Make an unusual candlestick from the glass with your own hands? Nothing can be easier! The candlestick from the glade can serve as you for the new year, and can become a decoration of the summer feast. And autumn too

We have collected more than 20 inspirational options - and you can use them as ideas to create beauty at home.

Let's first show you winter options.

"My favorit":


But glasses can be decorated not only by balls. There may fit a whole tree! By the way, if you use plastic glasses (and it turns out, there are also there), then you can make beautiful

And if the glass is painted with acrylic (or oil) paints, then it turns out ... for example - Penguin!

Or deer ...

In general, the painting of glasses gives broadest opportunities - see! Want - Grandfather-frost candlesticks, you want - snowmen, everything is limited only by your fantasy.

And one more winter option - Floating candle. And it is possible with usual, but laid on fir (any coniferous) sprigs.

And now I suggest moving from the winter - by the summer! See how the candlesticks-glasses are wonderfully looking with alive flowers!

Very beautiful option for romantic summer evenings - with shells and sand.

And here is a glass candlestick for autumn.

And - I propose to look at another version of the transformation of the glass into a beautiful candlestick - with the help of a paper "lampupy". At the same time, "lampshades" can be changed according to your mood and color decoration colors.

I hope that you will find a suitable and inspiring candlestick out of the glass, and make it with your own hands will not represent the slightest difficulty.

Build a festive table and create new Year's atmosphere In the house it is possible without a living tree. You can do this by creating very simple elements with your own hands. Today I will tell you as possible in 15 minutes to create fabulous candlesticks from glasses on New Year 2019. The symbol of the upcoming year can be changed to the one, whose year comes or do just beautiful christmas decorations. A step-by-step decorated master class with a photo will demonstrate how fast, easy and easy to make a New Year's candlestick out of the glade.

To work, you will need:

  • wine glass;
  • foam ceiling tile;
  • dog figurine or any other;
  • spruce twig;
  • golden tape;
  • beads or rhinestones;
  • adhesive pistol.

How to make candlesticks from glasses for the new year 2018

I wind the circle of the desired diameter.

I cut off the stationery base.

If the animal figurine you use requires an additional decor, then execute it immediately. I additionally fix the Christmas ball on my dog.

I stick the dog figurine on the foam base with hot glue. Decorating a fir branch and a bowl of golden ribbon with rhinestone.

I insert the composition in an inverted glass glass.

What is good to use foam for the base? It is soft, obedient and tightly adjacent to the walls of the glade. Due to this, it is not falling out, it can even be additionally not fixed if you want to keep a glass. I stick the base across the entire circumference of the glass of hot glue.

My decorative New Year's candlestick is ready. Similarly, you can perform a candlestick with figures of any other animals or bright elements of the New Year's decor.

It can be a Christmas tree, bumps or small Christmas balls. By the way, you can also do with your own hands. 🙂

Anticipating holidays, we will tell you how to make candlesticks with your own hands for the new year.

You do not need to be a professional designer in order to originally decorate the apartment to the new year. Each of us has old plush toys, photos, candles and other things, of which it is easy to make a festive decor.

Christmas decoration - fascinating occupationwho will have to your heart and your children. Such work will raise the mood and will prepare the whole family to winter holidays. We will tell how to prepare a house for the new year and Christmas with homemade candlesticks.

How to make candlesticks

Decided to decorate your house to your favorite holiday? Simple I. effective method - game with light. Live flickering candle will create a mysterious atmosphere and will give good mood. In the flame, the candles gradually disappear all problems and care, and even a small mess is not so noticeable.

To create a mysterious atmosphere, blank a lot of candles. They are also easy to do their own. Consider the lighting in the room where you are going to meet the next year.

First, let's check the old stocks. Is it possible to do something with them? Improve the type of old candlesticks as snowflakes, upholstered tissue or thin glossy paper. You can wrap them with ribbons, lace or brilliant tinsel, punctured rhinestones.

It is nice to watch floating candles. You must have an old transparent vase or a crystal salad bowl that has long been out of fashion. The edges can decorate with toys or small pine cones.

Now pour water into the salad bowl and lower the candles into it. Add small spruce branches, rowan and petals to water so that your creative composition has become the main decoration festive table.. Candlesticks can be made from unnecessary things that are useless stored on our shelves. They are even edible. Do not believe? Then go to the following sections of the article.

Aromatic fruit

In search of girlfriend for our device, we go to the kitchen. Original candlesticks we will try to make fruit. Prepare them immediately before the celebration. Fruit candlesticks will give beautiful unusual radiance and a thin fragrance.

Take bright apples, grapefruits or oranges. Fruits should be a bright, pronounced rounded form. Cut them in half and spoon carefully remove the whole pulp.

Draw a simple pattern with a marker or handle, cut out everything too much using manicure scissors. "Power" should be a lot to ensure the release of light.

In the center of each of the halves put a candle. You can make a closed version, covering it from above the second part.

Fruits decorate with small sprigs from fir, buds, rhinestones. Use toothpicks to attach rowan berries and tiny toys.

From unnecessary cans

We use for these purposes any bank - from the smallest (for baby food) to Lithona. The originality of future candle holders will emphasize the unusual shape of the bank.

The most elementary way to use the jar is to simply turn it over, throwing a piece of elegant fabric from above and putting a small candle on the bottom.

Consider creative candlesticks from cans that will be a work of art. Let's try to dress banks along with children. Take:

  • colored markers;
  • gouache;
  • nail polish of different shades;
  • pVA glue;
  • brushes.

If you decorate banks with markers or nail polish, no preparation is required. Take and draw on them different Christmas stories - snowflakes, christmas trees, garlands, snowmen or just intricate abstract patterns.

When going to decorate gouache banks, prepare them to paint. Cover the container with glue and let it dry, then the paint is better to "stick" to the glass. Draw the contours and color the figures with bright shades.

Trust painting your child and do not try to fix his work. The result will definitely exceed your expectations! After driving a guaashi, cover it with a transparent varnish. If it is not, use hair polish. It is applied that the paint does not penetrate and not polluted hands.

Other interesting machinery Painting is stained glass paint. It is designed for drawing on smooth surfaces. it a good idea And for christmas decorations.

Pre-draw a pattern with a marker on the bank. Then circle the contour of black paint, then leave it to dry it half an hour. Fill out the space of any bright colors And leave to dry again (dried for several hours).

Candle insert into our jar - the pattern begins to flicker with colored lights. Litter container with a wide throat can be filled with water. The candle will swim, and turn the light from the can and fill the room with warmth.

Want to celebrate the new year outside the city? Arrange your glowing ornaments along the tracks, on the windowsill and trees. Bright colored lights will create a wonderful mood.

How to make a candle house

You could see on the shelves of stores small "houses" for candles, but they are completely devoid of originality. Let's learn how to make such jewelry with simple master class. To do this, prepare:

  • empty square package from milk or kefir;
  • glue;
  • gouache;

Prepare salty dough: Mix the cup of flour and salt, pour a tablespoon of any vegetable oil and enough water to get to knead the dough. The final consistency should be like a clay. To make color dough, add to a mixture of paint.

Now proceed to the construction of the house. Thoroughly wash the paper container from the remnants of the milk drink, dry it and cut the bottom. Cut out several windows and leave a hole for the pipe.

Next, lubricate the outer wall of the house with glue and begin to roll small sausages from the test. Here you can attract your child - he will cope with the task. We do with all the walls, not forgetting to leave holes for windows unclipped.

Now we roll a rectangle to make the roof. Glue attach it to the walls. Next, it's outside the door and shutters. Near the house you can install any figurine - Snow Maiden or Santa Claus. For large items, we use glue, small slightly wet water.

The resulting composition is enormous in the oven at a very low temperature. When the work dried, it can be decorated with any paints. From above, cover the house with varnish. Put a small candle inside it, and it will light up with a mild light, and it will be quiet to get out of the pipe!

This is not a mandatory set, you can improvise and use everything that you find in your Christmas box of jewelry.

  • We make a stand for a candle using a metal cover or a narrow glass. In the first version, glue the button on the lid to fix the candle. The glass itself will cope with the task, supporting it with its own walls.
  • Now we make a stand under the entire composition. For her, you can use a piece of old board or plywood. By smear it glue from all sides and apply foil.

Praying bumps

  • In the middle of our board with foil, we set the stand under the candle. Around decay bumps, twigs, toys. When the resulting composition acquires an attractive look, we begin to glue items.

Make everything step by step - drill ready

Interesting and beautiful items to decorate the interior can be made from unnecessary old things. A familiar situation: several pieces left from a set of glasses, they are now unsuitable for serving the table, and it's a pity to throw good dishes. What can be done from unnecessary glasses? Do not hurry to remove them to the far shelf in the closet, we bring to your attention some interesting ideas, how to make a candlestick out of the glass with your own hands.

Miracles under a glass dome

If you have one or more unnecessary glasses / cups on the leg, you can make a very original candlestick. Turn the existing vessel upside down. Now his leg is on top - and it is the candle to be installed on it. The bowl of the glade is magically turned into a container for placing the decor. Take a sufficiently thick cardboard, circle a circle along the edges of the glade and cut out. At the request of the "plug" you can paint or even paint. Now you can proceed to the most interesting part - decorating. Declaring and well Sattail the inner surface of the bowl. It can accommodate any small figures, souvenirs and just beautiful little things. It may be marine pebbles and shells, artificial flowers, multi-colored beads or buttons. In this technique, you can make candlesticks from glasses simply select the desired decor - volumetric snowflakes, miniature Christmas trees, Figure Santa Claus or just a gifts.

Lace motifs

An interesting romantic candlestick from the glass can be done using a lace or openwork braid for decor. Theoretically, any translucent fabric is suitable for such a decor or highly openwork. The candle in this case will be located in the bowl of the glass. Selected material gently cover the fujer. Start with fitting, and then glue the lace. Theoretically, your candlestick is ready, but it can be additionally decorated with rhinestones and beads. Tip: Using lace or tissue of different colors, you can make a craft bright and festive. To make the finished candlestick from the glade, with their own hands made in this technique, did not burst during operation, choose small candles, the minimum heating walls of the bowl.

Candlestick in a decoupage technique

Do not know how to turn an unnecessary glass into an interesting decorative subject? Try to transform it into a decoupage technique. Pick up three-layer paper napkins With beautiful drawings. Acrylic paint, PVA glue, varnish and special contours of your desire for the final part of the decor are also needed for work. Degrease the surface of the glass glass and apply the first layer as a soil acrylic paint. It is more convenient to do this with a sponge, just one layer, but if it seems to you what happened not exactly, repeat the manipulation. While the paint dries, it's time to choose the drawings that you will stick. Cut out the most interesting and beautiful motifs from the napkin. Consider their location based on. After drying the paint, glue the selected items to the bowl of the gland using PVA glue. Gently smoothed the napkin with a tassel, try to glue the drawings without folds and wrinkles. When the glue dries, the craft can be squeezed with paints, emphasize individual lines with a special contour. Finally, do not forget to cover your work with varnish.

in Bokalch

You want to make a candlestick out of a glass with your own hands, but do not know if you need it after the selected capacity for use in direct intended purpose? Original decor With the use of cups or glasses can be made in minutes. And, most pleasant, the proposed method will allow after a while to disassemble the composition and use glasses again for drinks. So, you will need floating candles and the mood decor. Fill the glasses with water half or 2/3. Place inside some decorations - small flowers, beads or something else. The decor can be chosen according to your own, suitable for it and one-piece small figures, descending under their weight on the bottom or simply an axampy of large curly sequins that float on the surface.

Painted glass

If you draw well, you can try to paint unnecessary fuyster. To begin with, come up with a drawing, you can draw a sketch on paper. Some techniques, for example, are performed immediately on the subject. Pick the desired paints and proceed to work. It is not difficult to make the New Year's candlesticks with their own hands from the glasses, having painted them with thematic drawings. For this, even the artist should not be needed - frost patterns, snowflakes or traditional symbols of Christmas, like a Christmas tree and toy bells, can paint each. Familiarize yourself with the recommendations for applying the selected paint. Some formulations do not need additional processing, others after drying are required to be covered with varnish.

Candlestick from a glass with your own hands: Master class "Draw on stencils"

What if you like, and you do not know how to draw? An interesting painting on glass can be done using stencils. Inferture drawing in advance and make a paper template. In order to get a sharp silhouette on the background, it is necessary to cut the desired figure, and leave the paper around it. Another figure drawing involves cutting the template forms of interest on the contour. Get the finished figurine to the surface of the glass and apply the paint on top. In this technique, you can make a candlestick from an inverted glade with your own hands. Try to experiment, combine several colors and layers of paint, draw different shapes and complement them with strokes made by hand. Interesting idea: You can use real leaves of plants or flowers as stencils.

Glitter and chic

One of the easiest and most effective options for decor of the candlesticks is to cover them with sparkles. To do this, you will need transparent glue and decorative shiny dust. You can purchase such sequins in the store of goods for creativity or cosmetic department. How to make a candlestick from the glade with your own hands in this technique? Everything is very simple - rinse and degreased fuels or a glass. Next, apply glue to the surface with patterns or solid layer and sprinkle with sparkles. Surplus gently shake and leave dry. If you wish, you can repeat this stage. If you want your candlestick to stay beautiful as long as possible, and it could be washed, cover the product with a transparent varnish.

How else can you decorate the candlesticks from the glasses?

In fact, the ways to turn boring dishes into accessories for setting candles is much larger than is described in our article. If you seriously enjoy some kind of creativity, try to arrange both the candlesticks. For example, glass glasses can be tied with beads or even beautiful yarn With hook. The bowl of the glade can be placed outside with artificial colors or rhinestones. How is the easiest to make candlesticks from the glasses with your own hands? Photo different ideas You can see in our article, choose those that seem to be the most interesting and easy to you. Do not be afraid to use non-standard materials. For the decor, defective beads are perfectly suitable, jewelry scrap and many other little things that will be found in every home.

Conventional glasses can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to create incredibly beautiful candlesticks from them. We picked up for you the options for designing candlesticks from glasses and tell you how to do them.

To create a candlestick, you need a glass with a leg, there are options where the candlestick can be made from the usual glass.

You can decorate not only wine glasses, but also any items that serve as a good basis for creativity (banks, glass transparent vases, saucers, glasses). New Year's candlesticks made of glasses with their own hands quite simply. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic technologies and give the will of his fantasy.

For the magical transformation of simple dishes in real works of art use the simplest components. The decor can be found in any house or purchase for a penny in the store.

Candlesticks from glasses do it yourself for the new year: a simple glass decor

We select glasses or cups. Clean, wipe dry. With the help of brushes and conventional PVA glue draw patterns. It can be suitable curls, snowflakes, inscriptions, fun figures and more. Fantasy should not be limited.

Now the traces of glue fall asleep with ordinary kitchen salt. In any container fall asleep salt and carefully cut the glass. Removing the surplus of a bulk decor, a glass is sent to drying.

You can and completely deceive the glass with glue and cut into a large salt.

Using different types Salts, from large English to color sea, you can get very unusual and colorful samples of candlesticks:

If the soul requires shine and luxury, the ornament on the glass is complemented by buttons, rhinestones, pebbles or fox snowflakes.

Another option brightly decorate a glass: use paints. It should be extremely neat, especially with bright intense colors, since one extra smear can spoil all the idea. With the help of a tassel and any type of paints, styardly apart all the details.

A good idea: paint the glass surface with fir branches. Emerald lines with textured saline coverage will look very impressive.

The easiest way to make the New Year candlesticks with your own hands, it is to deceive them with glue, and to dip in the sequins. It turns out very beautiful and original.

We select the appropriate filler for homemade candlesticks

New Year's candlesticks from fuels can be decorated not only outside, but also inside. After all, the original filler will look original, corresponding to practical needs.

As a filler for candlesticks, you can use:

  • Any natural materials, whose texture will be combined with the basic idea of \u200b\u200bdesign (sand, clay, pebbles, ceramzite or even crushed stone);
  • Lubility types of croup (buckwheat, wheat, millet, flakes, peas). To create a "ideal white" or "snowy" candlestick, rice is suitable due to its natural texture and color. Original idea - Choose pasta of an interesting form and paint them in white color. Such a "flour" filler will look simply amazing;
  • Coffee grains "play" in compositions with fir branches (they repeat the texture of wood);
  • Beans, Pumpkin Seeds and other seeds can be a spectacular filler for individual design ideas;
  • Peeling with grapefruit, lemon, mandarin and oranges can become an excellent fragrant base for a candlestick. In addition to the magic aroma and pleasant external view A similar filler will form a peculiar New Year's atmosphere;
  • Very original and "rich" will look a filler from beads, beads, pebbles, pearls and other similar decorations. In this case, the ornament on the glass must be minimalistic so that the "glamorous" contents of glasses and wine glasses can be clearly viewed.

The basis of the candlestick is covered with the selected filler and placed a candle. The spectacular and original candlesticks from the glasses are ready for the new year.

Original candlesticks from inverted glasses

In any house, you can find old, lost "commodity" species, wine glasses and glasses. They will become an ideal base for the future masterpiece Hand-Maid.

The dishes are carefully soaked and dried. Big glass turn over. Any decor is placed inside the glass cap. For example: christmas decorations Or candy, cookies, nuts.

With the help of bilateral appliances, we decorated the edge of the structure. At least the adhesive strip is framed by the upper, the lower edge and the "waist" of the glade. On the specified zones are Freaky New Year's snowball. To the top of the glade (in our case, the leg) drip a little glue and gently put the candle tablet. In principle, the candlesticks from the glasses are ready for their own hands.

Make a homemade candlestick more colorful and original, combining technology. For example, a sequel-free zone can be disappeared with salt patterns or glue beads and rhinestones.

The decor is more delicate if instead of the "snow" use other materials. Here are some options:

  • Textural lace. Can with uneven edges, but necessarily a clear contour and a distinct texture;
  • Paper garlands. They must be miniature and neatly executed. The scattering of carved snowflakes should cover the entire adhesive surface, but do not hang around in different directions;
  • Satin or silk ribbons. Decorations get bright and fairly elegant;
  • Natural decor. For example, rose petals, dried leaves.

If you put in a glass of stones and add a little essential oil, when heated from the candle, a pleasant aroma will proceed.

New Year's candlesticks from the glasses, the photo of which flooded the Internet on the eve of the holiday, allow you to breathe life into old outstanding elements. A variety of forms of wine glasses and sizes of glasses guarantees the embodiment of the most bold ideas in reality.

Watch our gallery of New Year's candlesticks from glasses, pick yourself one of the ideas for the New Year's table or create your own version and such a decoration will definitely not be ignored.