Shoes should be comfortable and practical. But it happens that after choosing and trying on, already at home, a new couple begins to press and rub their legs. In this case, advice on how to stretch your shoes at home will come in handy.

Shoes that have been in the warehouse for a long time remain in their usual position for some time. The toe gradually adjusts the shoe, creating a "fit" shape. In order not to endure the pain when wearing, you should use stretchers or improvised means - water, petroleum jelly, castor or vegetable oil, alcohol. Each material has its own way of stretching.

What the pair is made of

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for increasing shoe size. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the material from which the shoes are made. Of course, you can just spread new shoes: over time, any material "lends itself". However, wearing new, tight shoes will be uncomfortable and can be harmful to your health.

Before deciding how to stretch a new pair of shoes, you need to determine what it is made of. Different material reacts differently to water and aggressive substances. No matter how strong the material is, there is a limit to its elongation. Even dense skin sits on the leg quite quickly during wearing, but it cannot stretch to large amounts either. Any shoe can be stretched to a maximum of one size. Therefore, when buying shoes two sizes smaller, there is a risk of leaving a pair on the mezzanine.

How to stretch shoes: choose a method based on the material

Follow the instructions and guidelines for stretching specific material. First you need to put on shoes, walk around in them and note the main problems. If the shoes are small, how does it manifest? Do they press in width or length? Rubbing your toes or heel? These nuances are important in order to understand exactly which places should be influenced.


Leather is the most elastic, pliable and at the same time durable material. To spread and stretch the shoes out of genuine leather much easier than leatherette. Leather shoes stretch both in length and width. There are five powerful ways to do this.

  1. Wooden pads... Easiest to stretch leather shoes in length with shoes available at a shoe store. The device consists of two wooden parts that follow the shape of the toe and heel. The parts are connected by a threaded pin with a screw. Insert and expand the last into a pair of shoes that have been sprayed with a stretcher, dampened with water or lubricated with petroleum jelly, so that it fits snugly against the inside of the shoes. After the applied product is dry, try on a pair. If you feel uncomfortable, repeat the procedure.
  2. Thick socks. Cotton socks can be wet and woolen socks can be left dry. You can also wear multiple pairs on top of each other. Squeeze your feet into your shoes and walk around the house, periodically trying on a pair of shoes on your bare feet.
  3. Boiling water. This method works well for stretching leather boots. Pour hot water over the inside of the steam to soften the material. Put on and walk for one to two hours. For comfort, it is recommended to first put on socks, and wrap them with polyethylene on top.
  4. Alcohol . Vodka or vinegar will also work. Dilute alcohol with water (1: 1) and pour into a spray bottle. Spray the inside of the shoe, put it on a thick sock, and sprinkle it over the top. Walk for several hours until the moisture evaporates. Repeat the procedure if necessary. To prevent the skin from drying out from alcohol, lubricate it with a special cream. In the same way, you can use a soap solution in a ratio of 1: 4.
  5. Freezing. This method is suitable for expanding the shoe in the toes. Pour into a sturdy bag or balloon water and stick in a narrow steam. Make sure that no water gets inside. Place your shoes in the freezer and let sit overnight. Take out and wait for the ice to melt. Remove the ice packs and try on a pair. Lubricate your skin with emollients.


Suede is a relative of leather, but has its own distinctive features therefore, skin delivery methods are not applicable to it. An exception is a dry woolen sock. The suede surface is very capricious and requires careful handling. Alcohol will crack the velvet surface. Oils and greasy creams will stain. Boiling water can severely deform shoes. There are only two ways to stretch velvety shoes.

  1. Spray. To stretch suede shoes one size larger, it is worth contacting a workshop or using a stretching spray (should be chosen for suede). You can wear suede shoes directly on your foot or use pads. Shoes that are missing just a couple of millimeters wear out quickly.
  2. Newspapers. If the shoes are pressed from suede, nubuck, fur, then it is recommended to expand them with wads of newspapers. It will take a lot of newspaper sheets, but this is the most gentle stretching method. The clumps of newspaper are pushed in and left for several hours. You can moisten them with water or vinegar solution.

Leather and suede pairs of shoes can be warmed up with a hairdryer. Put on thick socks or put a last inside and warm up problem areas with a low temperature. Use the appliance carefully: the hot air dries out the leather and melts the shoe glue.


Artificial leather practically does not stretch. Using aggressive methods, it is easy to damage the surface. Therefore, when choosing a pair of leatherette shoes, you should carefully select the size. It is quite possible to soften and stretch the boots by a few millimeters, but adding one or two sizes will be problematic. To stretch tight leatherette shoes, one of five methods is recommended.

  1. Wet newspaper. Almost any pair can be stretched this way. Hold your shoes over hot water to soften the fabric slightly with the steam. Crumple up newspaper and wet. Stuff the shoes with newspaper clumps so as to expand problem areas, but not deform the shape of the shoes. Leave to dry away from sunlight and heating appliances.
  2. Potato . Will effectively stretch leatherette sneakers. Medium tubers that fit tightly to the inside of the shoe must be peeled and placed inside for several hours. Wet potatoes will stretch and soften the material.
  3. Groats. It will help expand the boots in the place of the instep and in the bootleg. Place strong plastic bags with oats or wheat in a pair of shoes. Cover with water and leave for 12 hours. The groats will swell from the water and stretch the pair of shoes wide. Take out the bags with cereals, clean and lubricate the shoes.
  4. Paraffin or laundry soap... Rub the inside of your shoes with warm paraffin or dry soap and leave overnight. Pay attention to seams and seams. Particularly hard areas such as the heel can be pretreated with alcohol. In the morning, wipe the inside with a damp cloth.
  5. Petrolatum, Castor oil or fat cream ... Fats will soften the material and make it more “pliable”. Treat the inner parts with the product and leave for a few hours to absorb the fat. Put on your shoes and walk around in them for a while.


If the lacquered surface is applied to leatherette, then you should resort to methods of stretching this material. It should be remembered that lacquered shoes are afraid of solvents and high temperatures... Ugly cracks will spoil appearance irrevocably. There are three ways to expand narrow varnished shoes.

  1. Alcohol solution. To stretch the varnished shoes wide, dilute the alcohol in water in a 2: 1 ratio. You can also use vodka. Rub the solution on the inside of the shoe, put it on and pair up for a while. You can put shoes on thick socks soaked in the solution.
  2. Stretching foam... You must choose a professional product specifically designed for patent leather shoes and follow the instructions.
  3. Vaseline. Vaseline or other will help to quickly spread patent shoes fatty agent... Apply petroleum jelly to the inside of your shoes, making sure to cover the problem areas well. Squeeze in the pads and let sit for a few hours, or slide over your leg in woolen sock and wear.

The choice of lacquered shoes should be very careful. If the lacquered ballet flats are too tight, then it is better to choose one size larger or choose another model. Stretch a pair with varnished in length without loss of appearance is impossible.


You cannot increase the size of shoes made of durable rubber. You can only influence PVC products. Unlike rubber, PVC melts easily. According to reviews, it is easy to check this: heat the needle and attach it to the sole (do not pierce). If the material melts, then you can start stretching. Proceed in six steps.

  1. Put on woolen knee-highs or stockings.
  2. Pour boiling water into rubber shoes and wait five minutes.
  3. Pour out the water and pat the inside with a towel.
  4. Put your feet in the boots and walk like that for a few minutes.
  5. Place the shoes in a basin of cold water and let sit for a couple of hours.
  6. Remove from water and dry.


Textile shoes are the most difficult to stretch. If textile shoes press strongly when trying on, it is more correct to refuse to buy. The fabric does not stretch well and tears easily.

However, to spread fabric moccasins or stretch gym shoes on the leg, the newspaper method is used. Wet or steam a pair of shoes, then push inside newspaper. Dry at room temperature (not on battery).

Water is bad for synthetics. The wet newspaper method will have the opposite effect: the couple will sit down and squeeze their legs even more. It is better to take synthetic shoes that are not in size back to the store, they cannot be stretched.

5 rules for shoes to "sit" on the foot

In order for the shoes to always fit on the leg and not cause inconvenience, it is recommended to observe five simple rules for choosing and stretching shoes.

  1. Natural materials... Choose a pair of shoes made from natural materials. It is not only practical, but also comfortable to wear. Natural materials stretch better.
  2. Perfect size... The number that indicates the size of the feet does not mean anything if the "suitable" pair is pressing in the toes. It is important to match shoes for width, height, and overall comfort. Try on oversized or undersized shoes to find the best fit for your feet. The size is often influenced by the model of the couple.
  3. Evening shopping... It is recommended to buy shoes in the evening, especially after working day on foot. By the evening, the legs swell and become a little larger than their usual size. In this case, there is a high probability of finding a perfectly fitting pair.
  4. Help from a friend. Man with large size legs will be able to help spread the shoes in length. In this case, the leg should be longer, but not narrower. If a friend's foot is wider than the owner of a new pair, then you can stretch the places that perfectly wrap the leg.
  5. Compliance with the measure. Of course, I want to flaunt in a new beautiful pair as quickly as possible. But you should refrain from aggressive stretching methods. If stretchers, newspapers, wear on the toe, softening did not help, then it is better to return or resell the shoes than to try at all costs to stretch them. It is very likely that you will just spoil a beautiful couple.

When choosing ways to distribute shoes that are tight, you should remember about the effect of different substances on the material. The most gentle are water, paraffin, petroleum jelly, professional foam for stretching. Do not use kerosene and apply heat, especially to varnished products. If it is difficult to stretch your shoes at home, it is best to seek help from a shoe maker.

Almost every person has a pair of shoes, which turned out to be too small. When trying on in a shoe store, it seems that the model is incredibly beautiful and comfortable, and most importantly in size! Miracles happen when you get home, it turns out that this particular pair of shoes is a bit tight and I would like to expand it.

The case is pretty trivial, so we have picked up working tips on how to carry shoes that are tight and chafing. These great life hacks make it easy to break through tight shoes. After them, you will be able to fly in new shoes like a feather!

How to carry tight shoes at home

1. Alcohol

This is the most popular way to carry shoes that are tight. Alcohol solution has helped hundreds of thousands of women - and will help you! As an alcohol solution, you can use vodka, cologne or alcohol diluted with water.

  1. Dampen the inside of the shoes with alcohol. You can also wet the outer surface of the shoes.
  2. Put on thick cotton socks on your feet.
  3. Walk around the house like this for 2 hours.

Alcohol can be used to treat all shoes, completely, or only those places that are tight and cause discomfort. Even if you purchased shoes by size, we advise in any case to do this procedure to stretch the shoes. And then all the hard areas will become soft.

2. Hair dryer

A great way to quickly distribute shoes at home is to use a hair dryer to dry your hair.

  1. Pick your favorite warm thick socks and put them on. And then put on the shoes you want to wear.
  2. Turn on the hair dryer on a hot mode, and then warm up the tightest and narrowest places with warm air for 10 minutes.
  3. Walk around the house like this for 15 minutes.
  4. Warm up your shoes with a hairdryer if necessary.

3. Castor oil

This method is great if you want to carry new or old (which has not been worn for a long time and is shriveled) shoes. It doesn't matter whether the leather is artificial or natural. You can use not only castor oil, but also vegetable oil, as well as cosmetic petroleum jelly.

How to stretch leather shoes with oil:

  1. Outside and inside, coat the shoes well and abundantly with oil.
  2. Put on your shoes on old socks and walk around the house for about 3 hours.
  3. After processing, remove the remaining oil and clean the shoes.

4. Paraffin from a candle

Take a regular paraffin candle (not decorative, but household). Wipe the inside of your shoes with paraffin and leave them that way overnight. Brush off the paraffin in the morning.

5. Wet paper (newspapers)

This way of carrying shoes has been known since ancient times. Take enough paper, it is best to use newspapers. Moisten them with a spray bottle, stuff them into tight shoes, and leave until the paper is completely dry. Shoes with damp paper should dry at room temperature, not near a battery.

6. Hot water

Regular hot water can help you stretch your shoes at home. This is the cheapest way to carry your shoes, and it also helps to stretch the shoes wide if the shoes are narrow and your feet are wide.

  1. Pour very hot water into the middle of tight shoes or leather trainers.
  2. Wait a few minutes and pour out the water, wait for the shoes to cool slightly.
  3. Put on footwear-tight shoes and wear them until they dry.

Another option is to stretch the shoes, wrap them in cotton fabric dipped in hot water for half an hour. Then remove the rag and grease the leather shoes with any oil. The way will stand like this for a day.

Another useful advice to carry shoes - take warm socks and soak them in very hot water, put on your socks and put on your shoes. Walk around the apartment for 30 minutes.

7. Freezing

How to carry shoes that are tight? Try freezing them! The method is rather unusual, but it works.

  1. Take two plastic bag Stronger, better with a clasp and pour water into them.
  2. Zip or tie water bags.
  3. Put the bags in the shoes, inside.
  4. Place your shoes in the freezer. The water in the bag will expand as it freezes, and any shoes that squeeze will expand with it.

8. Laundry soap

Have you heard about this method? If not, here it is. How to quickly distribute shoes at home using laundry soap. Rub it on the inside of your shoe before going outside. Laundry soap will reduce friction and no corns will appear. Rub until the last stretches and feels comfortable.

9. Grain or groats

A shoe stretcher since the days of cowboys!

  1. Pour any cereal that swells when wet into tight shoes.
  2. Cover the rump with water and leave it inside the shoes overnight.
  3. In the morning, shake out the rump and wipe the shoes with a cloth.

10. Vinegar or kerosene

These fluids will help you carry around shoes that are chafing and chafing. You need to soak a tight pair of 3% vinegar solution 3% or pure kerosene. An excellent tool, it helps 100%, especially if it squeezes in the area of ​​the toe and fingers.

People sometimes face the problem of how to carry shoes if, after the purchase, new leather or textile items begin to put pressure on their feet or calluses. Depending on the material, they choose the way how to carry sneakers, boots or shoes.

Leather shoes

Leather products are considered comfortable and environmentally friendly, because the material is breathable and stretchable. The following methods are used, with the help of which it will be possible to quickly carry out shoes made of genuine leather:

  1. Daily wear. A simple and effective way to carry shoes that are squeezing and chafing is considered to be everyday wear with a tight toe. At first, they walk for 30 minutes, gradually increase the time. After a week, the skin will stretch and stop pressing.
  2. Delivery to the workshop. Craftsmen will help you stretch the product using special compounds and pads. Funds are selected individually, taking into account the quality of the material, are available in the form of creams, sprays, foams. The block and the substance are bought in the store and they try to stretch it on their own, but if the technique is not followed, the skin changes its structure and loses its original appearance.
  3. Vinegar or rubbing alcohol can help solve the problem of how to quickly distribute shoes. Moisten the inside thoroughly with vinegar or an alcohol-containing liquid, put on tight socks and put on shoes, walk for 2 hours.
  4. Shoe cream or glycerin. Such substances make the skin softer and more elastic. Lubricate the shoes with a generous amount of product and let them soak for 15–20 minutes. Then put the product on a warm sock and walk for 2 hours.
  5. Ice. To stretch the material with ice, take 2 empty bags and place in boots or shoes. Then fill with water until the space inside is filled. Then tie the bags and place the shoes in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. After that, take out and let the ice defrost for 30 minutes, carefully pull out the bags.
  6. Water. Moisture softens the leather, but it is not recommended to heavily saturate footwear. If leather shoes made of a thin and delicate material, then wrap with a wet towel and leave in a box overnight. In the morning put on tights and wear until the shoes dry. If the skin is rough, then put on shoes or boots immediately on a wet sock.
  7. Boiling water. To stretch the leather, pour a hot stream over the inner part of the shoe, while the water must be immediately poured out of the product. Put on thick socks and wait 1–2 hours.
  8. The hair dryer successfully replaces the use of boiling water. You need to put on a sock, put on shoes and thoroughly warm your shoes or boots with hot air. Walk until it cools completely. If the skin is not stretched enough, then repeat the procedure.
  9. Corn. This method is only suitable for soft leather shoes. Fill the grain tightly inside and moisten it with water, leave for a day. Then, when the grain swells, the skin will stretch.


Suede shoes require the same careful and accurate care as leather ones. The material stretches easily, so be careful when using stretching techniques.

They use methods such as spreading shoes that are pressing:

  1. Daily wear. Shoes are worn at home, put on a warm sock, for several days.
  2. A special stretcher for products that is sold in a shoe store in the form of foam or spray. Apply the product to problem areas on the inner surface of shoes or boots and put on tight tights or socks, walk like this for an hour
  3. Alcohol or vodka. For this method, moisten a cotton pad with vodka or alcohol in half with water and wipe the inner surface of the product. Then put on thin socks and wear for 2 hours.
  4. Beer is also used to solve the problem of how to carry suede boots and shoes. To do this, lubricate the inside of the shoe with a cotton pad dipped in beer. You need to wear the product on a warm sock until the moisture evaporates. Soda will help remove the smell of the drink - 5 tsp. should be put in a cotton cloth and left in the shoe overnight.
  5. Hair dryer. Warm air makes the suede elastic and the material stretches more easily. It is required to put on shoes on a tight toe and heat under a hot stream of air, walk until it cools.

Suede is of high quality, but it reacts worse than leather to moisture and oily compounds. Therefore, the repairmen recommend giving such products to the workshop for stretching.

Leatherette and fabric

Textiles are handled with extreme care. Such shoes or sports shoes do not stretch, otherwise the material will quickly tear or stretch too much, in both cases the product will lose its previous appearance.

To solve the problem of how to carry tight shoes at home, wetting them before walking will help. It is not recommended to dry textiles near heaters - the fabric will shrink.

To stretch leatherette shoes, the same methods are used as for natural material:

  • Ice. For stretching, 2 bags are used, which are put into shoes and filled with water. Put the products in the freezer for 10-12 hours, then take out and remove the ice.
  • Shoe cream or petroleum jelly. You need to generously lubricate shoes or boots with a product, put on tight tights and wear at home for 2 hours. Remove the remains of the cream with a napkin.
  • Vodka or alcohol. Moisten a cotton pad with liquid, wipe the product from the inside, put on with a warm sock, walk for 2-3 hours.
  • Humidity helps solve the problem of how to carry shoes out of artificial leather... You need to moisten the inner surface with water or put on shoes on a wet toe, walk until it dries.
  • Wet newspapers. If the product is made of dense leatherette, then for stretching moisten newspapers in warm water, squeeze and stuff tightly inside. Then wait until the newspapers are completely dry, do not use heating appliances. Drying time can take up to 3 days.

Sometimes athletic shoes have to be stretched. Tips on how to spread your sneakers are helpful:

  1. If the product is made of genuine leather or leatherette, then it is taken into account that the material will stretch during the process of wearing.
  2. The accessory will help stretch special tool in the form of a spray. The substance is sprayed inside the sneaker before each use, worn out for several days for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Also use ice according to the instructions for shoes from other raw materials.
  4. If it is necessary to distribute quickly, then methods with vodka, steam, wet socks are used, but the service life of the product will be shorter.

Patent Shoes

Lacquered products stretch by a maximum of 1–2 mm, with further attempts the varnish will crack.

The backdrop lends itself easily to stretching and softening.

The following methods and means are used, such as spreading new shoes or boots:

  1. Castor oil or petroleum jelly. Liberally lubricate the product with the product inside and out and let the material soak for 1–2 hours. Remove excess with a cotton pad or soft cloth. Then put your shoes on toes and walk until you stop pressing.
  2. Vodka. Gently dip a cotton pad into the liquid and moisten the inner surface of the shoes, wear on warm tights for 2 hours. During the procedure, make sure that vodka does not get on the varnished surface, because the substance harms the material.
  3. Hairdryer and cream or petroleum jelly. In order to carry boots, you need to warm up the surface with a hairdryer from the inside. In this case, the air jet must not hit the varnished surface. After warming up, grease the product with cream and wear for at least 2 hours. Then remove the remaining cream with a napkin.
  4. Steam. The jet is directed inside the shoe for a few minutes. Then they put the product on a thick sock and walk for 2-3 hours.

Shoes lend themselves to stretching at home, but intense action can lead to deformation of the product and loss of its attractive appearance.

[Total: 2 Average: 4/5]

Often a new pair of shoes, which seemed so comfortable and comfortable in the store, in real conditions begins to press and rubs heavily. In this case, you need to stretch the shoes or boots. The most effective and safest option is to go to a workshop, where the craftsmen will stretch the shoes using a special shoe that matches the type of material of the product.

However, many prefer to stretch and distribute new shoes at home. To do this, you need to choose safe methods that will not spoil the appearance and quality of products.

After all, for example, suede, patent leather and boots, shoes and boots require special care, as they are made of delicate and capricious materials. In this article, we'll take a look at how to carry around tight shoes at home. And we will learn how to do it correctly.

Six versatile ways to carry shoes

  1. Soak your socks in water, wring out thoroughly and put on your feet. Then put on your shoes and walk in boots, shoes or boots until the sock is completely dry. As a result, the shoes are gradually worn out. Either take a thick and dense sock, lubricate the inside of the shoes with a special compound or moisten it with water, and then walk for 1-2 hours;
  2. If boots or shoes are tight in the toe, slightly dampen paper or newspaper and stuff the garments tightly in these places. Leave the garments to dry at room temperature. Remove the paper when it is dry. The shoe size should increase slightly;
  3. Take alcohol or vodka and dilute in half with water, then moisten the areas inside the shoes that are most pressing with the prepared composition. Put on your shoes and walk like this at home for two hours, or until the material is completely dry;
  4. Use special stretcher foam available from any shoe department or store. Choose a product that matches the material of your boots or shoes. It is the safest and efficient way... Treat the areas that are being rubbed with the composition with a cotton pad, and walk like this for 40-60 minutes;
  5. Extreme but effective method- freezing. Take two plastic bags and fill halfway with water, tie the garments tightly, and place them inside each shoe. Place your shoes in the freezer and let sit overnight. When it freezes, water expands, expands and exerts strong pressure on the vapor material. Thus, the products are stretched;
  6. A pair of leather or leatherette, as well as lacquer products, can be given to a person with a large foot size to vilify. However, this method is not suitable for suede, as in this case, overstretching occurs, and the suede pair will become large.

How to safely carry suede shoes

Very often we are faced with one problem: the shoes are beautiful, high-quality, quite comfortable. But in some places the leg is compressed, discomfort arises. How to quickly deliver new shoes? You like them, you have been looking for them for a long time, they suit you in almost everything, with the exception of some nuances ... How can you cope with annoying shortcomings and "make" the shoes "love" your feet? Remember a few tips, follow the recommendations. Please note that it is important to use different techniques carefully so as not to spoil the material, damage your new shoes or stretch them too much.

Traditional methods for suede and varnish
If you need to carry suede shoes, patent leather shoes, use folk methods.

Wearing suede shoes

  1. Get your suede shoes, some beer, and a cotton ball.
  2. Dampen the swab with beer.
  3. Gently wipe the inside of your shoes exactly where they pinch. Be sure to be careful not to get a drop of beer on the outside of your shoes - there may be marks.
  4. After the procedure, the shoes need to be worn out for at least an hour and a half. They should become noticeably more comfortable.
We wear out patent leather shoes
Shoe wear experts assure that vodka is ideal for patent leather shoes.
  1. Take varnished shoes, prepare a cotton swab and some vodka.
  2. Dampen cotton wool with vodka.
  3. Gently but thoroughly wipe the vodka on the inside of the shoe where you feel discomfort.
  4. Walk around in shoes soaked in this way for about 1.5 hours. They are sure to be carried.
When wetting the inside of a shoe different compositions be careful not to hit the surface. It is possible that the stains formed due to your inaccuracy cannot be removed.

We wear out leather shoes quickly
There are many traditional ways to quickly wear out leather shoes. You can choose one that is most suitable or use several at once. Pay attention to some of the nuances.

  1. Caution. Leather shoes do not require such delicacy as models made of suede with a lacquered surface. Care must be taken, however, to avoid scratching your shoes, or dripping onto the surface with the compound used for fraying. You can only wet and wipe your shoes inside!
  2. Alcohol and cologne. You can use rubbing alcohol or cologne to quickly spread new shoes. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid. Wipe the inside of the shoes thoroughly, exactly where they are pinching your foot. Walk in them for about half an hour.
  3. Hot water. Ordinary hot water also copes with uncomfortable shoes. Just do not use boiling water: the moisture must be hot, but not scalding, otherwise you can ruin your shoes, soften the glue. If discomfort is felt in the toe or heel area, you can simply pour water there. Then wipe the shoes with a cloth and wear them damp. They will stretch quickly.
  4. Cream. Regular cream helps to quickly spread shoes. It needs to be applied generously, and only then wear not very comfortable shoes. The skin becomes more pliable under the influence of the cream.
Remember to wear out your shoes carefully. Consider its characteristics, type of material.

Effective and versatile ways to wear shoes
There are shoe breaking techniques that will work with just about any shoe. Use different methods as needed.

Freeze our shoes
You will need a working freezer, a tight and secure bag, and water. Important! Thus, you can not stretch patent leather shoes and summer models with pasted rhinestones.

  1. Take your shoes. Try them on again and pinpoint the exact places where the leg is experiencing discomfort.
  2. Fill the bag with water and tie tightly. Pick up optimal amount water so that the bag fits snugly on the inside of the shoes, filling them in those places where they squeeze.
  3. Check again if your bag is tightly tied, if it does not leak water. Remember: moisture must not get inside the shoes before freezing!
  4. After placing water bags in your shoes, you can put your shoes in the freezer. Leave the shoes in the cold for about 6-8 hours. The water will freeze, turn into ice, expand. Your shoes will definitely stretch a little.
  5. Take your shoes out of the freezer and gradually warm them up to room temperature. You don't need to use a heater, hairdryer or put your shoes on the radiator! They must thaw naturally.
  6. Now the shoes can be tried on and worn out. You will definitely feel the difference!
We use socks
A great way is to wear out your shoes by wearing thick, warm socks.
  1. Take your shoes. Determine where to wear your shoes.
  2. Put on your socks and shoes. Adjust the tension. The socks can be supplemented with fabric or silicone pads, napkins to increase the tension in certain places.
  3. Wear your shoes at home, about 1 to 2 hours.
Remember, it's important not to overdo it when wearing your shoes. Your shoes may become too loose, start to fall off your feet, and start to dangle. Even when the shoe just "sits" loosely on the foot, it causes noticeable inconvenience.

Professional ways
There are also professional ways to help you quickly differentiate new shoes. Some go to shoe shops. There, craftsmen can stretch the shoes, expand them in specific places, carefully and neatly. Special formulations, creams, foams and special equipment are used.

You can spread the shoes with professional tools and yourself.

  1. Purchase special foam for spreading.
  2. Shake the can and remove the cap.
  3. Direct the jet exactly to the places where the shoes are shaking you.
  4. Wear shoes, with or without a toe, and wear them until the inside of the shoes is completely dry.
Try to wear your shoes carefully. Be careful not to stretch your shoes more than necessary. Please note that leatherette shoes are difficult to stretch. In no case do not try to stretch the shoes with your hands, apply force. Do not use too hot water. Try not to touch the surface of the shoes with any compound other than a special shoe polish. Then you will be able to quickly distribute new shoes without damaging them.