Why does the skin on the body become dry? Cause of dehydration and flaking skin is a disruption of metabolic processes in cells, which leads to malfunctions of the sebaceous glands. Both external factors and skin diseases can provoke such a reaction.

When peeling the dermis, you need to find out exactly the cause of the problem and only then begin the fight against dryness.

Causes of peeling

Pathological peeling of the skin is characterized by the death of epidermal cells, as a result of which keratinized scales constantly fall off from the surface of the body. Why is this happening? The death of the upper layer of the dermis is associated with a violation of the hydrolipid balance. This occurs due to dehydration associated with insufficient sebum secretion.

The first include:

  • influence of chlorinated and hard water;
  • unfavorable atmospheric conditions (heat, cold);
  • exposure to UV rays;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • using inappropriate cosmetics;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • contact with synthetic fabrics.

Also, the skin may peel due to exposure to internal factors, i.e. systemic failures in the body:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • dehydration;
  • lack of micro- and macroelements;
  • weakening of immune defense;
  • allergic reaction.

Diseases that cause peeling

Why does the skin begin to peel?

The occurrence of a dermatological problem can be caused by the development of a number of skin diseases. That is why, when the first signs of dry dermis appear, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

The most common diseases that cause peeling include:

  • neurodermatitis and psoriasis;
  • demodex and pyoderma;
  • hives and eczema;
  • mycoses and scabies;
  • rosacea and acne;
  • seborrhea and dermatoses;
  • molluscum contagiosum and allergies.

Dry skin can be a sign of a fungal infection. If, in addition to peeling, there is redness and severe itching, be sure to consult a specialist.

Treatment methods

The method of dealing with a dermatological problem directly depends on the cause that caused the malfunction of the sebaceous glands.

To normalize metabolic processes in the dermis and restore hydrolipid balance, the following methods can be used:

  • drug treatment.
  • physiotherapeutic methods;
  • cosmetics.

Pharmacy products in the fight against peeling

The skin on the body is peeling, what should I do?

The choice of a specific drug is determined by the source of the problem.

If it occurs due to the development of a fungus, you will need antifungal agents, infections - antiviral or antibacterial drugs:

  • Antihistamines. They fight an allergic reaction, which often provokes dry skin. Effective medications include "Tavegil", "Claridol", "Lomilan" and "Rupafin";
  • Antifungal. To combat the fungus, medications with fungicidal properties are used. These include Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Clotrimazole and Mycoheptin;
  • Moisturizing. Restores the acid mantle on the surface of dry skin, which prevents dehydration. As a rule, special ointments contain hydrocortisone "Aquaforor" and "Dexpanthenol".

Cosmetic creams

Dry and sensitive skin needs additional care and protection from external factors such as cold, heat, UV rays, etc.

To help restore the hydrolipid balance and barrier function of the dermis, creams are used, which include:

  • Film-forming humectants: waxes, high mineral oils, fats and glycerin;
  • Hydrants: trihydric alcohol, linoleic acid;
  • Hygroscopic humectants: hyaluronic and lactic acids, urea and collagen.

All of the above components help prevent dehydration, so the skin stops peeling. They form a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, which prevents the evaporation of moisture, as well as the penetration of pathogens into the mouth of the hair follicles.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at restoring metabolic processes in the dermis and intensive tissue nutrition necessary substances, such as vitamins, fatty acids, macro- and microelements.

So, the following types of therapy can be used to restore the skin:

  • Microcurrent is a popular procedure that allows you to normalize metabolic processes in cells. It involves the impact of weak electrical impulses on the skin, which stimulates the improvement of their lymphatic drainage function. Dryness of the epidermis on the body completely disappears after 8-10 sessions;
  • Mesotherapy is an injection method of combating dermatological problems. During the procedure, injection solutions high in vitamins, amino acids and minerals are injected into the skin;
  • Biorevitalization – effective way saturating very dry dermis with hyaluronic acid. It stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the body, which help cope with the problem.

Preventive measures

You can prevent the problem from recurring by following simple preventive measures.

The skin usually begins to peel when the sebum it produces is insufficient or due to excess moisture loss compared to consumption. As the skin loses both oil and water, it begins to dry out and the top layer dies and begins to flake off.


Weather changes

During cold spells, the air becomes dry and the skin quickly dries out due to the combination of dry air outside and hot air inside the home. But the season may not matter if you live in desert regions.

Prolonged exposure to heat

Too hot water during a bath or shower, instead of soothing the body as many people think, dries out the skin, making it flaky. Additionally, constant exposure to wood stoves, heaters, and fireplaces can reduce moisture and dry out the skin.

Soaps and detergents

Many soaps, detergents, and shampoos used at home can strip moisture from the skin because they are designed to remove oil. As a result of their use, the skin may become extremely dry and flaky due to chemicals which they contain.


Eye makeup products or foundation may affect the condition of your skin. Eyeliners, mascaras, eye shadows, or the tools used to apply them can accumulate bacteria over time. This irritates the skin, dries it out and sometimes causes flaking and itching.

Skin diseases

According to the National Trust psoriasis(American organization), this disease can cause dryness and scaly skin. Besides, seborrheic dermatitis can lead to a red, scaly, itchy rash, usually due to oily skin.

Eczema can occur anywhere on the body and results in dry patches that can become very itchy, red and inflamed. Blepharitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the eyelids due to disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Aging factor

As hormone levels change over the years, the skin becomes very dry, flaky, and wrinkles appear due to aging sebaceous glands that produce less sebum. You may need moisturizer.

Using a hard sponge while showering

Most people find that scrubbing the body up and down with a rough sponge or washcloth helps remove dirt, but it also causes the skin to dry out due to the friction it is subjected to. “Friction removes the top layer of skin and worsens dryness,” says Nanette Silverberg, MD, professor of dermatology at Columbia University.

Contact dermatitis

This is a common condition caused by an allergic reaction to certain irritants that touch the skin, as the Eye Care Source website explains. This could be clothing fabric, fabric softener, or detergent. Many everyday fabrics and products can irritate your skin, from tissues to perfumes.

On the face

Dry, flaky patches on the face can create an area where bacteria can easily enter. You need to apply for medical care, if you notice dry, flaky skin on your cheek, chin, neck and even towards your back.

Facial skin may also show signs such as cracks or tears; red, swollen areas that are hot and tender; infected sores in or around the mouth.

Below are some of the factors that can lead to this problem on the forehead, chin or cheeks:

  • Weather conditions
  • Hot baths and showers
  • Harsh soaps and detergents
  • High temperature
  • Other skin conditions such as psoriasis.

In my arms

If you are allergic to certain touch irritants such as soaps and detergents then the best solution will avoid them. They can contribute to itching, blistering and scaling, and flaking of the skin.

Some of the other irritants include:

  • Nickel bracelet or watch
  • Poison ivy
  • Latex
  • Fragrances in cosmetics and skin care products
  • Formaldehyde.

On my feet

Some of the reasons include eczema or bathing too often, according to The New York Times Health Guide. Other factors include aging, exposure to dry air and cold temperatures, and the amount of time spent outdoors.

Additionally, during the winter months, cold and low humidity reduce the amount of moisture available to the skin, which also contributes to flaking, according to Iowa State University.

White dry flaky skin

Halonevus (Nevus of Setton)

White, flaky skin – actinic keratosis (thickening of cells)

This is a pink-brown nevus (dark mole) surrounded by very light or white flaky skin. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist to check the condition of the skin if there are any abnormalities.


It can be caused by vitiligo, anemia or tuberous sclerosis, among many other underlying conditions.

Lichen sclerosus

It usually affects the groin area. Symptoms include thinning and white patches on the skin, which may be localized or spread over a wider area.

Ring-shaped scleroderma

The skin begins to harden and thicken, resulting in red or purple patches that then change color to yellow with a white center. They may eventually turn into brown spots before turning white.

Seborrheic eczema

This is a skin disorder that can cause round or oval white patches that are sometimes scaly.

The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology explains that these spots typically appear on the face, shoulders, neck, and torso and are most common in children and adolescents with dark skin.

Pityriasis versicolor

It is caused by a fungal infection that has similar characteristics to the yeast infection that leads to athlete's foot, ringworm, and ringworm, but unlike these conditions it is not contagious.


This is due to a genetic condition in which the skin loses melanin, forming white patches that can spread throughout the body. Vitiligo can affect anyone, but it most often affects people with darker skin. There is no cure yet, but aggressive treatment can slow pigment loss.

Red dry flaky skin

Flaky skin with redness – psoriasis (a disease of excessive cell growth)

Dry, red, flaky skin on the face, arms and legs occurs due to the failure of the sebaceous glands to produce sebum, leading to invisible cracks in the skin causing it to lose moisture, resulting in dryness and flaking. In addition, the impact of irritants is exacerbated, as a result of which even means for sensitive skin may cause irritation.

Some of the common causes of sebaceous gland dysfunction include:

  • Age
  • Hormones
  • Genetics.

Peeling and itching

Itching and flaking are symptoms of conditions such as allergic reactions including hay fever, asthma and eczema, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and various types cancer, pregnancy and old age.

Traditional treatments include prescription corticosteroids; vitamin D analogues (vitamin D-based preparations); and controlled UV therapies, which are performed in a dermatologist's office.

Home Remedies

Homemade milk

This gentle treatment has anti-inflammatory properties and removes dead skin cells. You should use a soft washcloth soaked in milk, then rinse the area of ​​application with warm water.

Yogurt or kefir

Yogurt or kefir also works effectively for skin problems due to the presence of lactic acid, which can remove bacteria, causing itching. You need to apply one of these products to the area of ​​dry skin, leave it for a while, and then rinse with water.

Avocado masks

Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits, especially when it comes to beauty and skin care, mainly due to its fatty acids and vitamin A content.

Olive oil and sugar

Olive oil provides proper care to the skin, and sugar exfoliates. Extreme caution should be used when using this product and monitor skin reactions. When applied, a soft and pleasant massage effect should be felt.

Peeling facial skin is a problem familiar to many women.

We encounter the problem of peeling skin quite often. This applies not only to women, but also to men, children, and teenagers. Peeling can appear in a variety of places on our body according to the most for various reasons. Let's try to figure this out.

Causes of peeling

The most common reasons the reasons for peeling may begin are:

  • Dry skin.

    Very rarely, dry skin is congenital. All people at birth have a supply of lipid fatty lubricant, which protects the skin from harsh environmental conditions. The lipid layer may become thinner due to certain reasons, for example, dry air and high temperature, which will lead to the appearance of areas of damaged skin.

  • Vitamin deficiency.

    At any age, due to a lack of vitamins A and E in the body, peeling of the skin can occur. Thanks to these vitamins, human skin is elastic, elastic, with a normal cellular metabolic process in the layers of the skin. If there is a lack of vitamins A and E, the fingers and toes, head, chin and nose will suffer from peeling.

  • Hygiene errors.

    Neglect of hygiene requirements, infrequent washing, and contamination of the skin will lead not only to peeling, but also to infection of the resulting cracks. But you don’t need to get too carried away, because... diligent washing, daily use of soap, shampoos, shower gels also lead to dry skin. Those who do not maintain hygiene experience peeling behind the ears, on the scalp, legs, arms and inside the ear.

  • Hormonal changes.

    Very often, the causes of peeling skin can lie in the hormonal status; this is how the skin reacts to changes in the balance of certain hormones. People suffer from such peeling adolescence when hormonal status changes. Most often it appears on the child’s face, heels and palms.

  • Allergic reaction.

    Allergies may be accompanied by dermatological symptoms: peeling, which does not begin immediately, but several days after the rash and redness; red scaly spots tend to merge and can appear both on the body and on the face, chest, and back. In children under one year old, such spots often appear on the back of the head, forehead and between the eyebrows.

  • Fungal disease.

    The cause of severe peeling can be a fungal disease. Many fungi that now exist can cause mycoses. Typically, such peeling has a whitish, almost colorless, tint. It is localized on the scalp, foot, palms, back of the hands, eyebrows and even the lower part of the eyelid.

  • Other diseases.

    Peeling skin is accompanied by diseases such as psoriasis, ringworm, seborrhea, thyroid problems, some forms diabetes mellitus, as well as kidney problems and extensive helminthic infestations.

How can peeling occur and what can you do about it?

Peeling skin may look something like this:

Let's start, perhaps, with the “not scary” cases. If you have discovered peeling skin, but it does not look inflamed, without redness, swelling, without the formation of deep bleeding cracks on the skin, a rash does not appear, the skin does not flake off in large “flaps”, there is no grayish or silvery discoloration of the exfoliating scales, then you can breathe a sigh of relief, they should not cause you concern. But if dry skin is easily broken, even with a light touch, cracks and microtraumas, inflammation, suppuration, pain appear, then it’s worth checking for bacterial and viral infection. Consult your doctor to rule out anything less than harmless causes.

What should you expect from your doctor?

Don't be afraid, the doctor will simply examine your problem areas and ask a few questions.

Before going to the doctor, of course, we want to know what awaits us there. By and large, nothing bad will happen. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, collect a complete medical history - when and with what health condition the person was born, whether any close relatives have dermatological problems, what illnesses he or she has suffered recently. Having examined appearance skin, asking about the presence or absence of itching and pain, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.

Laboratory diagnostics will help make a more accurate diagnosis. A blood, urine, and stool test is the minimum required. Sometimes they take hormone tests and allergy tests (if you suspect an allergic reaction).

Treatment for flaky skin

With a firm hand and illegible handwriting, the doctor will write you recommendations
  • The air humidity in the room should be 50 - 70%, and the temperature should not exceed 21 degrees Celsius. An inexpensive device will help maintain humidity, as well as special limiter taps that will help you regulate the temperature in the radiators.
  • Reduce sweating, which contributes to dry skin. Choose the right amount of clothing. Avoid prolonged skin contact with synthetic fabric.
  • If you are undergoing treatment, you should limit the use of soaps and shampoos, even if they are hypoallergenic.
  • Dry skin should not be treated with alcohol or a solution containing alcohol.
  • Avoid hot showers and sauna visits. During water procedures, keep the bathroom door closed, this will create additional moisture in the air.
  • After bathing, lubricate with any product on oily oil based traces of peeling (you can use baby cream). The use of powder on dry skin is prohibited.
  • Drink more liquid, do not stay in the sun and wind for a long time.
  • If the reason for your peeling lies in the disease, then be sure to consult a doctor who, after an examination, will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
  • If you have allergies, try to avoid contact with the allergen. Review your diet, detergents for bathing and washing clothes, and declare war on dust. If allergic peeling does not go away, visit your doctor and get recommendations and prescriptions for treating the disease.
  • If you have a fungal or bacterial infection, undergo (after consulting your doctor) long-term antifungal treatment.
  • In case of vitamin deficiency of vitamins A and E, vitamin complexes are used according to age, proper nutrition: buckwheat porridge, butter, orange vegetables, fatty dairy products, fresh herbs, fruits, cod liver.

Usually, after treatment and elimination of the causes, peeling stops.

Peeling skin on the face - probably most people have encountered a similar problem at least once in their lives. It all starts very harmlessly: a slight feeling of tightness and dryness, which ultimately leads to the formation of areas of peeling.

The problem can also appear on the head, in the eyebrow area. Some people are helped by nourishing and moisturizing creams, others are saved by ointments like “Rescuer”, others use medicines and go on a diet.

To choose the appropriate treatment method, it is necessary to determine the nature of the disease, after which a competent course of therapy can be established.

Self-activity in such matters is fraught with the development of pathology. How to avoid unpleasant consequences and solve this problem is described below.

Causes of peeling

Dry skin is a condition that can affect everyone at some point in his or her life, especially during the cold winter months. Although this is not a serious health problem, it can be a serious inconvenience associated with flaking, itching, irritation and embarrassment.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the nature of the occurrence of peeling. There are several main reasons leading to the formation of pathology:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • fungal infections;
  • improper skin care;
  • frostbite, chapping or burns;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers;
  • problems with hormonal levels and lack of nutrients.

You can begin to eliminate peeling only after determining the cause of its occurrence. Otherwise, the treatment will not only not bring results, but will also worsen the situation.

There is one universal way to check the severity of the problem: carry out a 7-10-day course of treatment and monitor the results. If the peeling disappears and does not reappear, then the pathology does not have serious grounds.

If this problem plagues the patient for a long period of time, then you will have to consult a doctor to determine the causes of its occurrence.

The skin may peel off from or from incorrectly selected cosmetics. If you have combination/oily skin, then you should only use cosmetics for this skin type, and not for all types, or even worse - for sensitive or normal skin.

It is necessary to monitor the functioning of the sebaceous glands, the condition of the epidermis depends on this. Therefore, try to determine your type and choose the right care products.

If a problem appears in a newborn, then you should not self-medicate, but show the baby to a doctor.

In this article we will talk about eliminating peeling that has arisen due to everyday causes: dehydration, improper care, getting burns or frostbite.

In all other cases, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, because doing it on your own can lead to disastrous consequences.

Some information about fungal infections

Serious peeling can be caused by fungal infections of the skin. Dermatologists use the definition of “mycosis”. The basis of treatment is the use of antifungal drugs and special ointments, which are prescribed by the attending physician.

First you need to undergo a laboratory examination, for this a skin scraping will be performed. Tests must be taken in the morning, preferably without washing your face for at least a day.

This will help identify the pathogen and establish proper treatment, because not all antifungal drugs have a wide spectrum of action.

The use of ointments and taking tablets without a doctor’s prescription is prohibited - this approach can lead to the growth of fungus on the skin.

Normally, every person has a skin fungus (not to be confused with). But the reproduction of the pathogen begins only when favorable conditions are created for it.

As a rule, this happens against the background of stress, poor nutrition, chapping of the skin, hormonal imbalances and in proper care.

What vitamins are missing?

Often, a lack of certain vitamins and microelements can lead to dry skin. Typically, the problem arises from a deficiency of:

  • vitamins A, C, E, P and group B (B1, B6, B12);
  • selena;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • gland;
  • magnesium

It is this group of substances that is responsible for the health of skin, nails and hair. In general, all these substances contribute to maintaining health, but their deficiency also affects the condition of the skin. Therefore, it is important to know which vitamins are missing.

If a person observes the occurrence of problems during the off-season, then, most likely, the cause of peeling is vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin complexes help combat this problem, but their choice should be approached with care. Some multivitamins include only one group of elements, although they write on the packaging that this is a broad-spectrum drug.

To avoid making mistakes when choosing, you should pay attention to the composition of each tablet, which is described in the package insert or on the back of the package.

What to do if the skin on a man’s face peels?

Men's skin is thicker than women's, and this is explained by the physiological characteristics of the sexes. If peeling was caused by vitamin deficiency or prolonged exposure to the sun/cold, then the problem can be solved quite simply:

  • it is necessary to take a course of taking a vitamin complex;
  • include in your diet foods rich in vitamins A, E, P and group B (buckwheat, liver, butter, carrots);
  • use moisturizing creams with SPF 20 or higher;
  • apply ointments like “Bepanten” to the places where peeling is most pronounced;
  • You should temporarily avoid washing with hot water.

What else can you do if a man’s skin is peeling? It is recommended to refrain from bad habits, especially from drinking alcohol.

It is necessary to increase the amount of water taken, but to prevent overhydration (excessive fluid intake). The daily intake of pure distilled water for a man weighing 70 kg is 2.1 liters.

If precautionary measures and careful care do not produce results within 3-4 weeks, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The possibility of fungal infection or other dermatological problems should be excluded.

Women should treat their skin with respect great attention, because by nature they are awarded with a thin and sensitive dermis. In women, wrinkles appear earlier than in men, because the amount in the skin of women is naturally lower.

It is for these reasons that the fair sex is more likely to encounter problems such as dryness and flaking.

Even with complete skin care you have to resort to cosmetic procedures And surgical intervention, but if you carefully monitor the condition of the dermis, the time to contact surgeons can be delayed.

What to do if peeling occurs in winter? Chapping is often the cause of this problem. To avoid this, you should use moisturizing creams that protect against cold and wind.

What to do at home if the skin on a woman’s face is peeling? There are a number of ways to moisturize your skin and quickly get rid of flaking:

  1. Start taking a multivitamin complex.
  2. Enrich your diet with fruits, fresh vegetables, meat and dairy products. Butter in reasonable doses helps restore skin.
  3. Apply masks made from full-fat kefir, olive oil, honey, and egg yolks.
  4. Avoid using hot water when washing your face (after all, this problem often begins to appear), give up soap and switch to special gentle substances (foams for sensitive skin).
  5. Use face creams containing panthenol, urine (at a concentration of up to 5%), glycerin and essential oils (shea, olives).
  6. Treat areas of peeling with ointments like “Bepanten” and “Solcoseryl” - they will speed up the regeneration processes in upper layers skin.
  7. Instead of aggressive makeup removers, use milk for dry and sensitive skin.
  8. Increase water intake in the ratio of 30 ml per kilogram of weight (if you weigh 50 kg, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water).

This is a list of basic tips for detecting problems such as dryness and flaking of the dermis.

Normally, stable, proper care should lead to the desired effect, however, if within a short period of time (up to 1 month) the situation does not improve, you will have to visit a general practitioner for a recommendation.

When pimples and acne appear, it is forbidden to use drying agents, because... this problem occurs against the background of dehydration of the skin. Using products containing alcohol will make the situation worse.

What should you not do if peeling occurs?

There is also a list of actions that are highly recommended not to be performed if dry skin is detected:

  • use peeling ( , );
  • try to remove dead skin particles (with a washcloth or homemade peeling products);
  • apply powder to “cover” defects (this will only aggravate the situation and highlight the peeling even more, drying out already dehydrated skin);
  • use around the clock fatty creams, clogging the skin;
  • steam the skin when inhaling, visiting saunas and baths.

Any aggressive impact on the upper layers of the dermis will only aggravate the situation and injure it even more. This problem must be dealt with as delicately and carefully as possible.

Anyone with sensitive skin should be aware that tap water saturated with chlorine and other antiseptics causes severe dryness of the skin.

Frequent visits to the pool can cause serious problems, therefore, every time after attending training, it is necessary to use moisturizing and nourishing creams to prevent drying of the skin.

Question - answer

You need to understand that the condition of the skin also depends on the water with which a person washes his face. It can be very dry and lead to disruption of microflora. This also happens if a person washes his face using regular soap.

This often happens due to the development of psoriasis or psoriasis. In the first case, the lesions will have a yellowish or brown tint.

It is impossible to accurately answer this question, since there are various reasons that provoke such a symptom. This could be psoriasis, dermatitis, lack of vitamins, etc. Therefore, it is better to go to a dermatologist.

Peeling skin around the mouth

Many of these reasons, at first glance, have nothing to do with skin diseases, especially in the area around the lips. But, if you examine each of them more carefully, much becomes clear.

For example, alcohol leads to dehydration. And products with lanolin do not allow the delicate skin of the lips to breathe, which leads to clogging of the pores, and then to drying out the upper layers of the dermis.

How to quickly get rid of the problem?

Cheilitis is not so easy to deal with and ordinary creams or healing agents will not be able to have the necessary effect.

There is one effective method, which is prescribed by experienced dermatologists: you need to mix Solcoseryl and zinc ointment in a 2:1 ratio.

Solcoseryl is available both in the form of a gel and an ointment, but to treat this ailment you will need an ointment - thick, white, with a light characteristic aroma.

The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed and then applied in a thick layer to the affected areas of the skin. Store the product in the refrigerator and apply as needed.

After application, the ointment will begin to melt on the skin. After 30 minutes, the remaining product can be removed by blotting it with a soft paper napkin. A new layer can be applied immediately.

The combination should be used until the skin is completely restored and applied as many times as needed. Cheilitis, which can disturb the patient for a long time, will disappear in less than a week.

If this remedy did not produce noticeable results within 10 days, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

The topic of peeling skin on the face is very extensive, it is difficult to cover it in several chapters. You need to know that each person may have individual causes of pathology.

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Often the problem appears due to the influence of external factors. It could be cold, inappropriate cosmetics, etc. People often think that peeling occurs only in those with dry skin, but this is not so. The problem may also affect people with fat type skin. I advise you not to wash your face with regular soap, as it dries it out, and products that contain alcohol are also not suitable.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Determine your skin type, and then select suitable skin care products. A variety of foams and gels are great for washing. Don't rub your face too hard with the towel, just blot it slightly. After this you need to use tonic and cream. Before going outside in frosty weather, you should apply cream to your face 30 minutes before.

If the use of classical means of protection does not produce results, then it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the presence of certain diseases. The problem cannot be ignored for a long time, otherwise it can lead to chronic diseases.

Problems with the skin can cause a lot of trouble and discomfort. Peeling skin is one of the most common troubles encountered by many women, and sometimes men. Having found out the true reasons for what is happening, you can choose the right effective method to eliminate this cosmetic defect.

Why does my skin peel?

It has been found that dry skin flakes more often than other types. This is due to an insufficient supply of natural moisturizers - oily substances that are produced by the sebaceous glands.

Peeling scales and a feeling of tight skin can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Incorrectly selected products for cosmetic care and cleansing of the face and body.
  • Allergic reaction to fabric softener, dishwashing detergent, cosmetics.
  • Taking baths or showers too often.
  • Climatic conditions (high air temperature, wind, direct sunlight).
  • Dry air in winter.
  • Bad habits.
  • Insufficient fluid intake.
  • Consequences of taking medications.
  • Dermatological diseases.

Men also often experience peeling skin on their body or face. The reason for this may be alcohol abuse, smoking addiction and poor diet. Sensitive skin types react to mechanical stress with the appearance of redness and the formation of scales, so rubbing and using harsh cleansers is not recommended.

Is peeling a sign of illness?

This symptom may indicate a developing skin disease. One of these ailments is psoriasis, the spots in which have a pink-red tint, are flaky and itchy. The reasons that trigger the process are currently unknown. The same symptoms include seborrheic and contact dermatitis, pityriasis rosea, lupus erythematosus, scarlet fever (infectious pathology), and fungal infections. Hereditary diseases in which scales form on the skin include ichthyosis. The irritated surface of the dermis does not tolerate exposure detergents(shampoo, soap, gel), and the unpleasant symptoms intensify.

With a lack of vitamins A and B2, the skin on the forehead, nose and ears peels off greatly, and cracks may appear on the lips. During menopause, many women experience a change in the condition of their outer skin for the worse. This is how the body shows a lack of hormones, especially estrogen. Wrinkles appear, sagging, and loss. To find out the causes of peeling, you need to seek medical help. Specialists in this field are a dermatologist, an allergist, an infectious disease specialist, and a surgeon.

First signs of dry skin

Characteristic signs of dry skin type are:

If your facial skin is dry and flaky, you need to contact a cosmetologist who will select a suitable product to restore water balance. This type of skin is prone to the early appearance of wrinkles, which are not so easy to get rid of, and rapid aging.

Dry skin (xeroderma) can be associated with metabolic disorders in the body and diseases of the thyroid gland. Dead particles, accumulating on the surface of the epidermis, begin to peel off. Dermatitis can cause itching, so first of all you should consult a dermatologist.

In severe cases, very dry skin begins to crack and ulcers appear. This is fraught with infectious contamination.

Peeling skin: treatment

Having found the root cause of xeroderma, you can begin to eliminate the symptoms. If the problem is insufficient moisture or rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface, it is necessary to choose one with a high content of fatty components. Medications are used only on the recommendation of a doctor. Such products should contain hydrocortisone (0.5-2%) in the composition.

If the skin on the body is peeling, you need to change the gel and soap. They can give this effect in the first place. It's better to wash your face clean water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Cleansing lotions and tonics should not contain alcohol, which causes dryness and tightens the skin.

Proper care for dry skin

Cosmetologists recommend that people with dry skin take water treatments no more than 2 times a day. This will help the sebaceous glands to work properly and produce required quantity natural moisturizing agents. Dry skin “loves” slightly warm or cool water, but never hot. After washing, you need to gently blot the surface of the dermis with a soft towel. Rubbing will cause redness and irritation of the skin.

After taking a shower, always use moisturizing milk or cream. For very dry skin, you can try cocoa or coconut butter. Thanks to the components they contain, the epidermis receives nutrients, minerals and vitamins. All kinds of products for the face and body should be used no more than once a week so as not to injure dry skin.

What can a cosmetologist offer?

Beauty salons offer the following procedures to eliminate dry skin:

  • Biorevitalization- is currently the most popular way to saturate the skin with moisture. By using various techniques(reinforcement, micropapule) is introduced hyaluronic acid, which will launch the process of natural collagen formation. The framework, created from hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, will retain moisture and help smooth out deep wrinkles.
  • Iontophoresis- if dry skin is flaking, then this method can restore water balance and relieve discomfort. The procedure involves treating the skin on which the drug is applied with a low-voltage galvanic current. Active ions transmit a signal to the central nervous system, and the body begins to renew itself.
  • Mesotherapy- carried out for various indications: acne, dehydrated skin, wrinkles, rosacea, etc. The drugs are administered by injection and needle-free method (pulse iontophoresis). The goal of the procedure is to increase the activity of fibroblasts. These cells are responsible for the production of elastin and collagen.

Salon procedures can only be performed by specialists with appropriate education (cosmetologists, dermatologists).

How to choose a moisturizer?

Very dry skin on the face and body needs constant and proper care with moisturizing cream, lotion, milk, and tonic. This will help protect the thin epidermis from adverse effects environment - strong wind, cold air, ultraviolet radiation. Special attention should be given to the skin of the hands and face.

Oil-based products perfectly eliminate moisture deficiency. Grape seed oil, almond oil, and shea butter are applied to the face. For washing, it is advisable to use milk, for example, Lait Demaquillant Absolu (Vichy), Natura Siberica. Problem areas on the body where there is flaky skin can be lubricated with olive oil.

Among cosmetic preparations, it is better to give preference to brands that are available in pharmacies: Vichy (Lipidiose Nutritive). Natural ingredients and proven effects through research will help restore freshness, firmness and elasticity to the skin. The disadvantage of such products is their cost, which is significantly higher than those available in cosmetic stores. When buying a moisturizer, you need to pay attention to the ingredients. The one that contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin E is better suited for the skin. The price will depend on the manufacturer and the naturalness of the ingredients. Sometimes the product may be chosen incorrectly, so it is better to seek advice from a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Facial skin is peeling: what to do at home?

At home, it is quite possible to prepare products that will moisturize dry skin no worse than expensive ready-made preparations. To the benefits folk recipes include the availability of the necessary ingredients, natural origin and confidence in the naturalness of the product.

The most popular home skin care products are masks. After the first use, the result will be visible if you take steamed flakes (1 tbsp) and add a spoonful of homemade cream to them. There are also options with honey, butter, and full-fat cottage cheese (with added milk).

A mask with tocopherol (vitamin E) is suitable for dry skin. The price of the solution in the pharmacy is 35-45 rubles. (for 20 ml). Melt cocoa butter (1 tbsp) in a water bath, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid vitamin E and the same amount of sea buckthorn fruit oil. Tocopherol also combines well with lanolin (1:2). The masks are kept on the face for no more than half an hour, after which they are washed off with warm water or using a damp sponge.

Flaky skin? Homemade cream to the rescue!

Vitamin E Recipe

  1. Brew chamomile (1 tbsp) with boiling water, leave and strain.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of glycerin to 2 tbsp. l. chamomile decoction.
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with camphor and castor oil(1 tsp each).
  4. Finally, add 10 drops of tocopherol solution.

This cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Recipe for deep hydration

  1. Mix the pulp of healing aloe (2 tbsp) with glycerin (0.5 tsp).
  2. Add a few drops of olive oil.
  3. Dilute the resulting composition with any essential oil(no more than 7 drops).

Beeswax Recipe

  1. Coconut oil (3 tbsp) is mixed with clean water (3 tbsp) and a teaspoon of almond oil.
  2. (1 tsp) melt in a water bath and mix with the previous ingredients.
  3. Then they add olive oil(2 tbsp) and half a spoon of borax. During cooking, the ingredients must be stirred constantly.

Nutrition and diet

Peeling skin indicates a lack of useful microelements, vitamins and fluids, which enter the body primarily with food. Therefore, the diet should contain as much as possible healthy products. Vitamins E, A and B necessary for the epidermis are found in various vegetables and fruits. But you will have to give up fatty meats, lard, smoked meats, canned food, and fatty fermented milk products. In general, it is better to consume meat in minimal quantities, including chicken.

If your facial skin is dry and flaky, it may be lacking vitamin A. In this case, you need to increase the amount of carrots, apricots (dried apricots) and green vegetables in your daily diet. Natural vitamin E is found in nuts, liver, seeds, eggs (they can cause allergies, so you shouldn’t lean on them). A hypoallergenic diet should be followed if the cause of dryness, itching and flaking of the skin is a disease.

Prevention of dry skin of the face and body

  • Try to shower no more than 2 times a day.
  • Replace soap with cream-based gel.
  • Body moisturizers are best applied to damp, clean skin.
  • Use protective cream if flaky skin appears in winter.
  • During the heating season, it is necessary to humidify the air in the house using special devices.
  • On hot, sunny days, apply cream with ultraviolet protection to the face.