Dozens of generations of women have tried to learn how to manage the condition of their hair and nails, their health and growth rate. Starting with the Egyptian Cleopatra and ending with the Western Madonna, young and mature beauties tried all kinds of masks, creams, baths and so on. However, most of the experiments turned out to be completely useless and inconclusive. And so science came to the aid of millions of desperate girls: medicine and cosmetology, which explained the basic biological processes, as well as astronomy, which contributed to the solution of a difficult problem. It turns out that not only nutrition, lifestyle and environment affect human hair and nails. A significant role is played by the action of the Earth's satellite in its different phases. Today the problem is practically solved: given the favorable days in the lunar calendar, it is easy to choose the most suitable moment for cutting and coloring hair, trimming and painting nails and many other procedures. Lunar calendar haircuts for July 2017, in contrast to a simple schedule of sessions with a cosmetologist, can not only protect you from untimely interventions that entail karmic troubles, but also suggest the most successful moments for self-care.

Lunar haircut calendar for July 2017: favorable days for changing hairstyles and hair care

But how can we explain such an acute interference of the moon phases in the hidden process of hair and nail growth?

WITH scientific point From our point of view, the Earth's satellite is indirectly related to all the earth's liquids. This means it naturally regulates blood flow to the hair follicles during periods suitable for cutting, and vice versa. And from the zodiac side, the Moon, being in one sign or another, can influence not only the outcome of a cosmetic procedure, but also its consequences in personal life (financial stability, external attractiveness, business success, longevity). For example, on the days of Aries or Scorpio, it is generally not recommended to cut or dye your hair. At the same time, nail care during the period of Virgo, Libra and Taurus can improve the condition nail plates, and the emotional mood of their owner.

According to the Lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2017, favorable days for changing hairstyles and hair care are July 3-7, 8, 10, 22-26, 31. It is best to trim the ends on July 4-6, 8, 22-25. The most suitable days for curling will be: July 4-6, 12-13, 26-28.
Unfavorable periods for hair manipulation are July 1, 9, 15-23, 29-30.

Favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar for July 2017

Lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2017 with favorable days for changing hairstyles and hair care - an indispensable assistant for every woman and girl. With such a cheat sheet, it’s easy to navigate the periods of the full moon, new moon and different quarters of the moon, plan a schedule for visiting your hairdresser, and schedule the sequence of home hair care procedures.

Don’t forget: hair is the source of human strength and living energy. This means that everything that happens to them in one way or another affects the course of life, moral and physical health.

The most accurate lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for July 2017

The hot month of July significantly dries out your hair. Therefore, when planning your next trip to the hairdresser, remember the additional chemical effects of salon products on delicate curls. Even in very gentle doses, cosmetic varnishes, gels and sprays lead to dullness, brittleness and faded hair. There is no need to repaint in July dark strands V light colors, not recommended white highlighting or too contrasting coloring. This month it is better to completely abandon the chemical attack on your curls and give them a little rest.

If the habit of dyeing your hair every 4-6 weeks has become established and leaves no choice, try to use gentle dyes and choose favorable days for the procedure according to the exact lunar calendar for haircuts and dyeing for July 2017. The most suitable periods for changing or updating hair color are from 15 to July 18 and from July 24 to 31.

Lunar calendar for hair coloring and curling for July 2017

Never before have paint manufacturers reached such a high level. Today you can choose a coloring composition of varying degrees of durability, in any price category, in the most unusual shades. Some products make the color more saturated, others slightly mattify, and others give the hair only a barely noticeable tone. But almost all dyes, without exception, harm entire curls and each hair individually. Especially if the dyeing process is carried out on the wrong day of the lunar cycle. The same goes for perm. The most accurate lunar calendar for hair cutting and dyeing for July 2017 does not recommend performing any manipulations during the full moon (July 22). You should also not perm when the night luminary is in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius. After a haircut on the waning moon, the hair will grow for a long time, and after dyeing it will immediately fade.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for July 2017: favorable days for manicure and pedicure

Modern astrologers unanimously claim that the astrodynamics of the Moon can influence not only a person’s future and his psycho-emotional state, but also physical health, general health And appearance. This is probably why it is extremely important to carry out all procedures for caring for your body at strictly defined periods. Especially when it comes to the hottest month with the most aggressive solar activity. Yes, save good condition and the aesthetic appearance of fingers and toes will be helped by the lunar nail cutting calendar for July 2017 with its favorable days for manicure and pedicure. By listening to the advice of astrologers, you can not only get neat nails, but also adjust your life. After all, even one nail cut on the wrong day can lead to a series of troubles, financial and family problems.

Details about favorable and unfavorable days for manicure and pedicure, find out in the lunar nail care calendar for July 2017.

On which days of the lunar calendar for July 2017 you can and cannot cut your nails: recommendations by day

  • July 1 - a manicure or pedicure done on this day will lead to problems in family relationships;
  • July 2 - to slow metabolism and gain excess weight;
  • July 3—nail care will help strengthen concentration and attention;
  • July 4 - to attract envious people and ill-wishers;
  • July 5 - a manicure on this day will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the nails on the fingers and toes;
  • July 6 - to prolong life and cleanse karma;
  • July 7 - haircut for good luck, extensions for prosperity;
  • July 8 - taking care of your nails on this day will help protect you from enemies, competitors and rivals;
  • July 9 - any wounds received during cutting or cleaning will take a long time and painfully to heal;
  • July 10 - cutting and painting your nails on this day will help you find love and strengthen your feelings;
  • July 11 - to deliverance from sorrows, melancholy and sadness;
  • July 12 is the optimal day for a pedicure if there are unresolved tasks that require logical completion;
  • July 13 - shortening of life;
  • July 14 is a neutral day for manicure and pedicure procedures;
  • July 15 - taking care of your nails will help you get rid of obsessive loneliness;
  • July 16-17 are good days for pleasant procedures;
  • July 18 is the optimal time to cut nails for those who are trying to unleash their creative potential;
  • July 19 - to the realization of talents and approval in society;
  • July 20 is a good day to lift the mood in the manicure salon;
  • July 21 is the worst day for cutting and painting nails;
  • July 22 - wounds and cuts received during a manicure will take a long time to heal;
  • July 23 - worsening mood and well-being;
  • July 24—nail care on this day will help eliminate enemies and competitors;
  • July 25 is a good time to prevent fungal infections;
  • July 26 - to resolve complicated life situations;
  • July 27 is a neutral day;
  • July 28 - cutting nails on this day will accelerate the growth of the nail plate;
  • July 29 - you should not perform any manipulations with your nails;
  • July 30 - to failures, debts and failures in business relationships;
  • July 31—nail care on this day will lead to stability in relationships;

July has arrived. Summer is in full swing, all representatives of the fair sex strive to look modern and attractive, wear bright outfits and, of course, have stylish haircut, from which you will not be able to take your eyes off strong half humanity. From July 5, the planet of beauty and luck, Venus, will move into the air sign Gemini, which will set us up to look for a new, more youthful style, pushing us to experiment with our appearance. You should definitely take advantage of such favor, especially on certain days when the result will be very successful - July 18 and 25! The most successful new changes will be for representatives of the air element - Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. They will be no less successful for Aries and Leo. But for Virgos, Sagittarius and Pisces, experiments may not bring the expected joy, so it is better to go to a proven and reliable stylist. It should be remembered that the periods of full moons and new moons in ancient times and to this day are excluded for any procedures with appearance, including in matters of hair care. This month, the full moon falls on July 9th and the new moon falls on June 23rd. On these dates, try to exclude any serious procedures in beauty salons.

It is believed that the waxing phase of the moon actively influences rapid and healthy hair growth. Quite frequent experiments with coloring have a bad effect on the hair structure, and no matter how you cut and straighten it, it still breaks and falls out. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose a day when the Moon is waxing, then any coloring and haircut will take place without terrible consequences for the hair. If you are growing your hair and want to speed up its growth, cut the ends of your hair on the days of the waxing moon: from 1 to 8 and from 23 to 31 July, excluding negative days.

If you want your hairstyle to last as long as possible and want to put off frequent trips to the hairdresser or stylist, then waning moon - ideal for correction. This year she will from 10 to 22 July.

Even if you haven’t found “your” hairdresser, feel free to go to the hairdresser at the beginning of the month, while Venus continues its march through the sign of Taurus and before the full moon - July 9. The first days of July will give you beautiful haircut no matter who cuts your hair. All hairdressers will be at their best at this time!

Photo by Getty Images

Unfavorable days for hair treatments: July 1, 6, 8, 9, 16, 14, 20, 23, 26, 30.

Hair coloring calendar for July.

If you don’t want to correct hairdressers’ mistakes or doubt your hairstyle, you don’t need to get your hair cut or dyed on unfavorable lunar days. It is best to postpone going to the hairdresser if the appointment date falls on a full moon - July 9 and a new moon - July 23. This is a rather stressful period when passions are raging all around. And there is no need to look for esoteric reasons; the master may simply have Bad mood or headache, and the result in this case is obvious. Coloring done these days will not give a positive result and the hair may be seriously damaged. Wise advice: if you want to new color hair has been preserved for a long time, then you need to make a nourishing mask 2-3 days beforehand. The hair will be filled with moisture, and the pigment will become more durable!

July 5– a very favorable day for hair coloring. Attract wealth and longevity.

July 6– if you are plagued by failures in business, stop by the hairdresser today. By refreshing your hair color, you will attract good luck in your work. It will also be easier for you to concentrate and process large amounts of information.

July 7– attention to those who have long dreamed of getting rich and improving their personal life! Today, fate provides such a chance to everyone who decides to get a haircut and change their image. True, the effect of manipulation may be short-term.

July 11– today everything is allowed! New hairstyle promises good luck very soon.

July 15– on this day you can regain your vitality, strengthen and nourish your hair. After dyeing your hair will get more vital energy and strength, they will become shiny and obedient, but go only to a proven master!

July 25– by refreshing your hair color today, you will help yourself establish mutual understanding with others, and also attract material wealth into your life.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and beauty for July 2017: the most favorable days of the month for self-care. The calendar table shows favorable days for going to the hairdresser, cosmetologist, massage therapist, as well as the most best time for manicure, pedicure, hair removal and visiting the bathhouse.

Waxing and waning moon in July 2017

In July 2017, the Moon grows from 1 to 9 and after July 23 until the end of the month. This is the most favorable time for everyone cosmetic procedures, the purpose of which is hydration, nutrition and toning. All nourishing masks for skin and hair during this period will also bring the greatest benefit.

From July 9 to July 23 - waning moon. The days of the waning moon are most favorable for getting rid of everything unnecessary: ​​weight, unwanted hair, toxins, freckles, blackheads, pimples, pigmentation, cellulite, stretch marks, etc. A haircut during the waning moon will have a positive effect on the hair roots, strengthening them, but the hair will grow more slowly.

Explanations for the table: The table shows the most favorable days for various activities to care for your appearance, taking into account the phases of the Moon, the position of the Moon in the zodiac signs, the energy of lunar days, the Moon without a course and its planetary aspects. Moscow time.

Neutral days are also marked for visiting the hairdresser.

Little green heart means that the day is especially favorable for this procedure.

Cross× means that the day is not very good for creating beauty and it is best to do other things on this day.

Date and day of the week Beauty treatments Moon in zodiac sign Moon phase
1 Sat Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in light colors). Hair will grow back faster.
from 13:07 First quarter 03:51
2 Sun Hairdresser until 14:17 - hair cutting and coloring (especially in light colors). Hair will grow back faster.
Cosmetologist until 14:17 - especially moisturizing, nutrition, strengthening the skin, masks. Eyebrow and eyelash tinting.
Manicure until 14:17.
from 14:17 Scorpion
3 Mon Bath from 15:25. from 15:25
4 W Bath until 16:32. from 16:32
5 Wed Hairdresser from 08:08 - neutral day.
Massage from 08:08 - especially anti-cellulite, body wraps. Face and body masks.
Manicure from 08:08.
from 17:36 Sagittarius 08:08 04:34-08:08
6 Thu Hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in red and red shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Massage- especially anti-cellulite wraps. Face and body masks.
Bath from 18:38.
from 18:38
7 Fri Hairdresser until 17:12 - hair cutting and coloring (especially in red and red shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Massage until 17:12 - especially anti-cellulite, body wraps. Face and body masks.
Manicure until 17:12.
Bath until 19:34.
from 19:34 Capricorn 20:45 17:12-20:45
8 Sat Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back more slowly.
Cosmetologist- gentle peelings, masks, facial massage.
Mani Pedi.
from 20:24
9 Sun Massage- relaxing, lymphatic drainage. Relaxing water treatments, aroma baths. Nourishing, moisturizing masks for face and body. from 21:07 Full moon
10 Mon Hairdresser- neutral day. The result may not be predictable. from 21:43 Aquarius 08:35 05:12-08:35
11 W Hairdresser- neutral day. The result may not be predictable.
from 22:13
12 Wed Bath. from 22:39 Fish 18:51 15:40-18:51
13 Thu Massage
from 23:01
14 Fri Massage- for feet. SPA treatments, aromatherapy.
from 23:22 20:00-24:00
15 Sat Light massage for face and head.
from 23:43 Aries 02:52 00:00-02:52
16 Sun Light massage for face and head. Last quarter 22:25
17 Mon Hairdresser- neutral day.
Cosmetologist from 08:04 - especially skin cleansing, face and body massage, masks.
Mani Pedi from 08:04.
from 00:05 Taurus 08:04 05:19-08:04
18 W Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Lamination, perm. Hair will grow back more slowly.
Cosmetologist- especially skin cleansing, face and body massage, masks.
Mani Pedi.
from 00:29
19 Wed Hairdresser from 10:31 - hair cutting and coloring (especially in light colors), for light, airy styling. Hair will grow back more slowly.
Massage, especially for hands from 10:31.
from 00:58 Twins
20 Thu Hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in light colors), for light, airy styling. Hair will grow back more slowly.
Massage, especially for the hands.
from 01:34
21 Fri SPA, water treatments from 11:09.
Epilation from 11:09.
from 02:19 Cancer 11:09 08:41-11:09
22 Sat SPA, water treatments. Epilation. from 03:16
23 Sun × from 04:24 and from 12:45 Lion 11:34 New moon
24 Mon Hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Eyelash and hair extensions.
from 05:40
25 W Hairdresser until 12:22 - hair cutting and coloring (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Eyelash and hair extensions until 12:22.
Bath from 06:59.
from 06:59 Virgo 13:32 12:22-13:32
26 Wed Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back faster. Perm.
Cosmetologist face and body massage. Eyebrow and eyelash tinting.
Mani Pedi.
Bath until 08:18.
from 08:18
27 Thu Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back faster. Perm.
Cosmetologist- especially moisturizing, nutrition, strengthening the skin, masks, face and body massage. Eyebrow and eyelash tinting.
Mani Pedi.
Bath from 09:35.

When is the best time to dye your hair and get the desired effect and long-lasting results? The Star Oracle will tell you favorable days for this important beauty procedure, and experts from TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier” are happy to share the most accurate Lunar hair coloring calendar for July 2017.

The most better days for hair coloring in July fall on the dates when the Moon is waxing - these are from 1 to 8 and from 23 to 31.

July 1-2, Moon in the sign Libra, First quarter– favorable days for hair coloring. You can safely radically change your hair color. The end result will please you.

July 3-4, Moon in the sign of Scorpio, Waxing– these days, dyeing your hair, especially with natural dyes, will attract good luck to you and have a positive effect on the condition of your hair.

July 5, Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, Waxing– a good day to change hair color and touch up roots. The color will last a long time, the hair long time will not lose their beautiful shine.

July 6, Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, Waxing– a favorable day for coloring. This procedure will attract money energy to you.

July 7, Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, Waxing– visit a hairdresser to get your hair dyed. The result will please you, the procedure will be gentle on your hair.

July 8, Moon in Capricorn, Full Moon– you want all lunar month walk with luxurious shine and color, then plan your coloring for that day.

July 10-11, Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, Waning– hair coloring may not meet your expectations.

July 12, Moon in the sign of Pisces, Waning– dyeing hair or covering gray hair will not give positive results.

July 13-14, Moon in the sign of Pisces, Waning– on this day, refuse to dye your hair, as you risk its beauty and healthy appearance.

July 15-16, Moon in the sign of Aries, Waning– it is better to postpone a visit to the hairdresser until a more favorable day for hair coloring.

July 17, Moon in Taurus, Waning– on this day it is better not to expose your hair to chemicals and not to experiment with color.

July 18, Moon in Taurus, Waning– the hair coloring procedure can deprive you of vital energy.

July 19-20, Moon in the sign of Gemini, Waning– don’t expect good results from dyeing your hair on this day.

July 21-22, Moon in the sign of Cancer, Waning- not the best suitable days for carrying out hair coloring procedures, various experiments with color and covering gray hair. Hair will quickly lose color, become brittle and dry.

July 23, Moon in the sign of Leo, New Moon - a very favorable day for doing amber, highlighting, coloring, blonding.

July 24-25, Moon in the sign of Leo, Waxing– feel free to plan these days to tone, paint over your gray hair or dye your hair any color. In any case, the result will please you.

July 26, Moon in Virgo, Waxing– another great day to get your hair dyed.

July 27, Moon in Virgo, Waxing– hair coloring on this day, especially on light shades, will bring good luck.

July 28-29, Moon in the sign of Libra, Waxing -favorable days for experimenting with hair color. The color and shine will last for a long time.

July 30-31, Moon in the sign of Scorpio, Waxing– don’t miss the favorable time to dye your hair. You will be pleased not only with the result, but as a bonus you will receive a promotion at work.

Any coloring is stressful for the hair. To protect them from harmful chemical effects and maintain their healthy structure, use special unisex products - based on liquid keratin “Formula Silk” or with vegetable protein “Formula Silk Botanica”. By adding the contents of the ampoule to the dye, high-quality hair coloring, restoration effect and long-lasting results are ensured.

Your shine and luxury! TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier”

7th lunar day

The 7th lunar day is not the best time to trim the ends or get a new haircut. Such changes may lead to conflict situations with others.

You can dye your hair any color. Changing the color will have a beneficial effect on relationships with people and will have a beneficial effect on self-esteem.

Waxing Moon (1st quarter)

The first quarter is a neutral time for cutting and coloring hair. Strengthening and restoring hair masks are useful on this day.

Moon in Libra

The moon in the sign of Libra is not the best time to visit a hairdresser. A haircut these days can change the condition of your hair. They will become more naughty and begin to curl.

This the right time for health procedures. Worth pampering your hair nourishing mask or wash in a decoction of herbs. It is recommended to visit a hair care specialist.


Saturday is a favorable day of the week to visit the hairdresser. A new haircut will get rid of negativity.

The lunar haircut calendar for July 1, 2017 contains recommendations for cutting, coloring and other hair manipulations during this period. He tells you how favorable this day is for a visit to the hairdresser. Lunar horoscope hair takes into account the influence lunar day, phases of the Moon, position of the Moon in the Zodiac sign and day of the week.