You will learn about 5 types of jewelry that you should give up once and for all!

Believe me, in our time it is almost impossible to find women who are indifferent to jewelry. And these cute little things sometimes come to us completely amazingly– we can receive them as a gift from people with whom we have not communicated for a long time, buy them second-hand or at a pawn shop, only because we have long dreamed of such a thing, or even accidentally find them on the street.

But...Have you noticed that sometimes the warmth of a pendant or bracelet on your wrist gives you positive emotions and good mood, and there are times when the jewelry you were so happy about begins to associate you with another bad day, problems, causes irritation or even malaise? And this is not without reason!

We have already mentioned... Alas, indeed, in most cases, jewelry made of gold or silver is deliberately thrown away during rituals to remove damage or cast love spells. But if you were among those lucky ones who received lost jewelry, then a “lottery” awaits you here too, because everything depends on the karma of the previous owner. So with a find you can get good luck or a big problem as a bonus!

For many centuries there has been a belief that a person who steals jewelry thereby takes away everything bad from its owner, including illnesses. Is it worth mentioning that such things should not be worn or bought if you know exactly the history of their appearance or even if you are just guessing?

Let's dot all the i's right away - people bring things to the pawnshop not because they no longer need them, but because at the moment they have an urgent need for financial resources associated with the worst life circumstances. And even if you just can’t take your eyes off a diamond ring or you see a bracelet like your favorite celebrity’s at a “ridiculous” price - think ten times with what energy they will come to you! The same applies to things bought second-hand, because in this way you can get family jewelry that “does not forgive” sale and can bring trouble to you and the one who sold them.

Alas, it happens that we do not always have peace and harmony with all our relatives. Well, how many times a day does a friend complain to you about her mother-in-law’s endless criticism, or does a sister complain to you about quarrels with her husband’s niece? But it’s possible that on the next anniversary or just on a name day, these are the people who bring beautiful trinkets in recognizable boxes! So, even if you really liked the gift of jewelry, esotericists strongly recommend not to wear it - gifts are not from pure heart attract problems, troubles and even illnesses and can radically change a person’s life for the worse!

The affordable price of jewelry allows us to purchase for our pleasure many different things for every day. And, it would seem, we can finally talk only about continuous advantages, but no... We all know that gems are mined from underground (or in water), where they for a long time gaining energy, then sharing it with us. But artificial decorations, for all their availability, are energetically empty and over time begin to fill themselves with our energy, that is, to take it away from us! Psychics and practitioners advise limiting the time you wear such things, and never make amulets, amulets or talismans from artificially grown stones.

Jewelry- this is a rare gift, it is not always appropriate, but there are special cases when the event itself obliges to give jewelry. In this article we will tell you who, when and how to give jewelry.

When choosing jewelry as a gift, we must take into account the following circumstances: the occasion, preferences and tastes, our relationship with the recipient, the place and method of presenting the gift, and financial capabilities.

1. Occasion

2. Preferences and tastes

  • When choosing a gift, consider the preferences of the person you want to surprise. For example, if your wife loves wearing bracelets, you can add to her collection. At the same time, pay attention to the style in which they are made, from what stones (precious, semi-precious or semi-precious), wide or narrow, etc. This approach can be applied to any piece of jewelry (earrings, brooch, ring or ring). Business man It is quite appropriate to give cufflinks or a tie clip; for an intelligent older woman - a brooch (diamonds, emerald); for a young girl - a ring with a small stone (pearl, turquoise, cubic zirconia); for a married young woman - a necklace with precious stones (diamonds, sapphires) or a pendant with a chain; for an adult married lady - a ring (ruby); for a child - a cross or a silver spoon.

3. Our relationship with the donor

4. Place and method of presenting the gift

  • It has become fashionable to present a gift in the form of a ring in a glass of champagne. Be careful that your friend does not accidentally swallow a precious gift. Also note that pearls dissolve in wine.
    It is best to give jewelry in a special case made of red, black or dark blue velvet. As a supplement dear gift It is also appropriate to present a woman with flowers.
    A gift for a child is usually given to his parents.

5. Material capabilities

Contents of the article

When preparing to attend an important event for dear people, the most difficult thing is to decide on a gift, and the most important thing is to choose that very gift.
Jewelry– one of those almost win-win options when a loved one will most likely like the gift. After all, it belongs to the category of precious jewelry. And by giving jewelry, you only emphasize the importance of the gifted person’s personality to you.

Such a gift is not only pleasant to receive, it is also incredibly pleasant to give. But for such a gift to bring true pleasure, both you and your loved one need to not only choose the kind of jewelry that its future owner really needs, but also present it correctly. Today we will give some tips on how to decide on jewelry and how to give it as a gift.

Reason for a precious gift

Jewelry- an expensive and memorable gift. He will remind you of you, if not for the rest of his life, then for a significant part of it. When putting on jewelry, a gifted person will always remember you and the event in honor of which he received such a precious gift.

Based on the above, the event for which you plan to present jewelry should be truly important and pleasant. So, there are people who do not like their birthday as a holiday. Accordingly, they do not want to receive this gift for their birthday.

So, when to give jewelry?

It is customary to give jewelry dear people on such important dates as prom and wedding.

In a narrow family circle, the occasion could be an anniversary. life together parents or the 18th birthday of a son or daughter.

Often for adulthood loving grandmothers and grandfathers try to present their grandchildren with jewelry as a sign that the child has already grown up to an important and responsible date in his life and ahead of him adult life.

In addition, an anniversary is an excellent occasion to give a precious gift to someone important to you.

It is customary to give a ring, a symbol of love and devotion, to your chosen one on the day of engagement.

Very young children godparents It is customary to give gold and silver crosses on the day of baptism. The cross will serve as a talisman and a reminder of an important day in the baby’s life - baptism.

When should you not give jewelry?

If you plan to give gifts not too much loved one expensive jewelry, first of all you should think about whether such a gift will burden him? Will he feel awkward and obligated to you?

Precious jewelry should only be given if you are 100% sure that the person will be happy to receive such an expensive gift from you. If you are not sure, it is better to limit yourself to semi-precious jewelry.


Just going out and buying “something more expensive” is not enough.
In order for both you and the future owner of the jewelry to be pleased, when deciding on a gift, you need to be Sherlock Holmes for a little while. If you take into account the tastes and character of a woman (or man), it will be doubly pleasant for both.

If you want to give an expensive piece of jewelry to your beloved, first watch her. Does she prefer earrings or chains with pendants? What color? What sizes? And with what stones? You can safely give rings to your wife if she prefers them, but a young girl most likely expects to see a ring as a gift as a symbol of your marriage proposal. Therefore, by making such a gift and not planning a life together, you risk getting into trouble.

What to give

Now we will give some advice on what kind of jewelry should be given to children, young girls and women to make them feel good.

To a small child.
A child, being very small, will certainly not appreciate the high cost and importance of such a gift as precious items. He won’t even remember who gave them to him and how it happened. In the same way, he will not remember the reason. But other people close to him will remember him. When the child grows up, he will probably find out the details of the appearance of such a precious gift. Therefore, if you just want your child to have a precious item from you when he grows up, we advise you to give something neutral and important both in childhood and in older age. So, you can give a silver teaspoon or a cross. With the help of silver products, parents can even purify water when preparing food for their baby, since silver has this property.

For an older child 4-5 years old, you can also give earrings (if it is a girl, of course). Just try to ensure that the earrings do not have sharp corners, and that the clasp is securely fixed and does not come undone during the game. And for such a little girl, take lighter earrings. 2.5 grams is the maximum weight.

To a woman.
If you decide to give a woman jewelry as a present, then take into account both her tastes and her age. For older women, jewelry should be large. Although, of course, take into account the woman’s physique too. Thin ladies, regardless of age, will suit thinner chains and rings. Also choose pendants that are not too large. In general, when buying a gift, consider all the factors together. And, by the way, mature women can be given a brooch. Only for older women it is better to choose jewelry of a more restrained classic shape.

For young girls.
Young girls are very fond of all kinds of jewelry. They should be given neat, small-sized jewelry as a gift. Youth is always fragility and elegance. Therefore than younger girl, the more refined the decorations and the more beautiful the stones should be. It is better to choose products with semi-precious stones. Precious stones in jewelry are worth giving as gifts married women.

For men.
The most common jewelry for men are tie clips and signet rings.

But, before you decide to buy a clip for a man, pay attention to whether he wears shirts. After all, most often a shirt is a wardrobe item for office men. And now many men are busy with other activities.

As for other jewelry, you should also take a closer look at whether the man likes to wear them at all. If he loves you, then a massive signet ring or a chain with a cross or amulet can serve as a wonderful gift.

Financial opportunities

To give a gift from the heart, you need to very well evaluate whether you can financially handle such an expensive surprise as jewelry.

Yes, you can take out a loan or borrow money, but it will not be an option. Borrowing money is always morally unpleasant. Therefore, the gift will be burdened unpleasant event for you.

If you have been asked to buy jewelry with a diamond, and you understand that this is not financially possible for you, then it is better to think about what you can give so that the person expecting the gift is satisfied. There is no point in replacing a diamond with a cheaper stone.

How to give

And our last tip for today is how to give jewelry.
After all, how you present the surprise half determines whether a person will like the gift.

If a man wants to propose marriage, then you can do it enchantingly by dropping the ring into a glass of champagne or placing it on a rosebud. Let’s say right away that pearls do not like the frills of being dipped in wine. Therefore, when giving a ring with pearls, in order not to spoil this stone, it is better to choose some other one effective way give a present.

And one more thing - take care of the packaging. Velvet cases and special boxes for jewelry are a must. You shouldn't skimp on them. After all, the wrapper is no less important in candy. Interesting cases in the form of toys, insects and animals are sold for children.

And lastly, give the gift sincerely and from the heart. After all, the main thing is not even a gift, the main thing is attention and feelings. If you show a genuine desire to give this gift, then both you and the person you are giving the surprise to will be truly pleased.

Not all girls are aware of the important role jewelry plays for them.
Women's jewelry is not just a “silent” detached decor that lives on its own, its own separate life. Our earrings, rings, brooches are those magical “notes” that voice the music of our soul to those around us, and also demonstrate to the world every day beautiful paintings our inner Universe.

  1. Reveals our temperament and character
  2. Shows the level of protection against energy attacks (talismans, amulets)
  3. Symbolize and reflect our sensuality
  4. Shows sexual energy levels and tone
  5. How important is the attention of the opposite sex to us?
  6. How accessible and open we are
  7. Shows the presence or absence of taste
  8. Reflects success in personal life and career
  9. Belonging to a subculture
  10. Psychological state in at the moment

A discerning person only needs to take a careful look at your visual image in order to “read” the main features of your character. A bright multi-colored tattoo on your leg and huge, trendy ear cups? Before us is the owner of a violent temperament, with whom you always need to “keep your eyes open.” Shocking outfit and accessories? It is obvious that the lady lacks the attention of others. Very expensive jewelry and in great abundance? Before you is a serious and ambitious person who “don’t put a finger in his mouth.”

Your jewelry and accessories can hint to others not only about your social status and temperament, but also about some topics of your thoughts and even about the scope of your professional activity. Just to hint - to outline approximate circle interests, beliefs and principles, show noticeable features of your sociological portrait.

Jewelry reveals a woman's temperament and character

Just 100 years ago, the laws of society shackled women within a fairly rigid framework of conventions. It was believed that jewelry could only be made of precious stones; wearing them during the day was considered indecent, etc. etc. Women had very few tools for creating images in their arsenal, and even more so for representatives of the poorer class! Any little thing caused a whole storm of emotions among those around him: envy, condemnation, and aggression. Scary times, isn't it? That's the case today! Modern woman can afford almost everything! Luxurious diamonds, trendy plastic, variety jewelry– thousands of colors, shapes and shades that allow us to add precise accents and touches to our daily look.

Today, a woman’s character is revealed much deeper and more understandable to others. A woman can send signals and even full-fledged social messages to the outside world: just remember the trend recent years-necklace with the inscriptions “Cool”, “Happy”. Or huge fashionable necklaces with shouting words - “Help”, “Hot”, “Love”, “Peace”.

In this sense, the image of European women is especially indicative and perfect - French and Italian women feel much more relaxed compared to representatives of eastern countries, which means they are happier. Their lives are richer and more fulfilling. Being yourself, expressing yourself daily and freely is a psychological need of every person, Carl Jung and other famous psychologists wrote about this in detail.

Shy girls also need self-expression. They just prefer more hidden, deeper and more emotional symbols in jewelry. As a rule, these are individual works of authorship, ethnic, hand-made. Modest romantic natures often choose jewelry in oriental style- lace Tibetan beads, Nepalese bracelets, charming Chinese pendants and many other oriental delights, evoking fantasies of distant countries, the noisy sounds of oriental bazaars, the gentle east wind from the aromas of jasmine and spices.

Ladies of a dramatic nature prefer very catchy and eye-catching jewelry - large stones, luxurious jewelry design, extravagant combination of accessories. A grandiose brooch in the shape of a lush scarlet rose on her chest, garlands of earrings hanging down to her shoulders, imitating peacock feathers - such a woman lives passionately, without sparing her heart, craves unquestioning adoration and generously gifts her admirer with all-consuming beauty. Some men would consider it great happiness to die in the arms of such a woman! Yes! There are such men in nature.

Representatives of a moderate and calm disposition prefer to wear jewelry in classic style– refined, time-tested jewelry. Intellectual prudes focus on neat and discreet hand-made items, made exclusively from exquisite natural stones– rock crystal, rose quartz, peridot, etc.

The solid gold signet ring demonstrates the iron character of its owner. A thin gilded ring with a small pearl testifies to the girl’s gentle character and refined taste. Ring with a large stone " cat eye“They are deep, creative people, often keen on art.

Protection from energy attacks (talismans, amulets)

Like our ancestors who lived thousands of years ago, we believe that talismanic jewelry protects us from “dark forces,” the evil eye of envious women and fatal coincidences.

We wear a scarab for good luck, and turquoise jewelry to attract love into our lives. Unconsciously, we ourselves form a protective biofield around our aura - with the power of our thoughts, the power of our faith.

The power of our talismans lies not only in magical properties natural stones from which they are created, but also in our psychological attitudes. In many ways, symbols and signs acquire their magical power from the enormous importance we attach to them.

Very often we dress not for the sake of a social message to others, but for personal comfort. To create the mental space in which we feel comfortable living. This personal space is our main defense against energy attacks from the outside. It is much more difficult to exert psychological influence on a person with a deep and rich inner world. The more complex and highly organized your inner world is, the more difficult it is for “external forces” to control or destroy it. That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, to your feelings when choosing certain jewelry, because with their help we form, preserve and protect our inner psychological space, our inner world. For example, we put on some things and jewelry only to remember previously experienced sensations. Yes, yes! “These amethyst earrings remind me of him, of that wonderful evening...” - we girls are such sensitive creatures. We definitely need our fabulous and beautiful world - a world of feelings, experiences and sensations in which we swim like goldfish or flutter like butterflies. Each girl has her own fairy tales, her own personal space, her own Universe, which reliably protects us from the aggressive world around us. By the way, this is why the loss of some jewelry is terribly upsetting for absolutely all women. It's like we're losing a part of ourselves. Indeed, during our life together with them, our favorite jewelry becomes receptacles of memory and priceless treasures, regardless of their price. This is why we often feel unprotected when we forget to put on a favorite pendant or a particularly memorable ring.

The symbolism of our sensuality

Decoration and practicality are incompatible things! Practical earrings are akin to medical gloves - very practical, but absolutely ugly. The more complex, sophisticated and interesting your jewelry, the more complex and sensitive your soul. This is obvious. It's hard to imagine how “comfortable” Cinderella was in glass slippers, but can you imagine her in any other shoes? At the same time, it is not at all necessary to strive to create an image that is very far from your nature or does not correspond to it at all. Such a “masquerade” is unlikely to receive high praise from others. It is always very important to work with your true essence - to complement, reveal it, and emphasize its advantages. Even a jewelry design that is primitive at first glance can be made with great taste and reflect your simple and straightforward approach to things, which, by the way, many men value above intricate and not always understandable sophistication.

If your inner world is like a raging endless ocean, sometimes allow it to splash out in the form of fantastic lines and exciting shades. Jewelry acquires colossal magical power in the hands of passionate women with a subtle artistic taste.

Attention from the opposite sex

Women's jewelry has a special mission: to create an image, a woman's personal space and, of course, attract the attention of the opposite sex. Here we can easily assume that the more jewelry a woman wears, the stronger her desire to attract male attention.

There is a considerable amount of truth in this. A very ancient and primitive feature of human perception is the ability to be instantly fascinated by everything shiny and filigree. And this property is inherent equally in both men and women. It is enough to add a couple of exquisite shiny accessories to the most ordinary dress, and it will turn into a fairy-tale outfit in the eyes of others, and its owner will appear as a fairy-tale princess in their imagination! This is surprising, but such a simple technique has worked and still works, bringing a new palette of feelings and sensations into our world.

For many of us, being in public without our favorite jewelry is like leaving the house in a robe and slippers. Those around us, of course, will not notice anything unusual in our appearance, but at the same time our sense of self will be zero. And, consequently, our energy will not be fully realized, we will not reach the pinnacle of self-expression and spiritual harmony. The gloss and chic that so seduces the opposite sex will disappear. Is it so important to look seductive?

A woman who is uninteresting to men is an unhappy woman. Who can argue with this statement? Perhaps no one. Another question is, which men do we need the attention of, and which men do we not want to accept attention from?

This is where it is very important to weigh every detail of your wardrobe, think through every accessory and every touch. You must look attractive to the “men of your dreams.” To do this, it is important to know what “cultural type” they belong to, what kind of women they like. All “cultural codes” must be observed. A successful top manager is unlikely to be charmed by a girl who is too eccentric and shocking, but he may not even notice the “gray mouse”. In your hands are the finest instruments - signals with the help of which you carry out a “message” to the outside world. Some signs seduce, decorate and attract attention, while others, on the contrary, repel.

Regardless of style, almost all jewelry can be used as a “weapon” of temptation. Touchingly fiddling with a cute pendant on a long chain, unobtrusively twirling an elegant ring on your finger, loudly clinking massive bracelets as you pass by, while swinging long iridescent earrings that fill the entire room with “beams of sunshine” - all these simple actions attract attention and, undoubtedly, seduce . In fact, this is a signal to the outside world: “Look at me. There's a lot to see here."

Seductiveness is not always a pronounced sexuality. The exclusivity and originality of your image can have an incredibly strong effect on men. A strict, almost ascetic necklace of amazing design combined with business suit A fantastically stylish cut and fresh, neat hairstyle can drive anyone crazy. At the same time, there is no deliberate sexuality in the image.

Don't forget that your appearance is one of the most important markers of intelligence. If you are interested smart men, beware of looking primitive and frivolous. On the contrary, with the help of masterfully selected jewelry and a “smart” image, you can interest a man who is fascinated by women with developed intelligence. What style of jewelry can be conveyed? intellectual abilities? Definitely a classic. Moreover, it is a very elegant, not flashy classic. There should be no wildness, vulgarity or other stylistic excesses in your image, only civilized restraint, even slightly conservative restraint. An intellectual image does not tolerate hypersexuality, pretentious “beauty,” or some very trendy, time-untested artistic motifs and materials. At the same time, you should look incredibly fresh! This is where the magic of color comes to the fore. A snow-white, perfectly ironed shirt can amazingly highlight sophisticated and very neat earrings with noble black agate or elegant Labradorite. Since ancient times, “intellectual” and noble shades have included classic green(malachite, chrysoprase), dark burgundy (agate), black (onyx, black agate), dark shades brown(rauchtopaz, fluorite, bull's eye), white (rock crystal, pearls). Underlined when created business style and “smart appearance” it is recommended to stay within this color palette– plus or minus a couple of calm ones pastel colors. There will not be a hint of passion or desire in your appearance, but at the same time you will be damn attractive and incredibly seductive for an intelligent and discriminating man. Intelligence seduces. But it seduces very delicately, unobtrusively.

How seductive do we want to look?

Various access levels

What jewelry symbolizes that a woman is more or less open and accessible? Perhaps there is no exact answer here - the world of images and symbols is quite conventional. Each person can perceive certain touches and details of the wardrobe differently. But there are very specific signs that hint to the male half that the woman is waiting for attention to her person. Seductive pendants in a deep and open neckline, incredible long earrings to the shoulders, chains and necklaces on open back, very large hoop earrings, a huge peacock feather in a non-standard hairstyle - almost all signals of openness have stylistic and aesthetic excesses. These are almost always shocking accents that are absolutely conspicuous. As a rule, a high level of accessibility is emphasized by the great openness of erogenous zones, lavishly decorated with truly luxurious and often exotic jewelry. For example, a stunning cocktail ring on a long chain in the area of ​​a very deep neckline is a rather significant and promising signal to the opposite sex. Jewelry and accessories help visually “regulate” levels of access: an ascetic and discreet image demonstrates our closeness and reluctance to receive increased signs of attention at the moment. A flirtatious and intriguing appearance, on the contrary, hints at a playful mood and a desire to communicate. One way or another, it’s always worth thinking about what and when we wear, what we decorate ourselves with, and what kind of reaction from others we need at the moment.

Sexual energy level and tone

Jewelry that evokes certain associations will help you express the depth of your passionate nature. Simply put, decorations are hints, the purpose of which is to demonstrate your activity.

A tireless warrior can wear a huge Indian ivory bracelet. A passionate beauty who craves immediate attention “here and now” can decorate her look with an African cowrie shell necklace.

Bracelets on your feet always look distinctly sexy. The male population, it must be said, traditionally goes into a tailspin from the thin shiny bracelets on the graceful tanned female ankles. When putting such an accessory on your leg, don’t even expect to look innocent - this is a strong sign of sexual activity that will press a very specific pedal.

But let's not forget the seductiveness of female intelligence. This delicate presentation of sexuality is expressed not in obvious signals that evoke an instant instinct, but through a refined and perfect image. This is the aesthetics of a special, sublime sexuality, when a woman is perceived not as an attractive object of the opposite sex, but almost as an unearthly deity, causing awe and delight. Light and transparent stones of crystal purity and round shape help create such bright images. Amethyst vintage earrings, for example, demonstrate a difficult temperament and claims to the depth of a relationship. After all, amethyst is a “stone of a pure heart,” a mineral of deep worldview and subtle perception. A girl who prefers amethyst is extremely demanding of her chosen one, but at the same time she is quite open and sociable. Always a stunningly pure, angelically seductive look allows you to create jewelry with rock crystal crystals.

Presence or absence of taste

We express our own style through decoration! At the same time, others can appreciate our taste, our sense of style and beauty. An experienced and discerning eye will instantly assess how your jewelry fits into your wardrobe, whether its shape is in harmony with the shape of your face and skin tone. The divine geometry of the Universe is the ideal combination of all elements of the image, the accuracy of all proportions, the perfection of lines, and the competent use of the color palette.

The complete absence of any signs (decorations) can be regarded as a paucity of the inner world - such women are, of course, less noticeable and less interesting to the male half. Men prefer women who are bright, even overly romantic, but always rich in emotionally, with its own individual and unique appearance. It is always more interesting to meet such women, flirt, communicate and go through life. Coquettes and stylish ladies, as a rule, have wit and charm, so men fly to such girls “on the wings of love,” overcoming all obstacles. Stylish woman– it is always an object male attention and adoration. In some unknown way, men can determine the psychological mood of girls by their appearance. And we must give them this chance again and again - to “read” our mood with the help of symbols and signs, otherwise there is no other way!

Success in personal life and career

A woman who is successful in every sense can afford a lot. And the question is not even about the cost of jewelry. Modern technologies make it possible to produce imitations of natural stones and metals, sometimes even superior in beauty to their analogues. You don't have to look far for an example. Swarovski crystals are worn by stars of the first magnitude, vying with each other to admit that the radiance of these jewelry fascinates them no less than the sparkle of natural diamonds.

In this sense, a woman’s success is expressed not in the high cost of jewelry, but in its quality and quantity. Yes, yes! A rich arsenal of accessories and jewelry, courage in creating an image, obvious self-confidence, frequent changes of style - these are the main markers of a woman’s successful career and successful personal life. But external constraint, monotony or lack of decoration, an unexpressed style can only tell about the presence of problems and fatigue from life.

Your appearance can tell about your hobbies and belonging to a certain type of culture. Earrings, bracelets, pendants are some of the most eloquent storytellers about the content of your spiritual world. Representatives of bohemians always wear only emphatically luxurious jewelry - they literally “breathe” luxury! Bohemian ladies have a bright, eccentric character, most often have a direct connection to the world of art and artistic professions, therefore they approach the creation of their appearance with increased attention. There is always some theatricality and sublimity in their appearance. Sparkling brooches on a light cashmere coat, thin exquisite bracelets on top of high satin gloves, a reticule skillfully embroidered with stones - sheer charm! Bohemian ladies are always the center of attention - men don’t miss such women! Bohemian ladies love to wear evening jewelry during the day - shining rhinestones, huge chandelier earrings, chic rings with large stones. Artists, fashion designers, designers are all “free birds” who are allowed more in terms of image than everyone else. Well-groomed fingers strewn with rings, non-standard cut of clothes, many accessories, including shocking ones.

Super-business “yuppies” wear exclusively expensive and incredibly stylish “classics”. Golden majorist youth loves to look emphatically glamorous and always “festival” - a holiday every day!

A fairly large layer of modern jewelry can be attributed to the teenage subculture - a studded bracelet on a teenager symbolizes a “prickly” character, a bright, contradictory personality leading a fairly active party life.
Here, jewelry reflects belonging to a certain community or, as they also say, “community” - belonging to one’s own social group, which is very important for adolescence. All teenage subcultures are characterized by excessive symbolic signals that help young and psychologically defenseless creatures distinguish “us” from “strangers.” The abundance of black in the image, the presence of metal chains, rings and prints with skulls, bracelets and collars with spikes - this artistic ensemble distinguishes “goths,” for example, from “emo” with their pink hearts and an abundance of plastic in jewelry. These subcultures have completely different jewelry designs, bringing opposing symbols to the world. If “goths” position themselves as representatives of the “dark force”, bringing dark, aggressive energy into our world, then “emos” are defenseless, hypersensitive depressive creatures who often find themselves victims of aggression. By choosing this or that subculture, you send certain signals to society, which will certainly be returned to the recipient in the form of new acquaintances and the corresponding attitude of others.

Perunits, amulet, as well as all kinds of bracelets and pendants with Slavic signs will certainly tell others about your faith and worldview.

Current psychological state

Your loved ones and acquaintances, unnoticed by you and themselves, daily “read” various codes and signs from your appearance that reflect your mood and psychological state at the moment. For example, if today you are wearing the usual studs and your favorite everyday ring, this means that life goes on as usual and nothing significant has happened in your life since yesterday. But once you show up in new bright jewelry, and increased attention to your person will be ensured. Compliments and questions will certainly pour in from all sides: “Why is she so beautiful? Is it your birthday today?” And so on.

So, if you miss compliments and admiring glances addressed to you or want to attract the attention of a specific person, do it with the help of new jewelry. This is a true and proven method.

In personal relationships, your jewelry can also play the role of symbols and signs that will help you communicate with your half in a more sublime - metaphysical language. The art of love is the ability to convey feelings without words. The subtlest semantic accents, transparent hints, “screaming” symbols - all this is an arsenal of wordless language, the language of feelings and emotions. The sphere of feelings is the most fragile sphere in a person’s life. In simple words, said too harshly, can hurt a person, kill feelings and destroy relationships. And jewelry can quite accurately demonstrate your mood. At the same time, you will not cross any important milestone or limit. If your patience is full, you can express whatever you want in the language of images and symbols. It is enough to cross the line in visual terms - wear a flashy outfit, deliberately aggressive jewelry, while maintaining space for maneuver and hope for a successful outcome in resolving all problems and misunderstandings.
In a prosperous and serene family life The role of jewelry is no less important - men always expect from us... What do men expect from us?

Probably not just beauty, freshness and charm. Men are always waiting for new emotions and impressions. They always want to be surprised, to comprehend the incomprehensible, to tame the rebellious, to seduce the unapproachable. Your daily “bland” and monotonous appearance can lull the most violent romantic! It is a woman’s sacred duty to maintain a high degree of relationships, work on the quality of communication, and intrigue!

How to create amazement? Astonishment? Your new image, unusual, unexpected and intriguing, can cause a new surge of emotions in a man, genuine interest and many questions to which he will certainly look for answers. Like the first time!

Lipstick- one of the oldest means of makeup, like a bright quiver or an intricately decorated sheath is designed to emphasize the advantages of this weapon or, on the contrary, help hide imperfections. It goes without saying that the selection is so important......

Kiss me passionately! Kiss me with gold and diamonds!

Gold, platinum, silver, titanium, rhodium, pearl, diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby, garnet, topaz, opal, jasper, agate, diamonds, semi-precious stones- this is not full list what amazing jewelry is made from. And, undoubtedly, any product from these magical gifts will turn a woman’s head.

Jewelry as a gift is an eloquent expression of our feelings for another person.
All women expect to receive a jewelry gift! This is a fact. Women are fragile and delicate creatures. Infinitely lovely. We love romance, aesthetics, emotions and whimsy. Therefore, by giving a woman jewelry as a gift, you will emphasize her uniqueness and significance.

What is there to hide, many women have to wait wow for a long time before receiving their first piece of jewelry as a gift from their loved one. Most men decide on such an “epoch-making” sign of attention only after a couple of years of relationship. And for jewelry with precious stones it even takes longer. Yes, not all men are ready to give jewelry as a gift. But everyone loving man will certainly do this for his soulmate.

So, 15 reasons why jewelry makes the perfect gift.

Jewelry is expressive and meaningful

Every piece of jewelry tells a story. “We bought this when we were at sea”, “My mother gave me this for graduation”, “My boyfriend bought this for me on the first day of spring!”

Jewelry touches our heart. They affect our lives. It's like a sign along the path. A kind of “landmark” that we will treasure and remember always.

Jewelry is romantic

Almost all jewelry was given for romantic reasons. A pendant in the shape of a heart - for your sweet dates. Earrings with diamonds - during a moonlit walk. The ring is for an anniversary. Earrings with emeralds - “just like that.”

Jewelry is a gift from the heart. And this is definitely sincere gift. Nothing touches us like jewelry. The jewelry is breathtaking. Beauty. Shine. It's like a million stars in the sky!

Jewelry brings couples together. Across the globe, a man gets down on one knee and makes his way to the only woman. When he thinks about a proposal, engagement, wedding, anniversary and others important events- he thinks romantically. Jewelry is the whole romantic package in one bottle.

Jewelry is universal

Jewelry is a win-win option: all women like it, regardless of age, preferences and social class. Also, the same jewelry goes with many styles of clothing.

Jewelry - lasts a lifetime

You can wear the same ring at 20 years old and at 60 years old. They last a lifetime. All your life! Jewelry is intimate. They follow us through life. They are part of who we are.

It's amazing how much is connected and depends on our jewelry. They make us feel good. They make us smile.

Rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, we can't live without them. They reveal our personality; cheerful, creative, brave, artistic. They show us where we have been and where we are going. Jewelry is a personal journey for us. We love our diamonds and gold!

Diamonds are forever

There is no item on earth that you can spend your money on that will look brand new forever. That's the amazing thing about diamonds. They are eternal! Just like your love. They cannot be bent or scratched. They don't wear out.

Jewelry can be sold

If you don't like your rings after ten years, you can sell or exchange them. Jewelry has value. You can make a custom design or melt it into something else. We are always in search of the best elements. Houses, cars, appliances. Jewelry is no exception. Trends change, fashion comes and goes, jewelry is always on the move. Don't like it? Tired of it? Buy something new.

You can't do that with flowers soft toys or candy!

Jewelry can be transferred

Jewelry is one of the few elements in life that can be passed on from generation to generation: pocket watch your grandfather wedding ring your grandmother's, your mother's pearl necklace.

These elements reveal sentimental value to us. They are priceless! They cannot be replaced. Just looking at them brings us back from the flood of memories. What great memories! You can touch them. Feel them. They connect you with your loved ones and make you feel closer.

And of course, a piece of jewelry can be made more personal and memorable by engraving it with a message or initial.

Jewelry is an indicator of deep feelings. Jewelry can speak for you important words that are in your heart. “I love you!”, “You are special,” “Will you marry me?” - these are just some examples.

Jewelry is unique

There are more jewelry styles to choose from today than ever before. Long gone are the days when buyers were limited to buying only gold or silver. Women's and men's jewelry is now available in metals such as platinum, titanium, and rhodium, and can be used to create exquisite jewelry masterpieces. Therefore, it is rare to see two people wearing the same jewelry.

Jewelry - Incredibly Affordable

Jewelry fits every budget. Jewelry can be different types and in different price categories. You can find a very beautiful and inexpensive item, or a luxurious one with precious stones or diamonds.
Jewelry is prestigious and popular

Jewelry has been popular and valuable since ancient times. These are original products made from animal bones and teeth. The practice of making jewelry has stood the test of time. Shark tooth necklaces are still available, but most jewelry today is made from beautiful gemstones, artificial stones, shells and precious metals such as gold, silver and tin. Although jewelry styles change over time, jewelry remains a popular and prestigious choice for most gifts, regardless of the occasion.

Jewelry - small

Many people avoid huge gifts. After all, you need to find a place to store them. The jewelry is quite small. And you don't have to worry about finding a place for them.

Jewelry is an investment in the future

Undoubtedly, jewelry is an indicator of the seriousness of a man's intentions. A piece of jewelry as a gift to a woman says, “I am yours. Oh, how dear you are to me, my love!” But that’s how it is.

Gold is the path to happiness

There are folk signs what to wear gold ring on ring finger- to happiness and good luck; on the index - to career growth; on the little finger - to well-being in the love sphere; on average - to strengthen the immune system. A person who wears a lot of gold unknowingly increases his circle of influential acquaintances.

The Latin name for gold (Aurum) comes from the word aurora, which means dawn. Gold is a conductor solar energy, which leads to the emergence of life on Earth. Its energy is life-giving for the body, absorbing our feelings in moments of happiness and joy. The longer you wear gold jewelry, the more energy you receive.

Gold has healing properties

Since ancient times, gold has been considered a symbol of wealth and success of its owner. And its miraculous properties have also been known for a long time.

To get rid of sadness or forget quarrels and resentments, just pick up a golden object. Gold has a beneficial effect on the entire body, especially the heart. Rings activate the heart, strengthen the immune system and awaken creative inspiration.

Research shows that gold can eliminate a malignant tumor of the mammary gland, as well as treat AIDS. Gold has a beneficial effect on humans; it has bactericidal properties and is hypoallergenic.

As you can see, jewelry is not an ordinary gift. I can even say with confidence that this is the most best gift in the world. This touches our whole life. Jewelry is a part of us. But above all else, they create strong bonds. Deep satisfaction. Nothing else lasts as long or means as much. They make our hearts beat faster. They make our eyes sparkle. They lift your spirits. No other gift can do this. Jewelry is the greatest gift.

Present a piece of jewelry for your next occasion! Earrings for New Year's Eve, a necklace with a heart for Valentine's Day, a sun pendant in honor of your firstborn, a ring for your mother on March 8, a bracelet for your loved one's birthday, an anniversary, etc.

Look, it's like the story of your life, written in diamonds and gold. It's fabulous!
If you have a special event coming up, or just want to make your own special case, do one thing for me...

Buy a piece of jewelry!

You will be happy with what you did!
For the rest of your life!

Good luck and love to you! And, of course, golden joys!