
center cognitive activity

v preparatory group

The direction of the activity and development of the child largely depends on us adults - on how the subject-spatial organization of their life is arranged, what toys and didactic aids it consists of, what their developmental potential is, and even on how they are located. Everything that surrounds the child, forms his psyche, is the source of his knowledge and social experience. Therefore, it is we, adults, who take the responsibility to create such conditions that would contribute to the most complete realization of the development of children in all psychophysiological parameters, i.e. organization of the subject-spatial environment.

The most important requirement for the environment is to take into account the developmental features of all types of children's activities. The subject environment should be informative, satisfying the child's need for the novelty of transformation, experimentation. The environment should be a means of implementing creative hypotheses. The involvement of the environment by the child, its active knowledge, study depends on the preparedness and competence of the adult. The child and the adult act together and they should be comfortable in this objective environment. Functional comfort subject environment provides psychophysical well-being.

Pedagogical characteristics of building a subject-developing environment:

Comfort and safety of the situation, implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards;

Compliance of the developing environment with the educational program implemented in the kindergarten;

Accounting for all areas of child development;

Variety of environments, their rational arrangement;

Ensuring a richness of sensory experiences;

Ensuring independent individual activity;

Providing opportunities for research, search activities, experimentation;

Accessible arrangement of items and aids in accordance with the age of children;

Creation of conditions for changing the environment.

The goal of an adult in the subject environment is to promote the development of the child as a person. This involves solving the following tasks:

Provide a sense of mental security - the child's trust in the world, the joy of existence;

Formation of the beginnings of personality (the basis of personal culture); development of individuality.

The main directions in the design of a subject-developing environment in a group are:

Comprehensive development of children;

Psychological and physical comfort of children and adults.

When organizing the subject environment in a group room, teachers need to take into account everything that will contribute to the formation of the basic characteristics of the personality of each child, the development of his abilities and interests. It is important to remember that the subject-developing environment should change depending on age features pupils, the period of study and the program implemented by teachers.

So, at the senior preschool age, the intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional spheres of the child's personality develop intensively. Children begin to feel like seniors among other pupils, and the task of the educator is to help them understand this new state. Considering the need for self-affirmation and recognition of their abilities by adults, which is characteristic of older preschoolers, the educator must create conditions for the development of their independence, initiative and creativity.

The development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers is fully facilitated by the creation of centers of science and nature, whichdevelop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; imagination and creativity; form ideas about the objects of the surrounding world about the properties and relationships of the objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, materials, etc.)

Science Center

Zone 1 - mini - laboratory "Why".

Pochemuchka meets you here.

It helps to gain knowledge

Get answers to all "whys".

He is the owner of this laboratory.

The introduction of a fairy-tale character turns the lesson into an exciting game, helps to awaken interest in experimentation.

The mini-laboratory stores equipment and materials necessary for conducting experiments, materials with the help of which children experience the secrets of animate and inanimate nature:

Special dishes (various containers, trays, measuring spoons, cups, tubes, funnels, plates, strainers);

Natural material (pebbles, sand, seeds, shells, cones, moss,

tree bark, dried flowers, tree branches, etc.);

Recycled material (wire, candy wrappers, foam plastic, corks, threads, etc.);

Devices - assistants (microscope, magnifiers, compass, mirrors, different kinds weights, etc.);

Medical material (syringes without needles, pears, pipettes, cotton swabs, cones);

The world of materials (types of paper, types of fabric, plastic objects, wooden objects, metal objects);

Technical material (nails, screws, bolts, etc.).

The laboratory has materials that are distributed according to blocks:

- "Sorceress-Water"(food and non-food dyes, salt, sugar, flour, starch, tea, oil, ice containers, i.e. materials for studying the properties of water);

- "Invisible - air"(tubes, bubble, Balloons, turntables, etc., i.e. materials for studying the properties of air);

- "Light and color" (various flashlights, mirrors, colored glass (cut from plastic bottles) , i.e. materials for studying the properties of light, color);

-"Sound" (kinder surprises with various fillers (peas, buckwheat, millet, semolina, etc.), bells, pipes, rattles, headphones, i.e. materials for studying the properties of sound);

-"Smell" (bags with lavender, chamomile, pine, fresheners, aromatic oils, candles, perfume samples, testers, i.e. materials for studying the properties and distinguishing odors);

-"Magnetism" (different magnets, paper clips, metal objects), i.e. materials for studying the properties of a magnet.

In the mini-laboratory are:

* collections:

Seed collections.


Collection of fabrics.

Collection of threads.

Seashells collection.

Collection of stones.


Algorithms of experiences and experiments that serve to develop abilities for mastering modeling activities, systematizing cognitive experience. All algorithms are divided into blocks.

*layouts (displayed according to the topics of the week):

Kingdom of ice and snow;

Who lives in hot countries;

Animals of our forests;



Zone 2 - methodological center.

The center has rules for working with materials developed jointly with children, conventions, allowing and prohibiting signs. Here are the symbols different schemes, as well as information for parents (consultations, recommendations) diaries of observations and experiments on experimental activities that children keep and fill out.

Zone 3 - the center "I want to know everything."

Becoming a real scientist is not easy, you need to know a lot, a lot.

Be interested in cognitive literature and visit the center "I want to know everything." It includes books, encyclopedias "Everything about everything", atlases,

albums - pictures:



flora, mushrooms,

natural phenomena,



Animals of hot countries

Domestic animals and birds,

Wild animals,

Animals of the North.

The role of educational literature cannot be underestimated. Timely introduction of visual materials - books, encyclopedias, atlases, albums with different natural communities to form in children the ability to independently “work” with a book, to obtain the necessary information. The owner of this center is Pinocchio, with whom children often go to the land of knowledge and wonders.

Corner of nature

The corner of nature allows you to successfully solve problems in wildlife, to acquaint children with the functions of parts of plants, how plants breathe, eat, how they develop, multiply; what is the structure of plants, the meaning of plants.

1 zone indoor plantsA passport of a corner of nature has been issued for indoor plants. Experience shows that such a passport is convenient for working in a corner of nature, because. children, focusing on the symbols, learn how to properly care for plants.

2 zone thematic albums:

meadow flowers,

garden flowers,





Nature calendar (seasons), days of the week;

Calendar of observations of seasonal changes in nature;

3 zone plant care materialsIn the corner of nature there are aprons for attendants, watering cans, a sprayer, brushes, rags, a shovel and a cultivator.

Zone 4 is our game library.

The toy library contains ecological games, lotos, puzzles. There are games on valeology. A card file of games has been created:

-"Who lives where?"

-"About animals"

- "About plants"

-"Want to know everything!"

- "Associations"

- "Zoological Lotto"

Domino "on the sea, on land"

- Big and small

- "Who eats what"

- "How living things grow"

- "Who appeared how"

- "What is made of what"


- "Develop observation"

In games, children consolidate the knowledge that they receive by experience.

5 zone - "Garden on the window."

A vegetable garden is set up on the window in spring. Plantings: oats, onions, lettuce, beans, petunias, marigolds, sweet peppers, tomato. The garden can be decorated according to the plot of a fairy tale. with children you can make butterflies, swallows, clouds and the sun and decorate the window with them! The garden allows you to organize long-term observations of the process of plant growth, plant growth conditions.

Thus, a competent combination of materials and equipment in the experimentation corner contributes to children's mastery of the means of cognitive experience. Encouraging children's curiosity, quenching the thirst for knowledge of little "why-muchs" and directing their vigorous activity, we contribute to the development of children's abilities in the process of experimentation.

The filling of activity centers and their opportunities for the development of independence and children's initiative.

The GEF program is aimed at:
creation of conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, development initiatives and creativity through collaboration with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;
on the creation of a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.
The content of the program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various activities and cover the following structural units, representing certain areas of development and education of children
socio-communicative development;
cognitive development;
speech development;
artistic and aesthetic development;
physical development.
In more detail we will consider cognitive development.
cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and effects, etc.), about small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as common house people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.
Thus, cognitive development is a process of gradual transition from one stage of development of cognitive activity to another.
In our group there are the following activity centers for cognitive development:
nature center
Center for Experimentation
Center for Sensory and Mathematical Development
Construction Center
Security Center
Center for Cognitive Development
Centre patriotic education
Activity center occupancy:
Center for Nature and Experimentation:
- houseplants;
- calendar of nature;
- materials for the development of labor skills;
- plant passports;
- Folder-slider on environmental topics;
- layouts,
- material for conducting elementary experiments;
- educational and didactic games on ecology;
- natural and waste material;
- natural history literature, a set of pictures, albums;

Materials for experimental work, mini-laboratories;
- audio material on natural history topics.
Center for Sensory and Mathematical Development:
- didactic material;
- didactic games;
- desktop printed games;
- educational material;
material for children's experimentation.
Design Center:
- soft building and play modules;
- floor building material;
- plastic constructor;
- large three-dimensional geometric shapes of 4 colors;
-schemes for models from the designer and wooden cubes.
Security Center:
- didactic material;
- didactic games;
- road signs;
- layout of the road;
- material on life safety and traffic rules;
-attributes for a role-playing game;
-board printed games.
Cognitive development:
- material on the theme of the week.
Patriotic Center:
- state symbols of the Russian Federation and the Tomsk region;
- objects of folk arts and crafts of the inhabitants of the peoples living in the Tomsk region;
- samples folk costumes Tomsk region - visual material;
- a selection of children's fiction and books about Tomsk;
- a selection of the collection of minerals mined in the Tomsk region;
- materials on the city of Tomsk.
Development in preschool age is a joint movement of the teacher and the child. Our task is to gently and unobtrusively lead the child in the direction that really corresponds to his own developmental trajectory.
For this Special attention is given to creating in the group an appropriate environment that would promote the development of abilities and meet the interests of each child, while recognizing the importance of mutual learning of children and academic work in small groups.
Such work is possible in the created activity centers, which contribute to the research and independent activities of children.
Despite the fact that activity centers have different names, involve different types of activities, are equipped with a variety of materials, each of them gives the child the opportunity to receive social, emotional, intellectual development.
The main goal of the teacher is to contribute to the development of the child, which happens every day in the process of easy learning.
Each activity center is a small creative workshop filled with a variety of stimulating materials, educational games, didactic materials. Everything is available in the centers. All materials, boxes, centers are signed and labeled. The centers are open almost every day. Sometimes some centers may be closed.
Children move freely between centers. Time spent at each center may be different for each child. If children are passionate about play, they use materials creatively and move from one center to another less often, spending more time in a particular activity.
In the rules of the life of children, a place must be provided for the diverse and free manifestations of the interests of the child himself. These are not only holidays, but also the very time when he can do his favorite thing, knowing that he will not be forced to do any other activities. Having free time and being able to fill it is no less important for a child than participating in collective activities.
In order for the child to be able to freely choose and take his own initiative, he must feel comfortable in the group.
In order for him to exercise his right to choose, this choice must be given to him, i.e. the developing environment should provide him with a wide range of options (toys, materials, activities). The developing environment of the group should be varied.
In order for children to be interested and they progressively develop, the developmental environment itself must be constantly updated, be changeable following the change in his interests and educational needs.
The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the main principles preschool education is to support children in various activities. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for the creation social situation development of children.
At the stage of completion of this preschool education, the targets defined by the Federal State Educational Standard provide for the following age characteristics of the children's opportunities:
- show initiative and independence in various activities;
- independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena, people's actions;
- Show the ability to make their own decisions.
Development of children's initiative and independence in the conditions kindergarten carried out using:
creation of conditions for children to freely choose activities, participants joint activities;
creating conditions for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts;
non-directive assistance to children, support for children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (game, research, project, cognitive, etc.)
The development of independence is facilitated by the development of children's skills to set a goal (or accept it from the teacher, think about the way to achieve it, implement their plan, evaluate the result from the position of the goal).
In order to awaken initiative and independence in preschoolers, educators use their own methods and techniques. Such methods include:
1) Didactic game.
2) Productive activities.
3) Self-organized activity.
The teacher must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, which should provide the child with cognitive activity, should correspond to his interests and have a developing character. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with their peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities .
4) Labor activity.
5) The method of "projects".
6) Development of communicative qualities.
7) Development of initiative and independence in the process of classes.
In the daily development of classes, we set the following goals: to cultivate independence and initiative, to form the child's self-awareness, self-confidence, to teach the child to boldly express his judgments. At the lessons of drawing, modeling, appliqué, children are given a choice of plot, design, colors at will. Educators take into account the temperament, abilities, features of the style of education in the family, which significantly affect the pace of the formation of independence.
The ability to formulate a goal, to foresee the result are the fundamental components of independence. But they are difficult to fully implement if the child does not have the skills different types activities.
Independence is brought up when children fulfill the duties of serving themselves and loved ones; the level of independence is associated with the development of the social experience of labor activity, the possibility for the child to manifest a subjective position in labor. The independence of children unfolds from independence of a reproductive nature to independence with elements of creativity, with a steady increase in the role of children's consciousness, self-control and self-esteem in the implementation of activities.
“Independence” is a very multifaceted and psychologically difficult phenomenon; it is rather a meaning-forming, qualitative characteristic of any sphere of activity and personality, which has its own specific criteria.
The final touch in the portrait of independence- perseverance in achieving results, when failure does not become a reason for abandoning the plan. In this regard, I would like to say about the educational aspects of instilling independence. Developing willpower, patience and responsibility is very important. The role of the educator is to stimulate actions that bring the work begun to the end. It is especially valuable if the child guesses to join his efforts with someone from those around him. In our case, the teacher.

The direction of the activity and development of the child depends on us, adults - on
how the object-spatial organization of their lives is arranged, from
what toys and didactic aids does it consist of, what is their developing
potential and even on how they are located. Everything around the child
forms his psyche, is the source of his knowledge and social
experience. Therefore, it is we adults who take the responsibility to create
conditions that contribute to the full realization of the development of children, their
opportunities, abilities in all psychophysiological parameters, i.e.
organization of the subject-developing environment. We, as educators, strive
create conditions in the group, both for the conscientious activity of children, and for
individual activities, considering each preschooler.
"Game Center" is the most interesting and attractive place for
children, it contains toys of different directions (toys
transport different kind and appointments, toys depicting objects
work and life, plot toys, animal toys, dolls of various
directions, sets of dishes, game modules for a variety of
story games etc.).

"Motor activity center" This center contains attributes for
outdoor games, a variety of toys that stimulate motor
activity: balls, cubes, sultans, ribbons, sticks, etc., massagers, skittles,
gymnastic wall, Swedish wall with a mattress (exercises only
supervised by an adult), jump ropes, weight bags, ring throwers,
foot massage mats, equipment for walking, running, training
balance, jumping, crawling and climbing, equipment from unformed
material. Manufactured sports equipment from unformed
material stimulates the desire of children to move, participate in games,
brings joy and positive emotions. It combines physical education with
game, which creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in
motor activity. Usage bright colors benefits increases
children's interest in classes, gives them the necessary emotional coloring.

Music Center is one of the brightest and most attractive. Promotes
development of dance-game and song creativity in children. Here
placed musical toys (accordion, guitar, proportionate to the hand
child; rattles; tambourine; drum; pipes; horn; balalaika), folk
toys, sets of noise boxes, pictures for songs performed on
music lessons, tape recorder, audio recordings of children's songs,
fragments of classical music and folklore works,
lullabies, recordings of nature sounds, illustrations depicting
musical instruments, toys with a fixed melody
(music books, postcards, music box).

The Theater Center is an important object of the developing environment, from which you can
start equipping the group, since it is theatrical activity
helps to unite the group, unite children interesting idea new to them
activity. In the theater, preschoolers open up, demonstrating
unexpected facets of his character. Timid and shy become
confident and active. The one who went to kindergarten without desire, now with
happy to rush to the group.
In the "Center of the Theater" fairy-tale characters, puppet, glove,
finger, magnetic and table types of theater. Children are great artists
therefore, they are happy to participate in productions and perform with pleasure in
the role of spectators.

The "on call center" is located at the entrance to the group room so that children and
their parents could immediately know who was on duty today. Our center is made in
the form of a stand with pockets. At the stand in the pockets of educators every day
change the cards chosen by the children.

"Book Center" includes a book corner. The content of the book
corner corresponds to the age characteristics of children given age,
educational program implemented in a preschool institution. In him
there are books with works of art by children's writers,
fairy tales and others literary forms on the topic of the week. Main principle
selection of book publishing products - minimum text - maximum

The Center for Entertaining Mathematics has important educational functions.
In this center there are normative - sign material: magnetic
board, typesetting canvas, colored counting sticks, logic blocks,
number series, abacus, hourglass, cup scales, sets of cards on
matching numbers and quantities, sets of cubes with numbers and numerical
figures, posters depicting geometric shapes, volumetric

geometric shapes (cube, cone, cylinder, etc.), various types of mosaics,
modern puzzles.
The "center of knowledge" requires partial isolation, the presence of tasks of various
degree of difficulty. The game material is located on open-through
shelves, it is placed in a mosaic, in several places so that children do not interfere

each other. The "Center for Knowledge" contains: lotto, dominoes in pictures,
subject and plot pictures, thematic sets of pictures,
illustrations depicting seasonal clothing, hats, shoes,
transport, dishes wonderful pouches”, materials for the development of small
motor skills of the hands, small geometric mosaic.
"Experimentation Center" is represented by a variety of collections
(soil, stones, minerals, seeds, cereals, etc.). It contains material
for the implementation of experimental activities: magnifiers, microscope, compass,
beakers, flasks, measuring cups, watering cans, watches, etc. In progress

experimental activities for growing plants is kept a journal
observations, in which the educator, together with the children, fixes the
conclusions based on the results of daily observation. Our little ones
"why" turn into inquisitive researchers who
conduct simple experiments, determine the properties of various natural
materials. An indispensable assistant in children's research
activity was the Scientist Cat, who lives in our group. cat stimulates
children's activity and curiosity.
"Security Center" reflects the safety of the house, on the street (SDA) and
fire safety. It is equipped with the necessary attributes, toys,

didactic aids and games. Good didactic guide
serves as a model of a fire station based on the Lego constructor, a game with
three-dimensional figurines "Journey along the roads of the streets." The game is equipped
street layout, road signs, figurines of people. Creation of the center
safety in the group helps children to familiarize themselves with the rules and
norms of safe behavior and forms values healthy lifestyle

"Design Center" requires free space for
structures from large building material. Its practicality is
in that with the content of the building corner (constructor of various
species, large and small wooden constructor) you can move to
any place in the group and organize this activity as a subgroup
children, as well as individually. This makes our children comfortable
feel in any corner of the group. Our students themselves
when implementing their plans, they use schemes and models of buildings. Centre
Complete with small toys to play with.

"Center for Patriotic Education" The center requires partial isolation,
located away from play areas. It contains: Russian flag, coat of arms,
portrait of the president of Russia, manuals reflecting multinationality
of our Motherland, illustrative material to familiarize children with
climatic zones of Russia, portraits of the great people of Russia, a selection
illustrations "Epic heroes", examples of folk decorative
applied arts, etc. Selected material about hometown
Michurinsk, children can get acquainted with traditions, culture and way of life
residents of their city. Selected literature according to
local history, the albums "My Country", "My Land", "My City",
"My family".
The English writer Oscar Wilde said: The best way make children
good is to make them happy…” And all our children are good! AND
creating a favorable development environment for our children, we want to see them
also such: those who have mastered the main cultural methods
activities with an installation positive attitude to the world, with
developed imagination, able to express their thoughts, inquisitive,
hardy and physically developed, and most importantly happy! Advantage
created environment in that it became possible to involve all children in
active independent activity. Each child chooses an activity
on interests in any center, which is ensured by a variety of subject
content, accessibility and ease of placement of materials. It was

it was noted that pupils are less in conflict with each other: rarely
quarrel over games, play space, or materials because
engaged in interesting activities. Positive emotional attitude
of our children testifies to their cheerfulness, openness, desire
attend kindergarten.
Search for innovative approaches to the organization of the subject-developing environment
continues, the main criteria for this are creativity, talent and

Pershina Tatyana Vasilievna
Our center research activities

Explanatory note to the presentation

"Our "

Epigraph: Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do and I will understand. (Confucius).

Relevance: With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, research activities preschoolers received a new impetus in development. GEF requires us to create conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization and personal development. And the method of experimentation, as a specially organized activity contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of the child preschool age, contributes to the formation in children cognitive interest, develops observation and thinking activity.

Target: The development of cognitive activity of preschool children through experimentation with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.


To expand and systematize the elementary natural science and ecological ideas of children.

To form the skills of setting up elementary experiments and the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained.

Develop a desire for search and cognitive activities.

Contribute to mastering the techniques of practical interaction with surrounding objects.

Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.

Raise interest in the knowledge of the world around. Encourage children to experiment.

Captions for slides

2 slide: One of the conditions for solving problems on cognitive activities in kindergarten is the organization of a developing environment - the creation research center, filling it necessary materials and equipment.

Our research center consists of several zones:

3 slide: 1 zone - a corner of nature. Indoor plants are selected taking into account the age of the children. They have a passport for indoor plants. In the corner of nature there are aprons for attendants, watering cans, a sprayer, brushes, rags, sponges, rippers. There are thematic albums: garden and meadow flowers, indoor plants, insects.

4 slide: 2nd zone - vegetable garden. The garden allows you to organize long-term observations of the process and conditions of plant growth. Children are happy to participate in planting a garden, looking after it, observing and making sketches.

5 slide: 3 zone - mini-laboratory "Why". The owners of this laboratory are a boy and a girl - "Know-it-alls" which help children find answers to all their questions. The mini-laboratory stores the equipment and materials necessary for conducting experiments; materials with the help of which children experience the secrets of living and inanimate nature:

Special dishes (various containers, trays, measuring spoons, cups, tubes, funnels, plates, strainers);

Various cereals (buckwheat, semolina, peas, beans);

Natural material (pebbles, sand, clay, seeds of trees and flowers, shells, cones of various conifers, tree bark, herbariums);

Devices - assistants (magnifiers, compass, mirrors, various types of scales);

medical material (syringes without needles, pears, pipettes, cotton swabs, thermometer);

World of Materials (types of fabrics, paper);

technical material (nails, screws, bolts, etc.).


6 slide: "Sorceress-Water"(food and non-food dyes, salt, sugar, flour, starch, tea, ice containers, i.e. materials for studying the properties of water).

In our laboratory there are materials that are distributed according to blocks:

-"Invisible - Air"(tubes, soap bubbles, balloons, turntables, i.e. materials for studying the properties of air);

- "Light and color" (various flashlights, mirrors, colored glass (cut out of plastic bottles, i.e. materials for studying the properties of light, color);

- "Sound" (bells, pipes, maracas, tambourine, rattles, i.e. materials for studying the properties of sound);

-"Magnetism"(various magnets, paper clips, metal objects, i.e. materials for studying the properties of a magnet.

7 slide: In the mini-laboratory are collections: a collection of fabrics, a collection of buttons, a collection of shells, a collection of paper, a collection of stones.

8 slide: This block contains models:

Calendar of nature (seasons, days of the week, parts of the day, calendar of observations of seasonal changes in nature, atlases, globe, algorithms for experiments and experiments.

9 slide: Various layouts are also placed here (displayed according to the topics of the week): domestic and wild animals, savannah, fish, insects, birds, fish.

10 slide: Lapbooks are also placed here ( "Experimental activity» , Times of the year: "Autumn", "Summer", Winter", "Spring", "Why doesn't the water disappear", "Stones", "Protect the environment").

11 slide: Zone 4 is our game library. The toy library contains ecological games, lotos, puzzles. There are games both purchased and games made by the educators themselves.

12 slide: 5 - zone - "Want to know everything". In this area of ​​our center is the educational literature. It includes various books and encyclopedias. Here we have placed research projects performed by parents and children: the Panyagin family "My genealogical tree» , The Shabaev family "My Little Brothers", the Reshetov family "Little Gardeners".

Conclusion: Competent combination of materials and equipment in research center help children master the means of cognitive activities, methods of action, examination of objects, expansion of cognitive experience

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Educational health paths are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers for cognitive and research activities, ecological and health trails. Educational health paths are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers for cognitive and research activities, ecological and health trails. Walks along the health path are carried out in natural natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and motor activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children. Walks along the health path are carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and physical activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children.

The territory of a preschool educational institution, on which several routes for walking (health paths) can be laid, should be a landscaped area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, intended for games, entertainment, physical education and cultural and educational activities for preschool children. The territory of a preschool educational institution, on which several routes for walking (health paths) can be laid, should be a landscaped area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, intended for games, entertainment, physical education and cultural and educational activities for preschool children.

The route includes not only specially created Centers, but also a sports ground, an asphalt play area, a health trail, an ecological trail, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution. The route includes not only specially created Centers, but also a sports ground, an asphalt play area, a health trail, an ecological trail, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Hiking structure: collection and movement to the next stop of the health path; collection and movement to the next stop of the health path; stop, stop, cognitive research activities of children and adults; stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults; a complex of recreational games and physical exercises; a complex of recreational games and physical exercises; independent activity of children; independent activity of children; collection of preschoolers and return to the group collection of preschoolers and return to the group

The content of walking tours depends on the chosen topic, season and weather. In the content of the walk-health course, teachers can include: cognitive conversations cognitive conversations observations of insects, birds, plants observations of insects, birds, plants collection natural material collection of natural material mobile and didactic games familiar to children mobile and didactic games familiar to children games for attention games for attention

Moving along the health path route from one Center (or House), children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, compose oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games . Moving along the health path route from one Center (or House), children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, compose oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games .

In such a play space, the child learns a lot - to communicate with the outside world, he develops a large and fine motor skills, speech, intonation, eye, correlating movements. In such a play space, the child learns a lot - to communicate with the outside world, he develops large and fine motor skills, speech, intonation, eye, correlating movements.

Sports games sports games a complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the season and weather conditions, age characteristics of children a complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the time of year and weather conditions, age characteristics of children

"House of Samodelkin" Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting. Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting. This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various cars, pyramids, mechanisms, etc. This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various cars, pyramids, mechanisms, etc.

Creation of installations The difference between installations and ordinary crafts is that the child does not just participate in the creation of some kind of "art object" for participation in the exhibition, but is an active user of it, a player. The difference between installations and ordinary crafts is that the child does not just participate in the creation of some kind of “art object” for participation in the exhibition, but is an active user of it, a player. If the composition is mobile, for example, with propellers, sound effects, the child can actively knock, rattle, and all this is not only possible, but even necessary, so that the created exposition lives. If the composition is mobile, for example, with propellers, sound effects, the child can actively knock, rattle, and all this is not only possible, but even necessary, so that the created exposition lives.

Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character "Frog Princess", "Baba Yaga", "Thumbelina", "Heel", "Puss in Boots", or the skeleton of a "rocket", "teremka", "Baba's house - yagi". Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character "Frog Princess", "Baba Yaga", "Thumbelina", "Heel", "Puss in Boots", or the skeleton of a "rocket", "teremka", "Baba's house - yagi". complexes playgrounds for groups different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of the landscape of free use, on which boulders, stumps, tree trunks, etc. are picturesquely scattered. Complexes of playgrounds for groups of different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of the landscape of free use, on which boulders are picturesquely scattered, stumps, tree trunks, etc.

The experience is presented in the publication of Davydov O.I. Educational paths on the territory of the kindergarten (cognitive and research activities of children on a walk, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). - AltGPA, p. Davydova O.I. Educational paths on the territory of the kindergarten (cognitive and research activities of children on a walk, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). - AltGPA, p. Davydova O.I. Educational paths on the territory of the kindergarten / Handbook of the senior educator preschool. - - 7. - From Davydova O.I. Educational health paths on the territory of the kindergarten / Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution. - - 7. - C