Often you have to hear how people complain: "I was delivered" or "a cold appeared on the lips." As a rule, the herpes is hidden behind these complaints, which many are infected in childhood. According to WHO, almost 90% of the population is infected with one or more types of herpes, although it does not appear. Once upon a time hitting the human body, this virus remains there for life. A BIG PROBLEM

In the second half of November, in many countries of the world, a week of herpes is held on the initiative of the International Alliance Herpes. The purpose of this promotion is to attract the attention of people to this problem.

Herpes (Herpes) was first described in Ancient Greece. Translated from the Greek word "herpes" means "creeping, propagating skin disease." Currently, this chronic viral infection occurs in nine out of ten inhabitants of the Earth. Presumably in the territory former countries The CIS for various forms of herpetic infection is infected annually about 20 million people, and mortality in a number of viral diseases ranks second after influenza.

Of the 80 types of herpes, famous for modern medicine, in humans may cause only 9. The most common is a simple herpes of the 1st type ("cold" on the lips), the 2nd type (genital herpes) and the 3rd type (listened , or windmill).

With the first type of herpes - "cold" on the lips - many are facing. This virus may exist in the body, without showing itself, and the disease is activated only with reduced immunite and frequent stress. It seems like this type is recognized as the most harmless, but it is necessary to remember that in any case, once hitting the body, the herpes virus remains there for life. If a person is healthy, herpes "sleeping", but when weakening immunity, it may affect the extensive zones of skin and mucous membranes, and in the absence of treatment, spread through blood and affect the internal organs and brain shells.

Genital herpes is transmitted mainly during sexual contacts, showing itself unpleasant symptoms, which causes the physical and moral discomfort of a person. If the virus is in the active stage, it is possible to infection with a kiss (including the cheek), the use of common kitchenware, towels, linen. The patient with herpetic infection is increasing, as a rule, only during exacerbation, that is, when rashes are manifested or there are other signs that will be mentioned below. Therefore, during this period, he should use individual dishes, a towel, etc. It is also possible to self-informing when the patient himself transfers herpes virus from the focus of infection on unattended parts of the body: face, hands, eyes, oral cavity, etc.

Herpes is a special danger to pregnant women: in the first trimester, it can cause miscarriage or cause malformations of the child. Despite the treatment prescribed after childbirth, up to 80% of newborns at the primary episode of genital herpes dies or become deep disabled.

Without treatment, herpes increases the risk of infertility. The herpes virus of other types is also able to cause severe diseases such as mononucleosis, cytomegaly, provoke diseases of the nervous system and oncological processes.

Symptoms of herpes

The incubation period (the period from infection before the appearance of the first symptoms) - during herpetic infection is 3-14 days.

Then comes the preponderances of the disease. There are general weakness, an increase in body temperature to 38.c, a painful increase in the inguinal lymph nodes, the increase in urination, muscle pain. Then, about a week later, itching, burning, redness of the skin arise, as well as rash in the form of individual bubbles with transparent, and then purulent content. After 2-4 days, the contents of bubbles purre, and they are bursting, forming mocking ulcers, which are then covered with crusts. With a favorable course of the disease in 5-7 days, the crust disappears, a stain remains in its place. Even in the absence of treatment, the symptoms of the disease usually pass independently after 2-3 weeks.

Subsequently, many disease recurrences, and the time before the next recurrence can range from several weeks to several years. When infected with the first type of recurrence virus during the year, 50% occur, the second is 90% of patients. Various factors contribute to the exacerbation of the disease: ultraviolet irradiation with long stay in the sun, pregnancy, medical manipulations, excessive cooling, stressful situations, etc.

Prevention of herpes

Considering the widespread prevalence of this virus and numerous risk factors to reduce immunity in modern worldIt is more serious about the appointed reception of antiviral drugs and not neglect preventive measures.

In no case cannot be engaged in self-medication! Abundant lubrication of bubbles with greenflower from herpes will not save. The disease requires integrated treatment under the control of a specialist. And it takes at least 2-3 weeks.

Unfortunately, get rid of herpes once and will not work forever. The only thing you can do is not to allow exacerbations. As a rule, the disease is activated against the background of weakened immunity, shifts of seasons or a sharp change in temperature. There are people who are only to penetrate or overheat, and the next day they appear rash.

Try to avoid provoking factors, strengthen the immune system! Dress up the weather, follow your meals, do not allow stress. Take immunostimulants, vitamins A, C, E, RR, from trace elements are good calcium, magnesium; Drink more fluid. And if it did not help, then when detecting herpes, be sure to take antiviral drugs, but only after consulting a doctor.

Warm summer behind, and often due to sharp temperature differences, we are transferred and we become easy to prevent a viral infection.

Almost no one perceives colds seriously - this is not flu and not inflammation of the lungs. People do not want or may not be due to employment at work to abide by bed regime. They do not turn to the doctor, but are engaged in self-medication. And the cold can cause a number of heavy complications!

There is a saying: "Wolf legs feed", and its main part thoroughly entered our lives. We are doing everything on the run, even a cold is now accepted to "relide". But is it safe?

The fact is that today it is not fashionable to hurt. Not in the sense of "getting sick", but to stay at home because of bad well-being or even a frank unhealthy. That is, simply speaking, not decently sitting on the hospital. Today it is fashionable to work and earn, and otherwise - if it will be.

Therefore, even being completely in the "disassembled state," we go from the last strength to work. Of course, nor about what performance does not matter, but there is no presence in the workplace. And it doesn't matter that every other day after this viral attack half of the office no longer differs from the "culprit": the nose and cough is swollen from a constant runny nose and the cough will become a common nightmare for the next week.

We say: think, cold. It would seem a trifle. Small temperature, sore throat, cough - which trifles! And very lightly treat viral infections. In fact, everything is not very rosy.

Belt with comfort

Everyone knows that the flu carries a bunch of complications. But even a banal ARVI represents a real threat to our health, because when experiencing it "on the legs" from a light shape, it is quite quickly moving into bronchitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the lungs, angina and other unpleasant variations.

That is, in fact, carrying the same complications that only the flu were attributed to. Every year, tens of thousands of people die from the flu in the world, and most of them are due to the complications arising from the disease suffered "on the legs".

Output one - if you get sick, negotiate with the authorities, take the sick leave and stay at home. It is not worth a similar heroism to expose your health and health of others - they are unlikely to deserve it.

Belt with comfort and in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. Observe bedding. Drink more fluid, better, if it is a decoction of rose or tea with raspberries and lemon. When the temperature holds above 39 degrees more than a day, you can take the antipyretic, if it is relatively low, it is not worth it - with the help of "degrees" the body struggles with infection.

NEUCH - a blow to the authorities

Often, the eyes, respiratory system, as well as a hearing aid, fall as a result of the unbearable cold.

As for the latter, the cold for them is especially dangerous, because the symptoms often arise very similar, and problems may be different.

Reducing hearing, the noise in the ears is the first signs that additional help is needed. The cause of such an unpleasant and dangerous state is the swelling of the hearing tube. Different diseases can cause it. If the ears laid at a cold, it is possible to try to facilitate the condition of the hearing tube with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs. Most often it is drops that drip into the nose.
It is also necessary to imitate chewing movements and yawns - it helps to balance the pressure and remove the edema. This is a help that everyone can have himself.

But you need to remember - the first thing you need to find out the reason, that is, to diagnose! Otherwise, very unpleasant diseases can arise with even more unpleasant consequences, up to the loss of hearing - otitis the middle ear, inflammation of the hearing pipe and many options for the negative development of the disease.

Treatment "blindly" is extremely dangerous to health. So, you need to remember: if your ears have laid with a cold, you need to immediately contact the doctor. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation, since the patient can not be treated with the fact that the disease needs an irreparable damage to health. Do not forget that the cold cured to the end can be very insidious and carry unpredictable consequences.
What other problems arise if we do not treat a cold? Most often - sinusitis (sinusitis, front) and bronchitis.

The non-nose can give a complication in the form of sinusitis - inflammation of one or more apparent sinuses. With the front - inflammation of the frontal apparent sinus of the nose inflammation can go to the bone and cause necrosis and brain abscess. Chronic purulent hymorite can lead to inflammation of the brain shell - meningitis.

Bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi - doctors are divided into acute and chronic. Acute usually lasts no more than 10 days. But if your cough does not pass within a month - this is a clear reason to turn to the ENT doctor.

Less common complications include inflammation of lungs, myocardium and pericardium, radiculitis, neuralgia, viral encephalitis, lung swelling, liver damage. Agree, pleasant little.

What can not do

So, obviously, it is impossible to carry the disease on the legs. Remember that if the cold on time and correctly start treated, it can go through two days. If you carry it on your feet, still silent, but for a long time with high temperatures and complications.

In the treatment of a cold, we are insemissive in the means: to drown out the disease, we are ready to pour everything in a row. Meanwhile, it is known: if a person takes 2 drugs simultaneously, the risk of their unpredictable interaction is 10%, 3 drugs - 50%, and when using more than 5 drugs - increases to 90%. So do not swallow pills to hand!

On the different people Drugs act differently. For example, astmatics can not drink aspirin and analgin, because they can cause bronchospasm. Paracetamol is contraindicated to people who have a liver. In the instructions for each drug indicate the deadlines for the reception of drugs without a recipe. It is better not to exceed them.

According to studies, in 50% of cases, the purpose of antibiotics at ARZ is unreasonable. It is dangerous uncontrolled their use, since the basic strains of pathogens become sustainable, and when the antibiotic is truly needed, it is no longer valid. On the other hand, if there are complications of colds - angina or inflammation of the lungs, without antibiotics no longer do. But the doctor should appoint them.

Classical recommendation at a cold is a rinse of the throat with chamomile and calendula. However, if a person has allergies to flowers and pollen of plants, pain in the throat can only increase! There are people who do not tolerate Malina. And to prevent an allergic reaction, it is impossible, for example, to brew its sheet - a recognized anti-inflammatory agent.

In any case, it is important to make a diagnosis correctly: you may assume that you have an ordinary cough, and to treat it with banks, and you may have already developed pneumonia at which such a procedure is prohibited. Therefore, if they have bothered, try to avoid similar errors to not harm yourself. Immediately go to the doctor, take care of your health!

Every woman, sick during pregnancy, is always experiencing, as her illness to affect the child. This is natural, because care for the health of your crumbs is the most important task for parents. At different times of pregnancy, the colds differ in different ways to the baby and mom. Consider how colds may threaten during pregnancy in the second trimester.

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 week after conception. During this period, you can breathe with relief, as viral infections can no longer apply such a strong blow to the baby's health as in the first trimester. The fact is that the fruit is already protected by a placenta, which serves as a conductor of nutrients, oxygen, is a kind of barrier from the negative impact of the outside world. But the cold may strike on this shield. Feto-placental insufficiency arises, in which the transfer of nutrients and oxygen is difficult. The child can be born ahead of time, with weight below the norm. In the second trimester, the kid may suffer nervous systemSince during this period there is its active development.

What else is a hazardous cold in 2 trimester?

If there is a cold for 14 weeks, then the probability of miscarriage or change in the endocrine system occurs. If this happens on July 16-17, the fetus may incorrectly form bone tissue. When a woman is waiting for a girl, then special attention to his health needs to be shown in the period 19-20 weeks. At this time, the formation of eggs occurs, and the virus can disrupt the correct process, which will lead to infertility of future women.

Sometimes future mothers, without thinking, begin to take antibiotics and antibiotic drugs with a cold. This can not be done in any way, because the medicines will definitely harm the baby. Therefore, if a woman is ill in 2 trimester, then no attempts have self-medication, but to consult a doctor and fulfill his recommendations. Frame error Pregnant women beyond the adoption of antibiotics is the uncontrolled reception of homeopathic preparations. It is believed that herbs cannot harm the body, but this is not always the case. Many vegetable preparations have side effects and can provoke miscarriage or excitation of the nervous system of mommies.

The consequences of a cold in the 3 trimester of pregnancy and its danger

The consolation factor is that cold at the end of pregnancy is less dangerous than at the beginning. For example, if the cold for the 31 week of pregnancy provokes premature birth, then with the help of modern technologies, the baby can be saved. But still a cold should be avoided, since the danger of miscarriage exists.

The cold for 30 weeks of pregnancy can also happen and cannot be treated with disdain. Cold Na late time Pregnancy strongly affects the state of the placenta, it starts age before time and the fruit is deprived of protection. In general, all the danger of virus infection in the third trimester is associated with the state of the placenta.

As you know, it is she protects the child throughout the pregnancy. But on the last weeks it will become old and becomes permeable for all kinds of viruses. That is, the child can not get sick, but toxins can penetrate it, medicines that mom takes during the disease. So, with a cold at 33 weeks of pregnancy, the undeveloped immune system of the baby and the placenta is not enough to protect it from infections, so the fruit becomes very vulnerable to disease.

Cold for the 34 week of pregnancy can disrupt the hormonal background, which at this time begins to activate the development breast milk. The fact is that the placenta hormones are responsible for this, which is experiencing a colossal load during colds.

The disease of the cold at the 35 week of pregnancy is associated with the risk of the beginning of premature genera and complications of their flow. At the 36 week of pregnancy, the cold and high temperature can cause complications such as the discontinuation of the placenta and the premature oral influence. And already at 37 weeks of pregnancy, the cold becomes dangerous in that infections can penetrate into amniotic fluidwhich child often drinks.

It is dangerous a cold on the ninth month of pregnancy, because after birth, the baby will immediately fall into the world of viruses and he will have to deal with them. In addition, the viral disease of the cold in 39 weeks of pregnancy is very unpleasant for mom.

Cold for pregnancy in 38 weeks requires big attention. The kid while protects the mother's body and a meeting with a foreign infection, which he will have to do without anything during childbirth. Therefore, if a woman has bothered, it is important to cure before childbirth, so as not to expose the danger of crumb.

The fact is that all the births come from ORVI, the temperature is placed in the department where women who are not registered on the pregnancy. After childbirth, the baby is isolated from the mother, and this deprives the long-awaited beautiful first minutes of communicating with her daughter or son. If a woman gets sick with a cold for 40 weeks of pregnancy, the baby inevitably get infected, and sometimes the weak children's body does not cope with the infection, which can lead to the smallest consequences.

Treatment of colds in the second and third trimesters

As if the woman did not bother, the danger to infected still exists. And if the viruses penetrated the body, then it is necessary to beat the alarm. It is impossible to ignore the alarming symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to transfer the cold on the legs. Full rest and compliance with beddown is needed. Self-treatment during pregnancy is undesirable, it concerns as medicinal preparationsand herbal fees.

The cold is accompanied by a temperature, a runny nose, cough. And they must be treated correctly, if possible, avoiding drugs. Be sure to consult a doctor.


Increasing the temperature of 2 trimester is quite ordinary phenomenon. This is due to the allocation of a large number of progesterone hormone, which affects the center of thermoregulation, located in the cerebral cortex. If the temperature is raised a bit (up to 38 degrees), then there is no need to shoot down. And when the thermometer shows above 38, it is necessary to begin treatment. To begin with, a woman is worth trying traditional methods: tea with raspberries, warm milk, coating fees. Do not forget about the infusion of lime color, which is the leader in the treatment of colds, especially during pregnancy. Perfect brands from rosehip, frost and compotes from dried fruits.

The temperature is a sign of very many diseases, both viral and infectious. Only a doctor can assign the necessary analyzes and, according to their results, identify the causative agent of infection. If the temperature holds for quite a long time, it can provoke the pathology of the placenta in the second trimester and even represents the danger of fetal infection. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize the future mammage to the hospital, under the supervision of experienced doctors.


Rubber is dangerous for pregnant women that the baby will miss the oxygen. But droplets for the nose can only be used under the strict control of the doctor. Initially, you can try to lubricate the nasal windows of the tea tree or eucalyptus. There are also washing for the nose, which is very well eliminated from a cold.


From this attack, you should also get rid of as quickly as possible. It also takes such folk remedies as honey, with the help of which they make inhalation (dissolve 1 part of the honey in 5 parts of water at a temperature of about 49 degrees. Couples inhaling alternately with another nostrils, then mouth). With an adsadous dry cough, it is necessary to rinse the throat of grasses chalf, eucalyptus and calendula mixed in equal parts. Even simple soda inhalation will perfectly remove the dry cough, and the sputum will begin to separate effectively.

Medical therapy is contraindicated for women in the position, but sometimes the risk from viral infections is much more than from drugs, so the need to choose pills that are safer. For example, aspirin, ACOFEN, lead to blood dilution, which can entail bleeding. Levomycetin can cause newborn cardiovascular collapse if the future mother accepted him in the last months of pregnancy.

Prevention of cold

How to protect yourself from a cold in 2, 3 trimester?

Prevention must begin before conception. How would this tritely sounded, but future mammy It is important to drink a complex of special vitamins, clean the body, reset overweight. But this is not enough. It is necessary that immunity throughout the pregnancy can cope with viruses. This can be done with the help of a contrasting soul, which should be taken every day, alternating cool and warm water. It is necessary to finish with cool water. After water procedures, it is necessary to be confused by a hard towel before the appearance of pleasant warmth. This seemingly simple procedure, familiar with everyone since childhood, is able to improve the condition of the body and strengthen the immune system.

In addition to the contrasting soul, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of an infectious disease as follows:

  • avoid hypothermia and overheating.
    It is always necessary to dress on the weather and it is better that the clothes were from natural fabrics.
  • enrich your diet with vitamin C.
    This can be done using a special vitamin complex for pregnant women, and should not be neglected with natural products.
  • make everyday hiking in the fresh air, in the forest park area, on the banks of the river;
    Such walks will help to saturate the organism with oxygen, and another future mother will get a lot positive emotions From the contemplation of the beauty of nature, from the sounds of waves or the rustle of foliage. And the emotional lift of mom must be transferred to the baby.
  • limit contacts with potential viruses.
    To try not to visit without the need to place a large cluster of the people (shops, public transport). Especially should be careful during the exacerbation of colds.

Observing such simple rules, you can prepare your immunity very well for the upcoming attack of viruses.


Of course, every future mother knows what to beware outlook on early timing Pregnancy Just needed. But, alas! - No one is insured from this. Even if you negate the visits to crowds during seasonal surges of viral diseases, there is still no guarantee that any of the relatives and loved ones will not bring you a malicious virus to the house. Indeed, under the widespread concept of "cold", many imply the same ARVI and ARZ, who doctors write in diagnoses at any time of the year. And these are diseases transmitted by air-droplet or through household items. The flu is much more dangerous to the cold in the first days of pregnancy, but fortunately, he is seasonal.

The cold in the first week of pregnancy, as a rule, few people are worried - it is unlikely that the future mother already knows what is pregnant to provide everything possible consequences Diseases and treatment conducted without taking into account its condition. But in the future it is very important to reduce the risk of infection with infection to a minimum. Any virus that does not represent a special threat to ordinary healthy manAny cold at the beginning of pregnancy is very dangerous for the future kid.

There is a general rule to assess the possible destructive influence of the cold at the first weeks of pregnancy - than less than timeThe more the consequences may be for the child. For example, if the cold started by 3 or 4 weeks, it can lead to undeveloped pregnancy. If the disease is overall on the period of 4 to 12 weeks, you need to be afraid of pathologies in the development of the authority that was formed at the initial stage of the disease.

As you can see, the beginning of pregnancy is the most dangerous Time For colds, because it is during this period that all the organs of your baby are. After the first trimester, all organs and systems of the child are already formed, and viral diseases will not cause such vices in development, but still fraught with consequences. And even if not to talk about such unlikely, but possible problems like damage to the placenta and infection of the baby, the cold in the early periods of pregnancy is terrible with unpleasant symptoms that it causes. High temperature, lubrication, weakness, laid nose and no appetite - all this leads to the fact that the child in the womb suffers from lack of oxygen and nutrition. And especially dangerous for the development of the baby, the last temperature above 38 °!

Do not carry wreath in early pregnancy on foot. Be sure to consult a doctor and certainly notify it about your pregnancy: it depends on how and what it will treat you. And even if it seems to you that you feel very worn yourself, do not doubt - take sick leave. Believe me, nothing in the world is worth the health of your child!

Rehend very seriously to the appointments of the doctor and very carefully apply even at first glance innumerable "grandmother" recipes! So, for example, in the treatment of a cold in the early periods of pregnancy, it is impossible to boil legs, drinking aspirin and all drugs whose composition is included. Even seemingly completely harmless vitamin C, consumed with a cold at an early stage of pregnancy in large quantities, can cause bleeding.

Be very careful, but the main thing is not to panic! About 80% of future mothers sick with viral infections, but at the same time, healthy kids are born from the overwhelming majority. If, after a cold in the early periods of pregnancy, you feel good, the results of analyzes and surveys are normal, then you have nothing to worry about. After all, nature also cares about the health of the baby: the placenta is a unique protective barrier!

Take care of your health. We use more in the fresh air, be sure to ventilate and moisturize the room, use oxoline ointment before visiting the crowded places. Do not overcoat and avoid drafts. These and other uncomplicated prevention measures will help you if you cannot avoid seasonal colds, then at least to transfer them in a light, unstassed child form.

Walled diseases in early pregnancy worried every woman and automatically drive into a kind of stupor and make panicing. And this is an absolutely faithful reaction that can harm both young mother and baby. It is necessary to deal with a cold in the early periods of pregnancy, in order to continue there is a number of complications.

Treatment of colds

A cold in the early period of pregnancy is a rather dangerous disease, because it is not so easy to treat it. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy, it is forbidden to take any drugs, only if the health of the mother is posed. If the cold proceeds in a sufficiently light form and the woman is easy enough tolerates it, but is experiencing about how the disease will affect the child. That is why the woman needs to try to cure a cold without medicines. The first thing you need to make a future mother is to consult a doctor and tell about your symptoms. Most likely, the doctor will appoint the most secure method of treating a cold who will not harm neither a young mother nor a child.

Causes of colds on early pregnancy

Causes of colds in early pregnancy are quite diverse. A young mother can "pick up" both on the street and sitting at home. Moreover, the cold virus may arise in the height of the summer heat.

Doctors argue that the most common cause of colds is precisely in early pregnancy - this is a decrease in immunity, lowering its protective properties. In this case, pregnancy takes place with a number of complications. Human immunity is the protective gate of our body. And the pregnant woman has immunity exhausted due to the fact that the fruit in the womb completely feeds and lives at the expense of the mother. If the future mother will not receive the required amount of vitamins and trace elements, then as a result, its body will be affected by viruses, infections and bacteria.

Relaxed immunity is the first and basic reason why a woman during pregnancy may be sick with colds. But, this is not all the factors affecting the occurrence of a cold. Next, you can allocate:

  • A number of pathologies occurring in chronic form and their aggravation. This can be a seasonal allergic reaction, cardiovascular diseases, a stomach ulcer, as well as other pathologies that are aimed at reducing the protective functions of the human body. For example, if an allergy began with the future mother, the body is simply unable to maintain and protect the fruit and the woman itself. The future mother long before the occurrence of pregnancy, it is necessary to feed its body with vitamins and minerals or multivitamin complexes selling in a pharmacy.
  • Stress, nervous reaction - stressful situations on the early period of pregnancy can become the main causes of the occurrence of a cold. Man's immunity is very exhausting such negative factors as stress, nervous exhaustion, experiences. As a result, a woman is waiting for a completely concurrent outcome - a cold. Therefore, doctors advise to make a period of waiting and planning a child in the most calm. Do not force your baby with serious dangers.
  • Strong supercooling of the body leads to an indispensable occurrence of colds. Sometimes a woman is sometimes enough to rack her legs and a cold will give itself felt. A woman is worth dressing the weather, remember that you should think about another person in your life. Moreover, it is possible to transfer not only in the autumn-winter period, but also in the summer. Everything that needs to be done is to eat a cold ice cream or for a long time being under air conditioning or a fan. In this case, the cold will not wait long for a long time.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. If a woman is properly and balanced, it will prevent colds. Most experts argue that human immune cells are located directly in the gastrointestinal tract. If a person constantly transmits, eats acute food, salty, then in this case the occurrence of gastritis is inevitable. You should not succumb to the temptation of pregnant women and consume a large number of prohibited products. Think first of all about the child.

The causes of colds during pregnancy are quite different. But, their root cause lies in the human immunity and directly in the lifestyle. Do not be nervous in the first few months of pregnancy, fitter correctly and try to feed the immunity with useful vitamins and minerals.

Symptoms of colds on early pregnancy

The first sign of a cold in the early period of pregnancy is a headache, ailments and strong fatigue, which affects the whole body. As a rule, after a few days later, the state of the future mother deteriorates significantly. To all symptoms at this stage, you can add cough, runny nose and throat pain. At the same time, the woman is completely lost appetite. The temperature at a cold does not rise above the mark of 38 degrees. The first three days the woman will feel extremely bad. And if at this point, do not pay attention to the course of the disease and its first signs, the state of a person will worsen the day after day.

In the early period of pregnancy, in the very first pathological signs of a cold, it is necessary to refer to the ENT doctor and to a doctor-a-therapist. Exactly proper treatment Allows the future mother to protect the baby from a complex heavy-leisure viral infection.

The consequences of the cold in the early periods of pregnancy are miscarriage and lowland. It should also be noted that the female organism (if he is healthy) is able to independently cope with all signs of colds.

Diagnosis of colds in early pregnancy

The diagnosis of colds in the early periods of pregnancy must be carried out by a doctor. Do not risk and independently make a diagnosis. Be sure to pay attention to the likelihood of the development of an angina, study the throat and almonds.

What is dangerous cold in early pregnancy

Today it often happens so that a woman being in interesting position, Cocks. She begins to worry, as a disease affects her fruit, because his internal organs have not even formed. Is the cold in the early periods of pregnancy? It is about this that we will talk in this article.

general information

The cold in the early periods of pregnancy is indeed, as practice shows, has a small proportion of danger. The thing is that it is at first weeks that the ladies treatments are very difficult, since simply some drugs and procedures are under the strictest prohibition. However, on the other hand, it is still necessary to treat alert, because it gives a lot of difficulties to the future woman in labor. Here the recipes of our grandmothers come to the rescue. Specialists warn that in any case a preliminary consultation is required, since even the most innocuous, at first glance, therapeutic herbs and decoctions may later cause irreparable harm to the fetus.

Cold in early pregnancy. Danger

If you believe statistical data, in the first weeks of the fetus of the fetus, the disease cannot cause serious damage to his health, but also cannot be refused to refuse treatment. The thing is that the cold in the early periods of pregnancy is dangerous by its consequences. For example, inflammatory processes in the genitals occur. In addition, it happens so that canceled The woman departs the oily water. It happens that the kid suffers from hypoxia, and the woman herself complains about constant bleeding. In short, the cold on the first weeks of pregnancy is dangerous with its complications, therefore, it is still necessary to treat it.

Primary symptoms

As for the question of symptoms, the woman in the position the external signs do not differ practically. The disease begins with redness in the throat, then the temperature can jump, and the result is both a runny nose. Below we will give detailed recommendations how to cope with the cold in the first weeks.

Preventive measures

If you are very worried about the fact that a cold may appear at the beginning of pregnancy, it is necessary to protect themselves with the most common preventive measures. For example, the excellent option is considered to be walking in the fresh air. It is also necessary to constantly monitor both your diet: try to eat more fruits and vegetables. It is not recommended during the flu epidemic to attend very crowded places (cinemas, shopping centers, hospitals, etc.), since there is a threat to pick up the virus much higher. If someone from your family members has triggered, you should start a course of the multivitamin complex, and also always use a special protective mask.

Rubber in pregnancy (1 trimester). Cool for pregnancy in early time

The body of the woman during pregnancy undergo many changes. For each trimester, their problems and anxiety are characteristic. But when the future mother is ill, the real panic begins both in a woman and her relatives. Especially pregnant are vulnerable during the first trimester, when hormonal changes occur, the decrease in immunity, mood drops. Most often, trouble delivers the "current" nose. Moreover, such a notch may occur in any weather and season.

Why is pregnancy accompanied by a runny nose?

The most common cause is a well-known cold. If earlier frost, wind and rains were postponed, now the pregnant can easily pick up ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) due to weakened immunity. Which, by the way, is a natural mechanism for the adoption of the embryo body of the future mother. Otherwise, the rejection of the fetus would have happened.

There are other reasons for a cold in women in a delicate position. This may be a situational response to various factors from outside, for example, cold air or sharp smell. Sometimes there is a drying of the mucous membrane caused by dry air indoors where a woman is constantly located.

Vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women is associated with a hormonal splash due to the restructuring of the body. Usually it passes without treatment after childbirth. It is characterized by swelling of the nasal mucosa with abundant savings. Other chronic diseases such as sinusitis, polyps, sinusites, etc. can be caused by a protracted runny nose.

Well, everyone knows that a runny nose is also a manifestation of allergies, chronic or seasonal. During pregnancy, it arises as an individual reaction to the external environment due to the increased sensitivity of the body.

What to do with a cold in the early stages?

Obviously, first of all, you need to figure out his cause. If this is not a banal cold, then the treatment scheme is building exclusively by the doctor. In case of allergies, it is necessary to make complex samples, in order to define a substance that rejects the body of a woman.

With the slightest signs of any ailment, pregnant should immediately apply for qualified help to the leading doctor. The complexity is that female consultation They do not put immediately, and meanwhile the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy is high in the early deadlines. Therefore, if a woman wants to endure a healthy child, at first she needs to take care of himself. But first, you need to know about some processes related to the development of the embryo.

What happens inside the future mother in the first weeks?

So, there are no "trifling" reasons for a woman waiting for a child. This rule acts in the case when a runny nose occurs during pregnancy. 1 trimester is particularly risky. At this time, the main organs of the future man are formed. Consider Monday the importance of occurring processes. Already in the third week, the embryo acquires the outline, the nervous, muscular and bone system begin to be laid.

From the 4th to the 7th week there appears a giller. From now on, the saturation of the oxygen placenta is extremely important. Also, the embryo begins to beat the heart. This is a living creature with head, handles, legs. At the seventh week, the "Golobovy" appears an organ of senses, a vestibular apparatus. Starting from the eighth week, the embryo becomes like a man. He has a face - a mouth, nose, ears appear. By the ninth week, a small lump, less than 1 cm long, moves, moves with handles and legs, on which tiny marigolds are visible. While others do not notice changes in the outlines of the figure, the complex processes of the birth of a new life occur inside the woman.

Is it worth saying that the well-being of a future mother at this time is extremely important. It is necessary to take care and try to reinsure to not snap. Even if it is a simple runny nose during pregnancy. 1 trimester is also characteristic of the fact that the resulting baby already has tactile sensations. At the 11th week he distinguishes the tastes and, if the mother ate something wrong, he will be frowning and try to swallow less. Obviously, not every medicine will have to do well, not to mention the "benefits". Most medical preparations are contraindicated in pregnancy, as they fall into the oily water and completely absorbed the embryo.

What threatens runny nose during pregnancy? Danger for fruit

While the little is in the body of a pregnant woman, its light filled with liquid and do not work. The placenta is the only source of oxygen, which is enriched through the blood of a woman. Thus, the mother and intrauterine child are closely interrelated with each other.

With difficulty breathing pregnant to the placenta, a sufficient amount of oxygen does not come. This causes hypocia of the fetus. Thus, the usual cold can be very dangerous if it is accompanied by inflammation in the nasal cavity and runny nose during pregnancy. 1 trimester is the most important stage of embryo development. Oxygen starvation Causes deviations in its formation, including the pathology of the brain.

What is dangerous runny nose for a pregnant woman?

In addition to risk for a child, the disease of the nasal cavity leads to a number of complications at the most pregnant. A strong runny nose sometimes flows into tracheitis or bronchitis, since it contributes to inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes. After all, these diseases are provoked not only by viruses, but also by bacteria.

During pregnancy, even the usual cold. A runny nose that accompanies it can be caused by a picked infection. This creates risk factors when entering the child. For example, for a cold you can take the flu, which is dangerous by its consequences.

Not harmless and allergies, which in some cases converts to bronchial asthma.

Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to find out the reasons for the runny nose.

What can you help?

As already mentioned, it is better not to engage in self-medication. The main problem with which a pregnant woman faces is that not all drugs from a cold can be used in an interesting position.

In no case cannot be used vasoconducting drops. First, they are addictive and after a while they stop helping. Secondly, they increase blood pressure.

Nasal drops can be replaced folk remedies. For example, beet juice, diluted with water. However, it is worth remembering that in large quantities he burns the mucous membrane. A similar situation with a bow base solution. Generally, S. folk medicine not so simple. Sometimes it is stronger than pharmaceutical agents.

To date, good alternative are homeopathic drugs from a cold. They contain natural components, but carefully recovered in the dosage. However, given sensitivity during pregnancy and possible allergic reactions, without consulting the doctor should not use them.

Most safe methodIt helps to get rid of the cold for adults and children is saline solutions.


The use of salt-based solutions allows you to achieve several goals at once. First, you can not use drugs from a cold, that is, to apply as an independent treatment. Or, on the contrary, combine with other drugs to improve their effect. Secondly, the washing relieves the cause of irritation and reduces the likelihood of allergic manifestations. Thirdly, the solution disinfects the nasal cavity. Fourth, the irrigation of the mucousa improves the work of capillaries, strengthening their walls and normalizing blood flow. Fifth, salt removes swelling, allowing pregnant to "breathe".

The solution can be prepared at home. The usual concentration is 1 teaspoon of sea salt on 1 cup of water. In addition, it is convenient to enjoy ready-made sprays, such as Hewer, Aqua Maris, etc. Initially, they were intended for children, but today there are their counterparts from a cold for adults.

Wash the nose is about 4 times a day. If the runny nose pursues a pregnant long time, then the procedures are carried out within 1-2 weeks. Next, you can make preventive injection 2-3 times a week.

there is different methods washing. At the started stage, it is necessary to imagine a single nostril solution and spoiled it through the mouth. This is achieved by the complete release of the nasopharynx from the mucous selection. A more sparing option is to burst the nostril or corpusing pipette.

Heating funds

Another gentle and effective tool Inhalations are considered in a cold. One of the most simple ways is to "breathe" above the saucepan with hot potatoes, covered with a towel, so as not to pass the cold air. Thanks to this "treatment", moisturizing the mucous membrane occurs, inflammatory processes are removed, the sputum is removed. Inhalation can be done with essential oils or brewing leaves of eucalyptus. There is, however, the view is that it is not harmless, and sometimes pairs contribute to a deeper penetration of infection, causing bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs or pleurisy. Inhalation is good at the first signs of appearance of ailment.

Therefore, in the process of the procedure, security measures must be observed. Steam inhalations are recommended to do 1-1.5 hours after meals. The duration should not exceed 3 minutes. Add only proven preparations and essential oils, not more than 3 drops for one reception.

During pregnancy, steam inhalations should not hold. They can be replaced by a dry heating of the nasal septum with salt or special devices.

In order to avoid burns, it is better to use inhalations in a rapidly nebulizer. Recipes of compositions vary depending on the cause of the ailment. For example, during swelling it is impossible to use essential oils that can be aggravated by it. With a cold, anti-inflammatory drugs are safe, such as "Rotokan" or "Sinuperet".

Mineral water is used to moisturize the mucousa of the respiratory tract, ranging from the nasopharynx. The most harmless is vegetable inhalations during a cold nebulizer. Recipes are simple. The dried oak leaves, birch, linden and daisy flowers, mint, lavender are considered useful. They have bactericidal properties and help to cope with infections.

Preventment Rubber during pregnancy

Than to be treated, it is better to not allow you to attack! There are some simple ways.

  1. Conduct wet house cleaning every day. Get rid of dust in sofas, chairs, carpets. Regularly air the room and follow the humidity.
  2. Irrigate the nasopherler with salt solutions 1-2 times a week. After visiting public places, this procedure also does not hurt.
  3. At home on the neck, you can hang garlic head, as well as before bedtime, put a plate with a sliced \u200b\u200bbow or garlic near the bed.
  4. To walk a lot, breathe fresh air.
  5. Keep good mood And the vigor of the Spirit. It is noted that people with positive maidoscelling are several times less than pessimists.

Remember, there is no harmless runny nose during pregnancy. 1 trimester - the most important period for the formation of the health of the future child! Take care of yourself and the life of the baby. For this you need not so much - find out the cause of the disease and choose safe and effective treatment. And most importantly - believe that everything will be fine.

Is a viral cold dangerous in early pregnancy?


Irina Irinovna

It can be dangerous if not treated and ignore its condition. After all, many are confident that it is necessary to simply wait, the cold itself will be held and that's it. What to treat a cold can not and there are no drugs that can be applied. But it is completely wrong. Now there are a large amount of drugs that can be taken during pregnancy. The same antiviral drug Viferon, in the form of ointments, which is applied to the nasal mucosa several times a day, is allowed for use during pregnancy. There is also a Gel Viferon, which can be used to prevent viral infections. Because indeed, during pregnancy, the woman's immunity decreases, which can lead to the disease, in order to protect their body, it is necessary to protect themselves and carry out prevention, then the chances of getting sick will be significantly less. In general, the cold will be not dangerous if timely is treated and contact the doctor for advice.

Snail on the slope.

My husband had congenital intestinal obstruction. Doctors said that due to the fact that his mother, his mother was sick.

The Scarlet Flower

Any infection is dangerous. But the main thing is to be treated during and right. Sometimes moms ignore, hoping for perhaps, so there are different cases. Or just a weak body, poorly copes with a virus.


And you need to collect all the garbage right .. if only it was
Any illness is a reflection of your inner state .. start trembling from any nonsense and you get sick not only .. This attracts like that
And who is not afraid of anything, nothing happens

elena Sergeeva

I hurt very much, with hospitalization, prick antibiotics. Everything is fine. Now there are very many drugs that can be used on the pregnancy, only they are very, very expensive.


I was sick with the first very much, (at 10 week) the temperature was 39. Cook sparkling, runny nose. But did not go to doctors and did the right thing, whatever they would have slipped away. Honey, honey jam, saw tea with a chamomile, rubbed herself with an asterisk, made a honey cake, rushed her throat with eucalyptus and Mirismine. Pastel mode. Another day, three generally forgot what he was sick.

Ala ....

Our pediatrician has all the sores due to the fact that I strongly had a cold (3-4 weeks it was, I still didn't have a course about pregnancy), hemangioma on the handle (I heard that I could be due to mom's illness), Additional chord, too, a doctor on my disease threw off, although she inherited seems to be moving, and she said not dangerous. And so docha in perfect order, and almost nothing left from hemangioma.


I have immunity and there was a cold in the background of pregnancy in the summer, and in general it happens at the beginning of the term the main thing is not to launch

Cold for pregnancy - 3 trimester

So the final stage of pregnancy has come. It can be considered the easiest and most difficult at the same time. On the one hand, many fears are already behind, including fear of miscarriage. Pregnant has already become accustomed to his state, to a large stomach, to the mood drops. On the other hand, it scares the unknown, childbirth. She worries that with her child everything was fine. Also many scares cold at 3. trimester pregnancy, Especially if he falls during the cold season.

And what, in fact, is dangerous cold in late pregnancy? It is indisputable to the fact that the cold at the end of pregnancy is much less dangerous than at the beginning. One fact that if premature birth happens after 28 weeks, then with the help of progressive technologies, the child can be saved, soothes many future moms. And if the cold for 31-32 weeks of pregnancy will provoke premature childbirth, then the baby has chances to survive and independently. But all this does not mean that the cold at 3 trimester of pregnancy is not dangerous. And not only for the baby, but for you.

For example, a cold for the 34 week of pregnancy can affect your hormonal background, which this week begins to activate the production of breast milk. Placental hormones are responsible for this, and on the placenta during the disease there is a very large load.

As you know, by 37 week the fruit is completely formed and ready for life outside the mother's tummy. However, the cold for 38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the least dangerous for the mother, but is very dangerous for the baby. This is due, first of all, with a deterioration of the state of the placenta. The placenta in the last period of pregnancy ages, and the cold can "penetrate" through the placenta to the kid. This does not mean that the child can also get sick. Not. But they can get drugs taken by mom from colds, toxins produced by disease bacteria diseases, and others, not very useful for a small man, substance.

The cold in the third trimester of pregnancy is also dangerous in charge of water. Many bacteria, unfortunately, can penetrate into amniotic fluid, and the child in turn can very often drink it. Thus, with a cold for 8-9 months of pregnancy, bacteria can penetrate directly into the child's body, which is very dangerous. Therefore, gynecologists strongly demand from pregnant women every two weeks to hand over clinical analyzes of blood and urine. According to the results of these analyzes, as well as ultrasound examination, the doctor can learn about the state and mother, and the child, and the placenta. These analyzes must be supplied, even if you did not have a cold in the last month of pregnancy. On any time on this, simply at first glance, analyzes can be found a lot about the state of the health of a pregnant woman and its fetus.

What else can the cold be dangerous in the last month of pregnancy? Many of the pregnant women think about it, but not everyone can imagine the entire possible scenario for the development of events. So what can happen if a woman will picker in the last period of pregnancy? Let's imagine one of the poor events development options. So, pregnant triggered very much. Its organism is weakened, and cannot fully struggle with the disease. It provokes premature birth. The baby is born healthy, but he is not allowed to mother, because it is sick. And he needs her heat and care. And the main Mamino milk! And my mother can neither hug his crumb, nor kiss nor put to the chest. The latter, by the way, may be fraught with the loss of milk at mom.

Therefore, with all the seeming harmlessness of a cold during pregnancy in 3 trimester, remember that it is not. And try to take all measures to stay healthy and for yourself, and for your baby.

Thirty fourth week of pregnancy

Before childbirth, it remains less time, only six weeks left to the meeting with the baby, and now you already distinguish clearly, where he has a head, legs and a back. The child grew significantly, and your belly almost achieved the maximum size, and the baby took almost all the free space in it, and for the birth, he took the most comfortable position - head down. Although there may be options and a pelvic preview, then the way of the delivery will need to be resolved with a doctor. Now the baby is actively and daily gaining weight, it becomes more and more like a newborn, and if the childbirth will be held this week - it will be quite viable, and he will need only minor assistance and observation of doctors. Now he is actively saving calcium and iron for outtitic existence, and therefore it is necessary to eat right and relax a lot.

Changes in the body for 34 weeks

34 weeks of pregnancy is the ninth obstetric month, and the calendar is eight months of pregnancy. The third trimester goes to the end and before the birth left for about five to six weeks. Rarely when childbirth starts exactly in the DA, they are usually urgent consider childbirth from 38 to 40 weeks. Now the tummy has become a big, the body of a woman has changed a lot and numerous new ones may arise, sometimes not very pleasant, sensations.

Now your child has already taken a stable position for childbirth - up to 98% of children to childbirth occupy a head position in the uterus, the most optimal for birth. But at this time, although there is little chance, but there may be a coup from the wrong provisions (pelvic, for example) to the head, and even less often there may be the other way around. We must try not to provoke moments of strong stress or fright so that the child does not try to turn over. Births are already soon and your body will start to actively prepare them, the structure of the genital tract changes, so many doctors can recommend a restriction or refusal of intimate proximity in this period so as not to provoke the development of infection or candidiasis. This is unfavorable for further childbirth.

Now the chest has become big and heavy, on it the veins were sticking and out of the nipples can be separated in colors. It is not dangerous and requires only adherence to hygiene. Training battle occurs, but they are not dangerous and simply train the walls of the uterus to spear Rodam. They are irregular, not painful, quickly pass after rest or sleep.

Fruit development on the 34th week: weight size and gender

By the term of the 34 week of pregnancy, the child weighs about 2000-2500g and reaches a length of 45-46 cm. Its pulmonary system is quite developed, and he will be able to breathe independently if for some reason the childbirth will occur before the deadline. But the child can still keep warmly very weak, and at premature births in this period it will be placed in the conditions of a special chamber and cusy with a given temperature. Therefore, you should take care of yourself and reach the deadline.

Now the child has already reached almost complete perfection - his face acquired individuality and features, similar to the parent, ears separated from the head and became dense. Gradually, a gun (Lano) disappears from the body, which will remain only in large folds, while the skin is pale - due to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, the vessels cease through it through it. The child is rounded the cheeks that are necessary for sucking the chest, he trains the muscles of the face, sucking his finger. After childbirth, this skill will need when it is first applied to the chest at once in the Rodzale - it will be necessary to get the first and most important drops of colosure. While the fruit is completely dependent in terms of nutrition and respiration from the mother, getting oxygen and nutrients of vitamins and minerals through the placenta and umbilical umbilical cord. Especially actively there is a storage of iron, which will be necessary for the formation of own blood cells in the first months independent lifeWhen the replenishment of iron with nutrition will be limited. The children born earlier than the deadline have scant iron reserves and they often have anemia in the first months of life.

Now you notice that the child is strongly pushed, since there is very little places in the uterus - he will be sent to his movements and character, well-being and discontent. His movements can be different - points and kicks, sipping, moving head and limbs. Sometimes rhythmic shudders of the belly arise - the child often wants, training the respiratory and digestive system. You need to talk to the child, sing him, read fairy tales, stroke through the stomach. If the movements have become unusually scarce or too sharp and painful, it is worth consulting a doctor, it may be a sign of the suffering of the fetus. Normally, in the twelve hours, the child must move at least ten times, and ideally - two or three times an hour. In the afternoon of movements, he felt weaker, as the mother is distracted by the usual affairs, and in moments of resting movement can be clearer.

Now the nervous system and brain tissue is actively ripening, the nervous connections between all organs and systems are being built, the digestion is actively working, the baby swallows and digested the aircraft water and forms the meconium, its kidneys isolated to the urine into the oily water, which is updated every two or three hours. Hormones are actively distinguished by almost all endocrine glands of the fetus, all the senses are well developed.

Feelings of the future mother

Now the body has changed a lot, you have added enough in weight, and the stomach has become very big. Therefore, many of the sensations of your body can be not quite pleasant and comfortable for you. These are temporary difficulties, you have to suffer quite a bit, and you will meet with your child. Naturally, the most bright out of feelings will become the movement of the fetus, and its movements in the region of ribs and the liver can be very sensitive. Sometimes it helps the change of body position, a walk and rest so that the crouch calm down a little. Rest on the left side - so and you, and the baby will be most comfortable.

Now you could already get used to the pains in the back and lower back, almost two thirds of women suffer from such sensations in this period. The belly of 34 weeks has achieved almost the maximum size, and the body weight has greatly increased, which is why the center of gravity of the body occurs. In addition, there are also hormonal restructuring of the organism, relaxation of ligaments and joints, which affects the gait and gives pain. To reduce them, we need to wear a special bandage, follow posture, wear comfortable shoes and clothing. The increasing weight may be the cause of pain in the legs and knees, changes in the veins. In order to reduce such discomfort, you need to unload legs more often, raising them up, sit with a small footrest, and before bedtime it is useful to carry out foot massage, cool foot baths.

Relaxation of ligaments in the field of the sacrum, the pelvic region and joints leads to discomfort in these zones, the formation of duck gait, and sometimes the formation of a dangerous complication - symphysitis, pathology in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lonnoye. Now you need to strictly follow your sensations, they should not lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, the discharge of blood from the vagina and the fights. The emergence of such symptoms is a reason for the immediate challenge of the ambulance and hospitalization in the maternity hospital.

Although the term of pregnancy is already solid, and you must have all the bags and documents for the maternity hospital, but the birth of this period will be considered premature, and a born baby is premature. It is important that you have always had a phone with you, and you could call close to you who can accompany you if you suddenly begin. Births can catch AC anywhere, so you always carry the exchange card and your documents.

Before counting the kid dodged three more weeks, and if possible, it is worth aware of themselves, but if you felt gravating pain in your stomach, you moved or leaky water, there are bleeding, pulls the abdomen and the lower back - most likely, the birth began. Mom and baby are not completely ready for such birth, and often they can be complicated, therefore, it is important to be in the hospital, under the supervision of doctors.

The chances of survival in a child almost 100%, he can breathe independently, all of its organs and systems are quite actively working, but it does not keep the temperature well and needs warming and special care. On average, the baby will spend a few weeks in the children's department until it becomes strengthened and cannot suck independently, gain weight and warming his body. Often these children are also called not even premature, but born ahead of time.

State of the uterus at 34 obstetse week

The uterus by the 34th week grew many times and takes almost all the abdominal cavity. It weighs near a kilogram, and its walls in thickness constitute about 2 cm. The standing height of the uterus is now about 34 cm, it is almost a maximum height, the number of accumulating water now also reaches a maximum of one liter. Waters are updated regularly, once every two or three hours, they are sterile, they have a special composition depending on the food taken.

The belly is significantly increased in size, the navel is turned out and it is impossible to hide under clothing. In the form, it can be pointed or round, due to the size of the abdomen of movements become smooth and slow, especially when changing body position.

In this period, the walls of the uterus should be relaxed with rare training fights, elevated tone The uterus becomes harmful to the child and brings the mother's discomfort. With constant tone, it is worth contacting the hospital immediately, it may be a threat to the fetus. The doctor will closely monitor the region of the cervix - the short cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bthe result of exemplary-cervical insufficiency and can lead to premature birth. In such cases, the full sexual and physical peace is prescribed to convey the fruit as long as possible until the deadlines.

Ultrasound Research (Ultrasound)

This time is usually planned ultrasound Not prescribed, but for special testimony, additional research can also be shown. If you have not previously passed an ultrasound, it will be necessary to evaluate all the main indicators of the ultrasound - to clarify the term of pregnancy, the estimated weight and growth of the fetus, to see the sex of the child, and also estimate the degree of its development - there is no defects and deviations during pregnancy, is there any intrauterine Growth reduces.

Expanding the ultrasound is carried out by a doctor - according to the study, the prelationship and position of the fetus, the condition of the walls and cervix, umbilical umbilies, the amount of accumulating waters and the location, the thickness of the placenta and the degree of its maturity are. If necessary, an additional study will be appointed - the Dopplerometry of the Bloodstock of the Fetal, which will show how active the fetus is powered and oxygen. This period is possible 3D ultrasound, but due to large sizes The fetus is completely to see it on the monitor screen it is impossible, you can only view individual parts.

Sometimes, with ultrasound, the state of the cordial body of the body or the fetus neck is found. This condition often scares pregnant women, but do not worry. Pupuline loops can be found on the body or the neck of the fetus when moving the fetus, with multi-way, with a long cord or hypoxia of the fetus. Often, these hinges disappear. If the campus of the umbilical ultrasound, according to the ultrasound, before childbirth, during the birth of the head of the baby, the midwife has a mother and drink a special allowance, carefully removes the loop from the neck. If necessary, the kid will continue to be carried out in the future, if the progress prevented normal oxygen delivery.

In the period of 34 weeks of isolation, it should be quite physiological, these are mucous allocations of small volume, transparent or with a light dairy tint, odorless and pathological impurities. When the secretions are enhanced, when the mucous lounge is appeared on the underwear, mucus with blood streaks - it is worth thinking about the discharge of the mucous membrane. It usually leaves several days or weeks before childbirth, and before that protects the cervix and the cervical canal from infection. Minor mucosa discharge can be an option for the norm due to the presence of a mucous membrane, but if the allocations are abundant, liquid with a sweet odor and constantly leakage, it is necessary to carry out a test for the leakage of the oily water - if there are defects of the fruit bubble and water leakage, it is impossible to slowly go in the hospital and decide on the prolongation of pregnancy. Defects in the fruit bubble are able to pass dangerous infections to the fetus, which will be the risk for his life and the life of the mother.

It is no less dangerous and changing the nature of the selection, since in the last weeks of pregnancy due to the restructuring of the body it is easily picked up various infections, including those transmitted by sexual. Especially dangerous, the presence of earthy, gray, greenish or yellow discharge, with impurities of mucus, pus, flakes, krroshyroid, foam or with an unpleasant sharp odor. Infections, discomfort, itching and burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina and the crotch occurs. With this immediately need to consult a doctor, make a smear and treat the infection. No less dangerous and thrush during pregnancy, it is manifested by tooth and burning with curly discharges.

Particularly dangerous can be separating, bleeding or bleeding from sex tract, with this condition, immediate hospitalization in the hospital is necessary, and determining the causes of bleeding with a solution to the further course of pregnancy. When detachment, the placenta or the beginning of the generic activity is immediately translated by a woman in a roar or operating room.

In this period, the stomach with a normally flowing pregnancy should not hurt. There may be sipping sensations due to tension of the skin and ligaments holding the uterus. In the event of any blalt in the abdomen, it is necessary to immediately consult with the doctor - these may be signs of problems with digestion, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, constipation, poisoning, urinary tract infection. With such states there will be nausea, stool disorders and vomiting. But it happens infrequently, basically abdominal pain occurs with threats for pregnancy and premature births.

Especially carefully needed to follow the well-being, if the belly is mounted, pulls the lower abdomen and hurts the lower back, may begin to fight and childbirth. No less dangerous appearance against the background of such symptoms of bloody contents from the vagina, nausea, increase in pressure, strong swelling.

No less dangerous pain in the abdomen of a sharp nature without battles with blood isolated or without it, with a sharp pallor and a violation of the general condition. These may be signs of a placenta detachment - dangerous for the mother and fetus complications, when the fetal power is disturbed and severe bleeding occurs. With this state, the bill goes for a minute, an immediate delivery is necessary.

Cold and treatment methods

The immunity of a pregnant woman in the late period of pregnancy is physiologically reduced, and therefore, especially in the offseason, for her become dangerous cold and flu. Almost half of pregnant women can go to ORVI during this period, when the increased temperature occurs, overall malaise, cough, runny nose and decline in appetite. Although the child has its own immune system and can protect against viruses, but they can negatively affect the structure and work of the placenta, leading to its accelerated aging and hypoxia of the fetus.

How to treat a cold, it is necessary to learn from a doctor, self-medication in this period is dangerous - many drugs can provoke negative effects for the fetus or cause premature genera. If possible, non-drug treatment methods are used - bedding, abundant drink, herbal infusions, safe for pregnant women. It is worth remembering, any thermal procedures are prohibited from this period - banks, mustard pieces, hot foot baths.

Power Mode and Mom Weight

By the 34th week of pregnancy, the weight of a woman can increase by 10-12 kg, depending on the body's bonding fluctuate from 8 to 15 kg. Sleepy women are permissible to add more. It is important to follow a weekly increase - it should not exceed 300-500 grams, with elevated increases exclude the development of gestosis of pregnant women, kidney pathologies and swelling as a result of incorrect nutrition and fluid delay.

Important is now important correctly and fully fought, small portions, but often, at least five to six times a day. In the nutrition, it is necessary to increase the amount of protein and fresh vegetable fruits, fiber, with a decrease in the amount of salt, fatty and carbohydrate nutrition. With elevated weight gains, the doctor may recommend carrying out unloading days - kefir, rice, apple.

In the absence of contraindications, sex this week is not prohibited, but still it is recommended to reduce the pace and show reasonable caution. The sexual paths of women undergo special changes that can increase their susceptibility to alien flora and the development of inflammation. Forbidden sex with abnormal presences of the fetus, in the preservation of the placenta or lack of cervix, in the threat of premature birth. When classes, love is worth choosing poses with shallow penetration and no pressure on the stomach.

How to treat cold? 34 weeks

Natural aspirin-cranberries, abundant drink, milk with honey))))

Cold for the 34 week of pregnancy than dangerous

i have 33-34 weeks of pregnancy. She picked up a cold. Are you sick at this time?

hi Galkat. I have 33-34 weeks of pregnancy. The mother recently slotted with a cold, I certainly cared for her and infected (((Mamuly drank pills and recovered, and I ran away. Rubber with streams, cough, weakness and small t. Whether you were sick at this time? How were they treated? Is it on the baby? Advise proven safe Methods Treatment! (doctor I have a poop, prescribed children's naphtizin, vitamins and bed mode)

If the flu is frozen, then it is possible to do well, but if the temperature is already decent or in bronchitis, it is much more damaged from the flu itself than from medicines. It can turn out and a low-body and hypertonus and even premature childbirth. So, read so everything without fanaticism should be.

06/05/13 12:32 (answer for: nikkaa)

But with her son on an early term, when I have not yet suspected about pregnancy I drank Sumamed Antibiotic (the cold was also, I immediately wanted to kill it). So by the year it turned out that he had tachycardia, on the cardiologist, they went to the cardiologists, all sorts of ultrasound, analyzes did. Anomal The chords in the heart were set. And one doctor said that most likely it was from antibiotics on an early term. Without God, this chord will not be my son to interfere with life fully.

Do not worry hard. It is not so scary all as up to 12 weeks, when everything is laid by the baby. At 31 weeks, the ear came to the doctor, was afraid to treat all antibiotics and felt before the fact that at 34 weeks I was in the hospital They put with purulent inflammation, which looked almost moved to the brain shell-in my fear was laughing! Until 36 weeks, I was muzzled and at the end the extracts became the strongest antibiotics to treat the ear (well, it is not necessary that the eardrum is almost no and natural We became weak in the ear). In 38, I was discharged after 5 days I gave birth. I'm fine (even too), now 4 years.

I have the 34th week now. 10 days sick bronchitis + sinusitis. Every day I got worse, hoarsely, chips the day, and especially at night, sick, my teeth, my teeth, did not sleep normally. I was helped by salt sprinkling of the sinuses of the nose and the rinse of the throat. Moreover, it must be done often, and even at night several times. But the improvement came immediately the next day. Now I regret that 10 days suffered, immediately did not have all the infection immediately. I thought everything would pass, naive.

05/16/13 22:15 (answer for: more often)

just if an allergy is just no grass))

if, after the adoption of antihistamine, which can be pregnant, everything will pass, it will know allergies. Now there is a lot of things.

Cold for the 36 week of pregnancy

On the period of 36 weeks of pregnancy, the woman is also vulnerable and if the cold for the 36 week of pregnancy inspired by surprise, then the main thing is not to afford to break, stopping the disease at the initial stage.

It is not necessary to hurt a pregnant woman, this is all knowing, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to completely secure from infection. Even if we follow the recommendations and not to visit the crowded places, there is always a risk that someone from family members will get sick and infected the pregnant woman.

It would seem that there is almost nothing to be afraid, because it is not the very beginning of pregnancy, when any little thing could affect the child. Now the baby is fully formed, it weighs almost three kilograms and all of its organs work normally, but this does not mean that the cold does not represent danger.

When to root especially dangerous?

Despite the fact that 36 weeks of pregnancy are quite a long time, the diseased you will expose the baby in a variety of risks. To begin with, we note that the immunity of a woman is weakened, since all the forces go to the child and his defense, and, therefore, to protect it simply no one.

The cold is dangerous as well the fact that if the term comes to give birth, and you are still sick, then the baby immediately falls the arms of viruses, and it will be infected. And this means that in addition to the very difficult adaptation in the new world for him, the baby will have to strain all his strength to resist infections.

Therefore, the woman is extremely important to take care of himself, as limiting the contacts, especially if the offseason is unpleasant on the courtyard. Birth requires a lot of strength from a woman, and if it is exhausted with a high temperature, then the forces simply will not remain.

The cold for the 36 week of pregnancy is very dangerous for a woman, since if she has symptoms of a cold illness, it will be put to give birth to a special infectious department where the unexplored or sick women are directed. And the baby immediately after childbirth will be immediately isolated.

However, given that funds for the prevention of a cold who can take a woman in this position, very little will have to turn to traditional medicine.

Be sure to wash your hands with soap. When treating, use medicinal herbs if you do not have allergies. And be sure to call a doctor. It is necessary, because only he can actually assess the seriousness of the disease and help prevent unwanted consequences.


Pregnancy 34 weeks withered

Date June 12, 2001 Hello. I experienced a cold during pregnancy. First, pour vodka to wrap it in warm, it will knock the temperature, put plastic bottles with cold water under the calens and armpits it also lowers the temperature and drinks as much as possible boiled but not hot water but not mineral, you can with honey, black radish in it Deliver Sakhara a little, climbed drink juice, grapes helps well, watermelon taž water. Look like that's it. I wish you would recover and the radial baby.

So the final stage of pregnancy has come. So, pregnant triggered very much. It can be considered the easiest and most difficult at the same time. Pregnant has already become accustomed to his state, to a large stomach, to mood drops. But all this does not mean that the cold at 3 trimester pregnancy is not dangerous. On the other hand, it scares the unknown, childbirth. She worries that with her child everything was fine. Also, many frighten the cold with 3 trimester of pregnancy, especially if it falls during the cold season. And what, in fact, is dangerous cold in late pregnancy? It is indisputable to the fact that the cold at the end of pregnancy is much less dangerous than at the beginning. One fact that if premature birth happens after 28 weeks, then with the help of progressive technologies, the child can be saved, soothes many future moms. And if the cold for 31-32 weeks of pregnancy will provoke premature childbirth, then the baby has chances to survive and independently.

And not only for the baby, but for you. For example, a cold for the 34 week of pregnancy can affect your hormonal background, which this week begins to activate the production of breast milk. Placental hormones are responsible for this, and on the placenta during the disease there is a very large load. As you know, by 37 week the fruit is completely formed and ready for life outside the mother's tummy. However, the cold for 38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the least dangerous for the mother, but is very dangerous for the baby. This is due, first of all, with a deterioration of the state of the placenta. The placenta in the last period of pregnancy ages, and the cold can "penetrate" through the placenta to the kid. This does not mean that the child can also get sick. Not.

The cold in the third trimester of pregnancy is also dangerous in charge of water. Many bacteria, unfortunately, can penetrate into amniotic fluid, and the child in turn can very often drink it. Thus, with a cold for 8-9 months of pregnancy, bacteria can penetrate directly into the child's body, which is very dangerous. What else can the cold be dangerous in the last month of pregnancy? Many of the pregnant women think about it, but not everyone can imagine the entire possible scenario for the development of events. So what can happen if a woman will picker in the last period of pregnancy? Let's imagine one of the poor events development options. Its organism is weakened, and cannot fully struggle with the disease. It provokes premature birth.

The baby is born healthy, but he is not allowed to mother, because it is sick.


Cold for the 24th week of pregnancy

Well-being on the 24th week of pregnancy

Pregnancy is beautiful in its essence. It is proof of its own implementation in the eyes of most women and men. And if you were lucky enough to get pregnant, you need to protect your child and take care of it before pregnancy.

Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics. However, each week also has its own characteristics, since changes in the structure of the child usually have time to occur in a week. It is constantly growing, and the mother's body changes the threshold together.

Well-being on the 24th week of pregnancy May tell about many. As a rule, on this term, women begin problems with edema, but no longer as the mood differences are already characterized. If you observe all the directions of the doctor, then this week will fly imperceptibly. The most important thing is that the woman must learn during pregnancy - this is what she should celebrate the slightest changes in his well-being. But you should not be too concise and rush to the doctor after each baby kick. You need to regularly pass inspections so that the doctor be able to identify adverse moments. It is not necessary to feel something that is not so impossible, no matter how you wanted to believe in it.

So, at least 24 weeks can be detected during pregnancy, only with a doctor. This phenomenon can be extremely dangerous for mom and child. Therefore, if after an inspection, the doctor advised to go to preserve, it is necessary to fulfill all its recommendations, thereby implementing the fetus.

If you have 24 weeks of pregnancy, pelvic pregnancy can become a threat to pregnancy. Golden Rule It says - you need to listen to the doctor. He will determine. What treatment regimen is worth choosing, as well as how childbirth will pass.

If you are detected meaning temperature 24 weeks Cannot be engaged in self-medication. You need to call a doctor and after it is inspected if the temperature is not associated with pregnancy, you can take medicine. But you do not need to appoint them yourself - medications should write out the doctor. Even the most small cold for the 24th week of pregnancy can lead to unpleasant consequences, so do not risk your child.

An unpleasant phenomenon that can be characterized by 24 weeks of pregnancy heartburn. It is best to escape from her correction of food, the reduction of drugs to a minimum. However, common ways of combating heartburn like seed consumption are not contraindicated. However, mom still needs to be very responsible to relate to their nutrition, as it affects the formation of a child.

Pregnancy 24 weeks of cold

This question arises from new pregnant women one of the first. And why is such a discrepancy every time? We will help you figure it out in this simple, but an important question. More or less accurate to know this period of pregnancy is necessary in order to understand what processes occur with the organisms of future mother and child, and on the basis of these data, doctors will make their conclusions regarding pregnancy. The term of pregnancy can be gestational and obstetric, between which there is always a difference in two weeks. In addition, often medical calculations do not coincide with reality, which there are also various explanations. With each next week of pregnancy, colossal changes will occur!

Many of them will be noticeable for the eyes of others, feel some of them can only "on a kind of skin", but the most important, the most mysterious and incomprehensible processes are hidden for everyone ... scientists have been monitored for many centuries to observe the emergence and development of a new life, but Still can not comprehend all of her secrets and do not stop wondering the great miracle! To keep pregnancy for weeks will be your doctor to watch the toddler development standards and for the well-being of your health throughout the term. The same is useful to do and future mom You can not only understand yourself at what stage of development is your baby at a specific week of pregnancy, but you can also ask the doctor questions you are interested in about your own well-being. Oposhera say that on average, the pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. But the majority of labor occurs between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. ORVI - acute respiratory viral infections - are caused by various viruses that distinguishes sick when coughing, sneezing, conversation.

The incubation period is from the moment of infection to the manifestation of the first symptoms - lasts 3-5 days. The disease develops gradually, and well-being in the first days is quite satisfactory, the temperature rises slightly, the symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract - runny nose, cough, voice hoarseness. The duration of the disease is on average one and a half or two weeks. These diseases occur most often in the offseason, when due to the contrast of temperatures, the organism can occur.

And since the infection is distributed by air-droplet, then during this period there are so many cases, besides trying to transfer the disease on the legs and thus multiplying the number of patients around. In future mothers, sharp respiratory diseases often occur harder and give more complications. Why is it going on? The fact is that the pregnancy itself for a female body is a factor that reduces immunity thus prevents immune conflict between mother and fruit.

The decrease in immunity is necessary in order to normally develop a child, which for the parent organism is "strangers". They kill or suppress the growth and development of microorganisms, thereby carrying out the prevention of secondary bacterial complications. Therefore, viral diseases increase the risk of abortion, especially in early time. Note! Freshly prepared juices contain phytoncides. Biologically active substances formed by plants. They concern the impact on different organs, but in general contribute to improving state and recovery. Before entering the street, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa 0.25% oxoline ointment. This recommendation also applies to the first trimester of pregnancy, when the use of the inside of drugs is extremely undesirable, and the prevention and treatment is better to carry out with the help of safe folk remedies that we will talk later. Common and well-known measures in the height of the epidemic, which for some reason many neglect are the following restrictions on contacts, visits public places; wearing gauze bandages; Washing the nose and rinse the throat immediately after visiting public places - it helps to fight the viruses that you could get from several people in the places of great accumulation of people; reception of vitamins and biodeadows for the appointment of a doctor; Conducted vaccination 1. There are several absolute rules for future mothers, the neglect of which is dangerous for the life of the future child.

In no case cannot be appointed independently medicines, as they can adversely affect the embryo, causing irreversible changes in it; This is especially true of antibiotics, which are required only to combat complications of the transferred Orz or influenza and are prescribed individually by the doctor. Call at the door of a doctor's therapist. Getting a treatment as soon as possible and prevent the development of the disease. Influence on foci of infection mucous nose, throat by folk remedies. Observe the bed regime during the first days. So the washing is well carried out 3-4 times in time. To regularly air the apartment. Apply abundant drink to remove toxins from the body.

Stick to a dairy diet. Salted rinse with salt water 1 t. Spoon salt on a glass of water. Water should be warm, but not hot. Rinse with a solution of food soda 1 h.

Cold for pregnancy - 1 trimester

It is clear that no one wants to hurt, but what should I do if you suddenly overtake the cold during pregnancy and term - 1 trimester? This is a reason for concern about the health of your baby for any future mom.

The fact is that It is fraught with complications and possible pathologies of the authority, which is formed at the time of the beginning of the disease. This is a very important stage in the development of your child. The cold even at the 10th week of pregnancy is no longer so scary, as in earlier timing, since the most critical period is already behind. The main thing - do not fall into panic. The lion's share of future mothers suffer a cold, and at the same time give birth to a healthy full-fledged child. But it is also not worth relaxing - you are now being more responsible for you and you need to approach this problem with all possible seriousness.

We hope you have no doubt that with a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy, you must consult with your doctor. He, and only he, can prescribe a future mother medication, based on the period of its pregnancy, the state, the presence of chronic diseases and contraindications of drugs. It is enough to mention that such a popular antipyretic agent as aspirin is for future mothers under the ban. Widely advertised antitussive drugs of ambroxol and ambroben are also contraindicated from a cold during pregnancy, and especially in 1 trimester. Even the use of such funds from a cold as Galazoline and naphtizin - and even undesirable. What to say about the uncontrolled use of antibiotics at a cold in the first months of pregnancy.

What to do? Is it really so bad and nothing to alleviate unpleasant symptoms? Of course not. It's time to remember the old good funds who have probably treated you in childhood! The cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is not a sentence at all! From cough good inhalation with medicinal herbs that do not cause allergies from you. With a cold, you can rinse the nose in conventional saline. Have you probably heard about such a means like Aqua Maris? This is just sterile sea water, only in a convenient bottle with a dispenser. Cold for pregnancy in 1 trimester - the perfect reason to make sure the effectiveness of this simple fund As a weak aqueous salt solution. All that we need from it and with what it copes perfectly, is the moisturizing of the nose mucous membrane.

Be sure to ventilate the room, leaving it in the cold season, and moisturize the air in it. This rule is valid not only at casual in the first months of pregnancy - Watch it always!

From the body, harmful toxins arising from the action of a cunning virus will help abundant warm drinking. It can be tea from medicinal herbs with honey and lemon, warm, but not burning milk with honey and oil, leafs from dried fruits.

In the first trimester of pregnancy with a starting cold will help to cope and rinse the throat with soda or salt. Try not to do too saturated solution so as not to cause irritation of the mucous membrane. You can sue a piece of lemon or aloe. Do not run on vitamin C, and synthetic dosage forms Vitamins are better preferred freshly squeezed juice. After all, today is not a problem to choose the useful and desired juicer, especially since it is useful in the future and for the child. With its help, cooking a glass of juice will become a completely unscrewing procedure and will take no more than a few minutes. The need for vitamins So elevated in the first trimester of pregnancy, and at the cold the benefits of living vitamins are simply invaluable.

Of course, it is easy to make a diagnosis of "cold" - after all, it seems, we have already known everything about it for a long time. And the ways to cure - so do not consider it at all. But cold in the first trimester of pregnancy - This is not a reason for arrogant and bold experiments on the health of the long-awaited and welcome baby. Do not neglect consultations of competent doctors and be healthy!

One of the reasons why women cannot become pregnant is an excessive education in the body of a woman androgens - male genital hormones. The consequence of this is often polycystic ovarian, the treatment of which gives good chances to experience the joy of maternity.

It's no secret that pregnant women are changing not only taste addictions, but also the sensations that the body is experiencing. Unfortunately, such changes are often caused by a strong itch, which may be a symptom of many diseases.

The administration of the drug immunoglobulin during pregnancy should occur only under the strict observation of the doctor and under certain testimony. And with what exactly we will tell you in our today's material. We hope that it will be useful for future mothers.

Many future mothers complain of doctors on the fact that in the toilet they began to spend almost more time than in any other room. Nevertheless, this problem is quite physiological, and it is practically impossible to cope with it. So it is necessary to somehow adapt.

Cold on the 26th week of pregnancy than fraught

Cold for pregnancy: 26 weeks

So 26 weeks of pregnancy passed, but what no hope for this term the woman struck the cold. About the fact that the cold threatens during pregnancy is 26 weeks and how to treat it, and this article tells.

Walled diseases are especially dangerous for pregnant women, depending on what form they proceed and on what time the woman overtakes, they can entail different consequences.

What threatens the cold during pregnancy

If we are talking about early time, for example, about the twelfth week, then in this case it is especially dangerous, since the formation is carried out internal organs. Diseases associated with the damage to the body viruses are able to hit the nerve fabrics of the fetus, and this will very negatively affect its condition.

But still more dangerous are the colds on the period of 26 weeks of pregnancy and in general throughout the third trimester. From the consequences at this stage, you can allocate the possibility of premature cessation of pregnancy. If pneumonia and bronchitis develop in the parent organism, this leads to a sharp weakening of placental blood flow, as a result, a child is experiencing hypoxia.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy

Naturally, to avoid similar consequences, the correct treatment is necessary. The purpose of antibiotics is not recommended, as they lead to blood dilution, and it is extremely not desirable during pregnancy.

In this regard, drugs are prescribed to eliminate the manifestations of the disease. These can be funds from a cold, vitamin complexes and expectorant means. Cold for pregnancy 26 weeks can be treated in inhalations and homeopathic agents that practically do not have contraindications.

Inhalations can be made of potato broth, with chamomile, calendula, mint, jellular or geranium. It is necessary to drink more liquid, using vitamin C, will allow toxins. At the same time, you should not use Melissa and Mint, as they contribute to the discharge of blood, and it is extremely unsafe. In general, it is worth to give preference people's methods and prophylactic measures, since the use medicines undesirable.

Hello doctor, please tell me which drugs can be taken during the HB. The throat is strong, cough, laid nose, today is temp. 37.3.

Hello! During pregnancy, blood was taken to rubella, the first time in April Igm, Igg put, said that everything is fine, there are antibodies. The second time in August (29-30 weeks), both markers are positive. What does this mean and how dangerous? Can a cold and cough influence the results of the tests? I will renounce, but very worried. Thank you!

Hello, three days ago, my husband and I were conceived a child, and I had a temp 38, I will trick in my throat What should I do, planning pregnancy is important for me

Hello saw your site on the Internet I would like to consult with you! The term of pregnancy is a small in 5 weeks I have a throat, runny nose and temperatures was 38.8 held 1-2 days then until 38 was another day I went to the gynecologist I was discharged Saw Nooofen and Paracetamol The throat was treated with honey with lemon in his nose dripped a lot of medicines that can be pregnant dripped every 15 minutes the nose did not breathe at all! After a week, the temperature again 37.7 was 3 days.

Good day! Tell me! I strongly sick with a cold for 26 weeks. It all started with merges in the throat, in the evening the temperature of 37.3 began. Begin first treated people's methods (Mors, tea with honey and lemon, milk with butter and rinsed the throat with a chamomile and calendula) the temperature did not fall 4 days kept 37.2 - 37.3, coughing began on the 4th day .. (after the doctor the therapist spelled for the throat of bioparox , For a nose of washing Dolfin, from cough Syrup Stodal. The temperature slept only to.

Hello! I revealed for the first time diabetes of the 2nd type, after a while somewhere she picked up the virus - no temperatures, but the well-being is bad, runny nose, hurts the throat, the body is lying. I measured yesterday the day of the glucometer level of glucose - was 12.7 2 hours after lunch, for the first time so high for all time. He drank a lot of water, tried not to sit without movement and made a diet even tougher. Subsequent attempts to measure the sugar turned out to be unsuccessful - blood is too liquid, somehow strangely breaks through the test strip, although I.

Hello! I am pregnant - the last month was January 23-24. Before that I had a miscarriage on December 19, that is, I got pregnant in a month-1.5. It was my first pregnancy - there was a pathology of the fetus. Yesterday I got sick - a runny nose, the throat hurts, the sinuses hurt the head, the bridge. I dripped with the Nocprey and Nosaferon. Hurt in the evening. Temperature 37.6. I worry about the fact that I have a difficult pregnancy, and whether it will not affect the very detrimental, my disease and an increased temper on the fruit. And it is possible.

i have a nursing mother and my second day is holding a temperature of 38 and a runny nose, sneezing that I can drink, what a medicine that I would have passed and not harm the child

Good day! The problem is such, my cold began, the temperature rose small, 37,2-37.3 on the skin was constantly running goosebumps, on the head even. And now goosebumps running constantly, all day, although there is no temperature and the doctor in the hospital wrote me Established a strong runny nose and cough. Many worried me strongly, because they do not stop and deliver discomfort. I feel a strong weakness. Tell me what is it and how to treat it?

We have winter -23, make you dress warm, but I do not dress, but we dress as always. Last year, rolled. I am 15 and I went to school in the sweatshirt, well, as in the sweatshirt, it is very thin and free. And then began to whine the loin and pull in the bottom of the abdomen. I thought it would pass, menstruation were quite recently. On the trail. The day it became even worse, at the end of the moopecquint began to hurt at thenime abdomen. What could it be? I can not go to the doctor yet, and I do not know, suddenly the simplicity withers and that's it.

zdrastvuite ia beremena na 12 nedele i nemnoga pribalela gorla balit i kashliu i s glaz slezi idut, i chu chut s nosu techet, no temperaturi net, kak vi dumaete eta gripp ili prosta malenkaia prastudaa, i shto vi posavetuite kak lechitca? shto delat?

Hello. Tell me, please, what medications can be taken from cold when breastfeeding: nose, throat, head. Thanks in advance

Influenza / cold or runny nose during pregnancy. Question to doctors or experienced mothers

My sister on the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy and recently caught up. Already went to the district policlinic, she was prescribed inhalation. Asked from colleagues everyone scares that during pregnancy, it is impossible to hurt anything at all. My question is whether there are methods that need to be taken before pregnancy, and if there is already a cold, then how to treat it during pregnancy and what consequences may be, God for course. I apologize in advance if such a topic was already. I really need to know.

Almost everyone is sick, the more immunity weakens. Nothing wrong. Folk remedies. So that.

The author, do not be nervous yourself and your little sister is not unruption - it is harmful to her. Of course, during pregnancy, it is better not to hurt, but because no one is insured. I like and preparing for pregnancy, a complete examination was held, half a year before conception, immunity strengthened, and still a cold was sick twice - on the 4th month and 9th. And for the last time with a high temperature. He was treated by folk remedies: milk, honey, raspberries, soda rinsing, in his nose dripped onion juice with water (the doctor allowed children's Galazoline, but the mother rushed: nothing chemical!), The temperature was knocked off wiping a wet cool sheet. There are no consequences. Daughter of 7 months, Healthy, Born 9 points on the scale of apgar. Good luck to you, author, and health sister and her baby.

i was sick on the 6th month, like |2 was treated, Pinosol, 9 years old, was also born, 9 points were born.

There is nothing terrible in the cold during pregnancy. Especially if there is no high temperature. This is natural in our climate (I mean, for 9 months, it is practically unrealistic not to catch a runny nose in the presence of autumn and winter). I also recently caught up for 5 months, I told my doctor, he was absolutely calmly heard and said that he could use drops (Pinosol Kapala) and medicines, if not in contraindications of pregnancy. Well shoved Pinosol, washed the nose with salt water, the throat of a shackle of rinsing, milk with honey. And everything went. By the way, all these drops from the nasal conjunction of the Galazoline type, etc., etc. It is not dangerous because it is chemistry, but by the fact that they have a screw-resistant, i.e. Pressure can increase. If there are no problems with pressure, doctors allow them to use.

And for the future, let your sister never advise with colleagues at work and other things about your condition. All questions only see a doctor who has been observed. And health, and nerves will be more.

and in the first month, the high temperature is dangerous?