Put the baby on his stomach, and walk away and call him, showing him his favorite toy. A child at 11 months can already crawl perfectly on all fours and does it much faster and more freely. Please note that crawling must be coordinated, that is, its movement occurs in the following rhythm: left leg - right hand, right leg - left hand, etc.

Child development at 11 months. Reactions and skills

Place the baby on a spacious, flat surface and slowly raise first one of his legs, and then both, to an angle of 45° from it. Eleven one month old baby tilts the torso, stretches the arms forward and balances confidently without falling. If he is tilted to the side or too quickly backward, he immediately leans with his outstretched arm in the appropriate direction.

Sit with your child on the floor next to a chair, playpen or sofa. Show him an attractive toy, thereby encouraging him to stand up. At 11 months, from a “sitting” or “on all fours” position, the baby stands up independently, holding onto the furniture. At the same time, he brings his leg forward, places it and pulls himself up on his hands, straightening his legs. This skill must be observed on both sides. In addition, a standing child can already try to take steps in place and to the side.

Take the standing baby by the arms and encourage him to take a few steps. He will do this still uncertainly, timidly, awkwardly, with long steps. His legs still remain slightly straightened, and the load falls on the entire foot.

Sit your baby down and place it on the table in front of him or hold out a round biscuit with a diameter of 0.5 cm in the palm of his hand. Baby development at 11 months is manifested in a well-developed “pincer grip.” The baby grasps and holds a small object with the pads of the bent index finger and the opposite one. thumb. Before contacting the object, he opens his fingers exactly as much as its size and shape require. Both hands must master this skill.

Like , a child at 11 months demonstrates the following two skills.

Sit at the table on which the cubes are laid out and place the child on your lap (the cubes should be positioned so that he can reach them with his hands). Immediately or after several minutes of play, the baby begins to throw toys on the floor with noticeable pleasure. If this does not happen, take one die and roll it yourself.

Sit your child down and show him the doll or bell. You can give the toy to hold in your hands. If you choose the second option, then draw the baby’s attention to the tongue of the bell. At 11 months, children not only grasp the image of an object as a whole, but also notice its individual details and try to examine them. Your child, for example, can touch the doll’s face, its eyes, mouth, and nose with its index finger. If you offer him a bell, he will put his finger inside and feel its tongue.

Child development at 11 months. Interaction with the outside world

At 11 months, the baby begins to meaningfully pronounce syllables, double syllables or other sound expressions to indicate familiar situations, objects or persons. For example, “brrr” is his car, “ba-ba” is a ball, “ata” is the situation of dressing and leaving, etc. However, these first “words”, as a rule, extend to a wide range of phenomena and concepts. A child uses, for example, the designation “vav-vav” not only for a dog, but also for any four-legged animal, “brrr” - not only for a car, but also for any car that makes noise, or “pa-pa” - for any men.

The 11th month in the life of a baby for many parents becomes both very difficult and very pleasant: they do not have a moment of peace due to attempts to keep track of their energetic child, but at the same time, a child at 11 months is a complete charm! Most children at this age are unusually energetic, playful and require constant attention and supervision, because they want to learn as much as possible about the world around them, and the toddler’s capabilities are still too limited, so they have to constantly call their parents for help. But most of the infantile problems and whims are already behind us, and before the first age crises It’s still a long way off and for now you can just enjoy the company of your baby. At this age, you should not worry too much if your baby does not yet know how to walk or feed himself with a spoon, the main thing is to know what a child should be able to do at 11 months, according to doctors and child psychologists, in order to notice signs of developmental disorders in time.

Physical development of a child at 11 months

By the end of the 11th month, the child usually gains 300-400 grams and gains 1-2 cm in height.

By this age there is some difference in physical development in boys and girls: representatives of the stronger sex weigh more, about 10 kg, and are a little “taller” - approximately 72-74 cm, girls are slightly behind them - 9 and 70-72 cm, respectively.

At 11 months, it is quite difficult to accurately assess the physical development of a baby; some at this age walk confidently and can climb up and down stairs on their own, while others refuse to even crawl, preferring to be held in their arms all the time or sitting quietly in a playpen. Both are quite normal for an 11-month-old baby, so parents concerned about the pace of their baby's development should focus only on those basic skills that all children of this age should master.

They include: the ability to independently sit down and sit without support, the child’s attempts to crawl, stand up and walk while holding onto the bars of a crib or playpen.

Also, a child at this age should walk with the support of his parents and have fairly good control of his body - at 11 months, children’s movements become more coordinated. They fall much less often, crash into different objects and can confidently hold toys in both hands and move them.

An 11-month-old baby should be very active and inquisitive; parents should be wary if their child does not try to get out of the crib or playpen, does not want to get off his hands, and does not try to actively explore the objects around him. The “correct” behavior of an almost one-year-old child is constant search for new experiences, thirst for discovery and communication, which often drives parents into a frenzy. Therefore, if your child begins to be mischievous, immediately somehow he woke up, immediately turns the whole house upside down, does not lag behind you for a minute and is constantly climbing somewhere, taking things apart and being interested in something, you should Rejoice - he is developing just according to his age.

Neuropsychic development of the child

At 11 months, most children constantly good mood The main thing is to feed them and put them to bed on time. The daily routine of babies at this age is not very different: 4-5 feedings a day, 1-2 times nap, but night sleep can be reduced to 8-9 hours a day, depending on how much the child sleeps during the day. By the end of the first year of life, babies constantly delight their parents and everyone around them with their smiles, singing, first words and ringing laughter, while not forgetting to scream loudly and cry whenever they do not immediately get what they want. But cope with the whims and bad mood It’s not so difficult for a child of 11 months - they can easily be distracted by switching to some other object or toy or inviting the capricious child to play, run or jump.

Recipe for the occasion::

An eleven-month-old baby can already do a lot– he folds pyramids, collects cubes, knows how to eat from a spoon and can roll a ball and cars. At this age, children not only play with toys, they develop their first noticeable preferences, for example, a favorite hare or a car, which the baby will not part with. They also learn to play story games: rock and feed a doll, hum and “beep” while rolling a car, “write” something and draw” with finger paints and felt-tip pens.

Many children not only pronounce different sounds and sound combinations - this is included in the mandatory “minimum” by 11 months, but also trying to pronounce the first words: “mother”, “father”, “woman” and so on. Moreover, having learned to pronounce a word, the baby will use it to designate not only the object or person itself, but also all other actions and things as related to it. For example, the word “mother” will mean the mother herself, her dress or bathing the child, because it always happens to the mother! Also, many children, having learned to pronounce a word, after a few days stop repeating it, losing interest in it, and learn to say something new; in such cases there is no need to worry - after a while the child will begin to use all the words that he can pronounce .

During the period of active speech development of a child, it is very important that he hears only correct, clear speech - there should be no affectionate diminutive endings or “lisps”, this may slow down speech development and cause the child to distort words.

To accelerate the development of speech, it is necessary not only to constantly talk with the child, but also to read children's poems and picture books to him, so he not only develops a sense of rhythm, he also learns to relate the objects depicted in the pictures with their sound designation.

At 11 months, the baby becomes somewhat more independent, he no longer wants to spend all his time alone with his mother and close relatives, he is also interested in other people, primarily children of the same age and older children. The child may watch their actions with interest, imitate them, or try to make friends with the children. But parents should be constantly on guard at this time and not leave their children alone - kids can hit or bite each other, fight over a toy, or become interested in each other’s eyes, hair and other parts of the body.

According to pediatricians, a healthy 11-month-old child should be able to:

  • stand up and sit down independently, walk with support;
  • drink from a cup, eat from a spoon;
  • know the purpose of household items and be able to use them - that is, if you give a child a cup, he tries to drink from it, and if he uses a comb, he runs it through his hair;
  • hold the toy with your fingers and not with your whole palm;
  • collect pyramids, place cubes on top of each other, open and close boxes;
  • show in pictures and bring, at the request of an adult, toys, household items, and so on;
  • understand the speech of an adult addressed to him and carry out simple instructions - “give me a ball”, “show me where our crib is”, “let’s go for a walk” and so on;
  • navigate your home, know where everything is and be able to use items for their intended purpose;
  • pronounce the first words and use sounds to indicate your actions and the actions of others.

Boys and girls at 11 months

At 11 months, a difference becomes noticeable not only in the physical development of children of different sexes, but their behavior and habits also change. These changes are most noticeable in the choice of games and toys for boys and girls. Little ones prefer soft toys, dolls, strollers, and so on; they enthusiastically rock baby dolls, try to feed them, they like bright beads, beautiful dresses, and some fashionistas are even trying to use their mother’s lipstick or jewelry.

On the eve of his first, official day By birth, children have already grown noticeably and learned a lot. Every day their life becomes more and more eventful, and their waking time increases. Children spend a lot of time in active exploration, and they have almost left their mother's arms. Parents will probably be interested in comparing the acquired skills of their babies with the average indicators indicating what a child should be able to do at 11 months.

At eleven months, the baby gains 400 grams in weight and stretches 1-1.5 centimeters in height. If the child has not gained weight at all, or the increase has occurred only by 150-200 grams, this is not a reason to panic if the son or daughter is in general good health. After all, their motor activity has increased greatly, and the body quickly uses up its energy reserves and nutrients. It may be worth offering your child foods containing more calories.

In terms of anatomy and physiology, at this moment the intensive formation of the muscular system occurs, so the baby can already be in an upright position for more or less a long time and even move around using support, and sometimes independently.

Another important change is the appearance of baby teeth, as a rule, these are four teeth - two each on the lower and upper jaws; some children have already developed second incisors.

Already before one year, the baby can take his first steps and utter his first words, but there is no need to despair if this does not happen - the development of a child at 11 months proceeds according to its own schedule, in accordance with its individual genetic program. True, parents have a good opportunity to help him with this by monitoring the toddler’s nutrition and normal sleep, as well as regularly developing him through games and educational activities.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months?

Children at this age are extremely inquisitive and active. If you turn away for a minute, you don’t know where the baby will be in a moment, so they need minute-by-minute monitoring.

What should an 11 month old baby be able to do? Fortunately, the increased strength and endurance associated with strengthening muscles allows him to master a wide variety of skills:

  • he can easily rise to his feet without assistance and stand;
  • sit down from a vertical position without using support, although this is still difficult for him;
  • crawl quickly, changing direction;
  • sit independently long time;
  • the baby begins to walk with small, uncertain steps, holding on to the hand of his father or mother;
  • he easily recognizes familiar objects and toys by pointing at them with his finger;
  • coordination of movements increases, and the child’s hand, if it is necessary to take an object of interest, opens in accordance with the dimensions of the thing;
  • A toddler can hold a mug with both hands;
  • eats with a spoon;
  • washes his face and brushes his teeth.

Changes also occur in the psycho-emotional plane of the child:

  • he becomes more sociable;
  • repeats words after parents;
  • understands what adults are talking about;
  • responds adequately to requests and demands: take, give, eat, throw; in response, in addition to action, can use facial expressions and gestures, shake the head;
  • the child becomes not only more dexterous, but also smarter - he can use improvised objects to get toys from out of reach places.

Children develop hobbies, personal preferences regarding toys, and the inclinations for story-based gameplay - many girls and boys can already babysit dolls, feed and put bunnies and bears to sleep.

A child’s awareness of himself as an individual can be quite noticeable and can be reflected in attempts to manipulate parents. At this moment, adults should calmly respond to the whims of children, otherwise in the future the child will constantly use hysterics or crying as a way to achieve what he wants.

It cannot be said that the mental and physical abilities of children of opposite sexes are very different, but there are certain characteristic nuances that are worth knowing about:

  1. When figuring out what an 11-month-old girl needs to be able to do, you need to understand that babies are not like boys, who are usually more active and restless. They are much calmer and can spend a long time playing with blocks, enthusiastically drawing or sculpting. A process that is interesting to them can captivate them for half an hour, and this is quite a lot for a child who is not yet a year old.
  2. Taking into account how active and independent the boy is, at 11 months he can be able to do everything related to movement, first of all, he will quickly learn to walk without the help of adults, although he will have time for short time get yourself a lot of trouble.

Everything that an eleven-month-old baby can do, of course, is primarily embedded in his genetic program, but the role of parents in this process and its success occupies an important place.

How to develop a baby at 11 months

For the comprehensive development of a child, adults need to create favorable conditions for this.

If the baby already bends, squats and walks, leaning on furniture or the parent’s hand, it is worth helping him in this difficult matter:

  1. It is necessary to continue to stimulate active crawling, which helps strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs.
  2. It’s good if the baby pushes a gurney or stroller on his own, but under the supervision of his mother. You can also use a large ball as a pusher.
  3. The child already knows how to climb one or two steps, but it is still difficult for him to go down the stairs. Such exercises should be carried out a couple of times a day for a few minutes.
  4. While bathing, children can also learn and gain new skills - small rubber toys will help with this, which the baby will catch using a small plastic scoop.
  5. At this age, the child benefits from all games with bulk materials and small parts - cereals, beads, pebbles; let the child pour them from one container to another, fold them, sort them. This way he can quickly learn to control his fingers.

When figuring out what a child should be able to do at 11 months, do not forget about creative activities - he can already be given thin felt-tip pens that he can hold in his fingers. Crayons and pastel paints in the form of small pencils are also suitable. For modeling, it is better to choose homemade or special dough, or a set of soft plasticine that does not stick to your hands.

To improve conversational speech, daily activities consisting of shared reading are needed. At the same time, the baby can look at the pictures and later compose from them short stories. In addition, you need to talk a lot with children, explaining a variety of events, describing ordinary things and natural phenomena. During walks, you can meet other children - the sooner your daughter or son learns to get to know and communicate with their peers, the easier it will be for them to adapt to the conditions of the real world.

Under the supervision of adults, children can play independently and the best toys for them are still rubber toys, balls, large cars that the child can climb into, pyramids, cubes, toys in the form of animals and dolls for children. story games. It is better to choose books for a child with large, dense pages made of rubber or cardboard, as well as musical accompaniment. Toys musical instruments, a set of dishes or a stroller for a doll are more suitable for girls; boys can be pleased with a construction set and walkers, which will help them master walking faster.

Development success test

Knowing the standards that determine what a baby should be able to do at this stage of life, parents must understand that such an assessment is relative, and yet, in some cases, verification is necessary.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • by the age of eleven months, the baby should already have fully mastered crawling, sit and stand confidently;
  • the child must make attempts to stand up and take at least a couple of steps;
  • ideally, children normally perceive the independent use of a cup, spoon, towel and comb;
  • out of three cubes, the little one should already be able to build a turret;
  • A normally developed baby will definitely notice if you hide his toy and try to find it.

You can also pay attention to how the butuz behaves in different circumstances. If he is angry, he does not cry as before, but expresses his dissatisfaction - he can hit his mother and even bite. Rejoicing, the children laugh and clap their hands.

Some negative actions of the child should be stopped already at this age - to do this, he needs to be clearly explained what is good and bad, what can and cannot be done - this will make further education easier.

When dealing with the development of children of 11 months, it is already worth deciding on expanding the space for them in the house and making sure that they do not injure themselves while learning to walk and active games. All dangerous, sharp and breakable objects should be removed from the room, access to sockets and wires should be limited, and corners should be covered with soft cloth.

At this age, the child will fall often, and he will have to come to terms with this. The mother should not immediately run to the baby, this way he will learn to get up on his own, moreover, he will better navigate the environment and correctly coordinate his actions.

Baby routine at 11 months

Complementary foods, as such, have ended, and the child has already become a full member of the family, taking his place at the common table. Of course, the rules for preparing dishes for him remain the same. Children's food is prepared by boiling, stewing, lean meat in the form of meatballs, meatballs and cutlets is steamed. The food is still crushed, and the main number of feedings remains the same - 5 times a day. Not counting liquids - water, juices, a child eats up to 1.2 kilograms, so one serving is about 200-250 grams, depending on the baby’s size and appetite. This power system will continue to be used for about two years.

In fact, the little one has become acquainted with all the products, but the prohibited ones also include citrus fruits, mushrooms, nuts, coffee and tea, and chocolate. Tomatoes, oranges, some other vegetables and fruits, including honey, can cause allergies and are therefore not advisable.

Those mothers who plan to wean from breastfeeding gradually reduce the amount of milk and then the number of feedings, limiting themselves to only once before bedtime. There is no longer enough in mother's milk necessary for the child substances, and he will receive nutrients from regular food.

Even if continued breastfeeding it is noted that at the age of 11 months, children sleep much more peacefully at night and no longer cause so much trouble, with the exception of cases of toothache and illness, from which at this moment they need to be protected especially carefully - low immunity is the most vulnerable point during this period .

At night, children sleep from 10 to 11 hours, and during the day for another 3-4 hours. Age is characterized by the transition of each child's body to its own natural biorhythms. Therefore, some children may go to bed and get up later or earlier.

Child care includes:

  • morning washing, combing, brushing teeth (children can already carry out some procedures independently);
  • washing after using the toilet - the child’s groin area is washed with warm water, occasionally using soap or other means;
  • bathing is carried out at a time convenient for children and parents, but mainly in the evening;
  • rubdowns, air baths, massages are used as hardening procedures to improve blood circulation and digestion;
  • Gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscles and spine should be carried out regularly, as they help restore the toddler’s body after active activities while awake.

Child development at 11 months: video

Understanding what a child should be able to do at 11 months old, parents can only help the baby get comfortable and learn many skills, but not rush things. You should not adjust his behavior to some general, and very conditional, framework, because little man– this is a person whose opinion must be respected.

For a baby, every passing month gives new skills and abilities. Parents watch with interest the child’s changes (height, weight, development). Every day he comprehends the world more and more confidently. The development of a child at 11 months occurs in accordance with certain standards. Don't worry if some moments are late. A small delay is not critical.

Physical changes

By the eleventh month of life, the baby’s muscular system had completely strengthened. He can stand up without support and walk. Over time, he will hone this skill. The second incisors begin to appear. Typically, children grow four teeth by this age. Don't worry if you have fewer teeth or no teeth at all. Up to a year it is normal phenomenon.

Important for proper development 11 month old baby weight, height and nutrition. On average, babies gain about 400 g in four weeks. They grow by about 1.5 cm. We must not forget that everyone has their own pace and small differences are not scary.

Pediatricians use special tables that were compiled after studying large quantity babies. According to WHO experts, lower standard a boy's weight is 7600 g, the upper one is 11700 g. For girls, the requirements are different: minimum weight - 6900 g, maximum - 11200. A strong excess of the indicators is fraught with obesity, which is clearly not healthy at this age.

The data can be seen clearly in the table below:

Experts in Russian pediatrics adhere to slightly different standards:

Growth is also controlled. For boys, the lower limit is 69.9 cm, and the upper limit is 79.2 cm. For girls, other values ​​are acceptable. The minimum border is 67.7 cm, the maximum is 77.8 cm.

Mental development

Minor changes occur in the emotional-volitional sphere. The baby ceases to be part of the mother and moves more and more towards a separate personality. The baby becomes an independent person with his own needs and desires. The child tries to do the same actions as adults. For example, he watches his mother comb her hair and tries to imitate her hand movements.

The baby's speech is filled with babbling words. Common people call this random combination of syllables and sounds “bird language,” but in fact it is already a conscious designation of surrounding objects by certain sound complexes, for example: bee-bee is a car, woof-woof is a dog; Also, with their help, the baby tries to show his desires and needs.

Building a pyramid or a tower from cubes is what a child can already do at 11 months. The development of his thinking depends on what objects and how he comes into contact. Many modern toys designed to stimulate cognitive activity baby: musical farms, sorters, busy boards.

The emotional sphere also undergoes certain changes. The child consciously reacts to his parents. If he feels angry, he tries to bite or hit adults. When feeling joy, he laughs or claps his hands. At this time, it is time to teach him to separate emotions and actions. For example, you can feel angry, but you cannot hit or bite someone.

Differences between boys and girls

Physical and mental development boys and girls go almost equally. However, observant parents may find slight differences in their children's behavior.

So, girls prefer monotonous, measured and leisurely games; they sit quietly in one place for a long time. Boys are more difficult to sit down; they are active and love everything noisy. They get along well with their peers.

Trying to walk and talk is what a child should be able to do at 11 months. Girls usually master these skills faster. Boys are often late in mastering them. Representatives of the stronger sex are highly inquisitive. Moms just have to manage to get them out of different corners apartments.

Development of basic skills

The child has good control over his body. In addition to the fact that he can already walk, it is easy for him to get toys from the floor. He will bend down or crouch behind them. He likes music and moves rhythmically to its beat.

The main skill of a child at 11 months is manipulative activity. The baby easily takes toys in his hands, opens his palm taking into account the size of the object. Able to grasp small things with two fingers.

The child likes books. He carefully studies the illustrations and points his finger at the characters. Capable of different actions upon request. For example, wave your palm, rock a doll, make “okay” gestures. Can find toys hidden in a box or bed.

Fine motor skills are improved. The baby can unzip the zipper, put on his shoes, take off his socks and much more. He becomes more and more independent: he begins to eat with a spoon, brush his teeth, and wash his face. If he needs some item, he points his finger at it, says “give me” and shakes his head.

Sample meal plan

At 11 months, the child should receive complete complementary foods. This is done regardless of breast or artificial feeding. The baby’s body is already ready for new foods and tastes. He doesn’t have to mash it, just boil the vegetables and mash them with a fork. Gradually, he becomes accustomed to biting off pieces.

Feeding should be based on the following rules:

  • Meals - five times a day;
  • There is a maximum of 4.5 hours difference between them;
  • It is advisable to feed at the same time.
At this age, boiled vegetables and fruits (chopped), meat, and curds are given. Priority is given to steaming or stewing. It is undesirable to add sugar, spices and starch. Be sure to include different cereals.

Parents should carefully monitor the baby's reaction as he begins to form certain taste habits. He may not like some foods, and this is normal. Allergens are excluded from the child's menu. These may include the following products: citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, exotic fruits, nuts. Do not give undiluted cow's milk. Cookies are issued in limited quantities.

Don't try to figure out the perfect serving size. Focus on the child's needs. If he doesn’t want to finish eating, then you shouldn’t force food into him. He may perceive some dishes negatively, especially if they are new. There is no need to be zealous; you can repeat the acquaintance after some time. Remember that appetite increases after a walk or taking water procedures.

What should a child be able to do at 11 months? If you focus on developmental norms, you can find that the baby does something very well, but does not succeed in others. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby. After all, the development of psychomotor skills depends on many factors: weight, muscular system, temperament, climate, heredity, health, family atmosphere.

If some skills are not observed, do not worry ahead of time. Of course, at this age the baby should sit and crawl confidently. If he doesn't try to rise vertically, that's even better, according to some orthopedists. The later the child learns vertical position, the more natural the curves of the spine will be formed. Crawling skills can develop over several months. In some babies it improves so much that one can only envy their agility.

Assessment of psychomotor development using the “Munich diagnostic”

In 1997, teachers, psychologists and doctors at the Institute social pedagogy in Munich, functional diagnostics were created, which can be used to evaluate psychomotor development children under 3 years old. What can a child at 11 months do according to this diagnosis?

  • From a sitting position, he pulls himself up with the help of a support and stands up.
  • Can take several steps along the support.
  • Takes steps with support from both hands.
  • Climb one step with support.
  • Hitting small objects against each other.
  • Can grasp and hold a toy (food) with an outstretched thumb and forefinger.
  • Can also make these movements with bent fingers.
  • Can leaf through cardboard books.
  • Rolls a car or a toy on wheels.
  • Throws items into a box.
  • Rolls the ball.
  • Finds hidden objects.
  • Points at an object with an outstretched index finger.
  • Folds the smallest part of a pyramid or nesting doll into the largest one.
  • He picks up a pencil and tries to draw.
  • Expresses desires and demands using sounds and syllables.
  • Indicates where mom and dad are.
  • Can speak several meaningful words.
  • The reaction to prohibitions, blame and praise is noticeable.
  • The baby understands the meaning of words and fulfills requests: “bring it,” “give it to me,” “come to me.”
  • If he is asked about a familiar object or person, he begins to look for it in space.
  • He claps his hands well, nods, shows “bye” with his hand.
  • Shows concern for the doll, soft toy: can pet, feel sorry for, put to bed.

More on motor skills

At 11 months, the baby skillfully wields a spoon, holds a cup well, and can draw his first drawing in the form of a stroke - all these movements require precision and dexterity, and developed eye-hand coordination. What else can a baby do?

  • Crawl. Just a month ago, the baby could crawl on its belly. But at 11 months the baby should be able to crawl freely and quickly on all fours. Movement must be coordinated and synchronous. The child rearranges the limbs in this way: left hand - right leg, right hand - left leg, etc.
  • Equilibrium. Thanks to constant crawling, the baby develops good coordination and balance. To test this skill, you can conduct the following experiment. Place the child on a flat surface and lift first one leg, then both. The baby will not tip back, he tries to balance and maintain balance, stretches his body forward, stretches out his arms. Sometimes he can help himself by leaning on one hand.
  • Takes the first steps, holding the hands of an adult. If you place the baby on a flat and hard surface, take him by the arms, slightly lifting them up, he will begin to spontaneously take steps. Not all children of this age can do this exercise. The first steps are hesitant, too wide, while the legs straighten strongly.
  • Gets to his feet from a sitting position. This skill is developed with support. The baby does not yet know how to get up on his own. How to stimulate the development of this skill? You can put a toy on the edge of the sofa and ask your baby to take it. The baby, who is on the floor, will try to rise, leaning on the sofa, and get the toy. Such exercises can be repeated daily. When the baby gets up, he first puts one leg forward, leans on it and pulls himself up. It is necessary to ensure that the child, when lifting, can equally skillfully carry both his right and left leg forward.
  • Development of grasping skill. The child can grasp a large object with his entire palm. But if you offer a baby a small toy, a piece of cookie, he will take it with only two fingers - the thumb and forefinger. This skill is called a pincer grip. It should be equally well developed on both hands. If the baby prefers only the right or left hand, you need to encourage him to develop the skill symmetrically.

Is there a difference in the motor development of a girl and a boy at 11 months? In the Munich Functional Development Diagnostics, as well as in other reliable and objective sources, there is no data on gender differences in the formation of skills. Experts believe that there is no need to focus on this topic. The rate of development can be influenced by body type, muscle development, temperament, heredity, as well as birth injuries and neurological disorders.

Speech and psycho-emotional development

A child’s motor skills at 11 months are associated with the development of speech, intelligence, and emotions. It is impossible to single out the main and secondary skills of a child; they need to be considered as a whole.

  • Repetition of syllables. At this age, the baby can repeat syllables that adults reproduce. To do this, you need to sit next to the baby and say slowly and with clear articulation different types syllables. An eleven-month-old baby is able to copy well not only syllables, but also intonations.
  • Speech is accompanied by gestures. The baby can answer questions with head movements: “yes” or “no.” You may notice: when a baby asks for something and says “give-give,” he simultaneously holds out his hand and squeezes it repeatedly. Speech therapists believe that such a gesture indicates the baby’s readiness to speak. It is important at this age to develop fine motor skills, which is associated with speech development. Flexible fingers and many subtle movements with the hands will push the baby to rapid speech development.
  • First words. Specific words in the children's vocabulary appear: “bi-bi”, “brr” (car), “la-la” (doll, child), “pa-pa” (bye and dad). In this case, the words are used in a broad sense. For example, “ba-ba” can indicate any grandmother, not just your own; “av-av” can mean a dog, a cat, any animal. The baby can call words not only objects, but also actions, even individual situations. It takes a while for a mother to understand her baby’s vocabulary. Speech therapists recommend that specific children’s words be translated into “adult” language and pronounced correctly. There is no need to correct the baby; he must hear an alternative option and will eventually switch to it.
  • Development of memory and thinking. At 11 months, children are able to reproduce images of objects in their memory. If you ask a baby to find a ball or a doll, he will look for the object according to a visual image that is already stored in memory. The baby still thinks in cognitive schemes, that is, he remembers some chain of events and signs of objects. But if something new appears, the child may become confused because it does not fit into his previous mental pattern. Knowledge of the world occurs through the constant expansion and change of these schemes. At this age, children begin to group items and objects according to characteristics: food, toys, people, animals, etc.
  • Reaction to prohibitions. The baby understands when he is forbidden to do something. First of all, he checks the mother’s reaction, because the basic feeling of security is associated with her and her emotional reactions. If, say, he finds a pebble while walking and wants to taste it, the first thing he will do is look at his mother’s face. Often at this age children are obedient and respond to taboos. But the age is not far off when the child will begin to test the patience of his parents and show his famous “I myself!”
  • Reaction to rewards. At 11 months, the baby can perceive and be aware of praise. Psychologists recommend encouraging the baby, praising him if he succeeds in something, and encouraging him if something doesn’t work out. Praise and a positive attitude towards the activities of a baby already at this age influences the formation of adequate self-esteem in the future.
  • The baby fulfills requests. The baby understands well the meaning of the requests and wishes of adults. He willingly brings toys, shares cookies, and “helps” around the house. Primitive role-playing games begin, which will help the baby adapt socially and develop communication skills.
  • Communication. Gradually, a period passes when the child was afraid of strangers and could cry if he was picked up and taken away from his mother. Now the baby trusts the world more and is more willing to communicate with new people. Also, the baby may make his first friends in the sandbox. Children do not yet know how to play together, but the first quarrels over toys may already arise. At this age, children agree to exchange toys with other children; conflict situations are easily resolved in this way.

Children of this age are good at capturing the mood of adults by their eyes, facial expressions, and voice intonations. Their emotional sphere is also expanding. Psychologists do not recommend suppressing negative emotions baby.