When the first trimester ends, a quiet time begins for a pregnant woman. Toxicosis, which accompanies many women in the early stages of pregnancy, is forgotten, a gynecologist is selected, and the first medical examination is completed. The expectant mother can relax and enjoy the changes in her body.

Women who are carrying a child for the first time are interested in what week of pregnancy does the 2nd trimester begin with? The entire period of pregnancy is divided into trimesters. Each trimester consists of 3 months. How to count weeks if the month ends with an incomplete week? Gynecologists traditionally allocate 13 weeks for the 1st trimester. The second trimester begins at 14 weeks. It lasts 13 weeks. Its end is considered to be the 27th week of pregnancy.

Changes in the mother's body

By the 14th week, the woman is transformed. The rapid growth of the uterus leads to external changes in its figure. A pregnant woman develops rounded shapes, enlarged mammary glands and a growing belly. Do not wear tight clothes or tight underwear. Nothing should interfere with the development of the fetus. Tight clothing will not only restrict a woman’s movements, but will also negatively affect the development of the child.

A woman's internal organs undergo changes. The growing uterus changes their position and prevents them from working fully. This may cause discomfort. In order not to burden the pancreas, liver, kidneys and other organs, dietary restrictions must be observed.

It is better to exclude fatty, spicy, fried foods. Use large quantity cakes and muffins will not only lead to overweight, but will also provoke heartburn in the stomach, nausea, and the release of bile. At the next weigh-in, the gynecologist will advise you to adhere to a diet.

The second trimester is a period of rapid growth of the uterus. It puts pressure on the diaphragm and makes it difficult for the woman to breathe. The doctor advises to move more, but there should be no sudden movements. Calm walks at a sedate pace will promote uniform breathing. Ventilating rooms and frequently changing body positions will prevent shortness of breath.

Pressure occurs on the stomach. Heaviness occurs after eating. Doctors advise eating often, but in minimal portions. If nausea and heartburn do not go away, then the pregnant woman is prescribed antacids, which are excreted from the body and are not absorbed into the blood.

The skin undergoes changes. All forms of a pregnant woman increase in size, and many women develop stretch marks. To give it greater elasticity, you can use body creams.

The development of the placenta and mammary glands is often accompanied by edema. The body stores fluid. Soft shoes will help make the situation easier. flat sole. You'll have to give up heels. It is better to remove the rings so that the pressure on the skin is minimal and the distribution of fluid in the body becomes even.

The second trimester brings inconvenience due to changes in the functioning of the vascular system. During pregnancy, spider veins often appear or develop varicose veins veins Venous blood stagnates in the legs. This may lead to seizures. The doctor will recommend a contrast shower, massage and exercises for the legs. Pregnant women are prescribed a vitamin complex containing vitamin E, which is responsible for skin elasticity. The complex must include calcium and magnesium. They will strengthen bones and normalize the functioning of blood vessels.

Fetal development

The second trimester will be marked by rapid growth of the fetus. In the 1st trimester, his limbs appeared and his torso was defined. Formation has taken place internal organs. The second trimester is a period of qualitative changes, when the respiratory organs, digestive and excretory systems develop.

  • The functions of the liver are noticeable: filtration of nutrients occurs.
  • Insulin is released into the blood - the pancreas begins to work.
  • The walls of the stomach and intestines begin to contract.
  • The functioning of the kidneys is observed. The child is able to swallow amniotic fluid, which comes out in the form of urine.
  • Oxygen reaches the fetus through the placenta, but the lungs increase in volume and prepare for the first breath. By week 27, the baby's lungs are fully formed.
  • Facial bones develop. In the 2nd trimester, clear outlines appear on the face, and the child becomes recognizable.
  • At 14 weeks, an ultrasound can determine the sex of the fetus. The development of the genital organs occurs.
  • You can talk to the child. He is able to hear. Acoustic vibrations pass through the amniotic fluid, and the fetus reacts to them. In the womb, he is surrounded by many sounds: the beating of the mother’s heart, the work of her intestines, the sound of blood circulation. These sounds are familiar to him, but he can already distinguish his mother’s voice among the general noise.
  • At week 20, the baby's fingers can be distinguished. He clenches them into fists.
  • The second trimester is a period of rapid growth of the fetus. By the end of the period it grows to 28 cm.
  • The spleen begins to work. It produces white blood cells. The child's body stores fat. By week 24, his weight is up to 600 g.
  • The second trimester of pregnancy is the first movements of the fetus. A pregnant woman can feel the kicks - this means that her reflexes are developing. He is able to straighten his arm and leg.
  • By the end of the 2nd trimester, the child can open and close his eyes. Gynecologists say that he is beginning to develop phases of rest and wakefulness.

If the baby is born at the end of the 2nd trimester, then doctors can already fight for his life. All organs are just starting to work, but they are fully formed. New technologies help the baby develop the functions of all body systems.

Prevention of pathologies

Spontaneous birth in the 2nd trimester is very rare, but some pathologies may occur. During this period, the woman is prescribed screening and a full examination. It is carried out at 16-18 weeks. This takes into account the data from the first screening, which took place at the beginning of pregnancy. During the second examination, the woman undergoes:

  • analyze for protein, alpha-fetoprotein; by its quantity they determine how the fetus develops;
  • blood is taken to test free estriol; indicators determine the quality of pregnancy development;
  • calculate the level of inhibin A; this analysis determines fetal pathology;
  • carry out genetic analysis of hCG; it may indicate Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome;

All pregnant women undergo the second screening. This last trimester, on which you can do hCG. If the ultrasound does not reveal any pathology of the fetus and the pregnancy is developing well, then blood is not donated for genetic analysis.

In the 2nd trimester, pregnancy fading may occur. This will be determined not only by the examination, but also by the gynecologist.

  • A pregnant woman's mammary glands become smaller.
  • Fetal movements stop.
  • His heartbeat cannot be heard.
  • The uterus stops growing.
  • A woman develops brown discharge.

These deviations can be identified by the woman herself. They are visually noticeable. Screening will confirm or refute the pathology, and the gynecologist will prescribe treatment.

An examination may reveal placental abruption. The child will not receive enough oxygen. He begins to move too actively. When pathology occurs in the second trimester, the growth of the placenta will allow it to come into contact with the uterus and the lack of oxygen will be compensated.

Otherwise, this can lead to fetal hypoxia and death. When this happens on later pregnancy, a decision is made on an urgent operation to remove the fetus. His body has already formed, he will have every chance of survival and proper development.

It is better for the expectant mother to listen to her body and the baby in the womb. She must know the number and frequency of his movements per day.

Changes in the color of a pregnant woman's discharge or leakage amniotic fluid- all this should alert a woman. These pathologies will require hospital treatment. In the middle of pregnancy, a pathology such as uterine tone occurs. A woman can determine this by the following symptoms:

  • squeezing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • contraction of the uterus;
  • the stomach becomes hard;

You should urgently report these sensations to your gynecologist. The tone of the uterus can be reduced with certain therapy.

The main task of a pregnant woman is to set herself up for a successful outcome of pregnancy. Walking, doing what you love, choosing supplies for your unborn child, visiting maternity stores and shopping new clothes- all this should calm and cheer up a woman. There are still 3 months left and she will meet her baby.

The waiting period for a child is usually no more than 42 calendar weeks. The entire pregnancy period is usually divided into 3 trimesters, each of which has its own characteristics.

In this article we will tell you what week each trimester begins, as well as what features of the course of pregnancy you can notice, depending on its duration.

Sometimes doctors use a simplified method when calculating the gestational age - the maximum waiting period for a child, 42 weeks, is divided into 3 equal trimesters, 14 weeks each. Thus, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy with this method of calculation will begin from the 15th week, and the 3rd - from the 29th.

However, another breakdown method is most often used - using a special table that shows all trimesters of pregnancy by week.

Let's consider the most significant features and changes in the entire period of pregnancy by week of each trimester, while we will break down the entire period of waiting for a child as shown in the table.

1st trimester of pregnancy by week

1-3 weeks. The countdown for the start of the baby's waiting period begins on the first day of the last menstruation. A little later, the egg is fertilized and the tiny embryo is attached to the walls of the uterus. You don't even know what's going on inside you while you're still waiting for your next period.

4-6 weeks. A woman's body produces hCG hormone, during this period, most expectant mothers find out about their position using a pregnancy test. The tiny embryo begins to form a heart. Some women begin to experience malaise and nausea in the morning.

7-10 weeks. Future baby is growing and developing rapidly, its weight is already about 4 grams. Mommy may gain a little weight, but no external changes have yet been observed. Most girls fully suffer from toxicosis.

11-13 weeks. Time to undergo an ultrasound diagnostic and biochemical blood test to determine the likelihood of possible chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Toxicosis is most likely already receding. The baby's cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, spine and face have developed. By the end of the first trimester, its height reaches 10 cm, and its body weight is about 20 grams.

2nd trimester of pregnancy by week

14-17 weeks. The baby is actively moving in the mother’s tummy, but most pregnant women do not feel this yet. The height of the fetus reaches 15 cm, and the weight is about 140 grams. The expectant mother herself is also actively gaining weight, and by this time her gain can reach 5 kg.

18-20 weeks. During this period, most women become familiar with the feeling of their baby moving. The tummy already stands out so much that it is impossible to hide it from prying eyes. The baby is developing by leaps and bounds, his weight reaches 300 grams, and his height is 25 cm.

21-23 weeks. At this time you will have to undergo a second screening test. Very often, it is at the second ultrasound that the doctor can already determine the sex of the baby, whose weight reaches 500 grams.

24-27 weeks. The uterus becomes quite large, and the expectant mother may experience discomfort - a feeling of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, cramps in the legs, etc. The baby has occupied the entire cavity of the uterus, his weight has already reached 950 grams, and his height is 34 cm. His brain is fully formed .

3rd trimester of pregnancy by week

28-30 weeks. The load on a pregnant woman's kidneys increases every day, the fetus develops incredibly rapidly - now it already weighs about 1500 grams, and its height reaches 39 cm. The baby's lungs begin to prepare for independent breathing.

31-33 weeks. During this period, you will undergo another ultrasound, during which the doctor will even be able to take photographs of the baby’s face. Its parameters reach 43 cm and 2 kg. The expectant mother is increasingly testing her body in preparation for the upcoming birth.

34-36 weeks. All the baby’s organs and systems are formed, and he is ready to be born; now, until the due date, he will only gain weight. He becomes cramped in his mother’s tummy, so the number of movements decreases. The weight of the fetus reaches 2.7 kg, height – 48 cm.

37-42 weeks. Usually during this period the logical end of pregnancy occurs - childbirth, the baby is born. Now he is considered full-term, and the development of his lungs allows him to breathe on his own.

With the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, almost the “golden time” for expectant mother: toxicosis is most likely a thing of the past, the tummy has become somewhat rounded, but not yet so much as to add clumsiness and difficulties to the woman. The second trimester of pregnancy, starting from the 13th week, becomes the most fertile period for the expectant mother: now you can walk in the fresh air to your heart's content, visit the pool or yoga classes, enjoy theater performances and reading books, without suffering from headaches and a constant feeling of nausea.

With each week, pregnancy becomes noticeable to others: a woman’s figure becomes rounder, her breasts become larger. Experts advise you to slowly think about it, which is recommended to start wearing from about the 20th week of pregnancy in order to avoid stretch marks and to eliminate the threat of miscarriage. At the same time, you can slowly begin to prepare your breasts for feeding by daily rubbing the mammary glands with a terry towel and taking air baths.

The second trimester of pregnancy also marks one of the main periods of the baby’s intrauterine life: by the 16th week, the formation of the baby’s internal organs and the formation of the placenta are completed. So, from now on, the function of supplying oxygen and nutrients, as well as the duty to protect the child from the influence of many harmful substances and the penetration of infections falls on the placenta.

Nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy no longer bothers a woman - toxicosis with all the accompanying “delights” becomes an unpleasant memory of early stages pregnancy. By the second trimester, most pregnant women notice that nausea has disappeared and is replaced by increased appetite.

But, at the same time, we should not forget that each person’s body is unique, and each woman “tolerates” pregnancy differently. Therefore, it should not be surprising that some mothers, even with the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, may complain of nausea, usually occurring in the morning, immediately after waking up, or as a reaction to irritating unpleasant odors.

The usual methods of “fighting” this unpleasant phenomenon are used: you can cope with morning sickness by drinking water with lemon or tea immediately after waking up and snacking on cookies or crackers, without even getting out of bed. You should still “look” for the most optimal foods, avoiding fatty foods. It is advisable to exclude all odors that provoke attacks of nausea - strong perfume, the aroma of pasties or fried onions (some women are “weak” for what).

In case of debilitating nausea with constant regular bouts of vomiting, you should still consult a doctor: this situation is considered a pathology and can pose a threat.

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

If in the early stages vaginal discharge does not change radically either qualitatively or quantitatively, then the second trimester of pregnancy is usually characterized by a slight increase in discharge. At the same time, pregnancies acquire a somewhat whitish milky color, and are distinguished by an unexpressed, somewhat sour smell.

An increase in the intensity of discharge is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, and you should be prepared for the fact that as the duration of pregnancy increases, the amount of discharge will also increase. If the discharge is not accompanied by itching and/or a burning sensation and does not change color, there is no need to worry. But you should be wary if:

  • curdled or thick white discharge appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, causing discomfort in the form of itching or burning. Most likely, you will have to deal with thrush, which must be treated to avoid transmitting the infection to the baby;
  • spotting and spotting appears. Perhaps they are provoked by erosion of the cervix, in addition, such discharge may signal a threat of miscarriage or premature birth(depending on the period);
  • The discharge changes color, acquiring a greenish, yellow tint or being “foamy.” Probably, we will talk about the addition of an infection;
  • The discharge is clear and has an unpleasant odor. There is a high risk of developing bacterial vaginosis;
  • the discharge is abundant, but transparent and does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor. Perhaps this indicates irritation from some influence (for example, as a reaction to panty liners, and then the situation can be changed by eliminating the irritant). Or there is leakage of amniotic fluid (this can be determined using an indicator test sold in a pharmacy, or during an examination).

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

The most common complaints of this period regarding painful sensations are pain in the lower back and pelvic area. Doctors explain such pain in the second trimester of pregnancy by the gradual enlargement of the uterus and, accordingly, the increasing size of the abdomen.

But there should not be any painful sensations in the stomach. Therefore, when nagging pain appears in the abdomen, and even “reinforced” by pain in the sacrum or hips, and even more so if there is bloody discharge, you should urgently consult a doctor - the risk of pregnancy failure is too great.

Heartburn can be a very unpleasant phenomenon in the second trimester of pregnancy - as a result of compression of the stomach by the growing uterus, and therefore the normal function of digestion is disrupted.

Again, due to the increase in size of the uterus and compression of the abdominal organs, constipation may develop. It is important to adhere correct mode nutrition and increase the amount of fiber in the diet; prunes, dried apricots and baked apples will also help cope with constipation. Constipation must be avoided, because constant constipation is not far from hemorrhoids, and this is much more serious and “painful” than simply the inability to go to the toilet “for the most part.”

It is possible that in the second trimester of pregnancy the appearance of cramps - painful involuntary muscle contractions in the calves and feet. This symptom may indicate a violation of mineral metabolism in the body and be caused by congestion in the legs. It's important to lead active image life, for joints and when visiting the pool, do a foot massage and pay attention to the quality of nutrition. So, calcium, magnesium and vitamin E should be present in the diet in sufficient quantities.

Colds in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, as throughout pregnancy, a woman is still vulnerable to all sorts of colds. But, fortunately, a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy no longer poses such a danger as in the early stages of pregnancy. And yet, treat colds necessary, and necessarily with the intervention of a doctor - most medications everything is still prohibited, and a cold, even if not on such a “scale,” can still cause a lot of trouble.

So, at this stage, a cold can provoke the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, and due to dysfunction of the placenta, there is a high risk of fetal hypoxia and delayed fetal development. In addition, a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy can negatively affect the nervous system of the fetus, because right now it is actively developing.

If a woman catches a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage remains, in addition, disruption of the endocrine system is possible (its formation is now finishing). At 16-17 weeks of pregnancy, a cold can affect the formation of the baby’s bone tissue - active strengthening of the fetal bones lasts until the 18th week. A cold at 19-20 weeks of pregnancy is dangerous for a girl growing in the womb of her mother: during this period the formation of the baby’s eggs occurs, and viruses can have a severe impact. adverse effect on their number and functioning.

In connection with all of the above, treatment of colds in the second trimester of pregnancy should not be neglected. The treatment regimen should be discussed with a doctor; in any case, the woman is advised to have bed rest, drink plenty of fluids, gargle with herbal decoctions with the addition of soda, and rinse the nose with saline solution.

Temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy

But, unfortunately, colds are not always expressed only by mild ailments; in many cases, they are associated with a significant increase in temperature. It is believed that it is noticeable elevated temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy negative influence does not have any effect on the fetus - to a certain extent, the negative effects are removed by the placental barrier, and the placenta also becomes an obstacle to the penetration of viruses and infections to the child. But, at the same time, it is necessary to undergo treatment, and it is obligatory to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

It should be remembered that in no case should you use Aspirin, Analgin, Nurofen to reduce the temperature. Only drugs based on are acceptable as an antipyretic, and then only after consultation with a specialist. At the same time, if the temperature does not exceed 37.8-38 degrees, it is advisable to cope with the temperature syndrome with the help folk remedies- using a decoction of linden blossom, tea with honey and raspberries, making cold compresses.

If a significantly elevated temperature is recorded without the accompanying symptoms of a cold such as cough, runny nose and malaise, it may be caused by much more serious diseases. So, high temperature may be accompanied by pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, herpes and some other diseases that are dangerous for the development and normal formation of the fetus. Therefore, if you have a fever without cold symptoms, you should definitely consult a therapist and gynecologist, and also, if necessary, get tested.

As for “low-grade” conditions within the range of 37.2-37.5 degrees. A slightly elevated temperature typical for the early period of pregnancy may persist into the second trimester. But, at the same time, such temperature readings in the second trimester of pregnancy can also be a sign of an ectopic position of the fetus. And that is why examinations and ultrasounds, the tests necessary at this time, become so important.

Ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, the pregnant woman will undergo a second planned ultrasound, the optimal period for which is 20-24 weeks. By this time, ultrasound examination no longer requires mandatory preparation and is carried out with full bladder: there is enough amniotic fluid already available.

During an ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy, a specialist evaluates the development of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid, determines the presence or absence of malformations of the child’s internal systems and organs, and clarifies the gestational age. If for some reason it was not diagnosed during the first planned ultrasound, the doctor will inform mom and dad about its presence now. In addition, an ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy can show the gender of the expected baby, however, the baby often turns his butt, which makes determination impossible.

The second planned ultrasound examination allows, among other things, to assess the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord, display data on the length of the cervix and the condition of the internal os.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

Besides ultrasound examination, tests are required in the second trimester of pregnancy in the form of a clinical blood test (mainly to determine hemoglobin levels) and general analysis urine (to assess kidney function). In addition, a gynecological smear will be taken from the pregnant woman, and, if necessary, an analysis for TORCH infections.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, so-called biochemical screening, or “ triple test" This analysis involves a blood test for 3 main markers: human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and estriol. The triple test allows you to identify possible malformations and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, disorders of the formation of the spinal cord, hydrocephalus and some other pathologies. This “combined” analysis can be indicated for those women who have already experienced miscarriage, or those who have relatives with congenital developmental pathologies. However, it should be borne in mind that in any case the diagnosis is not made based on the results of the analysis: the triple test is designed to determine whether the pregnant woman belongs to the risk group. The optimal time for biochemical screening The period is considered to be 16-18 weeks.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester

One of the biggest tragedies that can happen in the second trimester of pregnancy is fetal death. In principle, cessation of development and subsequent death of the fetus, which, in fact, is a frozen pregnancy, can happen at an earlier stage. The risk of freezing continues in the second trimester; the period of 16-18 weeks is considered the most dangerous in this regard.

The main signs that may indicate fading pregnancy are:

  • cessation or absence of fetal movements. The mother can feel the first movements of the baby by 18-20 weeks (usually, movements are felt earlier by multiparous women). If the baby suddenly stops “moving” in the tummy from time to time, you should immediately consult a doctor - a specialist will listen to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope, and if the readings are poor (dull or undetectable pulse), he will prescribe an additional ultrasound;
  • Changes in the mammary glands may indicate a possible fading of pregnancy. Thus, a frozen pregnancy is characterized by a decrease in the size of the breasts, the mammary glands become soft, and the secretion of colostrum stops;
  • A specialist can diagnose fading pregnancy during a gynecological examination: by a slightly open cervix, cessation of uterine growth, thick brown discharge and the specific red-pink color of the vagina.

Nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy

Nutrition in the second trimester of pregnancy still plays a key role for the normal formation of the fetus and the excellent well-being of the expectant mother. The main condition regarding the diet is that it must be balanced, providing the body of the woman and child in the required quantities with the necessary nutrients and beneficial substances.

Fish and lean meats (preferably boiled) are a must on mom’s table, as they will become the main source of protein. Eggs, cottage cheese, dairy and fermented milk products will provide the calcium needed at this stage, which is necessary for the normal formation of the child’s bone tissue. Beef liver, buckwheat porridge, apples and tomato juice will supply the body with iron, the need for which increases day by day, and the lack of which can cause anemia. Vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities in the diet are required - both as a source of vitamins and minerals, and as a “preventative” against constipation.

The quality of food is of great importance: during pregnancy it is better to avoid smoked meats, marinades, semi-finished products, and all kinds of store-bought ketchup, mayonnaise, and sauces. In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of sweets and flour products to avoid weight gain and not provoke the development of pregnancy diabetes.

And, of course, alcohol is strictly prohibited in the second trimester of pregnancy, as it has a high risk of having a negative impact on the development of the child. True, in some cases, experts allow red wine in small quantities, but only occasionally, always natural and unfortified, diluted half with water.

Vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy

The need for valuable substances, including vitamins, during pregnancy increases approximately 1.5 times. But this does not mean that a woman should a priori take vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy in the form multivitamin preparations, no way. Thus, the body of each person, doctors never tire of reminding, is individual, which means that the needs of each pregnant woman are individual. Moreover, according to one theory, the body “knows how” to independently regulate needs and “distribute” reserves.

If in the recent past many doctors almost universally prescribed courses of vitamins to pregnant women (and it is necessary to coordinate the intake of certain multivitamin preparations with a doctor), today many refuse this practice. It has been proven that uncontrolled administration of vitamin complexes during pregnancy very often leads to the birth of large children, who, moreover, are born during a cesarean section (a woman is not always able to give birth naturally to a fetus that is too large).

Therefore, after all, doctors place the main “emphasis” on providing the body with vitamins on a nutritious diet, especially if the pregnant woman carefully monitors her diet, the pregnancy did not occur in the winter-spring period and proceeds safely. Principles proper nutrition in order to obtain the maximum amount of vitamins from food products: mandatory presence in the daily menu of proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, prebiotics and probiotics.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that some substances are additionally prescribed to all expectant mothers, regardless of age, living conditions and health status. These include folic acid and vitamin E - they are necessary to reduce the risk of possible abnormalities in the child’s nervous development. Additionally, taking folic acid reduces the likelihood of preeclampsia or pregnancy-related hypertension.

During pregnancy, including the second trimester, the need for B vitamins also increases (needed for the absorption of proteins, development nervous system and brain), there may be a deficiency of vitamins A (responsible for the development of bone tissue, retina, skin), C (reduces the risk of premature birth, necessary for immunity), D (participates in the formation of bone tissue and the formation of the baby’s teeth). But here's the expediency additional intake certain multivitamin preparations that combine different combinations of vitamins should be determined by a doctor. It is possible that the need for vitamins can be met by adjusting the diet.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

When the main concerns about the consolidation of the fetus in the uterus and its normal development remain in the past, and with them all ailments and signs disappear into oblivion early toxicosis, the woman quite logically “remembers” the pleasant moments of intimacy. This means that, together with the spouse who misses bodily pleasures, he wonders whether sex is possible and how safe it is in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Almost all doctors agree that in the absence of contraindications and the normal course of pregnancy, sex in the second trimester is not only allowed, but also necessary. So, sex life does not harm the unborn baby at all, but it gives mom and dad the opportunity to experience new sensations, get even closer and fully enjoy each other’s touches.

It is interesting that many women note that the middle of pregnancy is marked by a certain “burst” of sexual energy. Doctors explain the increasing need for physical love in this case by intense blood flow to the pelvic organs. Therefore, sex in the second trimester of pregnancy, if not prohibited by a doctor, can be practiced.

The second trimester is absolutely rightfully considered the calmest and most favorable period of pregnancy. The dangers of the first weeks are behind us, and toxicosis, as a rule, also recedes. Yes and psychological state the expectant mother returns to normal.

Clarification: what week does the 2nd trimester begin?

We can say that from the 13th week of pregnancy you can consider yourself to have entered the second trimester. At 12 weeks, the first third of the wonderful situation ends, and with it the dangers of the first months, the risks of miscarriage, toxicosis and psychological instability of the expectant mother. At the same time, the period during which termination of pregnancy is possible ends - this also has to be mentioned.

As a rule, the first pregnancy screening is carried out at 12 weeks:

  • The main purpose of the first screening is the early detection of malformations;
  • Pathologies can be identified by a special blood test;
  • Ultrasound examination completes the picture.

Such a comprehensive screening examination should take place within 11 to a maximum of 14 weeks. At this time, the expectant mother is checked for the absence of such congenital pathologies in the fetus as Down syndrome and also Edwards syndrome. These pathologies cannot be corrected, so screening should leave the woman a choice - to give birth to a baby with special needs or to terminate the pregnancy. As you can see, in some cases the screening goes into the second trimester, but usually it is completed by 12 weeks.