A plant that has a similar effect to valerian on cats is called catnip.

What is it for? It is used to correct the behavior of a pet, as well as as a sedative, or, on the contrary, an agent that stimulates nerve receptors.

Its second name is lemon catnip.

This herb has a special, spicy scent that cats love.

Even in Ancient Egypt, the catnip was used as bait for both common domestic cats and wild felines - panthers and leopards.

To protect him from such troubles, he should be released into the street c.

In case your cat has caught fleas, it can be treated.

Advice! The plant is unpretentious in care and grows on the territory of Russia both in the wild and in the cultivated form. Therefore, everyone can grow a catnip at home.

What is catnip for and how can you use it?

  • Catnip is used in folk medicine as a sedative and to treat insomnia.
  • In industry - for the production of perfumes, soaps.
  • In cooking, catnip is added to herbal teas, salads, meat and fish dishes, ice cream, cocktails.

In appearance, the leaves of catnip resemble the leaves of the widespread lemon balm

Why do cats love catnip?

Why do cats need catnip?

Many cat lovers today use this fragrant herb to cheer up their furry pet.

And watching the behavior of a cat that sniffed the mint, the mood of the owners of the purrs themselves rises.

The fact is that this plant contains a special ethereal substance - nepetaloctone.

This aromatic component has a stimulating effect on sexually mature cats, and encourages them to behave extremely unusual.

Animals suddenly begin to rub their heads against the grass, sway on the ground, somersault and meow.

To the observer of such a picture from the side it may seem that the cat is in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

By the way, those who cannot come up with ideas should observe the behavior of their favorite and choose the name that suits her character the most.

Some time after contact with catnip, cats usually go to bed to restore the spent energy.

Advice! Another answer to the question do cats need catnip, is the antihelminthic property of this plant. If a fluffy pet has lost its appetite, it has become lethargic, and its coat has lost its luster, then the cat may have become infected with helminths. Catnip can also be given to your pet as an antihelminthic prophylaxis.

Smell essential oils this plant causes very unusual and funny behavior in cats

All cats are very sensitive to essential oils, especially the nepetaloctone found in catnip.

At the same time, catnip does not have such a strong effect on them compared to valerian.

Nepetaloktone is able to induce minor hallucinations in cats inhaled of this substance by acting on the receptors in the brain that are responsible for the emotional response.

While inhaling essential oils catnip, a neuroendocrine reaction occurs in the animal's body, which causes behavior similar to that which occurs during estrus.

When asked if cats need catnip, each owner of a fluffy pet has its own answer.

Some mistakenly believe that this plant can harm the psyche of a cat, while others, on the contrary, know why catnip is needed, and actively use its properties for a variety of purposes.

A fluffy pet will be very happy if you plant a catnip on your plot.

How can catnip be used?

Why is catnip needed?

With the help of this plant, you can correct the behavior of your pet and get rid of some bad habits.

  • If the pet has an aggressive character, then you can give him mint. Having sniffed the plant, the animal will change its behavior, become more calm and docile.
  • For overly playful cats, who run around the apartment all day, overturning everything in their path, mint also has a calming effect.
  • Many people are concerned about the question:? Catnip will help resolve this issue. Place some dry grass under the tray to attract your pet with its scent.
  • Do cats need catnip, people know who often travel with their pet and put a few branches of the plant in its carrying bag. This allows the animal to relieve stress and cope with the ride more calmly. For the same purposes, you can use the plant for trips to the veterinary clinic - the animal will behave calmly and balanced.

Advice! you can sew it yourself by sewing a little dry grass inside. Too lethargic, sluggish cats become more playful and active after contact with mint.

The dry leaves of the plant can be placed inside the pet's toys - then he will willingly play with them.

If you put a little grass in a new one, it will get used to it faster.

For a sluggish, sluggish cat, you can put a little mint inside the toy

  • Catnip has bactericidal properties and helps relieve stomach cramps in an animal.

Advice! If the pet ignores the scratching post, and uses your favorite sofa instead, then do the following: carefully open the trim of the scratching post, place a bunch of mint inside and sew up the opened place. The cat will be attracted by the odor from the scratcher and will eventually leave the sofa alone.

You can make it yourself and put dried mint inside it.

To do this, take a small diameter PVC sewer pipe, glue dry mint to it, and then wrap a rope around the pipe greased with glue.

A scratching post, from which the smell of catnip emanates, will once and for all solve the problem of sharpening claws on upholstered furniture

Growing a catnip at home

Catnip can be grown in a pot on a windowsill or garden plot.

The plant is perfect for decorating curbs, sidewalks and flower beds.

You can buy seedlings from the market hand-held, and seeds from a gardening store.

Catnip is incredibly resilient, takes root quickly in new places and reproduces well.

Thus, you can provide entertainment for your pet for the whole summer and have fun watching its behavior.

Fluffy pets can look very funny when they are completely immersed in the game.

By planting a plant in a pot, you can entertain yourself with cat games all year round, amuse your friends and make delicious aromatic tea.

It should be borne in mind that an animal played out in the apartment, which is "under the mint", can accidentally break a vase or some other thing.

To avoid this, move all breakable objects away.

So that after contact with catnip you do not have to scold your pet for a broken vase, remove items that it can damage in the heat of the game

Can catnip be given to a pregnant cat?

Many people don't know if catnip is necessary for cats that are expecting kittens.

Females can be overexcited from the essential oil of the plant, and since frequent emotional outbursts deplete the animal's nervous system, it is better to protect it from stress.

However, it should be borne in mind that cats always sense what plants they need and in what quantities.

If the pet lives in an apartment, then during pregnancy it is better to remove the mint pot away.

And in the event that the animal often goes outside and sniffs the catnip, you should not forbid him to do this.

Cats have a very developed intuition, and if catnip were harmful to their health, they would never smell this plant with such pleasure.

Catnip: What is it for?

Catnip or catnip: what is it for, what properties it has, is it possible to give it to a cat, how to grow a catnip at home and how it can be used.

Cat mint. What is it for? Cat mint (budra, catnip, Nepeta cataria) is a herbaceous perennial, about a meter high. Distributed everywhere, except for tropical countries and regions of the far north. Areola of growth in Russia: the North Caucasus, the Far East, the central strip and the European part.

The stem stiffens. Leaves with a carved edge, heart-shaped. The inflorescence is a raceme, the flowers are lilac or white with purple specks. There are over a hundred genera of the plant. Cats love all plants of this species. The smell of flowers is quite intense, it can be described as lemon-geranium. Thanks to the presence a large number essential oils (about 80% in their composition - nepetalactone, similar to feline pheromones), the plant is so attractive to cats and causes them arousal.

The effect of mint on the condition of the animal

After inhaling the essential oils of the plant, cats go into a state similar to euphoria. Excitement begins to appear (loud meowing, rolling on the ground, the animal rubs its muzzle against surrounding objects), hypersalivation (increased salivation). The condition lasts no more than ten minutes.

On the contrary, when eating a plant or its flowers, the animal calms down. The plant is not poisonous, so you should not prevent your pet from eating it.

It is nepetalactone that acts on the receptors of sensory neurons in the brain, causing transient hallucinations and a hormonal state similar to estrus.

Catnip is widely used: in perfumery (perfumes, soap), culinary arts (included in herbal teas, salads, meat and fish dishes, ice cream and cocktails). ethnoscience recommends the herb as a sedative and for insomnia.

Interesting! Immature felines are generally insensitive to the effects of catnip.

The main ways of using the plant

  • With infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the content of bactericidal substances and essential oils in the catnip, the plant is able to inhibit pathogenic microflora and serve as a mild antispasmodic.
  • In felines, budra is widely used to correct behavioral reactions. Removing aggression or, conversely, increasing activity in animals that are too clumsy.
  • In veterinary medicine, the herb is used as an antidepressant, in case of stress in extraordinary situations (when moving, transportation, medical interventions).
  • Catnip, fresh or dried, increases appetite when taken orally.
  • As an anthelmintic agent.
  • Cat is especially widely used to attract cats to a litter box, scratching post, a new sleeping place.

Interesting! When using catnip, the cat does not become addicted.

Some owners grow catnip at home in a flower pot. The plant is unpretentious in care. Likes slightly alkaline soil and a lighted place, moderate watering.

Important! The use of catnip is not recommended for pregnant cats. Perhaps Negative influence on the gestation process. Also, when inappropriate behavior in the animal appears in the form of aggression and strong excitement or, conversely, stupor, you should stop using Budra.

Interesting! Thirty percent of the time, cats do not respond to catnip. This is a genetic feature - there are no receptors capable of perceiving nepetalactone.

Catnip is widely used by pet product manufacturers. They produce preparations containing essential oils of the plant (sprays, drops), and also use dried catnip herb to add to Stuffed Toys for pets.

You can buy various catnip medications at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

As a dried herb:

  • Catnip - price 102 - 140 rubles. for 15g;
  • GoSi - about 59 rubles.

In the form of others:

  • in the form of a spray - about 300r. for 100ml;
  • as a treat: Gimcat Nutri Pockets - stuffed pads containing catnip and multivitamins. Convenient when encouraged during pet training.

Catnip is a short plant that has a spicy scent. This smell is very attractive to cats. The second name of the plant is lemon catnip or budra. Earlier in Egypt, it was used as bait for cats, including for such relatives as panthers and leopards.

Despite the fact that the plant causes a strong emotional reaction in animals, it is completely harmless to them and is even used for medicinal purposes.

Description of the plant

Lemon Catnip grows in Central, Eastern and Western Europe, East Asia, western Siberia and the Caucasus.

In appearance, the plant is almost indistinguishable from ordinary mint. But catnip contains nepetalactone and peppermint contains menthol. It is for this reason that these plants have a different smell. The aroma of catnip contains lemon notes.

The leaves of the plant are light green in the shape of a heart, sometimes they may be interspersed with a white or pink hue. Flowers are small, collected in a tassel. They can be white, pink, or purple... Catnip stems are long. They spread along the ground and intertwine among themselves, forming dense thickets. Today there are about 200 species of this plant.

Cats love to spend time in thickets of catnip. As a rule, in such places you can see more than a dozen animals at once. The cattleman exudes an aroma that has an effect on them, similar to the action of valerian. Animals seem to go into euphoria. However, they can behave very strangely.

The principle of influence on the cat

When the animal inhales the scent of the plant, the essential oils are released into its respiratory tract. From there, a signal enters the hypothalamus of the brain. The cat has short-term hallucinations, and as a result - strange behavior. The animal begins to roll on the floor, purr, jump, lick, play. This is similar to the behavior of a kitten.

The effect lasts 10-15 minutes, after which the cat calms down and can doze off. This continues for about half an hour. Then the reaction can be repeated. If the cat tastes the catnip, the effect may be reversed.

The plant acts on animals in different ways. A lethargic cat can become playful. And if the animal is very active, it is likely that under the influence of the catnip, it will become passive. This should not be of concern to the owners. The animal has an intuition that tells it when to stop sniffing or chewing on the plant.

Important! The catnip contains no narcotic substances and is not addictive.

How to use catnip

Some owners believe that catnip has a negative effect on the pet's nervous system. This is a misconception. On the contrary, using a catnip will help get rid of many problems, incl. psychological. Catnip can be used in situations where:

  • the pet has an aggressive character - it is enough to give him a little dried catnip.
  • the cat is very playful and is able to turn everything upside down in the house, the plant will have a calming effect on him;
  • it is necessary to train the animal to the tray - you should put a little dry catnip under the container. The smell will attract the cat's attention, and the learning process will be faster and easier;
  • the owner goes on a trip with the pet, or a trip to the veterinary clinic is planned - we recommend putting catnip in several branches, this will help relieve the animal's stress;
  • the cat has appeared in the house recently and he needs to get used to the new home, it is recommended to put the branches of the plant in the area of ​​his sleeping place;
  • the animal is passive and lethargic - a little catnip placed in toys will amuse it;
  • the pet has a stomach spasm - the bactericidal properties of catnip will help solve the problem;
  • the animal refuses to eat - the catnip will increase the appetite;
  • the cat sharpens its claws on the furniture and ignores the scratching post - you should carefully open the trimming post, place the plant branches inside it and sew it up. The animal will smell the mint and leave the furniture alone. This is one of the most effective.

Attention! Catnip is indicated for cats infected with helminthic infestation. The plant prevents the reproduction of helminths.

The catnip can be used both fresh and dried. During storage, the plant retains all its properties.


Cats have a knack for recognizing what herb they can take and in what quantity. However, the owner is responsible for the pet. Therefore, you should not rely on the intuition of the animal if:

  • the cat is pregnant;
  • the pet reacts too violently to the action of the catnip. In this case, excessive consumption of the herb can deplete the animal's nervous system. A violent reaction should be understood as the agitated behavior of the cat for more than half an hour with excessive physical activity.

In these cases, you should restrict your pet's access to catnip. There are no other contraindications for taking catnip. But, if several cats are kept in the same house, and there is a male among them, it must be borne in mind that under the influence of the plant he can become aggressive. Therefore, catnip should only be given to a cat separately from cats.

Why the cat doesn't respond to catnip

Not all cats are affected by catnip. A certain gene in the animal's body is responsible for the susceptibility to a plant, which may be absent. This is typical of every third individual.

Kittens that have not reached sexual maturity also do not respond to catnip. But they don't need it. Kittens are already very playful. Before 6 months, there is no point in giving them catnip.

The animal may not react to the catnip under severe stress. Therefore, if there is a situation that can significantly affect emotional condition pet, it is recommended to treat him to catnip in advance so that he has time to relax.

The insensitivity of the animal can also be explained by the low content of essential oil in the plant. Usually it contains up to 3%, but this figure may decrease if the plant does not have enough light.

How to grow catnip in a pot - step by step instructions

In nature, catnip can be found in forests, shrubs, meadows, fields, vegetable gardens, along river banks and near roads. To be able to pamper your pet at home, you can grow the plant indoors in a pot. It should be borne in mind that catnip loves warmth, moisture and light. The lack of these components can negatively affect the performance of the plant.

A Catnip can be grown from seeds sold at any pet store. But it is better to take a stalk or a rooted shoot, which can be found right on the street. The stalk should be placed in a glass of water, where it should be until the roots appear. When choosing a pot, you must give preference to a medium-sized container.

  1. Pour drainage into the pot.
  2. Fill the container halfway with soil, which should be pre-moistened.
  3. Plant seeds or seedlings in the ground.
  4. Cover the pot with plastic wrap, creating a greenhouse environment.
  5. Place the container in a lighted place.

Sprouts should appear in two weeks. When the first leaves are formed, the plant should be fed. It is necessary to choose the strongest of the shoots and clear the space for their growth. The stems need to be secured with wire. Approximately 2.5 months after planting, when proper care, the catnip should bloom.

Attention! The pot with the plant must be placed in a place inaccessible to the cat. Otherwise, the animal will damage the sprouts and the catnip will die.

For a long time, people have known about the property of some plants to influence the behavior of animals. To calm down or, conversely, stimulate domestic cats, various herbs were used - valerian, honeysuckle, citronella and others. Special attention owners deserves catnip. For cats, this plant is an excellent mood corrector.

Description of the plant

Catnip (lat.Népeta catária) has other names - catnip, budra. This herbaceous plant belongs to perennials. In the wild, it can be found in almost every corner of the planet. The exceptions are the tropics and regions of the Far North. In Russia, the grass is found in the North Caucasus, the Far East, in the European part and in the central zone.

The plant has a woody stem up to 1 meter high. Carved leaves have the shape of a heart. The top is decorated with an inflorescence-cluster of lilac or white with purple splashes. Appearance and size different types may vary. In total, biologists have more than 120 species. Cats react to any plant regardless of its appearance.

Catnip flowers have a strong scent similar to a mixture of lemon and geranium aromas. It is this property of the plant that attracts tetrapods so much and causes them excitement. Budra is rich in essential oil, 77% of nepetalactone. This active substance resembles the pheromones that cats release during mating games. Animals will never confuse catnip with other plants., for example, with lemon balm.

Mechanism of action on cats

All members of the feline family are highly sensitive to essential oils. Inhaling the lemon scent, the animals begin to behave in an unusual way. They meow loudly, roll on the ground and rub their muzzles against the grass. Salivation increases. Such bouts of euphoria last about 10 minutes, then the animal gradually calms down.

Eating grass does the opposite. Having tasted the flowers and leaves, the pet becomes very calm. Pet owners don't need to worry. The plant does not contain dangerous components that can harm the body. It has long been noted that cats have an unusually developed intuition. The sixth sense tells your pet how much grass to eat or smell.

This effect is due to the high content of nepetalactone catnip. Penetrating into the animal's respiratory tract, the substance binds to special proteins - receptors that stimulate sensory neurons in the brain. As a result, short-term perception disorders (hallucinations) develop.
Neurons in the olfactory center of the cat's brain send a signal to the pleasure-producing area of ​​the cortex and trigger its excitement. In response, the autonomic nervous system affects the production of hormones in the lower pituitary gland. Cats experience a condition similar to estrus.

Susceptibility to the smell of grass in tetrapods is inherited. Young animals that have not yet completed puberty are usually insensitive to odor.

Benefits and benefits of a catnip

The main effect that grass has on tetrapods is behavior correction. Many owners and breeders use this feature to influence their pets. If under normal conditions the cat behaves aggressively, under the influence of the scent of mint, he becomes calm and affectionate. Lazy and sluggish animals become more playful and fun. The plant's essential oils have other effects as well:

  1. The mint contains bactericidal substances. By eating leaves and flowers, they eliminate infections digestive system, relieve smooth muscle spasm.
  2. Veterinarians recommend using catnip as an antidepressant if the animal has undergone a stressful situation - moving, visiting a clinic, a painful procedure, etc.
  3. Fresh or dried herb added to food increases the appetite of "little" animals.
  4. A small amount of the plant taken internally helps to get rid of worms.

Since the leaves and flowers do not contain potent or narcotic substances, moderate consumption is not addictive in cats.

Budra is loved not only by fluffy pets. The flower nectar of this plant attracts bees. In perfumery and Food Industry it is customary to use catnip in the formulation of soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages. The plant has a medicinal effect on people:

  1. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  2. Eliminates cough and cleanses the lungs.
  3. Relieves migraines.
  4. Improves the condition of blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation.
  5. Normalizes night sleep.

At home, you can grow buddha yourself. To do this, she is planted in a small pot and placed on the windowsill. The place should be well lit. It is better to choose a slightly alkaline soil. The plant is not watered too often. Ripe flowers and leaves must be cut off, dried and hidden so that the animal does not get to them. Store dry raw materials in a cool dark place out of reach of cats. Keeping the pot in the room will help get rid of the mosquitoes.

Use cases for pets

As catnip has gained popularity among cat owners and breeders, many pet food manufacturers have started to make products with the plant's essential oil. In particular, on sale you can find special drops containing mint essence. Some owners of tetrapods make toys for their pets, stuffing them with dried leaves and budra flowers.

You can use the plant in the following cases:

  1. If the animal is aggressive, you can sniff or eat some grass. After that, the cat will calm down.
  2. To calm down with the help of catnip, you can overly playful and mobile pets who run around the apartment all day and knock everything in their path.
  3. To potty train your cat, you can put some leaves in the tray, for which you need dried catnip.
  4. When traveling with your pet, you can put some mint in your bag or carrier. The cat will take the road more calmly.
  5. You can calm an agitated animal during a visit to the doctor.
  6. In order for the four-legged pet to get used to the new house or rug faster, you can put a few leaves there or sprinkle it with a catnip-based essence.
  7. Experienced breeders advise putting drops on the scratching post, this will help train the animal to sharpen its claws in one specific place and protect the upholstered furniture. If there are no drips on hand, you can gently rip open the trim of the scratching post and place a bunch of mint under it.
  8. You can make a scratching post yourself. This requires a hollow plastic tube. Dry mint is glued to it, and wrapped with rope on top.

Contraindications and restrictions

Veterinarians do not recommend giving catnip to pregnant females. Under the influence of essential oil, the animal can become very agitated. This quickly depletes the cat's nervous system. Stress during pregnancy has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the mother of the offspring. Before the kittens appear, it is better to remove the pot with the plant. However, it is worth considering the intuitive instinct of the animal. If your cat goes outside and starts sniffing mint, you shouldn't forbid it.

Another contraindication is the uncontrollable behavior of the animal after eating the herb. If the cat, after eating or sniffing, becomes agitated and aggressive or falls into a stupor, you should not give her grass.

Herbal preparations

In specialized pet stores, you can buy preparations with the addition of catnip essential oil. With their help, it is easy to influence the behavior and health of the animal. The following drugs are considered the most popular:

  1. Catnip (dried herb). Produced in the Netherlands, it is a premium product. Approved for use for cats of all ages and breeds. You can use it as a treat and for training to trays, scratching posts, new toys. The benefits include a natural composition. Of the minuses - leaky packaging, poorly retaining odor. The approximate cost of the funds is 102 rubles.
  2. GoSi is a dried herb. Packaged in plastic sealed packages. Dry raw materials can be sprinkled on a bedding or in a house, put in toys. It is contraindicated to give the herb to pregnant cats. Packing price is 59 rubles.
  3. Gimcat Nutri Pockets with Catnip and Multivitamin. The product is crispy pads with vitamins and herb extract. It is used to reward the animal during training. Supports the cat's immune system, digestion, and relieves depression. Contains no preservatives or sugars.
  4. "Rustic delicacies". The extract is available in 100 ml vials. The packaging is sealed and equipped with a spray. With the help of a spray, you can teach a cat to toys, educate and train.

Catnip is a natural herbal remedy for raising cats and correcting their behavior. For exposure, use fresh and dried grass or a ready-made composition from a pet store. The plant has contraindications and restrictions for use.

Cats never cease to amaze us with their unique habits and features that distinguish them from other pets. One of the addictions of cats is their love of mint. But this mint is not simple, but cat mint, and has a certain effect on the brain of furry pets. Observations on cats have shown that one and the same individual can react to this plant in different ways depending on its age, but most representatives of the cat family will not be able to remain indifferent next to catnip.

What it is?

Catnip (or catnip) is a herbaceous perennial plant in the Clay family. A biological description of mint is presented below.

  • The plant can be found almost throughout the European part of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. This perennial is better known as a weed.
  • Catnip looks like an erect plant with a pubescent woody stem, ovoid leaves and dense inflorescences in the form of a half-umbrella, consisting of many small white-bluish flowers.
  • The root of the plant is branched and quite powerful.
  • Perennial herb begins flowering in June and lasts until the end of July.
  • The aerial part of the catnip contains nepetalactone, glycosides, saponins, tannins and bitterness, as well as ascorbic acid.
  • The leaves of the plant contain most of the essential substances, and there are very few of them in the stem.

The essential oil of the catnip smells like a mixture of lemon and tart geranium, so this perennial is also called lemon catnip. Sometimes people confuse catnip with lemon balm - outwardly, both of these spicy herbs are similar to each other, and lemongrass also has a scent with lemon fresh notes. However, if a person can confuse these herbs visually, then cats, with their unique innate instinct, are not mistaken in this matter.

The catnip attracts the attention of cats and cats precisely because of the ethereal lemon scent, however, kittens up to six weeks of age remain completely immune to the plant.

In addition, scientists have found that far from all representatives of the cat family react to the catnip, but only 75% of their number.

And this phenomenon is explained, from a genetic point of view, by the absence of special receptors in the animal's brain that perceive the substance nepetalactone.

Comparison with regular mint

Outwardly, lemon catnip is similar to a plant called peppermint, but there are significant differences between them. For example, catnip contains the substance nepetalactone in the composition of essential oils, and peppermint differs from it in that menthol predominates in its essential components.

These two fragrant substances have a fundamental difference from each other, and it is expressed in the fact that cats react to nepetalactone, but not to menthol. Even the smell of these two plants is different: catnip always smells of tart lemon, and peppermint has a peculiar menthol aroma.

Catnip affects not only the receptors of the brain of cats - the scent of this spicy herb attracts insects, which are called lacewing, to it. Also, this smell can scare away mosquitoes or a certain type of cockroach.

Common peppermint does not have these characteristics.

Benefit and harm

Manifestation of the effect of catnip on cats is to change their habitual behavior. This property of the plant is often used by breeders of furry pets in order to influence the behavior of animals, changing it as required by a particular situation. For example, if a cat or cat behaves aggressively for no reason, then a spray with a substance nepetalactone will help to quickly calm the animal and tune it in a more friendly way, while literally before our eyes, the pet will become affectionate and peaceful.

If a fluffy friend is often withdrawn, does not want to play and contact with a person, then catnip will help correct the situation here too - under the influence of the essential oil of this plant, the animal will become cheerful, active, want to move and play.

With the help of this method and periodic rewards with a treat, you can not only strengthen the conditioned reflexes in the cat and correct behavior, but also teach it useful skills.

But that's all. beneficial features lemon catnip. Due to its specific chemical composition the plant has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and when a cat eats fresh leaves or flowers of this plant, it not only changes its mood, but also eliminates pathogenic bacteria in its digestive tract, and also improves the process of intestinal motility by relaxing smooth muscles. In addition, under the influence of nepetalactone, the cat's body is cleared of worms.

It often happens that furry pets are exposed to various stressful situations. For example, such cases may arise after moving to new apartment, painful medical procedures or unsuccessful contact with other animals. To reduce the effects of stress on the animal, veterinarians recommend giving them catnip, which will have an anti-stress effect.

Cat breeders have noticed that if you put a few fresh sprigs of mint in a cat carrier, the journey will be almost invisible for the pet.

Sometimes, for one reason or another, pets begin to pick and choose food and show poor appetite. Catnip, added to food dry or fresh, will help to establish a good appetite in a fussy cat. Catnip can also be used to train a cat to a litter box, scratching post, and sleeping place. Experienced breeders know this feature of four-legged pets and use it with benefit.

Mint for cats does not contain narcotic substances and for this reason does not cause addiction and dependence in the animal. But in some cases, this herb is still harmful to four-legged pets. For example, it is not recommended to give mint to pregnant and lactating cats for the reason that the animal may become severely agitated and exhausted under the influence of nepetalactone. nervous system... In addition, an overly active animal can harm itself or its offspring.

Veterinarians advise paying attention to how the animal reacts to the effect of peppermint essential oils. If, under the influence of nepetalactone, the cat becomes uncontrollable, aggressive or frightens with its apathy and stupor, then with such extremes in behavioral reactions, it is best to refuse to use the catnip.

How does the plant work on cats?

The substance nepetalactone, which is part of the catnip, affects cats and cats through irritation of brain cells, and the reaction from this effect is manifested in animals in the form short-term hallucinations. These hallucinations can be compared to drunkenness - they change the behavior of animals, provoking them to one or another action.

Cats can roll on the floor, purr or meow loudly, actively rub their faces with their paws, jump unnaturally high, climb up the curtains, or, conversely, a fluffy pet can lazily roll over onto its back and fall asleep.

The cat's brain reacts to the action of nepetalactone for a short time: only 7-10 minutes. Then the animal begins a period of immunity: even though the plant is next to the animal and smells strongly, the cat's brain no longer reacts to it. But after an hour or a little more, the neurons of the animal's brain again become susceptible to nepetalactone, and the effect of catnip begins to manifest itself again.

Cats love to feast on fresh catnip, but inside they have a certain barrier to saturation with such grass, and the animal will not be able to eat this plant much. No one has ever seen a cat standing near a catnip and eating this grass incessantly. If the pet still managed to overeat catnip, then there is nothing terrible in this situation. The only thing that overeating can threaten with is indigestion and loose stools.

However, this phenomenon goes away on its own and does not require the use of any emergency medical procedures.

How to use?

You can buy catnip at any pet store that sells goods for cats. The herb is sold in dried and crushed form, packaged in bags or bottles of various shapes and volumes, as well as in the form of a spray with a spray device, sticks for chewing and brushing teeth. It even appears in some feline toys. The smell of catnip makes the toy especially attractive to the pet, but only at first - over time, interest in it may disappear. The dry herb or essential oil that is part of the toy loses its brightness over time and gradually disappears.

The spray is considered to be the product with the longest shelf life - it can be sprayed where necessary and at the desired frequency. Dried grass or powdered grass made from it can be added to food or sprinkled in small amounts in certain areas of the house. The catnip stick, intended for chewing, will help accustom the cat to the procedure of cleaning teeth, if for some reason it ignores the usual means.

Cat owners who are familiar with the catnip effect consider it necessary to have funds with this plant at home and spend considerable sums on their purchase:

  • a bag weighing 100 g with dried catnip leaves will cost 100-150 rubles;
  • a bottle of liquid spray with a catnip with a volume of 50 ml costs 350-500 rubles;
  • a small package of cat treats in the form of crispy pads containing catnip, weighing 50 g, costs 130-150 rubles;
  • cat toys and chewing sticks are in the price range from 150 to 250 rubles.

To save family money, experienced cat breeders grow catnip on their own. This plant can be planted in your country house or even at home in a regular large-volume flower pot. The catnip is unpretentious, grows well and quickly, and does not require any special care. Mint for cats is not afraid of pruning and transplanting, it takes root well.

And for breeding, you can find copies of it in any vacant lot or even in the process of harvesting weeds in the garden.

There are many ways to use lemon catnip.

  • Soap bubbles with mint. The product contains an extract of essential oils of catnip. This tool is intended for active games with a pet. The cat reacts not only to iridescent bubbles floating in the air, but also captures the tart lemon scent of mint, which further encourages the animal to play.

  • Cat canned food... Some manufacturers produce canned meat with the addition of nepetalactone. This food usually arouses the cat's interest and appetite, and the animal willingly eats the offered dish. Such nutrition is necessary in cases where a weakened animal after childbirth or illness suffers poor appetite or refuses to eat at all.

  • Scratching post... A small structure is being built, inside of which the dried catnip grass is placed, and on the outside, a material is fixed on the structure, on which the cat can sharpen its claws. An animal's interest in a scratching post arises under the influence of essential oils that the catnip evaporates. Such a device allows you to discourage your pet from scratching furniture and teaches him to sharpen his claws in a specially designated place for this.

  • A toy... It can be sewn from fabric and look like a ball, mouse, banana, or any other shape and color. An important detail of this product is that the crushed catnip herb is sewn inside it. Such a toy attracts cats with its smell and stimulates the animal to play actively.