The most important component educational process In the modern Russian school is the formation of patriotism and culture of interethnic relations, which are of great importance in the social and civil and spiritual development of the student's personality. Only on the basis of the elevation senses of patriotism and national shrines, love of the Motherland is strengthened, a sense of responsibility for its power, honor and independence, the preservation of the material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society, is developing the dignity of personality.

Many thinkers and teachers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism in the process of personality of man, pointed to their multilateral impact. So, for example, K.D. Shushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of upbringing, but also a powerful pedagogical agent: "As there is no person without a pride, so there is no person without love for the Fatherland, and this love gives the upbringing of the right key to the heart A person and powerful support for the fight against ill natural, personal, family and generic inclinations. "

True patriotism in its essence is humanistic, includes respect for other peoples and countries, to their national customs and traditions and inextricably linked with the culture of interethnic relations. In this sense, patriotism and culture of interethnic relations are closely related to each other and act in organic unity and are determined in pedagogy as a moral quality, which includes the need to faithfully serve its homeland, manifestation of love and loyalty, awareness and experience of her greatness and glory , his spiritual connection with it, the desire to take care of her honor and dignity, practical affairs to strengthen power and independence.

The above definition allows us to understand the content of patriotism concept. It includes:

· A sense of attachment to those places where a person was born and grew;

· Respectful attitude towards the language of their people;

· Care of the interests of the Motherland;

· Debt awareness in front of the homeland, defending her honor, freedom and independence;

· Manifestation of civilian feelings and preservation of loyalty to the Motherland;

· Pride for the social and cultural achievements of their country;

· Good attitude and historical past of the Motherland, their people, his customs and traditions;

· Humanism, mercy, universal values.

As is known, one of the main directions of patriotic education at school can be allocated:

Spiritual and moral directionincluding:

· Formation of morally sustainable solid personality with such moral qualities as good faith, honesty, collectivism, compliance with the rules of behavior, respect for the elder generation, courage, love for the motherland and their people;

· Education of respect for family, parents, family Traditions;

· Formation of social activity aimed at serving the interests of his fatherland;

· Education to work as a vital necessity, the main way to achieve success in life;

· Formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, upbringing an active life position in relation to their own health, the rejection of asocial phenomena undermining the physical and spiritual health of the nation.

In our time, relevant issues are preserving morality in society, restoration and development of historical and cultural heritage. We have to instill our culture traditions from our children from the very early age, respect for other people, the foundations of spirituality and morality. Along with the family, the main responsibility for the conduct of spiritual and moral education belongs to the school as the most important social institution affecting the formation of the worldview of children. The effective solution of this task is to build in schools a unified system of spiritual and moral education.

In this regard, the tasks of the educational system of school focused on the formation of education of moral values:

· Development of children based on the principles of humanism, personal-oriented education;

· Development of spiritually moral values \u200b\u200band approval by their consciousness and the behavior of high school students through the spiritual revival of customs, family values;

· Creating conditions for moral self-expression

personality support;

· Building relations based on good, justice, humanity, the adoption of individuality features.

A special place in the educational system is given to the class teacher. The duties of the class teacher include the study of values \u200b\u200band vital landmarks of students, conducting class hours, games, trainings, thematic events aimed at spiritual and moral education of students, studying traditions, customs, culture of peoples, religions, family, schools.

Live interest causes classes related to the "My Pedigree" theme. The guys together with their parents make up a generic tree of their family, collect old photos, study the family archive.

The teacher's pedagogical team determined the following tasks:

· Formation of patriotic feelings and civil consciousness of young schoolchildren in collective activities based on historical and cultural values; Preservation and development of a sense of pride for their homeland.

· Education of the personality of a citizen-patriot of the Motherland, able to stand on the protection of the country and its interests.

· Study of history, national cultures and traditions, ecology native region.

· Development of student's creative abilities through the attraction of patriotic topics to events.

Currently, the study of the native land is becoming increasingly important. Through the study of regional characteristics, the general values \u200b\u200bof the Russian state occurs.

Thus, historical and local history activities are important to us for the proper formation of a student of a schoolboy. They, participating in cognitive activity, acquire knowledge about a separate historical fact, event, the history of the region as a whole. This activity is purely spiritual in nature and can have different levels according to the degree of complexity - from simple assimilation of historical knowledge before searching for new ones.

Z.R. Zabirova,

teacher IKB MBOU SOSH№4 s. Raevsky

(Alsheevsky district of RB)

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"Spiritual and moral education in the context of modern school"

"Of all the sciences that a person should know,

the main thing is the science on how to live, making how

you can less evil and as much as possible. "

L.N. Tolstoy

The issue of spiritual and moral education of children is one of the key problems facing the society and the state as a whole. The society has developed a negative situation in the matter of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

The spiritual and moral state of society is rightly considered one of the main indicators of its development and well-being.

Why this topic is especially relevant.

What is spoken to this science, philosophy, cybernetics. Sociologists:

Academician Viktor Dmitrievich Plokin in his book "New Model of the Universe".

"Currently, the humanity of the Earth radiates a colossal flow of negative information and the energy of the evil, which leads to an increase in earth disasters, interethnic conflicts, man-made disasters, etc. Today, evil flows, reaching the information field of the planet, distort information and disturb the course of planetary processes. Humanity resembles an organism that is not cleared by its own slags. This organism is or poisoned by their own workouts, or will begin enhanced self-cleaning for salvation»

Julius Anatolyevich Schreander - Russian mathematician, Cybernetics, philosopher.

"Among the global catastrophe of the most terrible mankind, the anthropological catastrophe can be the anthropological -" ... the destruction of the human in man. " In this regard, the most important thing is "... to understand how a person remains a man in the spiritual sense of the word, a man is not only intelligent, but also aware, that is, conscientious.

In recent decades, truly rapid changes occurred in the socio-economic and socio-political life not only Russia, but also the world community. In the context of globalization of sociocultural problems, universal technology, environmental disasters, religious extremism, international terrorism, the world began to "the problem of" humanity "of a modern person" Modern man, being captured by many dependencies, has no experience of a conscious life. He knows a lot about the world, but he understands little about his relationship with this world. "

Currently, the greatest danger that lies in our society is not in the problems of the economy, not in the difficulties of the political situation, but in the destruction of the person.

Disadvantages and omissions in moral education are applied to society by irreparable damage. Intellectual development Youth does not represent such a problem today as its moral formation. This is due to the fact that training the basics of sciences in our time occurs quite clearly, planned and necessarily. However, the moral education of the younger generation is far behind. But it is morality that should stand in front of the intellect. Thus, the purpose of moral education is the formation of morality, morality, which corresponds to the criteria for good, mercy, care, education, decency, honesty.

Which background today is the formation of a child's personality.

The role of the family in education today is extremely low, the family institution is crumbling. The child develops surrounded by many diverse sources that strongly affect it both positively and negatively. A serious impact on the formation of value orientations is provided by the media, especially television, the most influential of them, where many cruelty and violence that destroy the psyche of children. As a result, the moral landmarks of the younger generation are blurred. Material values \u200b\u200bare dominated over spiritual, young people distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism

Statistics show that 17% of children with mental disabilities are born in Russia, 15 million drug addicts, 35 million alcoholics. On one of the human Russia accounts for more than 25 liters. Alcohol per year, whereas at 8 l. Alcohol a year begins the degeneration of the nation.

Only 15-19% of children and adolescents can be recognized as healthy, at least 75% of children and adolescents need, to one degree or another in the help and treatment of psychologists according to UNESCO experts and the World Health Organization, with the ratio of a six-box scale in Russia, It is only 1.4 points. This is essentially a death sentence.

    As a result, we see the serious problems of the spiritual and moral state of the younger generation of Russia

    Over the past 20 years, such concepts as "debt", "conscience", "morality" and "patriotism" depreciated

    55% of young people are ready to cross through
    moral norms

    More than 70% of young people do not want to serve in the army;

    200 thousand evade service in the army;

    90% of graduates leave schools with
    Various diseases

Disintegrates the Institute of Family.

    29% of children are born in unregistered marriages. Russia takes: 1 place in the world in terms of the number of divorces and born out of marriage of children.

    Aggravation of the problem of social orphanhood: the number of orphans increased by 75% in 20 years.

    High level of child crime

    Slim 10. As a result of all this, aware of "Spiritual Chernobol"

We all famous facts:

    Drunk parent beat a young teacher. Classes in front of children.

    Teenagers mock the elderly physical education teacher.

    Eighth grader who dropped from the roof of a 9-story house

    Figy-grader. Hanging in the yard of his house.

    Today, 5-7 thousand Russians have been recruited by ISIL and left for Syria.

    Students of Russian universities are dressed as Hidzhab, taking Islam.

These facts indicate the crisis of spiritual and moral missions. Perennial alienation of a person from genuine spiritual culture, national roots and traditions from Faith led to a crisis of public consciousness .... Surviving acute social crisis, society and school are experiencing a social need for spiritual and moral update and elevation.

The question of moral education is so relevant that I found my reflection in the law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Article 2 of the Russian Law indicates: "The state policy in the field of education is based on one of the principles: The humanistic nature of education, the priority of the human values, the life and health of a person, the free development of the person, the upbringing of citizenship and love for the Motherland ... ".

In the requirements of GEF, it is indicated that the program of spiritual and moral development should be aimed at ensuring the spiritual and moral development of students in the unity of urgent, extracurricular, extracurricular activities, in joint pedagogical work. Thus, the goal of spiritual and moral education: this is the creation of a system for the formation of spiritual and moral landmarks for life elections.

Under these conditions, the main instrument of pedagogical support for the spiritual and moral development of the personality of a citizen is a general educational school, building partnerships with other social entities of education: family, civil society institutions, confessions, public organizations.

However, the School is the only social institution through which all citizens of Russia are held. It is here that not only intellectual, but spiritual and cultural life should be concentrated. The learned and experienced in childhood is characterized by great psychological stability.

What we understand under the concept of spiritual and moral education.

Under the "spiritual and moral education" means the process formation:

- moral feelings (conscience, debt, faith, responsibility, citizenship, patriotism),

- moral appearance (patience, mercy, innovation),

- moral position (ability to distinguish between good and evil, manifestation of selfless love, readiness for overcoming life tests),

- moral behavior (the readiness of the ministry to people and the Fatherland, manifestations of spiritual prudence, obedience, goodwill).

It should be emphasized that the formation of moral concepts is a very complex and long process. It requires constant efforts, systematic and planned work on the formation of the feelings and consciousness of children.

What are our traditional moral sources:

Homeland, family, labor, art, religion, nature.

Accordingly, the basic spiritual values \u200b\u200bare determined and lined up: the birthplace of patriotism, love for a small homeland, law and order,

Family Love and loyalty, respect for parents, health and prosperity, care for older and younger,

Labor-creativity, purposefulness, respect for work,

Religion-mercy, television idea of \u200b\u200bspirituality,

Art - aesthetic development, harmony, beauty, moral choice,

Nature - ecological consciousness, value of the purity of the native land, reserved nature

Science is the value of knowledge, the desire for the truth, the scientific picture of the world.

What source scorches our children is this life drink - spirituality and morality at school.

    This is primarily educational activities. The moral development of pupils in the lessons is carried out through the content of the software and didactic material, the organization itself, the teacher's personality. The colossal potential for moral influence on schoolchildren has educational material, especially in literature and history. It contains a large number of moral and ethical judgments. In the lessons, the teacher directly displays students to understand the relationship towards man and society.

    The strongest impact on the moral development of schoolchildren in the learning process has personality teacher. The moral appearance of the teacher is revealed to children in the system of his relationship to their work, to students and other people, to themselves.

From the sensitivity of the teacher to the spiritual world of pupils just depends on the creation of an environment encouraging to moral behavior, moral actions. "

Obviously, "charisma" teacher, as the highest degree of pedagogical talent, is related to his humanistic priority. If the teacher is little emotional, if he is underdeveloped "heart sphere", shallow feelings, he will not be able to influence the inner world of the teenager. The authoritarianism of the teacher, according to the leading teachers, is associated with a low level of culture of the teacher and is a consequence of the prevalence of the mind-empirical style of thinking

Examples of a passionate, responsible attitude to their work, principle, sensitivity and concerns in relations with colleagues and students are strengthened in adolescents faith in the celebration of morality. And, on the contrary, if the students witnessed an indifferent or tactless attitude of the teacher to someone, the moral development of adolescents is applied significant damage. The effectiveness of moral education is determined by the personal example of the educator. Spiritual proximity and respect for the teacher, encouraging him to imitate, are formed from many terms and, in particular, depend on the degree of its competence, professionalism, the nature of everyday relationships with children. It is especially important to prevent words, even sincere, passionate, dispersed with his affairs, actions. If the teacher proclaims some rules of life, and he himself adheres to others, he is not entitled to count on the effectiveness of his words.

Technology "Pedagogical Love"

1. To understand that they are children, therefore behave like ordinary children.

2. To try to accept the child as it is in fact - with the "pluses" and "minuses", with all its features.

3. It is possible to more fully find out why he became "such", and try to "develop" an understanding, compassion and sympathy for the child.

4. Find a positive child, to express him confidence, try to include it in overall activities (with a pre-predicted positive assessment).

5. Install personal contact using non-verbal communication tools, create "Success situations", assign positive verbal support to the child.

6. Do not miss the moment of verbal or behavioral-emotional response from his part, take effective participation in the problems and difficulties of the child.

7. Do not be shy to show your attitude, your love for children, openly respond to the manifestation of response love , fix the friendly, heart, sincere tone in the practice of everyday communication. In this context, it is also important to note that positive self-perception, love for itself is as important for the teacher, like the love of the child.

An important source of moral experience of schoolchildren is a variety of extracurricular work.

Leading forms of creative activity aimed at the development of the moral qualities of the personality are circles and sports sections, creative associations of guys, electives, scientific and practical conferences of high school students, protection of independent projects, mass literary, musical, theatrical holidays, exhibitions of children's work, excursions, visits to museums and Exhibition halls of the city, various kinds of school competitions, contests, Olympiad.

It consists of their urgent needs for communication, deeper interconancy, self-expression and self-affirmation in the team of peers. In extracurricular work Particularly favorable conditions are created to include students in the system of real moral relations of mutual assistance, responsibility, principled demand, etc. Individual inconsistencies, creative abilities are more fully developed in this activity. Various moral installations assimilated in educational process, in extracurricular activities, as it were, are experienced. Their expediency is checked, aspects of certain moral provisions are revealed with greater evidence. Thus, the translation of knowledge in conviction is ensured.

An important aspect of spiritual and moral education remains a rich cultural heritage of Christianity.

President Vladimir Putin noted - "It is difficult to disagree with those who claim that without Christianity, the Orthodox faith, Russia would hardly occur without the culture base. Therefore, it is important to return to these first-sources, when we again gain ourselves, we are looking for the moral foundations of life. "
In the "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Law-Glagious Church", we read: "The school is a mediator who transfers the most moral values \u200b\u200baccumulated by the previous centuries. In this case, the school and church are designed to cooperate. Education, especially addressed to children and adolescents, is designed not only to transmit information. Walking in the young hearts of aspiration to the truth, a genuine moral feeling, love to neighbor, to their fatherland, his history and culture - all this should be the task of the school is not in a smaller, but maybe more than the teaching of knowledge.

The culture of Russia for millennia was formed under the influence of Orthodox religion. After all, it was the Christian Orthodox Religion since 988 traditionally was the leading religion of Russia. She contributed to the formation of public consciousness and habitat of people, in which the most important ethical norms and values \u200b\u200bof life are preserved. Christianity taught people a respectful attitude to every person, tolerance, disinterested help, sympathy. Without the knowledge of the history of Christian Orthodox culture, it is impossible to master the values \u200b\u200bof Russian and world culture, and the Orthodox-Christian principles of love, harmony and beauty in the world, humans and society have invaluable educational opportunities. It is based on them that it is possible to overcome the modern crisis of culture and education, the crisis of the inner world of man.

The story of Orthodoxy, saturated with dramatic and bright events, facts, images gives a rich material for spiritual and moral education. The moral impact of Orthodox culture is large and multifaceted. The works of Orthodox art contain examples of highly agreed behavior, decent admiration and imitation. They give birth to those who communicate with them, deep emotional-moral appearance, complement and expand the moral experience of man. Forcing to understand and empathize inlaught fates, Orthodox art helps to extract lessons from life.

The reading of Orthodox literature has a huge educational effect. It is the lives of saints that were the most readable children's books, on the basis of which the process of education in the family and school was built. In these works, schoolchildren can see examples of the life of the saints, under their influence in children form the concepts of good and evil, about the moral ideal. Orthodox culture contains extensive material for education of genuine spiritual and moral qualities.

Thus, the appeal to the system of Orthodox values, the study of Orthodox culture in the school is a real factor in the age of a truly moral generation. In the connection, the course "Spiritual Location of the Moscow region", which, as the regional component, is included in the school curriculum, very relevant and timely.

Basic goals of the course:

    Historical and cultural education;

    Spiritual and moral education.

These goals are very logical, as the culture of Russia for decades was formed under the influence of Orthodox culture. From here there is a course task:

    give schoolchildren knowledge about the history of the Christian Orthodox culture and its connection with the history of native land;

    giving knowledge about Christian moral culture: about the understanding of Christians of the ethical categories of good and evil, the meaning of life and show examples of their incarnation in the lives of the Saints and the Heroes of the Fatherland;

    contact solving the problems of moral education of schoolchildren, the formation of the quality of patriotism and citizenship.

One of the important manifestations of human spiritual and moral culture is love for his native land. The culture of Russia was constructed by people who loved their Fatherland. However, the understanding of this culture is impossible without knowing that it was its semantic and value source and content. The course involves a visit to the Orthodox churches, so students can better get acquainted with Orthodox art. So, on the lessons of "spiritual local history", schoolchildren learn that there is nothing casual in the architecture and decoration of Orthodox churches, any item has a symbolic meaning. Four sides of the temple, united by one chapter, symbolize the four sides of the world under the rule of the Unified Ecumenical Church.

In the lessons, students also get acquainted with the icon painting. Ancient Russian icon is a special world, to penetrate into which is not so easy. But who finds access to this world, he easily begins to open all new and new beauty in it. The abstract language of the icons, its symbols become gradually understandable and tasted in a child's consciousness into a specific artistic image. From this point on, the simple lookout of the icon is inferior to her understanding.

We have a good experience of school cooperation with the Sunday School of the Christian Children's Temple with. Zaozerier priority here is upbringing and development: spiritual, moral, creative and intellectual. What is the content of the cultural and educational activities of the Sunday school and what is it on the basis of the materials we own?

These are speeches and festivals dedicated to church holidays and in the framework of publicly church events; These are the exit speeches of theatrical studios and choral groups, open lessons in secondary schools related to the names of the prominent figures of the culture and art of Russia, with the names of the Holy leaders of our Fatherland, heroes, devotees and workers of the Earth Russian. It can be said that Sunday School is a school of additional education. Why? Because the main, general education school does not give much of what needs to give a child as a future member of society, as a Christian, as a highly moral person. In Sunday schools, there are objects such as the basis of morality, Christian ethics, the traditions of piety, absent in secondary schools. Sunday school introduces children to the world of national Russian culture and art, in the history of his fatherland, i.e. forms children national-patriotic feelings

We appreciate this cooperation.

The task of priests and teachers teach to see the boundaries between good and evil, love and hatred, which are currently blurred.

Artician's important sources of the moral experience include art. Art is completely indispensable in the upbringing, it expands, deepens and organizes the moral experience of a person, encounters a child with such a moral situation with which he may not meet in life, not to create in the educational process, and in the formation of moral qualities is important .. Their is irreplaceable Arts in the accumulation of empathy experience. Art allows you to experience the fact that every person, due to the limit of his experience, can not survive

Conclusion: We are convinced that creating a unified educational and educational environment in lessons and extracurricular activities, solving the issues of spiritually-production and patriotic education, we can preserve the spiritual and physical health of the younger generation.

folk wisdom:

If you think about tomorrow - this grain,
If ten years ahead - Soriy Forest,
If for a hundred years - bring up children.

folk wisdom.

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
head Laboratory for the Integration of General and Additional Education of the Federal Institute for Education (Firo) Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Fedosova N.A.,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Spiritual and moral education in secondary school.

Currently, spiritual and moral education in the secondary school has gained special significance.

Russia of the post-revolutionary period The main moral task has seen in the education of the younger generation patriotism devotion to the ideas of socialist homeland. And the entire educational process in elementary school corresponded to this area. But it was at this time that the words took from our everyday spiritual, spirituality.

Moral, patriotic, moral and patrioticthese are the words that were constantly met during this period. And, unfortunately, you can hear less often. Since they are associated with our non-smile past.

Lack of spiritual development, as we see now, led to moral devastation. Words disappeared: good - as a source of joy, peace and consent in the shower, repentance - renunciation; mercy as grace in the heart; grace, which is caused good deeds and love for loved onesand such words can be listed.

People have become increasingly intolerant to each other, tougher, hard. Spirituality disappeared. It did not confidence in each other.

But only ... good person Of the good treasures of his heart, his good, and an evil man from an evil treasure of his heart will endure evil, for his mouth speak from an excess of heart ...Gospel from Luke

If we reverse your gaze to the history of the Russian state, to their origins, we will see that the ideal of our Motherland has always been holiness, spirituality and love of the Motherland.

Many see the way out of the established position in spirituality as completeness of being. And first of all turn to the moral values \u200b\u200bof Orthodoxy. At all times, the core of Russian culture was the Orthodox foundations and traditions of people's life. Care in raising from the traditions of Orthodoxy, in our opinion, one of the reasons for moral devastation of the personality. And to return to the origins of the development of spiritual and moral education are necessary Spiritually healthy family and school.

The core of Russian culture was always the Orthodox foundations and traditions of people's life.

Spiritual and moral education Currently, the pedagogy is most often understood as moral education in accordance with the spiritual traditions of the people.

School, remaining secular Tries through the culture of their people, effect on the spiritual and moral education of younger students. To date, spiritual and moral education cannot be represented by separate lessons in the educational process. It's most likely education and education based on spirituality.

The solution to the problem of spiritual and moral education is not separately allocated for hours, but in creating a spiritual atmosphere at school, which would contribute to the spiritual formation of a student, awakened a desire to do well in it.

The resulting spiritual vacuum forces elementary school to look for ways to improve the educational process.

In this transition period, the secondary school is looking for points of contact with secular pedagogy and Orthodox, and above all through the culture of their people. Optional courses have been introduced into educational programs Introduction to nationwide, introducing in history, etc.

Spiritual and moral education can not be solved only within the framework of school education. To date, a number of problems that need to be solved for a full spiritual and moral impact on the development of spiritual qualities of students are marked:

Most of us, and this is a family, school, the methodologists turned out to be very far from their spiritual sources, from the heights of spiritual and moral culture, which makes it difficult to solve the problem. Make, teach parents, methodists with generally dactical methods be spiritual It is impossible. A confused teacher who owns the most modern techniques cannot lay a spiritual and moral beginning of his pupils. Only an example of a raising (mentor) can give results. Slite instructions and morals will hardly be helped.

Spiritual and moral education The problem is complex and solve it can be gradually, including in this process of all members of society, both adults and children;

The content of school education, trying to stay secular, introduces fragmentary plots of Orthodox life. They most likely introduce students with the stories of culture of their people, but do not form relationships. The same knowledge require emotional reinforcement. The introduction of a course, which was based on a sociocultural system approach, requires extraction of additional time, which is impossible at today's education standards. If even this time will be due to the regional (school) component, then the full spiritual and moral education due to a certain amount of time is not possible. It is necessary to update the integration of the entire content of the initial formation directed as N.M. Karamzin "for the Heart and Reason" said. On the basis of sociocultural and cultural approaches;

The introduction into the content of the formation of a material associated with the traditions of the cultural life of the people is oversaturated with incomprehensible for students. It will only push the children from the desire to comprehend their origins. Sufficiency and accessibility, mandatory didactic principles of learning should be present in each educational and methodological manual;

The multinationality of the country and its religion (which was not so brightly expressed in pre-revolutionary Russia), requires allocation to study the foundations of spiritual and moral

education at the School of Universal Values \u200b\u200bwith their

individual religions (shared holidays,

joy, grief, etc.). And at the same time each living on

Russian states.

In order to realize the priority of spiritual and moral education, it is necessary to comply with the patterns of a holistic educational process, and this makes a certain requirements for the structure of educational institutions and their impact methods. If not

take measures for a radical change, which has established a situation, then no positive results have to be expected.

Taking attempts to create a holistic, didactically verified content, it is necessary to gradually, in accordance with age features Children, starting with younger school age, to implement identity development ideas:

Before the secondary school, the following tasks are:

- Help Students develop not only intellectual, physical, but also spiritual deposits; Implement interests and inclinations: to develop personal moral beliefs, tolerance for another way of life;

- Teach understanding, receiving activities in the team; careful and caring attitude to the environment, each other;

- Createconditions for the development of independent creative thinking; To meet students of their spiritual needs;

- encourageself-expression and self-confidence;

- Introductionin the content of education, studying the history of the religion of the peoples of the world;

- Concentratethe attention of children on the content of a material that represents spiritual values, the basis of which is Word and action.

Spiritually - moral education in a rural school.

Program of educational work

"Formation of moral value orientations of students."

What are you waiting for you in the future?

You must think about it more and more

And if you are real,

Great return is waiting for you a country

If you ask different people to characterize the modern world, then we will hear: terrible, cruel, separated. And indeed in our world, it is scary to live: terribly losing consciousness on the street, scary to go home in the evening, scary to open the door to a stranger, terribly flying on the plane. But even more terrible from the thought as our children, and our grandchildren will have all their lives to feel the feelings of distrust and intolerance towards others.
Therefore, in recent times, conversations about moral education are increasingly and more often, in which the most important value is the unique and inviolable human person.

One of the tasks in the formation of the student of a schoolboy is to enrich its moral ideas and concepts. The degree of mastering them in children is different, which is associated with the general development of a child, his life experience.

Spiritually - moral education is the most important party to the formation and development of the identity of the child. Currently, the need for the spiritual recovery of the Russian man has become an obvious, without which the Fatherland is not only unable to progressively develop, but also historically doomed. In modern conditions, Russian education is the sphere of the spiritual life of society, where the social and ethnocultural experience accumulated by mankind in the entire history of its development is transmitted.

Spiritual and moral education is a focus on high moral values. Based on this, the content of spiritual and moral education should be: the formation of a sense of debt and responsibility for their country and their behavior, labor needs, humane relationship To the surrounding, careful attitude towards nature, law-abiding, the formation of socially approved views and relations in family life, the development of communicative skills, culture of communication, needs and skills in self-knowledge and self-education.

A special place in the general system of forming a spiritual and moral culture of the student is occupied by a rural secondary school. Due to a number of socio-geographical factors (remoteness from cultural centers, the specifics of the educational process, the number and composition of students and teachers, the availability of the material base, etc.) The rural school is forced to take on the functions of the Center for Education and the Education of Youth living in Social School Socyma. The rural school is the leading factor in the moral education of adolescents. It has an arsenal of funds missing in the city, among which is a close organic connection with the natural environment, the preserved traditions, customs, rituals in public and family life, spiritual unity, care for the younger and senior people, the focus on labor activity.

At the same time, the modern rural teacher faces in his work with a number of difficulties. The main among them: the remoteness from modern foci of culture, the lack of the necessary material base at school, not a high cultural standard of living of modern villagers, the small degree of diversity of leisure activities, the underdevelopment of the system of out-of-school institutions, the limited and closure of society, etc. All these features lead to the need to search forms, methods of education agreed with the terms of rural life in order to form the moral sustainability of adolescents.

On the example of the Kirillovskaya secondary school, I want to talk about the work of the pedagogical team on the spiritual and moral formation of a person in a rural school. One of the main aspects of educational work is to raise students on folk traditionsAnd the task of spiritual and moral education is one of the priorities at school. The pedagogical team seeks the formation of the following qualities among students:
- moral feelings (debt, faith, conscience, responsibility, patriotism, citizenship);
- moral appearance (mercy, tolerance);
- moral position (ability to distinguish between good and evil, manifestation of selfless love);
- moral behavior (readiness to serve people, their homeland).

The system of educational work with students, whose tasks of which are to resolve these issues.

  • development and education of a citizen of Russia capable of maintaining and multiplying the social and cultural experience of the Fatherland;
  • formation of spiritual - moral values \u200b\u200band approval by their consciousness and the behavior of schoolchildren;
  • building relations based on good, justice, humanity.

The team of teachers has developed a program to upbringing schoolchildrenformation of moral value orientations of students

"I am a citizen of Russia." The main thing in the program is a systematic approach to the formation of the civil position of the schoolchildren, creating conditions for its self-knowledge and self-education, as well as assistance in the development of social and historical experience by entering the social environment, in developing their individual experience in life.

The program is used in school from 1 to grade 9. It includes six directions related to the logic of the formation of a citizen of Russia.

1. "I and My Fatherland."

2. "I and family."

3. "I and my health."

4. "I and culture."

5. "I and the Planet".

6. "I and Labor".

When implementing the program, the following values \u200b\u200bare formed:

  • Love to motherland
  • Respect for the family
  • Need for a healthy lifestyle
  • Consciousness of beauty
  • Culture of communication.
  • Goodworking
  • Earth care

1. "I and My Fatherland."

Value: love for homeland.

Love for homeland is an active civil position, and knowledge of traditions, knowledge of the country's history, history of the region. But everything starts with love and respect for their small homeland, to people who surround us. The school has a museum room. There are many photos. Some of them are very old. Getting to getting with these pictures, the children are penetrated with love for neighbor, to Fatherland. After all, these people, workers, are a model of imitation of their resistance, faith. Local history work not only activates cognitive interest, develops creative abilities of students, but is an important means spiritually moral Education. Regional science is one of the forms of education of spiritual and moral personality

As a teacher, we did not accidentally turn to the problem of using localism in the lesson and in extracurricular activities. Analyzing the work on nature, the development of oral and written speech in the lessons of reading and Russian language, i.e. The teaching of the main subjects came to the conclusion that students know little about a small homeland, their native land, are not familiar with his past and present. But even the existing small volume of the material is abstract. To increase cognitive interest in the history of the region, his past, present and future, to the nature of the native land, we turned to the analysis of this problem and find ways to solve it.

Why should I study your land? What to study? How to teach local history material?

An important stage of working on local history is a targeted extracurricular and out-of-school educational work. There is a great importance to contact with sociable, parents who can help in the development of the social, cultural, natural environment of the native land. Such an organization of local history work contributes to the awareness of its place in the surrounding world ("I am my village"), the values \u200b\u200bof the Nizhny Novgorod region in the history and culture of Russia ("I am my village, my land, my fatherland"). It does not allow to roll to the position of locality when studying the edge and at the same time promotes the formation of citizenship.

Regional studies implies a comprehensive study of the native land. A wide field of activity is the study of the subject "Nature", geographical location, biological regional studies.

In order to form a civil relation to Fatherland, events were held:

  • Motherland. Tour game.3-4 CL. Kaukenas O.V.
  • Excursions to the regional museum. 7-8C.Teroshina V.N.
  • The best organization of work on the prevention of road traffic injuries. Report on the competition. Cool leaders.
  • Cumbage lessons. Conversation, meeting with war veterans, participants in local conflicts. CL. Officers.
  • "My motherland". Drawing competition. 3-6 Kl. Kazarina M.E.
  • "The history of Nizhny Novgorod Territory", "I am a citizen of Rossi."

Conversations. 8 -9 CL Gorbate L.A.

  • State symbolism of the Russian Federation. Registration of stands.

Kukushkina Z.V.

  • Minors rights. Knowledge of laws and their practical application. Lecture 6-9kl. Gorbate L.A.
  • "Your rights" role-playing game 5-6 CL. Serov L.G.
  • Participation in district competitions.
  1. "View through the century." To the history of Nizhny Novgorod militia. Dumina s 10 mixer.
  2. The history of elections in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Past and present. Plekhanova and.3 place.
  3. Share "I am a citizen of Russia". Erik K. 1st place.
  4. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Bodrov D. Blarodarity.

As a result of eventsthe students were convinced that a real citizen loves and proud of his homeland, studies her historical and cultural, spiritual heritage, faithful to his civil debt and is ready to defend the Fatherland.

2. "I and family."

Value: Respect for the family.

The purpose of the next direction "I and the family" was the formation of a civil relation to your family.

Indisputable is fact, What the initial formation of morality is a child gets in the family. It is in the family that the main thing is formed - faith and piety, and the school is called only to help parents, but do not replace them.

The following tasks were delivered:

  1. To form respect for family members.
  2. Forming a family man who loving his parents.
  3. To form in children an understanding of the essence of major social roles: daughters, son, husband, wife.

To achieve these goals

joint educational events with parents are held

days of open doors

Lectoring for parents

Parent meetings

parental meetings for dads,

joint meetings parents + children

Such a meeting was held in November on the eve of the feast of the mother's day.

Children, preparing for this holiday, wrote essays about Mama, showed a poetic composition.

The following activities were developed and carried out:

  • conversations in 5-7 classes "What does it mean to be a good son and a good daughter" Serov L.G.
  • the contest of the drawings "I and my family" 3-4 Kl. Kazarina M.E.
  • holiday for moms "From the whole soul" 5 - 6 cl. Serov L.G.
  • "My Dad Defender Motherland" and others5 -9 cl. Humpback l ..
  • The photo exhibition "My relatives are the defenders of the Motherland." Kukushkina Z.V.
  • Family holiday "Tale from the heart and soul about how the moms are good!" Tereshina V.N., Cool leader 7-8 classes.
  • Competition DIY "FLOWERS FOR MAMA" Kaukenas O.V., 3 -4 CL primary classes Kaukenas O.V.
  • "My future family" - the evening of questions and answers. 6 -9 CL. Kukushkina Z.V.

3. "I and my health."

Value: healthy lifestyle.

In order to form the need for a healthy lifestyle, the creation of the health-saving conditions of the organization of the educational process at school has developed a health program.

One of the tasks of our school is to achieve a permissible level of health and healthy lifestyle. The school develops a system aimed at strengthening the health of children. Training is conducted at school in one shift. In school and in each class, the temperature regime of air is controlled, physkultminuts are carried out in the teacher's lessons. School has health days. Different intra-school competitions are regularly organized.

Most of the physical education lessons is carried out on the playground.

In school function sport section and tourist circle.

Change time is used to expand motor activity (through the moving games).

Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, learning how to improve the body, disclosing the importance of human relationship with the environment as a factor affecting a large extent on health - attention is focused on these issues in individual school subjects and classrooms. The focused work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle skills is walking, walking, conversations, moving games, competitions. Conducted

  • Promotion "School for a healthy lifestyle".
  • Exchange for the prevention "I choose life" (medical worker's conversation).
  • Merry and mischievous game (Employees of SDK)
  • Quiz "My health is in my hands."
  • Health lessons.

IN the result of our work is striving to seek to a healthy lifestyle; Aware health as one of the main life values, Z. animated physical self-improvement

4. "I and Culture"

Values: Beauty Awareness,culture of communication.

Understanding beauty is formed through musical, artistic literacy, the advent of aesthetic taste through creative activity. Starting from primary classes, children are involved in creativity. This is a clock of communication, the folk holiday "Hot Kalachi from a Russian oven" Kukushkina Z.V., cool clocks raising in examples of outstanding people, contests, intellectual games, poster release, newspapers of various content. Class managers held conversations

  1. "Learn to sit at the table correctly";
  2. "Words of greetings in our life";
  3. "We came to visit ...";
  4. "Senior - respect and honor";
  5. "On the relationship of boys and girls";
  6. "Teenage behavior in public places"
  7. The following events were held: an excursion to the district local history museum, an excursion to the Circus), Fock (Semenov), the Golden Hits of the Autumn, "New Year's Serpentine", Christmas Combians, "Maslenitsa". These events were held jointly with the SDK and the library.
  8. Also, the guys were offered classes in the circles "DIY", "Magic match", "People's Artist". As a result of the work done, the guys have become more actively involved in artistic self-identity, they develop the ability to see beautiful in the surrounding life.
  9. Participation in the district photo contest "Children. Creation. Motherland. "
  10. District Competition "I Draw Mir", Competition of young florists, "Art - Deco" 2nd place.

5. "I and Planet"

Value: careful attitude towards Earth.

The purpose of the next direction "I and Planet" is the formation of a civil relation to the planet Earth.

Tasks of this direction:

1. Award understanding the relationship between man, society, nature.

  1. To form the aesthetic attitude of children to the environment and work, as a source of joy and creativity of children.

At school, work is carried out on the formation of the values \u200b\u200bof nature for each person. The school has a circle "Man and Nature". Members of the circle participate in contests, promotions, carry out experiments, work on an experienced area.

Activities have been held:

  • excursions in the nature "So the autumn came to us",

"On a visit to a green pharmacy",

  • contest drawings "The world around us."
  • Class hour "Earthlings - clean planet"
  • Ecological lesson "Fauna Nizhny Novgorod Territory"
  • The release of postcards "Save the native corner".
  • Reading and discussing the ecological story "Sunday in the Forest"
  • Informative - entertainment "Environmental Assorted"
  • Manufacturer

School exhibition of colors.

  • "Day of birds." Competitions, quiz. 1-8 classes. On the environmental theme.
  • Participation in the district environmental action.

In the course of the work carried out it was noticeable that the guys think about the conservation of the planet Earth, that a real citizen loves and protects nature, takes an active position in the struggle for the preservation of peace on Earth.

6. "I and Labor"

Value: hardworking.

One of the directions of spiritually - moral education is labor education. In rural school, it is one of the priority activities. Respect for work is formed through labor activity in a school team, on a school area, labor promotions.

Labor activity helps to solve self-sufficiency issues.

The main thing is that the children see the result of their work. Today, rural school sees its tasks in teaching students to a skillful combination of agriculture with a careful attitude towards Earth, the environment, the environment as the basics of human vital activity.

A special place in the work of the school occupies a training and experienced area. A school area is a place where the guys work, carry out experiments. Children's work gives significant results. Children see in labor joy, benefit, feel the need for it. Today, labor activity has become an integral part of the spiritual and moral education of school students. Labor life of schoolchildren begins with early childhood. The first "lessons" of labor they receive in the family under the leadership of parents. In school, the circle of work performed is significantly expanding. It covers the most diverse activity: landscaping villages, Saturdays, patronage of kindergarten, veterans and elderly, work on the improvement of the school territory, landscaping the territory of the village and the territory around the memorial to the victims of the School and the classroom duty.

Labor forms schoolchildren not only the skills of performing certain significant operations, but also the idea of \u200b\u200bkey moral values: about hard work and mutual assistance, reputation, honor and dignity, mercy; Raises the guys a respectful attitude towards the work of fellow villagers, parents, teachers.

Labor develops in students the need for labor to personal and common benefit, allows the school to realize the educational potential of lessons of technology, history, literature, circles of various focus. At school, the shares "Hurry up to do good" "Our help veterans, elderly", the presentation "All works are good, choose to taste."

During the school year, diagnosis was carried out by the manifestation of the emerging moral, activity-volitional character of adolescents, the results of which, in comparison with previous years, showed the following:


  • It grows careful attitude towards property, to educational work, to people, to themselves.
  • A positive attitude to society and nature remains approximately at the same level.

These results are talking about the educational impact of class managers who pay particular attention to these issues.

In this school year, diagnosis was carried out by the level of students' educational purposes.

At the end of each school year, teachers summarize whether it was interesting to live guys at school. To do this, offered to children a questionnaire. The first question was like this: "What our common matters seemed interesting to you and remember most? The guys listed a lot of events held for the year, some wrote: "You can not be bored at school, but it's interesting to live and fun." To the question "What did our affairs teach you?" The students wrote that they had learned to love their homeland, their village was learned to protect nature, conscientiously work, found out the price of honesty and kindness, courtesy, learned to help each other and not leave the comrade in trouble.

Summing up, we can say that R the result of our work is:

The acquisition of children to the origins of folk spirituality, the preservation of the continuity of generations;

Increasing the competence of children and parents in the field of morality;

Lack of teenage crime (there is not a single student standing in accounting in PD).

Only by combining all the efforts of teachers, parents, departments and institutions, we were able to achieve such results.