Aesthetic education- an integral part of comprehensive education. Aesthetic education is based on the experience acquired by the child, and gives this experience a new sound from the perspective of beauty.

One of the main conditions for the full aesthetic development of children, the formation of their artistic abilities- attention to the children's creative activity: game, visual, theatrical, constructive, musical. If organized correctly, you can ensure the artistic, aesthetic, all-round development of the child and prepare him for school, create an environment of emotional well-being, and fill the child’s life with interesting content. It is within the framework of all these types of activities that conditions are created for effective comprehensive preparation of children for school,” says Tamara Semenovna Komarova, an expert in the field of aesthetic education of preschoolers.

Based on the opinion of T. S. Komarova, we believe that aesthetic education is a strong link between preschool institutions and elementary school. If a child has a high level of aesthetic education, then his adaptation in elementary school is easier. There is a need to systematize the work on aesthetic education within the framework of joint activities kindergarten and the school, which is covered in joint seminars.

We offer a script for one of these seminars.

Form: workshop

Equipment: interactive complex, slides, magnetic board, magnets, writing paper, felt-tip pens, cards with questions for lesson analysis, silhouette of a tree (cut out of whatman paper); image of fruits, leaves, flowers - according to the number of seminar participants.

Event plan

Participants register and take seats at one of two tables: educators, teachers.

1. Introduction to the topic

  1. Presenter's opening remarks
  2. Icebreaker “Birthday Day”

2. Main stage

  1. Theoretical part
  1. Practical part
  1. Identification of forms of aesthetic education of children

3. Summing up the seminar

Progress of the event

1. Opening speech by the seminar leader.

Good afternoon to all participants of the seminar, interesting and fruitful work.

The topic of our seminar today: “Aesthetic development of children in kindergarten and school.” We will work with you under the motto:

“Live in beauty,
Notice the beauty
Create beauty around you”

2. Icebreaker “Birthday Day”

I propose to start our seminar with a small “Birthday Day”. To the accompaniment of music, we perform the well-known song “Whoever was born in January, get up, get up, get up and quickly accept the congratulations of your colleagues,” those born in January stand up and everyone present applauds them.

Main stage

1. Theoretical part

Aesthetic education of children preschool age

AESTHETICS (from Greek - feeling, sensual) is a philosophical science that studies the sphere of aesthetics, as a specific manifestation of the value relationship between man and the world and the field of artistic activity of people.

(A.M. Prokhorov)
“Big Encyclopedic Dictionary” 1991

As a special discipline, it was identified in the 18th century by Baumgarten, who introduced the term “aesthetics” itself to designate “the science of feeling, knowledge,” and by Kant, “aesthetics” is the science of the rules of sensuality in general.”

Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a creative personality capable of perceiving, feeling, appreciating beauty and creating artistic values ​​(B. T. Likhachev)

This definition relates to a mature personality. However, children in preschool age are also able to respond to the beautiful in their environment, music, poetry, objects fine arts, nature, they themselves strive to draw, sculpt, sing, dance, and write poetry.

Aesthetic education is the most important aspect of raising a child. It contributes to the enrichment of sensory experience, the emotional sphere of the individual, affects the knowledge of the moral side of reality, increases cognitive activity, and even affects physical development.

The tasks of aesthetic education of preschoolers, based on its goal, can be presented in two groups.

The first group of tasks is aimed at developing children’s aesthetic attitude towards their surroundings. The following is provided: to develop the ability to see and feel beauty in nature, actions, art, to understand beauty; cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty.

The second group of tasks is aimed at developing artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, design; singing, moving to music; development of verbal creativity.

The named groups of tasks will give a positive result only if they are closely interconnected in the implementation process.

To implement the tasks of aesthetic education of preschool children, certain conditions are necessary.

Aesthetic education of children in a preschool institution is carried out in different forms, depending on the principle of guiding their activities, the method of uniting preschoolers, and the type of activity. Children love artistic activities and often engage in them on their own initiative. It cannot be said that independent artistic activity is completely carried out without the guidance of an adult. It’s just that the nature of this leadership is indirect, indirect. The teacher takes care of the child’s accumulation of experience and impressions, which will later be reflected in independent drawing, modeling, and musical activities; teaches visual methods and techniques. Independent artistic activity is independent because it arises on the initiative of children, to satisfy their individual needs. The teacher’s task is, without violating the child’s plans, to help him if such a need arises. But the main thing is to create conditions for independent activity: children should know where to get necessary materials, where exactly you can, without disturbing others, draw, build, play music.

Signs of independent activity are the child’s attention to the means of expressiveness in music, movements, drawing, speech and the ability to transfer what he has learned into his own new activity. We also involve parents in nurturing independent artistic activity of preschoolers, who are active participants in competitions held in kindergarten.

Independent artistic activity is closely related to the work that the teacher carries out purposefully and in various forms. These are organized classes on the development of speech, visual arts, music; this and theatrical games and dramatization games, thematic activities.

All conditions have been created to conduct such classes in our kindergarten: an art studio, a theater salon, a sensory room, a winter garden, and a cinema hall are open.

Considerable space is allocated excursions. The teacher’s task is to think through the content of the excursion, taking into account the laws of children’s perception and educational tasks. It is necessary to determine and study in advance the location of the excursion, the method of placing children around the object of observation, since it is very important not only to impart new knowledge to preschoolers, but also to evoke aesthetic feelings in them. And feelings, as we know, are very easily destroyed.

Children's viewing of theatrical and circus performances performed by professional artists has a positive impact on the education of aesthetic culture.

We try to invite guests from the school more often for joint celebrations and competitions.

A significant place in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution is occupied by holidays and entertainment.

Entertainment is held once every two weeks. The entertainment content is varied. These can be themed literary and musical evenings. Entertainment that combines different types art. A variety of material is selected - literary, musical, and visual on one theme (“Autumn is beautiful”). The beauty of the setting, the solemnity of the music, the general high spirits at the holiday - increases sensitivity to the aesthetic side of reality. Children want to actively participate in the holiday; they are not satisfied with the role of observers. Such evenings of entertainment and holidays bring joy to preschoolers, introduce them to national culture, and cultivate aesthetic feelings. Regular guests and participants in holidays and entertainment are parents.

Involving them in participation in competitions, both city and regional, also plays a significant role in the aesthetic education of preschoolers.

In preschool educational institutions, we begin to discover and develop the talents of children, and the school, taking our baton, continues to work on nurturing the aesthetic culture of children and continues to develop their talents.

You can track the level of aesthetic education of a child at the beginning of school life. (Appendix 1)

And now we invite you to take a class in visual arts. At the end of the lesson, we will conduct an analysis of the questions that are on your tables, appendix card 2. We will work in groups: 1 table - educators, give their analysis of the lesson, 2 table - teachers, express their opinions. As a result, we will compare our vision of this form of aesthetic education for preschoolers.

2. Practical part

  • Visual arts lesson in senior group (Additional education teacher)
  • Vernissage (exhibition of drawings)
  • Concert (Graduates, kindergarten students)

3. Identification of forms of aesthetic education of children (work in groups)

Aesthetic education of children of both preschool and primary school age is carried out in different forms. Now we will remember these forms and see if they differ in elementary school and kindergarten. On the board there is a card “Forms of organizing aesthetic education.” You write out your shapes on cards and place them on the board.

3. Summing up the seminar

Our seminar has come to an end. I propose to evaluate the methodology of the seminar for subsequent analysis. Before you is the “Tree of Creativity”, attach leaves, flowers, fruits to the tree, each of which has its own meaning: fruit- the matter was useful and fruitful; flower- pretty good; green leaf- there was something, of course, but in general - neither this nor that; yellow leaf- a “stunted”, wasted day.

“Aesthetic education of preschool children in a kindergarten”

Aesthetic education is an extremely important position in the general education of a child. Recently, interest in this problem has increased. The theory and practice of aesthetic education is one of the most important sources of moral education of a comprehensively developed, spiritually rich personality. The importance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that in order to mature the future worldview, it is necessary to form aesthetic views, without which it will not become complete, capable of fully embracing reality. Many teachers and cultural figures believe that it is necessary to form a personality and aesthetic culture in preschool age, since it is the most favorable.

An attempt was made to solve the following problems:

study the literature on this topic and introduce the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

reveal the concept of aesthetic education;

characterize the forms and methods of aesthetic education of children;

study programs for preschool aesthetic education.

The subject of the study is the process of applying aesthetic education to preschool children in preschool settings.



Article on exchange of experience with teachers of preschool institutions..

Compiled by: kindergarten teacher

Zoya Dmitrievna Lovnuzhenkova.


Article of exchange of experience with kindergarten teachers.

“Aesthetic education of preschool children in a kindergarten”

Aesthetic education is an extremely important position in the general education of a child. Recently, interest in this problem has increased. The theory and practice of aesthetic education is one of the most important sources of moral education of a comprehensively developed, spiritually rich personality. The importance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that in order to mature the future worldview, it is necessary to form aesthetic views, without which it will not become complete, capable of fully embracing reality. Many teachers and cultural figures believe that it is necessary to form a personality and aesthetic culture in preschool age, since it is the most favorable.

An attempt was made to solve the following problems:

study the literature on this topic and introduce the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

reveal the concept of aesthetic education;

characterize the forms and methods of aesthetic education of children;

study programs for preschool aesthetic education.

The subject of the study is the process of applying aesthetic education to preschool children in preschool settings.

1. The concept of aesthetic education

Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of developing a person’s aesthetic attitude to reality. With the emergence of human society, this attitude developed along with it, embodied in the sphere of material and spiritual activity of people. It is associated with their perception and understanding of the beautiful in reality, their enjoyment of it, and the aesthetic creativity of man.

Aesthetic education includes aesthetic development, as a process of activating perception, creative imagination, imaginative thinking, emotional feeling; formation of spiritual needs. The essence of the aesthetic education system is the influence on students through the means of art. As B. T. Likhachev believes, in the theory of aesthetic education there are several starting points:

In order to develop natural forces in children, to create conditions for a deep awareness of aesthetic phenomena, it is necessary to deliberately attract various types creative activity;

the theory of aesthetic education consists in realizing the enormous significance and spiritual value for a person of the sublime, beautiful, graceful;

a comprehensive solution to problems in the process of teaching art to children is necessary:

ideological, moral and artistic education,

teaching skills and abilities that can ensure the involvement of children in proactive creative activities,

development of spiritual and physical essential powers and creative abilities.

Let's consider several concepts about the goals of aesthetic education, which, in essence, mean the same thing. B.T. Likhachev sees the goal as the formation of a moral and aesthetic humanistic ideal in a child, the multifaceted development of personality, the ability to feel, understand, see and create beauty.

The goal of aesthetic education, according to V.N. Shatskaya: “Aesthetic education serves to form... the ability of students to have an active aesthetic attitude towards works of art, and also stimulates feasible participation in the creation of beauty in art, work, and creativity according to the laws of beauty.” Those. art has an important place in aesthetic education - it is part of aesthetic culture, just as artistic education is part of aesthetic education, part important, significant, but covering only one sphere of human activity.

For the aesthetic education of children, it is necessary to resolve a number of objective contradictions and subjective discrepancies: by nature, the child has certain inclinations and capabilities that can be fully realized only with targeted and organized artistic and aesthetic education and upbringing. If it is neglected, the child remains “deaf to genuine spiritual artistic and aesthetic values.”

One of the laws of education is raising a child in activity. As an educational influence, the means of art are used, which develop special abilities and talents of some of its forms: fine arts, decorative - applied arts, musical and others. The artistic activity of a preschooler is a means and condition of aesthetic education, work directly related to such types of arts as: verbal and artistic creativity, design, theatrical games, arts and crafts and fine arts, music playing.

The implementation of the tasks of aesthetic education occurs subject to the following conditions:

implementation of an individual approach to children;

favorable environment (room, clothing, toys);

personal initiative and desire of children.

Broad interests in art and the need for contact with the aesthetic manifestations of art in life are among the social criteria of aesthetic education. In the social sense, aesthetic education is manifested in the totality of the child’s attitude and behavior. Evidence of the degree of a child’s aesthetic education is his attitude towards people in his personal and public life, actions, work activity, and his attitude towards his appearance.

Responsibility for the emergence of a child’s aesthetic ideas and feelings is the greatest and lies with the circle of his primary contacts - parents and immediate relatives. This is the foundation of his aesthetic culture and it should be laid by pedagogically literate parents; their character is important aesthetic requirements, cultural conditions of the family.

Aesthetic education is formed on the integrity of developed natural forces, emotional feeling, abilities of perception, imagination, artistic and aesthetic education - creative individuality, aesthetic attitude to art, one’s behavior and to oneself, to the environment depend on this. The ability to admire beauty, any phenomena in life and art is important sign aesthetic education. Sometimes, watching a child in art galleries or exhibitions, you can see how children only glance at the paintings, without staying for long, without stopping to admire. This indicates a lack of aesthetic education, because there is not enough essential element aesthetic attitude - admiration. Aesthetic education is characterized by the ability to deeply experience feelings - spiritual pleasure, a feeling of disgust, a sense of humor, irony, a feeling of anger, fear, compassion. Pedagogical - artistic taste is manifested in the value of selected works of art for one’s own pleasure, in the assessment of the phenomena of life and art, in the products of their creative activity. Based on pedagogical criteria, you can find out the level of artistic and imaginative thinking. Original skill combined with improvisation indicates a high level of aesthetic education;

social - manifest themselves in the complex of relationships and behavior of children. If a child has a wide interest in various types of art and a great need for contact with the aesthetic phenomena of life, then we can talk about a high degree of aesthetic education.

3. Methods, forms and tasks of aesthetic education of childrenpreschool age

The success of aesthetic education is determined by the joint activities of the teacher and the child. In the process of this activity, the development of his creative abilities and awareness of his relationship to the objective, natural, and social environment occur. Also, for the result, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs, characteristics and interests of the child, the degree of his overall development. To select methods of aesthetic education, it is necessary to be based on personal experience the child, his aspirations, motivations, experiences. There are many different parenting methods.

Methods of aesthetic education can be divided into classifications:

by forms of organization;

by type of activity;

by age of children;

by the number of children;


The method of holistic perception is very important for the targeted acquisition of aesthetic information. This method is suitable for perceiving the plot of a fairy tale, a painting, or the figurative construction of a musical play. The teacher draws the children's attention to more specific, detailed perception and targeted observation.

Based on the methods and techniques of education through which a child receives aesthetic information, it can be divided into visual and verbal.

The following requirement is imposed on these methods: the reproduction of musical and literary works must be emotional, artistically expressive, and have aesthetic value for children; In order for them to understand the content of the poem, painting, song and the essence of the task, to experience the mood of the characters, again it is necessary to achieve vivid imagery - otherwise, the encounter with art will be insignificant and will not benefit the child.

Aesthetic education of preschool children in kindergarten can be organized according to different forms and classifications:

according to the principle of activity management - under the direct and indirect guidance of the teacher;

by the number of children - frontal, subgroups, individual;

by type of activity - classes, theatrical games, excursions, celebrations.

Depending on the form of organization of activity, methods vary. For example, in fine arts classes, the teacher can give precise instructions, show or invite the children to find ways to do it themselves. Or when learning poems and songs after they are performed by adults, you can have a conversation about artistic qualities, content, and apply visual aids, ask the children to repeat the text to memorize. During modeling classes, the teacher teaches techniques that will help children put together a figure themselves. Those. An adult promotes children’s independent activity, he pushes them to take action and corrects mistakes. Also, the methods depend on the age of the children.

When introducing younger children to beauty, the teacher shows them, draws attention to objects, and discusses them with the children. The adult encourages older children to do whatever they can to “transform” the world around them under his leadership. This is how methods of activity planning, observation, and independent action are used.

It is quite difficult to accurately determine the methods of aesthetic education. But a number of particularly effective methods can be classified:

method of persuasion, aimed at the formation of aesthetic perception, evaluation, initial manifestations of taste;

training method, exercises - to acquire behavioral skills;

a method of inducing empathy, emotional responsiveness to the beautiful and ugly in the world around us;

The problem situations method encourages creative and practical action.

To develop the artistic abilities of preschoolers, there is a single pedagogical condition - the transfer to all children of equal factual data and conditions for the development of data in various fields of art. The development of artistic skills and abilities is based on the creation of the highest spiritual needs. Without efforts on the part of the child, a holistic creative personality and high aesthetic principles cannot be formed.

The tasks of aesthetic education are divided into several groups. Each group has its own methods. The first group is aimed at introducing children to art, developing aesthetic taste, and perceiving beauty. To solve these problems, methods such as pedagogical demonstration, description, explanation, and example are used.

Demonstration is used in the initial stage of training. It is important that the children’s attention is focused on the object being shown; for this, the teacher must take a responsible approach to the choice of this object. The teacher must master the methods of conveying feelings and be able to show his attitude when using these methods.

The example method relies on children's desire to imitate. The example of a teacher is of particular importance for a child - looking at the teacher, the child understands the meaning of social and moral relations.

The second group of tasks is aimed at developing skills in creative activity. Practical methods are used: exercise, method of search situations. The exercise is used to develop practical skills. In order for children to find an independent conclusion and explanation of an aesthetic object, the method of search situations is used.

The general rule for choosing methods is to maintain children’s desire to create an object of art with their own hands, for this purpose the teacher

“Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva is a developed and expanded version of the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” published in 1985. It is designed for educators, methodologists, and heads of kindergartens.

The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle will ensure that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education and will make up for the shortcomings in the spiritual, moral and emotional education of the child. Education is seen as the process of acquiring a child to the basic components of human culture (idea, knowledge, morality, art, work).

The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions for a child to live fully preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

Program objectives: health care, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

creating in groups an atmosphere of humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to be raised sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

maximum use various types children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

creativity (creative organization) of the process of education and training;

variability in the use of educational material, allowing the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

respect for results children's creativity;

ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;

coordination of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings. Ensuring family participation in the life of kindergarten and preschool groups as a whole;

maintaining continuity in the work of the kindergarten and primary school, eliminating mental and physical overload in the content of education for a preschool child.

The program is organized by age groups. It covers four age periods physical and mental development children:

early age - from birth to 2 years (first and second early age groups);

junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second junior groups);

average age - from 4 to 5 years (middle group);

senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory groups for school).

In each section of the programcharacterization is given age characteristics mental and physical development of children, general and special tasks of education and training, features of the organization of children’s lives are defined, the formation of necessary ideas, vital important skills and skills in the learning process and their development in everyday life.

The program has developed the content of children's parties, entertainment and leisure activities. Approximate levels of development have been determined, inwhich reflect the achievements acquired by the child by the end of each year of stay in preschool institution.

The program is accompanied by lists of literary and musical works, didactic and outdoor games recommended for use in the pedagogical process.

4. Analysis of the aesthetic education program in kindergarten

"Program" ed. M.A. Vasilyeva. This program is designed for physical and speech development, labor, social, environmental education, which, in fact, is also used to educate aesthetic taste, consciousness and morality. This program offers approximate goals and objectives for such classes as life safety, basic hygiene, speech development, the world around us, gaming activities, basic mathematics, and, among other things, classes in fiction, music and visual arts.

“Program” M.A. Vasilyeva to each age group A detailed description is given. “Childhood” also sums up what a child should be able to do by the end of each period.

The “Program” contains such a chapter in each section as “Organization of children’s lives”, which includes such important points as exemplary mode day and education during regime processes. These aspects are valuable because with their help you can get an idea of ​​how to manage the educational process during hours outside of class.


Carry out detailed analysis pedagogical literature and to draw conclusions, we were able to draw conclusions from the topic of aesthetic education, which has been widely discussed in the domestic literature.

Aesthetic development occupies an important place in the process of education; it develops the aesthetic qualities of a person, and the individual as a whole - spiritual needs, moral ideals, worldview. These aspects of a person are formed under the influence various reasons. Nature, work, the environment: family, relationships between people - everything has educational significance, all this can be wonderful. Art is also a means of aesthetic education as a leading exponent of the “beautiful”.

The influence of beauty on a person can occur spontaneously and purposefully. The kindergarten plays an important role in this. Analyzing the program, I concluded that the main means of aesthetic education is art, which is available in the kindergarten curriculum in the form of fine arts and music. A literary, artistic or musical work has a great power of emotional influence, which is a means of developing the aesthetic qualities of a child, a method of penetrating into the consciousness of a preschooler.

So, the “most universal and useful” program, in my opinion, is the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva. This program does not lose its relevance and is shown in conjunction with the entire educational process.


aesthetic education preschooler program

1. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. Course of lectures: Textbook for pedagogical students educational institutions and students of IPK and FPK - M.: Prometheus, Yurayt, 1998. - 464 p.

2. Collection of articles "Aesthetic education in kindergarten", ed. N.A. Vetlugina, M., 1978.

Aesthetic education and development of preschool children. Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / E.A. Dubrovskaya, T.A. Kazakova, N.N. Yurina et al. Ed. E.A. Dubrovskoy, S.A. Kozlova. M., publishing center"Academy". 2002 - 256 p.

(theory) Pedagogy

Albina Sagdieva
Aesthetic education of preschool children

Aesthetic education of preschool children.

Tasks, means and form of work on aesthetic education.

Aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child’s personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the world around him, art and create it.

Aesthetic education closely related to other parties education: with mental and moral.

Tasks aesthetic education.

1. Systematic development aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings and ideas children.

2. Development of artistic and creative abilities in children(ability to sing, dance, compose, various games).

3. Formation of foundations aesthetic taste(training plays a big role).

The most important condition for full aesthetic education is:

1. The environment that surrounds the child in kindergarten and at home.

2. Saturation of everyday life with works of art (paintings, prints, musical works).

3. Active activity themselves children(the children themselves glue and sculpt).

4. Individual approach.

Means are everything that the teacher consciously selects from the environment for a purposeful impact on aesthetic development of children.

1. Aesthetics of everyday life, i.e. where children are during the day;

2. Nature;

3. Art (literary, musical works);

4. Artistic activity themselves children;

5. Special training;

6. Behavior of adults themselves (educators, parents).

For the purpose aesthetic education The following forms of organizing educational and independent activities are used: children:

1. Classes (musical, fine arts);

2. Artistic and didactic games (for familiarization children with color"Rainbow");

3. Matinees and entertainment;

4. Excursions and walks;

5. Theatrical performances; TV shows, films CD, DVD

Principles aesthetic education:

1. Aesthetic education must be carried out in conjunction with all educational-educational work in an educational institution.

2. Children's creativity should be connected with life.

3. Variability of content, forms and methods of artistic activity.

4. Individual approach to children.

5. Children's work should be used in the life of the group or in the life of the kindergarten.

Feature of artistic creativity children.

Creativity is an activity aimed at creating a socially significant product that has an impact on the transformation of the environment.

Creation children significant primarily for the child himself or for the group children, for close adults.

But the significance of children's creativity is that it influences the formation of the child's personality, which means society is interested in the creative development of everyone.

Creativity can be taught, but this teaching is special. It is not similar to how knowledge and skills are taught, however, creativity is impossible without the assimilation of individual knowledge and mastery of skills and abilities.

Under artistic creativity preschool children is understood as the creation of an objectively significant (for the child first of all) new product (drawing, dance, poem, story, song, etc.); inventing and famous early unused parts; play activities (creative games - creating a play environment, selecting toys, substitute items, etc.).

Aesthetic education in kindergarten- Creation necessary conditions for the manifestation of aesthetic qualities, abilities of the child, formation of worldview. A process that results in the development of students’ abilities to notice and appreciate the beauty of the entire world around them. Learning to appreciate beauty, understand it, be personally involved in it, and create according to the laws of “beauty” are important parts of raising a child from a young age.

Upbringing correct attitude to beauty is not limited to artistic or musical perception. This is a complex system: attitude to work, life, everyday life, nature. Knowledge of art is a valuable, effective part of this system, capable of educating moral qualities, aesthetic feelings, imagination.

Theoretical foundations: principles in aesthetic education

The organization of aesthetic education in kindergarten is carried out taking into account several principles:

Goals and objectives

The goal is to form an adequate aesthetic attitude towards the environment, teach a little person to see and understand beauty. Education shapes perception, imagination, develops memory, feelings, interests, inclinations, and abilities. Helps to develop an active positive attitude towards everyday life.

  • to form an idea of ​​the values ​​of the beautiful, beautiful, graceful, harmonious;
  • to form a perception of beauty in art and everyday life;
  • influence emotional responsiveness, empathy skills, sense of “taste”;
  • lay the foundations of creativity and artistic education.

The result of education is:

  • a general understanding of the good, the beautiful, the correct;
  • perception of form, content;
  • complicity, empathy;
  • brightness of expression of emotions, impressions, imagination.

Cultivating an attitude towards beauty. When to start?

Already from early years the lives of young children attract interesting bright toys, objects. They evoke a feeling of joy, pronounced pleasure. The concept of “beautiful” begins to take shape. By playing, listening to fairy tales, looking at pictures of animals, children get a lot positive emotions. These emotions are the foundation for the formation of more complex qualities responsible for understanding “beauty.” The unconscious perception of beauty gradually moves to conscious harmonious taste and the development of creative abilities. The task of adults at this moment of development is to help the child and guide him in the right direction.

Any educational process - joint activities several people (teacher-child), aimed at creating conditions for the development of the necessary personality qualities, therefore the personality of the teacher plays one of the key roles.

Each preschool institution has the potential to develop all the most important personality qualities. A correctly constructed upbringing scheme with the assistance of the family guarantees the formation of a child as an aesthetically developed citizen of society.

Education of taste in preschoolers

The sense of taste is a complex personality quality, manifested in receiving spiritual pleasure from “communication” with real beauty art. This is understanding, enjoying works of art, understanding the beauty of nature, the peculiarities of life, clothing.

In the formation of taste, training and education with constant family support play a decisive role. Familiarization with the cultural values ​​of literature and music helps to find out what is available in childhood works of art, to see or learn to see their beauty. Children begin to recognize works, favorite fairy tales and musical works appear, which for this period become aesthetic ideals for them. With the help of adults, they see the beauty and richness of words and music. This is the basis of artistic taste, which subsequently influences the formation of everyday taste.

The sense of taste determines the ability to feel the beauty of the surrounding world, protect and cherish it. The child must understand that a flower in a flowerbed is more beautiful than in a vase; that cleanliness is the key to comfort and beauty, and many other primitive rules.

Educational means

Means are objects specially used by teachers, environmental phenomena that can influence the formation of personality traits that are significant for society.

The main means to create a sense of “beauty”:

  • works of art;
  • cultural events;
  • various organized types of activities (artistic, labor), independent activities of preschoolers;
  • environment, nature;
  • everyday aesthetics.

Aesthetics of everyday life is the first means of education

Cleanliness and order in a preschool institution is not only about maintaining sanitary and hygienic standards. This is an important part of education, helping the child himself to begin to realize the beauty of the world around him from an early age. There is a desire to take care of everything beautiful that he sees around him. Therefore, it is better to decorate all the premises of the institution in a stylistically consistent line. In the groups of any kindergarten and other premises there must be drawings of other children, crafts, works folk art.

When decorating premises, it is advisable to remember the following principles:

  • Practical justification of the situation;
  • Maintaining cleanliness;
  • Colourfulness;
  • Contrast in design, necessary for the child to quickly find the element he likes;
  • Combining all elements as a single ensemble.

Works of art are the most important means of education

Art is an inexhaustible tool for the moral and aesthetic education of preschool children. It teaches you to appreciate beauty, be kind, and sympathetic. The result of communication with masterpieces of world and national art is the spiritual enrichment of the child. Children are already exposed to many forms of artistic art: literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, cinema and theater. Use them in educational process Necessarily.

Works of art can be used both during classes, independent activities, and when decorating premises in a preschool institution. Works appropriate to their age are selected for different children. Illustrations from fairy tales, still lifes and landscapes, small works of sculpture (figurines made of wood, plaster), and various forms of decorative art are suitable. All events must be accompanied by music.

Nature in aesthetic education

Nature is the most accessible means of developing a culture of understanding beauty in early age. It allows you to teach to see the harmony, beauty of the world around you, the richness of its colors. Through nature, a child learns to reproduce his impressions of what he sees in the form of drawings and oral stories. Excursions and walks can leave a lasting impression.

Simply contemplating nature and paintings depicting nature are not enough. The use of excursions and observations must be accompanied by a story from the teacher. The teacher’s task is not just to show the beauty in a drop of dew on a leaf or interweaving of stems. It is important what words are spoken teaching staff during such events. Help will be provided by works of art that depict the beauty of nature, understandable to preschoolers.

Work as a means of education

The child periodically encounters difficulties in social life. Labor is one of the... The foundations of labor are formed in the game. The preschooler tries to create a beautiful building from cubes, arrange toys. Descriptions of the work of different professions not only introduce them to their characteristics, but also evoke a desire to imitate them. Children try on different roles (doctor, teacher, policeman).

Development of creativity

Artistic activities (drawing, designing, making appliqués, modeling and other activities) lay the foundation for the formation of the ability to express oneself and reveal one’s creative abilities. Music, songs, and dances contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, visual and auditory perception, and encourage the development of new actions and movements. They force you to fantasize, be attentive and diligent. Such activities distract from sad events, help relieve nervous tension, and lift your spirits.

Artistic skills help to form artistic appreciation, experiences and tastes, general idea about beauty.

Independent artistic activity allows preschoolers to realize their ideas and ideas in artistic creativity. This is facilitated by:

Holidays and cultural events

Holidays and other cultural events in kindergarten contribute to the development of aesthetic experiences and the desire to test oneself in various genres of art. Anticipation of the holiday, preparation and its implementation creates a general pre-holiday mood. The participation of parents gives such events a special warmth.

Methods of education in preschool educational institutions

There are a huge number of methods for developing in children the right attitude towards beauty:

  • General: persuasion, exercise, problem situations, use of emotional response;
  • Depending on the direction of education - methods of introduction to a specific type of art;
  • Methods of teaching artistic activity: introduction to techniques, sample, instructions, advice, self-assessment.
  • Methods for developing creative abilities - problem-search methods.

Game in aesthetic education

Play is the main form of child activity. This is imitation, the application of various roles, a child’s perception of the life of adults. The game forms all the basic qualities of a child’s personality. It is she who most influences the formation of aesthetic culture in early stages. Games develop imaginative thinking, memory, imagination, aesthetic and moral qualities.

The use of gaming techniques in the formation of a culture of beauty justifies itself. Game situations develop creative skills and abilities, promote the development of interest in creativity.

  • game situations aimed at developing creative activity;
  • songs, fairy tales, musical compositions;
  • demonstration of episodes of performances, works of art;
  • the use of stories, drawings, and search situations.

Aesthetic education of younger preschoolers

Aesthetic education in the younger group has its own characteristics. Early preschool age is a favorable period for the development of a child’s imagination. In this regard, it is important to create an environment that would facilitate search activities and help solve children’s issues in their own way. Don't give all the answers at once. Special games, tasks, and developmental activities help create conditions for the optimal development of creative abilities in the future.

For teachers when working with preschoolers junior group it is necessary to make the process of their stay in the institution as creative as possible. Creativity should quietly but organically enter a child’s life. It is important to organize an interesting and maximally eventful life for children while in kindergarten: enriching it with vivid impressions, emotional orientation, and various forms of work. This is material for the development of a child’s imagination, memory, and aesthetic feelings. During this period, communication with art is important.

The child is still developing an understanding of beauty, and expressive means of display can play a role in their development.

The unified position of teachers and parents on understanding the development prospects of children of this age becomes important.

Features of aesthetic education of older preschoolers

At an older age, the main form of aesthetic education becomes familiarity with literature and art, including cartoons and films. Book heroes and cartoon characters become ideals, bearers of good or evil, beautiful or disgusting.

For aesthetic education in preparatory group influenced by changes in the motivational sphere. The attitude towards art becomes conscious, it is differentiated. Children begin to take art really seriously: they actually perceive it aesthetically, they enjoy reading, looking at paintings, drawing, listening to music. Gradually, such a craving for certain forms of beauty becomes a need. The main task is to form a creative attitude towards reality.

This age is a special period of aesthetic education, in which the teacher plays a very important role. Skilled teachers are able not only to strengthen the foundation of the formation of a sense of beauty. They can lay down the real aesthetic worldview of a little person whose relationship to the world is developing.

The development of a sense of understanding of beauty is inextricably linked with the formation of all the most important facets of personality. Preschool age gives rise to a love for art, they begin to express themselves creativity, the inclinations that every child is endowed with. To implement them, organized education and training are required, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Children at a very early age notice the beauty around them. They hear music and enjoy it, they like poems and songs, beautiful pictures, natural phenomena. Faced with beauty, the children themselves strive to create something of their own - sculpt a figure from plasticine, come up with a song, dance a dance. An encounter with beauty always encourages creativity and development, and sets us up for a positive perception of the world. This is why aesthetic education is so important - systematic influence on a child in order to develop the ability to see beauty and create it himself. In this article we will reveal the secrets of how to teach a preschooler to love beauty.

General principles of aesthetic education

“Do you know what is meant by aesthetic education of children? Not only the ability to see beauty and acquire spiritual values, but also to master the rules of good behavior, learn to treat people kindly.”

You need to start raising your baby aesthetically from birth: this will stimulate, instill good aesthetic taste, and develop the need for communication with art.

Aesthetic education is based on the following principles:

  1. Principle of interaction. Artistic and aesthetic education is present every day in a child’s life (in communication with people and nature, acquaintance with examples of art, independent creativity, everyday life and work). It is important to teach a child to strive for aesthetic perfection in any action.
  2. An integrated approach. Good results in education can be achieved by combining different types of art and offering the child types of creative activities based on interdisciplinary connections.
  3. The connection between aesthetic and artistic activity and life. This approach forms an adequate attitude of the preschooler to reality and teaches him to see beauty in all its manifestations.
  4. Unity of aesthetic and general development of children. By correctly organizing aesthetic education, the child will harmoniously develop all cognitive processes, speech, and the emotional sphere.
  5. Independent creative activity of the child. Aesthetic education will be carried out by the most in an efficient way, if the child starts doing something creative on his own: dancing, singing in a choir, drawing, sculpting, composing, etc.
  6. Aesthetics of a child's entire life. A preschooler should live in beauty. All activities of him and his immediate environment should be filled with aesthetics and beauty. This has a special educational meaning. The child must realize how important neatness, good manners, politeness, beauty of premises, clothing, etc. are. All this forms the correct aesthetic development of the child.
  7. Taking into account the age of children. Means of aesthetic education should be selected in accordance with the age of the preschooler. His development as a person at an older age depends on how successfully a correct aesthetic perception of reality is formed at a very early age.

By building aesthetic education on these principles, you will ensure the correct approach to education as a whole.

Methodological basis

There are many methods and techniques for aesthetic education of preschoolers. Note that all methods are interconnected, and in order to achieve the best result they can be combined and varied.

Methods vary:

  • by method of information transmission
  • according to the form of organization of activities.

By method of information transmission:

  • visual methods (direct acquaintance with examples of art)
  • verbal (story and explanation).

"Advice. When organizing the aesthetic education of a preschooler using visual methods (listening to music, looking at paintings, etc.), you need to try to ensure that the acquaintance with works of art is emotionally expressive, otherwise the first encounters with art may not make any impression on the child.”

The forms of organization of activities are as follows:

  • when the teacher (or parent) shows the method of action and invites the child to repeat (learn a poem, sing a song).
  • when a child is asked to find a way to complete a given task himself (to sculpt something, draw something, stick it on).

Let us note that the aesthetic education of preschool children differs from the aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Young children are introduced to beauty and art with the help of visual perception, awareness of the importance of order and cleanliness. And schoolchildren already know how to express their creative abilities (under the guidance of adults). Kids learn to evaluate, and older children can already create a product of creative activity, creatively approach the design of space, etc. The older the child gets, the more complicated the methods become. And by alternating them and using them in combination, you can ensure that the child learns to see beauty, begins to have a creative attitude towards life and understands beauty.

We educate with art

To successfully organize the aesthetic education of a preschooler, you need to provide the necessary conditions:

  • create a development environment
  • organize interaction with nature and art
  • organize creative activities.

The main difference between the aesthetic education of children is that they perceive reality with their senses. Preschoolers pay attention to shape, color, sound, and beauty is perceived in the unity of form and content. When a baby likes something, he experiences bright feelings, excitement, delight, and selfless joy. At the same time, a teacher or parent needs to be able to direct the child’s emotional response from ordinary perception to understanding the beautiful and forming his own opinion. This way you can begin to develop good aesthetic taste. With proper upbringing, a preschooler will learn not only to understand beauty, but also to see beauty in everyday life - everyday life, work, clothing.

It is important to introduce children to the best examples of children's literature, music, folk art and painting. This way, children will learn to recognize and love works of art that they understand.

Preschool children are capable of almost all types of creativity: they can draw, cut out, sculpt, glue, dance and sing, write stories and even rhyme. If a child shows interest in music, movements, images, speech and he wants to do something similar himself, he is ready for independent creative activity. By supporting your child and helping him create, you can develop the child’s ability to generate ideas and implement them.

In kindergarten there is every opportunity to instill in children a love of art:

  • classes to develop visual arts and speech skills
  • music lessons
  • theatrical games
  • thematic classes
  • invitation of theater, circus and philharmonic artists
  • holidays.

How to introduce children to art?

To be able to understand art is not an innate quality, but an educated one.

"Advice. You need to teach your child to understand classical music, dance, and theater gradually and carefully. Otherwise, you can become disgusted with the incomprehensible actions of the artists.”

In order for a preschooler to easily perceive the classics, he needs to hear them from early childhood. You need to select classics for kids and include them infrequently. When the baby turns 3-4 years old, you can already try to discuss what you heard using musical instruments.

It’s best to start getting acquainted with painting by looking at reproductions in art albums. Pictures should be selected taking into account the child’s age: images of fairy tale plots, animals, and fairy-tale characters that are understandable to him.

You can even take a 1.5-year-old baby to the theater. IN puppet theaters There are always shows for the little ones. The performances last no more than 30 minutes, and the child does not have time to get tired.

It is better to visit museums from 4-5 years old. It would be better if these were children's themed museums or exhibitions. It is better to start going to the children's philharmonic and ballet from the age of 5, choosing children's performances and concerts.

Before visiting a theater or museum, explain to your child that you are going to an important place and how to behave there. Feed your child before going to a museum or theater so that the feeling of hunger does not distract your child from interesting things. Make sure that the road to the “abode of the muses” is not long and tiring, dress your baby beautifully - let him feel the importance of the event. Be sure to ask the baby about his impressions of what he saw and heard. Ask if he would like to see something interesting again. If the child is not delighted, take a break and try to organize cultural leisure again after some time.

Watch a video about how preschoolers are introduced to art by visiting an art studio at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art

Aesthetic education in the family

Aesthetic education in the family occurs through the inclusion of art in the education system.

Tips for parents on aesthetic education:

  1. Introduce your baby to music and poetry as early as possible.
  2. Practice with your child in modeling, drawing, singing.
  3. Limit your child's random listening to the radio and watching TV.
  4. Choose the best examples of children's fairy tales and cartoons for viewing, and for listening - a good children's or. Help to comprehend what you see and hear.
  5. Read to your child the best of children's literature, teach him to read expressively.

By carrying out aesthetic education of a preschooler, forming his good aesthetic taste, you are laying the foundations for a person’s future spiritual wealth.