Today, the sensory education of preschool children is one of the important stages of training for school. Under this concept, the mastery of knowledge of the world's knowledge is implied with the help of sense organs. It includes the development of visual perception, auditory and taste, as well as smelling and touch.

What is Sensorika?

This term is translated as "feeling" and denotes our perception of the world. The concept implies an idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of objects and the level of knowledge of reality. The following groups of perceptions are allocated in science, included in the concept of sensory:

  1. Spectator is perception of shape, color, volume, size.
  2. Hearing - perception of volume, timbre, rhythm. It has the most important impact on the formation of speech.
  3. Tactile includes those sensations that we feel skin (temperature, tactile).
  4. Proprioceptive - control of body movement.
  5. Vestibular - perception of space, movement control.
  6. Obligating - the perception of flavors.
  7. Taste - perception of food properties (salty, sweet, bitter, sour, etc.)

What is the sensory development?

Children from the first years of life are actively learning the world. First inspect, then objects touch, try their taste, sniff. Trying to shake the toy in your hand to hear the sound. Do I need to specifically deal with the child educational activities for the formation of ideas about the surrounding items? Modern studies show that the children's brain is extremely susceptible to any new information. The period from birth and up to 10 years, scientists call the "big explosion" in the brain. At this time, it develops as fast as it will never be. Therefore, the sensory development of the preschooler is important for its follow-up success. It streamlines previous knowledge, develops attention, imagination, observation, memory.

The main concept in the sensory development of children of early and preschool age is "sensory standards". They include such categories as a value, color, length, direction, geometric shapes, smell, sound, texture. Sensory education Preschoolers include learning for analyzing skills, comparisons, generalizations by studying the above properties of objects. Usually the age of preschoolers are divided into such periods: the younger (from 3 to 4 years), the average (4-5 years) and the eldest (5-7 years). Sometimes the first two are combined. According to psychologists, during this period there can be no study, school preparation. The child simply will not perceive the information filed in this form. The main activity at these stages is a game. It is through the game that the sensory education of preschoolers occurs.

Games for junior preschoolers

Characteristic This period is as follows: Children actively want to perceive new information. They all try, learn, ask many questions. Methods of sensory education of preschoolers are mainly represented by diverse educational games. Kids study the world not only with vision. They use all the feelings: touch, smell, use tactile sensations. Features sensory development Children of junior preschool age are in the following principle: it is important not only what to play, but also how. Here are the basic rules. The game must certainly be interesting. Postpone or replace it if the baby does not want to play it. For the same reason, the game must necessarily diversify. In order for the process to become truly fascinating, develop along with the child. You should also be interested. Games must match the age and gradually complicate. We give games on the development of perception in preschoolers under the age of 5 years. Any mom based on them can come up with many other variations in educational activities.

The name of this game speaks for itself. The child is invited to find a couple of each subject lying in front of it in accordance with a certain criterion: color, shape, size. You can start with geometric shapes that are easy to cut out of colored cardboard. Suggest the baby to find a pair of triangle, a circle, square. Then sort the flow figures: blue, red, yellow, green. For older children, you need to prepare pictures. Download them from the Internet and print on a color printer. There must be depicted objects and phenomena with which the child faces every day. For example, a machine, ball, dog, etc. Such games help develop color per preschool children, as well as logical thinking.

Find the subject

Cards from the previous game can be used for the tasks "Guess the subject". Parents take a card with an image without showing the baby, and describe the subject or phenomenon. Ask a child to guess what is depicted in the picture. If you fail, think: maybe you explain too difficult? Connect the Mimico, movement, try to show the item. This is a great idea for family holidays in the evening. The game ensures the cognitive development of the preschooler, makes the imagination work.

Another version of this game is called "What is missing." This is a simple I. useful gamewhich forms perception in preschool children. Spread on the table or figures on the table, consider together, name them. Then offer the child to close your eyes briefly, and at this time, remove one of the items. Let the baby guess that disappeared from the table. The game perfectly forms visual perception from preschoolers, helps to improve attentiveness and memory.

Another kind of kind called "guess the shadow". For this game you need to print silhouettes, such as animals. First, consider pictures along with the child, guess who is depicted on them. Then offer the child to choose a card yourself and tell about this animal: where it dwells than feeding on, etc. Well, if at home you will discuss the phenomena that you saw during the walk. For example, on the street you fed the pigeons. Let your son or daughter find the silhouette of birds in the pictures and tell everything they know about them.

Rhinoceros Turtle Dog Crab Butterfly
Elephant Squirrel Bird Horse Giraffe


Cut from colored paper geometric shapes. If the child is already able to use scissors, let it make it himself. Make appliqué: Wheels on white paper. The game provides great opportunities for the development of the processes of the cognitive sphere: logical thinking, memory, attentiveness. Calculate the trailers, get acquainted with the concepts of a lot and little. Shoot the windows on them. Position the trailers in a certain sequence, and let the child repeat it.

Games for senior preschoolers

At the age of 5-7 years in the life of the preschooler, the so-called productive activity should appear. This is a modeling, drawing, design. At this stage, the child is important not only to perceive, but also to reproduce. The action comes to the fore. In speech, the child uses a lot of adjectives. He not only knows about the properties of objects, but also calls them, it distinguishes, finds. The sensory development of the children of senior preschool age is still happening through the game. The content of sensory education at this stage includes educational games, physical exertion. Features of the development of children 5-7 years are that their actions become more conscious and targeted. There is a close relationship between speech, thinking, action.

Suggest children games for the development of smelting. They can be divided into three types: make figures of chopsticks, change the shapes of chopsticks, make figures from the elements. They train the smelting perfectly, develop thinking and imagination. Such games are different levels of complexity. Many options can be found in children's stores.

We develop speech

Proper speech, rich vocabulary - the key to the fact that your child will have the entire cognitive sphere. Here are some examples of games for the speech sensory development of preschool children.

  1. Offer to choose the opposite to the word. For example, you say "big", the child answers "small", etc.
  2. Guess the riddles, for example, such: let it be too long, but even rumor for two. The correct answer: hare. Ask: what color is the hare, where does he live, what does he eat? Make sure to call adjectives: gray, cowardly, clever, fast, etc.
  3. Show item (for example, toy) and ask to tell what it is? For example, a chair is wooden, small, white. Especially effectively such a lesson when several children play. In this case, there is a competitive moment: he wins the one who will call more signs.

Understanding Time

Features of the perception of the time by children of preschool age are that it is understood through certain repetitive actions. For example, the change of seasons, the change of day and night, the day of the day. Allocate 4 stages of formation of the concept of the child's time. About 2 years old, a child perceives time using his day's mode: feeding, game, sleep. A period of 2 to 4 years is sometimes called the period of "defining" time. Children perceive time through bright memorable events. While they can still confuse the definition of words - first, then, tomorrow, yesterday. By 6 years, the preschooler owns temporary categories. At the age of 7, children begin to navigate the clock.

In order to form the sensory development of children of junior preschool age in the context of possession of temporary categories, the following exercises can be performed.

  1. First of all, actively use temporary categories in everyday life. This contributes to the active learning of such concepts as then, now, before, long ago, etc.
  2. Prepare cards with day mode elements: Morning shower, gymnastics, walk, lunch, day sleep. Show two cards and ask: what lasts longer? Then select Other and ask the question: What happens before?
  3. Watch on the street behind animals and ask: who moves quickly, and who is slow?

Diagnosis of perception

Sensory education of young preschool children is important not only in the context of the development of mental qualities. Before entering school, a diagnosis of the level of development of Sensorika is always carried out. These are the same means and techniques that are used in pre-school development: games, riddles, exercises. But they have their own specifics: tests are held for a while, unusual for the child, the situation may affect the result. The survey includes all spheres of cognitive development: logical and figurative thinking, attention, speech level, the ability to mathematics, etc. These are the main methods of diagnosing perception.

  1. Task for testing the level of development of the motility of hands, in which it is proposed to trim the tails of mouses or threads to balls.
  2. Explain what the proverb means. These are ways to verify the development of thinking and speech.
  3. Tests for attentiveness in which they offer to find and cross out any item. There are several options for such tasks, all of them are performed for a while. It is necessary to cross out one type of shape from a set of drawn on the sheet. Or hove out several specified letters in each line. Another option is to draw the desired figure on each line.
  4. The most popular exercise is to collect a figure out of small components. His varieties: collect beads or find the same subject. All these tasks check mathematical abilities.
  5. Also, children can offer to make any shape of plasticine. The child must decide what it will be. The highest score is set to those who have worked in detail their sculpture.

This is not a complete list of methods and techniques used in admission. Different schools complement testing by other tasks.

Sensory development of preschool children.



Korepanova I.A.

The sensory development of the child is the development of its perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, magnitude, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The value of sensory development in the early and preschool child is difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable to improve the activities of the senses, the accumulation of ideas about the environment. Sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation of the general mental development of the child, on the other hand, has an independent value, because Full perception is necessary for successful child learning in children's garden, at school, and for many types of labor.

Since the perception of objects and phenomena of the world, knowledge begins. All other forms of knowledge - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception, are the result of their processing. Therefore, normal mental development is impossible without a support for a full perception. The success of mental, physical aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, i.e. From how completely a child hears, sees, he likes the surrounding.

In kindergarten, the child learns drawing, modeling, designing, getting acquainted with the phenomena of nature, begins to master the foundations of mathematics and diplomas. Mastering the knowledge and skills in all these areas requires constant attention to the external properties of objects, their accounting and use. So, to get in the picture similarity with the item depicted, the child must accurately catch the features of his shape, color. Design requires a study of the form of the subject (sample), its structure. The child finds out the relationship between parts in space and correlates the properties of the sample with the properties of the existing material. Without constant orientation in the external properties of items, it is impossible to obtain distinct ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, in particular about their seasonal changes. The formation of elementary mathematical ideas implies acquaintance with geometric shapes and their varieties, comparing objects in magnitude. Upon assimilation of the diplomas, the phonderatic hearing is played with a huge role - accurate differentiation of speech sounds, and the visual perception of the inscription of the letters. These examples could still continue and continue.

The readiness of the child to school learning largely depends on its sensory development. Studies conducted by children's psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties arising from children during primary learning (especially in grade 1) is associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception. As a result, there are distortions in writing letters, in building a drawing, inaccuracies in the manufacture of crafts in handicraft lessons. It happens that the child cannot reproduce samples of movements in physical education classes.

There are five sensory systems, with the help of which a person will know the world: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

The types of perception are determined by the nature of the perceived properties, objects and phenomena of reality. Each type of perception of the child begins to master at a certain age with a support for the previous experience.

Distinguish the following types of perception:

the perception of the form is the first type of perception, an affordable child in infancy up to 1 year, he learns to distinguish between objects, first of all, in shape;

color perception;

the perception of the magnitude is the most difficult property for mastering, since each time the standard is another subject;

the perception of space is formed on the basis of experience through the movement of the body, limbs, head, eye, to which visual images of changing the objects, their proportions, position; formed as development motor sphere and speech (in words the spatial concepts are fixed);

the perception of time is formed on the basis of the experience gained through actions, emotional experiences of occurring life events, external signs of changes in the environment and objects; The combination of these signs is fixed in such concepts as: the name of the time of day, the time of year, the time measurement units, the flow of time (quickly, long, often, rarely, yesterday, today, tomorrow);

the perception of body movements - consists of sensations of body position, limbs, movements and is fixed into a holistic dynamic image;

the perception of the special properties of objects and phenomena is to combine sensations from different organs of feelings: visual, taste, olfactory, tactile and motor, auditory, which give a more correct and versatile view of any subject or phenomenon;

the perception of holistic objects is the main task of perception, which is carried out through a comprehensive combination of information from all types of perception.

In the infancy of the characteristics of the sensory development of children consist in the fact that:

    there is an act of examining objects;

    there is a grate, leading to the development of a hand, as an organ of touching and the organ of movement;

    spectato-motor coordination establishes, which contributes to the transition to manipulation, in which the vision controls the movement of the hand;

    differentiated relationships are established between the visual perception of the subject, the action with it and its name is adults.

In early childhood Perception remains even imperfect. The child cannot consistently inspect the subject and allocate different sides of it. He snatches some brightest sign and, responding to him, recognizes the subject. That is why in the second year of life, the child gladly consider pictures, photos, not paying attention to the spatial location of the depicted items, for example, when the book is lying upside down. It identifies the same well-painted and contour objects, as well as objects painted in unusual colors. That is, the color did not even for a child an important featurecharacterizing the subject.

The development of objective activities at an early age puts a child before the need to allocate and take into account in the actions it is those sensory signs of objects that have practical significance to perform actions. For example, a child is easily distinguished by a small spoon, which eats himself, from the big one who enjoys adults.The form and value of the items, if necessary, perform practical action allocated correctly. The color of the child is perceived harder because, unlike shape and magnitude, does not have a great effect on the implementation of actions.

During early childhood, the child does not own the ways of visual correlation of objects and performs correlative actions based on external estimated actions. Correct the items of the subject on some particular sign - the form, the size of the child is encouraged by autodidactic toys, in particular, pyramids, matryoshki. An adult introduces a child with a new orientation manner - with a warning, which the child is mastering gradually. The nature of the indicative actions of the child changes when it begins to use the measure to allocate the necessary ratio of objects on the basis. Gradually, the comparison of the properties of objects with measurement begins to flow through vision without practical actions.

On the 3rd year life Some well-known to the child objects become permanent samples with which the child compares the properties of any objects, such as triangular objects with a roof, red with tomato. Thus, the action is changing with the measurement and its content. The child moves to the auditory correlation of the properties of objects with a measure, which is not only a specific subject, but also an idea of \u200b\u200bit.

Words denoting signs of objects, young children with difficulty and hardly do not use them in independent activities, since for the title of the sign should be distinguished from the most important in the subject - its function expressed in the name of the subject.

It is important that the child knew how to select objects according to the word of an adult, fixing a certain sign, and could take into account the properties of objects in practical activity. Execution of such tasks suggests that some ideas about the properties of objects have been formed.This creates the basis for assimilation at an older age of sensory standards.

Children of the Third Year of Life Elementary productive actions can already be performed (laying up the mosaic, applying color spots, folding the simplest objects from the building material). But at the same time theylittle take into account the properties of the displayed things and the material used, since they do not understand their values \u200b\u200band do not record attention on them . Therefore, teaching children to perform the simplest productive tasks, it is necessary to ensure that each child learns that the form, the size, color is the constant signs of items that need to be considered when performing a variety of actions. For a three-year-old age, the preparatory stage of the sensory education of the child is completed and the organization of the systematic assimilation of their sensory culture begins.

Starting from three years The main place in the sensory education of children occupies familiarization with the generally accepted sensory standards and how to use them.

Sensory development in the preschool period - This is the improvement of sensations, perceptions, visual representations. At this age, children decrease the thresholds of sensations, the acuity of sight and the accuracy of color disintegration increases, is developing a phonemetic and sound hearing, the accuracy of the weight grades is significantly increasing.

As a result of sensory development, the child seizes perceptual actions, the main function of which is to examine objects and the most characteristic properties in them, as well as the assimilation of sensory standards, generally accepted samples of sensory properties and objectives of objects . The most accessible for preschooler sensory standards are geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle) and spectrum colors.

In children of five and six years The desire to appear more sampled and consistently examine and describe the subject. When considering, they will spin the subject in their hands, feel it, paying attention to the most noticeable features.Only for seven years Children do not need to keep the subject in their hands, they completely successfully describe its properties, using only visual perception.

Throughout the preschool period, there are three main types of perceptions: the actions of identification, the actions of the assignment to the standard and modeling actions.

Action identification Performed in the case when the properties of the perceived object completely coincides with the standard, it is identical to it (the apple is round, like a ball).If necessary, determine the form of the subject Senior preschoolers, if they are given as samples the simplest geometric shapes,resort to applying them to the subject and this way establish similarities and differences . When a child needs to determine the color of the subject, he also at first trying to use a real sample (pencil, colored wand, etc.).

Trying to reproduce in the drawing, design, appliqués complex shape, the child acts by trial and errors. Created drawings, structures, appliqués are more or less accurate object models. Recalling these models with objects, the child notices the mistakes, inconsistencies, learns to correct them. So the ability to dismember the composite parts of the complex shape of objects is formed, set as these parts are linked.Modeling turns into a method for analyzing the form of the subject.

Training actions of perception, as well as familiarization with sensory standards, are carried out in connection with the training of children with productive activities.

Of particular importance acquires sensory education for the development of auditory perception. The movements of the hands, the legs, the entire housing that help the child to catch the rhythm of musical works or poems have significant importance.

By the end of preschool age Appearsorientation in space , independent of its own position, the ability to change the point of reference.

Orientation in time Creates great difficulties for a child than orientation in space. Having absorbed ideas about the time of day, children, first of all, focus again on their own actions: washed in the morning, breakfast; In the afternoon they play, do, dinner; In the evening go to bed. Representations of the days of the year are absorbed as you get acquainted with seasonal phenomena of nature. In the second half of the preschool childhood, the child usually assumes these temporary designations, it begins to use them correctly.

By the end of preschool age children begin more or less correctly evaluating a perspective image. But during this period, the estimate is most often based on the knowledge of the rules of such an image learned by adults, and not on the direct perception of promising relationships. The remote item shown in the picture seems to be a little child, but the child guess that in fact he is big. The level on which the picture is perceived correctly without any additional reasoning, it is still impossible to achieve in preschool age.

Researchers note the following features of sensory development at preschool age:

    spectative perceptions become leading when familiarizing with others;

    touch standards are mastered;

    the focus, planning, handling, awareness of perception increases;

    with the establishment of interconnection with speech and thinking, perception is intellectualized.

Thus, in each period, sensory development has its own characteristics.

In infancy and early childhood The ideas about color, form, magnitude accumulate. The child meets all the varieties of properties - spectrum colors, with geometric shapes; Children develop cognitive skills, that is, the ability to determine the color, size, form of objects by visual, tactile and motor examination, comparisons; Speech skills develop, that is, the child learns to understand and use the words in speech - the names of the values \u200b\u200band forms.

Early childhood and middle preschool age Children have sensory steps - stable, enshrined in the presentation speech about color, geometric Figures, terms in magnitude between several subjects. At the same time, with the formation of standards, children learn how to examine objects: their grouping in color, form around standard samples, performing increasingly complex actions. As a special task, it is necessary to develop analytical perception in children - the ability to understand the combination of colors, dismember the form of objects, allocate individual values.

In senior preschool age At the assimilation of the diplomas, the phonderatic hearing is played by a major role - more precisely, the distinction of speech sounds is the distinction of the perception of drawing the letters.

The child has just been born already immediately ready to interact with the outside world: he watches the surrounding reality, catches the sounds, feeling temperature fluctuations. Translated from Latin The term sensoric "Sensus" is perception.

Sensory perception is the acquaintance of a child with a feature of the surrounding items with the help of sensory organs (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste receptors) and further formation of an individual picture of the world. Acquaintance with reality in a child occurs since the perception of environmental phenomena and properties of objects around us. At the perceived images, mental activity is formed, imagination, memorization. The further mental development of the kid directly depends on the integrity of perception.

At the stage of early childhood, children are especially susceptible to sensory effects. Incorrect sensory development is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible, compensated.

Sensory perception - the main source for knowledge and is deservedly considered the foundation in this area.

Depending on the perceived phenomena, perception is divided into the following types:

  • form perception: It is possible to distinguish between objects by a child before a year;
  • perception of magnitude;
  • color perception;
  • space perception: occurs through visual observation of objects and for their movement that occur with them changes, proportions and their position when driving;
  • temporary perception;
  • perception of bodily manipulations;
  • sound perception: occurs through listening to musical works, human speech, sounds published by animals.
  • etc.

All the varieties of perception, children are absorbed in different age With a support for previously acquired knowledge and presentation. To properly construct perception, there is a whole system of training techniques based on psychological patterns.

The role of sensory development for kids

The sensory development of the child is the assimilation of concepts about the subject properties (form, color, magnitude) and the formation of perception. It is the basis for the development of mental abilities and has a direct impact on further training.

On everyday life, the kid assigns a variety of forms, paints, materials and other properties of objects and phenomena, listens to the musical works and looks at painting. In the absence of the leadership of adults, he perceives everything as it turns out. An independent assimilation is often defective. Therefore, control and assistance from an adult is necessary. Only an adult to show the baby with all the beauty and diversity of our world, and also help to master the properly and consolidate the verbal properties of objects, phenomena. For the sensory development of young children, it is necessary to organize appropriate training, make it a multi-stage, gradually moving up.

One of the objectives of sensory development is the formation of certain standards in kids. The formation of the right standards is very important for further training. And this process does not end in childhood, but will continue throughout our life. After all, the baby needs not only correctly determining and call various properties of objects, but also to have knowledge about their diversity and, most importantly, be able to apply these knowledge to analyze various properties of objects, objects, phenomena in various situations. For example, seven colors of the rainbow will be a color benchmark, the form of form is the simplest figures.

The importance of sensory development is invaluable. With proper training, it is necessary to develop and use ways to develop perception, the main purpose of which will be armed with a sensory education culture.

Developed by Sensoric Skill and Skills

The initial knowledge and skills of the kid in various fields are as a result of observations of characteristic features of objects and should be used in follow-up.

  1. To give a depicted subject in drawing similarities with the present, it is necessary to notice its color features and determine the form.
  2. For the construction of designs from cubes, a study of the construction sample is required.
  3. The ability to focus on the external properties of objects, and the nature of their change gives knowledge about natural phenomena.
  4. Obtaining initial knowledge of geometric forms forms initial mathematical representations.

The sensory development of young children allows you to introduce a baby with basic color signs of objects, distinguishing them in form and magnitude. Their assimilation gives impetus to the formation of abilities to certain types of creativity.

Stages of sensory knowledge

In children during early childhood, a certain quality of sensory culture is formed. Stripping from the above, sensory education puts away different purposes for their further implementation.

In infancy to reach the children of one year old age, sensory education takes a primary position and practically can be considered the only type of upbringing. At this time, it is important to give the baby initial knowledge of the diversity of external phenomena, to teach focus on the properties of objects. When the kid learns to grab, performing certain movements, adapt them to the form of objects, their size and location. Sensory education is important both for the development of organoleptic activity and for general psychophysical development. In infants experiencing "sensory starvation", there are often shortcomings in development.

When the baby marks the year, the sensory tasks are significantly complicated. Knowledge of knowledge about the external properties of objects. During the year, you need to introduce a baby with 6 colors (from the color scheme, we exclude blue), as well as black and white. In the game form we are familiar with the geometric simple form. Try so that the children are learned and began to understand the meaning of the terms "form", "color" and "same".

In a period of 2-3 years, the kid tries to make some actions that pursue a specific purpose: make a simple pattern of mosaic elements, in the chaotic sequence draw a drawing, to build elementary designs from cubes. These are the first attempts of the child to recreate some imaginary object, an object. At first, learning is important that the child makes attention to the properties of objects when performing certain activities. By the end of the 3rd year, with the positive dynamics of development, the child is able to find differences in color, magnitude, shape, position in space, find differences in sound and tech votes, recognize familiar melodies.

Games used for training

In infancy, conditions are created that allow the baby involuntarily to follow the objects. bright color (Better so that they are in motion). For the development of grabbing movements in free access, items must be located, different in shape and size. Suggest listening to how the drum knocks and sings a doodie, let him mock the paper, stroke and touch the materials and things that differ in structure. The child must learn that the ball can roll, and the cubes can be put on each other. Invite the baby toys with sound or write them yourself, play games, accompanied by verbally, like "Ladys" and "Hires".

Age of 1-2 years must be accompanied by such classes as laying objects by groups of one form, pushing the liners into the holes of a certain form. To develop and secure color knowledge, group multi-colored objects. For the development of ideas about the magnitude, play with matryoshki, pyramids.

For a kid for 2-3 years, it is useful to purchase paired pictures, a set of geometric figures. There are many games, for example, "Find the same", "pick up the figure", "small and big", etc. The use of the allowance from the store is optional, you can make them together with the baby and do with them.

The material disclosed the concept of basic sensory standards, the main stages of the sensory development of preschoolers are indicated, some games for the development of sensory abilities are given, which will help not only caregivers, but parents.



Sensory development of preschool children.

The sensory development of the child is the development of its perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, magnitude, position in space, as well as the smell, taste, etc.

The meaning of sensory development in the early and preschool child is difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable to improve the activities of the senses, the accumulation of ideas about the environment.

The readiness of the child to school learning largely depends on its sensory development. Studies conducted by children's psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties arising from children during primary learning (especially in grade 1) is associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.

There are five sensory systems, with the help of which a person will know the world: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

In the development of sensory abilities, the development of sensory standards - generally accepted samples of object properties. For example, 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades, geometric shapes, a metric system of measures, etc.

Sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation of the general mental development of the child, on the other hand, has independent importance, since full-fledged perception is necessary for successful child learning in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of work.

In kindergarten, the child learns drawing, modeling, designing, getting acquainted with the phenomena of nature, begins to master the foundations of mathematics and diplomas. Mastering the knowledge and skills in all these areas requires constant attention to the external and internal properties of objects. So, in order to get in the figure similarity with the item depicted, the child must accurately catch the features of his shape, color, material. Designing requires a thorough study of the form of the subject (sample), its structure and structure. The child finds out the relationship between parts in space and relates the properties of the sample with the properties of the existing material. Without constant orientation, in the external properties of items, it is impossible to obtain objective ideas about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, in particular about their seasonal changes. The formation of elementary mathematical ideas implies acquaintance with geometric shapes and their varieties, comparing objects in magnitude. With the assimilation of the diplomas, the phonderatic hearing is played a huge role - accurate differentiation of speech sounds - and the visual perception of the drawing of letters. These examples could easily be erected into a nni degree.

The absorption of sensory standards is a long and complex process that is not limited to the framework of preschool childhood and has its own prehistory. Assimate the touch standard is not at all to learn how to correctly call this or that property of the object. It is necessary to have clear ideas about the varieties of each property and, most importantly, be able to use such ideas for the analysis and allocation of the properties of a wide variety of subjects in a wide variety of situations. In other words, the absorption of sensory standards is an adequate use of them as "units of measurement" in assessing the properties of substances.

At each age, there are tasks before touching education, a certain link of sensory culture is formed.

Thus, it is possible to allocate the main tasks in the sensory development and raising children from birth to 6 years.

In the first year of life, this is the enrichment of the child with impressions. The conditions should be created for the baby so that it can follow moving bright toys, grab items of different shapes and magnitude.

In the second-third year of life, children must learn to allocate color, shape and magnitude as special signs of items, accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and form and about the relationship between the two items in size.

Starting, from the fourth year of life, children form sensory standards: stable, enshrined in the speech of the presentation of colors, geometric figures and ratios largest between several objects. Later should be met with shades of color, with variants of geometric shapes and with the ratio of the value arising between the elements of a number consisting of more objects.

Simultaneously with the formation of standards, it is necessary to teach children to the methods of examination of objects: their grouping in color and form around samples of standards, consistent examination and form description, performing increasingly complex eye activities.

Finally, as a special task, it is necessary to develop analytical perception in children: the ability to understand the combinations of colors, dismember the form of objects, to allocate separate measurements of the magnitude.

In the younger and middle preschool age, children develop ideas about the ratios largest between three items (large - less - the smallest). The child begins to define familiar items as large or as small, no matter whether they are compared with others. For example, four-year-old child It may arrange "for the growth of" toys from the largest to the smallest. It may argue that the "elephant is big", and the "flies is small", although he does not see them at the moment.

In the senior preschool age, children develop ideas about individual measurements of the magnitude: length, width, height, as well as on spatial relations between objects. They begin to designate how items are located relative to each other (for, before, on top, from below, between, on the left, right, etc.). It is important that the children capture the so-called eyemeal actions. This happens when preschoolers take up the ability to measure the width, length, height, shape, volume of objects. After that, they go to solve the tasks "on the eye". The development of these abilities is closely related to the development of speech, as well as with teaching children drawing, modeling, designing, that is, productive activities. Productive activity implies the ability of the child not only to perceive, but also to reproduce the characteristics of the color, forms, the size of the items, their location relative to each other in drawings and crafts. For this, it is important not only to master the sensory standards, but also the development of unique actions of perception.

For the development of sensory abilities, there are various games and exercises that will help to reveal the creative potential of the child, enrich its emotional world.

Touch. Develop the tactile sensations, the following games will help:

"Catch the pussy"

Teacher touches soft toy (pussy) of different parts of the child's body, and the child with closed eyes determines where the pussy. By analogy for touch, you can use other items: wet fish, barbed hedgehog and others.

"Wonderful bag"

In an opaque bag, objects of different shapes, magnitude, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are put. The child is offered to the touch, not looking into the bag, find the right thing.

"Card for doll" (Definition of items on the material texture, in this case the definition of the type of fabric)

Children offer three dolls in different handkerchiefs (silk, woolen, knitted). Children alternately consider and feel all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and folded into the bag. Children to the touch are found in the bag the desired handkerchiefs for each doll.

"Guess the touch, what is this subject"

The child is offered to the touch to determine, from which various items are made: glass glass, wooden bar, iron blade, plastic bottle, fluffy toy, leather gloves, rubber ball, clay vase, etc.

By analogy, it is possible to use objects and materials of various textures and determine what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

"Find out the figure"

On the table lay down geometric shapes, the same with those lying in the bag. The teacher shows any shape and asks the child to get from the bag the same.

"Find out the subject by contour"

The child tie his eyes and give a shape carved from cardboard (it can be a bunny, a Christmas tree, a pyramid, a house, a fish, a bird). Ask what it is for the subject. Clean the figure, unleash the eyes and ask for memory to draw it, compare the drawing with the contour, circling the figure.

"Guess what kind of subject"

On the table there are various volumetric toys or small objects (rattle, ball, cube, comb, toothbrush, etc.), which are covered on top of a thin but dense and opaque napkin. The child is offered through the napkin to the touch to define objects and call them.

"Find a couple"

Material: plates marked by velvet, sandpaper, foil, velvet, flannel.

The child is offered with tied eyes to the touch to find a pair of identical plates.

"What is inside?"

The child is offered air balloonscontaining inside various fillers: water, sand, flour with water, peas, beans, various cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc. You can use a funnel for filling balls. Balls with each filler must be pair. The child must touch the pairs with the same fillers.

Additionally, you can put a small amount of each filler in the plates. In this case, it will also be necessary to relate each pair with the corresponding filler, i.e. Determine what is inside the balls.

"Guess the number" (letter)

On the back of the child with the back side of the pencil (or finger) they write a number (letter). The child must determine what is the symbol.

"What is it?"

The child closes his eyes. He is offered five fingers to touch the subject, but not to move them. In case, it is necessary to determine the material (you can use cotton, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).

"Collect Matryoshka"

Two playing fit to the table. Close your eyes. Before them two disassembled nesting. At the team, both begin to collect each doll - who is faster.


Children (2-5 people) are sitting at the table. They tie their eyes. Before each bunch of seeds (peas, seeds, etc.). For limited time, seeds should be disassembled on a handful.

"Guess what inside"

Two play. Each playing baby in his hands is an opaque bag filled with small objects: checkers, caps of handles, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc. The teacher calls the subject, players must quickly feel to find it and get one hand, and another hold the bag. Who will make it faster?


Children are very observant. Teach children in different ways to look at the same object: through glass, water, cellophane, stained glass, magnifying glass; From different distances and at different angles of view: from afar, near, in an inverted form, from the bottom up and downward. For example, take any room flower in a pot. First offer a child to draw it, throwing only a quick look. The second drawing will take after the closest study of this plant. Third - draw your feelings after feeling a flower with eyes closed. The fourth turns out after considering the object through a magnifying glass, the fifth - through a can with colored water, etc. Spread on the table or on the floor of the series of these drawings, and let the baby tell you about his feelings. So he learns to memorize these sensations and be able to use them in life.


Teach the child to recognize sounds. This can be done, for example, with such a game. In the same opaque bottles, put a variety of items: rice, beans, pepper, river sand, pebbles, stationery buttons, buttons, peas, etc. Offer the baby shake every bubble and draw what he heard.

And you can organize the occupation quite differently. Include music igniting with your rhythm and temperament, such as ethnic. Offer the child to take improvised musical instruments: Water cans; Bottles with peas; Metallic paper, sandpaper, wooden spoons, metal spoons, tambourines, bells, combs, rubber balls, plastic beads. Let him complement the tune with new sounds, catching her mood.


"Tasty journey."

Ask the child to close the eyes so that visual images do not interfere with the work of thinking and imagination. Offer to try some edible subject with an unusual taste, it is desirable that he has not tried before. Let now the child draws his feeling and arising internal image. In other words, the feeling of taste can be refracted to the pictorial motive. Children love to complement the resulting image of an interesting story: In this story, the main character will be a taste image.


Talk to your child about how much the smells are enriched and revived. Discuss the most pleasant and unpleasant odors. Pay attention to different odors by doing a walk.

"What will the smell tell us?". In empty not transparent bottles Place the substance with characteristic odors: perfume, vanillin, soap, rose petals, onions, garlic, coffee, orange peel, mint, etc. Teach the child to sniff substances correctly: Holding a tank with a smell a little distance from the nose , drawing the air to the nostrils, catching the smell from the bubble to the nose hand palm. The child must smell all the bubbles and choose the smell that he liked the most. A pleasant smell attracts a child and unobtrusively provokes to disclosure and gaining new sensory sensations.

Ask a child to close your eyes and absorb the fragrance, communicate with him. After that, it is possible to start working on the creation of a sensual image: draw drawings with the help of brushes and paints, and possibly and fingers. It can be fabulous paintings of nature, fantastic creatures, alien inhabitants, flowers, landscapes, people. If the child composes the story to the drawing, it will increase and specifies the sensual image expressed on paper.

Making a trip to the magical world of music, sounds, the world of taste, smelling and tanging, you will not only contribute to the harmonious development of the child, but also discover all the variety of the surrounding and inner world.

Currently, the sensory culture of children is low, so it is necessary to develop and maintain it in every way. The most optimal period for this is early age. Sensory education must be started from the first month of life. Everyone knows that the kids much faster assimilate the information provided by them than, for example, older guys. Therefore, experts recommend starting to deal with children as early as possible so that in the future it is easier for them to adapt in society. Today, within our article, we will look at what sensory education is, for which it is necessary, and also find out how to apply it.

For what you need to do with young children

Sensory education is a pledge of the baby. This foundation will be needed to him in the future for safe adaptation in secondary school. If the child does not adversely perceive the items, it may have difficulties with the letter and the performance of a variety of products in labor lessons.

The main tasks of the sensory development of children are considered:

  • formation good conditions for the general development of the child;
  • promoting the development of the sensory and psychomotor environment in children by the knowledge of the world, colors and shades, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof various items;
  • selection of effective games, exercises, general development activities;
  • attracting dad and mothers to the development process;
  • involve the illustrated textbooks;
  • creating a sensor corner in the educational pre-school group;
  • drawing up card files for general education.

Preparatory activities

The development of the kid has a direct dependence on how the game room is equipped in which the child lives. The task of Mom and Pope is to provide a comfortable, comfortable and safe place in the house where a small person will feel calm and protected. The baby should have its own corner in the room, fully equipped for moving games and a full-fledged rest. With the help of parents in children preschool institutions Activities are held as:

  • replenishment of the group by game and sensory materials;
  • acquisition of additional sets for conducting experiments in water and sand, containers of various forms, tools for carrying out irrigation of liquids;
  • acquisition of binding boards with forms, sets of volumetric bodies, educational games;
  • updating a music corner with toys publishing various sounds;
  • acquisition of a safe plastic designer;
  • production of desktop and didactic games.

Where does the sensory development begins

During the familiarization of children with a variety of objects, classes were used both in the group, and individually, games were held for the knowledge of the surrounding items that give impetus to the study of the surrounding world. For the development of sensory motility, you must acquaint kids with such properties of objects and phenomena as:

  • color spectrum;
  • configuration;
  • the size;
  • quantity;
  • environmental location.

It is necessary to carry out work aimed at learning the kids perception of objects in general, the assimilation of the sensory standards, such as the geometric shape system, scale scale, color spectrum, spatial and temporary orientations, the phonetic language system, which is quite a complex and long-term process. In order to familiarize yourself with any object, the child needs to be touched by his hand, squeeze, stroke, rolling.

Acquaintance of children with objects

At the time of familiarization of children with the values \u200b\u200band consolidation of knowledge about them, such methods and techniques are applied:

  • mapping multiple objects during the game by the method of their application to each other;
  • the use of specially intended toys in the form of pyramids, dolls, inserts and so on.

In the course of these games that are aimed at developing a tactile function, kids learn to grab, pinch and feel. The use of balls for massage gives a pretty good result.

Classes for the development of tactile functions

The fingers are on their hands, and the most important forces are thrown to improving the susceptibility of their receptors. To do this, use a wide variety of types of activities that contribute to the improvement of tactile and motor functions. Three activities are:

  • modeling;
  • application;
  • application modeling;
  • formation of paper and designer;
  • painting;
  • sorting small items;
  • formation of figures from objects of different kinds.

Once a week it is possible to conduct classes aimed at learning the exercises for the development of tactile sensitivity and complex coordinated movements of the hands. Advanced sensory perception is currently the basis for improving all areas of modern person.

Tasks for improving the touch motor

In order to achieve a maximum result, a huge work was carried out by experts. To improve the sensory perception, such tasks were delivered:

  • selection of materials for development;
  • conducting the degree of degree of development of Sensorika in kids.

Sensory education is the skill in practice to navigate in various parameters, such as configuration and size, absorb the shade of the subject, form a holistic object. All this is mastered gradually. The big obstacle to the achievement of the target is an early age. Sensory education must be planned and coordinated with basic training so that this type of work has become an additional occupation. That is, a successful combination of activity according to the knowledge, shape and color of one or another item is possible only if a certain physical level of the child's development is present.

In the development of Sensorika, the mobility of the hands play an important role during the implementation of the observation of objects. Teachers should pay attention to how the child plays with a mosaic, draws paints, sculpts from plasticine. Comparison of sensory and motility is considered the most important condition for the mental development of the child. Separate attention requires careful analysis of learning passed.

Sensory education is to carry out games and exercises, taking into account the specific features of each kid. Classes should be started to perform with tasks that imply the joint actions of the parents and the child. In the future, an adult can change its location: to stay close to the baby, sit opposite it. Any movement of the child should be commenting and voice.

Sensory education is an important stage in the life of a small man who affects:

  • normal functioning of vision, touch, hearing, smell;
  • eliminate tone in muscles and mental emotional stress, which is achieved in a relaxed state and comfortable well-being;
  • motivating to autonomous and experimental activities.

Sensorika has the smallest

The sensory education of young children is a technique designed to cause an interest in a toy, any educational benefit, which is made of wooden material. It may be maturies of large and small sizes, pyramids, liner cubes, boards having holes for various values \u200b\u200bor forms, with a set of tabs, tables with mosaic and so on. Specifically, tree toys are very important for the development of Sensorika by the child, because they are characterized by good texture, resistant during manipulation and perform the most simple movements with them.

How to properly exercise sensory education? The development of young children depends on their environment. All that is around the baby has an impact on:

  • normal functioning of vision, touch, hearing;
  • functionality of motor functions and stimulation of mobility of activity;
  • the elimination of tone in muscles and mental emotional stress, which is achieved with a relaxed state and comfortable health care;
  • the formation of a positive psycho-emotional background and an increase in the child's ability to work;
  • activation of such processes as thinking, attention, perception and memory;
  • an increase in the motivation to autonomous and experimental activities of the guys.

Proper development of Breastnikov

Why is it so important sensory education? Preschool children still from the very first months of life perceive the environment with the help of smelling and touching. Due to this from birth and until the fourth month, it is necessary to do the emphasis specifically on these sensory systems.

The beginning of the formation of the visual system infants is an early age. Sensory education for six months includes exercises that drive the motor activity of the child. For this purpose, there are the simplest, but rather important methods:

  • Touch - permanent physical contact with mom, joint sleep with her, laying out the crumbs on various surfaces that do not cause allergies, finger exercises that can be started with three months old, Wearing a kid on hands, joint swimming Mom and child.
  • The smell - a child should perceive the smell of his mother's body, because of this, a woman does not need to use perfume during close physical contact with the child. At the end of six months, it is necessary to give kids sniffing and pleasant smells.
  • Vision - you should not bring your own face too much to the baby so that he does not develop squint. It is necessary to show white, black and monophotional items from two months of life, to demonstrate multicolor and bright toys, Helping to study your own reflection in the mirror, watch the landscape outside the window, talk, listen to pleasant music and much more.
  • Taste quality - after the introduction of the first dust, it is necessary to diversify the menu.

At this stage, there is no sensory development of children through game activity. It looks more like a demonstration, study and observation. The perception of the world through games begins with one year of life.

Development from the year and up to three years

Sensory education of preschool children is a targeted improvement in all channels of perception. In this case, everything happens in a very fast and rich pace. The main activity at this stage of development is subject to the subject. It is aimed at attracting various colorful objects. At this age, a very important point is precisely the sensory education. The development of children through the game is considered only an additional action, even without it can not do. A distinctive feature of this period is that the sensory system of the child develops quickly. It is necessary to give children such subjects: pyramid, sorter, liner frame, magic bags To memorize text.

The child must throughout this time:

  • learn to shoot and wear rings of different sizes on the rod;
  • get out of pockets and folded items with a variety of quantities;
  • be able to determine the shaggy, a soft, smooth and rough surface;
  • know such geometric forms like a square, circle, cube and ball;
  • three years to distinguish the taste of basic products and give individual preference;
  • dance music.

Orientation on items at this stage of life is considered the main thing, because it has a great influence on the improvement of the person and the mental state of the child.

Children from 4 to 6 years

Children of preschool age give a crucial role, because during this period it is necessary to help prepare for the newest stage of life - study. Now games are published on the fore, which are considered the most entertaining and very effective. At the same time, the child does not just master the simplest toys, but takes part in role-playing games. It should be noted that such classes are very interesting to the kids. Games didactic on sensory education are directed directly to ensure that children can easily adapt in the proposed conditions.

The meaning of the sensory development of the child in preschool age

So, we continue to consider sensory upbringing by the ages. Preschoolers should be able to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe external property of the subject, distinguish its shape, color, magnitude, position in space, smell, taste and much more. The meaning of the development of Sensorika during this period is difficult to underestimate. Such skills make up the foundation of the overall mental development of the child. Since the perception of items and phenomena, knowledge begins. All other things, such as memory, thinking and imagination, are formed on the basis of perception. For this reason, the normal development of intellect is impossible without a full perception.

In kindergartens, children teach drawing, modeling, designing, meaning with natural phenomena, spend on touch education. Future schoolchildren begin to study the foundations of mathematics and grammar. Receiving knowledge and skills in these areas will require close attention to the most different properties of objects. Sensory education is a long and difficult process. It is not limited to a certain age and has its own story. Sensory education of children from an early age is a technique that helps to correctly perceive certain objects in space.

Let's summarize the brief results

  • In the first year of life, the child is enriched with impressions, namely, follows the moving beautiful toys, which are selected at such an early age. Sensory education is that the baby, the grabbing objects of a variety of configuration and sizes, learns to perceive them correctly.
  • In 2-3 years, kids are already trying to independently allocate the color, shape and size of objects, digends on the main types of shades and configurations. Also at this age are held didactic games Children on sensory education.
  • From 4 to 6 years, the guys produce specific standards of sensory. They already have a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe colors, geometric figures and the ratio of items among themselves.

Do our children, and they will definitely please you with their success in the future!