Mothers who have given birth to their first child are sometimes terribly confused: preparing for the birth of a baby and caring for him raises so many questions that you simply don’t know where to go and what to do. There is no need for worry and despair here, because new parents already have enough reasons to worry. This article contains the main rules and tips for caring for a newborn, so it can be safely used as instructions on all issues that concern parents.

Preparing a “dowry” for the child

There is a superstition that you should not buy anything born child This is not possible, which is why some mothers do not specifically prepare a “dowry” for their children. These are just prejudices. For future parents and all relatives, it is a real pleasure to go shopping, choosing tiny hats and baby vests. For the expectant mother Preparing a “dowry” helps to prepare for imminent motherhood. In addition, when the baby is born, there will be such a commotion that it will be simply impossible to calmly choose, wash and put things in piles for the baby. So, what you need to prepare for the birth of your baby:

  • Diapers (In total you will need about 20-25. The ratio of thin and warm diapers determine based on what time of year the baby is born. By the way, knitted diapers are very comfortable: they are very soft, stretch well and fit the body).
  • Blouses or bodysuits (Vests without fasteners are no longer relevant because they are not comfortable. It is best to buy several blouses with a button or ties and several bodysuits).
  • One-piece overalls (Insulated overalls are enough for the first time, but you can buy several thin ones).
  • Hats (Knitted hats without ties are most convenient. 2 thin ones and one warm one are enough).
  • Socks (Soft knitted socks will come in handy even in the warm season. You can safely buy 4-5 pairs).
  • Warm wool blanket.
  • Flannelette blanket or blanket.

Some purchases can be left for later and, if necessary, entrusted to grandmothers. These include, for example, anti-scratch mittens. Not all children resist cutting their nails, so mittens may not be useful. Another purchase from this series is a pillow. Babies up to one year old can sleep without a pillow, using a folded diaper instead.

In addition to things, you need to prepare a first aid kit for the baby’s arrival:

  • Baby oil for treating folds (you can use sterile vegetable oil), ;
  • Pipette, hydrogen peroxide, a bottle of brilliant green for treating the umbilical wound;
  • Zinc ointment for rashes and diaper rash;
  • Herbs for bathing, potassium permanganate;
  • , a heating pad with cherry pits, carminatives (, etc. ()) in case of colic;
  • Wet wipes, cotton pads, sterile cotton wool, spout rinser - for hygiene procedures.
  • Antipyretic (better in suppositories), antihistamine (Fenistil) ().
  • Absorbent diapers and nappies for newborns.

Depending on the situation, you can buy additional powder.

Something for mom

After being discharged from the maternity hospital, mom will also need some things that need to be purchased in advance:

  • Cream Bepanten for cracked nipples.
  • Absorbent breast pads.
  • Comfortable nursing underwear.
  • Sanitary pads (either special postpartum or regular ones, but with maximum absorbency).
  • Postpartum bandage (for better recovery abdominal muscles).
  • Breast pads for feeding ().
  • Breast pump ().

If in everyday life everything is ready for the appearance, it’s time to figure it out and master the basic procedures that a young mother will have to perform daily and more than once.

Morning toilet: wash your eyes, clean your nose

Must be treated in the morning umbilical wound. To do this, use a clean pipette to drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound. The peroxide begins to foam, separating the crusts and “bringing” them to the surface. We remove these crusts clean cotton swab, and then apply brilliant green to the wound with another stick ().

Changing the diaper

Most modern mothers prefer to use disposable diapers. A baby has to change a disposable diaper about 10 times a day: the child should not stay in one diaper for more than 3-4 hours, and in addition, the diaper needs to be changed every time the baby poops. The second point, moreover, must be done even at night, because feces are not absorbed by the diaper and greatly irritate the skin.

Before changing the baby's diaper, you need to wash it. If he craps himself, use soap; if not, warm water from the tap (if it is not possible to wash, wipe with wet wipes). If there is irritation, you can apply diaper cream to the skin; if not, just let the skin dry.

It is imperative to take care of the umbilical wound and make sure that the diaper fastener does not rub it. There are special diapers for newborns who have a notch in place of the navel. If you use others, fold back the edge of the diaper or cover your navel with a piece of sterile bandage.

Let's go for a walk

If the child is healthy, you can walk with him from the first day of life. Regarding children's walks, the rule “nature has no bad weather” is true. You can cancel a walk only if there is severe frost, abnormal heat or other extreme weather conditions outside. In bad weather, you can take the cradle and baby out onto the balcony.

Usually babies sleep in a stroller, so the mother can choose the time for a walk at her discretion. It is better to start walking for 30-40 minutes, gradually increasing the walking time. Over time, you can walk up to 4-6 hours a day, dividing this time into 2 “calls”.

After swimming

After bathing, you also need to carry out some procedures:

  • Treat the umbilical wound in the same way as we did in the morning.
  • Trim your nails while they are soft from the water.
  • Rub all folds with oil (including the area behind the ears - crusts often form there).

Let's watch a video of how a baby is bathed:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Let's go to bed

Most breastfeeding babies fall asleep with the breast on. You can rock the baby in your arms and then carefully transfer him to the crib. The experience of mothers shows that it is better to swaddle babies to sleep: this way their own movements do not cause them any anxiety, they are not afraid of their own arms or legs. By the way, it is better to buy a cradle for a newborn baby rather than a crib. A limited space is more comfortable for a baby than a spacious bed that is not proportional to its body.

The room must be ventilated before going to bed. It is believed that where the baby sleeps is about 20 degrees.

You cannot put your baby to sleep on his back - in his sleep, the baby may burp and choke on vomit. To prevent your baby from rolling over onto his back, place him on his side and support his back with a small pillow or a folded blanket. The sleeping position of the baby needs to be changed periodically, shifting it from one side to the other. This is necessary so that the bones of the skull do not become deformed.

The most popular questions that concern young mothers

A trembling young mother shudders at every sneeze of her baby and falls into confusion before many phenomena unfamiliar to her. Let's try to deal with the most common questions of young mothers.

Strange color and dryness of baby's skin

The skin of a newly born baby may have a reddish or yellowish tint. The first is due to a very thin layer of subcutaneous fat: the red tint is the blood vessels visible through the skin. Yellowness () is a consequence of increased bilirubin content and goes away when the liver begins to work more actively.

Baby hiccups

Many children begin to hiccup in their stomach. Typically, hiccups in babies occur due to excess air entering the stomach during feeding. The best way to get rid of it - carry the baby in a column and give a tummy massage ( ).

The baby spits up

Regurgitation is a consequence of underdevelopment digestive system and a special children's mechanism for “fighting” overeating. As a preventive measure, keep an eye on your baby (so he doesn’t swallow excess air) and hold him in a “column” position after feeding. In general, regurgitation is not at all dangerous. Normally, once a day, a child can even burp like a fountain. If this happens more often and regurgitation continues for more than 6 months, you need to contact a neurologist ( ).

Child sneezes and coughs

If there are no signs of a cold (runny nose, high temperature) are natural reflexes of the body’s self-cleaning of mucus in the throat and nose.

How to dress a child

The baby's body is still poorly retained heat and maintains a constant temperature. This must be taken into account both at home and on the street. By overly wrapping a child, you can easily overheat, and leaving him undressed can, on the contrary, overcool him. The main rule of dressing for a baby: dress like yourself + one layer of clothing.

Clothing for the baby should be made from natural fabrics, have a comfortable design and safe fasteners. It is best to choose blouses and overalls that can be easily put on without twisting the child’s arms and legs or pushing his head into a narrow neck. All accessories (snaps, buttons) must be of high quality and securely sewn so that the little one cannot tear off and swallow a small piece of clothing.

How to tell if your baby is warm

The temperature of the arms and legs does not mean anything in this matter, because in infants they are often cool due to poor thermoregulation. To understand whether the baby is warm, you need to touch his neck: if it is cool, it is better to dress the baby warmer.

Is it possible to give a baby a pacifier?

If you have plans for successful and long-term breastfeeding, it’s better not to, at least for up to 6 months, until lactation is completely established. The pacifier confuses the child, he begins to confuse the mother's breast and its silicone substitute, and may refuse the breast altogether. In addition, there is an opinion that sucking a pacifier has a bad effect on the formation of the bite. Reading

Profession -Breastfeeding and motherhood consultant - still little known to modern mothers. However, from time immemorial, motherhood skills have been passed on from hand to hand, from mother to mother. But the last few generations of mothers have lost this experience, and breastfeeding has become rare. Currently, this art is taught only by specialists from the Rozhana Center in Moscow, under the leadership of Tsaregradskaya Zh.V.

Her student has been working in Novosibirsk for 3 years -Galina Prugova . Today we will talk to her about her interesting and very rare profession.

Galina, why did you choose this profession?

For me, this is not so much a profession as a calling. I have always had a very strong dominant desire for successful motherhood. But when my daughter was born, I was faced with a standard situation in the maternity hospital when no one showed or told anything. And with the first child and lack of experience... you understand. We were saved by a breastfeeding consultant, Elena Pavlovna Mikhalkova, also a graduate of Rozhana, who was already working in Novosibirsk. I think that if it weren’t for her help then, I would have fed for a maximum of 1 month. This incident turned my life around, and, having abandoned my diploma from the Faculty of Business, I began to support breastfeeding, absorbing knowledge and gaining experience with my baby, whom I ended up breastfeeding for more than 3 years.

How old was your daughter when you first studied in Moscow?

Valentina was 1.5 years old, we went with her because she was an infant, and also with my mother, who took care of the child while I was studying. The second time I was already alone, my daughter was more than 3 years old.

What exactly do you teach moms?

First of all, I am sharing my positive experience. This is important because experiences vary. Even if a woman fed her child artificially, or breastfed a little, she will still share her experience and give advice. You need to be very wary of such advice, otherwise there is a risk of repeating this experience. In addition, as a specialist, I teach feeding techniques and show a model of maternal behavior when the child feels completely safe, does not cry, and grows up breastfed. He is calm, he has a healthy psyche, and good health. Every mother needs to be taught the intricacies of breastfeeding and caring for a baby - how to attach to the breast, how to sit comfortably for feeding, how to swaddle, carry, how to introduce complementary foods, and much more. These skills are acquired only through training and observation of an experienced mother, and nothing else.

Do you have a medical education?

Isn't this a medical role?

No, this is a very serious misconception. The role of medicine is to treat diseases. Breastfeeding and caring for a child is not a disease and has nothing to do with medicine. I teach motherhood. I don’t treat anyone, I help mothers and their children stay healthy. These are different roles. If a child is sick, I send him to the doctor. The doctor prescribes treatment, but some of his recommendations may be related to feeding, which we then discuss with my mother. If there is a problem with feeding, or the child is not calm, I help to cope with it, but not by medical methods, but based on knowledge of the physiology of lactation and the psychology of the newborn. Because if you don’t know how a child feels, what his needs are, it is impossible to care for him properly and feed him properly. If you do not know, for example, the mechanisms of producing and increasing the amount of milk, it is impossible to carry out relactation. This is not taught in medical schools, unfortunately.

Is it possible to return milk if there is no longer enough of it?

But do you prescribe treatment for mastitis?

Incipient mastitis, if the mother takes competent action, goes away without treatment and without consequences. The whole point is to teach the mother to properly organize her actions and turn on the self-regulation mechanisms that were originally built into the “mother-child” system.

Of course, sometimes the situation develops in such a way that you cannot do without medication. Then I usually suggest contacting the appropriate doctor or involve a doctor or pharmacist for a joint consultation. Consultants are trained to define their limits of competence and no one will take responsibility for exceeding them.

What questions are asked most often?

In the first place here are questions about suspected lack of milk. Very often we are treated with a child refusing to breastfeed and increased anxiety under the breast. And of course, cracked nipples, mastitis, introduction of complementary foods. In general, there are always enough topics for conversation.

You said you suspect a lack of milk. Are these suspicions often justified?

Very rarely. In fact, any woman is able to breastfeed a child for more than 2-3 years. In the vast majority of cases, supplementary feeding with formula is introduced unreasonably, when there is a sufficient amount of milk. However, there is still a true lack of milk; here it is very important to act correctly, following the recommendations of the consultant, otherwise breastfeeding there is very little chance.

But what about supplementary feeding in the first days after childbirth, when there is no milk?

How long ago were artificial formulas invented? And how did women manage in the first days after childbirth for hundreds of thousands of years before their invention? Fed with colostrum! Everyone has colostrum; it is already there during pregnancy. Colostrum is quite enough for the child, and the need for supplementary feeding is greatly exaggerated. Out of ignorance, again.

When should moms start acquiring this knowledge to avoid mistakes?

The basics you need to get during pregnancy - how to breastfeed in the first days and weeks, how to care. This is enough for the pregnant woman for now, because she thinks more about childbirth, and this is understandable. After giving birth, you need to learn breastfeeding techniques and elements of caring for a newborn. We call it: “giving mommy hands.” We are so far the only ones who are engaged in this training professionally, and continue to guide the woman after the birth of the baby and until the age of 3, giving her the knowledge and skills that she so lacks. In the first year of a baby’s life, age-related consultations are carried out, because the child is growing, his needs and behavior are changing, and the mother needs to know about this in order to behave correctly.

In what form are consultations carried out?

At home, of course. The child must remain in the usual home environment to feel comfortable and respond adequately to external circumstances. In addition, many recommendations are given over the phone.

This is why there are telephone consultations and repeat visits to figure out what is not working and why. It may be that the young mother did not immediately succeed in swaddling the baby and attaching it to her breast correctly and skillfully. It takes time to learn, but the ability to correct the situation is what helps you learn properly.

Can a mother follow those recommendations that she considers appropriate for herself, and ignore the rest?

As I already said, the consultant makes recommendations based on knowledge of the laws of nature, and they cannot be followed halfway. You cannot force your hormones to work only when it is convenient for you, just as it is impossible to force a river to temporarily stop its flow. It is useless to fight the elements, you need to study it and be able to obey it. If you follow the consultant’s recommendations in your own way, then desired result It won't work, even if everything looks good at first.

The Rozhana Center claims to have the deepest knowledge and most successful experience in the field of motherhood and child feeding. Where do you get your knowledge from?

Zhanna Vladimirovna Tsaregradskaya likes to ask the following question: " How does the maid of honor, who has lived in the castle for 14 years, know the location of all the rooms, short paths to them, and who and when can be met in the corridor? It’s not that she looked at the plan of the palace or memorized the schedule! She just lives there, and therefore knows exactly where and what is happening, and outside the plan and outside the schedule". It’s the same with maternal experience. How do we know this? Yes, we live there! Seven children of Tsaregradskaya, plus for more than 14 years, 2000 visits a year by Center specialists - this is a huge material, which is enough for several dissertations. And we already have evidence We’re not looking, we don’t need to. We’re just improving the methods, how to teach it to others.

Many methods, in particular, the program of adaptive care for a newborn, are based on data from ethnographic expeditions. In ancient times, when there was continuity in the culture of motherhood, maternal behavior always had very specific forms. Everything unnecessary was eliminated, and the useful was fixed and passed on from generation to generation. Maternal behavior is the most complex form of behavior. Normally, a person’s natural niche with a feedback system protects against errors. Unfortunately, modern society lost this knowledge and found myself in a difficult situation. In society there is a concept of correctness, but there is no knowledge: “what is correct?” Then correctness means anything, any behavior of the mother. This is a system of false values. Moms often hear completely different recommendations from different people, and don’t know who to listen to and who to believe. It is very disorienting, and the multitude of opinions allows for the possibility of making a mistake.

But there are instincts that tell you exactly how to feed and care for a child!?

It’s good if these instincts are confirmed by experience, but what if not? And if society says something else - that sleeping with a child is harmful, he needs to puree complementary foods, and after a year of feeding breast milk- is this poison? This is exactly the situation we are dealing with when we can only rely on training. Almost every woman has a sense of correctness, or here we can talk about a mother’s intuitive sense. Men, by the way, do not have it at all; in principle, they cannot feel a child, just as they cannot bear and give birth. As for mothers, everyone has this sense developed to a greater or lesser extent, or not developed at all. Sometimes it is enough for one mother to just suggest how to act, and she says in response: “Yes, I felt that this was exactly what was needed.” And then she didn’t need proof, she literally remembered it, as if she had always known it. Another mother needs to provide evidence and links to sources, and after weighing everything, she will follow the recommendations, but the third mother will not even be convinced by this. Here we are powerless. Therefore, mainly mothers of the first two categories come to us.

Galina, what are your plans for the future?

If we talk about personal plans, I want two or three more children. Probably because motherhood brings me joy, not torment. If we talk about plans for my activities, soon there will be several active breastfeeding consultants in Novosibirsk, and we will be able to impart knowledge on a large scale and work with a large number of mothers who want to breastfeed their children for a long time. And maybe someday, successful breastfeeding will no longer be an extraordinary process, and breast milk will no longer be a product available to many.

Your long-awaited newborn is finally in his own cozy home, all the worries are behind... But why, instead of joyful relief, is a vague anxiety rising inside more and more often?

He will answer all your questions and suggest interesting articles and links. It happens that the issue cannot be resolved remotely, then by calling the hotline you can arrange a meeting or a visit from a breastfeeding specialist to your home or maternity hospital.

Leave your phone number.
The clinic administrator will call you back.

Leave a request

Breastfeeding consultation

It seems there is nothing to worry about - the baby is calmly snoring in the crib. But no, no, and the thought will arise: “Is there enough milk? Is the chair as it should be? Is he sleeping too little (too much)? Why does it take so long to suck?” Even for the mother of a calm, healthy newborn, questions accumulate like a snowball.

Who should I ask them to? Friends begin to tell the most different stories, from which the doubts only increase. It often happens that they “lost milk” or simply “didn’t work out”, and they unanimously convince the newly made mother not to suffer and to leave this thankless task: “Look, ours have grown up, and that’s okay, they’re healthy!” Numerous relatives also consider joining this chorus. New grandmothers themselves are at a loss - everything happened so long ago, and you won’t remember everything... You won’t call a doctor for such trifles.

It is no secret that good pediatricians are in great demand and therefore extremely busy. It’s inconvenient to bother them with “stupid” questions. After all, the baby is not sick, nothing terrible seems to be happening. This is where breastfeeding doctors can come to the rescue.

Breastfeeding specialist in Moscow

Your call to the CTA hotline (+7 964 709 83 00) is answered experienced doctor according to GV. If the situation requires medical supervision, the consultant will suggest seeing a doctor and tell you how to maintain breastfeeding. When the time comes to finish feeding, we will tell you how to do everything as gently as possible for the baby and mother, without the use of drugs and without injury.

In the “Health from Birth” course, a separate three-hour lesson is devoted to breastfeeding. Together with an experienced breastfeeding specialist, you will thoroughly understand this topic and dispel numerous myths:

  • How to avoid cracks and painful feeding
  • how to tell if your baby has enough milk and what to do if it’s not enough
  • to express or not
  • how to store expressed milk
  • nutrition, health and beauty of a nursing mother
  • and we will certainly discuss everything, everything, that is interesting.

If you have any problems with breastfeeding, our lactation consultants are ready to support you with their experience and knowledge in this important matter, so that your baby has a healthy and happy start in life for the whole family. Call (+7 964 709 83 00)

If only I had enough wisdom and experience, if I could start all over again,

I would definitely give it to my tiny daughter

cozy, serene infancy.

Early development.

Twenty-odd years ago, when my eldest daughter, it was the hottest craze among savvy parents across the country. The names of Lena and Sergei Nikitin thundered, and the star of Igor Charkovsky quickly took off. It seemed to us then that we had finally found it, the magic key to genius and good health. Hurray, now all the records will be ours! You just need to take the time, start training hard and regularly. And young parents usually have a lot of perseverance and enthusiasm.

So our pioneer children have grown up, learning to swim before they can walk and distinguish letters before they can speak. Something has not yet been recorded by the statistics of the surge in giftedness among today's 20-30 year olds - people are just like people. But since the beginning of the nineties, the number of children and adolescents suffering from neuroses began to increase sharply. School teachers unanimously noted that in primary school An unprecedented number of hyperactive children began to arrive with reduced resistance to stress, rapid fatigue, and unable to concentrate or maintain attention well.

I won’t say that it was diving and yoga from the cradle that led to such sad consequences. Of course, many factors played a role here. This includes the unstable situation in which some families found themselves during the perestroika period, the flow of trash on TV, rampant crime, and the sharp acceleration of the dynamics of city life. But what could parents do against all this? We could take care of our children, at least while they were just babies, and not create artificial difficulties for them, guided by the formula: “Physiological stress - necessary condition development of the organism."

Wisdom of Nature

As we study the features more deeply early development brain, neurophysiologists are increasingly warning against drastic interventions in emotional sphere baby. The temptation to “get involved” in the period from birth to three years, called the “window of opportunity,” is very great. After all, it is in the first three years of life that the most important stages in the formation of human brain. But can we be sure that our attempts to somehow improve the maturation program laid down by nature itself will not harm the fragile and complex structure that is the baby’s central nervous system? The famous American neurophysiologist John Brewer, author of the book “The Myth of the First Three Years: A New Understanding of Early Brain Development,” never tires of repeating: there are still no reliable studies that would clearly indicate what strength, intensity and quality should be be irritants, there are also no relevant studies that would confirm the long-term effect of such irritants over time.

But quite well studied negative impact stress on the process of formation of connections between nerve cells. When scientists talk about the rapid development of the brain in infants, they mean the incredibly active creation of bridges between existing cells. Severe or prolonged stress simply blocks the construction of structures that ensure contact between neurons. The suffering and experiences suffered by a person in infancy do not activate, but, on the contrary, complicate and sometimes irreversibly disrupt the functioning of the brain.

It turned out that enthusiasts and innovative educators who launched a vigorous campaign in support of early brain stimulation were somewhat ahead of the final conclusions of scientists. An indicative case is when, at the height of the craze for Doman cards and Mozart discs for babies, an American journalist called the Institute for the Study of Higher Education nervous activity with the question: “Based on neurophysiology, what could you advise parents regarding choosing a developmental kindergarten for their children?” And I received the answer: “Based on neurophysiology - nothing!”

What's more important?

What then should parents do if they are interested in the development of their babies? Let everything take its course, and let your beloved child grow “like a weed”? Of course not, any extremes are bad. It appears that a typical calm and friendly environment, where the child's basic physical and emotional needs are met, provides sufficient stimulation for optimal development. Babies are not left alone, they are carried a lot, they are smiled at, talked to and played with. They have the opportunity to constantly explore right at home - simply crawling around the apartment, opening books pulled from a bookshelf, or overturned baskets of clothes. The baby will determine a feasible load for himself.

Observe how surprisingly unevenly nature distributes human abilities and skills in the first year of life. Mental and physical development babies are still somewhere not very far from the zero mark. But emotionally he is practically equal to us, “big” people. From birth, children are able to experience (and express!) interest, surprise, happiness, fear, and sadness. Life itself tells us what to do with the baby at this stage. Early emotional mutual contact, when parents try to understand their baby and conduct an active dialogue with him, at the level of touches, intonations, quick help in his “little troubles” - this is the most effective developmental activity of all possible.

Scientific research continues, but now we can say with confidence that a normal person, from the moment of birth to death, needs mainly attention, communication, a friendly living environment and sincere interest in himself.

The best predictor of a child's IQ is still, as at all times, social status his family and good family relationships. How better conditions life, the more chances a child has to achieve the maximum of his intellectual potential. So for energetic young parents it will be much more practical to spend their free time not on “improving” the baby using various fashionable techniques, but on their own improvement and personal growth. In order to then have, among other things, the financial opportunity to provide the child with vivid impressions, interesting trips, exciting excursions throughout childhood and adolescence, good schools and tutors, an intellectual social circle. Something without which it is very difficult to become smart and successful.

Wise method

“Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.” This saying was invented by very smart mothers. Techniques that help little man It is easier to adapt to life outside the mother’s womb, while avoiding tears and screams if possible, called the “soft adaptation method.” By protecting and preserving the baby’s nervous system from injury, the mother creates the most favorable conditions for growth and development.

Any transitional age is a difficult time for a person, a reason to support him, to be lenient towards his fears and weaknesses, which may seem funny or insignificant to those who are older and have already gone through all this. Transition from fetal development to independent life implies colossal changes in the conditions of existence. The child does not materialize in the delivery room, he has already lived for 9 months at the time of birth, and lived them in a very comfortable, familiar environment. The world is beautiful, but in order for the baby to be able to appreciate it, it would be nice for adults to help him calmly look around here and get comfortable.

The most important condition for soft adaptation is not to leave the baby alone. Instead, enjoy skin-to-skin contact with your newborn as much as possible. Carry your little one in your arms a lot, sleep with him in your arms (at least during the day on the sofa, if you are not yet ready to put the baby in your bed). Hug, kiss, squeeze and rub your beloved treasure endlessly. You have been waiting for this opportunity even longer than 9 months - since those ancient childhood times when you fell asleep in a hug with your favorite teddy bear. Everything has come true, don’t miss the moment!

Temperature outside.

It was about 38C in the uterus in winter and summer. A full-term baby is ready for the fact that the air will be much colder. And, even if his own thermoregulation mechanisms do not serve him very well yet, it doesn’t matter, because his mother will definitely take him in her arms and will warm him up as needed, cuddling him to herself. In those cultures where carrying a newborn is not accepted, swaddling babies is common. The diaper will help the baby to warm up and calm down, recalling the limited space of the uterus.

We swaddle lightly, so that the baby can press and stretch his arms and legs under the swaddle. Our task is not to tie up, but to gently “collect” the baby.

The upper edge of the diaper should be folded inward by 1.5 - 2 cm and wrapped around the neck (not around the hanger!). In front, place the edges of the diaper overlapping each other, slightly diagonally. It should look like a kimono shirt.

Straighten the bottom edge of the diaper and wrap it just below the child’s waist and secure it. There is no need to pull the diaper. Check that the legs bend and spread freely, and that the baby can easily move his arms at tummy level.

When should I start hardening?

The child himself will begin to actively resolve this issue after 1.5 - 2 months. For example, a four-month-old baby, if he is wrapped up, will not fall asleep on his own and will not allow his parents to sleep. The one-year-old - you can hardly follow him - quickly pulls off his socks and panties, and with obvious pleasure stomps barefoot and bare-bottomed on the cold floor. “Just some kind of punishment!” - the grandmothers are worried.

But a newborn looks very organic in a warm, cozy nest. For a long time It was considered useful to keep the baby in a cool room, dressed in a thin vest and light overalls, so that he could move more actively, so as not to “overwrap.” Living in such spartan conditions will not cause any direct harm to health. Frozen - sneezed - caught a cold - got sick - this, as a rule, does not happen to small children even with extreme hardening procedures. The adaptive capabilities of a full-term baby are very high. But is it worth testing the strength of a defenseless and dumb child? Today's medical standards for caring for newborns require that the baby be provided with thermal protection in the delivery room. Even when providing urgent resuscitation measures, the doctor must take care of this first. Neonatologists often call hypothermia in children in the first month of life “cold injury” and emphasize the huge role of maintaining thermal balance in children. The fact is that a constant lack of heat causes prolonged stress in young children, depleting the body’s resources and negatively affecting their condition. nervous system. During cold stress, energy expenditure may exceed basal metabolic expenditure.

Bathing without tears.

For babies who are very anxious or cry in the bath, so-called “adaptation bathing” can help.

Pour about 3-4 liters of water into the baby bath and the same amount into the jug. The temperature should be 38-38.5C. This is the temperature amniotic fluid, so the baby will find it especially comfortable.

Place the bath slightly inclined or place a special slide on the bottom. A hammock for swimming is also suitable. The main thing is that the child feels a solid support, a bottom, under his back.

Place a thin diaper on your baby and gently lower him into the water while still wearing the diaper.

Scoop warm water from the jug into a mug and slowly pour it onto the diaper.

The baby will calm down and relax. After 10-15 minutes, unroll the diaper and, if possible, quickly and vigorously wash the folds, palms, neck, and head with your hand. (To wash your hair without upsetting your baby, place the palm of your left hand under the neck and hold the back of the head with your index finger. Right hand, scoop up water like a ladle and quickly move your hand from your forehead to the back of your head. 5-6 such movements are enough. The head is clean).

Wrap the child in a large (twice his height) terry towel. Quickly apply directly to the towel to your chest. This should be done before the usual procedures on the changing table and before dressing. Perinatal psychologists say that when falling from the warm weightlessness into the coolness of the room, the baby seems to relive the most dramatic moments of his birth. Let this time it all end for him with a calming, happy reunion with his mother’s breast. Adaptive bathing has a particularly good effect on children who have experienced difficult childbirth and separation from their mother.

If you did everything correctly, the baby will never cry while bathing. Clean, dried with a fluffy towel, pacified with a portion of mother's milk, he is now quite loyal to the handling of folds and dressing.

Dropping a baby off looks something like this from the outside. A mother is sitting with a baby in her arms, chatting with a friend and suddenly says: “Sorry, let’s pause for a second, he seems to be little by little wants". He takes off the baby's pants and holds him over the basin or over the diaper. When the little one with a concentrated look does his business, leaving the sliders dry and clean, the amazed audience will definitely ask: “But how did you guess?!”

The main point of planting is to guess, notice and correctly interpret the baby’s signals. This is not a diaper saving or early potty training program.

It’s better to start from the very first days if you are an experienced mother. And if this is the first child, you can wait a couple of weeks until the fuss and pleasant worries associated with the appearance of an heir subside, and life returns to a calm direction.

Observe your newborn's behavior carefully. Does he whine, worry, but at the same time refuse to latch on to the breast, or grunts and fumbles before waking up? Try taking off your baby’s diaper and saying the magic words (women in any culture know them from somewhere, and they sound very similar in all languages ​​of the world). Very soon you will find yourself getting better and better at determining when to do it.

You may make a few mistakes at first, but usually the process will be fully adjusted within a few days.

Many mothers who practice planting note with surprise that it was this simple process that helped them and their child learn to truly understand each other.

Ethnographers, travelers, and specialists in intercultural research have repeatedly noted with surprise that in societies where the practice of caring for newborns differs significantly from that characteristic of the culture of industrial countries, infant crying is a rare phenomenon and, as a rule, short-lived. And the whole point is that in these societies babies are carried in their arms much more often and more often!

Hand babies

A study conducted by doctors from Canada's McGill University found that infants who received additional hand-carrying cried and fussed 43% less overall, and 51% less in the evening, compared to peers in the control group.

Recently, there are more and more children who like to spend almost all their time in their mother’s arms. A sling comes to the rescue, a patchwork device for carrying a child comfortably.

I know how difficult it can be modern successful woman get used to the new framework associated with limited mobility after the birth of a child. But at the same time I see how difficult it is for a little person to survive the loss of the blissful feeling of continuous unity with his mother. It seems to me that a sling can become a point of compromise, helping two close people get through a difficult period.

Tatyana Kondrashova, consultant AKEV, TsOPS "Mama-City"

Dear mothers, if you need help and support regarding breastfeeding, you can contact a consultant.

My name is Lyashkova Olga. I am a breastfeeding practitioner, founder and author, organizer of a breastfeeding support group in TsPSiR(Moscow), co-author of the manual “Basics of Breastfeeding” for patients of the Center for Breastfeeding. There is a medical book, which is updated in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements for medical workers.

A lactation consultant provides information support on breastfeeding issues. You can seek advice on issues breastfeeding organizations.

Consultation includes:

  • Introduction to basic feeding positions
  • Education correct application baby to the breast, taking into account the individual characteristics of mother and child
  • Recommendations for eliminating difficulties with breastfeeding (cracks, painful feeding, breast pain, lack of milk, baby’s refusal to breastfeed, etc.)
  • Straining (if necessary)
  • Teaching effective pumping techniques
  • Discussion of the principles of successful breastfeeding and prevention of difficulties with breastfeeding
  • Lifestyle and nutrition of a nursing mother
  • Consultation on the introduction of complementary foods
  • Consultation on weaning (features of weaning children different ages)
  • Go to artificial feeding(as needed or if the mother wishes)
  • Discussion of all emerging issues, with the exception of diagnoses and treatment regimens

Face-to-face consultations are carried out at home in Moscow (travel to New Moscow and Moscow Region is possible), last 1.5-3 hours depending on the reason for the request.

After any face-to-face consultation you receive free remote support for any questions you may havewithin 1 month by phone, Skype, Whatsapp, Telegram, email or in any other way convenient for you.

Services and prices

The consultant’s travel outside the Moscow Ring Road is carried out at an extra charge:

Up to 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 500 rub.

From 10 to 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 700 rub.

From 20 to 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 1000 rub.

More than 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road - by agreement

* A repeat visit means a consultation on the same problem for which the initial visit was carried out in situations that require control from the consultant, such as: avoiding supplementary feeding, restoring lactation, small weight gain in a child, etc.

If you are dissatisfied with the result of the consultant’s work, you can receive a refund of the cost of the consultation minus 500 rubles (compensation for travel costs) or a second free consultation on the same problem.