Raspberries - delicious and benefiting for the whole body of a berry, which not only eat, but also actively used in cosmetology and for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of face raspberry mask huge- Thanks to berries, you can cope with fading, greasy, pigmentation, tuskiness of the skin.

Homemade cosmeticsprepare from both berry pulp and freshly swollen juice.

Composition and properties

How is the raspberry for the skin of the face?

The benefit of raspberry for the face is due Chemical composition of berries, in which:

  • magnesium;
  • vitamins - in groups, a, pp, s, e;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper, zinc and other necessary items.

The above substances cope with dry skin, make it elastic and tender, can put it with vitamins, increase protective qualities. In addition, in raspberries are contained:

  1. Catechins- Antioxidants that preserve youth.
  2. Salicylic acid - dry and has an antibacterial property.
  3. Flavonida- Help education.
  4. Polyphenols- Antioxidants that protect the dermis from harmful effects and struggle with rashes, acne, irregularities.

For the manufacture of cosmetics Fresh and frozen berries can be used.

Such cosmetics are suitable for absolutely any type of skinbut apply them is permissible only if there is no allergic reaction to the raspberry.

Efficiency of application

What are good for face mask from raspberry?

They - help in the fight against aging, contribute regenerationskin cover, get rid of acne and traces remaining from it, nourishskin, eliminate other inflammatory rash, cleandermis refreshand whiten and brightened.

In addition, malinous masks help to smooth out small mimic and age wrinkles, so their application is relevant any age.

Juice from raspberry No less useful than masks.

If they simply wipe the face purified from cosmetics and contaminants once a day, then small wrinkles and pigmentation will be practically invisible in about a week.


On the fatty skin A mask is favorable, prepared from 100 grams of raspberries and one bread (black) bowls:

  1. Ingredients are mixed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the skin with leisurely, neat, unsilering massaging movements.
  3. Leaves on the face by one third of the hour.
  4. The mixture was washed with warm water, and then the face is wiped in advance prepared and cooled infusion from chamomile beam and raspberry juice (4 to 1).

Moisturize the skin fat typemask from:

  • teaspoon of natural yogurt;
  • one;
  • little spoon of lemon juice;
  • half of the raspberry glasses;
  • small handful of oatmeal.

It is easy enough to make it - everything should be done by hand, the mass it should turn out to be a casual consistency. Then they are applied to the skin and leave the minimum for 15 minutes. You can rinse weight with both warm water and cool milk.

For skin normal type Suitable mask with such a composition:

  • quarter cup of raspberry;
  • yolk;
  • spoon of Hercules flakes and as many vegetable oil;
  • the fourth part of a glass of milk.

To prepare the mask gradually - the milk is heated first, the stroke flakes are put in it, the mixture is left to be sealed for a few minutes. Then the yolk is introduced into the pitch, berries are poured and everything is shared. After that, the oil is poured, everything is mixed and applied for a while before half an hour.

From freckles and age-related pigment spots Rare a mask from taken in equal proportions:

  • lemon juice;
  • crimson only pressed juice;
  • finely chopped parsley.

The mixed ingredients should be applied neatly, avoiding the inclusive zone.

Leave it on the dermis no longer than 30 minutesAfter which the composition is washed off by chilled water.

After applying this cosmetics, the face of the ice cube should be wiped and smeared with moisturizing cream.

Dry skin It will help to recover and get the necessary moisture mask of oily cream and raspberry juice. It is prepared and applied by such an algorithm:

  1. Ingredients, taken on a large tablespoon, stirred.
  2. In the mixture, small gauze pieces are well wetted (you can take cotton swabs).
  3. The moistened gauze is laid on a 25-35 minutes.
  4. Wash off such a mask with warm water.

Contraindications and frequency of use

Masks from summer berries are contraindicated in those who have individual intolerance or allergies to them.

There are other factors that should not be overlooked from the form if you want to avoid the appearance of inflammation and irritation on the skin of the face:

  • for masks, it is preferable to use just collected berrybut if it is impossible - be sure to check it on freshness before adding;
  • before you first put a mask on your face, you should make sure that the skin on it it will react normally - For this, a slightly cooked mixture is applied on wrists or elbow;
  • do not apply Masks whose includes raspberries if the capillaries are extremely close to the top layer of the dermis.

Malinous masks are enough effectivebut do not apply them to the skin before leaving the house - if the skin is light, pale, then the mask can her slightly paint.

They apply raspberry cosmetics on the face no more than once a week, but leave on the skin 1 no more than 20 minutes per session.

Regular application Malna masks for the face will help to cope with various skin problems - from acne and pigment spots to eels and wilts.

the main thing- Do not apply a cosmetic home product overly often and make sure that there are no contraindications, then malinous masks will bring maximum benefit.

Recipesraspberry masks for face in this video:

The composition of Malina masks includes a huge amount of useful substances, for example, vitamin C and some organic acids. They are suitable for absolutely all types of skin of the face. These components of such a wonderful berry like raspberries are able to moisten, nourish and tone the skin, in addition, bleaching freckles and different dark spotsand also helps to get rid of wrinkles.

Mask of raspberry for the face can be pulled by the pores of the skin, eliminate its excess shine or add in case of severe fatty. It is possible to achieve this very simply - instead of wash your face in the morning with ordinary water, wipe it with this juice.

Beautiful ice, which is made from the raspberry juice, diluted by any beautiful nutritional and tonic properties. mineral water. There is a more efficient form of application of raspberries - a special mask in the form of Cashitz.


A refreshing mask that exertes moisturizing and pulling effect:

  • Take 2 tbsp. l. Raspberries, stripped to Cashitz, and as source.
  • Distribute the mass of the thin layer on the face, leave for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the mask with a cotton swab, moistened in warm green tea (or boiled water).
  • Rinse face with cool water (or infusion of raspberry leaves).

Malinic mask for dry skin:

Due to the use of dairy products, the mask is suitable for dry skin type. Application frequency - approximately 1-2 times a week. The duration of the course should not exceed more than one month.

Raspberry face compress: Grind the leaves of raspberries, pour them with a small amount of boiling water. Let the eyelid cool to room temperature. Take the gauze, moisten in the infusion and put on the skin of the face. After 10-15 minutes, remove the compress and slip the face with cool water.

Beneficial features

The effectiveness of face masks from raspberries is fully due to the chemical components of berries, which is widely known due to their useful properties:

After applying such a composition, it is necessary to "consolidate the result", applying, then your skin will absorb all the necessary vitamins much faster.

If you consider all the properties listed above, it is safe to declare that Malina is one of the most efficient natural skin care products.

Hello, dear readers. Well, who did not hear about this delicious, fragrant, finally - a beautiful berry - Malina?! Probably, adults and children know about her. It has already proven itself as a highly efficient and safe antipyretic agent, which, besides, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, well-supporting and other useful properties. But, few people heard, and even less who - checked in practice: Raspberries greatly helps to solve not only the problems internal, but also external. Specifically it is about its positive effect on the skin. So, the masks of raspberry for the face are able to create practically miracles with him, cleaning the covers, making them elastic to the touch and healthy in appearance. This means offered to us by nature itself, simply can not be used, especially - in summer periodWhen raspberries are very affordable.

But even in winter you can use this berity for cosmetic purposes, because, frozen in the summer, it retains most of their deep winter.

There are some important nuances: Masks should prepare and used correctly, the raspberry itself must be high-quality (at least ecologically clean) and so on. About this, and not only, you should know. The theme of today's conversation is Malina Masks for the face, and all that is connected with it!

There are certain rules, the observance of which is very desirable, moreover - mandatory, if you want to obtain exceptional benefits from the procedures with the application of raspberry masks, and not "run out" at the same time on side effects.

1. Be sure to test any mask prepared for personal use, on the sections of delicate skin. One of best places - The inner side of the wrist.

Apply a small mask for him, withsting it for 20-30 minutes. After that, wash up and look at the result.

If there is no itching, redness, irritation and other negative moments, then the mask can be safely used on the face.

This procedure is primarily designed to eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions to Samum Malina, or on any of the components of the mask components, the main substance in which it stands.

2. Do not use raspberry masks in those parts of the body, on which the vessels are very close to the skin surface. Especially - where there are vascular meshes.

3. To prepare the most useful and healing masks, choose raspberry berries only fresh, juicy, grown and harvested in environmentally friendly regions.

4. As for freshness of berries: Naturally, they must be fresh, but is allowed to use the use of frozen raspberries, while compliance with its storage technology.

Chemical composition of fragrant raspberry berries

He has in his "arsenal" all necessary for a full-fledged positive effect on the skin, elements, in the avant-garde of which, of course, vitamins and minerals.

Among the first:

  • Vitamin C
  • All group vitamins in
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin RR
  • Vitamin K.


  • Malia
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus and some others

Naturally, non-vitamins are uniform, so to speak. Therefore, we will pay attention to other, no less important for health, substances in raspberries in sufficient quantities.

These are acids that have organic nature, and tanning substances, and pectins, sugars, others. Under powerful useful onslaught, the skin is updated, and its problems are retreating. More about it - hereinafter.

Raspberry berries - all the benefits of the skin of the face

She is unique. And the effect of using the mask is manifested after the first procedure! But, for complete recovery, you will need to go through the whole course.

By the way, masks from raspberry berries can be used not only for the treatment of skin, getting rid of certain problems, and for the purposes of preventive, then mean preventive. So, what can you give correct regular use of raspberry masks?

Getting rid of pigment spots, acne, skin irritation, redness, and so on.

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Antifungal, antibacterial effects.

Moisturizing and full nutrition of skin.

Rejuvenation and regeneration of skin cells.

Protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Formation of sustainable local immunity.

Improving elasticity indicators.

Healing microtrams on the skin.

Optimization of metabolic processes.

Toning of skin and improve their chromaticity.

Powerful antioxidant effect.

This complex is quite enough to get the effect for a relatively short time, about which you used only to dreamed.

Mail mask from raspberry - Basic rules for use

About them already mentioned above. It should only be reminded that compliance with these rules is a practical guarantee, a guarantee of the rapid achievement of the result.

Mount to note: Any mask retains its healing properties of not more than 1-2 hours. The perfect option is its application immediately, after it is completely ready for this.

Another rule.

Any face mask should be applied:

For treatment, getting rid of existing problems: 1 time per day every two days (in difficult cases, to achieve fast effectdaily). The middle course is 10 days;

For prevention: 1 time per day, every 3-4 days, you can use on a regular basis, making a break for 1 week every month. Preventive masks can be done, including 1-2 weeks after passing a full course of treatment.

Each mask individually affects the skin and each separate it (recipe) should be applied based on specific recommendations. But, there are general principles. So, on average, the time of use of the mask is 20-30 minutes.

Before applying it on the face, its skin needs to be cleaned of fat and contaminants of another character.

After the time of the procedure has expired, the mask should "take off", wash the warm water, wipe the face with a soft towel from natural fabric (or - cotton towel).

It is very desirable, after the face becomes completely dry, as a result of the use of a towel, apply natural nutritious cream suitable for your skin type.

Face masks from raspberry - Effective recipes

Malina helps to cope with situations of various kinds, it concerns both skin and health, especially shown in many illnesses.

For quick humidification

Thoroughly stretch the fresh raspberry berries to the pussy of their state. Take three spoons of the table of this casis, add 1 yolk from chicken egg, 1 spoon of olive oil (if not so - then take the sunflower unrefined, in it a lot of vitamin E), plus one such a spoonful of oats flour. All mix up to the highest possible homogeneous state. Can be used.

For skin cleansing

It will take to make a mask of raspberry and rice flour. The first need to take about 4 tablespoons, the second - 2 tablespoons. Both components mix and leave for 10 minutes. All, useful cleansing mask is ready.

Mask for "tired" skin

Take 50 grams of raspberries, 1 spoon of dining flour oatmeal, mint infusion - near the tablespoon. Everything, as usual, you need to mix, insist minutes 20 minutes. If there is no infusion of mint, you can take, instead, 2 drops of mint essential oil. Or a teaspoon of fresh mint, the leaves of which were pre-crushed with a blender.

Mask for normal face skin

It is necessary to take 50 grams raspberry berries, oatmeal porridge 2 tablespoons, 40 milliliters of hot cow Milk.. Malina and oatmeal to mix, pour milk, wait 20 minutes.

Mask to eliminate pigmentation and whitening face

We will need: Raspberry fresh (50 grams), lemon juice (pair of tablespoons), chopped on a blender parsley (approximate number). Mix everything, you can apply.

Mask for absolutely any type of skin (traditional option)

Just take an exemplary amount of raspberry berries, bring them mechanically to a porridge consistency, apply to the skin. This mask, including, is well suited for a combined skin type.

Fatty skin mask

We will be needed: Raspberry, chicken protein, wheat flour, natural yogurt, oats flour. All components must be taken in approximately equal proportions and mix. You can use immediately.

When problems with leather dermatological nature (rash, fungal diseases, bacterial and so on). It will be necessary to brew a concentrated infusion from the chamomile field, add it to the confused berries in the ratio of 2 spoons of dining on 1 spoonful puree.

For sensitive skin, a raspberry mask with sour cream

It is best suited for very sensitive skin. It is necessary to high-quality berries, mix them with a natural fatty sour cream, insist, protecting the mixture from direct sunlight, about 25-30 minutes.

Each ingredient must be taken in equal amounts. This, as well as is classic, masks are the most popular, efficient and safe among all others, the recipes of which exist.

Note! In order for some masks to be excessively liquid, you can add the required amount of starch to them: corn or, even better, potato!

Contraindications and precautions

As for the precaution, it is important to note here: strengthen the concentration of raspberries in masks prepared by a particular recipe, it is not worth it.

Pay attention to the fact that you have no allergies not only on the berry data, and on any other component of the mask.

Do not part with their use. And do not use these means before reaching the age of 15 years.

Otherwise, since these drugs are 100% consisting of natural natural components, there are no contraindications.

In general, such masks are a magnificent alternative to expensive procedures running in beauty elephants, or the same pharmacy drugs.

And we are not only a positive effect, but also in accessibility, security, and so on. It is impossible to accurately say that raspberries will help solve your face with the skin of the face, however, the statistics should be given: it helps to do it in 8 cases out of 10.

This is an excellent indicator. Consequently, this method of increasing its own attractiveness and improvement of skin health needs to pay attention. He deserves confidence and respect.

Many decades have already been known as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic means. It contains a large number of Various vitamins that are very useful for our immunity.

The berries of this plant are used in raw form, boil jams and confident, and in the winter, fragrant teas are prepared. However, raspberries can be used not only for internal, but also for external use.

Malinic face mask is effective tool In cosmetology, which is used to solve a variety of problems: problem skinFor rejuvenation, as well as skin lightening.

Raspberry berries possess a mass useful properties. This is explained by her rich composition. To find out what the raspberry face mask is useful, consider more chemical composition The fruits of this plant:

  1. Vitamin A. It is this vitamin that provides the processes of regeneration, humidification and rejuvenation of the skin. He is also responsible for the elimination of inflammatory processes.
  2. Vitamin C. This component helps to heal the wounds on the skin, and also restores the elasticity lost over the years.
  3. Vitamin E. Enhances the renewal of skin cells, which gives it freshness and slows down the aging processes. Also, the impact of free radicals on the skin becomes less detrimental due to this vitamin.
  4. Organic acids. They are the main component of cosmetic peels that have become very popular in cosmetology procedures for the last few year s. The acids add the face of freshness, change the dim color of the face on bright and healthy. Also provide protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Potassium. This component makes Malina Masks with a gift for dehydrated and dry skin. The fact is that potassium is a regulator water balance In skin cells. It is he who satisfies the face of moisture, gives him radiance and smoothness.
  6. Flavonoids. This component ensures the production of collagen and resumes cell regeneration.
  7. Polyphenols. Protect skin OT negative influence Environmental factors. Eliminate rash and eliminate age-related manifestations.

A face mask for a face can ideally approach your skin type and solve many cosmetology problems. However, there are also some caution and rules to pay attention to the application of recipes.

Check the skin on an allergic reaction. Raspberry, despite all its positive properties, is a strong allergen. That is why before making a mask, you need to apply a small amount of mixture on the inner side of the elbow and wait about 10-15 minutes. If redness, itching and rash is not observed, you can make a mask without fears.

Mask from fresh raspberries for the face will be as effective as a frozen raspberry mask. The method of application depends only on the time of year. In the summer it is better to use fresh berries, and in the cold season - frozen. Before preparing the berry mask, it is worth a break and remove poor-quality fruits.

It is not necessary to apply a mask if there are significant inflammatory processes on the face, severe acne or wounds. The tool can only aggravate the situation without professional advice of the cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Adjust the frequency of the procedure depending on your skin type. For oily leather, making masks from raspberries are recommended twice a week, and for dry - three times.

With the appearance of unpleasant sensations of burning after applying the mask, the means must be strained immediately.

Formations based on raspberry berries have an incomparable aroma, a whole storehouse of vitamins and an incomparable effect of exposure to the dermis. The presented masks will help maintain the beauty and health of women's skin at any age.

For dry skin

For this mixture, you will need olive oil, raw egg yolk, and raspberry.

Berries in the number of two dessert spoons need to be confused to the state of the puree. Then it is stirred with a yolk and two teaspoons olive oil. To achieve a more thick consistency in a mask, interfere with a teaspoon of rice flour.

Then the mixture is applied to the entire face and washed off after 15 minutes with warm water.

For problem skin

Formulations from berries will also help get rid of teenage rashes and slightly illuminate traces from old pimples. To prepare a raspberry mask from acne, you should take raspberry and wheat flour. Two and a half big spoons of raspberries, pre-mounted in a puree, you need to mix with one big spoon of flour.

The means must be applied by clapping movements using fingertips. After 15 minutes, the mask must be washed off with cool water.

For fading skin

Rejuvenating raspberry masks are represented by several popular recipes that slow down changes in age-related skin.

  • For the first recipe, it is necessary to beat the egg protein and mix it with three large spoons of ground berries, add a few drops of wheat embryos oil. Such a mask must be kept on the face of about 20-30 minutes.
  • For the second recipe you will need raspberries, honey, natural cottage cheese without preservatives, avocado oil. Two tablespoons of raspberry puree should be combined with a similar amount of merged cottage cheese and a teaspoon of melted honey, add 10 drops of oil from avocado. With raspberry berries, gives a wonderful moisturizing and pulling effect.

With a refreshing effect

Facial mask based on raspberry with bee honey - a great combination for the help of tired and dehydrated skin. For the manufacture of a mask, it is necessary to mix honey with a rascal raspberry in the same proportions, add a teaspoon crushed on a grater of cucumber.

It is necessary to leave the mask for 15 minutes, and then thoroughly wash off with water. It will return lost radiance and smoothness, and also smooth out small wrinkles on the age-related skin.

For skin cleansing

This tool is intended for cleansing. pall scored. This mask will also help free the dermis from dead epithelium particles that interfere with the smoothness of the skin. The mixture includes the following components: kefir, flour, salt and raspberry berries. Two tablespoons of flour must be combined with a dessert spoon of warm kefir and stir up to the creation of a homogeneous consistency. Then two tablespoons of the raspberry puree should be added to the mixture and salt on the knife tip.

This means need to massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe person where black dots are observed, and then apply to the entire face for 10 minutes.

For oily skin

To reduce the shine and excessive oily skin, it is recommended to use a mask, which will contain starch, raspberries and crude eggs. Chilled protein It is necessary to beat and gently enter into it one teaspoon of blue clay powder. Then this mixture should be mixed with three spoons of raspberry pulley and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.

For the benefits of raspberry

Malina contains a large number of vitamins, trace elements. This berry is rich in vitamins A, C, RR, B1, B9, organic acids - salicylic, wine, lemon. Also in its composition there are fiber, tannins, glucose, fructose, beta-sitosterlin and minerals - iron, copper, zinc, potassium, cobalt, magnesium. Raspberry is successfully used in cosmetology, because it has a whitening effect, tones, moisturizes, refreshes and nourishes the skin of the face. Masks and other means with the addition of raspberries are suitable for any type of skin, but especially the beneficial effects of raspberries on the fatty skin.

The first raspberry garden was laid in the XII century by Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgorukhi - the founder of Moscow. Since then, many varieties of this beautiful plant are derived.

Raspberry Skin Care Juice

As a bleaching agent, helping to clarify freckles and pigment spots, fresh raspberry juice can be used. Several times a day, they should wipe the pigmented skin sections.

Also raspberry juice can be used as a refreshing tonic for fatty and combined skin. It is perfectly tightened by pores, eliminates the fat shine. You can wipe the face of frozen raspberry juice.

Mail mask for any skin type (universal)

The mask prepared on this recipe tones and refreshes the skin, increases its elasticity, has a small whitening effect. To make her cooking, you need to raise the raspberries berries, squeeze juice a little from them, apply a berry mass on the face for 15 minutes. With dry skin, face is pre-lubricated with nutritional cream or olive oil.

Mail mask for care oily leather Persons

1 tbsp. l. Malina berries in equal proportions mix with egg protein, kefir, low-fat yoghurt and spokeshaw. For greater density masks, you can add wheat flour or starch. For a pronounced clarifying and tightener effect, it is recommended to pour in a mask of 1 tsp. Lemon juice. Mask Apply to the skin of the face for 15 minutes. Flush with cool water.

Mask of raspberry cleansing for oily skin

2 tbsp. l. The raspberry berries to develop before the formation of juice. The resulting cleaner is stirred from 1 t. L. Rice, wheat or potato flour, apply on the face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off cool water.

Mail mask moisturizing for dry and normal skin

In 1 egg yolk add 4-5 raspberries, 1 tbsp. l. Milk and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Thoroughly confuse all the ingredients, for the thickness of the mass you can add some oatmeal flour. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Flush warm, and after cool water.

Mail Mask for Dry Skin

For the preparation of a mask caring for dry skin, raspberries should be mixed with products such as cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, vegetable oil. Need to be confused 1 tbsp. l. Row berries with the same amount of any of the ingredients listed above and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.

Raspberry Mask

1 tbsp. l. Oatmeal pour into a small amount of hot milk, insist under the lid of 5-7 minutes. 1 tbsp. l. The resulting porridge is stirred from 1 tbsp. l. Summified raspberry berries. With a very dry and peeling skin, you can add 1 tbsp in the mixture. l. Melted butter. Apply a mass on face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water room temperature.

Malinic mask for fading skin

1 tbsp. l. Rowing berries need to be confused with the same number of cottage cheese, add 1 tsp. Honey. Apply a mass for 10-12 minutes. Rinse with water room temperature.

Raspberry mask for fatty fading skin

6-7 berries of raspberries to be broken together with 1 t. L. Honey. Apply the composition on the face for 10 minutes. Flush with cool water.

Maline leaves

With the help of raspberry leaves, you can get rid of acne. To do this, wipe the skin of the face with juice, pressed from fresh raspberry leaves. After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the problem areas of skin with butter to prevent skin redness.

Raspberry leaves are tone with draining and sluggish skin. To do this, cook a decoction: 1 tbsp. l. The dry or fresh leaves of the raspberry and the same number of linden flowers to pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist under the lid of 3 hours. Strap, freeze in molds for ice. Wipe the face with ice cubes in the morning and in the evening.

The mask made according to the following recipe will save from inflammation. To make her cooking, it is necessary to chop fresh leaves of raspberries to the state of the cask and apply on the skin of the face. The face is recommended to be pre-lubricated with moisturizing cream. Mask from leaves hold 15 min, after which it was washed off with warm water.

Raspberry scrub for all skin types

1 tsp. Hercules flakes mix with 3 scenes raspberry berries. The face is slightly moistened, to massage the skin of the face prepared. Such a tool cleans and refreshes the skin.

Body Raspberry Scrub

Scrub, prepared for such a recipe, suitable for any type of skin. He moisturizes and nourishes the skin with the necessary vitamins, carefully cleans and struggles with signs of aging. To prepare it, you need to mix 3- 4 tbsp. l. Small sugar, 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. Berries of raspberries. Scrub apply on the body and leave for 5-10 minutes. Flush with warm water under the shower.