Preschool age is the period of the most intense social development. During the period of preschool childhood, the child's speech and thinking are actively developed. The development of a child's personality is most effective when communicating with peers and adults in various activities.

The social development of a preschool child cannot be imagined without a common understanding socialization. Socialization is the process of assimilation by a pupil of social and moral norms and rules of behavior existing in society. Socialization is an ongoing process that lasts a person's entire life. In preschool childhood, this is primarily the mastery of norms social life.

In the social development of the child, the leading place is occupied by the assignment moral values his people and later cognition and appropriation of universal human moral values. Closely related to social development moral education of preschoolers. The experience of moral behavior of preschoolers is formed in the process of communication with adults and is consolidated with peers in various joint activities and relationships.

High susceptibility of preschool children, easy learning due to plasticity nervous system create opportunities for successful moral education and social development of the individual.

The leading task of the moral education of preschoolers is the education of humane relations. For these relationships to be formed, it is necessary to know the components of moral education. This is primarily the formation of moral consciousness, moral feelings, skills and habits of moral behavior. In the system of moral education, these components appear in unity.

Moral and social development of the individual takes place in activities in the process of which children enter into moral relations. Already in preschool age, these relationships are built on the basis of certain rules, instructions and requirements of adults.

The process of moral education, as we have already indicated, is impossible outside the social development of the child's personality. Education of citizenship, hard work, the foundations of a culture of communication and behavior - all this at preschool age is possible if children are actively involved in relationships with adults and peers and learn to evaluate and know themselves.

V younger age children need to communicate with adults in the family, in the circle of friends and relatives, in kindergarten - this is the age of the so-called cognitive communication. During the game, during the walk, children ask many questions.

For children, an adult is the person who knows everything, will answer all questions, and give the necessary information. For a younger preschooler, adults are an indisputable authority, and children try to imitate them in words and behavior. At this age, they tend to copy. In middle and senior preschool age, simple communication and copying of adult behavior no longer satisfies the child, he wants cooperation, joint activities and getting a certain result in this activity. Already at the age of 6-7 years, the child wants to be reckoned with, listened carefully to his reasoning, he is sensitive to those adults who empathize with his failures.

Communication between adults and preschool children is not easy. The introduction of the child to the real world, the satisfaction of his interests, depends to the greatest extent on the behavior of adults.

In other words, adults should help the child's social development. Equally important in the moral upbringing of children and their social development is communication with peers. The Childhood program has a special section called “Child among Children”. Here it is important for the teacher that preschoolers learn to understand the mood of their peers, know how to protect and protect the weak, and help take care of the kids. The main thing is to teach children to understand why it is necessary to follow certain rules in kindergarten, and then at school. Already in senior preschool age, in relations with peers, children should show benevolence, sensitivity, caring, and readiness for mutual assistance. In the process of interaction with adults and peers, the child's social development is also more active. He learns self-esteem, self-knowledge.

Moral education of preschool children is more connected with the emotional sphere of the child, his experiences. Chagrin and joy, delight and embarrassment - all this is characteristic of preschoolers. Therefore, it is natural that the moral education and social development of children requires vivid examples from literature, films, the participation of children in the production of fairy tales, in the creation of a puppet theater, etc. The moral feelings that arise in children in such activities serve as a kind of incentive for joint activities children and adults, form positive moral relationships.

The social development of preschoolers and their moral education are associated with the culture of their homeland, her past and present. Fostering love for the Motherland, its cultural heritage, first of all, presupposes the formation of interest in certain historical events, the fostering of a sense of respect for the cultural heritage of one's people. This work is carried out taking into account the age of the children and their life experience. Poems, songs about the Motherland, reading stories on historical themes, epics - all this contributes to the education of citizenship, understanding of the traditions of their people.

Moral education most effectively takes place in different types activity, since it is the child's participation in the activity that leaves a trace in the formation of character traits and personality traits. The behavior of the educator, his attitude towards children, the requirements he makes form the personality of the child, and the general orientation of the child's personality is extremely important - whether he grows up as a creator, an active activist or a consumer, an egoist striving to get as much as possible from everyone for himself.

When planning the content of the moral education of children of various age groups, the educator thinks over what moral qualities he will bring up in children, what means and methods he will use at the same time. So, when raising purposefulness, the educator teaches children to set a goal for their activities, then tells the children how to achieve this goal, gives a sample for completing the assignment, together with the children, outlines the ways to achieve the goal. Gradually, children learn to independently set the goal of the game, the goal of working in a living corner, etc.

Preschoolers are taught modesty, as children often like to boast, fantasize about themselves and their parents. The educator, on the other hand, helps the child to critically assess their capabilities, the results of their activities, teaches children to correctly assess their strengths and weaknesses.

The formation of positive moral qualities is the result of purposeful consistent work of educators. A lot of patience is required to work to overcome the already established undesirable qualities.

The reasons for a child's bad manners are different: the child is spoiled in the family and, conversely, lack of attention to him; excessive love for the child, manifested in the immediate fulfillment of his every desire, and constant punishment of the child, the lack of uniform requirements in the family and the sequence of their presentation. The teacher, with the help of observations, conversations with parents and special diagnostics, identifies the reasons for the child's deviation from the norm of behavior, outlines the ways educational work with him, very closely monitors all the positive manifestations of such a child and uses a system of praise, encouragement, trust, etc.

Thus, the moral education and social development of children preschool age is a multifaceted process and requires a creative approach of educators and all preschool educational institutions to its implementation.

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“Childhood is the period of a person's life from newborn to reaching psychological maturity, during which his social development takes place, becoming a member of human society.
Social development is a process during which a child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society in which he lives. Playing, practicing, communicating with adults and peers, he learns to live next to others, to take into account their interests, rules and norms of behavior in society, that is, he becomes socially competent. " (1)

What influences the social development of a small citizen?
Undoubtedly, this process takes place primarily in the family. After all, it is the family that is the main translator of knowledge, values, relationships, traditions from generation to generation. The atmosphere of the family, the warm relationship between the child and the parents, the style of upbringing, which is determined by the norms and rules adopted in the family and which parents pass on to their children - all this has a huge impact on the social development of the child in the family.
But, if a child attends a preschool institution, then he spends most of his time in kindergarten, and then educators and other workers are involved in the process of his socialization.

“The teacher in the group is the most important person for the child. The child recklessly trusts the educator, endows him with indisputable authority and all conceivable virtues: intelligence, beauty, kindness. This is not surprising, since the entire life of a child in kindergarten depends on the Main Adult. In the eyes of the child, it is he who determines when you can play or go for a walk, draw or run, and when you need to sit quietly and listen. He arranges all kinds of interesting games, dances, classes, performances, reads wonderful books, tells fairy tales, stories. He acts as the last resort in resolving children's conflicts, he sets the rules, he knows everything and can help, support, praise, or may not notice, and even scold. " (2)

Since the educator is a rather significant figure for the child, the main responsibility for the formation of the child's personality, his thinking and behavior falls on the educator.
In addition, he can largely compensate for the unfavorable influence of the family by choosing the right tactics for interacting with the child and ways to control his behavior.
One of the main components of a child's social development is the development of communication, the establishment of relationships, the formation of friendly ties with peers.

Communication is the process of human interaction. Today we will talk about pedagogical communication, which is understood as a system of interaction between a teacher and children with the aim of learning children, providing educational influences, organizing pedagogically expedient relationships, forming favorable mental development microclimate child in the group.

"Experimental studies conducted under the leadership of MI Lisina have shown that during the first seven years of life, several forms of communication between children and adults successively arise and replace each other" (3).

Originally arises directly - emotional communication with loved ones adults... It is based on the child's need for attention and a benevolent attitude towards himself from others. Communication between an infant and adults takes place outside of any other activity and constitutes the leading activity of the child. given age... The main means of communication are facial movements.

Present from 6 months to 2 years situational-business form of communication between children and adults. Main feature this type of communication should be considered a practical interaction between a child and an adult. In addition to attention and kindness, the child also begins to feel the need for the cooperation of an adult (request for help, invitation to joint actions, etc.). This helps children to recognize objects, to master ways of acting with them.

Extra-situational-cognitive form communication present from 3 to 5 years old. Signs of the manifestation of the third form of communication can be the emergence of questions in the child about objects, their various interrelationships. The most important means of communication at this stage is speech, because it alone opens up opportunities to go beyond the limits of a particular situation. In this type of communication, the child discusses objects and phenomena of the world of things with adults. This includes news messages, educational questions, requests to read, stories about what you read, what you saw, and fantasy. The main motive for this type of communication is the child's desire to communicate with an adult for the sake of obtaining new information or discussing with them. possible reasons various phenomena of the surrounding world.

From 6 to 7 years old is present non-situational - personal form of communication... This form serves the purposes of cognition of the social world of people. This type of communication exists independently and is a communicative activity in " pure form". The leading motives are personal motives. In this form of communication, the subject of discussion is a person. It is based on the child's need for emotional support, his desire for mutual understanding and empathy.
Communication at each stage presupposes a certain level of knowledge and skills, i.e. competence. An adult in the eyes of a small person has high competence and is a model for him; the norms of behavior and the style of interaction of an adult, the child perceives as natural and, by analogy, builds his own style of communication. Peers play a significant role in this process. Therefore, the educator must know how to build a communication process, be able to create a good atmosphere that characterizes the general situation in the children's team, which is determined by:

  1. the relationship between the caregiver and the children;
  2. relationships between the children themselves.

A good group climate occurs when children feel free to maintain their individuality, but at the same time respect the right of others to be themselves. The teacher significantly influences the microclimate of the group. In fact, it is he who creates this climate, the atmosphere of relaxedness, sincerity, taking the position of an equal partner. Undoubtedly, we are not talking about absolute equality, but about equivalence. The organization of space is of great importance for equal communication. In particular, when interacting with a child, it is advisable for the educator to use the “eyes on the same level” position, which excludes the teacher's spatial dominance. In addition, when organizing classes, conversations with children, it makes sense to sit down or stand in such a way that all partners can see each other's eyes (the shape of a circle is optimal).

In order to establish a good microclimate in a group, it is necessary to be sincerely interested in children, as individuals, in their thoughts, feelings, and mood. We ourselves should care about how children treat us, and in turn, we should respect them, since respect for children is a signal that they are good, that they are loved.
A teacher in communicating with children is not just a person who knows how to communicate Competence in communication is an indicator of the teacher's professionalism.
How to contribute to the social development of the child?
First, encourage different forms of play. After all, “in preschool age, play is the leading activity, and communication becomes a part and condition of it. At this age, that relatively stable inner world is acquired, which gives grounds for the first time to call the child a personality, although not fully formed, but capable of further development and improvement ”(4).

It is in the game that the child's powerful development takes place: all mental processes, the emotional sphere, social skills and abilities. The difference between play and other types of activity is that it is process-oriented, not result-oriented, and the child in the game enjoys this process itself. The game is attractive enough for him. We often see how preschool children play the same game for a very long time, continuing or starting it over and over again, this happens during the next day, week, after a month and even after a year.
Role-playing game in preschool children allows you to create in a visual and effective form the world far beyond the personal life of a child. This activity reproduces the work and life of adults, the relationship between them, customs, traditions, bright events in their lives, etc.

From the point of view of D.B. Elkonin, “the game is social in its content, in its nature, in its origin (5).
The sociality of the role-playing game is due to the sociality of motives and the sociality of the structure. The preschooler cannot participate in the production activities of adults, which gives rise to the child's need to reproduce this activity in a playful way. The child himself wants to build houses, heal people, drive a car, etc., and this is due to the game, he can do it.
By creating an imaginary situation, using toys, substitute objects, in actions with which the relationship of adults is recreated, the child joins social life, becomes its participant. It is in play that children practice positive ways of resolving conflicts, find their position in communicating with peers, give themselves and receive support, approval or discontent from their partners, i.e. children develop ways of adequate interaction.

The game brings up children not only with its plot side. When it originates and unfolds, real relationships arise between children about the intention, the course of the game: children discuss the content, roles, select play material, etc., thereby they learn to take into account the interests of others, to give in, to contribute to the common cause and etc. Relationships about play contribute to the development of moral motives of behavior in children, the emergence of an “internal ethical instance (6).

Playful activity will really become a means of socialization if our children are able to play, i.e. they will know what and how to play, they will have different play material. And our task is to provide them with a play space and paraphernalia, as well as teach them to play, encourage joint play with a kind word, a smile, and involve less popular children in joint activities. A large role in the organization of the game is played by the children's community, in which the game rules, roles, ways of their distribution, storylines, etc. transmitted like flames of a fire. However, if children do not play, do not know how to accept the role, develop a plot, the teacher should think about it. Play is the result of the entire upbringing and educational process, it is the face of the educator, an indicator of his work, his professionalism.

The social development of the child is facilitated by classes, games, exercises, playing situations, conversations aimed at studying society, getting to know literature, art, music, discussing interpersonal conflicts, encouraging moral actions of children, cases of cooperation, mutual assistance, monitoring the behavior of a child, who in any case should not infringe on his dignity.

The child's assimilation of ethical norms and requirements, the formation humane attitude to nature and the people around him - this is the social development of the child, which covers all his life in kindergarten.
Therefore, it is important for the teacher to remember that this process is long, complex and multifaceted: the tasks of developing the intellect, feelings, moral foundations of the individual are solved in a complex and require from the teacher not only skill, but also his own experience, a pronounced attitude, tk. the teacher's story about kindness, beauty, examples of mutual help, playing moral situations with a bad or indifferent mood is unlikely to evoke reciprocal feelings and form an appropriate attitude. This is our responsibility to the child.

But the teacher is not a well-oiled machine, not a judge or a magician, but no one except the teacher will do this job better, the teacher is a person walking next to the child and leading him by the hand into Big world, this is the closest person in kindergarten.


1. Yudina E.G., Stepanova G.B., Denisova E.N. Pedagogical diagnostics in kindergarten: A guide for teachers of preschool educational institutions. - M .: Education, 2003 .-- p. 91.

2. Yudina E.G., Stepanova G.B., Denisova E.N. Pedagogical diagnostics in kindergarten: A guide for teachers of preschool educational institutions. - M .: Education, 2003 .-- p. 34.
3. Dubrova V.P., Milashevich E.P. Organization of methodical work in a preschool institution. - M .: New school, 1995 .-- p. 81

4. Panfilova M.A. Game therapy for communication. Tests and correctional games. Practical guide for psychologists, educators and parents. - M .: "Publishing house Gnome and D", 2002. - p. 15.

5. Elkonin D.B. Psychological games... - M .: Pedagogy, 1978, p. 32.

6. Karpova S.N., Lysyuk L.G. Play and moral development. - M .: Education, 1986, p. 17.

The social and personal development of a preschooler includes the child's first understanding of the norms that are accepted in society. At the same time, it is also the basis for the formation of a full-fledged individual adapted to the society.

From the name it is clear that the development of the child's personality occurs in close relationship with those social norms that are accepted in the place of residence of the child. Such development is only then full-fledged when it contains 2 components:

  • o relationships with people from the close environment of the child;
  • o activities important for this period, which include games, training and help.

At the same time, each period of development is a symbiosis of rights that are manifested within the framework of what is permitted in connection with the age and level of thinking of the child, as well as responsibilities that, taking into account the adaptation to the outside world, the child is able to perform. All this forms a collective concept for psychologists called the social situation of development. Despite the individual development of each baby, the developmental situation is no exception or peculiarity. This is a situation caused by the psychological laws of growth that can shape the personal development of a preschooler.

The tendencies of such development are developed empirically and historically formed. But at the same time, the development of a certain generation of children can change depending on the demands of the time.

The most convenient and effective form of social development for children is the play form. Play until the age of seven is the main activity of every child. And communication is an integral part of the game.

During the game, the child develops both emotionally and socially. He tries to behave like an adult, "tries on" the behavior of his parents, learns to accept Active participation in social life. In the game, children analyze different ways of resolving conflicts, learn to interact with the world around them.

However, for preschoolers, in addition to play, conversation, exercise, reading, study, observation and discussion are important. Parents should encourage the child's moral behavior. All this helps the child in social development. The child is very sensitive to everything: he feels beauty, with him you can visit cinema, museums, theaters.

It must be remembered that if an adult is feeling unwell or in a bad mood, then you should not organize joint activities with the child. After all, he feels insincerity and falsehood. And therefore can copy this behavior.

To be successful in society, it is necessary to have social skills and abilities, to establish contacts and solve problems together, showing respect and tolerance for each other. The rudiments of social development begin to manifest themselves even in infancy. In preschool age, friendly relations continue to form, where the partner is assessed for business and personal qualities. The level of social development of a preschooler (OV Solodyankina) is presented below.

Self-service skills mastery levels:

low: knowledge is elementary, not systematized according to age and the requirements of the training program. The amount of knowledge does not make it difficult to communicate and interact with other people. Most of the practical actions are performed only in joint actions with adults, with the constant help of an adult.

medium: knowledge, skills and abilities are partially systematized according to age and the requirements of the training program. Most of the practical actions are performed independently, but not regularly.

high: knowledge, skills and abilities are systematized. The child independently performs actions in accordance with the age and requirements of the educational program.

Levels of social adaptation

low: a high level of emotional anxiety, low self-esteem, incomplete or distorted ideas about the methods or norms of social interaction. Learning based on situational personal and business interests. The child externally does not show initiative (acts individually or passively follows the initiator).

medium: the average level of emotional anxiety, stereotypical self-esteem, the emergence of opportunities to reflect not only personal, but also social experience in communication; communication based on personal and cognitive interest. The child does not outwardly show initiative, but actively accepts the partner's position.

high: low level of emotional anxiety, self-esteem, based on their importance of personal and socially significant characteristics, communication in accordance with knowledge of socially acceptable ways of communication, communication based on out-of-situational personal cognitive interest. The child takes the initiative (knows how to coordinate his actions with the wishes of partners, acts reckoning with the actions of the partner).

Social competence:

low: needs support for his initiative in games and actions according to his own rules. In every possible way attracts the attention of peers and adults. Single games with objects and toys are more successful than group games. Interactions with peers develop successfully with the participation of an adult or correction on his part. Needs an assessment of actions by adults (especially positive). Often does not want to show concern for others, openly protests such proposals. He is often emotionally deaf to the pain caused to people and animals around him.

average: prefers peers to adults in his studies. Collective games prefers all other activities. Needs peer attention and recognition of their successes. May follow the sequence rules. Shows compassion and care for loved ones.

high: feels the need for cooperation and knows how to subordinate his interests to the rules of the game. Prefers regular partners for joint games. Preferences can turn into friendship. Restless, but can subordinate his activity to not very distant goals. May keep the younger one interesting for his occupation. Interested in the assessment of work by peers and adults. Holds the assumed role until the end of the game. Shows compassion and care for loved ones; initiative, inquisitive, with pleasure and fearlessly participates in the search for a way out of difficult situations.

Social status:

low: the child is not accepted or is isolated.

medium: the child is accepted.

high: the child is preferred over others.

The social function of a preschool educational institution is to provide conditions that develop in children positive attitude to yourself, other people, the world around you, communicative and social competence.

In the Draft State Standard for Preschool Education, social and personal development is considered as a complex process, during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he is going to live.

The methodological basis of this problem is the position

philosophy about the relationship between man and society, considering man as a value (apological approach), about the active role of man in transforming the world around him and himself. In the pedagogy of preschool childhood, the solution to these problems is associated with the formation of value orientations, the moral quality of the child, which constitute the spiritual basis of his personality.

In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, the main lines of social development of the child are shown, the content pedagogical work, the technology of forming the social world of children, the task of adults is to help children enter into modern world... The formation of social behavior is impossible without the recognition by teachers and parents of the uniqueness of each child, taking into account gender, individuality, age characteristics of his psyche.

Difficulties in the social development of children are explained by the fact that children live in an adult world, experience socio-economic inequality, a lack of culture of communication and relationships between people, kindness and attention to each other. Unfavorable options for the manifestation of social behavior often arise under the influence of the observed negative actions of the people around them, the influence of a number of

TV shows,

The psychological foundations of social development are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonina, M.I., Lisina, G.A. Repina, Dr.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, social situation development is nothing other than a system of relations between a child of a given age and social reality. The social development of a child in society occurs in the course of joint, partner activities with an adult. Many psychologists distinguish the role of the child's cooperation with the people around him in assimilating the achievements of social experience, mastering moral norms and rules of behavior. Social development of the child also occurs in communication with peers (Ya.L. Kolominskiy, MI Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, T.A. Repina. B. Sterkina). In the monograph by T.A. Repina identified the features of the socio-psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group and its socializing role in the development of the child; shows the dependence of the nature of children's relationships on the style of communication with them teachers. (See Repina T.A. Socio-psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group: Pedagogical science - school reform. // Research Institute of Preschool Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. - M .: Pedagogika, 1988).

"Children's society" (the term of AP Usova), or the group of a kindergarten, is the most important socializing factor. It is in the peer group that the child manifests his activity, acquires the first social status ("star", "preferred", "rejected"). Criteria for fixing a feature social status are the basic personality traits (competence, activity, independence, freedom of behavior, creativity, arbitrariness).

The results of the study by T.A. Repina, L.V., Gradusova, E.A. Kudryavtseva indicate that the psychological sex of the child is intensively developing in preschool age.

This is manifested in the formation of gender-role preferences and interests that are different for boys and girls, as well as behavior in accordance with the gender-role standards accepted in society. The main reason for the process of sexual socialization is in different socio-pedagogical requirements for boys and girls on the part of parents and teachers. In modern educational programs ("Childhood". -1995; "Origins" -2001: "Rainbow" - 1989), methods of a differentiated approach have been developed depending on the gender of the child.

A peer group for a child is a source of many positive emotions. It corrects the child's self-esteem, the level of ambition. Comparison of oneself with other children, assessment of behavior by peers, provides the basis for positive self-realization of a growing personality. The relationship of a child with a group ("children's society") is mediated through social emotions, which are one of the most important stages of socialization, thus determining the process of a person's entry into society. In the works of A.V. Zaporozhets. A.N. Leontyev, A.D. Koshelevoy. A.V. Neverovich, L.S. Vygotsky, N.N. Ryabonedeli and others show the regulating role of social emotions, their relationship with the motivations of the child's behavior. The development of social emotions presupposes not only the mastery of social competence (as a volume of knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior, evaluative categories, cultural symbols), but also the development of attitudes towards this knowledge, which can be called social and emotional standards. In a number of psychological and pedagogical studies conducted under the leadership of T.D. Martsinkovskaya, it was revealed that a high level of development of social emotions in preschoolers positively correlates with a high level of intelligence; (see Mithra M. Compare 1-part analysis of the emotional development of preschoolers in Russia, Greece and Cyprus. -Abstract of the thesis. Candidate of pedagogical sciences. - M .. 1995), with the leading position of the child in the kindergarten group (see Kolesnikova E.A. Formation of social emotions in the aesthetic activity of a preschooler. // Modernization of upbringing and educational work of a kindergarten. - Shadrinsk. 1 ° 94.). It has been established that social emotions affect the nature of communication between preschoolers and peers (see Ryabonedeli N.N. Influence of social emotions on the personality traits of a preschooler. // Cognitive and affective aspects of personality development at different age stages: Collection of scientific works. - Shadrinsk. 1996).

Thus, in the social development of a child, it is very important to pay professional attention to the psychological mechanisms of the formation of social emotions. The pedagogical value of solving this problem lies in the fact that social emotions not only facilitate the process of a child entering the world of the group, but also the process of self-awareness (self-image), their relationships, feelings, states, experiences.

The psychological and pedagogical foundations are revealed in the modern Concept of the social development of a preschool child, presented in the works of S.A. Kozlova (see. Kozlova S.A. Theory and methods of familiarizing preschoolers with social reality. - M., 1998; Kozlova S.A. The concept of social development of a child of preschool age. // Theoretical problems of education and training of preschoolers: Collection of scientific works. -M., 2001).

Let's give a brief description of this concept. Basic concepts of the concept: social experience, social feelings, social reality, social world, social development, socialization of the individual, social "portrait" of the environment. There are hierarchical connections between these concepts. As noted, S.A. Kozlova, a child, born in the social world, begins to know him from what is close, what surrounds him, i.e. with the social reality with which he begins to interact. The social “portrait” of the environment evokes different emotions and feelings in the child. Still not knowing in detail and meaningfully about the social world, the child already feels it, empathizes, perceiving the phenomena and objects of this world. That is, social feelings are primary, social experience accumulates gradually, social competence is formed, which forms the basis of social behavior of social assessments, awareness, understanding, acceptance of the world of people and leads to social development, to socialization.

Socialization is considered by S.A. Kozlova in the trinity of its manifestations: adaptation to the social world; acceptance of the social world for granted; ability and need to change, transform social reality and the social world.

An indicator of a socialized personality is its orientation (focus) on other people and on oneself. The task of the teacher is to form in children an interest in another person, in the world of his work, his feelings, in his characteristics as a person. Cognition of oneself includes the formation of interest in oneself ("I" is physical, "I" is emotional, etc.).

In the process of socialization, there is also a contradictory understanding of the ratio of the national and planetary components. The position of S.A. Kozlova is that children need to develop interest and respect for other people, the ability to show tolerance for children and adults, regardless of social origin, race, nationality, language, gender, age. Planetary, the feeling of being an inhabitant of the planet Earth, must be combined with the awareness of one's belonging to a particular culture.

Thus, the methodological part of the concept of social development of the personality of a preschool child includes the following concepts:

Initial focus on a person;

The primacy of the emotional perception of the social world;

Knowing yourself as awareness, finding your place in the world of people;

Mastering the values ​​of the world in order to realize oneself in it;

Socialization as a triad process.

The concept contains a technological part. Including several provisions:

The process of socialization by the mechanism coincides with moral education(formation of ideas, feelings, behavior);

Socialization is a two-way process, it occurs under the influence of the outside (society) and is impossible without a response from the subject.

This concept is implemented in the program of S.A. Kozlovoy "I am a Man": A program for introducing a child to the social world. - M., 1996, as well as in guidelines (see. Kozlova SA, Knyazeva OA .. Shukshina SE. My organism. - M., 2000).

Social development is also represented in comprehensive educational programs. In the program "Origins" (2001), the section "Social development" is specially highlighted, this section includes a characteristic of age-related capabilities, tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work. Social development begins from the first days of a child's life, covers a large age range: from junior to senior preschool age.

The basis of social development is the emergence of a sense of attachment and trust in adults, the development of interest in the world around and in oneself. Social development creates the basis for the assimilation of moral values ​​by children, ethically valuable ways of communication. Formed interpersonal relationships, in turn, become moral basis social behavior, the formation of a sense of patriotism in children - love of native land, home country, affection, dedication and responsibility towards the people inhabiting it. The result of social development is social confidence, interest in self-knowledge, education of the child towards himself and other people.

V educational program"Childhood" (St. Petersburg. 1995), the social and emotional development of a preschooler is considered as the central direction of the educational process in modern preschool educational institution... The content of the section "Child in the circle of adults and peers" implements the components of social experience: axeological (value), cognitive, communicative and behavioral-active components. The kindergarten teacher needs to ensure a unified process of socialization - individualization of the preschooler's personality through the child's emotional acceptance of himself, his intrinsic value and his connection with the social world. The process of socialization is carried out in the following directions: social adaptation - social orientation - social competence - social and moral orientation.

The result of social and moral development is the general and personal socialization of preschool children. During the preschool age, the child develops a sense of self-esteem, self-esteem, an optimistic outlook.

Research by T.A. Repina allows teachers to clearly define the possibilities of the "children's society" (group) for the social development of children:

General socialization function. Children get the first social experience of group communication, interaction, cooperation, the experience of unification. As a rule, this occurs in play, labor, artistic and aesthetic, constructive and construction, and other types of activity;

The function of intensifying the process of sexual socialization and sexual differentiation.

From the age of 5, children prefer their peers of the same sex in communication, in joint activities, in the system of group relations;

Information function and the function of forming value orientations DOW groups... Here, the role of the subculture of childhood is great, the features of the educational process of the children's saz;

The evaluative function, influencing the formation of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of the child, his moral behavior.

The preschool teacher needs to think over the conditions for using the functions and capabilities of the children's society:

The use of diagnostic methods for communication and relationships between children in different types joint activities, allowing to identify the position of the child in the peer group, social and moral ideas, emotional states, behavior, practical skills;

Using a democratic (helpful) style of interaction with children;

Creation of a positive, emotionally active attitude, microclimate in the group;

Formation of oriented positive motives in children, tactics based on orientation towards others, on the manifestation of empathy, altruism;

Involvement of traditions, rituals;

Organization of joint activities of children with peers of different age associations;

Organization of individual exhibitions, art exhibitions for children;

Timely correction of the social behavior of children: control over behavior in the form of advice, the creation of special educational situations, built on the principle of "understand, empathize, act."

An important factor in the social development of children is the family (the work of T.V. Antonova, R.A. Ivankova, A.A. Cooperation between educators and parents creates optimal conditions for the formation of the child's social experience, her self-development, self-expression and creativity.

In the book "Communication of children in kindergarten and family" (Edited by T.L. Repina. RB Sterkina - M., 1990) distinctive features communication with children of educators and parents, depending on the styles of education. Adults with democratic style communication creates conditions for trusting, benevolent, emotionally positive relationships. "Authoritarian" adults contribute to conflict, ill will in relationships, create unfavorable conditions for the social and moral development of preschoolers. In a special study by G. Stepanova, the importance of the interaction "child - adult" is shown, in which each one influences and modifies the behavior of the other. “The child constantly observes, imitates and models the attitudes, behavior and activities of the adults around him. Such modeling has a much greater impact on the social development of the child than verbal instructions and teachings ”- the researcher emphasizes (see: Stepanova G.B. Emotional condition preschool child and their pedagogical assessment in a kindergarten. // Preschool education. - 1998.- No. 5).

The general conditions for cooperation of teachers with parents on social development will be:

Security emotional well-being and meeting the vital needs of the child in the kindergarten group;

Preservation and maintenance of a single line of positive social development of children in higher educational institutions and families;

Respect for the child's personality, realized! ie the intrinsic value of preschool childhood;

Formation in the child of a positive sense of self, confidence in his capabilities, that he is good, he is loved.

In the laboratory of social development of the Center " Preschool childhood" them. A.V. Zaporozhets carried out a collective study of the originality of social competence, social pedagogical conditions formation in the family. According to V.M. Ivanova, R.K. Serezhninova

one-child family (with a high economic potential), the child, as a rule, does not attend Kindergarten... In view of this, there is a lack of communication with peers, and the relationship between the child and the parents in the family is becoming more complicated. As the main means of correction child-parent relationship the method of complex theatrical games ("home theater") was used. The acquired communication and play skills helped the child to establish relationships with peers in the children's society. This remedy created an atmosphere of openness, trust with

both sides.

Research by E.P. Arnautova. ON. Razgonovoy confirm the expediency of using for social competence, as a basic characteristic, methods of play art therapy, studies that involve the active involvement of adults in play, visual, theatrical activities, into the world of fairy tales, dance, music (see. Collection Preschool education. Traditions and modernity. - M. 1996. Article by TV Antonova Social competence of the individual in terms of its formation in kindergarten).

The problem of social development in a number of works is considered from the angle of the development of social confidence in preschoolers (see: Development of social confidence in preschoolers: A guide for teachers preschool institutions... - M .: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS. 2002) (health-preserving pedagogy). Socially competent behavior, according to the author, is the basis healthy way the lives of children.

The authors of the manual E.V. Prima, L.V. Fillipova, I.N. Koltsova, NYU. Molostova believe that socially competent behavior provides the child with an adequate attitude to positive and negative situations. Social competence includes a large and varied set of behavioral techniques; adequate perception of the situation: the ability to reflexive control of both the situation and alternative behavior. Components of socially competent behavior include: the ability to say no; the ability to express desires and requirements; possession of skills effective communication: Ability to establish contacts, conduct and end a conversation; express both positive and negative feelings.

The authors of the manual propose a program aimed at developing social abilities and social skills and at preventing insecure behavior and associated psycho-emotional problems. The program is implemented through play activities and includes three sections: "I and the world", "I and others", "One and together."

A feature of the program is the use of three forms of socialization (identification, individualization and personalization). The program takes into account the age-related characteristics of the psyche: figurative thinking, the predominance of the emotional component in the experience, the leading type of activity. The development of children's social confidence goes through the enrichment of sensory experience ("The world of sounds", "The world of touch", "A look at the world around"). Through staging games, games with rules, didactic exercises and games, conversations in a circle, there is a unification, emotional rapprochement of children, the development of a system of perception of each other, the development of social abilities (trust, confidence, the formation of a positive image of "I"), the development of social skills.

In the conditions of a preschool educational institution, families can be used guidelines authors of the manual to help children gain experience of socially confident behavior and develop social abilities and skills in the process of communication.

The pedagogical technology "Open yourself" is devoted to the development of social competence (see Ryleeva EV It's more fun together! Didactic games for the development of cooperation skills in children 4-6 years old. - M .: Hayrek-PRESS. 2003). This technology is a comprehensive support for the social development of preschoolers, focused on the formation of the beginnings of life self-determination in children. The technology of integrating didactic games into the educational space of a kindergarten

involves the use of training sessions in which cognitive tasks and speech development are solved. Social development is understood by the author of the technology as a process of transferring and further development by a person of the socio-cultural experience accumulated by mankind. Cooperation is what helps to turn any business into interesting and useful for oneself and others. Collaboration skills are habits of behavior for children in situations where it is necessary to find the most effective use of their personal potential in a collective endeavor. The games offered in the “Open Yourself” pedagogical technology are typical difficult situations that a child has to face in kindergarten. The role-playing behavior of all participants in the game, including the teacher, is prescribed in these games. Consequently, cooperation creates conditions for the development of autonomy and independence, social adaptation, openness and social flexibility. (For example, the game "Find your group". "Let's think together", "Live jumping", "Find your place in a row", etc.). Consideration of social development through the prism of partnership, joint activities of adults and children is the most promising in the theory and practice of social development of preschool children.

Everyone knows that childhood is a special and unique period in everyone's life. In childhood, not only the foundations of health are laid, but also a personality is formed: its values, preferences, guidelines. The way a child's childhood goes directly affects the success of his future life. Social development is a valuable experience of this period. The child's psychological readiness for school largely depends on whether he knows how to build communication with other children and adults, to cooperate correctly with them. It is also important for a preschooler how quickly he acquires knowledge appropriate to his age. All these factors are the key to successful studies in the future. Next, what you need to pay attention to in the social development of a preschooler.

What is social development

What does the term "social development" (or "socialization") mean? This is a process by which the child adopts the traditions, values, culture of the society in which he will live and develop. That is, the baby has a basic formation of the initial culture. Social development is carried out with the help of adults. While communicating, the child begins to live by the rules, trying to take into account his interests and interlocutors, adopts specific behavioral norms. The environment surrounding the baby, which also directly affects his development, is not just the outside world with streets, houses, roads, objects. The environment is, first of all, people who interact with each other according to certain rules prevailing in society. Any person who meets a child's path brings something new into his life, thus directly or indirectly shaping him. The adult demonstrates knowledge, skills and abilities in how to make contact with people and objects. The child, in turn, inherits what he saw, copies it. Using this experience, children learn to communicate in their small world together.

It is known that individuals are not born, but become. And the formation of a fully developed personality is greatly influenced by communication with people. That is why parents should pay enough attention to the formation of the child's ability to find contact with other people.

In the video, the teacher shares the experience of socializing preschoolers

“Did you know that the main (and first) source of a child's communicative experience is his family, which is a“ guide ”to the world of knowledge, values, traditions and experience modern society... It is from parents that you can learn the rules for communicating with peers, learn to communicate freely. A positive social and psychological climate in the family, a warm home atmosphere of love, trust and mutual understanding will help the baby to adapt to life and feel confident. "

Stages of social development of the child

  1. . Social development begins in a preschooler as early as infancy. With the help of a mother or another person who often spends time with a newborn, the baby learns the basics of communication, using communication tools such as facial expressions and movements, as well as sounds.
  2. Six months to two years. The child's communication with adults becomes situational, which manifests itself in the form of practical interaction. A child often needs help from parents, some kind of joint action, for which he asks.
  3. Three years. In that age period the baby already requires society: he wants to communicate in a team of peers. The child enters the children's environment, adapts in it, accepts its norms and rules, and the parents actively help in this. They tell the preschooler what to do and what not to do: is it worth taking other people's toys, is it good to be greedy, is it necessary to share, is it possible to offend children, how to be patient and polite, and so on.
  4. Four to five years old. This age segment is characterized by the fact that kids begin to ask endlessly a large number of questions about everything in the world (which are not always answered by adults!). Communication of a preschooler becomes brightly emotionally colored, aimed at cognition. The baby's speech becomes the main way of his communication: using it, he exchanges information and discusses the phenomena of the surrounding world with adults.
  5. Six to seven years old. The child's communication takes on a personal form. At this age, children are already interested in questions about the essence of a person. This period is considered the most important in the formation of the personality and citizenship of the child. A preschooler needs an explanation of many life moments, advice, support and understanding of adults, because they are a role model. Looking at adults, six-year-olds copy their style of communication, relationships with other people, the peculiarities of their behavior. This is the beginning of the formation of your personality.

Social factors

What influences the socialization of the baby?

  • a family
  • Kindergarten
  • environment of the child
  • children's institutions (, development center, circles, sections, studios)
  • child activity
  • television, children's press
  • literature, music
  • nature

All this constitutes the social environment of the child.

When raising a baby, do not forget about a harmonious combination of various ways, means and methods.

Social education and its means

Social education of preschoolers- the most important side of a child's development, because preschool age is the best period for a child's development, for the development of his communicative and moral qualities. At this age, there is an increase in the volume of communication with peers and adults, the complication of activities, the organization of joint activities with peers. Social education is interpreted as the creation of pedagogical conditions for the purpose of the positive development of a person's personality, his spiritual and value orientation.

We list basic means of social education of preschoolers:

  1. The game.
  2. Communication with children.
  3. Conversation.
  4. Discussion of the actions of the child.
  5. Exercises for the development of horizons.
  6. Reading.

The main activity of preschool children and an effective means of social education is role-playing game... By teaching the kid such games, we offer him certain patterns of behavior, actions and interactions that he can play. The child begins to think about how relationships occur between people, realizes the meaning of their work. In his games, the kid most often imitates the behavior of adults. Together with his peers, he creates games-situations where he “tries on” the roles of dads and moms, doctors, waiters, hairdressers, builders, drivers, businessmen, etc.

“It is interesting that by imitating different roles, the child learns to perform actions, harmonizing them with the moral norms prevailing in society. This is how the baby unconsciously prepares himself for life in the world of adults. "

Such games are useful in that while playing, the preschooler learns to find solutions to various life situations, including resolving conflicts.

"Advice. Conduct exercises and activities for the child that develop the outlook of the baby more often. Introduce him to the masterpieces of children's literature and classical music. Explore colorful encyclopedias and children's reference books. Do not forget to talk with your child: kids also need clarification of their actions and advice from parents and teachers. "

Social development in kindergarten

How does kindergarten affect the successful socialization of a child?

  • a special socially forming environment has been created
  • communication with children and adults is organized
  • play, labor and cognitive activities are organized
  • a civil-patriotic orientation is being implemented
  • organized
  • the principles of social partnership have been introduced.

The presence of these aspects predetermines a positive impact on the child's socialization.

It is believed that going to kindergarten is not at all necessary. However, in addition to general developmental activities and preparation for school, the child who goes to kindergarten also develops socially. All conditions are created for this in kindergarten:

  • zoning
  • play and educational equipment
  • didactic and teaching aids
  • the presence of a children's team
  • communication with adults.

All these conditions simultaneously include preschoolers in intensive cognitive and creative activity, which ensures their social development, forms communication skills and the formation of their socially significant personal characteristics.

It will not be easy for a child who does not attend kindergarten to organize a combination of all the above developmental factors.

Developing social skills

Developing social skills in preschoolers, it has a positive effect on their activities in life. General good manners, manifested in graceful manners, easy communication with people, the ability to be attentive to people, try to understand them, sympathize, help are the most important indicators of the development of social skills. Another important thing is the ability to talk about your own needs, set goals correctly and achieve them. In order to direct the upbringing of a preschooler in the right direction of successful socialization, we propose to follow the aspects of the development of social skills:

  1. Show your child social skills. In the case of babies: smile at the baby - he will answer you the same. This is how the first social interaction will take place.
  2. Talk to your baby. Answer the sounds made by the baby with words, phrases. This will establish contact with your baby and teach him how to speak soon.
  3. Teach your child to be attentive. You shouldn't bring up an egoist: more often let your child understand that other people also have their own needs, desires, and concerns.
  4. When raising, be affectionate. In upbringing, stand your ground, but without screaming, but with love.
  5. Teach your child to respect. Explain that items have value and need to be treated with care. Especially if these are other people's things.
  6. Teach to share toys. This will help him make friends faster.
  7. Create a social circle for your baby. Strive to organize communication between the baby and peers in the yard, at home, in a childcare facility.
  8. Praise good behavior. The child is smiling, obedient, kind, gentle, not greedy: what is not a reason to praise him? It will reinforce the understanding of how to better behave and acquire the necessary social skills.
  9. Talk to your child. communicate, share experiences, analyze actions.
  10. Encourage mutual help, attention to children. Talk more often about situations in the child's life: this way he will learn the basics of morality.

Social adaptation of children

Social adaptation- a prerequisite and result of successful socialization of a preschooler.

It takes place in three areas:

  • activity
  • consciousness
  • communication.

Field of activity implies a variety and complication of activities, good command of each of its types, understanding and mastery of it, the ability to carry out activities in various forms.

Indicators of developed spheres of communication characterized by the expansion of the child's circle of communication, the deepening of the quality of its content, the possession of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, the ability to use its various forms and types, suitable for the child's social environment and in society.

Developed sphere of consciousness characterized by work on the formation of the image of their own "I" as a subject of activity, understanding their social role, the formation of self-esteem.

During socialization, a child, simultaneously with the desire to do everything as everyone else does (mastering generally accepted rules and norms of behavior), manifests a desire to stand out, to show individuality (development of independence, one's own opinion). Thus, the social development of a preschooler occurs in harmoniously existing directions:

Social maladjustment

If, when a child enters a certain group of peers, there is no conflict between generally accepted standards and the individual qualities of the child, then it is considered that he has adapted to the environment. If this harmony is violated, then the child may show self-doubt, depressed mood, unwillingness to communicate, and even autism. Children rejected by a certain social group are aggressive, non-contact, and inadequately assess themselves.

It so happens that the child's socialization is complicated or slowed down for reasons of a physical or mental nature, as well as as a result negative impact the environment in which it grows. The result of such cases is the appearance of asocial children, when the child does not fit into social relations... Such children need psychological assistance or social rehabilitation (depending on the degree of complexity) for the correct organization of the process of their adaptation to society.


If we try to take into account all aspects of the harmonious upbringing of a child, create favorable conditions for all-round development, maintain friendly relations and contribute to the disclosure of his creative potential, then the process of social development of a preschooler will be successful. Such a child will feel confident and, therefore, will be successful.