The physical and mental development of a baby at 2 months made a huge leap in the first 30 days of age. Every mother should remember that all the skills of the baby are purely individual. You cannot compare the skills of children at a given age with each other. All the information provided in the article is provided to familiarize parents with the official standards for weight and height from WHO, as well as the peculiarities of development and care of children from two to three months.

How to develop a baby at 2 months

A child should not receive too many emotions at 2 months, this will have a bad effect on his sleep and nervous system... The development of the baby should be natural and smooth, without any excitement. The whole process should be guided by the mother relying on her intuition. All other relatives, including dad, and especially the wise grandmothers, should direct their perseverance and strength to caring for mom.

Only a mother knows exactly how to properly care for and develop her 2-month-old baby.

How much should babies weigh at 2 months

Normal weight in boys 2 to 3 months

weight chart for boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Age (weeks) Very low (kg) low (kg) normal (kg) excellent (kg) normal (kg) large (kg) very large (kg)
4 2.9 3.3 3.8 4.4 5 5.7 6.4
5 3.1 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 6 6.8
6 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.2
7 3.5 4 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.6 7.5
8 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.1 6.9 7.8

According to WHO standards, from two to three months, a boy should gain an average of 800 grams to 2 kilograms.

Normal weight for a girl from 2 to 3 months

chart of norms from WHO weight for a girl from birth to 6 months
Age of girls (weeks) Very low (kg) low (kg) normal (kg) excellent (kg) normal (kg) large (kg) very large (kg)
4 2.7 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.4 6.1
5 2.9 3.3 3.8 4.3 5 5.7 6.5
6 3 3.5 4 4.6 5.2 6 6.8
7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.5 6.2 7.1
8 3.3 3.8 4.4 5 5.7 6.5 7.3

According to WHO standards, from two to three months, a girl should gain an average of 700 grams to 1.2 kilograms.

Infant growth at 2 months

Girls' height from two to three months

growth chart of girls from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Girl's age (weeks) Very low (cm) low (cm) normal (cm) excellent (cm) normal (cm) large (cm) very large (cm)
4 47.5 49.5 51.4 53.4 55.3 57.3 59.2
5 48.3 50.3 52.3 54.2 56.2 58.2 60.1
6 49.1 51.1 53.1 55.1 57.1 59 61
7 49.8 51.8 53.8 55.8 57.8 59.9 61.9
8 50.5 52.5 54.6 56.6 58.6 60.6 62.6

According to WHO standards, a girl from two to three months will grow by about 4 cm.

Boys' height from two to three months

growth chart of boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Boy's age (weeks) Very low (cm) low (cm) normal (cm) excellent (cm) normal (cm) large (cm) very large (cm)
4 48.6 50.5 52.4 54.4 56.3 58.3 60.2
5 49.5 51.4 53.4 55.3 57.3 59.2 61.2
6 50.3 52.3 54.3 56.2 58.2 60.2 62.1
7 51.1 53.1 55.1 57.1 59.1 61 63
8 51.9 53.9 55.9 57.9 59.9 61.9 63.9

According to WHO standards, a boy, like a girl, will grow up to one month by 4 cm.

Height and weight of premature babies at 2 months

A premature baby will be slightly behind in development in the second month - this is normal. Children born before the appointed time continue the development that should have occurred in the womb, after birth. If the data deviate significantly from the norm, you should consult a doctor for advice. One of the first questions a pediatrician will ask about the diet.


Unlike the first, at two months the child changes his diet. Breastfeeding mom gets more breast milk, respectively, the baby begins to eat more of it. The process of digestion of food in a baby is lengthened. You can feed your baby every 3.5 hours. Approximate Feeding Time:

  • 10:00
  • 13:30
  • 17:00
  • 20:30

Give the child a sissy on demand. If not, then it's not worth waking him up.

How much should a baby eat at 2 months

A two-month-old baby who is on artificial feeding, you will need more minerals. Fruit and vegetable juices should be chosen as food additives. We recommend starting with apple juice. Give your baby a few drops of juice from a pipette for the first time. The next day, half a teaspoon. It is recommended to give juice to the baby after the second feeding after two hours. And finally, on the third day, a full spoonful. Juice should not be mixed with milk.

Important: the mother needs to closely monitor the reaction of the baby's body to new juices. Examine the baby for rashes and red spots on the body.


When a mother's breast milk decreases in the second month of breastfeeding, this means that it is time for her to think about increasing lactation. It is recommended to introduce new products into the infant's diet to start at 6 months and continue for another 18-24 months. If you plan the baby's menu incorrectly, this can result in problems in the future. WHO estimates that two out of five children in low-income countries are at risk of being deficient in all essential nutrients.

Must be on time, which means all babies should start getting foods in addition to breast milk from 6 months onwards. The addition of new food products to the baby's menu should be balanced in the frequency, quantity and type of new food appearing, since only in this case will you fully cover all the needs of a small organism and will not affect the quality and composition of breast milk.


By 5 and a half months, the baby is getting all the nutrients it needs from breast milk. Mom does not need to add water, juice or porridge. A 2 month old baby should eat at least 140-150 grams of breast milk every 2-4 hours.

In addition, avoid the use of low-quality formulas if the baby is bottle-fed, since they cannot fully provide a growing, young body with all essential elements... Also, low-quality mixtures have low iron levels, which can ultimately lead to the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia (which is closely related to low growth, weight and development, and learning ability). For colic, constipation or other problems with digestive system, you need to switch to mixtures with a lower iron content, but not less high quality.

WHO recommends feeding children exclusively with breast milk up to six months, in the first two months after the sixth, 2-3 times a day to introduce new products in small quantities; then in the period between the ninth and eleventh months after birth, increase the amount of regular foods and try to replace 1-2 breastfeeds; at twelve to twenty-four months, the menu should be mostly regular foods plus some breast milk or formula.

Why does a child drool heavily at 2 months

Heavy salivation (hypersalivation) is a normal physiological phenomenon in a child from two to six months, the cause of which is teething and unformed salivary glands. Not worth in this period parents worry about the number of bubbles from the baby's mouth.

There is a huge plus for the baby in the abundant secretion of saliva - it will envelop the toys with an antiseptic protein layer. This becomes a favorable condition during the period when the baby is studying everything, whatever falls into his hands.

How long should a baby sleep at 2 months

A child should not be awake for more than two hours in a row to avoid fatigue. The kid will rarely sleep peacefully day and night for more than 4-5 hours in a row. Cumulatively, sleep times range from 16 to 18 hours per day. Poor sleep for an infant of this age is an average static rate.

What should be the stool in a child in the second month

Have a child on breastfeeding the chair is changed 5-6 times a day. are rare, so you should not immediately take drastic measures in the absence of a long time. When fed with juices, poop becomes soft and frequent. In a bottle-fed baby, stools are more abundant, but occur less often from 1 to 3 times. The baby writes at two months often, about 10 times a day.

Why does a baby often yawn at 2 months

In full-term babies, yawning at 2 months is rare from 1-3 times for an attraction of 10-15 minutes, while the baby is naked. In severely premature babies, yawning occurs for a long time and often, but disappears after the completion of the infant's maturation. It is worth paying attention to the frequency of yawning - this is a sign of a brain disorder.

Development of motor skills

At 2 months old, a baby will learn to dance and spin from side to side, however, most likely, only spin (make attempts). At two months, it will only turn out to turn from a supine position in different directions. You will not be able to observe full rotation until 3 months of age, since the child, for this maneuver, will need more developed muscles of the back and arms.

The development of motor abilities in a two month old baby will require parents to more attention when changing diapers. Never leave your child unattended or unattended on a bed or other elevated surface for a second.

What should be able to

At 2 months, a child is able to control his little body in a more coordinated manner, the movements become less and less chaotic. The absurd flapping of the baby's arms and legs in the first days of life gives way to smoother and more circular movements, especially while observing others.

A baby at two months old needs enough room for pull-ups and limb movements. Stretch the blanket on the floor and let your baby move freely. All unskillful movements help the baby to develop physical abilities. The first step on the path to walking will be the skill of pushing off the legs from the position on the stomach.

A kid at this age knows how to hold and turn his head in different directions. Parents need to develop the skills of turning the baby's head in such a way that they are equal in both directions in order to avoid torticollis.

Daily regime

Can you imagine two one month old baby sleeping separately in a stroller or sharing a family bed with you, a smooth and predictable sleep pattern will give you the opportunity to get the rest you need. And don't worry, start setting the regimen from the second month of your baby's life.

Include in your child's day regimen: dancing, singing, bathing, bedtime stories, and cuddling with stuffed toys. You can also carry your baby around the house, wishing everything around Good night... This list will be supplemented and changed as the baby grows.

The first acquaintances of a three-month-old baby

The child should be open to relationships with adults at 2 months. A smile on the baby's face will appear every time someone walks into the room, takes his hands or just wants to crawl.

At two months old, it is time to present the family with the opportunity to look after the child. Give carers the opportunity to spend some quality time with your baby. Otherwise, the infant may become overwhelmed by fear of strangers, making it impossible for further communication.

Remember that babies have different personality traits and some of them are less open to new acquaintances.


The kid learned about the existence of his pens a few weeks ago. At 2 months old, the child is simply delighted with such a talent of nature. Watch how the little one examines his hands, puts them in his mouth and tries to suck. Mom should not worry about the new hobby that the baby recently discovered for himself. Such knowledge of the world around him will be interesting and useful to him.

How can a mom develop her baby's skills?

Holding the child in his arms, you can see how he knows how to raise his head and hold it for a couple of seconds. The baby, lying on his tummy, can lift his neck and chest almost 45 degrees, as if doing mini-push-ups. Parents can help develop this skill by sitting in front of the infant with a brightly colored children's toy in hand.

Education in the second month of life

Reading books to a child in the second month of his life will give amazing results in the development and upbringing in the future. This lesson will help your baby to quickly develop hearing for the perception of modulation of human speech. Changing the intonation of the voice with the help of different accents and singing will make communication with him much more interesting. If the baby becomes uninterested and starts looking the other way, try to think of something other than reading. Your baby may need to get some rest. Watch for reactions.

There are a huge number of children's books for children of two months of age. For example: "Good night, month" or "Sweet dreams, monkey." It is better to choose books with large, bright illustrations and simple text. You can even buy picture books so you can come up with stories on the go. During this period, age guidelines can be disregarded. Books written for older children, if they contain clear and vivid drawings, can also easily captivate a toddler.

A good idea at 2 months would be to read adult literature for a child: newspapers, magazines, favorite novels. The main thing is to do it loudly and emotionally. Whether it's Shakespeare or the latest hit of sales, if parents like to read it, then the baby will also like listening to the rhythm of his own voice.

How to develop hearing?

The child becomes a better listener at 2 months and realizes the difference between familiar and unfamiliar sounds. The kid can also show that he is in tune with the environment. Observe how the infant searches for the origin of certain sounds. Continuous communication (albeit one-way for now) helps the infant develop a sense of the surrounding reality. The baby can even watch the movements of her mother's mouth and wonder how it all works.

Note: if the mother is preoccupied with the child's hearing, do not hesitate for a long time, contact the pediatrician. For despite the fact that the infant's hearing has been previously tested, new problems can still arise.

What a child can do by the end of the 2nd month (results)

At 2 months, a child should be able to maneuver his body, rest his legs and transfer weight to his hands. Examine arms and legs while lying on your back. The baby can lift the chest by resting on the legs. The baby learns to reach for close objects and grab them. A couple of minutes

Baby 2 months - what can he do

By the age of two months, the baby has already completely mastered this life, and now he absorbs new emotions, knowledge like a sponge - literally every day he changes, learning something new.

Yesterday he watched his mother, lying on his back, and today, putting him on his tummy, you noticed how he raised not only his head, but also his shoulders, and carefully monitors your movements.

At about 2.5 months, the baby begins to try to grasp the interesting bright toys... He is happy to push, touch, feel, everything that surrounds him. He is no longer interested in lying around.

This age is characterized by the so-called "revitalization" complex, when the baby reacts vividly to the appearance of people he knows and loves - smiles, begins to walk, actively chatter with arms and legs.

Baby 2 months - how much to eat

A 2-month-old baby eats about 800-900 ml of milk per day, eating 130-150 grams in one feeding.

The feeding interval is gradually increased. At the age of 2 to 3 months, the baby usually chooses a 3.5 hour break between feedings. The night break could be much longer. Some babies who eat formula milk may even switch to 5 meals a day (4 hours apart).

Child 2 months - how much sleeps

At the age of 2-3 months, the child sleeps 16-18 hours a day, of which the night's sleep is about 8h 30m, and daytime sleep can be divided by 3-4 times

Child 2 months - regimen, daily routine

In front of you approximate schedule baby's day at the age of 2 to 3 months:

Time Routine
6:00 1st feeding
6:00 - 7:30 Wakefulness
7:30 - 9:30 Dream
9:30 2nd feeding
9:30 - 11:00 Wakefulness
11:00 - 13:00 Dream
13:00 3rd feeding
13:00 - 14:30 Wakefulness
14:30 - 16:30 Dream
16:30 4th feeding
16:30 - 17:30 Wakefulness
17:30 - 19:30 Dream
19:30 - 20:30 Wakefulness
20:00 5th feeding
20:00 - 21:30 Wakefulness
21:30 - 23:30 Dream
23:30 6th feeding
23:30 - 6:00 Dream

This mode is far from a clock guide to the life of a mother and baby, but only an example by which one can imagine what the duration of sleep and wakefulness, breaks between meals, can be.

Baby 2 months - height and weight

By the end of this month, the child will eat 800-900 grams and grow 2-2.5 cm. Average body weight and height are 5200-5600 grams and 60-62 cm, respectively.

The size of the circumferences of the head and chest also increases - the circumference of the chest is gradually "catching up" with the circumference of the head, although there is still less of the latter.

Baby 2 months - doctors and vaccinations

In the third month of life, many children, especially those born during the cold seasons of the year, may develop the initial signs of vitamin D-deficiency rickets (including in children who receive a prophylactic dose of vitamin D). Parents may pay attention to the increased excitability of the baby, sweating, increased urination, baldness of the back of the head. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary: ​​you may have to increase the dose of vitamin D, change the drug, change the child's diet.

After 2 months, in some children who had not previously had obvious signs of disorders of the nervous system, but who had undergone hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) in the prenatal period or at birth, neurological disorders may appear: increased excitability, tearfulness, trembling of the hands and chin when screaming, changes in muscle tone - the child resists when trying to spread his legs or arms, with the support of the armpit, he does not rest on the entire foot, but only on the fingers. If parents notice such features in their baby, it is necessary to contact a pediatric neurologist. In the third month of life - if the child has not been examined by these doctors earlier - all children also need consultation with an orthopedist and an ophthalmologist.

Of course, increased excitability is not always a manifestation of perinatal damage to the nervous system. Often, the reason for it is that in the third month of a child's life, parents are already getting used to it, they begin to treat the baby more calmly, they can violate his regime, invite guests, and remember the existence of television. Noisy conversations, loud music significantly excite the immature nervous system of the child, exhaust it. In the room where the child lives, it is advisable to give up watching TV, to give preference to melodic quiet music.

Child 2 months - educational activities and games

Now the baby's waking time has increased - he is ready to lead active image life for 1.5 - 2 hours in a row, and mom can take advantage of this, captivating him with games. Of course, games and activities should be short - up to 25 minutes.

The kid will be happy to watch how you touch his fingers, telling the tale about the "white-sided magpie", which "cooked porridge, fed the children." It is also very useful for developing speech skills.

You can already talk with the child. You tell him "ah, ah", he listens, looks at your moving lips and answers with something like "egh" or "agkh". You are "agu" again, he is "egh" again ... That's the dialogue!

The child is more and more purposefully interested in sounds. Will the bell ring, will the phone ring, he will concentrate and search not only with his eyes, but also with a turn of his head: “Where is this from? What is it?"

The child gets great pleasure from the opportunity to swing his arms and legs and hit them on suspended toys. It is best to take toys that, after hitting them, begin to ring or swing and rotate. Arrange your baby so that he can reach them first with his hands and then with his feet. Attaching a plastic circle with a face painted on it will make the game even more fun.

Before entering the room to the baby, call him. He will learn to recognize your voice and will wait for you to appear.

If the child still grew up mainly in diapers, now it is time to change his clothes - for the time he is awake, he needs sliders. At room temperature in winter time 21-22 ° C there is no need to wear woolen socks over the sliders, although they can be used while walking. Wrapping the baby up leads to the fact that he sweats and easily catches cold in drafts. At the above room temperature, you can wear short pants, socks or knee-highs to your child while awake. Let him stay with bare knees, first for 10-15 minutes, and then for the entire waking period.

So, 2 months have passed since the birth of your baby ... ...
Now that you have entered the regime of new, unusual, everyday worries, and your child has grown up enough, it's time to start developing his new skills.

Have you noticed how his behavior, facial expressions, gestures, habits change?

See how your little one reacts in an interesting way to the toys that you use to chat over him. Compared to last month, his movements are now more coordinated. He can reach out to get an object of interest to him, and even try to hit it with his hand. If you put a rattle in his handle, he will hold it tightly for a while. Give him a chance to shake her up. Children react to this movement in different ways. Some may look and listen in surprise. Others may cry when they perceive the noise of the rattle as annoying. Some children, on the other hand, will try to mimic your movement while smiling.

Development of a 2 month old baby

  1. Smile!
  2. Start changing your baby's position!
  3. We swim like adults!
  4. The first sounds!


By the end of the second month, your baby begins to smile with a delightful, toothless smile in response to yours. If it isn't already happening, take your time. Smile more at your baby, talk to him. The kid loves to look at your face, he feels your love for him and will definitely reciprocate you. There is nothing more beautiful than the contemplation of a child's serene smile in a dream ... ..

Start changing your baby's position!

When your toddler is awake and wants to play, flip him over onto his tummy. This position will not only allow your little one to see the world around him from a different angle, but will also strengthen and develop the muscles in the neck to better hold the head. Put bright toys, soft books in front of the baby. Be sure to talk to him, showing the objects that are in front of him. Your baby will be happy to be in this position, and will also begin to slowly try to reach for an interesting bright object. This will prepare him for the further stage of his development - a creeper.

We swim like adults!

Your baby is already old enough. It's time to bathe him in the big bathroom. Buy an inflatable ring that will allow your child's head to stay on the surface of the water. Start active swimming exercises. Children tend to enjoy this activity very much. They begin to actively swing their legs and arms. This will strengthen your baby's muscles and also teach him not to be afraid of water. Finish the swim with contrasting douches. This will strengthen your child's immunity.

The first sounds!

This month, your little one not only begins to actively listen to your speech, carefully observing how you articulate, but also tries to make the first sounds. The first sounds that children begin to make are vowels. Continue talking to him, repeating the sounds your baby is trying to make. At the same time, carefully monitor his eyes to understand what subject he is trying to tell you about. Over time, this will turn into an interesting game.

Babies love to suck. Whether it's a nipple, mom's or dad's finger, your own finger, the edge of a diaper…. This is a very important skill for a toddler. Thus, as a rule, he tries to calm himself down.

Pay your attention to this. Perhaps, taking the baby in your arms at this time, you will give him the opportunity to relax even without a nipple.

Often, by the end of the second month, the baby is more and more demanding of you to be in upright position... For a toddler, this opportunity will see new world! Take him in your arms more often! The warmth of your body, the love emanating from your heart, as well as the contemplation of objects around - all this makes your baby happy.

A child at 2 months is no longer just a precious, but completely helpless "little bag", his first personality traits and first skills are already beginning to appear. Although he still has few significant events at this stage of his life: periods of feeding, sleeping time and regular care. And nevertheless, the child at 2 months already looks much more developed and strong than during the newborn period. What can a two-month-old toddler do?

Question proper sleep one of the most relevant for young parents. A 2-month-old baby should be put to sleep on its back (or on its side with a sleep positioner), not on its stomach. And the point here is not so much in the nuances of the development of a child at 2 months, as in elementary safety ...

Baby development at 2 months: motor skills

In the second month of a child's life, his development is especially noticeable in his motor skills. He is already much better able to control his body, and is almost able to hold his head while lying on his stomach or while he is being held in the arms of caring household members. During this period, he still has a highly developed sucking reflex - he actively pulls a fist or foreign objects into his mouth. For him, this is one of better ways calm down.

Now the baby still does not have enough coordination to play with toys, but he can stare and look at some colorful object hanging in front of his eyes for a long time. And he does it with pleasure!

The kid is already capable of quite long time squeeze various objects in the cam, if you put them in his palm.

Neonatologists often advise parents of two-month-old toddlers to actively develop tactile perception in the baby - to put objects of different textures in his palm, which are very different to the touch. For example, a piece of velvet fabric, sea pebbles, a plastic spoon, fur pom pom, etc. Give your baby a good feel for the items with his palm - do not rush to change them too quickly. And most importantly: if your baby has some objects in his hands (no matter what) - do not take your eyes off him! Watch carefully so that the baby does not drag his "treasures" into his mouth, does not hit himself in the face, etc. These exercises are actually the first step.

Baby at 2 months: sleepy kingdom

By the second month of a child's life, the formation of his sleep pattern is still ongoing. During this period, children sleep 15-16 hours a day. These hours are unevenly distributed, with two-month-old babies staying up all night long. This is especially true for children who are not, who usually wake up every three to four hours in order to eat. But do not despair - already from 5-6 months the child is completely.

All babies, including 2-month olds, should be placed on their backs (or on their sides using a sleep positioner) rather than on their stomachs. In this position, the risk of occurrence is much lower. You can lay your baby on the tummy during the day when he is awake and you are watching him. Also, remove everything from the crib while you sleep. Stuffed Toys, pillows etc.

Baby development at 2 months: vision and hearing

At the developmental stage of 2 months, the child is already able to distinguish objects and people if they are no further than 50 centimeters from his face. This means that you still have to lean very close to your baby so that he can see you as clearly as possible. But now he can look at your face while you feed him. In addition, you will notice that your 2 month old baby reacts and turns his head when you walk past him.

Also, hearing is significantly improved in two-month-old babies. Now the baby will listen more attentively and more often to the sound of your voice. This means that you have to talk to him at every opportunity.

Alas, a child at 2 months old does not understand and does not understand almost a single word from your speech. However, he perfectly feels the intonation of the voice, timbre and tone of the speech stream. Therefore, it is necessary to talk with the baby not so much in words as in intonation - affectionately, confidently, cheerfully, “warmly”.

It is believed that already at 2 months, the baby is so developed that he is able to distinguish his household members by voice.

Close contacts

Crying is still the main way of communication for an infant at the developmental stage of 1.5-2 months. However, now the variety of sounds it makes will gradually grow: you will begin to distinguish between gurgling and grunting sounds, and even something similar to sweet cooing. Your child will recognize and respond to your face and voice. You will be able to discern even the first hints of a smile.

One of the most important things you can do during this stage of your baby's development is to talk to him. Although a two-month-old baby may not be able to answer you, he will respond to the sound of your voice, and this is what will stimulate him to try to pronounce the first sounds in the coming months. However, it is now too small for any variety in self-expression.

Today we spend most of our time on the move, walking or driving somewhere. This means that our children spend a lot of time in a car seat or in a carrycot. On the one hand, this has a considerable advantage - a baby who is already beginning to slowly peer into the world, has the ability to observe this world in good review... Much better than when a baby lies in a stroller (crib, bassinet, etc.) and looks only at the white ceiling of the room or the blue-gray scale of the sky.

But at the same time, it is very important that during the day the child has the opportunity to change the position of his body. Alternate periods of time when carrying your baby in the cradle, walking in a stroller, with times when he is lying on his tummy or in your arms.

And also bathe your baby correctly and for a long time. Indeed, on an emotional level, for your baby, bathing in warm water, with a slightly dimmed light in the bathroom, means about the same as for you - a pleasant return to your home after a long journey.

In the second month of development, physical contact is extremely important for your baby. Neonatologists and pediatricians recommend doing daily child easy massage so that the baby's skin feels the touch of the mother's hands. Although, simply carrying it on your hands and swaying will already be enough.

If your baby still screams and cries a lot,. Some children respond well to light music or singing. Others are relieved by “white noise” (for example, a working vacuum cleaner or the hiss of a radio not tuned to a certain frequency). Experiment and you will find something that works best for your baby.

Baby development at 2 months: short and clear

So, succinctly and legibly, what exactly your baby can do at 2 months:

  • Keeps objects and faces in sight
  • Listens to voices, sometimes turns head to sound
  • Actively probes objects
  • Constantly "pulls" objects or his own cam into his mouth
  • Loves to be in her arms
  • When trying to smile, actively shakes hands and feet
  • Tries to make different sounds besides crying

A baby at 2 months is, of course, no longer a newborn baby, but still not a full-time student. Do not impose any requirements on its development! If a two-month-old baby actively follows your gaze for a couple of hours, this is not yet an indicator of her exceptional intelligence and unprecedented physical achievements in the future. And vice versa - if the baby has not yet demonstrated absolutely nothing but sound sleep, good appetite and regular emptying into a diaper, this also does not in any way cancel his claims to genius.

There will still be! Wait a couple of years and see what a wonderful, unique, precocious child you have with clear rudiments of a championship. And it only remains to decide - in which particular area ...