Facial peeling is the removal of dead cells from the top layer of the skin, resulting in:

  • pores are cleared;
  • the process of saturation of cells with nutrients is stimulated by improving blood flow;
  • mechanisms of their intensive regeneration are triggered;
  • wrinkles become less pronounced;
  • the complexion is fresher and more even.

Some types of peeling can not only effectively cleanse the skin, improve it appearance, but also to cure, to solve many problems (see photos before and after).

It fights dark spots, acne caused by oily skin, blackheads, premature aging, redness, etc.

When is it better to peel your face

As for home peels, then this procedure can be held all year round. However, there are some limitations, depending on the method of exposure to the epidermis. For example, fruit acid peels in summer should be avoided.

In other cases the best time for this procedure is evening, since after such a thorough cleansing of the skin of the face, it is not recommended to leave the house. The most favorable moment for peeling is on Friday evening, at the weekend, when two free days follow and you can stay at home so as not to expose the epidermis of the face to external natural factors and cosmetics.

The maximum effect of well-cleansed skin is achieved if peeling is carried out after a bath or shower, since under the influence of hot water and steam, the pores of the skin open, rinse and become most susceptible to external care.

Facial peeling is best done after a bath or shower.

The best time for peeling in the salon is from October to April. Due to the fact that from autumn to spring the activity of the sun is minimal, the negative effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin of the face is not so intense. Lack of heat at this time is also a favorable factor.

Thus, salon cleansing procedures can be carried out for a fairly long period of time. This allows you to achieve a long-term positive effect and maintain excellent skin condition all year round.

Each season can have its own specific skin care procedures aimed at solving not only any current, but also problems that have arisen due to unfavorable seasonal factors.

For example, in the fall, it is required to improve the skin after summer, when, due to the hot, aggressive sun, signs of withering appear:

  • pigmentation due to sunlight;
  • fine wrinkles as a result of photoaging.

After summer, exfoliation helps fight wrinkles and pigmentation caused by UV rays

The onset of spring is accompanied by such problems as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • dull complexion;
  • the occurrence of microcracks.

In winter, when solar activity is least, low temperatures, precipitation and strong wind become unfavorable factors, as a result of which there is a lack of moisture, peeling, and a feeling of tightness of the skin.

However, if the skin is carried out during the year correct and timely care, she will withstand any changes in weather conditions, and her condition will not worsen.

Types of face peels in cosmetology

All types of peels are classified according to two main parameters - the depth of the effect on the skin and the way in which this effect occurs.

Human skin is a complex formation that consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypodermis). The epidermis, in turn, is divided into 5 layers, and the dermis into 2 layers.

Thus, based on the first parameter, there are three types of peeling(photo before and after see below):

  • Superficial peeling, which affects only the upper layers of the skin. With its help, dead cells are cleansed, it helps to fight acne and blackheads and is most suitable for young skin.
  • Medium peeling- this is a more serious effect on the entire epidermis and is carried out when it is necessary to eliminate wrinkles or prepare the skin surface for plastic surgery.
  • Deep peeling should be carried out only under the influence of anesthesia. In fact, this is an operation, as a result of which rather deep wrinkles are eliminated, and the skin becomes more youthful and smoother.

Important to remember! Any, and especially a more serious and profound effect on the skin of the face must be carried out with the participation or under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist, who, being a specialist, will be able to give competent recommendations on how and in what cases to carry out such procedures.

For skin injuries

When carrying out manipulations for skin rejuvenation, when the upper dead layer of cells is completely removed in order to start the regeneration process, it must be borne in mind that such a procedure injures the surface of the face.

Therefore, you should take a responsible attitude to the choice of the method of exposure to the skin, weighing all the pros and cons and familiarizing yourself with the possible consequences.

Mechanical face peeling

Mechanical peeling is carried out as a result of exposure to the skin using various attachments and natural abrasives. During the procedure, the damaged upper or even two layers of the skin are removed. Thus, together with them, small, shallow wrinkles, irregularities, defects are eliminated.

For almond peeling, use mandelic acid

Mechanical peeling can be carried out the most different ways. The most popular salon treatments are:

  • Almond peeling, which is carried out with the use of mandelic acid. It delicately penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis and promotes good, gentle cleansing. Applicable to any type of skin, does not depend on the season (it is also carried out in summer), does not injure the surface.

Almond peeling is done in salons, depending on the condition of the skin, it is recommended to carry out from 5 to 10 sessions.

You can buy mandelic acid in pharmacies, and products based on it in the form of lotions and creams are sold in cosmetic stores.

Coral peeling allows you to cleanse the skin with crushed coral particles
  • Coral peeling, the essence of which is that a composition containing highly crushed coral and useful herbs is applied to the face.

To achieve a visible result, at least four sessions are required, as a result of which the skin becomes soft and smooth. The product does not cause significant injuries to the skin, but due to the fact that it contains sea salt and essential oils, it acts as an antiseptic.

  • Diamond peeling among other methods of mechanical cleansing of the epidermis, the most gentle and painless, but at the same time one of the most effective. The secret of its excellent result lies in the fact that the cleaning agent is microscopically small, therefore it cleans dead cells very well without injuring the skin.

This type of peeling is carried out using special attachments. A noticeable result appears after several sessions - the skin becomes fresher and smoother.

All types of mechanical peeling of the face lead to skin renewal and rejuvenation.(see photos before and after), but this is far from the only way to cleanse your face.

Hardware peeling

Hardware peeling also effective method cleansing effect on the skin. It is carried out, as a rule, in the salon using various devices: nozzles, laser, brushes, ultrasound, etc., and in some cases - with the addition of special preparations.

Types of hardware peeling:

  • Gas-liquid face peeling.

Under the action of high pressure, a special composition based on salts, abrasives, vitamins is sprayed onto the skin surface. It not only cleanses the skin, but also introduces beneficial substances into its micropores.

  • Ultrasonic face peeling.

In this case, the skin is affected by ultrasound, which, through vibrations, frees the skin from old cells. This is one of the most gentle cleansing methods, along with a facial massage. One session of the ultrasound procedure costs 2,500 rubles.

Note! Not everyone benefits from ultrasound! In this regard, before going through ultrasound therapy, it is required to consult a doctor.

  • Laser (carbon) facial peeling.

In this method, a mask in the form of a carbon-based gel is applied to the face, which penetrates the skin cells, drawing out dirt and harmful substances from them. The use of a laser, which heats up the composition, allows these processes to be significantly accelerated.

Be careful! Before carrying out the procedure, you must make sure that carbon does not cause allergic reactions, otherwise this type of peeling can lead to sad consequences.

Before laser peeling, check if you are allergic to carbon

Acid (chemical) face peeling at home

Acidic, or chemical, peeling is quite feasible at home: it does not require large expenditures, exertion of forces, and a significant time frame.

Types of acid peels:

  • Fruit peeling. When it is carried out, those acids that are contained in fruits have an active effect on the skin - it is they that cleanse the surface of the face. Classic fruit set: citrus, pineapple, strawberry.

  • Yellow (retinol) peel faces. A preparation is applied to the face, which contains a large amount of vitamin A (retinol). It also contains phytic, ascorbic and other acids. They act very gently on the skin, cleansing the surface of the face.
  • Milk peeling. It is carried out with the help of lactic acid, which is found in many natural products: yogurt, cheese, wine, beer. The lactic acid-based mask is suitable for all skin types, provides a good cleansing and rejuvenating effect.
  • Glycolic peeling for face. Used for him glycolic acid, which is sold in any pharmacy. It also gently cleanses the skin, and the degree of effect depends on the concentration, which must be selected individually so as not to overdo it.
  • Calcium chloride for face peeling. A 5% solution of calcium chloride is used, which is diluted in water and, with the help of a cotton pad, is applied to the skin in 3-4 layers in the evening before going to bed.

It's important to know! Calcium chloride is only suitable for oily skin... It is also important not to overdo it with concentration and make sure that it is not allergic to it.

  • Hilak Forte as a peeling for the face. This remedy is used for intestinal disorders, due to the presence of a large number of bacteria and lactic acid in it, it is also used in cosmetology. Its action is very gentle, in spite of the fact that hilak cleans well the top layer of the skin.

The indisputable advantage of the above methods of exposure to acids on the skin over hardware and some mechanical types peeling of the face is that their use is possible not only in a salon, but also at home. What is peeling and how is it done - read above. And the photos before and after the procedures will help you see the changes on the skin of the face.

Facial peeling in the salon: advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Only a competent specialist is able to correctly assess the condition of the skin, which means, to prescribe those procedures that will really lead to skin rejuvenation, as well as to give comprehensive qualified advice on skin care.

The main advantages of salon peeling are the professionalism of the master and the use of high-quality products.

In a good salon, only high-quality professional care products are used under the supervision of a specialist. Dignity professional tools is that, having in its composition active ingredients in high concentration, they can solve a number of skin problems and even have some therapeutic effect.

On the other hand, thoughtless use of professional products without the recommendation of a cosmetologist will have the opposite and often negative effect. In addition, even an experienced specialist cannot 100% predict the reaction of the skin to a particular procedure, therefore, as a rule, he conducts preliminary tests and warns the client about the possible consequences.

Some procedures, for example, hardware, cannot be performed anywhere else, except for the salon.

The disadvantages of salon procedures include the high cost of cosmetic services. Also, the procedures themselves, especially those associated with a deep impact, create a stressful situation not only for the skin, but also for the body as a whole, and can be harmful.

In addition, it is not uncommon for a specialist to have insufficient qualifications. As a result, not all salons take into account individual intolerance to drugs, an allergic reaction to them and the presence of many other factors.

How much does a face peeling cost from a beautician

The cost of the procedure directly depends on the condition of the skin, what problems were identified as a result of examination and diagnostics, what and how many procedures will be needed to solve these problems and put the face in order.

The use of ultrasound will cost 800-1500 rubles, chemical peeling - in the region of 1500-2000 rubles. For mechanical types of peeling, you will have to pay from 1,000 to 1,700 rubles. In general, the amount for different kinds peeling varies from 700 to 13,000 rubles and more.

For home exfoliation, use special means

How to peel your face at home

If the procedure for cleansing the skin of the face is carried out at home on its own, then only two types of peeling can be used: mechanical and chemical (photos before and after are presented below).

With mechanical action, scrubs, gommages are used. The latter are recommended for dry skin. For chemical cleaning use pharmacy products or natural products (fruit masks).

Before the peeling procedure, the skin is freed from cosmetics with make-up removers, cleansed with a gel or facial wash that will wash away dirt and greasy secretions. The skin is rubbed with a cotton pad dipped in toner to soften it after cleansing products.

Then you can start the peeling procedure, carrying out it in accordance with the recommendations related to the specific composition.

Peeling cream - how it works

This cream acts on the top layer of the skin, cleansing it. The peeling cream contains acids (lactic, salicylic, fruit and others), abrasive substances (sea salt, very small particles of pumice, seeds), as well as emollients - plant pomace, amino acids, collagens.

All this complex of substances cleanses, softens the skin, makes it soft, velvety.

You will definitely be interested to know what it is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Facial peeling roll - what is the secret of the effect

Peeling roll is another way to effectively clean the skin surface with minimal damage to the skin. Such creams act very delicately and represent a gel that, when applied to the skin of the face, rolls down, forming lumps. As a result, dead skin is exfoliated and pores on the face are unclogged.

It must be remembered that peeling roll is not suitable for everyone... Its ingredients can cause skin irritation and inflammation. So it should be used carefully, observing the reaction of the skin.

Interesting fact! It is not necessary to buy a roll, but you can make it at home from baby soap without dyes. Soap foam is applied to the skin, previously lubricated with a 5% solution of calcium chloride, with which a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in pellets, and the skin is cleansed.

One of the options for peeling rolls - baby soap+ calcium chloride

Peeling scrub: pros and cons

Scrub - pretty effective remedy quick cleansing of the skin due to its abrasive composition. It instantly removes dead skin cells, leaving the skin smoother, and stimulates the skin to produce more collagen, making it firmer.

However, scrubs also have their negative sides. Some cosmetologists argue that it does not need to be consumed at all, since in any case the skin gets microtrauma. This in turn leads to inflammation and ultimately to aging.

Other experts are of the opinion that this statement is true only if the scrub is of poor quality, or it is used too often. Thus, you need to choose scrubs from reputable manufacturers and not abuse them.

Facial scrub-peeling is considered quite effective. What is it, how is it done, types of peeling + before and after photos - in this article

How often can face peels be done?

As for salon procedures, the frequency of peeling largely depends on its type and depth of penetration. Until the age of 30, you should abandon the median and deep cleansing of the skin.

You should not abuse the chemical effect, remembering that any acid cleanses the skin due to a burn, and this is a certain trauma. A series of such procedures is done no more than once a year. Before and after photos show the improvement of the skin even after such a number of sessions.

Hardware impact is performed twice a year. The full course takes a month, during which two sessions are held every week.

Deep peeling is performed once every few years, since it is comparable to an operation, the effect of which is significant, but it should not be repeated often.

The frequency of facial exfoliation depends on the skin type.

At home, it all depends on the type of skin:

  • oily skin: 1-2 times a week;
  • dry skin: once every 2 weeks, or even less, depending on how the skin reacts;
  • mixed skin: once a week;
  • normal skin: every 3 days.

In any case, one should not be too zealous in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, as this will lead to the opposite effect: irritation, inflammation, premature aging.

Facial care after peeling

Any kind of peeling, no matter how gentle and delicate it is, is stressful for the skin. Therefore, it is paramount to properly care for her after the cleansing procedures. There are some general rules for facial skin care after peeling that must be followed:

After peeling, you need to moisturize the skin
  • moisturize the skin with moisturizing gels;
  • apply a special cream after peeling;
  • to restore the epidermis, use creams containing omega fatty acids, shea butter, ceramide, etc.;
  • to accelerate regeneration, creams based on retinol, bisabol are recommended.

In other words, after peeling, the skin is most vulnerable, and the essence of caring for it is to nourish, moisturize and protect it from infection.

After peeling, a red face - what is the reason

This is a normal reaction of the skin to the external effects of the drug, which is called "erythema". The degree of brightness of redness also depends on the depth of the peel and the sensitivity of the skin.

The redness should subside within three hours. With a deep impact, the process can be delayed for a longer time.

When do you need cosmetic gloves for facial peeling?

These are special gloves made from natural fabric with a rough surface, due to which the upper layer of the epidermis is removed. This is one of the most gentle ways to remove dead skin and at the same time a good facial massage.

What is the most effective facial peeling - is there an answer

Most best peeling faces (types of procedures: what they are, how they are done, photos before and after them you will find above) - this is the one that is selected based on the following factors:

  • the age of the patient;
  • skin type;
  • sensitivity and tendency to allergies;
  • the nature of the problem to be solved.

The choice of the type of peeling depends on the characteristics of the skin and the purpose for which it is used: the fight against rashes and post-acne, the elasticity of the skin and a fresh complexion, the fight against wrinkles, pigmentation, oiliness and more.

We offer you to watch a video about face peeling - what it is, how it is done, types of peeling + photos before and after the procedure:

From this video you will learn what a face peeling is for, and the cosmetologist will give useful tips to implement this procedure:

The skin of both aged women and young girls and middle-aged women needs constant care. Moreover, washing, feeding and moisturizing with creams and masks is clearly not enough - an additional, intermediate event is needed, for example, such as face peeling (exfoliation). The procedure involves cleansing the skin by exfoliating dead cells with special means at home or in a salon. But to understand what this is for, it is worth turning to biology.

As you know, human skin is a rather complex organ that performs various physiological and protective functions. That is why it is not an integral (monolithic) tissue, but consists of several layers: epidermis (upper epithelial section, consisting of 5 sublayers), dermis (connective tissue layer) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (hypodermis). Under the influence of time (biological aging process) and the influence of various negative external factors (exhaust gases, dust, solar energy), the outer layer of the body and face shell becomes rough and inevitably dies off.

However, the cover has such an amazing ability to continuously regenerate. New cells are formed initially in the lower thickness of the epidermis and then slowly rise upward, replacing old (keratinized) cells. Due to this process, human skin is not only renewed, but also rejuvenated. In case of any violation of the natural order, her condition, on the contrary, worsens, and signs of age-related changes appear more rapidly.

The situation is especially aggravated when young cells do not have enough space to come to the surface, since the mechanism for removing dead particles is too protracted. As a result, the regeneration of the skin is suspended, and the remnants of nutrients contribute to the formation of acne, acne, pustules and other inflammatory elements.

The moment when cells, after death (normal or accelerated), clog the pores, cannot be called pleasant either. Indeed, because of this, the ability of the skin to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere, absorb useful minerals, vitamins, and become saturated with moisture is sharply reduced, which further leads to wilting of the outer cover, loss of its tone, elasticity, loss of clarity of the contour and healthy color face, the appearance of wrinkles. Keratinized scales of the dermis, closing the exit to sebum and thereby contributing to the clogging of pores, also form such a cosmetic defect as black and white dots.

Peeling fights with all the listed problems. It helps the skin to quickly recover, cleanse, renew itself by exfoliating dead particles to a thickness consisting of "newborn" cells.

What is peeling for?

Now, answering the question “why do you need peeling?”, We can say with confidence that peeling is necessary for:

  • elimination of dead particles in order to improve the skin membrane and its rejuvenation (after the end of the session, the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated);
  • normalizing the condition and appearance of the skin (smoothing and returning the natural shade, restoring the moisture level, reducing the appearance of age spots and rosacea, making the face smooth and velvety);
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • accelerating the mechanism of tissue regeneration;
  • elimination of excess fat on the face;
  • cleaning and narrowing the pores, preventing their clogging (by the waste products of bacteria, dirt and actually keratinized cells of the epidermis);
  • prevention of the formation of inflammations of a various nature;
  • better penetration and assimilation of oxygen and active nutrients contained in the care products (creams, gels, masks).

Where and how should exfoliation be done?

Professional exfoliation is done directly in clinics with a focus on aesthetic medicine or specialized salons. The depth of exfoliation (the thickness of the layer to be removed) in such cases directly depends on the type of peeling used, the individual characteristics of the client's body and the severity of the problem.

However, today this procedure can be carried out at home, using self-prepared mixtures or purchased products from cosmetic manufacturers.

Consider how often you can peel your face, depending on its type and the level of depth of impact.

1. Physical or hardware exfoliation is the use of a laser or ultrasound (in a salon or medical clinic) to cleanse the skin at different levels (the thickness of the resurfacing is determined by the number of passes of the apparatus in one place). You need to do the procedures 2 times a week for a month, then, in order to achieve the best effect, the sessions can be resumed after 3-4 months.

2. Chemical peeling the face implies exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin membrane with the aim of its physiological renewal due to specially selected chemical compositions. Specialists in the field of cosmetology determine the number of sessions and the interval between them, based on the condition of the skin, however, the general indicators of the course admission are still there:

  • surface grinding (lactic and fruit acids, peptides, enzymes / enzymes, placenta extract, bodyagi and other components) - 5-10 sessions are enough with intervals of 1.5-2 weeks;
  • mid-face peeling (trichloroacetic acid, retinol) is carried out once a year in a course of 3-4 procedures;
  • deep peeling (with phenol) is done no more than once a year, since the drug used is toxic.

3. Mechanical peeling (dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning) is the cleansing of the epidermis with the help of abrasive particles contained in a scrub, gomage, or vacuum. Despite the fact that this method is gentle and safe, cosmetologists recommend the following procedures:

  • for normal and oily skin - 1-2 times a week;
  • for dry and sensitive - no more than 3 times a month.

When is the best time for peeling?

Exfoliation, especially if its focus is deep or medium cleansing in the cabin, is more appropriate to carry out in cold weather, that is, when solar activity is low (ideally, early spring or late autumn). If you ask the question "what time of day: morning or evening?", It is better in the evening (but not later than 2 hours before bedtime), so that the skin of the face has time to rest and recover overnight.

The peeling action will be even more effective after taking a moderately hot bath, when the skin becomes steamed and its pores are open. After the exfoliation session, you need to apply a cosmetic mask, and then use a night cream. Such a care program is considered correct: beneficial substances penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and are better absorbed by the body.

Self-care is a complex and step-by-step process. From a very young age, every well-groomed girl knows that her skin needs moisturizing and nourishment, but first it needs to be cleaned in order to prepare for these procedures. Daily washing, removing cosmetics and other superficial manipulations are necessary, but you cannot do without deeper cleansing. More precisely, you can do it, but without exfoliation, the skin will not be as smooth and radiant as we would like. So peeling is also a mandatory and regular skin care procedure. But how often to do face peeling so that it is beneficial and not harmful? After all, the deeper the impact, the higher the risk of harming the skin. We will tell you how often you can and should do a face peel, as well as how to do a face peel that matches your skin type, its condition and your purpose.

What is peeling? Types and methods of face peeling
In general, peeling is the same as exfoliation, that is, the removal of "excess" skin. The excess is the upper, keratinized and inanimate layer of the epithelium. It is formed as a result of the natural functioning of the skin. In its deeper layers, new cells are formed, and the old ones gradually die off and form a kind of protective barrier. In a certain amount, these cells are essential for the safety and health of facial skin. But their excess makes it rough, dull. For the skin to radiate a healthy glow, you need to peel your face and body. But if the skin on the body is dense enough, then the face requires a more careful attitude. Therefore, you cannot often do face peeling. But it is also too rare - it is useless.

The frequency of facial peeling depends on many factors. This is the type of skin from nature, and the state of health, and the season (climate). But it is even more important to choose the right type of peeling, that is, those products that will be used to exfoliate the skin. Depending on the composition of these products and their cosmetological effects, the following types of face peels are distinguished:
All types of peeling, or exfoliation, remove dead cells and open the surface of new skin, and at the same time stimulate its regeneration. But the skin on different parts of the body and face is distinguished by its density and sensitivity. And the frequency of peeling is determined not only by its type, but also by the depth of the effect (superficial, middle, deep). The deeper the impact, the less often such peeling can be done.

How often should you do a chemical peel?
It is chemical peeling that requires the most careful analysis and selection, so first, let's find out how often you can peel your face with acids. The group of chemical exfoliant solvents includes a wide variety of acids of natural and laboratory origin:

  • Fruit acids: glycolic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric, etc.
  • Antiseptic acids: salicylic, benzoic, trichloroacetic, etc.
  • Synthetic acids: kojic, phytic, azelaic, retinoic, etc.
  • Plant enzymes that destroy the peptide bond between amino acids in proteins that make up skin cells.
In other words, the chemical peeling procedure leads to a chemical burn of the skin. Since this burn is not the result of an accident, but a controlled impact, its depth and duration are predetermined and strictly controlled in the process. However, even the lightest burn is trauma, and even its beneficial (stimulating renewal) effect should be minimal.

Chemical peeling inevitably affects not only dead, but living cells in the deeper layers of the epidermis, where acids penetrate. Under the action of acid, the protein of living cells denatures (its structure is destroyed), which looks from the outside as an intense reddening of the skin. In medical terms, this redness, bordering on inflammation, is called erythema. Erythema is observed for a long time after peeling. Depending on its depth and composition, from 7-10 to 14-20 days. Accordingly, repeated peeling procedures are not carried out more often than this interval.

The deepest types of chemical peels cause not only redness, but also real hemorrhages in all layers of the skin. The epidermis bleeds as a result of such damage, and a scab forms in place of puncture wounds. The scab lasts about two weeks on average, and the erythema that replaces it does not go away within months (from 2 to 4). Deep peeling is often prohibited, and simply impossible. As for the specific dates, only the cosmetologist conducting the procedure can appoint them after a thorough examination before and after peeling. We can only say that for an optimal result (fighting wrinkles, reducing pigmentation, etc.), the lightest superficial peels are usually carried out in courses of 4-6 procedures, each of which is carried out no more than once every two weeks.

Medium and deep chemical peels should be done once a year, maximum - once every six months. And at the same time choose the right time: early spring or late autumn when solar activity is minimal. In addition, dark skin tone and enlarged pores make the procedure more difficult and less effective. Therefore, owners of light and thin skin can peel their face more often than those who are swarthy and tanned.

How often do you do facial exfoliation in the salon?
If chemical peeling can be done both in the salon and at home (in these cases, different compositions and acid concentration), then neither laser nor ultrasonic peeling at home can be done. If you have chosen one of the quiet procedures for yourself, then in any case you will find yourself at the reception of a beautician, who, after examination, will select a suitable course, that is, the number and intensity of sessions. Without knowing the peculiarities of the skin, we can only say that salon peeling is done a couple of times a week. Depending on the condition of the skin, two to eight treatments may be required. Accordingly, you will visit the beautician's office every 3-4 days for a maximum of one month. This will be followed by a break necessary for the complete recovery and rest of the skin. And then, if you want, the hardware peeling can be repeated. But that will happen not earlier than in six months. But if you do facial peeling with a laser or ultrasound regularly at such a frequency, the skin will be renewed, but not injured - in a word, perfect.

How often to peel your face at home?
Independent mechanical peeling of the face, or scrubbing, can and should be done right from the age of 16-18. After 30 years, peeling becomes a mandatory procedure to maintain freshness and youthfulness of the skin. Recipes for home scrubs and peels are varied, and each family has its own from mother to daughter. folk recipes from natural products. But often peeling is impossible even with the most natural composition. And in general, the choice of peeling and the frequency of its use should depend not only on the fact that at one time he helped mother and grandmother, but on the type and condition of your personal skin:

  1. For oily skin, peeling can be done 1-2 times a week. More often it is not necessary, because this will provoke an even greater production of sebum, and less often the effect of peeling will be invisible. Make a natural oily skin scrub with coffee grounds, fine salt, and sugar.
  2. For dry skin, peeling should be done less often: once every couple of weeks, or even less often (depending on the reaction of the skin). Dry skin needs a soft and non-traumatic scrub, which can be made from oatmeal, liquid honey, etc.
  3. Mixed skin requires careful exfoliation and scrub selection. You can, for example, do a T-zone peel once a week to remove blackheads on the nose and chin, and peel your face as needed. Exfoliate mixed skin with a natural wheat bran scrub, tea leaves, or buy a ready-made creamy scrub for a gentle action.
  4. Normal facial skin tolerates best home peeling... Most quality exfoliating products will work for her, and you can additionally sand her with a mixture of sour cream or face cream with oatmeal, ground nuts and / or other natural abrasives. You can do this peeling every 3-4 days.
Even mild peeling traumatizes the skin to some extent. Do not overuse peels of any type to avoid irritation, sensitivity and / or dryness of normal, healthy skin. The optimal frequency of mechanical peeling is weekly exfoliation during the warm season and exfoliation twice a week in autumn and winter. Well, salon cosmetic procedures are entirely under the jurisdiction of specialists who determine how often to do facial peeling individually for each patient. Listen to your beautician's advice, don't be overconfident and exfoliate as often as your skin needs. Beauty and health!

How long does a full peeling course take, how many sessions can and should be done to achieve perfect skin and not overdo it? These points must be taken into account when planning your face transformation. The duration and frequency of the procedures is determined by the specialist after a detailed study of the condition of the integument, the degree of the problem and a number of other important factors.

One procedure or a whole course - which one is better?

IN modern world In cosmetology, peeling is considered a mandatory procedure in skin care. It guarantees not only deep cleansing of the skin, removal of dead, non-working cells of the epidermis, but also activates a number of important processes inside the integument, heals them and accelerates the synthesis of natural collagen. After cleansing, the face looks much younger, the skin becomes lighter, a slight blush appears and a lifting effect is observed.

Peeling for the face is carried out in courses or one-time, depending on the type of procedure, the depth of the impact, as well as the expected result.

If cleaning is carried out in order to prevent early withering of the integument, one procedure is allowed. But in this case, cosmetologists recommend that they be carried out regularly, with an interval of 1-6 months, depending on the chosen method of cleansing.

To correct visible imperfections on the face, to get rid of acne, excessive fat content of the integument, cosmetologists recommend a peeling course. One-time cleaning of integuments will not provide desired result, if we are not talking about a deep impact.

Ideally, a full course of procedures is carried out to eliminate the problem with the skin, and then superficial, one-time cleanings are supposed to be performed to maintain the achieved effect and prevent the deterioration of the integument.

How often is peeling done?

The frequency of cleaning depends on the technique and the depth of exposure to the integument. Peelings are mechanical, chemical, hardware. According to the depth of the impact, superficial, medium or deep cleansing are distinguished.

For mechanical cleaning

Mechanical peels include brossage, scrubbing, dermabrasion and microdermabrasion, body masks or coral facial cleansing. The essence of cleansing is the mechanical removal of dead particles, various roughness from the surface. The procedure helps to get rid of blackheads, smooth the relief and enhance intracellular processes.

Brossage is a type of superficial skin cleansing. To carry it out, soft brushes, sponges, and special nozzles are used. The brossage is aimed at improving the condition of the skin, normalizing intracellular processes, and delicately cleansing the pores. It does not cause allergies, does not violate the integrity of the epidermis and is recommended for regular use, regardless of the season. The frequency of performing bssazh depends on the condition of the integument, the age of the client. You can clean it every 1-2 weeks.

Cleaning with scrubs, bodyagi masks, coral peeling - another one lung option, safe cleansing. They can be carried out in the salon or at home. For owners bold type epidermis, this type of cleansing is performed once every 7-10 days. For dry skin, such frequent sessions will be harmful, so limit yourself to once every 2 weeks.

Don't overdo it with scrubs. Cosmetologists recommend performing such cleansing in courses of 2 months each. At the same time, it is important to give the skin a rest, the interval between courses should be about 3 months.

Microdermabrasion - exclusively salon procedure... The surface of the face is sanded with a stream of air with aluminum crystals or other abrasive particles. The procedure is carried out in courses. The duration of the peeling course is 5–20 sessions with an interval of 7–14 days. How many procedures will be required in your case is determined by the cosmetologist, on average 5–8 visits are enough. After the course of peeling procedures, a short break is taken (from 1 to 3 months).

Dermabrasion belongs to deep mechanical cleaning... The surface layer of the skin is "peeled off" with the help of abrasive nozzles. The process is very painful, and recovery takes up to 6 months. Cleansing is performed in winter or late autumn to reduce the risk of skin hyperpigmentation. Such peeling can be done no more than 3 times in a lifetime. In some cases, cleansing is performed in several approaches, with an interval of 3 months to six months.

For hardware cleaning

Hardware peeling is a safe cosmetic procedure. The problem areas are affected by various physical factors (microcurrent, ultrasound, laser, high or low temperature, radio frequencies). Their action guarantees the strengthening of intracellular processes, actively stimulates skin renewal. As a rule, the effect of cleansing is growing, so it is required to carry it out in courses.

The most popular in beauty salons are peeling with ultrasound and laser.

Ultrasonic peeling - guarantees delicate, superficial cleansing of the integument. After cleaning, there is no need for long-term rehabilitation. Ultrasound procedures are carried out in courses of 5-7 sessions. There is a break of 10-14 days between sessions.

Laser peeling belongs to deeper procedures and guarantees a lasting rejuvenating effect. With the help of a laser, the cosmetologist "burns out" problem areas, eliminates non-working and weakened cells. In addition, favorable conditions are created inside the integument for the accelerated synthesis of natural collagen, elastin. Therefore, laser peeling is an excellent option for skin rejuvenation and tightening. Laser exposure allows you to correct complex skin problems, as well as prevent their deepening in the future. The course of laser peels is 2–8 procedures, they can be performed not less than 5 days after the previous session.

Whether it is possible to do peeling, how many procedures will be required, is determined only by a beautician. This takes into account the condition of the skin, the age of the patient, the presence of indications and contraindications, as well as the speed of recovery from the previous exposure.

For chemical peels

Chemical peeling or exfoliation is the most popular, affordable way to cleanse the skin qualitatively and improve its condition in a matter of time. Problem areas are treated with an acidic or alkaline solution of high concentration. Thus, a controlled chemical burn is obtained, it causes an active renewal of the integument.

The principle of operation of chemical procedures is the same, the only difference is in the depth of penetration of the concentrated composition. All exfoliation involves a rehabilitation period. You will need maximum attention and patience, special care and some restrictions in your usual way of life. Subsequent peels can be performed only at the end of the recovery period; doing procedures in a row is unsafe for the patient's health.

Superficial chemical peels guarantee high-quality cleansing of the surface layers of the epidermis, eliminate minor defects, and accelerate internal processes. For carrying out such exfoliation, as a rule, fruit acids are used, as well as salicylic or retinoic acids. To achieve a lasting result, it is recommended to carry out peels in courses of 5-10 procedures. The interval between sessions is 10-14 days, as the integument recovers.

Median exfoliation provides a deeper effect, they affect all layers of the epidermis. Such cleansing is used to smooth out medium-deep wrinkles and skin imperfections, as well as to treat acne and acne breakouts. To solve the problem, cosmetologists recommend 3-4 sessions with an interval of 2-3 weeks, when the skin recovers from the previous exposure.

Deep peeling is performed with phenolic acid, less often with trichloroacetic acid. The procedure is very complicated, but the final effect is even comparable to plastic surgery. High concentration chemical can cause a number of disturbances in the client's body, therefore, such procedures can only be used 1-2 times in a lifetime.

When to start cleaning

For the normal functioning of the epidermal cells, ensuring the "breathing" of the skin and filling it with nutritious components, peelings must be done regularly. However, there is one caveat: not all cleanings can be performed all year round, most of them are carried out in late autumn, winter or early spring. During this period of the year, solar activity is slightly reduced, respectively, solar ultraviolet will be less harmful for weakened fibers.

Another plus of winter peeling is that by summer the skin will fully recover and look perfect. You can go to the sea or sunbathe.

Do not assume that when you peel in the winter, the risk of hyperpigmentation is zero. This opinion is wrong. IN winter period you also need to use sunscreen cosmetics.

In order to properly plan a cosmetic transformation, be sure to check the duration of the full peeling course and how many sessions will be required to solve your problem.

Also, keep in mind that the skin needs to be prepared before performing a mid or deep cleanse. Pre-peeling preparation can take 1 month or more.

Modern cosmetology offers a huge range of peeling procedures, after which the skin will glow with health and look perfect. All you need to do is contact a specialist cosmetologist. They will choose the optimal type of cleansing, determine the number of procedures and the frequency of their implementation.

Chemical peeling is the removal of the upper layers of the dermis.

And thanks to this procedure, you can achieve a lifting effect, restore the protective properties of the skin and solve many aesthetic problems.

Chemical peels can be divided into three categories. Read about this and much more below.

Every woman wants to be well-groomed and beautiful and Special attention pays the state of his face. To cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, remove age spots, various defects and irregularities, women have used various masks, decoctions and herbal tinctures since ancient times.

But all these funds were ineffective. Modern cosmetology has made great strides forward and now chemical peeling is successfully used to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

What is it and types of cleaning

Facial peeling with chemicals is an active process of exfoliation of the upper layer of dead cells of the epidermis, stimulating the natural process of skin renewal. With the help of an individually selected chemical composition there is a removal and smoothing of various spots, defects and irregularities.

The natural protective functions of the body are activated, active production begins hyaluronic acid, cells begin to produce large amounts of collagen and elastin, the surface becomes more elastic and taut.

With the help of chemical action, you can effectively cleanse your face from pigmentation and freckles (read about laser), remove vascular "stars" (find out how they do it) and small facial wrinkles. This procedure effectively fights bumpiness caused by various skin diseases.

With its help, you can smooth out scars, remove excessive redness and normalize the function of the skin glands.

Depending on the method, such cleaning is carried out using various acids: fruit, glycolic, salicylic, trichloroacetic and phenolic. According to the strength and depth of penetration, they distinguish between medium and light superficial. Most often, this peel is used exclusively for the face, but it can also be used on other areas, such as the neck and décolleté.


This type is the most radical in terms of its effect on the body and is carried out with the help of phenol. It is a very aggressive substance and penetrates very deeply into the lowermost layers of the epidermis. Phenol is highly toxic and, in fact, the destruction of the upper skin layers occurs, but this allows you to solve a number of serious problems that are beyond the power of other methods.

This procedure is very painful and is performed only under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis in a cosmetology clinic.

During it, the patient is sedated with the use of painkillers. Duration from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the treated surface and the number of defects.

After the procedure, the surface is covered with a protective crust, severe redness and peeling can be observed. The recovery period lasts 3-4 weeks. For the first week, bed rest is recommended, and the doctor may also prescribe a number of medications that will accelerate healing and inhibit the inflammatory process.

After exposure to drugs, the surface becomes significantly lighter, therefore it is not recommended for patients with very dark skin color.

With the help of deep exposure, you can remove strong pigmentation, remove scars and irregularities, even out deep wrinkles and remove vascular inflammation and other age-related changes.

Like any method, it has its pros and cons.

  • the method allows you to cope with deep wrinkles;
  • removes deep unevenness and strong pigmentation;
  • eliminates flabbiness and sagging;
  • surpasses dermabrasion in efficiency;
  • one session is enough;
  • the effect lasts for several years.
  • very painful procedure;
  • long recovery period;
  • possible complications in the form of redness and hard crust;
  • not suitable for too dark skin;
  • high price.

Check out the results of a deep chemical peel:


For this procedure, trichloroacetic, glycolic or salicylic acid is used. This method is less aggressive and does not work as actively and deeply as cleaning with phenol. But peeling with medium exposure, as well as deep peeling, is able to remove deep wrinkles and reduce minor pigmentation.

With it, you can refresh and rejuvenate your face, remove small spider veins and smooth out scars and irregularities. This method is milder and is carried out in 3-4 sessions. The result of the median exposure lasts about six months and, if necessary, it must be repeated.

The session is carried out on an outpatient basis and lasts from 20 to 60 minutes. The method does not require general anesthesia. To enhance the effect on the surface, special agents are preliminarily applied. They soften the skin and prepare it for the basic composition.

Then chemical acids are applied, which penetrate into the middle layers. During the session, the patient may experience a slight burning sensation and tingling sensation.

After the procedure, the composition is removed with dry ice. There is slight redness and swelling that disappears within 24 hours.

Sometimes peeling and a feeling of tightness may appear. After such a procedure, the complexion brightens a little or remains the same. The recovery period lasts 1-2 days, the face becomes smooth and radiant.

For a speedy recovery after chemical peeling for the face, the beautician can choose an individual set of skin care: a moisturizer or nourishing cream, a special serum, a vitamin mask and a cleansing toner.

You should also refrain from decorative cosmetics, the first 2-3 weeks requires application of sunscreen. Medium peeling is carried out for patients of any age.

  • there are practically no painful sensations;
  • allows you to remove small wrinkles and irregularities;
  • removes acne and inflammation;
  • removes puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • evens out the tone and gives shine;
  • eliminates slight flabbiness and sagging (these problems can be solved by RF-lifting);
  • improves complexion.
  • preliminary preparation is required;
  • the result is visible after 3-4 sessions;
  • unable to remove deep wrinkles and skin imperfections;
  • the effect lasts less than from phenol peeling;
  • quite high price.


This is the mildest type of chemical attack; lactic and fruit acids (enzyme peeling) and a weak solution of trichloroacetic acid are used for it. Cosmetologists recommend superficial cleansing for young patients under the age of 40, when the first age-related changes and small wrinkles appear on the skin.

This method affects only the top layer and is not able to cope with wrinkles, large age spots and irregularities.

But he copes well with acne, seborrheic manifestations, improves the surface of the skin, promotes active rejuvenation.

With this procedure, you can get rid of small freckles, remove local redness and peeling. After superficial exposure, blood circulation improves, cells are actively saturated with oxygen, the face looks radiant and toned.

This procedure does not require preliminary preparation. It can be done in the salon or at home. With the help of a cotton pad, the active substance is applied to the cleaned surface. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes.

The session is completely painless and does not require a recovery period. Superficial cleansing does not cause burning and redness, the tone of the face does not change. After such cleansing it is recommended to apply sunscreen.

  • absolutely painless method;
  • does not require preliminary preparation;
  • does not injure the skin and does not cause side effects;
  • does not change skin tone;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • actively rejuvenates and improves the structure of the dermis;
  • effective against acne;
  • inexpensive and affordable method.
  • unable to cope with wrinkles and age spots;
  • does not remove tuberosity and deep unevenness;
  • the result is visible after 5-6 procedures;
  • the effect lasts 1-2 months, then a repeat is required.

We offer you to watch a video on how the procedure of a medium and deep chemical peeling for the face goes:

Indications, photos before and after the procedure

The indications for conducting are:

  • any kind of pigmentation;
  • various skin defects, the presence of scars and scars (it does an excellent job with such defects);
  • uneven skin surface as a result of various diseases;
  • wrinkles and dry skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • severe redness;
  • the presence of vascular "stars";
  • improper work of the sebaceous glands;
  • clogging of pores and the appearance of "blackheads";
  • sagging skin.

These are the results of a mid-peel of the facial skin:


As with any cosmetic procedure, peeling has contraindications:

  • skin diseases such as dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and psoriasis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • keloid scars;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • fresh wounds and cuts;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to a chemical.

How often can you do

Deep chemical peeling can be done no more than once every two to three years.

You can find out why diamond peeling is a type of microdermabrasion.

Customer opinion

  • Margarita, 31 years old, housewife:

    “I did a shallow peel for cleaning. The result was very good, I liked everything very much. Small wrinkles are gone, the skin has become smoother. "

  • Svetlana, 37 years old, director:

    “I did facial cleansing in the salon - after giving birth, my complexion changed a lot. The result was pleasing, but the cost of such cleaning was quite high, often you won't allow it. "

  • Vera Ivanovna, 67 years old, pensioner:

    “I always try to keep an eye on my appearance, a friend advised me to clean with fruit acids... I really liked it! The face freshened up and rejuvenated, even small wrinkles are gone. "

  • Karina, 45 years old, seller:

    “I decided on deep cleaning in a beauty salon. They did it under general anesthesia, they warned me about the consequences, I had to stay at home for two weeks, my face became covered with a red crust and was very swollen. But the age spots have practically disappeared. I won't do it the second time, it's too painful. "

Chemical peeling is an effective salon procedure that can eliminate serious defects, make your face and body look younger and more beautiful. This method has no analogues, it can be used at any age.

A dermatocosmetologist will tell you more about chemical peeling: