The frosty winter days are already behind us, spring is slowly coming into its own and the desire to change your hairstyle or make it modern fashionable haircut visits us more and more persistently. We present to your attention daily lunar calendar for March 2017, to make it easier for you to choose the most favorable days for cutting long or short hair.

In addition, using the lunar calendar, you will find out which zodiac sign the Moon is in on the selected day, and you will find tips on hair care during the waning or waxing Moon. It will be easier for you to choose a favorable date for hair coloring, to strengthen hair follicles and rapid growth hair so that the curls are lush and long.

Favorable days for cutting, styling and coloring:

▪ March, 3

▪ March, 10

▪ March 19

▪ March, 20

▪ March, 30

Unfavorable days for cutting and coloring hair:

▪ March, 7

▪ March 12

▪ March 17

▪ March 24

▪ March, 28

▪ March, 29

Lunar day: 3, 4

Moon in Zodiac sign: Aries

Perms and new styling are quite acceptable today. It’s a good time to take care of hair health - make a mask with vitamins to strengthen it, change your care products.



Lunar day: 4, 5

Moon in Zodiac sign: Taurus

Moon phase: Waxing

It is advisable to replenish your hair care arsenal with medicated shampoo to achieve intensive growth, shine and fullness.



Lunar day: 5, 6

Moon in Zodiac sign: Taurus


▪ if you have short hair: without radical changes - just slightly shorten or trim your bangs.

▪ if you have hair medium length: bob with long front strands and long bangs.

▪ if you have long hair: trim the ends, make bangs.


neat styling or lifting hair without strong pulling.


It's time to dye your hair blonde if you were planning such experiments this month.


Lunar day: 6, 7

Moon in Zodiac sign: Taurus


Lunar day: 7, 8

Moon phase: Waxing (first quarter)

It is allowed to dye the ends of the hair or strands (only away from the roots of the hair!). You can slightly trim the ends of the curls.



Moon in Zodiac sign: Gemini

To strengthen and improve hair growth, treat your head with essential oils (neroli, patchouli, peppermint) and silk proteins.



Lunar day: 9, 10

Moon in Zodiac sign: Cancer



Lunar day: 10, 11

Moon in Zodiac sign: Cancer

Moon phase: Waxing

A good day to improve your image with a new hairstyle. But today it is advisable to visit a beauty salon or use the services of a friend for any hair manipulation.



Lunar day: 11, 12

Moon in Zodiac sign: Leo

Moon phase: Waxing


▪ if you have short hair: thinned hair french style, you can make an ultra-short version.

▪ if you have medium-length hair: a cascade, you can give your hair a slightly messy look.

▪ if you have long hair: frame your face in the form of a slightly open horseshoe.


Loose, carefully combed hair.


Today it is not advisable to change your hair color to brown (any shade).


Lunar day: 12, 13

Moon in Zodiac sign: Leo



Lunar day: 13, 14

Moon in Zodiac sign: Virgo

Don't get permed, wavy, or curly hair. Straight hair is ideal for this day. A new haircut is allowed, but use the services of a hairdresser you know well.


Lunar day: 14, 15

Moon in Zodiac sign: Virgo

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair.



Lunar day: 15, 16

Moon in Zodiac sign: Libra

Today it is useful to massage yourself by rubbing castor oil mixed with your shampoo into the roots of your hair.



Lunar day: 16, 17

Moon in Zodiac sign: Libra

Moon phase: Waning


Hair dyeing is allowed, but without a radical change of color. It is enough to dye your hair the same color, a few shades darker. Today is also a good day to change your hairstyle - put your loose hair in a bun, for example.



Lunar day: 17, 18

Moon in Zodiac sign: Libra

It is useful to wash your hair with shampoo, which contains vitamins A, E, B, F and trace elements of zinc, magnesium, calcium to improve growth and against severe hair loss.



Lunar day: 18, 19

Moon phase: Waning

Do it today fashionable styling. Good option- decorate your hair with bright colors satin ribbons or hairpins with kanzashi ribbons.



Lunar day: 19, 20

Moon in Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Moon phase: Waning



It is perfectly acceptable to dye your hair chestnut new color and darker. You can cut it for long hair, but it is not advisable to shorten it too much.



Lunar day: 20, 21

Moon in Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

▪ if you have short hair: bob with elongated strands.

▪ if you have medium length hair: bob classic style.

▪ if you have long hair: you can experiment, choose an extravagant option (Gavroche, for example).



Choose any hair color, but today it is best to use dye with natural ingredients.


Lunar day: 21, 22

Moon in Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Moon phase: Waning (last quarter)


Lunar day: 22, 23

Any manipulation of hair is allowed, except for cutting and trimming. Get your curls curled or styled in a fashionable way.



Moon in Zodiac sign: Capricorn

It is useful to trim split ends of hair. If you have too dull hair, give your head a massage today to improve blood circulation. Use the mixture for massage castor oil With essential oil sandalwood. Massage your head for at least 10 minutes.



Moon phase: Waning



Lunar day: 25, 26

Moon in Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Moon phase: Waning

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair.



Lunar day: 26, 27

Moon in Zodiac sign: Aquarius

If your hair is too brittle, today is the time to start a course to restore its health.
It is necessary to add to the diet foods rich in vitamins A, E, C and group B, as well as containing magnesium, selenium, zinc, unsaturated fatty acids and easily digestible protein.
Also make a mask:
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon honey, 3 teaspoons castor oil.
Mix the ingredients, heat the mixture and apply to hair for an hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.



Lunar day: 27, 28

Moon in Zodiac sign: Pisces

If you can't completely get rid of dandruff, today is a great day to start fighting dandruff or change the hair health product you've already been using.



Moon in Zodiac sign: Pisces

Moon phase: Waning


Lunar day: 29, 1, 2

Moon in Zodiac sign: Aries

Moon phase: New Moon

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair.



Lunar day: 2, 3

Moon in Zodiac sign: Aries

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair.



Moon in Zodiac sign: Taurus


▪ if you have short hair: “Page” for perfectly straight hair.

▪ if you have medium-length hair: any vintage option, for example - Sessun.

▪ if you have long hair: make “torn off” sharp ends at the back of the head with completely straight long bangs.


Make the curls wavy, lightly curled.


Did you want to dye your hair radically black or, on the contrary, turn into blonde? Today is the time for radical change.



Lunar day: 4, 5

Moon in Zodiac sign: Taurus

On this day, hair coloring and cutting are allowed, but not at home. If it is absolutely necessary to perform any manipulations with your hair, it is best to visit a beauty salon.

Moon in Aries. waxing moon

A favorable day for procedures aimed at cleansing the body of toxins, as well as for cleansing the skin. It is useful to start a course of procedures with intensive masks. Take time to care for your hands and feet - paraffin therapy, baths, masks, manicure and pedicure will be beneficial. If you're a brunette, there's no better time to update your hair color. You can also safely dye your hair in different colors and get hair extensions. But it’s better to wait a bit with lightening. You should not do hair removal - the effect will be the opposite.

Moon in Taurus. waxing moon

An extremely unfavorable time for new courses in face and body care. But the day is suitable for starting juice therapy (in addition to treatment with apple juice) and aromatherapy. If you want to lose weight, add herbal teas and healing infusions to your diet. Dedicate the day to a relaxing massage and any water procedures. In general, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible and carry out various cosmetic procedures to moisturize the skin. Avoid going to the solarium.

Moon in Taurus. waxing moon

This is not a good time to start a new course of cosmetic skin care procedures, but you can continue the course of procedures that you started doing earlier. Today it is better to pay attention to your hair, make masks to treat the scalp, and get rid of dandruff. Getting a haircut on this day can dramatically change your life. It is better to cleanse your face another day.

Moon in Taurus. waxing moon

An unfavorable day for any cosmetic procedures; if possible, it is better not to even look in the mirror. The only thing you can do is facial cleansing, nourishing masks for the face, neck and décolleté, and body skin cleansing procedures. Reschedule epilation to another day.

It is better to devote the day to herbal medicine, procedures aimed at treating and restoring hair, and masks to strengthen hair follicles. If you want your curls to become thicker and longer, try to cut them today. In all other respects, before the full moon you should exercise restraint in facial care and nutrition.

Moon in Gemini. waxing moon

It is a favorable time to start a new training regime; on this day it is useful to engage in active sports. On this day, you can safely eliminate cosmetic problems - from removing moles and lightening freckles to complex plastic surgeries and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Avoid visiting the solarium; it is better to devote time to removing unwanted hair.

Moon in Cancer. waxing moon

A favorable day for ampelotherapy - treatment with grape juice and wine. Dedicate the day cosmetic procedures using wine. You can start a training course in the gym or at home. According to superstitions, getting a haircut on this day can bring prosperity. A relaxing massage will help. The most suitable day for hair removal or removal of unwanted hair.

Moon in Cancer. waxing moon

Unfavorable time for cutting, curling, dyeing and even hair removal. It is recommended to do cosmetic massages for the face and body. Homemade masks for the skin of your hands and feet will also be beneficial.

Moon in Leo. waxing moon

This day is considered extremely unfavorable. It is better to devote it to meditation and astral cleansing. At this time, you can cut your nails and hair. Perms and hair coloring will also not harm. After cutting on this day, the hair will curl a little and gain additional volume. Don't refuse a massage. All signs can remove unwanted hair, with the exception of the Virgo and Leo signs.

Moon in Leo. waxing moon

The twentieth lunar day is successful for any endeavors. Favorable time for anti-cellulite wraps and water treatments. The twentieth lunar day - curling and dyeing hair with permanent dyes, as well as piercing on this day will be successful. Today go to the beauty salon. Changing your image will attract prosperity and success. Take care of the skin of your body and face; it is especially useful to make nourishing masks. Postpone epilation to another day.

Moon in Virgo. waxing moon

This day is perfect for cleansing procedures, especially blood cleansing ones. A favorable day for herbal medicine. You can safely dye your hair, even lighten it, today hair is least susceptible to destruction. This is a great time to radically change your image. If you have long dreamed of changing your appearance, do it today! Your new style will not leave anyone indifferent.

Moon in Virgo. Full moon

Today you can safely get your ears pierced. The ideal time to correct the shape of eyebrows, eyelash extensions, and nails. Haircuts, dyeing and curling your hair won't do any harm either. Avoid visiting the solarium. Instead, head to the spa for a relaxing massage.

Moon in Libra. Waning moon

The day is considered unfavorable for all endeavors. Today you can choose jewelry and get piercings. The right time to correct a model haircut, but doing something radically new with your hair is not recommended. An extremely complex installation done today will not last as long as promised.

Moon in Libra. Waning moon

A favorable time to complete a course of cosmetic procedures and therapeutic massages. At this time everything is contraindicated plastic surgery and minimally invasive procedures, even if it is pimple removal. Will be beneficial physical exercise, strengthening the spine. If you get a haircut today, your hair will grow faster, become thicker and more voluminous. However, you should avoid chemical effects on your hair.

Moon in Scorpio. Waning moon

The most suitable day for preparing homemade masks for the skin of the face, hands, feet and body. Favorable time for physical activity. This day can be used to choose a new perfume; today it is easier to choose your scent. Avoid cutting your hair - your hair will grow slower. Hair coloring can lead to unexpected results.

Moon in Scorpio. Waning moon

The best day to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Cleaning your skin won't hurt either. Visit a hair salon, it will bring you joy and help restore your peace of mind. After cutting your hair on this day, your hair will grow thicker. You can also dye it, the color will be more saturated and last longer. Take care of your hands and feet. Avoid tanning beds.

A favorable day for comprehensive cleansing and water treatments. Devote a day to meditation. Today it is recommended to remove warts and moles, smooth out wrinkles, and cleanse the skin. A visit to the hairdresser will have a positive effect on your emotional health. A haircut on this day will attract an improvement in your financial situation.

Moon in Sagittarius. Waning moon

Favorable for all cosmetic procedures aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin, but no more than necessary. A haircut will benefit not only your image, but also your emotional health. Intuition will sharpen and the insight of the mind will increase. Avoid cutting your fingernails and toenails.

Moon in Sagittarius. Waning moon

The twenty-eighth lunar day is considered favorable for new beginnings. This is a great time to take special care of the skin around your eyes. You can do skin cleansing, massages and various water treatments. On this day you can also do nail extensions, sunbathe or visit a solarium. Avoid dyeing your hair, eyelashes and eyebrows.

The most unfavorable time for all cosmetic procedures, in addition to basic care. If possible, it is better not to look in the mirror at all. But the day is favorable for experimenting with hair. The new image will accurately reflect your attitude. Hair extensions should be rescheduled for another day.

Moon in Capricorn. Waning moon

A favorable day for sedative procedures and the start of new cosmetic courses. If you have a short haircut and don't want your hair to grow quickly, then you should visit a hairdresser. If you have long hair or are trying to grow it, then this day is unfavorable for cutting. Reschedule epilation to another time.

A suitable day to cleanse the body and skin. It's helpful to start a new workout regimen. A good time for piercing, tattooing and even permanent makeup. It is useful to get a haircut or radically change your image, it will attract good luck. Avoid visiting the solarium.

Moon in Aquarius. Waning moon

The day is considered unfavorable for all endeavors. Visit a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool on this day. Great time to start a massage course. A haircut on this day will enrich you aesthetically and practically. You can safely change your hair color, do a new hairstyle, perm.

Moon in Aquarius. Waning moon

This day is considered unfavorable for all endeavors. But at this time you can visit a bathhouse or sauna, carry out procedures to strengthen bones and treat joints. A haircut at this time can affect your financial situation for the better. A great time to change your hair style, hair color or get a perm. Strengthening and oriental massages will be beneficial. Avoid peeling and other types of facial cleansing.

Moon in Pisces. Waning moon

The day is favorable for many beauty treatments. Ideal time for coloring and tinting gray hair. On this day, you can cut children's hair, as it will grow thicker and stronger. Avoid cutting your nails. Instead, spend the day getting rid of corns and calluses.

Moon in Pisces. Waning moon

This is a good time to prepare herbal infusions and treat with tea. An unfavorable day for getting rid of cosmetic problems, but you can make homemade masks based on herbs and other plant products. Avoid cutting your hair, as it can lead to increased blood pressure and worsened vision.

Moon in Aries. New moon

The day is favorable for those undertakings that can be completed without delaying until tomorrow. Dedicate the day to various beauty treatments. A haircut on this day will strengthen your intuition. It is useful to carry out all kinds of procedures aimed at treating and restoring hair. A curl won't hurt either. Avoid dyeing your hair and visiting a solarium.

Moon in Aries. waxing moon

A good time to cleanse the body of toxins, as well as for cosmetic skin cleansing and anti-cellulite procedures. It is useful to start a course of herbal treatment. By getting a haircut today, you can attract beauty and well-being. Feel free to change your image: dye your hair, get a perm. Avoid removing unwanted body hair.

Moon in Taurus. waxing moon

The day is only suitable for those procedures that were started a long time ago. You can carry out water treatments and arrange aromatherapy. Visit the pool, bathhouse or sauna, it will benefit the body. Massage allows you to relax. The day is considered the most favorable for cleansing and rejuvenating procedures, but it is better to avoid serious methods of skin cleansing and rejuvenation. Dedicate a day to caring for the skin of your hands and feet. Unfavorable day for cutting, curling and dyeing hair.

Moon in Taurus. waxing moon

Dedicate the day to water treatments: take a bath with aromatic oils and salt, a visit to the pool, sauna or bath will benefit both your skin and figure. A haircut on this day will bring joy into your home. The ideal time to lighten hair and tone gray hair. Nourishing masks the skin of the hands, face, neck and décolleté will benefit. Avoid hair removal and deep peels.

Photo: Lunar calendar haircuts for March 2017

Human life is influenced by many factors, one of which is the lunar cycle. Well-being, a surge of strength, appearance largely depend on the night star and its phases on certain days. All issues related to hair (haircut, curling, dyeing) also invisibly fall under the power of the Moon. The haircut calendar for March 2017 will tell ladies which day will be favorable for changing their image, and when they should refrain from going to a beauty salon.

The human body has the peculiarity of being charged with various types of energy from the night light. The key point is the position of the Moon in at the moment in the sky - a growing or decreasing trend. Women begin to accumulate the necessary energy from the 2nd lunar phase. During this period, a special surge of strength is felt, harmony and balance are observed.

The 4th phase is the final stage of the cycle; during this period the body is energetically exhausted. Therefore, any changes in appearance will entail unpleasant consequences. The lunar hair cutting calendar for March 2017 will allow you to choose the right day to accelerate the growth of strands, increase their volume, and increase their thickness.

Forecast for the first half of March:

  • March 1negative impact not so much on the curls themselves, but on the body as a whole. A haircut on this day threatens to weaken the immune system, attracting fears and losses into your life;
  • March 2– slower hair growth, possible risk of dandruff. However, at the same time, there is a possibility of attracting money and good luck to the house;
  • March 3– curls will grow strong and voluminous. One of the most conducive days to change your appearance. However, you should be wary of dyeing your strands, otherwise you risk incurring depression and loss of strength;
  • March 4– a haircut will help get rid of the problem of split curls, and the dynamics of hair growth will increase;
  • March 5– a great day to go to the hairdresser, this will allow you to attract colorful and extraordinary events into your life;
  • March 6– curls will grow rapidly, at the same time the nervous system will return to normal;
  • March 7– a haircut today will have a positive effect on the condition of your hair and will double your luck;
  • March 8– the perfect day for dramatic changes. Updating your appearance will make your mind more insightful and aware;
  • March 9– The Moon in Leo makes this day favorable for easy hair correction. More active measures may attract unwanted events into your life;
  • March 10– recommended day for going to the hairdresser. You will become significantly more attractive, attracting positive events like a magnet;
  • March 11– a positive effect on the growth of curls and their strengthening. A haircut today will attract material well-being;
  • March 12– not the best day to change your image; panic attacks and blood pressure problems may appear;
  • March 13– this day will not have an effect on the condition of the hair, perhaps a slight imparting of lightness;
  • March 14– the condition of the hair will not change, but you risk attracting unpleasant situations into your life;
  • March 15– deterioration and depletion of strands.

Lunar calendar from March 16 to March 31, 2017

March 16 - 17 are neutral days for going to a beauty salon. You will not improve or worsen their condition. However, a haircut will negatively affect general health, possible problems with the intestines. March 18 is a date that is absolutely not suitable for image changes. On this day you will attract poverty into your home and a state of psychological discomfort.

March 19, on the contrary, is a great day to take action with your hair. You will become more attractive to others. March 20 is a neutral day for hair condition. However, very auspicious date to enrich yourself financially.

March 21 - 22 are excellent dates for cutting, which will make your curls thicker, accelerate their growth and eliminate the problem of split ends. On March 23, it is strongly recommended to refrain from going to the stylist. March 24 is ideal for bold and completely new looks. Short length, a new color, a curl - any experiment on this day will be successful!

March 25– a neutral date for the condition of hair, but a haircut on this day will allow you to fill your life with pleasant events. Going to the hairdresser March 26 will allow you to attract positive people and profitable acquaintances into your life. However, along with this, dandruff may appear.

March 27 You should postpone going to the salon, otherwise your curls will lose strength and shine. By ignoring advice, you also risk straying from the right path in life. Approximately the same forecast for March 28. The condition of your hair will deteriorate significantly.

March 29 There is an imbalance of energy, so manipulations with curls on this day should be rescheduled. A haircut can encourage you to waste money thoughtlessly. You should refrain from correcting your hairstyle and March 30. The curls will become stronger and gain more volume, but you will open the door to fears and losses in your life. March 31– the final and perhaps the most favorable day of the month for haircuts. Any manipulations and experiments are approved.

Photo: haircut calendar for March 2017

Favorable days for curling and coloring

The most conducive dates are the following: March 14, 16 and 25. The Moon is not only in a waxing position, but also under the auspices of Taurus and Virgo. During this period, curls become stronger, their structure is strengthened, and volume increases. Therefore, even exposure to chemical components will not have a detrimental effect on their condition.

The first half of the month is not favorable to sudden changes in the color of curls. It is suitable for light corrections and minor changes. By neglecting this advice, you risk creating an ugly image, which will be quite difficult to correct. On March 10, you should stop dyeing your hair altogether.

Starting March 12, any bold experiments with color will be welcomed by the Moonlight. On March 28, there will be a full moon, during which it is worth postponing your visit to the stylist.

Our great-great-grandmothers also noticed that a woman lives according to the lunar cycle and is completely dependent on how the night star behaves on certain days. Everything related to hair - cutting, dyeing, hairstyle - is also invisibly controlled by the waxing or waning Moon.
The lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 will tell women which day of the first spring month is perfect and, conversely, unfavorable, for going to the hairdresser.

Why does this work?

The human body is capable of being charged with negative and positive energy from the Moon. The main thing is how the star is located in the sky at the moment - it is growing or decreasing. We begin to accumulate energy not from the 1st, but from the 2nd lunar phase, that is, from 8 to 15 days. It is at this time that a person feels a special surge of energy and strength. Up to 22 lunar day, when the Moon is full, we are cheerful, active and balanced.
From 23 to 29 days the 4th phase of the moon is celebrated. During this period, it is not advisable to do something radically new, because our body is already “exhausted” and energetically depleted. The human body is especially vulnerable and susceptible to disease in the 1st lunar phase, which lasts from 1 to 7 days.

Successful days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar for March

Even the ancients knew that if you cut your hair during the waxing Moon, it will also begin to grow more dynamically. Although, there are also disadvantages here, especially if a woman short haircut. After all, in a couple of weeks she will come to the hairdresser again and will “splurge” on a haircut.
To make your hair roots stronger, you need to get your hair cut when the moon is waning. The lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 marks such days in the spring month - from the 13th to the 27th. If the Moon is inhabited by zodiac signs such as Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn or Taurus, then any haircut will look great and look neat for a long time.

Favorable days to go to a beauty salon:

- Moon in Taurus: from March 2 to 4, from 30 to 31;
- Moon in Libra: from March 13 to 15;
- Moon in Leo: 9th and 10th;
- Moon in Virgo: March 11 and 12;
- Moon in Capricorn: 21st and 22nd
Information for those women who want to improve relationships with people and settle their financial situation. In addition, you need to focus on these tips for those who want to free themselves from negativity and problems in life:
- March 1 - a haircut will help you get rich and make a profit;
- March 4 - monetary profit and improved health;
- March 5 - a haircut leads to achieving goals and developing intuition;
- March 10 - to financial prosperity;
- March 15 - life will change dramatically;
- March 16 - a haircut will improve health and add charm;
- March 23 - will fill you with positive energy;
- March 26 - the haircut will make it more original and brighter;
- March 27 - life will become longer, as the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 promises.

Unlucky days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar for March

Mark for yourself those March days on which it is not advisable to cut your hair:

March 6 - a haircut will attract troubles into your life;
- March 8, 13, 17 and 18 - your health will worsen;
- March 12 - a depressive state will appear;
- March 22 - haircut will lead to conflicts with people;
- March 24 and 25 - mental state will worsen;
- 31st - your haircut will disappoint you, as the lunar calendar of haircuts for March 2017 predicts.

If the moon is waning, then under no circumstances should you cut your newborn’s hair. Especially if this is done for the first time. Otherwise, a person’s hair will remain thin and weak throughout his life.

We curl our hair according to the lunar calendar of haircuts for March 2017

No one will dare to dispute the importance of zodiac signs in a person’s life. They also control our mood and well-being every day, just like the Moon. When the night luminary is in one sign or another, we are presented with a clear picture of what manipulations need to be done with the hair: dyeing, curling or cutting.
Favorable days for curling according to the lunar calendar for haircuts for March 2017:

March 11 and 12 (Moon in Virgo) - hair will be silky, manageable and curly
On the 9th and 10th (Moon in Virgo) - it’s better not to plan a perm. Otherwise, the curls will turn out too curly.
If the Moon is in Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, then you should forget about perm. Otherwise, the curls will be dull, split and weak from the roots.

Unlucky days in March 2017 to visit a beauty salon:

Moon in Cancer - March 7 and 8
Moon in Aquarius - 23rd and 25th
Moon in Scorpio - March 16 and 17

The lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 recommends visiting a hairdresser and treating yourself to “curls”: from March 1 to 6, from March 11 to 15, from March 18 to 22, and also from March 26 to 31.

It would seem that what’s special here is that he dyed his hair any color and went to decorate the world with his charm. No, it's not that simple. Hair coloring should be done on strictly designated lunar days. For example, when the moon is growing. In March 2017, it grows twice: from the 1st to the 11th and from the 29th to the 31st. This means that if you give your hair a different shade during this period, it will only benefit you and your hair.
Valuable tips for those who are going to change their hair color according to the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017:

March 1 - it is necessary to take only higher-quality preparations based on natural ingredients. Then the mood will be excellent, and positive energy will be attracted. March 2 - business lady can give hair a natural shade. Then they will not have problems in business and with money.
March 5 - coloring will give you charm, confidence and attractiveness
March 7 - if you dye your hair in natural color, then you will remove all the bad things from your life
March 8 - new hair color will affect good relationship with management
March 10 - large profits expected
March 11th is 13th lunar day, so dyeing your hair is not recommended. A new hair color is unlikely to bring you positive emotions
March 26 - you can dye your hair a radically new color to improve your health and financial situation
March 31 - give your hair a natural tone to bring peace and harmony to the family

Recommendations and advice on the Lunar calendar for hair cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in March 2017

Recommendations and tips for cutting, curling, depilating, hair removal and hair coloring

While visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that hair cutting, made by the same master, can be ideal and do not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, but sometimes it is impossible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow back quickly, sometimes they grow back very slowly. To be satisfied with your haircut, visit your hairdresser on days when The Moon is in the signs of Leo or Virgo. Haircut these days it's good to do both on a growing, so on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair during Leo days, your hair will look thick. If get a haircut on Virgo days, they will grow faster and keep their shape perfectly. You can get your hair cut on other days of the waxing Moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. Haircut on the waning moon keeps hair in good condition, but they will grow slowly.

Bad for hair haircut on the waning moon in Capricorn, as well as haircuts in the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you get a haircut on a bad day, your hair will not lie well, will take a long time to grow, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in it, it will split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut your hair during the waning Moon in Aries - it will fall out quickly and heavily! It is also harmful to cut your hair during Gemini days.

Hair curling successfully passes during any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong because the hair curls itself on these days. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and begin to split and break.

Hair coloring It’s better to do it when the moon is waxing, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair during the waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether a particular color suits you exactly, use not paint, but coloring shampoo. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see whether the color suits you or not.

Depilation and hair removal

There are many methods of hair removal and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot wax – effective way but painful, the razor has more advantages. When choosing a hair removal method, keep in mind that hair removed during the waxing Moon grows back faster. You can shave them in the morning, and by evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them while the Moon is waxing in Leo or Virgo, not only will they grow back faster, but they will also become even thicker and denser. It is best to remove hair during the waning Moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We present to your attention:

Conception (pregnancy) calendar. The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of intimacy.

Wedding calendar. Personal wedding calendar - reliability and durability marriage union, well-being and psychological climate in a family largely depend on the wedding date. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Zodiac Signs and the favorableness of the lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmastide, Maslenitsa, etc.