In the usual life of a woman, pregnancy makes its own adjustments. There is increased sensitivity to strangers. Not exceptions becomes the smell of own body allocated by enzymes. A pregnant woman has to look for funds, its neutralizing. Most often it is an ordinary deodorant, but also to his choice must be taken carefully.

Deodorant and its composition

The use of deodorant with synthetic components only masks the released odor, it does not affect the sweating. Its main function is the narrowing of the sweeping ducts.

This contributes to the accumulation in the body of the selected sweat, not allowing it to enter the surface of the skin. Violation of the excretory function causes intoxicating the body of a pregnant woman and the future kid.

All synthetic means from sweat contains such components:

  • aluminum salts, zirconium tetrachlorihydrate;
  • fragrances, alcohol, silicone;
  • antibacterial and antioxidant;
  • chlorohydrate, hydrogenene oil;
  • propylene glycol.

These elements have a cumulative nature. Concentrating in the internal organs, they begin to destroy them, cause chronic diseases. Through the blood of the mother, poisonous substances fall into the Baby's body, it negatively affects its physical development.

Some manufacturers have settled the release of deodorants, which contains aluminum salts. But it does not speak about their safety. In return, no less poisonous hormones are added, parabens, bisphenols.

It is especially dangerous to apply a deodorant in those areas of the skin, where there are wounds or cuts. Through them, aluminum is instantly absorbed into the blood.

Is it possible to use deodorant during pregnancy

Choosing a deodorant for a pregnant woman, one should study the composition of products and abandon it if it contains components threatening health.

Currently, the release of organic deodorants, which includes only natural, environmentally friendly ingredients with such actions:

  • essential oils - have a bactericidal and aromatic effect;
  • rice flour, arrud - the sweat is absorbed, disinfected;
  • soda, clay - absorbent;
  • alunite, mineral salts or natural alum - antibacterial effect;
  • eucalyptus, sage, oak bark - pig-breeding, binders.

Funds with environmentally friendly, harmless components can be purchased in natural cosmetics stores, and you can make it yourself. Based on such components:

  • corn flour - 100 g;
  • soda - 100 g;
  • essential oil - 3 drops.

Mix products, apply as needed.

The use of deodorants with natural components is the best option for a pregnant woman. The selected composition destroys bacteria, causing the smell, without harm to health.

During pregnancy, some essential oils cannot be used - they can provoke a threat of a breakdown. These include: Tyme, jasmine oil, juniper, sage.

What components should be missing

If the composition of the deodorant includes at least one component listed below, it is impossible to apply it.

Action on the organism of synthetic additives included in the deodorant:

Name of components Action on the body
Propane, Isobutan Able to accumulate in breast milk, cause nausea, headaches
Aluminum (clogs pores) Cumulative effect, causes oncology, dementia, internal organs
Polypropylene glytsol Causes liver and kidney disease
Antioxidants Carcinogen, damages the kidneys, destroys the vitamin D, the bone system of the body suffers.
Flavors, musk and dyes Allergies, asthma are developed, skin diseases
Phthalate Reduces the amount of testosterone
Triklozan Killing harmful, as well as useful bacteria, destroys the natural microflora
Linal It affects the mental state, the mood differences appear.

All listed components, when blocking the channels separating sweat, can cause swelling and inflammation of sweat glands.

Deodorant with fragrances: you can or not

Fdot - substances that give products a certain fragrance are synthetic origin and natural. The composition of natural includes oils:

  • perfumery;
  • essential.

For synthetic fragrances, chemical compounds are used, which are one-component and multicomponent. Basically, it is a mixture of semi-synthetic and synthetic ingredients. Some fragrances consist of 30 components, not all of them are harmless.

Fews with any components can cause allergies in a pregnant woman, causing the spasms of the upper respiratory tract, headache, nausea, up to the loss of consciousness.

In order not to provoke these symptoms, it is necessary to use a natural deodorant, without a stranger.

How often can you use

During pregnancy, use a deodorant containing aluminum salts is strictly prohibited. If necessary, use natural or alcohol perfume deodorant.

Eliminate sweat smell is better than more frequent hygienic procedures, the armpits should be smoothly selected. During the day, wipe their decoction of chamomile, soda solution, acidified with lemon juice.

With increased sweating, it is possible to use a natural deodorant for no more than 2-3 times a day, but before this it is necessary to make hygienic kneading every time. Deodorant is applied only on a clean body.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but during her body the woman is very vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the use of synthetic components in order not to harm yourself and the future kid. It is necessary to know what the necessary hygienic agent, like a deodorant, can also be safe.

Useful video

Pregnancy - a special period of woman's life. At this time, she wants to be protected from any problems. Deodorant for pregnant women and nursing should also be selected correctly. After all, from what means a woman enjoys, not only the aroma and mood, but also the health of it and the babe of the baby depends.

How can deodorants be dangerous?

What does the negative impact manifest?

Cosmetics can harm pregnant. Even if the woman used a certain type of hygiene objects, it does not exclude allergies to it when having tolerance of the child.

Choosing hygiene products, pregnant women should take into account all risks from its application. Manufacturers often do not indicate a restriction in the use of a woman with cosmetics for the period of tolerance and lactation. However, with breastfeeding and pregnancy, incorrectly chosen personal hygiene products can provoke the development of the pathologies of the fetus. Therefore, when choosing a deodorant, pregnant must necessarily explore the composition. Quality goods indicate that they are suitable for daily use of pregnant and nursing women. But such women's hygiene presented a bit.

About the poor-quality facility for nursing and pregnant women

Sub-quality deodorants-antiperspira are such that contain chemical components by type:

It is bad when there is acetylsalicylic acid in the hygienic agent of the future mother.
  • Aluminum chloride, chlorohydrate, as well as aluminum zirconium. They are clogged by sweat gland, anemia, neurodegenerative deviations, tumors develop.
  • Paraben. This preservative is added to a deodorant antiperspirant. With maternal milk, the substance penetrates the children's body, and during pregnancy causes the pathology of the fetus. Mother and the child are allergic to this component.
  • Phthalates. Negatively affect the hormonal background of pregnant and fetus.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid, tetracycline and triclosan. Perhaps a negative effect on the body, although the components are good antibacterial agents.
  • Antioxidants. These are carcinogens that can cause violations in the work of the kidneys.
  • Propylene glycol. The negative consequence is the high toxicity of this component, kidney damage, skin and respiratory organs.
  • Muskus. A pregnant and nursing mother can cause allergies. Milk can fall into a children's body.

Useful components of the composition

Deodorant during pregnancy and breastfeeding must be on a natural basis. Preference is preferred is an alunite-based or quastsy-stone medium. Alunites have many advantages over counterparts. They have such characteristics:

Alunite is considered a completely safe tool.
  • Tools based on them almost odorless.
  • After applying, the skin is not annoyed.
  • Potted ducts are not blocked.
  • It turns out a bacteriostatic action.
  • Funds are minimal.
  • The skin does not stick and does not become fat after use.
  • It is made without fragrances, parabens and aluminum.
  • The tool is not tested on the animal.
  • Absolutely natural base without animal components.

How to choose a safe remedy against sweat pregnant?

Natural deodorant on the quasans has no smell. It is good for those women who suffer from toxicosis during pregnancy.

A means of sweating that is suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers can advise a gynecologist or dermatologist. Doctors are united in the opinion that the deodorant should have a natural, natural basis, not to narrow the pores and do not block the sweating gland. The alum is a natural element that is effectively struggling from then, and also does not accumulate in the body of a woman and the fetus. This is an absolutely harmless drug that is allowed to use nursing and pregnant women. Preparations on a vegetable basis (aloe faith, chamomile, so far) or essential oil (green tea, hop, pine, as well as lemon and lavender) help soften and moisturize skin cover.

Safe brands of deodorants for pregnant and nursing

Nursing mommy can use the spray of exercise.

There are trademarks that produce a safe and efficient deodorant. They can be used during pregnancy. A special sign "Eco" should be specified on this treatment tool. Natural deodorant is the most efficient. He is not only struggling with then, eliminates unpleasant flavors, but also affects sweating.

The woman's skin care is trusted, "Deously Crystal", Hemani or Laquale. Some lines can be purchased at the pharmacy or specialized store. These include "ordinary" - a natural deodorizing spray of passion of sweating, which harmless mom and baby. English Deodorant TEO Lush has a soda base into which the essential oil is added. Israeli is considered highly efficient. "Deonate" enjoy women with high sweating. A large plus of such a hypoallergenic drug is that after using it on the skin and clothing there is no trace.

All deodorants allowed for use of pregnant and lactating women are available in shape:

  • solid crystal;
  • poke;
  • roller;
  • spray;
  • sproves.

Preferred needed with cosmetic products without fragrances, parabens, aluminum salts and blockers. Choosing the shape of the product, it is better to buy or stying deodorant, not spray. In the spray of unsafe for pregnant components, there may be more than other species of deodorants against sweating. These components have a negative impact not only on the female organism, but also on the fruit.

Write this review decided after the two of my friends last fall discovered breast cancer. Fortunately, the diagnosis was put on time, treatment behind, but the question remains relevant: how to reduce the impact of chemistry on the body, especially on the dairy glands? After all, the fact that we rub in the armpit is affected by the mammary glands, lymph nodes that are in this area, and penetrating through the skin on the whole body as a whole.

This is especially true for pregnant and breastfeeding women who are extremely advised to use conventional deodorants-antiperspirants due to the content of aluminum chloralhydrate. As such deodorants act, their influence on estrogen and the danger of oncology:

Aluminum salts, such as aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH), are active ingredients of antiperspirant.

The mechanism of action of these components is that the chlorohydrate is deposited within the sweat glands, where it turns into aluminum hydroxide. He, in turn, clogs the gland and blocks the secretion of sweat.

The toxic role of this metal in the occurrence of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson and Amiotrophic lateral sclerosis, was shown by Dr. Exley and others.

Aluminum refer to the so-called estrogen metals (metalloestrogens), that is, substances that can imitate estrogen and affect the expression of genes that respond to estrogen.

In 2005, Dr. Philip Darrebova showed that aluminum in the form of aluminum chloride or aluminum chloride adultery adversely affects the functions of the Estrogen receptors of the MCF7 of the human breast, which can lead to the incidence of cancer.

Indeed, Dr. Exley et al., (C. Exley, L. Barr, A., PD Darbre, J. Inorg. Biochem. 2007, p. 1334) After conducting biopsy in 17 patients with a breast tumor, confirmed the higher content of the compounds Aluminum in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe chest (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpit, where the maximum concentration of the antiperspirant).

Detailed article on this topic

I'm not pregnant, I do not feed the breast, for me it is all for a long time. But the risk of oncology, unfortunately, increases with age. Therefore, I have long been interested in how to defend himself from the smell of sweat, and at the same time not harm yourself. I found a way out, using as a deodorant. An ordinary food soda is quite effective! I wrote about this in detail before (reference at the end of the feedback).

But the tricky bacteria living in armpits (they are decompose of sweat, originally not smelling, smelling substances unpleasantly) with time get used to everything, even to soda, and the action can weaken. Therefore, such funds can be alternate. By the way, this applies to all deodorants!

So I decided to buy fully natural deodorant - alum, that is, a quarrel stone, or crystal.

Release 2 versions of this deodorant: Big Stick (120 grams) and road version (40 grams):

I bought a big stick on Aiherbe a big stick, and myself a road, that is, a mini version, because I didn't know then, whether the crystal will come up with me. Yes, and in the reviews I read that even little poems are enough for a whole year!

Such deodorants are also different - natural volcanic origin and artificially grown:

There are 2 types of alum: Natural and synthetic.

Natural salts of alum are extracted from the Mineral Alunita which is cleaned and crystallized. Natural crystal Almastsov consists of potassium alum (Potassium alum).

Synthetic Crystal Kvasatsov consists of ammonium alum (ammonium alum).

This deodorant is completely natural origin!

Some manufacturers manufacture synthetic crystals by adding different essential oils, extracts, soda, benzoic acid, zinc (to enhance the effect and for aromatization). But I prefer a natural crystal, without additives.

Also produce such deodorants in the form of sprays, or in rollers, with additives, or without them. It's more convenient for me, and it grabs it much longer.

My crystal looks like a milky white matte stone, firmly inserted into a plastic base with an unscrewing lid:

It does not have absolutely no smell, which is important for allergies and for those who do not like mixtures of smells of perfume + deodorant, which is rarely successful.

Composition - natural alum:

What is it? Why is the word alum scary, that is, aluminum?

Do not rush to scare, aluminum are different!

Potassium alum in quantities is not the same as aluminum used in antiperspirates and deodorants, and which exists in the form of aluminum chlorohydrate salts (it is ionized, forming a free radical Al +++, which easily penetrates through the skin, falls into the body and accumulates).

The fact that in the formula is present aluminum does not say anything, it all depends on what other elements it is chemically connected. Take H2O - a chemical combination of two explosive substances - hydrogen and oxygen. If you decorate water electrolytically, get two gas - oxygen easily flammable, hydrogen - explosive in itself, and together - absolutely safe. Or sodium chlorine is a cook salt, which we eat in food. At the same time, pure chlorine is poison.

On the skin, alumokalium sulfate, from which the alum is converted into stable aluminum oxides. These high molecular weight molecules cannot penetrate the cell membrane and do not accumulate in the body. They are cleaned with water or sweat.

Someone may be surprised, but aluminum alum we are literally eaten. As an emulsifier, a hardener, stabilizer and an acidity regulator, they are added to food. In the food industry, the alum go under the name of the food additive E522.


Crystal does not block sweat glands and does not block pores, but possesses an antiseptic effect, that is inhibits the growth of bacteriaGuilty in the unpleasant smell of sweat.

He also has astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and slightly drying effect.

This property of the alum in medicine has been known for a long time, they were widely used with the cuts of the afters of the face and armpits, the quasans rinsing the mouth with a mixture of disen, the alum powder was poured into socks to absorb and prevent the smell of sweat.

Thanks to the structure of its crystal lattice, the alum form at the place of contact with the skin thin breathable film. In parallel, the alum remove inflammation, remove the unpleasant sensations of burning and itching, and aluminum, which is part of the formula, eliminates pathogenic bacteria.

If the crystal is lying, then there is a sour-salty astringent taste.

How to apply:

Apply only on clean skin immediately after washing. It is not enough to apply to the skin in one movement, the crystal will not have time to show its action. Conduct on the skin you need light circular massaging movements for 10-15 seconds.

So that the action is as efficient as possible, regularly remove the hair in the armpits area.You can use the crystal immediately after shaving.

Features of application - 2 options:

1) Mock the tip of the crystal under the crane of the jet of cold water and lubricate clean armpits.

2) Wash the armpits (of course, with soap and washcloth) and, without wiping, immediately smeared with a crystal. Then wait a minute so that the skin is dried.

It is more convenient for me. After that, we do not rinse the crystal (as I only use it), but I close the lid and put on the shelf until the next application.

If someone else uses the crystal (your husband, for example), then after eating it, you need to rinse under the water stream. You can not leave dry, but wander the crystal with a dry paper napkin (paper towel) and close the lid. Then he will not be crazy with time.


100% natural, harmless

Does not leave tracks on clothes

Without smell

You can use as men and women as well as teenagers

Does not cause allergies

Safe for pregnant and nursing

Little 40 - gram washes for one person enough for a year and a half daily use

How to use more.

- it is possible and even useful to use immediately after shave (men and women) and with small cuts (It has astringent, drying, disinfecting and light hemostatic effects). At the same time, a small pinching can be felt, this is normal! But deodorants with aluminum chloralhydrate in such cases use is extremely not recommended!

If you are such a crystal take a journey with you you can use it to disinfect scratches and mosquito bites, because it has an antiseptic effect. Remember that it will join, but not as much as when processing other antiseptics.

You can lubricate small pimples, again, because of its antiseptic action, and even because of its properties to dry and reduce inflammation. I tried, really, it works!

You can use for stop and palms, as it has a drying effect.


- fragile. Pay attention to this !!! If you drop it on the tiled floor / in the bathroom / washbasin, it can easily split into small pieces! But do not hurry to throw it away! What if the crystal crashed - read below.

Does not block sweat glands, that is, sweat is highlighted, only the smell is blocked.

Not so powerful as antiperspirant deodorants. In the summer, it may have to use more often, 2 times a day. If someone has a sweat with a very sharp smell, this deodorant may not cope. But in such cases, you need to think about your nutrition and the way of life, because a healthy person has too abundant sweating and a sharp smell of sweat should not be. This happens during overweight, incorrect nutrition, smoking, violation of the work of the thyroid gland, IRC, hormonal imbalance, non-compliance with hygiene, etc.

Over time, the action can weaken (not all). But I already wrote that this applies to all deodorants, even antiperspirant. One source indicated that the action weakens in 2 months. Of course, it is individually, it happened in six months. What to do in this case, read below.

What if the crystal crashed?

Do not throw out fragments! Small collect, large grind in the food package with a rolling pin for a dough (or a glass bottle), pour into the vial, fill with cold water in an amount of 150-200 ml and leave for 2-3 days.

Then simply moisten the cotton disk and wipe the skin of pure dry armpits. Shake before use! Instead of a cotton disk, you can use a sponge for a powder that can be bought at any cosmetics store. After use, rinse the sponge under the crane and leave to the next use.

Or pour fragments into a bottle with a spray gun, pour the room temperature with boiled water and let "stand in" 2-3 days.

Splash on clean dry armpits. Before use, always shake the bottle.

If such a pulverizer uses for the legs, you can add 1-2 drops of the natural tea tree oil. He has a strong antifungal action.

If such a liquid deodorant is over, and the crystal fragments at the bottom of the bottle remained, fill it with cooled boiled water again. And so repeat until all the crystals dissolve.

What if the crystal is weakening?

Above, I wrote that this can happen in 2-3 months, someone is faster, someone longer. Then you need to change the tool for a while. If the issue of naturalness and safety is especially acute, you can go to the use of food soda ( how to apply soda as a deodorant - reference below). And then you can alternate these two means.

I, in the summer, when I noticed that the smell of sweat was already appearing in a strong heat for lunch, for 1 week I moved to the Antiperspirant Revon (used every other day), and then again on the crystal - and again my natural deodorant works great!

You can use the crystal, or alternate it with food soda constantly, and when there is a "output to light" - as an exception to use a deodorant antiperspirant. But this is provided that you are healthy, not pregnant and do not feed your breasts! Then it is better to additionally use special pads from sweat, which are attached to the clothes in the armpits area, for this they have a sticky layer.

What to do if the shelf life passed, and the crystal is used only partially?

The shelf life conditional, it is indicated because the law requires that. In fact, the shelf life of the crystal is unlimited, use until it end.


Individual intolerance of the alum, which is extremely rare.


Now the manufacturer has changed a little design, but the deo crystal remained the same:

Health to you and your loved ones!

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Nothing makes women such charming, attractive and sexy, as a pleasant, natural smell of a clean and healthy body. And it's not that so much does not spoil the impression of a woman like the smell of sweat. Moreover, especially this problem occurs in pregnant women.

It has been proven that the sweat itself does not have absolutely no smell. And the culprits of its occurrence are, growing and breeding bacterial cells in an acidic medium. This is especially noticeable in those places where the evaporation of sweat is difficult at the feet of legs and in the axillary depressures.

Do not think that pregnancy is a reason to stop watching it. Of course, the usual deodorant during pregnancy a woman will not fit. During this period of his life, future mothers should choose only those products that have increased security. As a rule, such cosmetic products are in the assortment of any major producer.

If we talk about the most modern cosmetic products, then all of them are divided into antiperspirants and deodorants and are produced in a wide variety of forms - aerosols, poems, gels, cream.

Deodorants can only eliminate unpleasant odors, but they do not affect sweating. The composition of these cosmetology products includes such bactericidal and disinfecting components as triclosan, ethyl alcohol, etc. The main disadvantages of deodorants are the possibility of allergic reactions and irritating effect on the skin. The body of a woman who puts out a child becomes especially sensitive. That is why a woman deodorant during pregnancy needs to be chosen especially carefully.

Many future mothers are interested, whether it is possible to use such a popular deodorant drain dry during pregnancy. The opinion of specialists regarding this question is definitely - they claim that anyone, even the safest, at first glance, a cosmetological agent, pregnant women can only be used after consulting with a personal gynecologist..

As for such a combination, as pregnancy and antiperspirant, here everything is not so simple. The effect of antiperspirants is to reduce sweating by narrowing the damping duct and closure. This prevents the appearance of wet spots on the clothes and the emergence of an unpleasant odor. But, despite such a positive effect, doctors believe that such intervention can provoke inflammatory processes in the body. Especially great harm for antiperspirants can cause health care. After all, sweat, which is blocked and does not go out, falls into the blood of the mother, and therefore, in the blood of the child.

Well, the most important thing, remember that all cosmetic products that are used to be pregnant should be made from natural components and respond to all standards and safety standards.

Almost 90% of deodorants on the shelves of cosmetic stores contain substances harmful to health: aluminum salts, triclosan, linalolol. During the pregnancy, many women think about the safety of everything they eat, drink and apply to their body, and, having learned about the dangers of deodorants, prefer or abandon their use at all, or are looking for an harmless alternative. Let's find out, is it true that a deodorant for pregnant women is harmful and there is a safe means to protect against sweat and smell.

How do deodorants act?

To avoid excessive sweating and the appearance of an unpleasant smell of sweat, everyday ritual for most of us becomes the use of deodorant. How does this tool act? On the surface of the skin of a person live, breedoobacteria spread and dying. Their favorite habitats are armpits, feet, palms, that is, those parts of the body where the sweat is produced strongly. And all because they feed on bromeobacteria in substances that are part of the sweat. The sweat itself does not smell in itself, and the process of its formation is a way of removing toxins from the body, surplus salts, regulation of body temperature.

Solve the problem of an unpleasant smell of sweat makers of cosmetics are offered by two ways:

  • use deodorants creating an unfavorable environment for the development of bacteria;
  • reducing the production of sweat, blocking sweat glands with antiperspira.

What in the composition of deodorants?

The composition of the deodorant includes antiseptics, most often it is ethyl alcohol, and fragrances, which are "clogged" with their aroma an unpleasant smell of sweat. Deodorants are available in various forms: gels, sprays, aerosols, creams. That is, using a deodorant, you will sweat no less than without it, but the smell of sweat will not be, or it will be less pronounced. Antiperspirants, blocking the process of sweating, provide more reliable protection against smell and "wet circles" in the armpit area. They reduce sweat production by 25-40%. But it is antiperspirants that contain most harmful components:

  • aluminum salts - clocked the pores, preventing the production of sweat, accumulate in the body and lead to the development of serious diseases, among which Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer;
  • fondes - can cause dizziness;
  • triklozan - violates the hormonal balance of the body, as essentially synthetic estrogen, the use of a triclosis deodorant during pregnancy can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus and;
  • linalol - causes allergic reactions;
  • kaolin is a natural substance, clay, dries the skin and does not breathe it;
  • phthalates - damage the reproductive system, can have a teratogenic effect, that is, to cause the development of uglities in a child;
  • parabhen - carcinogens, that is, cancer substances accumulate in breast tissues.

Is a deodorant harmful for pregnant women?

Considering the insecurity of the components included in the composition of antiperspirants, it suggests that it is not only worth using these means not only during the toddler period, but also in the usual condition, both women and men.

Of course, only units will agree to completely abandon deodorants, but during pregnancy you can go to the use of safer tools. Doctors recommend abandoning antiperspirants, which include harmful substances mentioned above. Choosing "of two evils", less means with a deodorizing effect, and not blocking sweat glands.

Choose safe deodorants for pregnant women

Pick safe for pregnant women deodorant is not such an unbearable task as it may seem at first glance. They can be found among the products of famous cosmetic producers:


Safety leaders are deodorants-crystals, called alum or alunite crystals. They are recognized as safe and natural antiseptics. Minerals that are raw materials for deodorant crystals are mined in a mining and volcanic area, and then for use as a cosmetic agent, they are grinding and attached to them. That is, such deodorants are 100% natural, in most cases. In addition to "NatureProduct", there are crystals grown by synthetic. It is difficult to distinguish them, experts say that an artificial mineral is more transparent than natural. Synthetic crystals can not be called completely safe, since chlorine, fragrances, ammonium and other "chemistry" can be added to the composition.

The principle of action of such deodorants in the formation of an antibacterial film on the surface of the skin. Due to its antiseptic properties, the alum is used not only as a fighter with sweat smell, but also as a wound healing agent. They can be applied to irritated after shaving or damaged skin.

There are alums in several forms. The most popular is the whole crystals of the poems and sprays - aqueous solutions containing alums. For the use of a stick, the surface of the crystal must be mixed with water and smear the armpits them. Spray spray directly on the skin.

Popular representatives of this category are Deodorants Styx, Acorelle and Deonat. All these crustal deodorants do not reduce the sweating, but only prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, suppressing the reproduction and life of bacteria. Buy Deodorant Crystal, considered safe for pregnant women, can be in a pharmacy or online stores. Their average cost - 500 rubles.

Another advantage of crystalline deodorants is an efficiency of use. One whole crystal may be enough for the year of applications, but it should be borne in mind that the effect of it will be not so pronounced as from the antiperspirant. Some women who replaced antiperspirates with crystals, say that some time, about a month or two, the body is adapted, and the process of sweating is settled. In the hot summer months, a crystal is most likely to ensure the desired protection against sweat, besides, it will not prevent the appearance of wet spots in the field of armpits. But at the cool time of the year, he will become a worthy alternative to harmful antiperspira.

Is it possible to do without a deodorant?

  • prevent the reproduction of bacteria by armpits, wiping the skin with apple vinegar, only at the end of the procedure it is necessary to wash off vinegar with clean water;
  • lemon slice can replace a deodorant, but it is not necessary to apply it immediately after shaving the armpits, otherwise irritation and discomfort may appear;
  • you can wipe the skin with a soda solution, the soda is an excellent antiseptic and eliminates unpleasant odors well, but dries the skin;
  • you can prepare a decoction of hop cones and use it for wiping the skin, it has a pronounced antimicrobial effect;
  • the essential oil of the tea tree, lavender and lemon have an antibacterial effect, and after mixing with base oils can be used to apply an armpit to the skin, but during pregnancy, the esters can cause allergic reactions.

To reduce the sweating, try to wear clothes from natural fabrics, exclude spices, oily and fried food from the ration, control weight gain. These recommendations should be adhered to both future mothers, for which the problem of increased sweating is not relevant. Finally, we suggest you to learn how to prepare harmless deodorant with your own hands.