Finally, you and your baby move into last trimester pregnancy! There is very little left before the long-awaited meeting! The baby is already quite active: looking at the stomach, the mother clearly distinguishes the movements of the small elbows and heels.

How many months have passed since the start of pregnancy? This period is already seven months without a week (obstetric months: one obstetric month is four weeks).

Your baby at the 27th week of pregnancy already weighs about a kilogram, and its total length is 34 centimeters.

What's happening

Fetal development at 27 weeks gestation

The baby has already formed a wakefulness regime followed by sleep. He already knows how to open, close his eyes. The sucking reflex is so formed that the baby actively sucks his fingers, and for this he uses fingers both on the arms and on the legs. Maturation of all organs continues, and a child with a premature birth has a very high chance of survival, since the lungs will already be able to work, although they have not yet fully matured.

Very important changes at the 27th week of pregnancy take place in the respiratory system. There is an improvement in the alveolar passages and directly alveoli - the smallest bubbles, where air exchange takes place. The formation of a surfactant also occurs, which, during inhalation, ensures the full opening of the alveoli. It is the 27-28th week of pregnancy that characterizes the preparation of the baby's respiratory system for extrauterine life.

It is interesting that at this stage, the expectant mother can already clearly feel how the baby is hiccuping! This process does not cause any inconvenience to the baby, it can take several minutes.

The development of the brain continues, the fetus becomes more active. If you watch the video, you can see that the baby often changes his body position, can roll over, his movements become more intense and strong.

The baby's immune system is also gaining activity. He may already well react to incoming allergens, and mom should be very careful with the choice of food. Proper nutrition mothers will lay the foundation for a strong immune system for the baby.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Mom's feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy begins, your body prepares for the final stage.

There is already quite a long time behind, and it is not surprising that you often get tired, the body's need for rest and sleep increases. Soon, the long-awaited maternity leave, you can relax, pay more attention to yourself. If there is an opportunity to go on maternity leave earlier - be sure to use it! Full rest, correct mode day for the benefit of both the expectant mother and the baby! Moreover, in the third trimester, pains, a feeling of heaviness in the lower back, general malaise, frequent urination are more and more worried, and a good rest will help you a lot! Enjoy the changes in your sensations, the movements of your baby! At home you will have more opportunities to read books on child development, you can go to training courses, breastfeeding school.

At this stage, new sensations may appear that bring anxiety. Very often during this period, pregnant women notice the appearance of edema of the hands. They are often disturbed during sleep. In order to prevent them, try not to occupy such a position during sleep, in which the limbs are squeezed. Also, try not to overload your wrists. It is very useful to periodically do light gymnastics for the arms, lifting them up.

An enlarged abdomen often causes shortness of breath, sleep disturbance, and heartburn. Remember, these phenomena are not cause for concern. Be sure to discuss all your feelings with your doctor - he will help you cope with them.

At the end of the second - beginning of the third trimesters, leg muscle spasms often occur. They are usually caused by low calcium levels in the body, as well as high phosphorus levels, fatigue, and stress on the veins. You can do the following to relieve painful sensations:

  • special calcium tablets help restore the level of trace elements, but be sure to consult with your doctor: he will help you choose the best;
  • try to eat more calcium-rich foods;
  • the cause of painful sensations in the legs may be an increased load on the venous apparatus, and it is very useful in such a situation to wear special compression tights;
  • be sure to do gymnastics for the legs: you can choose any set of exercises that you like, the main thing is that absolutely all joints and muscle groups are involved;
  • foot massage is very useful: it will help to reduce the load on the veins, relieve muscle fatigue, and it is easy to do it even on your own. With light stroking, and then with more intense kneading movements, massage the legs from bottom to top - along the venous and lymphatic vessels. This massage even relieves swelling of the legs.

Belly at 27 weeks gestation

Your baby is already quite large, and the uterus almost reaches the level of the ribs. The fundus of the uterus is located 27 centimeters above the bosom, 5-7 centimeters above the navel. By the beginning of the third trimester, the mass of the uterus increases significantly, and this must be taken into account. The uterus can squeeze the inferior vena cava, and severe dizziness may bother you. For this reason, you cannot lie on your back for a long time. Try to sleep on your side.

The enlarged uterus puts pressure on internal organs, especially this affects the intestines. So Special attention should be given nutrition that prevents constipation.

The 27th week of pregnancy with twins is characterized by the fact that the uterus already rests against the costal arch. The double weight of babies brings mom more trouble, it is already quite difficult to maintain normal activity, it is necessary to rest more often, to lie down in order to reduce the load.

Weight at 27 weeks of gestation normally increases by 9 kilograms. Until the end of pregnancy, it is quite acceptable to gain another 3-5 kilograms. Weight should be monitored, since you cannot gain more of these numbers: this can harm both the baby and the mother.

At this time, the baby often changes position. Do not worry if at a routine examination the doctor says that the baby is in breech position: the position of the fetus can still change even several times!

Fetal movements at week 27

Your baby has grown even more, and even without an ultrasound scan, you can clearly trace how he moves, see the movements of arms and legs on the surface of the abdomen, feel how the baby kicks if he doesn't like something, for example, music. When you take a contrast shower in the morning, the baby behaves more actively, and when you are calm, resting, he also rests.

Every woman who feels the increasing movements of her baby is overwhelmed with joy. And if the baby is calm, there may be anxiety that the fetus moves little ... Baby's movements are not only a reflection of his health, but also temperament, even mood. If a woman does not have any risk factors, the baby is developing well, then his rest period should not be disturbed. Surely every expectant mother by this time already knows and understands her baby, his level of activity.

In some cases, your doctor may ask you to count your baby's movements. This is very easy to do. You need to choose a period of maximum activity - often after meals or before bed. Sit comfortably, relax and count how long it takes for 10 baby movements. Follow all of your doctor's recommendations. Experts note that a clear figure for the number of movements is not very informative; only a complete lack of movement for 1-2 hours at the usual time for activity should cause concern.

Pain at 27 weeks of gestation

During this period, a woman may be disturbed by rather unpleasant, but completely not dangerous painful sensations. Often this is soreness, heaviness in the lumbar region. Such sensations are associated with the increasing size of the fetus, uterus, compression of the nerve plexuses. To alleviate them, it is imperative to do special exercises for pregnant women.

Often at this stage, pain on the sides of the abdomen begins to disturb. They are associated with stretching the ligaments of the uterus. Its size increases, the ligaments are stretched more and more. Such sensations decrease with a change in body position, rest.

At this stage, the woman can feel the training contractions. They are still rather weakly expressed. Usually women note that the stomach often turns to stone. If these periods are short and not painful, this is normal. If the pain sensations increase, and especially if the painful sensations in the abdomen are accompanied by discharge, this is a reason to go to the clinic.

Necessary research and analysis

As a rule, only and are held this week. In some situations, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound scan. An unscheduled examination may be ordered to diagnose the condition of the fetus or the health of the mother.

Useful video

Questions and Answers

Tell me, is liquid discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy not dangerous?

During pregnancy, and especially towards its final stage, an increase in the amount of discharge is quite normal. Normally, the discharge should be transparent, liquid, by the end of pregnancy it may become slightly cloudy. However, if the color, consistency or odor of the discharge changes, this is an alarm. White, yellow, earthy, cheesy, purulent discharge, an unpleasant odor are signs of an infectious pathology. Scarlet discharge can be a symptom of placental abruption, as well as premature labor.

I have 27 weeks of pregnancy, my stomach hurts ... The sensations are not too pronounced. It doesn't hurt much, but it hurts from time to time. This is fine?

At this stage, painful sensations in the abdomen may appear, which are associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, and pressure of the uterus on the nerve plexuses. If these sensations gradually increase with an increase in the duration of pregnancy and are not intense pain, this is a variant of the norm. If the pain in the abdomen has arisen abruptly, its intensity is high, or constant aching pain worries for a long period, this may be an alarm signal. If your feelings are too intense and bothersome, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Tell me, please, is it normal if my stomach periodically pulls for several minutes?

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman may already feel training contractions - short, non-intense pulling sensations in the abdomen. Many women describe these sensations as follows: the stomach is tense, stiffening. Such sensations are the norm.

Is sex contraindicated at 27 weeks of gestation? My husband is very sensitive to the long-awaited pregnancy and is worried, is it possible?

If your pregnancy is proceeding normally, then sex is not contraindicated and even very useful. Positive emotions are only good for the parents-to-be. Naturally, you need to avoid sudden movements, pressure on the abdomen, and then there is no danger.

If childbirth occurs at this time, can the baby survive?

By this time, the fetus has already matured enough, and according to statistics, the chance of survival is more than 80%. The respiratory system has not yet fully matured, and special equipment is needed for life support, but the baby may well survive.

I went to an unscheduled ultrasound scan, and in the conclusion they wrote to me: 27 weeks pregnant, breech presentation. What to do?

First of all, don't panic. At your stage of pregnancy, the baby is very active, and there is enough space in the uterus for full movement. He can change position several more times, so if now the presentation is pelvic, this does not mean that it will remain so by the time of delivery.

From time to time I have a feeling that my stomach turns to stone. What's this? How to distinguish tone at 27 weeks of gestation?

The tone of the uterus is the contraction of its muscle layer before the onset of labor. This condition requires consultation with a doctor, as the causes may vary. It can increase with coughing, sneezing, and with exertion, negative emotions. But this can be a symptom of the threat of termination of pregnancy. Women usually feel the tone as a pulling pain, reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation, which radiates to the lower back. The feeling that the stomach is stiff can be during training contractions. In any case, in order to prevent the possible threat of a change in your well-being, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor who is conducting the pregnancy. Especially if such sensations are accompanied by discharge or other changes in the state.

27 week of pregnancy: fetal development, woman's condition

27 obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by many different sensations, both pleasant and not so, experienced by the expectant mother.

The twenty-seventh week is, one might say, a certain milestone, after passing which there is very little time left before childbirth. True, the remaining weeks are quite difficult, since at this time the size of the child increases significantly, which creates additional difficulties for the mother.

But she knows: the remaining time period is much less than the path that she has already passed. In addition, at twenty-seven weeks, many women are already learning to communicate with the child and understand him: they find ways to calm the "raging" baby, talk to him, sing lullabies to him. And the child already hears the mother's voice well and distinguishes it from others, as studies show.

  1. Changes in well-being

27 weeks pregnant: how many months is it?

If the doctor says that the 27th week of pregnancy is in progress, this means that 6.5 months are behind. The possible dangers of the beginning of the exciting period of bearing a child are behind: there will be no miscarriage, the mother's body will not reject the fetus. In addition, analyzes and examinations have already been made, which show that the development of the child is normal. The woman has almost entered the third trimester. Now, if the child "asks" to be born, it will no longer be a spontaneous abortion, but childbirth, and the born baby will be able to survive.

27 weeks pregnant: what happens at this time?

What happens to the fetus a couple of months before the expected birth? The child reaches "impressive" size: it weighs from 800 to 1000 g, and its height is about 35-38 cm. The weight of the fetus at 27 weeks of pregnancy can be a little more or a little less, it all depends on individual characteristics. The fetus can be located either with its head or with its legs down: it has not yet fully "determined" its position.

An interesting change occurs at this time: the baby will soon regain normal vision. He:

  • opens and closes eyes;
  • blinks;
  • distinguishes between light and darkness.

Parents on an ultrasound scan will be able to see facial features and even try to understand who the child will look like.

At this time, the child hiccups a lot and often. This is the norm. There is no need to worry about this. Knowing which month is the 27th week of pregnancy, the doctor is more or less likely to calculate the day of birth. According to ultrasound data and analyzes, a specialist can also judge whether a child at 27 weeks of gestation is ready for birth.

Belly at 27 weeks of gestation: photo

If you look at the pictures of the tummies of expectant happy mothers, you can see that the size of the belly is already quite impressive.

The belly at the 27th week of pregnancy can be a source of some discomfort:

  • the stomach turns to stone;
  • pulls in the lower abdomen;
  • mild pain is observed;
  • the pubic bone and muscles are sore a little higher.

These phenomena occur in all pregnant women (with varying degrees of severity) and are explained by the process of preparation for the onset of labor. They say by folk signs you can find out if a woman is pregnant with a boy or a girl. Sometimes this is not visible on ultrasound, because the child stubbornly turns his back. In this case, pay attention to the shape of the abdomen: if the sides "are distributed", then there is a high probability of the birth of a daughter. If the stomach "goes" forward, and from the back it is not always possible to understand that the woman is in position, then, they say, one should wait for the birth of a son.

The weight of a baby at 27 weeks of gestation has a profound effect on the mother's lifestyle. It becomes difficult for her to bend over, walk quickly, shortness of breath may become noticeable. The size of the abdomen makes it difficult to put on any clothes that even slightly restrict movement. This does not need to be done: now, loose tunics, light sundresses, swing dresses should become your favorite models.

Sometimes the ribs hurt, this is due to the rapid growth of the uterus and the displacement of the internal organs upward. The doctor will recommend gymnastics, which includes exercises such as intermittent knee-elbow positions, as well as a series of breathing exercises to relieve the spine. It's time to learn.

Stirring at 27 weeks of gestation

The expectant mother should track the number of fetal movements. How many movements should be normal? The baby's movements are about 15 times during the day. The amount of 10 movements is considered normal. If the baby moves a little, it is possible that he is just sleeping. But if this happens for more than a day, contact a doctor: you may need medical intervention if it is confirmed that not everything is safe with the child.

Movements in the lower abdomen can be felt in different ways: someone talks about light sensations, and someone talks about quite sensitive "kicks". The complete absence of fetal movements may indicate a frozen pregnancy, therefore, a decrease in their number is a reason to visit an antenatal clinic.

Discharge at 27 weeks gestation

At 26-27 weeks, a woman should not be bothered by any unusual discharge. Any change in the nature of the vaginal discharge should be alarming. Normally, the discharge is light, not too abundant and odorless.

If lumps appear white in combination with itching - the woman was "visited" by thrush. It will not harm the baby, but it cannot be left without treatment. The baby will pass through the birth canal and become infected. If an impurity of blood suddenly becomes noticeable (and this is brown, beige, pink discharge), you need to consult a doctor to find out if there is a danger of childbirth.

A hard stomach within 27-28 weeks, clear, abundant discharge, regular pain in the lower abdomen - all this may indicate the beginning of the labor process.

Childbirth at 27 weeks gestation

Of course, doctors will try to take the necessary measures so that the woman can safely deliver the child. But it doesn't always work out that way.

Babies born after 26 weeks are most likely to survive. Nevertheless, it is better to carry the fetus until the moment of its full physiological readiness for life. What signs may indicate possible preterm birth (their increased risk)?

  • uterine tone;
  • short cervix;
  • frequent painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

Feeling the approach of childbirth, a woman should immediately call an ambulance. In multiparous, rapid labor is possible, lasting just a couple of hours. The woman strained, and a child appeared. Such births should take place under the close supervision of doctors in a hospital setting, as they carry the risk of bleeding and rupture.

What does a baby look like at 27 weeks of gestation after a sudden premature birth? In principle, like an ordinary newborn, only he is still very weak and needs special care.

Due to the possible danger of childbirth, doctors begin to pay attention to the breech presentation of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation. They recommend special exercises for the woman to help the child roll over.

27 weeks pregnant with twins

Normal movements at 27 weeks of gestation are from 10 per day, but there can be much more if twins are expected. The development of pregnancy at 27 weeks in this case may be accompanied by more "acute" sensations: weight gain, even with moderate nutrition of the mother, is very significant, ticking or tapping in the lower abdomen caused by the movements of children is felt more strongly. This new sensation most often occurs when the inferior vena cava is clamped, when the mother lies on her back and the twins press on the vein along with the enlarged uterus.

To ease the situation, you need to lie on your side if possible, never sit cross-legged, be sure to wear a bandage. At multiple pregnancy the risk of premature birth increases, so the expectant mother should inform the doctor about any strange sensations.

The fetus at 27 weeks of gestation is normally reliably protected, and therefore there are no contraindications for sex. Of course, this statement is true only in the absence of the slightest threat of premature birth. Is it okay to have sex? Why not - if all is well, the baby's development is going according to plan. Some women even claim that the orgasm during this period becomes brighter. Apparently, hormonal changes affect.

Cold? This is no reason to panic!

Everything was going well, and suddenly - fever, nausea and diarrhea begins. Do not be alarmed at once: most likely, a slightly weakened organism "missed". In this case, the temperature may rise to 38 ° C and vomiting may begin.

You should take a light antipyretic and an adsorbent, for example, activated carbon, if after a day it does not feel better, call a doctor.

The common flu is also not excluded during the period of bearing a child. Its signs:

  • muscle aches;
  • a sharp jump in temperature;
  • dry hacking cough;
  • fever.

Or perhaps the mother-to-be talked to someone with ARVI and caught it.

Any of these conditions must be treated. But do not get too upset: the disease will not cause much harm to the child, he is protected by maternal antibodies. Provide yourself with rest, bed rest, and plenty of fluids.

Changes in well-being

Week 27 on the calendar - what range of new sensations will it bring? From the discussions of women, it is clear that at this time they are very worried about the location of the fetus, the activity of the child.

The position of the woman changes slightly: she may begin to suffer from heartburn, pain in the ribs, varicose veins (s). The mother's weight is significant (she has already added about 9 kg), and the baby in the uterus is not so small anymore. However, these are temporary difficulties that you just need to endure. The expansion of the veins must be monitored in order to prevent the transition of the disease to an advanced stage.

Serious complication. It is expressed by edema, nausea, weakness, dizziness. B, blood pressure rises,. This is dangerous for the mother and child: doctors will definitely take action. The reasons for the development of such a state are not fully understood, therefore everyone needs to be attentive to themselves.

When there are signs of a threat to the life of the mother or the fetus, doctors decide to stimulate labor. Do not be alarmed: although your baby is born weak, he will quickly gain weight. The main thing is that he will live.

But nevertheless, it is better to bring the child to the date appointed by nature. Therefore, rest, do not think about business and problems, eat well, communicate with positive-minded people. Everything will be fine!

The 27th week of pregnancy is a fairly calm period in the development of the fetus. No growth spurt or new discoveries - the baby just continues to grow in accordance with the genetic program. The condition of a woman with a successful pregnancy also remains stable.

Fetal development

At the 27th week of gestation, the weight of the fetus is on average 800-900 g, body length is 33-34 cm. The size of the fetus can be determined by performing an ultrasound scan. Compliance with the weight and height of the baby to the existing standards speaks of its prosperous existence in the mother's womb. The lag in the size of the fetus from the norm indicates a delay in its development.

At the beginning of the third trimester, all parts of the fetus' body are developed in proportion. The facial features are fully formed. The kid begins to open his eyes, tries to examine the surrounding space, listens to external sounds. From time to time, the baby swallows amniotic fluid. This process is often accompanied by hiccups. Hiccups are felt by a woman as frequent rhythmic tremors in the lower abdomen or near the navel.

Development nervous system the fetus continues at an accelerated pace. The baby has its own rhythms of sleep and wakefulness. Some children sleep well in the morning and afternoon, developing vigorous activity by night, others behave exactly the opposite. By motor activity, a woman can assess the nature of her baby and understand what daily routine the baby will follow after birth.

At 27 obstetric week the formation of metabolic processes of the fetus occurs. The production of hormones and the work of the endocrine glands are now subject to an individual rhythm. Features of metabolism determine the rate of absorption and processing of nutrients, the response to various stress factors and other important processes in the body.

Woman's condition

The total weight gain at the beginning of the third trimester is very variable and can range from 5 to 7 kg. The rate of weight gain is influenced by metabolic rate, lifestyle and eating habits. On average, an increase of 300 to 500 g per week is expected. Rapid weight gain is noted in such situations:

  • poor nutrition;
  • hypodynamia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • swelling;
  • polyhydramnios.

Slight weight gain may indicate lack of water or fetal growth retardation. The doctor will be able to understand the reasons for this condition after an additional examination of the patient.

The uterus is 3 cm above the navel. The tummy protrudes noticeably forward, the navel is gradually smoothed out. The body's center of gravity shifts, resulting in a typical waddling gait. Excessive stress on the spine causes pain in the lower back and perineum.

The movements of the fetus are becoming more noticeable. The baby actively moves, turns over, touches the walls of the uterus with its legs. Fetal movements are best perceived while lying down. On average, a baby can make itself felt up to 4 times per hour or up to 12 times in 12 hours of wakefulness. The absence of fetal movements for 4 hours in a row is considered the norm.

Possible problems

Of course, it is better for a child if the whole due date he will stay in the womb, but sometimes already at 27 weeks pregnancy ends in premature birth. There are many reasons for the premature birth of a child, but doctors are not always able to detect the trigger mechanism of this pathology. Infection, fetal malformations, placental insufficiency, hemostasis disorders - any of these factors can lead to the premature birth of the baby.

The start of labor is indicated by the appearance of pulling, and then cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Possible spillage or leakage amniotic fluid, discharge of the mucous plug. Sometimes doctors manage to slow down the process and prolong the pregnancy for at least a few more weeks. In this case, drugs are prescribed that reduce the tone of the uterus and normalize blood flow in the placenta and umbilical cord vessels.

If labor has begun, the baby may be born naturally or during surgery. C-section... The choice of delivery method depends on the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus. The newborn weighs no more than 1 kg and is not yet able to breathe on its own. The baby is placed in a special incubator, where favorable conditions are created for his existence. Further nursing of the baby will take place in a specialized department.


At each appointment, the doctor necessarily assesses the general condition of the woman, measures the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, listens to the fetal heartbeat and determines its position in the uterus. At the beginning of the third trimester, the baby is in a breech or cephalic presentation, or even completely across. It doesn't really matter now. The child actively rotates in the amniotic fluid and can take any comfortable position. Finally, the presentation of the fetus should be talked about no earlier than 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Video 27 week of pregnancy

So the second trimester, which is considered the most favorable, has ended. There are still about 13 weeks of gestation ahead, but the belly is getting larger, and this causes certain inconveniences. We will figure out what events occur during 27 weeks of pregnancy, what examinations the expectant mother needs to undergo, and what important events can occur during this period.

Looking at the pregnancy calendar at week 27, you can be sure that you and your baby have already passed two-thirds of the difficult path and reached the home stretch. That is, the final phase of pregnancy begins. There are still about three months of gestation ahead, but the body is already beginning to prepare for the upcoming birth. Let's figure out what else happens at 27 weeks of pregnancy.


Pregnancy 27-28 weeks is a time when a woman may notice that she has become much more tired. And this is not surprising, the load on the body is increasing every day, because the child is already quite large and continues to gain weight. But you should not be upset, this is a natural reaction, you just need to try to rest more often.

Very soon, a woman will be able to go on maternity leave. But if there is an opportunity to go on another vacation before maternity leave, then you definitely need to use it. Additional rest during the period of 27-28 weeks of pregnancy will be useful for both the woman and the baby.

The belly at the 27th week of pregnancy is already quite large, and this causes certain inconveniences. The fundus of the uterus at this time is located at a distance of 27 cm from the pubic bone and about 6 cm above the navel. The grown uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, which can cause various functional disorders.

A woman's body weight by this period should increase significantly, the expectant mother should weigh 8-10 kg more than before pregnancy. The weekly increase should not exceed 500 grams. Be sure to track your weight, a sharp increase in body weight may indicate that internal edema has appeared.

The 27th week of pregnancy is the time when a woman may experience new discomfort. This:

  • Swelling of the extremities. In the evening, not only the legs, but also the hands can swell. Have future mother there may be a feeling that the limbs have become clumsy and naughty. It is imperative to fight edema, but if they are not very pronounced, then it is better to do without medication. Try to reduce the amount of salt in your diet, rest more often, try to master acupuncture massage. If simple measures do not help, your doctor may recommend taking a diuretic.
  • Leg cramps. Pain in the legs often bothers women at this time. They can be caused by a lack of calcium, load on the veins, and fatigue. On the recommendation of a doctor, it will be possible to take calcium supplements, as well as consume more fermented milk products. If the cause of the spasms is load on the veins, your doctor may recommend wearing compression socks. And the expectant mother herself can do a simple self-massage of the legs every day before going to bed, massaging the limbs from the bottom up.
  • Constipation, heartburn and other digestive disorders. The reason for these phenomena is the compression of the internal organs by the grown uterus. To relieve discomfort, a special diet is recommended - you need to eat often, but in very small portions, the diet should include vegetables, vegetable oil, and fermented milk products.
  • Back pain. The increased stress on the spine can trigger back pain. To relieve your condition, try to stand less. If it is not possible to sit down, then it is better to take a walk or at least just roll from heel to toe, but you still need to try not to spend a lot of time on your feet. And be sure to watch your posture! Try to lie down on your left side, at the twenty-seventh week it is time to get a special pillow for pregnant women, if you have not done this before. This simple tool will help you find the most comfortable sleeping position.

  • Suppressed emotional condition... Some women already at this time begin to experience fear of childbirth, and this can cause negative thoughts... Try to worry less, all sad and frightening thoughts need to be "driven away" by an effort of will. Try to do what you enjoy and stay calm in all situations. Try to be creative, many expectant mothers during pregnancy find hobbies for themselves, which they then do all their lives. And be sure to communicate with your son or daughter, the baby at the 27th week perfectly hears his mother's voice and reacts to her emotional state.
  • Itching of the abdomen. In many women, during this period, the stomach itches a lot, this is due to the fact that the skin is greatly stretched. However, it is still worth informing your doctor about this, as itching can be a sign of an exacerbation of certain chronic diseases.


A baby at the 27th week of pregnancy is already large enough, so you can not only feel but also see his movements. So, the abdominal wall will bulge significantly in the place where the baby "rests" on the heel or elbow.

The expectant mother may notice that active movements are noted at about the same time. The kid has already worked out his regime, so he sleeps and "is active" at the same time.

But if the child begins to actively move after school hours, then perhaps he does not like something. For example, loud music or finding mom in a stuffy room.

The activity of the baby's movement depends not only on his well-being, but also on his temperament. There are calm children, and there are very restless kids. Therefore, if the baby is developing normally according to objective data, then you should not worry about the fact that he moves a little.

If twins are expected

The 27th week of pregnancy with twins is a difficult period, the total weight of babies at this time reaches two kilograms, so the pregnant belly in which the twins are located is significantly larger than that of women carrying a singleton pregnancy.

The uterus rests against the ribs, and because of this, it is more difficult for the expectant mother to breathe, and shortness of breath may appear. The woman gets very tired and needs frequent and proper rest.

How does the baby develop?

So, it's 27 obstetric week of baby development. His body is already fully formed, but he is not yet ready for independent life... He needs to grow up and get stronger. Let's figure out what happens to the baby at the 27th week of pregnancy.

By this time, the baby's weight is about a kilogram, and if you are carrying twins, their total weight will be about 2 kilograms. In this case, the weight of a twin fetus may differ from the weight of its brother or sister.

There is almost always a larger twin, the difference in weight can be about 100 grams. On average, the growth of babies at this time is 33-35 cm. Development of the fetus at 27 weeks of gestation goes on as usual. The main events of this period:

  • Strengthening of bones continues. For this reason, the fetus needs a lot of calcium, and the expectant mother needs to include more cottage cheese and other healthy foods containing calcium in the diet.
  • The muscles are strengthened even more. The kid is more and more confident in controlling his body, performing fairly complex movements.
  • The accumulation of surfactant continues in the alveoli of the lungs. This important substance will keep your lungs from sticking together after your baby is born. With a lack of surfactant, spontaneous breathing is impossible.

  • Improvement of the parts of the brain. In general, the brain is already formed, but its development continues.
  • Formation of touch. Your baby already has almost all the senses, he hears internal and external sounds, reacts to light, tastes and smells the amniotic fluid that he swallows, and now he also has a sense of touch. So, the baby will feel if the mother presses lightly on her tummy.
  • The endocrine system continues to improve, at this time the baby's internal glands are able to produce all the hormones necessary for life autonomously from the mother's body.

A fetus at 27 weeks of gestation looks almost the same as a newborn baby, but it is still very thin. During the remaining weeks of pregnancy, the baby should still grow and gain weight. But the skin is no longer as red and wrinkled as before, since over the last few weeks of development, the baby has managed to "save up" a certain amount of adipose tissue.

Required examinations

Special examinations and procedures are not prescribed for this period. You need to visit a gynecologist twice a month, but if a woman is worried about something, then it is better to make an unscheduled visit to the doctor.

Analyzes for this period are taken only planned, and this is a general study of urine and blood. Regular examinations help to identify the onset of the development of complications such as pregnancy diabetes, anemia, preeclampsia. Therefore, do not miss scheduled visits to the doctor and get tested regularly.

Possible complications

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not go smoothly in all cases. Possible dangers at this time:

  • Premature birth. Various factors can provoke the onset of labor - hormonal surges, stress, bruises. Therefore, if there are bloody discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy and cramping pains in the lower abdomen, then you should not hesitate to contact an ambulance. Timely treatment in many cases allows the pregnancy to be maintained.

Achievements of modern medicine make it possible to save the life of a baby born at 27 weeks. But it will still be better for the baby and mother if the delivery is on time.

  • Fetoplacental insufficiency. This term denotes a condition in which blood circulation between the body of the mother and the child is disrupted due to disturbances in the normal functions of the placenta.

  • Gestosis. If nausea appears at the 27th week of pregnancy, your health has deteriorated sharply, then you should not hesitate to see a doctor. Perhaps this is how a serious complication of pregnancy manifests itself - preeclampsia. This condition is characterized by a triad of symptoms - increased blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine and edema. Treatment of gestosis at home is possible only if the symptoms are mild (first degree of gestosis). In more difficult cases, it is necessary to go to the hospital. It is important to follow bed rest, a special diet (mainly protein foods with organic amounts of salt). If necessary, a course of injections of magnesium sulfate is carried out.

So, 27 weeks of pregnancy is the beginning of the final trimester. There are still almost three months of gestation ahead, and these months will not be the easiest, because the belly is already big, and this causes significant discomfort. In addition, due to the increasing load on the body, the likelihood of an exacerbation of various chronic diseases increases.

The second trimester can be considered complete. The 27th week of pregnancy is the line, the “borderline,” separating the second trimester from the third. Now the time for a woman will subjectively go slower, because there is no longer the former ease, the pregnancy itself now gives the expectant mother not only positive emotions... Let's take a closer look at what is happening at this time.

Indicate the first day of your last period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019

How many months is it?

Week 27 causes heated debate, to which trimester it should be attributed - to the second or third. Some doctors say that she is ending the second trimester, others say that the third is starting. For the expectant mother now it is not so important. It is enough to understand that it is at the “junction” of two important stages.

The second trimester lasted 15 weeks. The 27th week of pregnancy in obstetric months is 6 months and three weeks. According to the usual universal calendar standards, pregnancy lasts a little over 6 months. Six months is a significant period during which a woman has fully adapted to her “interesting” position.

25 weeks went from conception. The day when the next period did not come was almost 23 weeks ago. Less than three months - 13 weeks before the expected due date. However, one should not assume that the baby will certainly "gather" into our world on the very day indicated in the card of the future mother. According to statistics, only about 5% of all childbirths fall on PDD. All other kids choose a different time - before or after the estimated date.

At the 26-27 obstetric week, a lot of interesting things happen with the baby and the mother. More about this.

Feelings of a woman

The woman begins to feel tired. Moreover, this feeling sometimes appears right in the morning, as soon as the alarm clock rings, and continues throughout the day. About 3 weeks remain before going on maternity leave, and if a woman is pregnant with twins, then she will receive a sick leave in a week.

At work, there is almost no production benefit from a pregnant woman, so many are trying right now to go on the next vacation, due to all workers, and then from it immediately go smoothly on maternity leave.

It is more difficult for female students, they are not entitled to another vacation. But study does not require such physical exertion as work, and in extreme cases, no one expelled for absenteeism from a lecture. Therefore, now a pregnant student may well study at home, attending university only to pass exams and tests.

Fatigue at week 27 is a common complaint that belongs to the category of problems that will be resolved only after childbirth, and without any outside intervention. Other sensations at this time may be like this.


The breasts of most women have increased by almost 2 sizes, and for some, even more. It looks pretty, but "wearing" the mammary glands is not as easy as it seems. Back hurts, nipples ache and tingle from time to time. Now a woman can pay attention to the fact that she has “hot flashes” - after a couple of cups of warm tea, the breasts can “fill up”, become more tense, colostrum is released from the nipples of many expectant mothers.

A blue venous mesh is clearly visible on the chest, the circles around the nipples have darkened. The mammary glands are actively preparing for breastfeeding, the ducts inside expand. Colostrum appears more often in those who were breastfeeding earlier, because their nipples are weaker, and the ducts do not need to expand again, it is enough to "remember" the past experience.

Primiparous women may not have colostrum, and this does not mean that there may be any problems with lactation after childbirth, as some think.

At 27 weeks, itching of the skin on the sides of the mammary glands often appears. This is due to the overstretching of the skin. Primiparas can begin to prepare the nipples for feeding the baby - for this they are easily massaged with their fingers.

This must be done carefully: over-stimulation of the nipples activates the production of oxytocin, which causes contractions of the uterine muscles.


Fetal movements at 27 weeks become a kind of "language" in which the expectant mother communicates with her baby. So, now most children begin to react to the touch of their mother's hand on the stomach.

In response to stroking, the baby can “pretend” something - push the mother into the palm of her hand, turn around, and increase motor activity. And dads, who also want to experience these incredible emotions, often remain "overboard" - the kids are in no hurry to respond to the dad's touch on the stomach with joyful pushes.

The movements are still very active, this will continue until about 32 weeks. Then the baby will feel cramped, his physical activity will begin to decrease. In the meantime, the size of the uterus allows you to "turn around in a big way." This swing is perfectly felt by expectant mothers, receiving tangible and often even painful shocks and kicks in various parts of their bodies.

The child moves at this time regularly. He has a specific daily routine, alternation of sleep and activity. And the woman already knows well when and what the baby is doing. To the question whether it is necessary to count the movements now, the answer is - it is not necessary.

Movement counting techniques are very informative for a pregnant woman and her attending physician, but later. Usually, obstetricians advise to do this from the 28th full week of pregnancy, that is, at 28-29 weeks. In the meantime, it's enough that the pregnant woman notices the very fact of the presence of perturbations.

It is not worth worrying about the child for every reason. The risk of sudden freezing, fetal death in utero at this time is minimal as never before. Sluggish or active movements may well be a manifestation of the character of the baby. Some crumbs are more mobile and curious, while others prefer to sleep.

Alarming symptoms are considered to be the absence of movements during the day, or too active, sharp and painful movements during the same period of time.

The kids are becoming meteosensitive, and now, if it rains outside the window, there may be less movements, since the baby will simply sleep sweetly. And in sunny weather, he will be much more active. If a woman is very nervous and worried (no one is immune from this), then stress hormones will be transmitted to the baby, he will move more slowly. However, the hormones of happiness that are produced in the mother's body, if she experiences positive emotions, will add mood to him, he will begin to move more fun.

The child is large enough, and many pregnant women at this time already manage not only to understand how the baby is located in the womb, but also to determine exactly which part of the body he is pushing: booty, legs or arms.

At night, movements can become somewhat more active, which often causes sleep disturbances in a woman. Insomnia in its pure form is rare, but "ragged" sleep, abrupt and restless - in every second expectant mother at this time.

Pain and discharge

The changes that the female body undergoes and the significant load that it is now experiencing, quite naturally cause certain unpleasant sensations. As such, it is difficult to call them pains, since they are physiological. So, under the influence of relaxin, a hormone that has already begun to be synthesized, the pelvic bones soften. This causes the pubic bone to hurt. These sensations should be tolerated, because they are almost inevitable and cannot be corrected.

It is important to be able to distinguish natural pain from pathological. If the pubic bone hurts badly, this pain does not allow a woman to stand, walk up stairs, and intensifies at night, then you need to see a doctor to rule out symphysitis - a complication associated with pathological discrepancy of the pubic symphysis.

A growing and strongly protruding belly changes the center of gravity, shifts it, because of this, a woman has a pain in her lower back, aches in her sacrum. The growing uterus "complicates" the task of the ligamentous apparatus, which holds it in a fixed position. The ligaments are stretched, and this is felt by the woman as tingling and pulling pains in the right and left side on the sides of the uterus, aches in the lower back.

Due to the fact that the woman has significantly put on weight, her legs, especially knees and ankles, get tired and hurt. Maybe again, like in the first trimester, a headache starts. Some migraines torment until the very birth.

Discharge at 27 obstetric week is not much different from normal discharge a week or two earlier. The only change that can occur is an increase in the amount of vaginal secretions. There are more secretions, and this is "conceived" by nature - a certain microflora should be maintained in the genital tract closer to childbirth. If a woman is healthy, then the discharge this week remains light, yellowish, homogeneous, without mucus, blood, odorless or with a slight smell of sour milk.

If a woman sees blood on a panty liner, an ambulance should be called, it may be dangerous symptom placental abruption, starting premature birth. Discharge pink, orange, brown also belongs to blood, the difference between them is only in the number of red blood cells in the vaginal secretion.

Green or gray discharge with unpleasant odor- a sign of an infectious lesion of the genital tract, and white discharge, which is accompanied by itching and burning, a pronounced smell of yeast, is a frequent companion of pregnancy - thrush.

If there is a watery discharge, you should call an "ambulance", it may be the discharge of amniotic fluid or their leakage.

In order to pay attention to the change in the nature of the discharge in time, a woman should wear and regularly change thin sanitary napkins. Tampons should not be used because the very process of inserting them increases the likelihood of infection. In the vaginal secretion, which is a nutrient medium, pathogenic bacteria multiply perfectly. You need to know that with an increase in discharge, you should be more sensitive to the rules of intimate hygiene, they must be adhered to unswervingly.

Mood and psychological background

The mood becomes fickle again. The woman is either sad or laughing. At 27 weeks, she has mixed feelings. Immediate departure on maternity leave pleases and worries at the same time, because the expectant mother needs guarantees that her job will remain for her.

It is impossible by law to fire an employee who is on maternity leave. Therefore, you should not worry and worry, it is best to think about the pleasant, because soon the very day to which the woman has been walking for six months will come - the baby's birthday. The first place in the psychological discomfort that most pregnant women now experience is fear of the upcoming birth.

You should not keep him in yourself, you should definitely talk about this with your loved ones, with a doctor, with a psychologist. Psychologists work free of charge in every antenatal clinic.

Not worth reading " horror stories»About childbirth, stories about unsuccessful childbirth and tragedies. Your experience is only yours, it is not similar to the experience of others, and therefore you should not “try on” the negative in order to stay calm. Read a good book or watch a kind and positive movie.

Women at 27 weeks become more dependent on others. They need help even in those actions that they had recently coped with on their own: buttoning shoes, picking up a fallen thing, moving something, etc. Awareness of the limitations of their actions, as well as dependence on those around them, does not give most women the most pleasant sensations.

In order to prevent the development of depression in pregnant women, neurosis, experts recommend communicating more, getting positive emotions from movies and listening to music, as well as eating fewer carbohydrates - their excess directly affects the emotional state.

Changes in the body

In the body of a pregnant woman, important processes begin that should prepare him for childbirth. In addition to softening the pelvic bones, all muscles become more relaxed. The body "stores" fat (this is a source of energy) and fluids for future use, which can cause swelling. The main changes take place in the belly of the expectant mother.


At 27 weeks gestation, most women find it difficult to breathe. Deep breaths are difficult because the uterus is firmly supporting the diaphragm. For the same reason, a woman experiences palpable shortness of breath.

The diaphragm is not the only victim of constrained circumstances. The uterus fills the abdominal cavity, pushing back all internal organs.

So, the pressure of the uterus on the lower part of the stomach leads to the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus, this causes heartburn, which has nothing to do with what and how much the woman ate at dinner. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines leads to constipation, and bladder, also depressed, asserts itself by frequent urination. In this state, the woman will have to lead the entire third trimester, and the discomfort associated with the growth of the uterus will increase.

At 27 obstetric weeks, the height of the fundus of the uterus is 25-28 centimeters. The uterus has risen above the navel line by 7 centimeters.

The length of the cervix at this time is normally 40-41 mm. Moreover, in women who have previously given birth, the cervix may be shorter. The tone of the uterus, if it rises, is now obvious not only for the woman herself, but also for those around her. The stomach turns to stone, begins to "stick out".

To reduce the tone, if the doctor considers it necessary, prescribe "No-Shpu" or "Papaverine". There are other drugs, but the need for treatment does not always arise. A short-term episodic tone is also one of the stages of preparing the body for childbirth, there is no need to fight it if the woman is healthy and there are no pathologies that can lead to premature birth.

To make it easier to “wear” a belly that has already become large and heavy, a woman is advised to wear a prenatal orthopedic brace. You can choose it in any orthopedic salon after trying it on.

Fitting is very important, because anatomically, not all models are equally well suited to a particular woman. For this reason, you should not buy a bandage without trying it on.

Weight gain

Expectant mothers at 27 weeks may already experience a lot of inconvenience due to the increased weight. And the understanding that this process continues, and the mass will grow for about 3 more months, can instill real horror in a woman. However, not all that a woman sees on the scales is her own weight, now many factors add up to the mass. So, amniotic fluid is already almost a liter, 350 grams on average is the weight of the placenta, a child weighs about a kilogram and a uterus weighs half a kilogram.

There is more circulating blood in the body, because in addition to her own circulation, the woman has an additional one - the uteroplacental circle.

Weight gain will not raise questions from the doctor if at week 27 the expectant mother will add no more than 400-500 grams compared to the previous week. The total increase by this period may differ significantly from one pregnant woman to another.

  • thin girls can add no more than 9.7 kilograms by week 27, plus their weight before pregnancy.
  • women with a normal body mass index should gain no more than 8.5 kilograms;
  • expectant mothers who, before pregnancy, experienced problems with overweight or even obesity - no more than 5.5-6 kilograms.

With a significant "underweight", the doctor may suspect pathology in the development of the placenta, oligohydramnios, and intrauterine growth retardation.

But underweight is not as dangerous as overweight. At this time, they can talk not only about the fact that the woman did not properly organize her nutrition, but also be symptoms of preeclampsia - this is how internal edema manifests itself, which cannot be visually determined.

Training contractions

There are women who have only read or heard about false contractions, having not experienced anything like this until the 27th week of pregnancy. And there are slightly more of them than those who have already encountered such a phenomenon as Braxton Hicks contractions.

At 27 weeks, according to statistics, about 40% of pregnant women observe training contractions from time to time. Most often, at these dates, those who are going to give birth for the first time encounter a mysterious physiological phenomenon.

In multiparous, training contractions usually begin much later - closer to childbirth: either a few days, or even just a few hours before the start of real contractions.

You do not need to be afraid of training contractions, they do not affect the mother and baby, do not accelerate the onset of labor, do not lead to the opening of the cervix. Why they exist at all, medicine is still not entirely clear. Theoretically, it can be assumed that this is how the muscles of the uterus prepare for childbirth. But women who have not had a single training contraction during their entire pregnancy give birth without significant differences from those who, after 20 weeks, regularly complained of false contractions.

Recognizing false contractions is easy enough. The uterus tenses, becomes stiff for a few seconds or minutes, after which the muscles return to their original relaxed state. Such contractions are repeated irregularly, in some - once every few days, in others - once a week or less.

Often women are tormented by the question of whether it will be possible to distinguish training fights from real ones. This is also very easy to do. If a woman lay down, rested, the bout receded and never returned, these are training fights. If the pain grows, the uterus comes in tone with a certain frequency - once every half an hour, once every 20 minutes, once every 10 minutes, and neither a warm shower nor a state of rest bring relief, we are talking about the beginning of labor.

Skin and stretch marks

The skin of a woman this week becomes the most vulnerable. The skin is now drier, very often at 27 weeks in women with a tendency to allergies, dermatological problems appear. That is why in the fight against the so-called "stretch marks" you should not go too far and rub everything cosmetics that will be found on the shelves of pharmacies.

Contact allergy can also occur in women who have never suffered from it before. The reason is in immune processes. The immunity of a pregnant woman is greatly weakened, and therefore a reaction to an allergen, which previously did not cause problems, is now possible.

A woman may notice itching of the skin in the thighs, abdomen. Such sensations are caused by the tension of the skin. Baby cream or warm warmed up sunflower or almond oil can help. It is applied after water treatments and rub in easily.

Other changes

The woman's blood pressure is finally starting to equalize. If in the first trimester it was slightly increased, and in the second it decreased due to the increased amount of blood in the body, now it rises again and comes to the values ​​that were characteristic of a woman before pregnancy. Dizziness due to this becomes more rare.

From the 27th week, the woman's meteosensitivity increases, now she is more sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, air humidity. On rainy days and severe frosts, the general well-being of a pregnant woman may deteriorate.

If persistent daily headaches now appear, you should consult your doctor, as this may be a sign of hypertension.

Most pregnant women have high blood cholesterol levels. This phenomenon is considered completely normal. Cholesterol is an important building material for the placenta, with its help the "baby's place" is able to synthesize hormones necessary to prolong pregnancy and maintain a relaxed state of the uterine muscles.

Calf muscle cramps may occur at night. They are associated with calcium deficiency in the body. Most of this mineral is "taken" by the child, who continues to actively grow bones.

A slight decrease in visual acuity can also be quite normal at this time, since the intraocular vessels are also exposed to changes in blood pressure.

A woman at 27 weeks, no matter what time of year, may begin to experience hot flashes. At this time, the work of the sweat glands increases, sweating increases.

Dreams during this period are colorful and memorable. Somnologists say that this is due to the fact that women's sleep is now more superficial, because the baby is pushing, and it is becoming more and more difficult to choose a position for a comfortable rest.

Baby development

The kid is getting prettier every day. He now looks like a newborn, only slightly thinner and smaller than full-term babies. The growth of the crumbs is about 36 centimeters, and its weight can vary from 900 to 1100 grams.

Babies this week are usually already in a cephalic presentation, and with a high degree of probability they will remain in it until the very birth, because soon it will become physically impossible to turn in the uterus - it is cramped.

If now the baby sits on the priest in a breech position or is located across the uterus, then he still has enough time to take a position more suitable for the birth process, turning his head down.


At the 27th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to take a flexion position. He grew up, and now nature "forces" the baby to start saving space inside the mother's womb. Starting this week, it becomes more difficult to determine the sex of the fetus by ultrasound, because some babies are bent so that the umbilical cord and legs completely block the visual "access" to the view of the external genital organs.

The formation of subcutaneous adipose tissue is in full swing. The little one "grows fat", and this adorns him indescribably. Nice little cheeks have already appeared, the tummy, butt are rounded, arms and legs are not so thin and thin. The folds in the skin begin to smooth out.

The face is fully formed. Only the ears are still slightly protruding. The auricles are made of cartilaginous tissue, and at this time it is still quite soft. As the fetus matures, the auricles become harder. By the degree of ear hardening, doctors judge the degree of maturity of the baby in case of premature birth.

The formation of the primordia of molars continues. They are hidden in the depths of the jaw tissues and will remain there until the moment when the baby's milk teeth begin to change to permanent ones.

The body and face of the crumbs are covered with a cheese-like lubricant that protects the skin. The lubricant is held onto the skin by a scalp called lanugo. These Thin hair all over the body are the result of the work of hair follicles, and gradually the baby has already begun to get rid of them.

The proportions of the body are leveled. The legs have grown and have already become longer than the arms, and the head has ceased to occupy half of the area of ​​the whole body, as it was on early dates, now only a quarter of the entire area is allocated to the head.

Nervous system and senses

The development of the baby's brain is actively continuing. Work begins at week 27 special centers in the left hemisphere. They will be responsible for consciousness, thinking and analytical skills.

The brain takes control of the functions of the baby's body quite in a businesslike manner; it coordinates the heartbeat, movements, and digestion. The nervous system develops at a rapid pace, and every day hundreds of thousands of new neurons are formed in the temporal and frontal lobes.

This gives the baby the opportunity to learn something new and learn every day. He already owns the basic reflexes: sucking, swallowing, grasping, there are tendon and muscle tonic reflexes, a cervical reflex. The formation of the breathing reflex is coming to an end.

The brain managed to establish interaction with the adrenal cortex, from this time the baby has its own hormonal background, and growth hormones are one of the first to be synthesized. It's hard to imagine, but the baby in the mother's womb is already left-handed or right-handed. Already now he unconsciously chooses the right or left handle as a "working" one.

The development of the senses continues to open up a new world to the baby. Hearing is fully formed, and the baby hears what he can. These are internal sounds: the mother's voice, her heartbeat, breathing, the flow of blood through her vessels, the work of the intestines, as well as some sounds from the outside. Hearing everything in full is hampered by the dense abdominal wall of the mother and the aquatic environment in which the baby swims.

But from the 27th week, vision improves. Now the connection between the brain and the optic nerve is well established. From this moment, in response to a bright light directed at the mother's belly, the baby will flinch, close his eyes and turn away. So far, he sees only an accumulation of colored spots, sharpness and acuity of vision will form gradually, in many respects this process will continue after the baby is born.

Receptors responsible for the sense of smell have been formed. The kid begins to feel the "prototypes" of smells, but he distinguishes tastes very well, because his taste buds have been formed for a long time. Feeling in the womb helps your baby not to get bored. He feels with interest himself, the umbilical cord, the placenta, the walls of the fetal bladder.

The baby sleeps in total about 22 hours a day. Almost 60% is allocated to the REM sleep phase. It is in it that people are able to see dreams. During sleep, the eyes of the crumbs under closed eyelids quickly move left and right. This gives scientists reason to believe that the baby is already dreaming. What they are, what images appear in the brain of the crumbs, no one knows, but the very fact that doctors have dreams does not cause doubts.

Internal organs

Light crumbs continue to prepare for spontaneous breathing, alveoli ripen, surfactant is produced and accumulated. This substance is of great importance for a baby's life. It prevents the alveoli from sticking together.

The baby's first breath will fill them with air, and the required amount of surfactant will provide an exhalation and a full second breath. Acute respiratory failure, which often causes the death of deeply premature babies, is due precisely to the fact that little surfactant has developed and the baby is not able to breathe on its own.

Lung tissue maturation is a responsible and serious process. If unfavorable factors now intervene, serious pathologies may arise. A woman at 27 weeks should avoid severe infections. viral infections, sexually transmitted infections.

The baby's intestines began to accumulate the original feces - meconium. It consists of bile and particles of epithelium and lanugo, which enter the water, and from there into the stomach of the baby, because your baby is actively drinking amniotic fluid. Small kidneys work like large ones, with the only difference that they still produce much less urine.

The baby's heart has increased in size. His anatomical formation is complete, his functional "abilities" allow him to pump up to 25 liters of blood per day. The baby's heart rate is 140-170 beats per minute. It provides blood to all internal organs of the baby.

In male fetuses at week 27, the testes descend into the scrotum. This statement is true for at least 70% of babies. For the rest, this delicate process ends a little later, and only for a few - after birth.


If labor occurs at week 27, it will be considered premature. But the predictions regarding the survival of the baby at this time are quite favorable. More than 75% of babies born at 27 weeks survive. Naturally, not without the help of doctors.

Babies who are born now fit in two palms of the obstetrician: the head of the child is completely placed in one palm, and the body and legs in the other. But despite the mournful appearance, such children are very "stubborn" and really want to live. Neonatologists note that they survive, sometimes contrary to the forecasts of doctors, even better than children who are a month older, eight-month-olds.

The baby does not have a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat, he cannot retain internal heat, and this is the first danger for a newborn, who is considered deeply premature. The lungs did not have time to mature to the desired stage, the baby cannot breathe on its own - this is the second danger to his life.

Such crumbs are placed in a special reanimation incubator, in which the baby "matures" until the moment when his body weight begins to exceed 1.7 kilograms, after which he can be transferred to a heated bed.

Doctors are very careful with predictions about the health of such a child. Considering that the baby was born before the development of the central nervous system was completed, various disorders, mental and physical retardation, deafness or blindness are not excluded. If a child is threatened with disability, this will become known only after the doctors finish fighting for his life.

Having a baby at 27 weeks of gestation is a serious challenge for the whole family. After all, a lot depends on how strong the parents will be and will be able to believe that their baby will cope, will be able to survive and will grow up as a healthy baby.

Your child is on ultrasound

The ultrasound office at week 27 is usually not sent. It is still a long time before the third screening, and the first two have long been left behind. The only exceptions are emergency cases, when the doctor needs to make sure that everything is in order with the baby and mother. But at her own expense, a woman has the right to visit an ultrasound scan in a private clinic at any time.

At week 27, there can be many reasons for this. These are abnormal fetal movements, and their absence, as well as a woman may want to find out the sex of the child or clarify it.

Pregnant women really want to know if her baby meets the developmental standards for a given period. At 26-27 weeks, the norms for fetometry are as follows:

  • BPR - 64-76 mm;
  • LZR - 80-96 mm;
  • DBK - 47-56 mm;
  • DCG (tibia or length of the tibia) - 43-51 mm;
  • PrEP (length of the forearm bones) - 43-51 mm;
  • Head circumference - 235-273 mm;
  • Abdominal circumference - 205-253 mm.

The slightest inconsistency with the norms is often perceived by women as a tragedy. Experts warn against such experiences. All children now look individual, and therefore there are tall and short, more or less plump babies.

Only a deviation downward by 2 weeks or more is considered alarming. It can talk about intrauterine growth retardation. If the upper limit of the norm is ahead, it can be assumed that the mother is carrying a large baby who will be born with a weight of more than 4 kilograms.

There are special tables by which doctors compare the growth rate of a particular child with average statistical indicators. However, an experienced doctor will always make an adjustment for genetics, take into account all the factors and features of the current pregnancy and draw the correct conclusion.

Dangers and risks

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period from the point of view of the likelihood of a miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy is left behind, some dangers can still lie in wait for a woman. At 27 obstetric week, it is worth paying attention to such risks.

Premature birth

The reason for the early onset of labor at this time may be excessive physical exercise, severe stress, as well as gynecological problems that a woman had before conception, for example, inflammation of the appendages or a short cervix. The cause can be injuries and infections, diseases of a systemic nature. Overweight women and preeclampsia significantly increase the likelihood of such a development of events.

Compliance with the daily routine, work and rest, as well as strict implementation of all doctor's recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of premature birth. They need to be taken seriously.

If the doctor asks to reduce weight, go on a diet for pregnant women, these requirements cannot be ignored, because the main goal of the doctor, like the expectant mother herself, is to bring the child to the time when his birth will not pose any danger to him.

The likelihood of premature birth, according to the observations of gynecologists, decreases if a woman at this time eats a sufficient amount of foods containing zinc. These are liver, turkey, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal.

SARS, flu and colds

Immunity is lowered, and therefore at week 27 there is a high risk of contracting influenza or ARVI. And the simplest cold is also a very real risk for the expectant mother. It should be noted right away that infectious and non-infectious diseases at this time are not a significant danger to the child - it is already reliably protected by the maternal innate immunity. But unpleasant symptoms can complicate the condition of the expectant mother herself.

If all the precautions that the woman took did not help, and the disease nevertheless began, it is by no means worth treating a runny nose, cough, fever and conjunctivitis with home remedies. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will tell you which of medicines are allowed to a pregnant woman, and will be able to help her.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Due to the increased load on all organs and systems at week 27, a woman should pay special attention to her state of health. If before pregnancy she had certain chronic diseases, now there is a high probability of their recurrence. You may need to visit a specialized doctor - cardiologist or nephrologist to get the necessary advice.

Intrauterine growth retardation

Such a diagnosis based on the results of an ultrasound scan at this time is not as rare as it might seem. If the doctor says that the baby has a developmental delay, there is no need to worry and be nervous. Modern medicine allows you to quickly find out the true cause of what is happening and in most cases completely eliminate it.

Most often, fetoplacental insufficiency, Rh-conflict, oligohydramnios, placenta previa, infectious diseases transferred by a woman in the early stages of pregnancy lead to a delay.

In most cases, the baby manages to help with the help of vitamin therapy and drugs that improve uteroplacental blood flow.

Analyzes and examinations

At 27 weeks, women are usually referred for general urine and blood tests. Blood must be donated in order to make sure that the woman does not have anemia, and the composition of the urine will show how the kidneys are coping with the increased load.

Rh-negative women at this time donate blood for an antibody titer. Women with disabilities hormonal background it is recommended to donate blood for hormones.

Women who are pregnant with twins or triplets receive referrals for a large list of tests to take before going on maternity leave. It is approximately the same as when registering.

Pregnancy will be easier if the woman adheres to all the recommendations of the attending physician. The most common questions at this time require special comments.


Many are worried whether it is possible to have sex now, whether it will harm the baby. If a woman is healthy, she has no complications and the threat of premature birth, then sex can and should be done.

It is difficult to replace the positive emotions that closeness with a loved one gives. True, partners now need to take into account a large tummy, positions should be chosen such that there is no mechanical pressure on the uterus and deep penetrations.

Calculation of maternity payments

Week 27 - it's time to calculate what amount of maternity payments a woman is entitled to. It depends on the length of service, the size of the woman's salary, as well as the number of days that she has spent on sick leave or other maternity leave over the past two years. There are many subtleties about calculating a one-time payment for maternity leave. A calculator will help you quickly calculate the amount due.


It is possible to travel on this period if the attending doctor has no other opinion on this matter, and a woman should be careful with flights. According to the requirements of most air carriers, a doctor's certificate stating that there are no contraindications to air travel is required upon landing from 28 weeks.

If you are flying on vacation for more than a week, then such a certificate must be taken in any case, because on the way back it will be asked to show it.

Airlines may establish other rules as well. Therefore, before buying plane tickets, be sure to ask the operator what documents you need to take with you if you are 27 weeks pregnant.

Massage for pregnant women

27 weeks pregnant - the right time so that the husband or someone from the household has mastered massage techniques to relax and relieve pain in a pregnant woman. This massage has a lot of features and will require accuracy from the masseur.

You can massage the lumbosacral region, easily stroke the lower abdomen, massage the spinal column. Massage should be done while sitting or in the knee-elbow position.

Before starting, it is advisable to visit a professional massage therapist with her husband, who will show the techniques and movements and give individual recommendations.


From the 27th week of pregnancy, a woman needs a daytime sleep. At night, she should rest for at least 9 hours, and during the day there will be enough rest for 1-1.5 hours. Such a “quiet hour” will help to restore the strength spent in the morning and relieve the second half of the day when pains in the legs and lower back appear.