Psychological and pedagogical living room in children's garden

Ganzharov Alena Vladimirovna, teacher-psychologist.
This article is intended for educators and psychologists DOU. In it, the reader meets with non-traditional species Cooperation with parents - psychological and pedagogical living room. And also learns what problems in parental relationships can be solved with its help.

The role of the family environment in the process of the psychic development of the child preschool age is the main one. IN modern society This question is especially relevant, because the change in the rhythm of the life of modern parents leads to the fact that in the interaction of an adult with a child, emotional contact is minimized. Of course, intimidian relations and attitudes towards the child of parents have a direct impact on the formation of the inner world of a growing person. Therefore, family cooperation and pre-school specialists is one of the primary tasks.

As a rule, traditional methods of cooperation with family (meetings, round tables, consultations) are used in pre-school institutions (meetings, round tables, consultations), but often parents remain insufficient and interested.

Therefore, I would like to introduce you to an unusual form of interaction with my parents, which we use in our preschool institution, Psychological and pedagogical living room.
A visit to psychological and pedagogical living rooms allows parents to play - to play with children, understand their internal subjective world.

The main purpose of the psychological and pedagogical living rooms is to develop the identity of the child with the help of parents in their active participation.
Structure of psychological -Pedagogical living rooms Consists of four parts:
Greeting - which includes ritual greeting games and configures participants in this event for positive way and productive work.

Main part - consists of a variety of well-known games ("the sea is worried", "repeat movement" "Magic Mirror", etc.), in which children and parents play together, on an equal footing. Thus, for parents, it opens the opportunity to learn to interact with the child in the game, stand up on his position, through joint activities to understand his feelings and experiences.

Productive activity - After the games, the productive activities of children and parents are planned. It can be a joint drawing, laying from plasticine, clay or salt test, creating a collage, applique.

Parting - There are short game farewells, allowing to consolidate a positive emotional background. It is also important to give parents and children feedback. For this, it is necessary to speak which games today played what the most liked. It is important to stop at the reflection of parents, discuss what they felt, playing with the child, which was best today we managed that they were especially pleased.

The beginning and conclusion of meetings should be ritual to preserve the sense of integrity and completion of the classes.
After visiting the parents of the psychological and pedagogical living room between parents and children, positive changes occur in relationships. The child begins to feel that he is needed and what is understood. Parents begin to recognize the importance of the game during preschool childhood. Children's and parental relations are acquired by a constructive character, this is especially important in the pre-school period, at the initial stage of personality development.

MKOU "Progimnasya №9" Ruchek "


Pedagogical living room

"Modern forms of work with parents"

Performed: Music Manager

Batyrmurzaeva N.V.

Purpose: Dissemination of the experience of the interaction music executive Dow with families of pupils.


    Enhance the educational level of competence of parents in matters of musical development of children, to establish contact with family members, coordinate educational cooperation on the child;

    To acquaint parents and test the system of methodical tri-games aimed at the musical development of children.

    Enrich the methodical piggy bank for parents "Music Masters".

Preparatory work:

    Registration of invitations for parentsin the living room.

    Questioning of parents on the "musical development of children" (Appendix No. 1).

    Creating a presentation "TRIZ-GAME and Methodological manuals used in Dow".

    The design of the exhibition is musically - didactic gamesaimed at the musical development of preschoolers.

    Memories for parents "Modern forms of work with children"

    (Appendix No. 2).

    Individual communication with parents on the topic: "A musical repertoire, aimed at developing children."

Event Plan:

1. The introductory word of the musical leader on modern technologies.

2. Acquaintance with the results of questioning parents.

4. Exchange of parental experience "Musical Repertoire, aimed at the development of children."

5. Memo for parents "Modern forms of work with children"

Event flow:

1. The introductory word of the musical leader on modern technologies.

To ensure favorable living conditions and education of the child, the formation of a full-fledged, harmonious personality is needed to strengthen and develop a close relationship of the interaction of kindergarten and family.

In its musical and artistic activities, planning work, try to use both traditional and non-traditional forms of interaction with family.

One of the main indicators of the level of development of the child can be considered wealth of his musical perception. And on this data, its general mental development and future success in the music school depends largely. That is why in TRIZ - pedagogy focuses on exactly this direction. The ability to communicate, to know the world, to plan their actions are formed by the child as his speech develops.

2. Analysis of parent questioning results "Musical Development of Children" (Appendix No. 1).

3. Show presentations "TRIZ-GAMES and Methodological manuals used in Dow"

In our kindergarten, methods and techniques offered by TRIZ-technology are very widely and actively. (slides 1-2)

With some of them we want to introduce you and play.

  • Circles Lully.

The manual represents several circles of different diameters strung on a common rod. An arrow is installed at the top of the rod. All circles are divided into the same number of sectors. Circles and arrow are movable. Free rotation of all parts leads to the fact that under the arrow there are certain sectors on each of the circles.

The purpose of this manual: to clarify the knowledge of preschoolers in various subject areas; Develop the variability of imaginary images. "Show the composer", "musical professions", "call notch" and the pictogram with the mood.

    Manual "Crawler" (Slide 3)

Generates the ability to compare objects in several different features. Make up riddles using signs represented in the form of visual symbols. Learning to classify objects according to these features, compile groups of musical instruments.

4. Exchange of parental experience "A musical repertoire aimed at developing children."

    Game "Circle"

Children sit around the table. In the hands of the mom's stack of inverted cards. The child takes out any picture from this stack, for example, "tambourine", and invents some kind of game, "loudly quiet." The picture moves to mom, dad, brother, etc. Each player complements the picture by definition and moves in a circle. The player who called the last game leaves the picture at home and gets the right to remove the following picture from the stack. The winner becomes the owner of the largest number of pictures.

    Game "Casket with Songs"

You will need a box with 8-10 any toys.

Content: Mom offers to remove arbitrarily figures from the box. We must think about what song to execute. After the first player singing 2 - 3 songs, the next takes out another item and continues to remember songs, about this subject. When the concert is over, the items are collecting together and a new concert begins. It is important that each time the completed composition turns out, and that the child in different situations invent different variants actions with the same subject.

5. Summing up the event.

Preschool age is unique, because it will be formed by the child, it will be his life, which is why it is important not to miss this period to disclose the creative potential of each child. Adapted to the preschool age TRIZ-technology, will allow to educate and teach a child under the motto "Creativity in everything!"

Working with preschoolers in TRIZ interesting and multifaceted, well implemented and combined with the work on the program, complements it with greater efficiency in the results.

We hope that today's information will be useful in your endeavors, dare, dear parents! Good luck and fast meetings!

Appendix #1.

Appendix number 2.

Many parents set themselves the task of developing a child, first of all creatively. Huge attention is paid to the development of such abilities.

Before this event, Nadia Vagabovna has conducted a survey "Musical Development of the Child". There were already questions that were forced to think about. Then we were invited to usin the living room. After that, it was inconvenient to ignore the event.

We learned that music classes using modern - technologies are improvisation, a game, hoax.

After all, it is important that modern child She took possession of not only a certain amount of knowledge and skills, and could actively think, be able to find a way out of any situation, draw conclusions, to prove, explain, possess certain speech activity. Therefore, the musical leader in his work special attention Pay the musical development of their pupils.

Then we showed us the presentation "TRIZ - GAMES AND METHODICAL PUBLICS Used in Dow". It turns out at home, I played with a child in games, using the elements of TRIZ, without even suspecting it.

During this event, I saw that TRIZ contribute to raising the level of communicative, informational, cognitive needs of our children.

Parental senior group Mamatavova G. B.

Director "Progimnasia" River " Malikova MG

Feedback on the pedagogical living room

« Modern work with parents"

Nadia Vagabovna Batyrmurzayev refers to the category of creative teachers who are in constant search for new forms and ideas aesthetic education Children.

Nadia Vagabovna talented teacher and musician. In her classes, children do not just sing, listen and move. It expands their horizons, teaches to understand such concepts as "rhythm", "timbre", "genre". Learn to live in harmony with you, its inner world and see only the most positive, bright and vitality. And all this, of course, through a fairy tale and the game.

Children with pleasure go to musical classes, with great desire participate in various holidays and matinees. This suggests that the professional level of the teacher is very high.

Nadia Vagabovna often uses computer presentations in its work, which creates herself. They allow you to enrich the process of emotionally-shaped knowledge, cause a desire to repeatedly listen to the musical work, help for a long time to remember the musical work proposed for hearing. Presentations are indispensable when familiarizing children with the work of composers, in this case bright portraits, photos attract the attention of children, develop cognitive activity, diverse the impressions of children.

Every day ICT applies when performing musical and rhythmic exercises, various dances helps children to accurately perform instructions of the teacher, expressively perform movement.

The parental of the senior group Kadimova LD

Director "Progimnasia" River " Malikova MG

Olga Zamarayeva

A meeting pedagogical living room

« Start of pedagogical skill 2012»


How many different professions in the world

But I want to talk about one ...

Who is so baked about young children?

People who are unknown rest.

Their inventions there are no end and limit,

Everything you can wish.

That others would already be tired

These with patience are demolished alone!

They can all, all of them die

People with a wide, good soul.

No evil will not master them!

They are - pedagogues with the letter big!

Lead 1.: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today we gathered in pedagogical living room, To give start ped.. mastery - 2013.. For meeting to a greater degree devoted to Our young colleagues.

Lead 2.: And yet - this is a meeting of professional skill, pedagogical experience in the face of teachers with experience over 8, 10, 20, etc., and whose pedagogical experience no more than 3 years.

Representation of young educators.

In the nomination of the young specialist:

In the nomination "Create, invent, dare":

In the nomination "First steps in the profession":

Words of young:

We are not always dressed from Versace,

And it's not always "Mercedes",

But we solve important tasks,

Without us, progress is unthinkable.

And this, I am friends, a tract

I will tell you colleagues, not taya:

I do not need another profession,

I am proud of what the tutor is me!

Lead 1.: Dear colleagues, today you have to show your professional mastery by various types activities:

1. Task-workout: Dear pedagogues, Shake the name of the fabulous hero.

Ali (Woman)

Woman (Yaga)

Baron (Munhausen)

Winnie (Pooh)

Grandfather…. (Frost, Mazay)

Doctor (Aibolit)

Home ... (Kuzya)

Uncle (Step, Fedor)

Elena (Beautiful)

Iron (Woodcutter)

Snake ... (Gorynych)

Ivan ... (Tsarevich)

Ivanushka (Fool)

Cat… (in boots, leopold, matroskin)

Koschey ... (Immortal)

Red (Hood)

Crocodile (Gene)

Tiny (Havroshchka) Small… (Prince, Muk)

Boy… (with finger)

Fly… (Cotton)

Nikita ... (Leather)

Dad (Carlo)

Dog. (Ball)

Postman… (Pechkin)

Prince. (Lemon)

Poodle. (ARTEMEND)

Sister ... (Alyonushka)

Nightingale… (Robber)

Old man…(Hottabych)

Old woman(Shapoklyak)

Nightingale… (Robber)

Old man(Hottabych)

Old woman…(Shapoklyak)

Finist. (Clear falcon)

Turtle… (Tortilla)

2. We continue our competitive program. Next task "Explainers".

3. Guess the encrypted fairy tale.

We invite to participation of educators ___

Lena and Tiger

The granddaughter of Lenochka in the forest beyond the berries and got lost. Long plottered in the forest and stumbled upon the hut. And in that hut, a great tiger lived. She became for him to live, cook porridge ... So I decided Lena to escape, painted potatoes and told the tiger to attribute them to mom with dad ...

("Masha and the Bear")


There was a boy. Parents died from him and he became an orphan. And he got into one family, where there were three brothers. W. older brother was one eye, Middle - 2 eyes, and the younger 3 eyes. He was on them Sutra to the night worked, and he helped him in the work of his favorite bull ...



There were three girls and wondered them to marry. They came to the courtyard, took the girls into the hands and threw them in different directions. W. senior The tangle fell to the noble yard, at the average - on merchant, and the younger hit the girl in the network to spider. I had the youngest daughter get married on a spider ...

("Princess Frog")

And now the attention is fiscual-musical pause:

And now S. professional holiday Congratulations from the parent ___

4. Intellectual Competition.

4 young educators and 4 are invited to participate in the competition elders(2 questions command)

1. Why a saber grasshopper?

For battles

For laying eggs *

For beauty

2. What is the woodpecker drum?

Beak cleans

Someone says something *

Music is fond of music

3. Why does the gopher not sleep?

Afraid freeze *

About summer remembers

Wakes your stocks

4. Are the bird nest tasty?

They are not sedobna

No worse chicken eggs *


5. How to distinguish alligator from crocodile?

On teeth *

In size

In color eye

6. Who has the strongest claws?

At Medvedea


Lead 1.: The tutor is a good calling!

Love, understand and, of course, forgive ...

Ability to understand pedagogical Situations aimed at interaction and relationships between parents and educators, our following the task:

Once we had a chance to hear how children responded about educator: "The whole day she scolds us, and when moms and dad come in the evening, she hugs us, gently calls"

What would you do, having heard a critical review of children about to myself:

Banned children to discuss adult behavior,

Silently made a conclusion tried remedy

Did not give the values \u200b\u200bof the words of children?

Or maybe you found other options for action?

Katya often comes to kindergarten, slurry, in ripped clothes. Not withstanding, the teacher once appeals to mom.: "Could you wear a daughter inactive? Do you really have no other decent clothes? " And hear answer: "If we had best clothes, Your kindergarten would not go! "

What feelings did mom experience, having heard a remark?

How to fix the embarrassment?

Mom came for Marina. She was tired after work, but daughter, waking up, did not want to go home. Mom fits, and the girl with tears in her eyes came into the locker room. Seeing corn sticks in the bag, Marina wanted treat them childrenBut my mother did not allow, and the girl began to stubbornly. There was a conflict, which did not give a tagger.

How do you think pedagogue?

Lead 1.: Dear colleagues, you have fulfilled all tasks with honor, and now surprise.

Dance of young educators

Lead 2.: The word is provided senior Educator and Head for the Solemn Ceremony dedications to educators.

Senior teacher: Dear Colleagues! You have fulfilled all the trials with honor. Let me right senior Mentor to take you an oath worthy title of the teacher of the XXI century.


Do you dare to love children? Protect them with love and truth? (answer educators: swear)

Did you not harm? Search in children is just good? (answer educators: swear)

Do you not forced, teach children to think and love? (answer educators: swear)

Will you become for your pupils elder friend, Hope and support, be proud of your profession?

(Answer teachers : swear)

Did you fight for a good attitude towards a child of all adults surrounding it?

(Answer teachers : swear)

I always swear, even in the most difficult circumstances, to remain an optimist for each child, fight for him, to be patient waiting for their results pedagogical effort.

(reads the teacher ___)

I swear to constantly increase your professional level, in your pedagogical Activity Use the achievements of science, advanced colleagues experience, manifest creativity, fight against cosupiness, routine and soulless in kindergarten.

(reads the teacher ___)

Against Mentors.

1. not easy to be pedagogue,

Kids learning.

It is necessary here not so much strict

How much to be sensitive.

2. Gently, gently send,

Smile to cheer

Something to help fix

Or explain again.

3. Repeat more than once, not twice,

Stop five again.

In short, not everyone,

Teacher can be!

4. You are fruit strana Looking,

Must be proud,

And years on the kids spending

You value your own works.

5. Touching you and understanding

After all, the tutor is the one

Who putting their staiggy,

The road to children gives life!

The word head of E. A. Padena

Young rewards teachers gramotes.

Final song of participants.

Sincweight (your reviews about today's meeting)

1. One noun

2. Two verb

3. Three adjectives

4. Slogan - Call

Final song of participants

On motif "Nine Chrysanthemum"

We know, our life is hard and difficult

And sometimes, there are no problems anywhere.

But always in trouble, he will come to you -

And then, all the problems will go to nowhere.


So who is this magician and magician,

We know, he loves children,

He loves children with all the soul and heart.

You can meet him with us,

Our teacher is just a class!

Always be able to help you,

Return problems away.

"Parent living room is like a form of acquiring pedagogical experience of parents."

Psychologist teacher

Asian Olga Sergeevna

Explanatory note.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the "Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution", one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure full-fledged child development."

The rights and obligations of parents are defined in Articles 38, 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Chapter 12. Family Code RF; Art. 17, 18, 19, 52. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

The successful solution of the tasks of education is possible only when combining the efforts of the family and specialists to Dow.

A family -

The most important task For all family professionals in kindergartens - find the best way to harmonize relations between family and social environment, through the search for positive resources inside the family.

Practice shows that family cooperation and the Dow is becoming increasingly relevant. Pedagogical teams are trying to determine the interaction points, form of work with parents.

In increasing the pedagogical culture, parental education, the parents of whose purpose is a special role, whose goal is to increase the pedagogical culture of parents.

To date, in the MDOU, kindergarten "Tale" 159 pupils, the total number of parents - 266. (See Appendix No. 1).

According to the results of a sociological research in a kindergarten, the purpose of which was to identify the social request of the parents, the most important issues regarding the upbringing of children were determined by the range of the most pressing issues :. (See Appendix No. 2)

a) the upbringing and behavior of the preschooler;

b) regulatory issues related to the rights of the child.

Based on, from a large spectrum of parent responses, it can be concluded that they need to expand and acquire pedagogical knowledge, in obtaining psychological and pedagogical information, at the same time there is a passivity from parents.

Thus, the question arose about the need to create a "parent living room".

Parental living room - This is a form of acquiring psychological and pedagogical knowledge and enrichment of educational experience of parents. It includes: discussion meetings, evenings of "questions and answers", trainings, playback of problem situations, surveying, testing, game exercises, games - relaxation, games - dramatization, workshops - workshops.

« A.Fromm.






Expected Result:

Parents are active participants in the life of a kindergarten, as well as focus on issues relating to the upbringing and behavior of children.


The work of the Parent Living Room is aimed at supporting the family, since the child's admission to the kindergarten and before its release.

At each age group, 3-4 meetings per year are scheduled. The number of visiting parents is 14-16 people.

Control forms:

1. Questioning "mastering pedagogical knowledge."

(See Appendix 3)

2. Increase the number of parents' appeals to specialists in

issues of raising children.

3. Increase in attendance and participation in events.

Stages of program implementation:

I. Stage. Diagnostic. Social poll of parents of children from 3 to 6 years. Identify the difficulties of parents in the education of the preschooler. (See Appendix No. 2).


Social teacher - II Questioning II - Preparation -

belt group.

Pedagogical psychologist - an analysis of the survey.

II. Stage. Development of the program, based on the analysis of the parental survey.


Pedagogical psychologist, social - teacher - System Development


III. Stage. The implementation of the program, through the organization of the "Parental Living Room", which includes various forms and methods of working with parents.


Psychologist, social teacher - organization and conduct -


IV. Stage. Intermediate. Tracking parental satisfaction in the received psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

(See Appendix No. 3). Program adjustment.

Responsible: Social teacher, teacher-psychologist.

V. Final. Analysis of the program.

Responsible:Pedagogian psychologist, social teacher .

Resource security:

Personnel support:Preparation and conduct of events with parents are carried out: a teacher-psychologist, a social teacher, with the involvement of other specialists: deputy. head on VMR, teacher-speech therapist, educators, musical leader, physo instructor, teachers primary classes, medical sister.

Equipment list:

1. Acquisition of methodological literature.

2. Cooker paper for registration of memo and questionnaires.

3. Watmans for placing stands.

4. Feltolsters, colored pencils, watercolor paints.

5. Colored paper.

6. Audio cassettes, video tapes.

7. Flanhegraph.

8. Colored chalk.

11. Folders, files.

12. Dakes.

13. Theatrical attributes.

14. Film.

The office of the social teacher and teacher-psychologist is spacious, light, calculated for 20 people. Equipped with a round table, 20 chairs, audio and video equipment, computer.

E.P.Aarnautov .

Thematic classes plan:






Count hour.


(No. Ist.


I.junior group

Feet and legs are treated along the path.

Creating a creative space for gaming communication of parents and children; Stimulating the desire of parents to maintain the interest of the kid to drawing paints at home.


Meeting parents and children.

II. Junior group

What is important to know about the child for 3 years to understand him.

Attracting parents to exchange views on the issues of relationship with a three-year child for them.

Evening "questions and answers." Foaming the situation.

Why difficulty situations arise in the communications of the parent with the child.

Discussion of causes of occurrence conflict situations In communicating with the child, the search for successful ways of parental behavior.

Training, playing problem situations. Questioning. Memo.

Using folk games With a child in your family's life.

Familiarization of parents with a children's game - as an activity that in the family conditions most fully satisfies the needs of the child in business, educational and emotional communication with adults.


Game "Guess what toy your child has chosen."

Medium group

What place is family education The child belongs to the book.

The involvement of parents in the game dialogue with children, sending a gaming initiative to know the interests of his child, complicity in general activity.

Quiz between parents and children.

Senior group

Style family relationships and emotional childhood

Attracting parents to analyze an emotional atmosphere of relations in its own family and how it can influence the emotional health of the child, the mood of other family members.


Behavior in extreme situations

Familiarization of parents with the rules of behavior in the unforeseen situations of the child.

Lecture, test,

a) practical

b) view

video film.

Method of influence on the child in the family.

Involving parents in the self-analysis of educational techniques used by them in relation to the child.


Exercises: "Find the desired",


Creative child development, through

theatrical gaming activity in the family.

The use of theatrical gaming activities for the emotional convergence of adults and children, the generality of the experience of what is happening.

Workshop workshop: lecture, relaxation game, etudes on the development of imagination. The game-dramatization in the fantastic "Rack".

I. andII. Preparatory group.

Pre-school crisis and what promises

the child strives for growing up.

Acquaintance of parents with the age crisis of 7 years. Suggest parents to understand what encourages the child to strive for growing up.


Foaming ped.Stitution.

on the threshold of school life.

Discussion of the points of view of parents, teachers and teachers of NCh grades on the role of the family in the pre-school period of the child's life.

Discussion meeting: Psychological test, gaming exercise With the ball "Finish the proposal about what means in my understanding" well study ","

the game "Tanya - inexperience",

video interview with children.

What is my child in relationships with peers.

The exchange of parental experience, to provide assistance and support in establishing friendly relations with peers.


Playing the situation.


figure - the key to the inner world of the child

Attracting the attention of parents to the value of the visual creativity of children - as a source of knowledge of the inner world of the child, the features of the perception of the surrounding.

Workshop, game exercise "Finish the phrase".

Pedagogical situations, survey.

Bibliographic list.

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation."

5. Convention on the Rights of the Child dated November 20, 1989. Ratified by the Supreme Council of the USSR of June 13, 1990.

6. Instructive letter dated 07.22.2002. №30-51-547 / 16.

7. Arnautova E.P. Basics of teacher's cooperation with the family of the preschooler. - M., 1994.

8. Arnautova E.P. Pedagogue and family. - M.: Ed. House "Karapuz", 2001.

9. Gurov V.N. Social work school with family. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society, 2002. -192 p.

10. Ovcharova R.V. Reference book of the social teacher. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001. - 480 p.

11. Pavlova L.N. 365 days and nights from the child's life: the third year, - M.,

12. Seagal M., Adkok D. The child plays: from 3 to 5 years. - C-PB., 1996. -

13. Sermygin O.S. Emotional attitude in the family. - Chisinau,

14. Simanovsky A.E., Messenova N.M. Children's garden teacher work

with my family. - Yaroslavl, 1991.

15. "Family and School". - 1992.- №7.С.37.

16. Spock B. Child and care for it. - Ekaterinburg, Ltd., 1991.

17. Uruntaeva G.A., Afonikina Yu.A. Like I Rastava: Psychologist Tips

parents. - M., 1996.-C.36-37.

18. Fitzpatrick D. Dialogue with a child. How to answer hard

questions of life. - M., 1996.-C.102,168,169.

19. Froch A. Translation Konstantinova I.G., - Ekaterinburg, Art Co., Ltd



"Parent living room is like a form of acquiring pedagogical experience of parents."

Psychologist teacher

Asian Olga Sergeevna

Explanatory note.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the "Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution", one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure full-fledged child development."

The rights and obligations of parents are defined in Articles 38, 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; chapter 12 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation; Art. 17, 18, 19, 52. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

The successful solution of the tasks of education is possible only when combining the efforts of the family and specialists to Dow.

A family - this is a small social group, the most important form of organizing personal life based on the marital union and related links.

The most important task for all family professionals in kindergartens is to find an optimal way to harmonize relations between family and social environment, through the search for positive resources inside the family.

Practice shows that family cooperation and the Dow is becoming increasingly relevant. Pedagogical teams are trying to determine the interaction points, form of work with parents.

In increasing the pedagogical culture, parental education, the parents of whose purpose is a special role, whose goal is to increase the pedagogical culture of parents.

To date, in the MDOU, kindergarten "Tale" 159 pupils, the total number of parents - 266. (See Appendix No. 1).

According to the results of a sociological research in a kindergarten, the purpose of which was to identify the social request of the parents, the most important issues regarding the upbringing of children were determined by the range of the most pressing issues :. (See Appendix No. 2)

a) the upbringing and behavior of the preschooler;

b) regulatory issues related to the rights of the child.

Based on, from a large spectrum of parent responses, it can be concluded that they need to expand and acquire pedagogical knowledge, in obtaining psychological and pedagogical information, at the same time there is a passivity from parents.

Thus, the question arose about the need to create a "parent living room".

Parental living room - This is a form of acquiring psychological and pedagogical knowledge and enrichment of educational experience of parents. It includes: discussion meetings, evenings of "questions and answers", trainings, playback of problem situations, surveying, testing, game exercises, games - relaxation, games - dramatization, workshops - workshops.

« When raising children, it is necessary to ask yourself if we can become a good parent and raise a child without suppressing his personality. "A.Fromm.


Acquisition of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and enrichment of educational experience of parents.


  1. To explore the social demand of the parents, on the most interested in topics concerning the raising of children.
  2. Expand the psychological and pedagogical presentation of parents in matters of child education.
  3. Contribute to the increase in parental activity aimed at organizing joint activity Doe and family.

Expected Result:

Parents are active participants in the life of a kindergarten, as well as focus on issues relating to the upbringing and behavior of children.


The work of the Parent Living Room is aimed at supporting the family, since the child's admission to the kindergarten and before its release.

At each age group, 3-4 meetings per year are scheduled. The number of visiting parents is 14-16 people.

Control forms:

  1. Questioning "Mastering Pedagogical Knowledge".

(See Appendix 3)

  1. Increasing the number of parents' appeals to specialists in

Issues of raising children.

  1. Increase attendance and participation in events.

Stages of program implementation:

  1. Stage. Diagnostic. Social poll of parents of children from 3 to 6 years. Identify the difficulties of parents in the education of the preschooler. (See Appendix No. 2).


Social teacher - II Questioning II - Preparation -

Belt group.

Pedagogical psychologist - an analysis of the survey.

  1. Stage. Development of the program, based on the analysis of the parental survey.


Pedagogical psychologist, social - teacher - System Development


  1. Stage. The implementation of the program, through the organization of the "Parental Living Room", which includes various forms and methods of working with parents.


Psychologist, social teacher - organization and conduct -


  1. Stage. Intermediate. Tracking parental satisfaction in the received psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

(See Appendix No. 3). Program adjustment.

Responsible: Social teacher, teacher-psychologist.

  1. Final. Analysis of the program.

Responsible: Pedagogian psychologist, social teacher.

Resource security:

Personnel support:Preparation and conduct of events with parents are carried out: a teacher-psychologist, a social teacher, with the involvement of other specialists: deputy. head According to NMR, teacher-speech therapist, educators, musical leader, physo instructor, primary school teachers, medical sister.

Equipment list:

  1. Acquisition of methodological literature.
  2. Photocopy paper for registration of memo and questionnaires.
  3. Watmans for placing stands.
  4. Feltolsters, color pencils, watercolor paints.
  5. Colored paper.
  6. Audio cassettes, video tapes.
  7. Flangegraph.
  8. Colored crayons.
  9. Notebooks in a cage.
  10. Fountain pen, simple pencil.
  11. Folders, files.
  12. Roots.
  13. Theatrical attributes.
  14. Camera roll.

Feature functional room:

The office of the social teacher and teacher-psychologist is spacious, light, calculated for 20 people. Equipped with a round table, 20 chairs, audio and video equipment, computer.

"If parents do not impose useful knowledge,

they can even stop needing in them. "


Thematic classes plan:






Count hour.


(No. Ist.


I Junior Group

Feet and legs are treated along the path.

Creating a creative space for gaming communication of parents and children; Stimulating the desire of parents to maintain the interest of the kid to drawing paints at home.


Meeting parents and children.


from 117.

II junior group

What is important to know about the child for 3 years to understand him.

Attracting parents to exchange views on the issues of relationship with a three-year child for them.

Evening "questions and answers." Foaming the situation.


with 87.

Why difficulty situations arise in the communications of the parent with the child.

Discussion of the causes of conflict situations in communicating with the child, search for successful ways of parental behavior.

Training, playing problem situations. Questioning. Memo.


The use of folk games with a child in your family's life.

Familiarization of parents with a children's game - as an activity that in the family conditions most fully satisfies the needs of the child in business, educational and emotional communication with adults.


Game "Guess what toy your child has chosen."


with 56.

Medium group

What a place in the family education of the child belongs to the book.

The involvement of parents in the game dialogue with children, sending a gaming initiative to know the interests of his child, complicity in general activity.

Quiz between parents and children.

From 84.

Senior group

Family relationship style and emotional childhood


Attracting parents to analyze an emotional atmosphere of relations in its own family and how it can influence the emotional health of the child, the mood of other family members.


from 102.

Behavior in extreme situations

Familiarization of parents with the rules of behavior in the unforeseen situations of the child.

Lecture, test,

a) practical


b) view

video film.

with 34

Method of influence on the child in the family.

Involving parents in the self-analysis of educational techniques used by them in relation to the child.


Exercises: "Find the desired",


from 142.

Creative child development, through

theatrical gaming activity in the family.

The use of theatrical gaming activities for the emotional convergence of adults and children, the generality of the experience of what is happening.

Workshop workshop: lecture, relaxation game, etudes on the development of imagination. The game-dramatization in the fantastic "Rack".

from 135.

I and II Preparatory Group.

Pre-school crisis and what promises

the child strives for growing up.

Acquaintance of parents with the age crisis of 7 years. Suggest parents to understand what encourages the child to strive for growing up.



Foaming ped.Stitution.


A family

on the threshold of school life.

Discussion of the points of view of parents, teachers and teachers of NCh grades on the role of the family in the pre-school period of the child's life.

Discussion meeting: Psychological test, game exercise with the ball "Finish a proposal that means in my understanding" well study ","

the game "Tanya - inexperience",

video interview with children.

from. 154.

from. 36-37

What is my child in relationships with peers.

The exchange of parental experience, to provide assistance and support in establishing friendly relations with peers.


Playing a situation.


from 174.


figure - the key to the inner world of the child

Attracting the attention of parents to the value of the visual creativity of children - as a source of knowledge of the inner world of the child, the features of the perception of the surrounding.

Workshop, game exercise "Finish the phrase".

Pedagogical situations, survey.

since 185.

Bibliographic list.

  1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation."
  2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948.
  3. Family Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on January 2, 2000).
  4. Children's rights declaration of November 20, 1959.
  5. Convention on the Rights of the Child dated November 20, 1989 Ratified by the Supreme Council of the USSR of June 13, 1990.
  6. Instructive letter dated 07.22.2002. №30-51-547 / 16.
  7. Arnautova E.P. Basics of teacher's cooperation with the family of the preschooler. - M., 1994.
  8. Arnautova E.P. Pedagogue and family. - M.: Ed. House "Karapuz", 2001.
  9. Gurov V.N. Social work school with family. - M.: Russian Pedagogical Society, 2002. -192 p.
  10. Ovcharova R.V. Reference book of the social teacher. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001. - 480 p.
  11. Pavlova L.N. 365 days and nights from the child's life: the third year, - M.,


12. Seagal M., Adkok D. The child plays: from 3 to 5 years. - C-PB., 1996. -


13. Sermygin O.S. Emotional attitude in the family. - Chisinau,


14. Simanovsky A.E., Messenova N.M. Children's garden teacher work

With my family. - Yaroslavl, 1991.

15. "Family and School". - 1992.- №7.С.37.

16. Spock B. Child and care for it. - Ekaterinburg, Ltd., 1991.

17. Uruntaeva G.A., Afonikina Yu.A. Like I Rastava: Psychologist Tips

Parents. - M., 1996.-C.36-37.

18. Fitzpatrick D. Dialogue with a child. How to answer hard

Questions of life. - M., 1996.-C.102,168,169.

19. Froch A. Translation Konstantinova I.G., - Ekaterinburg, Art Co., Ltd


  1. Speech by a psychologist's teacher on the topic "Aggression of the child"
  2. Consideration of the table 1, 2. "Understanding the aggressiveness of senior preschool children" and "Styles parental education»
  3. Recommendations to parents to eliminate and prevent aggressive behavior in children
  4. Training on getting rid of anger, game "From a seed - in a tree"
  5. Speech of the teacher-psychologist on the topic "Anxiety"
  6. Task for parents on the topic
  7. Pedagogical psychologist gives recommendations to parents concerning communication with alarming children
  8. Games "Fortress", "Shop Mirrors", "Salute"
  9. Speech by a teacher psychologist on the topic "ADHD". Answers to parents on this topic.
  10. Speech by a psychologist's teacher on the topic "Fears in children"
  11. Creative game "Spell"
  12. Questions of parents, summing up.

Event flow:

Dear parents, it will correctly argue that all children are different. But they all need our love, affection, care. And they all worthy of this award. Today it will be about aggressive and disturbing children, children with ADHD, and still discuss children's fears.

What is aggressiveness?

The reasons for the appearance of aggression in children can be the most different. The emergence of aggressive qualities contributes to some somatic diseases or brain disease. It should be noted that education in the family plays a huge role, and from the first days of the child's life. The sociologist Margaret Foreign Ministry proved that in cases where the child sharply take off his chest and communicate with the mother minimize, children form such qualities as anxiety, suspicion, cruelty, aggressiveness, egoism. And vice versa, when a softness is present in communication with the child, the child is surrounded by care and attention, these qualities are not produced.

The nature of punishments, which usually use parents in response to the manifestation of anger from their Chad, to the formation of aggressive behavior. In such situations, two polar exposure methods can be used: either condescension or severity. Whatever paradoxically, aggressive children are equally common and have too soft parents, and with overly strict.

Portrait of an aggressive child

He attacks the rest of the children, calls and beats them, takes away and breaks the toys, intentionally uses gross expressions, in one word, becomes a "thunderstorm" of the entire children's team, the source of chagrins of educators and parents. This fucking, a rude child is very difficult to accept the way it is, and even harder to understand.

However, an aggressive child, like any other, needs caress and help adults, because its aggression is, first of all, the reflection of internal discomfort, inability to adequately respond to the events around it around it.

Aggressive child often feels loose, no one needs. The cruelty and indisciencement of the parents leads to a violation of children-parent relations and inspires the confidence in the soul that he does not like him. "How to become a favorite and necessary" - an unresolved problem facing a small little man. So he is looking for ways to attract the attention of adults and peers. Unfortunately, these searches do not always end up as we would like to us and the child, but how to do better - he does not know.

This is how Leonidovnakryazhev's hope describes the behavior of these children: "Aggressive child, using any opportunity, ... seeks to pour out mom, caregiver, peers. He "does not calm down" until adults explode, and children will not enter into a fight. "

Parents and teachers are not always clear what the child seeks and why he behaves like that, although he knows that he can rebuff from children, and by adults - punishment. In fact, this is sometimes only a desperate attempt to conquer its "place under the sun". The child has no idea how other way you can fight for survival in this strange and cruel world, how to protect yourself.

Aggressive children are very often suspicious and alerts, love to shift the blame for them to the Susor on others. For example, playing while walking in the sandbox, two children preparatory group They came up. Roma hit Sasha Schoom. To the question of the caregiver, why he did it, Roma sincerely replied: "Sasha had a shovel in her hands, and I was very afraid that he would hit me." According to the educator, Sasha did not show any intentions to offend or strike Roma, but Roma took this situation as a threatening.

Such children often cannot evaluate their aggressiveness themselves. They do not notice that they instill in the surrounding fear and anxiety. They, on the contrary, it seems that the whole world wants to offend them. Thus, it turns out a vicious circle: aggressive children are afraid and hate others, and those in turn are afraid of them.

A mini-survey among senior preschoolers was held at the Trustees of the Lomonosov Center, the goal of which was to find out how they understand aggressiveness. Here are the answers to aggressive and non-aggressive children (Table 1).

Table 1. Understanding aggressiveness by senior preschoolers

Answers aggressive children

Answers of non-aggressive children

1. What kind of people do you think aggressive?

Mom and dad, because they swear, beat, fight (50% of children surveyed)

Indians, gangsters, hunters, because they kill people and animals (63% of boys, 80% girls)

2. How would you do if I met with aggressive adults?

"Beginning (a) fight", "hit (a) would" (83% of boys, 27% of girls), "sprinkled, would dust" (36% of girls)

"Just passed (LA) by, turned away (as)" (83% of boys, 40% of girls), "would call for help acquaintances" (50% of girls)

3. How would you do if I met with an aggressive boy (girl)?

"Became (a) would fight" (92% of boys, 54% of girls), "killed" (36% of girls)

"Run (la) would have escaped (a)" (83% of boys, 50% of girls)

4. Do you consider yourself aggressive?

"No" - 88% boys, 54% of girls "Yes" - 12% of boys, 46% girls

"No" 92% of boys, 100% girls. "Yes" - 8% of boys

The number of reactions even on standard situations is very limited. Most often these are protective reactions. In addition, children cannot look at themselves from the side and adequately evaluate their behavior. It is worth noting, children often adopt aggressive forms of behavior from parents.

Table 2stil parent education (in response to the aggressive actions of the child)

Education Strategy

Specific examples of the strategy

The style of the child's behavior

Why does a child go

Consistent suppression of aggressive child behavior

"Stop!" "Do not dare to say that" parents punish the child

Aggressive (the child can stop now, but will spill its negative emotions in each other time and elsewhere)

The child copies parents and learn from their aggressive behavior forms

Ignoring aggressive outbreaks of a child

Parents pretend that they do not notice the child's aggression or believe that the child is still small

Aggressive (the child continues to act aggressively)

The child thinks that it does everything right, and aggressive forms of behavior are fixed in character

Parents enable the child to throw out aggression to an acceptable way and in tactical form prohibit oneself to behave aggressively with respect to the other

If parents see that the child is angry, they can involve him in a game that will remove his anger. Parents explain to the child how to behave in certain situations

Most likely, the child will learn how to manage his anger

The child learns to analyze various situations and takes an example from its tactical parents.

Useful recommendations to parents can be found on the pages of the book R. Campbell "How to deal with the anger of the child" (M., 1997). R. Campbell allocates five ways to control the behavior of a child: two of them are positive, two - negative and one - neutral. Positive methods include requests and soft physical manipulation (for example, you can distract the child, take it by the hand and take it away, etc.).

Modification of behavior is a neutral control method - involves the use of encouragement (for the implementation of certain rules) and punishment (for their ignoring). But this system should not be used too often, as the child later begins to do only what he receives a reward.

Frequent punishments and orders belong to negative methods of monitoring the behavior of the child. They make it overly suppress her anger, which contributes to the appearance in the nature of passive-aggressive traits. What is passive aggression, and what danger does she drive in himself? This is a hidden form of aggression, its goal is to bring out, upset parents or loved ones, and the child can harm not only others, but also for himself. It will start specifically poorly, to retaliate parents to wear those things that they do not like will be capricious on the street without any reason. The main thing is to bring parents from equilibrium. To eliminate such forms of behavior, the system of rewards and punishments should be thought out in each family. Pissing the child, it is necessary to remember that this measure of exposure in no way should humiliate the dignity of the son or daughter. The punishment should follow directly after the offense, and not every other day, not in a week. The punishment will have an effect only if the child himself believes that he deserved it, in addition, it cannot be punished for one offense twice.

There is another way to efficiently work with anger of a child, although it can not always be applied. If parents know their son or daughter well, they can defuse the situation during the emotional outbreak of the child with a relevant joke. The surprise of such a reaction and the friendly tone of the adult will help the child to get out of the difficult situation.

1. First of all, analyze your own behavior and style of relationships between family members. Children copy the behavior of their parents.

2. Exclude the viewing of aggressive imported cartoons, and even more adult horror films or thrillers, with the exception of children's cartoons with a "benign" aggression in which they teach how to stand up for himself.

3. Detach the time and attention to your baby! This allows you to feel the child that for you he is the most important and beloved little man in the world. The feeling of own importance and value for parents forms a healthy child nervous system, self-esteem and friendly mood. At least 15-20 minutes a day, parents must devote to her child and only to him, forgetting about their "adults". It may be a game, and a conversation, and reading a book, any common occupation. Nothing should distract adult (TV, telephone, home affairs, etc.).

It is also necessary for a personal friendly (at least full hour) Communication "Tet-A-Tet" at least once a week, with time, just as your child wants (chosen by him, hike in the park, cinema, cafe, joint view Children's film).

4. Explain to the child why it is impossible to fight, bite, call names, and also throw toys and books in other children. Then tell us and show the baby, what behavior you are waiting for it: Kiss it, hug, talk to him. Explain to the child how he feels like he liked or bitten. Tell us why you need to behave friendly.

5. Perfect aggression, both from your child and from other children aimed at your baby.

If you see that your baby holds, then the most effective will be a remark consisting of three parts: the orders to stop the inappropriate behavior ("stop fighting!"), The reasons why this should be done ("the children hurt when you beat them") , and an alternative behavior. It goes without saying that it is necessary to know what the reason for the attack of your child is. After all, it may be that he rightly defended himself or his property. In this case, it is necessary to morally support your baby, can help him defend his interests, and also explain how to do it in a constructive way.

6. Teach the child ways to express anger in an acceptable form. In the practice of psychologists in teaching aggressive children, the following directions are used constructive ways:

Teach children directly declare about their feelings "... The more anger will splash in words, the less it will remain in order to express it through lies, theft, sex, drugs and all other samples of such a passive-aggressive behavior today" (R. Campbell);

Express anger in indirectly uniform, with the help of game therapeutic techniques;

Transfer of feelings for non-hazardous objects (this is recommended to train mainly young children who do not always arrange their thoughts and even more so feelings). Here in the adult arsenal there should be rubber toys, rubber balls that can be cast in a bath, filled with water, pillows, foam balls, target with a dart, "Creek cup", a piece of soft logs, hammer and nails, sports equipment, etc .

All these items are needed so that the child does not send anger to people, and transferred it to inanimate objects, splashing it in a game form.

7. To be consistent in the punishments of the child, punishment for specific actions.

8. Punishments should not humiliate the child.

Learn yourself to free yourself from anger in constructive ways.

Dear adults, and what do you know ways of liberating anger?You can demonstrate now ways.

Exemption technique from anger

1. Inhale (for 4 accounts) + slowly rub the hand, gradually increasing the pace.

2. Breathing Delay (10 bills) + Squeeze the fists + strain the body + pull the buttocks and stomach.

3. Exhaust - dramatically throw ahead, uttering "Ho" on the exhalation.

Matthew Mak - Kay, Peter Rogers, Yudis Mak - Kay in the book "Taming of Anger" give adult recommendations for the development of an ability to compose. I remind once again useful recommendations Parents can be found on the pages of the book of Ross Campbell "How to deal with the anger of the child."

"From the seed - in the tree"

Purpose: learning to expressive movements, relaxation.

The move: Parents are in a circle. A psychologist's teacher stands in the center and offers adults to turn into a small wrinkled seed (squeezed in a lump on the floor, imagining his head, Zak-digging her hands). An adult gardener is very careful about the seeds, watering them (stroking her head and body), cares. With the warm spring sun, the seeds began to grow slowly (adults-seeds slowly raise-Xia). His leaflets are revealed (hands rise), steel grows (the body is drawn), sprigs with buds appear (hands on the sides, fingers compressed). It comes a rayful moment - and the buds are bursting (sharply squeeze the cams), the sprout turns into a wonderful strong flower. Summer comes, the flower is good, admires himself (inspect himself), smiles with the neighbors, bowed to them, slightly touching them with their petals (kon-chickens reach their neighbors). But the cold wind has undergone, autumn has come. Color current swings in different directions, fights e non-shocking hands, head, body), bends, slightly to the ground and falls on it. He is sad. Time goes, went winter snow. The flower turned into a small seed again (curl on the floor). Snow looked at the seed of those-pen warm and calmly him. Soon again spring, and it will come to life.

And at the end of this topic, I want to tell a little about the recipes of getting rid of anger.

Six ravenness recipes:

Paths of execution

Adjust the relationship with your child so that he felt calmly and confident

Listen to your child

Spend as much time with him as much time

Share with him your experience

Tell him about my childhood, children's actions, victories and failures

If in the family there are several children, try to communicate not only with everyone together, but also pay your "undivided" attention to each of them separately

Follow yourself, especially in those moments when you are under the action of stress and you can easily withdraw from equilibrium

Post aside or cancel together jointly with a child (if it is, of course, perhaps)

Try not to touch the child in minutes of irritation

If you are upset, then children need to know about your condition

Speak children direct about their feelings, desires and needs

- "I am very upset, I want to be alone. Play, please, in the next room, "or:

- "The work at work led me out of themselves. A few minutes later I calm down, and now, please do not touch me. "

In those moments, when you are upset or accepted, do something pleasant for yourself, which might calm you

Take a warm bath, shower

Drink tea

Call your friends

Make a soothing face mask

Just relax lying on the sofa

Listen to your favorite music

Try to anticipate and prevent possible troubles that can cause your anger

Do not let the child play with those things and subjects you value

Do not let me out of equilibrium. I will be able to predict the arrival of your own emotional breakdown and do not allow this by managing themselves and the situation

To some especially important events You should prepare in advance. Try to provide all sorts of nuances and prepare a child for upcoming events.

Learn the strength and capabilities of your child

If you have to do the first visit (to the doctor, in kindergarten, etc.), rehearst everything up

If the child is capricious at the moment when he is hungry, think about how to feed him during a long trip, etc.

However, all listed ways and techniques will not lead to positive changes if they have a one-time character. The inconsistency of parents' behavior can lead to a deterioration in the behavior of the child. Patience and attention to the child, his needs and needs, a permanent practice of communication skills with others - this is what will help parents to establish relationships with his son or daughter.

The next topic we consider is an anxiety.

1.What is anxiety?

Carollyland explains the difference in the terms "Fear" and "Anxiety" in this way: anxiety is a combination of some emotions, and fear is only one of them (1999).

Fear can develop at a person at any age: children from 1 year to 3 years have often night fears, on the 2nd year of life, according to A. I. Zakharov, the fear of unexpected sounds most often appears, the fear of loneliness, the fear of pain (and Related fear medical workers). In 3-5 years, children are characterized by lonelyness, darkness and closed space. In 5-7 years, the leading fear of death becomes. From 7 to 11 years old, children are most afraid "to be not the fact that they say well who respect whom they respect, appreciate and understand" (A.I. Zakharov)

Each child has certain fears. However, if there are a lot of them, we can talk about the manifestations of anxiety in the nature of the child.

1. Contradictive requirements for parents or parents and school (kindergarten).

For example, parents do not let the child go to school because of poor well-being, and the teacher puts the "two" magazine and reports him for the skip of the lesson in the presence of other children.

3. Negative requirements that humiliate the child put it in a dependent position.

Making any "non-resident" act, girls are worried that mom or teacher will think bad about them, and girlfriends will refuse to play with them. In the same situation, boys are likely to be afraid that adults will punish them.

The alarming of the child largely depends on the level of anxiety of the surrounding adults. High anxiety of the teacher or parent is transmitted to the child

Portrait of an alarming child

He tensely peers in everything that is around, timidly, almost silently greets and awkwardly sits on the edge of the nearest chairs. It seems that he is awaiting any trouble.

This is an alarming child. Anxious try to keep their problems with you. They are distinguished by excessive concern, and sometimes they are afraid of not the event itself, and its premonitions. Often they expect the worst. Children feel helpless, fear to play new games, start up to new activities. They have high demands on their own, they are very self-critical. The level of their self-esteem is low, such children really think that worse than others in everything they are the most ugly, stupid, clumsy. They are looking for promotion, adult approval in all matters.

Somatic problems are characteristic of disturbing children: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, spasms in the throat, hindered superficial breathing, etc. During the manifestation of anxiety, they often feel dry mouth, com in the throat, weakness in the legs, a rapid heartbeat.

Parent question? How to prevent the development of anxiety in children?

Before giving a few recommendations, I would like to note that most of the parents of the alarming children themselves do not notice that their own behavior and caused a change in the nature of the child. So, having learned about the emergence of fears in a child, they either begin to persuade him so that he calm down, or make fun of his problem. This is a very wrong behavior that only contributes to the strengthening of fear.

Moreover, all your comments, crops, wondering can cause not only aggression in the child, but also alarming, so try to at least reduce the number of comments to the child's address, and try to talk to talk to him. Do not threaten the child, and learn to negotiate with it and try before you voice your discontent, think about what you say to the child.

Parent question. How to help an alarming child to cope with this condition?

Very often, the alarming kids appears the need to become for someone guardian, love, caress, protect. That is why children's psychologists recommend parents of disturbing children to have a pet: a kitten, a puppy, a hamster and entrust him to the baby, but of course, help the child to care for the pet. Such a joint care for pets will help build partnership and trust relationships between parents and the child, which will contribute to the decline in anxiety.

Also, in order to help the child get rid of the alarm, there will be very useful to perform relaxing exercises, such as breathing exercises for children.

And finally, if your child's anxiety is pronounced, and you cannot cope and help your child yourself, then be sure to contact children's psychologist or psychotherapist. After all, even a minor anxiety in childhood may cause serious mental illness in the future.

Task: Record all comments made to the child during the day. And look at them from the point of view of use (for a child, for you). It was possible not to do them. Also write and praise. See how often you criticize the child, how often praise it (and for what).

It is better if the parents as prevention, without waiting for an extreme situation, will talk more with children, help them express their thoughts and feelings with words.

Affectionately touch parents will help an alarming child to find a sense of confidence and confidence in the world, and this will save him from fear of ridicule, betrayal.

Parents of an alarming child must be unanimous and consistent, encouraging and punishing it. The baby, not knowing, for example, how today my mother will react on a broken plate, is even more afraid, and this leads it to stress.

Parents of disturbing children often experience muscle tension themselves, so relaxation exercises can be useful for them.

2. Be consistent in your actions, do not prohibit the child without any reason what you allowed before.

3. Take into account the possibilities of children, do not demand from them that they cannot perform. If a child with difficulty is given any academic subject, it's better once again help him and support support, and when you achieve even the slightest success, do not forget to praise.

4. Trust the child, be honest and accept what it is.

5. If for any objective reasons, it is difficult to learn to the child, choose a circle for it, so that the classes in it brings him joy and he did not feel disadvantaged.

6. Mark His successes every day, informing them in his presence to other family members (for example, during a common dinner).

7. Do not compare the child with others.

8. Create a child by name more often.

9. We demonstrate samples of confident behavior, be in the whole example of the child.

At the end, I would like to say that all the features of behavior depends largely on our own, from parents. Before you punish or make a remark to the child, you need to evaluate your behavior, your actions and words. First of all, working on yourself and with yourself.

Game "Fortress"

Purpose: Removal of Voltage

Equipment: Highchairs, Balls

Games: Adults are divided into 2 teams. The first team builds a fortress from chairs and protects it from the second. The second using the balls should break the fortress.

Game "Mirror Shop"

Purpose: Removes the tension, the development of trust relationships

Adults are divided into 2 teams. The team of "people" and the team "Mirrors". Instructions: "Yingra at you to visit the store where various unusual and magic mirrors are sold.

Adults look "Magic" mirrors "and perform various movements, actions. "Mirrors" repeat everything.

Game "Salute"

Objective: Removes tension, creates positive emotions.

Material: colored papernapkins, scissors

Adults rut \u200b\u200bor cut paper on small pieces (for our salute). Each throws up its salute, and others applauded it.

The next question, which we look with you, is it "What is ADHD in children?"

First, this is a medical diagnosis, his doctor puts (not a psychologist). The psychologist can only watch the child, talking to teachers and parents, recommend the second to go to a specialist. Secondly, the term itself, ADHD, appeared relatively recently and this topic is currently developing. But we know that children with ADHD are difficulty in concentrating attention and in connection with this can not always determine with educational tasks. They make mistakes on inattention, do not pay attention and do not listen to explanations. Sometimes they can show excessive mobility, turn, get up, make a lot of unnecessary actions, instead of sitting calmly and focus on studies or other activities. This behavior is unacceptable in the class and creates problems both at school and at home. Such children often have low performance and are often considered mischievous, naughty, "terrorizing" family and peers at school. At the same time, they themselves may suffer from low self-esteem, it is difficult for them to make friends and be friends with other children.

In fact, the cause of the above behavior is the lack of certain biologically active substances in some brain departments.

Question of parents. What is the behavior of children with ADD differs from the behavior of other children?

Features of behavior at ADHD are divided into three categories:

1. Symptoms inattentive. Such children are easily distracted, forgetful, with difficulty focusing their attention. They have problems with the performance of tasks, organizational and compliance with instructions. It turns out the w3bbing that they do not listen when they speak something. They often make mistakes due to inattention, lose their school supplies and other things.

2. Symptoms hyperactivity. Children seem impatient, excessively sociable, fussy, can not stop in place long. In the class, they strive to break from the place at the wrong time. Speaking figuratively, they all the time in motion, as if the institutions.

3. Symptoms impulsivity. Very often in classroom classroom, children with ADHD shout out the answer before the teacher finishes his question, constantly interrupt when others say, it is difficult for them to wait for their turn. They are not able to postpone getting pleasure. If they want something, they should get it at the same moment, not amenable to a variety of persuasions.

Your attending physician has all the necessary information about the ADHD and can deliver the correct diagnosis based on the diagnostic criteria at its disposal.

How do you identify the ADHD?

All children can sometimes be inattentive or hyperactive, so what distinguishes children with ADHD?

The ADHD is detected if the behavior of the child differs from the behavior of other children of the same age and the level of development within a sufficient long time, at least 6 months. These features of behavior arise up to 7 years, in the future they are manifested in various social situations And adversely affect intramearial relationships. If the symptoms of the ADHD are expressed significantly, it leads to the social disadaptation of the child at school and at home. The child must be carefully examined by a doctor to eliminate other diseases that can also determine these behaviors.

Depending on the main disorders, doctors can diagnose ADHD with the predominance of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity or combined type.

What are the causes of ADHD?

The exact cause of the ADHD is not clear to the present. However, experts believe that the symptoms of ADHD may be due to a complex of factors. Here is some of them:

ADHD tends to be inherited, which indicates the genetic nature of this disease.
- There is reason to assume that the use of alcohol and smoking during pregnancy, premature birth and prematurity can also increase the likelihood of developing ADHD (4, 5).
- Brain injuries and infectious diseases of the brain in early childhood also create a predisposition to the development of ADHD.

The mechanism of development of the ADHD is based on a deficiency of certain chemicals (dopamine and norepinerenaline) in some areas of the brain. Dopamine is one of the chemical factors of internal reinforcement and serves as an important part of the "remuneration system" of the brain, since it causes a sense of pleasure (or satisfaction) than affects the processes of motivation and training. Dopamine plays an important role in ensuring cognitive activity. This data emphasizes the fact that ADHD is a disease that requires relevant diagnosis and proper treatment.

Question of parents. How to treat ADHD?

The most optimal is a combined treatment, which consists in combining medicinal therapy and psychological correction.

Question of parents. How can I behave at home if my child is ADD?

1. Develop a positive attitude.

Children with ADHD are painfully reacting to criticism. Instead of criticizing the child and tell him that he should not do, pay no comments in a more positive side and tell the child what he should do. For example, instead of: "Do not throw your clothes on the floor," try to say: "Let me help you remove clothes."
Help your child to develop a habit of positive thoughts. For example, instead of thought: "I can't do it," help him tune in to the fact that he can do forces: "I can do it!"

2. Do not skimp on praise.

Children flourish when their parents praise them. For example: "You made my homework today well and quickly," or: "I am proud of you."
All of us sometimes make mistakes and small misconduct. Instead of angry when your child spoiled something, say something like: "Do not worry, it can be fixed."

3. Help your child do not worry.

Classes like calm games, listening to pleasant music, taking a bath, help your child calm down when it is annoyed or disappointed.

4. Make up for a child simple and clear rules. Children need a certain routine. With it, they know when and what they need to do, and feel calmer. Perform daily affairs at the same time of the day.

Dinner and dinner at the same time.
- Help your child does not postpone cases that need to be done.
- Enter the list of important cases.
- Teach the child to plan your day. Start by collecting school supplies in advance.

5. Chat more.

Talk with your child. Discuss with him different topics - what happened at school, that he saw in a movie or on TV. Find out what the child thinks. Specify open questions that suggest a story, and not a single answer. When you ask the child a question, let him think time and answer. Do not answer for him! Listen when he speaks with you, and let's positive comments. Let your child feel that he is interesting to you.

6. Limit the number of distracting factors and monitor the work of the child. When your child needs to focus on performing the task, it needs special conditions. A decrease in distracting factors will help to concentrate.

Make sure your child has enough opportunity to "release steam". Often children need a passage between school and homework.
- Make sure that the child understands what is required from it when performing a task.
- Some tasks must be divided into several parts to make them performed.
- If necessary, control classes and home affairs.
- Regular breaks will allow the child to relax and then focus again.

7. Remote the right behavior correctly.

Explain that exactly you angry in his behavior.
- Avoid summarizes (for example, instead: "You never listen to me," say: "I am angry, because you have not listened to me now."
- The punishment should be fair and conform to the perfect misdeed.
- Do not join the disputes with the child.
- Be adamant in your decisions, but do not resort to threat tactics.

8. Rest. Sometimes you also need rest and time for yourself. Invite someone to sit with the child or send the child to a trustworthy friend.

9. If you feel that you do not cope, talk to your doctor who will give the necessary advice.

And the last thing we will have time to consider today. "Children's fears in preschool children"

Fear is caused by a sense of impending danger, i.e. The instinct of self-preservation is triggered. Fears are inherent in all people, and especially children (children's fears). After all, children find themselves in a large, not always understandable and unsafe world of adults. For a child fear is the strongest and dangerous emotion..

In different age periods children prevail various children's fears: From 1 year to 3 years more often there are fear of darkness, the fear remain one, night children's fears. The main character of terrible dreams is most often the wolf and Baba Yaga. On the 2nd year of life, the fear of unexpected sounds is most often manifested, the fear of loneliness, the fear of pain and the associated children's fear of medical workers. In 3-5 years, children are characterized by lonely fears, fears of darkness, fears of closed space and children's fears of fabulous characters. From 5 -7 years the presenter becomes a children's fear of death.

On the the emergence of children's fears in preschool childrenaffects:

Emotional tensions in the family;

Lack of emotional contact with the child, responsiveness for the needs and feelings of the child;

Unnecessary requirements for the child, rigor;

The use of physical punishment, cruelty;

Aggressive behavior of parents, humiliation of a child;

Fears of parents themselves and their anxiety;

Quarrels between parents;

Traumatic experience in the life of a child;

The suggestion of fears themselves by the parents: "Do not go there, there is a wolf!", "You will not obey, will come by an evil uncle, who takes off naughty children", etc.

Much depends on parents. First of all, parents should think about what contribution and foundation they contribute to the emergence of children's fears in children. Here are some recommendations: how at home you can help your child and remove children's fears. In a calm and trust atmosphere, ask the child about his fear and offer him to draw it, and then with the child dorisite "fear" funny details. You can still come up with about this fear. funny story. Another option is to draw a fictional character who is afraid of the same as the child. And then suggest the child to come up with a story about how this hero could overcome your fear. All stories (children's fears) must necessarily be with a positive end.

Do not treat your child's childhood fears as nonsense or nonsense. In no case will not laugh at his fear!

Correction of children's fears may be symptomatic, i.e. aimed at eliminating fear that does not affect causes caused fear of a child, and causal aimed at eliminating causes and sources caused children's fears. For correction of child fear in child preschool age or schoolboytherapeutic methods of game and therapy, talentherapy, artherapy are used and used.

And now, let's "lose" one of the ways to overcome fear. The game is called "Spell". We come up with fear and write to his disappearance spell.


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