Mom, which uses the services of a donor or infected HIV, is obliged to know how to sterilize breast milk. In medical hospitals use special equipment. But sterilization can be held at home. This requires clean dishes, a gas stove, a thermometer and a little time.


Breast milk is heated to a temperature of 62.5 degrees and pasteurizes 30 minutes. During this time, pathogenic bacteria and viruses die. The pediatrician will advise you to take advantage of the holding method for women who resort to the services of a dairy donor or are afraid to transfer their own pathogens of microorganisms.

Prepare for the procedure:

  • a spoon with a long handle;
  • glass or heat-resistant bottle;
  • a pot with a thick bottom;
  • thermometer;
  • foil.

Before starting sterilization, wash the dishes and hide it with boiling water. Remember that breast milk is collected in a clean and sterile capacity even in cases where it is subjected to pasteurization.

Before the procedure, wash your hands and remove the hair under the hat or scarf

The holding method consists of six stages:

  1. Fill in a bottle of breast milk on a 4/5 volume and put in a saucepan.
  2. Pour warm water in dishes so that its level is on a centimeter above the level of milk.
  3. Turn on the burner and lower the long thermometer into the water.
  4. Stir the milk with a spoon. When the temperature reaches 60 degrees, cover the bottle with a lid. Press close the foil, in the center of which to ride a hole for the thermometer.
  5. When a mercury column rises to 62.5 ° C, reduce the fire. Support this temperature for half an hour.
  6. After 30 minutes, remove the saucepan from the fire, pour boiling water out of it and pour warm water. When milk will cool down a little, reduce the water temperature yet. Continue to do so while the food for the baby does not completely cool.

If the milk sterilized not in glass, but in a heat-resistant dish, then the last stage is recommended to change. The bottle is immediately placed under a crane with cold water. So the product cools faster. The risk of developing pathogenic bacteria decreases.

Instant heating method

The method invented for mothers infected with HIV and wishing to feed the baby with milk. High temperature instantly destroys the harmful microorganisms, and the value of the product is preserved.

The instantaneous heating method consists of four stages:

  1. Put a thermal resistant bottle into a saucepan filled with warm water. Milk levels it exceeds 2 cm.
  2. Turn on the burner and wait when bubbles will appear on infant food, and water will boil.
  3. Wait 15 seconds and pull the bottle of boiling water.
  4. Place it under the jet of ice water.

The US Disease Control and Prevention Center argues that the immunodeficiency virus through pasteurized milk is not transmitted. But it is impossible to repeat with accuracy to the procedure at home. It is performed in medical institutions with a pasteurizer. In this case, a number of viruses and bacteria are destroyed:

  • hepatitis B, C;
  • T-lymphotropic virus;
  • cytomegalovirus.

Mom in the kitchen can apply the instantaneous heating method, but no doctor will say whether home sterilization of breast milk helped kill the harmful organisms. If you doubt about your own health, do not risk. Contact your doctor and consult.

Is it possible to re-sterilize milk

Breeding food after pasteurization is stored in the refrigerator six hours. It is impossible to use it further.

When re-sterilization, breast milk loses beneficial features. It will not saturate the baby and cause discomfort in the intestine.

Sterilized milk, which in the next six hours will not be eaten, it is necessary to freeze. For this purpose, special packages are used that are purchased in children's shop. The product is deflated under the jet of warm water or at room temperature.

The process of pasteurization makes it possible to feed the milk premature and sick kids with milk. Doctors argue that such kids develop better, and their chances of life are increasing.


Consulting the doctors for advice on the need to sterilize your milk (the doctor will establish how much it is necessary as a temporary option) or the use of a nickel donor (with a lack of or lacking breast milk). Enclosed donor sterilize. Sterilization of breast milk is an extreme measure, since with this procedure, the useful substances are destroyed: vitamins, trace elements, prebiotics, enzymes, immunoglobulins. All these beneficial substances are necessary for the formation of immunity.

In the presence of the need to sterilize milk, treat the container for sterilized milk (better, if it is a glass container, but special plastic bottles For infants).

Boil the encoded breast milk on the bottles, from which you will feed the child.

Pour into the enameled saucepan of water so much so that the bottle with milk is comfortable in this saucepan and not swimming.

Put a bottle with milk in a saucepan, turn on the gas burner.

As soon as the rapid boil begin, reduce gas.

Keep bottles with breast milk in boiling water for five to eight minutes.

Turn off the gas burner.

With the help of a towel, carefully remove the bottle with sterilized breast milk from the enamelled saucepan.

Video on the topic


When using donor milk, it should be remembered that it is unequal milk directly from the mother's chest. In addition to possible bacterial contamination of milk, the process of transporting donor breast milk, its storage and processing also reduces its calorie value.

It is categorically impossible to boil breast milk, because in this case all vitamins and enzymes will be destroyed and the properties of proteins are destroyed.

Helpful advice

It is not necessary to sterilize milk for too long, since harmful bacteria die in five minutes after the start of boiling.


  • milk sterilization

Sterilization is a method of thermal processing of products, during which pathogenic microbes and bacteria die. In milk, the pathogenic flora level is sometimes higher than the permissible norm, so it is desirable to pasteurize it. Milk existing on store shelves has already passed thermal processingBut if you are tormented by any doubt, you can handle it again. Rustic milk must sterilize before use, because no one checked him.

You will need

    • milk
  • glass packaging
  • enameled saucepan
  • towel


Treat the container for sterilized milk. You can hold it above the ferry or in a microwave oven. In the villages of grandmothers, there is a small jar on the spout of the kettle and boil water, and the bank passes the ferry sterilization process without direct human participation. But due to the lack of an ordinary kettle, you can put the container in the oven for 10-15 minutes and turn on the maximum heating. Pure container put on the towel down the neck, it is temporarily not needed.

Pour milk into a clean enameled saucepan and put it boiled. As soon as the rapid boil begin, reduce gas and wait a few more minutes. Do not sterilize for too long, harmful bacteria die after 5 minutes after the start of boiling. Follow the milk, it can, without demand, leave the pan, and wash after this plate will be very difficult. Do not forget to interfere with periodically, the milk can merge.

Boil hot milk to prepared in advance banks and cover the lid. Put cool or drink hot, it will remind you of carefree childhood with your taste and aroma. And if adding a spoonful of honey taste turns out simply magic.

Any mom wants her baby to be healthy and strong. For this, in the early stages it should be constantly breastfeeding. However, how to store, few people know. At this time, the mother may encounter such problems as going to work, or it will simply be necessary to leave. Therefore, milk reserve must be.

To start, the mother must be a milk. If there are cracks on the nipple, you need to consult your doctor. Female milk is different from cow in their fat. Before complaining, you need to decompose a hot towel on the chest, and then massage the milk gland. And only after that proceed to the process. You can push manually or use breast pumps.

Female milk is much helpful cow and can be stored for quite a long time. It retains its useful properties, in contrast to mixtures for children. Therefore, it is recommended to breastfeed as long as possible. Most. the best option For the storage of milk is glassware or solid plastic. But the safest is a specialized package of dense quality material sold in the store. On it, you can specify the junction time and name.

At room temperature to store about 10 hours. Therefore, you can leave a bottle of milk in the room. Storage time in the freezer is up to three months old, Only in the chamber with a deep frost can reach half a year. Now, if necessary, you can stock up for your baby for a long time with a vitaminized milk and not use various feeding mixtures.


  • How to store encircled breast milk? Tips and recommendations

The most valuable and useful for your crumbs, of course, is breast milk. And not one alternative nutrition will not be able to compare with. Almost every mom knows about its advantages, but how to store the encircled breast milk right in different conditions Not everyone knows. During the lactation, a young mother may encounter various problems and situations, for example:

  • the need to go to work;
  • the child did the chest;
  • the baby suddenly refuses to take the chest;
  • it is necessary to urgently remove;
  • other any life circumstances when the child has to leave home with a nanny, grandmother, with loved ones.
Proper storage of breast milk

And in these periods, for the most accurate problem solving, moms are trying to see and leave milk so as not to break the child's nutrition (). And there is a lawsager question, what to keep breast milk and how much is it stored without losing useful properties?

Important! It is not necessary to sterilize the encircled breast milk! Do not use milk after the expiration of storage time!

Capacitance for storing pricing breast milk

There are several types of storage tanks: glass, plastic and plastic. It can be packages and various containers, cups, bottles.

Video instructions for using milk storage packages

The main criteria to which they must respond:

  • sterility;
  • closing density;
  • ease of use;
  • preferably the presence of a measuring scale.

Before purchasing containers, it should be solved for what purposes it will be intended.

If for freezing, then it is better to buy special disposable plastic bags. Their advantage is that they are tightly and easily sealed, sterile, made of very dense polyethylene and ready to use. Also, they are already a measured scale and there is a place to inscribe the date and time. Sold packages in any pharmacy.

Package for storing a breast milk

Some mothers are used for freezing disposable plastic liners for bottles, but it is not reliable. For storage, they are not adapted and the seams may burst during freezing. Splicing, all content will simply follow. But if you still have to use them, then for reliability, pour milk into a double package. And do not store for a long time.

Glass, in second place - plastic, and on the third - plastic are becoming greater popularity among the solid containers. But scientists have proven, milk without prejudice to quality can be stored both in plastic and in glass.

For convenience, choose a container that will contain only a dose sufficient for one feeding. Be sure to indicate the date and time of pressure.

How to store breast milk on a walk

Young mothers may encounter one more problem - how to stored on a walk with empty milk. For these purposes, several variants of thermosum are presented on the market, as well as special thermos for bottles. It is quite comfortable, especially if you are on vacation for a long time And at the same time you can stock up with several portions of nutrition.

Where to store breast milk

In the interruptions between feeding and plugging, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions for the proper storage of breast milk.

  1. If you plan to store milk for a long time, then the best way - This is freezing. Freeze only freshly rested milk, but before the freezing it is necessary to leave it in the refrigerator for a period of 1.5 to 2 hours. And do not forget to write a date and time. A frozen product, of course, loses a number of its beneficial properties, but it is definitely better than artificial blends.
  2. If the enclosed portion of milk is used for several days, it is better to save it in the refrigerator. Milk in the chilled form will save almost all useful substances. The main rule is not to store on the door.
  3. If fresh milk will be discarded during the day, then it is better to keep it in a room in sterile dishes and tightly closed.

Rules defrosting and heating of milk

For defrosting the portions of milk, we first place it in the refrigerator so that there is no sharp temperature difference. Then transfix the portion into a feeding bottle and heated in a water bath. For the convenience of heating milk, you can purchase a bottle heater.

Never warm up milk for feeding in a microwave oven, do not warm in saucepans, do not boil - it will lose all its useful properties.

Never freeze again already frozen breast milk. In this case, too, all properties are lost.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

How much to store breast milk

Leaving breast milk stocks need to know where, how much time and at what temperature it can be stored.

In a refrigerator:

In the refrigerator, empty milk can be saved until 24 hours at a temperature mode from +4 + 6 degrees. At the same time, it is necessary to place it as much as possible. Fresh milk needs to be cooled before placing a refrigerator.

In the freezer:

In the freezer, the released milk at temperatures from -13 to -18 degrees are stored from a month and even up to three months, and at temperatures from -18 to -20 degrees no more than a year. In front of the frost, the milk is cooled in the refrigerator.

At room temperature:

At room temperature (from +19 to +22 degrees), a fresh product can be stored no more than 10 hours. At a temperature not higher than + 25 ° milk can persist no more than 6 hours (4-6 hours). More than 25 ° - up to 3 hours. Scientists were investigated that substances that are part of breast milk can counteract the reproduction of different microbes, so milk does not deteriorate.

Storage time of breast milk (visual table)

Storing the sacred breast milk is perfect solution Many problems associated with violation of the feeding mode of your baby. Even if you are forced to miss a period of time, then your baby will not stop receiving your love, protection and all useful vitamins. The most important thing is, of course, know the rules and conditions for storing this indispensable nutrition for your crumbs.

"The most profitable investments are the investment of milk in the child" Sir Winston Churchill

How to proper milk, how to freeze and how much breast milk can be stored. Learn all the secrets and subtleties!

Mamino Milk is the only ideal food and a drink for a baby from the moment of birth and, at least to six months of age. Since it contains all the most necessary to ensure that the baby is normally developed physically, mentally and intellectually. Only with mother's milk crumbs are transmitted antibodies that are able to protect it from all kinds of infections.

Therefore, naturally, each mother tries not to be separated for a long time with his baby in the first months of his life and seeks to keep breastfeeding as long as possible. And fortunately, most mothers succeed.

However, unfortunately, modern life does not always make it possible to make a mom around the clock next to Croha. Therefore, sometimes there are situations when mom needs to be removed for a while: go to the doctor, visit lectures or pass the exam (if a student's mother), go to work ahead of time and others.

In addition, sometimes a nursing mom will have to be surgical interference or treatment is necessary medicinal preparations, taking that you can't breastfeed. It is in such situations and "Milk Bank" will come in handy.

What is a "dairy bank"?

This is defined "Strategic" stock Breast milk at home, which is stored in the refrigerator or freezer in case of unforeseen situations.

How to create a "dairy bank"?

Did you make a decision to acquire your own small "storage" of breast milk? Then you probably have questions: how to collect, how long and what to store how to defrust the valuable nutrient fluid. After all, it is very important not to harm the crumb and to preserve proteins, fats, carbohydrates and many other "utilities", which are contained in breast milk.

So, proceed ...

How to organize the collection?

- constricted breast milk only After they made sure that your crumble was flooded.

- Getting to the collection in advance, and not on the eve of the temporary separation. Since due to stress before the upcoming parting with the baby, you can decrease the amount of breast milk.

It is preferable to grind breast milk for the storage of breastsosos. Since it is myself the charming process for a short and less traumatic. However, if a manual way is more convenient for you, you can use it.

Before proceeding with pressure, do not forget to wash your hands. It is desirable that you succeed with all the details of the breastsos and dishes (if it is reusable), in which you will collect breast milk. Sterilize a convenient way for you - boiling, in the microvolone. These actions significantly reduce the ingress of all sorts of malicious bacteria into the enclosed milk.

- Try to make breast milk immediately in the container in which it will be stored.

What is the container to store?

Use hermetically closed tanks, intended for baby food: Window of glass or solid plastic (polycarbonate). It is noteworthy that many firms produce breasts, complete with containers for storing breast milk.

Moreover , on sale special disposable bags for storing breast milk, Which is better to purchase the same company as breastsos. Otherwise, they may not approach the diameter. Packs of packages: they take a little space, produced already Sterile, and to warm up Mamino milk can be directly in them.

Before placing the container with breast milk in the freezer or refrigerator, be sure to write it: specify the date and time of pressure.

How to freeze?

Try to freeze small portions of breast milk: 60-120 ml. Since the crumb may not eat all, but pour a valuable nutrient fluid.

However, if your baby is already big, you can make portions of different volumes: more - 150-200 ml for complete feeding, as well as smaller - 50-60 ml for a detector.

Fill the tank only up to two thirds of its total volume, since during freezing the milk is expanding.

Freeze breast milk no later than 24 hours after complaining.

It is advisable not to mix already frozen milk with just written:
Better make a smaller portion for a deign. However, if such a need is still present, you can add chilled milk with small portions into the container in order not to defrost already Frozen portion. At the same time, do not forget that it is possible to connect milk portions only if they were collected in one day.

How and how much to store?

In different sources you can meet different advice By storing breast milk. However, this does not mean that some of them are incorrect. Since some report the storage conditions of a valuable liquid in donor storage facilities, and some for premature children. In addition, a lot depends on the model of the refrigerator or the freezer.

1. For feeding healthy docking children:

* Before day - at a temperature of +15 o C.

* At a temperature of +19 +22 o C - up to 8-10 hours.

* Up to four to six hours - at a temperature not higher than +25 o C.

* No more than a day - in the refrigerant bag with refrigeralements.

* In the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +4 o C - up to six to eight days. However, it is not always possible to observe such a temperature regime (frequent opening of doors, interruptions with electricity), so it is better to store no more than three to four days in it.

* On the freezer shelf of the refrigerator without a door - no more than two weeks.

* In the freezer compartment of the refrigerator with a separate door - up to three to four months.

2. For feeding premature babies:

* At air temperature not higher than +19 +22 o C - up to four or six hours.

* In the refrigerator no more than a day.

* In a separate freezer (preferably with NO Frost technology) at temperatures -18-20 ° C - from six months and up to a year.

Mom on a note

* Containers with breast milk Try to place at the rear wall of the refrigerator or freezer, In order, when the door is opened, the milk has not been subjected to temperature difference.

* If you intend to feed the baby with breast milk over the next few days after jacking, do not freeze it, but store in the refrigerator. Since, with such storage, more "utilities" is saved in it.

* Not Keep milk on the door of the refrigerator.

* Dried milk is not subject to re-frost, But it can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 24 hours.

* Try to remove the air from the container, Since it destroys fats that are in breast milk.

How to defrost?

Perfect option - on the eve of put a container with breast milk in the refrigerator, so that it gradually flashed there. If the time of the edge, you can use the jet of warm water from the crane.

Then preheat breast milk on a water bath or in a special bottle heater Up to + 36-37 o C. Of course, with a thermometer constantly measuring the temperature is uncomfortable, and and troublesome. Therefore, you can drop a few drops of milk on your wrist on the inside, having preheated the contents of the container. If the drops are warm, boldly give the nourishing liquid to the baby. This method is quite reliable because the wrist skin on the inside is thin and sensitive.

Mom on a note

* If a after heating and feeding the kid left not a large number of milk, better pour it, Since further stored nutrient fluid is not recommended.

* Do not heated breast milk in a microwave oven, Since most of the "utility", which are contained in it, are destroyed!

* Remember that the composition and properties of breast milk change depending on the stage of the development of the kid to ideally meet all the needs of the crumbs. therefore if possible, keep milk for a short time and try to use the most "fresh" portions. However, if there is no such possibility, feed the crumb to the milk you have collected and kept earlier. Since it is still more benefit than from children's milk mixtures.

Is breast milk change when stored?

Immediately after complaining, breast milk is homogeneous. but if it constitutes a little, it will stall: a more fatty will rise to the top, and the lower fluid will remain. But if it is mixed, it will again become homogeneous.

Fresh writing breast milk thin sweetly smell. but after cooling or defrosting, it may appear soap smell - Because of the fact that there is an enzyme of lipase, which splits fats. Fortunately, most children simply do not pay attention to this smell.

But if all the same, the baby refuses to drink such milk, you can go for a small trick: the encoded breast milk heat almost to the hot state - up to 56 o C (tender pasteurization), quickly cool, and then freeze. Then the process of splitting fats will stop, and the smell of soap will not be so tangible. However, remember that with such a processing, many useful properties of nutrient fluid are lost.

Important!Breast milk is considered spoiled if he has an acidic smell or taste.

P.S. Having or not there is your little homemade "Zavod" breast milk, each mother solves itself. However, the presence of a small "storage" of the valuable nutrient fluid of the house just in case is quite good for the baby and calmly for his parent. Although, of course, breast milk when stored some of their useful properties lose. But even in this form it will bring more benefit, rather than children's milk mixtures.

children's Ordinator

Each mom, especially waiting for the first child, should know how to sterilize bottles for newborns

The birth of a baby in the family always translates the life of home in special regime. A children's bottle becomes an ordinary object of everybody, her wash becomes a routine procedure. Some moms belong to this extremely responsible, and seek not only wash, but also sterilize the dishes after each feeding, Zano is guarding your child from microbes.

Newborn kids often suffer from colic and chair disorders, the reason for this is imperfection digestive systemwhich in the first months of life experience an increased burden, learns to digest incoming food. Falling pathogenic flora with dishes or dummy will create additional pressure on the body. What bottle for newborns at home is the easiest way to maintain clean?

What is the bottle better?

A huge variety of accessories for babies allows parents to choose the appropriate dishes in shape, size and price. Inexperienced parents first attract appearance Products or an interesting form. A bottle - dishes for a child, buying it must be guided only by the questions of practicality. Best dishes for a child:

  • should easily wash;
  • not to lose appearance during sterilization;
  • withstand a large number of treatments;
  • be resistant to shocks and drops;
  • have a shape that allows it to hold in hand.

Easy to clean the bottles of simple shape, with a capacity of up to 200 grams. Brush must be separate, used only for this purpose.

Liquid for washing children's dishes use many mothers, but there is no practical need for this (this is not a saucepan with fat, which cannot be washed with another way).

Although the manufacturer assures that such means of household chemicals are frozen, in the first months of the child's life, wash the bottles without much effort can be ordinary drinking soda, not loading the body of the kid residues chemical substanceswhich may not be completely harmless.

Glass bottles are a bit harder plastic, but they are well clean and sterilized in any way without changing their properties. They can break up, but in the first months of life, parents are followed, so the risk for the child is minimal.

Plastic bottles have many advantages:

  • they are light;
  • they are easy to wash;
  • do not fight;
  • their cost is much smaller than glass.

But there are many minuses such:

  • the use of Tara of an unknown manufacturer may result in emission of toxic substances in baby food;
  • it is difficult to sterilize - plastic does not withstand the action high temperatures, getting microcracks and loses shape;
  • due to cracks and frequent washing Loses appearance.

Have 2 different bottles from miscellaneous material - need, even if the child is on breastfeedingSometimes there is a need to start milk. If a child on artificial nutrition has several different bottles - the need.

Do you always need to sterilize?

The young parents of firstborn who have no own experience are forced to choose between the advice of progressive pediatricians and tough pressure of pediatricians of the old Soviet school and grandmothers with the aunties that brought up their children in Soviet traditions.

According to this concept, the child can not independently defend themselves from infection and it needs to be surrounded by maximum sterility. Therefore, bottles and all children's dishes need not just wash, but sterilize.

Completely different position at the Ukrainian pediatrician Komarovsky, a number of pediatricians new school - They believe that parents should not interfere with the child to form the immune system with an unnecessary fence from those microorganisms, among which he will have to live.

Clean - needed, but unnecessary zeal is harmful. It is the excessive purity to the use of disinfectants is a trigger for the development of allergies, it does not allow the child to form sufficient immune defense at the moment when it is provided for by nature - in the first years of life.

According to Komarovsky, sterilization should be subject to only dishes for the storage of milk, which is an excellent medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Whatever the point of view did not support the parents, sterilize the dishes for children you need from time to time. Young mothers should be known how to properly sterilize children's bottles at home and how often do it.

How old do you need sterilization?

For a child, which is on breastfeeding, and which is enough milk, only a bottle of water may be needed up to 6 months. It is enough to wash hot water and sterilize 3-4 times a month.

For a child who is pamped with milk mixtures, sterilization in the first month of life is carried out on the choice of parents, daily or once a few days. As the sterilization is consistent, it is possible to carry out less frequently.

The pediatricians of the new school denied the need for sterilization after 6 months, the doctors of the Soviet school recommend sterilizing bottles for feeding and dishes until 18 months (this is motivated by the late maturation of the child's immune system).

What else do you need to sterilize?

For feeding a child, not only bottles are used - cups, dishes for mixing mixes, spoons, spare nipples. From time to time these items can be sterilized. It is carried out with the bottles, the objects before sterilization are washed.

You can sterilize:

  • milk suction;
  • spare pacifiers;
  • rings for teeth, toys for glaring;
  • toys that gnaw a child when teething teeth and which can carry boiling.

Many are interested in how to sterilize nipples? If these are silicone products to the bottle, they put them for sterilization along with another kitchenware, a cap from the bottle and dummy (on the upper shelf of the steamer, for example). If the nipple needs to be replaced - you can use separately boiled in the cafeter of the product. Some moms keep sterilized pacifiers and nipples in a separate hermetic dishes.

Brightly painted Chinese-made toys to give a child to nibble should not.

Preparation for sterilization

Children's kitchenware after feeding the child is immediately washed - it is impossible because of fatigue, or lack of time, it is to postpone. Bottles from the dairy mixture after use:

  1. Spin, separated the lid and the nipple, they are also separated;
  2. Devastated from an inspired mixture, milk or porridge;
  3. Washed the first time with cold water - so glass is better cleaned from milk residues and becomes transparent;
  4. Washed with hot water using a liquid for washing children's dishes, a special soap or drinking soda;
  5. Pollution at the bottom ished by the hero;
  6. Food remnants on a carving for nipples are laundered with a special brush;
  7. Nipples are washed using the same means and brushes for washing children's dishes;
  8. The children's dishes are rinsed first warm, then with cold running water, turn over to a clean towel or folded gauze and give a stance of water.

Types of sterilization

When is sterilization is necessary? First of all, after buying dishes, then after:

  • bottles have not been used for a long period;
  • after the child was sick;
  • periodically after too long use.

There are many ways to sterilize bottles and nipples - from traditional boiling in a saucepan to tablets-disinfectants. To sterilize bottles and nipples, you can use all household appliances that are able to heat the content to boiling point.

Babushkin fashion

Most. simple way Sterilization of children's dishes is elementary boiling. How to do it right and how long do you need to boil objects?

  1. In a large saucepan with a lid on the bottom lay a folded in several layers of gauze.
  2. For gauze neatly laid the washed baby dishes, which is subject to sterilization.
  3. Fill the pan with water so that it covers all the dishes by 3-5 centimeters.
  4. On average fire, water is brought to a boil and withstand 15 minutes.
  5. Water after cooling poured, sterilized bottles are stored until they need them.

The method can be used for all types of dishes.


The industry produces many species of special sterilizers:

  • single;
  • multiple;
  • steam;
  • electrical;
  • constructions for microwave.

The washed children's dishes are installed in the sterilizer compartments and operate according to the instructions. Bottles can be in the device until the moment of use.

Most often for sterilization, steam sterilizers operating from the Philips Avestment network are used. It is designed to process multiple bottles (6), and can also serve as a container for storing clean sterile products up to six hours. For sterilization you need:

  1. Prepare dishes and sterilizer;
  2. Pour water into the tank compartment;
  3. Install bottles into a sterilizer;
  4. Enable and install mode.

Sterilization time - up to 12 minutes, utensils need to be used for needs.

Double boiler

The question of how to sterilize bottles in the double boiler is quite relevant - now there is almost such a device in almost every kitchen. For this you need:

  1. Pour water into a double boiler;
  2. Install the washed dishes, sending the neck down;
  3. The remaining small dishes and nipples are installed in top steamers;
  4. The cooking program is installed for 15 minutes;
  5. After cooling the dishes can be used.

Bottles can be used as needed.


This device is now in almost all families. The kitchen helper will perfectly cope not only with the preparation of dishes, but also with sterilization. How to sterilize bottles in a slow cooker?

For disinfection of dishes:

  1. A liter of water is poured into the device (bowl);
  2. Prepared children's bottles and pacifiers wash and installed on the pairing lattice;
  3. Select steam mode;
  4. After 15 minutes, the device is turned off.

Finished bottles are used as needed.

Oven microwave

Know how to sterilize children's bottles in the microwave, each mom should. This method is used for all the dishes, which should be disinfected without a sterilizer. In order to ensure the sterile mode for a while after processing, the bottles are placed in a special package or a container that will sterilize in the furnace together with bottles placed in it. Capacity is poured with cold water, put in the oven, and include for 10 minutes.

Tablet disinfection

For "hiking" conditions, on a trip, when there is no opportunity to use sterilizers or boil children's dishes, you can use disinfectants in tablets (Milton, Bebe Comfort). This is proprietary pharmacywhich does not harm the child's body. For disinfection, the tablets are poured with cold water and withstand bottles in it for at least 30 minutes, there is no longer necessary. The drug can be used for dishes, which does not withstand boiling or steam.