The hormone prolactin is one of the most important biologically active substances that regulate physiological processes in a woman's body, and also ensure the formation of the lactation process. The quality of breastfeeding and its duration directly depend on the concentration of this hormonal component. For young mothers, information on the physiological norm of prolactin during breastfeeding, as well as on ways to increase it with a diagnosed shortage, will become relevant.

General characteristics

The place of production of this biologically active substance is the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The placenta, mammary glands, immune and nervous system... The main functions of this hormone include:

  • Protection function against unwanted pregnancy during breastfeeding;
  • Reducing the threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • Regulation of milk synthesis in the mammary glands in the postpartum period;
  • Regulation of water and electrolyte balance and other metabolic options;
  • Stimulation of sexual desire;
  • Acceleration of regenerative processes in the area of ​​blood vessels;
  • Participation in calcium metabolism;
  • Participation in the process of maturation and release of the egg.

Indicators of the norm

The level of concentration of this hormone in the body of a young mother directly depends on the chosen method of feeding the child. If the baby from the very birth eats artificial milk mixtures, then the concentration of prolactin in the female body remains in the range of 400 - 600 mU / l. When the baby is breastfed, each procedure of latching it to the mother's breast is accompanied by an increase in the level of prolactin in the body of the young mother.

During the first half of the year after the birth of the child, the limit of the physiological norm of prolactin is 2500 mU / l. In the period from 7 months to 1 year, this figure decreases to 1000-1200 mU / l. Starting from 1 year, the level of prolactin in the body of a lactating woman arrives in the range of 600-1000 mU / l.

Deviation from the norm

In medical practice, situations are often encountered when lactating women experience a spontaneous increase or decrease in the indicators of a given substance.

The main reasons for the increase in the concentration of prolactin include:

  • The presence of chronic liver and kidney disease;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Benign or malignant tumors of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus;
  • Brain cyst;
  • Autoimmune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus.

The opposite situation is a sharp decrease in the indicators of this substance in the body of a young mother. The following reasons may lead to this:

  • Pituitary infarction in the postpartum period;
  • Postterm pregnancy;
  • The use of medications with dopaminergic and anticonvulsant effects.

How to raise

Restore normal level hormone is helped by activities aimed at eliminating the root cause of this condition. The next step is to normalize the diet and lifestyle of the young mother. A woman diagnosed with a low level of prolactin needs to sleep at least 9 hours a day, add fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals to the diet, and limit herself from stress.

An increase in the level of this biologically active substance is facilitated by the use of such food products:

  • Unpolished;
  • Barley and corn;
  • Sprouted wheat;
  • Pomegranate, apples;
  • Vegetable oil (sesame, soybean, date,);
  • Ginger;
  • Vegetables (celery, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower).

The diet of a young mother should contain animal proteins, which can be obtained from lean meats, poultry and fish. Without a regular supply of proteins in the human body, a hormonal imbalance is formed in a short period of time.

The categorical prohibition includes the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking. Alternative medicine experts recommend that nursing mothers use an infusion of fennel seeds, sage leaves, inflorescences and raspberries. But before using such funds, you should consult with your doctor.

Now the expression "Lactation is in the head" has become quite popular. What does it mean? Maybe the fact that the psychological component is of great importance? Surely yes. But there is also a literal meaning of this phrase: in the head - in the brain - hormones are produced that ensure lactation.

From a practical point of view, we will be interested in hormones. oxytocin and prolactin

Prolactin- chef hormone, it is responsible for secretion breast milk... It is in the control of this hormone that the amount of food produced. Therefore, we need to know how to please our chef, so that he feeds the baby to its fullest. Prolactin loves when the baby is at the breast - then he feels in demand and happily performs his functions with redoubled zeal. The nerve endings of the nipple send information about the number of suckers to the brain, on the basis of which it draws a conclusion about the sucking need. This ensures the principle of "supply-demand" - the baby gets as much milk as he really needs. What are the conclusions? To produce as much milk as the baby wants, he needs to be allowed to suck as much as he wants. If there is less milk than is needed, first of all, it is necessary to provide the maximum demand - at the first place with sponges and even more often, and sucks it as much as it can overcome.

In addition, most prolactin is produced during the night and late morning hours. It is very good to have feedings at this time.

And prolactin is also responsible for maternal affection. In the animal kingdom, where there are no mechanisms for the realization of motherhood, except for biological ones, the readiness of the female to take care of the cubs and protect them largely depends on the presence of prolactin. In a person, the awareness of himself as a parent occurs not only due to hormones, for that he is a reasonable person. And a woman who is not breastfeeding is also quite good mom... And yet it makes you wonder a large number of excitement and anxiety around the baby, revealing the lack of confidence in their maternal competence. With animals, with their hormones and instincts, this does not happen.

Another feature of prolactin is that it suppresses ovulation, and as long as there is a lot of prolactin, it is impossible to get pregnant again. But - the timing of the recovery of the cycle for each woman is different (from 3 months to 2 years), and the first ovulation will be BEFORE the first menstruation, so there is no need to talk about guaranteed protection from the next pregnancy.

Read also:

And prolactin also suppresses sexual desire, which is why parents of babies often complain of problems in the intimate sphere. Indeed, a nursing mother never or almost never wants to, but this is not a verdict for family sex. If the husband has enough patience to start from afar - with a back massage, calm hugs and pleasant communication, and the wife - mindful of the man's needs - accepts these courtship, then the desire will not take too long. Well, the process begun will no longer disappoint - the strength of sensations not only has not diminished, but has certainly become more than before childbirth.

Now let's get acquainted with the second hormone actively involved in breastfeeding. Oxytocin performs the role of a waiter in lactation. Its task is to feed milk from the glands, where it was carefully prepared by prolactin, into the areola (areola). We know that the baby does not suckle in the usual sense of the word, but as if "milks" - squeezes the milk out of the areola into his mouth with his tongue. Therefore, he can only take milk from the part of the breast that is in his mouth. Oxytocin carefully feeds him there portion by portion: under its influence, muscle cells squeeze milk from the glands and direct it to the nipple.

If oxytocin does not fulfill its functions, the baby has a hard time - there is milk in the breast, but it does not work to suck it out. When does oxytocin escape from its workplace? When adrenaline appears in my mother's blood. In the presence of this formidable hormone, the production of oxytocin is blocked, because in a stressful situation, a wild female with a baby needed to run quickly, this is not the time for feeding. But if in a wild female the danger was objective and the stress hormone was adequately spent by the muscles, then in a modern woman adrenaline is often released for far-fetched reasons and rarely has the necessary path to be excreted from the blood. Because of this, difficulties arise with the separation of milk, and if the stress is chronic, then its amount is significantly reduced. People say: if you get nervous, there will be no milk. But this does not mean that stress is a death sentence. Who can never worry? You just need to get rid of excess adrenaline in time, and also make sure that situational excitement does not turn into habitual anxiety. The key to removing adrenaline is muscle work. Do gymnastics, mop the floor or stomp your feet with all your might - be sure to find your efficient way... How to restore the milk compartment and return the frightened waiter to his place? The first key to recovery is relaxation (but only after stress has found its way into muscle work). It can be a warm bath or shower, and if there is no time, then a breast bath is enough - just put it in a basin of warm water. You can smell lavender oil. You can breathe evenly and deeply, while making regular rhythmic movements, for example, gently swaying or walking around the room.

Now the expression "Lactation is in the head" has become quite popular. What does it mean? Maybe the fact that the psychological component is of great importance? Surely yes. But there is also a literal meaning of this phrase: in the head - in the brain - hormones are produced that ensure lactation.

From a practical point of view, we will be interested in hormones. oxytocin and prolactin

Prolactin- a chef hormone, it is responsible for the secretion of breast milk. It is in the control of this hormone that the amount of food produced. Therefore, we need to know how to please our chef, so that he feeds the baby to its fullest. Prolactin loves when the baby is at the breast - then he feels in demand and happily performs his functions with redoubled zeal. The nerve endings of the nipple send information about the number of suckers to the brain, on the basis of which it draws a conclusion about the sucking need. This ensures the principle of "supply-demand" - the baby gets as much milk as he really needs. What are the conclusions? To produce as much milk as the baby wants, he needs to be allowed to suck as much as he wants. If there is less milk than is needed, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the maximum demand - the baby receives the breast at the first place with sponges and even more often, and sucks it as much as he can.

In addition, most prolactin is produced during the night and late morning hours. It is very good to have feedings at this time.

And prolactin is also responsible for maternal affection. In the animal kingdom, where there are no mechanisms for the realization of motherhood, except for biological ones, the readiness of the female to take care of the cubs and protect them largely depends on the presence of prolactin. In a person, the awareness of himself as a parent occurs not only due to hormones, for that he is a reasonable person. And a woman who is not breastfeeding is also quite a good mother. And yet, the large number of worries and anxieties around the baby makes one think, revealing the lack of confidence in their maternal competence. With animals, with their hormones and instincts, this does not happen.

Another feature of prolactin is that it suppresses ovulation, and as long as there is a lot of prolactin, it is impossible to get pregnant again. But - the timing of the recovery of the cycle for each woman is different (from 3 months to 2 years), and the first ovulation will be BEFORE the first menstruation, so there is no need to talk about guaranteed protection from the next pregnancy.

And prolactin also suppresses sexual desire, which is why parents of babies often complain of problems in the intimate sphere. Indeed, a nursing mother never or almost never wants to, but this is not a verdict for family sex. If the husband has enough patience to start from afar - with a back massage, calm hugs and pleasant communication, and the wife - mindful of the man's needs - accepts these courtship, then the desire will not take too long. Well, the process begun will no longer disappoint - the strength of sensations not only has not diminished, but has certainly become more than before childbirth.

Now let's get acquainted with the second hormone actively involved in breastfeeding. Oxytocin performs the role of a waiter in lactation. Its task is to feed milk from the glands, where it was carefully prepared by prolactin, into the areola (areola). We know that the baby does not suckle in the usual sense of the word, but as if "milks" - squeezes the milk out of the areola into his mouth with his tongue. Therefore, he can only take milk from the part of the breast that is in his mouth. Oxytocin carefully feeds him there portion by portion: under its influence, muscle cells squeeze milk from the glands and direct it to the nipple.

If oxytocin does not fulfill its functions, the baby has a hard time - there is milk in the breast, but it does not work to suck it out. When does oxytocin escape from its workplace? When adrenaline appears in my mother's blood. In the presence of this formidable hormone, the production of oxytocin is blocked, because in a stressful situation, a wild female with a baby needed to run quickly, this is not the time for feeding. But if in a wild female the danger was objective and the stress hormone was adequately spent by the muscles, then in a modern woman adrenaline is often released for far-fetched reasons and rarely has the necessary path to be excreted from the blood. Because of this, difficulties arise with the separation of milk, and if the stress is chronic, then its amount is significantly reduced. People say: if you get nervous, there will be no milk. But this does not mean that stress is a death sentence. Who can never worry? You just need to get rid of excess adrenaline in time, and also make sure that situational excitement does not turn into habitual anxiety. The key to removing adrenaline is muscle work. Do gymnastics, wash the floor or stomp your feet with all your might - be sure to find your own effective way. How to restore the milk compartment and return the frightened waiter to his place? The first key to recovery is relaxation (but only after stress has found its way into muscle work). It can be a warm bath or shower, and if there is no time, then a breast bath is enough - just put it in a basin of warm water. You can smell lavender oil. You can breathe evenly and deeply, while making regular rhythmic movements, for example, gently swaying or walking around the room.

The second - and most important - key to oxytocin is love. This hormone corresponds to those emotional states that we call "the desire to do something for another", "trust", "warm gratitude." When a warm flame of sincere love (not to be confused with possessiveness and affection) is lit in our souls, oxytocin reigns supreme.

Oxytocin is excellently stimulated by touching and stroking. Wear your baby skin-to-skin, undress him for feeding and take him under a T-shirt or a dressing gown, as often as possible give him a gentle massage of the whole body. Hug and caress your husband and receive back strokes and massages from him.

And one more secret: it has been proven that the secretion of lactation hormones, and therefore the amount of breast milk, is significantly reduced if a woman is prevented from performing her maternal duties. And it doesn't matter if advisers and helpers interfere with good purposes. So take care of the baby, the right to carry it, feed it, walk with it - for yourself.

Here are how many answers to daily questions are hidden in the seemingly purely theoretical knowledge about the biochemistry of the body.

It is very common to hear from HW specialists that the happier the mother, the more milk she has. Why it happens? It's not just psychological aspect, although the importance of good rest and Have a good mood for a young mother is difficult to overestimate.

The hormone responsible for lactation is produced in the woman's brain, in the deepest part of it, and goes to the pituitary gland, where it accumulates and regulates its release into the blood.

Prolactin is responsible for milk production. If it remains during pregnancy (the placenta regulates its level), then after childbirth it becomes very high, reaching its maximum values ​​while feeding the baby.

Consequently, the more the baby sucks at the breast, the more milk the mother produces. And if the child does not have enough, it is necessary to provide attachment to the breast on demand.

Feeding by the hour in the first months after birth can significantly reduce lactation. The brain regulates the amount of milk produced according to the existing need, and decreases secretion if the need decreases. And if demand grows, so does supply. Night feeds are especially important - during this time, the largest amount of prolactin is produced.

Milk reserves

There is a common misconception that milk can accumulate in the breast. However, an attempt to accumulate milk will also lead to a decrease in its amount, and can also cause lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the breast.

Expression helps to increase the amount of milk, and in this way you can maintain lactation during prolonged separation from the baby, for example, if the baby or mother is in the hospital. It is important not to forget to pump at night, for more active milk production.

Prolactin is also responsible for a mother's deepest affection for her baby. In the animal kingdom, he provides maternal instincts in relation to the cub, care for his life and safety.

The high level of prolactin in the first months after childbirth inhibits ovulation, however, the time of its appearance is different for each woman. Someone has menstruation six months after childbirth, and someone forgets about it for more than a whole year. How more active mom breastfeeds the baby, the more likely it is for a prolonged absence of menstruation. It is important to remember that the first ovulation will occur before the first menstruation, so it is still necessary to use contraception.

Often, young mothers experience a complete lack of sex drive. This is not only due to general fatigue or lack of sleep, but also due to the active production of prolactin.

Do not worry about this - over time, everything will return to its former course, and the sensations during sex may even become more vivid.

- a hormone of pleasure. All kinds of love and friendship, trust, joy and happiness are impossible without the production of this hormone. It begins to be actively produced during pregnancy, contributing to a relaxed and peaceful expectation of a baby.

And also oxytocin is an indispensable assistant in childbirth, and also helps the mother to quickly forget all the unpleasant moments of contractions and attempts. During childbirth by caesarean section the release of oxytocin is difficult, leading to manifestations of postpartum depression.

Oxytocin makes muscles contract:

  • uterus;
  • vagina;
  • pectorals (near the nipples and areolas).

Therefore, the importance of oxytocin in breastfeeding is exceptional. The release of lactation hormone during breastfeeding makes it easier for the baby to access milk - without it, it will be difficult to get what you want.

And also during active feedings, the uterus contracts, which is especially important during the period postpartum recovery... This helps her to return to her normal size faster and contributes to fast healing, and, therefore, reduces the likelihood of infections.

The hormone responsible for lactation is very sensitive to various manifestations of stress. During such periods, increased production of adrenaline begins, which blocks oxytocin. In this case, milk delivery is difficult. It does not disappear from the chest, but it is impossible to receive it.

Harmful manifestations of stress

Any manifestations negative emotions moms can make it difficult to produce oxytocin:

  • pain;
  • fear;
  • uncertainty;
  • anxiety.

All these experiences are detrimental to good lactation. Many mothers during pregnancy are worried about a possible lack of milk, so after giving birth they really experience problems with lactation.

How to avoid negative consequences stress? There are several guidelines:

  • first of all, it is necessary to remember that it is important for the health and development of the child - a healthy, happy and well-rested mother;
  • some of the household responsibilities can be taken over by relatives;
  • when anxiety or negative emotions appear, you need to try to relax as much as possible, drink warm tea, think about pleasant things;
  • it is very useful to hold the baby more in her arms or just next to her - when a mother sees her baby, feels him, thinks about him - this stimulates the production of oxytocin.

Nesting method

Breastfeeding counselors know that hormones so important to lactation require your baby to be there at all times. Therefore, they actively use the so-called nesting method in their practice. Its essence is that the baby is constantly next to his mother - this will help him quickly adapt to the new world for him, to understand how he is needed and important for his mother.

The atmosphere of the maternity hospital, difficult childbirth and recovery, the possible separation of mother and baby are often detrimental to their instincts, and the "nest" method helps them to establish the right connections. If the baby was born prematurely, by cesarean section, if the mother refuses or does not have milk, "nesting" is necessary.

The basic rules of this method are:

  • the child and mother are constantly close;
  • all baby care procedures are carried out only by the mother;
  • use of an ergonomic backpack or sling, frequent carrying on the hands;
  • night sleep should only be joint;

  • the most frequent contact with the baby
  • feeding is carried out on demand;
  • it is forbidden to use any breast substitutes such as bottles or pacifiers.

Lactation inhibitor

A few months after childbirth, prolactin loses its primary importance, its level decreases, the peaks cease to be so pronounced. However, the amount of milk in the breast does not decrease (unless the number of feedings is reduced).

If milk production depends only on prolactin, and its delivery to the baby depends on oxytocin, then why does not milk disappear with a decrease in prolactin levels? Why isn't it overfilling when a baby refuses to breastfeed, which produces more liters of milk every day? Why do women who, on purpose or forcibly breastfeed with one breast, stop filling the other breast?

Here comes the third most important hormone for breastfeeding, recently discovered by scientists - FIL (feedback inhibitor of lactation) - a feedback inhibitor of lactation. It is a substance designed to slow down the milk production processes.

This hormone is present in the milk of all mammals without exception; it determines its quantitative production. When there is a lot of milk in the breast, its production stops, and if the breast is empty, there is an increased production of new.

The formula is quite simple - how much milk is consumed, so much needs to be replenished. The body experiences a slight confusion only in the first few days after childbirth - so the woman feels overflowing in her breasts, but then lactation is established and everything happens in strict accordance with the needs of the baby.

It often happens that breastfeeding stops unplanned, against the wishes of the mother and baby. Most often, all this happens if the mother has her first child. Why? Young mothers are always surrounded by the increased attention of friendly relatives who will never miss an opportunity to give advice, especially if they feel insecure about their mother. Especially grandmothers sin this. The quantity and quality of milk is rarely ignored.

And here's what happens. The baby gets an extra, unplanned 50 or 100 ml of milk and overeats. After that, he, of course, will be much calmer and sleep longer, to the triumph of grandmothers. But with the next feedings, he will eat less milk from the breast, knowing that in the end he will receive a bottle.

Or he will completely abandon the breast, because it is possible to extract milk from a bottle without much effort. The breast remains filled with milk, which means that it will be produced less and less until lactation is complete. This is what FIL is responsible for.

And if mom gradually reduces the amount of formula, milk will be enough again. Therefore, the hormonal side of the issue remains completely under the control of the body. Reducing the amount of the hormone responsible for lactation affects a woman's health.

Benefits of breastfeeding for mom

In addition to the obvious need for feeding for the newborn, hepatitis B is very beneficial for his mother as well.

First of all, it is convenience. There is no need to endlessly wash and sterilize the bottles, or to carry them everywhere with yourself, plus, the purchase of expensive mixtures can significantly hit the budget of a young family. And also breastfeeding contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after childbirth. Women who breastfeed lose more easily and faster excess weight recruited during pregnancy.

Of course, special cases cannot be ruled out when, for one reason or another, breastfeeding is impossible. But with a strong desire to breastfeed the baby, you must first of all take care of the emotional state of the mother, then all the hormones important for lactation will be produced in the required amount.

Breast milk production Like all other important processes in the body, it is regulated by the brain and depends on the correct functioning of hormones. Breastfeeding is the result of the coordinated work of two main hormones - prolactin and oxytocin... Let's talk about their functions today in order to better understand the mechanism breast milk production.


This is what prolactin looks like

The hormone prolactin is in every person, including men. This hormone has many different purposes that are not associated with breast milk, but for a nursing mother it is the main hormone. It is he who is responsible for the formation of breast milk in the body. Prolactin is produced in response to a signal sent to the brain when the baby sucks on the breast. Moreover, the maximum formation of prolactin occurs in the pre-morning period, from 3 am to 7 am. At this time, prolactin is produced so much that it can be enough for the entire next day of feeding. This is why it is imperative to identify the child. In case you are restoring interrupted lactation, or trying to increase milk production, be sure to put the baby to the breast every hour in the morning (subject to all other methods of restoring / increasing lactation).

Prolactin is also produced when you express your breasts. A signal is sent to the brain to empty the breast, and the production of prolactin proceeds in the same way as if a baby sucked the breast. This property of "deception" is used in the event that they want to maintain lactation during the period of separation from the child. Expressing is also helpful when you want to increase your milk production.

So, prolactin is the main hormone in breastfeeding. But even its large amount and sufficient production is not a guarantee of favorable breastfeeding.

And this is the oxytocin formula

Milk production as directed by the brain is regulated by prolactin. But it is equally important to ensure the flow of milk from the breast. Another hormone, oxytocin, is responsible for this.

Oxytocin is a pleasure hormone. It works for the entire period of gestation, is extremely important in the process of childbirth, as it regulates the contraction of the uterus. And at the time of feeding the baby, oxytocin makes the ducts of the mammary gland relax and give off milk.

If prolactin is produced strictly on a signal in response to sucking, then oxytocin production depends on emotional state women. When she is nervous, tense, or upset, oxytocin production is slowed down and blocked, milk flow is difficult, the baby does not eat enough, and the woman thinks she is low on milk. This is where the reason for one of the most common reasons for stopping breast milk lies, when a mother says that she has lost milk "from the nerves."

Oxytocin is produced when the mother hears the baby crying (even if it’s someone else’s baby crying), when the mother picks up the baby and hugs him, even when the mother just thinks about the baby. Milk begins to spontaneously leak from the breast - this is evidence that oxytocin is doing its job.

Therefore, for full breastfeeding, a mother needs to learn how to emotionally relax, push all problems and frustrations into the background, giving priority to positive thoughts about the baby. Thanks to oxytocin, a woman feels pleasure and even pleasure while breastfeeding her baby. Thinking about your baby while expressing helps milk flow better.

How to deal with nerves?

As long as we are alive, we will always experience both positive and negative emotions. Solid positive is possible, probably, only in paradise! And we, fortunately, are still far from there. This means that there is no need to avoid negative emotions - it is pointless, you need to be able to cope with them! I have already described one of the ways how you can learn this. Now I'll tell you how to quickly deal with a sudden severe disorder.

News of tragic event, a quarrel with your husband, or even a bad exam grade can all block oxytocin production. One friend of mine (now elderly woman) said that her milk was gone after she found out about the Chernobyl accident. Another (also already aged) recalled that the milk disappeared after the news of her father's death. In both cases, a severe disorder caused a blockage of the milk ducts due to a decrease in the production of oxytocin, and the women, thinking that the milk "from the nerves" was completely gone, stopped breastfeeding.

Of course, these women did not even know anything about the hormone oxytocin, and most likely (as was customary in those years) did not strive for long breastfeeding. Now it’s not like that at all. Firstly, you already know a lot and (if you are still reading my blog) are interested in keeping breastfeeding. Secondly, the nerves in modern women should be stronger. At least, the news of any accidents does not cause such violent emotions in us (thanks to our television of catastrophes).

On the other hand, some very minor problems sometimes cause severe frustration in modern women. Or are they pretending to be upset, trying to justify their laziness and unwillingness to feed the baby? Well, I don’t believe that a bad mark on the exam is a serious reason for frustration (especially if this student was not very diligent before pregnancy).

What to do if such a strong sudden upset still overtook you? Having experienced the first emotions, you put the baby to the breast and felt that there is little or no milk at all. You must understand why this happened, and in no case stop breastfeeding.

1. Try to abstract yourself from the event that caused your so strong anxiety, mentally move it away from you and look at it from the outside.

2. Think: what happened has already happened, you cannot change it. And the child, your child - here he is, next to him. He is alive and well, which means that the worst has not happened. He needs you, now it's the most important thing.

3. Look at the child, take him in your arms, hug him with your whole body. Cry, tears will bring relief.

4. Give your baby another breast!

Perhaps Scarlett's formula will help you: "I'll think about it tomorrow." Move the problem away from yourself, make room for positive emotions. Oxytocin will not keep you waiting, it will definitely begin to be produced! And you can congratulate yourself on the victory over yourself.

I recently read an interesting study. It compared the educational level of nursing mothers. The author found that among women who have been breastfeeding for at least a year, the overwhelming majority have higher education. That is, the level of education directly affects the duration of breastfeeding! Interestingly, this trend has been observed only in recent decades. In the middle of the last century, it was the other way around: uneducated, semi-literate (and, as a consequence, less well-to-do) women breastfed for longer. And the pampered intellectuals used infant formula. Now everything has changed: a woman who consciously approaches her role as a mother is interested in studying information, analyzing and applying it in practice. As a rule, this woman is also conscious of life in general, as a result, she is more educated. Women who live solely by the will of instincts do not try to do at least something to cope with the first problem that appears, but immediately prefer to leave it, and they do it without much thought.

I believe that knowing the mechanism of any process helps to cope with your own emotions and avoid their negative impact on this process. In case of breastfeeding this is obvious: don't let any negativity get in your way, don't be led by your emotions!

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