Childbirth is a serious and crucial moment in a woman's life, requiring her to exert all her moral and physical strength. Of course, for thousands of years, nature has developed an optimal mechanism for restructuring the body for childbirth. First of all, this concerns changes in the amount and composition of hormones. But we must remember that modern man lives not according to the laws of nature, but according to the laws of civilization. Therefore, in practice, a woman is far from always ready for childbirth - from the moral, physical or material side.

This situation can be corrected by correcting the lack of readiness for childbirth with preliminary measures. Preparing for childbirth will be helpful whether you are going to give birth naturally or if you are going to have a caesarean section.

Physical exercise

Physical preparation for childbirth should be carried out during the entire period of pregnancy. It consists of exercises that strengthen the body as a whole, and especially those of its systems that are directly responsible for the process of childbirth. Exercise stimulates proper blood circulation and prevents weight gain.

The optimal set of gymnastic exercises should be suggested by a doctor or trainer in preparation for childbirth. By purpose, exercises are divided into:

  • Fortifying
  • Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and perineum
  • Exercises for the chest

However, it should be remembered that on later dates During pregnancy, it is best to avoid strenuous physical activity, as it can lead to premature birth.

Proper nutrition

The child's body is formed from those substances that come to him from the mother. Therefore, what you eat will serve as material for your baby's body. Therefore, it is extremely important during pregnancy to monitor your diet, its composition and balance. Here are some simple rules that are recommended for pregnant women:

  • Eliminate fried, fatty and too high-calorie foods, offal, smoked meats from the diet
  • Eat more vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, fiber, and sea fish containing omega-3 acids
  • Eat at least 4 times a day, but little by little
  • A month before giving birth, you should include in the diet more fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, kefir, dried fruits

Psychological preparation

Childbirth is a serious test, not only physically, but also morally. And therefore, all efforts to physically prepare for them will be useless if the woman does not tune in psychologically. This is especially true for women giving birth for the first time.

You should study all the information about childbirth, especially about its medical and physiological aspects. If you know well all the nuances of the childbirth process, then in this case it will be easier for you to prepare for various circumstances, including unforeseen ones. Therefore, awareness is also an important preparation for childbirth. And the main thing that you need to know well is that contractions, attempts and pains during childbirth are the natural physiological behavior of the body. As practice shows, painful sensations are much better tolerated if a woman is mentally prepared for them.

Preparing for childbirth also involves creating a positive emotional mood. Yes, childbirth can be dangerous, but in the vast majority of cases, it goes without complications. It is better not to listen to prejudices or the opinions of friends who had problems during childbirth, but to read stories of childbirth with a happy ending or listen to the advice of doctors.

Preparing for a trip to the hospital

Any, even insignificant detail can affect the outcome of childbirth. Therefore, it is better to take measures to help avoid surprises in advance. It is of great importance how a woman is psychologically ready for the very process of childbirth and how much she is aware of it. A less important role is played by the material aspect - are things ready for the hospital and can they be taken with you to the hospital during labor. Although this seems to be very important for a woman, whose psycho-emotional state is very aggravated due to hormonal levels.

In order for a woman to go into childbirth with confidence, she must necessarily find out in advance about the following:

  • How to recognize that labor itself has begun
  • At what point can you go to the hospital
  • What list of documents may be needed in a maternity hospital
  • What things to collect in advance so that, when determining regular contractions, do not look for anything while rushing around the house
  • What behavior should be during contractions and attempts
  • What manipulations can be performed by health workers during childbirth
  • How you can help yourself to reduce pain during labor

There is one great way to prepare for childbirth, but you have to work hard on it if you don't want to forget something or do it wrong because of your own shortcomings. The way to do it is to create a short and meaningful cheat sheet for yourself.

It is better to make such a cheat sheet in several copies and place it in different places, for example: one in a purse, another on the refrigerator, the third at my husband. In it, you need to describe all situations in the generic process and indicate the actions that need to be taken in this or that case. Information for the plan can be obtained from notes from maternity courses or from books sold in bookstores and on the Internet. In order for the information in the cheat sheet to be comprehensive, preparing the answer to a particular question, you need to imagine that the situation is unfolding at the moment, and write down all the questions that have arisen. For them, it is necessary to find complete information and write it down in a cheat sheet.

Action plan (example)

The cheat sheet should be clear and contain only important information. Having written a cheat sheet, you need to re-read it and throw away the excess.

The stomach hurts badly, the head hurts, there is red discharge, feeling unwell

  • Urgently call ambulance.
  • Take things with you to the hospital.

Leaking water

  • Get dressed, use a sterile pad, call an ambulance and lie down before she arrives.
  • Call mom or husband.

The appearance of contractions

  • Compare contraction intervals: Real contractions are regular and felt at least every 10 minutes.
  • If contractions are not regular and they come less often than real ones, general well-being normally, you can stay at home and observe the sensations, while doing your usual things.
  • Check the bag in the hospital - things for childbirth (your own, husband - in case partner childbirth), documents for hospitalization.

The appearance of regular contractions with an interval of 10 minutes or less

  • Get dressed and call an ambulance.
  • Call mom or husband.
  • Do not forget to take your belongings and documents.
  • Breathe calmly during contractions.
  • You can lie down and walk. You can only sit on a ball, not on a hard surface.
  • Don't eat or drink a lot.

Severe pain during labor

  • During the bout itself: relax, take a comfortable posture, massage, apply pain relief methods.
  • Try to rest as much as possible between contractions. You can consult with your doctor and midwife about the correct behavior and the possibility of drug pain relief.


  • Call a doctor and do not push without permission, breathe out the fight with a "dog".
  • Listen to the doctor's instructions and do what he says, and not what you want!
  • With the command “push”: while the fight lasts, push 3 times, before trying to take a deep breath and hold your breath, push “down” and not “in the head”.
  • Rest and breathe between contractions.

It can also be helpful to sketch out a list of natural pain relieving techniques, possible relaxing massage, and which breathing method to use at what point in advance.

The period of pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for a woman, not only physically, but also in psychological aspect... Throughout all 9 months, she copes with various ailments, often visits the doctor, and at the same time she must not forget about her family. With the approach of childbirth, a woman begins to worry about a new stage in her life. This time must be spent with the benefit of both yourself and your unborn child. How to prepare your body for childbirth, we will analyze in this article!

How to properly prepare for childbirth

Anxiety and fear accompanies almost every woman throughout pregnancy and to a greater extent in the later stages. This phenomenon is normal, especially for those who are going to become a mother for the first time. Even though childbirth is a natural process, it is very difficult and responsible. To make it as safe as possible for both the woman and the baby, you need to carefully prepare for it.

Preparation for childbirth consists of several parts, which are equally important both for the correct course of pregnancy and for the upcoming process of childbirth. The expectant mother should know how each stage goes, the correct response to them, as well as the consequences of any reactions. Therefore, a woman needs to prepare for childbirth both physically and psychologically, as well as learn breathing techniques.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

Usually the hardest time for a woman is waiting for her first child. In this period future mom feels psychological discomfort. It manifests itself as follows:

  • Instability of the emotional background associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  • Revision of life values. This is due to the psychological processes of waiting for a new status and responsibility for the baby.
  • Fears and phobias associated with childbirth. Expectant mothers are afraid of pain during labor, unprofessional medical staff, ignorance of newborn care and other moments.

Some of the experiences of a woman are justified, but some of them arise from excessive suspiciousness. To maintain psychological balance, a pregnant woman should learn to distinguish real reasons for fear from the total number of worries. It is for this that preliminary psychological preparation for childbirth is needed.

They will help to cope with the psychological problems of preparing for childbirth:

  1. Childbirth preparation courses in which a woman not only has a good time, but can also say goodbye to the myths about pregnancy and childbirth that cause anxiety. In this case, you can choose courses with a specific focus, for example, on preparation for natural childbirth, childbirth in the water, etc. It is best to attend courses for both parents, as well as training in practical skills for caring for an infant.
  2. Reading books and articles on psychological preparation for childbirth and on problems associated with the course of pregnancy. Thanks to them, you can learn correct behavior during childbirth, as well as breathing techniques.
  3. A positive attitude will help you avoid panic in difficult situations. Hobbies, walks in the fresh air, good music will help for this.
  4. Visualization and auto-training. In difficult moments, such motivation as the birth of a healthy child will help. Today, you can choose a suitable psychological technique related to concentration or, conversely, relaxation and release from tension. You can choose the right one on your own or in consultation with a specialist.

The most common fear among pregnant women is the fear of the birth process itself. Such anxiety is associated with a fear of intense pain, as well as with the unknown. You can reassure yourself that almost all women go through this and endure pain. The less worries, the easier the childbirth process is.

Physical preparation for childbirth

Throughout pregnancy, a woman needs to physically prepare for childbirth, which will help the body to cope with the stress in the process. To do this, you should perform a set of general strengthening exercises. You can sign up for special courses for pregnant women, where classes will be held together with a trainer, or you can do gymnastics yourself at home.

In late pregnancy, it is important to know postures that help improve blood circulation in the lower torso and also reduce pain. One of these positions of the body: the feet brought together are raised as close to the body as possible. This position increases blood circulation in the lower body and also improves the flexibility of the pelvis, which is very beneficial for childbirth.

For pain in the lower extremities or feeling tired, it is helpful to lie on your back with your legs raised above the level of your torso. This helps not only to rest, but also to take the child into the correct position in the uterus. Another way to change the position of the child is to pose on all fours. In this position, blood flow to the internal organs increases, as the fetal pressure decreases. It also contributes to the coup of the child.

It is useful to do half squats. To do this, you need to stand at a distance of 60 cm from the wall and squat with your back straight in such a way as if there was an invisible chair. Half squats are repeated 20 times.

If a woman plans to breastfeed her baby, then it is necessary to prepare the nipples for this process, especially if they are flat. To do this, from the 28th week, a massage is carried out, while you need to grab the nipple with your thumb and forefinger and thus make retractive rubbing movements.

You can pre-learn self-massage. Special courses will help you find out the points of pain relief to act on during childbirth.

Exercising the perineum before childbirth is helpful to prevent tearing during labor. This can be the well-known Kegel exercise or some others:

  • Stand sideways to the back of the chair, resting your hands on it. Take your leg up as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg.
  • Get on your knees joined together. Roll back slowly, sitting on your heels.
  • Walk single file around the house.
  • Sit with your legs crossed in front of you.
  • Sit down slowly on legs wide apart. Stay in this position for a few seconds and spring. Get up slowly and relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • Try to do more squatting household chores.

Breathing training to prepare for childbirth

A pregnant woman should know to be relaxed and calm during the first stage of labor. The relaxed walls of the abdominal cavity and pelvic floor offer no resistance, which helps the baby pass gently through the birth canal for each uterine contraction. With tension, the circular muscles of the uterus contract, which leads to increased work. Because of this, less oxygen enters the tissue of the uterus, which leads to increased pain during contractions.

To reduce pain, you need to learn how to rest between contractions. To do this, starting from 20 weeks, you can start mastering relaxing auto-training. These exercises should be performed daily.

For this, a comfortable lying position or sitting in an armchair is taken, quiet music is turned on. WITH closed eyes you need to move on to calm breathing. Inhalation is carried out through the nose, while the stomach is slightly inflated, exhalation through the mouth, along with it, the stomach is deflated. The exhalation must necessarily be calm and slightly longer than the inhalation. During such a training, you need to imagine the unborn child, you can even mentally talk to him.

Proper breathing during labor can help prevent the need for medication.

Contractions at the beginning of the labor process are weak and infrequent, so there is no need for special breathing at this time. With increased pain, you need to choose a comfortable sitting position with outstretched legs. The more a woman can relax, the better the cervix will open.

In this case, you need to count: inhalation is done at the count of 3 with inflation of the abdomen, exhalation - at the expense of 7 with abdominal distension. Such breathing continues for a minute, during which time, with a given count, it will be possible to make 6 breaths and exhalations.

Over time, contractions will become more frequent and lengthen in time, the intervals between them will be reduced, and the pain sensations intensify. In this case, breathing should be even deeper and slower. Inhalation is carried out at a count of 3, exhalation is at a count of 10. Within a minute, there will be 4 such inhalations and exhalations. Such breathing needs to be trained in advance. In order to make such a long exhale, you should train gradually.

  1. The first stage of labor ends with the complete opening of the cervix, while contractions occur after 20-30 seconds and last about 2 minutes, the pain is severe. Frequent shallow breathing is good during this period. When exercising, you can breathe quickly inhaling through the nose and also quickly exhaling through the mouth. You can also breathe only through the nose or only through the mouth. It is necessary to breathe in this way for a minute, and slight dizziness may occur.
  2. For the second stage of labor, a woman needs to practice holding her breath. During childbirth, you will have to not only hold your breath for up to half a minute, but also push. During training, you need to inhale sharply and deeply through your mouth, hold your breath, open your mouth a little and slightly strain the perineum, after which a calm exhalation is done through your mouth. Breathing for pushing should be trained gradually, starting with holding the air for 10 seconds and then reaching 30 seconds. There are 3 such approaches in total.

When preparing for childbirth in late pregnancy, breathing exercises should be done daily for 20-30 minutes.

Preparing for childbirth: procedure

After the contractions have begun, you must act in accordance with the following plan:

Startedcramping pains - it is necessary to compare with each other 3 contractions in a row and the duration of the intervals between them. If the intervals between contractions do not have the same time interval of no more than 10 minutes, they are training. In the case of irregular contractions at large intervals and in the absence of pain, it is a wise decision to stay at home and wait until the interval between contractions has shortened. You should continue your usual way of life: eat, go for walks, get enough sleep, take a bath, collect packages in the hospital. Practice correct breathing during contractions.

Verification of documents- ID card and its photocopy, medical insurance policy and a photocopy of the policy, exchange card, generic certificate (if any), VHI policy (in case of paid childbirth).

To feel confident, not to panic, to behave correctly in the hospital and to be able to help herself in case of discomfort, a woman in labor must have a good idea of ​​what awaits her. during childbirth... A mother-to-be needs to know how not to miss the beginning of labor, when to go to the hospital, what documents and things will be required for hospitalization, how to behave correctly during contractions and attempts, what and why specialists do during obstetrics.

To meet this process "fully armed", modern women long before the end of pregnancy start to get serious prepare for childbirth... Some study special medical literature, others subscribe to magazines for pregnant women, and still others look for information on the vast expanses of the Internet. During pregnancy, many attend courses for expectant parents, master the techniques of self-pain relief and active behavior in childbirth, write detailed notes that reflect the main stages of each stage of childbirth.

However, the majority of women who crossed the threshold of motherhood complain that at the most crucial moment all the accumulated knowledge disappeared at once and, despite the large-scale theoretical training, the first contractions still caught them by surprise. There is a common saying: “It's useless to prepare - during childbirth you will forget everything anyway. " Of course, this statement is not true; this is how those who are lazy or are simply afraid to learn something about childbirth in advance justify themselves. And yet there is some truth in this statement: how not get ready for childbirth, the beginning of this process will still be associated with natural excitement, in which all the acquired knowledge can get confused in the head.

Suppose the expectant mother had the first "suspicious" sensations: her back aches, her stomach strains, and liquid discharge from the genital tract appears. At this moment, a lot of thoughts appear in her head at the same time, based on the information received about childbirth; however, these thoughts are sometimes very contradictory - after all, in the courses and in special literature they understood different variants the beginning of labor. So where to start: call your doctor, husband, or ambulance? What if this is a false alarm? What is the best way to behave now during "sensations": try to relax or immediately apply pain relief techniques? Count the contractions or go straight away? What is better now - lie down, sit down or walk? Where are the documents? Have you collected the necessary things and do you need to take them all with you at once? - It is extremely inconvenient to look for answers to these questions during fights, rummaging in a pile of magazines or thick notes from courses.

Meanwhile, there is a wonderful way to help during onset of labor avoid fuss and excitement, do not make mistakes and do not forget anything. This method is absolutely accessible and surprisingly simple: you need to compile a "cheat sheet" on the behavior in advance during childbirth... It should be clear and concise, without abstruse medical terms and lengthy explanations. In a cheat sheet, as in a memo for a young fighter, you need to summarize, point by point, the necessary actions for each stage of childbirth, from the very first sensations to the moment of transfer to the postpartum ward.

For example, how to behave at the beginning, depending on how you feel, when to call the doctor, when to go to the hospital, what documents to take with you and where they are, what to wear and what to take with you, etc.

Any expectant mother can easily make such a note; class notes and articles for future parents are perfect for this. In order for the instruction to be practical, you need to try to imagine that the described situation is unfolding at the very moment, and write down the questions that may arise in this regard. Having identified the main questions, you need to find clear and comprehensive answers to them in authoritative sources (popular literature for future parents or lectures from courses) and write them down on paper. Then you need to edit the resulting notes so that they are sufficiently concise, while remaining comprehensive and understandable. You need to write a "cheat sheet" in advance (no later than the 36th week); having written a draft, it is good to show it to the doctor in antenatal clinic or a lecturer from courses to eliminate the possibility of mistakes and, possibly, add something. After the memo is drawn up, it should be placed in a prominent place in the house, for example, attached with magnets to the refrigerator or a button to the wall in the room. The best solution will make several copies of the "cheat sheet"; keep one at home in a conspicuous place, put the other in your purse along with the necessary documents (in case the onset of labor catches you outside the home), and give the third to your husband (so that he, too, has a guide to action and can tell you how to behave).

Getting ready for childbirth: an action plan

You can draw up a plan of action during fights as follows:

Contractions appeared- compare three adjacent contractions and two intervals between them. Real contractions should be at regular intervals no more than 10 minutes. If the intervals are not the same or more than 10 minutes, the contractions are not painful and nothing bothers them, you can stay at home and watch to see if they become more frequent. You can behave freely (eat, walk, sleep, take a bath, pack things). Breathe calmly during contractions.

Check documents- passport, photocopy of passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, photocopy of the policy, exchange card, generic certificate (if any), voluntary medical insurance policy (with a contract for childbirth).

Check things to take with you:

  • bag "for childbirth": still water, wet wipes, lip balm, thermal spray, shirt, bathrobe, washable slippers (you can add the list in accordance with the requirements of the selected maternity hospital);
  • things for the husband (when choosing a partner delivery): washable slippers, clean socks, a medical suit.

Regular contractions every 10 minutes or more -

  • call an ambulance;
  • call your husband or mother (for convenience, at this point, you can write down the phone numbers of the doctor, "ambulance for childbirth", the husband's mobile number).

You can go to the hospital by ambulance or by your own car. From now on, try not to sit on a hard surface, eat or drink. Breathe calmly during a contraction, and behave freely between contractions. You can walk, lie down, sit on the ball. In a passenger car - sit in the back seat in a position lying on your side or reclining on your back.

Leaking water

  • call the doctor (with individual management of childbirth);
  • call an ambulance;
  • call your husband or mom.

Go to the hospital regardless of whether there are contractions; you can go by ambulance or by your own car. Use a sterile sanitary napkin for postpartum discharge. Before the arrival of the ambulance team, lie down, do not eat or drink; in your car, sit in the back seat on your side or reclining on your back.

Severe abdominal pain, headache, vomiting, bloody issues from the genital tract, a general deterioration in well-being - urgently to the hospital; only on the ambulance!

In the admission department - call the doctor (with individual management of childbirth), change shoes, take off outerwear, take all documents (passport + copy, compulsory medical insurance policy + copy, exchange card, generic certificate or contract policy - if any) and skip the line to go inside. Staff actions: the midwife fills out the card, measures blood pressure, pulse, temperature, height and weight, gives consent to hospitalization, calls a doctor. The doctor looks at the couch or chair, listens to the fetal heartbeat, does an ultrasound scan (if necessary). After examination, the midwife takes blood from a finger, shaves the perineum, makes an enema, takes it to the toilet, then to the shower and to the maternity ward.

In the ward - CTG recording (you can lie or sit on the ball - ask the doctor) and re-examination. If you are allowed to get up, you can walk around the ward, look for comfortable positions, sit on the ball. If you can't get up, lie on your side.

Painful contractions- during the fight, choose a comfortable position, relax as much as possible, do a massage, use anesthetic breathing. The options are worth describing separately. Rest between contractions, breathe calmly. Talk to your doctor about the need for medication pain relief.

I want to push- call a doctor; during a contraction, breathe frequently through the mouth ("doggy"), so as not to start pushing ahead of time. If they are allowed to get up, choose a vertical or semi-vertical pose; if you can't get up, lie on your side, lifting yourself up on your elbow and bending your knees. Relax all muscles as much as possible, monitor your breathing. Between contractions, lie down, breathe calmly; rinse your mouth, freshen up with a thermal spray.

Attempts- push only when allowed. For the fight, push three times; before trying to take a deep breath with your mouth, hold your breath, press your chin to your chest and strain your abs as much as possible. After trying, on command, exhale smoothly with a half-open mouth. Relax between contractions, breathe calmly.

Breathing during childbirth

Contractions Breath Poses Movement Massage
Short, not painful, more than 10 minutes apart "Belly": slowly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth Any Rotating or wiggling the pelvis Not needed
Uncomfortable, interval 5-10 minutes Inhale through the nose for 3 counts, exhale through the mouth for 7 counts Everything, except for sitting on a firm, can be kneeled, squatted, on a ball - without pressure on the crotch Walking, bending, turning Small of the back
Painful, interval 3-5 minutes "Candle": frequent, superficial, inhalation through the nose, exhale through the mouth Standing on hands, on all fours, squatting, on a fitball Swaying, arching? /? Arching the back, shifting from one foot to the other Loins, lower abdomen, inner thighs
Painful, every 2 minutes "Engine": inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, at the beginning of the contraction, breathing is calm, as the pain intensifies, it becomes more frequent and forced, and as the pain subsides, it gradually evens out Sitting on a ball, lying on its side in bed, standing on all fours Wiggle Loins, lower abdomen, inner thighs, groin fold
There was a desire to push "Doggy": frequent superficial, inhalation and exhalation through the mouth Ask a doctor (lying on your side, standing with support on your hands or on a ball) Wiggle Small of the back

Postpartum examination- the doctor looks at the chair birth canal for breaks; try to relax the pelvic muscles as much as possible, breathe calmly.

After childbirth- we stay for two hours in the delivery unit under the supervision of the medical staff. Do not get up or sit down, keep ice on your stomach, try not to fall asleep; relax.

On the reverse side of the "cheat sheet" it is advisable to draw up a short plate on the methods of self-anesthesia, in which you can schematically reflect the postures, movement and massage options for the main stages of childbirth, as well as describe the types of breathing during contractions.

Of course, this is just a rough outline of the "childbirth cheat sheet". The plan can be changed and supplemented at your own discretion - the main thing is that it takes into account all the essentials for you and at the right time it is at your fingertips!

Pregnancy is already a brave feat, but there is another test ahead that mom and baby will have to go through before they meet. It would seem that this kind? But no, you need to prepare for them in advance throughout the pregnancy, and especially a couple of weeks before childbirth. We will now talk about preparing for childbirth.

So, in anticipation of a miracle, you need to plan in advance everything that may come in handy during childbirth, as well as start preparing your body. Preparation for childbirth consists of several components:

psychological preparation. The correct attitude is not unimportant, there are two aspects, you should not think that everything will be painless and vice versa, that it is insanely painful. While pregnant, avoid any stories and conversations about how it really hurts to give birth and how much you will have to experience. Remember, you go to the hospital with qualified specialists who know more about your state of health than yours, and have already accepted not a single hundred newborn babies.

Physical fitness, your body is now under stress and we can say it is working to wear and tear. Do not be too lazy to help him, for this you will have to sign up for courses for pregnant women (they are available in almost every maternity hospital), listen carefully and practice at home all the knowledge that you will receive there. Pay special attention to breathing exercises. Well, remember that in healthy body a healthy mind, try to do daily walks, go to the pool or yoga for pregnant women.

There is nothing difficult in these stages, the main thing is to make a little effort and take the first step, catching the right mood for a successful outcome. Do not forget that the belly-resident feels and experiences all your worries together with you. When preparing for childbirth, the support of loved ones is very important, so try, if possible, to convey as much knowledge as possible to the father of the unborn child or the person who will be with you when contractions may arise.

2. Preparing the cervix for childbirth

Speaking of physical fitness, let's focus not only on physical activity, but also on the organs that are directly involved in labor. Firstly, these are the muscles of the cervix and vagina, this should be given special attention not only to primiparous women, proper preparation of the muscles of the cervix will help to avoid tears and cracks. You can perform such exercises already from the end of the second trimester:

squeezing and unclenching the muscles of the vagina, it feels like it should be like squeezing something and then pushing it out sharply;

spread your legs alternately in different directions, but without sudden movements. This exercise is performed while standing and as fluid as possible.

Preparation of the uterus, usually includes the process of preparing the perineum, here it is a little more complicated and you can ask your gynecologist how to knead the genitals correctly. The groin area also needs preparation to prevent rupture.

3. Breast preparation for childbirth

In our other article about breastfeeding, we have already told you how to properly prepare the breast and what kind of care it needs. Inexperience can injure and damage the breast at the first feeding. To avoid this, you need to prepare the breast for feeding in advance, this is a series of simple procedures that will not take much time. For example, a contrast shower and wiping with a terry towel help a lot. Also prepare the nipples, for this you need to pull them out, with the help of this in the future you will facilitate the nutrition of your baby. Also, if possible, try to walk at home without a bra, arrange so-called air baths for your breasts.

4. Preparing for childbirth, what you need to know and what to buy

Approximately a couple of weeks before X-day, the expectant mother begins to forge suitcases and then the question arises of what can be useful to you and your baby. Of course, you will receive a primary list of what you need from your gynecologist along with a referral, but you cannot rely only on the advice of a doctor. On average, you will spend 5 to 10 days in a maternity hospital, and do not forget that these are the first days of your baby and he really needs your help, so mommy should be fully prepared. So, the baby will need:

disposable diapers;

a complete set of clothes for newborns;

wet wipes;

bottle (don't count this unnecessary thing, they say I will feed myself) take it just in case;


Now let's move on to the list that the future mom will need:

breast pump;


elastic bandages;

disposable machine;

a nursing bra, as well as a softening nipple cream;

personal hygiene products;

towel and diaper;

socks, it is best to take warm and thin socks for sleeping (it is often very cool in maternity hospitals, and you will have to ask for a second blanket for a very long time);

bathrobe and pajamas;


Separately, it must be said that collect everything in advance Required documents, our country is still bureaucratic and documents are required everywhere. You will need a passport, an exchange card, a labor contract (if any), the results of all tests.

5. Courses of preparation for childbirth

Courses for preparing for childbirth exist in almost every city, very often such courses are available even on the basis of a maternity hospital. Do not ask yourself the question of going to them or not, but be sure to go and grab your soul mate. Childbirth courses are a great way to prepare for childbirth, both physically and mentally, and, importantly, it is there that you will be taught the correct breathing techniques. Breathing correctly at the time of labor and childbirth is almost half the success, with the help of breathing you will not only ease the pain, but also help your baby as much as possible. Also, in preparation for childbirth, you will constantly have the necessary physical activity, which will not only have a good effect on your health, but again help you avoid tearing during childbirth. Usually, girls who attended these courses already meet contractions almost without fear and can even help unknowing roommates in the ward. In addition, a girl who attended preparatory courses for childbirth and studied under the supervision of specialists usually has very elastic walls of the uterus (there they are developed with special exercises), which again will help you not to be injured during childbirth.