Laser hair removal designed to delicately and at the same time effectively combat unwanted vegetation on the face and body. However, sometimes the result after salon procedure does not meet expectations: defects appear on the skin, which can be difficult to get rid of. Before conducting a light hair removal session, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with possible risks from this procedure.

Contraindications to laser hair removal procedure

The laser hair removal procedure involves exposing an area of ​​skin to a light flux. Reaching the epidermis, the rays of the device encounter pigmented hair follicles containing melanin. This substance is a kind of conductor and helps convert light energy into heat. Thus, the heating vessels die, causing gradual destruction of the hair follicles. The development of the fluff, which is in the growth stage, stops.

Repeated laser treatment of the skin area after 25–30 days removes the hair that was previously in the sleep phase. After 6–10 light hair removal procedures, the hair follicle becomes non-derived.

Laser hair removal - effective remedy in the fight against unwanted hair on the face and body

The instructions for modern laser processing devices specify groups of diseases, the carriers of which are better off choosing another method of hair removal. Among the absolute contraindications are the following:

  • oncology;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • exacerbation of allergies;
  • any dermatological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins (so-called asterisks).

In addition, it is better to wait with light exposure to the skin if the patient has one of the following conditions:

  • hormonal instability;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • viruses and infections;
  • any inflammatory processes in the epilation area;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin (wounds, cuts);
  • cold.

The issue of laser hair removal during pregnancy is still actively discussed to this day. Despite the fact that not a single case of harm to the fetus from light hair removal has been recorded, the procedure does not go unnoticed for it. After laser heating, the mother’s skin instantly cools, but there is a risk of heating the baby’s skin. And since the fetus lacks the ability to thermoregulate, the child may overheat. Of course, this probability is very small, but if it is possible to avoid the risk, then it is worth postponing the laser hair removal procedure to the postpartum period.

Video: dermatologist about contraindications for laser cosmetology

Possible consequences of laser hair removal

Unfortunately, even if the patient did not find himself in a risk group and began a course of laser hair removal, side effects are also possible. Most often they are associated with the same reasons:

  • the patient was in the group of people with contraindications;
  • the client did not follow the rules for preparing the skin for the procedure;
  • the cosmetologist performed an incorrect diagnosis of the patient’s phototype;
  • the device is not configured correctly (the wavelength was chosen too long or the pulse frequency was exceeded);
  • individual intolerance.


Overheating of the skin is the most common reason occurrence of burns from laser hair removal. During the procedure, narrowly targeted light rays penetrate the skin to a depth of no more than 2–3 mm. The laser exposure time is reduced to an effective minimum and is limited to fractions of a second, so the heated epilation zone instantly cools down. However, there are a number of circumstances that can interfere with the rapid natural cooling of the skin:

To avoid overheating of the epidermis and dermis, strictly follow the rules for preparing the skin for a hair removal session. Choose beauty salons or hair removal rooms with modern equipment and responsible personnel who have undergone training.

You have the right to check the model of the device for light hair removal in the beauty salon. Ask the cosmetologist why he works with a particular technique. Keep in mind that ruby ​​and alexandrite lasers have become obsolete and have been replaced by members of the diode and neodymium family of devices, as well as combination solutions (such as AFT).

How to treat skin after a laser burn

If you are bothered by redness and burning, the injured epidermis can be restored on its own. Panthenol or another anti-burn drug in the form of foam or spray is perfect for this purpose. Apply the product according to the instructions. During the treatment of a burn, you should avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing to the hair removal area, and also avoid exposure to the sun on the burn site.

Panthenol powerfully stimulates skin regeneration and helps restore the dermis after a burn

If the burn is deep and there are blisters and bubbles in its place, you will need professional help- consult a doctor.

Black dots

Unsightly dark specks sometimes appear at the site of the burned follicle. These are the remnants of those hairs that are no longer viable and cannot get to the surface of the skin.

Unsightly dark specks do not require special treatment and gradually go away on their own

Blackheads may appear in patients with hard stubble or increased hair growth. In such cases, the vegetation is a little more resistant to external influences, and therefore requires additional elimination measures.

How to get rid of blackheads

If blackheads appear after laser hair removal, you can do the following:

  • carry out another laser hair removal procedure: it will remove unwanted specks, the fluff will burn out completely and will come out on its own to the surface of the epidermis;
  • make a mask based on badyagi - medicine, which is actively used in dermatology to solve a whole range of skin problems. The mask should be kept on the site where blackheads appear for 10 minutes. After this, the stuck hairs will come out to the surface of the skin on their own. Use the badyagi composition no earlier than 3-4 days after the next laser procedure: the mask works as a peeling and is an additional irritant to the epidermis.


Unaesthetic manifestations on the skin have a pinkish-red color, a precisely defined perimeter and a characteristic bumpiness. Pimples also cause itching and look extremely unpleasant.

A skin reaction in the form of pimples and itching indicates a possible infection of the epilation area or ingrown hairs.

Causes of acne after laser skin treatment:

  • Ingrown hairs are a classic consequence of many hair removal methods. It is due to the fact that the growth of the fuzz stops halfway: the tail of the hair did not break through to the surface of the skin, but bent in one of the layers of the dermis, as a result of which the sebaceous gland becomes clogged and local inflammation occurs;
  • infection of the follicle - the likelihood of infection entering the pores with the laser hair removal method is reduced to zero, since there is no penetration when treating the skin area; the only exception is if there were already wounds and cuts before the procedure. But in this case, laser hair removal is contraindicated.

A possible cause of acne and rashes may also be a disruption of the body's hormonal system. This situation should not be allowed, because endocrine surges are a direct contraindication to a laser hair removal session.

How to remove acne after laser hair removal

  • spot dry the problem area of ​​the skin using alcohol tincture, salicylic or boric acid;
  • use an aspirin-based composition: crush 2 tablets and add 2–3 ml of water; Apply the resulting mixture to the pimple and wait until the composition hardens. The white coating that forms after 10–15 minutes can be left or carefully wiped off;
  • If there is a hair left in the inflamed pore, you first need to treat the area of ​​skin with alcohol, then remove the hair with clean tweezers, and finally dry the area with aspirin or zinc ointment.

Itching and irritation

A slight feeling of discomfort and tightness of the skin may not be a side effect after a laser procedure. Immediately after the hair removal session, the cosmetologist soothes the patient’s skin with a special spray or gel based on aloe vera.

If your skin continues to itch for 2-3 days after hair removal, redness and “burning” occur, you may have an individual intolerance to light exposure. In this situation, you should abandon aggressive cleansers and scrubs, and use pharmaceutical shower gels with a “pure” composition: without parabens and dyes. Skin after hair removal is more sensitive to unnatural additives. Try soothing the epidermis with a product based on aloe vera, chamomile or calendula. It is important that its consistency is light: additional clogging of the top layer of skin will only worsen the situation.

Minor skin irritation, redness and itching are normal consequences of laser hair removal procedures.


Both fair-skinned and dark-skinned patients may encounter the problem of uneven skin tone after laser exposure. Incorrect determination of the client's phototype and subsequent incorrect setting of the device parameters lead to hyperpigmentation. The optimal case for laser hair removal is “snow white”, which has a natural contrast between skin color and hair shade. Then vegetation can be removed most easily with light, and the risk of side effects is minimal. All other special cases require special attention cosmetologist. At the same time, certain options, for example, are absolutely white skin those with gray or light hair, and, conversely, African-American phototypes, are not amenable to laser hair removal precisely because of the risk of skin hyperpigmentation.

For lovers of natural and fake tan It should not be combined with light hair removal. Excessive exposure to radiation leads to hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Hyperpigmentation of the hair removal area often occurs due to non-compliance with the rules for preparing the skin for a laser session: the patient should not stay in the sun for a long time or visit a solarium

How to remove pigmentation after the procedure

Changes in skin color after laser exposure are removed in different ways: using hardware cosmetology, injections or more gentle means. Please note that the latter sometimes solve diametrically opposed problems, for example, light spots on dark skin are evened out using products containing copper. And dark areas are bleached with acids (the procedure is close to chemical peeling).


Subcutaneous bruises, similar in appearance to bruises, but not causing pain when touched, indicate that laser hair removal was performed on tanned skin. As with other possible consequences, they can be avoided by strictly following the rules for preparing the skin for the session.

There is no need to treat bruises - just wait until the area of ​​skin lightens.

Blue bruises are a safe consequence and do not require treatment, as they go away on their own


Unfortunately, many patients at laser hair removal clinics face the problem of clogged pores. The fact is that hyperhidrosis (or increased sweating) is a direct indication for light exposure sessions. When removing vegetation, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is regulated independently, and this is often enough to solve the problem. However, in memory of itself, hyperhidrosis leaves those same painful pustules that appear at the base of the hair - the follicle.

Folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle) can develop after laser hair removal in patients suffering from hyperhidrosis. The appearance of folliculitis is also possible when, in the intervals between medical procedures the patient visits the swimming pool.

Natalya Mikhailova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), certified trainer of Cynosure Inc. (USA), chief physician of the aesthetic medicine clinic "Reforma", scientific director of the Martinex Medical Center, president of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Union of Mesotherapists", vice-president of the National Society of Mesotherapy (Russia)

KOSMETIK international journal, No. 2/2012, pp. 78–82

The consequences of folliculitis can be serious, so if there is more than one area of ​​inflammation on the skin, you should consult a dermatologist

How to treat folliculitis

If the lesions are minor and are present in one or two points, you can cope with them yourself. Apply brilliant green or potassium permanganate to the hair root. However, if the whole area is affected and you observe a couple of foci of inflammation, consult a dermatologist. Folliculitis is a fungal disease, so only a doctor can prescribe effective treatment for you.

Myths about laser hair removal

The procedure for light exposure is so overgrown with prejudices and myths that the occurrence of serious diseases is often attributed to it. Let's look into this issue.

Menstrual irregularities

The laser hair removal method has a number of contraindications, including disruption of the endocrine system. The point is not only that due to hormone surges, the procedure will be ineffective. The work of the endocrine glands is associated with the normalization of the functions of the whole organism. Therefore, you should not provoke additional imbalance if hormones are already “naughty”.

Light exposure to the skin as such cannot affect the well-established functioning mechanism female organs. If there is a delay in the cycle or, conversely, the discharge began earlier, look for the cause elsewhere, or better yet, consult a gynecologist.

Laser hair removal does not have negative influence on a healthy female body, however, it is contraindicated in patients with existing hormonal disorders


Again a serious contraindication. Any additional skin irritation, including laser hair removal, is unacceptable if the patient has a predisposition to skin cancer. Light exposure can actually aggravate an existing problem, since the flow of rays stimulates the growth of low-quality cells (as, indeed, the sun and solarium). Therefore, laser hair removal is contraindicated for cancer patients, but for healthy people she is safe.

Laser hair removal is contraindicated for cancer patients, but is safe for healthy clients

Allergy to light hair removal

Photodermatitis or sun allergy occurs when ultraviolet rays interact with special substances on the surface of the skin, which leads to painful sensations including severe itching and blisters. The disease is quite rare and is associated with disorders of the human immune system coupled with abnormal metabolism. Photodermatitis is a contraindication to laser hair removal procedures. Healthy patients should not be afraid of an allergy to light: if the skin reacts normally to the daytime sun, there is no risk.

Radiation allergies are often mistaken for the usual consequences of overheating: itching, skin irritation and burns. These problems can be treated independently or under the supervision of a dermatologist, depending on the severity of the damage.

Photodermatitis should not be confused with an allergy-like reaction to laser hair removal. Here, a painful outbreak on the skin is associated with the use of antiseptic and cooling agents that are not suitable for the patient during the session, the action of which is stimulated by an intense light flux. In this case, light irradiation of the patient’s skin should be stopped.

Sun allergy should not be confused with an individual negative reaction to laser hair removal

Impaired visual acuity

If laser treatment of the face, especially the eyebrow area, is not done in good faith, there is a risk of a negative impact on the eyeball. That is why during the procedure of light exposure to any part of the body, the patient and the doctor must wear special glasses that tightly cover the area around the eyes. If all safety rules are followed, the procedure is harmless to vision.

During a laser hair removal session, the eyes of the cosmetologist and the patient must be protected with special glasses or metal lens plates

Video: myths about laser hair removal

Women, in an effort to permanently get rid of unwanted hair, are ready to resort to any methods. Some people place their hopes on wax removal. Others choose laser hair removal. This procedure has gained great popularity.

Why and is it suitable for everyone? Before going to a beauty salon, it is important to study what laser hair removal is, whether it has contraindications and what the consequences may be.

There are contraindications and rules for conducting a session.

Description of laser hair removal

This technique is the most effective and efficient for eliminating unwanted hair on the body. The secret of its uniqueness is the ability of the laser to deeply influence the follicles.

This is precisely why it differs from depilation. In the latter case, the hair shaft is destroyed, and the hair along with the follicle is removed with a laser. Thanks to this effect, unwanted vegetation is eliminated forever.

The photo shows the effect of the laser on the follicle.

How does a laser work? Hair contains a large amount of melanin. The laser, acting on the hair, is converted into thermal energy. It is absorbed by vegetation thanks to melanin. The skin quickly heats up and cools down instantly. And the hairs, together with the follicles, burn under the influence of thermal energy.

PLEASE NOTE! Epilation alone is not enough to completely eliminate unwanted hair.

Can a laser cause harm? Doctors assure that if all existing rules are fully followed and contraindications are observed, hair removal is completely safe.

Rules before the session

Before the session, you should not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium for about 1 month.

Before laser treatment, you should consult a dermatologist and endocrinologist. There are some contraindications that can cause harm to health. The specialist will describe the procedure in detail and explain exactly how to prepare for it.

The standard instructions look like this:

  1. One month before the procedure, you should refrain from tanning in the sun or in a solarium. The skin should remain as light as possible. Therefore, it is not advisable to resort to it in the summer. It is best to do this in winter.
  2. 2 weeks before the event, you must completely abandon waxing and other methods of hair pulling. The laser can only affect those bulbs that are in the active growth phase. To remove hair, you can only use shaving.
  3. It is not recommended to use tetracycline antibiotics 14 days before laser hair removal. Such drugs will reduce the effectiveness of the event. However, some patients may be prescribed antiviral medications. Sometimes it is recommended to take antibiotics. In this case, you should strictly follow the doctor's instructions.
  4. Patients with dark skin need to use cosmetics that lighten the skin.
  5. On the eve of the session (1-2 days before), the areas of the body that will be affected by the laser should be shaved. This activates hair growth and the event will take place more successful. In addition, shaving 24-48 hours before hair removal allows you to make the procedure as painless as possible, while the hair follicles will be perfectly visible.
  6. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the skin areas. Do not apply lotions, creams or other cosmetics to them. Products containing alcohol are especially harmful. They greatly dry out the epidermis.

ADVICE! It is better to wear loose clothing for your hair removal session. It should not fit tightly to the treated areas. After treatment, a soothing cream will be applied to the skin. It may stain clothes. And if the fabric fits tightly, irritation may form on sensitive skin.

The process of applying a soothing gel.

Compliance with such rules will protect against the risk of undesirable consequences. In addition, their implementation will allow for the most successful laser treatment.

Conducting a session

Ignorance of how laser hair removal works leads to two different extremes. Some ladies, having studied in detail the unfounded stories about pain and lurking dangers, may completely abandon it. Others, having heard a lot of embellished assurances that it does not cause discomfort, but pleasure, are disappointed.

This is why it is important to know how everything is done. Initially, a small test is carried out. It allows the doctor to adjust the most effective laser parameters. This gives an idea of ​​whether it will hurt or not during the procedure.

Eyes must be protected with special glasses.

The session itself proceeds as follows:

  1. Before epilation there is preparation. The eyes are protected with special glasses. They are required because the laser destroys melatonin. And this substance is present in the iris of the eye. Glasses will protect your eyesight and prevent serious consequences.
  2. If the sensitivity threshold is high, it is recommended to apply

    Anesthetic cream is offered.

  3. During the session, the cosmetologist uses the device on the hairs, causing them to burn. This happens very quickly. Depending on the size of the area, the session lasts from 2 to 60 minutes.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this removal. The most popular – is laser hair removal painful or not? There is no clear answer. The skin feels warm and a slight tingling occurs periodically. But such discomfort is not very noticeable.

However, there are those who are very sensitive to even the slightest pain. It is recommended that such patients notify the doctor in advance about this individual feature. It is better to prevent a negative feeling than to check whether it will hurt or not during hair removal.


After the session, the skin requires special care.

Laser-treated skin requires careful and careful care. It is very dangerous to ignore the rules of rehabilitation. Violating doctor's recommendations often leads to negative consequences.

The doctor's instructions include the following rules:

  1. Only the cream prescribed by your doctor should be applied to the treated areas. The other is harmful.
  2. Burnt roots will remain on the surface of the skin. You should not pull them out. The process of dying off the bulb takes 1-3 weeks. Often, hair roots fall off within 7-10 days.
  3. It is prohibited to use cosmetics that contain alcohol or abrasive components.
  4. After the session, do not wet the treated areas for 24 hours. Rubbing with a washcloth is prohibited for 48 hours.
  5. The treated areas are not massaged for 3 days. This is harmful to injured skin.
  6. Visiting the bathhouse or sauna is prohibited for three days.
  7. Tanning is contraindicated. It is recommended to avoid sunlight and not visit the solarium for 2 weeks.

ADVICE! If, however, the procedure was carried out in the summer, during sun activity, then be sure to use sunscreen. Recommended products labeled: SPF -20-30.

Repeated procedures

The number of sessions is determined by the individual characteristics of the skin and hair.

The laser finds and burns only growing hairs. Those who are in a state of sleep are not affected by it. Accordingly, after some time they begin to grow.

To remove such hairs, a repeat procedure will be required. The doctor will definitely prescribe what day to go. As a rule, a repeat session occurs after 4 weeks.

PLEASE NOTE! It is necessary to strictly follow the assigned schedule. Any deviations can lead either to unpleasant complications (if the event is done earlier) or to the ineffectiveness of the procedure (if later).

You should be prepared for the fact that several epilations will be required. On average, 6-8 procedures are prescribed to completely get rid of unwanted vegetation.


Relative contraindications

The procedure is prohibited if you have a cold. Can only be done after complete recovery.

  1. For tanned skin. Melatonin is produced in this epidermis. The laser affects precisely this substance. Therefore, tanning can result in burns.
  2. For skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, lupus erythematosus. Areas that have scratches, cuts, or cracks are not exposed to the laser.
  3. If you have moles, age spots on the laser treated area. Sometimes a dermatologist may approve the procedure. But the moles close before the laser is exposed, and the light does not reach them.
  4. During lactation.
  5. For infectious diseases: influenza, ARVI, colds.
  6. With a tendency to form colloidal scars.
  7. During pregnancy.
  8. In the presence of allergic reactions.
  9. In case of varicose veins.

The procedure is not performed on children under 18 years of age. Before conducting it, it is necessary to obtain the consent of parents (guardians).

At breastfeeding It is not strictly prohibited, but this should be done with great caution, having first consulted with your doctor.

Women often have a question: why is laser hair removal prohibited while breastfeeding? The procedure itself does not affect the quality of milk. The radiation penetrates only a few millimeters into the skin.

But it is not a pleasant event. Even minimal stress during lactation can lead to unpredictable side effects, ranging from a bitter taste in the baby's mouth to lack of milk.

Absolute contraindications

Herpes and laser hair removal are incompatible.

The procedure is not performed on light, gray hair. Such features also apply to absolute contraindications. But in this situation, it is not harm to health that is observed, but the futility of the event. The laser is not able to affect gray, blond hairs.

Absolute contraindications also include:

  • oncology;
  • herpes rash;
  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes mellitus

Contraindications for hair removal in the bikini area

A wide variety of areas can be subjected to such treatment as laser hair removal: bikini, legs, areas of the face, armpits. Regardless of the chosen zone, the above contraindications should be taken into account. But the bikini area deserves special attention.

Its processing has additional conditions. In this area it is prohibited to perform laser removal if:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • female inflammation;
  • fungal diseases (thrush, etc.);
  • cuts, wounds.

Possible consequences

Unfortunately, laser hair removal is not without side effects - reviews from doctors and patients confirm this. Complications are classified according to the time of manifestation.

Early consequences

CYTOBI cream from the GERnetic International line (France) will quickly eliminate redness and swelling of the skin after a session.

Such phenomena can be observed immediately after the session. Basically, they are caused by skin sensitivity and are considered safe and do not require treatment. But there may be side effects caused by non-compliance with the rules. In such situations, you will need the help of doctors.

Early complications include:

  1. Redness, swelling of the area. Natural reaction of the body. For severe hyperemia, creams with Dexpatenol are prescribed.
  2. Folliculitis. Most often it is diagnosed in young ladies who visit the pool immediately after the session.
  3. Burns. Their appearance can be dictated by tanning or dark skin.
  4. Acneiform rashes. Observed in young individuals. This reaction goes away without treatment.
  5. Exacerbation of herpetic infection. Appears with a predisposition to herpes. To avoid pathology, the patient is usually prescribed antiviral drugs before hair removal.
  6. Allergic reactions. They can manifest themselves in the form of cyanosis, urticaria, and dermatitis. This is the body's reaction to cosmetics or painkillers. Allergies are easily treated with antihistamines.
  7. Photophobia, conjunctivitis, decreased vision, eye inflammation. Conditions are dictated by neglect of glasses. Often, pathologies arise after eyebrow correction, in which protective equipment cannot be used.

Late consequences

Similar consequences can arise if the rules of the session are not followed.

Such consequences are not only quite noticeable, but also difficult to treat. Their appearance is dictated by individual characteristics, as well as by ignoring the rules and contraindications.

PLEASE NOTE! Often women have a question: is it possible to become infected with HIV through laser hair removal? Doctors completely deny this possibility. After all, contact with a carrier of the virus is necessary for infection. And in the air the latter quickly dies.

Late complications may manifest as:

  1. Increased, decreased pigmentation. Such reactions are observed in representatives of dark skin. Especially if the recommendation for the use of cosmetics that lighten the epidermis has been neglected.
  2. Increased hair growth. Hypertrichosis is a consequence of improper flow selection.
  3. Scar formation. When the skin is damaged and becomes infected, scars may appear.

Improper use of laser technology can lead to a number of unpleasant phenomena:

  • sweating disorders;
  • nevus dysplasia;
  • tissue degeneration.

To avoid these consequences, you should carefully choose a clinic. And do not hide your ailments, but openly tell your doctor about them.

How much does the procedure cost?

The photo shows in which areas laser hair removal can be performed.

This is a relatively expensive removal method. However, it is precisely this that leads to complete relief from annoying hair.

The price of laser hair removal depends on the problem area:

  • upper lip area – 1900;
  • femoral parts (two) – 10900;
  • shins (both) – 7900;
  • deep bikini area – 8900;
  • standard bikini – 3900.

You should not make a decision about a laser procedure immediately. It is necessary to understand that we are talking about interfering with natural processes in the body.

Given this, the event has ardent opponents. Along with them, there are many satisfied patients who have permanently eliminated unwanted hair.

The video will help you weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. If you have experience with laser hair removal, share it in the comments - it will be useful to many. Or maybe you know something that is not in our article?

In an effort to forget once and for all unwanted hair, many methods have been tried: someone places all their hopes on traditional medicine and persistently prepares tinctures from pine nuts and dope seeds; the more pragmatic are inclined towards electro- or laser hair removal. But before you go to a beauty salon, it is worth knowing the likely consequences of laser hair removal in order to make the right decision.

The history of laser hair removal

Despite the incredible popularity of laser hair removal, this method is no more than 30 years old. The invention of the revolutionary technology belongs to American scientists led by dermatologist Professor Rox Anderson. For the first time, the illusory theory of selective photothermolysis, according to which any colored human tissue, be it hair, blood vessels, pigment spots, selectively absorbs light, heating up and destroying.

Initially, the newly invented device was used to remove pigmented and vascular lesions and, of course, for hair removal. To make the procedure more effective, new models of laser epilators were produced. EPILIGHT was the first photoepilator to implement intense pulsed light technology, and in 1996, a specially created laser epilator.

The abundance of modern devices for laser hair removal (Alexandrite, ruby, neodymium, diode) allows this method to be widely used for effective hair removal.

Types and differences of laser epilators

The ruby ​​laser used ruby ​​or aluminum oxide crystals, respectively. Such radiation was perfectly absorbed by the melanin of hair and skin, but due to the low speed and efficiency when removing only light, thin hair, this epilator gave way to the alexandrite one.

Dark and coarse hairs responded well to the Alexandrite laser, and the speed of hair removal increased significantly. Compact epilators made in America by Candela are still successfully used in modern clinics.

A newer invention is the diode laser, in which LEDs play a major role: their light penetrates deep into the skin, removing dark, coarse hair. However, such a device is inferior in speed to the alexandrite laser

More modern equipment includes a neodymium laser, in which yttrium aluminum garnet is activated by neodymium ions. The emitted long waves penetrate very deeply into the skin, which is especially effective when removing dark hair from fair-skinned patients. But such a device is not very effective when it is necessary to carry out large quantity sessions. LUMENIS devices are successfully used in many domestic salons.

Important to remember:

Dark hair follicles absorb laser pulses better. Electrolysis is more suitable for removing gray and blond hair.

RIO SALON LASER is considered the very first laser epilator for home use

Prerequisites for successful laser hair removal

Before you start laser hair removal, it's worth knowing a little about the nature of hair growth. There are three phases of growth:

  • anagen - this active phase lasts 2-7 years, from cell division of the hair follicle to hair growth from the dermal papillae: most of our hair is in the anagen phase, in particular the hair on the head;
  • catagen is a regressive phase, lasting 10-20 days, during which hair stops growing, but does not yet fall out;
  • Telogen is the resting phase during which old hair falls out and new hair grows.

Laser hair removal is especially effective for active phase hair growth, which is why it is so important to carry out a whole course of procedures in order to find the right moment to finally get rid of unwanted hair.

All hair on the body is in different stages of growth, and if new hairs appear after laser hair removal, it is necessary to repeat the procedure after 2-4 weeks, when the hair moves from the resting phase to the active phase.

Important to remember:

The most optimal hair length for laser hair removal is from 1 to 3 mm, so it is quite acceptable to cut or shave your hair shortly before the procedure.

Contraindications to laser hair removal

A procedure such as laser hair removal has many contraindications that should be carefully studied so that the consequences do not become detrimental to health.

In order to determine whether you have an individual intolerance, it is worth treating a small area of ​​skin

Contraindications include:

  • malignant diseases, including skin diseases;
  • chronic and acute inflammatory skin diseases;
  • caxap diabetes;
  • severe hypertension and coronary heart disease;
  • varicose veins and a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • ARVI, influenza, colds, acute herpes virus infection;
  • allergic diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Important to remember:

Under the age of 18, it is better not to undergo laser hair removal, since hormonal imbalance directly affects hair growth.

Such an impressive list of contraindications indicates that laser hair removal should be treated with caution in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Possible negative consequences of the procedure

TO side effects laser hair removal may include the following complications:

  • erythema (redness) of the skin;
  • perifollicular edema of the treated area;
  • pain.

Swelling and redness may occur immediately a few minutes after the procedure and does not require treatment. The intensity of this reaction depends on the thickness, color and thickness of the hair. The dense flow of energy is absorbed by the hair, it heats up, and redness and swelling occur. This reaction is also observed in patients with sensitive skin. Effective cooling during and after the procedure will help avoid such consequences.

CYTOBI cream from the GERnetic International line (France) will help quickly eliminate redness and swelling of the skin after laser hair removal

A professional cosmetologist will be able to correctly select the intensity of the effect on the skin. If hyperemia and swelling are severe, then after the procedure a cream with dexpanthenol or glucocorticoids is prescribed. In most cases, it is enough to use after-sun creams, which do an excellent job with skin irritation.

Serious complications of laser hair removal

According to the timing of occurrence, early and late complications after laser hair removal are distinguished: folliculitis, burns, acneiform rashes and herpetic infections in the acute stage, allergic reactions, photophobia, conjunctivitis are classified as early complications.

Important to remember:

If you have dark skin, it is better not to use laser hair removal, because the pulse energy is dissipated throughout the skin and does not reach the follicle. Also, you should not sunbathe after the procedure to avoid increased pigmentation of the epilated areas.

Burns can occur due to too high energy flux density; burns most often occur on dark and sensitive skin.

Inflammation of the follicle (folliculitis) occurs in patients with pronounced increased sweating

Often, folliculitis can also occur in patients who visit the pool between procedures.

Approximately 6% of complications after laser hair removal are acneiform reactions. Young patients are susceptible to such complications and, as a rule, this reaction goes away over time without special treatment.

It is logical that if the patient has a history of herpes, then after epilation of the lips and bikini area, the herpes infection may worsen. To avoid this, you should take an antiviral course of treatment the day before the procedure.

Hives, allergic dermatitis, and cyanosis are allergic reactions to painkillers or skin care products after hair removal. Prescribing antihistamines will help cope with this problem.

Neglect of eye protection during hair removal can provoke the occurrence of catarrhal conjunctivitis, photophobia, eye inflammation, and decreased visual acuity. This often happens when treating the eyebrow area, when protective glasses interfere with the procedure.

A professional approach to preparation, laser hair removal and skin care after the procedure will help to avoid unpleasant complications

Late consequences and undesirable manifestations

Late complications after laser hair removal include decreased and increased pigmentation, increased hair growth, scars, graying, impaired sweating, degeneration of cells and tissues, and nevus dysplasia.

The occurrence of such symptoms cannot but be alarming, because the manifestation of any of these is not only a noticeable defect, but is also often very difficult to treat.

Tanned patients experience hypo- or hyperpigmentation, especially if the recommendations for skin care after the procedure are neglected. Using whitening creams two weeks before the procedure will help avoid unwanted consequences, as well as right choice device for this type of skin.

If thermal damage to the skin occurs below the basement membrane and the wound becomes infected, scarring will inevitably occur. Such types of scars as atrophic and normotrophic are treated with conservative or surgical methods, but pathological scars are very difficult to treat.

Important to remember:

If you are prone to colloidal scars, it is better not to perform laser hair removal.

An absolutely opposite reaction to laser hair removal – increased growth after the procedure (paradoxical hypertrichosis) occurs when the energy flux density is incorrectly selected.

If a patient has nevi on the skin, it is better not to perform laser hair removal in this area, since the likelihood of their degeneration is very high

When epilating the armpits, complications such as leukotrichia, bromhidrosis, hyperhidrosis (graying, impaired sweating) may occur. Only correct application Laser hair removal technology will help avoid these consequences.

Preventing the consequences of laser hair removal is the main task of a cosmetologist. But responsibility for possible complications also lies with the patient. Before the procedure, you must consult a doctor and do not hide your illnesses and alarming symptoms. Neglect can have very dire consequences.

Laser hair removal allows women and men to replace daily shaving or painful waxing with comfortable and long-term hair removal. Modern devices, with the correct procedure, eliminate harm to the body and negative consequences.

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure, a radical method of combating unwanted hair on the body of men and women. The peculiarity of this method is the complete or partial destruction of the hair follicle (bulb).

Melanin is a high-molecular pigment that is part of the hair and determines color. Concentrated substance with complex chemical composition in the follicle and hair shaft, capable of absorbing light with a wavelength of 700-800 nm. Melanin is the target of laser hair removal.

As a result of exposure, the pigment heats up significantly, destroying nearby areas of the hair growth zone, blood vessels, and glands. Nutrition of the follicle stops. A few weeks after exposure to the light flux, the hair whose root has been damaged falls out. Further germination of this hair impossible.

The destructive effect is produced by laser radiation: a light flux with waves of the same length is focused at one point with a high energy density. The most commonly used are diode or alexandrite laser devices.

The light flux only affects actively growing hair. Dormant hair follicles are not affected, so they wake up some time after the procedure, as the body’s response to stress. A course of radiation will be required to remove them.


Hair removal installations differ in the type of laser, depending on which the wavelength, depth of exposure, and therefore efficiency change. Today, the following types of laser hair removal have gained popularity.

Ruby laser

This is the very first laser device, which was actively used until 1998. But some salons still use these installations.


  • Wavelength - 694 nm.
  • Ruby laser pulse frequency is up to 1 Hz.
  • Duration of exposure - 3 ms.
  • Device power - 45-60 J/sq. cm.

Hair removal with this type of laser is effective only on dark hair; there will be no effect on light or red hair. On dark or tanned skin, the laser can have a harmful effect in the form of burns, swelling or age spots, and hair is partially removed.

Alexandrite laser

The Alexandrite laser became widespread after 1999.

It has significantly expanded capabilities compared to its predecessor:

  • Wavelength - 725 nm.
  • Pulse frequency - 1.5-5 Hz.

The new device is 5 times more powerful and makes it possible to epilate skin with a slight tan without negative consequences.

The maximum effect is observed with dark hair and light skin. When the skin is exposed to this type of laser, without external cooling, pain and burns may occur. Only centers with a medical license and professional staff are allowed to operate.

Diode laser

The most modern model- These are diode laser systems. They are capable of generating a beam of light with a wavelength of 800-900 nm. The period of exposure to the skin is reduced to 0.30 ms, and the pulse frequency reaches 10 Hz. This device shows good results when working with tanned skin, as it is able to influence the vessels of the hair follicle in the same way as melanin.

The laser also works on blond hair, but gray or very pale hairs are still impossible to remove. The level of pain when using a diode laser model is also significantly reduced.

Neodymium laser

The laser has a wavelength of 1064 nm, with a skin exposure period of 10 ms. A significant difference in the operation of such a device lies in the mechanism of action on the blood network of the follicle. The laser is used mainly not to destroy melanin, but to stop the nutrition of the hair follicles.

The effectiveness of hair removal is significantly reduced due to the low radiation power. Laser hair removal is not the main application of a neodymium device, so they are rarely found in beauty salons. The laser is used in specialized clinics to remove the subcutaneous vascular network.

Elos hair removal

Combines laser and electro-epilation. Its main advantage is its greater depth of impact. Laser hair removal removes hairs to a maximum depth of 4 mm, but in combination with electric shock, hair is destroyed at a depth of 6 mm.

This type of vegetation removal takes much longer, and therefore costs more. During the procedure, pain and negative consequences in the form of redness and burns are possible.

Cool hair removal

The second name of the procedure is cold hair removal. To use it, a diode or alexandrite laser is used with a cooling attachment, which minimizes pain. This comfort significantly affects the cost of the procedure.

The manipulations are carried out exclusively by a highly qualified specialist. An analogue of the attachment can be any anesthetic cream, which will allow you to painlessly use a diode or alexandrite laser.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Pros Cons
  • Relative painlessness, especially in comparison with sugaring or waxing.
  • Long lasting effect
  • Low probability of unpleasant consequences.
  • Epilation can be carried out at any time of the year.
  • Effectively helps with ingrown hairs. The effect is noticeable after 2-3 procedures.
  • Does not cause skin irritation. The first redness fades by the end of the day.
  • The relative cost of the method.
  • Presence of contraindications.
  • The method is not universal (not suitable for dealing with gray or blond hair).
  • The time required can be several hours, with a one-time treatment of a large area of ​​skin. However, this is a one-time expense over a long period of time.

Is there any danger or harm to health?

Laser hair removal (whether it is harmful to do the procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the body) when carried out by an experienced professional, strictly in accordance with the methodology, does not pose any harm to health. Violation of technology, neglect of contraindications, incorrect choice of power or skin color type can lead to complications.

Possible consequences:

  • Skin burns of varying degrees.
  • Folliculitis (occurs when the technology of the procedure is violated; in patients prone to excessive sweating, the likelihood of illness increases when visiting the pool between electro-epilation sessions).
  • Hyperpigmentation (people with dark or tanned skin).
  • Allergies (skin rashes are provoked by skincare products, cooling creams).
  • Exacerbation of herpes.
  • Moles present in the treatment area can degenerate into tumor formations, benign or malignant.

During pregnancy or lactation, laser hair removal can cause dry skin, flaking and itching. Hormonal changes increase the likelihood of developing hyperpigmentation, tumor growth and scarring. The effect of laser beams on nervous system fetus


Laser hair removal (whether the procedure is harmful depends on many factors) requires consultation with a doctor. Before choosing laser hair removal, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. They are the same for men and women, and for all areas subject to hair removal.

There are relative contraindications, which can be deviated from in individual cases, only after consultation with a doctor, or after eliminating the causes, and absolute contraindications - a complete ban on hair removal.


  • Pregnancy(in the instructions for the equipment there is no direct prohibition on carrying out the procedure during pregnancy, but cosmetologists advise to refrain from extraneous influences on the body during this period).
  • Lactation period(there is no direct prohibition, but hormonal changes in a woman’s body can significantly reduce the percentage of effectiveness of the procedure, up to complete absence of results).
  • Tan(hair on heavily tanned skin is more difficult to remove, due to low contrast, the likelihood of unpleasant consequences increases).
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the epidermis(there is a possibility of making the situation worse).
  • Moles(these are pigmented areas of the skin, which under no circumstances should be exposed to the laser, otherwise they may begin to grow or degenerate into tumors of various natures). If necessary, they are removed.
  • ARVI(worth waiting for recovery).
  • Scratches, bruises, bruises, burns.
  • Benign tumors.
  • Tendency to form scars or scars(if the irradiation power is incorrectly selected, keloid scars may remain on the skin).
  • Varicose veins veins at any stage.


  • Cancer of any type at all stages.
  • Diabetes mellitus at all stages.
  • Acute forms herpes.
  • Cannon and gray hair(epilation will not be effective).
  • Strong fresh tan of natural, artificial nature, or dark skin.
  • Individual intolerance may also occur.

How often should I do it?

Laser hair removal is not 100% effective in 1 session. This is explained by the effect of the laser only on actively growing follicles. Dormant hair follicles remain intact. The cyclical nature of hair growth causes it to alternate between resting and growing phases.

For each patient, the time between procedures may differ, so those with thick, coarse hair are forced to resort to the service more often, while thin hair grows much more slowly.

Procedure Time interval between procedures (weeks)
1-2 6-8
2-3 8-10
3-4 10-12
4-5 12-14
5-6 14-16
6-7 16-18
7-8 18-20

The number of procedures also depends on the hair removal area. Facial hair is much softer than hair groin area, and can be removed more quickly. The level of androgen (male hormone) plays an important role. If its concentration is high, it may be necessary to regularly repeat the procedure 1-2 times a year.

Average number of procedures for different zones:

Plot Number of sessions
Face 4
Armpits 6
Hands 6
Back 6/8 (women/men)
Stomach 6
Bikini area 8
Hips 6
Legs Up to 10

Some hair cannot be removed completely.

Most human hair follicles originate in the dermis (deep layer of skin), where the pigment shaft and blood vessels become targets for light beams. A small percentage of hair (not in all people) is located in the hypodermis - the subcutaneous fat layer. The laser does not reach such a depth, so single hairs continue to appear on the skin, which are not affected.

Doesn't it hurt?

Laser hair removal (whether it is harmful to use this method, the doctor will tell you), if the technology and procedure is followed, does not bring severe discomfort, pain is reduced to a minimum.

It all depends on a person's individual pain threshold, but most women who have undergone the procedure describe the sensation as a slight tingling or occasional burning sensation. Many felt exceptionally warm. The sensations are intensified if the hair is thick, thick and black.

How to prepare?

The first procedure is always preceded by a preparatory stage. At least 128 hours before hair removal, but more often a week, the patient is tested for skin sensitivity to laser radiation. If there are no negative reactions, a date for the procedure is set.

Before epilation, you need to carefully shave the epilated area so that on the day of the procedure the hairs do not exceed 2 mm. The shorter the hair length, the better the result after the procedure. Before the session, you also need to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and care products (creams, cosmetics, deodorant).

When planning epilation of the armpits, you should not use an antiperspirant on the day of the procedure and the 3 subsequent days. Spray for legs on the day of hair removal should be avoided, especially if the skin of the fingers will be exposed.

How is it done?

For hair removal, doctors do not use a general anesthetic. As an exception, a pain-relieving cream is applied. To protect the skin, a moisturizing cream with aloe extract is used. Additional protection is provided by a special cooling attachment of the laser handpiece.

The article discusses in detail the harm and effectiveness of laser hair removal.

Before turning on the unit, the doctor and patient put on safety glasses designed to protect the pupils from laser light flashes. The device is adjusted individually for each person, taking into account sensitivity, procedure number and skin phototype. The settings may differ for different areas of the skin (the bikini area and armpits are much more sensitive than the legs).

When the unit is turned on, the doctor begins to move a manipulator over the skin, which creates narrowly targeted light beams.

After all specified areas have been exposed to the action of the manipulator, an antiseptic is applied to the treated skin and a cold compress is applied. The procedure can take from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the area of ​​skin to be treated. Some of the hairs are burned instantly. The rest fall out within 2 weeks. from the date of epilation.


The cost of laser hair removal is calculated based on several pricing factors:

  • Scope of hair removal. This is the most significant factor. The larger the area of ​​the epilated area, the higher the cost of the procedure.
  • Specifics of the work. Despite the fact that the bikini area, for example, is small in area, the cost of the service will be higher due to the complexity of the work, high sensitivity of the skin and large time expenditures.
  • Duration of the course. The number of required sessions is calculated by a specialist based on the patient’s individual data (thickness and density of hair, stages of hair growth). The coarser and thicker the hair, the longer the course will be required.
  • Anesthesia. The use of anesthetic cream will affect the cost.

Salons often offer discounts for visitors. This could be a bonus for your first visit, or for referring a friend. Some salons reduce prices for individual services when ordering several at the same time, for example legs + bikini.

What should you not do after the procedure?

Between procedures, doctors strictly prohibit sunbathing. Ultraviolet exposure increases skin dryness and sensitivity. Combined with the dehydrating effect of the laser, there is a high probability of drying the skin too much, with all the ensuing consequences.

Ultraviolet rays also stimulate the production of melanin in the skin, resulting in a decrease in the contrast between the skin and hair. This reduces the effectiveness of the next hair removal session, and the course as a whole. More treatments may be required.

If crusts appear on the epilation sites, you should refrain from mechanically removing them. Once the skin heals, they will fall off on their own, otherwise scars or hyperpigmented areas may remain.

Skin care after the procedure

You can restore and soften the skin after the procedure quite quickly with regular use of creams and lotions on the treated areas. Burns and redness should be immediately treated with healing agents, such as Bepanten or Panthenol. Any form of medication is suitable (spray, cream, ointment).

Before leaving the premises summer period It is necessary to apply sunscreen to areas of skin free from clothing where hair removal was carried out. For effective protection To protect against ultraviolet radiation, you should use products labeled SPF-30. This is the optimal level of protection against negative consequences.

Myths about laser hair removal

  • The laser promotes the formation of tumors. Laser hair removal (whether it is harmful to use the procedure, the doctor will tell you) has skin tumors on the list of contraindications, but the oncogenic wavelength of ultraviolet radiation is 320-400 nm; there are no such tumors in the laser radiation spectrum. It is much more likely to stimulate the growth of skin formations when visiting a solarium.
  • After the procedure, the hair becomes larger and stiffer. This is only part of the truth. After the second procedure, active germination of dormant bulbs may be observed. This is a synchronization effect when the body tries to make up for the loss. Already after the third procedure, the number of dormant follicles decreases significantly, hair grows less frequently, thinner and in small quantities.
  • Photoepilation is more effective than laser hair removal. In fact, these are 2 devices that use the same principle of influencing melanin. The photoepilator appeared first, and the laser device was invented much later. The diode laser is considered the most innovative. It is much more effective and the results last longer.
  • Not everyone is affected by lasers. The light flux in the skin searches for a target - melanin in the hair shaft or follicle. If it is not there, there is no effect. Gray hair and vellus hair that does not contain pigment are not susceptible to laser treatment. If the laser does not work on blacks or is sufficient dark hair- examinations need to be carried out. Most often, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, one of the symptoms of which may be coarse, densely colored facial hair. If you repeat the procedure after treatment, the effect will appear.
  • Laser hair removal is expensive. The cost of services in this area of ​​cosmetic services has not changed significantly for about 10 years. To estimate the costs of regular shaving, it is worth calculating how much money is spent on razors, shaving foams or gels, scrubs for ingrown hairs and skin care creams. The amount, when recalculated over 10 years, will be impressive. Comparing it with the cost of laser hair removal for the same period, you get a small difference and much less hassle.

Laser hair removal – effective method fight against unwanted hair on the body, but before resorting to the procedure, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible harm to the body.

Interesting videos about laser hair removal, its effectiveness and possible harm

Pros and cons different types hair removal:

Laser hair removal using a diode laser:

Laser hair removal is a modern, painless and completely safe method hair removal.

The laser beam does not touch the skin. The myth that laser hair removal can damage the skin is completely baseless. The effect is on the hair follicle, which contains a dark pigment called melanin.

Hair loss from the epilated area occurs after about a week. Subsequent hair growth stops or slows down. After each session the effect will be more noticeable. So, after three sessions you will notice that your hair has become much lighter and softer, and after seven sessions, hair growth will stop for five years, and perhaps forever.

It is difficult to say right away how many sessions you will need to ensure that excess hair on your body never bothers you again. For such a conclusion, you need to undergo an examination by a doctor, and also study hormonal background and the state of the body as a whole.

Laser hair removal procedure is not suitable for gray and very light hair.

An examination by a dermatologist is mandatory., even if you are confident in your health. Laser hair removal is performed only on healthy skin. There should be no red spots, no rashes, no damage to the skin. After a visual examination, the dermatologist will either give you permission to carry out the procedure, or ask you to undergo additional examination by other specialists and undergo tests if contraindications are suspected.

Which laser to choose: alexandrite or diode?

The effectiveness of laser hair removal also depends on the type of equipment on which the process is performed. More often You can find alexandrite laser in various salons. Today it firmly ranks first in the opinion of specialists and salon clients.

The Alexandrite laser affects the hair in such a way that it immediately crumbles. Therefore, you will be able to see the effect of the procedure as soon as you leave the chair. For this feature, hair removal with an alexandrite laser was called “Clean hair removal.”

The procedure using this type of equipment can be performed by anyone who has light skin. Hair color can range from light brown to dark. Alexandrite laser hair removal is not possible on tanned skin. So you will either have to stop tanning two weeks before visiting the salon, or use a different type of equipment.

For those with dark skin, hair removal done using a diode laser or neodymium laser is suitable. The first is intended for any skin type, the second is specifically for dark skin tones.

The result of the procedure largely depends on the qualifications of the personnel.

Laser hair removal should only be performed by a dermatologist with sufficient experience in this field.

If, before inviting you to sit in a chair and begin the process, the doctor does not examine you, then this is a strong reason to leave the salon immediately and never return to it.

Features of the laser hair removal process

Preparation for laser hair removal should begin two weeks in advance. before it takes place. If you want to undergo the procedure using the alexandrite laser, you will have to limit the exposure of your skin to sunlight.

Also, within two weeks, you need to give up sugaring, bleaching your hair, pulling out hair with tweezers and other methods of influencing your hair, except for shaving with a regular razor. A day before hair removal, you need to shave the hair in the area where the procedure is supposed to be carried out. If the area to be epilated is located on the face, then there is no need to shave the hair.

The time you spend in the salon depends on how large the area being epilated is.

Before starting the procedure, the doctor applies a special cooling gel to the surface of the skin. It protects the skin from overheating during the session, so the patient does not experience discomfort.

After the procedure, you are prohibited from visiting the sauna or taking a hot bath for three days. You will have to give up tanning for two weeks. You should avoid methods of hair removal other than razors and depilatory creams.

After a month and a half, new hairs will begin to appear, which means it’s time to make an appointment at the salon for a repeat procedure.

Modern laser epilators allow you to carry out the procedure at home.

Manufacturers guarantee that it is extremely difficult to get burned during self-hair removal.

The radiation power of such devices will be significantly less than that of salon equipment, so many more sessions will be required. When using a portable epilator, you must strictly follow the instructions.

If you find that after a session there is severe redness on your body, you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications for laser hair removal

Contraindications are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • any skin disease;
  • herpes;
  • oncology;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • diabetes mellitus

There are other possible reasons for refusal of the procedure laser hair removal based on examination by a dermatologist.

Possible consequences of the procedure

The consequences of laser hair removal, if the procedure is carried out correctly and the patient does not have any kind of disease, can only be smooth, clean, healthy skin.

In some cases, severe redness is observed. The doctor warns of this possibility and prescribes a special ointment to lubricate the inflamed skin.

Those with fair skin and light brown hair than those whose light skin contrasts strongly with dark hair.

There have been cases when hair growth in women resumed during pregnancy or at the onset of menopause, i.e. during a period when a woman’s body undergoes a strong hormonal shock.

Laser hair removal is completely powerless against gray and white hair. The result of epilation on such hair can only be complete disappointment. There is a type of photoepilation that can cope with hair that lacks dark pigment.

If you look on the Internet for reviews about the laser hair removal procedure, you can find both positive and negative opinions.