Preschool teacher must clearly know the conceptual foundations of organizing the educational process in a preschool institution, the main directions of development of the institution. The teacher must be able to reflect on the reasons for successes and failures, mistakes and difficulties in the educational process in order to make changes in subsequent activities and achieve better results.

Interaction A teacher with specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the successful education and upbringing of children.

Interactions teacher with the administration of the educational institution.

Interactions The teacher’s relationship with the administration of the educational institution is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the full comprehensive development and training of students, protecting and strengthening their health in accordance with the state educational standard and programs implemented in the institution. Also for organizing work among parents (persons replacing them) on issues of raising and educating children in the family, to promote propaganda pedagogical and hygiene knowledge, involve parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and parental agreement.

Comply with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Interactions teacher with a senior teacher of an educational institution.

The senior teacher organizes the current and forward planning activities teaching staff of the preschool educational institution. Analyzes the implementation of educational, methodological and educational work in preschool educational institutions and develops proposals to improve it efficiency. Interactions The teacher and the senior teacher of the educational institution are not separated throughout the entire educational process. Senior teacher provides assistance teaching staff in

mastering and developing innovative programs and technologies, helps prepare for certification. Measures are being taken jointly to equip groups with modern equipment, visual aids and technical means training, replenishing them with educational, methodological, fiction and periodical literature.

Work is being carried out to comply with fire safety standards and regulations in the educational process, traffic, behavior on the street.

Interactions teacher with a music worker from an educational institution.

The general and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children in kindergarten is carried out musical director, well versed in theory and methodology pedagogical process , and a teacher with general musical training.

Job teachers is difficult, is diverse, and must be carried out in close, mutual understanding and contact.

Music classes in kindergarten are the main form of organizing children's musical activities. The music director and the teacher participate in the preparation of music lessons. These activities often start in a group setting where there is something interesting going on for the children. For example, children discovered that some toys were missing and went to look for them. They come to the hall... and the playful music lesson begins. This creates motivation and interest in musical activities in children. All this teachers are thought through and carried out together.

The activities of the music director and teacher also include conducting music and speech classes. These activities are the connecting link in the activity teachers. The classes are aimed at developing speech through expressive singing and are additional. The teacher actively helps the music director in carrying it out. The content of the lesson includes literary and musical material.

In music classes, children's singing skills are developed, improved and consolidated, and a stereotype of correct pronunciation of words is formed. The emotional basis of musical lessons contributes to better learning of various skills. The teacher, being present at such classes, enriches the methodology of his work on the development of children’s speech and brings it closer to the methodology of the music director.

The teacher and music director create a subject-development environment, which is carefully thought out by them. The subject-development environment is given fundamental importance in pedagogical process of a children's educational institution.

The essence of the tasks of joint interaction the musical director and educator is to awaken the creative activity of children, develop their musical imagination and thinking, stimulate the desire to independently engage in musical and creative activities.

Together teachers must develop children’s musicality, educate their moral sphere, mental processes and personal developments. Thus, the music director and teacher must provide for the integrity of the musical education: training, education, development. All these tasks can be realized only if the following conditions:

Involvement in musical activities brings children only positive emotions;

A humane and personal approach has been thought out to ensure emotional comfort for children;

A comfortable musical and educational environment has been created in all forms of organization.

The music director and educator must keep the development of the entire holistic set of personality qualities at the center of the music education system, and this is the main result. The goal of the humane-personal approach, proclaimed pedagogy

cooperation, is an approach to the child’s personality, his inner world, where undeveloped abilities, strengths and possibilities lurk. Task teachers awaken these forces and use them for more complete development.

Close interaction the teacher and music director provides efficiency solved problems of music education, individually differentiated approach to children.

Teachers must interact subjectively with children. This style teacher interaction with a child gives the child the right to choose (songs, games) for learning. Game motivation, the presence of dialogue and polylogue (i.e. interaction music director with a teacher, game character and children) makes the lesson very dynamic. During the lesson, when asking a question to the child, the music director (educator) forms the question in such a way that it contains two possible answers. For example: “What mood did the music make you feel, happy or sad?”, “Do chicks sing in a high or low voice?”. Children usually always answer correctly.

In the process of subject interaction between teachers They constantly put children in the position of an experimenter, ask them a lot of questions, encourage them to constantly think and look for an answer to the question posed. That's exactly what interaction has a great effect on the development of intellectual abilities.

The process of music education is long, you should not expect quick results. Only the joint activity of the music director and teacher leads to desired results in solving problems of general and musical aesthetic development children preschool age.

Interactions teacher with leader physical education educational institution.

Currently, one of the most important problems is the state of population health. Children's health is the wealth of the nation. Most

An accessible means of increasing health potential is physical education and physical activity.

In a preschool institution, physical education and health activities are organized by the teacher and the head of physical education. Efficiency physical education and educational work in a preschool institution is largely determined by their interaction. Each of them performs work in accordance with their job responsibilities. The requirements for the activities of these specialists differ depending on the issues being solved. tasks: general physical training of children, motor rehabilitation. Pedagogical activities are aimed at the child, so their actions must be coordinated with each other. Planning them joint activities carried out on the basis of an annual plan preschool and is presented in the form plans: consultations for educators, speeches at pedagogical councils and medical-pedagogical meetings

They are equally:

Know the program according to which the physical improvement of children is put into practice (goals, objectives, predicted results) ;

Conduct diagnostics of the physical condition of children according to the program implemented by the preschool institution;

Know the specific health conditions of students and plan classes exercise in accordance with these features;

Form in children ideas about the hygiene and aesthetics of physical exercise (posture, exemplary display of physical exercises, conducting classes in sportswear and shoes, etc.);

Use the means of physical education to educate moral

(morally - strong-willed) qualities of pupils;

Control physical activity external signs fatigue;

Use physical education tools to develop normal gender-role behavior in children;

Hardening is carried out during physical exercises;

Ensure the safety of children during physical exercise;

Provide children with first aid medical care in case of accidents;

Plan, conduct and analyze physical education and health activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games between classes and on the street, invigorating gymnastics);

Inform parents about the level of physical condition of their children and success in physical activity.

The life of every child in a preschool educational institution is built on the basis of a thoughtful alternation of physical activities, different types and forms of activity.

Interactions teacher with medical worker educational institution.

Interaction a teacher and a medical worker were sent on:

control of the sanitary condition of premises and area kindergarten;

compliance with the sanitary regime as prescribed by the doctor, organizing activities to harden children;

ensuring the organization of recreational activities, adherence to the daily routine, proper conduct of morning exercises, physical education classes and children’s walks;

accounting for sickness absence, isolation of sick children;

There is a joint daily morning reception of children;

participation in pedagogical councils devoted to the problem of physical development and health of children;

health education work of parents;

compliance with the group's food schedule;

maintaining food tables for children in the group;

organizing meals in a group.

Interactions teacher with junior teacher educational institution.

In interaction teacher with a junior teacher occurs daily, throughout the entire day of the children’s stay in the kindergarten, in it included:

participation in planning and organizing the life activities of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the teacher;

creating conditions for socio-psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils;

together with medical workers and under the guidance of a teacher, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, and their adherence to the daily routine;

organizing, taking into account the age of the pupils, their work on self-care, compliance with labor protection requirements, and providing them with the necessary assistance;

participation in work to prevent deviant behavior, bad habits in pupils;

bearing responsibility for their lives and the health of children;

dressing and undressing children, conducting hardening activities;

ensuring the protection of life and health of students during the educational process;

compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules;

ensuring the protection of children's lives, maintaining and strengthening their health;

working together with children;

interaction in the work to improve efficiency educational process and to create a favorable emotional climate for pupils in the group during their stay in a preschool institution.

To summarize the above, I would like to once again note that modern goals and objectives of preschool education cannot be realized by every participant pedagogical process separately. All specialists should strive to have a unified approach to raising each child and uniform style work in general. To ensure such unity in the work of all teachers and specialists need their close interaction.

1.Tasks and content of interaction between the teacher and the medical staff of the educational institution on issues of children’s health. The medical staff is greatly assisted in this by the head and teacher, who, knowing the individual characteristics of each child, with an attentive attitude towards him, can promptly notice any deviation in his behavior and well-being and call the medical staff for diagnosis and isolation.

Persons entering work and working in catering units are required to undergo medical examinations and examinations in accordance with current regulations. regulatory documents. Thus, persons who are in direct contact with products, utensils, production tools and equipment must undergo hygienic training and take a test every 2 years according to the established program. The sanitary doctor has the right to remove from work persons who do not know and do not comply with sanitary rules at work until they pass the test according to the established program. Each employee must have a personal medical record, which records the results of all medical examinations and examinations, information about past infectious diseases, completion of hygienic training, and certification.

Proper layout and operation of premises, strict adherence to the daily routine, rational nutrition of children with sufficient inclusion of vitamins in the menu, physical education and especially hardening, as well as good provision of general medical care and educational work increase the child’s body’s resistance to various harmful environmental influences, including pathogenic microbes.

An important measure in the system of combating infection in children's institutions is the proper organization of reception of children.

Before being sent to a child care facility, the child must be thoroughly examined by a doctor at the clinic and examined for diphtheria and intestinal diseases. The doctor must find out if there are any infectious diseases in the house and apartment where the child lives, and clarify what infectious diseases he has previously had. The teacher should know this. Based on the examination data, the doctor issues an appropriate certificate. The child care facility must be provided with a certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological station stating that the child and those living in his neighborhood do not have infectious diseases.

The nurse examines newly admitted children, as well as a child who has returned after illness, checks the availability of medical documentation and gives permission to accept him into the group. This child is then necessarily examined by a doctor. In the event of an infectious disease (such as whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, rubella), with the permission of the epidemiological station, a quarantine group of children who have had contact with the sick child is organized. Medical workers, as well as all personnel, ensure strict isolation of this group and careful adherence to the anti-epidemic regime (dishes are treated and boiled separately, linen is soaked separately in disinfectant solutions). Once a week, medical workers examine children for head lice. The inspection results are recorded in a special journal. If children are found affected by head lice, they are sent home (for sanitation).

After suffering from an illness, as well as an absence of more than 3 days, children are admitted to a preschool educational institution only if they have a certificate from a local pediatrician indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease, and treatment provided.

Of greater importance is sanitary control over the hiring of personnel, especially in closed children's institutions. Persons entering work in the food units of children's institutions and for positions related to the direct care of children (educators) are subject to a full medical examination and a thorough interview about previous diseases; find out if there are any infectious diseases at their place of residence. These persons should be examined for bacterial carriage (intestinal infections). If infectious diseases transmitted through third parties arise in the family of a person working in a preschool institution, he can come to work only after isolating the patient and completely chemically disinfecting the entire apartment.

Of great importance is the sanitary and educational work that is carried out with the staff of children's institutions, with children, as well as with their parents.

WITH early age Children should learn to always keep their body and clothes clean, cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief or the back of their hand when coughing and sneezing, etc.

Mutual notification of children and medical institutions(clinic, hospital, sanitary-epidemiological organization) about the presence of infectious patients and children who were in contact with them is the most important means of preventing the introduction of infection into nurseries and kindergartens. It is necessary to ensure that parents immediately notify kindergarten workers about the child’s illness, family members and roommates. It is important to carefully record the incidence of infectious diseases in children and staff of child care institutions.

During the period of summer health work at the dacha, it is necessary to carry out a set of special preventive measures. The sanitary and hygienic condition of the place where the child care facility goes is of great importance.

Related information.

Educational and methodological publication. Speech at the city methodological association of physical education instructors and music directors, 2016.

The creation of an educational space in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the expedient organization of the educational process. It is also important to comply with legal acts regulating the activities of the teacher and the entire teaching staff when organizing the upbringing and education of children.

The creation of an educational space in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the expedient organization of the educational process. It is also important to comply with legal acts regulating the activities of the teacher and the entire teaching staff when organizing the upbringing and education of children.

One of these regulatory documents is Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in Russian Federation"No. 273-FZ dated September 1, 2013 In Art. 64 clause 1 states that preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, formation of prerequisites for educational activities, preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

Another regulatory document is the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Educational Institutions. One of the objectives of the standard: protection and strengthening of physical and mental health children, including their emotional well-being.

Therefore, the process of educational interaction is very important.

Coherence in work is the key to a good result. This rule applies in any team, including pedagogical ones, especially since the activities of all teachers and pre-school specialists is aimed at achieving common goals of development, education and training of children.

Thus, the effectiveness of physical education and health work in a preschool institution is ensured as a result of the cooperation of teachers.

We have identified some forms of interaction between specialists:

  • Corrective work
  • Consultations
  • Teachers' councils
  • Workshops
  • Holiday Events
  • Individual conversations
  • Joint projects
  • Medical and pedagogical control

It is possible to ensure the upbringing of a physically healthy and developed child only if there is close interaction between the entire preschool educational institution team.

Interaction between instructor and teacher

Modern requirements provide for the integration and “living” of the child’s contents preschool education in all types of children's activities.

Together with the educators, we analyzed the educational areas with which the field of “Physical Education” is integrated. in terms of content and means.

Integration of the educational field “Physical Development” with others educational fields by content : “Health” - the use of health-saving technologies and special physical exercises to strengthen organs and systems (breathing exercises and eye exercises), air hardening.

“Socialization” - interaction and assistance to each other during relay races and sporting events, fair assessment of the results of games or competitions.

“Safety” - the formation of safe behavior skills during outdoor games, when using sports equipment.

“Labor” - assistance in distributing and cleaning benefits and sports equipment.

“Cognition” - activation of children’s thinking, outdoor games and exercises that consolidate acquired knowledge.

Integration of the educational field “Physical Education”

with other educational fields by means:

“Communication” - conversations between the instructor and children and children with each other, with the goal of teaching them to express assumptions e ideas and draw simple conclusions, express your thoughts clearly for others, etc.

“Reading fiction” - reading poems by the instructor and children.

“Artistic creativity” - preparation various materials for room decoration, for use in various events.

“Music” - holding games, relay races, consolidating the skills of basic types of movements, breathing exercises - to the music.

To improve motor skills, the teacher works closely with the instructor physical culture organizes a developing movement environment in groups and on the territory of the preschool educational institution, taking into account age characteristics children and their interests.
In turn, the physical education instructor must provide assistance to educators on various issues of physical development of preschool children: select exercises for morning exercises, physical education classes, invigorating gymnastics, organize games during walks, as well as independent motor activities of pupils.

Interaction with an educational psychologist

There is no need to prove to anyone that preschool children need psychological help. It is important that not only educational psychologists, but also educators and physical education instructors are proficient in the methods of psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection, and most importantly, that they can use them in their daily work with children, taking into account their individual psychological characteristics and problems.

Therefore, here it is very necessary to collaborate with an educational psychologist who will tell you what games and exercises to offer to children with excessive fatigue, restlessness, short temper, isolation, neuroses and other neuropsychic disorders.

It should be noted that practically healthy children also need psychoprophylactic work.

Therefore, a card index was jointly created, which contains games and exercises for relieving psycho-emotional stress, games for developing the ability to feel the mood and empathize with others, for the use of expressive movements, facial expressions and gestures, which I include physical education activities and entertainment

Interaction with the music director

In addition to the fact that music has a positive effect on children’s emotions, it creates in them good mood, helps to activate mental activity, musical accompaniment helps to increase the motor density of the lesson, its organization, frees the instructor or teacher from counting, draws attention to gestures, posture, posture, and facial expressions. This is where the help of a music director is needed.

It is very important that music in a lesson is not played just for the sake of sounding; it should be naturally woven into the lesson, into every movement, and correspond to the theme. Therefore, if during morning exercises, class or entertainment I need musical accompaniment, we together select musical pieces for various exercises and games. An energetic, cheerful march for walking, light dance music for jumping - polka, gallop.

Most often we use music, including sound recordings, in outdoor and round dance games, during relay races and competitions, as well as in the final part of the lesson, when music acts as a calming agent, providing a gradual decline physical activity, means. In this part I use the sounds of nature and the sound of lyrical works, relaxation.

Together with the music director, we have created a discography, which we are constantly expanding; it serves as an indispensable assistant in organizing motor activity.

Interaction with a healthcare professional

In modern conditions, the full upbringing and development of a healthy child is possible only with the interaction of teachers and medical personnel.

The main aspects of joint activities, first of all, are:

  • The physical condition of children attending kindergarten. So, at the beginning and at the end of the year, together with the nurse, the physical development and readiness of children is monitored.
  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. Together we develop recommendations for building a pedagogical process with children with developmental disabilities, we identify differentiated groups of children who require correctional work. Therefore, in addition to individual work with such children, I always include in my classes exercises to prevent posture and flat feet, breathing games and exercises. We make sure to jointly monitor the organization of a gentle regime of activities or medical treatment for children who have suffered from illness.
  • Promoting prevention negative influences intensive educational activities, those. rational alternation of workload (optimal arrangement of a schedule of activities), adherence to the daily routine and motor mode.

Interaction between the instructor and the speech therapist

The teacher-speech therapist works on correcting sound pronunciation in children, the physical education instructor teaches children the basic types of movements, so the relationship between the instructor and the speech therapist can be traced in motor-speech activity.

Speech games, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, etc. help develop the child’s thinking and speech, overcome speech therapy difficulties in pronouncing individual words and sounds, make speech rich and expressive, support children’s interest in the activity and the physiological need for movement. In addition, in speech games there is an opportunity to improve those basic types of movements that should be developed in preschool children.

Thus, the following tasks are solved:

  • sound pronunciation correction;
  • exercising children in basic types of movements;
  • development of coordination of general motor skills;
  • the ability to coordinate words and gestures;
  • developing the ability to work together.
  • Development of mental processes (emotions, feelings, thinking, memory, attention, etc.)

Speech motor games were jointly selected and developed, which are aimed at reinforcing the basic types of movements.

Thus, regular, joint work of a physical education instructor and a speech therapist teacher will certainly lead to the accomplishment of the assigned tasks.


The effectiveness of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions directly depends on the interaction and mutual understanding of both individual teachers and the entire teaching staff. Only through joint efforts can we solve the assigned tasks, and therefore count on positive results from our work

Task 7. Interaction with the medical staff of the educational institution on the implementation of hardening procedures in the age group.

Formed competencies:

PC 1.4. Carry out pedagogical observation of the health status of each child, promptly inform the medical worker about changes in his well-being.

Procedure for completing the task

1. Conduct a conversation with a medical professional, using both independently developed and suggested questions:

What hardening procedures are carried out in the educational process of preschool educational institutions?

What tasks are implemented during hardening procedures?

What place do hardening procedures occupy in the group’s daily routine? How often do they take place?

What hardening procedures are typical only for summer? healing period, place and time of their holding?

How is the effectiveness of hardening procedures monitored?

How is the individual characteristics of children (including health characteristics) taken into account when carrying out hardening procedures?

How is interaction with parents on the issue of hardening children organized?

2. Present the results of the conversation in free form

- developed and proposed questions for a conversation with a medical professional

Volume of time – 1 hour

Understanding and determining the specifics of the activities of educators and medical personnel on children’s health issues

in the portfolio structure

MDK 01.02. Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and development of children of early and preschool age

Section 7. Physical education activities in the process of performing a motor regimen

Topic 7.2 Hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises

Task 8. Observation, analysis, planning of hardening procedures, gymnastics after sleep in the age group.

Formed competencies:

OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

OK 3. Assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations

OK 4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

OK.7.Set goals, motivate students’ activities, organize and control their work, taking responsibility for the quality of the educational process

OK 9. Carry out professional activities in conditions of updating its goals, content, and changing technologies

OK.10. Prevent injuries, protect the life and health of children

OK 11. Conduct professional activities in compliance with the legal norms governing them

PC 1.1. Plan activities aimed at improving the health of the child and his physical development

PC 1.3. Carry out physical education activities in the process of performing a motor regimen

PC 5.1. Develop teaching materials based on approximate characteristics, taking into account the characteristics of age, group and individual pupils

PC 5.3. Systematize and evaluate teaching experience and educational technologies in the field of preschool education based on the study of professional literature, self-analysis and analysis of the activities of other teachers

Procedure for completing the task

1. Observe and analyze the implementation of hardening procedures and gymnastics in the age group of children according to the proposed scheme. (Appendix 8).

2. Present the results of the analysis in free form.

3. Develop a plan - a summary (the same form of a summary as for morning gymnastics) for conducting hardening procedures, gymnastics after sleep for children of the age group, taking into account the existing conditions in the preschool educational institution. Type of gymnastics after sleep at the student’s choice (classical, game, plot).

Supporting tools and literature:

- analysis diagram for carrying out hardening procedures, gymnastics after sleep

Runova M.A., Motor activity of a child in kindergarten. – M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2004

Stepanenkova, E. Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and child development: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / E. Ya. Stepanenkova. – M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2008

Volume of time – 8 hours

Main indicators for assessing the result:

Understanding the importance of hardening in promoting the health of children, the physiological essence, means and principles of hardening, methods of carrying out with children of different age groups.

Determining the specifics of gymnastics content after nap.

Using different types of hardening with preschool children in gymnastics after naps

Determination of the goals, objectives, methods and techniques, means of physical education in accordance with age group when planning gymnastics after sleep.

Design in accordance with the requirements for this type of work.

Result presentation form: in the portfolio structure.

The interaction of specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the successful education and upbringing of children. In this article, we will examine this process in detail, using the example of a preschool educational institution for children with speech impairments.

Experts who study children with general underdevelopment speech (R.E. Levina, G.V. Chirkina, T.B Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova and others), note the need for an integrated approach to the training and education of children with speech pathology. The organization of specialized kindergartens reveals the need for speech therapists to interact not only with teachers, but also with other specialists within the kindergarten, namely with the music director, psychologist and physical education instructor.

M.A. Povalyaeva made a great contribution to the study of the problem of interaction between specialists. She developed a model of correctional and developmental activities in an educational institution, which included:

· creating a team of like-minded people, increasing the professional level of teachers, parents and medical personnel;
· organization of a correctional educational environment that stimulates speech and personal development child;
· development of an integrated correctional and developmental calendar and thematic plan, built on the basis of comprehensive diagnostics;
· direct correction of all components of children’s speech;
· selection of linguistic material taking into account the stage of work and the compensatory capabilities of each child individually.

This model of interaction between specialists in a preschool institution contributes to effective changes in the speech development of children, professional training of teachers, and expansion of the boundaries of parents’ knowledge in the field of correctional pedagogy. In the educational process of any child, timely early support by teachers and doctors is important, which warns the majority and allows them to be corrected quickly and in a timely manner.

Job descriptions for employees of special preschool institutions for children with speech impairments

Let's consider the job descriptions of employees of special preschool institutions for children with speech impairments.

According to job descriptions, the music director of any preschool institution is entrusted with the main function of ensuring the implementation of the aesthetic development program and musical education children, taking into account the age of the pupils.

Music director of a preschool educational institution

To do this, the music director must:

1. Monitor the work of teachers of the educational institution and parents on issues of musical and aesthetic development;

2. Conduct integrated classes with preschool students, together with educators and teachers additional education and other specialists;

3. Actively participate in the activities of the Council of Teachers of Preschool Educational Institutions and methodological associations;

4. Conduct consultations for parents and teachers on issues of musical and aesthetic education of children;

5. Present your work experience at competitions, festivals, holidays and within a preschool educational institution.

Relationships and connections for the position of music director:

Physical education instructor at a preschool educational institution

A physical education instructor in a preschool educational institution is responsible for the following: functions:

1. Implementation of a program for the physical education of children, taking into account their psychophysical and age characteristics;

2. Preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children.

3. Formation in children in their classes:

A) fundamentals and concepts healthy image human life;
b) motor skills and abilities;
c) motor activity in independent and collective activities;
d) healthy lifestyle culture;
e) maximum conscious mastery of the educational program.

In his activities, a physical education instructor is obliged to:

1. Competently and step by step carry out work on the physical education of preschool children;

2. Ensure, together with medical personnel, monitoring the health status of children and their physical development;

3. Provide an individual approach to recruiting subgroups of children for physical education classes;

4. Carry out recreational activities;

5. Ensure the safety of children;

6. Protect the health of children;

7. Monitor emotional comfort during physical exercise;

8. Conduct physical rehabilitation of pupils with health problems;

9. Actively participate in the activities of methodological associations and the Council of Preschool Teachers;

10. Conduct consultations for parents and teachers on issues of physical education of children;

11. Present your work experience at competitions, festivals, holidays and within a preschool educational institution

Relationships and connections by position andphysical education instructor:

1. During the period that does not coincide with vacation, the administration of the preschool institution is involved in pedagogical, methodological or organizational work within the established working hours;

2. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the administration and teaching staff preschool;

3. Accountable to the head of the preschool institution and the Council of Teachers.

Teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution

A teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is responsible for the following: functions:

1. Ensuring the mental, somatic and social well-being and comfort of the institution’s residents;

2. Providing psychological assistance to needy pupils of the institution, their parents (persons replacing them) in matters of behavior, training and upbringing of the child, and the teaching staff.

A teacher-psychologist is obliged to:

1. Carrying out his activities, the educational psychologist is obliged conduct:

· Analysis of the work of teachers of a preschool educational institution, to provide assistance in case of difficulties that arise that are associated with the characteristics of individual development some children;

· Educational activities and games for preschool children;

· Trainings for teachers and parents on issues of education, upbringing and interaction with preschool children.

2. A teacher psychologist must be able to identify the causes and degree of deviations in the development of children (intellectual, emotional, personal, social), and carry out psychological and pedagogical correction;

3. In cases of special need, refer children for consultation to medical, psychological and medical-pedagogical Centers;

4. Be able to draw up psychological and pedagogical conclusions and conduct conversations with parents and teachers in order to orient them in the problems of development of a preschooler;

6. The teacher psychologist must carry out:

· assistance to children, parents and teachers throughout the entire adaptation period to a preschool institution;

· psychological assistance and support for gifted children and children with specific difficulties;

7. Develop psychological culture in preschool institutions among pupils, teachers, specialists and parents;

8. Conduct consultations for participants in the educational process (parents, teachers, specialists);

9.The teacher psychologist must participate:

· at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of a preschool institution;
· at a meeting of the council of the psychological and pedagogical service of a preschool institution;
· carry out “psychologization” of the educational process in a preschool institution, carrying out scientific experiments;
· in meetings for parents and round tables for teachers;

10. Participate in the work of the Council of Teachers of a Preschool Educational Institution.

Relationships and connections by positioneducational psychologist:

1. A teacher psychologist must be able to independently plan his work for a year, half a year, or month. All developed plans are coordinated and approved by the head of the preschool institution, consistent with
psychological and pedagogical service.

2. The teacher psychologist must exchange the information received with employees of the psychological and pedagogical service and the teaching staff of the institution.

3. The educational psychologist must inform the head of the psychological and pedagogical service and the head of the preschool educational institution about emerging difficulties in working with children, parents, and various social services.

4. The educational psychologist must convey to his supervisors the information received at meetings and seminars.

Teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution

The speech therapist teacher is responsible for the following: functions:

1. Active participation in the educational process of preschool children aimed at diagnosis,
prevention, compensation, correction of deviations in the development of the institution's pupils.

2. Protection of children's personal rights in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3. Conducting a speech therapy examination of preschool children aged 3 to 7 years.

4. Use in work with preschool children only proven methods for correcting deviations in speech development and restoring impaired speech functions.

5. Conducting consultations for parents (persons replacing them), teachers and specialists of the institution on emerging diagnostic issues speech disorders children, application of techniques.

To perform the functions assigned to him or her, the speech therapist must


·Annual examination of pupils in order to determine the structure and degree of existing deviations and speech defects;

·Recruitment of subgroups for speech therapy sessions taking into account the psychophysical state of the pupils;

·Subgroup, group and individual classes with preschool children to correct speech disorders;

2. Identify the causes and degree of deviations in the intellectual, neuropsychic and speech development of children;

3. In cases of special need, send students for consultation to psychological, medical and medical-pedagogical centers;

4. Draw conclusions based on the results of a speech therapy examination;

5. Bring to the attention of teachers and parents the results of the examination in order to orient them in the problems of development of a preschooler.

6. Develop and use in your activities:
· correctional programs, cycles of classes that are aimed at eliminating speech disorders in preschool children;

· recommendations for teachers, institutional specialists and parents regarding the specifics of working with children with problems in speech development; consultations on possible delays and gaps in cognitive activity and when preparing children for school; on the socio-psychological readiness of pupils for schooling; on organizing assistance to children with developmental disabilities and speech defects in a family setting;

7. Interact with educators and additional education teachers to consolidate the results;

8. To develop students’ speech culture skills;

9. Conduct consultations for all participants in the educational process in order to prevent speech disorders;

10. Select technologies for speech therapy assistance for children.

11. Participate:

·at meetings of the Pedagogical Council of a preschool institution;
·at meetings of the council of psychological and pedagogical services;
· experimental activities of a preschool institution;
·at parent meetings for parents and round tables for teachers of the institution;

5. Have in your weapons visual aids, materials and tools for examination and carrying out correctional and developmental work with preschool children.

Relationships and connections in the position of speech therapist teacher:

1. The speech therapist teacher independently plans his activities for the year, half a year and month. All plans are coordinated with the head of the psychological and pedagogical service, the deputy head of educational work and are approved by the head of the preschool institution.

2. Exchanges information within its competence with service employees and teaching staff on issues;

3. Informs the head of the psychological and pedagogical service and the head of the preschool educational institution about difficulties encountered in working with parents, children and various social services;

4. Transfers information received directly from meetings and seminars to higher-ranking managers;

5. Accountable to the Council of Teachers.

Teacher of a preschool educational institution

The teacher of a preschool educational institution is assigned the following functions:

1. Protecting the lives and promoting the health of pupils;
2. Preservation and support of the child’s individuality;
3. Education, training, development of preschool children;
4. Assisting in the socialization of pupils;
5. Interaction with children's families;
6. Conducting consultations and providing practical assistance in matters of education and development of preschool children;

To perform the functions assigned to him, the teacher is obliged to:

1. Contribute to the creation and consolidation of a favorable atmosphere and psychological climate in the group for each student.

2. Realize:

· individual educational and health work with children;
· study the developmental characteristics of each child;
Monitor the health status of each child;
· be sensitive to the baby’s emotional well-being;
· carry out monitoring;
· promptly notify the manager about accidents;
· be able to provide first aid;
· carry out recreational activities recommended by medical personnel and psychological and pedagogical services;
· carry out current and future thematic planning work on instilling patriotism and citizenship in preschool children, teaching the basics of life safety, organizing independent artistic and speech activities, and developing the concepts of a healthy lifestyle for a child;
· prepare and conduct parent meetings. Frequently once a quarter;
· provide consultations for parents;
· design of thematic stands for parents;

3. Provide:
· together with a medical professional, strengthening and preserving the health of children;
· training of students in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard;
Regularly inform parents of children about the child’s health status;
· comply with the requirements of medical staff;
· work in close contact with the head nurse, exercise therapy nurse and physical therapy nurse;
· implement the daily routine of children and the institution;
· observe the motor activity of children;
· informing medical services and parents about changes in the health status of pupils;
· informing parents or their guardians about planned preventive vaccinations.

4. Monitor the visual load of children;

5. Accept active participation in the preparation and conduct of children's matinees, holidays, sporting events, entertainment, museum visits. excursions, open classes, parents' living rooms.

Relationships and connections in the position of teacher:

The teacher transmits information received at meetings and seminars to the deputy head of educational work immediately after receiving it.

Thus, despite the fact that all specialists of a preschool institution are endowed with specific functions and job responsibilities, within the framework of the correctional and educational process their functions intersect, all teachers must work closely with each other.