Over the past decade, interest in extrasensory perception has grown significantly, so today many books, television programs are published on this topic, and the unusual capabilities of a person are regularly discussed in periodicals and on the Internet. All this creates a buzz around the topic, which concerns whether it is possible to develop in oneself psychic abilities. In fact, people who have been practicing magic for many years say that all people have a similar gift from birth, but only a few notice it and begin to develop it, reaching certain heights.

How to develop psychic abilities in 2 weeks?

First, let's look at a few tips that will help you see the first results in a short time.

How to unleash your psychic abilities:

  1. First you need to clean your internal energy getting rid of the negative. It is important to achieve harmony and peace within yourself. Meditation can be used for this purpose.
  2. Do not tell anyone about your workouts, because this is still some kind of sacrament.
  3. The following exercises for the development of psychic abilities must be performed every day. Otherwise, you can not count on a quick result.
  4. Magical abilities must be used only for the benefit of people, or they may disappear.
  5. Read a lot of literature on extrasensory perception, because theory is no less important than practice.

How to develop psychic abilities - exercises

  1. Aura Perception Exercise. In order to learn to feel the aura of a person with your hands, do the following: sit up straight and try to relax as much as possible. Spread your arms to the sides so that between the palms, which should be parallel to each other, there is about 30 cm. Slowly bring your hands together and apart, and after a while there will be a feeling of warmth and presence elastic body. After what time the sensation will be very bright, which will allow you to feel the biofield of the surrounding people.
  2. photography exercise. Take two photographs of a dead person and a living person. Close your eyes, free yourself from extraneous thoughts and concentrate. Put your palm on the photo and feel what energy it carries, and then, repeat the same with another picture. Feelings from living and dead energy should be different.
  3. An exercise for intuition. The hemisphere that is opposite to the working hand is responsible for intuition, that is, the right-hander must develop the left hemisphere, and vice versa. The challenge is to learn how to write with a hand that is uncomfortable.

Helpful Hints

Become a psychic (or improve your intuition enough to develop the ability to foresee) - it's not as difficult a task as you think. Moreover, this is an interesting process that will allow you to know yourself, learn to live in harmony with the world.

But, as with any new venture, developing clairvoyance will require some effort, time for practice, and, of course, appropriate patience. Subject to these simple rules you will soon discover new opportunities in yourself that you could not even dream of before.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance: five effective exercises

Pump up your psychic abilities!

Developing your "psychic muscles" is a process that is very similar to physical training. With regular training, you will achieve results faster than, for example, pumping the abdominal muscles. Remember: no way don't give up in the first weeks of classes, and then you will succeed.

The most difficult thing in this business is to take the first step, and then stick to the regularity in training. Usually for beginners hardest thing to learn to concentrate. Are you ready to face these challenges? Then let's get started!

Practice One: Develop the Ability to Visualize

All clairvoyants have the strongest ability to visualize. Based on this, it is worth spending your time to become an excellent visualizer. And the more often you develop this ability in yourself, the easier it will be for you to develop it.

Remember: when they say that clairvoyants see, they mean that they "see" with their inner vision! If it's for sure, it's about the third eye- the chakra located just above your eyebrows, between them.

In other words, you are learning to see images, pictures and symbols, figuratively speaking, in your head. receive information and to see the images is possible only then when your chakra, that is, your third eye, is open. That is why it is extremely important to practice visualization regularly to help open this chakra.

How to develop the ability to visualize?

It is necessary daily, within a few minutes, to visualize various images, pictures and scenes using your mind's eye. This is a very effective, fun and even relaxing way to develop clairvoyance.

Imagine, for example, that you are on stage and singing along with your favorite performer during a concert. Or imagine you are arranging the furniture in the house of your dreams on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

More like a dream? Exactly. You should start learning visualization with such plots, as it will be more pleasant and easier for you to imagine them. Regularly visualize your dreams and other plots, you will contribute to the opening of the third eye, helping the development of clairvoyant abilities. Are you having difficulty with this? Start with simple things.

Visualize numbers and bright colors

Close your eyes. Imagine as clearly and distinctly as possible the number "1" in front of you, "see" it with your inner eye. Try to hold the image of this number for ten seconds, make it stable and clear, and then move on to the number "2", "3" and so on - up to "10".

Can't imagine again? Take a brush and bright colors, and then draw a large and bold number "1" on paper. Don't hold back your fantasy get creative. Paint a unit of bright yellow, and then apply bright red stripes, or blue spots.

After carefully look at the product of your creativity. 30 seconds or so is enough. And then close your eyes again and repeat the number visualization exercise again. This approach will help your mental eye begin to visualize. It is also useful to start with beautiful flowers, objects of bright color.

The development of psychic abilities at home

Practice Two: Play Clairvoyant Games

Did you play games designed to develop a person's memory as a child? If yes, it will be much easier for you. If not - you need to work on your memory. The easiest way to train memory is in the form of a game - no matter how old you are.

The fact is that part of these trainings is working with pictures. An important point of such work is your desire to “see” the corresponding picture with your inner vision. Don't just try to guess: after all, the goal of your classes is to develop “clear vision” in yourself. So what are these games?

The first game for the development of clairvoyance

Take two identical decks of cards. Choose eight identical pieces from each deck (this is for starters): for example, from six to eight of each suit. Mix the chosen cards from both decks together. Then arrange them neatly, shirt-side up, in four rows.

Turn over the cards looking for matches (i.e., find two sixes of spades, two sevens of clubs, two sixes of hearts, and so on). To start flip no more than two cards at once. The cards are flipped back regardless of whether you found matching pictures or not.

Your task is not only to remember, but also to try to “see” with your inner eye where the cards of the same suit and value lie. When 16 cards are not enough insert additional cards from both decks gradually increasing their number. You can also use a set of pictures from the children's game Memory or similar with duplicate cards.

The second game for the development of clairvoyance

Here is another interesting game that will perfectly help develop the "sixth sense". Ask your friend or girlfriend to arrange ten items on the table in a completely random order and leave the room or turn away.

Then go into the room (or turn around) and carefully look at the table - ten to twenty seconds. Close your eyes and try using mind's eye imagine each of the objects you see. Do not just remember, but "see" each object, its place, size, color.

How to develop clairvoyant abilities throughout the day

Describe each of the items, remembering as many details as possible. Then open your eyes, look at the table again and check how you coped with the task. This game, among other things, forces you to resort to the practice of visualization, which will undoubtedly also help you master it.

You can do the same exercise on your own. For example, if you are sitting on a park bench, in a new room for you, or drinking coffee in a cafe, capture what is around you Currently. Then close your eyes and try to visualize what you just saw, remembering as many details as possible.

The third game for the development of clairvoyance

This is an extremely interesting and extremely useful way for a future clairvoyant to develop his abilities. However, for this you will need the so-called Zener cards. We are talking about a deck of cards (or, more precisely, cards), consisting of five repeating patterns. The drawings are simple - a square, a star, a cross, a circle and three wavy lines. You can print such cards on a printer.

For this game you will need a partner - you can't do without it. It can be your friend, a close relative, or just a casual acquaintance who is interested in this kind of experiment.

Your task is to look at this or that drawing, visualize it, and then try to send thoughts about it to your counterpart. Partner's task feel your vibes and guess the picture. You should also do this procedure in reverse: then your friend sends you signals, and you try to catch them.

Practice Three: Using the Crystal to Open the Third Eye

For this exercise, you must have a regular transparent quartz crystal, which can be purchased at any souvenir shop. The crystal has long been considered an attribute of extrasensory perception and esotericism, as it solid has the unique ability to accumulate different types energy and transform them.

The crystal exercise is a great way to open the third eye. The practice of developing clairvoyance with the help of a crystal is that it should almost always be with you, accumulating your energy(for example, in moments of meditation), and then, at the necessary moment, to give you its transformed part.

The ability to relax is the key to the development of psychic abilities

Don't let the word "meditation" scare you. Of course, filigree mastery of this practice gives you undeniable advantages in the development of psychic abilities. That's why mastering meditation included as a separate and important item in the list of exercises necessary for the development of clairvoyance. But more on that later.

It is important to understand that at the initial stage (at least at the stage of interaction with the energy of the crystal) it is enough, being in a quiet and peaceful environment, try, by relaxing the body, to achieve at least some degree of internal concentration and concentration of attention. And the crystal will help you with this.

Keep your crystal handy

In moments of shallow meditation or relaxation, have your crystal in front of your eyes. Before going to bed, it also makes sense to place the crystal at your head, or peer into it for a while, trying to get rid of extraneous thoughts.

It is useful to carry your crystal in your pocket. Feeling his presence with your hand, you will constantly remember your goal - development of clairvoyant abilities. Feel it, make it your talisman, which will help you in the future to discard extraneous "noise" in the form of unnecessary thoughts and useless information.

How to develop supernatural abilities

Practice Four: Keep a Dream Journal

People with psychic abilities often see very vivid, memorable dreams, fulfilled deep meaning. But there is also feedback: work with your dreams This is a great way to develop clairvoyant abilities. Moreover, this is a rather pleasant and tireless activity.

Why are dreams so important to our cause? Because it is through our dreams that we communicate with various supernatural beings whether you believe in them or not. Perhaps these are angels, the souls of deceased loved ones, other intangible substances that are difficult for us to understand.

After all, when we sleep, the conscious part of our mind is resting. But our subconscious, on the contrary, is activated, traveling through the spirit worlds, whose existence we ignore or simply deny in the waking state.

Why else do you need a dream journal?

The time we spend in sleep is a great opportunity for our subconscious to express itself; make a kind astral travel, contact astral beings. What else is our spiritual beginning to do when our physical body is resting?

So, keep your dream journal by your bed at all times so that you can write down memories as soon as you wake up. After a while, you will learn to snatch the most important thing from your dream; find various signs and even symbols, writing them down in a journal.

Some clairvoyants claim that through this practice they were able to record events from their past life! You may not believe in reincarnation, but there is no doubt that you will encounter amazing things that were previously ignored (or simply forgotten).

Keeping a dream journal is also useful from another point of view: your notes will become a kind of criterion that will allow you to trace, How do you develop your clairvoyant abilities?. Agree, there is no better motivation than the one that gives you the opportunity to monitor your own progress in this matter.

Learn to ask questions before bed

Once you feel that your dreams are more than just an incredible combination real events and fantasy(as boring pundits often talk about dreams), move on to the next step in dream work.

Now, before going to bed, try to tune in to a certain image (friend, loved one, your guardian angel), mentally asking him a question that interests you. It may not be possible for you to immediately see in a dream the one you want, and even more so to get an answer to your question.

However, this practice of working with dreams is extremely beneficial for your subconscious and spiritual self. Just show your willingness get the necessary information, show your openness. The answer may not come explicitly, so be sure to record the dream in your dream journal for later analysis.

How to become a psychic

Practice Five: Meditate

The time has come for one of the most important practices (and the most difficult to master). But, if you can cope with the previous four exercises, then learn the art of meditation. Moreover, this is extremely important for you, as for a person seeking to develop the ability to clairvoyance.

But why is meditation so important? The fact is that this practice will allow you to clear your mind of unnecessary tinsel; she increase internal vibrations which will give you the opportunity to feel the subtle spiritual energies of our universe; teaches you to see beyond the limits of the material world.

Meditation will help open the "third eye"

Meditation, like visualization, can open your third eye. In principle, any meditation practice sharpen your inner vision. Some are quite difficult to master, as they require you to be able to enter a special mental state, which requires long training.

All people on Earth are endowed with a special the gift of extrasensory perception, just not every person wants and can develop supernatural abilities in himself. Someone consciously does not want to get involved with extrasensory perception, since learning to predict the future is not easy, and besides, it is too big a responsibility. Many people mistakenly believe that extrasensory abilities only a select few have. In our article, we will dispel all the myths regarding this topic and describe in detail, how to develop extrasensory perception to any person.

Extrasensory perception is the ability of a person to feel and see what others do not feel and do not see. People who have developed psychic abilities can predict the future, tell the past, heal, warn, investigate. In their reasoning, they are guided by the senses and their own logic.

In no case can not be synonymous with such concepts as:

  1. Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance. A psychic is a person who can feel what has happened or will happen. He has a vague idea of ​​some event, but he cannot accurately describe it, because he is overcome only by general sensations. But the clairvoyant clearly imagines the picture, he can tell down to the details everything that he sees in his head.
  2. Magic and extrasensory perception. A psychic cannot change fate or influence the course of events taking place in a person's life. He can only talk about the past or describe the future in general terms. But the magician is not able to feel and see clearly, but in his power to influence the course of events, change human destiny through various magical rites and spells.

The task of any person who dreams of becoming a psychic is to make every effort to develop their senses. To date, this is not a problem, since many books have already been published and teaching aids on this topic. Regularly experienced psychics conduct master classes and training extrasensory perception courses.

How to develop extrasensory perception on your own?

At home, each person can engage in the development of their supernatural abilities. We will present you with some useful exercises for extrasensory perception for beginners, that will help you first discover your potential, and then develop it:

  1. Swipe first extrasensory perception test to determine which sense organ is best for you to develop. What is the purpose of the test:
  • first read the following text:

  • then close your eyes - you need to completely relax in order to imagine everything that you have just read in your head;
  • having imagined, analyze whether you saw everything that you should have heard, whether you were able to feel the aromas and experience all the sensations.

If you managed to see everything clearly, then you need to work on development visual perception world, if you have heard everything you have read, then study practical extrasensory perception on the development of auditory perception, and so on.

  1. Work on developing your third eye. Wake up in the morning, sit comfortably, close your eyes and try to focus on the point located in the middle of your forehead. It is in this place that each of us has a “third eye”. In this state, do the following:
  • think about what events can await you today (this should include both positive and negative news)
  • if your mobile phone rang during the exercise, try to guess who wants to talk to you
  • try to guess what song will play on the radio if you turn it on
  • guess what time it is when you do the exercise, and then check if the data matches or not

  1. Try to answer your own questions after waking up. For example, when you wake up, ask yourself: “Will I see such and such a person today?”. Immediately after the question is asked to yourself, take a meditative position and try to answer it yourself. During the day, see if your answer matches reality or not. Experienced psychics are convinced that this exercise contributes to the development of visual perception of the world.
  2. Practice meditation. There is one effective exercise that professionals in the field recommend doing. parapsychology and extrasensory perception:
  • sit comfortably, take a deep breath (you need to inhale slowly), try to relax as much as possible;
  • imagine that you are warmed by the warm sun, as if you are bathing in its rays - you just need to feel the warmth of the sun from head to toe, while imagine that you are looking at the center of the sun's disk, where the number "3" is depicted;
  • repeat the previous exercise, but imagine that the number "2" is in the center of the sun disk;
  • at the third stage of this exercise, you need to imagine that the number “1” is in the center of the solar disk - psychics say that it is at this moment that a feeling of complete relaxation is achieved.
  1. Before you fall asleep, imagine your tomorrow in detail. At the same time, remember that nothing and no one can distract you. You should be as focused as possible on having a prophetic dream.
  2. Develop your intuition, try to feel the aura stranger. But for this you need to learn to distinguish the boundaries of your own biofield:
  • sit on a chair, while keeping your posture even, sit in this state for several minutes, and then relax as much as possible;
  • stretch your arms forward, while palms should be lowered down, spread them apart so that a distance of 30 cm is maintained between them, and then begin to close your palms to each other with eyes closed(you need to get them to touch each other).

  1. Develop the power of your gaze. To do this, do the following:
  • draw a small circle on a sheet of white paper (its diameter should not exceed 3 cm), draw it in black;
  • hang this drawing on the wall so that it is 90 cm away from you;
  • try for one minute to stare at dark circle, without blinking at the same time;
  • then attach the drawing not directly in front of you, but a little to the left, and repeat the exercise, then do the same, moving the image a little to the right side.
  1. Read psychic books. Psychics recommend reading the following works:
  • "Psychic" Nonna Khidiryan
  • "Energy Anatomy" by Mark Rich
  • Superpower Development by Christopher Penzak
  • The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek
  • "Psychic: A Path to Healing Others" by Richard Pourens

Extrasensory perception: training in professional circles

If independent attempts to learn supernatural abilities do not give any results, then you need to take extrasensory lessons from professionals in this field.

There are several ways to organize this better:

Remember, if you decide to engage in the development of supernatural abilities, you have a very painstaking work ahead of you. It will not be possible to achieve results quickly, you will have to learn and develop a lot. But do not let these obstacles stop you, because there is nothing incomprehensible for a person in the world. Work on yourself! Who knows, maybe your destiny is to be a psychic and help people!

Video: "Extrasensory perception: how to develop intuition and extrasensory abilities?"

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Reading time: 4 minutes


Usually people are skeptical about supernatural phenomena. While watching the show "The Battle of Psychics" on TV, the audience admires its heroes. After the end of the program, there is an opinion that what he saw is a carefully thought-out TV show. However, there are also individuals who are interested in how to become a psychic.

Psychic abilities are a special gift that a person receives from nature. The gift most often manifests itself in an unexpected way, a person becomes a real psychic after a certain extraordinary event. It can be a serious injury, clinical death, serious illness, mental shock or other health problem.

According to psychics, unique abilities can be trained and developed. Strength does not depend on education. The indisputable proof is the fact that among psychics there are both educated people and true "nuggets" who cannot even read a sentence without errors.

Science considers some human abilities unproven - healing by ordination, diagnostics from photographs and predicting the future. Scientists carefully study people who call themselves the bearers of the gift.

The results of research are sometimes amazing, but it has not yet been possible to achieve stable results. Therefore, researchers refer to the startling results as mere coincidences. As for the people participating in the experiments, they are considered fraudsters or delusional individuals.

What kind helpful tips can be given to a person who dreams of becoming a psychic?

  • If the desire is irresistible, first of all make sure that extrasensory abilities really exist. Try to guess a few numbers given by the assistant. If in half of the cases the numbers were guessed, this indicates extrasensory inclinations.
  • It is better to refuse help that promise to help in realizing a dream. Dubious type of resources promise to determine the level of perception of the client, demanding in return a solid payment via SMS. There is no way to verify the authenticity of information sold by scammers. The money will be wasted.
  • Sign up for a course or school that teaches you the basics of unique opportunity management. There are many similar establishments in cities and small towns.
  • Before becoming a student of an institution, realize that it is not the duty of the people working in such schools to make students psychics. Contrary to the big name, such courses are like an interest club.

You got an idea how to become a psychic. The life of a person who has supernatural powers is very difficult. He has to constantly see the faces of suffering people whom he cannot help. Therefore, many newcomers often take on the problems of clients themselves, and this is accompanied by a great psychological burden, which not everyone can cope with.

How to become a psychic in real life

Many do not even realize that they have psychic abilities from birth. For this reason, in order to get an answer to the question of how to become a psychic in real life enough to look into yourself.

In most cases, the manifestation of extrasensory abilities in a person begins after a huge trouble, which is of a large-scale nature. It is trouble that becomes a powerful impetus that opens the previously dormant forces of the subconscious. With the help of new abilities, a person looks into those places and areas, the existence of which was not even known before.

If you are determined to become a psychic, this does not mean that you have to go to extremes, like a coma or an accident. In some cases, meditation helps find the way. In this state, the body relaxes as much as possible and sends information about peace and complete calm to the brain. During meditation, the soul begins to soar above the body, which creates a feeling of peace. Such moments are suitable for searching and opening a kind of "secret door".

According to experts, only a balanced and calm person can become a psychic. What is a psychic? This is, in fact, an ordinary person who has learned to control unique forces. Only a cold mind allows you to take control of this power. When a person is in a state of peace, he acquires energy, the work with which determines the existence of supernatural forces.

Envious and irritated people constantly waste energy. Therefore, in order to become a real psychic, you will have to learn to forgive insults and drive bad memories and hurtful words with all your might. The past cannot be returned, but the future must be given Special attention.

Let's look at how to experience psychic abilities and what you need to do.

  1. Do what you love. If not, select . This will allow you to occasionally be alone. In a moment of quiet and calm atmosphere, you will understand whether you really want to become a psychic. If so, start exercising.
  2. The abilities of many psychics are barely discernible at the beginning. Thanks to the classes, they have reached a new level.
  3. It does not hurt to get closer to nature and the outside world. If you can’t forget a strong offense, go up to the tree, lean on the trunk and once again think about what is causing concern.
  4. A living tree will take away negative energy, which will make life easier. Birch is best suited for these purposes. But, planting it under the window is not recommended, it takes not only negative, but also positive energy.

How to become a psychic in real life? The answer to this question is individual in each case. Therefore, only a person who dreams of becoming a psychic will answer it. Only in case of success will it be possible to look at the world from a new angle.

How to become a psychic at home

Scientists have proven that all people from birth have supernatural abilities. For this reason, one should not be surprised if abilities manifest themselves under certain conditions.

Some psychics say with confidence that the gift of clairvoyance is inherited. At the same time, the main advantages of a true psychic are heightened intuition, powerful energy, a subtle susceptibility that helps to explain what is happening and the future.

In this part of the article, we will figure out how to become a psychic at home, and whether it is real at all. It will be about the development of a psychic gift within the boundaries of housing.

  • First of all, know your own potential. Not without constant training. Practice using ordinary objects or playing cards. At the same time, a prerequisite for training is a constant increase in the level of complexity of the exercises performed.
  • Pay special attention to inner vision. Experts say that anyone can learn to use inner vision if they devote a few minutes every day to training.
  • All psychics have developed hearing. Practice by identifying sources of sounds that go very far. For this purpose, choose the right moment. It is best to exercise before bed.
  • Keep a diary in which you write down your desires. A few months later, you will notice that there are opportunities that help to realize even the most intricate ideas.
  • Do not ignore the development of the sixth sense. Life is a laboratory in which it is easy to train intuition. Predict the future by starting small. Each correct answer will bring experience and joy.
  • Be sure to work on opening up more senses. According to accomplished psychics, you will have to devote your life to their search and discovery.

I told how to become a psychic at home. In conclusion, I will add that there are many methods, but psychic candidates should develop in the area where abilities are most manifested.

There should be no problems with the definition of the area if you overcome a certain part of the path on your own and pay attention to self-knowledge.


Anyone can become a psychic, because psychic abilities are present in everyone from birth. Most often, their manifestation begins under certain conditions. This is facilitated by electric shock, clinical death or deep depression.

As practice shows, even a person with hypersensitivity and excellent intuition is unable to develop abilities without training. In this section of the article, I will give effective exercises.

Extrasensory vision exercise

The first exercise is focused on training extrasensory vision.

  1. Once in complete darkness, look around and try to determine the shape of the objects that are in the room as accurately as possible.
  2. If you can determine the outline of an object, think about what its shape resembles.
  3. Similarly, work through several items and list them in your mind.

The exercise will develop attention to surrounding objects. If you do it daily, after a while you can easily notice any little things. It is possible that even those things that were simply not noticed before will not be hidden.

Extrasensory hearing exercise

The second exercise is as simple as the first, but develops extrasensory hearing.

  • Almost all people before going to bed protect themselves from extraneous sounds. The essence of the exercise is that you will have to concentrate on these sounds for several minutes in order to determine the sources.
  • If you hear barking, imagine the appearance of this animal. If people's voices are heard, identify their gender, height, or clothing.

Performing the exercise will allow you to establish control over the sounds that penetrate the subconscious.

Extrasensory Sense of Smell Exercises

The third exercise is designed to train the psychic sense of smell, because the senses of a true psychic must be highly developed.

  1. Relax and try to identify the surrounding smells.
  2. If this succeeds, direct your thoughts towards the sources of smells and try to imagine them mentally.

If you constantly train, after a certain time, the amount of odors around you will become shocking. This will help to discover smells that were previously overlooked.

Extrasensory touch exercise

The fourth exercise will help develop extrasensory touch. And this is good, because the productivity of the "superman" directly depends on the performance of all the senses.

  • Close your ears and eyes, and gently touch the skin of your legs, arms, and face.
  • Describe your feelings in words. In particular, the skin is hard, silky, rough or smooth.
  • Examine in detail other things that will be at your disposal.

Performing the exercise, you will be able to perfectly navigate in the dark, using a developed sense of touch. By paying special attention to the development of the senses, you will become a hypersensitive person, and take your perception of the world to a new level.

Now it's no secret how to become a psychic. But, believe me, this is not enough. The fact is that extrasensory perception has different directions, including hypnosis, clairvoyance, psychology and others.

How to choose the right mentor

If you want to become a good psychic, it is unlikely that you will succeed without the help of an experienced mentor. The teacher will give knowledge and direct in the right direction.

Indeed, under conditions modern world have to be careful. If you lose your vigilance, you will definitely fall for the trick of scammers. Before you trust a person, be sure to check him out.

If you think that immediately after your question, the psychic begins to receive a picture from space, this is not so. A pair is required to properly recognize the situation. The first half is a person living in a situation, and the second half is a clairvoyant with a sixth sense.

A psychic is a person who has a sensitive perception of phenomena, events and people. At the same time, each expert has his own direction. Some consult by phone, others invite to an appointment. When a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, he wants to seek advice. Often people come to a psychic for help. People crave expert advice, not friendly advice.

At first glance, it seems that the life of a psychic is interesting and simple. This is an illusion. A clairvoyant who senses the illness of another is not always able to heal the client. At the same time, he has to accept the pain of the patient, and this is not easy.

For the normal development of consciousness requires a mentor. A good instructor will point out mistakes, tell you how to avoid them, and help useful advice. In addition, the presence of a gift requires a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bability. In this case, be sure to consider that in some cases they appear randomly. If supernatural abilities are not developed correctly, this will lead to mental discomfort.

A person who has developed latent abilities receives ample opportunities for their application. Therefore, both schoolchildren, DJs, and rich people are interested in how to become a psychic.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming a psychic: to foresee the future, read the thoughts of other people and transmit them at a distance? Everyone, probably, at least once would like to be able to do this. Is it possible and how to develop psychic abilities? are the questions we want to find answers to.

Attitude towards psychics

A psychic is a person, according to his owls, who has paranormal psychic abilities:

  • telepathy;
  • Clairvoyance;
  • Dowsing (detection of hidden objects, such as water underground);
  • Proscopia (obtaining information about the future thoughts of another person).

Since there are no scientifically substantiated recorded cases of the existence of such people, the concept of "psychic" refers to those who themselves claim such abilities.

The attitude in society towards psychics is different, but more than half of it perceives this fact as a fraud. Such magicians and wizards provide various services to the population: they predict the future, diagnose diseases, look for missing people, and generally do everything that is necessary, charging a considerable fee for this. But, despite the absurdity of the statement, queues line up for them, and advertising of special salons does not come down from magazines and the Internet.

Is it possible to develop psychic abilities in oneself?

Despite all the anti-science, some people still believe that it is possible, for example, to learn to read, who thinks what. And they are wondering how to do it.

Here are some tips already experienced psychics give to beginners:

  1. It is believed that any of us have unusual abilities, they only manifest themselves in different ages or under specific circumstances. And if you did not notice such people behind you, perhaps they are just hidden for now;
  2. In order to check how ready you are to use your phenomenal talent, take the tests. They are available online as well. Or just try to remember:
  • How often do you have deja vu? That same feeling of the past in the present;
  • How often do you, thinking about some person, meet him: “Hi, I just thought about you”;
  • Does it happen that you look at an object just like that, without meaning. Especially being in a strange house?
  • Do your dreams ever come true?

The more often you answer "yes" and "very often" to these questions, the more likely you are to become a psychic. If all the questions caused bewilderment, put them aside for a while.

How to develop your psychic abilities?

There are special training exercises, giving the opportunity to discover and develop phenomenal talents:

  1. To learn to understand your intuition or, as psychics say, to gain the gift of clairvoyance, train yourself like this: take a deck of cards, pull them out one by one face down and try to guess what it is. If it worked out, listen to yourself, at what point you understood it, what helped you in this. The more often you do this, the sooner you will begin to manage yourself;
  2. Learn to turn off your consciousness from real events in order to be able to mentally transport yourself to other places or read other people's thoughts. Take any object or draw a black dot on a white sheet. Put in front of you and try to think only about the subject, learn to control your consciousness and remove from it.

Agree, it is not difficult, it turns out, to develop the phenomenon of a psychic. Only one thing remains surprising, why then we all have not yet learned to read other people's thoughts and heal the sick with the power of thought.

Reading the minds of others is a dream of many. But if you think about it, is it really impossible? After all, what we say out loud, we first say to ourselves. And if we can hear ordinary speech, then why can't we hear inner speech?

For this, there is a concept alternative hearing". When a person thinks, all his thoughts are reflected outside: facial expressions, gestures, eyes. You just need to learn to understand and feel it. Practice like this:

  • Ask a friend to think about some event. Your task is to get rid of extraneous thoughts and try to catch the pictures that arise in your head. But you need to learn how to weed out the unnecessary and leave his thoughts. Look at your assistant, sometimes a face can say everything. If you superimpose facial expressions on images, it is quite possible that you will guess;
  • In public places it is great to learn telepathy. Sit on a bench and try to guess where the child will run, what his mother will shout to him now, in which direction the one who walks ahead will turn.

You can arrange competitions with a friend who will read more thoughts and guess other people's gestures. Have fun and exercise.

How to develop psychic senses?

How else can you train your telepathic sensitivity:

  1. When you go to bed, give yourself a setting about what kind of dream you want to have. Maybe a specific person or some event;
  2. Make predictions for the coming day. You roughly know what you will do today. And now try to scroll in more detail, in detail in your head, what will happen. To track progress, write down matches in a notebook;
  3. Get special stones. Some of them, according to experienced psychics, help to work with consciousness. For example: heliotrope, sardonyx, azurite;

Be more in nature. It is almost impossible to concentrate in the city, and it is better to train far from the hustle and bustle. Only already experienced psychics are able not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Journey into the past

Most want to know the future, but there are times when you really need to look into the past person.

You can do it like this:

  • First you need to stop thinking about everything. We have already talked about black dot training exercises that will help you learn this;
  • Next, learn to control your attention. Keep it on only one object, and only on it, as long as possible;
  • Now you are ready to work with the person. Invite a friend who is willing to help. Sit in front of him, close your eyes, free your mind and concentrate on it. Mentally rewind the calendar back to the right moment. It just has to be his calendar. Imagine your assistant and how his days are running back. Pictures will gradually begin to appear before your eyes. If not, try again in a couple of days.

It seems that everything is simple. But in reality it will be different. Or maybe this is not true at all. And if another psychic begins to tell you some similar events from your life, do not rush to believe. There are common phrases that can be applied to any person.

We have collected tips that professionals give in their books and on websites to those who want to know how to develop psychic abilities in themselves. But we remind you that scientifically this phenomenon has not yet been scientifically substantiated and not confirmed in any way.

Video lesson on the development of extrasensory perception

In this video, parapsychologist, psychic Natalya Banina will tell you what exercises you can use to develop your extrasensory abilities: