
so happy together

I wouldn't be surprised if many who read this headline jumped in amazement; but no, there will be no sensations. Although I am in quite a childbearing age, I am going to write only about my past experience. This idea would never have crossed my mind, but in the winter, in the comments to some entry (I don’t even remember which one, for the life of me), I was asked to tell how I took care of myself during pregnancy. It seemed to me - and it seems - that this story has lost its relevance over time, but they asked me convincingly, so I won’t break, I’ll tell you. For me, the memories of pregnancy are quite pleasant, but they are very different, so do not be surprised if I am carried away from beauty issues: it is difficult to talk about such a global life event, keeping within the framework of only one topic.

My pregnancy was not only desired, but also planned - my husband and I lived in marriage for a year and a half before we decided that it was time to share and multiply. For me, the issue of pregnancy planning is a very important topic, and I can’t help but speak out about sore points here. I am truly horrified by the way in which the overwhelming majority of Russian families approach the establishment of offspring. “God gave a bunny - he will give a lawn”, “I have the most suitable age, what to expect”, “I give birth for myself” and other archaic horror. For some reason, it is young women who are completely indifferent to pregnancy and conception: a huge number of first pregnancies are accidental, and if a couple decides to consciously have a child, then all their preparation for this consists in throwing away, excuse me, condoms or oral contraceptives.

For some reason, an insignificant percentage of expectant mothers go to be tested for infections, undergo an orthopedist and dentist. Infections? "Well, what are you, I'm not like that." Your unborn child will be much easier because chronic otitis media for life, pathology of the nervous system or dermatitis will be given to him by an infection that you picked up in a domestic way, and not during violent orgies?

Infections that can be found in even a monastic woman are often very easy to treat - but only if you are not pregnant. Pregnancy excludes a bunch of antibiotics and antibacterials, so you can only take immunomodulatory drugs, helping the body somehow cope on its own. This is not the best option.

Or, for example, an examination by an orthopedist - it is more than desirable, given how the load on the spine (and the musculoskeletal system as a whole) increases during pregnancy. But it’s impossible to do an x-ray during pregnancy, and a piercing look is not yet included in the arsenal of an orthopedist. So, it is necessary to pass these examinations before conception. For example, with my weak intervertebral discs, I was immediately shown a support bandage - and I obediently wore it.

Well, the most difficult and ugly topic is the preparation of future fathers. Unfortunately, among the male part of the population, the issues of caring for one's health are in a primitive state: some kind of crazy concept is cultivated: “you are a man, be patient until you fall off.” Something there itches and itches - take a handful of pills that Vasya's friend advised, and stop.

A woman during pregnancy donates blood at least monthly - men, on the other hand, stand on their hind legs from the prospect of pricking a finger every two years. This is the strong gender. There is no need to talk about a visit to an andrologist: or just a categorical refusal (with the justification, charming in its stupidity, “I all sorts such didn’t sleep”), or consent, followed by cries, tears and groans “you have no idea how they tortured me there!” Yes, and here we have trips to the gynecologist - this is a spa with a gentle erotic massage in four hands, that's why we go.

It should be noted that my husband was surprisingly understanding in this regard, and as soon as we planned the pregnancy, he went through all the examinations. I don’t know if my eloquence is the reason here or if he has brains - but, generally speaking, what can be more understandable than the argument: “We will now spend a couple of months on examinations and treatment, if necessary – and the child’s health problems may be on all life. Let's approach the issue like adults." Actually, I would never choose a man as the father of my children who would brush aside examinations and did not understand me in this matter. But I know so many examples of a completely different reaction (I had a lot of conversations about this with friends, acquaintances and just random people on the forums), which is just painfully insulting. Please, dear ladies, do not indulge these children's whims: if you are preparing to become a mother, then the responsibility for the health of the child begins already at this stage.

Well, okay, I'm delayed with the medical part. Everything was fine with us here, both of us were completely examined, everything was checked and treated.

A couple of months before we started trying to conceive, we completely gave up alcohol (both never smoked), I added more fruits-vegetables-juices and cottage cheese to the diet who I hate all my life. From the beginning of pregnancy, I drank vitamins recommended by the doctor who observed me (they are no longer produced, so it makes no sense to name the brand), plus iron (I had mild anemia before pregnancy), and at the end of pregnancy - calcium according to the doctor's indications. In addition, I began to watch TV (although I rarely did this) only from the other side of the room, and simply imposed a moratorium on the computer (then I had a CRT monitor, so don’t laugh: the same TV, in essence). At this point, you can finally switch to beauty questions.

I'll start with makeup, as this is the shortest point. I wore make-up during pregnancy as carefully and thoughtfully as always, but I refused a manicure. Perhaps it was overkill, but I was afraid of even the minimal toxic effect that can be obtained by inhaling the vapors of nail polish remover and the nail polishes themselves. During my entire pregnancy, I painted my nails only once - on golden wedding grandparents.

I even found a photo showing the same manicure!

By the way, despite the magnificent assortment of champagne, wines and other alcohol (grandfather was a connoisseur), I did not take a sip of anything stronger than tea at the celebration. I don’t want to get into arguments with those who defend the right of pregnant women to a glass or two of wine - it was my choice. When I later received my second education, during the course of neuropathology, we were told in no uncertain terms that alcohol is toxic to the fetus, and even more so to the embryo. Unfortunately, references to examples like “but Masha drank a couple of glasses a week and nothing” do not cancel this scientific fact. Anything happens; in orphanages there are quite healthy children of drunken alcoholics, but this does not at all make a couple of bottles of vodka a day a safe diet for a pregnant woman. In addition, this notorious “and nothing, gave birth healthy” usually means only that the child does not have six fingers or Down syndrome; Masha didn't show you a certificate from a neurologist, right? If after a couple of years the baby shows increased nervous excitability (or vice versa, lethargy), hyperactivity, fainting - everyone will already forget about these “a couple of glasses”, but meanwhile they may well be one of the catalysts.

As you can see, I turned off the beauty again, climbed onto the armored car and broadcast; but from the topic of pregnancy, I will not erase the paragraphs “not about that”, because I consider all this important.

Back to makeup; During pregnancy, I unexpectedly mastered facial modeling. Many people probably know that sometimes the nose of pregnant women begins to “spread”; it would seem that the nose, in principle, cannot get fat, but you go. This, of course, is just the influence of hormones - then it “falls” into place, and it is expressed differently for everyone (and for some it is completely absent): for example, I know a girl who has a face because of this her nose has changed so much that after a two-month break I hardly recognized her.

I did not refuse makeup, and in general I really liked myself during pregnancy.

My nose behaved relatively decently - until the last month, the changes were generally barely noticeable, but I was still unhappy with this and tried to correct the problem. I had an unsuccessfully selected concealer lying around a tone darker than necessary - and I began to apply it on the side surfaces of the nose, gently blending the transition. The nose actually became optically narrower.

Well, the most painful topic for many is stretch marks. Before pregnancy, I assumed any consequences for the figure, but not stretch marks: I simply did not know about them. At all. My mother didn’t have them, and if there were friends who gave birth to me before, they somehow didn’t brag about them. As a result, I did nothing at all to prevent them - and paid the price. True, despite the pregnancy with twins, they appeared on ... the chest. Stomach and thighs generally remained intact, oddly enough. As soon as I saw them, I immediately rushed for a remedy for stretch marks: now, unfortunately, it is no longer there, it was the gel of the well-known manufacturer of children's cosmetics Chicco. It was discontinued, replaced with a similar cream, even in the first year after my birth - I also liked the cream, but now it is no longer in stock; I hope that a new version not worse, but I can not vouch. So, these gel and cream healed stretch marks well, as far as possible - the skin became noticeably smoother. Of course, it was necessary to take care of prevention, but how it happened.

At first I was a little worried, but none of my men, who saw breasts after childbirth and feeding, never paid attention to stretch marks at all. They even told me - “What are you talking about? You don't have them." They are still eat, I see them, but now I don’t worry at all: since they don’t make me less attractive, then why be upset? In addition, after looking at a recent selection of photos of women giving birth on the Internet, I realized that everything is really fine with me.

And I also have a photo against the backdrop of a classic Soviet carpet! And I really love this photo.

And you know, I sincerely hope that such results as the heroines of the photo shoot can be avoided with proper care. In this matter, it should be noted, spears are still being broken: some believe that if stretch marks are destined to appear, then they will appear; others try to improve the elasticity of the skin and prevent the problem. In fact, everything is about the same here as with lung cancer: how many of us listened to examples that “my grandfather tarred cigarettes until he was 80 years old and nothing, he died healthy - and Vanka from the next entrance did not smoke all his life and died from cancer at the age of thirty. This does not mean that cigarettes are not carcinogenic, nor that the narrator is lying. It's just that, again, everyone's choice is to take risks or to insure.

If ten of your friends didn't have stretch marks without any care, this does not mean that the skin is not worth taking care of. If you have the same disgrace (forgive me this epithet) as in the photographs, how will you be comforted by the memories of the example of your friends? Yes, the skin may still not withstand the load; and can endure, or at least endure it with less consequences. It can't get worse anyway, so why not try it?

One more thing: I personally think that the figure of a pregnant woman is very beautiful. I thought so from an early age. By the way, I remember how kindergarten noticed the teacher's pregnancy and asked the other girls with surprise - what is it? A belly that obviously doesn't look like a fat person's belly, but it's very big! I always looked with pleasure at pregnant women, especially those who clearly do not forget about their femininity and walk themselves in makeup, beautiful clothes, with well-groomed hair. And during pregnancy, I constantly admired my belly, all the last months I generally walked around the house in a short top, looking in mirrors and rejoicing at my “football”.

Years later, I was surprised to read on some forums that a pregnant woman cannot excite a man, and I wanted to ask - are you kidding? My husband really liked the metamorphoses of my figure, he constantly touched me, stroked, hugged me - he curled like a bee over a flower, and from his enlarged chest, hearts in his eyes just didn’t start to flicker, like in cartoons.

And I still think that pregnancy is not only a wonderful, but also a beautiful period.

I did not gain excess weight during pregnancy: a week or two after giving birth, I weighed almost the same as before pregnancy. There is no mysticism here: you just don’t need to fatten yourself up for nine months like a pig for slaughter. A layer of fat on the sides does not bring any benefit to the child - this is already a surplus, as you understand. If you eat right and varied, then you will round, but not thick.

Less than a month after childbirth; I didn’t find a more visual photo, but in general the state of the figure can be understood

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you anything about fitness or yoga for pregnant women - because multiple pregnancy and extremely low progesterone, all this was contraindicated for me.

But what I can talk about is the shape of the abdomen and chest. Looking at the same photos, I am trying to understand why many women have a “bag” of their stomachs - I didn’t have that. On the very first morning after giving birth, I pulled myself into a postpartum bandage (it barely came together!) And then wore it every day; it was easier and easier to climb in, I could already pull it harder, and then I completely bought a new, smaller one. I don’t know if the preservation of the normal shape of the abdomen is completely the merit of the bandage, but in any case, such a small sacrifice for the sake of beauty is quite possible.

Then, when I had already stopped breastfeeding, I took up the press more actively, and myself, at home. Regular exercises: sit-ups, twists, leg raises - for each muscle group, I did about 100-120 movements, divided into three sets. And the press again had a relief: I didn’t want cubes or something beyond, I was quite satisfied with this result:

This photo was taken when the children were already eight years old; all these years, the press normally kept the “given” shape after feeding. As you can see, the joys of motherhood do not have to be combined with a hanging belly; and it's never too late to take care of yourself. And yes, of course, with a real trainer, in a fitness club, I would achieve amazing results, etc., etc. ... and how many young mothers do not take care of themselves just because they do not have the opportunity to get out on fitness? I want to explain: you can do it just at home, unprofessionally and without complicated calculations. And it makes sense.

And the second point is the chest. I fed for a very long time, and living with the fifth (or even more) size was quite difficult. Since I was afraid that at the end of feeding my breasts would turn into rags, every day I did simple chest exercises: put my hands in front of my chest and press them with effort. If you do everything right, you will see how the muscles on the chest tighten. I did this exercise every free minute (it's quite simple, you can read, watch a movie, sing a lullaby, sit in the park with a stroller - whatever), and I'm happy with the results. Not out of boasting, but in order not to be unfounded, I will add that more than once my friends who gave birth asked me the question: “How did you keep your breasts?” You can add push-ups (at least from the wall), increase the load with dumbbells - it will be even better, but I'm talking about the most simple exercise which really helped.

And summing up, I note that a magical recipe for keeping the figure and skin in good condition(during pregnancy, after it, and indeed in life) no: everything is given by hard work. Whether you want to make these efforts or not is your choice; I am just sharing my experience.

But the most important thing during pregnancy and after is to be happy.

The text turned out to be gigantic, but still there is a feeling that I didn’t tell something, I forgot about something: but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. And share your experience if you have your own thoughts, recipes and tips!

Yulia Lukina - Therapist, State Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Hygiene of pregnant women is a rather capacious concept. It includes compliance with the regime of work and rest, dietary recommendations and a number of other activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of a woman and the unborn baby, as well as preparing her body for the normal course of childbirth, the postpartum period, lactation and breastfeeding.
Although pregnancy, as you know, is not a disease, but a natural state, during this period of a woman's life, significant changes occur in a woman's body that require correction of her usual lifestyle and hygiene regimen. Cleanliness and body care play a big role in life future mother. In connection with hormonal changes, the skin, its appendages (nails, hair), and mucous membranes undergo significant changes.


Many women note that during pregnancy, especially in recent months, their sweating increases dramatically. Keeping the skin clean greatly facilitates the work of the kidneys (the kidneys also perform an excretory function), which work during pregnancy with increased stress.
Baths for pregnant women, in general, are not contraindicated, but these procedures require the following conditions:
bath must be washed detergent;
water should be warm, about 34–36 ° C;
in order to avoid falls in a slippery bath, a special mat, rubber mat, matting or a clean towel should be placed on the bottom; the presence of an assistant is desirable, who will insure you when taking a bath, or at least when leaving it;
baths are not recommended during the last month of pregnancy.

Hot baths should not be taken. It is also not recommended to soar your feet. These procedures cause an increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs, legs, and a decrease in the oxygen supply to the brain, which can cause dizziness, fainting, hesitation. blood pressure, provoke bleeding, miscarriage, premature birth, especially in the pathological course of pregnancy.
A cool bath (30–36°C) with sea salt (available at pharmacies) helps to relax muscles, soothes nervous system, improves blood circulation in the legs, metabolic processes in the skin, promotes the removal of toxins, reduces swelling.
It is not contraindicated for pregnant women to visit the pool. However, public pools are not without drawbacks: strong chlorination of water, the possibility of contracting an infectious disease (most often a fungal infection).

Cool foot baths with sea salt, decoctions of herbs (sage, string, chamomile, calendula, pine needles extract) are very useful. Such baths cool tired legs, refresh, relieve swelling. After a foot bath, a special cream or gel can be rubbed into the skin of the legs to prevent varicose veins. Such creams and gels usually contain extracts of horse chestnut, Siberian fir, essential oil cedar, vitamin E, menthol, which helps to strengthen the venous wall, reduce pain, swelling, heal minor skin lesions, improve the condition of the skin of the legs, prevent fungal infections, microcracks, abrasions, and has a refreshing effect. Most obstetricians and gynecologists recommend taking a daily morning and evening shower rather than a bath to maintain hygiene during pregnancy. The shower should also not be hot, the water pressure should not be too intense. It is optimal to take a shower twice a day, and in the last months of pregnancy even more often. It is also better to put a rubber mat on the floor of the shower cabin, which prevents slipping and reduces the likelihood of falls and injuries.

For hygiene procedures, you can use the same products - shower gels, balms - that you used before pregnancy, if your reaction to them has not changed. However, it should be borne in mind that as a result of hormonal changes, the sensitivity of your skin may increase, the tendency to allergic reactions may increase, the type of skin may even change: it will become more oily, easily inflamed or dry, prone to irritation, peeling. In this case, you will have to part with some cosmetic and hygiene products that used to suit you. It is best to use low-allergenic products with natural ingredients during this period. Soap usually causes excessive dryness of the skin, a feeling of tightness, and can increase peeling, so it is better to use moisturizing shower gels, and after washing - moisturizing oils from a series of children's cosmetics.
Of deodorants, roll-on or creams are preferable. sensitive skin odorless or odorless. It is better to refrain from any cosmetic experiments during this period. After a bath and a shower, the skin should be lightly rubbed with a hard towel. This activates blood circulation, improves skin elasticity. At very heavy sweating in areas of the greatest sweating, prone to irritation - the inner thighs, under the breasts - you can use baby powder.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy in women with a genetic predisposition can lead to a violation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin - skin proteins responsible for its extensibility, elasticity, firmness. An increase in the volume of the abdomen, mammary glands, the deposition of fat on the thighs and buttocks, a sharp increase in weight during pregnancy are provoking situations for the occurrence of stretch marks. Stretch marks (striae, pregnancy stripes) are a kind of scars resulting from the rupture of skin fibers during stretching. It is impossible to remove the resulting stretch marks by conservative methods. It is better to try to prevent their occurrence. In addition to dietary recommendations that help you gain weight during pregnancy and vitamin therapy, there are a number of hygiene measures to prevent stretch marks.

From the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, topical application of special creams, gels and oils is possible. Via various methods massage (light pinching, rubbing), these funds are applied to the skin in places of the most frequent occurrence stretch marks. Due to the increased content of elastin, collagen, vitamin E, silicone, various moisturizing and nourishing components in these products, as well as special substances that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, with regular use, it is possible to achieve good results in preventing the development and progression of stretch marks. Massage, as well as a contrast shower (contraindicated in case of threatened miscarriage) improve skin condition by stimulating metabolism, blood circulation, nutrition and are a preventive measure to prevent cellulite, another problem that can occur during pregnancy. Due to changes in the hormonal background in the body of a pregnant woman, sodium accumulates, which, in turn, retains water. Therefore, during pregnancy, conditions are created for the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous fat, which corresponds to the first stage of cellulite. To prevent this condition, cosmetic preparations with an active moisturizing effect are used, as well as cosmetics that improve skin elasticity and increase its turgor (elasticity).


One of the most common changes on the skin of the face are age spots - chloasma, associated, like many other skin problems, with hormonal changes - activation of melanocyte-stimulating hormone, an increase in the formation of melanin, which provides pigmentation. To prevent the occurrence of chloasma, sunscreens with physical ultraviolet filters (titanium oxide, zinc oxide) should be used, since chemical UV filters (derivatives of cinnomates and para-aminobenzoic acid) often cause allergies. In addition, you need to wear hats that prevent direct exposure to sunlight on the skin of the face.

Whitening products approved for use by pregnant women contain substances that reduce the production of melanin: azelaic acid, kojic acid, ascorbic acid derivatives, arbutin. Means based on plant extracts (parsley, bearberry) have a slight whitening effect. However, even approved whitening products can cause allergies, since most of them are based on acids. Therefore, before use, you should apply a small amount of the drug on the inside of the wrist and check for the absence of an allergic reaction: redness, burning, itching. Majority age spots after childbirth disappear without a trace.

You should carefully monitor the condition of existing moles, birthmarks, papillomas ("hanging moles"), warts - with any change in them, you need to consult a dermatologist. Removal of these skin formations is best done before or after pregnancy.
With increased dryness of the skin of the face, the appearance of peeling, redness, you can use mild hypoallergenic moisturizers, alcohol-free lotions, nourishing and moisturizing masks for dry skin, spray your face with filtered or mineral water from a spray bottle or apply special moisturizing sprays for the face.

During pregnancy, in order to avoid allergic reactions and to reduce the load on the skin of the face, do not abuse cosmetics. Although to correct spots, pimples, spider veins, you can use masking cosmetics with a therapeutic effect (special tonal correctors, creams, pencils).

It is commonly believed that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. However, it is also a mirror of our well-being. In the eyes, for example, you can immediately see that a person is sick or just tired. And of course, a very special look - a woman expecting a baby. Although it happens that it is the eyes during pregnancy that bring grief to a woman: they look so that fatigue is almost literally written on the face ... During pregnancy, many women develop swelling around the eyes.

Expectant mothers will certainly notice that their skin will change a little, starting from the first trimester of pregnancy. To adapt to these changes, it is necessary to strictly follow a certain plan forskin care during pregnancy. Skin changes during pregnancy normal phenomenon caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Milk glands

A pregnant woman needs to systematically take care of the mammary glands. The mammary glands and nipples should be washed daily with room temperature water or wiped with a towel dipped in water. After that, the mammary glands and nipples are wiped dry with a hard terry towel. Previously recommended by many experts, prenatal preparation of the nipples - their light massage, stretching - is currently not recommended, since irritation of the nipples and areola promotes a reflex release of the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions, which is undesirable during pregnancy.

The appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the mammary glands is due to the same reasons as their occurrence on the abdomen. During pregnancy, the volume of the mammary gland increases - the gland is preparing for lactation. The use of special cosmetic preparations provides an increase in the elasticity of the skin of the breast, prevention of the development of stretch marks. Creams are rubbed into the skin of the mammary glands with soft in a circular motion. The skin areas of the inner surface of the shoulder, the chest area to the neck are also lubricated. The cream is applied in the morning or evening after a shower or bath.
Muscles and skin “hold” the chest. The use of products that increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin contributes to a better "support" of the breast. The chest muscles can be strengthened with special exercises. The simplest of them: connect the palms in front of the chest (elbows are spread apart, parallel to the floor) and press them against each other until you feel a slight fatigue. Well strengthens the muscles of the chest swimming. Imitation of hand movements various styles swimming is also included in the complex of physical exercises for the chest.

The bra should be comfortable, sized, made from natural fabrics. It should not constrain the mammary glands, and even more so rub the skin. A somewhat elevated position of the mammary glands contributes to good blood circulation, their normal development during pregnancy, and prevents congestion. At the end of pregnancy, there may be a discharge of colostrum from the mammary glands. In such cases, special breast pads should be used.

external genitalia

Caring for the external genitalia is an essential part of a woman's personal hygiene. During pregnancy, secretion from the vagina increases. This is due to the increasing blood filling of the pelvic organs, hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Frequent urination is another common pregnancy problem. Stagnation of the vaginal secret creates favorable conditions for infection, development and reproduction of various bacteria, fungi. Therefore, your hygiene procedures should become more frequent than usual. It is necessary to wash the external genitalia with warm water in the morning, after bowel movements, and at night. Wash your hands only after thoroughly washing your hands with warm water and soap. The toilet of the external genital organs is carried out in the direction from the pubis to the anus. Douching is completely prohibited in the last 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, and the rest of the time they are used only as directed by a doctor. With abundant secretions, a change in their color, the appearance of a pungent odor, and even more so inflammatory processes in the perineum, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Underwear should be made from natural fabrics, preferably cotton. It should be changed daily. After washing, linen must be ironed with a hot iron. At least once a week (or better - more often) must be changed linens. It is necessary to avoid wearing tight, squeezing underwear, tights, clothes, as this interferes with normal blood flow, lymph circulation, and contributes to the development of infection. Given that most women experience increased vaginal discharge during pregnancy, panty liners can be used and should be changed at least 3 to 4 times a day.

Hair and nails

Hormonal changes during pregnancy affect all appendages of the skin: hair, nails. In the first trimester of pregnancy, hair can become duller and more brittle. But from the second trimester they become thicker, thicker, their shine is more pronounced, as the amount of hair falling out decreases, the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the head increases. However, with a lack or excess of vitamins, minerals, hormonal disorders, adverse external influences, the condition of the hair may worsen. For hair care, you need at least two products - shampoo and conditioner, which must be properly selected, taking into account the changes that occurred during pregnancy. Regardless of the type of hair, the head should be washed as it gets dirty, and not on a schedule. The conditioner smoothes the top layer of the hair, covering it with a protective layer; it makes hair smoother, shiny, easy to comb. After washing normal hair you can rinse with infusion of pharmacy chamomile, common heather or burdock roots; dry - infusion of peppermint, chopped birch leaves; and fatty ones - infusions of St. John's wort, plantain, yarrow, linden flowers. Coloring is not recommended during pregnancy perm. hair: firstly, these procedures can cause an allergic reaction; secondly, the structure of the hair during pregnancy undergoes changes and it is impossible to predict what the hair will become under the influence of chemical reagents; thirdly, in the first trimester of pregnancy, these procedures are considered potentially dangerous to the fetus.

A comb is the main subject of personal hygiene when caring for hair. Head massage while combing stimulates hair growth, nutrition, improves hair appearance. During the day, you need to comb your hair 2-3 times (tight tails, buns, bouffants are not recommended), from the back of the head to the forehead, and then in all directions. A comb with rare teeth is recommended for combing wet hair, a massage brush for head massage, a brush with natural bristles for dry hair, round brushes for styling.

Nails during pregnancy can become brittle, brittle, exfoliating. This may be due to calcium deficiency, metabolic disorders during hormonal changes. Baths with sea salt for nails are recommended (20 minutes for 2-3 weeks every other day). When caring for nails, you can not cut the cuticle, it must be softened with the help of special tools and pushed back with a wooden stick. The use of a metal nail file can increase the separation of nails. Do not use nail polishes containing formaldehyde, toluene, camphor, and nail polish removers with acetone due to their toxicity. When visiting a manicure, beauty parlor, hairdresser, do not forget to pay attention, or better, find out in advance whether the instruments are sterilized after each client.

Source www.bocza.ru

Oral cavity

Carious cavities are a source of chronic infection that is dangerous for the health of the baby and the normal course of pregnancy. In addition, hormonal changes can lead to the so-called gingivitis of pregnancy - superficial inflammation of the gums. Therefore, hygiene and timely sanitation of the oral cavity is one of the important components of the personal hygiene of a pregnant woman. It is necessary to brush your teeth at least in the morning and in the evening (and optimally after each meal) using modern toothpastes. After eating, if it is not possible to brush your teeth, you should rinse your mouth with water. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, especially caramel, lollipops, sweet carbonated drinks. Of great importance for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity is a sufficient intake of vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine.

Compliance with all the rules of personal hygiene during pregnancy is a rather difficult and painstaking work that requires self-discipline and diligence from the expectant mother. But the rewards for this daily work—your baby's health, your beauty, and your well-being—are well worth the effort.

Self care during pregnancy

It is necessary to take care of your hair and treat it carefully at any period of your life, including during pregnancy, because after the birth of a child you will have much less time for yourself. To keep alive and healthy, as well as to restore the weak and lifeless hair You may find the following tips helpful:
use only those shampoos that are suitable for your hair, specially selected shampoos will gradually get rid of oily or dry hair (for oily or dry hair, respectively);
ensure your hair is in a normal state by treating your hair with special products or deep-acting conditioners, use hair mousses to improve hair and maintain hairstyles;
make yourself a haircut that would take you a minimum of time for styling, since during the period of the approaching birth and in the postpartum period you will have practically no time for this.

Daily facial care during pregnancy involves the following procedures:
when skin pigmentation appears, do not lighten the skin with various liquids that contain bleaching agents, this can damage the skin, try using concealers that help even out skin color without damaging it;
clean your face with products that suit your skin type and do not contain soap;
tone the skin and cleanse the pores;
moisturize dry facial skin;
when using cosmetic masks before pregnancy, this activity can be continued during, but with specially selected products, since the skin becomes the most sensitive;
the use of creams containing vitamin A is recommended to be excluded during pregnancy, since, according to some experts, an excess of vitamin supplements and drugs can lead to birth defects.

The desire to remain beautiful and attractive is characteristic of all the fair sex, and women who are expecting the birth of a baby are no exception.

Of course, you want to enjoy your reflection in the mirror, but on the other side of the scale is the health of the unborn baby.

What cosmetics should be used so as not to cause harm? How to take care of skin, hair and nails? These questions are faced by every lady in anticipation of a “miracle”.

The main recommendation of experts: choose cosmetics and skin care products with an organic and hypoallergenic composition. The key to safety is the absence or minimization of chemistry.

Face and body care

Of course, you should not refuse moisturizing and nourishing care for a nine-month period. First of all, pay attention to specialized series and lines for pregnant women of popular cosmetic brands. Trust only brands with a proven track record. You can also use light moisturizing organic face creams without aggressive active ingredients.

It is strictly forbidden to use products with retinol (vitamin A), which, as a rule, is an ingredient in anti-aging cosmetic lines. By itself, it is not dangerous, but in case of an overdose it can lead to violations in the development of the baby. You should also give up thinking about skin whitening or, conversely, using self-tanning products.

If cosmetic corporations do not inspire confidence in you, then you can always prepare suitable care products yourself from natural and affordable products. But remember, if you are not a specialist in the field of cosmetology, then it is better to coordinate all experiments during pregnancy with the observing doctor.

Hair care

Hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to the fact that the hair begins to grow actively, stop falling out if such a problem existed before, and generally look great. It becomes a pleasure to take care of them, the main thing is to choose the right cosmetics.

In the case of curls, the same rule applies: the more natural, the better. An unwanted “guest” in shampoos is sodium lauryl sulfate, which is responsible for thick white foam. It tends to accumulate in the body of mother and baby. When styling, try to avoid spray products that can be inhaled: replace the fixing varnish with mousses and gels.

Overgrown roots, if you used hair dye before pregnancy, will definitely not make you more beautiful. Of course, ordinary paint for home use and persistent salon products while it is better to put aside. Sparing ammonia-free paints and tinting balms will help correct the situation. Also, natural henna and basma will not cause harm, but remember, after them, ordinary staining becomes very difficult.

Nail care

The manicure and pedicure procedure is not only able to put the nails in order, but also to give future mother precious moments of pleasure and relaxation. Especially appreciated pedicure on later dates when you can't reach your toes on your own. Experts do not see anything wrong with these procedures, but they advise to refrain from extensions, gel polish and ordinary varnish in order to minimize the inhalation of harmful fumes.

Perfumes and decorative cosmetics

Using high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics will not harm the baby. But still, due to hormonal changes, makeup should be kept to a minimum: in order not to clog enlarged pores, try to do without tight ones. foundations and powders. BB creams and fluids can be your trusted allies for toning your complexion.

Saturated aromas in pregnant women often, especially in the first trimester, can cause ambiguous reactions. Even once-loved perfumes can be disgusting. In order not to torture yourself, just postpone them until the moment when the raging hormonal background will return to normal.

All kinds of decorative, care products and perfumes that will help you stay beautiful and well-groomed in “ interesting position”, you can find on the website of the online store of beauty products No. 1 MakeUp. You will find a wide selection of natural organic cosmetics, hypoallergenic and safe for use during pregnancy. Self-care and self-love can give a good mood and positive emotions, and this is exactly what your baby needs.

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Despite the fact that pregnancy is a normal state, it tires the body of a woman. All organs must adapt to the new state. Metabolism is accelerated, breathing and blood circulation are more efficient, the uterus is enlarged. During pregnancy, the placenta secretes many enzymes and hormones, which, along with the corpus luteum and the lower cerebral appendage, regulate the changes that occur in the body.

Temperature rise

At the beginning of pregnancy, body temperature usually rises slightly, but this does not require treatment.

During pregnancy, you should not take any medicine on your own initiative, even the most common flu medicine. Some medicines harm the fetus. You should always tell your doctor and dentist about your pregnancy in order to take it into account during treatment.


Pregnancy affects women differently. Some of them feel better than ever before, while others feel very tired both in the first three months and in the last two to three months of pregnancy. A lot here depends on the physique. big woman it is easier to endure the severity of loads than a small woman, for whom carrying 3-4 kilograms in the uterus is quite a lot of work.

Fatigue should be taken seriously. In the middle of the working day, you should try to rest, or at least sometimes raise your legs up. If fatigue continues for two weeks, you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms that require a doctor's examination?

  • Constant itching of the skin. This could be a sign of liver dysfunction.
  • Vomiting and nausea continuing after the fourth month of pregnancy
  • Sudden weight gain is a sign of excessive fluid accumulation in the body.
  • Swelling of the legs and arms
  • Low hemoglobin, anemia
  • Burning sensation when urinating may be a sign of inflammation of the urethra, which requires medical treatment.
  • Strong headache


  • if blood comes out of the vagina
  • if amniotic fluid begins to leak
  • if there is a sharp pain in the lower or upper abdomen

in these cases, there is a risk of premature birth.


Fatigue can be a sign of anemia. Blood hemoglobin during pregnancy often decreases due to the fact that the amount of blood increases and the blood seems to be diluted. If necessary, the doctor or nurse will recommend iron supplements. Walking in the fresh air and vitamin C (obtained from fruits and vegetables) contribute to the absorption of iron.

Increased urination, sweating

At the beginning of pregnancy, and especially before the next menstruation, the expectant mother often feels a vague pressure in the lower abdomen. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels and the acceleration of blood circulation. The need for urination increases especially at the end of pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus presses on bladder. Fetal push can cause involuntary urination. During pregnancy, sweating also increases, as the entire metabolic process speeds up. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene.


During pregnancy, the discharge of whites from the vagina usually increases. When they cause itching or have a strong odor, it is necessary to do an analysis, as these leucorrhoea can be a sign of inflammation. Washing is done clean water without soap and sanitary napkins, which can irritate the mucous membrane. Douching is not recommended as it increases the risk premature birth.

Bloody issues

During pregnancy, menstruation does not occur because the lining of the uterus, which comes out during menstruation, is necessary for the development of pregnancy: a fertilized egg is attached to it. However, in the first two months of pregnancy, small spotting may occur when, in the absence of pregnancy, menstruation should occur. Besides this, every spotting from the vagina - an alarming sign, the appearance of which should immediately go to the hospital or see a doctor.

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

Approximately half of pregnant women suffer from a painful feeling of nausea in the first half of pregnancy, especially in the morning when the stomach is empty. This may be accompanied by dizziness and darkening of the eyes when getting out of bed. Nausea usually stops by the fourth month of pregnancy. Nausea can be relieved by eating, for example, wholemeal biscuits, crackers, a slice of bread, a glass of milk, etc., before getting out of bed. These "snacks" can be put in the evening by the bed. Get out of bed slowly and calmly. It's good to lie down for a while before getting up.

Nausea can suddenly appear during the day if the stomach is empty. Therefore, it is recommended to eat a little during the day.

However, severe, uncontrollable vomiting is not normal, even during pregnancy. In this regard, you must consult a doctor.


From the beginning of pregnancy, the mammary glands increase. They may become tender and swollen. From the second month of pregnancy, colostrum may ooze from the nipples. At this stage, the mammary glands are sensitive to cold and therefore must be kept warm. IN winter time while walking, you can, for example, wrap your chest with a large woolen scarf. Swimming in cold water is not recommended.

It is good to massage the nipples with a basic cream, which is sold in a pharmacy, so that the skin of the nipples becomes coarse and can withstand sucking. If the nipples are small or inverted, they should be pulled out daily for several months before delivery to make it easier for the baby to latch onto them.


In pregnant women, especially those who easily gain weight, may appear on the mammary glands, abdomen and thighs of the so-called. scars. These reddish stripes, resembling tears, turn pale in many and become almost invisible after childbirth. In the initial period, they can be lubricated with a base cream.

darkening of the skin

During pregnancy, the skin usually darkens, especially the nipples and external genitalia. A brown line often looms from the lower abdomen to the navel. May appear on the face dark spots. They turn pale after childbirth, but there are no special treatments for them.


In the second half of pregnancy, heartburn is usually tormented, and in order to avoid it, one must refrain from spicy foods, do not drink coffee and strong tea. Also, dishes fried in oil cause heartburn.

Consumption of soda and salt increases swelling. IN antenatal clinic you can get information about safe means against heartburn. It will disappear by itself after the birth of the child.


Small swellings are common, unless they are associated with an increase in blood pressure or protein excretion in the urine. A sharp excessive weight gain (for a mother of average height - over 500 g per week) is a sign of a violation of the normal state, so you should immediately contact a antenatal clinic or a doctor.

Varicose veins veins

During pregnancy, varicose veins and spasms increase and become more prone to them, as the uterus presses on the veins. To reduce painful sensations in the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to purchase a special bandage belt and elastic stockings. Stockings should be worn on the legs without getting out of bed. It is good to rest your legs in the middle of the day by lifting them perpendicularly upwards, and at night keep a pillow under them. Shoes should not compress the foot, not have very high heels. It is good to change shoes during the day.


Those suffering from cramps are advised to stretch their legs by squeezing and stretching the fingers, straining and relaxing the legs from the knees. With convulsions, the knee is stretched, taken for thumb legs and raise the leg up. Night socks also help.

Hemorrhoids and constipation

The growing uterus puts pressure on the rectum and thereby increases the tendency to hemorrhoids. Constipation aggravates hemorrhoids, so Special attention should pay attention to the diet. Constipation is reduced by fiber contained, for example, in whole grain bread and porridge, vegetables, berries and fruits, which should be consumed daily in large quantities. You need to drink enough fluids, you can eat

add wheat bran, wheat kernels and dried fruits that stimulate the intestines. Physical exercise also contributes to the functions of the stomach.

Back pain

With the growth of the abdomen, the muscles of the back experience a greater load, which is often felt as pain. Good posture, i.e. drawing in the abdomen (before it is possible during pregnancy) reduces pain. Good bras and a bandage and sufficiently spacious low-heeled shoes lighten the load on the back. It is best to sleep on a mattress that, while acquiring the shape of the back, simultaneously supports it. Tight muscles relax if they are gently massaged and rested. Strengthen the abdominal muscles and light exercise. Recommendations for proper exercise can be obtained from the antenatal clinic.

Physical training

During pregnancy, it is important for a mother to improve her health by doing as much physical activity as possible, walking in the fresh air. The good physical condition of the mother contributes to good health child. Physical activity can usually be continued until the end of pregnancy. However, just in case, you should avoid such sports and dances in which jumping, stretching and other sudden movements are performed. Also, due to the risk of inflammation and uterine contractions, one should carefully consider whether to bathe in cold water. Experience shows that a quiet daily walk is a very useful form of physical education.

Light housework also gives the necessary muscle load. Heavy domestic work, such as washing carpets by hand, increases the risk of miscarriage. Long-distance car trips or motorcycling are also not recommended. Flying in airplanes where the air pressure cannot be adjusted can make it difficult for the fetus to get oxygen.

safety belt

The obligatory use of the safety belt now also applies to those sitting in the rear seats. The current three-point safety belts are also reliable for the baby. However, sometimes the use of the belt is difficult towards the end of pregnancy. If the use of the belt is difficult due to illness, the doctor may issue a certificate exempting the use of the belt.

sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse is possible during the entire pregnancy, unless the doctor advises otherwise. However, sexual intercourse should be avoided during the first days of the second and third months of pregnancy (when menstruation should occur), since then there is a risk of miscarriage. With an increase in the abdomen in sexual intercourse, you should try different positions. Some women feel tired at the beginning of pregnancy and have no desire to have sex, but usually sex during pregnancy is more pleasant than usual, since there is no need to take care of protection. If one of you has no desire for sexual intercourse, show affection to each other in other ways. Everything that brings pleasure to both relates to love life.


Tobacco smoke often causes nausea in a pregnant woman. Both mother and father should quit smoking for the benefit of their own health and the health of the child. Nicotine and fumes in smoke pass from the mother's blood through the placenta into the fetus and interfere with the functions of the placenta. Children of women who smoke at birth are usually shorter than the children of non-smoking women.

During breastfeeding, nicotine is absorbed into the mother's milk, causing anxiety, digestive upset and tearfulness in the child. Tobacco smoke can cause cough and catarrh in the upper respiratory tract during the first year of life. Smoking is thus harmful to the child in many ways.

Alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm both the fetus and the mother. Even small doses can be harmful if alcohol is consumed daily. The safe limit of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not yet known. Therefore, a pregnant mother is advised to refrain from drinking alcohol throughout her pregnancy.

Question number 1. Can I dye my hair?

But no more than three times during the entire period of pregnancy, after and without ammonia paint. Toxins of persistent ammonia paints frequent use increase the child's risk of allergies and cardiovascular disease. The expectant mother can also have problems: from allergies to a strange hair color.

The ideal option is coloring that does not affect the roots: highlighting, coloring, ombre.

Question number 2. Can I use nail polishes?

Let's start with the manicure itself. Feel free to make sure the instruments are sterile. It’s better to look like an alarmist than catch an infection: ask the master to show you a device for processing tools or open disposable ones in front of you. During pregnancy, it is worth switching to unedged manicure if you have poor blood clotting (many expectant mothers suffer from this). Choose varnishes that do not contain formaldehyde and toluene (these components can have a toxic effect on the fetus or cause allergies).

Also refrain from extensions, gel polishes and other coatings that harden under a special ultraviolet lamp. Avid fans of gel manicure have cases of vitiligo, a disease in which pigmentation is disturbed and white spots appear on the skin. In a pregnant woman, pigmentation is already unstable, you should not once again put your skin at risk.

Question number 3. Is it possible to continue facial care with the usual means?

If before pregnancy you already chose creams marked "hypoallergenic" or you were lucky and you have reduced skin sensitivity.

Organic products can also become irritants: plant extracts that predominate in their composition are not always perceived unambiguously by hypersensitive skin. During pregnancy, it is better to use pharmacy cosmetics without dyes. If irritation does occur, switch to cream and cleansing milk, which do not contain any preservatives or emulsifiers."

Question number 4. Is it possible to do bikini hair removal?

But it all depends on the type of this procedure. About electro, photo and laser hair removal- forget! Waxing is a painful procedure, and during pregnancy, sensitivity is already increased. If you still cannot switch to the machine, contact the salon waxing and ask to be booked into a hair removal specialist for pregnant women.

Question number 5. Is it possible to use self-tanner and sunbathe?

The active components of self-tanning - dihydroxyacetone and erythrulose - penetrate the lungs and can adversely affect the fetus. The sun in the life of a pregnant woman should be in homeopathic doses. In the heat, blood vessels expand, pressure rises, and this can provoke placental abruption. Plus, pregnant women are prone to hyperpigmentation, so even sitting in the shade, use a cream with a high SPF.

Question number 6. Is it possible to continue playing sports?

And even necessary. There are obvious bans on traumatic and extreme sports: skydiving, martial arts, horseback riding, skiing, snowboarding and diving.

The best thing is swimming. It unloads the spine, strengthens the muscles of the back and chest, improves blood circulation. Also in the lead are special yoga and gymnastics for pregnant women. Programs are drawn up taking into account the peculiarities of this important period.

You can run, but until the twelfth week. In the second trimester, the distance and pace should be halved. On the recent months you have to take a step. No weights and intense exercise like dance aerobics, step and other things that are associated with stretching, sudden movements, swings and back bends.

Question number 7. Is it possible to do injections and hardware procedures?

Pregnancy is an immunodeficiency state, the body is weakened by the strongest hormonal changes. And how he will react to another stress - a beauty injection - no one knows. Even those drugs that were ideal for you before can be perceived much more painfully during pregnancy and cause an allergic reaction.

Question number 8. Is it possible to do a back massage?

But only with the permission of the doctor - soft relaxing in a sitting position or lying on your side. Leave anti-cellulite, sports, osteopathic and other “hard” types for later. Hardware massages, especially pressotherapy, are prohibited.

Question number 9. Can I use antiperspirants?

Despite the fact that there are no clinical studies that confirm the harmful effects of antiperspirants, it is better to refuse them during pregnancy. The fact is that pregnant women should not be in contact with heavy metals. This group also includes aluminum, whose salts are the main ingredient of any antiperspirant.

But you can use alcohol-containing deodorants (on the labels in the composition there is the word alcohol, but no aluminum). There are also deodorants with herbal ingredients that minimize sweating. They are not as effective as antiperspirants, but they still save you from an unpleasant odor for several hours.

Question number 10. Is it possible to use decorative cosmetics?

But there are nuances. Facial skin during pregnancy is almost always dehydrated, hypersensitive and often prone to acne in the second trimester.

Given these features, it is better to use a light-textured caring cream with tinting pigments instead of powder. For the prevention of melasma, it is recommended to combine tone and SPF 50. Set aside colored lipstick: often during pregnancy, pigments provoke cheilitis - inflammation of the lips with mucosal lesions and a red border. Try not to use mascara or choose it from a pharmacy assortment, for example.

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Attention! All body reactions are individual, so in case of doubt, consult your gynecologist.