Classes for children 3 - 4 years old (part 1)

Developmental activities for children 3 - 4 years old “The world around us”

At the age of 3-4 years, a child should be able to determine the time of day without difficulty.

Assignment for a child: Look carefully at the picture and tell me what the artist mixed up, what he drew incorrectly, why?

A child aged 3-4 years usually already knows that different vehicles are controlled different people. Tell him the name of the professions “machinist”, “tanker”, so that these words will enrich your child’s vocabulary.

Assignment for the child: Pick a pair. What kind of transport does this or that driver drive?

R The child must answer your questions. It is important to present everything in the form of a game.

Assignment (questions) for the child:

1. In the morning the sun rises, and in the evening... (sets)

2. It rained, and... (puddles) appeared on the asphalt

3. Birch has leaves, and pine has... (needles)

4. In winter it often snows white, fluffy... (snow)

5. Water flows from the tap. And when it freezes, it turns into... (ice)

6 . Is the ice soft or hard? (solid). Can it flow like water? (No). Is it cold or warm? (cold). Is the water cold or warm? (can be cold and warm).

A 3.5-4 year old child must distinguish animals that can live in city apartments from animals living in the countryside.

Lesson with a child: look carefully which of these animals live in the village.

We teach a child to recognize a tree by its leaves. We study the names of flowers.

Assignment for a child: look at the leaves, from which tree did they fall (birch, maple, willow)? What are these flowers called (chamomile, rose, tulip, cornflower)?

A child of 3-4 years old, of course, already knows wild animals (from fairy tales, pictures, poems). He must be able to describe the animal and tell some of its features.

Lesson with a child: There are animals in the picture, name them. Which one of them lives, where does it live, what does it like to eat, what color is its skin, which one is bigger? What are the “legs” of a wolf (paws) called? What about the elephant's nose (trunk)? Which animal has the largest neck, ears, and teeth?

A child of 3-4 years old should be able to separate vegetables from fruits and voice the fact that some fruits are vegetables (grow in the garden), and others are fruits (grow on trees).

Assignment for the child: Miraculously, the tree grew fruit. Name them. Look and tell me which fruits do not grow on trees. Where do they grow?

A child aged 3-4 years already knows that there are adults and children. But what are they called correctly?

Lesson with a child: Please tell me who is drawn in this picture (animals, beasts)? Please note that these are parents and their children. Do you know what they are called? (elephant (elephant) - baby elephant, bear (shema bear) - bear cub, cat (cat) - kitten, tiger (tigress) - tiger cub).

A 3.5-4 year old child should already know words of polite address and be able to use them correctly.

Lesson with a child: question - answer. Ask your child to answer your questions.

  1. In the morning you woke up and went to brush your teeth, on the way you met your mother. What will you tell her? (Good morning).
  2. IN kindergarten the girl Tanya treated you to an apple, and you told her... (thank you).
  3. Do you have friends? What are their names? If your friend asks you to help him, what will you do? (I'll help).
  4. Do you go to kindergarten? What time of day do you come to kindergarten (in the morning), and when do your parents pick you up (in the evening).
  5. What do you say to your family when you go to bed (good night).
  6. You came to visit a friend, what will you say when you see him? (hello, hello).
  7. Mom asked you to help her clean the room, what will you do? (I’ll help, collect toys, etc.).
  8. Grandma was knitting socks for you, and her ball of yarn fell, what will you do? (I'll pick it up).

Developmental activities for children 3 - 4 years old “Logic”

Children 3-4 years old are already able to group objects based on the main feature. The lesson is based on a small number of groups that a child constantly encounters in everyday life.

Assignment for a child: show where the clothes are drawn in the picture. Now look, what do the remaining items have in common? The child must not only show objects from one group, but also name this group (furniture, dishes, transport).

This activity is aimed at the child establishing a logical connection between “paired” objects.

Assignment for a child: Match each item you see in the picture.

Lesson with a 3-4 year old child “Question and answer”. Ask questions only if your child is interested in answering them.

Assignment for a child: Finish the phrase I say or answer the question.

  1. When they eat, they take a spoon, and when they drink, they take...
  2. It's dark at night, and in the morning...
  3. The bird flies, and the fish...
  4. An airplane flies across the sky, and a boat sails across...
  5. If the traffic light is red, you need to stand, and if it’s green...
  6. Pants and a jacket are clothes, but soup and porridge...
  7. People have arms and legs, but cats...
  8. Honey is sweet, and lemon...
  9. The butterfly flies, and the grasshopper...
  10. The duck has a lot of ducklings, and the chicken...

Children aged 3-4 years old often create fantasies using their imagination. Let's add logic to it. It’s good if the child explains why he thought one way or another (for example, a dog tells a funny story because he smiles).

Lesson with a child: Tell me what the animals are talking about? Who is the cat talking to and what do you think, why? What did the magpie say? etc.

This is an activity for children aged 3-4 years to develop attention.

Assignment for a child:

  1. Compare the objects in the picture and choose the extra object in each row, explain your choice (for example, all the cups are striped, one with circles, or all the Christmas trees have one half yellow and one half is not).
  2. Find in each row exactly the same object as the first. (1=4, 1= 3, 1=4, 1=2).

A child of 3-4 years old should already understand which items of clothing are intended for what, even if he himself does not yet know how to dress. It is important that the clothing items are “put on” in order (i.e. socks first, boots second). In this case, the baby must say what this or that item of clothing is called.

Assignment for a child: the girl Katya was getting ready to go outside for a walk. It's cold outside today. Help Katya get dressed so she doesn't freeze.

Classes for a 3-4 year old child to strengthen eating skills.

Assignment for a child: Vasya wants to eat. Help him do everything right.

1. How should you pour soup into a plate? (with a ladle)

2. What do you eat soup with? (with a spoon)

3. Fried potatoes in a frying pan. What should Vasya put it in and what will he eat it with? (on a plate, with a fork)

4. Vasya is thirsty. What will he pour the tea into? (in a mug, glass)

5. The boy likes his tea to be sweet. What does he need to do for this? (put sugar in tea and stir with a spoon)

6. Vasya ate deliciously. What will he tell his mother? (Thank you)

7. What should you do with the dishes after dinner? (wash, wash the dishes) Will Vasya help mom? (Yes, sure)

Assignment for a child: show and tell who lives where.

Lesson for children 3-4 years old “What’s more”

Assignment for a child: Look at the picture, which fish is bigger? Which dog is smaller? etc.

Irina Rybakova
Work program of the “Develop” circle for the 2016–2017 school year. years for children 4–5 years old

Work program

mug« Develop it» for the 2016-2017 academic year. year

For children 4-5 years old(middle group "Ezhata")

Supervisor mug Rybakova Irina Viktorovna

Passport programs

1. Full name " Development mental abilities children preschool age"

3. Date of creation 2016

4. Characteristics program provides:

- development and improvement of sensory standards in children younger preschool age;

- development of communication and speech;

- development of attention, memory, perception, thinking;

6. Implementation deadlines: 1 year

7. Age of preschoolers: 4-5 years

8. Purpose programs: Development mental abilities in a comfortable environment.


Form mental cognitive processes (memory, thinking, imagination, perception, attention).

Develop emotional-volitional sphere, fine motor skills hands.

Develop independence and initiative.

Develop cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities children.

Enrich the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers.

To educate each child with self-esteem, self-respect, and the desire for active activity and creativity.

Develop communication skills.

9. Summary programs:

9.1. Didactic games and exercises for development of thinking, memory, imagination, perception, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in conditions of objective-effective and visual-figurative cooperation.

9.2. Didactic games with rules on development orientation in space, on the plane of the sheet.

10. Predicted results

10.1. Use basic methods of activity, adopt their own

decisions, express their thoughts and desires, control their achievements.

10.2. Show initiative and independence positive attitude to the world developed imagination, thinking, curiosity.

11. Prospects development.

#U children will be developed:

Mental operations (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization);

Cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination);

Fine motor skills of hands and eye.

Creativity and imagination, ability to model and


# Interest in intellectual games will appear.

# A desire to complete the task will be formed.

Explanatory note

Work program of the circle« Developer» provides development of attention, perception, thinking children at the age of 4 to 5 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

The program ensures development mental abilities children younger preschool age.

The comprehensive thematic plan is designed for 1 year.

Group classes are held once a week, in the afternoon.

Duration of classes is 20 minutes.

Relevance programs

The basis for successful educational activities is good developed cognitive mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination, perception, speech. When preparing a child for school, it is necessary to teach him to listen, see, observe, remember, and process the information received. To some extent, the organization will help resolve these issues work mug« Develop it» .

Novelty programs

IN program provides for the use of a wide variety educational games, puzzles, mazes, tasks, questions, stimulating development wide range intellectual abilities, the formation of a holistic view of the world, which distinguishes widely educated people. At the same time, it has a number of features that can be attribute:

The use of games with an updated bank of questions and tasks, flexible rules and content of which allows you to select tasks that suit age and abilities children;

Selection and systematization of material, exercises development mental mental processes;

Conducting classes in a playful way. During the game, the situation of success is realized to the maximum, therefore, Job happens naturally, there is no mental stress.

Free, independent activity children, which makes it possible child self-development who chooses the type of activity that suits his abilities and interests.

During classes, the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities are taken into account. The main thing is that the classes bring only positive emotions. Therefore, the main emphasis is on development visual perception, as well as great attention is given development of fine motor skills. Fingers do not become skillful right away. And, as you know "The mind is at your fingertips", and also development intellectual basic abilities: attention, perception, memory, imagination, thinking.

Program allows you to customize complex gaming assignments: stronger children can find more difficult options, less prepared ones - simpler job. At the same time, educational and developing the meaning of the game remains the same. This makes it possible to warn the child against fear of difficulties, to teach him to create and create without fear.

Principles underlying programs:

1. Principle developmental education.

This program is implemented on the basis of the provision on the leading role of training in child development, considering "the zone of his closest development» . It is aimed at teaching preschoolers to perform basic operations with concepts: analysis, comparison and unification according to similar characteristics, generalization and establishment different types logical connections. The listed operations, being ways of performing mental activity, form the basis for reasoning and inferences, which are complex, purposeful acts of thinking.

2. The principle of gradualism.

Smooth transition from simple knowledge, operations, skills to more complex ones (according to the principle "spirals"). Each type of task and exercise serves as preparation for completing the next, more complex task.

3. The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

3. The principle of accessibility.

Maximum exposure of the mechanisms and operations of logical and verbal thinking to the child in order to fully understand them. Use in assignments the most diverse material related to different areas of knowledge.

4. Activity principle.

Classes are based on relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance, which facilitate the learning of new mental operations and intellectual actions, contribute to speech development, formation of positive motivation to cognitive activity. When completing tasks, the correctness of their completion is monitored and assessed, support is provided and the child’s activity is stimulated.

6. The principle of visibility (availability and variety of teaching materials).

Forms of organization children:




Forms working with children:

Situational conversation;

Problematic situation.

Methods working with children:

Verbal (conversation, riddles);

Visual (review of teaching aids, subjects);

Practical (didactic games and exercises, demonstration of ways to operate with objects, experiment).

Planned results:

By the end of the training program promotion is expected children in the development of thinking, speech, mental functions, the formation of their cognitive interests, communication skills and creativity, arbitrariness of activity.

At the same time, children the following main skills:

Ability to identify and express in speech signs of similarity and difference between individual objects and groups.

Ability to combine groups of objects, highlight parts, establish relationships between parts and the whole.

Children's mastery of logical techniques information processing, formation and development of self-control skills.

During the educational process:

Children perform didactic tasks on selecting and grouping objects (toys);

Compare objects (by shape, color, size, etc.);

Summarize (according to selected characteristics);

Select appropriate insert parts when choosing from 4-6 parts;

With the help of an adult, arrange objects in descending order or

increasing size; - understand words "more", "smaller", "big","small", "identical"

Select objects according to a given characteristic;

Are oriented at the same time selection: (color and size, shape and color);

Complete orientation tasks among at least 4 objects 4

colors (red, yellow, blue and green, choose one of 2 items,

remembers names and repeats after adults);

Use substitute objects;

Methods for determining effectiveness programs.

In order to determine the degree of assimilation of this programs final diagnostics is carried out in the form test tasks. A form of positive evaluation during implementation program is"child's briefcase"- a kind of exhibition of the child’s personal achievements. Currently "child's briefcase" all the children gather work during academic year , including workers notebooks and are designed as an exhibition of achievements.

Terms of sale programs

1. Availability of teaching aids and games on development cognitive mental processes.

2. Methodological support programs.

3. Creating a situation of success for each child, creating a friendly, creative atmosphere in the classroom.

4. Relationship with family.

Thematic planning


1) Orientation in space, on the plane of the sheet.

1. A game to develop the ability to navigate in motion "Where will you go and what will you find"

2. A game to develop the ability to navigate on a plane "Name the neighbors"

3. Didactic games for spatial orientation.

4. Playing outside "New gait"

2)Development of perception.

1. Game "White sheet", game "Do this".

2. Game "Compare the object", game “Sewing up the carpet”(by subgroups)

3. Game "Circle triangle, square"., game "Find a toy".

4. Game "Find out the subject", game "Make a picture" (by subgroups)

3) Diagnostics of the level of perception

1. Methodology “What objects are hidden in the drawings?” (individual. Job)

2. Methodology for development of observation skills(individual. Job)

3. Visual perception. Exercise "Name the Animals"(individual. Job)

4. Auditory perception "Text Comprehension"(individual. Job)

4)Memory development.

1. Development of auditory memory. Playing the story.

Game "Remember the pictures"

2. Reproduction of the story. Game "Let's remember together"

3. Development visual memory game “What toy is missing?”, game “Drawing patterns from memory”

4. Development of figurative memory

Game "Remember and name"

5) Diagnostics memory development

1. Auditory memory. Methodology "10 words" (by subgroups)

2. Visual memory. Methodology of D. Wexler. (by subgroups)

3. Figurative memory. Methods for studying figurative memory. Exercise with pictures. (by subgroups)

6)Development of attention.

1. Game "Find identical objects", Game “What appeared?” (individual. Job)

2. Game "Find the Differences" (individual. Job)

3. Game "Find a toy". Drawing on a theme "My favorite toy"

4. Game "What is this?", game "Add a word"

7) Diagnosis of attention level

1. Methodology "Find and cross out" (individual. Job)

8)Development of imagination.

1. Game "Let's help the artist"

2. Game "Magic Pictures"

9) Diagnostics of imagination.

1. Methodology "How to save a bunny" 3 min

10) Development of thinking.

1. Games "The Third Wheel", “What happens?”

2. Living - nonliving

3. Conversation "Who is this?" getting to know the professions.

Educational board game"Professions".

4. Game “Guess the object by its parts” (by subgroups)

Game "Let's invent" (abstract thinking, speech)

5. Game "Guess the toy"

6. Game "Pictures-riddles"

11) Level diagnostics development of thinking.

1. Methodology "Cut out the shapes"

2. Methodology “What’s missing here?”, "Divide into groups" 2 min

The study of a particular topic is determined by the pace of learning of preschoolers, their individual characteristics and the specifics of the teaching aids used. Tasks are given only that are accessible and interesting for children in a playful and entertaining way, which contributes to the most successful development cognitive processes.

Basic requirements for content-logical tasks character:

Tasks must have a clear target focus on development one or simultaneously several cognitive processes, among which priority is given to logical thinking, but such cognitive processes as attention, perception, and memory are also present.

Tasks must carry a certain intellectual load for children, expand their understanding or introduce them to the simplest methods of understanding reality.

Assignments should be presented in an interesting form and based on material that is close to children.

Subjects of classes:

1. Orientation in space, on the plane of the sheet.

2. Development of thinking, attention, memory, imagination, perception.

In progress game exercises children learn to compare different objects, identify significant features, establish patterns, perform simple types analysis and synthesis, establish connections between concepts, learn to combine and plan.

U children auditory and visual memory improves.

Development imagination is built mainly on material including tasks of geometric character:

Drawing simple compositions from geometric shapes to any image;

Selecting a figure of the desired shape to restore the whole, etc.

Methodological support programs.

As part of the implementation development programs cognitive abilities are used:

Collections of riddles, poems, folklore collections (proverbs, sayings);

Subject pictures by topics: vegetables, fruits, toys, furniture, clothing, shoes, pets and birds, wild animals and birds, flowers, trees, insects, professions, dishes, transport, water world, parts of the day and time;

Benefits for development of auditory attention, For development visual attention for development of speech attention, For development logical thinking;

Board-printed games.

Literature used

1. Blinova G. M. Cognitive development of children 5-7 years old. Methodical manual. -M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006

2. Veraksa N. E. Individual characteristics of cognitive child development preschool age- M:PERSE, 2003

3. Tikhomirova L. F. “ Development cognitive abilities children» -Yaroslavl "Academy development» , 1996

4. Svetlova I. E. We train memory: Tutorial, M.: EKSMO-Press Publishing House, 2001.

Developmental activities for children 3-4 years old and older younger age Today they are becoming a natural need of every family. It has already been proven that a child begins to learn from birth. Why? First of all, be independent. And, of course, to navigate the Huge surrounding him Interesting World. This vision of the relationship between Parents and Baby helps create a special type of interaction within the family. From the first months we see and support a creative, actively developing Personality in our newborn baby.

What are the features of educational activities for children aged 3-4 years?

Age three years marks the beginning of a special period - the crisis of negativism. The next one and a half to two years will pass under the motto “I myself!” and “I don’t want to!” Too much patience is spent just to organize simple actions like dressing, feeding, going for a walk, putting to bed. In such a situation, homeschooling for 3-year-old children can become burdensome for loved ones. However, you should not despair and think that the active cognitive process will have to be postponed indefinitely.

The caring, attentive teachers and psychologists of our Montessori center are ready to help you! Want to know exactly how our classes work? Bring your child to the first lesson for free!

The unique method of the outstanding teacher Maria Montessori has demonstrated its effectiveness for a whole century. In our work, we took into account all the author’s achievements and creatively applied them in our activities:

  • We have organized an interesting and at the same time absolutely safe Montessori environment for conducting developmental activities for children from 3-4 years old and other ages;
  • In order for inquisitive kids to reveal all their natural abilities and satisfy their cognitive needs, we have purchased high-quality copyrighted didactic materials for working on fine and gross motor skills, realizing intellectual inclinations;
  • Absolutely all types of learning and creativity, all classes for children 3 years old in our center are organized in such a way that the child increases his main resource, the main driving force - motivation for cognitive activity;
  • We are not trying to fulfill any “program” that is age-appropriate by any criteria; We try to create a harmonious worldview and a special creative atmosphere in the process of educational activities for children aged 3-4 years.

Individual and group classes, during which the teacher understands the character traits and cognitive processes of little Stars, gives the child peace of mind and self-confidence. After all, every child is simply created to receive and absorb simply amazing amounts of new knowledge. When a baby gets this opportunity, his character becomes softer and more flexible. After all, he has everything he needs!

What developmental activities for children 3-5 years old are available in our center?

We suggest choosing the type of activity that is most suitable for you:

  • Mini kindergarten is 3 or 4 hours, during which the little one studies with loving, competent specialists; parental accompaniment is not required;
  • The general development group “Cosmonauts” is one and a half or two hour classes for children 3 years of age and older, where the child will be taught to read, count, under the guidance of a speech therapist, they will take care of speech development, and offer interesting role-playing games and theatrical performances;
  • An adaptation group for kindergarten, in which the mother can attend classes with the baby if it is difficult for him to part with her at first;
  • Developmental classes for children 3-4-5 years old in a weekend group.

When a child turns 4-5 years old, many parents begin to seriously think about preschool preparation for their child. After all, first grade is just around the corner, and by this time the baby should learn to read, be good with a pencil and pen, and master the basics of mathematics. Of course, it is better to start preparing in advance; this will allow the child to gain the necessary knowledge and not lose interest in learning in the future.

By the way, regarding interest: when conducting educational activities for children 4-5 years old, we must not forget that at this age toddlers continue to explore the world through the same faithful companion of childhood - games. Also, the learning process should involve changing the type of activity and identifying talent.

We will talk in more detail about how to competently organize developmental activities for children 4-5 years old at home, how to set priorities, unlock potential and arouse interest in learning in this article.

Developmental activities for preschoolers 4-5 years old

Yes, your baby has grown noticeably and matured, he is trying to show independence in everything and thereby earn the praise of his parents. But do not forget that he is still a child and needs a proper daily routine and proper daytime rest. Therefore, any developmental activities, especially those with an emphasis on developing logic, training attention and memory, are best done in the morning. Also in the first half of the day it is better to study letters, reading and exact sciences, that is, mathematics. All classes should be conducted in a playful, friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Therefore, adults need to prepare special didactic materials in advance, draw up an action plan and be patient.

A speech development activity can be done while walking. For example, while taking a leisurely stroll to the store, you can learn some simple rhymes, or together come up with words starting with a given letter.

Creativity should be given due attention in the learning process. Modeling, drawing, putting together compositions from small objects develop fine motor skills, imagination and imagination of the child. In addition, such activities contribute to the discovery of talent and stabilization emotional state Baby.

Parents should continue to have priority physical development child: under no circumstances should walks in the fresh air and active games be ignored. Many children at this age develop their own hobbies. It will be great if the baby starts attending sports. So girls may be interested in dancing and gymnastics, and boys will like swimming and tennis. Starting from the age of 5, young defenders can begin to learn the basics of martial arts techniques.

Examples of educational activities and games for children 4-5 years old at home?

These days, parents' options are virtually unlimited. In specialized stores or on the Internet you can find didactic materials and various games with which you can easily and naturally conduct children's educational activities for children aged 4 years and older.

Approximate time to read the article: 8 minutes.

A child's leisure time should be useful and interesting, but the problem is that not all parents can or want to make it just that way. In fact, four-year-old children demand more attention than even infants. On the one hand, they no longer need to regularly warm up bottles of food and change diapers, but on the other hand, they need to be constantly engaged and played with. Without this, the full development of the child and the establishment of trusting, close relationships between the child and parents are unthinkable.
The baby is still full of energy and strength in the first half of the day, so it is better to conduct training sessions at this time. These include decorating pictures, modeling from plasticine, working with appliqués, and cutting out simple figures. To keep your child interested in the process, you need to approach it creatively and come up with original tasks. Ingenuity and imagination can be perfectly developed with the help of pyramids, puzzles, construction sets and other “collective” toys. Although it will be interesting for the baby to assemble something with his own hands, the participation of mom or dad will make this process much more fun.
Children at the age of 4 already begin to realize their gender identity. The girl strives to copy her mother’s behavior, and the boy probably wants to become as strong as his father. Thanks to this age characteristics Role-playing games offer an inexhaustible source of entertainment for children. There are a huge number of them: a store, a hospital, daughters and mothers, a hairdresser, a game of builders. With the help of such variety, you can captivate even a 4-year-old hyperactive child.


Not all boys are drawn to drawing, but even such boys may certainly be interested in drawing with charcoal. First you need to take care of your workspace so that the whole apartment doesn’t turn black. Another option is to offer the baby whatman paper and paints and let him draw on it - either with his hands or with his feet.
Girls at 4 years old can draw quite well, both with pencils and felt-tip pens, and with paints. Even if a child does not like to draw too much, then if you give him a piece of old wallpaper, a large brush and paints, he will certainly become interested in this activity.
There are other exciting options:

  • Previously, stencils were produced for drawing numbers, letters or geometric shapes, which were often used when designing, for example, school wall newspapers. They can serve well when working with 4-year-old children. You can trace various shapes using them and then color them. You can do it differently - download letters from the Internet, geometric shapes or animal figures, print them out, transfer them to cardboard, cut them out - and you’ll get a wonderful stencil.
  • You can show your child how to draw the outline of your hand on paper.. He will probably be interested in this process, so he will switch to it on for a long time- if only there was clean paper!
  • Using carbon paper. Not long ago there were no photocopiers, and people used carbon copies instead. Now, of course, such a rarity is difficult to find, but if it is possible, it will be a great joy for the child, as soon as he is shown how to use it correctly.
  • Everyone knows how important it is to develop fine motor skills in children., and such skills can be perfectly developed through drawing. You can combine this with a trick: put a coin under a sheet of paper and start shading the paper with a pencil on top. All the details depicted on the coin will immediately appear, which can then be cut out and used as “paper money”.
  • The simplest option- download coloring pages from the web and invite the child to bring them “to condition” with the help of paints. You can also download all kinds of labyrinths from the Internet.
  • Method of drawing by points It will be especially attractive to children for whom drawing is difficult. Here they only need to connect the dots until they get the correct drawing.

Useful literature for 4 year olds

It is important for parents to instill the basics in their child from a young age. social behavior. For this purpose, it is best to choose educational books. At the age of 4, a child learns to contact the world, so it is advisable that he does this correctly from the beginning.
You can start with books containing instructive stories with a conclusion at the end of each. Using the example of book characters, the child will get acquainted with the wisdom of life: how to behave with peers, with adults, how to make acquaintances, what to be wary of, here he will learn the rules of behavior in kindergarten. An important educational point in such books is the emphasis on morality in each plot.
When choosing poems for 4-year-old children, it is important to pay attention to the authors. Samuel Marshak and Korney Chukovsky wrote excellent poems for such children. They will be interested in the story with the Kid and Carlson or the adventures of the heroes from Prostokvashino, as well as folk tales from different countries. After each story or poem read, it is important to analyze what was read together and make sure that the child understood it. At school, the ability to clearly formulate his opinion will greatly help him.
You need to notice which fairy tales your child likes best, and then select similar ones. It is desirable that there be more illustrations - it will be more interesting for the child, and he will remember more, since visual information is easier for him to assimilate.

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Educational programs and cartoons on the tablet

A modern way to entertain a child is to turn on educational programs or cartoons on his tablet. Now there are special channels showing educational cartoons. It is only important to choose the right program appropriate for the child’s age. But you need to remember that playing for a long time with a tablet or watching TV distracts children’s attention, can disrupt the baby’s sleep and cause aggressive behavior. Therefore, a cartoon session should not last more than 15-20 minutes.
Unfortunately, many modern cartoons are sloppy and contain a lot of violence, so adults need to check them first before showing them to a 4-year-old child. In this regard, kind and instructive Soviet cartoons are ideal. They emphasize the value of kindness and friendship, the desire to help loved ones, and they teach to look for positive moments in any situation. After all, Disney has very good cartoons for 4-year-olds (especially the old ones). They always have beautiful graphics, bright characters, and a lot of simple, catchy music and songs.
Those who want their child to know a foreign language can use online games to learn a language. For example, a picture of some object is shown there, and its name is voice-over in Russian and a foreign language. Even by playing such games for no more than 15 minutes a day, a child can learn several dozen foreign words in a few months.

Mom's assistant

Many 4-year-old toddlers are happy to help their mother in the kitchen, and they should not be denied this. After all, even for their clumsy fingers, you can always find something feasible to do here: cut ripe bananas with a dull table knife (not a sharp kitchen knife), wash apples in a basin, beat eggs for an omelet, roll out and knead the dough (at least try it). But, having handed the child even seemingly safe kitchen utensils, parents should closely monitor him, not leaving the baby alone. Moreover, you should not leave your child near a boiling pan; such negligence can be too expensive!
Not every mother will trust her 4-year-old child with cooking, but she should just allow him to play next to him! You can give your baby a saucepan, a spoon, a plastic plate and let him “cook dinner”. At this age, children are incredibly fascinated by role-playing games. Using the same scenario, you can organize other activities: clearing dishes from the table in a playful way, sorting clean things in the closet - if only mom had enough imagination!
If the baby is interested, he can be involved in homework. The girl will act as her mother’s main assistant, and the boy will become his father’s indispensable, dexterous and strong apprentice, without whom he, of course, cannot cope. It would hardly be wise to trust a 4-year-old to wash mirrors or vacuum cleaner, but he is quite capable of sorting socks, putting away his toys or dusting the bottom shelves.

Creative activities

Collage of cereals

A child can easily be interested in unusual and exciting activity: make a three-dimensional toy or collage, decorated in a “kitchen style” with beans, pasta, bottle caps, etc. The basis can be a sheet of colored cardboard, onto which the child can use PVA glue to glue figures or landscape elements in a certain sequence. Using a similar principle, you can do voluminous toys, but then the cardboard figure will have to be cut out.

What to do with the whole family on a quiet family evening?

Almost everything modern families, having gathered together in the evening, or sitting with their eyes buried in computers, tablets...


The girls are good at cutting out simple figures from paper. Many people like to fold origami, although parents must first show their daughter how to do it. You can cut out various figures from colored paper or newspaper, give the baby a glue stick - let her make appliqués. At the age of 4, children can already be taught to cut out the simplest geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle, circle.


Modern plasticine is an excellent tool for organizing exciting children's leisure time. It is soft, has many colors and shades. This plasticine does not need to be crushed in your hands for a long time. There is also floating plasticine containing foam balls. You can even take boats and other crafts from it with you to the bath.
If a child willingly plays with plasticine, but is not interested in modeling from it, then for such a child you can roll multi-colored sausages from it and invite him to cut them with a plastic plasticine knife.

Puzzles and mosaics

Puzzles also have an excellent developmental effect on logical thinking and attention. For a child, it is better to buy a bright puzzle with an image fairy tale character, to make it easier and more interesting for him to collect it.
Some kids can be captivated by mosaics for hours, while others will get bored within 10 minutes. In any case, it’s worth trying, so it won’t hurt at home.

Fun with a hole punch

If you offer your baby a stack of old magazines and a hole punch, he will begin to punch the paper with interest. But you will have to watch the baby with a hole punch in his hands so that it does not transfer from the paper to the tissues surrounding him.


At 4 years old, boys love to play with construction sets, cars, robots, soldiers, and build towns, garages and roads. It is better to buy several different sets so that the baby can show his imagination, develop thinking, imagination and creativity.

Kinetic sand

If parents are too busy, they can let their child play with kinetic sand, which will distract him for a long time.

Active fun

Tennis for children

To develop your baby's coordination of movements, it is useful to buy him a small tennis racket with a ball tied to a string. The toy is very compact, and the ball will not fly far.

Home wigwam

Make a “house” out of pillows and blankets and send your baby in there with a flashlight - such a “cave” will surely delight him.


You can buy a pack of children's stickers in the store and show your child how they can be pasted into a notebook or album. True, starting with a notebook, children usually get so carried away that they begin to cover everything: furniture, mirrors, walls.


If there is a magnifying glass in the house, then you can show it to the child and demonstrate its effect. The baby will begin to look at a wide variety of objects with great interest.