Products self made are becoming increasingly popular, because they retain the warmth of human hands and carry positive energy. All kinds of topiary, Christmas decorations, hanging balls and much more are made from blanks based on foam balls.

Nowadays you can buy anything you want in craft stores, but not every city has such a store, and the choice of goods is limited to standard sizes of blanks. Many people wonder how to make a foam ball with their own hands.


Why is this material so popular in crafts?

The answer is simple: it is light, can be processed well with simple tools, and is easy to work with. Foam plastic is not afraid of dust and mold. In addition, there are a lot of options for decorating balloons.

You can attach decoration elements with needles or glue them with different types of glue. Knowing how to make a ball out of polystyrene foam, you can prepare many pieces at home from which to make various crafts. They may become an original gift for loved ones or as a basis for interior decoration.

Ball making tool

Of course, you can cut out the ball using a sharp knife. But this option is painstaking, and the end result will not be perfectly smooth. In addition, it is difficult to make identical blanks in this way.

So how do you make a ball out of polystyrene foam?

To make a large number of blanks you need a special tool. It requires a piece of plastic or cardboard pipe, the length of which exceeds the diameter by more than 4 times. On one side, you need to cut half of the tube lengthwise to the middle and cover the inner surface with sandpaper with zero abrasive size. A strip of sandpaper should be glued to the outside of the other end of the pipe.

That's it, the tool is ready. You can make several devices of different diameters to make balls of different sizes. In this way, the most interesting ideas can be brought to life. An ordinary tin can can also become a tool for creating blanks.


But how can you make a ball out of polystyrene foam using such a simple device? It's not difficult.

After practicing on several blanks, even a schoolboy can handle this task. First you need to push a sheet of foam plastic with the round end of the tool - you will get a cylinder of the required diameter. Further work will be done on the other half of the device.

First, the cylinder is laid horizontally and the excess is cut off, and then a rounded shape is given using circular movements. Sanding may take about 15 minutes. Here's how to make a foam ball at home.

Big balls

Sometimes, to decorate a local area or large halls, volumetric elements may be needed. It is difficult to find material of this thickness.

The question arises: how to make a large foam ball? This material is easily glued with almost your favorite types of glue. Several sheets of foam plastic should be fastened together until the right size, and then, using a knife and sandpaper, give it the necessary shape as your imagination dictates.

Jewelry making

Knowing how to make a ball out of foam plastic, you can make a lot of useful and original decorations for your home.

For example, create a set of exclusive New Year's toys, decorate the interior hanging balls or decorative trees different sizes. There are plenty of options for use and decoration. This is fertile ground for the development of creative abilities.

Balls can be decorated using quilling, kanzashi, and decoupage techniques. Buttons, sequins, beads, ribbons - everything that is stored in the needlewoman's basket can be used.

Advantages of foam balls

Foam plastic is considered the most affordable and convenient. How can you make a foam ball? You can use household, building material or a piece of foam from the packaging.

But it’s almost all sheet metal, but few people know how to make a ball out of foam plastic. But if you have a little patience and put in some effort, then this problem can be dealt with. To make it clearer, let us consider in more detail the main characteristics of foam balls:

Decorating a foam ball using paper flowers and sewing needles.

Moisture resistant. Due to the fact that it will not absorb this moisture in case of possible ingress, fungus or mold will not grow on it.

But even if this occurs, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a cloth, which will not spoil the composition at all. Easy to process. Polystyrene foam is a soft material, but at the same time quite suitable for any kind of processing. Therefore, it can be cut and shaped into different shapes without fear.

At the same time, it will not crumble or wrinkle. Lightness and density. Polystyrene foam is one of those few materials that are completely light in weight and very durable and resistant to mechanical stress. This makes it possible to decorate them using any available method and is very easy to transport if necessary. Possibility of good adhesion to any other substances and materials.

When finishing foam balls, you can use both pins, needles and different types glue and all kinds of liquid mixtures. The surface of the smallest balls does not repel, but fixes it all on its surface. The ability to give the balls any color or shade. Due to the fact that foam plastic is ideally white by its nature, you can give your crafts any color or create some interesting pattern on them.

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Decorating a foam ball using sequins.

So that you can make foam balls easily and quickly, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools for the job.

In this case, the main material will be polystyrene foam, the grain size of which should be appropriate to the size of the future ball. How bigger ball, the larger the individual grains. In addition to foam plastic, you need to purchase:

    construction knife; plastic tube the diameter of the future ball; PVA glue; sandpaper; brush for applying glue.

But these were the tools for making the balls themselves that were described.

Next, everything will depend on how you want to decorate them. And judging by this, you will need to purchase the necessary additional materials. And given the fact that there are a lot of ways to design such balls today, there is also a large assortment of materials.

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To decorate a foam ball you will need: a glue gun, scissors, glue, a foam ball, thread, and so on.

To make foam balls you will need a tool. This could be a cardboard tube or a piece of plastic plumbing pipe. The tube must be strong so that its shape is maintained well.

The diameter of our balls will depend on the diameter of these tubes. The length of the tube should be approximately four times the diameter. The foam sheet should be taken slightly larger than the diameter of the tube.

We measure half the length of the tube and cut half of the tube lengthwise to form a spatula, which we cover very tightly with fine-grained sandpaper. The uncut edge of the tube, also covered with sandpaper, must be inserted into the foam and twisted to form a cylinder, which we turn over and roll the tube around again. You should end up with a ball with an uneven surface.

By rotating it around its axis and pressing it against the tube, the ball is polished. This procedure must be performed several times, rotating the ball in different directions until a smooth surface is obtained. This may take about 15 minutes and in the end we will have a nice, even ball.

So simple and in an accessible way you can get balls of different diameters, which will allow you to make entire sets Christmas decorations. Pieces of excess foam, which during processing strongly stick to your hands and the ball, can be removed using a vacuum cleaner or wide tape. And then it will be possible to easily glue various decorative elements to our ball and get unique crafts.

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Diagram of a device for cutting out foam balls.

Lots of crafts from foam balls You can make it to decorate your suburban area. But this requires especially large-sized blanks, which are difficult to find in stores. You can, of course, find a specialized company and order it for production, but you can also try to make a large polystyrene ball yourself.

Of course, it is very difficult to find a sheet of foam plastic of large thickness.

But polystyrene foam is easy to process; it can be cut even with a simple kitchen knife. Therefore, you can glue several sheets together to get the desired thickness, and then cut out the ball. Corners and irregularities can be sanded with sandpaper.

To make the ball smoother, you need to treat it with facade plaster and let it dry. With the help of all kinds of decorations, you can make different figures from such balls to decorate your garden.

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Now let’s dwell a little on how you can use foam balls.

There are a lot of options here. Moreover, each can be supplemented with some of its own developments and ideas. And this is precisely the undoubted advantage of such unusual crafts.

To decorate a foam ball, you can use any available material, the main thing is to show your imagination.

Styrofoam balls can be used to create a variety of beautiful flower arrangements. They will look unusual and original in the interior, and are well suited for a gift to someone. The good thing is that you can use both real and artificial flowers for floral arrangements. Creating New Year's compositions.

You can make snowmen and Christmas tree decorations from these balls. At the same time, you will have absolutely no risk of these jewelry breaking or deteriorating over time. On the contrary, they will serve for a long time and delight you with their originality and beauty.

The only negative is that they cannot be hung very close to garlands, since polystyrene foam tends to heat up quickly. Foam plastic is an excellent material for original decoration of wedding celebrations. Balloons decorated with flowers glued close to each other, sprinkled with glitter and slightly absorbed with scent essential oil- a unique solution for decorating a celebration. And, most importantly, it’s quite cheap! It is noteworthy that these compositions can also be used for romantic evenings, as they will create a favorable, relaxing atmosphere. Creation of Feng Shui items for interior decoration.

Here special attention need to pay attention to the “trees”. Most often, trees of happiness are made by pricking a ball onto a knitting needle and burying it in a pot. And then such a ball is decorated with flowers and greenery.

But you can also create trees of prosperity, wealth, success and the like. There are many options. But the most important thing is that if you make it with love, then such items will truly bring only the best into life.

There are many ways to decorate foam balls; if you wish and have free time, you can make unique decorations for your home.

And such crafts will be a great gift idea for friends and family.

You can make a lot of different things from foam balls. interesting crafts. We invite you to learn how to make a ball out of polystyrene foam and where to use it later.

Why do you need to create it yourself?

Why know how to make a ball out of polystyrene foam? After all, now in any craft store you can buy ready-made plastic balls. But there are advantages to doing them yourself:

    The cost of making a craft is reduced. You can confidently say that you will make a craft from start to finish. Styrofoam is used, which ultimately should have ended up in the trash.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

    It takes more time to create a craft. The balls may not turn out as perfectly smooth as store-bought ones. You end up with a lot of garbage.

How to make a foam ball: master class

There are two ways to make foam balls at home.

The first option on how to make a ball from polystyrene foam looks like this. Take a piece of material and a utility knife. Using gentle movements so as not to get hurt, start turning out the round piece.

As a result, you will have a ball in your hands. It is worth noting that in this way you will not achieve an ideal foam surface. Therefore, this blank will work if it is completely decorated.

The second way to make a ball from polystyrene foam is as follows:

Take a round tube of the diameter you want your balls to be.

This can be an ordinary plastic pipe, a shell of mounting adhesive, and so on. Draw two parallel lines along the pipe, which will divide it in half lengthwise. Connect the two lines with a third, stepping back from the edge a few centimeters. Cut out the outlined section of the pipe. Inside the pipe all the way glue the length of the sandpaper with a glue gun. Let it be coarse-grain on one half, and fine-grain on the other. Take a piece of foam plastic and draw two identical circles on it. Using a stationery knife, cut out the drawn circles from the foam. Glue the resulting blanks together. Sand the walls of the blank in the prepared pipe on a coarse-grained blank. To do this, move the foam from top to bottom several times, constantly turning. Turn the workpiece over and sand it on other sides. When the foam takes the shape of a ball, sand it on the fine-grained part of the pipe. Sand off the excess foam from the ball.

Everything is ready!

Using this blank, you can make amazing New Year's balls from polystyrene foam. Decor options can be completely different:

    Take sequins and insert them into the ball, filling all its space with special needles and nails. Using a glue gun, cover the ball with beautiful buttons. Cover the ball with fabric, and decorate the top with lace and beads.

Styrofoam snowman

If you take two foam balls, you can make a cute snowman.

Master class on creating:

    Connect two balls using a wooden stick or knitting needle. Apply mounting adhesive, acrylic paint or structural gel to the entire surface of the balls. This should be done with small strokes of a spatula. Allow the material to harden. Make from polymer clay carrot nose and glue it to the top ball. Using a glue gun, make eyes and a mouth from small black buttons. Put on a hat and scarf. Glue decorative buttons to the bottom ball. Insert two sticks on the sides. Cut out four mitten-shaped figures from bright fleece .Glue two parts of the mitten together and put them on the sticks on the sides (these will be the hands).

The snowman is ready!

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Nowadays, more and more more people change gender to match their nature and feel natural. Moreover, there are also androgynous...Women's issuesTopiaries are made from the most various materials, in the most different styles and in various colors. But in most cases, a ball is used as a base.

The base ball can be bought in a store or ordered online, or you can make it yourself. You can make a ball of the desired diameter from different materials, the author of this idea talks in some detail about how quickly and easily you can make a ball from pieces of ordinary foam. Everything is quite easy and simple, the whole process is shown in detail by the author in the video. I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the author’s video: On the author’s advice, we will prepare everything necessary materials and tools:1.

Pieces or sheets of foam.2. Hot glue gun.3. Stationery knife. Step 1. First, you need to decide what diameter of the ball you need. Then we take all the pieces of foam with straight sides and put them into one structure. The design should be slightly larger than the ball you need, since you will have to cut off a lot and it is better to be on the safe side and take extra material. Step 2: Using hot glue, glue the pieces of foam plastic together.

We apply chaotic strips of glue to the flat side of the foam piece. The first glue from the hot-melt gun is very hot and may melt the foam a little, but this will not affect the final result, so don’t worry about it. If you are afraid that the melted polystyrene foam will not stick well and hold its shape, then simply do not use the first glue from the hot-melt gun, carefully wipe it off with a sheet of paper. Now put the pieces of foam plastic coated with glue together and rub them together a little, rubbing the glue. Then we hold it for a few seconds so that the glue cools and sets. Step 3. In this way we glue the entire structure, previously assembled from foam pieces.

Step 4. Now, using a stationery knife, we begin to cut out a ball from the resulting structure. To do this, we first cut off all the large corners. Step 5. Then we gradually remove the small corners with a knife and give the entire structure the shape of a ball. It should look something like this: Step 6. Then we take the ball in our palms and begin to wipe the ball with our palms, eliminating small corners and all sorts of irregularities . Of course, you won’t get a perfectly smooth ball, but you will get an excellent base for topiary, which you will then beautifully decorate. This is the kind of foam ball the author ended up with:

You can decorate it to your taste with artificial flowers, fruits, sisal, pine cones... This list can be continued endlessly. Many thanks to the author for a good video and a great idea. Good luck with your creativity.


The question of how to make a topiary ball yourself is probably of interest to many florists. This will not only help to embody the existing image of the “tree of happiness” as accurately as possible, but will also save on consumables for making the crown.

Before carrying out work, you need to decide how tall you plan to make the topiary and what elements will decorate the crown, determine their size and weight. The choice of crown diameter and optimal material for the future ball depends on this. With a tree height of 40 cm, the crown size will be 15-18 cm.

In the classic design, the size of the crown should be greater than the diameter of the pot-stand or equal to it. The base ball can be small if large and light elements are placed on it, such as sisal balls, large artificial flowers, cones, hollow plastic hearts, pearls.

If you plan to decorate the crown with small elements, for example, beads, seed beads, coffee beans, coins, plastic crystals, small stones and shells, then the ball needs to be made larger.

Base made of paper and tape

How to make a base for topiary with your own hands? In order to make a paper base for the crown, you will need:

  • sheets of newspaper or magazine;
  • wide tape;
  • scissors;
  • pen or marker;
  • thick threads for wrapping.

First you need to crumple one sheet of paper in your hand. Then wrap the resulting ball with another sheet and compress it. So, adding sheets, form a ball.

The sphere should be slightly larger size, than required, because its diameter will decrease when wrapped with tape.

When making the base, you need to control the shape - it should be perfectly round.

The next step is to cover the workpiece with several layers of tape, foil or cling film. While rotating the ball, you should try to apply the adhesive tape evenly and avoid the formation of creases and air bubbles.

After wrapping the sphere with tape, you need to use a pen to mark the place where the topiary trunk will be attached.

There is another option - start wrapping a wooden stick with newspaper, which will allow you to form a paper ball directly on the trunk, and then secure it with tape. The disadvantage of this method is that the design is more difficult to correct if you don’t like the result.

The final stage of making a ball from paper and tape is to wrap it with thick threads, yarn or twine.

The color of the threads should be combined with the decorative elements of the crown. So, for a wedding tree you need to choose white, for coffee - brown, etc.

The ball, wrapped with twine, can be coated with spray paints to give it a silver or gold color.

Papier-mâché technique

A smooth and beautiful topiary ball can be made using the papier-mâché technique.

To make the base for the crown, you will need:

  • sheets of newspaper or magazine;
  • balloon;
  • PVA glue;
  • shallow container (tray, saucepan).

First you need to inflate a balloon of the required diameter. It should be 1-2 cm smaller than the diameter of the crown sphere.

Then you need to prepare paper sheets and tear them into small pieces. It is not recommended to use scissors, because... leaves with uneven edges are better attached to each other.

Dipping the leaves into a container with PVA and overlapping them with a piece of balloon, you need to form a paper layer 1-2 cm high on it.

The finished structure must dry thoroughly within 24 hours.

After the base has dried, you need to mark a place for the trunk on it according to the same principle as for a paper ball.

Before decorating, a papier-mâché sphere can be painted or upholstered corrugated paper or cloth, and also wrap with thread.

Foam base

Many people are interested in how to make a foam ball, since this material is often left at home after purchasing household appliances.

To make the base for the crown, you will need:

  • foam;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue gun

Before you start working with polystyrene foam, which crumbles a lot when cut, you need to prepare workplace.

The surface of the table is covered with newspaper or film. Some craftsmen cut foam balls over a plastic basin, which allows them to collect flying particles of material.

First you need to measure the thickest part of the foam sheet.

If you have foam of the desired thickness, you need to cut a cube-shaped piece out of it.

The ball will be made from a single piece of foam.

When forming a ball from a cube, you have to cut a lot of material, so the size of the cube should exceed the diameter of the future ball by 3-5 cm. For example, if you want to make a ball with a diameter of 12 cm, then the foam cube should be at least 15 cm.

Taking periodic breaks, you should inspect the ball from all sides, making sure that it comes out round and not oval shape.

Once the formation of the sphere is complete, you can make it smooth by rolling the ball in your hands - the remaining foam crumbs will easily come off.

But more often than not, a sheet of foam plastic is too thin to cut out a cube of the desired size.

Therefore, you need to divide the sheet of material into equal parts and glue them together with a heat gun to obtain the required height of the workpiece.

After the glue has dried (1-2 minutes), you can cut out the cube and form it into a sphere.

Before the decorating stage, the finished ball can be coated with spray paint on water based or acrylic paints. Foam plastic cannot be coated with enamel and nitro paint.

Polystyrene foam can be successfully replaced with foam sheets left over from repair work.

Polyurethane foam base

Another material from which the base for the crown can be made is construction foam.

You will need:

  • a container of polyurethane foam (300 ml);
  • stationery knife;
  • rubber or latex gloves;
  • plastic bag or a balloon.

First you need to read the instructions for working with polyurethane foam. You can only touch uncured foam while wearing gloves.

Upon contact with air, the foam hardens, increasing in volume by approximately 2.5 times. It takes 24 hours for complete hardening.

You need to squeeze the foam into a plastic bag and wait until it hardens. After this you need to remove the package.

The frozen foam forms a dense and light shapeless figure from which a cube is cut. The ball is made using the same technique as the foam base.

The disadvantage of this method is large number waste.

There will be less waste if you use a balloon to fill the foam. The nose of the balloon must be inserted into the hole of the balloon and filled with foam to half the volume required to make the sphere. For example, if you need to make a sphere with a diameter of 10 cm, then the height of the foam in the balloon should be approximately 6 cm. After drying, you will get a ball 14-15 cm high, of which 4-5 cm is the margin for cutting and shaping.

The next day, the balloon must be cut and removed, and the resulting foam figure must be modified using a stationery knife.

There are many more options from which such a ball can be made. For example, you can use foam rubber, threads, or make a topiary ball with your own hands from a floral sponge. This is exactly what is suitable for creating a short-lived, but very beautiful tree with a crown of fresh flowers, which will decorate the hall for wedding celebration or a banquet.

The process of creating a topiary ball yourself will help take your craft to the next level. Professionals will appreciate the appearance of a new “tree of happiness” in the florist’s portfolio, where such a significant element as the base for the crown will be made with their own hands.

Styrofoam balls can be purchased at many craft stores or you can make your own at home. This is an excellent material for children's and adult creativity. What kind of crafts can be made based on spherical foam blanks?

We make blanks at home

All crafts workshops start the same way: take the required number of balls. But where to find them? The easiest way is to purchase ready-made blanks in craft stores. But if you wish, it is not difficult to cut the balls yourself from a suitable piece of foam plastic. We will make a special device for this. Take a tube: a cardboard tube from linoleum or a tin cylinder cut from the packaging of some kind of liquid/spray will do. On one side, you need to cut half to two lengths from the desired diameter of the ball. We glue zero-grit sandpaper inside, on both sides of the tube. We take a piece of foam plastic and cut out a cylinder using the resulting device. Then we turn the resulting workpiece over and give it a spherical shape. The final stage is to roll the ball along the cut side of the device cylinder in all directions. As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to do it yourself. Once the sanding is completed, you can begin making crafts.

New Year's tree decorations

The simplest craft from a foam blank - New Year's ball to the Christmas tree. It is more convenient to first make a fastening for the rope, and then move on to decorating. Foam can be decorated using various materials in the most different techniques. Try to draw ornaments, patterns and whole pictures with paints. One of the simplest decorative options is to coat the entire piece with glue and dip it in a scattering of glitter. The balls look original and especially cozy, covered with fabric, embroidered with braid and fringe, decorated with beads and ribbons. Try adding bright sequins and rhinestones. You can also use very unusual materials to decorate toys - multi-colored beads, mosaic pieces. Invite the children to cover the foam balls with cereals, shaped pasta, and the finished toy can be painted on top with spray paint.

Topiary - magical trees

Just a few years ago, a fashion for “trees of happiness” began in our country. Most often, such crafts are called topiaries. Consists of decorative tree from the “crown” - most often this is a regular ball, decorated in some special way, a beautiful curved leg and a pot in which the structure is installed. Handicraft stores most often sell blanks for just such crafts. Come up with a theme and style for your topiary. Decorate the ball with ribbons, artificial flowers, candies, coffee beans or anything else interesting materials. Next, all you have to do is decorate the wire for the trunk and secure the entire structure in the pot. Topiaries are considered not only stylish interior elements, but also a kind of amulets. Such crafts can be given to friends and relatives with the best wishes.

Decorative balls - not only for the New Year

If you don't like ornamental trees or you don’t know where to place them, try using foam blanks in the interior in a different way. Decorate the foam topiary balls, but do not secure them to the trunk. Instead, hang the blanks in the room, put them in a decorative vase, or make a garland out of them. Such decorations can be changed according to the seasons - for example, make flower balls in spring and summer, and create compositions of berries, nuts and colorful leaves in the fall. If you have smoothly polished blanks, you can simply paint them, draw faces with different facial expressions, images on them fairy tale characters or the faces of funny animals. This idea is especially good for decorating an apartment for the holidays. Styrofoam is an inexpensive material and you can make balloons for all holidays and parties.

Snowman made of foam balls - an original craft for the New Year

You can make an original winter figurine from two or three balls that differ in diameter. Try on the selected blanks for the snowman next to each other. For better fastening, cut off each figure a little from one edge. Connect the elements using universal glue. Check the figure for stability; if necessary, cut off the base a little. Attention: a regular stationery knife is perfect for working with foam. When the glue dries, you can move on to the most interesting part - the decor. Sew or knit a hat or cap, you can also make a scarf. From the scraps from the balls you can cut out two hands - rectangular parts; you can also make mittens for them. Don’t forget to draw a face; you can glue or paint buttons on the body. A snowman made of foam balls can hold a broom, a gift or a small bag.

Foam dolls

The spherical shape is convenient for covering with fabric, painting and other decor. Many craftsmen use foam balls to make collectible and gaming dolls. Such a blank can be attached to a softly printed rag body. Foam balls are perfect for making glove dolls to put on your hand when playing theater. To make such toys, cover the ball with fabric. Embroider or draw a face, sew on hair and a headdress. Separately build a body of a suitable type. Using this technique, you can make a wide variety of characters - boys and girls, representatives of certain professions, and even fairy-tale heroes. You can also make animals based on foam balls - by drawing the appropriate faces, gluing ears, horns, forelocks and other characteristic elements.

What else can you make from foam balls?

Due to its availability and low cost, foam is an excellent basis for children's creativity. You can experiment with this material endlessly. Try making Smeshariki figures or a caterpillar. By putting several blanks together, you can get different animals and fairy-tale characters. Small foam balls can be used to make jewelry. Try covering them with fabric or painting them with paints. Ready elements You can simply string them on a thread or sew them together. If you have a lot of very small balls, you can use them as a filler for pillows and crafts from foam balls can be made differently each time, training your imagination and mastering new needlework techniques.

Ball-shaped blanks are needed in many types of needlework. Purchasing the necessary materials can be complicated by the fact that the range of specialized stores in small towns is too scarce and therefore craftsmen try to find a solution to this problem on their own. That’s why they are handicraftsmen, so that this does not become an obstacle for them to engage in creativity. For example, Entertainers from our website - offer everyone to make their own simple device that will help you make a perfectly even and regular ball of any size in a matter of minutes. Of the many materials that can be used to make blanks, the most convenient can be called foam. You can find many varieties of it in stores; the cheapest is considered to be construction, produced in sheets of various thicknesses.

Master class foam ball.

Having selected several hollow tubes from a durable and inflexible material, you can begin the process of manufacturing the tool we need (tubes from linoleum, silicone). It is important to note that the size of the ball will depend on the diameter of the tube hole. The best option, which will be convenient for everyone, will be ordinary plastic pipes, the width of which allows you to create blanks of different sizes (from 15mm to 200mm).

We cut half of the tube to a length of 1.5-2 times the diameter, then, as shown in the photo, we glue the remaining half of the cut part with sandpaper (zero).

The device is ready, all that remains is to demonstrate its operation.

First, cut out a cylinder-shaped piece from a piece of foam plastic, as shown in the photo.

The next step is to turn the cylinder into a ball, for which you just need to rotate our device.

So, following the diagram, we turn the device and bring the workpiece to perfection.

For a long time now, materials such as small polystyrene foam balls have been on sale in craft supply stores; needlewomen all over the world use them as filler for anti-stress pillows. And this is not surprising, because it is an environmentally friendly material.

Relatively recently, colored small and large polystyrene foam balls appeared in craft stores. What can you create from them?!

Let's look at several options for how to do this DIY New Year's and other figures from foam balls. I decided to combine everything into one MK, since everything crafts made from polystyrene balls are manufactured in the same way.

Let's look at the essence of the process using the simplest craft - decorative colored balls that can be used in various compositions.

The base for colored balls must first be prepared, painted in the color of the balls acrylic paint. Additionally, you will need, as in any similar crafts, wooden skewers.

We wait until the paint dries.

Now we need to apply glue. There are 3 options here: polymer transparent glue for foam plastic, PVA glue, or thick paste. For children's crafts, respectively, only the last 2. DO NOT USE MOMENT GLUE, etc. WITH FOAM.

I have PVA glue. Apply glue to the surface and immerse it in a bag of small balls. Meanwhile, they cover the entire surface. If there are a little extra balls stuck somewhere, you can carefully remove them. I advise you not to twist it for a long time, immerse it and carefully remove it.

We are waiting for the glue to dry completely...

Done... easy, original and with your own hands.


New Year decorations, covered with foam balls, also look very beautiful and original, for example, a snowman.

The foam ball base must be prepared in advance. We cut off the base for stability and other balls for better fastening.

We don’t need paint for the white balls; we just apply glue, immerse the figure in a bag of material and set it to dry.

This is how it turns out...

Foam balls complemented with sparkles look very interesting. They can be hung throughout the house or used to decorate the Christmas tree. Such balls are made in the same way: the base is a foam ball with a diameter of 5 cm (or more - at your request), the coating is small foam balls mixed with glitter.

You can also use foam balls to make an interesting small Christmas tree. It is also necessary to paint the base, the cone, on all sides with acrylic paint to match the color of the colored foam balls used.

For multi-colored crafts, for example, two-color ones, everything is done in the same way, but in two stages. Or more, depending on the number of colors of foam balls used. Each time we wait for the glue to dry completely.


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