The name “grossular” itself comes from the Latin word grossularia, which means “gooseberry”, because appearance mineral resembles this berry. There are other names for the mineral: cinnamon, garnet jade, South African jade, Pakistani emerald.

The name “grossular” itself comes from the Latin word grossularia, which means “gooseberry.”

Grossular stone is a calcium garnet. The color of a mineral depends on its chemical components:

  • leucogranate is practically colorless due to the low content of iron ions in it;
  • Pakistani emerald has a soft green hue, which is due to the admixture of chromium in the mineral;
  • hyacinth garnet is brown in color;
  • succinite has an amber-yellow color;
  • hydrogrossular consists of 5% water and is often green in color.

Grossular stone is a calcium garnet

It is important to familiarize yourself with the magical and medicinal properties mineral, as well as with the peculiarities of using grossular as an ornamental stone.

Magic properties

It is worth knowing about the magical properties of the mineral:

  1. Hydrogrossular is an astrological talisman for any zodiac sign: it promotes the development of the best personal qualities and neutralizes negative impact disadvantages on the spiritual growth of the owner of the stone. Capricorns and Aquarius born in January can become lucky thanks to the mineral. Scorpios suffering from unrequited love can get rid of the oppressive feeling of loneliness and melancholy. Hydrogrossular can help Cancers and Libras overcome depression. Taurus and Leo will find peace and peace of mind and will be able to find compromise solutions without resorting to a fierce battle of interests.
  2. Hydrogrossular has exclusively positive energy, therefore representatives of black magic never use it to conduct their rituals. And, conversely, white magicians use the crystal to create talismans that protect against damage and the evil eye.
  3. A gifted stone evokes mixed feelings in a person: either he wants to create and actively transform something, or he feels peace and a desire to be inactive even in the most tense situations.
  4. The mineral promotes cleansing from bad thoughts.
  5. If a person has lost the meaning of life, then grossular will help him find his true purpose.
  6. If the spouses are not going well in the family, then it is necessary to carry this mineral with you: it promotes the development of empathic abilities, which has a beneficial effect on the renewal of mutual understanding between husband and wife.
  7. The stone helps to preserve your internal energy. It happens that after communicating with a certain category of people, you feel a loss of strength. Grossular helps protect against energy vampires without allowing them to take advantage of your spiritual power.
  8. A talisman with this stone helps create the image of a cheerful person in the eyes of others.
  9. In professional activities, the mineral will be useful to scientists and all representatives of intellectual work: it promotes the development of intuition and logical thinking.

Gallery: grossular stone (25 photos)

Grossular has many advantages as a remedy

– grossular – quite popular in jewelry and decorative arts. About its properties, meaning and influence on different signs This article will tell you about the zodiac.

Grossular is a representative of the garnet group. It is also popularly known as pomegranate jade, leucogranate. International name – English. Grossular. It got its name from the Latin grossularia - “gooseberry”, which is explained by its unusual color, ranging from yellow to green. There are also pink samples. Thus, the mineral repeats the shades of gooseberries at different stages of ripeness.

The color of classic grossular is green, but the mystery of the mineral is its ability to acquire almost any shade, thanks to the variety of natural inclusions.


Based on the color and nature of the inclusions, several types of mineral are distinguished:

  1. Leucogranate is a colorless, transparent “noble grossular.” It contains almost no impurities.
  2. Rosolite – rare pink jewelry stone, mined only in Mexico. Forms opaque crystals, popular with foreign collectors.
  3. Rumyantsevit is an ornamental variety of peach shade. Named after N.P. Rumyantsev, archaeologist and collector.
  4. Succinite is an amber-yellow rock that is often confused with amber. It has many inclusions, which makes it difficult to process as jewelry.
  5. Hessonite is an inexpensive stone that can change shades at different distances from the beholder. It has a granular structure and unique natural inclusions.
  6. Hydrogrossular – contains water. Differs in a variety of shades - from light green to lilac. Dense rock, the size can be equal to a boulder or a small hill.
  7. Tsavorite (tsavorite) is a gem of a soft green hue, reminiscent of an emerald. He was highly praised by the president of the famous Tiffany jewelry house, Henry Platt. It was he who named the mineral in honor of the Kenyan national park.

Chemical composition

IMA classes – silicates.

Formula: Ca 3 Al 2 3

The richer the color, the more iron it contains. Green tint appears with impurities of chromium, pink - manganese, golden - titanium.

Physical properties

The form of the discharge is crystals or solid granular masses.

Size: small, within 4 cm.

Mohs hardness: 6.5 – 7.5.

Gloss: glassy. After prolonged exposure to the sun, the crystals emit a light golden glow.

Transparency: full or translucent.

Cleavage: imperfect.

Color: varied - green, amber, yellow, rose-red, orange, peach-pink, colorless.

Cleavage: imperfect.

Specific gravity: about 3.53 g/cm³

Syngony: cubic.

Solubility: in hydrochloric acid.


Mineral deposits are located throughout the globe. The largest are in the northern regions Russian Federation, in the Caucasus, in South Africa. The absolutely transparent specimens found are especially prized.

Grossulars are found in basalts and limestones. Deposits of yellow and orange samples are found in the Urals, and green ones in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. High quality minerals are found in the following areas:

  • Sri Lanka;
  • Mexico;
  • Brazil;
  • Pakistan;
  • Canada;
  • Finland.

History of grossular

E. Laxman was the first to discover and describe it at the end of the 18th century. A couple of years later P.S. Pallas identified the stone as a garnet. Only 20 years later A.G. Werner, having discovered it in Ceylon, identified it as a special species.

According to legend, the stone was used by Indians during the time of European colonization, making bullets from it. The wounds they inflicted were considered fatal.

Scope of use

Leucogranate is a sought-after ornamental and jewelry stone. It is popular as an insert for rings, earrings, pendants and for making amulets and decorative items.

The gem can also be used when embroidering icons.

Attitude to the signs of the Zodiac

The stone is able to develop the virtues of representatives of any sign:

  • Helps Aries to find inner peace and harmony;
  • Gemini attracts good luck in all areas of life;
  • Leo relieves groundless fears hidden under excessive bravado;
  • Helps Virgos to conquer new heights;
  • Libra serves as an assistant in scientific research;
  • Scorpios relieves them of excessive melancholy and melancholy;
  • Gives Sagittarius love and family happiness;
  • Capricorns will serve as a talisman for achieving career heights;
  • The stone is best suited for Aquarius, helping to find a way out of any difficult situation;
  • Pisces with it gain strength and the ability to make the right decisions.

Those who do not like the grossular as a talisman are representatives of the signs Taurus and Cancer.

Medicinal properties

Grossular is in great demand among lithotherapists. Interestingly, its effect on the body is directly related to how it is worn. As a decoration on the neck, it helps treat diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. Inserted in a silver frame, has a positive effect on nervous system, eliminates worries, anxiety, nightmares. A green pebble under your pillow will promote healthy dreams. Psychotherapists use the mineral in the treatment of phobias.

Grossular helps those suffering from weather dependence and those who have vision problems. And if you simply squeeze the grossular in your fist, you can relieve severe toothache.

Like garnet, grossular is considered effective means for the treatment of skin diseases, allergic reactions. These properties are especially pronounced when worn in earrings.

To treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the gem begins to be worn in the first or mid-fourth Lunar quarter. It is best to wear a grossular ring on your index finger. To combat overweight- on the big one.

Magic properties

The main advantage of the mineral is to give peace, to inspire vital energy and strength. Those who choose this stone as an amulet are always cheerful, confident and appear calm.

Grossular is capable of revealing the creative potential of the owner.

It is very supportive and does not conflict with other stones. He passes on his friendliness and ability to establish contact with any people to the owner.

Due to its peaceful properties, grossular cannot be used in dark magic. It will not harm a person; on the contrary, it will protect him from external negative influences.

Grossular crystals will bring harmony to family life if both spouses use them as amulets. The light aura of the stone will affect all loved ones of the family.

The mineral will be a good talisman for workers in the intellectual sphere, promoting the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of intuition and logical thinking.


Grossular finishing methods include polishing and cutting. Traditionally, it is set in gold and created beautiful necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, brooches, and buckles. The cost of such products is high. Mostly transparent samples of yellow and orange shades are used. Jewelry with such gems will highlight your beauty. brown eyes, giving them a “cat-eye” effect.

Collectors highly value the stone for its durability, beautiful refraction of rays in the crystal faces, and resistance to fading.

Name connection

For use as an amulet, grossular is best suited for bearers of names:

  • Arina;
  • Arkady;
  • Artem;
  • Vladislav;
  • Lyubava;
  • Ruslan.

Combinations with other stones

Grossular is compatible with any gems. Colorless leucogranate looks especially impressive with green and pink grossulars.

Differences from fake

Although garnet and its varieties are not the most expensive stones, they are often counterfeited, usually passing off as ordinary glass.

More precisely, no one can determine, more precisely than a gemologist, whether it is a fake. But you can try to check the naturalness of the gem and at home:

  • Natural garnets are almost never large;
  • Flawlessly even coloring is inherent only artificial stones and glass;
  • Real grossular often has inclusions - dark spots;
  • Natural stone heats up much more slowly than glass;
  • Natural grossular scratches glass because... harder than him.

Stone care

Jewelry with grossular is stored in separate bags/boxes away from sunlight and sudden temperature changes. Clean them up soft cloth, moistened with warm soapy water, avoiding the use of household chemicals.

Unlike other varieties of garnet, such as pyrope or almandine, grossular is little known. It owes its name to its resemblance to the gooseberry - in color, size and shape. Like gooseberries, it can take different colors– from pale green to amber yellow, deep pink and lilac. Grossular is considered semiprecious stone, although some of its varieties are highly valued by jewelers.

Composition and physical properties

Grossular is one of the many varieties of garnets, a silicate with a characteristic admixture of calcium dioxide. In addition to calcium, there are also impurities of chromium, manganese, titanium and iron. The presence of impurities determines the color and transparency of the stone.

  • Grossular can fluoresce, emitting a faint golden glow after prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • The size of grossular crystals is small, stones are most often found round shape with a diameter of about 1 centimeter. It is difficult to find a stone larger than 3-4 centimeters.
  • Grossular is quite fragile, sensitive to scratches and impacts, and easily dissolves in hydrochloric acid.

Varieties and shades of grossular

As already mentioned, the shade of grossular depends on the presence of impurities. A crystal without impurities will be absolutely transparent. However, the most common crystal color is green, ranging from olive to dark green. Yellow and yellow-brown shades are often found, and orange and pink-red stones are also found. By the way, many varieties have their own names.

Grossular often found in Russia. By the way, it was first discovered here, in the Sakha Republic. The scientist who found it noted the similarity of the stone to the gooseberry in color and shape, and named it by the Latin name of this berry - “grossularia”. This mineral is also found in the Ural Mountains region, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Primorye, in Karelia and the Murmansk region, in the North Caucasus and Siberia.

Magic properties

Grossular spreads calm and tranquility, helps clarify difficult situations and find the right way out. On the one hand, it is able to extinguish anxiety and fear, on the other hand, it encourages action and gives strength to solve assigned tasks. Suitable as a talisman for those who struggle with depression, emotional burnout, nervous exhaustion, prolonged stress. Thanks to its calming effect, it helps for insomnia and other sleep disorders.

It helps analysts, scientists and researchers achieve their goals in the best possible way, stimulates logical thinking, develops intuition - a real assistant for those who act in the scientific field.

Grossular, as a real talisman of peace, helps to establish relationships between close people, for example, between lovers or close friends. It also helps to establish new connections, helps to win over others, protects against evil eye and damage.

Medical properties

The calming nature of the stone is also used in medicine - primarily for the treatment of nervous disorders of any nature. Crystals are the most powerful in this regard. green, set in silver - they are recommended to be carried by those who suffer from panic attacks. The green cabochon can also be stored next to the bed or under the pillow - this promotes restful sleep without nightmares.

Grossular also works well for heart patients and people suffering from migraines and weather-dependent people. It will be an excellent companion for those who wear glasses or have had eye surgery, as improves vision.

Yellow and orange stones will ease the suffering of those who are concerned about allergies and skin diseases. It is also believed that holding the grossular in your hand will help soothe toothache.

Patronage of the zodiac signs

Grossular is not picky and is ready to give his support to any person, no matter what zodiac sign he was born under. Despite his little fame, this is very strong stone , which will help even in the most difficult situation. However, more often than others it is recommended to Scorpios and Aquarius - it is especially suitable for them green grossulars. Fire signs It is advised to wear stones of various shades of red, that is, rosolite or rumyantsevite.

Grossular stone

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Many stone lovers believe that there are only garnets that have a red palette. However, this statement is incorrect. Bright juicy green crystals also belong to the group of garnet nuggets. Their magnificent emerald color has attracted the attention of people for many millennia. Such specimens are especially valued by professionals; unique specimens can only be found in Russia. Famous jeweler Carl Faberge also loved green gems, which he used to decorate his best works.

Types of green pomegranate

Like red garnet, the group of green nuggets includes several types of minerals that differ in additional impurities and, as a result, color saturation and transparency. The main representatives are:

  • Grossular - contains calcium and aluminum, resulting in a light green stone, but sometimes darker colors are also found. The name comes from the Latin word glossularia, which means “gooseberry”. The name was obtained due to the external resemblance to these fruits.
  • Demantoid is a transparent green garnet. The specific color is caused by impurities of iron and chromium. This mineral is considered a precious stone, most often found in the Urals in the Nizhne Tagil region.
  • Uvarovid is another variety of garnet crystals that is distinguished by its vibrant emerald or bottle color. The name appeared in honor of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Count Uvarov. The uvarov species was first discovered in the Urals in the first half of the 19th century. Initially, it was confused with emerald, since its color was surprisingly similar to this ancient famous gem. Color saturation is ensured by the presence large quantity chromium.

Green Crystal Composition

All garnets are of igneous origin. Minerals of red shades are characterized by the presence of iron, magnesium and manganese. At the same time, green nuggets may have similar inclusions, but they must contain calcium. Uvarovide is distinguished by the additional substance chromium. Moreover, any garnet is based on silicic acids, which over time react with other chemical elements present at the site of rock formation.

These magnificent nuggets are difficult to spot by the untrained eye. The deposits are found in places that have soil full of large granite rocks - in or near mountainous areas. If the mineral for a long time lay on the surface of the earth - it can easily be confused with an ordinary stone, and only by seeing the unusual edges, similar to crystalline fragments, can one assume that this is an interesting find. After the mineral is washed with water, the color of the future processed gem is visualized.

It is worth noting that garnets are usually evaluated according to several indicators: transparency, absence of defects and deep scratches, color saturation. However, finding a green specimen is considered so rare that such nuggets are valuable only because they have an unusual color. All other characteristics fade into the background.

"Garnet Bracelet"

The famous story “The Garnet Bracelet” by Alexander Kuprin was written by the author in Odessa in 1910. The plot was based on real events. The prototypes of the heroes were his good friends Lyubimovs. A simple telegraph employee was secretly in love with the wife of the governor of the city of Vilna. He actually sent this famous and amazing bracelet to his beloved. And although the author described the jewelry very superficially and called it a crude trinket, in fact the bracelet was incredibly beautiful. It was all covered with small red grains, and in the very center there was a large green nugget of the demantoid group - a precious stone.

The formation of grossulars occurs during the interaction of alkaline magma with dolomite and limestone rocks at high temperatures. Stone deposits are found in limestones and basalts; they are found on all continents. Thus, on the territory of Russia, beautiful yellow-orange specimens were found in the south and central regions of the Urals, green grossulars were found in the Primorsky and Krasnoyarsk territories. Large deposits known in the Murmansk region, Karelia, Sakha-Yakutia, the North Caucasus and central Siberia. High-quality grossulars are also mined in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Finland and Canada.

The grossular was first described at the end of the 18th century, when the scientist E. Laxman discovered a specimen of it in Yakutia. A couple of years later, the find was once again identified in the work of P.S. Pallas under the name of pomegranate. And only almost twenty years later A.G. Werner classified this mineral as a separate species. At first, he called the stone found in Ceylon kanelstein, that is, cinnamon stone. But later he renamed it grossular, which is translated from Latin as “gooseberry”, and indicates a beautiful and unusual shade of the gem.

Grossular crystals, like other garnets, form twelve rhombic and twenty-four trapezoidal faces or exist in the form of combinations thereof. This habit is characteristic of garnets. In my own way chemical composition grossulars belong to the calcium-aluminum garnets. Natural samples are isometric crystals, grains and solid masses.

The color range of grossular is varied and includes shades of green, yellow, brown and red. Colorless specimens are quite rare. They are transparent to the point of being translucent, fragile, have a glassy, ​​greasy or diamond luster, with a cubic system, without cleavage, conchoidal or splintered at the fracture.

The hardness of the crystals on the Mohs scale is 7.0-7.5. Specific gravity 3.57-3.73 g/cm3. Refractive index 1.730-1.760. There is no birefringence. The variance is 0.027. Pleochroism is not typical. Luminescence is weak.

Varieties of grossular are distinguished by color characteristics, which in turn are determined by the presence of certain impurities in the composition of the mineral:

  • leucogranates - crystals that are as transparent as a drop of water, or it is an opaque white stone;
  • hydrogrossulars - contain about 5% water in the stone composition;
  • tsavorites - a subspecies of light green delicate color, which casts a yellow color;
  • rosolites - distinguished by a rich pink hue, found in Mexico;
  • succinites – amber grossulars;
  • Pakistani emeralds are high-quality crystals of soft green color with a bright shine;
  • rumyantsevity – ornamental stones pink-orange color;
  • hessonites are original grossulars that, at different angles of view and at different distances, change their color from yellow to red.

Grossular has a calming, relaxing effect on humans and at the same time it has a tonic effect. In general, the effect of the stone is comparable to a whole range of spa treatments. People who choose amulets and talismans from grossular always feel cheerful and internally full of vitality, while outwardly they will remain balanced and calm, and will always maintain a good-natured mood.

Grossular also develops a penchant for daydreaming, helps to plan the future in a positive way, with its help all hitherto hidden things are easily revealed. creativity person.

The good thing about this gem is that it does not conflict with other stones and combines with them without problems. Being so accommodating and supportive, he conveys the same qualities to his owner. Thanks to this property, the owner of the gem can easily find mutual understanding with the most different people.

In lithotherapy, grossular is interesting because its effect on the human body directly depends on the type of decoration it is used in.

For example, necklaces and beads made from the mineral help in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Simply squeezing a processed stone tightly in your hand can relieve toothache. Grossular, set in silver, has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves fears and anxieties and eliminates sleep disorders.

Grossular is used in jewelry making, in the manufacture of interior decorations, talismans and amulets, as well as in lithotherapy.

The saturation of the basic green color of grossular is associated with the concentration of iron in it. Depending on the presence of other impurities and inclusions, white, pink, brownish, red, olive, and yellow specimens appear.

Jewelry with grossulars protects against prolonged exposure to sunlight and sudden temperature changes. Clean them with running water or warm soapy water.

Grossulars are ideal for Aquarius. They bring special luck to those representatives of this sign who were born in January. Gems also have a positive effect on Scorpios, helping them get rid of melancholy and melancholic moods.

Grossulars are traditionally set in gold settings and used to create beautiful necklaces, rings and other jewelry. They make excellent sets of bracelets, earrings, buckles and rings. Such products are classified as expensive and are valued at several hundred dollars per copy.

  • Talismans with grossulars attract the sympathy of those around them to their owners and help cope with conflict situations, give peace to family life and mutual understanding between spouses.
  • The name of the stone “grossular” is translated from Latin as “gooseberry”. In addition, the stone and its subspecies in mineralogy are found under the names of hessonites, cinnamon stones, hyacinths, jacinths, leucogranates, rosolites, succinites, colophonites, viluites, garnet jade, South African jade, Pakistani emerald.