Today I would like to talk about a disease called hyperkeratosis. The problem is very common and does not cause any problems other than aesthetic ones. This disease really spoils the skin, but it’s very easy to get rid of it! I'll tell you how!

The photo looks like goosebumps, but I didn’t want to put a not particularly aesthetic photo of keratosis on the preview; you can see it under the cut :)

Hyperkeratosis- this is the process of blocking the hair follicle with desquamated skin (stratum corneum) due to its excessive coarsening. This effect is popularly called “goose bumps”. Typically, places where such “pimples” accumulate are the forearms, elbows, thighs (especially the back surface), buttocks, and legs.

The bumps may have a pale tint or may be red if the follicle becomes inflamed. The skin becomes very unpleasant, hard to the touch and unsightly. It happens that the bumps turn red and become larger due to food allergies. And by the way, sometimes the epithelium remains inside the follicle, there is no tubercle, there are just flat red plaques around the hair.


- hereditary rate of desquamation of the epidermis

- lack of vitamins, especially A and C, as well as zinc, calcium

- reaction to cold, dry air (relevant during the heating season), drying products for body hygiene, lack of moisture.

Fortunately, hyperkeratosis can and should be fought and, in principle, except for diligence and some cosmetics, you won't need anything.

Perhaps I’ll just mention that you need to fight the causes, that is, start by taking vitamins, increase the consumption of foods rich in the listed elements, change shower products to softer ones, eliminate soap, and, if possible, make the air at home more humid.

Cosmetic products necessary to combat hyperkeratosis:

1. The first and most important step is regular exfoliation..

Since the problem is related precisely to a failure in the exfoliation process, we help the skin. Scrubs are used, preferably homemade ones, based on sugar, salt and coffee; store-bought ones, no matter how good they are, in my experience always lose.

Scrubs should be used regularly and thoroughly. Regularly - 2-3 times a week on damaged areas, if the skin reaction is normal, more often.

Thoroughly - this is at least 1-2 minutes for each zone. Yes, your hands get tired, but otherwise it will be of no use.

2. Heavy artillery - badyaga (powder). An ideal remedy for combating hyperkeratosis. It helps quite quickly and for sure, you can then maintain the effect with scrubs. We use it according to the classic recipe - mix with peroxide, apply the mixture to the skin, gently massage, rinse off. Repeat once a week until the problem is eliminated.

Those who really don’t want to suffer from discomfort can replace the badyagu with a more gentle, but no less effective (but unfortunately more expensive) product - Christina Rose De Mer peeling soap. Soap 50 grams weighs about 1000 rubles, if you use it on the body 1-2 times a week, it will go away in 2-3 months.

3. Thorough moisturizing and very gentle cleansing.

Even if you don't like body lotions, at least use them on hyperkeratosis-prone areas. Many pharmacy brands produce special means for such areas and they are really effective. We choose lines for very dry skin (for example, La Roche-Posay Lipikar) and creams for dry, compacted areas (Avene and Uriage, Xemoz series, definitely have these).

Here it’s really better to give preference to the pharmacy; you’ll have to moisturize with the mass market longer and more often. The only cheaper product I can recommend is Neutrogena, their series for very dry skin.

There are also a huge number of folk recipes to combat the problem.

For example, pour fine salt onto a cotton pad moistened with kefir and massage the area with hyperkeratosis, rinse and apply nourishing cream. As you can see, the exfoliation-moisturizing system is at the core. In fact, it doesn’t matter how and with what exactly you exfoliate and moisturize, the main thing is to do it regularly and diligently.

Goosebumps, or hyperkeratosis, is a pathological change in the epidermis. This is due to excessive thickening of the upper stratum corneum. The epidermis contains a certain amount of keratin, and with its increased production, irritation occurs. Goose bumps are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a dermatological one.

Clinical picture

There are quite a few factors influencing the development of this defect. The most harmless is exposure to cold or increased emotionality of a person. This results in irritation skin and so-called goose bumps form. Before the appearance of goosebumps on the body, the pilomotor reflex occurs. This process is completely controlled by the spinal cord. It is based on irritation of the nerve endings that are responsible for contracting the muscles of the hair follicles.

Irritated skin has a variety of causes; they are not always harmless. The process can develop due to such factors:

  • deficiency of vitamins A, C and E in the body;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • problems with metabolic processes;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • insufficient body hygiene;
  • hereditary factors.

Goose bumps on the hands in most cases appear due to a genetic predisposition. In this case, getting rid of the disease is not so easy. Special procedures will only partially eliminate the visible defect.

Typical symptoms of hyperkeratosis are as follows:

  • small rash on the skin;
  • rough surface;
  • increased roughness;
  • pimply goose bumps on the legs and feet.

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The rashes are small and dense, they are located at the base of the hair follicle. A red rim forms around the pimple. In most cases, the rash affects the skin above the elbow, on the thighs and buttocks. In the generalized form of the disease, lesions are recorded on most of the body.

Ways to get rid of follicular hyperkeratosis

Treatment of irritated skin can be carried out in several stages. However, before starting active therapy, it is recommended to visit a doctor to identify the root cause of hyperkeratosis. How to get rid of goose bumps on the body? There are several ways:

  1. Regular visits to baths and saunas give you a chance for healing. Fever helps soften the epidermis, which makes the skin soft and pleasant to the touch. It is recommended to consult a doctor before visiting the steam room.
  2. The second method is directly related to the first. After steaming the skin, you should do a peeling based on fruit acids. You can wipe your body with crushed orange. If there is no fruit, ordinary salt will do. However, this method is radical. To eliminate goose bumps using this method, you may need 10 procedures.
  3. Elimination of the defect at home should be carried out in a comprehensive manner. It should include steaming, exfoliating and moisturizing the affected areas. Good action provide seaweed and clay wraps.
  4. Massage will help get rid of goose bumps on your legs. You can do it yourself using a soft mitten. After the massage, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

General information

Follicular hyperkeratosis is a chronic disease. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate it. The only thing a person can do is to constantly maintain his condition.

In some cases, goose bumps are a symptom of pathological lesions internal organs.

Before starting treatment, you should undergo an examination of the body. It is advisable to visit an endocrinologist and dermatologist.

In most cases, people seek help because of psychological discomfort associated with a cosmetic defect. After all, the disease does not have unpleasant symptoms. At the same time, the subjective state of a person is normal. Over the years, the disease can progress. In this case, independent attempts to get rid of goose bumps only worsen the condition. The contact of irritated skin with clothing causes a lot of inconvenience.

How to remove goose bumps?

  1. Retin A will help. This is an analogue of vitamin A that has a positive effect on the skin. But this method gives a temporary effect.
  2. To improve the condition, you can use a lotion or cream based on lactic acid. Its action is aimed at moisturizing and softening rough skin. Daily use will improve your overall condition.
  3. Many experts recommend using local anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve inflammation and reduce redness.
  4. They have a good effect cosmetic preparations based on fat components. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and relieve irritation.

Localized on the legs and arms, hyperkeratosis is a visible defect. The manifestation of the disease can serve as an impetus for the development of complexes and psychological trauma. Therefore, when hyperkeratosis appears, active measures should be taken to eliminate it.

Methods of struggle from outside and from within

Treatment of goose bumps should be carried out simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. This is appropriate when the lesion has been fixed for a long time. The condition is clearly not caused by exposure to cold; the problem lies much deeper. Vitamin A and C deficiency often leads to skin irritation, especially in the area above the elbow. In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to products with a high content of these microelements.

Experts do not recommend resorting to self-medication. After all, there can be many reasons for the development of hyperkeratosis. The disease must be treated not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, they resort to the help of vitamin complexes, steam rooms and wraps.

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  1. The best way to get rid of goose bumps is to use special peels. It is advisable to give preference to cosmetics based on fruit acids. The peeling procedure allows you to exfoliate dead cells, cleanse the skin and improve its structure. Orange and coconut pulp have excellent properties. Their action is aimed not only at cleansing the skin, but also at moisturizing the epidermis. Peeling treatment shows good results, especially if the skin is affected in the elbow area.
  2. If you don’t want to use fruit treatments, you can pay attention to salt. However, it is not suitable for people with hypersensitivity skin. It is advisable to use salt peeling only on the legs.
  3. As mentioned above, body wraps and a sauna have good properties. Steam has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it soft and moisturized.

Comprehensive treatment of the disease will help reduce the severity of symptoms. Using one of the methods is unlikely to produce any results. Therefore, it is advisable to actively influence the body through local procedures and taking vitamin complexes.

Many people experience goose bumps, but not all of them know why it appears and how to get rid of this feature. Your legs get goose bumps when you are in the cold, but in our case the situation is different. The epidermis does not return to its normal state after warming, and therefore requires other control measures. In science, goose bumps are considered a dermatological disease called follicular hyperkeratosis.

Causes of goose bumps on legs

  • slow blood circulation in the extremities;
  • pregnancy, postpartum period, breastfeeding;
  • hereditary factor;
  • lack of vitamins A, B, C, E and retinol;
  • dermatological diseases (dermatitis, ichthyosis, lichen, etc.);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • violation of protein content in the body (lack or, on the contrary, excess);
  • improper digestion.

How to remove goose bumps using pharmaceutical products

Specialists created medications, fighting the disease. To select the optimal remedy, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, but if this is not possible, we will provide a list of topical medications.

First, replenish your body with missing vitamins. Buy a complex with a high content of elements of groups A, C, E. You will also need retinoids, which must be taken internally and used externally.

Be sure to purchase a gel, ointment or cream containing hormonal corticosteroids, for example, SK Akriderm. Body lotions based on aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) will not be superfluous. If you are sure that goose bumps have appeared due to a disruption in the functioning of internal organs, carry out therapy yourself or consult a therapist.

How to remove goose bumps using traditional methods

In addition to the fact that the procedure combats goose bumps, abrasive particles remove dead epidermal cells. Ultimately, the skin becomes soft and velvety.

To prepare the mixture correctly, take 75-80 g. crushed sea ​​salt without fragrances or additives, mix the bulk composition with 45 g. natural oil(almonds, sea buckthorn, sunflower, etc.).

Take a shower to steam your skin as much as possible. Put on a massage mitt, scoop up a handful of product, and massage problem areas. Carry out manipulations for 3-5 minutes until the dermis acquires a characteristic reddish tint.

After all manipulations, rinse off the composition with contrasting water (first warm, then cold). Lubricate the skin with a medicinal ointment designed specifically for such purposes.

Balanced diet
Proper nutrition is the basis of health. Thanks to a correctly formulated diet, the risk of vitamin deficiency is eliminated, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is not disrupted, and diseases of internal organs do not develop.

Focus on foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E. Don't forget about retinol, it can be found in pumpkin, plums, tomatoes, and carrots. Eat spinach, bell peppers, fresh or canned peas, and beans. Replace wheat bread with black bread, give up chips, crackers, fast food and other “harmful” foods high in preservatives.

Eat only lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit); in rare cases, pork pulp is allowed. Include seafood in your menu, eat baked potatoes, cereals and legumes, seasonal berries and fruits, fresh/frozen vegetables.

It is generally accepted that goose bumps are removed by heat. Take a hot bath that will not heat the epidermis. Pour 75-100 g into it. pine needle extract and 45 gr. cornstarch, stir until crystals dissolve. Lie down to rest for 20-25 minutes, while watching the water level, it should not rise above the chest. At the end of the specified period, massage and lubricate the dermis with moisturizer.

To combat goose bumps, massage is widely used, the main thing is that it is vacuum or anti-cellulite. Purchase special silicone jars from the pharmacy that will be used for the procedure. Take a hot bath with essential oils to steam the skin well.

Lubricate your body with shower gel, move the jar up and down over the area that is most covered with goosebumps. Do not squeeze the tool too tightly in your hands, otherwise bruises will occur.

Carry out the procedure until the first redness of the skin, as soon as this happens, rinse the body with hot water. Cover the skin with a soft lotion or special medicinal ointment with a high content of acetylsalicylic acid.


To get rid of the disease, you need to thoroughly moisturize the skin of your feet. Wraps (home or salon) will help you with this. Give preference to seaweed, chocolate, cherries or honey. Let's take a closer look at honey wrap.

Take required quantity honey, which is enough to treat all problem areas. Dilute the product with water in a ratio of 5:1, then add a bag of gelatin and mix. Wait about a quarter of an hour until the crystals are completely swollen.

After the time has passed, lubricate the skin, wrap it in cling film on top, and lie down to rest for half an hour. Complete the procedure by taking a hot bath or shower, and cover problem areas with nourishing cream.

It's not difficult to get rid of goose bumps on your legs if you do everything right. Buy effective pharmaceutical products or use homemade recipes. Consider the technology for preparing honey wraps, salt peeling, and pine baths. Balance your diet, get a massage.

Video: how to get rid of goose bumps

Goose bumps on the neck and décolleté are a rather unpleasant dermatological disease from a cosmetic point of view. This change in the skin is of particular concern to the fair sex, because they so strive to have a beautiful “swan” neck with perfectly smooth, silky skin.

Goose bumps are a rash in the form of small, round, aseptic papules (tubercles) of a non-inflammatory nature. It occurs both on the neck and décolleté, as well as on the arms, legs, hips, and face. The cause is blockage of the hair follicle ducts with sebum and keratinized epithelial scales. The rash can be short-term or long-lasting.

"Goosebumps" on the body

Short-term rashes, the so-called “goose bumps,” appear as a response to an emotional outburst (fear, excitement) or as a reaction to thermal (cold), tactile (slippery surface) and sound (foam on glass) stimuli. This is due to the pilomotor reflex of the body.

Such pimples usually disappear within 15-20 minutes after they appear, do not cause inconvenience and do not require special attention.

Follicular hyperkeratosis

If "goosebumps" long time cover the skin, then a dermatological disease occurs - follicular hyperkeratosis. This problem requires careful attention and special treatment methods.

Causes of follicular hyperkeratosis

Factors contributing to the occurrence of constant “goosebumps” can be completely unexpected manifestations of internal diseases, heredity, and even nervous exhaustion. Let's look at the reasons in more detail.

Genetic predisposition

Medicine has established that in most cases the disease is hereditary. This explains the difficulties in his treatment.


Lack of vitamins A, E, C, D and group B in the body. These vitamins are responsible for blood circulation, cell regeneration, vascular tone, moisture and elasticity of the skin, have an antioxidant effect, and help keep the skin youthful and healthy.

Hormonal imbalance

In other words, disruption of the endocrine system and the use of hormonal medicines. Goose bumps are often noticed in women taking such products. This is due to the fact that under the influence of hormones, epidermal cells can grow rapidly, clogging the ducts of the follicles.

Improper care

This area has very delicate skin. Excessive use of scrubs, mechanical peeling, or vice versa, complete neglect of such methods of care, will negatively affect the health of the epidermis.


“Shaken nerves” have a direct impact on the formation of goose bumps, as they lead to hormonal disruptions, surges negative emotions and, as a result, decreased immunity. Under stress, the sebaceous glands produce three times more sebum, which the hair follicles may not be able to handle.

Getting rid of hyperkeratosis

With follicular keratosis, the skin in the affected areas looks dry, with dense tubercles, redness is observed, rarely, but it happens that redness is accompanied by itching.

If you notice a rash, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. He will find the causes of the disease, tell you how to get rid of it and prescribe adequate treatment. You should not remove the bumps yourself, since in some cases goose bumps are a consequence of pathology of the internal organs.

Which doctors should you visit?

A dermatologist deals with skin diseases. You should go to him for consultation first. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to a related specialist for consultation:

  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

Getting rid of aesthetic inconveniences is not as important as finding the cause, so we go to the cosmetologist last!

Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to completely restore the original condition of the skin. Treatment is aimed at stopping and preventing the inflammatory process in the follicles and reducing redness.

To get rid of a dermatological disease, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to its elimination. It consists of a combination of medications and traditional methods treatment, cosmetic procedures and use of cosmetics.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is based on the use of vitamin complexes and the use of special pharmaceutical ointments and lotions with salicylic, glycolic and lactic acid.

Salicylic acid serves for:

  • narrowing and cleansing pores;
  • exfoliation of dead cells;
  • relieving inflammation.

Thanks to glycolic acid:

  • more collagen is produced, which is responsible for skin elasticity;
  • pores open;
  • the skin is whitened.

Lactic acid:

  • eliminates inflammation;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis.

Wipe the skin of the neck with lotions without stretching it. The ointments are applied with light patting movements along conventional lines running from the center to the sides.

Cosmetological methods of struggle

How to remove goose bumps using cosmetic procedures? First of all – peeling. Its main task is to remove the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis, even out the relief, smooth out wrinkles, and increase skin tone.

It will not be possible to remove goose bumps in a few days; you need to be patient, follow the recommendations of specialists and carry out daily care

Several types of peeling are used in beauty salons:

  • Ultrasonic. The principle of operation is that dead cells are exfoliated with an ultrasonic spatula, removing the surface layer of the epidermis.
  • Mechanical or microcrystalline dermabrasion - delicate grinding. When it is carried out using hardware, tiny particles of aluminum are sprayed onto the surface of the skin, acting as an abrasive.
  • Enzyme ( fruit acids). It gently stimulates cell renewal processes, cleanses pores, and whitens the skin.
  • Peeling glycolic acid(mesopiling) has virtually no contraindications, does not cause redness of the skin or peeling.

Peeling does not work instant results, so you will need to visit the cosmetologist several times. Before carrying out it, a consultation with a doctor is required, who will decide whether or not such a procedure can be carried out.

It is better to entrust cleaning of the neck and décolleté to professionals. Incorrect, rough actions can lead to damage and wounds. Bleeding wounds are a direct path to bacterial skin lesions.

The second type of cosmetic procedures is body wraps. Their goal is to moisturize the upper layers of the skin, saturate them with vitamins and beneficial elements, increase collagen production, tone and improve elasticity.

Salon wraps include:

  • chocolate;
  • honey;
  • vitamins;
  • mud;
  • with seaweed.

The session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. To achieve a visible effect, you should undergo at least 10 procedures.

Use of cosmetics and traditional methods of treatment

Cosmetics are already home care. In the arsenal: scrubs, creams, serums, tonics, ready-made masks.

Recipes traditional medicine based on the use of cucumber juice, oats, cottage cheese, olive oil, green tea.

“Goosebumps” on the neck require, first of all, consultation with a dermatologist. Patience and systematic daily skin care with all available means will make skin papules invisible or completely get rid of them. The neck will become truly “swan”!

When a person experiences intense pleasure, both physical and emotional, or feels cold or fear, pimples called “goosebumps” form on the skin. Such phenomena are quite normal and the epidermis quickly returns to its normal state. The so-called “goose bumps” is considered a pathology - the reasons for its formation have nothing to do with “goosebumps”; they often lie in serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Causes of goose bumps on the body

In medicine, the described condition is classified as follicular hyperkeratosis. This disease is called “goose bumps” because of the similarity of its manifestations with appearance plucked carcass of the bird of the same name.

Follicular hyperkeratosis is a chronic pathology and belongs to dermatitis. Its features:

  • disruption of the process of desquamation and renewal of the epidermis;
  • excessive and accelerated growth horn cells on the surface of the skin;
  • blockage of the mouths of hair follicles with dead scales.

Exfoliation of epidermal cells occurs with normal content of a special protein - keratin. If the concentration of this substance is increased as a result of various factors, the scales do not peel off, remaining on the surface of the skin, and hyperkeratosis develops. Over time, hair follicles are also involved in pathological processes, and aseptic treatment begins in them (without joining bacterial infection) low-grade inflammation.

What are the reasons for goose bumps on the neck, face and décolleté?

The areas under consideration are extremely rarely affected by follicular hyperkeratosis, since skin renewal occurs best and fastest on them. Factors that provoke impaired exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells:

  • to various stimuli;
  • improper organization of hygiene measures;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • acute deficiency of vitamins (D, A, C, E, group B).

It is worth noting that women with dry, thin and sensitive skin. Less commonly, follicular hyperkeratosis occurs in people with excessive sebaceous gland function.

The main causes of goose bumps on the hands and elbows

These areas are more often than other parts of the body affected by the described pathology. Plaques and nodules near the hair follicles, resembling thorns, are located on the elbows and extensor surfaces of the arms, usually the forearms are more damaged. In the absence of adequate therapy, the skin becomes rough and rough to the touch, like sandpaper. There is severe dehydration and dryness.

The main causes of follicular hyperkeratosis of the arms, shoulders and elbows:

  • insufficient amount of vitamin A in the body;
  • severe or chronic hormonal changes;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs;
  • frequent or depilation of hands;
  • improper skin hygiene.

In some cases, nodules and plaques may become slightly inflamed, causing the epidermis to become red.

Causes of goose bumps on the legs and buttocks

These areas are affected by hyperkeratosis about as often as the hands. Characteristic rashes are present on the entire surface of the legs, starting from the ankles and ending with the thighs. As a rule, symptoms are also present on the buttocks and some areas of the lower back.