Natalia Shcherbinina
Workshop by a speech therapist for parents “Speech correction at home”

Speech therapist: Hello, dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to our meeting! Today is ours parent the meeting will be held in unusual form-in game.

Target workshop:

Providing assistance parents in organizing and conducting speech therapy classes in at home.


1. Expand knowledge parents about the importance of speech therapy classes in at home.

2. Give an idea of ​​the execution algorithm homework (carrying out articulatory gymnastics, finger gymnastics, games and exercises for the development of speech breathing, development of grammatical structure speeches, etc..)

3. To form an idea of ​​the variety of methods and techniques of execution homework.

4. Train practical use of a variety of articulation and breathing exercises, speech material for automating delivered sounds.

Speech therapist: I suggest you introduce yourself - say your full name, then say your name affectionately. Teacher-the speech therapist calls his full name and selects sweet Nothing to your name: “My name is Natalya Igorevna, Natashenka!

Game "Say your name affectionately"

It's very nice to meet you!

What organs can you name? speeches?

Articulation gymnastics is special exercises for lips, cheeks, tongue, frenulum.

Gymnastics for arms and legs is something familiar and familiar to us. It’s clear why we train muscles, so that they become strong, dexterous, and mobile. But why train the tongue, it’s already "boneless?"

It turns out that the tongue is the main muscle speeches for her, as with any muscle, gymnastics is simply necessary. The ultimate goal of gymnastics is to make sound « was born» .

Now we will master this magical gymnastics, exercises, without which sounds will not appear.

Articulation gymnastics-fairy tale

"Visiting Grandma and Grandpa"

There lived grandfather and grandmother.



GRANDMOTHER AND GRANDFATHER SMILED TO EVERYONE (lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth visible,

THEY REACHED TO KISS EVERYONE (lips move forward).


WE BRUSHED OUR UPPER TEETH (wide tongue behind upper teeth)

RIGHT AND LEFT, INSIDE AND OUTSIDE (corresponding movements in a broad language).

WE ARE FRIENDS WITH THE LOWER TEETH TOO (repeating these movements with the tongue in the position behind the lower teeth).

WE WILL PUSH YOUR LIPS AND WASH YOUR MOUTH (alternately puffing out your cheeks - the lips do not allow air to pass through,

AND Puff the samovar as much as we can (simultaneously inflating both cheeks and then releasing air through the lips).

WE WILL PUT THE SAUCERS AND THEY WILL PUT THE PANCAKES FOR US (wide tongue lies on the lower lip).

Blow on the pancake - NOT ON YOUR CHEEKS, NOT PAST (blow on a wide tongue).

WE CHEW THE PANCAKE, WRAP AND BITE (chew with the tongue spread out, then bite it, wrapping it behind the lower teeth,

PANCAKE WITH DELICIOUS RASPBERRY JAM (we lick the upper lip with a wide tongue from front to back).

LET'S PLACE THE CUPS FOR TEA TO BE POURED (we bend the wide tongue upward into a cup,

Blow on your nose - WE HAVE COOLED THE TEA (blow with "cups" up).

WE DRINKED TEA - NO ONE IS OFFENSED ( "cup" moves back and forth).

BREAKFAST WAS DELICIOUS - WE WILL LICK YOUR SPONGS (the tip of the tongue licks the lips in a circle).


RUNNING AS IF WITH A LIVE ANIMAL (we hook the tip of the tongue behind the lower lips and move the tongue back and forth).


(narrow tongue extended forward).

GRANDMOTHER SEW SEAMS ON A MACHINE WE THREAD THE NEEDLES FOR HER (narrow tongue extended forward). GRANDMOTHER SEW SEAMS ON A MACHINE (narrow tongue moves back and forth)

AND SWITCHED IT TO ZIGZAG (narrow tongue moves left and right).

SHE SAW THE LOOP WITH A NEEDLE (the tip of her tongue makes a circle behind her lips,

ROUND BUTTONS SOUGHT (the tip of the tongue rests on one or the other cheek, and the finger tries to push it into the mouth).

GRANDFATHER MADE A SWING FOR GRANDCHILDREN (a wide tongue is placed alternately behind the upper and lower teeth,


AFTER THE SWING WE PLAYED HIDE AND HIDE (the wide tongue is tucked under the upper lip,

HIDING IN THE ATTIC AND BASEMENT (wide tongue - under the lower lip).


CALLED HORSESHOE KNIT ON CLAY (clicking on upper lip).

HERE IS THE HORSE SLOWING DOWN STEPS (slow clicking with tension of the hyoid ligament,

HERE WE SEE MUSHROOMS AT THE EDGE (suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and open your mouth).


SAID IMPORTANT: "BL-BL-BL-LA"(a wide tongue moves back and forth along the upper lip; we do the exercise with the voice). AND LEFT.

The day is over, it's time to sleep.

Tomorrow we will walk again.

2. Speech therapist: A child has problems with speech development, then finger gymnastics classes are simply necessary for him! And you should remember that you need to start such classes as early as possible! After all, it has been established that the level of development speeches children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. As a rule, if finger movements are developed in accordance with age, then the child’s speech development is within the age norm.

Therefore, training finger movements is the most important factor:

*stimulating the child’s speech development,

*promoting improvement articulatory motor skills,

*preparing your hand for writing

Speech therapist: Now we will play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Mitten"

From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, children slap their hands on their knees

Grandfather Yegor was stomping.

He was in a hurry to get home - Show the back of the palm with

Dropped his mitten outstretched up thumb-gesture "Mitten"

The mouse ran across the field, “They run with the fingers of one hand on the other.

I saw the mitten. Gesture "Mitten"

Is no one waiting for the mouse here? They wag their fingers

I began to live - to live,

Song calls to sing. Claps

Bunny ran across the field, Gesture "Bunny"

I saw the mitten. Gesture "Mitten"

Who, who lives here? They knock with their right fist on their left palm.

Does he sing a song loudly? Claps

The mouse invited the bunny, calling him, gesturing with his right hand.

She gave me some sweet tea. Stretch your arms forward, cup your palms.

Bunny jump, bunny hop

I baked some delicious pies. "baking pies"

Like a fox walking across a field, soft movements of her hands

I saw a mitten. Gesture "Mitten"

Who, who lives here? They knock with their right fist on their left palm.

Does he sing a song loudly? Claps.

And the fox was invited, Soft movements of the hands.

They treated us to pies. "Bake pies"

I started living there to live,

Sweep the floor with a broom. Hand movements left and right.

The bear was walking across the field, knocking on his knees with his fists.

I saw the mitten. Gesture "Mitten"

Who, who lives here? They knock with their right fist on their left palm.

Does he sing a song loudly? Claps

The animals got scared, clench your fingers in "lock"

They ran away in fear. Spread your arms to the sides.

Speech therapist: Well received finger game to the music. We develop not only fine motor skills, but also auditory and visual attention!

3. Speech therapist: One more thing you need condition proper development, good growth- ability to breathe correctly. A child can easily teach proper breathing. Nine out of ten children breathe incorrectly and for this reason feel unwell. Various games and exercises help develop breathing. What is this for? Correct (physiological) breathing will help the baby learn to speak calmly, smoothly, without rushing. Some breathing exercises also help teach child to pronounce certain sounds correctly. If the child during speech puffs out his cheeks, then his speech is slurred precisely for this reason. And before you start making sounds, you need to teach child to properly produce an air stream.

Speech therapist: Let's do the exercises. accessible and easy to play at home with you.

Breathing exercise: "Put the ball into the goal"

Target: produce a long, directed air stream.

Stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time on a cotton ball lying on the table, trying to drive it into "gates" from counting sticks. The ball should be driven in with one exhalation, not allowing the air stream to be intermittent. Make sure that your cheeks do not puff out; To do this, they can be lightly pressed with your palms.

4. Speech therapist: For the development of gross motor skills in children with speech disorders outdoor games are used that develop children’s ability to navigate in space, change the pace of movements, and move rhythmically and deftly.


Target: develop attention, ability to navigate in space, consistency in movements.

5. Speech therapist: Necessary condition full preparation of children for school - timely formation of all components of the speech system, including grammatical structure. Teaching grammar correct speeches achieved through special training tasks, exercises and didactic games With visual material or without it.

Didactic game "Delicious jam"

Target: formation of relative adjectives on the topics \"Fruits\", \"Vegetables\", \"Berry\"

Everyone chooses a jar of jam (juice, jam, etc.).

Tell me the name of your jam (juice, jam, etc.).(I have strawberry jam - strawberry jam; strawberry juice; strawberry jam).

6. Speech therapist: Every child should learn in kindergarten, express your thoughts in a meaningful and grammatically correct manner, coherently and consistently. At the same time, children’s speech should be lively, spontaneous, and expressive.

Game exercise : "What could happen if..."

If you put ice on your palm, then...

If a bear grows wings, then...

If you fly high, high, then...

If you eat a lot of ice cream, then...

If it snows in the summer, then...

Speech therapist: You can compose a whole fairy tale by presenting your child with an unusual situation.

7. Speech therapist: You can also develop and enrich children’s vocabulary using a graphic analogy or using mnemonics. Now we will learn a poem together, easily, quickly and without tears


Speech therapist: Our evening has come to an end. Thank you for your attention and help. And it’s a pleasure to work with your children thanks to interest and desire.

Thus, maybe our children will become famous artists, smart deputies, competent journalists, or simply good people, correct speech will undoubtedly be useful to them, and we will be very proud of them!

And we really hope for your help in the future! Goodbye!

Sections: Working with parents

  • show the importance of family participation in speech therapy work, attract the attention of parents to the formation of a common understanding of the goals and objectives, means and methods of raising children, their emotional well-being, full speech, physical, mental and mental development;
  • outline the stages of speech therapy work in kindergarten and at home;
  • teach parents how to work with children who are speech pathologists;
  • provide double protection for children (on the part of parents and teachers), emotional comfort.

Form of work: group

Materials and equipment

  • Demonstration: presentation "How to organize speech therapy classes at home."
  • Handout: mirrors according to the number of participants, memo “How to organize speech therapy classes at home.”

Theoretical part.<Приложение 1-Слайд 1>

Dear parents!

You realized that your children need the help of specialists and brought your children to our correctional kindergarten.< Приложение 1-Слайд 2>

But I would like to emphasize that you are your child's first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system.

No matter how long we live, we still constantly return to the experience of childhood - to life in the family.< Приложение 1-Слайд 3>

“Years of miracles” is what researchers call the first five years of a child’s life. The emotional attitude towards life and people laid down at this time and the presence or absence of incentives for intellectual development leave an indelible mark on all subsequent behavior and way of thinking of a person. The ability to speak, listen, and use language are also among the things that a child living among people learns very early.

During these first years there will be very hectic days, and parents will wonder: “Where can I find time to teach anything else?!” But we should not forget that even an even, soothing tone in situations of broken knees, stuffed cones, irritation of adults can serve as the basis for the formation of personality, strengthen ties between children and parents and contribute to the development of a positive attitude, the ability to perceive what the father and mother teach.

And for parents to become good teachers for their children, they must know that the work of correcting deficiencies in pronouncing sounds includes three main stages: preparatory exercises; setting (calling) sound; fixing sound in syllables, words and introducing it into speech.

Preparatory exercises are aimed at developing in the child the correct perception of sound by ear (the ability to distinguish a correctly pronounced sound from an incorrect one), at strengthening and improving muscle movements articulatory apparatus(reproducing the correct movements of the tongue, lips, lower jaw), to produce a strong air stream (for example, when pronouncing the sound [p], you need to be able to blow air strongly onto the tip of the tongue to bring it into an oscillatory state).

The better the preparatory work is done, the faster the child will learn to pronounce sounds correctly. It is difficult to say how much time will be needed for the preparatory exercises. In some cases - three sessions, in others - several weeks. This depends on the degree of impairment of the mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, on the state of speech hearing, as well as on the individual characteristics of the child.

Staging (calling) sound. In order to evoke the correct sound in a child, it is necessary to carefully study the position of the speech organs during normal pronunciation of the sound and the methods of producing it. To do this, sit at the table, place a mirror in front of you and, pronouncing the most difficult sounds (hissing, whistling, sonorous), carefully look at the position of your lips, teeth, and tongue. Remember this position. This is important for correcting the defect and for sound production. Then sit the child in front of the mirror and ask him to pronounce this or that sound. Take a closer look at the position of his speech organs, compare with the position and movement of his speech organs.

Now the main task is to achieve the correct isolated sound pronunciation. If you manage to evoke a sound by imitation, then, bypassing the preparatory stage, you can immediately begin to consolidate the sound in words and speech.

Consolidating sound and introducing it into speech. When fixing a sound, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence. First, the sound is fixed in syllables, then in words, and only then in phrases.

Let us dwell in more detail on the first stage of work to correct deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds.

Even the most careful work of a kindergarten does not exclude the need to help children who incorrectly pronounce one or another group of sounds in the family.

By performing certain targeted exercises at home, given by a speech therapist, parents help prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus to correctly pronounce those sounds that he pronounces poorly.

An important role in the formation of the pronunciation of sounds is played by the clear, precise, coordinated work of the articulatory apparatus (lips, tongue, lower jaw, soft palate).

To develop full movements of the lips, tongue, and jaw, as already mentioned, articulatory gymnastics is useful.

Various exercises help:

  • producing a targeted air stream;
  • relaxation of the tongue muscles;
  • the ability to hold the tongue in a calm, relaxed position;
  • strengthening the muscles of the tongue;
  • lifting the tongue muscles upward;
  • development of raising the back of the tongue upward, etc.

You need to do articulation gymnastics with your child for a few minutes every day.

Articulation gymnastics is performed while standing or sitting in front of a mirror.

The pace and number of exercises gradually increases. These exercises are performed with counting, clapping, and music.

When working at home with children, parents should remember:

1. You cannot force a child. Classes will be effective if they are conducted in the form of a game.

2. You should move on to subsequent exercises only after mastering the previous ones.

3. All exercises must be performed naturally, without coercion.

  1. Some exercises are performed using a count kept by adults. This is necessary so that the child develops the most important stability of the positions of the lips and tongue.
  2. When carrying out exercises, the child may not always succeed in everything, and this sometimes causes refusal to further work. In this case, parents should not fixate the child on the fact that he is not succeeding; they need to encourage the child, return to better simple exercise, pointing out that it didn’t work out before either, but now he has already learned.
  3. For any questions that arise, be sure to consult with a speech therapist or teacher.

Classes should be held in a playful way, because this is the main activity of children. You can use your favorite toy: “let’s show the bunny how to do tongue exercises correctly.” It is best to carry out articulatory gymnastics in the form of a fairy tale, based on a picture-image.< Приложение 1-Слайд 4>

Practical part. (Parents are given mirrors)

THE TALE OF THE Merry Tongue

(a set of exercises that develops the correct articulatory structure of the sounds SH-ZH-SHCH.)

Once upon a time there was a Merry Tongue. He had a house. This is the mouth. To prevent Merry Tongue from running out, his house was always closed. There are two doors in the house.

The first door is the lips. Let's open it (exercise "Frogs"). < Приложение 1-Слайд 5>

The second door is teeth. Let's open it too ( exercise "Window") < Приложение 1-Слайд 6>

What does our Tongue do? He's sleeping. He has a soft pillow - your lip( exercise "Spatula") < Приложение 1-Слайд 7>

Look how sweetly and calmly the tongue sleeps (hold your tongue on your lower lip for a while). Finally he woke up, smiled ( exercise "Smile"), took the trumpet and started playing "Tut-tu, I woke up!!!" ( exercise "Pipe").< Приложение 1-Слайд 8>

Tongue went to the kitchen, and there mom was kneading the dough “Five-five” ( exercise "Knead the dough") < Приложение 1-Слайд 9>and bakes pancakes ( "Pancake" exercise). Tongue took a cup of tea ( "Cup" exercise)< Приложение 1-Слайд 10>, jam, bagels ( exercise "Bagel") < Приложение 1-Слайд 11>and began to have breakfast. But he didn’t eat carefully and stained his upper lip with jam ( exercise "Delicious jam"< Приложение 1-Слайд 12>). After eating, Tongue decided to show his mother a real trick ( "Focus" exercise). < Приложение 1-Слайд 12>

Tongue wanted to take a walk. He went out into the yard and saw a swing. I decided to go for a ride ( "Swing" exercise). < Приложение 1-Слайд 13>

Then our tongue saw a horse and he wanted to ride it. It was fun for him to ride his horse ( exercise "Horse") < Приложение 1-Слайд 14>

Tongue had a walk and went home. First he closed the second door - his teeth, and then the first - his lips ( close your lips).

Theoretical part.< Приложение 1-Слайд 15>

The ability to focus on sound is very important feature person. Without it, it is impossible to learn to listen and understand speech - the main means of communication. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate by ear phonemes (the sounds that make up our speech). This skill is called phonemic hearing.

A small child does not know how to control his hearing and cannot compare sounds. But a child can be taught this. It is especially necessary to develop auditory attention and phonemic hearing for children with speech problems. Sometimes a child simply does not notice that he is pronouncing sounds incorrectly.

The purpose of our exercises is to teach the child to listen and hear. You will soon notice that the child has begun to hear himself, his speech, that he is trying to find the correct articulation of sound and correct defective pronunciation.

The goal of all these games is to develop auditory attention (concentration, stability, switching).

From the cradle, a baby is taught to respond to intonation, rhythm and sound of words. Already at the end first year Throughout life, a child notices differences in the sound of words. He begins to distinguish some speech sounds from others, and tries to pronounce them correctly. Towards the end second year he distinguishes all sounds native language and can notice defective pronunciation of sounds in the words of his peers and tries to correct them. The phonemic distinction of sounds becomes available to him. Every child makes this journey in mastering the sound side of a word. To compensate for the delay in the child’s speech development, this path should not be carried out spontaneously. An adult must come to the child’s aid in a timely manner and purposefully guide the development of his speech activity. All this is necessary for a child without deviations in speech development, because a conscious attitude towards language is the basis for mastering all aspects of language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) and forms of speech (dialogical and monological).

Practical part.

  1. A game to distinguish non-speech sounds, develop auditory attention and auditory memory"Guess what it sounds like."
  2. Equipment: screen, various toys and objects that can produce characteristic sounds: bell, tambourine, drum, paper, foil, pipe, rattle, rattle, etc.

    Move. An adult behind a screen rings a tambourine, rustles paper, rings a bell, etc. and invites the child to guess what object produced the sound. The sounds must be clear and contrasting so that the child can guess them. Instead of a screen, you can invite the child to simply sit with his back to the adult.

  3. A game to distinguish identical words, sound complexes and sounds, focusing on the height, strength and timbre of the voice
  4. "Guess who's screaming"

    Equipment: toys or pictures depicting domestic animals familiar to the child: cow, dog, cat, horse And etc.< Приложение 1-Слайд 16>

    Move. The adult shows the child prepared pictures or toys and plays with them, imitating the cry of the corresponding animals. Then he asks the child to listen and guess who will come to visit them. An adult covers his mouth with a piece of paper and makes a voice, imitating one of the animals. The child guesses who it is. The game can be repeated 5-6 times. It is necessary to ensure that the baby listens carefully and activate him with questions.

  5. Word recognition game "Magic Wand" "

Equipment: an object that can act as a magic wand (laser pointer, pencil wrapped in foil, etc.).

Move. An adult and a child examine objects in the room. In an adult's hand wand, with which he touches the object and calls it loudly. Following this, the child pronounces the name of the object, trying to make it as clear as possible. The adult constantly draws the child’s attention to the fact that they are pronouncing words. It is necessary to ensure that the child correctly correlates words with objects.

Theoretical part.< Приложение 1-Слайд 17>

A child's mind is at his fingertips.(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Research by scientists at the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Sciences (M.M. Koltsova, E.A. Isenina, L.V. Antakova-Fomina) confirmed the connection between intellectual development and finger motor skills. The level of development of children is also directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine hand movements. To determine the level of speech development of children in the first years of life, the following method has been developed: the child is asked to show one finger, two and three. Children who are able to make isolated finger movements are talking children. If the movements are tense, the fingers bend and straighten only together and cannot move in isolation, then these are not speaking children.

Speech and motor zones are located next to each other, so “by irritating one, the other is improved”

Since there is a close relationship and interdependence of speech and motor activity, if a child has a speech defect special attention It is necessary to pay attention to training his fingers.

You can train your fingers as early as 6 months of age. The simplest method- massage: stroking the fingers in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist.

Practical part.< Приложение 1-Слайд 18>

The hedgehog stomped along the path
And he carried mushrooms in a basket.
To count the mushrooms,
You need to bend your fingers.

Children bend their fingers one by one, doing a massage, first on the left, then on the right hand. At the end of the exercise, the child’s hands should be clenched into little fists.

Figure 1

Bottom line. We wish you success in your studies and joy in communication!< Приложение 1-Слайд 19>

Parents are given memos “How to organize speech therapy classes at home:”<Приложение 2>

Literature used.

  1. Glebova S.V. Kindergarten-family: aspects of interaction. Voronezh, 2007.
  2. Epifanov O.V. Speech therapy (development of activities for children preschool age) - Volgograd, 2004.
  3. Zvereva O.L. Parent meetings in preschool educational institution (methodological manual) - Moscow, 2006.
  4. Krause E.N. Speech therapy. - St. Petersburg, 2002.
  5. Maksakov A.I. Development of correct child speech in the family. (a manual for parents and educators) - Moscow, 2006.


Goal: Creation of a unified speech space for the child’s development through close cooperation between a speech therapist and parents

  1. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child speech development;
  2. Assisting parents in performing educational and correctional functions, increasing their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities;
  3. Training parents in specific speech therapy techniques.

Seminar progress:

Speech therapist teacher: Good evening! I am very glad that you found the time and came to our meeting. Make yourself comfortable and I will ask you to take your child’s homework book.

Correct speech of a child - important condition his normal development, and subsequent performance at school. The more clear and expressive it is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the easier it will be to form relationships with children and adults. Parents must accept active participation in the speech development of the child. If parents shy away from this work, the integrity of the entire educational process is violated.

Having learned to pronounce a given sound in isolation, the child does not immediately use it in his speech. A difficult and lengthy stage of speech therapy work begins - sound automation. Without the help of parents, this process can take a long time. long time, since in preschoolers the skill is formed as a result of systematic repetition and consolidation. One of the prerequisites for successful automation is consolidation of speech material at home on the instructions of a speech therapist.

So, let's start our meeting with introductions.

“Getting to know each other” (the mother names her child’s name and his speech disorders).

Teacher-speech therapist: I suggest you remember the stages of working on the formation of correct sound pronunciation and talk in detail about each of them.

1. Articulation gymnastics(parents perform and demonstrate one exercise for the lips, tongue, cheeks, based on the diagrams).

2. Work on speech breathing

Proper breathing is important for the sound of speech. Since speech is carried out while exhaling, the correct pronunciation of many sounds and the smoothness of the speech flow depend on the strength, direction, and duration of the air stream. Regular breathing exercises help to develop correct speech breathing with an extended, gradual exhalation, which allows you to pronounce long phrases and sentences. Not many children have strong oral exhalation.

Let's remember what exercises contribute to the development of correct speech exhalation. ("Football", "Focus", "Inflation" balloons", "Blowing soap bubbles", "Weather vane")

Rules for performing breathing exercises: Inhale softly and briefly, but at the same time deeply enough, exhale long and smoothly, make sure that during the exercises the muscles of the arms, neck, chest do not tense, the shoulders do not rise and the cheeks do not puff out. At the initial stage, you can hold them with your palms.

3. Development of fine motor skills

“The hand is the brain extended outward,” said the philosopher Kvant. Many books have been written about the importance of finger gymnastics. Scientists have concluded that the development of fine motor skills of the hands contributes to the development of children's speech. This is due to the fact that the speech and motor centers in the cerebral cortex are located nearby and partially compensate for each other’s functions. What games and exercises promote the development of fine motor skills and how to play them with your child at home?

(cutting out of paper, sorting out cereals, lacing, massage balls, puzzles, laying out patterns from sticks according to a diagram, appliqué from beads, paper, modeling from plasticine, drawing, making beads from pasta, etc.)

4. development of phonemic hearing.

In order for a child to correctly pronounce a sound, he must be able to distinguish it by ear among other sounds. What games and exercises contribute to this?

(“Where does it sound?”, “Catch the sound”, “Who called”, Correct the mistake”)

So, the sound has been called, now it is necessary to consolidate it, that is, introduce it into speech or automate it.

Onomatopoeia is used to reinforce an isolated sound:

The sound of C is the song of water, the pump pumps the wheels,

The sound of a mosquito is ringing

Sound Sh - the snake hisses

The sound of a beetle is buzzing

Sound L - the steamer is humming

Sound R- growls papa tiger, “Let's ride in a car”

The sound of the tiger cub growls.

"Sound Tracks"

When the child clearly pronounces the sound in isolation, we automate it into syllables. Consistent change of series of syllables develops the switchability of the articulatory apparatus and contributes to the development of correct articulatory patterns. But mechanical repeated repetition of syllables and syllable combinations is a little interesting type of work for a child. If you connect gaming techniques, visual and auditory and tactile analyzers to this technique, things will go faster, since it will make it possible to develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills and the ability to freely and correctly use the given sound in syllables

(Each finger touches the thumb and a syllable is pronounced with an automated sound. All movements are performed alternately and simultaneously with both hands, “Fingers are walking”, lay out counting sticks for each color - a certain syllable, “Fingers are rolling along the rainbow”, etc. )

After the child clearly pronounces the sound in isolation and in syllables, a new stage of work begins - automating the sound in the word. However, the sound provided is still very “fragile”, fragile, the child uses it extremely irregularly, most often only during lessons with a speech therapist.

The sound is automated at the beginning of a word, in the middle, at the end. Here specially selected picture material will help us; children pronounce the names of the pictures.

At this stage it is very good to pronounce pure sayings: sha-sha-sha - we found the baby.

Then we introduce sound into speech, that is, we automate it in phrases and sentences (poems, tongue twisters, texts, working with the deformed sentence “Sanya, Sonya, kindergarten go to"

Often children replace one group of sounds with sounds of another group: hissing with whistling or vice versa, L with V, R with L, etc., so the next stage is the differentiation of mixed sounds. At this stage, such games as “Correct the mistake”, the exercise “The tongue swings on the waves”, pure sayings, “Cheerful Passengers” are good.

Remember! The sound is automatic when we say it without thinking. The child has to constantly control his speech for quite a long time: in a split second, determine the presence of a sound in a word or phrase, its place in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end). We must not forget about the position of the tongue, lips, correct exhalation, in time formulate your thought, think about the content of the statement. Of course, we must understand what a difficult task he faces. Therefore, you need to listen carefully to the child. If, while answering a question, he forgot to pronounce the sound correctly, be sure to correct him, but without reproaching him or distracting him from his thoughts. Do this kindly, without raising your voice. Remember - beautiful speech is the systematic, everyday, hard work of parents, speech therapist, child, teacher. Don't be stingy with praise for the smallest successes.

I would like to thank you for your participation in the seminar, for your cooperation, and I am presenting you with these reminders that will serve as a guide for you in completing your homework with your child. Let me end our seminar on this positive note. I wish you success and joy in communicating with your children.


  1. Journal "Speech therapist" No. 7 /2013.
  2. “In the world of words, letters and sounds” by Yu.A. Fadeeva, G.A. Pichugina.
  3. “Game technologies for the formation of sound pronunciation in children” V.N. Chernyakova.
  4. “Speech therapy massage, games and exercises” I.Yu. Ogloblina, S.Yu. Dance.
  5. “Articulatory gymnastics for the development of speech in preschool children” E.S. Anishchenkova.

Equipment: 2 tables and chairs for participants, a tape recorder with recording fragments of music, a magnetic board with magnets, red and blue, cards and pictures for games.

Progress of the seminar

Leading. Hello, dear parents! Do you know that you can greet not only with words and a handshake, but also in other ways. And how, you will now find out. Those with blue chips invite those with red chips to dance. Get into pairs. Those with blue chips perform the first movements, those with red chips perform the second. Be careful! (model T. Borovik sounds “Hey, hello!”)

Leading. You will find out the topic of our today's competition by solving the crossword puzzle. This task evaluates the correctness of the answer and the speed of completion.

1 . Warm up. Task "Tongue Twisters".

Be attentive, observant and active. The presenter reads the tongue twister, the participants reproduce it, looking at the plot pictures.

Presenter (V.). In any life situation you can find how positive aspects, and negative. Now we will play with you.

2. Game exercise “Why good, why bad.”

Participants are invited to make a statement. One team finds positive aspects (why it’s good), and the second team finds negative ones (why it’s bad). The number of arguments presented, resourcefulness, and originality are assessed.

The speech pathologist teacher assigned extensive homework...

A speech pathologist teacher invites me for a consultation...

I was invited to a class...

IN. One type of speech work is conducting exercises to coordinate speech with movement.

3. Coordination and movement game “Vude li ache”(model T. Borovik)

IN. In the next task you need to guess famous children's works.

4. “Guess the poem” (using symbol pictures)

Each team is offered an encrypted poem. This competition will be won by the one who not only guesses, but also reads it expressively (an excerpt from the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit” and A. Barto “Our Tanya”).

IN. As you can see, schematization of various texts contributes not only to better perception of the poetic text and its memorization, but also to the compilation of descriptive and plot stories by children.

5. "Seasons"

It is necessary to encrypt one of the proposed seasons. You need to draw as many signs as possible so that the opposing team can not only guess what time of year they depict, but also write a descriptive story based on your scheme. The originality of the performance, the number of features drawn and the creatively composed story are assessed.

6 . Reflection “Finish the sentence”

Team members are asked to stand in a circle and complete the phrase in one sentence. Example: Today I found out...I was surprised today...I liked it most...I would like to add...etc.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Baranova S.V., Krishtofik N.A.

Prepared by Natalia Vladimirovna Ivanova, teacher-speech therapist, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, Syzran

Goal: assisting parents in mastering play techniques for developing their child’s articulatory motor skills at home


  • tell parents about the importance of developing articulatory motor skills
  • to form an idea of ​​the correct performance of articulation exercises
  • teach game techniques for developing mobility and coordination of articulation organs
  • introduce the rules for organizing articulatory gymnastics at home
  • to develop the skills of conscious, adequate and effective assistance to children.

Equipment: homemade toy Kwak the Tease, mirrors, laptop, screen, projector, electronic presentation with versions of poems and fairy tales for articulation gymnastics, booklets for parents, questionnaires.

Preliminary work:

2-3 weeks before the workshop, materials for review are posted in the parent corner:

  • norms of speech development for preschool children;
  • articulation gymnastics complexes;
  • list of references on the topic

Theoretical part

All the key points that parents should pay special attention to are highlighted on the slides.

The speech therapist emphasizes the relevance of the problem of the development of articulatory motor skills, aims at its correct understanding and offers solutions.

Speech therapist:

We pronounce various sounds correctly thanks to good mobility of the organs of articulation, which include the tongue, lips, jaws (lower, upper), hard and soft palate, alveoli. Of these, the tongue, lips, soft palate and lower jaw are movable, the rest are immobile. Thus, producing speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

Work on the development of the basic movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is carried out in the form of articulatory gymnastics. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

  1. Articulation gymnastics must be performed daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to perform the exercises 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 3-4 exercises at a time.
  2. Each exercise is performed 4-5 times.
  3. Static exercises are performed counting up to 5 (holding the articulatory posture in one position).
  4. Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm position.
  5. The child must clearly see the adult’s face, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult can be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics, and the child can also use a small hand mirror (approx. 9x12 cm), but then the adult should be opposite the child, facing him.

Speech therapist (briefly, details on the slide):

Organizing articulation gymnastics at home

  1. Before you start doing articulation exercises, you must find out how your child navigates in space: can he show what is on the right, left, in front, behind, above, below; whether he distinguishes between right and left hands. Without this, performing articulatory gymnastics will be extremely difficult.
  2. Talk about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.
  3. Demonstrate the correct execution of the exercise.
  4. Invite your child to repeat the exercise and monitor its completion.
  5. Monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another.

Practical part

1. Speech therapist:

And now I suggest you do articulation exercises yourself. Place a mirror in front of you.

The speech therapist talks about the procedure for performing the articulation exercise and demonstrates correct execution. (Parents do some exercises ( "Smile-Tube" , "Window" , "Needle" , "Pancake" ("Spatula" ) , "Cup" , "Horse" , "Fungus" ).

Speech therapist: As you may have noticed, we only spent a few minutes doing these exercises. Performing articulatory gymnastics will not take you much time, but will bring great benefits to your child. Regular, daily exercises will significantly speed up the production and introduction of spoken sounds.

2. Kwak-tough:

Agree that it will be more interesting to perform gymnastics to funny poems that you can find in books or that you can come up with yourself.

The speech therapist and Kwaka show several exercises with poetic accompaniment (on the slide there is a picture and a poem)

3. Speech therapist:

Children's fairy tale – necessary element raising a child. A fairy tale is the language of children; for them it is the most informative, insipid adult speech. Therefore, if we, adults, want to help, explain, support, reveal something to our child, then we need to re-learn the forgotten children's language - fairy tales. There is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but the lesson is very gentle, kind, rather, it is friendly advice.

It is no coincidence that each articulation exercise has its own name and image. What is more interesting for the child: according to the instructions, lick the upper lip with a wide tongue or imagine that you are licking with upper lip delicious jam... strawberry, raspberry, apple? So, at the same time, the baby’s vocabulary was expanded. And how much easier and deeper it is to mold a cup from the tongue so that the tea does not spill, than a child tries to press the lateral edges of the tongue to the upper lateral teeth.

Children love to play. And when we combine individual exercises into a plot, into a fairy tale, and they themselves become active participants in this fairy tale, then, as in a fairy tale, miracles happen. The proposed fairy tales were invented to practice sets of exercises that develop the correct articulatory structure of various sounds. The adult tells a fairy tale, and the child does the exercises at the same time.

The speech therapist and Kvaka suggest parents do exercises with "fabulous" accompaniment. (Appendix 2)

4. The speech therapist invites one of the parents to come up with a fairy tale by combining several exercises (the speech therapist provides a description and pictures).

Exchange of impressions from the meeting at the workshop.

Parents are being surveyed (Appendix 3)

The speech therapist introduces parents to literature on the topic (on slides) and hands over the booklet "Charging for the tongue" .

The speech therapist and Kwak-the-trash thank you for participating in the seminar-workshop.

Appendix 1

Kwack the Trickster Toy

Appendix 2

Fairy tale “How a mouse and a kitten became friends”

One morning the kitten Timka woke up very early, scratched himself behind his ear with his paw and decided to wash his face and comb his hair. (exercise "Comb" ) . The kitten smiled and stretched (exercise "The Frogs Are Smiling" , "Fence" ) and suddenly became wary (exercise "Bagel" ) . What is this noise? I listened, and the clock was ticking (exercise "Watch" ) . No, it’s not just a watch, something else is making noise.

And then Timka noticed a little mouse, which quickly ran towards the pantry, moving its paws. The kitten was very surprised, then he was happy and began to quietly sneak behind the mouse. He seized the moment, jumped and grabbed the mouse in his front paws. The mouse was so scared that he closed his eyes and stopped breathing completely.

“Moore, meow!” - Timka said and licked his lips (exercise "Delicious jam" ) . The mouse opened one eye and saw sharp cat teeth right in front of him. He wanted to squeak, but from fear he could not utter a sound and only weakly moved his tongue (exercise "Cup" ) .

What, you can't talk? - the kitten was surprised and moved the mouse’s paw.

The mouse opened his second eye, smiled and was even able to click his tongue (exercise "Horse" ) .

What's wrong with you? Let's play! - Timka said and licked the mouse with his tongue.

Oof! - the mouse was finally able to exhale (exercise "Proboscis" ) . - So you want to play?

Well, yes! What did you think? - Timka was surprised. - Now everyone is still sleeping, but I’m bored. Let's be friends!

Let's! – the mouse agreed.

And now every morning they play together (exercise "Swing" ) , and the mouse Timka is no longer the least bit afraid!

Fairy tale "Resourceful Little Bear"

Once upon a time there lived a bear cub. Every morning, as soon as he woke up, he brushed his teeth (exercise "Brushing our teeth" ) and went for a walk. After all, there are so many interesting things around!

One day he walked like this on a sunny summer day until he felt that he was very hungry. The little bear stroked his tummy with his paw and wondered where he could get tasty, sweet strawberries. (exercise “Let’s stroke the tongue and lips with our teeth” ) . The little bear looked around and decided to look for a clearing with berries. First he had to go down the slide (exercise "Slide" ) . Mishka stopped under a tree to take a short rest and then heard a bird singing above his head. (exercise "The engine whistles" ) .

The little bear threw back his head and politely asked: “Dear bird, you are sitting so high, maybe you can see a clearing with strawberries? Tell me which way I should go!” . But no one answered him. Bear scratched his head with his paw and thought that the bird had not heard him and that he needed to climb higher and shout louder. He jumped, grabbed the trunk with his paws and began to slowly, pushing with all his might, climb up (exercise "The tongue is strong" ) . Then the bear cub pulled himself up a little more, hung on a branch and began to swing (exercise "Swing" ) .

“Hey, is anyone there?!” - the bear cub shouted, but again no one answered him. Then he rose even higher, even stretching out his tongue from the effort (exercise "Spatula" ) , and suddenly from above I saw a clearing in which a lot of strawberries grew.

Hooray! It's good that I came up with the idea of ​​climbing a tree! - the bear cub shouted and rolled out of the tree as quickly as he could (exercise "Coil" ) .

He caught his breath under a tree and quickly ran to the clearing to finally refresh himself.

Appendix 3

Sample questionnaire

  1. Was the topic of the workshop interesting?
  2. What did you learn that was useful for yourself?
  3. What games and exercises interested you most? Why?
  4. Do you have a desire to spend time at home with your child? "fabulous" articulation gymnastics?
  5. What questions would you like to receive answers to at our next meeting?