Already quite mature thermoregulation and formed immunity. Therefore, if there are no chronic diseases and special health problems, all planned vaccinations were made in advance, colds should be easy enough. And quite experienced parents already know well how and how to bring down the temperature, not just for a baby, but almost for a teenager.

But this does not mean that a sick child at 9 years old can be given less attention than a preschooler.

How to bring down the temperature at 9 years old?

In order for a cold to end in recovery as soon as possible, and not to continue with more serious complications, you need to remember and observe the precepts of Dr. Komarovsky.

If the child has fever and signs of a cold, and especially when there is a fever without respiratory symptoms, be sure to call a doctor.

If the fever is 37 ℃

From the very beginning of the malaise, while the temperature is still subfebrile from 37 to 37.9, intensively water the child with juices, fruit drinks, compotes with dried apricots, raisins, prunes and figs, in order to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the future.

Drinking plenty of fluids is also necessary so that the fever can be easily brought down after it rises.

Immediately check the temperature and humidity in the teenager's room. So that the temperature does not rise due to external conditions, the room should be 18-22 ℃ and 50-70% humidity.

At 38 ℃

With a febrile fever from 38 ℃ to 38.9, do not rush to bring down the temperature with antipyretics. Febrile seizures, at risk of which knock down from 38, after 6 years in children are extremely rare.

Taking medicine for fever costs from 38.5. Be sure to do this when the temperature rises at night and if the child does not feel well. From 38.1 they are knocked down in chronic heart and nervous system diseases, if there are special instructions from the observing doctor.

If over 39 ℃

High fever from 39 and above requires the mandatory intake of antipyretics - paracetamol and. If you do not get lost at least half a degree in half an hour, then you need to call an ambulance.

Lack of response to paracetamol is a sign of a bacterial infection, which can be much more dangerous than viral and requires antibiotics.

When is a doctor or ambulance needed?

Pediatrician Komarovsky also likes to list cases in which calling a doctor or an ambulance is required. This should be done when:

  • the temperature does not decrease on the 3rd day of illness;
  • fever lasts longer than 7 days;
  • the child is feeling very unwell or there are:
    • rash, especially meningococcal, which does not disappear with pressure,
    • cold feet and hands at temperatures above 38,
    • vomiting, diarrhea, nausea,
    • cyanosis, yellowness or pallor of the skin,
    • pain in the head, lower back, chest, abdomen,
    • atypical drowsiness and weakness
    • choking or shortness of breath.

What antipyretics are used for children at the age of 9?

What is not allowed?

A child at this age, as before, without special instructions from a doctor, cannot use such antipyretics to combat temperature:

  • analgin (metamizole sodium) - serious damage to the hematopoietic system is possible,
  • aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) - may develop Reye's syndrome with liver damage,
  • nimesulide - prohibited until 12 years old, but in low dosages with the permission of the doctor, it is sometimes used.

What can you do?


Paracetamol-based drugs - Panadol, Efferalgan, Calpol - can be given not only in the form of suspensions, but also tablets. But if you want the temperature to go down faster, then syrups are better for this, because the active substance from liquid dosage forms enters the bloodstream much faster. In addition, if swallowed, the tablet may enter the respiratory tract and cause aspiration. But pills also have the advantage that there are fewer additives to which the child can develop allergies.

Paracetamol for a 9-year-old child should not be used for:

  • allergic intolerance;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus.


Ibuprofen-based medicines, such as Ibufen or Nurofen, can also be given to children at the age of 9 in tablets, but it is better in syrup if there is no allergy to numerous additives. This antipyretic has more side effects than paracetamol, therefore it is considered the antipyretic of the second choice, which is used when the temperature does not go down with paracetamol.

Ibuprofen is contraindicated for:

  • allergic reactions to drug components;
  • hepatic and renal failure;
  • diseases accompanied by hearing impairment;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • hematological diseases (associated with impaired hematopoiesis).

More about medicines

There is also a combined preparation Ibuklin Junior. Many pediatricians recommend it if the child can tolerate both paracetamol and ibuprofen. The antipyretic effect is higher, and the gentle doses of ibuprofen also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

With antipyretics for children at the age of 9 are no longer recommended. They are not only uncomfortable, but in most cases useless. It is not worth bringing down the temperature below 38 ℃, but above 38 ℃, and even more so 39 there is a spasm in the vessels of the rectum, and medicinal substances are almost not absorbed rectally. In some cases, suppositories can help out when a long-term effect is needed to lower the temperature at night or when an allergic reaction is pronounced when taken orally.

Do not use antipyretic for more than 3 days in a row. If the temperature of a 9-year-old child has not dropped to a level that does not require antipyretics in 3 days, then a doctor is urgently required and a change in the treatment regimen is required.

When taking antipyretics, it is very important to observe the daily and single dosage, which is calculated by the weight of the child, and the time intervals between the use of single doses. For paracetamol it is 6 hours, for ibuprofen it is 8 hours.

The instructions indicate the approximate number of measuring spoons, caps or tablets for each age, but this will work if the child has a typical weight for 9 years, namely 25-32 kg. If your baby weighs noticeably less or more than his average peers, then it is better to ask your local pediatrician to calculate the dosage for you by weight.

Almost all childhood diseases manifest themselves in the form of an increase in body temperature. This gives the parents a reason to react quickly and go to the hospital in a timely manner. With the development of various diseases in a child, you should definitely consult a doctor, but if the baby's temperature rises, then resort to lowering it. How to bring down the temperature in a child, as well as the main ways that will definitely help to achieve the goal, we will find out further.

The main measures to reduce the temperature

Initially, it should be noted that high fever in babies is a reason for visiting the hospital. The temperature should be reduced when its value exceeds the thermometer mark at 35.5-39 degrees. If the child has pathologies with the nervous system, then resort to lowering the temperature should be much earlier with readings above 38.

The child's temperature indicates that an infection has entered the body, which causes the corresponding diseases. It is imperative to reduce the high temperature in the child, since when it rises, hyperthermic syndrome can develop, which will lead to the death of the baby. Almost all mothers know that it is forbidden to allow an increase in hyperthermia in a baby above 40 degrees. To quickly bring down the temperature in a child, it is not enough to use only antipyretic drugs. This will cause the parents to sit and wait for the drug to take effect. To reduce the temperature of the child, you should adhere to the following actions presented in the algorithm:

  1. Provide fresh air supply to the room. To effectively bring down the baby's body temperature, you should initially provide the room with an influx of fresh air. When ventilating the room, do not forget that drafts can aggravate the situation. The air temperature in the room should be at the level of 18-20 degrees. It is also necessary to humidify the air, for which it is enough to dampen a few towels and hang them in the room.
  2. Provide your baby with regular drinking. To bring down the temperature, it is necessary to give the baby a drink regularly. Liquid not only allows you to reduce fever, but also to exclude the development of dehydration. The child should drink regularly every 5 minutes, but in small sips. The most important thing is that the liquid is not hot or cold. The liquid should be at room temperature.
  3. Wipe off with a damp cloth. You can lower the temperature by rubbing. To do this, use a cloth such as a towel and warm water. Rubbing children with vinegar or vodka is unacceptable. It is impossible to wipe the skin with a damp cloth if the child develops a convulsive state.
  4. Lightweight and loose-fitting clothing. If the baby is shivering, then you cannot dress him even warmer. To reduce the temperature in children, you need to undress it to a T-shirt and panties, and then cover it with a light cloth. It is recommended to change clothes regularly as they become damp very quickly and cause chills.
  5. The use of antipyretics. If the above methods do not help, you should resort to the use of antipyretic drugs. How to quickly bring down a high temperature in a child with the help of antipyretics? To do this, it is necessary to give the baby an antipyretic in the form of syrup, rectal suppositories or tablets, even when the thermometer reads from 38.5 degrees, depending on the age of the baby. Depending on the drug used and the form of its release, the fever decreases mainly by 4-6 hours 20-40 minutes after the application of the agent.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of how to bring down the temperature correctly. Each baby has an individual approach that parents should know about. If some methods do not help, you need to resort to others. If allergy symptoms appear during the use of medications, then it is accordingly necessary to abandon this drug.

Lowering the temperature with antipyretic

How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child if the thermometer readings are constantly growing? In such a situation, you should definitely use antipyretic drugs. You can buy drugs at any pharmacy, but be sure to indicate that the funds are needed for the child. Before giving your baby an antipyretic, call your local doctor and make sure that these actions are correct. How to bring down the temperature correctly, you should read the instructions for the medication. The most effective and demanded antipyretic are:

  1. Paracetamol. It is possible to bring down the fever even in newborns from 1 month of age. It is one of the safest drugs used for children in the first place. Even with a slight increase in dosage, nothing terrible will happen. It can be given to both small children and school-age children. Only the form of release of the drug changes: syrups, rectal suppositories or tablets. It is recommended to reduce high temperature in a child under the age of one year with the help of rectal suppositories. In babies from 1 year old, you can resort to using syrups if there is no allergic reaction.
  2. Ibuprofen. The Ibuprofen derivative is Nurofen. It has the same effect as Paracetamol, only it has a different composition. Allows to achieve a reduction in intense heat in viral and bacterial infections. If the dosage of these drugs is increased, then side symptoms may occur. If Paracetamol does not help bring down the fever, then you can resort to taking Ibuprofen no earlier than after 2-3 hours.
  3. Analgin. This drug has a pronounced antipyretic property. How to lower the temperature in a child if the above medications do not have the desired effect? To do this, you should use Analgin. It is important to note here that the remedy is not intended for children, and doctors are allowed to give it in extreme cases in order to save the life of the child. If your doctor allows you to use Analgin, check with him the dosage.

If the above methods do not work properly, you should immediately call an ambulance. The ambulance knocks down the temperature with a "lytic mixture". This is a mixture of three active ingredients that have a positive effect on the child within 5 minutes after the intramuscular injection of the drug.

Lowering the temperature using folk methods

How can you bring down the fever in a child using folk methods? A cold compress relieves intense heat well, which should be placed on the child's forehead. This compress is based on the following ingredients, such as tea tree extract, fir and eucalyptus oils. This compress not only helps to reduce fever, but also fights viruses. But when the child's temperature rises, mothers will not look for ingredients to make a compress. Let's consider the most acceptable ways of how to bring down the temperature of a child at home using home methods.

  1. Vitamin tea. Give your child plenty of fluids to speed up the elimination of viruses and infections from the body. It is best if such a drink is based on vitamin tea, which can be made using the following components: red currants, rose hips, lingonberries, raspberries, cranberries. All of the above berries belong to the category of antipyretic, therefore, with the active use of vitamin tea, the baby's fever will decrease. The advantage of the vitamin drink is the fact that it is enriched with vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system.
  2. Decoctions of herbs. How to relieve a high fever in a baby using medicinal herbs? To do this, you should also prepare a special broth, which you need to solder the crumbs regularly every 5 minutes. To prepare a medicinal drug, you will need: mountain ash, linden, rose hips, elderberries, nettles, leaves of a lamb and others. The better the decoction is brewed, the more effective is the reduction of hyperthermia. Using a single dandelion infusion can also help reduce the heat in your toddler.
  3. Elderberry infusion. Black elderberry is one of the most effective folk remedies for combating high fever. To prepare the infusion, you should brew a spoonful of fruit, then insist and strain. Allows you not only to affect the fever, but also to cure the common cold.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Heat body in a child (fever) can be a nonspecific symptom of many diseases. She can talk about acute infectious diseases, teething, overheating, and other conditions. In all these cases, assistance to the child should be different, therefore it is very important to establish the cause of the increase in temperature.

Features of the child's temperature

In the first days and months of a child's life, his body temperature can be very unstable. In any disease, it can quickly rise.

To identify a fever in a child, you need to know what temperature is normal for him. To do this, you should measure it at least once in a calm and healthy state. It is better to repeat this procedure in the morning and in the evening, since in the evening the temperature is usually 0.3-0.5 o C.

The temperature of a child in the first year of life may be higher than that of older children and adults (as measured in the armpit):
1. At the age of 1 year, the body temperature is allowed up to 37.4 o C.
2. A child over 1 year old usually has a temperature of up to 37 o C.

Newborn babies born prematurely keep their body temperature especially bad. Their thermoregulation processes are immature, so it should be remembered that they can not only easily cool down, but also overheat.

Body temperature can be measured at several locations. The results of such measurements will vary:

  • the temperature measured in the rectum (rectal) will be about 1 o C higher than in the armpit (37.6-38 o C is the norm);
  • the temperature measured in the mouth (oral) will be about half a degree higher than in the armpit (37.1-37.6 o C is normal);
  • the temperature readings in the armpit and inguinal fold will be approximately the same.
The most reliable results are shown by a mercury thermometer. When using electronic thermometers, according to the measurement data, there may be a rather large error. In order to identify differences in indicators, you can simultaneously determine the temperature in the armpits with a conventional thermometer and an electronic one. It is not necessary to do this in a child; you can measure the temperature of yourself or any healthy family member. Differences between measurements and will speak of inaccuracy.

It is usually possible to determine rectal temperature only in a small child up to 4-5 months. Since the procedure is often unpleasant, a 6-month-old child has a high temperature in this way, most likely, it will not be possible to fix because of his resistance to the procedure. It is best to carry out the measurement with an electronic thermometer, the tip of which is lubricated with baby cream. The thermometer is inserted about 2 cm into the rectum, while raising the child's legs, as if washing.

In the armpit and groin, measurements can be made with a mercury thermometer. Determination of the temperature in the groin is carried out by laying the child on its side. The thermometer is placed so that its tip is completely located in the fold of the skin. Then the hand is pressed against the child's leg to the body. In the armpit, the measurement process is the same as in adults.

Pathologically high temperature, depending on the degree of its increase, is conventionally divided into the following types (according to measurements in the armpit):
1. Subfebrile (up to 38 o C).
2. Febrile (above 38 o C).

How to correctly measure the temperature of a small child

Rules for measuring temperature in children:
  • the child must have his own personal thermometer, which is treated with warm water and soap or alcohol before each use;
  • during illness, the temperature is measured at least three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening);
  • measurement should not be taken when the child is heavily wrapped up, crying or overly active;
  • high temperature in the room and taking a bath also increase body temperature;
  • food and drinks, especially hot ones, can increase the temperature in the oral cavity by 1-1.5 o С, therefore, the measurement in the mouth should be carried out one hour before or one hour after eating;
  • determination of temperature can be carried out in the armpit, rectum or inguinal fold - any thermometers; measurement in the mouth is carried out only with the help of special dummy thermometers.

Causes of a high temperature in a child

Normally, an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body to any infectious or non-infectious diseases, damage.

When infectious agents enter the body, they produce toxins that cause an increase in body temperature. The body, in turn, also produces substances that contribute to the onset of fever. This mechanism is protective, since all metabolic processes are accelerated against the background of high temperatures, many biologically active substances are synthesized more intensively. But when the fever becomes too severe, it itself can cause various complications - for example, febrile seizures.

Why does a child have a high fever:

  • infectious diseases (ARVI, "children's" and intestinal infections, other pathologies);
  • non-infectious diseases (diseases of the nervous system, allergic pathology, hormonal disorders, and others);
  • teething (this is one of the most common causes in young children);
  • overheat;
  • preventive vaccinations.
There are other causes of fever in a child. These also include many emergencies and acute surgical pathologies. Therefore, for any temperature rise in a child (especially above 38 o C), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of elevated temperature in some diseases

The high temperature in the child will be accompanied by others symptoms pathology. With various diseases, fever will have its own characteristics.

Infectious diseases

Usually, the values ​​of fever in infectious diseases are in the range of 39-39.5 o C. But in some cases the child's temperature rises above 40 o C. This largely depends on the type of infection and the individual characteristics of the child's body.

In infectious diseases, a high temperature in a child is accompanied by other signs of pathology (cough, nasal congestion, vomiting, upset stools, and others).

Childhood infections are another common cause of fever. For example, in a child with a high fever, an itchy blister rash is a common symptom of chickenpox. Children attending preschool institutions are especially susceptible to such infections. For example, a high fever in a 3-year-old child who goes to kindergarten.


With overheating, the connection between fever and exposure to a heat source can be clearly noted. For example, a high temperature in a child in summer may be associated with prolonged exposure to the sun or in a car in hot weather. Infants can easily overheat when they are dressed in too warm clothes.

With a slight fever, the desire of parents to wrap the child warmly can also provoke a rise in body temperature to higher numbers. Overheating is very dangerous due to the likelihood of heatstroke, which requires emergency medical attention.

Heatstroke signs are:

  • severe fever after overheating;
  • impairment or loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • violation of breathing and heartbeat.
The first help for heatstroke is to place the child in a cool, well-ventilated room, compress on the forehead, rub down, and drink (if the child is conscious). You should also immediately call the ambulance team.


A high temperature in a child during teething is rare. Usually the fever does not exceed 38.5 o C. But in some cases the temperature can rise to very high numbers, accompanied by the child's lethargy, refusal to eat, and anxiety. This fever must be reduced. In a child of 10 months, a high temperature may well be associated with teeth, especially if he actively rubs the gums, is capricious, and at the same time there is increased salivation.


After the prophylactic vaccinations, the child's high temperature, as a rule, does not last long. It usually rises within a day after vaccination, and can be combined with other symptoms: slight swelling and soreness at the injection site, the child can spare the leg and move less. These signs are a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine and indicate an adequate immune response.

If the temperature rises after vaccination, you can give the child an antipyretic agent once, without even waiting for febrile fever numbers. Physical cooling methods can also be used, but wiping is not recommended (especially, do not wet the injection site). If there is no positive trend within 1-2 days, then you should think about another reason for the increase in temperature (for example, the onset of ARVI).

When rubbing, a towel moistened with water is used, which is placed on the forehead. As soon as it dries or warms up, the towel can be dampened again. They also wipe hands, feet, chest, neck, face with water. After wiping, the child should not be wrapped, as the procedure may have the opposite effect. This procedure should not be performed on a child who has ever had convulsions against a background of high fever, or has diseases of the nervous system.

In addition to rubdowns, you can apply ice, wrapped in a diaper, to the axillary, groin areas. However, this method can only be used with older children. Do not get too carried away, as frostbite can occur in the places where ice is applied.

Drinking plenty of fluids should also not be forgotten in case of fever. The loss of fluid through the skin and with respiration at elevated temperatures increases, so its deficiency must be replenished in a timely manner. Also, increased drinking helps to accelerate the elimination of toxic substances from the body. At a high temperature, it can be difficult for a one-year-old child to drink it. If he refuses to drink, you can give him a little liquid, but often.

Small children should be applied to the breast more often, or given regular water, and a six-month-old baby can use herbal teas (fennel, chamomile, linden), diluted juices and fruit drinks. An older child can also be offered compote, diluted juice or tea. Children should be especially actively given to drink with intestinal infection, when the high temperature is accompanied by diarrhea. But don't be too zealous, a large amount of liquid can provoke vomiting.

At high temperatures, do not:

  • forcing the child to stay in bed if he does not want to, but it is also impossible to allow excessive activity, as this can lead to an increase in temperature;
  • unnecessarily wrapping or covering the child - this prevents the natural release of heat;
  • do a cleansing enema if there are no appropriate doctor's recommendations (although this procedure has an antipyretic effect, you should not abuse it and do it yourself);
  • use alcohol-containing liquids, warm water for wiping;
  • covering the child with a wet sheet or towel, wrapping up after rubdowns - all this can lead to an even greater rise in temperature.

When and how to bring down a high temperature in a child - video

High fever in a child: treatment with medications

You can quickly bring down a high temperature to a child with the use of medicinal antipyretic drugs. In children, drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol are approved for use.

Medicines can differ in the form of release (tablets, syrups, suppositories for rectal use, powders). Preparations in the form of syrups or suppositories are usually used in young children. For example, when an infant has a temperature above 39 o C, it is convenient to lower it with the help of rectal suppositories.
Some features of the use of various dosage forms:

  • drugs taken by mouth begin to act faster - 20-30 minutes after ingestion;
  • the effect of suppositories occurs after 30-45 minutes, but lasts longer;
  • if the disease is accompanied by vomiting, it is better to use suppositories;
  • it is convenient to use medicines in suppositories when the child's temperature rises at night;
  • preparations in the form of syrups, tablets and powders contain flavors and flavorings, therefore, they often cause allergic reactions;
  • if it is necessary to use various dosage forms of drugs (for example, syrup during the day, candles at night), choose products with different active ingredients in order to avoid side effects;
  • reuse of antipyretic drugs is possible no earlier than 5-6 hours after the previous dose; in case of insufficient decrease in temperature, or its repeated increase in a short time, you should not experiment - it is better to immediately contact a specialist for additional help.
Ibuprofen and paracetamol are equally effective, but both have their own contraindications and side effects. Consult a physician prior to use. Doses of drugs for children are usually calculated on the basis of the child's age, or body weight. Therefore, before taking, you should carefully study the instructions. So, a child at 2 years old at a high temperature should receive almost twice the dose of a medicinal substance than an infant patient.

Some homeopathic remedies can also be used to reduce fever. For example, when a child often has a high fever, so that there are no side effects from frequent use of ibuprofen and paracetamol, they can be combined with homeopathic medicines.

If the fever is accompanied by pallor, coldness of the extremities, then additionally small doses of antispasmodics (No-shpa, papaverine) and antihistamines are given. However, this is done only by a doctor.

At a high temperature in a child, the same antipyretic drug cannot be used for a long time. Also, the simultaneous administration of the drug through the mouth and in the form of suppositories is contraindicated. This can lead to an excessive decrease in body temperature, and the occurrence of side effects from the drug.

Medicines not used in children

Medicines that are not used in a child include:
1. Currently, drugs such as amidopyrine, antipyrine or phenacetin are not used as antipyretics due to the large number of side effects.
2. Funds based on acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) are practically not used in children due to their ability to reduce the number of platelets in the blood, cause bleeding, allergic reactions, and also a very serious complication typical for children - Reye's syndrome.
3. Analgin and other drugs containing metamizole sodium as an active ingredient also have a large number of side effects, such as inhibition of hematopoiesis, severe allergic reactions, and excessive decrease in temperature with loss of consciousness. These funds are not recommended for use at home.

When do you need to see a doctor?

A doctor should be consulted in any case of a fever in a child or an adult. Only a qualified specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe, in addition to antipyretics, other drugs (cough medicine, vasoconstrictor nasal drops). If necessary, etiotropic therapy is also prescribed, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. For example, a high fever associated with the fact that a child has angina requires antibiotics.
The following cases require immediate attention to specialists:
  • Extremely high numbers of body temperature - more than 39.5-40 o C.
  • If a child has a high fever for more than three days, and there is no persistent positive effect during the course of the disease, despite the therapy prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to correct the prescribed treatment, carry out additional diagnostic procedures (for example, make an X-ray of the lungs, take blood and urine tests).
  • When new symptoms appear against the background of a temperature, such as a rash, severe cough, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Deterioration of the child's condition against the background of the beginning of recovery, which may indicate the addition of another infection.
  • If the increase in temperature is suspected of being associated with overheating of the child and possible heatstroke.
  • The appearance of complications from the prescribed therapy. For example, if a child has an allergic reaction after taking a drug prescribed by a doctor. You should call a specialist to select new medications.
  • The child refuses to drink, there are signs of dehydration: dry skin, rare urination, dark urine, and others.
  • The presence of severe chronic diseases in a child, the course of which may worsen against the background of severe fever (pathology of the heart, kidneys, nervous system, other diseases).
  • If the child has a very high fever, accompanied by refusal to eat, febrile seizures, sharp anxiety and groans, the appearance of a rash, impaired consciousness, unusual behavior, neck swelling, limpness, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, other signs of an extremely serious condition of the child, an urgent need to call the team Ambulance.
Thus, a prolonged high temperature in a child is not a reason to self-cure or experiment with therapy. Expectant tactics can lead to serious complications. If you have any doubts about the child's condition, it is better to play it safe and consult a specialist.

The consequences of a high temperature in a child

One of the most common complications of a high fever in a child is febrile seizures. They, as a rule, occur in children under 6 years of age against a background of temperatures above 38 o C. Often such a reaction to fever appears in children with diseases of the nervous system.

Signs of febrile seizures in a child:

  • convulsive twitching of the muscles, which can be both pronounced (with throwing the head back, bending the arms and straightening the legs), and small, in the form of jerking and twitching of certain muscle groups;
  • the child stops responding to the environment, may turn pale and blue, hold his breath;
  • often, seizures can recur during subsequent increases in temperature.
When the temperature is high and the child has seizures, call "03" immediately. Urgent activities at home will be:
  • lay the child on a flat surface and turn the head on its side;
  • in the absence of breathing after the end of the seizures, start giving the child artificial respiration;
  • you should not try to insert a finger into the child's mouth, a spoon or other objects - this will only harm and injure;
  • you should undress the child, ventilate the room, use rubdown and antipyretic suppositories to reduce body temperature;
  • you can not leave the child alone during the attack.
Children who have had convulsions need to be monitored by a neurologist, as well as a full-fledged medical examination to exclude the onset of epilepsy. Thus, you should not wait for the child to have a high temperature for a week. Contact your doctor in a timely manner for a diagnosis and therapy appointment. There are contraindications. Before use, you must consult a specialist.

During the neonatal period, the body temperature of a child is slightly higher than that of adults. In the armpits, it ranges from 37-37.4 degrees. In a one-year-old baby, it can vary from 36 to 37 degrees, but often by this age the temperature is set within the usual framework - 36.6 degrees.

After a year, a child's temperature is considered high from 38 degrees. In some cases, it can reach 39.9 degrees. The temperature in the range of 37.1-37.9 is elevated and, as a rule, does not go astray. In any case, with the help of drugs.

Before lowering the temperature in a child, you must carefully study his condition. Fever is usually a symptom of a viral illness. In this case, a temperature of 37–38 degrees is even useful, since it prevents the further development of the pathogen. This temperature should not be knocked down. But you can alleviate the condition of the child by giving him plenty of drink.

However, if the child has previously been observed or the baby suffers from neurological ailments, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs, he needs to be given an antipyretic even with a slight increase in temperature - from 37 degrees.

Temperatures over 38 degrees should be brought down in any case, especially if it is accompanied by chills, muscle pain, pallor of the skin (up to cyanosis).

Ways to lower the temperature

First, you should try to lower the temperature of the child with folk remedies. First of all, you need it drink constantly ... You do not need to give your child hot tea - boiling water will only increase sweating, and, therefore, the loss of fluid. The best option is a warm drink, about 35-40 degrees. The baby should often be applied to the breast and given water from a spoon. If he refuses to feed and drink, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reducing the temperature of the child with folk remedies will help compresses ... For them, you need to take warm water and some apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to make a solution (1:20) and wipe the face, armpits, groin folds, bend of the arms and legs for half an hour. You can also moisten a sheet with a solution, wrap a child over 12 years old in it, cover it with a blanket on top and leave for 10 minutes. Change the compress three times.

Naturally, it is possible to bring down a high temperature in a child only with the help of pharmacology. Most safe antipyretic drugs for children, those that contain ibuprofen and paracetamol. The first is more effective and gives a long-lasting antipyretic effect. The second is indicated for young children who are not allergic to it.

Babies who do not yet know how to swallow solid food can be given special syrups to drink. They begin to act in about half an hour after taking, but they provide a longer lasting effect.

Children under 15 years old are contraindicated in taking amidopyrine, antipyrine and phenacetin due to their toxicity. As for aspirin and analgin, they disrupt the process of hematopoiesis and can cause a strong allergic reaction, up to anaphylactic shock.

Prohibited tricks at temperature

If you decide to combine medicinal antipyretic drugs and folk remedies, you need to do it wisely. You should not act on the principle: "more is better." On the contrary, overuse of medications and compresses can backfire.

For example, you should not wipe your child with cold water or ice, as the body can react with a new rise in temperature. Also, you can not bathe and pour hot water on the patient - it can provoke heatstroke.

In order not to overheat the child, you cannot wrap him up. An exception is chills when the patient is very cold. Then it makes sense to give him warm tea and cover him with a blanket.

You do not need to insist on bed rest if the child does not feel the need for it. An older baby - from three years old - is able to determine his own state of health. If he has a high temperature - 37.1-37.5 degrees, he is quite capable of playing and even walking. In this case, you do not need to push the child under the covers and cover with compresses.

Do not rub your child with alcohol, although the ether evaporates and cools the skin. But it is the skin, not the body from the inside. So after alcohol or vodka compresses, you can easily be fooled into determining the temperature by touch. In addition, it is harmful for a child to inhale alcohol vapors.

And, most importantly, do not combine several medicines at the same time, for example, syrup and tablets, and also do not give them again if the temperature does not rise again. If you ignore this warning, there is a high risk of overdose and poisoning.

What to do for mothers of babies

You need to know that a really high temperature in a child under six months is a symptom of a serious illness. Measures must be taken already at 37.5 degrees, otherwise it will be very difficult to bring down the fever later.

To start give your baby some peace - put to bed, eliminate extraneous noise, do not leave it. Apply frequently and offer water. In addition, swing the baby in your arms, talk, go songs, sleep with him.

If you feel chills, you can cover the baby with a blanket, but if it does not freeze, dress the baby as usual. Remember, babies are not thermoregulatory, so they overheat easily, which is very dangerous. Just leave a standard set of clothes on the child.

If a baby's temperature has not reached 39 degrees before 6 months, you can bring it down with the help compresses from vinegar and water. It is necessary to wipe the child's body until the skin turns red.

As an antipyretic agent for six-month-old children, it is better to use rectal suppositories rather than pills and potions. For example, "Viburkol". It is better to enter them at night.

With severe chills and fever, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, it is better not to give the baby any medication, so as not to complicate the diagnosis.

What causes the temperature to rise

Parents should take into account that only low-grade (37.1-38 ° C) and moderately high (38.1-39 ° C) temperatures are subject to self-treatment. High febrile (from 39.1 to 40.9 oC) and hyperpyrexic (above 41 oC) temperatures require immediate medical attention.

In the last two cases, especially if the temperature has risen suddenly, you need to call an ambulance and give the child first aid by giving an antipyretic.

It is also worth considering that an increase in temperature may be accompanied by fever or hyperthermia. These two concepts should not be confused.

If hyperthermia is simply physiological overheating of tissues due to a violation of thermoregulation, in particular, sweating, then fever means a protective reaction of the body to a viral attack. The first one is dangerous and does not bring any benefit. The second one helps to cope with the infection.

In young children, fever does not have to be viral. Fever can be a symptom of teething, overwork, malnutrition, or an allergic reaction.

But most often the causes of a high temperature in a child lie in viral diseases of the bronchi, lungs, upper respiratory tract and intestines. A fever that does not disappear for three days clearly indicates a bacterial disease.

When to Get Help

The reason for calling a doctor at home is a high temperature - from 39 degrees in the armpit and over 40 degrees in the anus.

You also need to seek help at the first signs of febrile seizures, which can occur even at a temperature of 37.5 ° C. This symptom is often observed in children with disorders in the nervous system.

Do not hesitate to call doctors if:

  • the child cries continuously, and any touch hurts him;
  • the patient fell into a state of apathy or aggression;
  • muscle tone is reduced or, conversely, increased, although before that it was normal;
  • breathing is difficult despite the measures taken - cleansing and instilling drops in the nose;
  • the child suffers from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or immune systems;
  • an increase in temperature is associated with overheating or heatstroke;
  • the child's body is dehydrated, which can be seen from rare urination, dark urine, decreased salivation, sunken eyes, dry mucous membranes.

Any of these signs is a reason for an urgent call for an ambulance, even at night.

When the child's temperature rises, the mother always begins to panic, especially if the baby is very small, under the age of three. Indeed, in such children, a very rapid rise in temperature can occur even without clearly pronounced external signs and lead to seizures, which is unsafe for a small organism.

What temperature should be brought down?

Doctors advise to lower the temperature if it exceeds the 38.5 ° C mark. But if the child has already had a convulsive syndrome or other pathologies associated with a high temperature, then this should be done when the thermometer shows 38 ° C, so that complications do not arise.

Before that, you should not bring down the temperature, because the body actively produces interferon precisely when the temperature rises, and it, in turn, fights against viruses and bacteria that have entered the body.

And if, at the slightest suspicion of temperature, you give the baby an antipyretic agent, then this negatively affects the development of strong immunity, muffling it, and such a child will often get sick, since the body does not know how to fight on its own.

How to quickly bring down a high temperature in a child at 3 years old?

At home, before bringing down the temperature of a child at 3 years old, you need to measure it and make sure that it is really high. There is a medication method when pharmaceutical chemicals are used, but you can also use proven folk methods.

Best of all, the remedy that is right for your baby will help, because, strange as it sounds, there are children who practically do not react to the use of Panadol, while others are saved only by him. Such children can be offered from the temperature drugs containing ibuprofen as the main active ingredient. This (which is available in the form of suspensions, tablets and suppositories), Bofen, Ibuprofen and other analogs in the form of a suspension. If a child has vomiting or an allergic reaction from the consistency of these drugs, then it is better to use rectal suppositories or, in extreme cases, tablets diluted with water.

How to bring down the temperature of a child at 3 years old, if vomiting occurs from the consistency of these drugs? It is better to use rectal suppositories, or as a last resort, tablets diluted with water.

Candles for knocking down the temperature are convenient to use from a very young age, because you do not need to force the child to drink tasteless medicine that he can spit out. The candle is inserted into the anus, slightly smeared with baby cream and it begins to act after 30 minutes.

For children three years old, candles with paracetamol are suitable: Paracetamol, Cefekon, and Analdim - this is analgin with diphenhydramine. The latter are very good at helping to bring down the temperature for a long time and are used together with syrup at night so that the child can sleep peacefully.

If there are no means suitable for children at hand, and there is no way to find a pharmacy nearby, then babies at the age of three can be offered a quarter of an adult Paracetomol tablet. It is pounded into powder, mixed with teaspoonful of false water and given to the child to drink, immediately offering to drink plenty of liquid.

If the temperature is very high and does not decrease, then you can add a fifth of the analgin tablet to a quarter of Paracetomol, but this is an emergency method, because this drug has a bad effect on the baby's liver.

Thus, having studied the reaction of her baby to antipyretics, the mother will already know the best way to bring down the temperature of a child at 3 years old.

Traditional methods of knocking down the temperature

A child with a high temperature must be given a lot of warm drink and it is best for this to do this with linden and chamomile broth, but ordinary weak tea is also possible. Even at night, if the temperature is elevated, you need to give a little drink to avoid dehydration, which is dangerous for the child's body.

The child's body should be wiped with a cloth dipped in a solution of apple cider vinegar and water (in a 1: 1 ratio), paying particular attention to the depressions under the knees and elbows. Compresses from this solution can be put on the shoulders and legs for a while until the temperature subsides.

In no case should you use rubbing the body with alcohol for young children, because when it gets into the body through the skin, it can cause severe poisoning.