When carrying a baby, women often face problems that they might not have known about before pregnancy. And if external changes become visible only after a couple of months, then internal ones begin to bother from the first weeks, manifesting themselves in unpleasant signs, one of which is bloating.

Doctors define this problem as flatulence during pregnancy. Additionally, it may also be accompanied by heartburn, hiccups, discomfort in the peritoneal region, feelings of heaviness in the abdomen, and even.

Pregnant women very often complain of bloating, not only in the early stages, but throughout the entire period of gestation. This phenomenon occurs when excess gas builds up in the intestines. Normally, in order for the intestines to function normally, there should be approximately 900 cubic meters in it. see gases, which should be removed about 15 times a day.

However, sometimes the flow of gas is disturbed, and then you will be disturbed by bloating, pain and other unpleasant symptoms. During pregnancy, under the influence of a number of physiological factors, many expectant mothers regularly suffer from this problem.

Among the main reasons provoking it are the following.

  • Hormonal background.

Excess gas in the first trimester can be caused by sudden changes in hormonal levels. This undoubtedly affects the well-being and health.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, blood levels increase significantly. This helps to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, which means that you can not be afraid of other complications. But such changes, reducing the motor activity of the intestines and stomach, cause flatulence.

In the second trimester, a growing uterus can also cause bloating. As the pregnancy progresses and the child grows in the mother's abdomen, the significantly enlarged uterus begins to press on the other internal organs, thereby creating discomfort for them. For this reason, the intestines, the stomach, and other organs work in an inferior manner, not performing their functions properly.

  • Chronic diseases.

Sometimes chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can cause bloating and other unpleasant symptoms (if a woman suffers from cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, and inflammation or inflammatory processes in the intestines are often the cause of the problem). Do not exclude the banal dysbiosis.

  • It happens that bloating is provoked due to congenital deficiency of digestive enzymes or congenital enzyme deficiency.
  • Stress, nervous shocks and the adverse effects of the environment also often negatively affect the work of internal organs, especially during pregnancy.
  • One of the most common causes of bloating is dieting or eating poorly.

A woman eats prohibited or not recommended foods, abuses unhealthy food, has bad habits, etc. If a pregnant woman does not consume enough liquid, this can also affect the appearance of increased gas production and bloating.

It should be noted that tight clothing sometimes becomes a predisposing factor for the occurrence of a problem, which interferes with normal movement, presses on the growing belly and hinders movement, so you should be careful about your health - even in such trifles.

If you yourself cannot understand what caused the bloating and how dangerous it is for your health, it is better to consult a doctor to prevent any complications and help yourself get rid of the unpleasant problem.

How can malaise manifest itself?

To understand what you need to pay attention to, it is necessary to clarify exactly what signs are characterized by bloating and what additional symptoms it is accompanied by.

Often, during the process or exacerbation of flatulence, a woman may complain of the following manifestations:

  • the stomach feels like it is bursting from the inside;
  • unpleasant heaviness in the peritoneal region;
  • gases escaping noisily and often;
  • appetite appears and disappears;
  • an unpleasant aftertaste is felt in the mouth;
  • may be disturbing, bowel upset (both constipation and constipation).

There are cases when bloating provoked the appearance of cramping pains. In addition to pain in the abdomen, muscle pain and pain in the heart can also be troubling. Also, pregnant women noted general weakness of the body, sleep disturbance and, irritability, etc.

Why is it dangerous for mom and baby?

Despite the seeming frivolity of the problem, it can cause considerable harm to both the woman herself and her baby.

Suffering from poor health and discomfort, the expectant mother begins to get nervous, overworked, not getting enough sleep, and suffers from pain. All this, of course, affects the child as well.

In addition, due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the diet is disturbed even more: a woman does not want to eat, she eats little or does not eat well, thereby depriving her crumbs of vitamins, useful and nutrients necessary for normal growth and development ...

However, this is not all. Bloating may well cause a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, depending on the duration of pregnancy, since it causes the tone of the uterus (very strong pressure is exerted on its walls with gas expanding the intestines).

Therefore, if you have symptoms and signs of a problem, see a doctor who can help you solve it.

What to do for pregnant women with bloating?

To get rid of the bloating, you will need to get tested. This will make it possible to understand whether flatulence is just a "side effect" of pregnancy, or it is caused by other, hidden dangerous diseases and malfunctions in your body.

Based on the results of the examination, complaints and the condition of the pregnant woman, the doctor will be able to plan treatment and make any appointments.

What can you do with bloating from medication

Usually, medication during pregnancy is allowed only in extremely extreme cases. If you are tormented by acute attacks of flatulence, which are accompanied by pain and other serious symptoms, then the doctor will prescribe special medications for you.

One of the common medicines used to get rid of gas during pregnancy is a medicine called Iberogast. This is a herbal preparation that can be taken during the period of bearing a child, so doctors often give it preference.

If you need to take "carminative" drugs that fight against increased gas production and bloating, the doctor may prescribe you "Espumisan". This drug is also recognized as relatively safe, since it does not have a negative effect on the baby, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream.

Other popular remedies for bloating, prescribed during pregnancy, include drugs that include dimethicone or simethicone.

They are called defoamers because they release gas from the foam (as it is in the intestines).

As for antispasmodics and prokinetics, doctors try not to resort to them, because almost every drug has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

The use of activated carbon or sorbents is also not always desirable, since they will absorb both useful substances and vitamins, which can lead to their lack in the body.

The use of folk methods and remedies for treatment, especially important in the early stages

There are various phyto-preparations and herbs that are able to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of flatulence:

  • perfectly helps with severe bloating, a decoction of ordinary pharmacy chamomile

A tablespoon of grass flowers is boiled for several minutes in 200 ml of water. Then take a thermos or glass container and let the broth brew for about 3-4 hours. When you strain the infusion, you can take it. It is advised to drink 2 tablespoons of the broth no more than four times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

  • Dill water, used to solve similar problems in small children, is also well suited in such cases.

You need to take one tablespoon of dill, the seeds of which are sold at the pharmacy, and pour boiling water over it (up to 300 ml). You can even boil for a few minutes, and then leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Then, having filtered the dill water, it is better to immediately divide it into separate portions. Drink liquid before meals (about an hour), half a glass several times a day.

  • It is advised to add dill greens to a variety of dishes on their menu: salads, soups, etc.

If the doctor confirms that you have dysbiosis, you may be advised to regularly drink kefir, since thanks to this product, harmful bacteria that cause bloating do not multiply so actively.

  • Less gas will form in the intestines if you cook and consume a special mixture of lemon and ginger juice.

To do this, you need to mix ginger powder (you can rub the root or take dry) with lemon juice in a proportion of 5 grams per tablespoon, adding a small pinch of salt to the mixture. It is better to take the remedy before meals for two weeks.

In case of acute attacks, doctors recommend massage the abdomen, stroking it clockwise (10-15 minutes), as they do for small children with colic. It is also good to go for a walk or walk more after a meal. This will tone the digestive tract.

Swimming in the pool, yoga, and gymnastics for pregnant women will be useful for the expectant mother.

A set of exercises to activate the motor process is also prescribed in cases where the cause of bloating is a change in hormonal levels and an increase in progesterone levels.

One of the key points of the treatment complex is a special diet.

The daily diet should be composed correctly, that is, not only contain all the products that are useful and necessary for a pregnant woman, but also exclude those that can contribute to the accumulation of a large amount of gas or their active release.

Here are some of the foods you should avoid for severe bouts of bloating:

  • legumes (peas, beans, corn, slightly less soy and lentils);
  • cabbage and cucumbers (especially raw);
  • black bread;
  • asparagus and artichokes;
  • pears and apples, melons and gourds, other raw fruits;
  • fried and fatty foods, pickles, salted and fermented foods;
  • chewing gum;
  • flour and sweet products containing sucrose;
  • sparkling water, beer, coffee.

Try to minimize the consumption of these foods so as not to provoke bloating.

Also, doctors advise a pregnant woman to properly organize her nutrition: eat often and in small portions, chew food thoroughly, do not overeat. Do not forget that you should drink enough liquid (it can be in the form of water, tea, compote, juice, liquid food).

However, if you have a habit of drinking water from a bottle, it is better to get rid of it, as this contributes to the entry of excess air into your stomach.

Eat more dairy and fermented milk products to help improve bowel function. To help digestion, the doctor may prescribe food enzymes for you (drugs "Mezim", "Pancreatin", "Festal").

Is prevention possible?

To avoid an unpleasant problem, try to adhere to simple rules:

  • Eat right and balanced initially.

Avoid foods that make you gas or might harm you.

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do not forget about moderate physical activity and exercise.
  • Take tests and be examined by a doctor on time.

This will allow you to notice the problem or concomitant disease in a timely manner and will make it possible to take the necessary measures.

  • Do not wear too tight or tight clothing.
  • Walk more in the fresh air, get enough sleep, relax, avoid stress and nervous shocks.


A pregnant woman should be attentive to her well-being and health, because the normal development and condition of the child completely depends on this. You should not endure pain, malaise or other unpleasant symptoms, thereby endangering yourself and your baby. The sooner you see your doctor, the faster you can get rid of bloating and its manifestations, improving your condition, mood and well-being.

During pregnancy, a woman's body begins to function in a new way. He is required to ensure the normal growth and development of the child, which can even happen to the detriment of the well-being of the expectant mother. Everyday life includes sensations, many of which can hardly be called pleasant. Some arise in the early stages, others in the third trimester, but there are some that bother you throughout pregnancy. Among the latter, bloating (flatulence) stands out.


It should be noted right away that not everything that a pregnant woman encounters is a deviation from the norm, even if it causes discomfort. Many changes in the body are mediated by physiological processes, therefore, should not give rise to worries. So it is with flatulence. At different stages of pregnancy, increased gas production in the gastrointestinal tract is quite acceptable and is explained by several reasons:

  • Hormonal adjustment.
  • By the pressure of the enlarged uterus.
  • The use of certain foods.

These are situations where bloating is not a sign of a medical condition. But the opposite also happens - flatulence often occurs due to functional or organic pathology of the digestive system:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Dyskinesia of the biliary tract.
  • Lactase deficiency.
  • Gastritis, duodenitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Colitis.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Helminthiasis.

In addition, the wearing of tight clothing, stressful situations and environmental problems should be attributed to risk factors. Therefore, even such a seemingly insignificant symptom needs analysis, for which a pregnant woman will have to visit a doctor. And the specialist will determine why the stomach is swollen and what measures should be taken.

Bloating very often worries women in position. It develops under physiological conditions or is mediated by pathological changes in the body.


When making a differential diagnosis of flatulence during pregnancy, all possible symptoms must be taken into account. During a medical interview, what worries the patient is determined, and upon examination, objective signs of physiological or pathological processes are revealed.

As a rule, women have complaints of a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, difficulty passing gas. Often flatulence leads to the appearance of a pulling or pressing pain in various parts of the abdominal cavity. In turn, this violates the psychoemotional background - the pregnant woman increases irritability, insomnia occurs. The severity of the bloating is determined by its origin - physiological changes will not give a strong flatulence. And the pathology of the digestive system, on the contrary, has a much brighter clinical picture.

Normal processes

Already from the first weeks after fertilization, a woman may feel bloating. This is even referred to as an early sign of pregnancy. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body, and above all - an increase in the concentration of progesterone. An increase in the content of the hormone in the blood leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, in particular the intestines, which means a decrease in peristalsis, more rare emptying and the accumulation of gases.

In the later stages, the situation is completely different. The enlarged uterus presses on the surrounding organs, pushing them out of their usual place. The intestines and stomach move upward, which cannot but affect their function. Therefore, women in the third trimester, along with flatulence, are often worried about heartburn and constipation.

Carrying a baby often changes a woman's taste preferences. The work of the gastrointestinal tract directly depends on food addictions. If a woman's diet contains a lot of foods that contribute to gas formation, then the likelihood of flatulence is quite high. These include:

  • Cabbage.
  • Legumes.
  • Asparagus, onions, spinach.
  • Raw fruits (apples, pears).
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Black bread.
  • Confectionery.

These products contain substances that provoke fermentation in the intestine, slowing down digestion and emptying: carbohydrates, fiber, extractive components. In addition, plentiful fatty foods of animal origin contribute to flatulence.

If, according to the results of the examination, no deviations from the norm are detected, then bloating is provoked by one or another physiological process.


In the clinical picture of diseases of the alimentary canal, dyspepsia syndrome is invariably present, in which flatulence is necessarily included. This sign indicates a violation of the breakdown and digestion of food (enzymatic and bile deficiency, lack of lactobacilli), motor dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, and a decrease in the absorption capacity of their mucous membranes. Therefore, the cause of bloating can be various diseases of functional and organic origin.

The pathology can be clarified by a detailed examination of the characteristic and nonspecific symptoms. If you are concerned about abdominal pain, then their localization, irradiation and character are necessarily taken into account. For example, in pancreatitis, they are located under the left rib, spreading to the back and to the opposite side (shingles). And cholecystitis or dyskinesia of the biliary tract is accompanied by heaviness or spastic sensations in the right hypochondrium.

In addition to flatulence, other signs are included in the structure of dyspeptic syndrome. Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are characterized by:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Belching.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Loose stools.
  • Constipation.

If bitterness appears in the mouth, then one can think of diseases of the biliary tract, and pathological impurities in the feces (mucus, pus, blood) suggest inflammatory changes in the intestines. Due to severe flatulence, not only the digestive tract suffers, but also the child. The accumulation of gases increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity, which provokes a contraction of the uterus, which means that it can lead to obstetric pathology - spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

The cause of flatulence often lies in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, which arose or worsened during pregnancy.


To understand whether flatulence is directly related to pregnancy or not, a woman needs to undergo an examination. It consists in the exclusion of pathological causes of bloating. In addition to clinical signs, the results of additional studies help the doctor in differential diagnosis:

  • Blood tests.
  • Coprograms.
  • Gastroscopy.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Only those techniques are used that are safe for women in position. Other studies, such as irrigography, are performed only when the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk to the unborn child. A woman is advised to consult a gastroenterologist to clarify the diagnosis and draw up further tactics.


When the belly swells during pregnancy, after finding out the cause of flatulence, you should immediately proceed to the correction of violations. Even if the increased accumulation of gas is caused by physiological processes, certain actions must still be taken to alleviate the woman's condition.

To reduce the severity of flatulence and prevent its reappearance, women are advised to be outdoors more often, do gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women, and visit the pool. Even such a simple remedy as stroking the abdomen clockwise can improve the flow of gas and increase intestinal motility. In addition, you need to try to avoid stressful situations, because, as you know, emotional experiences are categorically contraindicated for a woman in a position.


If a pregnant woman wants to get rid of annoying flatulence, then she should reconsider her diet. The diet should exclude those substances that increase the formation of gases in the intestines and slow down their excretion. Food should be well balanced in terms of nutrients and energy. It is necessary to include in the diet fermented milk products, vegetable oils, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots). You need to eat regularly, 4-5 times a day, consuming a sufficient amount of liquid.


When bloating is intense and does not disappear after the above recommendations are followed, the doctor will prescribe a drug correction. And in case of digestive pathology, this becomes the main component of treatment. Use only those drugs that have a good safety profile and are harmless to the fetus. Based on the diagnosis and clinical picture, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • "Defoamers" (Espumisan).
  • Enzymes (Mezim).
  • Probiotics (Laktiale).
  • Phytopreparations (with fennel, chamomile).

Prokinetics (Cerucal, Metoclopramide) should be used with caution, since there is no convincing data on the absence of their undesirable effect on the fetus. And the birth of a healthy child is the main goal of pregnancy.

Bloating occurs during normal pregnancy or is associated with a pathology of the digestive tract. Why is this happening, the doctor will determine. And according to the results of the survey, an action plan is formed that will help get rid of flatulence. In any case, only safe methods are used that do not affect the condition of the fetus.

Bloating during pregnancy is an unpleasant phenomenon that deprives a woman of a full life. After conception, changes occur in the digestive system of the expectant mother that cause discomfort. Pregnancy is almost always accompanied by flatulence, that is, an increase in gas production in the intestines. There is no need to worry: this is the normal state of the body. It is urgently necessary to go to the doctor only if bloating during pregnancy provokes pain and malaise.

Flatulence concept

Flatulence is the excessive formation of gas in the intestines. Bloating during early pregnancy is noted by the vast majority of women. You can even say that increased gas production is one of the signs of conception. Although flatulence during pregnancy is not considered a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment, it is still advisable to get rid of bloating during pregnancy.

Squeezing of blood vessels in the pelvic tissue causes bloating during early pregnancy. As a result, the uterus receives an insufficient amount of blood, the expectant mother suffers from edema, the embryo in the womb experiences oxygen starvation.

Causes of bloating during pregnancy

Bloating during pregnancy in the 1st trimester most often occurs due to hormonal disruptions in the woman's body. The main function of the hormone progesterone is to protect the embryo. It acts on the muscle tissue of the uterus, reduces the frequency of its contractions in order to prevent miscarriage. But the activity of the hormone is reflected in the muscles of not only the genitals, but also many other organs, including the digestive tract. An increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood causes relaxation of the muscles of the walls of the stomach and intestines. As a result, the intestinal tract loses its ability for normal peristalsis and gradually fills with gases.

Bloating during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester occurs due to the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the intestines. Food cannot pass freely through the squeezed intestines, which inevitably leads to constipation, fermentation processes and the formation of gas bubbles. Flatulence in pregnant women is often provoked by the use of medications containing iron. Bloating in late pregnancy is not dangerous because it is just a symptom of an irritated bowel. But it is imperative to consult a doctor if flatulence during pregnancy is accompanied by pain.

The following factors also cause bloating during pregnancy:

  • improper nutrition;
  • insufficient water intake;
  • wearing tight and uncomfortable clothing;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • smoking and addiction to alcoholic beverages;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Symptoms of bloating during pregnancy:

  1. Heaviness in the abdomen, frequent and violent flatulence.
  2. Constant urge to vomit, not associated with toxicosis.
  3. Decreased appetite.
  4. Rumbling and seething in the stomach, halitosis.
  5. Indigestion, diarrhea, constipation.

Danger of bloating during pregnancy

Flatulence in pregnant women in most cases is accompanied by migraines, loss of strength, lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, tachycardia, and changes in blood pressure. The expectant mother, who suffers from excessive gas production, does not sleep well and does not eat well, which negatively affects the state of the embryo in the womb. If bloating during pregnancy does not go away for too long, then the woman begins to have heart rhythm problems, and the fetus may suffer from vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. The gases accumulated in the intestines press on the uterus, which increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Diet for flatulence during pregnancy

Treatment for bloating during pregnancy involves, first of all, adhering to a diet and drawing up the right menu. Additionally, if necessary, the doctor prescribes carminative drugs for flatulence.

To avoid flatulence, the expectant mother should limit and even exclude the use of foods that contribute to the formation of gas in the intestines:

  1. beans,
  2. sauerkraut and pickles,
  3. rye bread,
  4. fried foods.
  5. mushrooms in any form
  6. sweet fruits (apples, peaches, pears, melons, grapes) and dried fruits (raisins and prunes)
  7. cereals (millet, pearl barley, barley)
  8. coffee and soda

During pregnancy, a restructuring of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract occurs in the female body, a weakening of its protection, an increase in the number of harmful microorganisms that provoke the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine. In order to weaken their influence, it is important for the expectant mother to take a number of measures that will help maintain a healthy microflora and enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Food rich in minerals - calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins - will help. A balanced diet will help improve digestion and cope with problems such as bloating during pregnancy, constipation, and stool disorders.

You should definitely include the following foods in your diet:

  • low-fat varieties of fish, it is better to steam or boil it;
  • light dairy products - low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream. You can diversify the menu with cottage cheese casseroles and soufflés;
  • low-fat meat - beef, veal. Cook avoiding frying and oil;
  • lean poultry and chicken eggs, boiled and in the form of an omelet;
  • light broths cooked in lean meat or fish;
  • slimy cereals in the form of porridge on the water (oatmeal, rice, pearl barley);
  • crackers, dried wheat bread;
  • fresh vegetables and herbs. Pumpkin, zucchini, beets, potatoes, carrots, garden parsley and dill are very useful;
  • from drinks it is better to prefer berry and herbal infusions (rose hips, blueberries, etc.), weak green tea, cocoa without milk.

A healthy diet can help calm the digestive tract, reduce pain, ease flatulence during pregnancy, and normalize bowel movements. Such a simple yet healthy diet can detect latent food allergies or diseases of the digestive system.

Does your belly pound during pregnancy? Medicines for flatulence will come to the rescue. For example, Iberogast, containing natural extracts of organic plants (Iberian bitter, milk thistle, chamomile, mint, cumin, licorice, lemon balm, and others), helps to solve intestinal problems, providing a selective effect: it relaxes the spasmodic parts and tones the weakened ones. It suppresses fermentation processes and neutralizes gas bubbles in the intestines.

This and other drugs (based on simethicone: Diflatil, Sab Simplex, Simikol) are recommended for use by pregnant women and infants, but they must be taken under medical supervision.

Treatment of bloating during pregnancy with folk remedies

  • Dill. In addition to pharmacy medicines, traditional recipes that are time-tested and safe for the health of expectant mothers can help with bloating. The most common cure for bloating and gas production is dill. This is an affordable greenery that is good to add to various dishes and prepare medicinal medicines from it.
  • Dill water (infusion). A popular remedy is dill water in the form of an infusion or decoction. For infusion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dill seeds, cover and leave for three hours. 3 times a day you need to drink ½ glass of infusion before meals.
  • Dill water (decoction). Dill water can be used as a decoction. Pour 1 tsp into one glass of water. seeds, heated to a boil, kept on low heat for 15 minutes. The cooled and strained broth is consumed twice a day (morning and evening) before meals. This is great for fighting bloating during pregnancy.
  • Dill oil. Edible dill oil purchased in a pharmacy or store is either dripped on sugar (7 drops per 1 cube of refined sugar), honey (2 ml of oil with 1 tablespoon), or with water, take 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water three times in day. Before taking it, you should consult your doctor.
  • Dill seeds and dried thyme. Dill works well in mixtures with other medicinal herbs. Pour 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water. dill and thyme, bring to a boil over low heat and set aside for 15 minutes. The filtered warm infusion is taken in 30 ml every hour. Do not keep it in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours.
  • Mint, fennel and valerian (2: 1: 1). Another healthy blend is fennel, valerian, and mint in a 1: 1: 2 ratio. The mixture (two teaspoons) to insist in boiling water for 20 minutes, take ½ glass twice a day.
  • Carrot seeds. If your stomach puffs up during pregnancy, you can take one teaspoon of carrot seeds, chop, cover them with water and take three times a day.
  • Dandelion roots. An infusion of dandelion roots (two tablespoons for half a liter of boiling water) is prepared during the day and drunk ½ cup four times a day.
  • Chamomile. Chamomile tea is able not only to calm the nervous system, but also the gastrointestinal tract. Prepare it like this: one tbsp. pour boiling water into a glass, hold for 15 minutes and drink once every five hours.
  • Potato juice. Potato juice is taken in a course of 10 days with a break per week. Half a glass of freshly squeezed juice from chopped tubers should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and allowed to rest, lying quietly for about 30 minutes.
  • Ginger. Ginger taken after meals can help improve digestion, fight harmful bacteria, and freshen breath. To do this, you need to dissolve a small (about a quarter of a teaspoon) piece of ginger root after eating.

Preventing bloating during pregnancy

  1. Leading an active lifestyle. Daily walks in the fresh air.
  2. Avoiding overeating.
  3. When eating, do not drink it with water or other drinks.
  4. Wearing light and comfortable clothing that does not tighten the abdomen, does not restrict movement.
  5. Silence while eating

Now you know why bloating occurs during pregnancy and how to get rid of flatulence. Your attention is invited to the video

Flatulence is an unpleasant condition that many pregnant women have to deal with. By this term, doctors understand the excess accumulation of gas in the intestines, accompanied by pain and bloating. Why does the stomach swell during pregnancy and how to cope with this pathology?

Flatulence in early pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, abdominal distention occurs due to changes in hormone levels. An increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood occurs almost immediately after conception. An important female hormone affects all processes in the body of the expectant mother. It relaxes the muscles of the internal organs, slows down the movement of food through the intestines and provokes gas formation. The intestines of a pregnant woman simply cannot work at full strength, which leads to the appearance of all the symptoms of flatulence.

The condition in which the stomach swells in early pregnancy is due precisely to the effect of progesterone. Intestinal congestion leads to pain around the navel, as well as in the bosom. There is a feeling of fullness and bloating in the intestines, and gas appears. By the end of the first trimester, the body of the expectant mother adapts to the changes taking place, and the intestines again begin to function fully. In some pregnant women, the belly continues to swell until the very birth.

Flatulence in the second half of pregnancy

Closer to 20 weeks, bloating can be triggered by the following factors:

  • improper nutrition;
  • stress;
  • wearing tight and pressing clothes in the belt;
  • use of a bandage;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

In the second half of pregnancy, the cause of discomfort around the navel may be the use of gas-forming food. Cabbage, asparagus, beans, peas, sweet grapes, and some other foods can cause stomach pain and heaviness. Symptoms of flatulence can occur after drinking carbonated drinks. After the normalization of the diet, all unpleasant symptoms go away without additional therapy.

The longer the pregnancy, the more often women notice bloating and gas. In the later stages, bouts of flatulence occur due to fetal movements. Being in the uterus, the baby puts more and more pressure on the intestines, gallbladder and liver, provoking the appearance of all unpleasant symptoms. And only after 36 weeks, when the uterus descends and stops pressing on the internal organs, women experience a slight relief and a decrease in the signs of flatulence.

Typical Symptoms

A condition in which the stomach puffs up is difficult to confuse with something else. Many pregnant women feel pain in the navel area, radiating to the groin and bosom. There is a heaviness in the abdomen even after a light snack. Bloating and bloating after eating. Gases are an inevitable sign of flatulence. Involuntary gas formation brings significant discomfort to every pregnant woman and can lead to social isolation.

Against the background of constant pain and bloating, many women refuse to eat. They try to eat quite a bit, but even this does not always help to cope with the problem. In the early stages of pregnancy, the situation is complicated by toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A decrease in body weight is possible against the background of pronounced manifestations of flatulence.

What is the danger of flatulence?

If the expectant mother's belly swells from time to time, you should not be afraid. This phenomenon is considered completely normal and occurs in most pregnant women. In most cases, flatulence causes only some discomfort to the woman herself, but does not in any way affect the development of her baby. After the birth of the child, the hormonal background returns to normal, the intestines return to their usual rhythm of work and the delicate problem disappears by itself.

It is quite another matter if flatulence becomes a constant companion of the expectant mother. When your stomach is swollen after every meal, it can be difficult to stay calm. Such a problem can lead to a decrease in appetite and even a refusal to eat familiar foods. With a prolonged course, flatulence can provoke the development of vitamin deficiency, which ultimately will lead to a slowdown in fetal development.

Treatment methods

During pregnancy, great importance is attached to non-drug therapy. The following methods will help alleviate the condition of the expectant mother and save a woman from manifestations of flatulence:

  1. Diet... The first thing a pregnant woman should do is to review her diet. Foods that increase gas production should be excluded from the diet for all nine months. You should forget about cabbage and peas, beans, beans and grapes. The expectant mother needs to limit the use of black bread and give up sugary carbonated drinks. Also, do not overload the intestines with food. Meals should be frequent, 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. This approach will reduce the load on the digestive tract and save the expectant mother from the symptoms of flatulence.
  2. Drinking regimen... If the stomach is swollen, doctors recommend drinking as much clean water as possible. Two liters a day is the minimum that a pregnant woman suffering from flatulence should drink. Instead of water, you can drink berry juice or dried fruit compote. Strong tea and coffee should be discarded.
  3. Physical activity... To prevent flatulence, doctors advise to move more. Yoga, swimming and special exercises for pregnant women will help to improve the passage of food through the intestines. Daily walks in the fresh air, especially before bed, will also bring a good effect.

Drug therapy is prescribed if all other methods have not been effective. With severe flatulence, drugs are used to reduce the formation of gas and improve bowel function. "Smecta", "Espumisan" and other similar remedies cope well with bloating and are approved for use from the early stages of pregnancy.

I must say that it is bloating during pregnancy that very, very often becomes one of the most unpleasant "companions" of the usual bearing of an unborn baby. And it is with this symptom that many expectant mothers meet precisely during pregnancy, which in fact may be due to several different factors.

However, in any case, if a woman in a position is regularly disturbed by bloating during pregnancy, which, in fact, can also not only cause a feeling of complete discomfort, but also be somewhat painful, then of course you should seek qualified help from a specialist. And then the doctor will not only tell you about the most important and real reasons that cause such unpleasant bloating during pregnancy, but, of course, he will determine exactly what measures will need to be taken to completely eliminate it.

But such bloating occurs during pregnancy for several understandable reasons. So, it, first of all, can be associated with real and major changes in the hormonal background, which, of course, occur in the body of the expectant mother herself. It is also known that in the early stages the body of a pregnant woman synthesizes an unusually large amount of such a hormone as progesterone, which is directly responsible for relaxing the smooth muscles of many internal organs - this is extremely necessary in order to relax the uterus and, of course, avoid miscarriage.

However, along with the fact that under the direct influence of progesterone there is a real relaxation of the uterus, this hormone also simultaneously relaxes the intestinal muscles, naturally preventing its normal emptying from all accumulated gases. And already starting from the second trimester of pregnancy and up to the final resolution of pregnancy, the baby already grows quite quickly directly in the womb, and the uterus itself, accordingly, quite significantly increases in size and quite naturally presses on the intestines, which, of course, becomes the cause of constipation and even the appearance of such bloating.

Also, the real causes of bloating during pregnancy can also be the wrong nutrition of the pregnant woman herself, as well as the exacerbation of some chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. I must say that bloating during pregnancy is also associated with constant severe stress or simply with nervous tension, if they, of course, take place in the life of the pregnant woman herself, and sometimes with congenital enzymatic insufficiency. Moreover, in the latter case, the food itself, not digested in the stomach and further in the small intestine, due to a sharp lack of useful enzymes necessary for this, enters the large intestine almost immediately. And then it is here that its further active decomposition takes place with the release of an incredibly large amount of gases, which actually provokes a sharp bloating directly during pregnancy.

The most important conditions for eliminating this unpleasant symptom are precisely a special and, of course, a well-formulated daily diet, and, if necessary, even the use of certain carminative agents that the doctor actually prescribes. But a diet that allows you to avoid such bloating requires really minimal consumption of certain foods that contribute to the active release and even accumulation of a large amount of gas. I must say that these are products such as legumes, as well as cabbage, asparagus, and black bread, as well as pickled vegetables, and large quantities of raw vegetables and even fruits, of course, fried and fatty foods. But you should eat often and quite a bit, and it will be desirable to switch to fractional meals altogether and take regular food 5, or even 6 times a day, and in very small quantities.

It is also recommended to observe the water regime. So during the day it will be necessary to drink a sufficient amount of purified liquid to avoid the usual constipation. But the food itself is better not to drink liquid at all, but to make up for its real deficiency only throughout the day. And at the same time, you should definitely drink from a glass, and not at all from a bottle or, say, through a straw, in order to avoid getting some excess air directly into the stomach. Of ordinary drinks, it would be better to give preference to kefir, or weak tea, as well as compotes, and not at all carbonated water, which usually contains carbon dioxide. It should be noted that it would be better to refuse coffee too. You should eat while sitting, eat, as a rule, slowly and chew everything thoroughly.

In order to prevent such troubles, and if they have already appeared, then dramatically reduce bloating during pregnancy, it will be desirable to devote some time to adequate physical activity. Even a simple but long walk somewhere in the fresh air will be incredibly useful, allowing you to really increase the tone of the entire digestive tract. So, either gymnastics and swimming - all these simple physical exercises will be the most excellent way to prevent and eliminate such bloating. And the clothes themselves, both for training, and actually everyday, should be chosen precisely with a free cut, especially so that it cannot squeeze the body in the waist area and of course the abdomen.

However, if there is no longer any strength to deal with bloating during pregnancy, then you should consult your doctor for the usual advice about such carminative drugs. And in most cases, a drug such as Espumisan becomes a drug of this choice. After all, it is he who is not at all absorbed into the bloodstream and also does not have the slightest effect on the fetus, for which, in fact, it is recognized as safe. And yet, nevertheless, even sometimes taking carminative agents, you should not at all neglect some fermented milk products, like kefir, fermented baked milk, or yogurt. And besides, they are also the repository of all the necessary lactobacilli, which sharply reduce gas formation in the intestines.