Very soon we will be celebrating the Year of the Rabbit and welcoming the Dragon. This time it will be a black water dragon. The dragon is a mythical, noble, strong creature. Astrologers recommend this New Year meet in motion, brightly, not hackneyed. On this night you must shine and no matter what - humor, precious jewelry or bright outfits and makeup.

The main thing is that the meeting is memorable, and that you are able to spend all our traditional New Year holidays, which last almost from December 25th, in a good mood ( Catholic Christmas for the European part former USSR for the most part it is a dress rehearsal before the main events) and only slightly reduces its intensity after January 13.

But then the series of celebrations does not stop - Epiphany, Chinese New Year (which begins on January 23), Tatiana's Day, Valentine's Day, February 23, March 8, May 1 and 9.... And we will give some interesting facts about the New Year that will allow you to shine even brighter in the New Year's company.

1. The time of celebrating the New Year differs greatly among different nations. So in Ancient Babylon the holiday fell in the spring. And during the holidays, the king and his entire retinue left the city, and the townspeople had the opportunity to walk freely and have fun.
2. In Micronesia, the New Year traditionally starts on January 1st. But on this day, all island residents receive new names and whisper them to those closest to them. And trusted relatives beat the drums with terrible force so that evil spirits do not overhear them.
3. In Italy, on New Year's Eve it is customary to get rid of old things that are thrown directly out of the windows. Moreover, the more things are thrown away, the more wealth and good luck the new year will bring.

4. In Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1 - in the X - XV centuries, on September 1 - from 1348 after the Council in Moscow, and from 1699, by decree of Peter I, it was moved to January 1. As a result, by now the New Year has become a dense mixture of ancient Slavic, Christian, Western European and Eastern traditions.
5. The tradition of the Christmas log was brought by the Vikings to England. They sawed at Christmas big tree, which was aged and dried all year. And the next Christmas, this tree was brought into the house and placed on the hearth. If the tree burned for a long time and burned out completely, then good luck awaited the house, but if it died out before it burned down to ashes, expect trouble.

6. Living Christmas trees are one of the Christian traditions of Christmas and New Year celebrations. But it turns out that they can bring not only joy and the spirit of the holiday. Scientists have found that spruce trees contain fungi, which easily multiply in warm home conditions and release huge amounts of spores. The spores in turn cause coughing, difficulty breathing, insomnia, lethargy, even bronchitis and pneumonia. To protect yourself, you need to either wash and dry the spruce before bringing it into the house, or use an artificial tree.

7. Before becoming famous, James Belushi moonlighted as Santa Claus. It was during this period of work that he was left without rights, but the actor still decided to continue delivering gifts to children. In such a “disenfranchised” state, the police detained him and began, and the officers began the arrest procedure, handcuffing him and conducting a search. Children passing by sobbed and screamed in horror that their beloved Santa Claus had been arrested.

8. Both children and adults turn to Santa Claus or Father Frost. Children usually want a computer, and employees ask their boss to freeze it.
9. One of the most popular traditional spices for Christmas baking is ginger.

10. It is believed that if in the last hour of the old year you write your most cherished wish on a piece of paper, and then set fire to this piece of paper when the clock starts striking, you can determine whether the wish will come true. If the note burns out while the clock is striking, then everything will definitely come true.
11. The unforgettable “Irony of Fate, or with light steam" has been shown on television for more than 35 years on the last day of the year.

12. On New Year’s Eve in Tibet, they bake pies and distribute them to passers-by. Wealth in the New Year directly depends on the number of pies distributed.
13. The source of the popularity of fireworks is the ancient belief in the power of noise and fire in the fight against evil spirits.

14. In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) a 76-meter artificial tree, the largest in the world.
15. In Orthodoxy, the period between Christmas and Epiphany falls on Christmastide. This time is filled not only with Christian traditions, but also with many pagan images, which include traditional fortune telling. An example of it can be found in chapter 5, stanza 8 of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

16. The main dish in Brazil is lentil soup, which symbolizes prosperity and wealth.
17. The first electric garland was lit on the Christmas tree in front of the White House in the USA in 1895.
18. In Austria, among the New Year’s characters there is also the Bird of Happiness, and therefore on festive table they have no game.
19. New Year in Japanese sounds like “Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu”.

20. January 1 became a day off in the USSR only by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of December 23, 1947
21. In Germany, Santa Claus brings gifts to the windowsill, and in Sweden - to the stove.

22. You can find out the answer to a question on New Year’s Eve by tossing a bowl of boiled rice. If there is an even number of pure grains of rice in it, then the answer is “yes”; otherwise, “no”.
23. Greenland is almost always cold, and there are no problems with the availability of ice. Therefore, local Eskimos have a tradition of giving each other polar bears and walruses carved from ice, which do not melt for a long time.

24. In southern countries, where there is neither frost nor snow, you have to use other characters, for example, in Cambodia there is Santa Claus.
25. In Vietnam, for the New Year, a carp is released into a pond near the house, on whose back, according to legend, a brownie rides. The carp lives in the pond for a whole year, and the brownie looks after the family.

26. Turkey, cheese, foie gras and oysters are served at the festive table in France.
27. On the border of Finland and Russia in 2001, a meeting was held between the New Year characters Yolupukki and Santa Claus.

28. It is believed that money cannot be given away before the New Year, otherwise you will have to pay off debts throughout the year.
29. On New Year's table In Scandinavia they serve rice porridge with one almond. Whoever finds it will be happy all year.

30. With the start of the New Year's clock in England, I open the back door of the house for the outgoing year, and with the last strike of the clock they welcome the New Year at the front door
31. “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” was first published in 1903 in the children’s magazine “Malyutka.” After 2 years, Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva’s poems were set to music by composer Leonid Karlovich Bekman.

32. In Australia, Santa Claus has to wear formal swimming trunks and saddle a jet ski in the New Year's heat.
33. In the old days, it was customary to give gifts to Santa Claus, and not to expect gifts from him.

34. In Italy, symbols of health, longevity and prosperity on the festive table are lentils, nuts and grapes.
35. Interesting fact– Santa Claus has a wife who usually personifies winter.

36. Mystical properties have long been attributed to mistletoe. In some countries, for example, there is a tradition that allows a man to kiss any girl passing under a mistletoe branch at Christmas.
37. In Cuba, on New Year's Day, all the dishes in the house are filled with water, which is then thrown out onto the street on New Year's Eve to wash away all sins.

38. For Bulgarians, dogwood sticks represent all the best in the new year. They are given as gifts for the New Year.
39. Czech and Slovak children are pleased with gifts from Mikulas with a beaming smile and a tall hat.

40. They began to sculpt a snowman in the 19th century with indispensable attributes - a bucket on his head, a broom and a carrot nose.
41. There is a belief that a New Year's dream (from December 30 to 31) predicts the coming year.

42. In China, the Dragon is especially loved - it symbolizes prosperity. That’s why it’s customary there to make his personification – paper kites. In addition, many bright lanterns are lit on the streets.
43. In Ecuador, before the New Year, it is customary to describe all the troubles on a piece of paper, and then burn them along with a straw effigy.

44. In England in the 19th century, there were even charitable societies that distributed flour, sugar and raisins to the poor to make Christmas pudding.
45. In the Southern Hemisphere, eucalyptus trees are usually decorated, since the New Year is the height of summer.

46. ​​On New Year's Day in Holland, donuts are a traditional dish, symbolizing a full cycle, completeness.
47. The Snow Maiden was invented in the mid-50s of the last century by children's writers Lev Kassil and Sergei Mikhalkov, introducing the granddaughter of Father Frost into children's performances.

48. Père Noël (French Frost) rides a donkey and leaves gifts in his shoes for children. And the children prepare their gifts for him - straw for the riding animal.
49. In Greece, the head of a family breaks a pomegranate fruit on the street on New Year’s Eve against the wall of the house. Good luck is promised by grains scattered in different directions.

50. First glass toys Christmas trees began to be produced in the mid-19th century in Scandinavia.
51. Mexicans find New Year's gifts in a shoe, and the Irish and English find New Year's gifts in socks.

52. In Ancient Egypt, the New Year began on the day the Nile flooded, at the beginning of summer.
53. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in new clothes, so that you can have new things all year round.

54. In Cuba, New Year is called Kings Day
55. Most large number Christmas trees in Europe are sold in Denmark.

56. Many surprises are hidden in Romanian New Year's pies. In frequency, the coin means happiness in the coming year.
57. The French usually give souvenirs and cards for the New Year.

58. Since ancient times, the Slavs have been decorating the Christmas tree with toys and delicacies.
59. In Scotland, on New Year's Day you don't propose marriage and don't take out the trash.

60. Santa Claus began to be invited to a house in the USSR in the 1970s.
61. The United States traditionally holds the record for Christmas gifts and New Year’s greeting cards.

62. In Japan for the New Year, interesting fact, traditionally served cabbage, roasted chestnuts, beans and caviar, which respectively symbolize joy, success, health and many children.
63. Veliky Ustyug is considered the birthplace of Father Frost, and the Snow Maiden is the village of Shchelykovo, not far from Kostroma, where the estate of A.N. Ostrovsky is located. it was he who wrote based on the Russians folk tales"Snow Maiden"

64. On New Year’s Day, at exactly midnight in Bulgaria, the lights go out. within three minutes, anyone can kiss anyone, and only the night will know about it.
65. In Slavic myths, Father Frost personified the winter cold; he bound the water.

66. The birthplace of Jolupukki is the city of Rovaniemi in Lapland, near the Arctic Circle.
67. On New Year's Eve in Scotland, they set fire to barrels of tar and roll them through the streets, driving them away. Old year and inviting New.

68. On the festive table in Poland they put “paczki” - donuts with jelly.
69. First new year card was printed in London in 1843.
70. Santa Claus pension fund Russia was awarded the title of “Veteran of Fabulous Labor”. Not without reason, of course. He has enough work. And deliver gifts, and amuse the children with the Snow Maiden.

And meeting year of the dragon remember that the next one is Year of the Snake will be no less interesting. After all, the Snake symbolizes wisdom, and she recommends interesting articles from Rybalych and

Nesterova Irina

Talakansky kindergarten No. 4"Lesovichok" passed New Year's parties for children. Most Favorite holiday, both adults and children, of course, New Year. Preparations began long before the attack holidays. Teachers and children learned poems, held discussions on the New Year theme, New Year's traditions , the music director was learning songs and dances with the students. A huge job held on the design of groups and music halls. On the stage of the music hall there is a winter landscape - a beautiful horse (made of foil musical director– Khalimova Marina Olegovna and teacher Prokhorova Marina Ivanovna, white snowdrifts made of organza and a curtain of snowflakes cut out by the children’s parents. In the center of the hall there is a decorated Christmas tree, Christmas trees, candles, and a snowman are painted on the mirrors. At the matinee in the senior and preparatory groups an ice hole was made (according to the script).

The children came to the performance dressed up and cheerful in anticipation. holiday. And their hopes came true. The teachers who participated in New Year's During the performance, they proved themselves to be good artists, showing all their creative skills, artistry, enthusiasm and organizational skills. They had to transform into different heroes: Kikimora, Frog, Underwater King, Princess, Snow Maiden, Father Frost and even the Hut on Chicken Legs. From the very beginning of the performance, fairy-tale characters captivated children into the magical world of fairy tales. Children were able to plunge into festive an atmosphere of adventure, take part in interesting competitions. With the appearance of Santa Claus, the real celebration with songs and dances, round dances around the Christmas tree. After the performance, the children read poems to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, took pictures with the characters, and received New Year's gifts.

Many people love winter because it is the most... beautiful time year and because winter is so beautiful holiday - New Year. Everything is decorated, lights are everywhere, a thorny tree grows in the middle of the house. The whole family gathers, they say beautiful words and give wonderful gifts. People become kinder and happier in the New Year. On a magical night, everyone has fun and makes wishes near the sparkling Christmas trees. Chimes. And now the New Year is coming!

Happy New Year everyone!

Waiting for a fairy tale
In a series of endless worries, you don’t even have time to think about the approaching New Year - the main holiday of the year, let alone prepare for it? Don’t worry, many people only start thinking a week before the holiday about where to celebrate the New Year, what to give to their loved ones, what super dish to surprise their guests with; On the eve of December 31, people rush to decorate the Christmas tree, and the day before they run around the shops, hastily choosing gifts.

Preparing for the New Year
New Year is a long-awaited favorite holiday for both children and adults. There really is room for your imagination to run wild - in costumes, room decoration, prepared dishes, New Year's scenarios. It depends only on you what exactly your New Year's holiday will be like. The most important thing is that you don’t have to worry or be afraid to come up with something. Do as your imagination dictates. And we will try to help her.

What to cook for Christmas and New Year. New Year's menu
In the West, the central dish at Christmas is goose, turkey, duck, chicken, fish, baked whole. This is a symbol of the unity of those gathered at the table.

Sweet dishes and dessert for the holiday table
For the New Year, every housewife wants to please and surprise her loved ones and guests with something delicious.

How to choose champagne?
Unfortunately, on the eve of the New Year holidays, unscrupulous champagne producers and sellers are becoming more active. Few of our compatriots will refuse to buy at least one bottle of the traditional drink for the New Year's table. Champagne for us is the same constant attribute of a loved one. winter holiday, like tangerines and a living Christmas tree.

We welcome guests on New Year's Eve
On New Year's Day you are expecting guests and want to surprise them. Then give up the traditional boring feast with rich food. Let the evening be cozy and unusual.

Where to go for New Year
New Year for most residents of our country is the most magical and mysterious holiday. It is on New Year's Eve that it is customary to make your cherished wishes, wear beautiful outfits and give gifts to loved ones. The main issue that is decided one and a half to two months before the New Year is the location of the holiday. Some prefer noisy parties with colleagues, while others prefer a modest dinner in the company of numerous relatives.

New Year's corporate meeting
The clock is already striking. Everyone counts the blows together, listens to the boss’s congratulations and makes wishes. The New Year's feast continues.

Ideas for corporate New Year
If you really want to give your colleagues an unusual New Year's Eve, then a corporate party can take the most bizarre forms. It is very interesting when everything that happens is subordinated to one idea, corresponds to some style, imitates a significant historical event, the atmosphere of a place or event known to everyone.

Champagne - a million festive bubbles in a glass
This magical drink has been creating a festive atmosphere for more than a century. There are many stories associated with it; it is a sign of extravagance and luxury, a symbol of happiness. They bless the launching of magnificent ships - from transatlantic liners and luxury yachts to nuclear submarines. They say they swam in it famous beauties, including Marilyn Monroe. Ernest Hemingway, staying at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, allegedly drank two bottles of champagne every morning at breakfast.

What to give for the New Year?
What to give for the New Year? - this question on the eve of the holiday is a sore subject for many, especially busy people who remember that they need to give a New Year gift to relatives and loved ones at the last moment.

How to prepare gifts for the holiday without going broke
As the holidays approach, the conflict between the contents of our wallets and our desires becomes more acute. In order to get out of this pre-holiday fever with the least losses, and, if possible, also with pleasant memories, you need to carefully prepare for this difficult test.

What to put under the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
New Year... bright shop windows invitingly beckoning with garlands of lights, the creaking of fresh snow underfoot, passers-by running past, and a premonition of something magical, unusual and therefore even more long-awaited... And that's all? Have we forgotten something very important? For example, gifts!

How to rent a cottage for New Year
Among the many holidays on the Russian calendar, the most beloved and popular is the New Year. Without a doubt, this is the most magical and fabulous day of the year. Most of us prefer to celebrate this holiday in a large friendly company or with numerous relatives. To do this, you can book a table in a restaurant, a room in a boarding house, or best of all, rent a cottage for the New Year.

We meet by clothes... What to wear on New Year's Eve?
Naturally, our mood greatly depends on our clothes, their style and color. What should you wear to celebrate the New Year? Astrologers, having made the necessary calculations and taking into account the energy of the coming year, can give a hint to each representative of the zodiac constellation. Of course, this does not take into account the individual characteristics of a particular person; such advice is always of a general nature.

Pedigree of Santa Claus
The distant ancestors of Father Frost are considered to be the gnomes who wandered in the earlier Middle Ages and sang Christmas carols to wandering actors, as well as Treskun, who was also called Student and Frost.

Who delivers gifts to children on New Year's Eve?
Santa Claus is called differently in each country. In America, Canada, the Netherlands and some other countries, he is known as Santa Claus. He is very similar to our Santa Claus, only instead of a fur coat he wears a red jacket and cap.

Leap year - what does it mean?
In a leap year there is one more day. This event, which regularly occurs every four years, raises many concerns. Many people believe that leap year brings misfortune. But what really?

History of the holiday - New Year, Christmas and Epiphany
In Rus', New Year holidays - New Year, Christmas and Epiphany were celebrated for two weeks.
New Year was celebrated in Ancient Rus' in spring in March, when nature woke up from hibernation. Then they began to celebrate the holiday on September 1, after the harvest.

How to celebrate New Year in China
Eastern astrology today has gained truly worldwide popularity. At the end of December, we are interested in finding out which of the 12 animals - symbols of the Chinese horoscope - will rule the coming New Year, choosing the appropriate outfits and the festive New Year's menu.

New Year in Lapland
Suomi - translated into Russian as “Country of Swamps”. It doesn't sound very romantic, however, Finland is the most beautiful country in the world. In addition, Finland is recognized as the most environmentally friendly country. Therefore, every year more and more tourists strive to get here. More than a third of the total area of ​​Finland is occupied by Lapland. What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word Lapland? These are white nights giving way to the northern lights, reindeer, snowy hills.

New Year's menu in the year of the Tiger
Surely you have already wondered how to spend the New Year so that it will be remembered for a long time. And, most likely, you want this New Year to be unusual and different from the rest.

How to organize a children's party?!
The question of how to organize a children's party essentially comes down to three main problems: organizing treats for children, coming up with an entertainment program and decorations. children's party in terms of premises.

New Year's corporate party or holiday for a large family
New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays of the year. For many, this is a holiday of winter magic, which gives faith that the next year will definitely be full of joy and love. For some, New Year's holidays are an opportunity to spend time with family and please relatives with the warmth of your hospitality, but you must remember that the people you work with are also a kind of family.

Why do I love New Year so much? New Year's tree - traditions cannot be broken.
For me personally, there are only two holidays a year - my birthday and New Year. It just so happens that there are almost exactly six months between these holidays.

Organization of the New Year with Santa Claus for children and adults.
The New Year is just around the corner, it’s time to think about how to spend this holiday, especially since children always look forward to it with great anticipation. They are the ones who consider the New Year to be the biggest, joyful and fabulous holiday. Children are waiting for Father Frost and Snow Maiden to come, they are waiting for cheerful round dances and catchy songs.

What to give for the New Year?
The coming year is the Water Dragon, a mythical and extravagant creature. This is the only fairytale animal in eastern calendar, which means that gifts for the New Year should be bright and unusual, just like the owner of the year.

New Year. Romantic dinner for two.
New Year is a family holiday, which is why a very responsible step will be the decision to celebrate the next New Year with your soulmate, because this is a kind of rapprochement, a new step in the relationship. That is why every housewife needs to carefully prepare for such an evening, the main thing is not only to choose a suitable gift or new outfit, but it is also very important to develop and prepare a menu that will appeal to your tastes and allow you to show off your talents to the best advantage.

Sweet New Year gifts
Those who did not know what to give to loved ones, friends or colleagues for the New Year were always helped out by sweet gifts - chocolates with a variety of flavors.

New Year's gifts: how to surprise your baby?
Many parents are starting to think about what to give their son or daughter today. Here is a collection of original gift ideas for the youngest members of your family.

How wonderful to celebrate New Year's Eve at home?
Many people say that they would really like to celebrate their New Year 2012 somewhere in a bright, noisy and crowded place, for example, in New York in Times Square or in Moscow on Red Square. This all sounds fun, but most people living in the outback cannot still afford air travel and a hotel room to travel to these places. Also, many of us are not ready to spend a lot on New Year's fun or leave our children alone at home. Therefore, they will spend the evening before the New Year at home.

What to give your business partners for the New Year?
On the eve of the New Year holidays, thousands of people are faced with a difficult question: what to give as gifts to business partners? How to choose them? Let's look at some interesting and original New Year's souvenirs.

Order of Santa Claus for children and adults for the New Year
New Year spent with Santa Claus is a real celebration, a wonderful fairy tale from our childhood!

Choosing a gift for the New Year
There is hardly a second holiday in the year that we look forward to with the same impatience. Of course, it's New Year. It is at the end of December that a child’s faith in miracles, the expectation of something magical and incredible, invariably awakens in us.

New Year's trees in tubs
What do all people associate with the New Year? Of course, with a Christmas tree.

The charm of a winter bouquet
Creation New Year's mood Of course it is impossible without the forest beauty. Winter flower arrangements can provide you with a fabulous setting and the presence of miracles. Pine cones, fir paws, fresh flowers, fruits, sweets woven in a basket or vase.

A bouquet of flowers, a real miracle of New Year's Eve.
Before the holidays, the city is enveloped in a pleasant pre-holiday bustle. Streets and premises are decorated, and people become kinder and congratulations and wishes for happiness begin to be heard everywhere.

We are preparing for the New Year holidays in advance
In order for you to get the most out of the New Year’s celebrations, you need to properly organize yourself and your living space. Let's make a list of things to do before the New Year. Of course, among the obligatory tasks will be buying gifts and preparing New Year's greetings, choosing an outfit and drawing up a holiday menu, but in addition to the traditional ones, a whole bunch of things come from somewhere that stress you out and force you to waste such valuable moments on New Year's Eve.

Celebrating New Year 2012
The Tiger is being replaced by the year of the Black Water Dragon. In this regard, many questions arise: “What to give for the New Year?”, “Where and how to celebrate?” We will give some tips for celebrating the holiday.

Santa Claus and fire water
Frost, freshly fallen snow crunches under my new winter boots, and until adolescence I did not understand whether it was the surface under my feet sliding, or my feet sliding along the surface. The roofs were covered with white caps, I was already close to my goal - a glass of hot Coca-Cola and a turkey that had just experienced the heat in the oven.

What gifts to give for the New Year 2013?
As you know, the snake is considered a symbol of wisdom, insight and insight. The Year of the Snake can bring good luck mainly to those who have self-control and patience, are thorough in business, persistent and resilient. In the New Year 2013, snake symbols and souvenirs that contain an image of a snake may become a great gift for each of us. After all, this souvenir can become a talisman for the whole next year.

Costumes of Father Frost and Snow Maiden - their importance in celebrating the New Year
Costumes of Father Frost and Snow Maiden are an integral part of any New Year celebration, regardless of the audience. These could be children at a matinee in kindergarten, teenagers at school, or mature adults at corporate party or in friendly company. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will allow you to really plunge into the atmosphere of celebration and really feel the approach of the most long-awaited date in the lives of most of our compatriots.

A real holiday for adults and children
New Year - special holiday. This is a fabulous celebration, a night on which your deepest desires come true. And the gift here must be special. That's why most people are especially sensitive to finding a New Year's gift for loved ones.

Home decoration for the Year of the Snake
The coming 2013 will be held under the symbol of the Snake. In order for her to bestow her wisdom and longevity, she must be met correctly. To do this, it is worth considering some nuances for decorating the house, Christmas tree and table for the New Year.

New Year's banquet in the Moscow region - give yourself a bright impression
The New Year is coming, which means it’s time not only to think about what to give and to whom, but also where to organize a New Year’s banquet. Most Moscow residents try to celebrate the New Year in the Moscow region. Basically everyone is running away from gas pollution and noise.

Celebrating the New Year in Thailand.
Although it is not customary to celebrate the New Year in Thailand, they celebrate it there! All the secrets of celebrating the New Year in Thailand.

Toastmaster for the New Year.
New Year is one of the most important holidays in our country. It is the New Year, thanks to the surroundings created around it, that makes you believe in a fairy tale and, at least for one night, surrender to unbridled fun and entertainment. Well, if you follow the proverb that says that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it, then you need to celebrate it in the company of close and beloved friends, in a fun and interesting way.

Celebrating the New Year in Japanese style.
The unusual thing about the Japanese New Year is that you can’t watch TV, so the owners of the house come up with various competitions, games and funny competitions for their guests.

New Year abroad.
New Year is considered family holiday. Not long ago, a tradition arose to go abroad for the New Year. hometown to celebrate this holiday with friends or loved ones, but not at home.

New Year with Europe.
For a long time now, lovers of traveling around Europe have recognized that Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and is ideal for celebrating the New Year. True medieval charm, mild climate, affordable prices and as if a familiar language - all this and much more attracts Russians to the capital of the Czech Republic.

How to choose a gift for an adult.
Choosing a gift is a difficult question for most people, especially when the New Year holiday approaches. What should you do to avoid getting into trouble and please your loved ones?

Tours to Finland for the New Year. An unforgettable winter holiday!
Tours to Finland for the New Year are the most popular among tourists from all over the world. After all, this country is the birthplace of Santa Claus himself, thanks to which it is considered the most New Year's country on the entire planet. New Year in Finland is a fabulous holiday in which reality is intertwined with real magic.

What to give your colleagues for the New Year?
Preparing for the New Year is always an exciting and joyful process. However, the expectation of magic and fabulous miracles is usually accompanied by the solution of a number of problems, among which the first place belongs to the issue of choosing gifts.

How our ancestors celebrated the New Year
It’s hard to imagine now, but everyone’s favorite New Year did not always exist in Rus'. We began to celebrate it exactly as we do now thanks to Peter the Great and his decree commanding us to celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1.

We all know that people living in different countries, they think completely differently. And of course, the traditions of celebrating various events can turn out to be completely extraordinary. For example, people of which nation do not care about how to attract good luck to their home with the chiming of New Year's chimes? We bring to your attention the top 10 most interesting world New Year's funny and bizarre New Year's traditions and New Year's gifts which you might want to adopt.

Christmas and New Year in Latvia
Christmas and New Year's festivities in Latvia are surrounded by many unusual traditions, interesting rituals and other features. How are New Year and Christmas holidays expected and celebrated?

Various holidays and celebrations in life modern man quite a lot. However, there are such events that almost everyone awaits the arrival of with joyful trepidation and high spirits. What are we talking about?

A bouquet of flowers is an original gift on New Year's Eve
For the New Year you can receive absolutely any gift, everything will depend on the hobbies and tastes of the person, his social status and age, as well as the financial capabilities of the donor himself.

New Year in Egypt.
Every year it’s the same thing: tangerines, a decorated Christmas tree, snow and, of course, “The Irony of Fate” and other Soviet films during all the New Year holidays. But you want variety, new sensations, unforgettable emotions. For example, African exotics - summer in the midst of winter cold. Well, you definitely need to go to Egypt for this!

Old New Year. History of the holiday
Every year from January 13 to 14 we celebrate the “Old New Year”. This is wonderful, because everyone’s favorite – New Year – is repeated! You can congratulate those who didn’t have time, re-light the New Year’s lights and fireworks. But where are the roots of this phenomenon?

How to choose artificial Christmas trees
Every year, on the eve of the New Year, everyone strives to buy the best festive beauty tree. If you feel sorry for a living tree and the money to buy it every year, then it’s time to choose an artificial one.

Gifts for the New Year - Bead embroidery
There are gifts that are very valuable, expensive, even luxurious, but there are truly those that have no price. Especially if they are made with your own hands. Amazing flowers are blooming, a yellow leaf is circling and does not fall over the water swell, the snow is sparkling.

Luxurious and elegant gift - products from Zlatoust masters
It's customary to give gifts on New Year's Day, and sometimes it can be too difficult to find something truly original. But if you pay attention to products from gunsmiths, the problem will be solved immediately.

DIY gifts are a must for the New Year
Many traditions are associated with the New Year celebration. Previously, it was believed that gifts should be given only those made by hand. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have any talents - you can always find a way out.

The right gift will add a special touch to the New Year celebration
New Year is a special, fabulous time that both children and adults look forward to. Everyone wants to have a special experience and leave the most pleasant memories. Properly selected gifts will help add a special note to the overall holiday background.

Ideas for celebrating the New Year: a military-style party
Party in military style - great idea for New Year's Eve. Organizing it is not at all difficult: you just need to think through all the details and nuances correctly.

The secret of New Year's gifts
To make a New Year's gift pleasant and useful, you need to try very hard and find such a thing. You can only rely on your intuition, or you can listen to the recommendations of specialists.

Business souvenirs for New Year and Christmas
It's always nice to receive gifts. It is no less pleasant to present them, especially dear people. But, as a rule, 9 out of 10 ordinary people are faced with the problem of choosing a gift even for the closest person.

How to celebrate the New Year?
New Year is the most joyful holiday that appeals to both children and adults. Everyone is looking forward to December, this cherished month, at the end of which there will be that significant night and many days off. Everyone, young and old, is waiting for something unusual and bright from the upcoming holiday.

Dressing for a New Year's party
There are several ideas that will help you express your essence with an outfit (or, conversely, hide something). Let's consider the most bright options, which, by the way, can be used in any situation.

Svyaznoy promotional codes - make a wish on New Year's Eve!
Very soon such wonderful holidays as New Year and Christmas will come to every home. These are the days that we are ready to devote to our family and loved ones without reserve. Long awaited weekend holidays, when everyone is busy with the house, preparing, shopping. On these winter evenings and nights, you will no doubt gather with your family in front of the TV, at the festive table and spend pleasant time with loved ones.

Artificial Christmas trees: pros and cons
Where did this strange tradition of dragging a tree into your house on New Year's Eve and staging entire theatrical performances around it come from? How can we come to terms with the fact that hundreds of thousands of coniferous trees are destroyed every year for the sake of an age-old habit, and what are the possible ways to reduce damage to nature?

The Funniest Christmas Traditions
Christmas is a holiday that children and adults in many countries around the world look forward to. Each nationality has its own traditions of celebrating this day, which can surprise or amuse. Read more about them in the article.

Where and how to spend the New Year holidays?
If every New Year's Eve celebration is always traditional, you can add some variety and celebrate the holiday the way many others do. Let's consider options where you can celebrate the New Year.

What options are there for celebrating the New Year?
Many people believe that the New Year is a family celebration, so they celebrate at home and, thus, pay tribute to traditions. A special feeling of New Year's bustle is in the air: buying gifts, decorating the Christmas tree, preparing delicious dishes.

How to decorate windows for the New Year.
New Year is a time of magic; both children and adults look forward to it. There are many ways to decorate your home for the New Year and create festive atmosphere. Drawings on glass can rightfully be considered one of the most popular.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, many different events were held for children in the Olsky urban district. From December 23 to December 29, 2015, theatrical performances and children's matinees, concerts, masquerade balls, incendiary discos, festive flash mobs, various competitions, and exhibitions were held in all educational institutions New Year's crafts, in which more than 1,500 people took part. The children and their parents spent a long time preparing, imagining, making crafts for exhibitions and New Year's decorations.

An elegant, beautiful Christmas tree greeted its guests in the decorated halls of schools and kindergartens. Music, colorful design, scenery and costumes, fun competitions, round dances around the Christmas tree created a feeling of celebration in the children, filled them with fun and joyful anticipation of meeting fairy-tale characters, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Teachers and educators, thanks to their creative and extraordinary approach, created a fairy tale atmosphere for the children and their parents, inventing new ones every year. original scripts, the plots of which are not revealed until the last moment. After all, what’s a New Year without surprises? Holidays in schools and kindergartens are always joy, smiles and good mood. Active participation Parents took part in the events. They sewed and bought costumes for children, helped decorate classrooms, together with the children prepared crafts for New Year's exhibitions, played and rejoiced with the children. Various fairy-tale characters came to visit the children with gifts: Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Rapunzel, Shapoklyak, Dunno, the symbol of the New Year - the cheerful Monkey, and the long-awaited Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. And, of course, the surprise most expected by children is sweet gift, which they take away along with the unforgettable impression of the performance they saw.

Except New Year's events, held in institutions, schoolchildren of the Olsky urban district took part in two more significant events - the Kremlin and Governor's Christmas trees.

Every year in Moscow the All-Russian New Year's Kremlin tree is held for children aged 9 to 12 years, excellent students, winners of Olympiads, competitions, pupils of orphanages and boarding schools, children from socially vulnerable families. The Kremlin Christmas tree is the main thing New Year's performance in Russia and a cherished dream for millions of boys and girls in our country. For participation in the Kremlin Christmas tree, which took place on December 26, 2015, a quota of one person from among the students of general education institutions subordinate to the Education Committee of the Administration of the Ola City District was determined. A candidacy for a participant in the All-Russian New Year tree was determined. This is Anastasia Timofeenko, a 5th grade student at the MCOU "Basic secondary school in the village of Talon." Nastya is an excellent student, an active participant in school and regional creative competitions, Olympiads, and has many certificates and letters of gratitude. Of course, Nastya will have many more interesting impressions and events in the future, but, undoubtedly, the Kremlin Christmas tree left a bright memorable mark on her life, gave her a lot of unforgettable impressions, amazing emotions, and new friends.

Every year in Magadan, a regional charity event is held for children from large and socially vulnerable families, children under guardianship, children from military families who died in hot spots, excellent students, winners of competitions, olympiads, and competitions aged 7 to 12 years - Governor's New Year tree. From December 25 to December 28, 2015, 30 students secondary schools Ola urban district, were invited to the main regional Governor's Christmas tree. All the guys are prize-winners and winners of various intellectual, creative, sports competitions and Olympiads, activists in the public life of the school.

A variety of food was prepared for the participants of the Governor's Christmas tree entertainment program. On December 26, at the Magadan State Musical and Drama Theater, the children danced a merry round dance around the Christmas tree together with Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters, and then watched New Year's performance"Cherevichki".

The Governor of the Magadan Region, V.P. Pecheny, congratulated the children on the upcoming New Year. He wished everyone good health, good studies, new high achievements, fulfillment cherished desires and good luck.

The next day, December 27, at the Kolymsky sports complex, “Merry New Year’s starts” were held, where the children competed in agility, speed and ingenuity with Santa Claus.

All participants of the Governor's Christmas tree lived in the Moscow State Autonomous Institution "Children and Youth Health Center "Northern Artek". The children were not bored. A rich entertainment program was prepared for them: watching cartoons in the cinema hall, a performance by artists of the Magadan circus "Voyage", a New Year's performance by students of the College of Arts " Hello, Christmas tree - 2016", New Year's disco and much more. On the street on the territory of "Northern Artek" children played funny games winter games, tumbled in snowdrifts, made snowmen. And the end of the whole event of the Governor's New Year's tree was a big New Year's fireworks. Each participant of the Governor's Christmas tree received a sweet gift.

It has already become a tradition to hold a regional exhibition “Hello, Hello, New Year!” on the eve of the New Year. From December 19 to 23, 2015, a regional exhibition-competition of arts and crafts and fine arts “Hello, Hello, New Year!” was held in the foyer of the Olsk Regional Culture Center. among pupils and students of educational institutions. The founder and organizer of the event was the Education Committee of the Administration of the municipal formation "Ola City District". The main goal of the Competition was to develop children's interest in arts and crafts and fine arts, skills in making New Year's crafts and decorations, and attracting children's attention to the study and preservation of manufacturing traditions New Year's toys.

The competition-exhibition was attended by 256 participants aged from 2.5 to 17 years: pupils and students of 11 educational institutions of the municipality "Ola city district" (MKOU secondary school in the village of Ola, MKOU secondary school in the village of Arman, MKOU secondary school in the village of Tauisk, MKOU Secondary school in the village of Talon, MKOU secondary school in the village of Takhtoyamsk, MKOU "Elementary" school-kindergarten With. Gadlya, MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 6 "Golden Key" p. Ola", MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 "Geese-Swans" p. Ola", MKDOU "Kindergarten "Beryozka" p. Klepka", MKOU DOD "Central pre-school children of Ola village".

More than 250 works were presented in the following nominations: "New Year's Christmas tree toy", " New Year's mask", "Holiday cards", "Symbols of the year". The competition-exhibition is held on age groups: preschoolers, students in grades 1-4, students in grades 5-8, students in grades 9-11.

The imagination and creativity of children in making New Year's crafts turned out to be rich and unexpected: symbols of the year (monkeys, funny Snowmen, kind Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, Christmas trees), New Year's toys, holiday cards, masks and much, much more.

The work was carried out in the most different traditions and techniques: applique, modular origami, design, quilling, decoupage, knitting, embroidery, dough modeling, etc. The competition participants used various materials: paper, plasticine, plastic, fabric, pasta, candy, coffee beans!

The jury assessed the quality and aesthetics of execution, expressiveness and originality of the submitted works.

As a result of a very emotional discussion and exchange of opinions, the results were summed up and the winners of the competition-exhibition “Hello, Hello, New Year!” were determined. It was very difficult for the jury members to evaluate and choose best works, since they were all bright, colorful, and, most importantly, made with love, each work was worthy of attention! The most distinguished participants were awarded diplomas from the Education Committee of the Administration of the Ola City District. And the head of the Administration D.V. Morozov warmly congratulated the prize-winners and winners of the competition, noting that in educational institutions Olsk city district created necessary conditions For child development applied and fine arts, wished them further success and presented the children with sweet gifts.

The Education Committee thanks the members of the jury, all participants of the Competition, as well as the employees of the Olsk regional cultural center for their assistance in organizing the exhibition.

New Year's holidays for children and adults are still the most important, colorful and unforgettable. We wish everyone health, optimism, creative success, and the implementation of interesting plans and ideas in the coming year!

IN Ancient Egypt For example, the New Year was celebrated at the beginning of summer, during the Nile flood.

IN Ancient Greece The celebration took place on the longest day of the year - June 22. The ancient Greeks started their chronology from the first Olympic Games, which were held in honor of the legendary Hercules.

The calendar, in which the New Year began on January 1, was introduced by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. It went down in history as the famous “Julian calendar”. During the Great French Revolution, the New Year in France was celebrated on September 22, the day the Republic was founded.

New Year's Eve in Russia fell on September 1st. And only in 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1. The New Year celebrations in 1700 began with a parade on Red Square, and in the evening the sky lit up with the bright lights of festive fireworks. The tradition of celebrating the New Year with fireworks, fireworks and the launch of colorful rockets is still alive today.

But the custom of making gifts came from Ancient Rome, where the first gifts were laurel branches, which symbolized happiness and good luck in the coming year. The ancient Romans wrote on gifts “I wish you a prosperous New Year!” and accompanied the wishes with humorous poems, because the New Year is a cheerful holiday.

The custom of exchanging greeting cards came from with wishes of happiness and good luck England.

Custom to decorate New Year tree came from our distant ancestors, who treated trees as living beings. It was believed that the fluffy evergreen beauty was the refuge of good spirits, and by decorating these trees, people cajoled them and asked for help in fulfilling their cherished desires. Today we cannot imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree.

According to ancient belief, a rich festive table ensured well-being in the coming year and family wealth.

IN Germany Christmas is considered the main and favorite holiday. It is Germany that the world owes the tradition of decorating Christmas trees. Glass Christmas decorations and artificial Christmas trees also came from there. The Christmas table in Germany is always covered with a snow-white tablecloth, decorated with fir branches, scented candles and all sorts of cute souvenirs. A must-have delicacy on the Christmas table should be sweet butter or puff pastries and marzipan candies.

Here comes the New Year Germany- a secondary holiday. The traditional New Year's dinner begins at 8 pm and ends... at midnight, when festive fun is still in full swing everywhere. Lifting New Year's glasses is a signal for the end of the festive meal.

IN Austria V New Year's Eve It's common to guess. Everyone buys tin figurines, which are melted on a candle and poured into special dishes. Based on what is poured out, they determine what fate awaits in the coming year. Thrifty Austrians eat little, but they consume an unlimited amount of hot mulled wine. All day on January 1, everyone sleeps and only in the evening they go out to eat sausages and cabbage in snack bars.

IN Czech Republic Both Christmas and New Year are celebrated equally actively. The Czech New Year's table is unique. Meat is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, so on the table you will find all kinds of sausages and balyks, but you will not see any salads, vegetables, or herbs. Carp baked in sour cream is served as a hot dish. This is a centuries-old tradition. And for dessert - chocolate cake (the famous Prague cake) with champagne.

Young girls in the Czech Republic and Slovakia They especially look forward to the Christmas and New Year holidays, as they can find out at this time whether they will get married during the coming year. You just need to throw a slipper over your head. If she falls with her toe towards the exit, the girl will soon get married. Well, if you point your toe in the direction of the room, you’ll have to wait another year.

Happy New Year in Bulgaria. When everyone gathers at the festive table, the lights in all houses are turned off for three minutes. These are the “minutes of New Year’s kisses”, the secret of which is kept in the darkness.

And in Romania On New Year's Day, it is customary to bake various “souvenirs” in pies: small coins, rings, hot peppers, etc. If you come across a ring or a coin, then the coming year promises happiness, and if it’s pepper, then... don’t blame me.

Christmas and New Year holidays in France– a real riot of culinary delights and fantasies. On the festive table, the famous French champagne is the basis of all fun; vegetables, fruits, green salad, smoked salmon, grainy caviar and, of course, foie gras (the famous goose liver pate). Baked turkey with lingonberries is served as a hot dish, followed by oysters - the national pride of the French. Dessert is an amazing Christmas log (cake with candied fruits and raisins) and chocolate. All this is washed down with cold Chablis.

New Year's kitchen Switzerland not as whimsical as in France, but diverse, since it has absorbed the festive traditions of neighboring countries - Germany, France, Italy. On New Year's Day in Switzerland, it is customary to give each other pear gingerbread cookies, which later serve as dessert on the festive table.

The main dish of the Christmas table in Holland, as well as in many other European countries, is turkey baked with apples. The Dutch cannot imagine Christmas dinner without their favorite delicacies: crispy sweet cookies, marzipan and, of course, the famous Dutch bread (cake with nuts and raisins).

Here comes the New Year Holland It is customary to greet people with donuts. Usually the Dutch do not eat them; they are exclusively a New Year's delicacy. When saying goodbye to the Old Year and welcoming the New Year, the residents of this fabulous country drink champagne, and at midnight they go out into the street, where the mass drinking of mulled wine begins. Mulled wine is brewed in all houses, in all drinking establishments and sold on the streets, and the famous Dutch donuts are sold on stalls.

The custom of serving Christmas turkey came from England. Here it is served with rice pudding and vegetables (and in the US, where turkey is also a traditional dish, it is served with french fries).

IN England And United States of America Christmas is a favorite family holiday, but they celebrate New Year in different ways.

Another custom came from England: in addition to the Christmas tree, decorate the house with bouquets of mistletoe. Bouquets of mistletoe are everywhere - on lamps, chandeliers and on the table. You can “luckily” kiss a person standing in the middle of the room under the mistletoe.

For the British, New Year's sales, which begin on December 27, are of particular value. The goods are sold at 95% discounts, and there is no time for feasts - you need to have time to buy everything you need. And for Americans, the New Year is another reason to have fun and fool around. Carnivals, noisy parties and festivities festive city- as long as it's fun.

IN Ireland On the evening before the New Year, everyone opens the doors of their houses. Anyone who wishes can enter and will be a welcome guest. He will be treated and presented with a glass of wine with the words: “For peace in this house and in the whole world!” The next day a holiday is celebrated at home. An interesting old Irish tradition is to give a piece of coal for good luck.

On New Year's Eve in Italy old unnecessary things fly from the windows, and the more old things are thrown out, the better. Italians celebrate the New Year holiday in an updated interior and new clothes. There is an old funny custom of giving red underwear to family and friends, because it is the red color that symbolizes newness. And little Italians are waiting for gifts from the woman “Father Frost”, this is not exactly our Snow Maiden, her name is La Befana. This usually happens old woman, but she gives out gifts on January 7th.

IN Spain, where any occasion is used for a merry fiesta, the main holiday is Christmas. The whole family meets him at a richly laid table, and even in poor families there are all sorts of goodies on the table. Both young and old prefer sweets, which is why there are cakes, rolls, muffins and pastries on the festive table. And December 31st is St. Nicholas Day - a holiday that Spaniards celebrate with friends and family, having fun from the heart. As for gifts, they are received mainly by children who hang out their stockings for gifts the day before. And they give them gifts on January 6th.

New Year's Eve Jews comes in autumn. Believing Jews have already celebrated the New Year in October, celebrating the two-day holiday of Rok Hashanah (“head of the year”). Traditionally, stuffed fish is served on the table - a symbol of fertility; a lamb's or fish's head - the desire to be first in everything, “not to trail behind”; stewed carrots, cut into slices - a symbol of wealth (carrots resemble gold coins in color and shape); and so that the year would be abundant and without illnesses - a round sweet hall with raisins. Fresh fruit and vegetables on the table symbolize hopes for a rich harvest, and at the beginning of the meal they eat apples in honey so that the year will be sweet and happy.

IN Australia New Year begins on the first of January. At this time it is so hot here that Santa Claus and Snow Maiden have to deliver gifts in swimsuits. True, the obligatory attribute of Santa Claus remains - a red cap with a pompom and a white beard. New Year's Eve Australian residents prefer to spend time with their friends, walking around the elegant city under the open sky, illuminated by fireworks. The delicious smells of festive dishes of European-Asian-American cuisine can be heard from restaurants and cafes. But Australians always get up very early - at 5-6 o'clock in the morning - and go to bed no later than ten in the evening. New Year's Eve is an exception: they celebrate the New Year, but at 00.10 everyone goes to bed.

IN Indonesia New Year comes in October. Smartly dressed Indonesians apologize for the trouble they caused each other over the past year.

As many as eight dates in India celebrated as New Year. For example, on the day of Gudi Padwa, one must eat the leaves of the neem neem tree. Oh, how bitter and disgusting these leaves are! But according to the old belief, they protect a person from illnesses and troubles and provide a sweet life.

The New Year's rituals in this country are very beautiful. Hindus decorate themselves with pink, white and red flowers. There are also special rituals for giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray, and in the morning children choose gifts for themselves blindfolded.

New Year's Eve Burma comes April 1st. It is at this time that the heat here is sultry. For a whole week, people happily pour water on each other, and the New Year’s water festival “Tinjan” is underway.

IN Iran New Year is celebrated on March 21. People there plant wheat grains in pots in advance, the green shoots of which symbolize the arrival of spring and the New Year.

In Vietnam New Year is a holiday of friendship. The Vietnamese greet him at night, and at dusk they light bonfires in parks, gardens and on the streets. Whole families gather around the fires and cook special rice delicacies over the coals. On New Year's Eve, all insults are forgiven and all quarrels are forgotten. The Vietnamese spend January 1st with their families. They believe that the first person to enter the house on this day can bring happiness or, conversely, bad luck in the new year. It all depends on who came.

New Year's Eve in China not without the explosions of firecrackers and rockets. In ancient times, firecrackers were bamboo trunks, which burst when burned and made a loud cracking noise. In China there is another wonderful tradition - on New Year's days it is forbidden to quarrel and swear.

It is very beautiful on New Year's Eve in China. It seems that the whole country looks like a huge glowing ball. This happens because during the New Year's procession, the Chinese light many lanterns to light their way into the New Year. They believe that the New Year is surrounded by evil spirits and evil spirits and scare them away with the help of crackers and fireworks.

IN Japan Before the New Year, it is customary to give cards with images of animals symbolizing the coming year. They also give toys and souvenirs. One of the brightest New Year's decorations Japanese house is Kadomatsu (“pine tree at the entrance”). Kadomatsu - symbol of deity worship New Year's holiday. It is made from bamboo, pine and woven rice straws. Decorate with branches of fern and tangerine.

On the morning of February 1, all residents of cities and villages go out to watch the sunrise. With the first rays of the rising sun, they congratulate each other on the New Year and exchange gifts.

It is customary to spend the evening with family, and in order to prevent evil spirits from entering the house, the Japanese hang bundles of straw on the door. It is believed to bring happiness and good luck.

The Japanese also have a wonderful custom - laughing at the beginning of the New Year. Laughter is known to prolong life, so laugh to your health! The Japanese attach great importance to the animal that symbolizes the coming year. They are sure that people born under a certain zodiac sign are endowed with the traits of a given animal. For example, this year the focus of the Japanese will be the Pig.

IN Mongolia The New Year coincides with the cattle breeding holiday, so it is accompanied by various sports competitions, a kind of test of dexterity and courage. Even Santa Claus comes to the Mongols dressed as a cattle breeder.

Celebrating the New Year in an interesting way Eskimos, who do not have the exact date of this holiday. The first snow has fallen, which means the New Year has arrived - welcome it!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!