So the first year of life has passed. Looking back, moms don't get tired wonder how quickly the child turned from a “screaming bag” into a little explorer. He already quite confidently walks around the apartment, looks into cabinets and bedside tables, examines their contents. The kid does not hide his delight: it turns out that there are so many curious things at home that you can touch, take out, throw around! And how many of them are in the yard and in the park!

Each new subject is of great interest to him. It is no coincidence that experts say that it is precisely objective activity that becomes at this time the main type of activity of children.

Let us note two more important features of this stage.

Firstly, babies at this age are especially susceptible. For the first time they discover for themselves those phenomena and properties of the surrounding world, to which we have long been accustomed. Therefore, every day of their lives is filled with special emotionality, which in turn helps to firmly consolidate new knowledge and impressions, skills and abilities. At no other age will a child absorb everything new so easily as in early childhood.

Secondly, children at this stage have an excellent ability to imitate. And they imitate adults with great pleasure. That is why experts believe that this age is simply ideal for conducting educational games designed to help a child get an idea of ​​the world in which he lives and teach him to use his own capabilities.

Before we move on to examples of specific educational games for children 1 year old, carefully read the general principles and the specifics of their implementation.

Increased safety requirements come to the fore! Of course, you have thought about how to protect your child from any trouble before. Still: the baby is your main jewel. And yet, right now, mom should be on the alert. The child seeks to make the most of his new opportunity - the ability to walk. His life changed dramatically. You no longer need to wait for mom to give him the thing she likes or take him in her arms wherever she wants. He can move himself! And he does it. Mom did not even have time to blink an eye - and the baby was already in another room.

At the same time, the child's movements are still very imperfect, because the muscles are rather poorly developed, and the coordination of movements leaves much to be desired. Therefore, make sure that the space for games is equipped appropriately. No wires on the floor. No corners to hurt a child. No glass doors or countertops. In short, nothing that could harm the child.

In addition, the baby does not yet understand how dangerous some of the items of interest to him can be. Therefore, when preparing manuals and toys that you will need in conducting educational games for children of 1 year old, always ask yourself the question: "Do they pose a potential threat to the baby?" Think, can you leave the child alone with this or that object, if, for example, you have to turn away for a minute? Even if the child shows an increased interest in things that contain small parts, have sharp corners or can break - in no case leave them in the hands of the crumbs!

It is best to purchase special sets of didactic toys in the store. Large bright cubes of different colors, balls, pyramids, boards with holes and inserts, cups-inserts, wooden hammers with a set of pegs and the like will come in handy. And also small toys (you can "finger") for story games.

An important point: the speech of an adult is already capable of influencing the behavior of a child, but so far not in all situations. Consider this feature when conducting educational games for children 1 year old. Do not expect your child, like in school, to clearly fulfill your requirements. As a rule, one-year-old children very easily and quickly come into play at the command of an adult - after all, they are curious about it. You ask the child to roll a cart, assemble a pyramid or bring a toy - and his interest in play activities instantly flares up in him. But it's just as easy for the kid to finish the game yet.

For example, you can ask your child to put the blocks into a box after class, and he will willingly do this. And then he will immediately begin to get them again. For him, the game continues! Do not scold your baby under any circumstances. Be patient. This is just a feature of the psyche of a one-year-old child. When the time comes to complete the next game activity, try to switch your attention to something more interesting. For example, instead of taking away the doll because it’s time for lunch, tell the kid: “Let Lyalya eat with us!” Of course, you will have to "feed" the doll with the baby.

Remember that one-year-olds are impulsive. They are governed not by values ​​formed over the years, but by desires that have arisen at the moment. Perhaps you are deeply convinced that the child now needs an educational game with a matryoshka or with cubes. But it is unlikely that your attempts to attract the attention of crumbs with toys will be successful if at this moment something more interesting falls into his field of vision: for example, a mobile phone left by his dad.

Therefore, the task of parents when conducting educational games for children of 1 year old is to protect the child from everything that will distract him. Working radio and TV, voices in the next room or bright advertisements on the computer screen - all this can attract the attention of the baby. And, of course, the mother should very emotionally, with convincing intonations in her voice, encourage the child to play.

Finally, do not forget that the baby is not yet able to concentrate on a particular activity for a long time... Don't ask the impossible from him. Of course, you want to develop your child comprehensively. But this can be achieved not only by offering him more and more educational games for 1 year old children. Better to make the games complex. For example, movement games can also contribute to the development of speech, and plot games can be combined with musical activities.

Story games

Narrative games should become an integral part of educational games for 1 year old children. To conduct them, you must have a sufficient number of appropriate toys: dolls and bears, horses and dogs. They should be in full view of the child. And best of all in such a way that the baby can pick them up if desired.

But don't expect a one-year-old to play them himself. He needs to be shown an example. Take some toys and act out a little show. For example, with a bunny and a chanterelle. Comment on your actions. “The bunny is jumping! Jump! Jump! Good bunny! The fox came running. He wants to catch a bunny. Oh no no no! The bunny was frightened by the chanterelle. Run away, bunny! The bunny ran away. " Next time, you can change the characters (for example, take a cat and a dog).

Games for boys and girls

When conducting educational games for children 1 year old, emphasis should be placed on traditional toys that correspond to the gender of the child.

So, in games with boys at this age, you can already use cars, boats or airplanes. True, just roll the car on the table or play
a bath with the same boat, the child will soon get bored. Therefore, try to make the games varied. For example, a boat can carry passengers. And the machine is to slide down the hill (pay attention to the fact that the machine goes down by itself, but does not roll up itself, it needs to be rolled).

Girls also need to be shown how to play with dolls. For example, a mother can take a doll, comb her hair, or "feed" it. In this case, it is necessary to accompany your actions with comments, for example: “We are combing Lyalu. Like this. Comb. Everyone, combed their hair. Lyalya has become beautiful! "

Such games will greatly contribute to the development of objective activity.

Movement development games

One of the most common parental mistakes is that they believe: "You need to develop a child's intellect, and he will learn to run and jump without the help of adults himself." But this is not the case. The kid needs to purposefully create opportunities to improve movements. This is extremely important in the second year of life.

Be sure to include in the set of educational games for 1 year old children exercises that improve walking, crawling, squatting, etc.

The simplest games for developing movement at this age are throwing and pushing away balls and balls, the ability to climb (on a sofa or under a table - for example, to "catch up with a runaway toy") and climb over (for example, over a sofa cushion, behind which a child is "waiting for a plush a dog who wants to play with him "). Perhaps your kid will enjoy the opportunity to crawl under an obstacle behind a toy (for this you can specially pull a ribbon).

It is useful to walk up and down an incline. It is good to combine such activities with simple rhymes that emphasize each step, for example: “I am going, I am going! I won't fall anywhere! " You can also teach your baby to move "like a bear" (swinging from side to side) and "like a bunny" (jumping). And after one and a half years, the child is already able to step over objects (for example, over the cubes scattered on the floor).

Remember your baby's wonderful ability to imitate. Be sure to include “do as I do” games into the set of activities.

Music games

Surely you have already repeatedly played your child recordings of lullabies, children's songs and excerpts from classical works. Why not combine listening to your favorite tunes with story games or movement games? After all, music can be fast and slow, funny and sad. Plush bunnies can "jump and have fun in the meadow" to the cheerful music. And under sadness, you can gently shake your arms raised above your head with your child.

You can teach your child to clap to the beat of the music. Or beat the rhythm with squeaky hammers. Of course, while the crumb will not be able to keep to the beat. It will take some time before he succeeds. And you can start trying everything right now.

And, of course, give your baby the opportunity to move to the music. Show him an example, dance at a slow and fast pace - and invite him to dance with you. Of course, there can be no question of learning some dance moves.

Games for acquaintance with the outside world and development of speech

We advise you to regularly include these exercises in a set of educational games for children 1 year old. Toddlers want to learn more and more new words. They are interested in the names of the subjects they are interested in. But, of course, in the second year of life, they still cannot ask about it using speech. Therefore, they point at the object of interest with a finger. Be sure to encourage the curiosity of the crumbs! Show how happy you are with his question: “What a fine fellow! The kid pointed to the bunny! It's a bunny! " If you show your approval on a regular basis, your child will be more and more interested in the names of the items.

Introduce the child to concepts such as "cold - warm", "smooth - fluffy", dark - light, etc. For example, let me touch a cup of warm tea and say, "The cup is warm." And then - with cold water: “And this one is cold. Cold cup ". Secure this material the next day by placing the baby's pen under a stream of water and commenting accordingly on what is happening: “The water is warm, warm. Ouch! Cold! Warm again! "

While walking, you should not demand from the child that he does not touch anything and “throw out the byaka”. Let him touch the grass, leaves, bark of the tree (just make sure that dirty hands do not end up in your mouth after that, carry a supply of wet wipes with you). Pronounce the names of all the objects that interested the baby: “This is grass. This is a piece of paper. This is a tree".

Talk to your baby. Name, comment, explain. And remember: the baby is going through a unique period. And you have a unique opportunity to influence its development.

Best regards, Svetlana Ivanova.

When the child turns one year old, parents can breathe a sigh of relief - the most difficult thing is left behind. Ahead is the most interesting: a time of rapid development, knowledge of the world around and the acquisition of new skills.

Classes for a one-year-old child with mom

One-year-old babies are always on the move: with curiosity they explore the far corners of the apartment, open cabinet doors, check the contents of boxes, pots and pots of flowers.

At one year old, babies need someone who will help make new discoveries and make it safe. Children listen carefully to everything that their parents say, and even answer in their own language, they understand a lot. They are happy to support any game proposed by an adult. It will not be difficult for mom to figure out what to do with a child at 1 year old. He is fascinated by everything: cotton swabs, napkins, boxes with lids, rags, kitchen utensils.

At this age, kids enjoy soap bubbles and musical instruments. They easily memorize and repeat the actions with objects that adults do: they depict how mom blows bubbles, follows dad, fingering guitar strings, confidently wielding drum sticks, and even making the sounds of music from a pipe.

Children love to watch their own actions and the consequences of those actions. They tear up the cotton wool, scatter the clothes that they pulled out of the closet, pour water from the cup. It is worth providing a surface that can be painted with finger paints and you can forget about the problem, how to keep your one-year-old child busy at home.

Joint classes with mom contribute to the development of the child in different directions:

  • Development of speech;
  • Development of sensorics and fine motor skills;
  • Creative development;
  • General development;
  • Self-service skills development;
  • Physical development.

All classes are playful and bring only joy.

Why does a one-year-old child need a regimen

The daily routine creates a sense of stability. It is easier for a mother if she knows what time the child wakes up when he goes to sleep during the day and at night. It helps to intelligently allocate and plan time for housework, preparing meals for the baby, walking, playing and activities with the child.

The daily routine is based on the knowledge of the child's rhythms: when he usually wakes up, when he is awake and ready to play, and when he is hungry or ready to sleep. This knowledge allows us to predict the desires of the baby and respond correctly to his behavior. One-year-old children still do not know how to communicate their desires, so capricious behavior speaks of the need for rest or that it is time for food.

The mode helps to create comfortable conditions for the little one: to put to bed and feed so as to avoid unwanted behavior. During naps, the mother has the opportunity to decide what to do with the one-year-old baby when he wakes up, and to prepare for this.

The daily routine has a positive effect on children. Periods of rest and rest are followed by periods of activity, after outdoor games, walking in the fresh air and eating food, children want to sleep. Order and stability form a sense of security, without which it is more difficult for a child to develop correctly.

Educational games for one year old kids

Any game that parents can entertain children at this age becomes developmental. Kids, like sponges, absorb everything new that adults show them. The most effective development is the one that brings pleasure. This is achieved in a playful way. In order to achieve the best result, you need to know how to develop a child at 1 year old, and which games are more suitable for this:

  1. For the development of speech:
  • games for the development of gross motor skills (finger and gesture);
  • games for the development of articulation - helping to learn how to blow;
  • reading rhymes and nursery rhymes that help pronounce sounds;
  • mom reading books for children from one year old;
  • listening to songs.
  1. To develop sensorimotor skills:
  • laying out small objects in cells, transferring them from one container to another;
  • playing with kinetic sand: collect sand into a spatula, fill it into a mold, knock on an inverted mold with a spatula;
  • removing objects of medium size from containers using a spoon or ladle;
  • playing with water, better in the bathroom while bathing with toys;
  • building a tower from cubes and pyramids from rings;
  • pushing objects through the hole;
  • rolling a ball or car from a slide or an inclined surface;
  • wheelchair riding, toys on a string;
  • unfolding toys hidden in foil;
  • opening and closing jars and boxes.
  1. For creative development:
  • Painting;
  • modeling;
  • work with the test.
  1. For general development:
  • study of sizes, colors, geometric shapes;
  • the study of fruits and vegetables, clothing and household items;
  • activities with toy animals or their images in pictures: each animal is named, then the sounds that it makes are depicted;
  • the study of cars, airplanes, trains and the sounds they reproduce;
  • story games for doctor, cook, builder.
  • encouraging the baby to drink from a cup,
  • try to eat with a spoon,
  • brush your teeth,
  • get acquainted with the pot.

Additional Information. No matter how much you want to develop a child, you should not put pressure on him and force him to do what he does not like. You should turn your attention to another game or to what you can teach your child a year.

Educational toys

Toys for one-year-olds don't have to be flashy. They are subject to safety and benefit requirements. In accordance with the directions of development, objects, books and toys are selected:

  1. For the development of speech:
  • bubble;
  • pipe.
  1. For the development of sensorics and fine motor skills:
  • kinetic sand;
  • the simplest insert frames and the largest puzzles;
  • cups of different colors and sizes;
  • cubes, pyramids;
  • sorters;
  • lacing;
  • business board.
  1. For creative development:
  • Finger paint;
  • plasticine;
  • dough;
  • constructor;
  1. For general development:
  • nesting dolls;
  • balls of different colors;
  • dolls and soft toys in the form of animals;
  • books or pictures made of dense material with realistic images of fruits, vegetables, berries, clothing and household items, modes of transport;
  • play set doctor and a set of construction tools.
  1. To develop self-service skills:
  • play sets of cut vegetables, cutlery and dishes;
  • a cup with a spout;
  • a spoon with a curved handle;
  • children's toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • beautiful pot.

Interesting ideas for practicing at home

There is no need to shield your child from household chores. This will help the baby to develop faster, and will bring up an assistant to the delight of the parents. It is worth letting your child:

  • Wipe the table with a cloth. You can moisten a cloth with water, which is usually used to wipe the dining table or children's table, show with what movements they wipe the surface, and give it to the baby. He will happily repeat the actions. Let not everything work out perfectly the first time. The more often the parents give the child the opportunity to prove themselves by doing simple assignments and praise him, the faster the child will learn to do everything correctly, see the value of his own work, learn to appreciate other people's work and understand that the parents trust him.

  • Sweep the floor with a brush. This work is best done in pairs. To do this, it is worth purchasing a children's set of a brush and a scoop. The kid will watch the parents and try to repeat. The feeling of importance and need will play a role, the child will be happy with his participation.
  • Load the laundry into the washing machine. Children love to imitate adults: they help carry the laundry from the basket into the washing machine or take out clean laundry from the machine, helping their mother hang it up.

Active pastime for toddlers per year

The mental and physical development of children is related to each other, therefore, at the age of one, it is necessary to encourage the baby to move more. Many are already walking and need daily practice and exercise to improve their skill. You can start doing simple gymnastics, exercises in the morning. After a couple of months, jump.

It becomes possible to play outdoor games. This can be catch-up and hide-and-seek behind a closet door or curtains, a ball game or with a car, which involves rolling on the floor or a built road. You can throw and catch the ball with your mother, roll it.

Climbing and descending the ladder steps under the supervision of an adult is a good activity. Piles of books, folded in the form of steps, will do. If there is a wall bars, you can work out on it. Sofas, chairs and armchairs can be used to climb in and out of them.

Note! During active games, adults should always be near the baby.

Standalone games

In addition to playing with the baby, mom needs free time allocated for doing household chores. It is convenient to do some part of the work while the child is sleeping, but in this case, noisy types of work should be excluded. They will have to be postponed for the duration of the wakefulness of the toddler. In order for the baby to give the mother the opportunity to do business, he should be taught to play on his own.

You can alternate between independent games and joint ones. As soon as the attention of the baby is occupied by the toy, the mother should get busy, while being nearby so that the child can feel her presence.

Of course, it will not work to distract a one-year-old child for 3 hours without the participation of another adult, but it is quite possible to organize this for 15-20 minutes.

Babies are very curious every year, they are interested in everything. Things and objects common for adults are perceived by children in a completely different way. It is worth showing new objects that may interest the child:

  1. Packages from the supermarket. They are large, rustle, you can throw them, you can walk with them, you can put toys in them. By showing you how to use the bags, your toddler will play with them.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the child does not put the bag over his head - possible choking.

  1. Bulk items: cereals, pasta. The lesson is useful in that it contributes to the development of fine motor skills. Pouring these items into containers, such as pots provided by your mom, will distract your baby. Everything may end up scattering these loose objects all over the room or even the apartment, but this minor harm caused to the cleanliness of the house cannot be compared with the benefits of a child playing independently and the development of his fine motor skills, on which the speed of development of thinking, coordination and speech depends.
  2. Roll of toilet paper. Kids love to rip soft toilet paper to shreds. It gives them great joy to watch how it unwinds when they pull it. When the roll is completely unrolled, the child can sit for a long time, wrapped in paper, touching it with his fingers and picking up what is still intact.
  3. Busyboard. A structure made of a board with hooks, handles, locks, latches, opening doors, wheels, switches, stoppers and other attributes that are usually prohibited, keep kids busy.
  4. A box with old toys. Parents are advised not to buy many toys, but to divide the already purchased ones into two parts and give them to the child in turn. The child plays with one part of the toys, the other is folded into a box and taken out if necessary to keep the little one busy. Taking all the toys out of the box and looking at them is so exciting.

Indicators of correct development

Useful and interesting activities for the little one, provided they are regular, will bear fruit. Any kid can:

  • find a familiar item that mom asks to bring;
  • distinguish a large toy from a small one and show which one is;
  • build a tower from cubes or cups;
  • disassemble and assemble a pyramid of rings;
  • hiding small toys under inverted cups;
  • hide, covering your eyes with your hands;
  • put the details of the constructor on top of each other;
  • show how the car drives, how the doll goes to bed;
  • keep your hand to your ear, imitating your mother on the phone;
  • repeat simple words and exclamations that he hears from adults;
  • try to make familiar sounds, such as a vacuum cleaner or washing machine running.

The development of a child, according to Dr. Komarovsky, always worries parents. There is absolutely no need to worry about those who devote a sufficient amount of time to their child. Telling, explaining, showing and acquainting with everything that surrounds us is the best way to develop a child.


How to captivate a curious one-year-old toddler? Many mothers ask themselves this question, since it is quite difficult to combine activities with a baby and household chores. Moreover, after a year of activity, the crumbs become more active, but perseverance is still not enough.

We offer you a list of exciting games that will help to keep your child busy at 1-2 years old and at the same time develop his finger motor skills, attention, and sensing skills.

It is not difficult to captivate a kid up to one year old, for this you need an ordinary rattle, a rotating mobile or a developing mat.

But by the first round of jubilee, children begin to actively explore the space: they either crawl quickly or take their first steps. Not surprisingly, now parents need to come up with new ideas for activities with crumbs.

Let's consider two options: joint games with the mother and the independent activity of the baby, when a woman needs to free up a little free time for herself and at the same time keep the child busy with something.

We offer several interesting games for children from one to two years old.

What to do with a child at 1-2 years old: joint games

The best partner for one-year-old children is his beloved mother.

At this age, the company does not attract the child's peers yet, since neither he himself nor other children can come up with ideas for entertainment.

What games can parents offer to their child?

  1. Bubble. Perhaps there is no crumbs in the world who would not like to watch how water turns into multi-colored transparent balls. Children in this process are interested in everything: where do bubbles come from, how can they be blown out, why do they burst? The kid will definitely want to create soap bubbles herself, which is why this activity is sometimes delayed until the solution in the jar runs out.
  2. Painting. A 12-month-old child already draws with finger paints with obvious pleasure, by the age of two he can already cope with gouache and watercolor painting. The most important thing is to choose safe paint and create a workplace, and then watch how the baby mixes paints, puts his handprints and fingerprints. By the way, rolls of old wallpaper will come in handy in this case. They are much more economical than expensive albums.
  3. Modeling. You can sculpt from special salt dough or ordinary soft plasticine. Just do not buy a fragrant plastic mass, because the child will definitely want to try it. Show him the simplest exercises: roll a ball, a sausage, demonstrate how to make a cake. Do not expect beautiful figures, at this age children are interested in studying the properties of materials. The plus of this activity is undeniable - the active development of fine motor skills!
  4. Role-playing games. A one and a half year old child is already showing a genuine interest in role play. At this moment, he imitates the actions of his parents, which he sees on a daily basis. Common plots: feed the doll, do exercises with it, swaddle it, swing it in the stroller, put it to bed. And yet we cannot do without my mother’s help. As you age three, game plots will become more complex as imagination will be added to the direct experience.
  5. Reading of books. One-year-old children cannot yet perceive long works with a plot, so leave the fairy tales for later. One or two years is the age for reading poems, jokes. Usually classic children's literature goes with a bang: poems by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, etc. By the way, take these works as a basis for children's mini-performances by purchasing a finger theater or making it out of ordinary gloves.
  6. "Walking" games. Outdoor play options are limited only by mom's imagination. You can play with other children on the playground by taking the ball outside with you. Feed the pigeons a piece of old loaf to develop children's motor skills and observation. Swing on a swing, make a snow woman in winter, and collect bright leaves in autumn. In the summer, the list of entertainments expands significantly.
  7. Outdoor games at home. Without these useful activities, it is difficult to imagine an ordinary day with your baby. You can't sit a baby for a few hours at the table and wait for him to draw, sculpt or collect something. If the baby walks confidently, play hide-and-seek, tag or catch-up with him. If he is just taking his first steps, just roll the ball on the floor or jump on the fitball.
  8. Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids. Let your activities with your baby be not only fun, but also useful. For this, it is not enough to buy educational toys, adults definitely need to get involved in games, teach a child to interact with objects. For children aged 1-2 years, cubes, pyramids, insert frames, sorters, large constructors, musical instruments are suitable.
  9. Games with cereals. Take a large bowl of semolina, put a lot of "secrets" and "treasures" in it. These can be small toys, jar lids, curly pasta. By the way, on pallets or on large dark dishes, you can paint unusual pictures with children's fingers.
  10. Balloons. An amazingly fun activity with young children. On the ball, you can draw funny faces with a felt-tip pen. The balloon can be inflated and released without tying its neck - joyful screams cannot be avoided. The little researcher will be interested for a long time how a large and light ball is obtained from such a small cloth.
  11. Housework. Sometimes you shouldn't come up with new activities for your child, you just need to let him help you with the housework. For example, give the little one a sponge and a damp cloth and show him how to dust off. Two-year-olds can already use a floor brush and wash dishes. Place your child on a small pedestal near the sink, lather on a sponge and wash the plastic dishes.

What can you do to keep your baby busy at one or two years old: independent games

Let's make a reservation right away that the concept of "independent games" is rather relative, since in this age period the child cannot yet occupy himself. And leaving such a small toddler alone is unsafe.

However, no one bothers you to take your baby for a short while to do household chores or take a break. What ideas will your child like?

  1. "Miracle box". You need to put various trinkets and little things in an ordinary box. The content needs to be updated regularly, and the box itself should not be kept in sight. Let her be a surprise. Inside the "wonderful" box there may be details from designers, small toys, bottles, packaging from vitamins, that is, everything that your imagination tells you. Be careful - do not put small pieces that the baby can swallow.
  2. Fun with paper. Both at 12 months and at two years old, children are interested in paper products - they love to rustle paper, tear it into pieces, wrinkle it and make balls out of it. The cheapest and safest option is to play with a roll of toilet paper. But glossy magazines and newspapers should not be given. Newspaper pages are stained with ink, and magazine gloss has sharp edges that can cut small fingers.
  3. Clothes bag. In a textile bag, put things that your baby has already grown up from, or clothes that are out of season. Little fashionistas and fashionistas are usually carried away by such games with a wardrobe for 20-30 minutes. They love to stand in front of a mirror and try on things for themselves. By the way, by doing so you can teach the baby how to dress independently.
  4. Water entertainment. Do not collect a lot of water in the basin, hand the baby a variety of rubber toys (ducks, bears, boats), let him play. Many children enjoy quite innocent fun - slap their palms on the surface of the water and watch the splashes. However, do not let your baby play in the bathroom without your supervision. Better to lay an oilcloth in the room and put a bowl of water on it.
  5. Cartoons and educational presentations. Of course, it is better to watch cartoons with your child, but if you need to be distracted for 10-15 minutes, you can include a good animated film or an interesting presentation. However, you should not get carried away with such a method, nothing can replace the baby's communication with adults and interaction with real objects.

If you do not want the baby to draw on the wallpaper, pour water on the sofa or unscrew the legs from the chair, you will have to constantly come up with exciting tasks for him!

Hurray, we are one year old! The nimble year-old is unusually active, he sticks his little curious nose everywhere, he is interested in everything, but he will not be able to get carried away with toys the way older children do. He accepts all the activities offered to him by adults with enthusiasm, tries to take part in everything, but he still lacks concentration of attention.


Into a peaceful channel

For a toddler who has just learned to walk, every nook and cranny, every locker, door or shelf will be interesting. However, despite the fact that the crumb can occupy himself on his own, you cannot leave him alone in the room!
Do not forget that the little one knows nothing about the physical properties of objects, he has no fear of death, he is not afraid of heights, suffocation, poisoning ...

The toddler has no idea about the consequences of his games yet! So that the baby does not suffer himself and does not destroy your apartment, channel his energy into a peaceful channel by offering him games with varying degrees of independence. At the same time, remember that monitoring the child is always necessary.

There are two options for classes: joint games of the baby and mother and independent activities of the child, when the mother needs to free up some time for herself.

Together with mom

Thus, by the age of one and a half, the little one will already be able to carry the laundry into the washing machine, put a dirty bottle in the sink, and collect their toys.

I play myself!

Each new item the kid wants not only to see, but also to touch and taste. For a mother performing the function of a guardian angel, this period of time is very difficult, since it is necessary to both monitor the safety of the child and have time to complete a lot of household chores. There is only one way out - to captivate the baby with something for 15–20 minutes. The most important condition for such activities is safety.

Hide away anything that can harm his health: small and sharp objects, deodorants and air fresheners, nail polishes, lighters, matches, etc. Even if your little one is playing calmly and quietly, check him to be sure that he is not busy with anything dangerous.

  1. We work together. If you are reading, let the child sit next to him and look at the pictures in his children's books, talk on the phone - hand the old pipe to the little one, write the text - sit it down next to him and give him a pencil and a piece of paper. Even when you are preparing dinner in the kitchen, give the little one a saucepan - let him drum on it or put harmless and mild scoops there.
  2. New old toys. A child usually quickly gets bored with even the most beautiful and interesting toys, and every time he will wait for “something new”. However, the more toys a baby has, the less interesting they are. Start a special chest, from which you can get a few forgotten “new” things, hiding the old ones.
  3. Matryoshka. Now the kid is very interested in toys that can be inserted into one another (like a nesting doll). In addition to a classic toy, it can be a set of colored cups, kitchen pots.

  4. Gurney. It can be rolled by pushing it in front of you, or pulled by a string. Gurneys are sold in the form of cars, wheels, animals. A toy like this is easy to build from a shoe box.
  5. Clothes package, from which the baby has already grown, as well as scarves and shawls. Children love to try on different things and show off in front of the mirror.
  6. Kitchenware. Any kitchen utensils will do: pots, pots, ladles, containers, plastic utensils. The kid really likes to sort out these objects, put one into another. If you're willing to put up with the noise, show your baby how to bang a spoon on a saucepan, or give him two metal lids. The rumble will be terrible, but the effect is so pleasant for the children that it takes them for a long time.
  7. Air balloons. Inflate them not too much to prevent the balloon from bursting during the game. Show your child how to play soccer or toss them.
  8. House. Place two chairs next to each other, cover them with a blanket, fold back the corner - get in, kid! You can make a house by covering the table with a long tablecloth. Just remove all things from him so that nothing falls on the child if he pulls off the tablecloth during the game.
  9. Feed the toy. Have your dolls or stuffed animals sit down. Tell your toddler that it is time for the toys to have dinner and give him paper "food" - for example, cut out along the contour in the form of candies in different sizes and colors. Put cardboard plates in front of each toy, let the crumb lay out the "treat" on them.
  10. Old colored magazines, or toilet paper. Ripping paper is fun! Let the crumb tear it, spread it, crush it into lumps, poke holes.

  11. Magic bag. Place small items in a bag and offer them to your baby from time to time. Tie very small things like buttons and beads into necklaces or sew on to pieces of fabric. Don't forget to update the contents of the bag. If you have empty 5-liter bottles at home, you can push small items into them. And everything that the bottle "eats" can then be viewed through the transparent walls.
  12. Sorting box. Find a box with several divisions, arrange objects of different types on them: chestnuts, large beans, shells. You can also give out plastic spoons and several bowls for this box. The child, under your supervision, will enthusiastically shift and sort the little things, at the same time learn to hold a spoon and transfer the contents with it without loss.
  13. Pouring of croup. In the kitchen, you can give your baby several containers (cups, bowls) and any cereal. Invite the baby to spoon it from one bowl to another. It is easy to vary the game with different tasks: fill equally in all the cups, more in one bowl, a little less in the other.

It is difficult to captivate one-year-old babies for a long time. And that's why, to be honest, it's hard for me to play with my niece. My Stepka is already big, and I forgot how and what I played with him. But now, with my nephew Svetka, I had to remember all the games for children and even come up with something new. In general, this is what we are playing now:


You need to stand next to the baby, raise your hands up and say:

“That's how big we are. Big-big ”and reach up with the handles.

Then squat down and say:

“And now we are small. Quite small. ”

The game can be repeated several times: "Big ... Small ..."

The tempo can be gradually increased.

Repeat after me

At this age, babies love to imitate. The aim of the game is for the kid to imitate your movements. But in order for the baby to understand what he should do, first start imitating the movements of the baby. And then gradually he will connect to the game and then you can establish your own rules.

Start with simple movements: wave a pen or clap your hands. Clap, stomp, jump ...

By the way, this is not just fun, but a very useful skill. Gradually switch your baby to useful activities: wipe off the dust, collect crumbs from the table. And even if at first he is not very successful, after all, it's all about practice.

Bunny and dog

In different parts of the room you need to plant two toys - a bunny in one corner, a dog in the other.

Get up with the baby in the middle of the room and say: "We run to the bunny." As soon as you reach the bunny, say: "We run to the dog."

Then the game can be complicated. For example, put other toys in other corners of the room and run from one to the other. Well, absolutely aerobatics (this, of course, when the baby grows up a little and learns to distinguish colors), plant multi-colored bunnies or dogs and run from blue to white, from red to yellow ...


The adult, together with the baby, gets on all fours and says loudly:

  • I am a crawler, - begins to crawl, catching up with the child.

Then you can switch roles and the baby will crawl after the adult, and he will crawl away. Of course, you don’t have to move quickly so that the kid is interested, he must definitely catch up with the adult.

Identical movements

A toddler and his favorite toy (for which, of course, an adult speaks) takes part in this game for children.

Ask first:

  • Where is the head of the doll (bear)?
  • Where is the nose?
  • Where are the legs?

And each time at the same time point to the head, nose, and legs of the baby.

First scratch the doll behind the ear, and then the baby behind the ear, tickle the doll’s tummy first, then the baby’s tummy - this will amuse the baby.

Let the doll wash its face, brush its teeth, comb its hair ... and the baby repeats. Such exercises develop everyday skills, which will greatly help the baby in the future.

The conqueror of the peaks

From the pillows you need to build a pyramid. It is best to erect it on a disassembled sofa or, in extreme cases, on a carpet (but not on the floor).

First, make a small pyramid, let the baby climb on it. Then put another pillow and so gradually increase the height of the pyramid. Help the kid if it is difficult for him himself and be sure to praise when he conquers the top.

One plus one

The kid still does not know how to count, but he may well learn the basic concepts. For example, the meaning of the word "two" or "pair". A simple game for children will help him with this. Spread socks, boots, mittens on the floor. In general, any pair of baby things.

Show him which objects are paired and emphasize all the time:

"Here are two socks. And here are two mittens ..."

Collect a couple of things with your baby. At first, let the baby only observe, but over time he will understand what is what and will also connect to the search.

Light dark

The game takes place at the switch of a sconce, a floor lamp, a chandelier, a table lamp ... in general, any lighting fixture. An adult shows first. Presses a key (or pulls the cord), the light turns on and says:

  • Light!

Saying these words should be fun and smile at the same time.

Then press the key again, turn off the light and say:

  • Dark...

And these words can be uttered in a whisper, with a slightly frightening intonation.

Then have the kid press a key while the adult continues to comment. It would seem a banal game for children, but kids really like it.