The Guinness Book of Records is the most amazing thing. This is the only way to become famous, surpass something or someone who is less strong or interesting. Ask the guy who in two minutes caught the most balls, how many times someone approached him and asked: "Are you the guy who catches the balls with his mouth?"

In addition to talents that will not be useful in normal life, there are also very interesting. It is said that such people were blessed by genetics itself or were not concerned about the main tasks of personal hygiene. It is about the most amazing parts of the body that this article will tell. As can be seen from the name, it will be about the long parts of the body, but not about those that many people immediately thought. Sorry. Of course, you can do it yourself, if you want, but no one will be responsible for certain results. And the Council for Men: Never measure anything about yourself, otherwise you will immediately feel bad.

In any case, you do not need to dive into the kingdom of genitals, let's take a look at 9 amazing man with the longest parts of the body.

This Indian man has very long hair in the ears. As you understand, here no longer need any words, everything is clear. Many annoying both the length of this spectacle itself, and the pride with which he shows. And for a man is the most real achievement. There are no words.

What is special from Herkari Braco and Nika Stoberla?

While the recorded record belongs to Nika Stoberla, whose language has a length of as much as 10 cm, Herkari Braco claims that its tongue is much longer - by as much as 5 mm. The woman insists on the revision of the results. In any case, it is a strange and not particularly pleasant spectacle.

The longest eyelashes (Valery Smaglia)

No one even can imagine how it is possible. Valery argues that this is his secret diet, because of which his eyelashes grow so much, but people seem to be that he is not a person. Maybe. In any case, he has perfect eyelashes, he had to be born a girl!

The longest legs (Svetlana Pankratova and Chase Kennedy)

Having incredible legs, the length of which is as much as 132 cm, the Russian woman, naturally, fell into the Guinness Book of Records. She deservedly keeps this title since 2003. Recently, the Chase Kennedy model began to argue that her legs are much longer, but their length is only 130 cm. Almost the same, but a little less! However, at the moment it is known for sure that the Russians have the longest legs in the world.

The longest fingers (Matthew McGurry)

Matthew is the most gigantic person in the world, and he also has gigantic fingers. The length of the largest of them is 13 cm. Naturally, this is a global record.

What record can be boasting Ceyupin?

The world record has been recorded at Ceuspin, who has a hair length 5.6 m. This means that in case of fire, you can use your hair like head fabric, For example, instead of a rope. This is all good, but safety is primarily. And imagine how hate hairdressers!

The longest nails (whether Redmond)

This American lady decided that she no longer wants to grow nails. She began to grow them since 1979, and it lasts until 2008! At that time, her nails were reached a length of up to 8.65 meters. You can argue that she has walked with manicure scissors all the time.

The longest neck (women Padaung in Myanmar)

Use coils to increase the length of the neck is not what it looks strange, but also sounds somehow wild, but women Padaung in Myanmar since childhood are carrying such accessories. It is here that you can find a woman with the most long neck. - 40 cm. Part of the body is so long that the neck is no longer able to keep his head independently without all these coils. In adult women there are coils, and they sometimes remove them.

What is the difference between mehmet ochmet from other people?

This Turkish man has the most a long nose In the world, he can carry any smell. The nose of mehmet has a length of as much as 8 cm.

Perfect body proportions

Example ideal proportions The bodies are considered to be the figures of ancient athletes-athletes. Over the formula of harmonious proportions, the Roman architect Vitruvius worked in antiquity, believing that the figure of a person with his arms divorced to the sides and put on his legs should fit simultaneously into a circle and square. The side of this square is equal to the growth of man and the scope of his hands. Later in the 15th century, the concept of harmonious proportions of the body completed its studies an Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.

Indicator good health

The dimensions and proportions of the human figure are not always perfect. They are predetermined genetically and can change through life under the influence physical Loads or disease. Proportional addition is not only beautiful - it is a good health. Endocrine iron is responsible for human growth in the body - pituitary gland. Violations in its work lead to such a phenomenon as giantism. All people are exorbitant great height There were certain problems with this iron.

A resident of Ukraine Leonid Stade

The most long hands and the highest growth in the history of mankind had a resident of Robert Wodlow. The last time its parameters were measured in 1940. By this time, its growth reached 2.72 m to grow, and the sweep of the hands was 2.88 m. According to the ridiculous accident, he died in the same year from Sepsis, races with a crutch. A little behind the sizes of the body from Wodlow, our contemporary, a resident of Ukraine Leonid Dryer. He was listed in the Guinness Book of Records twice - as the owner of the longest palm - 31 cm (at a rate of 24 cm), and as the owner of the high height In the world - 2.59 m.

Modern giants

Leonid's rapid growth began in adolescenceWhen during the operation to remove the tumor was damaged by the pituitary. In 2008, the student refused to confirm his record according to Guinness standards due to the tedious measurement procedure. In connection with his refusal winner of the longest hands, according to the Guinness book, the giant of Sultan Kosona, Fermer from Turkey, are now considered. Today, its parameters: height is 2.46 m, sweating of hands - 2.75 m.

Compound ratings - the case is subtle and ungrateful. By what algorithm to determine the most beautiful woman In the world, or the most fashionable outfit, or the most interesting book? As they say, how many people, so many opinions. But mathematics is the queen of science, so it is difficult to argue with some ratings. The ruler will help to figure out, who has the biggest nose in the world or the smallest feet. The complexity is that almost 7.5 billion people live in the world today, everyone does not measure ... But still, let's try to figure out, who has the longest hands in the world.

From the book of Guinness Records

In 2010, in the Guinness Book of Records, it is written that the longest hands today at Sultan Kosona - 27.5 cm. In addition, the former Turkish basketball player is also the highest person in the world.

In up to 10 years, a young man was an ordinary child. But then, as a result of the operation on the brain (tumor was removed), the pituitary was shown, which led to a violation of his work. The boy began to grow literally in his eyes. At the age of 26 years, its growth was 246.5 cm. The main thing that upsets young man, the impossibility of tie relations with girls. Well, yes, any girl is unlikely to give him above the belt, besides, Sultan is a taper for sure not only the hands are the longest in the world ...

Before Sultan, the record holder on the length of the hands and the growth was Ukrainian drain, Leonid Dryer. The reason is still the same - violations in the work of the pituitary. His growth was 257 cm, and the length of the palm is 31 cm. But these records are not officially registered, because Leonid Drafnik refused official measurements and asked silence and peace.

For reference: a pituitary-brain appendage that produces growth hormones. Its dimensions on average are 1.3 * 0.6 * 1.0 cm, and it weighs only a halfgrand. Here is such a tiny but important body.

Stay back in the past

In the last century, the Americans Robert Wodlo (1918-1940) possessed the longest hands. The scope of his hands was 288 cm, and the palm length is 32.4 cm.

The history of the record holder is not very fun. At the age of 3 years, he was the most ordinary boy, and in 4 years suddenly began to grow very quickly. So quickly that already at 8 years of its growth reached 190 cm, and after 2 years it pulled out to 198 cm and weighed 100 kg. Doctors have not long been diagnosed with a diagnosis and immediately determined that the boy has a rare pituitary disease - the brain department responsible for growth.

After graduating from the school, the American Gulliver (in the country of Liliput) entered the university. He still continued to grow. By this time, its growth was 263 cm at a weight of 223 kg! Therefore, Robert began to call the highest person in the world.

He performed in the circus. The room was very simple. The Giant simply went on stage and measured with growth with the audience. The most rustic barely delivered him to the belt. He can also easily like toys, took adult men and women. With this number, he visited each state, became an American celebrity.

He died very young, at 22, from Sepsis. The fact is that because of the huge weight, Robert Wodela experienced difficulties in walking. He had to rely on the crutch. Speaking on the Independence Day of the United States in the city of the manistry, he is a focus on foot, which caused severe inflammation with death.

A lot of people gathered on the funeral of an amazing American. Its 500-kilogram coffin carried 12 people (6 on each side).

As popular wisdom says: "He has long hands" ...

The expression "long hands" is not always worth understanding literally. IN figurative sense This means that the person talks about so much influential. The word of this person has a lot of weight, millions listened to it (and the CIA also looks out). Is there such a person in the world?

According to ForBS magazine, this is Russian president Vladimir Putin. It is not surprising if you consider that he is at the helm of the largest country in the world. Countries with largest human resources, with the largest atomic potential, with truly inexhaustible natural wealth - land, forest, water, with gigantic mineral reserves, including hydrocarbons. He changes his political will.

In second place after Vladimir Vladimirovich, the US President Barack Obama is standing, Angela Merkel went down on the step.

The top ten most influential people in the world includes computer geniuses Bill Gates, one of the creators of Microsoft, and Lawrence Page, Google search engine developer. At the same time, they are called the most "long hands", in other words, the most influential people of the computer world. Surprisingly, Mark Zuckerberg, who invented Faisebook, did not enter any rating of the most influential people of the planet, but he headed the list of the youngest billionaires in the world, which is also very honorable ...


This photo is clearly seen that the longest hands in the world of Justin Timberlake. Well, it is necessary, hug by one hand for two people at once! Interestingly, this photo is a random or successful draw?

But this photo was done by chance at the World Cup in 2006 during the game of Australia against Japan. It clearly shows that the player number 13 is a march of a naughty, who was attackers in the Australian national team, very long right handNo doubt the longest hand in the world.

A successful snapshot immediately became very popular on the Internet and literally scattered in social networks.

In literature

"Richard Long hands"- This is a cycle of 50 books, written during 14 years Yuri Nikitin under the pseudonym Guy Julius Orlovsky (thanks for not Caesar). The author worked on fantasy adventure books from 2001 to 2014 inclusive. Events are developing in parallel world. The main character Richard - a computer, hits some miracle in the Middle Ages, and here the adventures are beginning, which neither captain in Lunners, neither captain Richard Bladaud, nor even Munhausen and did not dream.

It must be said that Nikitin is a famous writer in the genre of fiction, historical novels, witty militants. His works are popular without any promotion. But with the cycle "Richard Long Hands" is not all clear. Most estimates of those who bought books are extremely negative. Readers scream about the fake, appeal to the justice of the publisher and ask to return the money spent in vain.

Joel Ox from the United States pushes his masterpiece - the largest ball of rubber ribbons. The ball weighing 4,097 kg was measured in Laudochilla, Florida, November 13, 2008.

Most a large number of People dressed in Smurfs were 1 253. These are people who came to the Muknomia Festival in Kaslebney, Ireland, July 18, 2008.

The record for the 100-meter race with obstacles was 22.35 seconds. The record holder was German Marn Zonker in Cologne, Germany, September 13, 2008.

The world's largest pocket knife is in the unfolded state of 3.9 meters and weighs 122 kg. He was designed by Telmo Kadavez from Portugal, and was made by the manual Virgilio Raul also from Portugal on January 9, 2003.

The worst lemon in the world weighed 5 kg 265 g and was grown by Aaron Shemel on a farm in Kfar Zameim, Israel.

Scott Murphy from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, flashed an aluminum frying pan at 30 cm in diameter in 30 seconds on July 30, 2007. In the pickup, the resulting "lump" turned out 17.46 cm.

The largest number of mugs with beer that a woman carried 40 meters, is 19. It made Anita Schwartz in Mezheniche, Germany, November 9, 2008 on the Day of World Guinness Records.

Sam Wereceling drove 453.6 km on a single bike per day in Aberystuit, Wales, from September 29 to September 30, 2007.

Jean-Francis Vernetti from Switzerland collected 8,888 different plates "do not disturb" from hotels in 189 countries of the world since 1985.

The total length of Nail Melvin Booth (left) from Michigan is 9.05 meters. Lee Redmont (right), which did not strengthen the nails since 1979 and carefully patted them to grow to 8.65 meters, lost its "wealth" in the accident in February. The 68-year-old record holder says that this is the most dramatic event in her life, but also recognizes that without them much easier.

227 T-shirts were wearing Jeff Van Dick at Unizo Event in Brehte, Belgium, April 24, 2008.

Harry Turner from the UK can stretch its skin on the belly to 15.8 centimeters, and all because of its Elessa-Danlos syndrome - disorders of connecting tissues, affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs. In this case, collagen is affected by collagen, firming the skin and determining its level of elasticity, which leads to a weakening of the skin and increased mobility of the joints. In more serious cases, this can lead to a fatal outcome as a result of a break of blood vessels.

1 911 - Exactly so many bottles of gascling with a mentosa was collected in one place, namely in Latvia students of the Higher School of Business TURIBA on June 19, 2008.

The biggest hikama weighs 21 kg and was grown by Leo Sutisna in West Java, Indonesia.

The largest collection of clones from the game LEGO Star Wars. It consisted of 35,310 separate models and was drawn up by LEGO to Slaya, United Kingdom, June 27, 2008.

The oldest man who jumped on the tarzanka is Helmut Virz. Virty was 83 years 8 months and 7 days when he jumped on Tarzanque in Duisburg, Germany, August 9, 2008

The largest collections of the clock belongs to Jack Shoff from the United States, who collected together for 1094 hours on June 17, 2008.

The new record on January 23, 2009 was established by Wen Hof from the Netherlands - he spent 1 hour 42 minutes 22 seconds completely buried in the snow.

The largest drawing with chalk amounted to 8361.31 meters, it was drawing 5,578 children from schools of Alameda, California, for special children's project From May 27 to June 7, 2008.

The record for the fastest ride on the rear wheel of a motorcycle sitting on the steering wheel was reached by Endoy Wright in York, United Kingdom, July 11, 2006 and amounted to 173.81 kilometers per hour.

The longest skiing in the world make up 534 meters long. On these skis drove 1043 skiers at the event in Sweden on September 13, 2008

The oldest player in table tennis is Dorothy de Low. She was 97 years old when she represented Australia on the 14th table tennis championship among veterans in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 25, 2008.

"Snake boat" from Alepp, Kerala, India, is 43.7 meters long. Its team consists of 143 people, including 118 rowers, 2 drummers, 5 feed and 18 singers. The boat appeared in the public in Kerala, India, May 1, 2008.

The greatest speed on the skateboard in the standing position was 113 km per hour. This record installed Douglas da Silva in Rio Grande to Sulch, Brazil, October 20, 2007.

The most massive accumulation of Santa Claus took place on Gilcholl Square Square in Derry, Northern Ireland, December 9, 2007 and amounted to 13,000 people.

Pav1 Badger, created by Howe and Howe Technologies, has become the most small armored vehicle, making up only 1 meter in width. It is strong enough to carry the doors, but compact enough to fit into the elevator. He ordered the California Population Service.

The biggest robbery is an African giant snail (ACHATINA ACHATINA). The largest of the individuals reached 39.3 cm from the head to the tip of the tail. The length of the sink was 27.3 cm, and the snail was worked exactly 900 grams.

Halapi Roland from Hungary installed on November 12, 2008 Unusual record: the horse dragged the burning Roland 472.8 meters.

The greatest speed of the lawn mower was 98 km per hour. The record installed Tommy Passmanta from the USA in the Miller Park in Utah on November 18, 2008, especially for the MTV show Nitro Circus.

Japanese Kenichi ITO hit the Guinness Book of Records, as a person, faster all running 100 meters on all fours - in just 18.58 seconds. The record was installed in Tokyo on November 13, 2008.

The largest distance that man drove a bike, not touching the feet of the Earth exactly, is 890.2 km. The record holder was Marco Balo from Slovenia on September 6-7, 2008.

Sarvan Singa's beard from Canada amounted to 2.33 meters from the tip of his chin to the tip of the beard. The record was recorded on November 11, 2008.

Ashrita Furman broke 80 eggs about the head in one minute in the New York Cafe "Panorama" on December 10, 2008.

The longest dog ears reach 34.9 cm right and 34.2 cm left. The ears belong to Tiggeru - Bloheland, belonging to Brian and Christine Flessner from Illinois.

Indian Anthony Victor from the ears grows hair, the length of which reaches 18.1 cm.

A cosmic cowboy, also known as Chein Haltgren from the show "Lo Show Dei Record" installed on April 25, 2009 in Milan, the world record: he dragged 411.65 kilograms only by the forces of their eye depressions.

The hardest transport that man moved to 30.48 meters, weighed 57 243 kg. Kevin Fast was dragged from Canada in the TV show "Live With Regis & Kelly" in New York on September 15, 2008.

The largest edible hamburger weighs 74.75 kg and costs $ 399 in the Grill Bar menu in Southgate, Michigan. This yummy was made on August 29, 2008.

Victor "Lari" Ramos Gomez (in the photo) and Gabriel "Danny" Gomez (both of Mexico) - two members of a family numbering five generations that suffer from a rare illness called congenital hyperitrihosis characterized by an increased hair on face and body. Women in the family there is a light hair cover, while men have about 98% of the body, excluding palms and feet.

Ilrek Ilmaz from Turkey squeezed milk from the eyes by 279.5 cm at the Armada Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey, September 1, 2004.

Mike Howard from the UK walked on the beam between two balloons At an altitude of 6,522 meters not far from Somerset, United Kingdom, September 1, 2004. This feat was shot on the video for the TV show "World Records Guinness: 50 years 50 Records"

The hardest apple weighed 1,849 grams. He was raised by Hisato Ivasaki on her farm in Hirosaki, Japan. The apple was torn on October 24, 2005.

As of July 7, 2006, the smallest horse was Tambelin - a miniature brassing a 44.5 cm mare in the withers, whose hosts are Kay and Paul Gosseling from Saint-Louis, Missouri. Radar - Belgian horse-heavy truck - as of July 27, 2004, was 19 palms without hoofs. Radar lives on the farm of PRIEFERT MANUFACTURING INC. in Texas. Horses photographed together for the Guinness Book of Records on September 3, 2006.

Bigfoot 5 is 4.7 meters high, its wheels reach 3 meters in height, and weigh this miracle 17 236 kg. This is one of the 17 Bigfoot jeeps created by Bean Chandler from Saint-Louis, Missouri. This model was built in the summer of 1986. The car is "parked" in Saint Louis and sometimes appears on urban events.

Hhe Pingping from Mongolia is the smallest person in the world (its height is 74.61 cm) - stands between the legs of Svetlana Pankratova - Women with the most long legs. Pankratova's legs formally amount to 131.83 cm. Svetlana says that she likes to have the title of a woman with the longest legs, but there is no disadvantage in it - it's not so easy to find a man who will like to be with such high woman.

Parodist Michael Jackson Hector Jackson stands up with hundreds of people on the monument of revolution in Mexico on August 29, 2009. Guinness Book of Records Registered 13,597 people, at the same time dancing in the style of Jackson

Kim Goodman from the United States can stick his eyes at 11 mm from the eye. This record was recorded on the TV show "World Records Guinness: Primetime" in Los Angeles on June 13, 1998.

Participants of the biggest battlefought in the studio "ABC" in New York on September 17, 2009 during the show "Live With Regis & Kelly."

The world's highest man in the world of Sultan Tyonya from Turkey is measured by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records on September 21, 2009. The toskey growth is 246.38 cm. The 27-year-old Sultan Kosen says that he is "Gord and happy" to wear the title of the highest person and men in the world. "Before that I was pretty hard life, "says Giant, whose growth became the result of the disease of the pituitary. "Now it will be much easier for me to live."

Danish Dog Gibson was the highest dog in the world. Its growth was 107.18 cm from the floor to the shoulder, and on the hind legs it reached 2.19 meters. On this photo Gibson plays with his friend Zoe - 19-centimeter Chihuahua. The highest dog in the world died from bone cancer on August 12, 2009.

The largest submarine depth on which a person drove a bike is 66.5 meters. This was done by Vittorio Innoent in Santa Margarita Ligur, Liguria, Italy, July 21, 2008.

93% of the Body isobhel Barley is covered with tattoos. Absolute record among the elderly

In connection with great attentionwhich one of the inhabitants of our country named Kirill Tereshin, the people became interested - who has the most big hands in the world? Let's try to understand this matter, and at the same time we learn how safely it is to get involved in the increase in volumes by chemistry.

Decently record!

At the moment, has the biggest hands in the world of a man named Hussein Bizad. It is difficult to believe in it, but the length of his palms is 26.9 cm. In April 2007, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records arrived in the UK to measure and fix this fact. Hussein himself turned out to be a man welcoming and vitality that immediately placed the chief editor of Craig. The record was recorded, and Bizadov received due attention to his person. Have the biggest hands in the world and at the same time be a mischievous and cheerful guy - what could be more interesting for fans of this record holder? Does not lag behind Hussein and American arm wrestler Jeff Daib. You can judge the sizes of his palm. Impressive spectacle!

Sport and not only

They ate talk about the amount of arms, it is undoubtedly the first of all represent the bodybuilders. You can argue for a long time, it is beautiful or not, but arguing with the fact that it is a huge work, meaningless. Despite the mass of stereotypes, these people deserve great respect, in proof of which we present a list of truly outstanding athletes who will make many of you change your opinion. Also learn who has the biggest amount of hand in the world!

Jean Pierre Fux.

Bodybuilder from Switzerland began to train from 16 years. A year later, he noticed that he was quite different from the peers - his weight had already reached 100 kilograms. In 1993, he took part in the Amateur Bodybuilding Championship, where he ranked fourth. The following year, reiterated the judges and took the championship title.

The guy began a career growth - he began to be filmed for the covers of magazines and received a lot of profitable proposals from a wide variety of companies. But the tragic incident broke all his plans - Once during a training session, he unsuccessfully raised the weight of 310 kg and fell, breaking his leg. He followed a difficult recovery process, but the young man could not return to previous loads. For another 4 years, he participated in various contests, proving all the world his strength of the Spirit and Resistance.

Nasser El Sonbati

The German athlete was not interested in bodybuilding - in adolescence he was not interested in adolescence. In student years, curiosity led Nasser to the gym. He came out from there one of the most famous powers on the planet.

The guy discovered a real natural tendency to bodybuilding - his muscles grew very quickly. The results to which other athletes went for years, the athlete demonstrated several months later. The first competitions in Germany did not bring him fame. Not wanting to give up, the young man went to Yugoslavia, where his forms were appreciated - he became a real star. Nasser could boast not only muscle mass - he has several scientific degrees on history, political science and sociology. He freely owned seven languages. The athlete went away early - in 47 years old died from renal failure.

Paul Dillet

Former football player from youthful years began to create relief of his forms. At the age of 26, he tried to take the first place at competitions in North America, but that year, luck did not smile in the floor. He ventured to speak at the next championship and conquered all the judges. The unconditional victory and Triumph of Bodybuilder became the most significant event in his life. Surprisingly, the athlete has developed its own training system, which was built on a scientific approach. He came to the gland, being in a state of affect, which contributed to a sharp surge of adrenaline in the blood. That is how it reached its magnificent results.

These were the most significant figures with the biggest hands in the world of bodybuilding in the past century. Now these volumes will not surprise anyone, but their names should be known, if only because they have achieved such results by training. And now let's look at the current heroes, whose merits cause a big doubt.

Blood and sweat

Yes, it will be about anabolics. After all, looking at Denis Sester it is simply impossible to believe that such results can be achieved only by physical training. The volume of biceps is 77.8 cm. This is an absolute world record, and it can be safely in handing medal for the "biggest hands in the world." Interesting fact - Denis was a follower of the previous record holder named Greg Valentino. The teacher had a more modest result - 71 cm. At 23, he had already had a volume of 53 cm, but this seemed to him a little. He began to increase his biceps due to anabolics and other chemistry. The payback did not make themselves waiting - liver cancer. Denis went on his footsteps, as he says his completely unbelievable form of hands. It can be deserved to be called the most large "synthols" hands in the world.

Impressive results of modern heroes

For those who failed to achieve such high results, like two previously voiced characters, there are also a pair of strings in the article. They could not overtake, but closely approached the championship volumes.

  • Canadian athlete Greg Kovach - 67 cm.
  • Two-meter Bodybuilder Naech Styre - 66 cm.
  • British Zack Khan - 61 cm.
  • Lithuanian athlete Robert Burner - 61 cm.
  • Phil hit and whether it is prompted - 56 cm.
  • Robert Svenson and Manfred Heberel - 63 cm.

Syntola does not happen much

In order to argue about the safety of Syntola, it is worth learn what it consists of. Until now, no one knows the real formula of this substance, and everyone who manufactures it on their own, risk to remain not only without a result, but also without hands. The approximate composition of "Syntola" - 85% oil (sesame or coconut, 7.5% lidocaine, 7.5% of the benzyl alcohol. How safe can such a rattling mixture be? If Western Silita makes injections in the clinic or after consulting an experienced doctor , the Russian "heroes" are written Synthol at home and run it by liters.

Hands-bazuki, or how to become a sleeveless in the literal sense of the word

Such Internet heroes, as caused by adequate people only two reactions - bewilderment and disgust. Slender Pyatigorsky guy managed to pour out a few liters in his hands and is not going to stop at what. It makes the drug he at home and even manages to sell it the same as he, not quite reasonable people. It is impossible to look at this person without tears. And these are the tears of pity not to him, but rather to his mother. Poor woman He walks through the TV shows together with her son in the hope of returning him the mind.

Doctors literally screaming that he will soon lose both hands, but the synthist does not believe them for the word, because there was no precedent! The guy would have to learn more about the substance itself and those who have already suffered from its use. For everyone who thinks about the like, the possible consequences are listed below.

  • Risk of damage to nerves and paralysis of the limb.
  • Risk of infection.
  • Numbness of the limbs due to compressing vessels "Synthol".
  • Eating oil into the bloodstream and, as a result, vascular embolism.
  • Edema at the site of injection.
  • Development of an allergic reaction.