Own wedding in a dream usually causes the girl extremely positive emotions, and therefore the dreamer does not even know what negative interpretation the vision may have. Why did you dream of a wedding without a groom, and can something terrible happen in a girl's personal life?

What if you dream of a wedding without a groom?

Usually people are accustomed to expecting negative dreams about death and illness, but the vision of a wedding without a groom can be no less dangerous for the future. If in a dream a lover runs away from a woman, and she is left alone at the wedding altar, then in real life the lady will have to go through a considerable personal crisis. Perhaps the current relationship will fail, or the dreamer will have to endure betrayal from her future lover.

If in a vision a lady comes to church alone in a wedding dress and she a priori does not have a groom, then in real life the girl attaches too much importance to her failures on the personal front. Endless defeats in love hit the girl so hard that she is ready to give up, but you should not do this, because personal happiness is just around the corner. Seeing yourself crying because of a failed wedding is a good luck in personal matters. Most likely, a woman will finally be able to find happy relationship next to a good man.

To see a beloved man leaves directly from church for another woman during a wedding is to the enormous distrust that exists between partners. Perhaps the owner of the vision suspects her man of something, and this directly affects their closeness.

The girl is especially worried about the appearance of such a dream if in real life she is about to get married. usually, such a vision does not predict anything bad, but rather, on the contrary, indicates the seriousness of the groom's intentions.

If in a dream the bride and groom run away from the celebration together, then in real life the relationship of the couple will experience a new heyday. The planned renaissance will help lovers build up the confidence that they are made for each other.

If a girl dreams that the groom escaped from the wedding, but the celebration in reality has already passed, then the lady has a reason to worry about the safety of the relationship. Perhaps the beloved man does not behave very decently, and this greatly offends the owner of the vision. The problem needs to be discussed, since it can destroy a marriage, which means that the situation should not be hushed up. If the wedding took place recently, and the vision of the absence of the groom constantly bothers the lady, then new status the legal spouse puts a lot of pressure on her.

What portends?

A very bad interpretation has a vision in which the bride and groom quarrel right at the wedding altar, after which the man leaves. Usually this dream means that the lovers will have to go through a real, very large quarrel that can destroy their union. The owner of the vision needs to show extreme restraint in the future, otherwise her relationship may collapse.

If in a vision the groom is kidnapped from the registry office, and the bride cannot find him in any way, then in real life someone will try to harm the lovers by destroying their strong union. Such ill-wishers should be immediately withdrawn to clean water, since their activities in reality can be very harmful to both the woman and her soul mate.

A dream has a good interpretation in which a woman still finds her lover, after which wedding ceremony resumes. This vision means that the owner of the vision and her significant other will be able to cope with all the crises in their relationship.

An unpleasant dream about the groom who disappeared from the wedding can scare a lady even if she does not plan to prepare for the wedding. A vision can have both a positive and a purely negative interpretation, and numerous details will help the dreamer to correctly predict her future.

Dream Interpretations sometimes offer direct interpretations: it is quite natural that such a plot is in love in a dream or busy preparing for a celebration. At the same time, those who do not plan to tie the knot or have been in a marital relationship for a long time are not immune from such dreams.

These signs are of greatest interest to interpreters. Dream books contain many explanations, often contradicting each other; the details of the dream will help to choose the desired option.

Sleep characteristics according to different dream books

    Miller's dream book

    Claims that if you dreamed of a failed wedding, experiences that do not give rest in reality, in fact, will be completely groundless... Painful premonitions will not come true, the feeling of guilt torments for a long-forgiven, if at all noticed by others, act.

    Dream interpretation of Wangi

    Considers a failed wedding in a dream as a harbinger of global business changes, personal life or at home. Perhaps there will be a chance to improve living conditions.

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

    If the symbol was dreamed of by a bachelor, he informs that other relationships are vulnerable now, for example, business, friends or relatives.

    Erotic dream book

    When a married woman dreams of her own ruined wedding with another, the interpreter foreshadows the dreamer's pleasant male attention, not without reciprocity on her part... However, this light falling in love will not serve as a reason to forget about prudence and marital fidelity.

    Aesop's dream book

    If you dreamed of a sudden refusal to get married, the dream book advises to be more careful in financial matters, especially when it comes to large sums or the signing of important contracts.

According to the Psychoanalytic interpretation, an unsuccessful wedding indicates the sleeper's indecision or unwillingness to make important decisions on his own, so that in case of failure, there would be someone to shift the responsibility to.

Whose initiative was it?

To more accurately interpret why a failed wedding is dreaming, dream books focus on the personality of the initiator. If the dreamer canceled the ceremony with his own hand, the sorceress Medea believes that in reality he often hurts himself.

Own escape from the aisle in a dream warns of a high probability of committing a rash act in any of the spheres of life, the consequences of which will remind of themselves for a long time.

When shortly before the wedding in real life dreaming of a sudden refusal of the chosen one, some unpleasant facts of his biography may suddenly emerge... If in a dream you managed to say "no" at the altar, it threatens to be unsuccessful.

I am curious to know why the dream is that the wedding did not take place because one of the parties was late:

  • Long fees in a dream indicate excessive legibility, threatening to eventually turn into loneliness.
  • If you dreamed of such a misunderstanding, an unfortunate accident can disrupt plans.
  • In the coming period the dreamer runs the risk of making a stupid mistake, show forgetfulness, absent-mindedness.
  • If the soulmate is very late in a dream, in reality family life the sleeper will begin in adulthood.

A wedding without a groom in a dream is a rather disturbing symbol. Often he points to problems that the dreamer does not notice or prefers to ignore.

  • A wedding in splendid isolation is a dream when parents do not approve of the choice of a son or daughter.
  • Often the symbol dream of the initiator of tempting changes, which in fact will turn against him.
  • No one but the sleeper wants to take the decision. difficult question.
  • The importance of love and marriage is greatly exaggerated in the eyes of the dreamer.

The groom who is absent from the wedding symbolizes vain expectations. The lunar dream book emphasizes that most experiences have a negative connotation. Remorse, jealousy, or a premonition of trouble will turn out to be unfounded.

If a lonely girl in a dream had to appear in wedding decoration at or a registry office without a pair, Hasse's dream book considers the plot a reflection of past failures on the love front and suffering in this regard.

If you dreamed about a wedding without a groom, this means a forced move or a long trip. When the lover dreamed that the groom was kidnapped during the ceremony, in reality it is necessary to find out some hard-hitting facts of the biography of the chosen one.

If the young people in a dream quarreled so deeply during the wedding that the groom turned around and left, leaving the bride alone, the Muslim dream book informs that in reality this girl will need a lot of emotional strength and female wisdom to keep the relationship. If in a dream the bride herself left the groom alone, in reality she has something to hide.

The escape of the groom from his wedding is considered a bad omen, even in night dreams. Lovers will face separation and many years of loneliness... If you dreamed that the beloved ran away to another, it turns out that in reality he does not differ in crystal honesty.

If you dreamed that neither the groom nor the bride came to the wedding, perhaps the lovers are going through a difficult period. Nevertheless, they will be able to overcome it, difficulties will only strengthen the relationship.

If in his dream on the wedding day the groom waited for the bride in vain, Loff's dream book predicts a serious disappointment in the chosen one. When a girl informs in advance of her intentions, the sign embodies such character traits of the sleeper as shyness and indecision.

If the bride ran away from the holiday in a dream, this means that in real life the girl is not faithful to her chosen one, which serves as a reason for conversations behind her back. If a businessman happened to see such a plot, in reality one should be wary of the antics of competitors.

In the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, there is an interesting explanation of why a married woman dreams of a failed wedding with her legal spouse. Often, the symbol indicates a crisis in relations that can destroy a family if you do not recognize the situation as problematic and close your eyes to it. When the newlyweds dream of such a plot, it means that they are simply not yet accustomed to the status of spouses.

For those who escaped from the crown in a dream, interpreters promise continuous troubles, such as deterioration of health or melancholy for no apparent reason. It is possible that you will receive disappointing news.

If in night dreams due to the fault of the sleeper, two weddings were upset at once, since, being the groom, he managed to escape with someone else's bride, in reality flexibility of mind and resourcefulness will help to achieve the grandiose.

Cancellation of someone else's holiday

From the interpretations of the Universal Dream Book, one can find out why it was necessary to cancel someone else's wedding, at which the dreamer was assigned the role of, if not a witness, then an honored guest or toastmaster. The interpreter advises not to mix friendly relations with financial ones: as a result, there is a high risk of incurring losses, losing friends and tarnishing your reputation.

If you dreamed of someone else's failed wedding, which is to come in reality - in reality, someone is not happy with her and may be taking deliberate action to upset the marriage.

In the Old Dream Book the news of the cancellation of the celebration foreshadows no less unexpected news in reality... It looks like you'll have to change plans on the fly.

An acquaintance who canceled his wedding in a dream, in reality, will not keep his word given to you.

The English dream book sees a good sign in the symbol: the couple who canceled the wedding in a dream has a wonderful future.

Who disrupted the celebration?

In the Big Dream Book, there is an explanation of why the dream is that the wedding ceremony was disrupted by some bully. The dreamer will have to make a lot of efforts so that his new undertaking is crowned with success.

If you dreamed that a homeless woman crossed the road and took away the groom, the French dream book promises that the guy you dreamed about in this capacity, in reality, will not miss his chance, he has a big one.

Dream Interpretations interpret in different ways why the dream is that the wedding was prevented by a catastrophe, terrorist attack or natural disaster. The spring dream book suggests thinking twice before getting involved in a dubious undertaking. Tsvetkov's dream book warns that circumstances will turn out completely differently than expected. The folk predictor believes that the sleeper is expected big changes, it is possible that the positive.

According to the Women's Dream Book, such a plot happens to be seen in a dream by those who are not sure that they are ready for family life.

Or maybe it's for the best?

Some dream books suggest paying attention to the emotions that prevailed in the dream. If, in spite of common sense, you have experienced the joy that the ceremony did not take place, in reality you will finally be able to get rid of the factor that spoiled your life.

Crying because of a broken engagement in Smurova's dream book portends an increase in popularity with the opposite sex... The chances of meeting your own among the many quite worthy candidates are very high.

It should be remembered that wedding dreams shortly before marriage often reflect pre-wedding chores and excitement. The symbols seen are far from always symbolic. and should certainly not be a cause for concern.

Often "future wives" on the eve of the wedding day see nightmares that her lover changed his mind about getting married and did not show up at the registry office. Psychologists call this prenuptial syndrome. But if it happened that you are not going to get married, and you dreamed of a wedding without a groom, then be sure to find out why such a plot is dreaming, the dream books advise. Especially if the event in a dream was in your honor.

Gustav Miller explained in different ways why he dreams of a wedding without a groom. For example, if an unmarried girl dreamed that her chosen one was skimping on his own marriage, then this means a number of small but offensive failures.

For a married lady, getting her own marriage without a "soul mate" means unpleasant surprises from her spouse.

Personal celebration is a sign of nervous tension

Pastor Loff's dream book, explaining why he dreams of his own wedding without a groom, gives the following recommendations: stop "putting pressure" on your loved one. The dreamer feels that she is too restrictive of the chosen one, but is afraid of losing him if she loses her vigilance even for a moment. The result can be disastrous: either the girl will lose her nerves, or the guy will run out of patience.

The eastern dream book is less categorical. Your wedding without a groom, seen in a dream, is a symbol of a new relationship, perhaps even with the same partner. And here, their wedding in a church, where the girl is alone at the altar, is a sign that the couple lacks "closeness of souls." This marriage is not so much for love, but because "everyone does it, and I need it."

Someone else's wedding: From misunderstandings to danger

Did you see someone else's wedding without a groom in a dream? Remember whether you know the bride or not, and dream books will tell you why this is a dream. Is the bride in a dream an unfamiliar woman? There is nothing terrible in a dream, all that you come across is a minor misunderstanding.

And if the bride was a close friend, then this speaks of your affection for her, especially if you have been close friends for a long time. You are afraid of losing "a piece of yourself" if she gets married, so you subconsciously do not want her to marry, explains the Lunar Dream Book.

A friend's wedding in a dream was upset because her fiance was taken away by another woman? Warn your friend that she is in danger.

Reason for failure to appear

Whatever wedding you dreamed about without a groom, remember an important detail: what exactly prevented the newlywed from being present at the holiday. This is necessary for an accurate interpretation of the dream.

  • The groom forgot about the day of the wedding - to unpleasant news.
  • I dreamed that the unsuccessful spouse was taken away by a female lover - to a quarrel with her lover.
  • The young man changed his mind about getting married - expect deception from friends.
  • The grief-groom got stuck in a "traffic jam" or arrived in the wrong place - to unnecessary fuss and hassle.

A Sad Ceremony, or Beware of Trouble

If in a dream you see a “young” woman in a wedding dress and a veil standing at the altar, and in her hands she holds a photo of her deceased lover, with whom she did not have time to go down the aisle, then be prepared for serious trouble, warns the dream book of Nostradamus. Especially if Wedding Dress was black.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sadness, death; dancing at a wedding - trouble with the opposite sex; communicate with guests - things will get confused.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Dreamed of a wedding

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream at a wedding means that you will quickly find a way out of the circumstances that can cause your anxiety and obstacles to your success. If a young woman dreams of a secret wedding, this is very unfavorable for the characteristics of her nature. It is possible that the dream will lead her to the idea of ​​the need to curb herself. If in a dream she accepted the offer, this means that she will rise in the opinion of those who stand above her, and the expected promises will not be deceived. If in a dream she thinks that her parents do not approve of her marriage, this means that her engagement will not be approved by her relatives. If she dreams that her lover is marrying another, the dream portends unnecessary suffering and empty groundless fears. If you dream that you are already married, this is a sad omen. If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding, this means that her family life will be unhappy. If this happens at someone else's wedding, she will be saddened by the unhappy fate of a relative or friend. Sleep can portend annoyance or illness instead of the expected happiness and health. The pleasant journey that will take place in reality after such a dream can be seriously upset by an unpleasant intrusion or other surprise.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing someone's wedding in a dream is good news, which, although not directly related to you, will still affect you too. If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will need to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Why is the wedding dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be at the wedding - sadness, death or trouble for the one who is getting married; for the sleeping person - illness; to be a guest at the wedding of a friend, acquaintance - joint affairs (what a bride looks like - such is the case); dancing at a wedding - trouble with the opposite sex; see Guest, Wedding.

Why dream about a wedding

according to Vanga's dream book

Walking in a dream at a wedding is a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your whole life for you. Being in a dream at your wedding is evidence that soon you will need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your whole future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were attending a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life, someone close to you will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Why is the wedding dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(the procedure itself, the ceremony) - the arrangement of affairs.

Why dream of someone else's wedding according to Freud

according to Freud's dream book

The famous psychologist argued that the dreaming of a wedding that was not one of his own was a sign of good news. However, they may not be directly related to the dreamer. What is Freud without sexual overtones? Another interpretation of such a plot in his dream book is insane. fantastic sex with a partner that will bring both mutual pleasure. If the person dreaming is still virgin, it symbolizes the fear of sexual intercourse. Freud viewed these fears as stupid and unfounded.

What does someone else's wedding seen in a dream mean

according to the general dream book

A wedding seen in a dream has long been considered not a very good omen, especially for single guys and single girls. But modern dream books give slightly different interpretations of this plot. Every detail of a night dream is important: the characters of the dream, the setting, and so on. After all, a wedding can be dreamed in different ways. Even for different people a dream wedding can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, the dreamer should try to figure out for himself what kind of relationships connect him with people or events in his night dreams, and then look for explanations in dream books. When asked why someone else's wedding is dreaming, there are several different interpretations. Read the interpretation of this dream in different dream books on our website in order to bring them to a common denominator and understand what this dream means for you personally.

Someone else's wedding in a dream - Miller's dream book

according to Miller's dream book

If a person in a dream sees himself as a guest at someone else's wedding, then in reality he is experiencing difficulties in life, according to Miller's dream book. Such a dream indicates the imminent resolution of existing problems. If a young girl sees herself at the marriage of her boyfriend with an unknown woman, then there is no reason for alarm and excitement. This dream does not mean the betrayal of her young man in reality, but only speaks of some experiences, troubles in the coming days. However, they will have no consequences. To see a woman in a dream of a man in a mourning image at a wedding is a harbinger of the unfavorable life of some people close to her, or to illness and bad luck on the upcoming trip.

Why is someone else's wedding dreaming? dream book wang

according to Vanga's dream book

The fortuneteller Baba Vanga gives this interpretation of a dreaming someone else's wedding: seeing yourself as an important guest at it is a signal that in the near future you will have to help your friends or relatives in something. The clairvoyant recommends that you take this support seriously, since after a while you will have to turn to this person for participation. If the dreamer is just walking at someone's wedding - to a meeting with cheerful friends and a boring rest in the company. You should be careful in a dream: there is a possibility that you will notice your soul mate among the guests at the wedding.

The dream of someone else's wedding - interpretation from Loff's dream book

according to Loff's dream book

A rather unusual interpretation of someone else's wedding is given by Loff's dream book. If in reality no events related to marriage are expected, then the event you saw at night can be perceived as a prediction of some phenomenon or story related to the obligations that you plan to shoulder. Loff believed that the setting at the wedding was important. Cheerful and carefree suggests that you have chosen the right path. Sad and tense is a sign that it is better to give up responsibilities that you may not master. From these interpretations, it becomes clear that opinions differ regarding the dreaming of someone else's wedding. However, if you decipher the events seen at night in the way that V. Sinelnikov recommends, you can find exactly the interpretation that suits the dreamer personally. Listen to your feelings, think about what the details and characters you saw could mean for you. In this case, the definition in the dream book will help to supplement the overall picture of the dream and correctly interpret its scenario.

Tsvetkov's dream book - dreamed of someone else's wedding

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

In this dream book, the dreaming of the wedding ceremony is interpreted unambiguously. Whatever the wedding, it does not predict anything good. Better get ready for unpleasant events that may soon happen in reality.

To dream of a wedding ceremony

according to Loff's dream book

Obviously, before proceeding to the painstaking work of interpreting such a dream, the dreamer will have a desire to study the possible events that gave rise to this dream, such as other weddings in real life. This dream can be a simple wish fulfillment or a personal expectation. However, if you are not on the verge of similar events, there may be other scenarios. First of all, you should consider the other circumstances of your life. Are you taking on a heightened commitment, or are you on the verge of making an important commitment to your employer, partner, or other person related to you? This dream can serve as a commentary on how appropriate this commitment is for you. If your wedding is going well, then you probably think you are forming a solid union. If you see the wedding as a disaster or your role is unclear to you, then there may be a need to reconsider the responsibilities assigned to you.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream of a wedding ceremony, this indicates that you cannot imagine sexual relations without love for a person. You cannot go to bed with him, even for the sake of pleasure. His feelings towards you are important to you. And yours - to him.

Why is there a dream about a wedding

according to Vanga's dream book

A wedding in dreams is, as it were, a test of your feelings for your loved one. In a dream, to attend the wedding of a young couple - in reality, to relive a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half. If you dreamed that you were getting married, then this predicts you not so much legal and carnal as a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will walk a common path together, share troubles and joys. In a dream, to act as a priest performing a wedding ceremony - in reality to experience the shock associated with a presentiment of trouble that threatens a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere with the events that are taking place. They are not under your control because they are under the power of God.

The meaning of a dream about a registry office

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a registry office, this suggests that you want to legitimize your relationship, which means that your marriage is not far off. And if you haven’t made a marriage proposal yet, or, on the contrary, no one has made it to you, then this event will happen very soon.

Why is the bride dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

expectation; hope in business (for men); to be a bride - to income; inappropriate dress - marriage or business (for men) - will not work.

The meaning of the dream about the bride

according to Freud's dream book

For a woman, to see herself in a dream as the bride of her beloved person means a quick change in personal relationships. Perhaps it will be a reconciliation after a long quarrel with someone with whom you have long despaired of making contact. Your problem is that you are too demanding from your chosen one for official recognition of your relationship. Moderate your ardor a little, perhaps after a while your chances will be much higher. If in a dream you (we are talking about women) saw your daughter as a bride, then such a dream suggests that you subconsciously compare yourself with her and often the comparison is not in your favor. You note that you have grown old, your appearance has changed, your character has deteriorated. You imagine yourself in her place, you want the same success that she has. If a man saw his partner or even his wife in the guise of a bride, then such a dream suggests that he is currently not sure of his masculine strength, it seems to him that he is about to suffer a failure. And in the dream, he tries to return to the time when success was guaranteed. If a man saw his daughter as a bride, then this dream portends the dreamer a quick pleasure walk, which he will take with great pleasure. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited meeting with the one he long time did not see and secretly wish to see.

Dreamed of a bride

according to Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees herself in a dream as a bride, this portends her receiving an inheritance that will greatly delight her. But only if she gladly puts on a wedding dress. If, at the same time, she has unpleasant sensations, she will suffer from disappointment in her affections. Seeing in a dream that you are kissing the bride means a happy reconciliation of friends. If the bride kisses others, it portends a lot of friends and pleasures for you. If she kisses you, sleep promises you excellent health. It is possible that your beloved will unexpectedly receive an inheritance. Kissing a bride and noticing that she looks tired and sick means that you will not enjoy the success and actions of your friends. If a real bride dreams that she is indifferent to her husband, this portends a lot of unpleasant circumstances that will ruin her several days in her new life.

Why is the groom dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

worries, hindrances, delays in business; laughing is a deception.

The meaning of the dream about the groom

according to Freud's dream book

A dreaming groom (not someone else's, but an abstract groom in a suit and with a traditional bouquet) promises you a change in your personal life. Either you will make a pleasant acquaintance in all respects with all the ensuing consequences, or change your personal status - an unmarried woman will marry, and an unmarried man will marry. If in a dream you saw a groom without a bride, it means that in real life you suffer from a lack of integrity and harmony of your intimate relationships. You feel that everything is not going at all the way you would like it, but how to return harmony to sex, you do not know. If you saw the groom together with the bride in a dream, it means that your relationship both in life and in bed can only be envied.

Why is the wife dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(former or deceased) - return of old affairs; debt repayment; (in her husband's dream) - current work; favorite or least favorite pastime; earnings; to fight with her is reconciliation; scolding - to the illness of one of the spouses; caressing her husband - great income; a wife beats her husband - to illness; a man beats his wife or woman - for love or consent; the wife dreams of a very affectionate husband - it is very bad in the family; go together, to parting; traveling, traveling together - monetary losses; feasting - to separation; to acquire a wife (unfamiliar in reality) - the arrangement of affairs depending on beauty and stature; ex-wife- an old thing; to connect with her - obstacles in a proven case; see Husband.

The meaning of a dream about a veil

according to Freud's dream book

If a man wore a veil on his head in a dream, it means that he needs to take care of himself and be less upset about minor problems. The fact is that a somewhat infantile attitude towards life can lead to undesirable consequences and you yourself will not notice how you will turn into a creature that sheds tears at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. If such a dream was seen by a woman, it means that soon something unusual will happen in her family, and you will have to strain a little to normally perceive the news. For an unmarried woman or girl to wear a veil in a dream - to meet a man who will play a big role in her life. A torn or dirty veil is a sign of deception.

Dreamed of a wedding dress

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a wedding dress in a dream means that soon you will be involved in pleasant public works and meet new friends there. Seeing a dress soiled or in disarray portends that you will lose a close relationship with the person you most adore.

Dreamed of marriage

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to see in a dream that she is marrying an old decrepit man means that illness will be added to all other troubles. If, during the ceremony, her lover in black passes by, looking at her with reproach, this portends the cooling of her friends to her. To see a marriage ceremony in a dream means joy and pleasure, if only in a dream the guests are dressed in light clothes and are cheerful. Black clothes on the guests promise sadness. If you are a minister at a wedding ceremony, you will experience pleasure and self-care in reality. To see an accident during a wedding portends suffering. If a young woman sees herself as a bride, but not very happy, this portends her disappointment in love. This dream is favorable for a person who is happily married. But for any married woman a dream about her own wedding prompts her to abandon vanity and pettiness.

It is known that a wedding ceremony is a wonderful, bright, bright event. Previously, it was believed that such an event was dreamed of for joy, well-being and incredible luck. Over time, the interpretation has changed: many dream books reveal the essence in different ways. Why see your wedding in a dream? You will find the answer below.

Why dream of your own wedding

The most common question in search engines is, why is your wedding dreaming? Consideration of the three most popular meanings will help to give a clear interpretation of different dream books:

  1. The event can be dreamed of before receiving good news, good events. Such an event promises only joy and not a single sad news.
  2. To dream of a wedding where sad guests gathered for a walk, parents - to illness, bad news and unpleasant deeds.
  3. If you dream of a marriage, this is a sign: it's time to devote more time to your soulmate.

Wedding preparations

In most cases, the preparation of such an event can be dreamed of by young girls and women over 35. Perhaps this is just someone's dream that should come true. However, if you turn to the pages of the dream book, then he will explain why you are dreaming about preparing for your own wedding:

  1. The partner wants to tell you about all his feelings, but he does not dare.
  2. If in a dream a girl prepares herself, wearing a beautiful white dress, tries on it in a store, it means that it is planned to purchase some kind of global purchase.
  3. If you dreamed about a wedding, it is a bustle, pleasant chores around the house and heartfelt confessions, an invitation to a date.

Why dream of a married wedding

If girls, being not married, have pleasant dreams about a wedding celebration - there is nothing surprising here. On the other hand, it is very alarming why a married lady's own wedding is dreaming:

  1. See yourself in remarried, but already in a dream - you need to sort out your family. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding or a slight disagreement.
  2. If a married woman dreamed of a wedding, then it is quite possible that there is another man who is ready to act and win the lady.
  3. If this is a dream of a married lady, then you should expect trouble that you cannot hide from. Sooner or later, a moment comes when your own dream indicates relationship problems with your spouse.

To an unmarried girl

Probably, every daughter would like to see her own celebration in a dream. White dress, happy mom, beautiful decor, vow and many flowers. But is it as beautiful and pleasant as in reality? Why does an unmarried girl dream of her wedding:

  1. If this is a celebration with a loved one, a loved one in a dream, then in reality the relationship of the couple will become even stronger than before. There is love and trust, tenderness and real care.
  2. If a girl sees a stranger as her husband, unexpected events will happen that will turn everything upside down. In general, in any dream, an unfamiliar young man is a fateful messenger of good news.
  3. A dream promises immediate responsible decisions.

Why does a man dream of a wedding

Sometimes the male sex also dreams of pleasant moments associated with wedding celebration... For some it will be a sign, for others it will be an obstacle. Here is an interesting interpretation of why a married man dreams of a wedding:

  1. Basically if young man dreamed of his own marriage, then he will face drastic changes in work. And most importantly, these changes will be favorable. For example, a long-awaited promotion or starting your own business.
  2. For married man, if you dream of a wedding, this is a new round in your relationship with your soulmate. A person recognizes his spouse from another interesting side, which he did not notice before.
  3. Basically, own triumph - to correct mistakes, revise all past grievances.

Why dream of your wedding with your beloved

Girls on the eve of their own holiday can no longer think of anything else. This is a lot of stress for the body, because everything needs to be great. Therefore, many dreams about a celebration do not mean anything if an event is about to take place. But why dream of a wedding with a guy, if there was no question of a personal holiday? There are several interpretations of this dream.

Basic interpretations:

  1. The second half as a husband is already a good sign. Most likely, the relationship will move to a new stage, which will be much more comfortable and interesting for both people.
  2. Love works wonders, therefore, if you see a triumph and a half in your dreams, it means that it is not far off romantic confession, about which the girl dreamed for many years, pregnancy.
  3. Favorite guy, like the most strong shoulder, which is important to rely on. A holiday with a half, without which you cannot live, is stability, prosperity and trust between people.

With husband

Many are interested in the question of what is the dream of a wedding with their own husband? Most dream books give an unambiguous interpretation of such an event. If the marriage involves real spouses, then problems are worth waiting for. This can be both a showdown and discord in the family. To prevent all misunderstandings, it is better to come to a common denominator. Sometimes dreams tend to come true. In any case, it is better to look into the dream book.

With a friend

Boyfriend friends in a dream is a good sign, but not for a girl, but for a male. Why dream of a wedding with a friend? There are a lot of options, here are some of them:

  1. I dreamed of a wedding - a guy who acts as a husband will have a girl for whom he will be ready for anything.
  2. Most likely, he does not consider the mistress of the dream as a friend. There is something much more here than simple conversations and advice: sympathy or unrequited love.
  3. A friend wants to report or tell about something he is carrying in the shower. It is worth listening to him, suddenly this information becomes useful and necessary.

A failed wedding

If the celebration was cut short in the midst of it, this is already bad. Many girls begin to worry: why are they dreaming of running away from their wedding? It is important here to pay attention to the emotions that the dreamer is experiencing. If this is a grief, then things are not far off, which I really do not want to complete to the end. If this is joy, then the load that previously pressed hard will fall, but nothing good will come of it. Many dream books, for example, Miller, interpret a dream in which a runaway bride is present as a messenger of an unwanted marriage.

With ex-boyfriend

When parting, the girl's soul is overwhelmed with emotions. It is both relief and suffering at the same time. In such a difficult period, dreams of a different nature can be seen. Why dream of a wedding with ex-boyfriend even if it's already completed? Firstly, this may mean that a not the most pleasant stage has come in the girl's life. Secondly, sooner or later the black stripe will change to white. The female sex needs to devote time to herself, her beloved, to discard all acquired negativity and believe in a bright future.

With ex-husband

The female gender often asks the question of why the wedding with her ex-husband is dreaming about? Why doesn't the past let go, constantly finds them? This can be explained by only one clear fact: the girl still often thinks about breaking up and returning. Why dream of a wedding - your own? May dream ex-husband, requiring a reassessment of all the actions that were once taken. Most likely, it's time to learn from your own mistakes.