Becoming a mother after 40 years is decided every year more women. If such a tendency is considered normal in the West, in our country it is criticized and even ridiculed. Strange, isn't it? After all, it seems that at 40 years old a woman leading healthy image life, is experiencing his prime, has a lot of experience and often a good career.

However, childbirth at the age of 40 and after in our country sometimes becomes an unfulfilled desire. Why is childbirth after 40 years not recommended and pregnancy cannot occur? What are the dangers of childbirth? mature age, and what advantages do they have?

Why is it difficult to get pregnant after 40?

Not so much age as health status, an acquired bouquet of diseases can prevent a woman in adulthood from not only giving birth to a healthy baby, but even getting pregnant. According to many doctors, women over 35 years of age and above already have a couple of chronic diseases that can worsen during pregnancy. After all, pregnancy is still a big burden even on a young body, not to mention a mature one.

The main reasons why pregnancy does not occur are the following::

  • Violation hormonal levels.
  • Ovulatory failures.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Congenital gynecological pathologies.
  • Diseases of the uterine mucosa.
  • Pathological processes and neoplasms on the ovaries.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Adhesive processes and chronic diseases.
  • Diseases not related to the reproductive system.

Diseases can affect the possibility of not getting pregnant as much as carrying the pregnancy itself.:

  • Hypertension and hypotension.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Pathological processes in the circulatory system.

Due to so many problems, many women after 40 years do not decide to have a child. However, such problems have become much younger and can become an obstacle in a young woman’s path.

Of course, with age, more and more often, adult women experience non-ovulatory menstrual cycles, during which the egg does not mature and is released. At the same time, this does not sound like a sentence of infertility. It just takes a woman more time to conceive.

And yet, much still depends on the state of the reproductive system in a man, who may have problems with sperm activity. Therefore, if a woman is planning a pregnancy at the age of 40, she needs not only to visit a doctor to examine the condition of her body. Your partner should also visit the doctor.

What are the dangers of childbirth at 40 and after?

Childbirth in adulthood is associated with many problems that can arise at any stage of pregnancy and during labor for both the expectant mother and her baby. Don't forget that late birth has its advantages. However, it is worth remembering the bad side of the coin in order to be prepared for anything that may happen.

The danger of late labor may manifest itself in the form of the following phenomena::

  • Miscarriage. It has been proven that for a woman over 40 years of age the risk of miscarriage is 33 percent, while for a young woman it is only 10 percent. Basically, termination of pregnancy is caused in adulthood by gross genetic disorders in the developing fetus.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. For example, diseases associated with blood pressure, kidneys can aggravate the symptoms early toxicosis. They often lead to the development of gestosis in its complex manifestations. For example, in the form of seizures, preeclampsia, which can in turn lead to stroke, coma.
  • Development of diabetes in pregnant women. Even insulin injections may be necessary to maintain health. And unfortunately diabetes mellitus, which made itself felt even before pregnancy can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, development late toxicosis and aggravate the early one.
  • Problems with the placenta. A woman over 35 years of age has a high probability of premature placental abruption, malpresentation, aging, and chronic insufficiency.

Childbirth at 40 years of age often ends in caesarean section. This is due to the fact that a mature woman very often experiences weak labor and a high probability of soft tissue rupture. talk about natural childbirth after a caesarean section, if a woman has decided to give birth not for the first time, it is simply not advisable. No competent doctor would dare to undertake such an adventure.

A number of complications that may arise also affect the baby himself. For example:

  • Risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Congenital defects in appearance.
  • Hypoxia during labor.
  • High risk of mortality in the first year of life.
  • Underweight.

With age, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities that may appear in a child increases steadily. Fortunately, today medicine has stepped far forward and all sorts of risks can be calculated in advance and identified short term pregnancy. To do this, the woman needs to discuss her decision to have a baby with doctors - a geneticist and a gynecologist, and do not forget to monitor her health.

Giving birth at 40 and after has advantages

Despite the high probability of developing pathological processes, childbirth at 40 years of age has a number of positive qualities. It is believed that pregnancy rejuvenates a woman, makes her think positively and be more attentive to her health, as she would in everyday life.

A woman in adulthood already has a certain life experience. She is wiser and more attentive to the child and can give him much more than some young girls. The decision to give birth at 40 does not come spontaneously. It is mostly deliberate and the woman is already ready for all the difficulties that may arise on her way.

Pregnancy and the birth of a baby after 40 years have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body.

Experts noted that the risk is reduced:

  • Stroke and heart attack.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Diseases of a gynecological nature.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.

It should be recognized that childbirth after 40 years leads a woman to an easier passage through menopause and late menopause. She blossoms and begins to experience a new stage in her life. In terms of energy, a woman in adulthood is in no way inferior to a young girl.

As a result, late pregnancy for a woman is an excellent chance for changes for the better. Don't worry about possible risks, they should be excluded. In this case, giving birth at 40 years old and after will be an excellent decision for a woman to return to her youth again and experience all the delights of conscious motherhood.


With Down syndrome, the child has 46 chromosomes instead of the normal ones, like everyone else healthy people, there is one more chromosome - 47. Due to the extra chromosome 21, Down syndrome is also called trisomy 21.

When can a child get sick?

Down syndrome is a disease that develops in a child during conception or in the first days after conception. A child cannot develop Down syndrome after birth. That is why it is possible to identify Down syndrome in a child during pregnancy.

How common is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder (a disorder in which the number of chromosomes is abnormal). The second most common chromosomal disease is.

The incidence of Down syndrome is approximately 1 case in 600-800 births.

Who can have a child with Down syndrome?

Any woman can have a child with Down syndrome, even if she and her partner are completely healthy, and there has never been such a disease in the family. And yet, there is a major risk factor that increases the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome: the age of the expectant mother.

The risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases with the age of the pregnant woman:

  • At age 20, the risk is approximately 1 in 1,600 (that is, out of 1,600 pregnant women, 1 will have a child with Down syndrome)
  • At 25 years old: 1 in 1300
  • At 30 years old: 1 in 1000
  • At 40 years old: 1 in 365
  • At 45 years old: 1 in 30

The age of the child's father does not affect the risk of Down syndrome. This is explained simply. In women, eggs are present in the ovaries from the moment of birth, which means that during life all harmful factors (radiation, contacts with harmful chemicals, smoking, etc.) In men, sperm are renewed every 72 days, so they are not at risk of accumulating all harmful factors.

How does Down syndrome manifest in a child?

The main characteristic features of Down syndrome are dementia and some physical defects (for example, a characteristic appearance). Some children may have comorbidities internal organs, for example, heart defects, hearing loss, underdeveloped kidneys, digestive system defects, developmental defects skeletal system and others.

Dementia with Down syndrome varies greatly from minimal, when the child is able to study in a special school and even acquire a simple profession, to severe dementia, when the child is practically incapable of learning.

In developed countries, children with Down syndrome are not social outcasts, and parents affectionately call such children special. The attitude of his parents towards the disease has a huge influence on the development of a special child. With proper upbringing, care and work with a child, you can achieve very good results.

Approximately 25-30% of children with Down syndrome die in the first year of life. However, on average, people with Down syndrome live 49 years, and some reach 60 years of age.

How to find out if a child has Down syndrome before he is born?

In order for future parents to know what to expect after the birth of a child, a series of examinations are carried out during pregnancy to identify Down syndrome in the unborn child. These tests are called screening for Down syndrome

Down syndrome- the most common chromosomal pathology. It occurs when, as a result of a random mutation, another chromosome appears in the 21st pair. Therefore, this disease is also called trisomy 21.

What does this mean? Every cell human body has a core. It contains genetic material that determines the appearance and function of an individual cell and the entire organism as a whole. In humans, 25 thousand genes are assembled into 23 pairs of chromosomes, which in appearance resemble rods. Each pair consists of 2 chromosomes. In Down syndrome, the 21st pair consists of 3 chromosomes.

The extra chromosome causes characteristic symptoms in people: a flat bridge of the nose, Mongoloid eyes, a flattened face and back of the head, as well as developmental delays and reduced resistance to infections. The collection of these symptoms is called a syndrome. It was named after the physician John Down, who was the first to undertake its research.

The outdated name for this pathology is “Mongolism.” The disease was called so because of the Mongoloid shape of the eyes and a special fold of skin that covers the lacrimal tubercle. But in 1965, after Mongolian deputies appealed to the World Health Organization, this term is not officially used.

This disease is quite ancient. Archaeologists have found a burial place that is one and a half thousand years old. The structural features of the body indicate that the person suffered from Down syndrome. And the fact that he was buried in the city cemetery according to the same customs as other people indicates that the patients did not experience discrimination.

Babies born with 47 chromosomes are also called “Children of the Sun.” They are very kind, affectionate and patient. Many parents raising such children claim that their children do not suffer from their condition. They grow up cheerful and happy, they never lie, do not experience hatred, and know how to forgive. Parents of such babies believe that the extra chromosome is not a disease, but a feature. They are against children being called down or mentally ill. In Europe, people with Down syndrome study in regular schools, get a profession, live independently or start a family. Their development depends on individual abilities, depending on whether they worked with the child and what methods were used.

Prevalence of Down syndrome. One such child is born for every 600-800 newborns, or 1:700. But for mothers over 40 years old, this figure reaches 1:19. There are periods when there is an increase in the number of children with Down syndrome in certain areas. For example, in the UK over the past decade this figure has increased by 15%. Scientists have not yet found an explanation for this phenomenon.

In Russia, 2,500 children with Down syndrome are born every year. 85% of families refuse such babies. Although in Scandinavian countries parents do not abandon children with this pathology. According to statistics, 2/3 of women have an abortion after learning that the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities. This trend is typical for countries of Eastern and Western Europe.
A child with trisomy 21 can be born into any family. The disease is equally common on all continents and in all social strata. Children with Down syndrome were born into the families of Presidents John Kennedy and Charles de Gaulle.

What parents of children with Down syndrome need to know.

  1. Despite the delay in development, children are teachable. With the help of special programs, it is possible to increase their IQ to 75. After school, they can get a profession. Even higher education is available to them.
  2. The development of such children proceeds faster if they are surrounded by healthy peers and raised in a family rather than in a specialized boarding school.
  3. “Children of the Sun” are strikingly different from their peers in their kindness, openness, and friendliness. They are capable of sincere love and can create families. True, their risk of giving birth to a sick child is 50%.
  4. Modern medicine can increase life expectancy to 50 years.
  5. Parents are not to blame for their child's illness. Although there are age-related risk factors, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to absolutely healthy women aged 18-35 years.
  6. If your family has a child with Down syndrome, then the risk that the next baby will have the same pathology is only 1%.

Causes of Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic pathology, which appears in the fetus at the moment of conception, when the fusion of the egg and sperm occurs. In 90% of cases, this occurs because the female reproductive cell carries a set of 24 chromosomes, instead of the required 23. In 10% of cases, the extra chromosome is passed on to the child from the father.

Thus, maternal illnesses during pregnancy, stress, bad habits parents, poor nutrition, difficult childbirth cannot affect the appearance of Down syndrome in a child.

The mechanism of occurrence of chromosomal pathology. A special protein is to blame for the fact that one of the germ cells contains an extra chromosome. Its function is to stretch the chromosomes towards the poles of the cell during division, so that as a result each of the daughter cells receives one chromosome from the pair. If on one side the protein microtubule is thin and weak, then both chromosomes from the pair are pulled to the opposite pole. After the chromosomes in the mother cell have separated to the poles, a shell is formed around them, and they turn into full-fledged germ cells. With a protein defect, one cell carries a set of 24 chromosomes. If such a germ cell (male or female) is involved in fertilization, then the offspring develops Down syndrome.

Mechanism of developmental disorder nervous system with Down syndrome. The “extra” chromosome 21 causes peculiarities in the development of the nervous system. These deviations underlie mental and mental development.

  • Cerebrospinal fluid circulation disorders. In the choroid plexuses of the ventricles of the brain, an excess amount is produced, and absorption is impaired. This leads to an increase intracranial pressure.
  • Focal damage to the brain and peripheral nerves. These changes cause disturbances in coordination and movements, inhibit the development of large and fine motor skills.
  • The cerebellum is small in size and does not perform its functions sufficiently. As a result, characteristic symptoms appear: weakened muscle tone, it is difficult for a person to control his body in space and control the movements of his limbs.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders. Due to weak ligaments and instability of the cervical spine, the blood vessels that support brain function are compressed.
  • Reduction in brain volume and an increase in ventricular volume.
  • Reduced activity of the cerebral cortex- fewer nerve impulses occur, which manifests itself in lethargy, slowness, and a decrease in the speed of thought processes.

Factors and pathologies that can lead to Down syndrome

  • Marriages between close relatives. Close relatives are carriers of the same genetic pathologies. Therefore, if two people had defects in the 21st chromosome or the protein responsible for the distribution of chromosomes, then their child has a high probability of Down syndrome. Moreover, the closer the degree of relationship, the higher the risk of developing genetic pathology.
  • Early pregnancies under 18 years of age.
    In young girls, the body is not yet fully formed. The gonads may not work stably. The processes of egg maturation often fail, which can lead to genetic abnormalities in the child.
  • Mother's age is over 35 years.
    Throughout life, eggs are exposed to various harmful factors. They negatively affect genetic material and can disrupt the process of chromosome division. Therefore, after 35 years to the expectant mother It is necessary to undergo medical genetic counseling in order to determine genetic pathologies in the child before birth. The older the woman, the higher the risk to the health of her offspring. Thus, after 45 years, 3% of pregnancies end in the birth of a child with Down syndrome.
  • Father's age is over 45 years.
    As men age, the process of sperm formation is disrupted and the likelihood of abnormalities in the genetic material increases. If a man at this age decides to become a father, then it is advisable to first do a test to determine the quality of sperm and undergo a course of vitamin therapy: 30 days of taking vitamin E and minerals.
  • The age of the maternal grandmother at the time she gave birth to the child.
    The older the grandmother was when she was pregnant, the greater the risk for her granddaughters. The fact is that all the mother’s eggs were formed during intrauterine development. Even before a woman is born, she already has a lifelong supply of eggs. Therefore, if the grandmother’s age exceeded 35 years, then there is a high risk that the mother of the sick baby will have an egg with the wrong set of chromosomes.
  • The parents are carriers of the translocation of the 21st chromosome.
    This term means that in one of the parents a section of the 21st chromosome is attached to another chromosome, most often to the 14th. This feature does not manifest itself in any way externally and the person does not know about it. But such parents have a significantly increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome. This phenomenon is called “familial Down syndrome”. Its share among all cases of the disease does not exceed 2%. But all young couples who have a child with the syndrome are examined for the presence of translocations. This helps determine the risk of developing genetic disorders in subsequent pregnancies.

Down syndrome is considered random genetic mutation. Therefore, risk factors such as infectious diseases, living in an area with increased level radiation, or consumption of genetically modified foods do not increase the risk of its occurrence. The syndrome cannot cause severe pregnancy and difficult childbirth. Therefore, parents should not blame themselves for the fact that their child has Down syndrome. The only thing you can do in this situation is to accept and love the child.

Signs and symptoms of Down syndrome during pregnancy

Screening for genetic abnormalities during pregnancy

Prenatal screening is a set of studies aimed at identifying gross disorders and genetic pathologies in the fetus. It is performed on pregnant women registered with antenatal clinic. Research allows us to identify the most common genetic pathologies: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, neural tube defects.

First, let's look at non-invasive examination methods. They do not require disruption of the integrity of the amniotic sac in which the baby is located during pregnancy.


Deadlines: first trimester, optimally from the 11th to 13th week of pregnancy. Repeat ultrasounds are performed at 24 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. But these studies are considered less informative for diagnosing Down syndrome.

Indications: all pregnant women.

Contraindications: pyoderma (purulent skin lesion).

Interpretation of results. Possible Down syndrome is indicated by:

  • Underdeveloped nasal bones. They are shorter than in healthy children or completely absent.
  • The width of the fetal nuchal space exceeds 3 mm(normally up to 2 mm). With Down syndrome, the space between the neck bone and the surface of the skin on the fetal neck increases, in which fluid accumulates.
  • The humerus and femur are shortened;
  • Cysts in the choroid plexus of the brain; the movement of blood in the venous ducts is disrupted.
  • The iliac bones of the pelvis are shortened, and the angle between them is increased.
  • Coccyx-parietal size(distance from the crown of the fetus to the coccyx) at the first ultrasound is less than 45.85 mm.
  • Heart defects - abnormalities in the development of the heart muscle.

There are deviations that are not symptoms of Down's disease, but confirm its presence:

  • increased bladder;
  • rapid fetal heart rate (tachycardia);
  • absence of one umbilical artery.

Ultrasound is considered a reliable method, but in diagnosis much depends on the professionalism of the doctor. Therefore, if similar signs are found on an ultrasound, this only indicates the likelihood of the disease. If one of the symptoms is identified, then the probability of pathology is about 2-3%, but if all of the listed signs are detected, then the risk of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome is 92%.

Biochemical blood test

In the first and second trimester, blood is taken from the mother for biochemical testing. It defines:

  1. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) a hormone secreted by the placenta in the body of a pregnant woman.
  2. Pregnancy-associated protein A (PAPP-A). This protein is produced by the placenta during the initial stages of pregnancy to suppress the attack of maternal immunity towards the fetus.
  3. Free estriol- a female steroid hormone produced in the placenta from a precursor hormone secreted by the fetal adrenal glands.
  4. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)- a protein produced in the liver and digestive system fetus to protect against maternal immunity.


  • First trimester from 10th to 13th week of pregnancy. Blood serum is examined for hCG and PAPP-A. This is the so-called double test. It is considered more accurate than blood testing in the second trimester. Its reliability is 85%.
  • Second trimester from 16th to 18th week of pregnancy. Define hCG level, AFP and free estriol. This study was called triple test. Confidence 65%.

Indications. This examination is not mandatory, but it is recommended to undergo it in the following cases:

  • mother's age over 30 years;
  • the family has children with Down syndrome;
  • have close relatives with genetic diseases;
  • serious illness suffered during pregnancy;
  • previous pregnancies (2 or more) ended in miscarriages.

Contraindications: does not exist.

Interpretation of results.

Double test results in the first trimester:

  • hCG a significant excess of the norm (over 288,000 mU/ml) indicates a genetic pathology, multiple pregnancy, incorrectly set stage of pregnancy.
  • RARR-A a decrease of less than 0.6 MoM indicates Down syndrome, a threat of miscarriage or a non-developing pregnancy.

Results triple test in the second trimester:

  • hCG more than 2 MoM indicates a risk of Down syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome;
  • AFP less than 0.5 MoM may indicate that the child has Down syndrome or Edwards syndrome.
  • Free estriol less than 0.5 MoM indicates that the fetal adrenal glands are not working enough, which happens with Down syndrome.

To correctly assess the situation, the doctor must have the results of both screenings. In this case, one can judge the dynamics of growth in hormone levels. The test results confirm the likelihood of having a child with a genetic pathology. But based on them, a diagnosis of “Down syndrome” cannot be made, since the results can be affected by various medications taken by a woman during pregnancy.

Based on the results of ultrasound and biochemical blood tests, a “risk group” is formed. It includes women who may have a child with Down syndrome. Such patients are referred for more precise invasive studies that involve puncture of the amniotic sac. These include amniocentesis, cordocentesis, and chorionic villus biopsy. For women who become pregnant before the age of 35, the study is paid for by the Ministry of Health, provided that the referral was given by a geneticist.


This is a selection procedure amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) for research. Under ultrasound control, a special needle is used to make a puncture through the abdomen or vaginal vault and draw 10-15 ml of liquid. This procedure is considered the safest of all invasive examinations.


  • from 8th to 14th week;
  • after the 15th week of pregnancy.


  • Ultrasound results indicate the likelihood of Down syndrome;
  • results biochemical screening talk about chromosomal pathology;
  • one of the parents has a chromosomal disease;
  • marriage between blood relatives;
  • The mother is over 35 years old and the father is over 40 years old.


  • acute or chronic diseases of the mother;
  • the placenta is located on the anterior abdominal wall;
  • the woman has uterine malformations.

Interpretation of amniocentesis results

Fetal cells are found in the amniotic fluid. They contain all the chromosomes. If a genetic analysis reveals three 21st chromosomes, then the probability that the child has Down syndrome is 99%. The test results will be ready in 3-4 days. But if the cells need more time to grow, then you will have to wait 2-3 weeks.

Possible complications of amniocentesis

  • The risk of miscarriage is 1%.
  • The risk of infection is 1% by amniotic fluid microorganisms.
  • After 36 weeks, labor may begin. On later any stimulation of the uterus or stress can cause premature birth.


Cordocentesis - procedure for testing cord blood. A thin needle is used to make a puncture in the abdominal wall or cervix. Under ultrasound guidance, a needle is inserted into the umbilical cord vessel and 5 ml of blood is taken for testing.

Deadlines: The procedure is carried out from the 18th week of pregnancy. Before this, the umbilical cord vessels are too thin to take blood samples. The optimal period is 22-24 weeks.


  • genetic diseases in parents or their blood relatives;
  • there is a child in the family with a chromosomal pathology;
  • based on the results of ultrasound and biochemical screening, a genetic pathology was identified;
  • mother's age is over 35 years.


  • maternal infectious diseases;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • compactions in the uterine wall of the uterus;
  • maternal bleeding disorder;
  • spotting from the vagina.

Interpretation of cordocentesis results

Umbilical cord blood contains cells that carry the chromosome set of the fetus. The presence of three chromosomes 21 indicates Down syndrome. The reliability of the study is 98-99%.

Possible complications of cordocentesis the risk of complications is less than 5%.

  • slow fetal heart rate
  • bleeding from the puncture site;
  • hematomas on the umbilical cord;
  • premature birth in the third trimester;
  • inflammatory processes that can lead to miscarriage.

Chorionic villus sampling

A procedure for removing a tissue sample from small finger-like projections on the placenta for further examination. A puncture is made in the abdominal wall and a sample is taken with a biopsy needle for study. If the doctor decides to do a biopsy through the cervix, then a thin flexible probe is used. The results of the study will be ready in 7-10 days. An in-depth analysis requires 2-4 weeks.

Deadlines: 9.5-12 weeks from the beginning of pregnancy.


  • the age of the pregnant woman is over 35 years;
  • one or both parents have genetic or chromosomal pathologies;
  • during previous pregnancies, chromosomal diseases were diagnosed in the fetus;
  • According to the screening results, there is a high risk of developing Down syndrome.


  • acute infectious diseases or chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • cervical weakness;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • adhesive process in the pelvis.

Interpretation of chorionic villus sampling results

Cells taken from the chorion contain the same chromosomes as the fetus. A laboratory assistant studies chromosomes: their number and structure. If three chromosomes of the 21st pair are detected, the probability of Down syndrome in the fetus is close to 99%.

Possible complications of chorionic villus sampling

  • spontaneous termination of pregnancy with a puncture through the abdominal wall, the risk is 2%, through the cervix up to 14%;
  • pain at the site where the sample was taken;
  • inflammation of the membranes of the fetus - chorioamnionitis;
  • hematoma at the site of sampling.

Although invasive methods are quite accurate, they cannot give a 100% reliable answer as to whether the child is sick. Therefore, parents, together with a geneticist, must decide: whether to undergo additional research, whether to terminate the pregnancy according to medical indications or save the child's life.

Signs and symptoms of Down syndrome in a newborn

90% of newborns with Down syndrome have characteristic external signs. Such children are similar to each other, but have absolutely no resemblance to their parents. Features of appearance are inherent in the extra chromosome.

In 10% of newborns with pathology, these signs may be mild. At the same time, such appearance features may be present in healthy children. Therefore, a diagnosis of Down syndrome cannot be made based on one or more of the listed symptoms. The presence of chromosomal pathology can be confirmed only after genetic analysis.

Signs and symptoms of Down syndrome in children and adults

Children and adults with Down syndrome retain the characteristic external signs noticeable in newborns. But with age, other symptoms appear or become apparent.

How does a child with Down syndrome develop?

Several decades ago, it was believed that children with Down syndrome were a burden for parents and a burden for society. They were isolated in special boarding schools, where the children's development practically stopped. Today the situation is beginning to change. If parents are involved in the development of the child from the first months using special educational programs, then this allows little man turn into a full-fledged person: live independently, get a profession, start a family.

The state and public organizations provide comprehensive assistance to such families:

  • Local pediatrician. This person is responsible for your baby's health after leaving the maternity hospital. The doctor will tell you how to care for your baby and give you a referral for examination. Be sure to consult your doctors and take the necessary tests. This will help to promptly identify concomitant pathologies and begin treatment in a timely manner. After all, various diseases can aggravate mental retardation and physical development.
  • Neurologist. This specialist monitors the development of the nervous system and will tell you how to help the child. He will appoint medicines, massages, physical therapy and physical therapy techniques for stimulation proper development.
  • Oculist will help to promptly identify vision problems that occur in 60% of children with Down syndrome. IN early age they cannot be determined on your own, so do not skip a visit to this specialist.
  • ENT checks the child's hearing. These disorders can make speech and pronunciation problems worse. The first sign of hearing problems is that the child does not flinch from a sharp loud sound. The doctor will conduct an audiometric examination and determine whether your hearing is impaired. The adenoids may need to be removed. This operation makes it easier nasal breathing and keep your mouth closed.
  • Endocrinologist reveals disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid. Contact him if your child begins to get better, lethargy, drowsiness increase, feet and palms are cold, temperature is below 36.5, constipation becomes more frequent.
  • Speech therapist. Classes with a speech therapist will help minimize problems with pronunciation and speech.
  • Psychologist. Helps parents accept the situation and love their baby. In the future, weekly sessions with a psychologist will help the child develop properly and improve his skills. The specialist will tell you which methods and programs are more effective and suitable for your child.
  • Rehabilitation center for people with Down syndrome, Down Syndrome Association. Public organizations provide comprehensive assistance to families: pedagogical, psychological, medical, and will help resolve social and legal issues. For children under one year of age, home visits are provided by specialists. Then you and your child will be able to visit group classes and individual consultations. In the future, associations help adults with Down syndrome adapt to society.

But still, when a child is born with a genetic pathology, the main burden falls on the shoulders of the parents. In order for a child with Down syndrome to become a member of society, you need to make enormous efforts. Constantly during the game you must develop the child’s physical and mental abilities. You can obtain the necessary knowledge from specialized literature.

  1. Early Educational Assistance Program "Little steps", which is recommended Russian Ministry education. Australian authors Petersi M and Trilor R specifically developed it for children with developmental disabilities. The program describes step-by-step and in detail exercises that relate to all aspects of development.
  2. Montessori system The system provides excellent results for the development of children with developmental delays early development child, developed by Maria Montessori. Thanks to an individual approach, it allows children, in some cases, to even outperform their peers with normal development.

Parents need to be patient. Your baby needs more exercise than other children. He has his own pace. Be calm, persistent and friendly. And one more prerequisite successful development- know strengths baby and in development, focus on them. This will help the child believe in his success and feel happy.

Strengths of children with Down syndrome

  • good visual perception and attention to detail. From the first days, show your child cards with objects and numbers and name them. Thus, learn 2-3 new concepts per day. In the future, studies will also be based on visual aids, signs, gestures.
  • They learn to read quite quickly. They can learn the text and use it.
  • Ability to learn from the example of adults and peers, based on observation;
  • Artistic talents. Children love to dance, sing, write poetry, and perform on stage. Therefore, art therapy is widely used for development: drawing, wood painting, modeling.
  • Sports achievements. Athletes with the syndrome show excellent results at the Special Olympics. They are successful in the following sports: swimming, gymnastics, running.
  • Empathy- understanding the feelings of other people, willingness to provide emotional support. Children perfectly capture the mood and emotions of those around them and subtly sense falsehood.
  • Good computer skills. Computer skills can become the basis of a future profession.

Features of the physical development of a child with Down syndrome

The first year is the most important period in the life of a child with Down syndrome. If parents only feed and clothe the child, and postpone development and communication until later, then the moment will be missed. In this case, it will be much more difficult to develop speech, emotions and physical abilities.

In the first year of life, the lag is significantly less than in subsequent stages of life. Development is delayed only by 2-5 months. In addition, all functions depend on one another. For example: you taught your child to sit. This entails other skills - the baby manipulates toys while sitting, which develops motor skills (motor activity) and thinking.

Massage and gymnastics best way strengthen muscles and increase their tone. Massage is given to children over 2 weeks old and weighing more than 2 kg. Every month and a half it is necessary to take massage courses. There is no need to constantly contact massage therapists. You can do the massage yourself. IN in this case maternal massage is as effective as a professional one.

Massage technique

  • Movements should be light, stroking. Too much pressure can weaken your baby's already delicate muscles.
  • Your hand should slide over the baby's body. His skin should not stretch or move.
  • Special attention Focus on your hands and forearms. Here are the reflex zones that are responsible for speech.
  • Facial massage helps to enrich facial expressions and improve the pronunciation of sounds. Stroke with your fingertips from the back of the nose to the ears, from the chin to the temples. Massage the muscles around your mouth in a circular motion.
  • The final stage - lightly touch your forehead and cheeks with your fingertips. If you do this massage 15 minutes before feeding, it will be easier for the baby to suck.

Experts recommend supplementing the massage with active gymnastics using the Peter Lauteslager method or reflexive gymnastics using the Voight method. But dynamic gymnastics and hardening are contraindicated for children with Down syndrome.

Remember that massage and gymnastics speed up blood flow and increase the load on the heart. Therefore, if a child has been diagnosed with a heart defect, it is necessary to first obtain permission from a cardiologist.

First smile, still weak and inexpressive, will appear at 1.5-4 months. To call it, look into the baby's eyes and smile at him. If the child smiles back, praise him and caress him. Such a reward will reinforce the acquired skill.

Revitalization complex. The baby will begin to reach out to you and walk at 6 months. Until this moment, many mothers think that the child does not recognize them or does not love them. This is wrong. It’s just that until the baby is six months old, he cannot express his affection due to muscle weakness. Remember that your child loves you like no one else. He needs the love and care of the whole family much more than his peers.

Ability to sit. It is important that the child learns to sit as early as possible. You will understand that he is ready for this when the baby independently rolls over from back to stomach and back, and also holds his head confidently. There is no need to wait for the child to sit up on his own. Due to anatomical features, it will be difficult for him to do this. After all, his peers’ arms are a little longer and stronger, and they use them to lean on and sit down.

A child with Down syndrome begins to sit by 9-10 months. But each baby has its own pace of development and some children sit down only at 24-28 months. The ability to sit makes it possible to manipulate toys, which is very important for the development of the initial form of thinking. When the child began to sit, it was time to independently hold a cracker or bottle, or take food from a spoon. During this period, you can potty train your baby.

Independent movement. A child begins to crawl at one and a half years old, and to walk at two. In the initial stages, you will have to help your child move his legs so that he understands what is required of him. If he puts his legs too wide, try wearing an elastic bandage around his hips.

A child with Down syndrome can learn almost everything that other children can do: gymnastics, playing ball, riding a bicycle. But this will happen a few months later. Show how to move correctly and what movements to make. Celebrate even the slightest success of your child. Be sure to be generous with your praise.

Personality development in Down syndrome

Low self-regulation. Both children and adults with trisomy 21 find it difficult to regulate their psychophysical processes. It’s hard for them to cope with the emotions that engulf them, fatigue, and force themselves to do something they don’t want to do. This happens because self-regulation is based on influencing oneself with words and images. And people with Down syndrome have problems with this. Following a daily routine will help correct the situation. Practice with your child at the same time every day. This gives the child a sense of security and teaches discipline.

Lack of motivation. It is difficult for such children to imagine the ultimate goal of their actions. It is this image that should encourage activity. Therefore, children are more successful in solving simple one-step problems and get great pleasure from it. Therefore, when teaching your child, break the task into simple steps. For example, a child can put one cube on top of another, but he won’t be able to do it if you ask him to immediately build a house.

Autistic disorders found in 20% of children with Down syndrome. They manifest themselves in refusal to communicate and repeated similar actions, a desire for monotony, and attacks of aggression. For example, a child may place toys in a certain order many times in a row, wave his arms aimlessly, or shake his head. A symptom of autism is self-harm, biting. If you notice these signs in your child, contact a psychiatrist.

Cognitive sphere of a child with Down syndrome

Attention to detail. Children more attention pay attention to small details rather than to a holistic image. It's hard for them to highlight main feature. Children are good at distinguishing shapes and colors. After several lessons they can sort objects according to a certain criterion.

Watching TV should not take more than 15 minutes a day. Children with Down syndrome love to watch. Changing pictures quickly is harmful to mental health and can cause acquired autism.

Reading It comes quite easily to children. It expands vocabulary and improves thinking. The same applies to writing. Some children prefer to give a written answer rather than answer a question orally.

Short-term auditory memory underdeveloped. It is necessary for people to perceive speech, assimilate and respond to it. Memory capacity is directly proportional to speaking speed. People with the syndrome speak slowly and therefore the volume of this memory is very small. Because of this, it is more difficult for them to master speech, and their vocabulary is poorer. For the same reason, it is difficult for them to follow instructions, understand what they read, and count in their heads. Train short term auditory memory Can. To do this, you need to ask the child to repeat the phrases he heard, gradually increasing the number of words to 5.

Visual and spatial memory in children with Down syndrome are not impaired. Therefore, when training, it is necessary to rely on them. When learning new words, show an object or a card with its image. When you are busy, voice what you are doing: “I’m cutting bread,” “I’m washing my face.”

Problems with math. Insufficient short term memory, low concentration and inability to analyze material and apply theoretical knowledge when completing tasks become a serious obstacle for children. Oral counting suffers especially. You can help your child by offering to use counting material or count familiar objects: pencils, cubes.

In the learning process, rely on your strengths: imitation and diligence. Show your child a sample. Explain what needs to be done, and he will try to complete the task as efficiently as possible.

Children with the syndrome have their own pace. They experience impulses in the cerebral cortex less frequently than others. Therefore, do not rush your child. Believe in him and give him the necessary time to complete the task.

Speech development

Talk a lot and emotionally. The more you interact with your child, the better he will speak and the more vocabulary he will have. From the first days, talk to your child very emotionally, but do not baby. Raise and lower your voice, speak softer and louder. This way you develop speech, emotions and hearing.

Mouth massage. Wrap a piece of clean bandage around your finger and gently wipe the roof of your mouth, the front and back of your gums, and your lips. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day. This massage stimulates the nerve endings in the mouth, making them more sensitive. In the future, it will be easier for the baby to control his lips and tongue.
Use your thumb and forefinger to close and open your child's lips while playing. Try to do this when he is humming. This way he will be able to pronounce “ba”, “va”.

Name objects and voice your actions.“Now we’ll drink from a bottle! Mom will put on a sweater for you.” Repeated repetition will help the child learn words and associate them with objects.

All activities should be accompanied by positive emotions. Tickle your baby, stroke his arms, pat his legs and tummy. This will stir him up and cause motor activity, which is accompanied by the utterance of sounds. Repeat these sounds after your child. He will be glad that you understand him. This will instill a love of conversation.

Use pictures, symbols and gestures when learning words. For example, you are learning the word car. Show your child a real car and a toy car. Play the sound of the engine and imagine how you turn the steering wheel. The next time you say “car,” remind your child of the whole chain. This will help the child consolidate the term in his memory.

Read to your child. Choose books with bright pictures and text corresponding to its development. Draw characters from what you read and retell the story together.

Emotional sphere

Emotional sensitivity. Children with Down syndrome are very sensitive to your emotions directed at them. Therefore, after you have made the decision to keep your child, try to truly love him. In order for the maternal instinct to manifest itself fully, it is necessary to spend more time with the child and breastfeed him.

The most difficult period for parents is the first few weeks after diagnosis. Contact a psychologist at a regional center for assistance to children with special needs. Join a group of parents who are raising children like you. This will help you cope and accept the situation. In the future, the child himself will become your support. After 2 years, children perfectly read the emotions of their interlocutor, pick up on his stress and often make attempts to console him.

Sluggish expression of emotions. During the first few years of life, inexpressive facial expressions do not allow one to look into the baby’s inner world, and problems with speech prevent him from expressing his emotions. Children do not react too actively to what is happening and seem to be half asleep. Because of this, little seems to evoke an emotional response in the child. However, this is not true. Their inner world is very subtle, deep and varied.

Sociability. Children with Down syndrome love their parents and the people who care for them. They are very open, friendly and eager to communicate with peers and adults. It is important that your circle of acquaintances is not limited to the rehabilitation center. Playing with peers without the syndrome will help the child develop faster and feel like a member of society.

Increased sensitivity to stress. People with Down syndrome are characterized by increased anxiety and sleep disorders. In boys, these deviations are more common. Try to protect your child from traumatic situations. If this fails, then distract the baby. Invite him to play, give him a relaxing massage.

Tendency to depression. IN adolescence When children realize that they are different from their peers, depression can set in. Moreover, the higher a person’s intellectual development, the stronger it is. People with Down syndrome do not talk about their depression or plans to commit suicide, although they may commit this act. Depression in them manifests itself in a depressed state, delayed reactions, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and weight loss. If you notice alarming symptoms, consult a psychiatrist. He will determine the child’s mental state and, if necessary, prescribe antidepressants.

Irritability and hyperactivity. Explosions of emotions are not associated with Down syndrome. Such outbursts are a consequence of concomitant pathologies and stress caused by social isolation, the condition of the parents, or the loss of the person to whom the child was attached. Following a daily routine will help correct the situation. The child should get enough sleep and eat properly. Preferably additional dose B vitamins, which normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Benefit breastfeeding . Children who are breastfed speak better, develop faster and feel happier. But due to weakness of the mouth muscles, they may refuse to suck. To stimulate the sucking reflex, stroke your baby's cheek or base thumb hands. There are reflex zones here that encourage the baby to continue sucking.


Teach how to use a toy. This also applies to rattles and more complex toys: cubes, pyramids. Place the object in the child’s hand, show how to hold it correctly, what actions can be performed with it.

Required elements: nursery rhyme games, finger games(the well-known Magpie-Crow), nurturing gymnastics. When playing, try to make your child laugh. Laughter is both breathing exercises, a method of developing will and emotions, and a way to make a child happy.

Natural toys. It is preferable for toys to be made from natural materials: metal, wood, fabric, wool, leather, chestnuts. This helps develop tactile sensitivity. For example, when buying a rattle, wrap the handle with thick wool thread. Make a pillowcase out of bright fabric for a rustling plastic bag, connect several multi-colored plain silk scarves at the corners. Moving toys are suitable: rotating crib modules, blacksmith toys. Stores sell Montessori toys that are great for educational play.

Musical toys. You should not buy toys with electronic music for your baby. Instead, give him a toy piano, guitar, pipe, xylophone, rattles. With these musical instruments you can develop your child's sense of rhythm. To do this, play games under musical accompaniment. While listening to fast music, roll the ball together or stomp your feet quickly; while listening to slow music, perform the movements smoothly.

Glove dolls or bi-ba-bo. You put such a toy on your hand and you get something similar to a small puppet theater. With the help of bi-ba-bo, you can interest a child, involve him in activities, and calm him down. It has been noticed that in some cases children listen to such dolls better than their parents.

Pathologies that may be detected in a child with Down syndrome

Although these pathologies quite often accompany Down syndrome, it is not at all necessary that they are diagnosed in your child. In any case, modern medicine can cope with these problems.

Prevention of Down syndrome

  • Contact your doctor promptly for the treatment of various pathologies.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Active movement improves blood circulation and eggs are protected from oxygen starvation.
  • Eat right. Nutrients, vitamins and microelements are necessary to maintain hormonal balance and strengthen the immune system.
  • Watch your weight. Excessive thinness or obesity disrupts the balance of hormones in the body. Hormonal imbalances can cause disruption in the maturation of germ cells.
  • Prenatal diagnosis(screening) allows you to timely diagnose serious disorders in the fetus and make a decision on the advisability of terminating the pregnancy.
  • Plan to conceive in late summer or early fall when the body is stronger and saturated with vitamins. The period from February to April is considered unfavorable for conception.
  • Taking vitamin-mineral complexes 2-3 months before conception. They should contain folic acid, vitamins B and E. This allows you to normalize the functioning of the genital organs, improve metabolic processes in the germ cells and the functioning of the genetic apparatus.

Down syndrome is a genetic accident, but not fatal error nature. Your child can live his life happily. It is in your power to help him with this. And even though our country is not yet quite ready to accept such children, the situation is already beginning to change. And there is hope that in the near future people with this syndrome will be able to live in society on an equal basis with everyone else.

Is it true that women over thirty-five years of age have an increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome? Do I need to take the necessary tests?

Statistics can frighten older women and discourage them from getting pregnant. Usually, it is at the age of thirty-five that the need for genetic research begins to be discussed, and this fact has a statistical basis, but these statistics are not mandatory. After studying the statistics, we came to the conclusion that the age at which a woman should be concerned about the disease is forty years, although other damage to the chromosome set reduces this age to thirty-five years. Study the numbers below and decide for yourself whether it is worth having a child if you are already thirty-five, and if you are already pregnant, then whether it is necessary to conduct an intrauterine examination of the child.

The risk of having a child with Down syndrome (or other chromosomal abnormalities) increases with age. The statistics look like this:

However, these statistics can be misleading. The risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities in a thirty-five-year-old mother is 1:192, which means that the probability of having a healthy child is 99.5 percent.

The only question is how to look at these numbers.

Discuss the risk versus benefit of an intrauterine screening test with your doctor. If a doctor insists on a test, you should not feel discriminated against because of your age. By law, a doctor is required to inform a woman over thirty-five years of age about the possibility of conducting an intrauterine screening test to detect birth defects. Since the choice is yours, consider the following points:

  • Will the test results force you to terminate your pregnancy?
  • Will information about your child's chromosomal abnormalities help you get used to this idea and prepare for caring for special child?
  • Will this important information make your pregnancy bleak or full of anxiety?
  • Because the alpha-fetoprotein test may miss 30 to 40 percent of children with Down syndrome, amniocentesis is the only completely reliable way to know whether your baby has a chromosomal abnormality. However, for mothers under thirty, the risk of miscarriage caused by this procedure may be comparable to the risk of having a child with a genetic defect. What is the risk/benefit ratio in your particular case?

Discuss the statistics with your doctor. Ask the specialist who performs the procedure about the complication rate after amniocentesis. The average risk of miscarriage after amniocentesis is estimated to be 1:200 (for a thirty-five-year-old woman, this is almost the same as the risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities). The individual doctor who performs this procedure may have a different than average risk of miscarriage, so you need this information to make this important decision.

Also consider that fears about having a child with Down syndrome may be due to a lack of information about the condition or outdated attitudes towards such children. On the one hand, you may know yourself and your family well enough to conclude that you are unable to take care of a child who requires special care. On the other hand, you may be surprised to learn about the special love and joy that comes from being with such a child. Our seventh child, Stephen, was born with Down syndrome without our knowing it in advance (we decided against prenatal testing). Stephen has been a gift to our family, providing us with challenges that have enriched our lives. In some ways, children with Down syndrome have limited opportunities compared to other children, but in many ways they have more to offer. Stephen is very perceptive, creative, loving, and we have come to appreciate things in life that we never thought about before he was born. Medical and social assistance, as well as education, which became available to children in need of special care, contributed to the fact that such children ceased to be the burden that they were previously considered. Now they have become a blessing to the family who cares for them - the same happiness as any child.

Genetic consultation

Two of my friends had children with hereditary diseases, but the mothers did not know about this in advance. I am very worried that the same thing could happen to me, and the doctor advises me to undergo genetic testing during pregnancy. Is this advisable?

The option of genetic counseling is a great benefit for the relatively small number of couples who actually need it (see below), but it can make life more difficult for parents who are not at risk. If counseling or technology can calm you down, should you take advantage of it? Will the result change the decisions you made? Will counseling increase or decrease your anxiety level? Or is it better to deal with natural uncertainty? Like an intrauterine screening test, the final choice is yours and depends on your values ​​and your specific life situation. Go through all stages of decision making. What reaction will the numbers reported by the geneticist cause in you? Will you have more children or fewer? Will your anxiety get worse or worse?

A consultation with a genetic counselor, during which you will have the opportunity to discuss your risk and possible options action, can have many benefits, since it does not require any tests and does not pose any danger to your child. By talking with a specialist, you will receive first-hand information (books may contain outdated statistics). The facts and figures you learn from a geneticist will allow you to informed choice regarding prenatal testing; Currently, many couples do not agree to these procedures simply because “that’s the way it’s supposed to be done.” Genetic counseling will also help you choose only the tests that are right for you and your child. If you can't think of a specific reason for needing genetic counseling, it can be helpful to look at the chart, which will remind you that for mothers under forty-five, 98 to 99 percent of children are born without any genetic abnormality. If your anxiety is so bad that it's preventing you from enjoying your pregnancy, make an appointment with a genetic counselor to see if he can help calm you down.

My third pregnancy at the age of thirty-eight came as a complete surprise to me, and my husband and I were devastated by the news. Our second child, who was born with Down syndrome, was only thirteen months old at this point. , and we managed, but the mere thought of the possible appearance of another child with additional problems brought confusion to our already ambiguous feelings. I learned about available prenatal tests after consulting with a geneticist and decided to have amniocentesis. The wait for the results was terrifying - what would happen if they showed problems? But when I found out that I was carrying a normal, healthy boy, I was finally able to relax, enjoy the pregnancy and look forward to the birth of my son.

  • You or your spouse have already had a child with a hereditary condition. A specialist will be able to tell you what the likelihood is that your next child will have this disease and what prenatal tests are recommended in your case.
  • You are worried that your child will have a specific disease. Many parents really want to rule out the presence of a certain disease that they know about or that runs in the family. A geneticist can advise them on the likelihood of developing this disease and recommend appropriate tests. The presence of many diseases can be determined before the birth of the child, and in some cases a blood test of the parents is sufficient.
  • One of the parents has a congenital heart defect or renal pathology. Some of these defects are more likely to be inherited than others; the consultant will inform you of the level of risk in your situation. Many hereditary diseases of the heart and kidneys are detected when ultrasound examination fetus
  • You and your spouse are closely related. Since genetic diseases are inherited, the closer the relationship, the higher the likelihood of passing on a genetic disease to a child.

It is better to seek genetic counseling before pregnancy, especially in situations where there is a hereditary disease in the family of one of the spouses. However, if you are already pregnant and are concerned about possible genetic abnormalities, talk to your healthcare provider. He will either dispel your doubts or recommend a good geneticist.

Pregnancy and childbirth after 40 years have been the subject of many years of debate among doctors.

Age in itself is not an obstacle to conceiving a child. However, diseases acquired over the years of life can seriously prevent a woman from easily undergoing pregnancy. Life situations are an unpredictable thing, so it happens that a woman is faced with a difficult choice: to give birth or not to give birth to a baby at this age.

Childbirth after 40: what is the risk of genetic abnormalities

Pregnancy after 40 years is a serious undertaking. Before you make the important decision to continue your pregnancy, you should consider all possible risks.

Sex cells are given to a woman at birth. Over the course of their lives, just like the expectant mother herself, they mature, mature and grow old. The genetic material of these cells changes over time due to mutations, aberrations (chromosomal rearrangements), and deletions (loss of chromosome sections). Women who decide to give birth to a child after 40 years of age must understand: there is a high risk that the unborn baby will receive “defective” maternal cells.

During late pregnancy, the likelihood of having a child with genetic abnormalities and defects (such as Down syndrome) is quite high; there is a risk of complicated childbirth, post-term pregnancy, and weak labor.

Examination and observation by a geneticist when planning a pregnancy after 40 years of age should become a mandatory procedure, and both the expectant mother and her husband need to visit this specialist.

Childbirth after 40 and the health of the expectant mother

In addition to the risk of genetic abnormalities, there are a number of diseases that can become an obstacle to the normal course of pregnancy. Unfortunately, not every woman who has reached the age of 40 can boast of excellent health.

Before you decide to carry and give birth to a child after 40 years of age, you must undergo a full medical examination in order to identify chronic diseases of any nature. It should be remembered that during pregnancy, even previously unnoticed health problems can worsen.

Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney diseases are especially dangerous for pregnant women. When these diseases worsen, they can lead to spontaneous abortion before the due date.

In addition, during pregnancy, the load on the musculoskeletal system of the body increases significantly, which by the age of 40 in most cases is not in the best condition.

The most common diseases in women of this age: osteochondrosis, thoracic scoliosis, lordosis and pelvic deformity. All these disorders can lead to difficulty in bearing a child and even become an obstacle to pregnancy. Therefore, before deciding to give birth after 40, the expectant mother should definitely consult a surgeon.

Anti-aging effect of pregnancy

There is an opinion that pregnancy has a rejuvenating effect on the female body. This point of view has been repeatedly confirmed by medical studies conducted among women who gave birth at 35-40 years of age. Doctors note that in terms of general health, a mother who has given birth after 40 is close to a twenty-year-old girl.

This effect is associated with changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The developing placenta produces large number estrogen and progesterone. During breastfeeding, the amount of oxytocin, the joy hormone, increases in a young mother. All this together provokes a general “rise” of the body, rejuvenation of all its systems.

In addition, during pregnancy and childbirth after 40, the work of all vital organs is mobilized, which helps to effectively fight some chronic diseases.