Surely you are familiar with the battles when the whole family tries to feed the baby, and he resists with all his might.

Grandma has already baked her favorite pies, and mom has a bright dinner - and still nothing helps.

Of course, all parents want their child to eat a lot and with appetite, but our toddlers do not always make mom and dad so happy (and especially grandmother).

Why does the baby have no appetite and how to get it back?

Physiological causes

Of course, kids are so picky that they may refuse to eat if they don't like it. appearance dishes. Or, in this way, they seek to attract attention to themselves. There are many reasons for unwillingness to eat, and the main one is physiological.

Need for food each person is purely individual, and this must be taken into account before complaining about the fact that the baby eats little.

Another factor affecting appetite is the intensity of growth, which depends on a person's genetic characteristics. If mom and dad have small crumbs, then he himself will eat less than many children in the group.

Seasonal patterns also play a significant role in the desire to "freeze the worm". In winter, babies grow more slowly than in summer, which means that they do not eat so much. In addition, if a child sits at home all day and is engaged in drawing or, rather than being active on the street, then the level of his energy consumption will be much lower. Accordingly, the little eater today will eat much less than yesterday after playing the snowballs.

If your baby is healthy, but at the same time refuses to eat, try to do gymnastics together, start it, play active games and walk a lot in the fresh air. These methods will help you improve your baby's appetite.

When the baby is impressionable and sensitive, he connects negative emotions with his surroundings. If he was force-fed, then in the future this may cause subconscious fear, which cannot be overcome even by the feeling of hunger.

A child may have problems with appetite if forced to eat unpalatable food in kindergarten (well, he does not like green borscht with sorrel, well, he has a gag reflex!). He will eat normally at home, but the caregivers will regularly complain about your baby. It often happens the other way around: the child does not eat anything at home, but he eats well in the kindergarten. These are signs of a neurotic reaction to food.

Mom Lenaasks for advice: “My child is 3 years old. At home he eats, but poorly, but in the kindergarten he does not eat anything at all. Unless he drinks - he does not like thick food, immediately a gag reflex from chicken, meat and generally not pureed foods. He is already underweight, but now it is in general. I try to feed him at least in the morning, but he knows that after that we will go to the garden - and begins to roar and refuse to eat. I do not know what to do!".

Mom Alina thinks so: “The child simply does not like it in the kindergarten, and he shows it in every possible way. Maybe he has something with adaptation, he hasn’t found friends yet, or the teacher doesn’t treat him well. Don't force him to do what he doesn't want to do. If you understand that he has problems communicating with other children, take him to some circles (sports, creative - so that he likes it), let him learn to seek contact with peers. You can still carry your own food from the kindergarten, which the child loves. But, most likely, it's not the food. It's just that the kid is trying to say through her that he is uncomfortable in the kindergarten. "

We solve the problem

First, stop forcing the child to eat. Nothing terrible will happen to the baby if he does not eat normally once. When he gets hungry, he will ask him to eat (the main thing is not to give him snacks). But he will not perceive you as a tyrant who is trying to shove food into him.

Fighting neurotic reactions to food (as with many other problems) is best in a playful way ... For example, have a child draw a family lunch of some cute animals (for example, cats), and then you and him come up with a story about kittens who ate poorly. The invented story should show the kid that you can enjoy eating, that you don't need to be capricious at the table, but is important for everyone (even for kittens). Let the tale be positive and always with a good ending.

Another way: switch roles with the child and be capricious while he tries to feed you. Just don’t tell the child: "now I will be capricious, like you." He should not feel guilt, resentment or anger - the game should be interesting, funny and funny for him. And let it really be a game, and not part of the dinner. Otherwise, the child will decide that it is new form family meals, and next time

How to improve a child's appetite:

  • feed your baby more often, but in small portions;
  • give those products that he loves;
  • try to decorate dishes for the child;
  • involve toddler in cooking;
  • give up sweets and snacks;
  • arrange meals together, and do not feed the baby separately from others;
  • do not force-feed him;
  • devote more time to daily activities.

If the child still refuses to eat, be sure to contact a psychologist and pediatrician. If the baby has diarrhea, the temperature has risen, or he has noticeably lost weight, go to the clinic urgently - no need to wait until everything will work out by itself.

In general, do not panic prematurely, heed our advice and try to improve the appetite of your little "glutton".

Appetite (Latin desire, desire) is a kind of signal from the body about the need to satisfy hunger. At the same time, the presence of a good appetite indicates good health, normal development and harmonious functioning of the body. Therefore, many parents are worried about the child's lack of appetite.


First of all, let's find out what is a lack of appetite in a child under 1 year old and 2-5 years old, what kind of appetite is really bad.

The indicators of appetite are neither the child's weight, nor his thinness or fullness, nor the size of the portion eaten, nor the behavior at the table.

You have no reason for concern, there is no need for a targeted improvement in appetite, if the baby is under 1 year old and the next few years:

o gains weight normally,

o develops harmoniously,

o actively communicates and plays,

o has regular bowel movements.

Poor appetite

There really is no appetite if the child has:

o weakness,

o irritability,

o refusal to eat for several days,

o weight loss,

o disruption of the digestive system,

o negative attitude to food intake.

Causes of poor appetite in infants

o the child does not take the breast correctly (a problem with the nipples in the mother, the child has a short frenulum, inflammation of the oral mucosa due to stomatitis or thrush, clogged nasal passages);

o there is no diet, the baby does not have time to get hungry between feedings;

o incorrect introduction of complementary foods for children under 1 year old, unsuccessful distribution of products between meals;

o general malaise, illness;

o cutting teeth.

The reasons for the lack of appetite in children after 1 year

Before doing anything, worrying that the child is eating poorly, you need to establish the reasons for the child's disinterest in food. Observe your child and analyze your family's daily routine. Perhaps the reason lies on the surface:

o insufficient physical activity (the child runs little, jumps, and even walks, does not play outdoor games, does not get tired);

o short walks in the fresh air;

o illness or malaise;

o fatigue and stressful situation;

o loss of appetite due to "snacks" (sugary juices, pastries, sandwiches, sweets, between meals - the most common reason why the appetite has disappeared);

o Dr. Komarovsky believes that "tasty" is harmful to the child's appetite and can only be a dessert, but not a "snack";

o lack of diet;

o force feeding the child;

o the child does not eat well tasteful and unappetizing food;

o haphazard and indifferent attitude to food in the family;

o anorexia in children adolescence tending to the external parameters of the model.

Ways to stimulate appetite

There are many reasons why a child has a poor appetite. Even if you managed to establish why the baby is indifferent to food, what is the reason for weight loss, you do not need to make independent prescriptions of medications and vitamins. Even a harmless syrup cannot be given to a child for appetite without a doctor's prescription, because it can have a bad effect on the child's body.

o Determine the reasons why the child is not eating well.

o If the baby is sick or unwell, try to give the baby more fluids (water, broths, herbal teas), prepare foods that are easily digestible. Improvement in appetite can be expected when the baby begins to recover.

o In a period of emotional stress and stress of the child, it is important to eliminate the causes of psychological stress. Until then, try to make a menu of your baby's favorite dishes, give herbal infusions more often, spend more time in the fresh air, create conditions for “splashing out” negative emotions.

o Never teach your child to "eat" stressful situations "sweet".

o Do not introduce new dishes, new foods into the diet if the child is not healthy. Do not insist on food that tastes unpleasant for your baby.

o Do not indulge in whims. If the child does not want to eat the proposed dishes and requires something else, do not rush to fulfill the requirement. Nothing bad will happen if this meal is skipped. The feeling of hunger will not cause harm, but it will make you then eat everything offered. Do not try to give any "snack". Do not seduce sweets. Show persistence. And then the whims in food will never be repeated.

o To increase your appetite, serve ordinary dishes in an original and attractive way: let them be funny faces, bright colours, unusual shapes. Prepare edible boats and houses, lay out Christmas trees and animals, shape flowers and butterflies. Experiment.

o You can well raise your appetite and mood by serving the dish with your child. Pleasant flavors, high spirits, cheerful communication can remarkably improve appetite.

o Do not serve too large portions. Better to add.

o Give some water or unsweetened apple juice before meals. Sweet juices are too high in calories, as a result - loss of appetite.

o Saturate meals with protein, not carbohydrates and fats. It is protein that stimulates the development of the body and eliminates poor appetite.

o After consulting a doctor, introduce into the diet of vitamins for appetite in children whose loss of need for food is caused by physiological and mental disorders. Use drugs that increase appetite, stimulate the digestive system (Elkar, Apilak, herbal syrup).

Herbal infusions that stimulate appetite for children from 2 years old

Herbal infusions can be prepared for children from 2 years of age with poor appetite. Please note that only after 1 year old, the final formation of the liver enzyme systems occurs in babies, and the intestinal tract is colonized with beneficial bacteria. Therefore, it is difficult for a small body up to 2 years old to cope with "foreign" chemical elements, which are medicinal herbs.

Before you stimulate a child's appetite with herbal infusions, find out if the baby is allergic to any component of the herbal mixture. If there are no contraindications, you can make an infusion and give it to your child before meals.

1. Wash the juniper, barberry, rose hip, black currant, black chokeberry and anise seeds.

2. Dry everything, grind in equal proportions in a blender or through a meat grinder.

3. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.

4. Strain the infusion.

Medicines and vitamins to increase appetite

Mothers are often interested in what drugs are recommended to increase appetite in children under 1 year old and 3-5 years old, and whether children can be given Elkar and Apilak.

If you decide to increase your child's poor appetite with vitamins and medications, do not rely on reviews, see your doctor. You will be advised those remedies that are good for the child's appetite and are appropriate for the age and condition of your baby. The most common reviews of the following drugs: "Elkar", "Apilak". Only a doctor prescribes the dose and regimen of medication. The most positive reviews are not a guide to action.

Elkar (levocarnitine) is a vitamin that stimulates metabolism and normalizes stomach function. "Elkar" is used if there is a large loss of carnitine in the body. "Elkar" helps to recover from stress and overload. Elkar is sold in tablets, in solution. It is given to children before feeding.

o Newborns "Elkar" are given 4-10 drops twice a day.

o Children from 2 months to a year - 3 times a day, 10 drops.

o Children from 1 year to 6 years old - 2-3 times a day, 14 drops.

o Schoolchildren 7-10 years old - a quarter teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Once again, we draw your attention to the obligatory consultation with a doctor before purchasing this medicine.

"Apilak" (royal jelly) - contains a large number of vitamins, acids, macronutrients. "Apilak" improves the functioning of the body. In case of malnutrition and anorexia, "Apilak" is used in the form of tablets. Put Apilak tablets under the tongue, as royal jelly is decomposed by gastric juice. For children under 9-10 years of age, "Apilak" is prescribed in the form of suppositories, for children over 10 years old - in tablets.

"Elkar" and "Apilak", like any medicinal product have side effects. Read the recommendations for use carefully.

Herbal syrups

Loss of appetite is often easily remedied after you start giving your child a digestion-stimulating syrup. The most famous are:

o syrup based on leaves and inflorescences of wormwood, centaury herb, yarrow,

o plantain leaf syrup,

o syrup based on dandelion root, calamus, yellow gentian,

o syrup from chicory leaves and root.

Each syrup contains bitterness that stimulates the stomach and increases appetite. For children 1-10 years old, tableted options are recommended. For young and middle-aged children, it is enough that the syrup contains one bitterness (only dandelion or only wormwood). For appetite, the child is given infusions and syrups before meals.

Dear parents, provide your child with a healthy active image life, full walks, diet, teach your baby to do exercises and do not develop dependence on sweets and "snacks", there is no problem with appetite - as - no. If the loss of appetite in a baby under 1 year old and after a year is a manifestation of a chronic or other disease, be sure to contact a specialist for an appointment. Do not rush to draw conclusions after studying reviews of the well-known drugs "Elkar" or "Apilak", do not prescribe stimulating syrup yourself, especially for babies under 1 year old. Only a specialist can determine the drug your child needs.

Poor appetite in a child can be the result of complex diffuse diseases or respiratory failure. Sometimes parents do not control the baby's day regimen and allow unhealthy snacks. Irrational nutrition or banal overfeeding can become the reason for refusal of the next meal. Doctors recommend approaching the solution of the problem from both the physiological and psychological sides. Stress, depression, difficulties in communicating with others provoke poor appetite in a child of any age.

Malnutrition in children from birth to one year

In infants, the main factors that trigger poor appetite include:

  1. 1. Unpleasant sensations in the mouth. When a child develops inflammation in the throat, stomatitis or teething, pain is observed. It can be difficult for a baby to chew food and even swallow liquid, so he refuses to eat and begins to cry.
  2. 2. Difficulty breathing. If the baby does not clean his nose in time, the congestion will make it difficult to breathe while sucking on the breast or nipple. A similar situation is typical during a cold.
  3. 3. Intolerance to a particular product or its consistency. The child develops a gag reflex when food enters the mouth.
  4. 4. Colic. Bloating and colic formation are symptoms that most babies develop between birth and one year. Pain syndrome becomes the cause of refusal to eat and constant crying.
  5. 5. Bad food. A mixture that is too salty, sweet, or hot will lead to refusal to eat.
  6. 6. Large portions and violation of the diet. Parents may be giving too much food and not keeping the interval between meals. A well-fed baby will be capricious and categorically refuse the next portion.
  7. 7. Problems with attachment to the breast. If the baby cannot grasp the nipple well enough, he will refuse to eat. To avoid this, the mother needs to latch the newborn to the breast correctly.
  8. 8. Insufficient milk production during breastfeeding... Poor lactation provokes a decrease in appetite.
  9. 9. The child is small. Active and cheerful kid may refuse to eat due to physiological individual characteristics. His body does not require a lot of food. Such children slowly gain weight, are thin, but developed in accordance with age.

Poor appetite in babies during the day can quickly improve without the use of drastic measures. If the baby is naughty, cries and refuses to eat on the second day, you need to contact the pediatrician. A complete examination of the child, identification of abnormalities in the analysis of urine and feces will help determine the exact cause of the pathology.

Poor appetite in a baby at 2-3 years old

If a baby who is already 2 years old has no appetite, the reason is in physiological disruptions. Quite often, parents do not pay attention to the hidden symptoms of digestive problems in a baby. Complaints of abdominal pain, frequent urge to go to the toilet, bad mood, lack of desire to eat favorite foods indicate the development of pathology. Doctors do not recommend forcibly feeding the baby in such a situation.

Hereditary thinness is one of the main causes of poor appetite. For full development internal organs and central nervous system these babies do not need a lot of food. At the same time, the child behaves actively, does not lag behind in growth from peers. According to medical observations, most children eat poorly only in the first years of life. Then everything gets better, they have a good appetite.

Infection with helminths causes more than appetite problems. There is a general decrease in immunity, the child becomes lethargic and tired. Negative processes affect mental activity. Sleep is disturbed, allergic reactions develop. It is in the period of 2-3 years, when active knowledge of the world around, communication with peers, playing with animals against the background of fragile immunity begins, that infection with helminthic invasions occurs.

At the age of 2 and 3 years, refusal to eat can be one of the symptoms of intestinal problems, liver problems, or a lack of zinc in the body. Acute infections with fever can cause loss of appetite in young children. These include bacterial and viral pathogens, tuberculosis, thrush, urinary tract pathologies. Poor appetite is observed with a deficiency of iron and zinc in the body little child even in the absence of anemia. Excessive consumption of milk, sweets and frequent snacks can provoke unwillingness to eat.

Poor nutrition is also one of the causes of poor appetite. Some parents overfeed the baby with meat, which is why he refuses to eat other foods. Cardiovascular diseases and respiratory failure as a result of pathology of the respiratory system can reduce appetite in children 2-3 years old.

Refusal to eat at 4-5 years of age

The following reasons can provoke a violation of appetite at 4 years and 5 years:

  1. 1. Frequent snacking. The child does not want to have lunch or dinner, because he eats sweets, chips, soda and other junk food between meals. Such foods should be replaced with fruits and vegetables.
  2. 2. A child who spends a lot of time at a computer or smartphone may not have an appetite. Internet addiction in such young children leads to general pedagogical neglect. They are deficient in normal physical activity... A sedentary lifestyle provokes a significant decrease in appetite.
  3. 3. Selectivity. If a child demonstratively refuses one dish in favor of another, shows constant dissatisfaction with the prepared food, this is a reason to seek the help of a psychologist. This behavior indicates selfishness and incorrect formation of psychological skills.
  4. 4. Emotional state. Bad mood, experiences, excitability provoke problems with appetite in older children preschool age... Stressful situations often require the intervention of specialists.
  5. 5. Problems in kindergarten or with peers. New social roles, relationships with others cause stress, emotional discomfort and loss of appetite. The rejection of basic needs such as food is often the result of pressure from caregivers or educators.

Violation of the daily routine, provoking untimely eating, snacks, insufficient night sleep and a minimum of walking in the fresh air cause problems with appetite. They can be provoked by various diseases of an acute or chronic course. During a cold, refusal to eat can take several days. If the pathology is more serious, poor appetite becomes a constant problem. The categorical reluctance to eat is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, constipation, increased heart rate.

Everyone knows that a child needs good nutrition for normal development. In the minds of most parents, a baby's poor appetite is indicative of his illness. How to fix the situation and improve appetite? First of all, you need to understand if there really is a reason for serious feelings. You may need to consult a doctor. Sometimes it is enough just to take into account the peculiarities of children's physiology and psyche. Not always a deviation from the norm (the idea of ​​which may be erroneous) is a sign of trouble, which must be dealt with by any means. Oftentimes, eating well can help.

  • illness (from mild malaise to serious diseases of various organs);
  • bad mood, negative emotions;
  • eating sweets between breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • the wrong approach to the feeding process on the part of the parents (irregular or excessive feeding).

Some children refuse to eat if there is no additional entertainment (cartoons, toys, grandmother's tales), encouragement (parents promise the child to buy the desired toy if he eats all the porridge). A habit is developed quickly, but it is not easy to wean from it.

How to improve the appetite of a baby under 1 year old

Appetite infant depends on a number of factors:

  1. Anatomical features and health status.
  2. The composition and taste of milk, which largely determines the nutrition of the mother.
  3. The diet and sleep of the child.
  4. The psychological state of the mother.

Of no small importance is the woman's observance of hygiene rules, since bad smell, cosmetic fragrances can impair your baby's appetite.

It is necessary to begin in time to accustom the child to solid food. If the child after 6 months only eats breast milk, then later it is already much more difficult to accustom him to ordinary food.

Baby's appetite improves after bathing. Before feeding, it is necessary to change it into loose clothing that provides normal thermoregulation.

What to do if children have no appetite

A growing body needs a nutritious diet, which includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins. Therefore, the children's diet should contain meat, eggs, dairy products, various cereals, fruits, vegetables. This is the only way to satisfy the body's need for essential macronutrients:

  • calcium (part of the bone tissue, necessary for the growth of healthy teeth);
  • phosphorus (with a lack of it, abnormal bone growth occurs);
  • magnesium (affects cardiac activity, muscle development).

With food, iron, zinc, iodine and other trace elements that make up the blood enter the body, ensuring the normal development of all organs. The lack of these substances leads to developmental delay. This is another reason for anxiety when a child does not eat well. What to do in such a situation, the pediatrician will tell you, who will most likely prescribe special vitamin complexes that compensate for the lack of elements.

Decreased appetite due to disease

One of the first symptoms of a child's illness is a decrease in appetite. You should not insist on an indispensable meal, if he feels bad, there are signs such as lethargy, fever. In this state, it is much more important for the child to drink more. In doing so, he will sweat, due to which the temperature will drop. In addition, with sweat, toxins formed in the body during inflammatory processes are released.

Digestion requires energy. The body weakened by the disease cannot cope with this function. Food during this period should be light: fruits, milk soup, mashed potatoes, boiled fish, chicken meat. Moreover, it is better to invite the child to eat those foods that he loves.

Anorexia in children

Anorexia is a condition in which the body cannot take food. In adolescents, it can occur as a result of the desire to lose weight.

Childhood infant anorexia is manifested by regurgitation while eating, aversion to ordinary food. Sometimes there is an addiction to sour citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit). At the same time, the child does not eat well, is capricious, throws the dishes off the table, expresses dissatisfaction with the very process of feeding. Parents are often at a loss: what to do to fix the situation.

If a child eats poorly, then, adhering to certain rules, you can gradually accustom him to a normal diet:

  • if necessary, the interval between meals is increased so that the baby gets hungry;
  • food should be given in small portions, put on a small plate, adding if the child expresses a desire;
  • it is not necessary to ensure that the child eats everything that is put on the plate, or that which is unpleasant for him;
  • it is not recommended to sit at the table during feeding for more than half an hour, then it is better to remove food from the table;
  • in no case should you scold a child if he vomited during a meal;
  • feeding should take place in a calm and friendly environment;
  • if necessary, you need to change the dishes, combine products, arousing interest in them;
  • rolls, sugary juice, and candy should not be given in between meals.

Video: Why do children not want to eat, is it necessary to fight it

Do I need to force feed the child?

It often seems to parents that their son is lagging behind his peer neighbor in growth due to the fact that he eats less. However, the point is not in the amount of food, but in the individuality of physiological processes. For all people, the assimilation of food and the implementation of metabolism in the body occur in different ways. If the child does not have signs of illness, then do not worry about his appetite. The body has enough nutrients. And growth can be influenced by heredity. Some children begin to grow rapidly during puberty, catching up and surpassing their peers.

It should be noted: If, in the absence of hereditary factors, the child significantly differs in height from his peers, then the doctor often sends him for examination to an endocrinologist, since hormonal disorders may be the cause.

Appetite is directly related to bowel function. Therefore, parents should pay serious attention to the frequency of bowel movements of the child. If the baby suffers from constipation, then he may vomit at the next meal. This is a natural defense reaction of the body. If, at the same time, insist on eating, then the children develop a pathological reaction, vomiting will appear at the sight of any food, and anorexia will develop.

Feeding by force, rudeness, threats can bring irreparable harm to the health of the child, traumatize the psyche. The consequences of such feeding are heart disease, stomach diseases, including cancerous tumors.

Video: Problems of Force-feeding Children

What to do to improve your appetite

Parents often cannot find the answer: what to do if their children do not eat well. In order for the feeding process to proceed normally, it is necessary not only to diversify the dishes and turn more attention for serving the table, but also to make the child feel calm, not afraid of threats, know that he will not be persuaded and forced to eat.

A baby's appetite usually improves if he is fed with other babies.

If the appetite is poor, then it is more important to eat a second, more nutritious dish, without filling the stomach with the first, liquid one.

The food should include dishes that stimulate the appetite. Children can be given not very salty herring, pickles and tomatoes, cabbage and a variety of salads. It is necessary to feed the child with foods containing a lot of fiber (cereals, vegetables, fruits) to improve the functioning of the intestines.

The duration of walks in the fresh air, outdoor games, sports, and hardening procedures are of great importance for increasing appetite. In some cases, you may need to take special drugs to improve the production of gastric juice, products containing bifidobacteria.

A newborn baby is always hungry. The feeling of hunger is born with him and makes you forget about everything, if it appears. Therefore, a child's poor appetite in the first months of life is a rather rare phenomenon and is most likely associated with diseases - more often of the central nervous system, less often of the stomach, liver, kidneys - they can be congenital.
Sometimes the reason that a child has a poor appetite is dysbiosis, which is also often congenital and is caused by disorders that took place during pregnancy and childbirth. But even in the presence of pathology, the child often eats well - the food dominant in behavior inherent in nature makes itself felt.
Usually, complaints of poor appetite begin to appear in parents by the end of the first year of life, and in the future they can accompany the child almost until graduation.
Moreover, as in early age, the reason for unwillingness to eat can be diseases, children after a year already have gastritis, gallbladder dyskinesia, helminthic invasions. However, in addition to these, another, extensive group of reasons begins to manifest itself, which can be combined with the word "psychological".
Often, especially at an early age, parents allow overfeeding. At the same time, a still thin, but mobile child evokes a feeling of apprehension, and a full, "wrinkled" - admiration. Many mistakes are made at once - the child is "programmed" for completeness in the future, with which he will have to fight, and his metabolic processes are disrupted, which leads to poor appetite. How can a baby eat too much, isn’t nature laid down in him mechanisms for regulating the amount of food? They are laid down, but we, parents, often break these mechanisms ourselves, distracting the child with fairy tales in order to feed, teaching him to quickly absorb food - then the signal from the appetite center simply does not have time to come, and sometimes, trying to "break" the stubborn, and violently feed. The last path is the shortest path to the formation of poor appetite, and with it the bad character of the baby. When food becomes a punishment, one thinks of it with horror - what desire can we talk about! This explains the child's poor appetite.
It is often believed that the baby should not have a feeling of hunger at all - as soon as he asks for food, he must give. There can be no talk about any mode of speech here. And then, as in the case of overeating, a paradox is observed - the child is not thin and looks great, and the parents believe that he does not eat anything at all! This means that the child does not eat the prescribed portion at lunch or dinner - there is no desire, if you constantly snack - either a pie or an apple.
The child is often tired of monotonous food - this is not a whim, but a signal that one food component is not enough, others are needed, so the dishes must be alternated and changed.
On hot days, a child's poor appetite is quite natural, the same is observed with high temperature- it is not necessary to force the baby to eat as much as in winter, it is better to let him drink enough. The idea that a child in any case needs to get a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is physiologically incorrect. Like the thought of increased nutrition during illness - to get better soon. This is true for chronic diseases, tuberculosis and malnutrition, but not for the acute stage of acute respiratory infections.
The feeding environment is also important for a small child. Sometimes the mother is in a hurry, shoves a spoon for a spoon, and such violence bothers the child, he is capricious. Let him eat less, but calmly, if possible - himself, with pleasure, even if he chews slowly, with concentration - this is good for digestion. While eating, you do not have to scold the child for something, "sort things out", in general, say something that distracts from eating.
And the last, often occurring phenomenon, which is also attributed to poor appetite - "food blackmail", when a child who knows how painfully his mother or grandmother tolerates his refusal to eat, begins to speculate with this, getting his way. And poor parents play whole performances in front of the child, or run to fulfill any whim - if only the unfortunate, hungry ate at least something.
These are the main reasons that we have a poor appetite in a child, knowing which, you can try to avoid similar situations. Diseases leading to a decrease in appetite must be diagnosed and treated. And then the child will gladly absorb everything that he has carefully prepared.