for conducting an open review of the OOD or for certification

(writing a summary of GCD (OOD) for everyday organized educational activities begins with writing the topic, purpose, tasks, equipment and materials, progress of GCD (OOD). In calendar plan Only the name of the GCD (or OOD) topic is written. The abstract is attached in expanded form on electronic media or in a paper printout (on sheets A-4, in a book or magazine version.

Compiled by: teacher of State Educational Institution “SRCN No. 1”

Bavshina Lyudmila Ivanovna


Front page:

Compiled by: Full name, position

2nd page of the summary

Educational area:

    cognitive development;

    speech development;

    artistic and aesthetic development;

    physical development;

    socio-communicative development (as part of OOD)

list: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical)

Classification (Type) of LLC: __________________( write down or underline what you need)

- according to the didactic task:

    mastering new knowledge and skills

    consolidation of previously acquired knowledge

    creative application of knowledge and skills

    combined (combining didactic tasks for learning, repetition and consolidation of knowledge).

    single-topic (classical by section of study)

    complex (several didactic tasks are solved simultaneously (systematization of knowledge, skills and development creativity or others). In a complex GCD, problems of two or more types of activities are solved.

    Integrated (based on the principle of combining several types of children’s activities and different means speech development). Integration can be on a thematic basis.

-according to the form of organization

    traditional OOD or GCD;

    non-traditional (excursion, competition, theatrical, consultation, role-playing game, travel, quiz, concert, mind game– “Experts are conducting the investigation,” “Field of Miracles,” “What? Where? When?”, KVN, etc.)

Forms of GCD or OOD: joint activities adult and children

Form of organization of NOD or OOD: (underline as appropriate):

Individual (with one child).

Subgroup (individual-collective).

Frontal (group wide)

(cognitive development, speech development, drawing, modeling, applique, music, physical culture) – underline what is necessary

Goal: the end result, what we strive for (noun - development, creation of conditions, formation, education, strengthening, etc.).

Objectives: 1. Educational.


3. Educational. (See example of writing problems...)

Write down tasks with a verb in an indefinite form: create, strengthen, educate, implement, etc..

Tasks: Educational tasks (it is written what we will teach children in this lesson). Do not write the verb “teach” in the tasks! It is more correct to write “to promote”, “to form skills”, “to create conditions”, “to develop”, etc.
2. Developmental tasks (it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting the development of mental functions and various properties).
3. Educational tasks (what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed).
It should be remembered that each new task is written on a new line.

Approximate wording educational objectives GCD for communicating new knowledge:

“Create conditions for children to gain knowledge about...”

“Motivate children to study independently...”

“To give children the opportunity, with the help of an adult, to learn about...”

“To formulate in children the need to correctly use possessive pronouns in their own speech”

Approximate formulations of educational objectives of GCD of training and final nature:

“Update children’s knowledge about...”

“Expand children’s knowledge0 ... through organizing independent experimental activities»

“To provide an opportunity to put into practice the acquired knowledge about...”

“To consolidate the ability in independent activities...”

    Developmental tasks are aimed, as a rule, at the development of higher mental functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention), general, fine, articulatory motor skills, prosodic components of speech (voice, rhythm, tempo, intonation), speech breathing.

    The formulation of developmental objectives must correspond to program objectives and must begin with a verb.

    Depending on the extent to which the children have developed the function you want to work on, the choice of verb will be made:

    If the function has not been formed, then the task will begin with the words “form ...”, “begin work on development ...”, etc.

If the function is not sufficiently formed, or it is necessary to consolidate some skill, then the choice will be “continue to form...”, “continue to develop...”, “improve...”, etc.

    Educational tasks are, as a rule, aimed at developing the child’s personal qualities and his emotional and volitional sphere.

    The formulation of educational objectives must correspond to program objectives and must begin with a verb.

    Depending on the extent to which children have developed the quality (property) that you want to work on, the choice of verb will be made:

If the quality (property) is not formed, then the task will begin with the words “form ...”, “educate ...”, etc.

If the quality (property) is not sufficiently formed, or it is necessary to consolidate it, then the choice of verb will be “continue to form ...”, “continue to educate ...”, “improve ...”, etc.

P preparatory work: (if carried out)with children, the entire scope of frontal and individual work with children (Conversations with children, observation, reading fiction, where we went on an excursion, what we learned, etc.)

Dictionary of new words: (if any) – for speech therapy, defectology, typhlopedagogical OOD is mandatory

Educational technology:______________ (write or underline)

    ICT technologies;

    health-saving technologies;

    technology of project activities

    technology research activities

    information and communication technologies;

    person-oriented technologies;

    preschooler and teacher portfolio technology

    gaming technology

    TRIZ technology

    technology of subject development environment

    problem-based learning technologies

Teaching methods: ___________________________ (write or underline)








    demonstration of visual aids


    teacher's story


    reading fiction


Types of children's activities: (underline as appropriate)

Age category (1 year - 3 years)

Object activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;

Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.,

Communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult,

Self-service and actions with household utensils (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.,

Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures, motor activity;

for children preschool age

Age category (3 years - 8 years)

Game activities, including role-playing games, games with rules and other types of games,

Communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers,

Cognitive and research (studying objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them,

Perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work (indoors and outdoors,

Construction from different materials, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials (constructive model),

Fine (drawing, modeling, applique, applied creativity),

Musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments)

Motor (mastery of basic movements) form of child activity.

Equipment and materials:

Demo material:



GCD structure (OOD):

    Introductory part- 3 minutes.

    II. Main part- 15 minutes.

    c) physical education session;

    III. Final part- 2 minutes.
    a) generalization by the teacher;

    Progress of GCD (OOD):

Structure of writing a summary

Front page:

Name of the institution (in full, according to the charter)

Summary of direct educational activities (organized educational activities)

Compiled by: Full name, position

Date: day, month, year

2nd page of the summary

Level of general education: preschool education

Topic GCD (OOD):_________________________________

Date: ____________________

Time: ______________________

Age of students: _______________

Educational field: ____________________________ (main direction of development)

Integration of educational areas: ________________________________________

Classification (Type) GCD or DOD: __________________________________________

GCD or OOD forms: ____________________________________________________________

Form of organization of NOD or OOD: _____________________________________________________

Organized educational activities in accordance with the basic activity ______________________________________________________

Target: ________________________________________________________________.

Objectives: 1. Educational.


3. Educational.

Ppreparatory work: ____________________________________________

Dictionary of new words: ______________________________________________________________

Educational technology:______________________________________________

Teaching methods: _________________________________________________

Types of children's activities: _________________________________________________

Equipment and materials:

Demo material:

Handout: Duration: GCD structure (OOD):

I . Introductory part- 3 minutes.
a) reading the poem “Autumn” by A.S. Pushkin;
b) watching the autumn sky from the window;
c) verbal didactic game “Come up with a word” (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage).
II. Main part- 15 minutes.
a) conversation about weather phenomena in autumn;
b) looking at weather calendars;
c) physical education session;
d) writing stories about autumn weather;
e) children naming autumn signs and sayings about autumn;
f) didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from”... etc.
III. Final part- 2 minutes.
a) generalization by the teacher;
b) GCD analysis (about what knowledge the children showed).
And finally, a description of the progress of the GCD begins.
Progress of GCD (OOD):

The GCD move is written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say, the expected answers of the children, and the teacher’s generalizations. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the notes.

Abstract of OOD according to Federal State Educational Standardsfor children senior group on the topic “Journey to visit Lesovik.”

Target: Development of a complex of integrative personality qualities of pupils in the process of play and cognitive-communicative activities.



    Foster a general culture of behavior and respect for nature.

    Form patriotic feelings.


    Develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, memory.

    To be interested in independently solving problems of a cognitive and creative nature.


    Introduce the profession of a forester and its features.

    Repeat and consolidate the classification of wild animals.

Working on a dictionary : forester, forester, guard.

Techniques used to guide children's activities : Motivation: surprise moment, use of games, riddles, showing illustrations, commenting.

Activation of children's activities: game "Locomotive", conversation, creation of a developmental environment, didactic games, showing illustrations, staging problematic issue, solving a math riddle.

Organization of practical activities: showing illustrations, commenting, using the game “Cut Picture”, a mathematical riddle.

Motivation and maintaining interest: a surprise moment, a situation of choice, listening to birdsong and sounds of the forest, physical exercise, changing activities.

Assessment of children's activities, activation of self-esteem: encouragement, didactic game “Cut picture”, “Choose a word”.

Subject development environment for OOD : balloon, an envelope (with a cut picture of a hare), pictures of animals and their homes, a toy hare, letters with numbers “daisy”, a picture of a forester, trees (oak, birch, rowan, pine, maple), magnetic board.

Handouts: cut pictures with the image of a hare, paper daisies (numbers on the back).

Activities of children in OOD : cognitive, cognitive-research, gaming, communicative, productive, motor.

Planned results :

children’s ability to act independently, manifestation of emotional responsiveness in activities and communication with peers and adults, education moral qualities.

Intelligent: developing interest in the forester profession and its significance; developing an understanding of the forest as a home for birds and animals; formation of ideas about the work of adults in society and the life of each person; ability to solve intellectual problems; expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Physical: formation of a general culture of behavior and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Criteria for assessing the activities of children in educational institutions:

Participation activity cognitive activity;

Independence in performing assigned tasks;

Interaction with peers and adults;



Manifestation of volitional efforts;

The ability to evaluate your own actions and the actions of your comrades.

Educational areas: physical development, cognition (FCCM, FEMP), communication, speech development, music.

OOD Plan

1.Introductory part 12 min. Psychological mood. Surprise moment. Finger game. D/i “Collect a picture.” D/i “Choose a word.” Physical education minute

2. Main part 15 min. Conversation about rules of conduct in the forest. D/i “Recognize the tree by description.” D/i "Who lives where." 2. Physical education minute. Game "Letters Lost". A story about the work of a forester.

3. Final part - 3 min. Physical education minute. Summing up the OOD. Assessment of children's activities.

The duration of the OOD is 30 minutes.

Progress of OOD

1. Introductory part .

Psychological mood.

    All the children gathered in a circle,

    I am your friend and you are my friend

    Let's hold hands tightly

    And let's smile at each other.

Educator: I will smile at you and you will smile at each other,

so that you and I can have the whole day good mood.

(Flies in balloon)

Educator: Guys, look, a balloon has arrived to us, and there is a letter in it. Let's read it.

Dear guys! I invite you to visit a forest clearing. My old friend will show you the way.

I'm waiting for you! Forester.

Guys, do you know who a forester is? Where does he live?

What is the name of his house, which is located in the forest? ? (a forester is a person who monitors the forest, the trees, animals, and the cleanliness of the forest. HouseThe forester is called a watchman).

Well, guys, do you agree to go visit the forester?

Shall we begin our journey?

But how can we get to the forest as quickly as possible?

Oh, let's go on a train trip, guys.

Hurry up and occupy our trailers, let's go...

(Children imitate the movement of a train).

The locomotive whistled

He brought the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,

I'll rock you far.

Here we are in the forest...How beautiful! Listen. What do you hear?

(Listening to birdsong and sounds of the forest).

Educator: And who will show the way to the forester?

Guys, the letter says that an old friend of the forester will show the way.

Who is he - we need to guess. You need to collect cut pictures.

(Children collect pictures that depict a hare)

(A hare appears - soft toy)

Children, sit down on the stumps.

Guys, name the words that define a real living hare. What is he like?

Didactic game “Choose the word.”

(Children take turns calling words, for example: fluffy, white, fast, gray, cowardly, long-eared).

IN: - Well done, but if a hare has long ears, what is it like? ( long-eared)

- What if long legs? (leggy)

Fast feet? ( fleet-footed)

Can you say about the hare – long-tailed? (No)

So what is he like? (short-tailed or also called stubby)

(Let’s repeat the word “short” and give it an explanation).

What does the hare eat? So what is he like? (herbivorous)

What other herbivores do you know? Name it.

IN:-Let's ask the hare to show the way to the forester.

Bunny, bunny - tell me,

Bunny, bunny, show me,

How to find a track

To the forester's lodge.

IN: The bunny shows us

That we need to move in this direction.

Physical education lesson “We walk through the forest together.”

We walk through the forest together,

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

Here we go out into the meadow. (Walking in place)

A thousand flowers around! (Stretching - arms to the side)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is being laid out. (Smooth movements with your hands in front of you).

Both to the right and to the left. (Bend over and touch your left foot right hand, then vice versa - with the right foot with the left hand).

Hands stretched to the sky,

The spine was stretched. (Stretching - arms up)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down)

2. Main part.

Conversation about rules of behavior in the forest

How should you behave in the forest? (do not make noise, do not shout, do not scare forest inhabitants, do not litter, do not make a fire, do not destroy animal homes, do not break branches, do not trample grass, do not touch animals and insects, this can be dangerous, etc.)

Didactic game “Recognize the tree by description”

In the forest kingdom there are both animals and birds,

There is a woodpecker and a mole, there is a fox and a tit.

Forest is the decoration of our land!

There are the main inhabitants in the forest kingdom,

What do we call these residents? ( These are trees, the largest plants)

IN:- Guys, let's remember what trees grow in the forest. I will tell you a riddle, and you guess the name of this tree.

I am a mighty tree, I am a forest nurse.

And everyone knows this tree - both old and young.

I grow until I am old, one hundred and two hundred years old.

Children recognized me, because I am mighty... (oak)

I am a Russian tree, I am a beautiful tree!

I decorate green forests with myself.

In the forest, my white, tender figure is visible far away.

With my green border summer sundress.

It’s easier not to find the question, what kind of tree?....(birch)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I grow in height very straight.

Since I grow at the edge of the forest, the branches are only on the top of my head.

I stretch upward like a ship’s string….(pine)

The trunk is slender, dark bark,

It was green all summer.

Came autumn time,

He wore a purple outfit.

Every year on it with hunting,

Helicopters are growing…..(maple)

Lots of red, ripe and beautiful berries.

They hang in clusters, their outfit is beautiful.

Gather a string of berries - for the soul,

Of course, the beads made from it are very good... (rowan)

(I post pictures)

IN: Well done, all the trees recognized it.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Well done. Meanwhile, we had already climbed far into the forest.

And now we see something very interesting and unusual. What is this? (This is someone's house) (show)

This means someone lives in it. Who? (animal)

Do wild animals or domestic animals live in the forest? How are they different?

Wild animals build their own houses, or occupy other people's abandoned houses.

(showing pictures)

This is a hollow. Who made it? (woodpecker)

And who can live in it? ? (squirrel, mink, marten)

This is a lair. Who lives in it? (wolf)

This is the bear's home. What is it called? ( den)

What is this ? (Nora). Who can live in it? (fox, badger, wolverine, raccoon, snake)

What is the name of the hare's house? (the hare has no house)

Physical exercise.

  • Are you probably tired?

    Well, then everyone stood up straight,

    They stomped their feet, clapped their hands,

    Spun around, turned around,

    We close our eyes tightly, open them,

    And again we step forward!

IN: So we came out into the clearing.

There should be a forester's guardhouse somewhere here.

What is growing in this clearing?

Look guys, there's something written here.

Help please.

Game "Letters Lost"

Place the numbers in order from 1 to 7 and read what happens.

(children place letters together with numbers in order).

And the word that came out was CHAMOMILE.

What is the first sound we hear in this word? (sound [p]). Name words that have the sound [p].
What is the last sound in this word? (sound [a]). Name words that start with the sound [a].

Let's decorate the forester's clearing with these flowers.

Look guys, here it is gatehouse forester

And here is the owner gatehouses.

A story about a forester's work (accompanied by a display of photographic illustrations)

Forester called forest watchman, he protects the forest.

A forester, forester is the owner of the forest that the state entrusted to him.

This owner must know his forest area well.

Such study of the territory takes many years.

Therefore, the forester must be local resident, familiar with the surrounding area.

A good forester knows his work down to the smallest detail, and any changes in the forest area will not escape his attention.

He will immediately determine where livestock has been grazed without permission, trees have disappeared, or signs of impending forest disease have appeared (for example, an infestation of caterpillars or animal disease).

Especially careful attitude should be towards forests in our steppe region, since we have few forests.

The forester leads great job on forest fire prevention. After all, any fire, unextinguished match, abandoned cigarette butt causes the death of forests in fire.

Coping with a forest fire is very difficult, sometimes impossible. This is why fire prevention work is so important.

A forester is a friend to all animals and plants of the forest.

Conscientiousness, professional integrity, hard work - these are the wonderful traditions, which have developed over centuries in the country's forestry.

3. Final part .


The forester is very glad that we accepted his invitation. But it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. The forester treated us to fragrant forest apples.

Well, now along the carriages, our train is leaving.

    The locomotive whistled

    And he brought the trailers.

    Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,

    I'll rock you home...

Did you like our trip?

What did you like most?

What profession did we meet today? Who is a forester?

Now you know for sure that this is a necessary and noble profession.

I think we did a good job today. Well done! Real travelers. It was a pleasure for me to take this journey with you.

Well, now let's eat apples.

Abstract of the OOD on the development of social and communication skills and speech of older preschoolers "Let's help Dunno."

Description: The material is aimed at development emotional sphere, social and communication skills, coherent speech of children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) and will be useful to educators and kindergarten specialists.
Teacher of GBDOU No. 3 of Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg Oksana Vasilievna Maslova.
Target: Development of the emotional sphere, social and communication skills and coherent speech of children 5-6 years old.
-Clarify with children the concept of what mood is and what it depends on.
-Teach children to understand each other by facial expressions, gestures, intonations, and body movements, allowing them to better navigate in various communication situations.
-Develop evidence-based speech, intonation expressiveness of speech.
-Expand your vocabulary in the field of feelings and emotions.
-Develop the ability to understand your mood and the mood of other people, communication skills.
-Cultivate an attentive, sensitive, friendly attitude towards each other, the desire to notice positive character traits in friends.
-Develop the ability to listen to the opinions of your comrades.
Preliminary work: Reading fiction on the topic; familiarization with didactic manuals “Our feelings and emotions”, “Lessons of kindness”; didactic games "Find a friend", "What is good and what is bad?" etc.; games for the development of the emotional sphere “Hand to Hand”, “Surprise”, “Compliments”.
Materials for the lesson: Toy-Dunno, demonstration material “Our feelings and emotions”, “Choosing a mood”, pictures with schematic depictions of moods, a ball, red and green hoops, small photographs of children in the group.
There's a knock on the door. Dunno came to visit the children.
Dunno: Hello guys. I came to you for help. The fact is that today I looked at my friend Znayka, and he didn’t even want to play with me. He said: “I’m in a bad mood.” So I started wondering what kind of “mood” this is. Is this some kind of disease? Tell me, what is a mood?
Children: This is when you feel bad, when you don’t want to do anything, when you’ve been offended.
Educator: That's right, guys. Mood is what emotional state We're set. Let's tell Dunno what the mood is like.
Children: Sad, sad, cheerful, funny, calm.
Educator: Right. The mood can be joyful, sunny, when you want to laugh and smile at everyone around you.
The teacher points to picture diagrams.

Or maybe the mood is very sad, gloomy, when tears well up in your eyes. How can such a mood be defined?
Children choose a scheme.

And sometimes the mood is not very sad, but not joyful either. Calm. What picture do we represent it with?
Children choose a scheme.

Guys, feel your mood. Label.
Children indicate their mood by attaching their photo to the diagrams.
Dunno: How can I help my friend improve his mood?
Children: Cheer, make people laugh, give something, give a compliment.
Dunno: What is a compliment?
Educator: Dunno, let's play the game "Compliments" together and you will understand everything. The game starts with the words “I like about you...”
Children stand in a circle, pass the ball to each other and say a compliment.
Educator: Well done, guys! You said so many compliments to each other and Dunno!
Dunno, do you understand what a compliment is?
Dunno: Certainly! Compliments are nice words, words of admiration, praise.
Educator: You see, Dunno, now everyone is in a good mood and everyone is experiencing bright feelings!
Dunno: What are feelings?
Educator: But the guys will help you figure this out. Children, take one picture each. Sit down at the tables, think about what feeling the hero in the picture is experiencing?
Children take a picture from the album “Our Feelings and Emotions.”

They sit in pairs at tables, discuss, express their opinions to each other. Dunno listens to children.
Dunno: How did you understand that the girl was happy?
Children: She smiles, has joyful eyes, and jumps on one leg.
Dunno: Why do you think the boy is angry?
Children: His brows are furrowed, his mouth is twisted, his fists are clenched.
Educator: What a great fellow you are, very attentive and well versed in feelings!
Let's show Dunno how we can portray any feeling. Read a familiar poem with different feelings.
Children read the poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly...” cheerfully, sadly, angrily, etc.
Educator: Well done! Now look at me and guess what I want to tell you?
The teacher puts his finger to his lips.
Children: You said: “Quiet, I ask for silence, shut up.”
The teacher waves his palm towards himself.
Children: You show: “Come to me, come.”
The teacher hugs the child. He asks what this gesture means.
Children: This means: "I'm glad to see you, I like you."
Educator: That’s right, I’m showing how well and warmly I treat you.
You see, Dunno, you can understand each other without words, by the movements of your face, hands and body.
Play the game "Guess the Feeling" with us.
Dunno calls the child and names the feeling that he should portray. The rest of the children guess.
Educator: You guys are so great! We have learned to understand each other so well!
What do you think, are all feelings “useful”, are there feelings that are “harmful”?
Children There are!
Educator: Right. It is useful to experience bright, joyful feelings, but it is very harmful to be angry, to experience black, bad feelings.
Take it from the picture and try to determine whether the feeling is “harmful” or “useful”?

Children make their choice. Pictures depicting sadness, fear, and resentment are placed in a red hoop; in green - with the image of joy, fun, curiosity, etc.
Educator: Well done, guys!
Let's now advise Dunno how he can return a good mood to his friend Know-nothing?
Children: You need to cheer him up, joke, treat him with candy, praise him!
Dunno: Okay guys. I’ll go to Znayka now and try to cheer him up. Thank you very much and goodbye!
Children: Goodbye!

The OOD outline was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject: “Fairytale Journey” (integration of the content of the educational field “Cognitive- development", "Social and communicative- development", "Speech- development", "Physical development").

Target . Creating conditions for development is cognitive– research activitieschildren through familiarization with certain types of fabrics and their properties.


  1. create conditions for teaching children to find possible ways to solve a problem situation during experimental activities (cognitive development);
  2. create conditions for children to express their opinions (social and communicative development);
  3. provide conditions for independent selection of materials (socio-communicative development);
  4. promote development logical thinking, observation, attention, ability to identify several properties of tissues using modeling schemes (cognitive development);
  5. create conditions to encourage children to engage in speech activity (speech development);
  6. promote the development of children’s interaction skills with adults and peers (socio-communicative development);

Organization of children's activities:

  • communication between a child and an adult;
  • play activities;
  • research activities (research practice).

Type, form and methods used in OOD:formative, correspond to the age and individual characteristics of children.

Type – combined

Method – verbal, practical, research, gaming, visual.

Form – frontal and individual.

Type of children's activity: communicative, motor, gaming, health-saving.

Activating the dictionary: words denoting the properties of fabrics: see-through, not see-through, wrinkled, wrinkle-free, wet, not wet, smooth, rough, etc.

Materials and equipment:paper airplane, fabric samples: chintz, raincoat 5x10 cm, the same fabrics on ½A4 cardboard(by number of children),cardboard envelopes with cut out outlines of umbrellas, a set for experimentation for 2 children: a flat plate, paper napkin, pipettes, water in glasses.

Progress of organized educational activities:

Stage of educational activity

Workspace organization

Adult activity

Children's activities

Psychological and pedagogical conditions/tasks

Introductory part (organizational point)

Q. I'm very glad to see you. How beautiful and elegant you are today. Look, guests have arrived. Say hello to them. Guys, smile at the guests, and now smile at each other. Are you in a good mood?

Children stand in a circle.

Children's answers.

Creating conditions for psychological comfort in the group:

ensuring children's interest and emotionality

Introductory part (motivational moment)

Unnoticed by the children in the group, a plane appears with a letter.The adult does not pay attention to him at first.

The teacher asks the children a question: Do you guys like to travel?

Q. Would you like to be in a fairy tale? How do we get there?

Children's answers.

Conditions for displaying search activity

Conditions for the development of independence and initiative

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Educator: Where could a plane with a letter come from here?

Educator Do you want to know what is written here?

Children independently discover a new object, gather around it, and turn to an adult with questions.

Children's guesses.

Main part

Problem situation:

(An adult reads a letter).

Educator: Children, we are informed thatOne fairy-tale hero needs the help of smart and brave guys like you. Tell me, do you like fairy tales? Then let's go on a fabulous journey together.

Children close their eyes, clap their hands and read the little rhyme:"The path to a fairy tale": one, two, three, four, five. Here we are in a fairy tale again!

(ordinal count up to 5).

Conditions for development and speech activity.

Conditions for fixing ordinal counting.

A presentation is turned on where a cartoon character greets children.

Educator: - Let's go to the computer, who's meeting us? Did you recognize him? That's right, this is our familiar cartoon character - Luntik! You want to help him, then let's listen to him...

Children pay attention to the computer beep.

View a video slide.(Children's answers)

Conditions for supporting speech activity.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Recording of the announcer's voice: “Once upon a time an unusual baby was born on the Moon, but it so happened that he ended up on earth and met many interesting friends there. But now we will find out what happened to him next.”

Educator: - What happened to Luntik? Why is he so confused and wet? Indeed, Luntik got caught in the rain. He may get sick and catch a cold.

Educator: How can we help our friend?

Children listen carefully to the recording and make various assumptions.

(discussion of the current situation).

Children's answers.

Children offer their help.

Artistic word

There is a little thing in the purse.
The one that will come in handy in the rain.
We'll get her, we won't get wet.
It's okay that it's raining:
Everyone has their own...

Riddle about the umbrella

Educator: That's right, we can give him something that will protect Luntik from the rain.

If you answer correctly, a picture will appear on the slide indicating the correct answer.

Children's answers.

Conditions for interaction between children and adults.

Conditions for the development of research activities.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Educator: That's right, the best way to protect yourself from the rain is to use an umbrella. What is the most important thing in an umbrella? That's right, the most important thing is that it protects from rain.

Together with an adult, children come to the conclusion that an umbrella should be made of fabric that does not allow water to pass through.

Children's answers and assumptions.

Attributes for research

Educator: Let's go to the tables. Look, each of you has pieces of fabric. Take them in your hands, together we will explore and name their properties.

Answers in the course of children's research activities.

Individual work at a table.

Conditions for the manifestation of search activity.

Conditions for the development of cognitive activity

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Fabric research begins with chintz

(conversation at the table)

Educator: Does this fabric allow light to pass through?(Translucent - not translucent)

Does this fabric wrinkle or not?(Wrinkles - doesn’t wrinkle)

How does this fabric feel?(Smooth, slippery, rough)

Children's answers and research activities.

(work at tables)

Children and the teacher discuss testing methods. The adult invites the children to check the tissue samples themselves using modeling schemes.

Educator: So, guys, fabric that transmits light, wrinkles and is slightly rough to the touch is called chintz. And another fabric, opaque, dense, wrinkle-free, smooth, is called raincoat.

Educator: How do you know what fabric will make a waterproof umbrella?

Educator: That's right, we need to check the fabric.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Experiment “Which fabric does not get wet?”

An adult invites children to conduct an experiment with water and test fabrics for permeability.

on the tables are attributes for research on the number of children.

Educator: What results did you get? That's right, you can make a rain umbrella out of raincoat fabric. A chintz umbrella will protect you from the sun's rays. But who might need such an umbrella?

Children, together with adults, come to the conclusion about the permeability of tissue.

Conditions for interaction between children and adults.

Picture: Luntik's friends Vupsen and Upsen appeared.

Educator: They say that they love rain very much and do not need a waterproof umbrella at all. They want to bask in the sun and relax, but the sun is so hot! Can we help them? What fabric can we make sun umbrellas from?

Children's answers. Children name the properties of fabrics.

Physical education:

The first drops fell
The children took out umbrellas.
The rain began to pound harder
The birds disappeared among the branches.

The rain began pouring down in buckets, and the children were scared.

In May lightning flashes. Thunder breaks the whole sky. And then, out of the clouds, the sun will look at us through the window again!

During physical education, an adult pays attention to the children’s posture.

Educator: We did very difficult work together. But we are faced with one more task: to make umbrellas for fairy-tale characters. Before this you need to have a good rest.

Educator: Let's warm up. And Luntik knows that the best rest is a game. Do you want to play?

The children agree to play, stand in a circle and repeat the verse in chorus: “Rain,” performing movements along the text with the teacher.

Conditions for children's health and physical activity:

Duration depending on the degree of fatigue of children.

Artistic and productive activity.

IN: Now watch how we will make umbrellas for our friends. To do this, you need to take a suitable fabric and insert it into a cardboard envelope. This turns out to be such a wonderful umbrella.

Children's answers.

Conditions for interaction between children and adults.

Conditions for the development of independence.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity.

The adult directs the children’s gaze to the slide, while he himself removes the plane with umbrellas.

Educator: what beautiful umbrellas we got. I propose to put their umbrellas on a mail plane and send them to Luntik and his friends. Close your eyes and count to 3.

Children approach their work stations and begin to work, justifying the choice of material.

Children close their eyes and count to 3.

Educator: Do you want to know if our fairy-tale friends liked your umbrellas?

Children's answers.

Children look at video slides and say goodbye to cartoon characters.

Educator: Luntik and his friends thank you for your help and say: “Goodbye!”

The path from a fairy tale:

"Five, four, three, two, one"!

Educator: And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's clap our hands five times and we'll immediately return to our group. Don’t forget that now we are going back from the fairy tale, which means that our score will be reversed.

Children count from five to one.

Conditions for securing a reverse count.

Reflection: the result of GCD.

Assessment of children's activities.

Educator: Tell me, did you like our journey into a fairy tale? What new things have you learned? What did you and I do in the fairy tale? Educator: That's right, we helped Luntik and our fairy-tale friends. Now Luntik is not afraid of the rain. Today you were active and attentive. I'm proud of you!

Children's answers.

Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Conditions for securing

new material.

Conditions for the development and stimulation of speech activity.

Summary of educational activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard for children of the senior group on the topic “Journey to visit Lesovik.”

Target: Development of a complex of integrative personality qualities of pupils in the process of play and cognitive-communicative activities.



  • Foster a general culture of behavior and respect for nature.
  • Form patriotic feelings.


  • Develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, memory.
  • To be interested in independently solving problems of a cognitive and creative nature.


  • Introduce the profession of a forester and its features.
  • Repeat and consolidate the classification of wild animals.

Working on a dictionary: forester, forester, guard.

Techniques used to guide children's activities: Motivation: surprise moment, use of games, riddles, showing illustrations, commenting.

Activation of children's activities: game “Locomotive”, conversation, creation of a developmental environment, didactic games, showing illustrations, posing a problematic question, solving a mathematical riddle.

Organization of practical activities: showing illustrations, commenting, using the game “Cut Picture”, a mathematical riddle.

Motivation and maintaining interest: a surprise moment, a situation of choice, listening to birdsong and sounds of the forest, physical exercise, changing activities.

Assessment of children's activities, activation of self-esteem: encouragement, didactic game “Cut picture”, “Choose a word”.

Subject development environment for OOD: balloon, envelope (with a cut-out picture of a hare), pictures of animals and their homes, a toy hare, letters with numbers “daisy”, a picture of a forester, trees (oak, birch, rowan, pine, maple), magnetic board.

Handouts: cut pictures with the image of a hare, paper daisies (numbers on the back).

Activities of children in OOD: cognitive, cognitive-research, gaming, communicative, productive, motor.

Planned results:

Personal: children’s ability to act independently, manifestation of emotional responsiveness in activities and communication with peers and adults, education of moral qualities.

Intelligent:developing interest in the forester profession and its significance; developing an understanding of the forest as a home for birds and animals; formation of ideas about the work of adults in society and the life of each person; ability to solve intellectual problems; expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Physical : formation of a general culture of behavior and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Criteria for assessing the activities of children in educational institutions:

Active participation in cognitive activities;

Independence in performing assigned tasks;

Interaction with peers and adults;



Manifestation of volitional efforts;

The ability to evaluate your own actions and the actions of your comrades.

Educational areas:physical development, cognition (FCCM, FEMP), communication, speech development, music.

OOD Plan

1.Introductory part – 12 min. Psychological mood. Surprise moment. Finger game. D/i “Collect a picture.” D/i “Choose a word.” Physical education minute

2. Main part – 15 min. Conversation about rules of conduct in the forest. D/i “Recognize the tree by description.” D/i "Who lives where." 2. Physical education minute. Game "Letters Lost". A story about the work of a forester.

3. Final part -3 min. Physical education minute. Summing up the OOD. Assessment of children's activities.

The duration of the OOD is 30 minutes.

Progress of OOD

1. Introductory part.

Psychological mood.

  • All the children gathered in a circle,
  • I am your friend and you are my friend
  • Let's hold hands tightly
  • And let's smile at each other.

Educator: I will smile at you and you will smile at each other,

So that you and I have a good mood all day.

(A balloon flies in)

Educator: Guys, look, a balloon has arrived to us, and there is a letter in it. Let's read it.

Dear guys! I invite you to visit a forest clearing. My old friend will show you the way.

I'm waiting for you! Forester.

Guys, do you know who a forester is? Where does he live?

What is the name of his house, which is located in the forest?? (a forester is a person whomonitors the forest, the trees, animals, and the cleanliness of the forest. HouseThe forester is called a watchman).

Well, guys, do you agree to go visit the forester?

Shall we begin our journey?

But how can we get to the forest as quickly as possible?

Oh, let's go on a train trip, guys.

Hurry up and occupy our trailers, let's go...

(Children imitate the movement of a train).

The locomotive whistled

He brought the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,

I'll rock you far.

Here we are in the forest...How beautiful! Listen. What do you hear?

(Listening to birdsong and sounds of the forest).

Educator: And who will show the way to the forester?

Guys, the letter says that an old friend of the forester will show the way.

Who is he - we need to guess. You need to collect cut pictures.

(Children collect pictures that depict a hare)

(A hare appears - a soft toy)

Children, sit down on the stumps.

Guys, name the words that define a real living hare. What is he like?

Didactic game “Choose the word.”

(Children take turns calling words, for example: fluffy, white, fast, gray,cowardly, long-eared).

IN: - Well done, what if the harelong ears, what is he like? ( long-eared)

- What if you have long legs?(leggy)

Fast feet? (swift-footed)

Can you say about the hare – long-tailed?(No)

So what is he like?(short-tailed or also called stubby)

(Let’s repeat the word “short” and give it an explanation).

What does the hare eat? So what is he like?(herbivorous)

What other herbivores do you know? Name it.

IN: -Let's ask the hare to show the way to the forester.

Bunny, bunny - tell me,

Bunny, bunny, show me,

How to find a track

To the forester's lodge.

IN: The bunny shows us

That we need to move in this direction.

Physical education lesson “We walk through the forest together.”

We walk through the forest together,

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

Here we go out into the meadow.(Walking in place)

A thousand flowers around!(Stretching - arms to the side)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is being laid out.(Smooth movements with your hands in front of you).

Both to the right and to the left.(Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa - touch your right foot with your left hand).

Hands stretched to the sky,

The spine was stretched.(Stretching - arms up)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again.(Children sit down)

2. Main part.

Conversation about rules of behavior in the forest

How should you behave in the forest? (do not make noise, do not shout, do not scare forest inhabitants, do not litter, do not make a fire, do not destroy animal homes, do not break branches, do not trample grass, do not touch animals and insects, this can be dangerous, etc.)

Didactic game “Recognize the tree by description”

In the forest kingdom there are both animals and birds,

There is a woodpecker and a mole, there is a fox and a tit.

Forest is the decoration of our land!

There are the main inhabitants in the forest kingdom,

What do we call these residents? (These are trees, the largest plants)

IN: - Guys, let's remember what trees grow in the forest. I will tell you a riddle, and you guess the name of this tree.

I am a mighty tree, I am a forest nurse.

And everyone knows this tree - both old and young.

I grow until I am old, one hundred and two hundred years old.

Children recognized me, because I am mighty... (oak)

I am a Russian tree, I am a beautiful tree!

I decorate green forests with myself.

In the forest, my white, tender figure is visible far away.

My summer sundress with a green border.

It’s easier not to find the question, what kind of tree?....(birch)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I grow in height very straight.

Since I grow at the edge of the forest, the branches are only on the top of my head.

I stretch upward like a ship’s string….(pine)

The trunk is slender, dark bark,

It was green all summer.

Autumn time has come

He wore a purple outfit.

Every year on it with hunting,

Helicopters are growing…..(maple)

Lots of red, ripe and beautiful berries.

They hang in clusters, their outfit is beautiful.

Gather a string of berries - for the soul,

Of course, the beads made from it are very good... (rowan)

(I post pictures)

IN: Well done, all the trees recognized it.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Well done. Meanwhile, we had already climbed far into the forest.

And now we see something very interesting and unusual. What is this?(This is someone's house) (show)

This means someone lives in it. Who?(animal)

Do wild animals or domestic animals live in the forest? How are they different?

Wild animals build their own houses, or occupy other people's abandoned houses.

(showing pictures)

This is a hollow. Who made it?(woodpecker)

And who can live in it?? (squirrel, mink, marten)

This is a lair. Who lives in it?(wolf)

This is the bear's home. What is it called? ( den)

What is this? (Nora). Who can live in it?(fox, badger, wolverine, raccoon, snake)

What is the name of the hare's house?(the hare has no house)

Physical exercise.

  • Are you probably tired?
  • Well, then everyone stood up straight,
  • They stomped their feet, clapped their hands,
  • Spun around, turned around,
  • We close our eyes tightly, open them,
  • And again we step forward!

IN: So we came out into the clearing.

There should be a forester's guardhouse somewhere here.

What is growing in this clearing?

Look guys, there's something written here.

It's a word, but I can't read it.

Help please.

Game "Letters Lost"

Place the numbers in order from 1 to 7 and read what happens.

(children place letters together with numbers in order).

And the word that came out was CHAMOMILE.

What is the first sound we hear in this word?(sound [p]). Name words that have the sound [p].
What is the last sound in this word? (sound [a]). Name words that start with the sound [a].

Let's decorate the forester's clearing with these flowers.

Look guys, here it is forester's lodge.

And here is the owner of the lodge.

A story about a forester's work (accompanied by a display of photographic illustrations)

A forest watchman is called a forester , he protects the forest.

A forester, forester is the owner of the forest that the state entrusted to him.

This owner must know his forest area well.

Such study of the territory takes many years.

Therefore, the forester should be a local resident who is familiar with the surrounding area.

A good forester knows his work down to the smallest detail, and any changes in the forest area will not escape his attention.

He will immediately determine where livestock has been grazed without permission, trees have disappeared, or signs of impending forest disease have appeared (for example, an infestation of caterpillars or animal disease).

Especially careful attitude should be towards forests in our steppe region, since we have few forests.

The forester does a lot of work to prevent forest fires. After all, any fire, unextinguished match, abandoned cigarette butt causes the death of forests in fire.

Coping with a forest fire is very difficult, sometimes impossible. This is why fire prevention work is so important.

A forester is a friend to all animals and plants of the forest.

Conscientiousness, professional honesty, hard work – these are the wonderful traditions that have developed in the country’s forestry industry over the centuries.

3. Final part.


The forester is very glad that we accepted his invitation. But it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. The forester treated us to fragrant forest apples.

Well, now along the carriages, our train is leaving.

  • The locomotive whistled
  • And he brought the trailers.
  • Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,
  • I'll rock you home...

Did you like our trip?

What did you like most?

What profession did we meet today? Who is a forester?

Now you know for sure that this is a necessary and noble profession.

I think we did a good job today. Well done! Real travelers. It was a pleasure for me to take this journey with you.

Well, now let's eat apples.