I want to offer you material for independent play and preparation for learning to read. This material is based on Zaitsev's method - learning to read by warehouses.

The warehouse method has been known since the times of L.N. Tolstoy. A warehouse is considered to be the fusion of a consonant with a vowel, a separate vowel as a syllable, a separate consonant (in a closed syllable), a consonant with a sign. For example, SO-BA-KA, PA-RO-VO-Z, A-I-S-T and so on. The baby begins to say MA-MA in sequences, and not in letters or as a whole word. In terms of language, it is easier and more natural to teach him to read.

But, unfortunately, ready-made manuals of N. Zaitsev’s methods (cubes, tables) are quite expensive. Therefore, not every mother can use them. And if in the place where the mother and baby live, there are no stores nearby with benefits, no clubs where you can enroll the child, then the only way out What remains is making manuals with your own hands.

These manuals are cards with letters. You need to download 3 files: the king's house (135 kb), the queen's house (119 kb), and a file with consonant cards (19.5 kb).

Cards from the king's house and queen's house need to be cut out and connected vertically (that is, in a column in the order they are printed).

Then (at the request of the parents) these houses with front side They are covered with tape and glued to the back with fleecy paper (another option is to glue Velcro). You need to put them under pressure for a day. At this time, take a sheet of plywood (thick cardboard or other improvised material) and cover it with flannel.

Now our king and queen houses can easily be placed on a flannel board, and they will stay there perfectly.

We start playing with the baby.

Come up with a fairy tale about a king and queen, about letters living in houses. For example: “Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they had many servants. The king’s servants lived in a large house, the queen’s servants lived in a smaller house. These servants were not simple, they all loved to sing. Etc.”

Sing the letters from the houses (from top to bottom). You can sing to any tune, the main thing is that the child finds it interesting. Don't be afraid that you are deaf, your baby still thinks you sing the best!

When these vowels in the houses are mastered, we cut out and make consonant cards: B, P, M, K.

Let’s take, for example, “B” and start rolling it around the houses:

We also roll the remaining 4 letters:

Then you can substitute letters to the right and left of the houses:

We do the same with the rest of the consonant letters (we make cards, roll them around the houses, substitute them with other warehouses). It's simple but enough effective technique, In my opinion.

When my eldest daughter I took classes using the Zaitsev method (studio "Zaichata"), learned to read in a few lessons. But she was then 4-5 years old. Young children will naturally need more time to learn the material.


and at what age to start? My son is 2 years 3 months old and doesn’t speak yet. Although he knows several letters. Is it too early?

Where can I download the houses?

Comment on the article "Learning by playing. Do-it-yourself teaching aids for reading"

IN modern world The variety and availability of mobile devices is growing every day. Tablet computers and smartphones have become everyday companions not only for adults, but also for children. So, is it worth using them in teaching preschoolers? The main disadvantages of mobile devices, or what scares parents away: - “Tablets and smartphones spoil vision”: yes, if we are talking about low-budget devices with low screen resolution, and also if parents do not limit the time the child interacts with...

learning to read. Girls, who taught children to read? I don't know which way to approach it. and pronounce the word clearly, how many times the chin touches the hand, so many syllables. everything is in a playful form, these games will help the child later when learning to read and write.

The conversation in the lower topic somehow didn’t work out, or rather went in the wrong direction, that I had to delete my messages, and some of my messages were not appropriate and were deleted by the author of the topic himself :) Yes, I think that home, individual, correspondence, family education It’s up to anyone to choose which one they like:) solving many problems with our children, it’s hard for the first year or two, then you get used to it. and you see only the advantages and the main advantage that the child does not bring any abomination from school and does not learn this abomination, which...

We learn by playing. Do-it-yourself teaching aids for learning to read. I want to offer you material for independent play and preparation for learning to read. This material is based on Zaitsev's method - learning to read by warehouses.

Those who know how to read think that learning to read is easy. Quite often, mothers on the playground complain that they teach and teach their child, but he just can’t understand how to read a syllable and always gets confused. Many parents want their child to master reading between the ages of 3-4 and various reasons, but, unfortunately, not all parents have teaching talent and sooner or later seek help from specialists. The teachers of our education center have developed lessons on teaching reading “Read-ka”. Education...

In August there is always a question. What methods are used to organize classes in a family-type kindergarten for children under 3 years old? Where can I get techniques suitable for which author? different ages, say, from 6 - 12 months and up to 3 years? What programs or subjects should I study? The most popular areas or programs for classes in family-type kindergartens from 5 to 10 children, in my opinion, are the following, for which I found meptodics and...

Homeschooling. Continuation. And finally, again about my personal experience. We tried in different ways: we made plans (usually in the very first year of external study), and let everything take its course. They even tried financial incentives. For example, I allocate a certain amount for study, which is enough to pay for three months of classes with teachers (when studying under the “consultation-credit” system). If the child manages to pass everything in exactly 3 months, good. If he doesn’t have time, I sort of “lend” him the missing...

Girls, recommend aids for preparing for school.. I’m mainly interested in reading and writing.. Nada to prepare Dashka for school, I don’t want to prepare.. Vasyukha left all last year, they taught her to read there, of course, but with mathematics it’s a complete mess, before preparation, she added and subtracted two-digit numbers in her mind, now she’s completely slow... they taught them to count on sticks there, and hello... in general, I don’t regret it, that she drove, but as it turned out, half of our class can’t read at all, so what’s the point...

Learning to read. I have a question, of course, stunning in its absurdity) But nevertheless: how to teach an 8.5-year-old child to read? Do you need any special ABC books? Techniques? He knows half the letters normally, but confuses the other half.

We love to read! First of all, I, a mother, love to read. That's why I try to instill love (even if it sounds too pompous, but really LOVE) for books. I don’t remember at what age we read the first book with Maksimka. The first “books,” if you can call them that, were homemade cards on an A5 sheet (half a landscape sheet) - an image of some object or animal (I cut them out of magazines or drew them myself) and in printed red letters - the name of what. ..

The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of children's intelligence. V. Sukhomlinsky Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, and intelligence. , You need to start protecting and loving nature from the very young. It is in preschool age that the acquisition of the basics of environmental knowledge is most productive, since the child perceives nature very emotionally, as something living. Influence...

Some parents ask: “Why teach children to read before school, why take away a child’s childhood?” Well, first of all, you can’t take away your childhood; Children need to be taught through play, using specially developed play techniques. And why this is needed is now known to many. It has long been recognized that human intelligence depends not only on heredity, but also on the active stimulation of mental activity during the period of brain formation, i.e. in the period from birth to six or seven years...

Many mothers want to teach their child to read, but do not know where to start. Many questions arise to which they cannot find answers. Or maybe they just think so? And all sorts of questions arise, for example... What books should I give my child to read? How to make children's books for reading? How to get your child interested in reading books? I also had similar questions, but my son and I overcame them through trial and error, and today I can confidently...

We learn by playing. Do-it-yourself teaching aids for learning to read. Home > Children > Child education > Educational aids.

They want to study mathematics, logic, the alphabet - reading, preparing their hands for writing. If you are talking about Zaitsev’s method, then one set of cubes and tables for learning to read is enough for a group (the second set can be a spare) and one manual for...

I think I won’t say anything new :) - every beginning little reader wants to hold THEIR book in their hands. The manual is intended for teaching reading both in words and in whole words.

We are talking about a guide to reading I.V. Ivanova “65 reading lessons” (Olma-Press, 2001). The point is in the very approach to the basics of teaching reading. This is such a “correct” Child! And the fact that he wants to play, not study; and what he wants to write...

If you are interested in my opinion, then I believe that the warehouse principle proposed by Zaitsev is the most effective for teaching children to read. It is better to have his benefits, but if this is not possible, then take the principle itself into service.

Explanatory note

Currently, when a teacher has the right to choose a textbook and teaching methods, new subjects are introduced in schools, the student finds himself in a difficult situation. Being carried away by innovations, not all teachers pay sufficient attention to solving the problem of developing educational competencies, that is, general educational skills (numeracy, writing, reading, ability to work with text, with reference literature, etc.)

Among all general educational skills and abilities, the most important place for further learning is occupied by the ability to read fluently, which is formed in primary school. Subject and academic skills are formed in conjunction. When we teach students to read, we teach them learning skills—how to interact with learning material.

The famous scientist and teacher V.N. Zaitsev in his research came to the conclusion that the main reason for failure in learning is poor reading technique. The negative side is that children with poor reading experience lack of self-confidence. They do not have time to read the tasks in the textbook when others are already starting to complete it. Therefore, until students achieve the standards for reading techniques necessary for learning, they will have failure in educational activities and lose interest in it.

I offer you my system of working to solve the problem of slow reading.

Where to start?

First of all, get parents interested and set up for a positive result. To do this, a parent meeting should be held: convince parents that only through the joint efforts of the school and family can the child learn to read correctly and fluently; teach them special exercises to increase children’s reading speed and develop their interest in reading. In parallel with solving the problem of fulfilling standards for reading technique, the problem of developing interest in reading must be solved. For consultations with parents, I developed recommendations that were given to parents for individual work with their child at home.

Reading technique exercise to practice at home, is the following: the student himself or together with his parents selects a text, changing it every day, calculates the number of words in it (approximately 120-160 words). He reads the same text several times, each time for one minute and records the number of words read in the first minute, second, etc., in the report table, which the student submits as he completes it 7-10 days from the beginning work to the teacher, attaching compiled questions that check the comprehension of the text. To work on reading techniques, I recommend to parents texts by writers: L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin, M.M. Prishvin, N.N. Nosov, V.V. Bianki, V.Yu. Dragunsky.

In class I worked in the following directions.

Practicing the skill of reading whole words:

  • minimizing reading errors;
  • reading awareness;
  • expressiveness of reading.
  • In order to interest the children, set them up for serious work and at the same time not tiring, and even exciting, I used a system of training exercises, which were carried out as a mandatory stage of each reading lesson, taking 10-15 minutes and including the following five sequential exercises:

  • Breathing exercises and voice training.
  • Reading blocks of letter combinations, words, sentences. Development of working memory.
  • Practicing diction.
  • Corrective and developmental exercises.
  • Intonation warm-up.
  • Breathing exercises and voice training.

    In the book by M.R. Lvov “ School of Creative Thinking “In the memo “What you need to be able to do to speak or read expressively,” the first place is given to “the ability to breathe evenly and deeply - to control your breathing” and “the ability to speak loudly, loudly, but without shouting.” You can develop your breathing and voice skills with the following exercises: “ Blow out the candle"(take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once; inhale and exhale in three portions - three candles, five to five candles, etc.) "Spray laundry with water"(in one step, three, five - take a deep breath and imitate splashing water on the laundry), “ At the flower shop"(noisy inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth), "Exhale with a count"(take a deep breath, count loudly as you exhale until the air runs out), " In the elevator"(imagine that we are riding in an elevator and announcing floors, the higher the floor, the higher the voice, and vice versa), etc.

    Reading blocks of letter combinations, words, sentences.

    This stage is aimed mainly at systematic training. speech apparatus child for early detection of speech defects. And also to develop fluent reading skills.

    The development of reading technology is often hampered due to poorly developed RAM. Work on its development is carried out in grades 3-4 with the help of visual dictations by I.T. Fedorenko. Work on typing begins in a reading lesson - reading sentences, pronouncing in chorus or individually. Collective clarification and correction of what was said; in a Russian language lesson, repeated demonstration of typing on the board and writing the text in a notebook. This technique ensures maximum literacy when writing sentences of a set and, as a result, forms in the lesson “ situation of success " An original and successful technique here is to write a sentence on the board with a wet rag. .

    Practicing diction.

    The ability to clearly pronounce sounds and their combinations is achieved in the process of working on tongue twisters. It is useful to start with one line of tongue twister and add a new one at each lesson.

    Intonation warm-up.

    Work on expressive reading must begin in the second grade, when children already know how to read whole words and are not yet embarrassed to change their voice and imitate the heroes of works.. I think it’s right to start this work with the formation of three skills:

    2. Choose the desired reading pace: fast, rhythmic or smooth, measured, or a combination of them.

    3. Place logical stress in a sentence.

    For practical work I select a good one that brings joy to the child short story, but it could also be a fable poem, the funny and funny characters of which are known to him, i.e. These are texts with emotional and evaluative vocabulary. These could be humorous poems by B.V. Zakhoder, short miniatures “Forest rustles” by N.I. Sladkova, funny poems by S.Ya. Marshak et al.

    Corrective and developmental exercises.

    A slow reading pace can be caused by various types of psychological reasons. The use of correctional and developmental exercises developed by domestic psychologists in lessons helps the teacher eliminate the reason that complicates the reading process. These are exercises such as: “Word slides”, “Reading dotted words”, “Conceived word”, “Soft letters”, “Letter graphics”, “Find me”, “Read quickly”, “Foreign words”, “The word has crumbled” , “Cobweb”, “The Most Attentive”, “Half-Letter”, etc.

    What are the conditions for successful development of fluent reading skills?

    1. The teacher, students and parents must be taught special exercises on reading techniques. They need to understand that reading and working on reading technique are not the same thing. To do this, it is necessary to organize thematic parent meetings and consultations.

    2. It is necessary to prepare students for measurements on reading technique, to set them up for serious work in case of failure, when they have not met the reading technique standard.

    3. Diagnostic measurement of reading technique makes it possible to identify a group of students who do not need to work on this skill, since they meet or exceed the standard, and a group of students who do not meet the standard and with whom we have to work.

    4. Mastering the necessary reading technique should not be reduced to occasional measurements.

    5. Work on reading techniques for students should be daily.

    The condition for monitoring the student’s independent work is the student’s daily completion of the following report form:


    Development of reading technique among schoolchildren of the 1st stage

    I. Reading is one of the most important means of personality formation.

    II. The concept of speed reading.

    III. Optimal reading. The main reasons for the importance of mastering it by younger schoolchildren.

    IV. Reserves for learning to read.

    a) repeated reading,
    b) reading at the pace of a tongue twister
    c) expressive reading with transition to an unfamiliar part
    d) exercise to develop reading angle
    d) “Lips”
    e) “Tug”
    g) “Throw-notch”
    h) “Lightning”

    V. Stimulation techniques.

    VI. Reasons for obtaining negative results on the development of reading technique.

    Reading is the most important condition formation of thinking abilities. V.A. Sukhomlinsky, when researching the causes of mental retardation in schoolchildren, correctly noted: “If in elementary school children read little, thought little, they developed the structure of an inactive brain.”

    Experiments carried out during recent years, showed that fast reading activates thinking processes and is one of the means of improvement educational process for a wide range of learning levels, from elementary to high school.

    Reading is one of the most important means of personality formation. On the one hand, reading is a subject of learning, and on the other, a means of learning. From books, including educational books on various subjects, a child receives a variety of knowledge. Reading literary works always performing cognitive, aesthetic and educational functions, practical acquaintance with a special generalized, figurative-emotional way of reflecting and understanding life forms emotional sphere, moral and aesthetic ideals, views, relationships of the child.

    Primary school is the first to begin to realize the general main goal of education – the formation of the student’s personality.

    Therefore, it is so important during this period to teach a child to read, to develop in him the technical side of reading, the ability to work with scientific, educational and artistic text, to ensure a full perception of an accessible literary text, so that it has the maximum impact on a growing person.

    Sometimes you can hear that younger schoolchildren need to master speed reading. But then let's turn to terminology.

    Speed ​​reading is reading at a speed of more than 300 words per minute; it is impossible to read out loud. Speed ​​reading is necessary for managers and researchers. In the USA and other developed countries, they will not hire a specialist for a leadership job if he reads less than 400 words per minute. The calculation is simple: it is more profitable to pay for the work of a fast reader; he will not drown in the flow of papers! Finnish experts believe that if you have a reading speed of up to 200 words per minute, then you should not focus on speed reading, but learn to read normally! A word for speed reading in primary school there is no point in fighting.

    Reading at the pace of a tongue twister is from 180 to 300 words. This also does not need to be achieved.

    Television announcers vary their reading speed widely, ranging from 90 to 170 words per minute, with an average of 130 words.

    This average falls within the optimal reading zone. Optimal reading is reading at conversational speed, i.e. at a pace of 120 to 150 words per minute. It is to this speed that the human articulatory apparatus has adapted over many centuries, and it is at this speed that a better understanding of the text is achieved.

    I believe that by the end of elementary school, students should reach optimal reading speed.

    Imagine a 7th grade student who reads about 50 words per minute. In 7th grade homework is approximately 8 textbook pages, or 6,500 words. Let's divide 6500 by 50. It turns out to be approximately 130 minutes, or about two hours, required for a student to read homework texts once. But with such a low reading technique, it is natural that this student will not understand what is written in the textbook in one sitting. He needs to read the texts twice - this is already 4 hours; Let's add another 6 hours of schoolwork - already 10 hours. And also written assignments in algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, Russian language, English language, essays on literature. It takes all day. Thus, this student is doomed to failure. And no matter what great teachers you invite to this student, nothing will work out for them until they teach the elementary thing - to read.

    Students who read a lot usually read quickly. In the process of reading, working memory and stability of attention are improved. Mental performance depends on these two indicators. If we judge the development of thinking by the degree of mastery of complex skills, then we must keep in mind that elementary skills must first be brought to the level of skill in order to be successfully included in complex skills. Reading skill is an integral part of most complex skills.

    In recent years, Japan's role as an economically developed country has increased sharply. Why? Because many workers have higher education. Their number includes not only office workers, not only executives, but also many representatives of the working class. This is no coincidence: for the Japanese, education is a means of survival. Needless to say, high education is impossible without good reading techniques.

    Let's write down the fraction. The numerator is 40,000, the denominator is 80. 40,000 words is the volume of the newspaper “Trud” on six pages, and 80 words per minute is the speed of many of our tenth graders going to vocational schools, i.e. It's five minutes to the workers. This means that a future worker will read a newspaper in 500 minutes, or in an eight-hour working day.

    It seems that the examples given are enough to convince us of the need for optimal reading.

    So at what reading speed should students finishing their primary education read? If we analyze the performance of 5th grade students, we can conclude that the excellent students were children who, at the end of primary education, had a reading speed in the range of 130-170 words per minute. On average approximately 150 words per minute. Those who became good readers had a reading technique of 100 to 140 words per minute. On average this is 120 words per minute. C students had a reading speed of 80-90 words per minute - approximately, of course. This is the pattern.

    In real conditions, each school wanted the majority of its students /i.e. more than 50%/ were engaged in “4”. And so we must strive to ensure that at the end of primary education the majority of students have a reading speed of at least 120 words per minute. But is this real? After all, different students have different temperaments. It turns out that choleric people, as a rule, speak and read at a pace of at least 150 words per minute. For sanguine people this is 120 words per minute. This means that sanguine and choleric people may well reach the level of 120 words per minute. But nature cannot do without gifts. The fact is that, according to the Research Institute of Psychology of Ukraine, more than 90% of students are choleric and sanguine. Phlegmatic and melancholic people make up less than 10%, i.e. 3-4 people per class.

    So, most students can easily reach a reading speed of 120 words per minute. Then the question arises of how to reach this level, what training reserves to use.

    I want to consider the most effective, in my opinion, reserves for teaching reading.

    The most important thing is that it is not the duration, but the frequency of training exercises that is important. A person’s memory is structured in such a way that what is remembered is not what is constantly before the eyes, but what flashes: that is, that is not! This is what creates irritation and is remembered. Therefore, if we want to master some skills, bring them to automatism, to the level of skill, then we should not carry out long exercises at all; You need to do exercises in short portions, but with greater frequency.

    Buzz reading was one of the main elements in teaching reading at V.A. Pavlysh school. Sukhomlinsky. Now this element is generally recognized and used by many teachers.

    Buzz reading is a reading when all students read simultaneously out loud, in a low voice, so as not to disturb their friends, each at their own speed, some faster, some slower. The training lasts for five minutes.

    Daily five-minute reading sessions represent five minutes of reading in any lesson - be it reading, drawing, mathematics, Russian. The lesson starts with the children reading an extra book in buzz reading mode for five minutes, and then goes on with the regular lesson.

    Let's analyze what happens. If a teacher works according to the usual method and in the 3rd grade, he has 5 reading lessons, then if the class is filled with 30 people, he will interview each student once per week. In this case, the student will have only 3 minutes per week for training. It is unlikely that at this level it is possible to teach children to read.

    It’s good if the child is lucky with his family, and at home he will be taught to read well. What if the child and his family are unlucky? Then his entire training comes down to these three minutes; naturally, such a child will not learn to read.

    Let's see what the five-minute class does every day. Let's write down:

    5 minutes per lesson, five lessons a day, five days a week. A weekly workout is 125 minutes. Obviously, if the time increases from 3 minutes to 125 minutes, then the result will be positive.

    Reading before bed gives good results. The fact is that the latest events of the day are recorded by emotional memory, and for the eight hours that a person sleeps, he is under their impression. I will give public examples of this pattern.

    Even 200 years ago it was said: “Student who lives by science, learn the psalter for the coming sleep,” i.e. teach so that it is the last event of the day.

    The development of reading technology is hampered by underdeveloped RAM. What does it mean? You can often see this picture. The child reads a sentence consisting of 6-8 words. Having read to the third or fourth word, I forgot the first word. Therefore, he cannot connect all the words together. In this case, it is necessary to work on RAM.

    This is done with the help of so-called visual dictations, the texts of which were developed and proposed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko /see appendix/. He lived in Kharkov, where he headed the laboratory of experimental didactics. At one time, it was a quarter of a century ago, a professor’s brochure on teaching reading was published. Unfortunately, its circulation was very limited - only 2000 copies, and therefore it has now become a second-hand book rarity. Therefore, next I will talk about the method of Professor I.T. Fedorenko, including about visual dictations.

    Each of the 18 dictations proposed by the professor has six sentences. Their peculiarity is this: if the first sentence contains only two words - “The snow is melting” and 8 letters, then the last sentence of the eighteenth set already consists of 46 letters. The length of the sentence increases gradually, one to two letters at a time. The working time for all sets is approximately 2 months.

    What is the best way to conduct visual dictations? Six sentences from one of the sets are written on the board and covered with a sheet of paper. After one of the offers is highlighted, i.e. the sheet of paper is moved down, the guys read this sentence silently for a certain time (the time is indicated for each sentence) and try to remember. After the time has passed, the teacher erases the sentence and invites the students to write it down in their notebooks. Perhaps one of the students does not remember, let them copy it from a neighbor. Next time he will try to remember.

    This is followed by exposure, reading, and memorization of the second sentence. After it has been erased, you should write it down again in your student notebooks.

    Six sentences usually take from 5 to 8 minutes of time in a Russian language lesson.

    If the teacher sees that too many children are looking at their neighbors, the set should be repeated again. If the pattern repeats itself the next day, it must be repeated a third time, and maybe four days in a row. Only after almost all the children have time to remember the text and write it on their own can we move on to the next set.

    So, on average, one set takes three days. Eighteen sets – 54 days, about two months. In two months you can develop operational memory, but on the condition that visual dictations must be written daily; if you write intermittently, this no longer gives anything. And one more detail: if the texts do not correspond in content to the topic of the lesson, they can be replaced with equivalent sentences with the same number of letters.

    And now I’ll tell you about those exercises from the I.T. system. Fedorenko and I.G. Palchenko, which I use in my work.

    1. Multiple reading. When reading repeatedly, it should be taken into account that different students in the class have different reading speeds. Therefore, you should not assign a passage of the same length; it is better to focus on the same period of time.

    It's done like this. After the beginning of a new story has been read by the teacher and understood by the children, the teacher invites everyone to start reading at the same time and continue it for one minute. After this, each student notes to what point he has read. Then follows a re-reading of the same passage of text. After this, the student again notices which word he has read and compares with the results of the first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more (some by 2 words, some by 5, and some by 15). Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in children, they want to read again. However, you should not do this more than three times, but it is better to practice your articulatory apparatus on this piece of text. And this is the second exercise.

    2. Reading at the pace of a tongue twister. It should be said here that each lesson begins with reading a tongue twister. Children practice clear and correct, and most importantly, fast reading of tongue twisters.

    When reading sentences at the pace of a tongue twister, you should not pay attention to the expressiveness of reading; you cannot set two mutually exclusive tasks at the same time. This exercise is intended only to develop articulatory apparatus, therefore, the requirements for expressiveness of reading are lowered here, but increased for the clarity of reading the endings of words. The endings of words should not be “swallowed” by students, but should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds. Then the third exercise begins.

    3. Expressive reading with transition to an unfamiliar part of the text. We explain to the children this way: “Now, guys, please read the text again, but a little slower, but beautifully and expressively.” The children read the text to the end, and the teacher does not stop them. They move on to an unfamiliar part of the text. And this is where it happens small miracle. It consists in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of text several times and has already developed an increased reading pace, when moving to an unfamiliar part of the text, continues to read it at the same increased pace. Its capabilities are not enough for a long time, but if you carry out such exercises daily, the duration of reading at an increased pace will increase. After two to three weeks, your child's reading will improve noticeably.

    4. Exercises to develop your angle of vision. A small angle of view is a big drawback for many readers. Since it is small, then under other small conditions, fewer letters (parts of lines) fall into the field of vision of such a reader than is generally possible. And here techniques have been invented to help expand the angle of vision:

    a) reading the first and last syllables on the line.

    Che half an hour later the beast stuck out of the grass, wet black nose ,
    By resembling a pig's snout, his nose sniffed the air for a long time and sting
    greedy you

    b) use of the Schulte table. The teacher marks the time (30 seconds), and the children count from 1 to 30, while looking for numbers in the table and showing them. With frequent use of these tables, the time is reduced; counting can be done in reverse order, i.e. from 30 to 1, you can exchange tables, because children learn the location of numbers.

    Speech therapist for schoolchildren

    Training exercises that promote the development of reading skills without violence against the child.

    Tikhonovich G.I., teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Khakassia, Abakan.

    Good reading skills are one of the main conditions for children's success in learning. The skills of conscious, expressive, and fluent reading are laid in the elementary grades. Usually they try to solve this problem simply: you need to read more. A child sits over a book, crying, hating both reading itself and the one who forces him to do it. There are many reasons for difficulties, and accordingly, there are different ways to help. The practice of speech therapy work with students who have difficulties in developing reading skills shows the need to make qualitative changes in the organization and content correctional work. Research by neuropsychologists indicates that the development of modern children has both tempo and quality features, and this must be taken into account by speech therapists when organizing correctional work, including exercises on the child’s use of various techniques of memorization, attention and voluntary regulation of actions. The proposed practice will allow a more humane approach to the decision current problems in speech therapy it is:

  • Improving the correctional educational process in mastering reading techniques with children with problems.
  • “Formation of reading skills without violence against a child.”
  • Reading is a complex act that includes:

    technical skills - correct perception and pronunciation of words, communication between their visual images, both acoustic and speech motor.

    the process of understanding the meaning of what is read extracting meaning from content.

    Reading technique refers to the ability to recognize written letters, correctly correlate them with sounds and pronounce them in the specified order in the form of syllables, words and sentences

    Reasons slowing down reading speed:

  • Natural pace of activity;
  • Regressions;
  • Lack of anticipation;
  • Articulation disorders;
  • Improper breathing;
  • Small field of view;
  • Level of attention organization;
  • Level of memory development.
  • 1. Natural pace of activity.

    Usually, parents themselves notice that the child is slow, a bit of a “bummer,” and if the pace of classes is high, he does not keep up and gets tired easily. All these observations indicate that the natural pace of a child’s activity is low. And this is not the child’s fault.

    You read the text out loud. The child then reads the same story for one minute. Having finished reading, the child marks the place in the text to which he managed to read. Then the same text is read again, and again after a minute the child notes the number of words read. Read until the number of words read stops increasing.

    The exercise consists of alternating reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the fastest possible pace. The transition to reading in accelerated mode is carried out using the “Lightning” command.

    You read the text out loud, the child reads the same text to himself, trying to keep up with you. Stop at a word and ask your child to point out the stop in the text. If your speed exceeds your child's reading speed, reduce it. It is important that the gap does not exceed 20 words per minute.

    These are recurrent eye movements for the purpose of re-reading what has already been read. This drawback is the most common. Some readers, unnoticed by themselves, read any text twice - both easy and difficult. When reading a text with regressions, the eyes move backward, although there is no need for this.

    Reasons: Force of habit, apparent difficulties of the text, lack of attention.

    Types of corrective exercises:

    “Reading with a window.”

    A piece of paper with a window is superimposed on the line. When the sheet moves along the line, the child’s gaze will move smoothly along with the sheet, and repeated reading will be excluded.

    The method of teaching reading includes training exercises that help eliminate regression and form the semantic side of reading.

  • Reading pairs of words that differ by one letter:
  • goats – scythes grass – grass

    the wind - the evening ran up - ran in

    “Find the extra word”

  • Quickly read and write words that differ by one letter.
  • Hat hat hats hat

    Table pillar table table

    aloud - deaf - hearing

    wind - wind - blizzard

    water – aquatic – underwater

    forest – forest – forester – underbrush

  • Reading words in which phonemes paired in hardness and softness perform a semantic separating function:
    • Reading syllable by syllable and clarifying the meaning of difficult words before reading the entire text.
    • Once upon a time the elk spilled

      Pu-te-six-vo-vat travel

    • Reading words in which the minimum reading units were printed in different fonts:
    • This is the mental process of orientation towards a foreseeable future. If a child has not developed the ability to guess the meaning, he will need to read each word to the end each time in order to comprehend the phrase and understand the content of what he read.

      The kitten Vaska was sitting on the... near the chest of drawers and a lot of... flies.

      Lo - lo - lo - like on the street... (light)

      St - st - st - I broke... (chair)

      e — — (food, ate, ate)

      e — — — (raccoon, riding, ruffs)

      - I'm fat and big. WITH - - -

      - I am where the pain is. I - ah, I - oh! WITH - - -

      • Search for semantic absurdities.
      • In the text, along with correct sentences, there are those that contain semantic errors. For example:“The children didn’t get wet in the downpour because they hid under a telegraph pole.”

        When you apply a grid over text, some areas of the text overlap. Learners must restore meaning. Grid reading training lasts no more than 5 minutes.

        The pronunciation aspect of speech is important for the reading process: good diction, clear pronunciation of sounds, adherence to the rules of orthoepy.

      • Articulation of vowels, consonants, combinations of vowels and consonants.
      • These exercises develop the mobility of the speech apparatus.


        Ba - bya bo - byo bu - bye - bya - bi

        Zha - zha - zha - the hedgehog has needles.

        Lo - lo - lo - it's warm outside.

        Take a deep breath and exhale.

        Take a deep breath and exhale in three breaths.

        Children place strips of paper at lip level, take in air, and exhale so that the strip of paper does not move.

        “Exhale with a count”

        As you exhale, count loudly until you run out of air.

        Imagine that we are riding in an elevator and announcing the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice, and vice versa.

        5.Small field of view.

        Field of view is a section of text that is clearly perceived by the eyes during one fixation.

      • Exercises to help expand your field of vision
      • Looking at the center at the dot, see two syllables of one word.

      • Reading the first and last syllables on a line.
      • Children place their hands on their knees and, at the command “Throw,” begin to read. Command “Notch”, children lift their heads from the book, close their eyes and rest for a few seconds. On the command “Throw”, children must find with their eyes the place where they stopped and continue reading aloud.

        “Attention is precisely the door through which everything that enters a person’s soul from the outside world passes.”

        At the “Attention” signal, show the card, but no more than 2 seconds. The child must read the material presented and write it down.

      • Try to rewrite the following lines without errors:
      • Ammadama Reberge Assamas

      • Find words among the letters and underline them.
      • The development of reading technology is hampered due to underdeveloped RAM. What does it mean? The child reads a sentence consisting of 6-8 words. Having read to the third or fourth word, I forgot the first word.

        The proposed practical tasks will allow the speech therapist to work not just on the investigative manifestations of disorders (if he doesn’t read well, that means we’ll teach him to read), but first of all on the basic processes in which the cause is hidden. The use of training exercises in speech therapy improves reading technique. A good technique reading, in turn, has a positive effect on:

      • general speech development;
      • to improve the quality of academic performance.
      • Didactic material for the development of reading techniques in elementary school. Misarenko G.G. Moscow. Publishing house “ONICS 21st century”, 2004.
      • Games for teaching literacy and reading. Maksimuk N.N. Moscow, publishing house “VAKO”, 2004
      • How to overcome difficulties in learning to read. Kostromina S.N., Nagaeva L.G. – Ed. “OSH-89”, 1999, Moscow.
      • How to teach a child to read . Fedin S.N., Fedina O.V. Moscow, publishing house “AIRS-PRESS”, 2002
      • Let's play with words. Druzhinina V.V.. Moscow, publishing house “NEW SCHOOL”, 1997.
      • We develop children's abilities. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades. Vinokurova N.K. Moscow, publishing house “ROSMEN”, 2004
      • Educational and methodological material on reading on the topic:
        Learning to Read Optimally


        Municipal secondary education budgetary institution secondary school No. 13 of the village of Vladimirskaya municipal formation Labinsky district

        Teaching primary schoolchildren optimal

        Teacher primary classes Katasonova Natalya Grigorievna

        You can be happy without mastering mathematics. But you cannot be happy without knowing how to read. Anyone who cannot access the art of reading is an ill-mannered person, a moral ignorant, in front of whom the window to the world is closed... Bad reading is a window splattered with dirt, through which nothing can be seen.”

        Reading is a section of the practical course native language. Language - universal remedy storage and transmission of information. We see and hear language only in specific speech utterances, in texts. And reading is a type of speech activity. The task of the school is to provide every student with the ability to read - to enter into meaningful verbal communication with any interlocutor, through the text written by him, i.e. prepare a child as a reader. Junior schoolboy leaving primary school must master synthetic reading, which is characterized by a fusion of technique and understanding. Psychologists say that the understanding of what is read is more complete. The faster a child reads. Therefore, it is necessary to teach a child to read at a pace that is optimal for him (depending on his temperament). When taking care of the formation of optimal reading, you need to remember that reading should be: fluent, error-free, smooth (syllables, words),

        Many secondary school students experience reading difficulties, which lead to difficulty completing homework. Interest in lessons also disappears: the child is restless and indifferent. Will not visit the library, because reading books with poor reading technique is not so much pleasure as it is torment. Students who read a lot usually read quickly and expressively. In the process of reading, working memory and stability of attention are improved. From the first grade, I began working on developing optimal reading.

        Having studied methodological manuals A.F. Bannova “Teaching optimal reading to younger schoolchildren” and “Development of working memory in younger schoolchildren”, V.N. Zaitsev “Reserves for teaching reading”, O.V. Uzorova “Practical guide for teaching children to read”, I started using many exercises and assignments in class. Based on the book by O.V. Uzorova, she compiled individual cards to develop reading skills. (Appendix No. 1 The numbering of the cards corresponds to the study of letters according to the “School of Russia” program). I compiled verbal slides for each reading lesson for work in the post-literary period. From the book of Zaitsev V.N. I use some recommendations for teaching optimal reading. I introduced these recommendations to parents at the meeting. They help to complete homework correctly, as well as read additional books, without overtiring the child or suppressing the desire to read, as well as to read quickly and meaningfully.

        How to achieve optimal reading speed.

      • It is not the duration, but the frequency of training exercises that is important.
      • Daily, at certain intervals and small in volume exercises. The child reads and retells a short paragraph. After 1-2, another serving, before bedtime, another serving. I recommend this exercise for parents to practice at home.

      • Horrible reading. This is a reading when all students read simultaneously out loud, in an undertone.
      • H e a r l y F r i m i n u e t y Readings. Every child has a book on their desk with their favorite works. And any lesson begins with reading exactly 5 minutes in buzz reading mode, the book is closed and the usual lesson continues.
      • Reading beforehand gives good results.
    1. Development of operational memory. I do this with the help of visual dictations, the texts of which were developed by Professor I.T. Fedorenko.(Appendix No. 2)
    2. From the system of Fedorenko I.T. I borrowed 3 exercises: repeated reading, reading at the pace of a tongue twister, expressive reading with a transition to an unfamiliar part of the text.
    3. To many modern parents You have to teach your children to read even in preschool age. Indeed, in many lyceums and schools, quite serious requirements are placed on first-graders: the child must already be able to read, write and think logically. Of course, these skills make it easier to master during training and quickly integrate into the learning process.

      Where to start?

      In fact, preparation for reading begins in the very early age. First of all, it’s worth starting not with the reading itself, but with the general cognitive development child. Such development is greatly facilitated by simple logic problems, fine motor skills and speech improvement.

      Some examples of games for 4 year olds

      • Continue the word. We learn to come up with words, develop imagination and speech.

      When throwing the ball into your child’s hands, say the beginning of a word. For example, the syllable “Ma”. And the child, returning the ball to you, must continue it and say “Sha” or “Shina.” Be sure to pronounce the whole word afterwards: Masha or machine. Then complicate it a little and set a specific theme for the hidden words. For example, fruits, transport or names.

      • Sound riddle. Learning to develop memory and auditory attention.

      Prepare some children's musical instruments or toys: pipe, rattle, bell, etc. Demonstrate all the sounds in turn so that the child remembers them. Then ask him to turn away and guess which object is making the sound now. Gradually make the game more difficult and alternate several sounds in turn. This game trains auditory attention, which is so necessary when learning to read.

      • Gift for a toy. We learn to identify the first letter in a word and develop imagination.

      Celebrate your child's favorite toy. May it be her birthday today. Invite your child to choose a gift for the toy and draw it. The main condition of the game is that the first sound in the name of the gift is the same as the first sound in the name of the toy. For example, gifts for a doll begin only with the letter k: paints, xylophone, cubes. And for the bear - a ball, honey, a car. The more options the child names, the better.

      A good aid in such a game would be pictures or cards with various objects depicted. Invite your child to pick up a gift and choose one of those shown in the picture.

      This game helps develop the ability to analyze words soundly, which is necessary when reading.

      • Finish it. We learn to complement figures, develop attention and fine motor skills. There are many options for drawing games.

      Drawing according to a model teaches the child to concentrate when working with signs, and also contributes to better memorization of letters and the correct reproduction of words when reading.

      Learning letters

      An integral stage on the path to reading is learning letters. And the more interesting and exciting this process will be, the hurry up baby will learn everything. To make the process of memorizing letters easy and productive, there are several simple rules pedagogy.

      • It will be easier for a child to remember a letter if he first draws it or molds it himself from plasticine. Another excellent option would be to compose letters from sticks, buttons, pebbles, etc.
      • It is important not to overload the child’s memory and not try to remember more than two letters a day.
      • Learn letters by pronouncing their sounds correctly. For example, pronounce the letter M not with the sound “em”, but with a short “m”. Otherwise, the child will get confused when reading and pronounce syllables incorrectly.
      • Don't start training capital letters, while the child has not yet mastered all printed words.
      • To make it easier for your child to remember the letters, let him figure out what each of them looks like. For example, compare them with different objects.

      Learning to read by syllables

      Currently, there is a lot of educational literature for teaching preschoolers. And each parent selects the most suitable and interesting option primers or alphabet books for children who are just learning to read. They use various techniques for reading syllables. Somewhere the option of extending sounds is considered, and somewhere transitions from letter to letter in the form of colorful pictures.

      In fact, when reading, we no longer think or realize that all the syllables come to us by themselves, because they are pronounced automatically. It is memorization that helps us read quickly and without hesitation. Therefore, teaching children must also be approached with the same goal. Each syllable needs to be pronounced several times, searched for in words and pictures.

      Reading the words

      When the child has mastered and memorized the combination of syllables well, word reading begins. At this moment, it is important to teach the child to understand the meaning of what he read. This is also facilitated by various puzzles and games with pictures.

      Insert letter

      This game is very effective for initial learning to read words. It will require three pictures for three-letter words. For example: onion, house and cat. Write the first and last letter under the pictures, and leave a space where the vowel is. Invite your child to guess the missing letter in the word. While completing this task, he will think and select letters one by one. Thus, in this game the child learns to read meaningfully, understands the distinctive meaning of letters, and develops phonemic awareness.

      Picture with the word

      The most common game with words. Ready-made options are often sold in the form of lotto. It’s easy to do it yourself by preparing pictures in advance and signing words on them in block letters. You need to cut the picture with the word in half so that the child can pick up the two halves of one picture.

      Finish the word

      For this game you will need several pictures from coloring books or postcards. The initial syllables of words denoting the depicted objects are attached to the pictures with a paper clip. And the endings of words need to be placed in front of the child so that he can choose the appropriate ones.

      A few more secrets and useful tips to learn how to quickly and correctly teach a child to read, watch the video

      When teaching a child to read, it is very important to give tasks in an easy, playful way to maintain interest. The main thing is not to overdo it with the load and select benefits according to the age and abilities of the child. Always show patience and diligence, then your child will definitely be well prepared for school and quickly learn to read.

      Gone are the days when children who could not read were sent to school. Nowadays, children are being introduced to literacy much earlier, and this responsibility, as a rule, falls on the parents. Some teach children the “old fashioned way” - the alphabet and syllables, while others, on the contrary, take up modern methods of teaching reading, of which there are many now (the most popular of them are the methods of Doman and Zaitsev). What approach should you choose to make learning enjoyable and for your child to really develop a love for books? After all, you can praise a new modern method as much as you like, but if classes on it are carried out under pressure and only spoil your relationship with your child, then it is worthless.

      Today I will try to highlight the basic methods of teaching reading, their advantages and disadvantages, and also talk about how to interest a child in reading. I really hope that the article will help you decide on the direction in which you need to move. Well, read about specific games and activities in the new section “”.

      Taisiya began reading her first words of 3-4 letters on her own at 3 years 3 months. She is now 3 years 9 months old and is already reading more confidently. long words and short sentences. No, she doesn’t read fairy tales yet, but most importantly, she really enjoys the process of reading! She writes letters to me with pleasure, and can at will get out a little book to read a little. On our path to mastering literacy, there were both mistakes and interesting discoveries, and as a result, we formed a clear idea of ​​how to make learning fun. Well, first things first.

      Learning letters from the alphabet

      Alphabet books, cubes and other toys, where each letter is accompanied by a picture, are considered almost mandatory purchases for a child. With their help, many parents begin to introduce their child to letters quite early and by the age of two they can boast to their friends that their child knows the entire alphabet. Only after this, the matter does not progress any further, having learned all the letters, the child for some reason does not begin to read. “He knows letters, but doesn’t read” - you must have heard about this problem, and maybe you yourself have already encountered it.

      The fact is that when you and your baby repeatedly view beautiful pictures, placed in the alphabet next to the letters, and repeat “A - watermelon”, “N - scissors”, strong associations between the letter and the picture appear in the child’s mind. The letter is completely assigned specific image, which then interferes with combining letters into words . So, the simple word “PIT” turns into “Apple, Ball, Watermelon.”

      It’s even worse if, when showing their child letters in the alphabet, parents pronounce not the sound that corresponds to this letter, but Name letters. That is, not “L”, but “El”, not “T”, but “Te”. Needless to say, the child does not understand at all why “Se-u-me-ke-a” should suddenly turn into “Bag”. It’s sad, but this is precisely the pronunciation of letters that is found in all kinds of “ Living ABCs" And sound posters. If you still teach your child individual letters, then pronounce only the sound that corresponds to this letter . But before you memorize individual letters, familiarize yourself with other methods of mastering reading.

      Reading individual syllables and ABC books

      Another helper in the classroom is primers. Their main task is to teach the child to merge letters into syllables, and to form words from syllables. There is only one problem - they are often very boring for the child. Especially if we are talking about a child under 4-5 years old. Before the child gets to reading words, he will be asked to re-read a dozen of the same type of meaningless syllables. To be honest, even me is bored by boring columns of syllables like “shpa-shpo-shpu-shpa.” Of course, you can learn to read using an ABC book, but again the question is how interesting it will be for your child. It is rare to hear that a child under 4.5-5 years old becomes interested in the ABC book, but many even at this age do not want to hear about reading when they see an ABC book.

      Why does reading syllables bore children (whether they are syllables in a primer or on some homemade cards)? It's simple: for a baby MA, MI, BA, BI do not make the slightest sense , they do not designate any real object or phenomenon, you cannot play with them, and what to do with them is generally unclear! From a child's point of view, it's just some kind of set of squiggles. The preschooler is more focused on the world of games, feelings and tangible objects; the sign system as such is not yet very interesting to him. But here’s what’s curious: if you put these very squiggles into a word that means something specific and familiar, then you will immediately notice a sparkle in the child’s eyes. Once a child grasps the connection between letters and the real world, he will approach classes completely differently. From here The first rule of having fun learning to read :

      Don’t put off reading words for too long; start reading them as early as possible. words! Let these be very short and simple words, like HOME or AU, but they will make sense for the child!

      Perhaps here you have a question, how can you read words if “he can’t even connect two letters.” Read on to find out how to solve this problem.

      Reading using the Doman method and our not very successful experience

      Of all the methods, reading according to Doman seems to be the most unusual for our understanding. In this system, whole words, many words, are shown to the baby at a fast pace on cards! According to Doman, the child very quickly begins to remember the spelling of the words shown to him and gradually comes to read them. “But it’s impossible to remember all the words of the Russian language!” - you must be thinking now. However, Doman argues that in the process of repeated exposure, the child does not just photographically remember words, he learns to analyze their composition. And after looking at a lot of words, the baby soon begins to understand how the word is constructed, what letters it consists of, and how to actually read it. And, having mastered this, he will be able to read not only the words that you showed him, but also absolutely any.

      For a very long time I was skeptical about reading according to Doman, it seemed completely unnatural to me, but still, the example of those children who learned to read using this method pushed me to start classes. Since I doubted it for a long time, my daughter and I started only at 1.5 years old (Doman recommends starting at 3-6 months). Indeed, soon after the start of classes, the daughter began to recognize the words shown to her. All I had to do was put 2-4 words in front of her and ask where it was written, for example, “Dog”, she showed it correctly in 95% of cases (even if I asked her about words that she had not seen before!), but the daughter herself read never started. Moreover, it gradually began to seem to me that the further we moved, the harder it became for her. More and more in her eyes I saw an attempt to guess, and not to read.

      If you look for reviews about the method on the Internet, you will meet both people who are completely disappointed in the method, and those who really taught their children to read and not read easily, but at a fairly decent speed. And here’s what I noticed: all the people who have achieved success in this difficult task have one thing in common - they started classes very early, up to eight months. It is this age that Doman calls optimal, and it is no coincidence: what younger child, the better developed is his ability to perceive the image of a word as a whole, gradually this ability is lost, and as the child approaches 2 years of age, he increasingly needs a letter analysis of the word.

      So, it would be wrong to call the technique complete nonsense, as many immediately do. The mass of children who have learned to read all over the world speaks in its favor. But I won’t persuade you to take it, because Taisiya never learned to read from it. I can only say one thing: if you haven’t started Doman classes before the age of one, then don’t start, don’t waste your nerves or your child’s.

      In addition to letter-by-letter reading and whole-word reading, there is another approach - warehouse. Nikolai Zaitsev is considered the founder of the method. He defines a warehouse as the minimally pronounceable unit that is easiest for a child to comprehend. It is the word, and not the letter or syllable, that is easiest for a child to say and read. The warehouse can be:

      • fusion of consonant and vowel (YES, MI, BE...);
      • separate vowel as a syllable ( I-MA; KA- Yu-TA);
      • separate consonant in a closed syllable (KO- Sh-KA; MA-I- TO);
      • consonant with a soft or hard sign (Мь, Дъ, Сь...).

      Thus, the warehouse never consists of more than two letters, and by this it compares favorably with the syllable , which can consist of either 4 or 5 letters, and can also include several consecutive consonants (for example, the syllable STRUE in the word STRUE-YA), which is quite difficult for a novice reader to read.

      Writing a word in order makes it much easier for a child to read, but this is not the only thing Zaitsev suggested. Zaitsev suggested pushing aside the boring primers and play with warehouses! He wrote all the warehouses on cubes and offered to sing with them. That is, when studying according to the method, we completely exclude boring instructions like “Read”, “What is written here?”, We just play and during the game we repeatedly show and voice the words and phrases to the child. It is worth noting that in Zaitsev’s method, letters are not purposefully studied; they are learned on their own thanks to many games with warehouses .

      The idea of ​​a playful approach to classes itself is, of course, not new. Word games are also offered Teplyakova, and in the same cubes Chaplygina. But it is the warehouse principle that gives Zaitsev’s technique a significant advantage: the child sees both the entire word and its constituent easy-to-read parts (words) . As a result, it is easier for the baby to navigate the word, and the process of merging words into words goes quickly.

      The main materials of Zaitsev’s technique are all famous cubes. However, I do not at all want to say that blocks are such a necessary tool for teaching a child to read. You can also arrange it simply by writing words on cards, highlighting warehouses in different colors.

      So what method should you choose and when should you teach your child to read?

      Although it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question “How to teach a child to read correctly?”, we can definitely say that the main key to success in mastering reading is a playful approach . Will you use it in your games? Zaitsev cubes, Chaplygina or just cards with words - this is secondary, the main thing is that the lessons include more active games, where words can be moved, rearranged, hidden, traced with a pencil, where the baby’s favorite toys are involved, interesting pictures etc. (This is especially important for children from 1.5 to 5 years old). You can read more specifically about the first games for interesting reading.

      The method of teaching reading should be chosen according to the age of the child. For children up to 1.5-2 years Whole word teaching methods (like the Doman-Manichenko method) are more suitable.

      After 2 years Children increasingly need to analyze the structure of a word, and therefore whole word learning becomes less and less effective. But at the same time, the mechanism of merging individual letters into syllables at this age is still poorly understood by children. But warehouses are already quite capable. Therefore, the most effective games at this age are games with words and words written on cards, cubes, etc.

      Closer to 4-5 By the time children are older, they may already be interested in the primer; games with words and words will also come in handy.

      When choosing classes, also remember: It is always more interesting for a baby to read words rather than individual letters and syllables . When he sees a connection between the letters he reads and some specific object familiar to him, a favorite toy, when he reads signs and names of products in a store, he begins to understand that reading is not just his mother’s whim, but a truly useful skill.

      What age is optimal to start classes? Some mothers are supporters of early learning to read, while others, on the contrary, fundamentally do not teach children to read before the age of 4-5, believing that this is against the nature and interests of the child. Yes, indeed, if you force a 2-3-year-old child to sit down with an ABC book and demand that he merge letters into syllables, then you can once and for all discourage his love of reading. But if learning occurs through play, and the child enjoys the activities, then what is the point of postponing classes until the age of 5? After all, reading is one of the ways to develop the brain of a small person. Early familiarization with the sign system of language improves visual perception child, expands vocabulary, develops logic, finally. Therefore, if parents pursue precisely these goals, and do not strive for the envious glances of friends, then there is nothing wrong with early education.

      Start learning when it is interesting for you and your child. The main thing is, don’t put pressure on your baby and don’t demand quick results from him! Have fun!

      And don’t forget to look at the article with the first reading games:

      Irina Arteeva

      Pre-school age, an important step for children and parents. I want to give my child everything and a lot. But let's not forget that in kindergarten the leading activity is play and education We will also present it in a playful way! Many children already know letters and such allowance“I myself” will help children master the first skills of merging letters into syllables, and then into words! Development fine motor skills important too! By screwing the caps onto the threads, children train their fingers. The color of the caps will help you learn vowel sounds. In a group with children with speech impairments, the game found its users: we look for a letter, pronounce sounds, create syllables and words. You can suggest the following exercises with this simulator: “Find the missing letter”, “Fill in the word”, “What word is hidden”. It’s easy to make a training game, you will need blue and red lids, necks from mineral water bottles, a box, and also your desire to create!

      Publications on the topic:

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