rule, one activity clearly dominates, occurs through professional studies. For example, from this time you should start music lessons, enter an art school, etc.

Methods for developing the creative abilities of a child in kindergarten

In modern kindergartens, educators pay great attention development of creative talents and abilities in children of different age criteria. We are not talking now about a special category of paid children's groups, the stay in which is reduced only to the fact that the child spends a certain time under the supervision of a nanny while his parents work. In municipal kindergartens, regardless of the adopted training programs in different regions, the development of abilities is highlighted in separate lessons and thematic classes. For example:

23 2

Productive activity of preschoolers

No one is surprised that the main activity of children in the preschool period is play, however, e ...

  1. Children in a play or educational form (depending on age) perform tasks with situations where they need to make any choice, using their imagination.
  2. Educators use a variety of technologies to develop thinking.
  3. Co-creation is organized in a team of children for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each child.
  4. Tasks are performed to do crafts on topical topics, etc.

It is important for parents to understand that in order to develop the creative thinking of a preschooler, he needs to be given full initiative, encourage his inventions, independence, desire for fantasy. You shouldn't protect your baby too aggressively, constantly pulling at him with the words “you are still small”, “we will do it for you”, “it is better not to touch it,“ you will get your hands dirty ”, etc. It is important for the child's mom and dad to "consolidate" the results that showed up in their child during the visit kindergarten... If the parents themselves devote a lot of time to the development of the creative aspect of the child, then they have an A-plus for this approach and advice from us on ways to stimulate creative abilities.

How to stimulate your child's creativity

In this matter, an important role is played by the atmosphere in which the baby grows up and the people with whom he communicates. For any side of personality development, a benevolent atmosphere in the house, a child's sense of confidence, his sense of security and a complete feeling of love and support in all endeavors are important. Hence, it is important to ensure the following:

  1. Favorable environment in which we have already mentioned above.
  2. The friendliness of the teacher (or the parent who works with the baby).
  3. Lack of criticism of the baby.
  4. Encouraging him original ideas, delight in their implementation.
  5. Possibility for practical training.
  6. A healthy personal example of a creative approach to solving various kinds of problems.
  7. Providing an opportunity for the child to ask questions about the topic.
  8. The ability to give your opinion in the learning process, games.
  9. The child's lack of fear of being misunderstood or ridiculed if something goes wrong.

We can safely say that every child has creative abilities, especially when he is healthy and developing well. Therefore, it is necessary to develop these abilities in theory and practice.

How parents can develop a child's creativity

You can start developing abilities from the very early age of the child, we have already mentioned this in this material. Moreover, it is necessary to deal with the child constantly, always and everywhere. For example, from infancy, turn on the baby classical music, sing him nursery rhymes and lullabies, encourage the child to sing along with his mother. Read paper books together. By the way, psychologists recommend reading at least 30 minutes a day, and not only before bedtime. The genres of works should be varied: fairy tales, stories, poems, comics. Such an acquaintance with books opens up great opportunities, the child learns to fantasize, imagine, think over and reflect on what he read / heard. The "theatricality" of nature can also be recognized with the help of books, if you act out scenes from them and read the roles. Educational games for special purposes are a must in your home. And it's good if there are more of them than entertainment games.
By the way, the child should not buy a large number of toys. Often, parents do their best to give the baby the “happiest childhood” in which he could get any toy. But such parental care and love turns into the fact that the baby cannot be surprised, enjoy new interesting things for more than five minutes, dream about something and, of course, invent toys on his own. Remember yourself, perhaps you had a childhood in which each toy was "worth its weight in gold." If you dreamed of a toy machine, then you could make it out of wood with your dad, and Dollhouse easy to build out of the box and materials at hand. Remember: when a child has few toys, he begins to think creatively and come up with how to diversify games from those objects that he has, and how to do something himself! This is very important for the development of the baby's imagination.

Emotional development of preschool children

What are emotions? How is it going emotional development preschool kids? What you need to know ...

Development of children's creative abilities in visual activities

Many preschool children find their talent in the visual arts. Kids love to draw and often attend specialized art lessons with pleasure. In the process of work, the child improves and develops his observation, aesthetic emotions and perception, artistic taste and, of course, creativity. It may seem to parents who are far from drawing that most of the children's drawings of preschoolers are "little skins" without meaning. But if for an adult such drawings do not carry anything new, then a child through drawing can learn the world and make a variety of discoveries. The most effective way for learning and developing creativity is a combination of drawing techniques (traditional with non-traditional).
The most important goal at the initial stage in the visual activity is to teach the child "courage" in drawings. Often, the creations of babies are primitive, painted with dull colors, or even just one. Toddler graphic skills younger age are not yet formed, so it is difficult for him to fully express what he thinks in a drawing. Parents and teachers should help the child, motivate him to show imagination by creating various creative situations and at the same time teach the baby different techniques drawing.

Drawing techniques for toddlers

In addition to drawing with pencils and markers, be sure to draw using other techniques. Which, by the way, can interest your baby much more than the usual ways.
Unconventional drawing techniques for preschoolers:

  • "Palchikovaya". Children from 2 years old can already be allowed to draw with special finger paints. It is advisable to use such means of expression as a point, line, spot.
  • "Drawing with the palm of your hand"... Suitable for toddlers from two years old. The palm is painted with paint and applied to the paper. Thus, they draw fantastic silhouettes, spots, birds, butterflies, etc.
  • "Wax + watercolor"... The child draws a drawing on paper with wax crayon, you can only trace the outline of the image. Then he paints the rest of the area with watercolors, but does not paint on the wax. Children from 4 years old do an excellent job with this technique.
  • "Blotography"... This technique requires gouache and two sheets of paper. The child puts a large sloppy blot on a sheet of paper, covers it with a second sheet. Discovers and imagines what the resulting drawings look like. The missing parts can be completed in the traditional way using a pencil, hand, paint. An excellent technique for developing imagination in children from 5 years old.
  • "Blotography with a straw". The principle of operation is the same as in previous technique, only the blot in this case is blown out of the tube onto the paper.
  • "Drawing on wet". A clean sheet of paper is moistened with a brush clean water, then they put small blots on it with paints of different colors. Thus, you can paint pictures on the marine theme, fireworks, winter sky. The technique is simple and interesting, suitable for younger preschool children and older children.

I would like to note that drawing has a positive effect not only in terms of the development of creative abilities, but also has, if I may say so, a calming effect. art allows you to remove aggression, complexions in children, reduces the level of hyperactivity.
When engaging in creativity with your child, remember that there is no right path in creativity. Any mistake cannot be an obstacle to achieving the goal, it is just another step. We are all individuals, we are all unique and have their own set of personal characteristics, therefore, working with creative abilities should be subjective and individual.

9 1

A child's ability or personality makes him unique. Each parent passionately wishes his beloved child a successful and bright life, therefore, it is better to do it as early as possible to identify giftedness and develop the abilities of a little person.

Correct and, most importantly, timely identification of the inclinations of a preschool child contributes to their most complete development. How to determine that a child is endowed with outstanding abilities that will help him achieve success in any field of activity?

Who and where will reveal the child's abilities

There are three places to identify a child's abilities and inclinations - a kindergarten, a school and, of course, a family. In this case, the main role falls on the family. The teachers of the preschool educational institution work within the framework of a specific program aimed at mass education and upbringing of children. There is little time left to define individual qualities. And although the baby spends most of the time in kindergarten, the main role will belong to the parents.

At school, where a teenager receives a huge amount of knowledge, the same problem. The focus of the traditional curriculum on mass learning leaves little room for teachers to take a strictly individual approach to everyone in the classroom.

The only place where the little person gets maximum attention is in the family. It is the parents who deserve the credit for the timely identification and subsequent development of a new member of society with a set of unique qualities and abilities.

Wonderful fact

The story of Thomas Edison is incontrovertible proof that it is only thanks to parents that a child gets a chance to become an outstanding person.

As a young boy, Thomas returned from school with a letter from his teacher. Mother could not hold back tears when she read the letter. She even read to his son: "Your child is too genius for our school, so take care of his education yourself."

Many years later, sorting through the family archive, Thomas found a letter from the teacher to his mother. “Your son is mentally retarded. We cannot continue to teach him at school with other children. We strongly recommend that you educate him at home ”- this is what was actually written in that letter.
When the truth came to light, Thomas Edison was world famous as an inventor.

The correct approach to the child, the determination of his abilities is the main guarantee of the future successful life of a little person.

How to identify a child's ability

There are several practical methods for identifying the unique abilities and creativity of children. The first two are more suitable for studying preschool children, the last one is relevant for working with schoolchildren.

  1. Analyzed observation. A simple method will reveal what the child is really interested in, and what activities bring nothing but boredom. Tip: More often than not, the baby asks exactly what interests him the most. Be attentive to his questions, and you can understand the range of his interests.
  2. Game observation. During the game, preschool children open up to the maximum. V collective game easy to identify leadership skills, the ability to communicate with other children. Observing the play of a preschool child with dolls or cars will allow you to understand how developed imagination and logic are.
  3. Tests, polls. Such methods are used when it is difficult to identify the inclinations of school-age children or to reinforce previously obtained results. Tests or surveys can be carried out by the parents themselves; it is better to consult a specialist about the results.

Abilities have nothing to do with the acquired skills and abilities of a person, but they explain the ease of obtaining them. It is thanks to individual abilities that a person becomes successful in a particular area of ​​life. The correct definition of the creative inclinations of children is the key to a future happy life.

There are certain signs that will make it possible to determine in which area the development is more productive.

Signs of high intelligence

  • Interest in the outside world: increased attention to everything that happens. Watches for a long time a jumping frog, a running car, or the rain.
  • Assimilation of information in large volumes. Easily withstands reading large stories, can retell the plot, sharpens attention to details.
  • Striving to collect and organize the information received. The kid asks a large number of questions about a specific event, builds logical chains, organizes information.
  • Large and fast-growing vocabulary. Having heard the word for the first time, having understood its meaning, the child in the future often and correctly uses this word in everyday speech.
  • Analytical skills: can calculate the development of events, establish cause and effect, draw conclusions. It rained, the asphalt became wet, the color darkened, rain is water, if you pour water on the asphalt, it will darken.
  • Signs of critical thinking. The child does not trust a specific source, double-checks the information received. For example, asking a question to mom and receiving an answer, he approaches his father, grandmother or grandfather with a clarifying question.

Signs of pronounced creativity

  • Use of imagination. He likes to fantasize, adds vivid details to the story of an event that happened, while playing with dolls or cars, he comes up with incredible stories.
  • Using intuition to solve creative problems. I did the right thing, but cannot give a clear explanation of why I made such a decision.
  • Quick reaction to events, the ability to adapt to the situation that has arisen. "Changes shoes" on the go and changes his mind depending on the situation. For example, a mother did not buy a toy that was too expensive, the baby didn’t have a tantrum, but asks to buy a cheaper version.
  • High emotionality, attention to the feelings of children or adults, the ability to empathize or share joy.
  • Show interest in creativity - painting, poetry, music, etc. Highlights favorite authors, artists or musicians, navigates the world of creative people.
  • The tendency to analyze your feelings and actions.

Signs of sensory (practical) inclinations

  • Desire to work with hands using various materials and tools.
  • Easy assimilation of various practical skills. For boys, this is an interest in planing, soldering, and a designer. In girls, this sign manifests itself in a love of sewing, knitting or embroidery.
  • Increased attention and caring for family members or friends, the desire to provide help during illness.
  • Interest in mechanisms. The kid is happy to help dad with repairs various equipment, happily assembles a tent during a hike.
  • Special abilities, or the right path of development.

Now you understand that your child is a little guardian of unique abilities. The next step is to narrow the circle of searches and choose the path of development for the baby. Depending on the inclinations of children, specific abilities need to be developed.

Relationship between inclinations and abilities

A pronounced inclination to any calculations or measurements, the manifestation of logic in all matters, the desire to systematize data indicates a predisposition of children to the exact sciences - mathematics, physics or chemistry.

Craving for musical compositions, constant purr of melodies, excellent memory for musical compositions testifies to musical abilities.

The child cannot be taken away from the book, he swallows whole volumes of fiction, reads works outside curriculum maybe he even composes himself? This speaks of creative literary ability.

Returning from kindergarten or school, the child not only tells, but also shows what happened during the day, imitates the behavior of loved ones, and takes part in creative amateur performances with pleasure. This is a natural born actor. It is necessary to develop theatrical abilities.

Usually children cannot be distracted from drawing. But if your kid spends almost all his free time with pencils or paints, loves to sculpt, and for all the holidays you receive a gift created by his hands, the sphere of his creative abilities lies in the fine arts.

From preschool age, the child shows dexterity and dexterity, runs well, easily tolerates the most serious loads, he must be attributed to future brilliant athletes.

If you have a lot of construction kits in your home, and your child has a keen interest in complex mechanisms, most likely he has technical ability.

Many friends, ease of communication not only with peers, but also with adults, the ability to establish contact even with strangers speak of communication skills. If your child feels like a fish in water among absolutely strangers and easily engages them in the game, there are social abilities.

Children can be inclined to several areas of activity at once. Or the inclinations may not be very pronounced. If you have watched your child for a long time, but are not completely sure what abilities you need to develop, a simple test will help you determine the correct answer.

Read the following statements carefully, confirm or deny them:

  1. Excellent memory for poetry and stories.
  2. The child senses your mood.
  3. The child asks cognitive questions, for example, who invented the time.
  4. Excellent orientation in the terrain (even in an unfamiliar area).
  5. A ballerina would envy the baby's walk.
  6. Her favorite thing is listening to music.
  7. The circle of interests is the surrounding world: thunderstorm, lightning, rain, snow, etc.
  8. Ideal auditory memory: if you rearrange the words in your favorite book, he will definitely correct you.
  9. Quickly mastered tying shoelaces or cycling.
  10. You regularly become a spectator of home theater with your beloved child in the lead role or a participant in creative evenings.
  11. During the trip, the child's attention is focused on the features of the area.
  12. Perfectly distinguishes the sound of musical instruments.
  13. It is much easier for a child to schematically depict the area than to explain it in words.
  14. Accompanies most of the words and movements with active facial expressions.
  15. All toys are kept in place from smallest to largest, or sorted into cabinets according to color or size.
  16. Explains his actions with the feelings that he experienced at that moment.
  17. Every day you listen to amazing stories that "happened" to your baby.
  18. Every sound heard is worthy of a comment.
  19. In all strangers he looks for similarities with familiar children or adults.
  20. It surprises you with a clear assessment of your strengths and capabilities (for example, I cannot carry this bag, it is too heavy).

The key to understanding

  • If you have confirmed statements 1, 8, 17, the child will show linguistic abilities.
  • If you have confirmed statements 6, 12, 18, the child's musical ability is evident.
  • If you confirmed statements 3, 7, 15, your baby has mathematical abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 5, 9, 14, your baby has sensory abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 10, 16, 20, your little one has a tendency towards self-discovery.
  • If you have confirmed statements 2, 10, 19, the basis for development is psychological ability.
  • If you have confirmed statements 4, 11, 13, topographic (spatial) abilities are pronounced.

Now you are fully armed, because you know exactly which abilities of the child you need to develop in order for him to reach incredible heights in the future. The success of the child is in your hands. The main thing is not to succumb to temptation and not to instill in the child unnecessary qualities. By developing precisely natural inclinations, you will achieve maximum success in its development.

Creative activity in modern society is highly valued, and representatives of specialties related to the creative environment are in increasing demand. Photographers, event and party organizers, designers and stylists, web designers, florists and many, many other masters of creative trends and fields have a special talent in their field. But the development of such a talent should begin from childhood, and if parents pay due attention to this direction of development, then the child finds his true purpose in life. Often, most of the parent's attention is paid to the development of areas such as memory, thinking, or speech. Fantasy and imagination remain unsupported, forming in the baby on their own. It all depends on how strong the natural inclinations of the little man are.

Children's creativity - what they are

The concept of "creativity" in the scientific community is understood as active self-expression, which can be carried out through any form. It can be a well-aimed word or expression of thoughts in poetry, the creation of a melody, sculpture or original drawing. Even in work related to the exact sciences (chemical research, accounting), it is desirable to use creativity in order to obtain a good and effective result.

In a preschool child, creative abilities are the individual qualities of a personality that determine the success of the implementation of a particular type of creative activity. The preschooler's creativity consists of a large number components, among which there are skills such as:

  • Recognition of those events and facts that other children do not see.
  • Producing a large number of ideas in a short period of time.
  • Striving for constant knowledge.
  • Organization of conditions in which this or that object can fully reveal its hidden essence.
  • Ease of association of concepts that are significantly distant from each other.
  • Independent creation of alternatives for solving certain problems.

The presence of all of the above qualities in a preschool child is due to excellent creative thinking and imagination. The development of children's creative abilities is precisely based on the improvement of existing inclinations and skills.

It is possible to determine the level of development of creative abilities in preschool children through the use of a variety of techniques. The most common of these is the analysis of children's drawings, which helps determine:

  • How correctly the child can convey the position of the specified object in space.
  • Is there emotionality in the image created by the preschooler?
  • How complete the content of the image is.
  • Does the child know how to fully reveal the intended plot of the picture?

The level of development of creative imagination in preschool children gives an idea of ​​the child's ability to certain areas of creativity. Thanks to such information, it is possible to identify those creative areas that should be emphasized in order to make the little fidget's self-expression more explicit and active.

In general, childhood is an ideal time for the development of a wide variety of abilities, including creative ones. A child in preschool age has a great curiosity, strives for knowledge of the world around him. This is due to the lack of stereotypes and independence of thinking. The creative potential of an adult largely depends on how intensively the preschooler's creative abilities developed and all the possibilities were used for this.

Creation of conditions for the creative development of the baby

In order for the child's creative abilities to develop correctly and in the right direction, to maximize and provide opportunities for successful creative development, certain conditions should be created:

Developing creative imagination

In everyday life, human imagination does not play any significant role, since it belongs to the category of non-existent, unreal, fantastic elements. But in science, this quality of the human person is very much appreciated, because it helps to imagine some object that is not in nature at all, or it is simply located at a distance from a person.

Thanks to good imagination, a person has the ability to keep a non-existent object in memory and even perform various manipulations with it. The activity of the imagination is divided into 4 stages:

  1. The first stage of creative imagination in a preschooler is manifested during sleep. The perception of information here does not depend on the person's conscious desires.
  2. The creative imagination manifests itself more actively in pleasant dreams.
  3. Even more active is the imagination, which manifests itself during periods of listening to music, reading literary works or poetry. Auditory or visual perception help to create appropriate images.
  4. Creative activity is the highest form of manifest imagination.

Creative imagination involves creating a completely new image that was not previously known. Preschool children do not know the names of the methods of creative imagination, but they get to know them from the earliest childhood, with the help of fairy tales that parents read to them. A little later, such techniques are used by the children themselves, during the creative process of inventing their own fairy-tale characters, depicting them in a drawing.

Creative imagination in childhood develops in the course of the game. It is much easier for a kid to simulate a fantasy situation by manipulating real objects. For example, if a preschooler has a wand, he can imagine himself as a rider, riding it. It is highly desirable that such a replacement object be similar to the real one. Then the performance will be easier. For a child of older preschool age, the similarity of the object of substitution with the real object does not really matter, since their imagination has already been improved. Gradually, the child even no longer needs to create external support, and he can represent an object that is not nearby. The represented object is endowed with a new meaning, and actions with it are performed exclusively in the imagination of the preschooler. It is at such a moment that the creative imagination is transformed into a process of a mental nature, and the fantasized situation is realized only in the inner world of the little fidget.

Features of the development of creative thinking

Creative thinking in preschool children involves the formation of the following qualities of the mental function:

  • Dialectic. The ability of children's thinking to find contradictions in systems of various types that hinder improvement, and eliminate them.
  • Associativity. Finding the relationship between objects and events that at first glance are incomparable. Thanks to associativity, the creative thinking of a preschooler becomes non-standard.
  • Consistency. The ability to perceive objects and phenomena in a holistic connection. This property of creative thinking helps a preschooler to discern the characteristics of an object in all its diversity, as well as to determine the level of correlation with other types of systems using examples of individual objects of the system.

Creativity in the baby and the role of joint interaction in their development with parents

The development of children's creative abilities in visual activities, dance, music or other types of art is much better and more effective when the child interacts with adults, parents. Joint creativity of this type has many advantages, including the following:

  • There is a stimulation and enrichment of the relationship between parents and children.
  • The process of socialization of a preschooler is easier and faster.
  • The kid is given the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of effective cooperation.
  • There is no authoritarian pressure from the parents. The kid is fully aware of his importance in the family, and can safely express his own "I".
  • In the process of joint creativity, a favorable atmosphere is created for the development of imagination in preschoolers and adults.

Parents of a little fidget are well aware of how much unspent energy the child has, which he directs in the wrong direction. When interacting with parents in the game process, the baby is emotionally released, and the energy goes to the benefit of his own body. As a result, he has no strength left for whims and whimpers. To study with the child joint creativity follows in good mood so that he does not have bad mood... You should prepare for the upcoming activity in advance so that during the game there is no need to look for the required item.