Fruit peeling is a procedure for treating facial skin with solutions of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) found in fruits or dairy products.

At the same time, the epidermis gets rid of dead cells, promoting the formation of new ones. This procedure is also called exfoliation.

Why is it useful?

AHA acids delicately act on the top layer of the skin, exfoliating only dead cells, enriching living cells with oxygen by activating blood circulation.

The effect after the session is visible immediately. The skin immediately becomes cleaner, younger and fresher.

For exfoliation sessions use the following exfoliating fruit acids:

Cream mask with fruit acids Russian manufacturer"Bark" Designed for oily and combination skin types.

It contains tartaric, citric, lactic and glycolic acids, as well as:

  • D-panthenol;
  • allantoin;
  • grape seed oil.

After regular use twice every seven days, the manufacturer promises:

  • complete cleansing of the epidermis from dead cells;
  • sustainable hydration, restoration of the skin;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • resorption of keloid scars after acne;
  • smoothing microrelief, increasing skin tone;
  • whitening, anti-aging.

Tube volume - 100 ml. You can use the cream mask only in the evening, two to three hours before bedtime.

Apply it to areas cleaned of cosmetics and impurities. dry face for 20-30 minutes, then removing excess with a napkin. Read about the manufacturer’s entire line of peelings.

The German manufacturer MERCK, in its branch in France, developed peeling Exfoliac Acnomega 200 prolonged action with antibacterial components.

The product also contains glycolic acid. Designed for problematic skin of any type, except dry and sensitive.

The manufacturer claims that within a month:

  • pimples and blackheads will disappear;
  • pores will narrow;
  • Keloid scars will become less noticeable, age spots;
  • the result will persist after stopping the course of treatment.

Jar volume - 50 ml. The color of the contents is creamy and transparent. Apply at night after cleansing, steaming, on a dry face.

The course of treatment is 1.5 months, twice every seven days.

The Russian manufacturer Libriderm has launched a “Peeling roll with juice”, which contains lactic acid.

Designed for dry and sensitive skin, it gently cleanses it, giving it freshness, elasticity, and smoothness.

An exfoliant is a white, delicate substance that is spread over clean, damp skin. After 10 min. They begin to massage the face, rolling off white pellets from the face. The procedure is continued until the formation of lumps stops.

How the procedure is carried out in the salon

Professional cosmetologists use concentrated solutions acids - from 20 to 40% for a deep degree of impact.

The first procedure is carried out at the lowest concentration to determine the reaction of the epidermis to the irritant.

Preparing for a session in the salon is similar to preparing for a home peeling procedure.

Professional exfoliation goes according to the following algorithm:

  • cleansing the skin of makeup, sebum and impurities;
  • treatment with special solutions to loosen the epidermis;
  • applying a thin layer of gel with fruit acids over the entire surface of the facial skin, with the exception of the area around the eyes;
  • waiting for 2-10 minutes;
  • applying agents that neutralize the acidic reaction of the gel to a neutral pH (about 7);
  • rinsing with thermal water;
  • applying a skin soothing mask.

The average price of the procedure ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles., rising up to 5 thousand rubles in expensive salons.

This is what the face looks like in the photo before and after fruit peeling:

Contraindications and precautions

Peeling with fruit acids prohibited from:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • dermatitis during exacerbation;
  • skin damage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • elevated temperature, blood pressure.

Particular care should be taken in case of rosacea, moles and warts. After home exfoliation, you should not go out into the sun for three hours, and after salon exfoliation - for 7-10 days.

Fruit peeling is a gentle exfoliating procedure leading to rejuvenation. It can be done at home or in the salon, depending on the purpose and result.

You can start home sessions during puberty, and salon sessions - after 30 years.

Facial skin care allows a woman to look young longer. To the usual daily remedies cleansing sessions are also added, which are done in beauty salons. Some of the procedures are so simple and the preparations are so affordable that peeling can be done at home using fruit acids.

Peeling with fruit acids has become popular because it is suitable for any skin type. The product actively penetrates the sebaceous ducts, normalizing the functioning of the glands and restoring the composition of the secretion. Cleansing the ducts helps relieve inflammation, and comedones and acne disappear from the face, and the skin becomes refreshed and rejuvenated.

The main purpose of peeling is to remove the upper stratum corneum, which consists exclusively of dead cells, from the skin. This allows the creams used further to penetrate deep into the dermis, which helps to moisturize and nourish the cells, and, therefore, leads to their regeneration.

Fruit acids trigger the production of elastin and collagen, normalize microcirculation and restore water balance in the epidermis. As a result, pigmentation disappears from the face, wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes clean and rejuvenated.

To cleanse your face at home, a woman can buy a special product containing one of the fruit acids listed below (or a complex of them).

  • Although glycolic acid is not extracted from fruits, it belongs to this class of acids. The main sources of this component are sugar cane and beets.
  • The category of fruit acids also includes lactic acid, which is present not only in kefir and sour cream, but also in tomatoes and blueberries.
  • The most popular is malic acid, which is not only extracted from delicious fruits, but also produced synthetically. This is an excellent tonic and will also help lighten your skin very quickly.
  • Tartaric acid can be obtained from grapes and from ready-made wine. Knowing the benefits of the source itself, you can predict how beneficial the peeling will be.
  • Citric acid also provides a good vitamin boost to skin cells. It is extracted from citrus fruits and pineapple.

These acids are quite affordable, so you can easily buy a home peeling product in the store that includes the ingredient you like.


When dealing with acids (even though they have a gentle effect), you should be careful, take into account the characteristics of your body and the condition of the skin on your face. There are a number of contraindications for the use of fruit peeling that should not be ignored.

Peels are not performed in the following cases:

  • if there are skin diseases or inflammatory lesions;
  • for infectious diseases of any nature, but most of all for herpes infection;
  • the presence of mechanical damage to the face (abrasions, cuts, wounds);
  • rosacea and pronounced vascular network;
  • for blood diseases and diabetes;
  • predisposition to allergies.

Also, facial cleansing with fruit acids is not carried out on a fresh tan, or during periods of active sun. So it is better to carry out such procedures in spring and autumn.

Having decided to arrange a homemade fruit (acid) peeling, a woman should create for this necessary conditions, and also prepare the skin for the upcoming exposure. You should not resort to serious medications, such as those in beauty salons - without the necessary skills, you can harm the skin (for example, provoke an increase in pigmentation or leave burns on the face).

For home cleansing, it is recommended to buy products with a low acid content (no more than 25%), so you need to carefully study the composition of the drug before purchasing it. You must also be sure that there will be no reaction to the chosen acid and its complementary ingredients.

Some women prefer to use home remedies for their face, preparing special cleansing masks from what they have on hand. They're on the move grape seeds, coffee beans, oatmeal, sugar, which have abrasive properties. They are mixed with kefir and sour cream or apple, lemon, pineapple juice - products containing fruit acids.


Each procedure has its own rules. About how to do fruit peeling at home, described below.

  • First, you should test the selected product by applying a little of it to the inside of your wrist, wait 15 minutes, and then rinse. If there is no redness on the skin, unpleasant itching, rashes, you can use this drug for the face.
  • The skin must first be prepared - the remnants of makeup are removed, the face is washed and treated with a tonic.
  • The product containing fruit acid should be applied in a neat, thin, even layer and kept on the face for as long as the instructions recommend. In this case, the woman will feel a slight burning sensation, but if it intensifies and a feeling of discomfort appears, better remedy wash off earlier.
  • The next step is to neutralize the effect of the acid - for this purpose the drug is completed special means. You should pay attention to this when purchasing peeling. For homemade recipes based on products, it is enough to wash off the composition with warm water and soap.
  • Now you can apply a soothing mask or cream suitable for your skin type to your face.

The whole procedure will take 30-40 minutes at most, and will give a good effect. Is it true, home peeling not as effective as a professional one, but after several sessions the result will be obvious. In total, you may need from 3 to 6 of them, depending on the severity of the problem, but sessions are not carried out every day, since after the procedure the skin needs time to rest and recover for several days.

Therefore, it is better to cleanse once every 5-7 days. The effect can be consolidated with repeated sessions after 2-3 months. Regarding funds homemade, then they can be used more often.

Women have long learned to use the home remedies at hand to periodically cleanse their faces. Many components included in such recipes contain low concentrations of fruit acids, which is quite acceptable for carrying out superficial peeling at home.

Using natural ingredients for the face, a woman does not risk anything if she is sure that she is not allergic to these products.

  • After squeezing the juice from any citrus, mix it with honey and massage the skin on the face for 10 minutes.
  • You can also mix grape juice with honey, adding a little salt to the composition - cleansing it will go faster, more nutritious and healing.
  • It is recommended to mix crushed oatmeal with applesauce (the greener the fruit, the better) and dilute it with a little cream. This composition is not inferior in effectiveness to a purchased product.
  • A good cleansing and nourishing agent would be the following composition - pulp of apples and grapes, chopped almonds and oatmeal.
  • You can apply a special mask of grated beets and sour cream to your skin. When it dries, massage the skin in a circular motion– the softened layer of keratinized cells will come off by itself.
  • You can relieve inflammation, get rid of acne and lighten the skin with this mixture - citric acid or citrus juice (0.5 tsp), the same amount of baking soda and 1 yolk. Mix all the ingredients into a lush foam, apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. With this composition, you don’t even have to massage the skin - the mask itself will gently cleanse.
  • French beauties use this cleansing mask to stay young longer. It can be used daily, performing the procedure before bed. To the juice of 1 lemon add 1/2 cup of grape wine, a glass of fresh cream, 1 beaten egg and 1 tsp. glycerin. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
  • Honey cleanser perfectly regenerates the skin. 2 tbsp. the sweet product is heated in a water bath, then cooled slightly and juice from half a lemon and 1 tbsp. bran. The mask is applied for half an hour, after which the skin should be massaged a little and the composition should be rinsed off with warm water.
  • This cleansing method can be used daily, and it will be especially useful for a face with comedones. Place coarse oatmeal in a gauze napkin and tie it well. Having prepared some fruit juice (apple, lemon, pomegranate, avocado, etc.), soak the flakes in it, and then wipe the skin with this “tampon”. There is no need to rinse with water - it is better to wipe your face with aloe juice. For oily skin you will need 10 such procedures, for dry skin you can limit yourself to 7.

To cleanse your face at home, combine any ingredients containing fruit acid with abrasive ingredients (salt, sugar, honey, coffee beans, ground zest). To enhance the effect, it is recommended to introduce vitamin preparations (A, E, etc.) that nourish the skin, and softeners (glycerin, vegetable oils).

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

Fruit peeling: in a beauty salon and at home

One type of effective skin cleansing using acids is called fruit peeling. Thanks to the components included in the products used, the effect on the skin is very soft, but at the same time effective. Fruit peeling of the face quickly brings the sebaceous glands to a state of normal performance, relieves the face of both greasy shine, and from fading. Due to the normalization of metabolic processes, it reduces the number and frequency of acne and acne. Besides, this procedure- not only salon, it can be done at home.

What is fruit peeling

Fruit peels are chemical cleansing of the skin using only AHA acids (alpha hydroxide, or fruit). These components are safe for humans, and such a cocktail can give strength and health to the skin.

Fruit peeling involves superficial cleansing of the skin, affecting only its upper layers. However, cosmetologists can use highly concentrated solutions of acids to enhance the depth of penetration and the strength of their influence on the problem from the inside. But for medium and deep cleansing you need to contact professional salon– You cannot perform this procedure yourself.

Fruit peeling cannot be called a discovery of modern cosmetology. Acids were used thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt, in Ancient Rome and Rus', only concentrated lemon or apple juices or sour milk were used as an exfoliant. Having dealt with beneficial properties These substances, modern scientists have been able to create excellent cosmetic products based on them that can be used both at home and in a beauty salon.

Fruit peeling is a popular procedure. It is characterized by safety and mildness of impact. A number of acids (lactic, glycolic and others) are well known to skin cells, and therefore are easily and without complications perceived by them.

Thanks to a course of chemical peelings with fruit acids, the condition of the dermis quickly improves, the functioning of cells and glands is normalized, regeneration processes are accelerated, and noticeable facial problems are corrected.

Basically, these procedures cleanse the surface layer of the epidermis. Without causing any traumatic effects on the skin, they allow you to very quickly achieve smoothness, softness and elasticity of the skin.

What age is fruit peeling intended for?

Fruit peeling can be used by people with any skin type, regardless of age (both teenagers and the elderly). But it should be taken into account that young people need testimony to carry it out, and there is not always a need to perform it on an ongoing basis. For people over 35 years old, it is a kind of preparatory stage before the start of more serious manipulations.

Most often, representatives of the age category 25–35 years resort to the fruit peeling procedure. Since the range is quite wide (just as the needs and problems of the skin differ), the compositions used by cosmetologists also differ. Peeling may include one or several acids at once, in addition, their proportions change. At home it is more difficult to choose the right composition, so it is still worth going to a salon.

Fruit peeling: what acids are it based on?

Cosmetologists in beauty studios mainly use the following fruit acids for peeling and skin regeneration:

    Dairy. Blueberries, grapes, apples and tomatoes are rich in this acid. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, evens out facial tone, promotes skin whitening and cell exfoliation.

    Almond. It is contained in bitter almond extract. Penetrating into the stratum corneum of the epidermis, mandelic acid cleanses it. Ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

    Glycolic acid Sugar cane, beets and grapes are rich in acid. It can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, where it triggers rejuvenation processes. Helps cope with acne and post-acne, hyperpigmentation and decreased tone.

    Lemon. Contained in citrus fruits - lemons and oranges. Helps with whitening and returning the skin to a healthy color, helps narrow pores, and fights inflammation.

    Apple. Its sources are apples and tomatoes. The high content of pectin promotes healing and also helps in the fight against inflammatory processes. Therefore, it is used to treat acne, acne, and various rashes.

    Wine Grapes, apples, limes, avocados, and oranges are rich in acid. It is used for whitening, exfoliating and moisturizing.

In addition to the difference in composition, the procedure may have different depths of exposure to fruit acids.

Main types of fruit peeling


Superficial fruit peeling – easy and safe cosmetic procedure. However, due to the effect of acids exclusively on the top layer of the skin, its effectiveness is somewhat lower than with other types of dermal cleansing.

For the procedure, glycolic, lactic, apple, tartaric, citric acid. Good effect can be achieved by using a combination that includes salicylic and glycolic, retinoic (up to 10%), phytic, and mandelic acids. Superficial peeling is mainly used for the face. However, it can be performed for areas such as the neck, décolleté, abdomen, and hands.

Superficial peeling based on fruit acids is used for:

    skin aging;

    manifestation of comedonal and papulopustular forms of acne;



    follicular hyperkeratosis.

It also has contraindications, for example, skin damage, allergies to the drugs included in the composition, and inflammatory processes.

By looking at the reviews, you can learn about the effect of fruit peeling. Thus, skin color noticeably improves, various irregularities are smoothed out, and cell regeneration processes are enhanced. However, superficial peeling will not help with deep wrinkles, scars, or enlarged pores. In this case, other procedures are needed.


This type of fruit peeling affects the entire depth of the epidermis. It is carried out using a 25% solution of TCA (trichloroacetic acid), retinoids, salicylic acid, phenol. The effect of the procedure will be more pronounced. It helps to increase skin turgor, reduce oiliness, eliminate age spots, helps fight age-related changes, and tightens pores.

The procedure is not performed if there are herpes, hypertension, epilepsy, increased hyperpigmentation. It is rare, but it is possible to encounter individual intolerance to the components of fruit peeling preparations.

As for the behavior of the skin after manipulation, the initial redness goes away within a few days, the residual effects will disappear in about a week. Medium fruit peeling is used not only for the face, but also for the body, including the neck, décolleté, arms, and thighs.


It is a dermatosurgical procedure, since the reagents, penetrating deep into the skin, act on the papillary layer. The application area is also limited. To carry out a deep fruit peeling of the face, you should contact a professional salon. Experts talk about a pronounced effect of tightening the entire facial contour after the procedure.

Peeling is used for:

    presence of wrinkles;


    pronounced scars;

  • age spots.

It is prohibited to carry out deep peeling for pregnant women, as well as for herpetic manifestations. Contraindications include: diabetes mellitus, skin diseases and internal organs. For these reasons, it is necessary to contact specialized salons to perform the manipulation.

It is important to use the services of a good cosmetologist. It should also be remembered that the rehabilitation process after the procedure may take several months.

In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with other indications and contraindications for fruit peeling.

Fruit peeling: general indications and contraindications

According to experts, testimony The following skin problems may require fruit peeling:

    a large number of blackheads on the nose;

    oily and porous skin;

    the presence of facial or age-related wrinkles, folds and grooves;

    frequently appearing rashes on the skin of the face, pimples and blackheads that arise due to the oiliness of the dermis;

    blackheads and comedones, giving the face an unkempt appearance;

    skin aging;

    the presence of age spots, freckles;

    dim, gray face or skin shiny with oil;

    the presence of scars;

    hyperkeratosis, unusual roughness of the skin;

    unclear facial contour;

    decreased tone and flabbiness.

Fruit peeling can be used to prevent early aging and the appearance of wrinkles. With its help, proper facial care is ensured. These procedures will have the greatest effect at the age of 25–35 in the absence of significant age-related changes in the skin.

After the session, you must follow all the recommendations of specialists. In this case, you will have pleasant memories of the procedure.

Contraindications for fruit peeling are:

    the presence of ulcers, boils and acne on the face;

    allergy to the components included in the peeling;

    the skin is prone to scarring after cleansing;

    the presence of wounds, abrasions and cuts;

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;

    general malaise, feverish conditions;

    herpetic rashes on the face, viral infections;

    neoplasms on the skin;

    hemophilia and other diseases of the hematopoietic organs;

    increased skin sensitivity;

    visiting a solarium before the procedure;

    pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Peeling with fruit acids should not be done during menstruation or during hormonal imbalances. Modified hormonal background may cause an unexpected reaction to the components included in the drug.

To avoid negative consequences, irritation and rashes, an allergy test is required before the procedure.

The best products for fruit peeling at home

Before doing peeling with fruit acids at home, you should consult a specialist cosmetologist. Having studied the condition of your skin, as well as problem areas, he will give recommendations on the selection of peeling products and how to carry out the procedure with maximum efficiency and without complications. Below we will talk about several drugs that are suitable for use at home:

Cream mask “Bark”. Volume: 100 ml. Approximate cost: 620 rubles

Fruit peeling “Bark” will help lighten skin tone, hide imperfections, smooth out scars and scars resulting from acne. Eliminates the first signs of aging, fills the dermis with moisture. Good option for people with mature and dehydrated skin. According to reviews, as a result of using the mask, the dermis becomes elastic, radiant and more youthful.

Using peeling before other cosmetic care products will increase their effectiveness. A mask with fruit acids can be used as a preparatory preparation for deeper peels.

Peeling gel “REVEAL PEEL” from “HOLY LAND”. Volume: 75 ml. Approximate cost: 2300 rubles

It can be used to lighten the skin and remove dead skin cells from the epidermis. As a result, the face becomes fresher, hydrated and toned.

Peeling gel with fruit acids helps in the fight against comedones, helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, smooth out age spots, and produce collagen. Your skin will look fresher, younger and more beautiful after using it.

Peeling with “AHA 8%” from “PREMIUM”. Volume: 100 ml. Approximate cost: 700 rubles

Thanks to the exfoliating effect, fruit peeling “PREMIUM” helps to cleanse and renew the upper layer of the epidermis, even out the skin, and make freckles and age spots less noticeable. As a result, the dermis acquires elasticity, radiance and freshness.

Recipes for peeling with fruit acids at home

Homemade peelings with fruit acids are conventionally divided into three groups:

    Compositions prescribed by a specialist as a preparatory stage before a course of peelings.

    Mixtures for the preparation of which natural ingredients are used.

    Professional products that are suitable for use at home (they are an alternative to salon products).

By listening to reviews, you can find out that simple preparations consisting of a minimum set of ingredients help restore and rejuvenate the skin.

Below we will tell you about several proven recipes for homemade fruit peelings for the face:

  1. Peeling ascorbic acid at home (aspirin).

To obtain this remedy, you will need to mix crushed aspirin (three tablets, ground into powder) and freshly squeezed lemon juice(same volume). The resulting paste is applied to the skin of the face (it must first be degreased with alcohol) and left for 10 minutes. The composition is washed off with a neutralizer consisting of 1 tsp. soda dissolved in 200 ml boiled water. Then all that remains is to moisturize the skin.

  1. Saline.

Combine 1 tsp. salt with the same amount of soda and face cream. The composition is applied to previously cleansed and degreased skin, left for 15 minutes, then washed off mineral water without gas. At the end of the peeling, the face is moisturized.

  1. Fruity/berry.

To obtain a fruit peel for the face at home, berries (strawberries, black or red currants, grapes and/or lemon) are ground to a mushy state. Add one tablespoon of honey and gelatin to the mixture, heat until the latter dissolves and cool. After applying to the face, you must wait 15 minutes. To rinse, use mineral water without gas. Then the face is moisturized with cream.

  1. Almond (for dry skin).

- 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;

- 2 tbsp. l. chopped almonds;

- 1 tsp. cream;

- 1 tsp. green tea;

- 1 drop of rose oil.

Mix all ingredients. After the composition has infused for 20 minutes, apply it to your face. After 15 minutes, rinse with still mineral water and moisturize your face.

  1. Almond-lemon.

Use the ingredients above, replacing the cream with milk, and rose oil lemon juice.

  1. Kefir-coffee.

Dried coffee is mixed with kefir until a paste is obtained, after which it is applied to the skin of the face with massage movements. When the mixture dries, rinse it with mineral water and moisturize the skin.

  1. Curd-rice-olive.

Use a blender to puree 1 tsp. rice, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 0.5 tsp. olive oil. Warm the resulting mixture slightly and then apply to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off the composition with still mineral water and moisturize your face.

  1. Strawberry.

Combine 1 tbsp. l. strawberry puree with 0.5 tbsp. l. honey and a drop of almond oil. Massage the resulting mixture onto your face for two minutes, then rinse it off and moisturize your skin.

It is important not to forget that self-made peeling based on fruit acids, as well as store-bought products, in most cases are less concentrated compared to those compounds that are used to perform the procedure in professional salons.

If you want to perform a professional procedure yourself, you will need to follow the following sequence of actions:

    Clean and degrease the skin with an alcohol solution (70% alcohol).

    Apply a composition with acids to your face (for home use its concentration should not exceed 25%). The application sequence should be as follows: first the forehead is treated with the product, then the temples, chin and lastly the central part of the face.

    Apply neutralizer.

    Wash off any remaining neutralizer and product using a sponge and mineral water without gas.

It doesn’t matter whether you use a self-prepared composition or buy a peeling with fruit acids, you must not forget about safety rules!

7 important rules for safe fruit peeling

Despite the availability of fruit peeling, it is important to remember that the procedure is traumatic and possible unexpected skin reactions.

To make it easier and safer, it is important to follow certain rules:

    Everything that is needed for the procedure must be prepared in advance, otherwise at the last moment you will have to look for the necessary ingredients or equipment.

    Metal utensils are not suitable for mixing fruit peeling products due to the possibility of oxidation and the effect on its composition.

    The mask is evenly applied to previously cleansed facial skin.

    Peeling is done only with a freshly prepared mixture. Under no circumstances should it be left for future use. The composition is not applied to the eyelids and area around the eyes. The acid can damage the thin and delicate skin in this area.

    The products are not washed off with hot water. You can use cool or lukewarm water.

    Peeling is not done often. If the skin is very oily, then you can carry out the procedure once or twice a week; for dry skin, a couple of times a month will be enough.

    If you cannot decide on your own skin type or choose a suitable recipe, you should seek the help of a cosmetologist. If you follow the recommendations given by a specialist, the procedure will not only be useful, but also pleasant and safe.

How to do fruit peeling in a salon

A couple of weeks before your visit to the cosmetologist, avoid visiting the solarium and tanning in the sun. In order for the result to be more pronounced, you should resort to special preparation approximately 10 days before the chemical fruit peeling. To do this, it is recommended to use gels based on fruit acids that act on the surface layers of the skin, smoothing them out and exfoliating dead cells.

When carrying out the acid peeling procedure in the salon, cosmetologists use special tools and equipment:

    slotted spoon;

    combined spoon;


  • slotted spoon;


    Vidal needle;

    magnifying lamp;

    Vapazon (for steaming the skin before cosmetic procedures).

Disposable napkins and chopsticks are used as auxiliary means.

The peeling procedure with fruit acids for the body and face includes several stages:

    Preparatory. First, use foam and warm water to cleanse the face of makeup and impurities.

    Basic. Apply a thin layer of the product to the skin of the face and leave for five minutes. In this case, a slight burning and tingling sensation is possible - this is a normal reaction to the action of acid.

    Final. A neutralizer is applied to the skin to stop the effect of the main product. Leave it on for three minutes and then wash off with warm water. Then a mask is applied to the face to soothe and stop the burning sensation.

Conducting anti-aging peeling with fruit acids by a competent cosmetologist guarantees clients excellent results. This is evidenced by the reviews of those who have already completed the course of procedures.

How to care for your skin after fruit peeling

Since fruit peeling is a fairly traumatic procedure, after it the skin needs rehabilitation, which, depending on the depth of exposure of the product, can take from several days to two months.

After fruit peeling, you must follow certain recommendations:

  1. Hydration.

Since peeling with fruit acids deprives the skin of a certain amount of moisture, after it it is important to use moisturizing creams designed to eliminate the feeling of skin tightness and prevent moisture loss. Superficial peeling does not require the use of any special products.

However, better skin hydration and restoration will be provided by skincare products containing hyaluronic acid, natural oils, vitamins, aloe, algae, centella, arnica, chamomile, calendula, panthenol and lipids.

If irritation, redness or severe peeling, you can resort to soothing and deeply moisturizing products.

  1. UV protection.

Skin that is thinned after fruit peeling requires protection from sun rays. Therefore, it is necessary to use sunscreens that block UVB and UVA rays (with a protection factor of 25 or higher). Not worth it long time spend outside, sunbathe in the solarium and in the sun.

  1. Maintaining the effect with products with a low percentage of acids.

Cosmetics with a low content of fruit acids will help to consolidate the achieved result. You can use serum, tonic, cleanser, masks, etc. Such preparations will help support healthy color face and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Refusal of certain cosmetics and procedures.

During the course of fruit peelings, it is important to limit any aggressive effects on the skin, including mechanical scrubs and alcohol-containing products. You should not use medications with retinoids (otherwise you can thin the skin too much).

When conducting a course of fruit peelings, you should not resort to cosmetic procedures, which can have a traumatic effect on the dermis.

The crusts that appear after the procedure must not be removed independently.

Do not plan important events during the peeling course. The resulting redness cannot always be hidden with decorative cosmetics. In addition, it is better not to use it during the rehabilitation period.

Since acid peeling deprives the skin of its protective layer, any other procedures of a similar nature cannot be performed.

Thus, the main task in the period after fruit peeling is to reduce the feeling of discomfort, prevent side effects and complications, stimulation of cell regeneration, skin protection, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapy.

What affects the effectiveness of fruit peeling?

The effectiveness of a fruit peel depends on several factors, including the frequency of application, the concentration of the formulations used and the time of exposure. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • Frequency.

We have already noted that peelings with fruit acids are done in courses. The frequency of procedures is determined by the cosmetologist. It is influenced by the age and condition of the skin, as well as the result obtained after the first session.

A full course usually consists of 7–15 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 10–14 days. For minor problems or preventive peeling with fruit acids, fewer sessions may be needed:

    For persons under 25 years of age, with problem skin, comedones and blackheads require one or two procedures per month;

    For persons 25–30 years old, if the purpose of peeling is to prevent early aging, manipulations are performed two to three times a year;

    Fruit peels are suitable for mature skin in people over 45 years of age. preparatory stage before deep cleaning or plastic surgery.

  • Concentration and exposure time.

The choice of concentration and composition of the fruit peeling product is selected by a specialist depending on the skin type and the depth of the problem. The intensity of the impact directly depends on the visibility of defects and the age of the client.

Note that the higher the concentration of the acid component of the product, the longer the subsequent rehabilitation period, the more difficult its course, the higher the requirements for the client’s health and the skill of the cosmetologist.

At home, you should not use drugs with an acid concentration exceeding 15%, since if used incorrectly you can get chemical burns and complications.

  • Exposure duration Fruit peeling is selected individually by a cosmetologist and depends on the type and condition of the skin.

Exposure to acid for too long can be harmful to the client's health. For this reason, fruit peeling should be done by specialists who have extensive experience in performing such cosmetic procedures.

What results can you expect after fruit peeling?

Often, cosmetologists offer fruit peeling as a preventive measure or as part of a set of procedures designed to provide gentle facial skin care, since AHA acids have a gentle and natural effect on the upper layers of the skin. Using these acids:

    dead cells are removed, while living ones remain intact;

    the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, their ducts are freed, which has a beneficial effect on the degree of oiliness of the skin;

    there is a positive effect on the main cells of connective tissue, which leads to increased collagen production;

    prevents the appearance of blackheads and pimples, smoothes out the effects of post-acne;

    has an antioxidant effect on the skin, neutralizing free radicals;

    The surface of the dermis is leveled, it is thoroughly cleaned, which helps the lower layers to breathe better.

How much does fruit peeling cost in a beauty salon?

Using the table below, you can find your way around the prices for fruit peeling in beauty salons in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In other cities the price may be much lower.

Please note that the table shows the cost of one course procedure, consisting of 5–11 sessions, which are performed at intervals determined by a specialist for 1.5–3 months.

Basically, cosmetologists adhere to a scheme in which the concentration of the active substance increases with each procedure while simultaneously reducing the exposure time.

In addition, these days you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

    This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!

    You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Alpha hydroxy acids are carboxylic acids obtained from fruits, berries, sugar cane, milk. They are popular ingredients in anti-aging, brightening, sebum-regulating cosmetics. Otherwise called AHA acids, fruit acids. When these substances get on the skin, they weaken the adhesion of “dead” cells in the stratum corneum, which externally manifests itself as peeling.

In response to the desquamation of horny scales, the division of basal cells is activated. The process of skin renewal is accompanied by an increase in the level of functionally active natural moisturizing factor. In addition, fruit acids stimulate fibroblasts, which contributes to the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen structures extracellular matrix, responsible for normal turgor skin.

Types of fruit peelings

The most popular types of exfoliation with AHA acids are and peelings. Glycolic acid is obtained from sugar cane. Having a low molecular weight, it easily overcomes the epidermal barrier, and therefore gives the most noticeable result. The raw material for the production of mandelic acid is bitter almond nuts. Almond peeling is the most gentle, suitable for young and sensitive skin. Lactic acid, obtained from sour milk, berries, juices, not only exfoliates, but also moisturizes well.

There are also combined peelings. They may contain both basic and auxiliary acids: citric, malic, tartaric. Some multifruit peels do not contain acids themselves, but highly standardized complexes of fruit extracts. These means include. In addition to acids, it also contains a unique Vegewhite component obtained from medicinal plants.

Benefits of fruit peels

  • They solve a wide range of aesthetic problems and provide the opportunity for individual selection.
  • They are mild in impact, but quite effective with regular use.
  • They are of natural origin, so they are often perceived organically by the skin.
  • They have a controlled effect and give a predictable result.
  • Pain during the procedure is either minimal or absent.
  • Some fruit peels (almond, glycolic) can be done all year round.
  • Fast recovery skin after the procedure.

The strength of the peeling directly depends on the concentration of acids. During the first procedures, weakly acidic solutions are used. This allows the skin to “get used” to the exfoliant and prevents the occurrence of unwanted reactions. Gradually, the concentration of acids increases, and with it the effect of exfoliation.

Indications and contraindications

Peels with fruit acids can be done with adolescence and up to old age. For teenagers, procedures are indicated for problematic skin types: the presence of comedones and acne, increased sebum secretion. At the age of 20-30 they use mainly milk and almond peeling for the purpose of cleansing and moisturizing the skin. The procedure with acids is recommended for those prone to rashes, uneven skin texture and dull complexion, oily shine, blackheads, peeling, and a feeling of tightness.

At 30-45 years of age, fruit peelings are one of the anti-aging procedures. Indications for exfoliation are signs of photo- and chronoaging: wrinkles, decreased turgor, dryness, disruption of the sebaceous glands. Particularly popular at this age are glycolic peels. After 45 years, fruit acids are used in preparation for other cosmetic procedures, for example, before median exfoliation or hardware methods. Regardless of age, peelings are used to reduce pigmentation.

Contraindications to fruit peelings are:

  • intolerance to peeling components;
  • neoplasms on the skin, dermatitis;
  • wounds and abrasions in the area of ​​intended impact;
  • skin reactivity;
  • fresh tan

Main effects of fruit peeling

The speed of obtaining results from the exfoliation procedure depends on the condition of the patient’s skin, the consistency of the drug and the concentration of acids in it. In some cases, the skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated after 1-2 sessions, which can be repeated once a month to maintain the effect. In other cases, a full course of 6-10 procedures is required. They are carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks. The results obtained usually last 3-6 months.

What should you expect from fruit peeling?

  • Reduces the severity of wrinkles and pigmentation.
  • Improved skin color.
  • Reducing the intensity of rashes.
  • Increases skin turgor and moisture.
  • Disappearance of oily shine and comedones.

Fruit acids increase the skin's sensitivity to bioactive substances, so after peeling it is recommended to apply serums and masks. Alpha hydroxy acids cannot smooth deep wrinkles and eliminate ptosis. With their help alone, you cannot overcome acne, hyperpigmentation, and scars.

Skin care after peeling

Post-peeling care is aimed at moisturizing, restoring and protecting the skin. It lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. After peeling, slight redness may occur, which goes away on its own within a couple of hours. On the second or third day, as a rule, short-term peeling begins. Cosmetics with aloe vera can help reduce discomfort and speed up skin renewal. hyaluronic acid, shea butter, panthenol.

During the first days, you should touch the injured skin as little as possible. Instead of creams, it is better to apply gels and use foam when washing your face. On the third to fifth day you can return to creams. Before going outside, you should apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. This will prevent the appearance of post-peeling pigmentation.

So, fruit peeling is an atraumatic, superficial exfoliation of the skin. During the procedure, alpha hydroxy acids are used: glycolic, lactic, almond, citric, malic, tartaric. Peeling is indicated for all skin types and can be used from adolescence to old age. The procedure is aimed at cleansing, moisturizing, and rejuvenating the skin. It has an antioxidant, sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

You can get acquainted with the prices and choose a peeling in the section:.

Fruit peeling is one of the safest and gentlest types of peeling for the skin. This type of peeling is considered a superficial peeling and does not disrupt the patient’s usual lifestyle.
As its name suggests, this type of peeling received its name due to the fruit acids that are part of it. Fruit acids are natural substances of plant origin, which affect only dead cells and do not in any way affect the performance of healthy cells. They can penetrate deep into the skin and reach upper layers dermis.

Varieties of fruit peeling

In terms of depth of impact, fruit peels are classified as superficial peels (as mentioned earlier).
Superficial peelings are indicated for problematic and oily skin, enlarged pores, acne in order to correct age-related defects. Superficial peels are not very effective for obvious age-related changes in the skin and are mainly used in procedures for moisturizing the skin and deep cleansing it.
Fruit acids are: dairy, glycolic, lemon, wine, grape and apple.

Fruit peeling technology

Indications for fruit peeling: acne marks, hormonal changes in the body, teenage problems with oily skin.
Acids have a remarkable antioxidant effect on the upper layers of the skin and neutralize the effects of free radicals. Basically, the entire rejuvenating effect consists of stimulating the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and its own intradermal collagen.

Fruit peeling video

Description of the fruit peeling procedure

1. Apply cleansing foam to damp skin with your hands, wash it until foamy and rinse your face thoroughly with cool water. Avoid contact with eyes!
2. Using a soft brush, apply the fruit peeling lotion evenly over the entire face. Start with the least sensitive areas: the nose and forehead. Then apply to the periphery of the cheeks, neck, chin and décolleté, then to the eyelids and cheekbones (remove in reverse order). Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eyelids and skin of the lips. Apply the lotion in strips so that they do not overlap each other.

You may experience a slight tingling or burning sensation when applying fruit peeling lotions. The time of such exposure depends primarily on individual sensitivity (usually 1-3 minutes). Constantly monitor your skin's reaction and, if necessary, cotton swab soaked in a special neutralizer, soak those points where signs of acid action appeared first.
The procedure time is 20 minutes.

“Effect” time and frequency of fruit peeling procedure

Skin type, purpose of peeling

% acids


Dry or aging skin
giving freshness
pigment spots, wrinkles,

1 min
up to 1 min.

6 -10 procedures performed once every 7 days, once a year

Oily skin
post-acne, age spots

1 -2 min
1 min

10-15 procedures performed 1-3 times every 7 days, 2 times a year

Body skin
Back and shoulder skin care

up to 7 min
1-4 min

20 procedures performed once every 7 days, once a year

The time of exposure to fruit acids is considered the most important factor that determines the effectiveness of this procedure. However, it is not strictly fixed, as it depends on the barrier properties of the skin, the thickness of the stratum corneum, skin type, sensitivity to acid, and the severity of cosmetic defects. The exposure time is selected individually.
The “effect” time ranges from 6 months to a year. Then the fruit peeling procedure can be repeated.

Special tools and equipment, which are used by a professional cosmetologist during the peeling procedure in the salon:

  • skimmer
  • combination spoon
  • uno spear
  • spear
  • slotted spoon
  • microhook
  • Vidal needle
  • magnifying lamp
  • Vapazon (steaming the skin surface before cosmetic procedures)
Aids: disposable napkins and chopsticks.

Recommendations for further skin care after fruit peeling

It is strictly forbidden to expose facial skin to stress and direct ultraviolet irradiation. Under no circumstances do repeated peelings at home! The regime for cleansing your skin is, first of all, gentle!

Fruit facial peeling prices

Note: The information is not official or promotional. Beauty salon prices may not be current at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by randomly analyzing the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information on how much the service costs.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How does fruit peeling work on the skin?
Thanks to fruit acids, keratinized surface scales that interfere with the normal physiological process in the skin and interfere with the effect on it are remarkably exfoliated. Fruit acids perfectly activate the body's immunity and give the skin a pleasant shade, softness, freshness and silkiness.

Can you please tell me how many fruit peeling procedures I need to undergo?
It all depends on your skin type and the problems associated with it. As a rule, cosmetologist appoints from 6 to 10 procedures with breaks of 7 to 10 days.

Many celebrities often resort to the services of professional cosmetologists. Today, one of the most popular procedures is facial peeling.
For example, Samantha Jones once went for a fruit peeling procedure before a party. At the event, she was forced to hide under a veil, as after the procedure her skin was noticeably red. Only after a few hours the result of rejuvenation became obvious.

Contraindications for the procedure

  • skin diseases;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • sensitive skin(a test is required)
  • skin neoplasms, hirsutism;
  • tendency to post-traumatic pigmentation;
  • the use of retinol and photosensitizers ( essential oil bergamot, tetracycline, St. John's wort extracts and others).

Result after fruit peeling procedure

Fruit peeling will give the skin freshness, restore its elasticity, and effectively help with the appearance of the first signs of age. The peeling result will be obvious if you have oily skin, since after this procedure the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, the pores are perfectly cleaned, which in turn prevents the appearance of acne. Also, after this procedure, hyperpigmented areas of the skin lighten.

Fruit peeling at home

At home, you can use creams and gels that contain fruit acids. The concentration of such acids in cosmetics are not large, so they are safe for your skin. But, despite this, be sure to take a test for skin sensitivity to fruit acids before using such a product.