Sections: Primary School


  1. To consolidate the knowledge of students about the spelling of the combinations ZhI and SHI;
  2. Practice the ability to accurately write words with these combinations;
  3. Work on the development of spelling vigilance, attention, logical thinking, memory;
  4. To contribute to the development of students' speech, observation, the ability to clearly express their thoughts.
  5. Nurture sustainable cognitive interest to the subject, accuracy in work.

EQUIPMENT: magnetic board, textbook, letter with riddles, poster - "ice rink", "snowflakes", poster - "snowdrift", dictionary - "snowflake", tape recorder.

During the classes

l. Opg moment (Self-determination to activity.)

(The teacher reads a poem to the music)

Made a noise, roamed
Bad weather in the field;
Covered with white snow
Smooth road.
Covered with white snow,
There is no trace left;
Dust and blizzard rose,
Not to see the snow.

  • What time of year does the poem describe? (That's right, winter).
  • Today winter has come to visit us,
  • Although she came to us not with the sun and good frosty weather, but with blizzards, blizzards and severe frosts (or cold rains), can we say that this is bad weather?
  • No, because nature does not have bad weather.
  • And in order to soften the winter and improve the weather, we need to complete all the tasks that she has prepared for us.

You are ready?

II. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities.


  • A blizzard swirled. Frost hit and left patterns on the glass. Let's try to write them, but first take a close look at them.
  • What letters are hidden there?
  • What sounds do they mean? (Paired consonants for voiced / voiceless)
  • How are they similar? What do they have in common?
  • What combination of letters makes up the connection of elements?
  • Why is it SH and I? (W - consists of 3 oblique lines with a rounding at the bottom, and I - of 2)
  • A strong wind blew and mixed words with letters.
  • Find these words.

2. Vocabulary work

  • Write down the words. (Commented letter).
  • What do these words have in common? (noun, inanimate, zhi, shi)
  • Which word is superfluous? (A car).
  • On what basis? (3 syllables, shi)
  • Where are the dangerous places in this word?
  • Can you check it? (No, this is a dictionary word).
  • Find the same root words. (Typewriter, driver, machine oil), (these are words that are close in meaning, with the same root)
  • Put stress, emphasize the letter of the unstressed sound.
  • Make a sentence using the words car, puddles, skis. What is an offer?
  • For example: The puddles froze this morning.

  • Underline the subject and predicate. What is this proposal for the purpose of the statement?
  • Guys, look at the words from which we made sentences, and tell me, what is the common spelling found in these words?
  • Who will remember what a spelling is?
  • (If the sound form of a word does not coincide with the letter form, then this word contains spelling)

    III. Statement of the educational problem

    • What do you think we are going to work on today? (ZHI and SHI write with the letter I)
    • Why do ZhI and SHI write with the letter I?
    • We must try to answer this question today.

    IV. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

    • Think of a 1-syllable word with this spelling.
    • Let's make a sound-letter analysis of the word ZhIL

    LIVED - 3 Letters

    / f s l / -1 syllable, 3 stars.

    / w / - acc., tv, zv, parn, designation - "zhe"

    / s / - ch., ud., designation - "and"

    / l / - acc., tv., sonor., unpaired, designation- "el"

    • Why do we write AND here? Indeed, in this word there is 1 syllable., Stressed, we hear Y, so we write Y? (No, we will write AND ...). Right.

    But before, guys, F and W were soft, and then, in the 13th century. there was a hardening of hissing sounds Ж and Ш, the words began to be pronounced differently / ЖЫЛ /, and the spelling remained the same - with the letter I.

    • Spells in Russian have their own designation.
    • Let's remember with you how we will designate this spelling.

    (AND - one feature, because this is a spelling; F, W - in two features, since this is a selection condition)

    • Why
    • after these letters is written AND?

    V. Primary anchoring


    Know firmly zhi and shi

    With letter and always write:

    Mice, hedgehogs, snakes

    Skis, puddles, reeds.

    • Who was attentive will answer my question: “What words did I read with combinations live and shi?”

    Phys. minute (for the eyes)

    • The next task was prepared by winter and hid it in a snowdrift.

    LI and SHI poster

  • Name the words with a combination of ZhI and SHI.
  • Now write down: 1c. - 3 words with ZhI
  • 2c. - 3 words with SHI

    • In this case, you must remember: "ZhI, SHI we write with I"
    • Emphasize combinations with ZhI AND SHI (do crosscheck)
    • Who did it right?
    • So how are the combinations of ZhI and SHI written?

    6. Working with text. Development of speech.

    • Guys, look, we received a letter.
    • Who do you think the letter is from?

    (From winter).

    The letter contains riddles.

    Snow in the fields
    Ice on the rivers
    The blizzard is walking ...
    When does this happen?

    (Z and my).

    Wonderful artist
    I visited the window,
    Guess guys
    Who painted the windows?

    (Moreau s ).

    Transparent as glass
    Not paste into the window.
    Pisces live warmly in winter:
    The roof is thick glass.

    (Le d ).

    Quietly, quietly he walks,
    White and shaggy.
    We cleared it out
    Shovel in the yard.

    (Dream G ).

    Spiny ball
    Under the tree lies.
    Would you like to touch-
    In a moment he will run away.

    (Hedgehog To ).

    Two snub-nosed girlfriends
    They did not lag behind each other.
    Both are running in the snow
    Both songs are sung.
    Both ribbons in the snow
    Leave on the run.
    Lurking under the floor
    They are afraid of cats.

    (Mouse and ).

    - What other snow is there?

    (Poo shi styy)

    • Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles and explained the spelling of the spelling.
    • Now write a beautiful winter story using these words.
    • What should we remember about this?

    (What are we going to talk about, based on reference words, and for what purpose.)

    We will talk about winter.

    Target: the story should be beautiful, vivid, emotional.

    For example: Winter came. Frost hit. White snow fell and covered the ground with a fluffy blanket. A hedgehog sleeps in a mink under the snow. Children have fun sledging and skiing. Good in winter!

  • What is the sentence in which a word has been encountered with a combination of ZhI, SHI.
  • Write it down and explain all spelling. Highlight the basis of the sentence (yourself).
  • Phys. minute:

    I will name words with ZhI and SHI if you hear the words

    with ZhI - squat;

    with SHI - get up;

    without ZhI and SHI - clap your hands.

    Puddles, car, walruses, frost, tires, giraffe, bump, blizzard, skis, mice.

    • You guys said the rivers are covered with ice.
    • What kind of fun can you have on the ice?
    • How should you behave on the ice?
    • So winter has prepared a skating rink for us with tasks.
    • We need to find the right trail and make up the words.

    • Now find: 3 syllable words, 2 syllable words.
    • How many syllables did you know ? (There are as many vowels in a word as there are syllables)
    • Why do ZhI and SHI write with the letter I
    • ?

    Vii. Reflexive activity.

    Now answer:

    • How many of you are satisfied with your work in the lesson?
    • Who is not happy with themselves in class?
    • What tasks, completed in the lesson, seemed the most interesting to you?
    • Which of them were completed quickly and did not cause any difficulties?
    • What turned out to be the most difficult for you?
    • Well done boys.
    • But our winter liked everything. She has become kinder, and soon there will be a lot of snow, it will be possible to go sledding, ice skating and skiing.

    And we will see that
    The stars will spin
    And all lie down on the ground.
    No, not stars, but fluffs,
    Not fluff, but .... (snowflakes)

    • And also winter gave us a gift and brought such snowflakes. And one of them is unusual. This is a snowflake - a dictionary. Here we need to write words with a combination of ZhI and SHI. (Snowflakes are glued on the back of the board, and between them a dictionary is in the form of a snowflake).

    VIII. Homework.

    Compose on a separate piece of paper in the box crosswords on the topic "LI and SHI write with I" (you can use the words that we met today).

    The spelling JI-SHI, CHA-SHCHA and CHU-SHCHU is one of the very first rules studied in primary school In Russian. Despite the fact that the rule is very simple and there are no exceptions to it, children still make mistakes in the spelling of such words. To work out and bring the spelling of these letter combinations to automatism, the texts for dictations and control cheating on this page will come in handy. Dictations are suitable for both pupils at the end of grade 1 and in grade 2 when reinforcing the topic.

    Dictations on ZhI, SHI

    ZHI, SHI write with the letter I. For example: kids, snowflake.

    Here is the rose hip. Nice fragrant flowers! There are thorns around the flowers. (eight)

    There are reeds by the river. Reeds are good! There fluffy babies ducklings. (nine)

    Seryozha Shishkin has pencils. Lyosha Zhirov has a car. Good gifts! (ten)

    We have a hedgehog and mice. The hedgehog hisses. Our kids are waiting for porridge for dinner. (fourteen)

    Lyosha is lying in the hay. The hay is fragrant. Swifts fly. Lyosha has wild rose berries. (12)

    Uncle Sasha had an awl. He sewed vests for Misha and Dasha. Our vests are good! (fourteen)

    Kids are playing at Masha and Dasha's house. We are friends with them. Our kids are happy. (fourteen)

    Yasha has a hedgehog. Put the porridge hedgehog in the ladle. The hedgehog is running. He's in a hurry for dinner. (15)

    Gosha has mice behind the screen. Fat cat is bad at home. He is all lying. (fourteen)

    Winter. We run down the street. We are shivering from the cold. Roofs of houses in the snow. The snow is fluffy. (15)

    The roofs of residential buildings are like tables. There is fluffy snow. And the snowflakes keep falling. (fourteen)

    The older guys brought the kids a hedgehog. The hedgehog runs and rustles with paper. Kids play with a hedgehog. (fourteen)

    What kind of babies? They live in the forest. Babies have long legs. Large and wide ears. These are moose calves. (19)

    Lovely kids! Write cleanly in your notebook. Receive good grades... Take your time with answers. Live in harmony. Cherish friendship. (17)

    Silence in the forest. Glasha and Dasha have wide skis. The skis run well. The snow rustles. The tops of the pines are fluffy. There are snowflakes on them. (twenty)

    Misha and Sasha Zhizhin are on vacation. They will live with aunt Dasha and grandmother Masha. The little ones will help them dry and stir up the hay. (22)

    From birth, walruses lie on bare ice. But they don't get sick. Mothers feed them with fat milk. For a month, the cubs are five times heavier. (23)

    Birds hatch eggs. And vipers give birth to live cubs. These snakes are only one day old. But babies already know how to hiss and are very poisonous! (21)

    Our kids came out of the forest. Natasha has mushrooms. Misha has fragrant berries. Dasha has fragrant lilies of the valley. Who's in a hurry? What animal rustles and runs? It's a hedgehog! Watch out, fluffy mice! (29)

    A siskin is circling over the clearing. He sits down on a wide path. A ginger cat is running. He sees a siskin. Ears drawn tight. Hiding in lilies of the valley. Lies and waits. Then he jumps. But he is wrong. Chizhik is alive. He flies away. (thirty)

    Furry mice lived by the wide pond. In the spring, the mice hurried up the mountain. We came to the top. There lived a fox. She was glad the mice had come. How good the fat mice are! The fox will have a gorgeous dinner! (31)

    On our sites live hedgehogs and red squirrels. Here is a hedgehog running along a wide path. He hurries to the refuge. The hedgehog sits in a rosehip and hisses. And there is a fluffy squirrel jumping through fragrant lilies of the valley. (32)

    Narwhals are large dolphins. They live in ice. Narwhals have large tusks. An animal can grind very strong ice with its tusk. This is how the narwhal breathes. (23)

    The animals gathered around a large puddle. A giraffe sniffs lilies of the valley. The chimpanzee throws cones into the water. Mice collect fallen leaves. Here is a hedgehog running. He lives far away. The hare curls its ears. The heron is hiding in the reeds. (thirty)

    Silence. Fluffy snow is falling. Snowflakes fly like fluffs. The roofs of our houses have turned white. The kids are happy with the snow. The dog Pushinka lies at the kennel. Our Fluffy serves people. She guards the yard. (27)

    There is a treasure at the top of the mountain. A red dragon lives nearby. He guards the treasure. The dragon has large paws and a fluffy tail. The prince decided to defeat the dragon. Came with a weapon. The dragon will run away. (28)

    Rhinos are the largest animals. The weapon of the rhinoceros is a horn on the nose and strong hooves. This helps the rhino to survive. They sleep on their stomach or on their side. These animals live long. (26)

    Carlson lives on the roof. The kid is friends with Carlson. The kid is on the roof of a friend. The roof is wide. You can see far from the roof. There are many cars below. Passers-by are walking. Dinner is coming soon. Carlson lowers the Kid from the roof. (31)

    The leopard lives high in the mountains. The mother of little leopards insulates the den with her fluffy wool. She pulls out the fur on her belly. Leopard milk is fat. It is five times fatter than cow's milk. Babies suck it and don't freeze. (37)

    Dictations in CHA-SHA

    CHA, SHA, write with the letter A. For example: food, tea.

    Here is the grove. Magpies are cracking. The jackdaws are screaming. Rooks have rooks. At the hare, rabbits squeak. (15)

    We went for sorrel. A cloud came up. The thicket began to rustle. The ate swayed. Raindrops often thumped. We rushed home. (16)

    Streams murmur. The sun illuminates the earth. The grove turns green. Masha saw a rook. Magpies are cracking. Welcome spring! (fourteen)

    Warmly. Hares have appeared rabbits. Wolves have cubs. Blackbirds squeak. There were grumbles, squalls. It's a hot time. (17)

    We say goodbye to winter. Frosts do not crack. We welcome spring. Soon they will squeak and squirm. (15)

    A sentry in an overcoat is standing in the square. A shepherd dog is sitting nearby. On the boardwalk the grumbles are screaming. The shepherd began to grumble. (17)

    More often, bird nests look like a teacup. They are woven from twigs. Often the nests are insulated with fluff. (16)

    Kolya met Sveta on the square. A cloud floated across the sky. The cloud confused Kolya. He has no raincoat. (16)

    The rain began to pound on the plank roof. The wind shakes the branches. In the nest, chimes squeak. (13)

    Arctic terns boldly protect their nests from polar bears. Daredevils don't just shout loudly. Birds often grab the poor man by the tail and ears. (23)

    Students often walk around the square. There is a sentry. It stands for a long time - two hours. He is cold. He is wearing gloves, but no raincoat. The guys scream, crackle, like grumbles. The sentry pays no attention. (thirty)

    The puppies were born to the shepherd. They growl. Now mom will feed them. Puppies are silent, sucking milk. Milk is their food. We came to see the puppies. Sheepdog notices us. She starts to grumble. (29)

    Depths of a forest. Cubs are playing in the clearing. They growl, squeak. The wolf often glances at them. She notices everything. She hears that birds are crying more often. The cubs stop playing and run after their mother. (31)

    An ominous cloud in the sky. The rabbits notice her. They squeak, scream. It might start to rain in an hour. The little rabbits are running home. The darkness deepens. The first drops hit the roof. The rain promises to be long. (29)

    There is a dacha in the forest. An old grandfather lives in it. His grandchildren often visit him. He meets them, seats them at the table. They drink tea together. Then the grandchildren say goodbye to their grandfather. They promise to come more often. (32)

    We often go to the forest. Grasshoppers are chirping there. One cracked very loudly. We listened to the violinist for an hour. A wonderful artist! We said goodbye to the violinists. When we returned, a cloud came. We rushed home. (31)

    We have been walking in the woods for an hour. Our shepherd dog is with us. The forest began to thicken. This is a thicket. It's time to go back. We cross the stream on a boardwalk. Here is a grove, and behind it is our dacha. (thirty)

    Dictations in CHU, SHU

    CHU, SHU write with the letter U. For example: stocking, pike.

    I solve the problem. I'm looking for an answer. Then I teach the rule. (ten)

    I came to a strange house, I want to enter and knock. The dog smells me. (13)

    I drag the scarecrow to the garden. I will grow vegetables. They will be wonderful how good they are. (13)

    I drag a pike out of the water. I'm glad this monster. I want to cook some fish soup. The pike squints its eyes. (16)

    I want to find a cast iron. I'm looking in the closet. I twist it in my hands and drag it into the house. (17)

    Birds lay eggs. Fish spawn. Fry appears from the eggs. Pike, bream and catfish spawn in the spring. (17)

    The pika is a small bird. She has a spout with an awl. I look - miracles! The pika is dancing the waltz. She circles around the spruce and makes wonderful jumps. This is a pikukhin waltz. (23)

    A grimy stuffed animal lived in a cast-iron in a closet. His eyes lit up a monstrous darkness. What a miracle? Is it a monster or an eccentric? His name is Chushchuk. Fancy stockings on the tentacles. One day Chushchuk felt trouble. He swam along the Shchura rivulet. (35)

    I want to catch a big pike. I cast my rod, sit on the block. I sit and say nothing. I feel the pike is biting. I'm dragging her. When I pull it out, I'll grab it. Here's a little more! I scream with joy. (29)

    We went to the beach. Suddenly we saw a cloud. My brother Sasha narrowed his eyes. The wind whips. Waves rush in the sea. They look like monsters. Lightning flashes in the sky. I want to go home. (29)

    The food of Arctic foxes is fish and birds. Where do Arctic foxes hide their prey? Arctic foxes store food in permafrost. They put their prey in a burrow. For a long time food lies in such a wonderful refrigerator. (27)

    A miracle happened in the kingdom. A terrible monster appeared. It has huge tentacles. The prince found chain mail in the closet. I went out to fight. Here is the monster. The prince narrowed his eyes. Fired a wonderful arrow. There is no more terrible monster. (31)

    Wolves prowl, looking for food. Who is the stranger here? Wolves smell prey. The hare senses danger. The hare has wonderful legs and sensitive ears. He ran into the grove. Runs, does not feel the legs. He ran into our closet. Got dirty on the iron pot. Became grimy. (37)

    We caught a pike. They poured water into the pot. Salted a little. There will be an ear! Our shepherd dog smelled a fish. She has a good instinct. The firewood is running out. I will look again and bring them. Then I'll peel the potatoes. (thirty)

    I met a knight in chain mail. He's a stranger. I want to invite him to my place. Let him live. He's a freak. He went into the closet and sits. I am silent. It's hard to live in a foreign land. (28)

    I drag a pike from the river. I am cleaning fish. I want to cook some fish soup. I put the pike in the iron pot and put it in the stove. My shepherd dog Chunya smells a wonderful fish soup. In an hour I will take out the iron pot. The ear is a miracle, how good it is. (37)

    Yasha Chukin had a puppy named Chubrik. Chubrik saw a scarecrow of the garden. The kid was a little scared of the monster. The puppy narrowed his eyes. What a puny eccentric! What a miracle of nature! (22)

    I want to plant vegetables. I'll take a shovel from the closet. I will look for a place for each vegetable. I'll bring a watering can. I'll put a scarecrow in the garden. I will grow carrots, parsley, dill. I'll treat my friends. (27)

    Repetition of material

    Ruffs and pike splash in the river. I caught a fat pike. I've been dragging her out of the water for an hour. I'm afraid I will. (twenty)

    We went into the thicket. Here are the hedgehogs. Here are the mice. A grimy cloud covered the sky. Lightning flashes. I'm crying. (16)

    Mom started making dinner. Sorrel and cabbage are needed for cabbage soup. I drag a fresh head of cabbage out of the closet. (16)

    Masha has a dacha. There are mice in the closet. Masha hears them often. Mice are sensitive. (15)

    Grandfather wonderful hands! He made a chic vest. And here are the leather boots. Nice boots! I clean them myself. (19)

    We are in more often. Here are its inhabitants. Blackbirds crackle. The orioles are screaming. Magpies are galloping. Hedgehogs grumble. Woodpeckers are knocking. All animals are looking for their own food. (21)

    We have a fluffy cat in our closet. He lies on the wooden roof for hours. I will treat the cat to a fat pike. (eighteen)

    We have rabbits. Fluffy babies squeak and scream. I want to put food for them in a cup. (16)

    I'm looking for Misha Shchukin's dacha. The site is guarded by a shepherd dog. I knock and scream. Misha runs to me. (16)

    Frosts crackle. There is silence in the thicket. But woodpeckers knock. They are looking for food under the bark. (fourteen)

    We go into the thicket. Fragrant lilies of the valley are blooming. Swifts are dragging grass into the nest. Fluffy mice squeak. Hedgehogs catch them. (eighteen)

    Sasha and Misha have a good catch. They caught pike and bream. We have a wonderful ear for dinner. (17)

    The spring has burst in our watch. The watchmaker narrowed his eye. He fixes his watch. What a miracle! The clock is knocking. Do not let you get bored. (eighteen)

    The thicket is enchanted by winter. Fluffy snows are like swan's down. Wonderful life at this time in the forest. (16)

    Giraffes are the tallest animals living on Earth. The small head is topped with small horns. She is adorned Brown eyes and narrow ears. The coat is short. On it dark spots bizarre shape. Giraffes are inhabitants of the plains. They avoid the hills. (34)

    I want to feed the bunnies. Painfully they are puny. They live on my plot in a wooden shed. I am looking for a large head of cabbage in the garden. I drag him to the rabbits. The kids are squeaking. They smell food. (thirty)

    Sick fish are cleaned by cleaner fish. They cleanse their fins from scabs, crustaceans and pieces of skin. Even the mouth and teeth of large fish are cleaned. Living toothbrushes! A whole line of fish is patiently waiting for them. The fish put their sides to their doctor and open their mouths wide. (42)

    Deer is a large animal on strong legs and with your head held high. The head is crowned with beautiful horns. Young animals have small horns. Young horns are soft and lukewarm to the touch. They are easily damaged. Deer live in small herds. (34)

    Angry snakes hiss. The little ones hiss almost audibly. Larger hisses are louder. A viper from Africa hisses very loudly. Her name is even - the noisy viper. And the rattlesnake rattles on its tail with its rattle. More snakes chirp, crackle and squeak. They make these sounds with the help of their scales. (44)

    The elk throws its scouts against the enemies. These are eyes, ears and nostrils. The eyes caught the movement. Ears caught a rustle. Nostrils smelled. Now the scouts have a rest. And the legs need work! (27)

    Grandfather guards melon. He has big shepherd dogs. Grandchildren often visit their grandfather. They promised to be for dinner tonight. Grandfather cooks pike fish soup in a cast-iron pot. (25)

    Snakes are looking for comfortable places to change their skin. It could be a pile of stones or a pile of brushwood. Often in such places there is a lot of snake skin - crawlers. ”Such areas are called snake locker rooms. (28)

    A cloud is floating in the sky. The cubs squeak. Others growl. They are already big. A sensitive she-wolf squints at the sky. She feels a thunderstorm and bows her ears. The grimy wolf cub began to grumble. The brothers answer him. (29)

    Large shepherd dogs live on the melon. They need to guard the melon. Do not let strangers into the area. A plank kennel stands on the site in front of a residential building. Here comes a passer-by. The dogs growl. (27)

    I have a fresh head of cabbage. I'm looking for sorrel. I want to treat my friends to my friends from the iron pot at dinner. There are a lot of cones around. Fragrant grass rustles. Don't feel the rose hips! -I will pull out a thorn from my palm, But the sorrel! What a luck! (37)

    A wonderful fish lives in Chukotka. For four months a year, she swims in the icy water of the northern lakes. And then it freezes into the lake ice for eight months. In summer, the ice melts. The fish comes to life and swims again. (33)

    Here is a thicket of the forest. Our guys are building huts there. I am carrying large branches. I want to put them on the rooftops. Now there are many branches. The house is ready. I'm going to look for a campfire site. (29)

    Animals have many different signals. With these signals, they communicate a lot to each other. Crows fly over the field and croak. Suddenly one of them croaked a little differently. This crow noticed its prey and decided to notify the flock. There are also danger signals. The flock will hear them, rise and fly away. (44)

    Small insects have settled under the bark of the tree. Who are they? Slugs eat foliage and mushrooms. In dry weather, they hide in cracks in the bark. Centipedes live under the bark. They come out at night and look for insects. Woodlice hide in damp places under the bark. (40)

    Crows know a lot and have a presentiment. From them you can accurately determine the weather. The crows hide their beak in the feathers of their shoulders, sit on the tops of the trees - the frost grows stronger. They sit down on the lower branches, nestle on the ground - not to escape the strong wind. (32)

    Nature can be alive and inanimate. Inanimate nature- this is the sun, water, stones. Living nature is all living things. Everything that breathes, feels, nourishes. We include humans, animals and plants as living nature. Animals are animals, birds, fish, insects. (33)

    We often visited the familiar nest. The birds soon got used to us. In early summer, fluffy chicks hatched from blue testicles. And near the nest were dry shells. The birds flew in to feed the chicks and were not at all afraid of us. (34)

    To make tea, the leaves are collected from the tea bush. The best tea requires the youngest and softest leaves. For many years women have been doing this. They moved slowly between the rows of bushes and carried large baskets on their backs. Now special machines have been created. They collect a lot more leaves. (43)

    The carefully collected tea leaves are dried and subjected to special processing. To give the leaves a scent, they are flavored. Therefore, tea in stores differs so much in smell. We also often call tea a mixture of leaves of different plants. Tea with mint is very tasty and healthy. (39)

    The ringed seal is the smallest seal species found in the Arctic. These animals lead a wandering lifestyle. The favorite food of the ringed seal is the Arctic cod fish. These fish often move in large schools along the coasts. The ringed seal is included in the Red Book and is subject to protection. (39)

    Walruses live in the seas of the Arctic Ocean. They are very large animals. Walruses look clumsy. But they can be very agile. Walruses are looking for a place to live at the bottom of the sea. Their food is crustaceans, worms. Walruses often make rookeries on ice floes. (38)

    1. We have a hedgehog and mice. The hedgehog hisses. Our kids are waiting for porridge for dinner. (fourteen)

    2. Here is a rose hip. Nice fragrant flowers! There are thorns around the flowers. (eight)

    3. Uncle Sasha has an awl. He sewed vests for Misha and Dasha. Our vests are good! (fourteen)

    4. The roofs of residential buildings are like tables. There is fluffy snow. And the snowflakes keep falling. (fourteen)

    5. Yasha has a hedgehog. Put the porridge hedgehog in the ladle. The hedgehog is running. He's in a hurry for dinner. (15)

    6. Mice live behind the screen of Gosha. Fat cat is bad at home. He is all lying. (fourteen)

    7. There are reeds by the river. Reeds are good! There are fluffy little ducklings. (nine)

    8. Lyosha lies in the hay. The hay is fragrant. Swifts fly. Lyosha has wild rose berries. (12)

    9. Lovely kids! Write cleanly in your notebook. Get good grades. Take your time with answers. Live in harmony. Cherish friendship. (17)

    10. Birds hatch eggs. And vipers give birth to live cubs. These snakes are only one day old. But babies already know how to hiss and are very poisonous! (21)

    11. Our kids came out of the forest. Natasha has mushrooms. Misha has fragrant berries. Dasha has fragrant lilies of the valley. Who's in a hurry? What animal rustles and runs? It's a hedgehog! Watch out, fluffy mice! (29)

    12. A siskin is circling over the clearing. He sits down on a wide path. A ginger cat is running. He sees a siskin. Ears drawn tight. Hiding in lilies of the valley. Lies and waits. Then he jumps. But he is wrong. Chizhik is alive. He flies away. (thirty)

    13. Furry mice lived by the wide pond. In the spring, the mice hurried up the mountain. We came to the top. There lived a fox. She was glad the mice had come. How good the fat mice are! The fox will have a gorgeous dinner! (31)

    14. The older children brought a hedgehog to the kids. The hedgehog runs and rustles with paper. Kids play with a hedgehog. (fourteen)

    15. Misha and Sasha Zhizhin are on vacation. They will live with aunt Dasha and grandmother Masha. The little ones will help them dry and stir up the hay. (22)

    16. Silence in the forest. Glasha and Dasha have wide skis. The skis run well. The snow rustles. The tops of the pines are fluffy. There are snowflakes on them. (twenty)

    17. On our sites live hedgehogs and red squirrels. Here is a hedgehog running along a wide path. He hurries to the shelter. The hedgehog sits in a rosehip and hisses. And there is a fluffy squirrel jumping through fragrant lilies of the valley. (32)

    18. Narwhals are big dolphins. They live in ice. Narwhals have large tusks. An animal can grind very strong ice with its tusk. This is how the narwhal breathes. (23)

    19. Winter. We run down the street. We are shivering from the cold. Roofs of houses in the snow. The snow is fluffy. (15)

    20. At the house of Masha and Dasha, kids are playing. We are friends with them. Our kids are happy. (fourteen)

    21. Seryozha Shishin has pencils. Lyosha Zhirov has a car. Good gifts! (ten)

    22. What kind of cubs? They live in the forest. Babies have long legs. Large and wide ears. These are moose calves. (19)

    23. Animals gathered around a large puddle. A giraffe sniffs lilies of the valley. The chimpanzee throws cones into the water. Mice collect fallen leaves. Here is a hedgehog running. He lives far away. The hare curls its ears. The heron is hiding in the reeds. (thirty)

    24. Silence. Fluffy snow is falling. Snowflakes fly like fluffs. The roofs of our houses have turned white. The kids are happy with the snow. The dog Pushinka lies at the kennel. Our Fluffy serves people. She guards the yard. (27)

    25. There is a treasure at the top of the mountain. A red dragon lives nearby. He guards the treasure. The dragon has large paws and a fluffy tail. The prince decided to defeat the dragon. Came with a weapon. The dragon will run away. (28)

    26. Rhinos are the largest animals. The weapon of the rhinoceros is a horn on the nose and strong hooves. This helps the rhino to survive. They sleep on their stomach or on their side. These animals live long. (26)

    27. Leopard lives high in the mountains. The mother of little leopards insulates the den with her fluffy wool. She pulls out the fur on her belly. Leopard milk is fat. It is five times fatter than cow's milk. Babies suck it and don't freeze. (37)

    28. Walruses from birth lie on bare ice. But they don't get sick. Mothers feed them with fat milk. For a month, the cubs are five times heavier. (23)

    29. Carlson lives on the roof. The kid is friends with Carlson. The kid is on the roof of a friend. The roof is wide. You can see far from the roof. There are many cars below. Passers-by are walking. Dinner is coming soon. Carlson lowers the Kid from the roof. (31)

    1. We have a hedgehog and mice. The hedgehog hisses. Our kids are waiting for porridge for dinner. (fourteen)

    2. Here is a rose hip. Nice fragrant flowers! There are thorns around the flowers. (eight)

    3. Uncle Sasha has an awl. He sewed vests for Misha and Dasha. Our vests are good! (fourteen)

    4. The roofs of residential buildings are like tables. There is fluffy snow. And the snowflakes keep falling. (fourteen)

    5. Yasha has a hedgehog. Put the porridge hedgehog in the ladle. The hedgehog is running. He's in a hurry for dinner. (15)

    6. Mice live behind the screen of Gosha. Fat cat is bad at home. He is all lying. (fourteen)

    7. There are reeds by the river. Reeds are good! There are fluffy little ducklings. (nine)

    8. Lyosha lies in the hay. The hay is fragrant. Swifts fly. Lyosha has wild rose berries. (12)

    9. Lovely kids! Write cleanly in your notebook. Get good grades. Take your time with answers. Live in harmony. Cherish friendship. (17)

    10. Birds hatch eggs. And vipers give birth to live cubs. These snakes are only one day old. But babies already know how to hiss and are very poisonous! (21)

    11. Our kids came out of the forest. Natasha has mushrooms. Misha has fragrant berries. Dasha has fragrant lilies of the valley. Who's in a hurry? What animal rustles and runs? It's a hedgehog! Watch out, fluffy mice! (29)

    12. A siskin is circling over the clearing. He sits down on a wide path. A ginger cat is running. He sees a siskin. Ears drawn tight. Hiding in lilies of the valley. Lies and waits. Then he jumps. But he is wrong. Chizhik is alive. He flies away. (thirty)

    13. Furry mice lived by the wide pond. In the spring, the mice hurried up the mountain. We came to the top. There lived a fox. She was glad the mice had come. How good the fat mice are! The fox will have a gorgeous dinner! (31)

    14. The older children brought a hedgehog to the kids. The hedgehog runs and rustles with paper. Kids play with a hedgehog. (fourteen)

    15. Misha and Sasha Zhizhin are on vacation. They will live with aunt Dasha and grandmother Masha. The little ones will help them dry and stir up the hay. (22)

    16. Silence in the forest. Glasha and Dasha have wide skis. The skis run well. The snow rustles. The tops of the pines are fluffy. There are snowflakes on them. (twenty)

    17. On our sites live hedgehogs and red squirrels. Here is a hedgehog running along a wide path. He hurries to the shelter. The hedgehog sits in a rosehip and hisses. And there is a fluffy squirrel jumping through fragrant lilies of the valley. (32)

    18. Narwhals are big dolphins. They live in ice. Narwhals have large tusks. An animal can grind very strong ice with its tusk. This is how the narwhal breathes. (23)

    19. Winter. We run down the street. We are shivering from the cold. Roofs of houses in the snow. The snow is fluffy. (15)

    20. At the house of Masha and Dasha, kids are playing. We are friends with them. Our kids are happy. (fourteen)

    21. Seryozha Shishin has pencils. Lyosha Zhirov has a car. Good gifts! (ten)

    22. What kind of cubs? They live in the forest. Babies have long legs. Large and wide ears. These are moose calves. (19)

    23. Animals gathered around a large puddle. A giraffe sniffs lilies of the valley. The chimpanzee throws cones into the water. Mice collect fallen leaves. Here is a hedgehog running. He lives far away. The hare curls its ears. The heron is hiding in the reeds. (thirty)

    24). Silence. Fluffy snow is falling. Snowflakes fly like fluffs. The roofs of our houses have turned white. The kids are happy with the snow. The dog Pushinka lies at the kennel. Our Fluffy serves people. She guards the yard. (27)

    25. There is a treasure at the top of the mountain. A red dragon lives nearby. He guards the treasure. The dragon has large legs and a fluffy tail. The prince decided to defeat the dragon. Came with a weapon. The dragon will run away. (28)

    26. Rhinos are the largest animals. The weapon of the rhinoceros is a horn on the nose and strong hooves. This helps the rhino to survive. They sleep on their stomach or on their side. These animals live long. (26)

    27. Leopard lives high in the mountains. The mother of little leopards insulates the den with her fluffy wool. She pulls out the fur on her belly. Leopard milk is fat. It is five times fatter than cow's milk. Babies suck it and don't freeze. (37)

    28. Walruses from birth lie on bare ice. But they don't get sick. Mothers feed them with fat milk. For a month, the cubs are five times heavier. (23)

    29. Carlson lives on the roof. The kid is friends with Carlson. The kid is on the roof of a friend. The roof is wide. You can see far from the roof. There are many cars below. Passers-by are walking. Dinner is coming soon. Carlson lowers the Kid from the roof. (31)

    Words with combinations ЧА, ЩА

    1. Here is a grove. Magpies are cracking. The jackdaws are screaming. Rooks have rooks. At the hare, rabbits squeak. (15)

    2. We went for sorrel. A cloud came up. The thicket began to rustle. The ate swayed. Raindrops often thumped. We rushed home. (16)

    3. Streams babble. The sun illuminates the earth. The grove turns green. Masha saw a rook. Magpies are cracking. Welcome spring! (fourteen)

    4. Warmth. Hares have appeared rabbits. Wolves have cubs. Blackbirds squeak. There were grumbles, squalls. It's a hot time. (17)

    5. We say goodbye to winter. Frosts do not crack. We welcome spring. Soon they will squeak and grumble. (15)

    6. A sentry in an overcoat is standing in the square. A shepherd dog is sitting nearby. On the boardwalk the grumbles are screaming. The shepherd began to grumble. (17)

    7. More often bird nests look like a teacup. They are woven from twigs. Often the nests are insulated with fluff. (16)

    8. Kolya met Sveta on the square. A cloud floated across the sky. The cloud confused Kolya. He has no raincoat. (16)

    9. The rain began to pound on the plank roof. The wind shakes the branches. In the nest, chimes squeak. (13)

    11. Arctic terns boldly protect their nests from polar bears. Daredevils don't just shout loudly. Birds often grab the poor fellow by the tail and ears. (23)

    12. Students often walk around the square. There is a sentry. It stands for a long time - two hours. He is cold. He is wearing gloves, but no raincoat. The guys scream, crackle, like grumbles. The sentry pays no attention. (thirty)

    13. The puppies were born to the shepherd. They growl. Now mom will feed them. Puppies are silent sucking milk. Milk is their food. M came to see the puppies. Sheepdog notices us. She starts to grumble. (29)

    14. Thicket of the forest. Cubs are playing in the clearing. They! growl, squeak. The wolf often glances at them. She notices everything. She hears that birds are crying more often. The cubs stop playing and run after their mother. (31)

    15. There is an ominous cloud in the sky. The rabbits notice her. They squeak, scream. It might start to rain in an hour. The little rabbits are running home. The darkness deepens. The first drops hit the roof. The rain promises to be long. (29)

    16. There is a dacha in the forest. An old grandfather lives in it. His grandchildren often visit him. He meets them, seats them at the table. They drink tea together. Then the grandchildren say goodbye to their grandfather. They promise to come more often. (32)

    17. We often go to the forest. Grasshoppers are chirping there. One cracked very loudly. We listened to the violinist for an hour. A wonderful artist! We said goodbye to the violinists. When we returned, a cloud came. We rushed home. (31)

    18. We have been walking in the woods for an hour. Our shepherd dog is with us. The forest began to thicken. This is a thicket. It's time to go back. We cross the stream on a boardwalk. Here is a grove, and behind it is our dacha. (thirty)

    Words with combinations ЧУ, ЩУ

    CHU, SHU, write with the letter U.

    1. I solve the problem. I'm looking for an answer. Then I teach the rule. (ten)

    2. I came to a strange house. I want to come in and knock. The dog smells me. (13)

    3. I drag a scarecrow to the garden. I will grow vegetables. They will be wonderful how good they are. (13)

    4. I drag a pike out of the water. I'm glad this monster. I want to cook some fish soup. The pike squints its eyes. (16)

    5. I want to find a cast iron. I'm looking in the closet. I twist it in my hands and drag it into the house. (17)

    6. Pika is a small bird. She has a spout with an awl. I look - miracles! The pika is dancing the waltz. She circles around the spruce and makes wonderful jumps. This is a pikukhin waltz. (23)

    7. A grimy stuffed animal lived in a pig-iron in a closet. His eyes lit up a monstrous darkness. What a miracle? Is it a monster or an eccentric? His name is Chushchuk. Fancy stockings on the tentacles. One day Chushchuk felt trouble. He swam along the Shchura rivulet. (35)

    8. Birds lay eggs. Fish spawn. Fry appears from the eggs. Pikes, catfish bream spawn in spring. (17)

    9. I want to catch a big pike. Throwing in the fishing rod, I sit down on the block. I sit and say nothing. I feel the pike is biting. I'm dragging her. When you drag, I'll grab it. Here's a little more! I scream with joy. (29)

    10. We went to the beach. Suddenly we saw a cloud, My brother Sasha narrowed his eyes. The wind whips. Waves rush in the sea. They look like monsters. Lightning flashes in the sky. I want to go home. (29)

    11. Food of Arctic foxes - fish and birds. Where do Arctic foxes hide their prey? Arctic foxes store food in permafrost. They put their prey in a burrow. For a long time food lies in such a wonderful refrigerator. (27)

    12. A miracle happened in the kingdom. A terrible monster appeared. It has huge tentacles. The prince found chain mail in the closet. I went out to fight. Here is the monster. The prince narrowed his eyes. Fired a wonderful arrow. There is no more terrible monster. (31)

    13. Wolves prowl, looking for food. Who is the stranger here? Wolves smell prey. The hare senses danger. The hare has wonderful legs and sensitive ears. He ran into the grove. Runs, does not feel the legs. He ran into our closet. Got dirty on the iron pot. Became grimy. (37)

    14. We caught a pike. They poured water into the pot. Salted a little. There will be an ear! Our shepherd dog smelled a fish. She has a good instinct. The firewood is running out. I will look again and bring them. Then I'll peel the potatoes. (thirty)

    15. I met a knight in chain mail. He's a stranger. I want to invite him to my place. Let him live. He's a freak. He went into the closet and sits. I am silent. It's hard to live in a foreign land. (28)

    16. I drag a pike from the river. I am cleaning fish. I want to cook some fish soup. I put the pike in the iron pot and put it in the stove. My shepherd dog Chunya smells a wonderful fish soup. In an hour I will take out the iron pot. The ear is a miracle, how good it is. (37)

    17. Yasha Chukin had a puppy named Chubrik. Chubrik saw a scarecrow of the garden. The kid was a little scared of the monster. The puppy narrowed his eyes. What a puny eccentric! What a miracle of nature! (22)

    18. I want to plant vegetables. I'll take a shovel from the closet. I will look for a place for each vegetable. I'll bring a watering can. I'll put a scarecrow in the garden. I will grow carrots, parsley, dill. I'll treat my friends. (27)