Marina Nikitina

Everyone knows the catchphrase that expresses the desire of women to change appearance hair: curly hair need to be straightened, and straight ones need to be curled. Girls with straight hair curl their hair for what to do beautiful hairstyle, giving hair volume and lightness.

Straight hair for its owners is commonplace, curly hair is novelty, playfulness and charm. For the sake of beauty, women are capable of many, sometimes dangerous, experiments with their hair.

Create beautiful curls you can go through the procedure in a beauty salon or hairdresser perm. Before deciding to get a perm, girls ask the question: “What is chemistry and is it as harmful as they say?”, and then they are worried about hair restoration after chemistry.

What is a perm

Beautiful large and wavy curls or small spring curls can transform a woman beyond recognition. To create the desired hairstyle, girls use various methods: from “grandmother’s” methods of winding strands on paper, to curling hair with trendy electrical appliances. The curl on different hair lasts differently; for some girls, the curls fall apart two hours after curling, while for others they last up to three days.

Most effective way to preserve curls for a long time was invented at the beginning of the last century. This is a perm or simply chemistry. It changes the structure of the hair, curling straight hair so tightly that the curls last for several months, up to six months or more.

Representatives of the fair sex approach this procedure with caution, since hair after chemistry, although it acquires a long-awaited appearance, suffers from chemical exposure. They dry out and lose internal moisture.

Today, the perm procedure is significantly different from those carried out both at the beginning and in the second half of the twentieth century. Hairdressers of the twenty-first century have revolutionized the use of perms. Thanks to the use of the latest cosmetic products, damage to hair becomes minimal.

Types of chemistry:

Acidic. The chemical that is applied to the hair contains acid. Suitable for women with healthy hair and contraindicated if the skin is sensitive and the hair is thin, soft, dry. The result of the procedure is quite stiff curls. Such chemicals greatly damage the hair, but the effect lasts for a very long time, about six months.
Alkaline. Such chemistry is milder in impact and cheaper than acidic ones. The result is elastic, but natural-looking curls. Curls last up to three months. Alkaline chemicals are not suitable for women with coarse hair.
Neutral. The effect of elastic curls is achieved by softening the strands. Suitable for any hair type and, depending on it, lasts from three to six months.
Amino acid. The curls do not deteriorate, but they do not last long. Proteins and amino acids not only nourish, but also heal. This is more likely not a chemical perm, but an amino acid perm. Not suitable for long, heavy hair.
Bioperm. The composition of the product used does not include chemicals (ammonia, acid, hydrogen peroxide), as with alkaline or acid perm. The curls are long-lasting and shiny. Lasts for three months or more. There are many types of biowave: biocarving, biotexturing, corrugation, afro, zigzag and others.

There are other types of chemistry, including those that do not affect all hair, but only some strands or the root part of the hair.

To make the curl look better, it is recommended to cut the ends of your hair before the procedure. The hair at the ends is always weaker than in the root zone, so it will suffer the most, dry out and “burn” when exposed to chemicals.

Hair restoration after chemotherapy

Hair after chemical treatment needs special care and restoration, as it becomes dry and weak.

In order to restore and treat hair damaged by chemicals, special masks, shampoos, lotions, and rinses are used. It is better if these products are from the professional series. Remedies prepared at home according to traditional medicine recipes are also very effective.

Burnt ends of hair cannot be restored, so it is recommended to cut them.

It is better to comb chemically curled strands with combs made from natural materials with sparse teeth.

It is not recommended to dry hair that is already over-dried by chemicals with styling products and a hairdryer. If you don’t have time to wait for your hair to dry on its own, you can use the cold air mode. The best option is to let your hair dry on its own by lightly patting it with a soft towel.

You cannot dye your hair immediately before or after perm, since the hair dye contains chemicals. The chemical reactions in both procedures are similar.

These masks contain only natural ingredients.

Recipes for healing homemade hair masks after chemotherapy:

Kefir. A simple and affordable mask. All you need is kefir. It should be applied to dry, clean hair before going to bed, wrap your head in a plastic bag, and wrap it in a towel. The next morning, rinse the kefir from your hair with warm water. Carry out the procedure once a week, not more often.
On vodka. You will need one egg yolk, one teaspoon or lemon and twenty grams of vodka. Mix all ingredients, rub into hair roots, leave for half an hour, wash hair with shampoo. Do it once a week.

Based on . Ingredients: egg yolk, two tablespoons olive oil, one tablespoon of yeast and one tablespoon of cream. Mix all ingredients and heat in a water bath. Rub into the scalp, wrap it in a towel, and leave for forty minutes. Then wash your hair with warm water and use shampoo. Do this once or twice a week.
On. Mix honey, onion juice and castor oil in equal proportions and apply to hair. Cover with a plastic bag and a towel and leave for forty minutes. Rinse with chamomile infusion and then with clean warm water. The procedure can be performed several times a week.

5 April 2014, 17:26

In an effort to radically change our image and gain a whole cloud of lush curls or a hairstyle of elegant curls, we decide to experiment with our hair in a variety of ways.

In the salon or at home, we are ready to try the most different ways and not just make your hair curly, but also consolidate the result for a long time. And, of course, the most reliable and proven method at all times is perm.

A few hours in the chair with your hairdresser - and your hair will remain curly despite washing, rain, snow or gusty wind.

One problem - hair after perm often lose their former shine, become too dry and hard, and often split at the ends..

Curling process technology: how it works

In order to understand why perm has such a negative effect on the health of your hair, you need to find out how it happens. this procedure and what processes take place in each hair.

1. First of all, the master wraps the washed hair in curlers and exposes it to an alkaline lotion based on triglycolic acid salts. Exposure to lotion that penetrates the cortex of the hair shaft leads to the destruction of disulfide bonds. As a result of treatment with an alkaline solution, the hair is completely straightened.

2. The alkaline solution is washed off, and the hair is treated with a neutralizer, which contains oxidizing agents (hydrogen peroxide). Under the influence of oxidizing agents, new bonds are formed in the hair structure that hold new uniform, set during the curling process.

So, to obtain curls of the desired shape, the hair has to be subjected to a double chemical attack, so the hair after a perm is not only deprived of its former shine.

The strength of the hair along its length may also weaken - in this case, the hair splits and its ends break off.

Chemicals are especially harmful for dry and weakened hair. Frequent use of curling products in this case will only aggravate the problem, which means that owners of such hair are better off looking for safer styling methods.

Is there a safe perm?

Most likely, this question arises in your mind first when you realize that you are not ready to sacrifice the well-groomed condition of silky strands for a mop of untamed, but dull and brittle curls.

Let's try to clarify the situation a little! First of all, we hasten to please you: the beauty industry does not stand still, and, of course, modern curling lotions are more gentle than those with which your grandmothers tortured their hair.

As a rule, most salons use two main types of curl fixation products:

1. Products based on acid solution- penetrate the hair structure without opening the scales and giving the hair stiffness and elasticity.

2. Alkaline-based curling products- more gentle, they allow you to achieve soft, natural curls. The disadvantage of such products can be considered their extremely low effectiveness for very smooth, heavy hair.

The safety of modern lotions is achieved mainly by reducing the concentration or using higher quality ammonia.

In addition, their composition is supplemented with cationic polymers, provitamin B5 and microelements. Such compositions are less aggressive, but it is not possible to completely neutralize the negative impact on the condition of hair after perm.

The most gentle option for thin and weakened hair can be considered neutral curl, which is performed under the influence of cysteamine-based solutions.

The use of neutral solutions that do not contain triglycol provides a more delicate effect on the hair, but the result lasts from three months up to six months.

Curlers, curling irons and curling irons - which is more reliable?

So, we consider neutral perm the safest type of “permanent” using chemical reagents. Experts consider this type to be the “lesser evil”, causing minimal damage to the hair.

Well, and, of course, let’s not forget about our usual, proven ways to achieve the desired look of curls and curls using curlers, curling irons and curling irons.

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The decoration of any hairstyle is considered curly hair, but their creation during normal installation requires large quantity effort. With the development of technologies and materials, chemical methods of creating hairstyles have entered the world of beauty, and the main one is fixing the shape of the curl. This procedure makes it easier to create an interesting hairstyle, but it damages and dries out the strands, so additional hair care is required after a perm.

Perm Root treatment of strands

The compositions for this procedure are made with a lower content of the main components, so they do not affect the hair structure as much. On the other hand, carving is carried out at the very roots, so if the master makes a mistake, the curls will be damaged from the very base, which will significantly increase their recovery time.

Alkaline-based products are considered softer, so they are more often used for perm. For thicker and thicker hair, acidic compounds are required that firmly fix the shape due to partial destruction of the protein structure. All curling compositions also negatively affect the condition of the scalp and hair follicles.

Curls after perm

Additional hair care after perm is required for any processing method. With such harsh exposure, the structure of the hair changes, the follicles weaken, and the strands lose elasticity and become brittle. To maintain your hair, you should constantly use intensive restorative cosmetics, including masks, balms and special oils.

How to care for hair after perm: proven products

There are several ways to cure hair after perm:

  • Application of nourishing masks;
  • Moisturizing with balms and milk after washing;
  • Using oil sprays before combing;
Using oils and sprays before combing
  • Application of protective mousses and foams before styling.

Masks and oils restore the structure of the hair, so their use is best combined and combined with other care products. One should take into account the fact that classical means will have little effectiveness. After treatment, the hair structure is disrupted and becomes porous, so to improve the health of the strands, you should use products that simultaneously nourish and protect the curls from external influences. That is why a mask for hair damaged after chemicals is most often made on the basis of one or more types of vegetable oil.

It is necessary to use hair masks

Recipes for simple but effective masks

Recovery and care with castor and burdock oil

The most famous for their beneficial effects on hair are castor and burdock oils.

Medicinal ingredients for hair

To prepare a restorative agent based on it, you need to mix:

  • Honey – 1 mass part;
  • Castor or burdock oil– 1 mass part;
  • Onion juice – 1 part by weight.

The components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and applied to the strands and scalp. The mask is left for 40 minutes, then the curls are washed well with running water. First, you can rinse your hair with chamomile infusion; it will soothe the scalp and remove excess oil. The procedure must be repeated 4–6 times a week for 20–30 days.

The oil emulsion can be used on its own after perm.

Burdock oil is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 2:1, mixed well and applied to the hair roots.

Burdock oil

The strands are collected in a cap, and the head is wrapped in a towel to keep warm. After 1.5 - 2 hours, the hair is washed with salted water to effective removal excess oil.

Nourishing and moisturizing mask with kefir and black bread

Restore strands and scalp. To prepare it you will need:

  • Black bread – 50 g or 2 pieces;
  • Kefir – 200 ml;
  • Egg yolk – 2 pcs.;
  • Honey – 10 g or 1 tablespoon;

The bread is placed in a bowl and kefir is added. The soaked pieces are left overnight, and in the morning they are kneaded to the state of porridge. Mix two raw yolks and a tablespoon of honey into the mixture. The prepared mask is applied to the scalp and hair, after 20 minutes the hair is washed with chamomile decoction. Yolks nourish and cover the strands with a thin film, honey strengthens the hair structure, and bread and kefir nourish and moisturize the skin and hair follicles. This product allows you to improve the condition of your curls after 8 to 10 applications.

Treatment mask for hair

When restoring hair, several methods should be combined, including nourishing masks, special cosmetics and styling products.

To reduce hair damage when combing, special leave-in sprays and balms are used. You can supplement your daily care with foam that envelops the strands and protects them from external negative influences. But you shouldn’t count on a quick recovery of your hair; only a complete renewal of the strands will return the previous shine and texture.


How to style, straighten and dye your hair after the procedure

The impact on curls during chemical fixation is so great that it is impossible to heat treatment or additional effects the hair will no longer be able to. Therefore, styling can only be done with warm air or natural drying.

What you need to know about installation

Smoothing with an iron and using a hair dryer is highly undesirable. Taking into account the damaged structure and drying out, the fragility of the strands with such exposure will increase, which will lead to increasing hair loss. It is better to comb the strands with wooden brushes, brushes and combs. Dry wet hair first with a towel, then apply an anti-tangle product and comb your curls. For mild chemicals, you can use warm air styling.

Soft chemistry

Hair coloring

Coloring assumes the presence of an oxidizing agent, which further destroys the structure of the curls. This effect will also weaken the curled strands, making it much more difficult to restore their health.

After chemistry, you should avoid using thermal styling methods and experiments with hair color. You can return to such habits after updating the strands along the entire length.

Every woman wants to be beautiful, and she is ready to do anything for this! Even for a perm... And the desire to appear more attractive to the stronger sex overshadows the inevitable consequences of chemistry. Perm is a severe stress for the hair, and no matter what the modern technologies of the procedure are, it still deals a strong blow to the health of the hair. And when the hair becomes dry and dull, brittle and lifeless, a completely different desire arises - to restore hair after a perm by any means!

Consequences of perm
No matter how safe, useful or therapeutic a perm is called, it will not bring any benefit other than temporary beauty. You will have to pay dearly for the pleasure of wearing mischievous curls. The harm caused by chemicals is quite serious:
  • the hair structure is seriously damaged;
  • hair becomes very dry and dull;
  • excessive hair loss appears;
  • The ends of the hair begin to constantly split.
In addition, the hair gradually grows back, and the hairstyle takes on a not very pleasant appearance. After this, the hair should be cut off or hidden in a hairstyle. Unfortunately, these consequences are inevitable. But there are simple rules, so-called prevention, which will help reduce negative consequences to a minimum.

Prevention negative consequences perm
After the procedure, hair needs constant nutrition, special attention And proper care, which will help restore hair after perm:

  1. You should not comb your hair immediately after the procedure. In the future, experts recommend combing them infrequently and using a comb with sparse ridges.
  2. You are allowed to wash your hair only three days after curling. Since the hair becomes excessively dry, you should avoid very frequent washing heads.
  3. Heat-drying permed hair is not recommended, only naturally or using a towel (do not wrap your hair in it under any circumstances).
  4. You need to apply all kinds of nourishing masks to your hair, both store-bought and homemade.
  5. Shampoos should be mild and intended for damaged hair or hair after chemical treatment.
  6. You can go to bed only with a well-dried head.
  7. Periodically it is necessary to trim the ends of your hair.
By following these recommendations, your hair will be damaged less and your hairstyle will last longer.

Recovery measures
Thousands of women share their experiences that helped at least partially restore their hair after a perm. Someone is using by professional means, and some folk:

  1. Professional hair care products after perm. Laboratory products that are created by qualified specialists are very popular. These include shampoos, balms, and all kinds of nourishing masks, as well as ampoules and capsules for hair restoration, which are created specifically for damaged hair and for hair after chemical treatment. It is better to choose products that contain natural ingredients, for example, panthenol, various oils, keratin, and vitamins.
  2. Folk hair care products after chemistry. Usage folk remedies is in no way inferior to professional ones; in addition, homemade recipes for restoration are sometimes more effective. The following products are suitable for intensive nutrition and hair restoration:
    • oils: burdock, peach, grape seed, sea buckthorn. They are rubbed into the roots, preheated in a water bath, and distributed along the entire length of the hair. The minimum time for such a mask is 1 hour.
    • fermented milk products: kefir, whey, sour cream. The product heated in a water bath is applied to the hair and kept under a cap for at least 20 minutes.
    • first aid: yolk, honey plus lemon juice. This mask is distributed over the entire length and left for 20 minutes. The effect of the mask is visible immediately.
    All these components can be mixed with each other for greater effect, for example, by adding egg yolk and a couple of spoons of sour cream to burdock oil, you will get an intensely restorative hair mask.
  3. Stimulating growth. Since hair begins to fall out considerably after the procedure, you need to use products that will stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation in the scalp. Both professional and folk recipes, which will contain a stimulant. An excellent remedy is burdock oil with red pepper, which will warm the scalp and increase blood flow to the hair follicles, thereby strengthening them and making hair grow faster.
Hair restoration after a perm takes some time, and sometimes quite a lot. Therefore, before the procedure, you should weigh the pros and cons, and it is better to consult with a specialist who will examine the condition of your hair and scalp and give the go-ahead to realize your dream - mischievous curls.

Not many women have been blessed by nature curly hair. That is why the fair sex who are part of this group get a perm. When making such a decision, women are guided by the fact that “chemistry” will make hair care easier and eliminate the need for daily styling, which will ultimately save a lot of time. However, I hasten to disappoint you, because you can’t do without styling, it will just take less time than usual. In addition, the hair after this requires special care, which will take a lot of time.

Do not forget that perm should be performed by a professional, only in this case you can enjoy your new look. Thanks to the composition modern means for perming, the hair is exposed to less aggressive effects than when using products of the previous generation. These products not only have a gentle effect on the hair structure, but also additionally contain caring complexes. And, nevertheless, after curling, hair simply needs additional careful care and attention.

Since the fixing compounds used for perm continue to work for three days, it is not recommended to wash your hair during this period. By the way, to wash your hair you now need to use a special shampoo and additional hair care products after a perm (conditioner, treatment composition), since even the most gentle perm is a strong stress for our hair. If your hair is long, you should definitely use products for the ends of your hair. By the way, it is better to use care products from the same brand and series as the composition used for curling, then the effect will be maximum. You can also purchase care products in the salon where the perm was done. Experts will definitely help you choose the best option, which is optimal for your hair. When washing your hair, shampoo is applied only to the hair roots and scalp, since everything else can be easily cleaned with soapy water after rinsing. This method of using shampoo prevents excessive dryness of the ends of the hair. Once your hair is washed, you should not use squeezing or twisting movements with your hair to remove excess water. You just need to pat your hair dry with a towel. To keep your hair curled much longer, you should not pull your hair out while it is wet. Because of this, elasticity is lost.

Remember that you absolutely cannot use care products for styling straight hair. They significantly weigh down the strands, which leads to straightening of the “curls.” Many experts speak out against the use of caregivers cosmetics unprofessional line. As a rule, such products are sold with the label “For weakened hair, after dyeing or perm.” Meanwhile, the problems mentioned are completely different, therefore, the approach to solving them should also be different. Hair after curling requires the use of products that help smooth out microcracks on the hair shaft, which, in turn, are common cause fragility and split hair after this procedure. These products include liquid proteins, which are produced by some professional companies.

As for drying your hair, after this procedure you can do this with a hairdryer and hot rollers. However, this is only possible three days after perm. This period is necessary to strengthen the keratin of the hair, which will allow the curl in the hairstyle to remain elastic much longer. Using a hairdryer with gentle warm or cold air (strong heat is contraindicated!) It is recommended to dry tight, small curls. And in order for the curls to continue to perfectly keep their shape, they need to be wound on hot rollers.

Permed hair styling is as necessary as air. In this case, it must be done after each wash. Of course, a little less time will be spent, but the installation will retain its original appearance for a long time. When styling hair after perm, it is recommended to use only a special nourishing foam balm. The use of varnish is strictly prohibited! To comb your hair, you can only use a wide-toothed comb (no brushes!) so that the curls do not lose their shape and do not fall apart. In this case, you can comb your hair on the second day after the procedure, starting from the ends of the hair. Once you have combed your hair, you need to make curl-forming movements with your hands. I want to warn you against backcombing of any kind, as they will turn your curls into a “loofah”, after which it will be impossible to return to their former shape. To keep your hair happy for a long time, never go to bed with wet hair.

After perming, hair becomes dull. But even in this case, you must refrain from deep staining for three weeks. But it is quite possible to refresh the color and make it more saturated, as well as add shine to your hair with the help of light tinting. Only tint products should be chosen that are plant-based, since perming has already weakened them, and additional chemical exposure will finally “finish off” them. Plant-based dyes have a healing effect on hair, restoring the stratum corneum and creating a protective film.

In addition, permed hair needs protection. To protect against sun exposure, you must wear Panama hats, caps, hats, etc., or apply it to your hair special means care with sun protection factors. You should also avoid contact of your hair with salty, cold and chlorinated water. Therefore, after swimming in sea water or a pool with chlorinated water, your hair should be washed thoroughly immediately.

It is very important to carry out a healing and restorative course after the perm procedure to restore the damaged hair structure. For these purposes, you can use folk recipes with which you can cook yourself natural masks and herbal decoctions for rinsing hair. You can also use ready-made products from cosmetic lines (masks-balms with a nourishing and restoring effect on the hair structure). In addition, there are special restorative products in ampoules that should be applied to the hair at night and rinsed off in the morning. In an effective way is the use of vegetable and essential oils for hair. Preheat a bottle of oil in a water bath and distribute it evenly over the entire length of your hair. When warm, the active substances contained in the oil effectively penetrate the hair, resulting in excellent results. The oil nourishes, moisturizes hair, restores structure and shine.

Folk remedies for hair after perm.
Mix one teaspoon each of honey and cognac, add egg yolk and a tablespoon of burdock oil. Apply the resulting mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair and wrap it under film. This mask should be left on for at least three hours. At the end of the procedure, rinse your hair with shampoo. Instead of burdock oil, you can use olive oil, the effect will be no less.

Take two tablespoons of nettle and calendula flowers, mix with a tablespoon of oak bark and pour one and a half liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse for half an hour, after which the infusion should be strained. Use as a rinse after washing hair with shampoo.

Mix chamomile, linden, and nettle herbs in equal proportions (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and pour boiling water over it. Leave the mixture to infuse for half an hour, then strain the infusion. Then add oil vitamins A, B1, B12, E (in ampoules) and crushed rye bread crusts to the infused liquid. Wait fifteen minutes and apply the resulting mixture to clean hair, wrap with film and leave for an hour and a half. After this, rinse your hair thoroughly.

A decoction of burdock roots perfectly strengthens hair roots. Pour a glass of boiling water over 10-20 g of dried burdock roots, previously crushed. Place the mixture on low heat and cook from the moment it boils for half an hour. Then leave the resulting mixture for five minutes and use it as a rinse after washing your hair.

Burdock oil prepared at home nourishes hair, accelerating its growth and adding shine. To prepare it, mix one part of fresh burdock roots, previously crushed, with three parts of vegetable or almond oil. Leave for 24 hours, then boil for fifteen minutes with constant stirring. Then cool and strain. Rub the oil into the scalp, roots and ends of the hair. Leave for an hour and then wash off with shampoo. To enhance the effect, do it at night.

Before each wash of permed hair, it is important to make nourishing masks that speed up the recovery process.

Pour three tablespoons of warm boiled water or herbal decoction, a mixture of two egg yolks, ten drops of glycerin and the same amount of lemon juice. Rub this mixture into the scalp and hair, and wrap it with a terry towel on top. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse your hair well, first with warm water, and then with a pre-prepared rinse. For the rinse, pour a tablespoon of forest mallow root into a liter of boiling water and boil. Then add a tablespoon of honey, lemon juice from half a lemon or a tablespoon of wine vinegar to the liquid. It is recommended to do this mask with rinse once a week. The course of treatment is two months.

Mix with two tablespoons of castor oil a mixture of two egg yolks, five grams of yeast, and a tablespoon of cream. Place in a water bath to heat, then use to rub into hair roots. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with herbal infusion.

Mix one egg yolk with a teaspoon of lemon juice or aloe juice and a tablespoon of vodka. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. Wait half an hour, then rinse with shampoo and rinse with water infusion on rye bread.

An oil compress revives damaged hair. 100 g of freshly cut crushed burdock roots are poured with a glass of high-quality olive oil for a day, put on low heat and boiled for fifteen minutes. Then remove from heat, cool, squeeze out the roots, and strain the oil. Apply to hair and rub into scalp five to six hours before shampooing.

Half an hour before washing your hair, rub a mixture of a teaspoon of aloe juice, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of castor oil. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

Mix a tablespoon of dry chamomile herb, a tablespoon of rosemary with 3/4 cup of vodka. Pour the mixture into a dark container, close the lid and place in a dark place to infuse. The mixture must be shaken daily for two weeks. After two weeks, the infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a clean bottle with a lid. Rub the infusion with light and gentle movements twice a week into the scalp with a soft toothbrush (old). It is better to do the procedure at night.

Every time after washing your hair, you can use a rinse made from a handful of hops and the same amount of tartar, poured with a liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture for twenty minutes, cool and strain.

To weaken the perm, you can use bread water, for the preparation of which you should pour boiling water over rye bread and place it in a warm place for fermentation. If you use this water to wash your hair, then the mixture should be infused for at least five hours, but if for treatment - two to three days.

The photochromotherapy method can also significantly improve the condition of hair after perm. This method involves exposing hair to multi-colored light, while red light strengthens curls and fights dandruff, yellow light helps improve microcirculation and nourishes hair follicles, accelerating their growth, green light expands capillaries and increases blood supply to hair follicles, which prevents hair loss and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, blue light eliminates the fungus that causes dandruff, and also relieves allergic reactions.