If you want to understand the meaning of omens, look not at the thing, but at its symbolism, meaning, at the images that arise in you. After all, it is not the object itself, but its meaning in the psychic field that affects us. The wedding ring is a symbol of marriage. Therefore, everything related to the ring is carried over to interpersonal relationships paired with. It cracked, darkened, lost, fell - it is believed that the same will happen with the fate of the marriage. This is how our thinking works. This is how superstitions are born. Belief in empty vanity. It is sad and offensive when people are worried because of accepts, but not because of their own attitude towards themselves and their partner. All stories below are real. If there are any mystical coincidences, I am honestly writing about it. These are rare special cases.

1. The uneven surface of the wedding ring - family life with scandals and partings. What is behind the desire to buy something unusual - not the same as everyone else's - wedding ring? Perhaps the bride and groom are still children at heart and want to play the wedding: limousine, guests, White dress, an exclusive ring. Or they are used to getting all the best, spoiled. Or they pay more attention to the outer side of life: wealth, beauty. Or they like to show themselves off. If so, then the problems of their future relationship are inevitable. But not because of the ring, but because of the newlyweds' unpreparedness for the difficulties of marriage.

A girlfriend got married in July. Her ring is smooth, and on front side four large diamonds at intervals. They said that it was impossible. They now live through a stump-deck: they reconcile, then they swear, then they generally fight.

My friend was discouraged from buying a new-fashioned wedding ring (one is spinning inside the other + stones). She was told that the ring should be smooth, symbolizing stability. But she chose beauty. And life with her husband, really, did not work out. At first, they lived quite richly, then drugs and dismissal from work, then theft and slot machines. Now my husband is sitting. Is this how superstitions are probably born or are they justified?

The uneven surface of the ring can be viewed differently. Do not be afraid of difficulties, be ready to overcome them, as the spouses did from the story described below.

“We recently lost my rings with my husband. Now we want to get married. When they bought the first, they approached with superstition in order to buy smooth and so that life was smooth. And now we will buy ribbed ones to reflect the difficulties of married life.

2. For strong and happy marriage rings must be gold. There is a perception that choosing a traditional gold ring will help build a strong marriage. And I can give you examples. But remember that this is a newfangled sign, since the opportunity to buy expensive rings was not at all times. Our grandmothers got along with simple copper ones. I don't think the choice of material plays a mystical role. Rather, household. If the young are so poor that there is no money for rings, then build life together will be much more difficult. Love does not always stand the test of lack of money.

They say that you cannot change such a tradition as gold rings. Some of my friends decided to buy silver ones. Three months after the wedding, they suddenly quarreled and fled. We tried to persuade them with the whole staff, they did not want to put up in any way.

Gold rings became available only in the 60s, before that either rings were not worn at all, or copper and silver were worn. Both my grandmothers have copper rings! They got married with them in the late 40s, early 50s. One of the grandmothers bought gold only in the 70s. It was like an investment of money and a symbol of wealth. The second did not wear a ring at all from the moment she got married on the sly. Gold was available to a very small segment of the population, usually earrings, rings as jewelry.

3. It is forbidden for the Orthodox to wear a wedding ring on the left hand, only on the right. For Orthodox Christians, it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the ring finger. right hand... Why it happened so, no one really knows. This tradition has come long ago and is firmly rooted in the mind. Now the superstition has already arisen that it is dangerous to wear a ring on the left (unclean) hand. And in other countries, on the contrary, they wear a ring on this side, closer to the heart. It is common knowledge that the church is against superstition. Often in our hearts we know that the relationship is not destined to last, and we send ourselves signs. Do you believe that if you put a ring on your left hand once, you will get a divorce?

I always knew (by the way, I don't remember where) that being married, Orthodox Christians can wear a wedding ring only on their right hand and in no case on their left. I got married, I was going to live with this person all my life, not in the sense that I was in euphoria, but in the fact that I was going to build a family. I usually took off the ring at night. And about a year and a half later, in the morning I take the ring and clearly, confidently put it on my left hand. And I stand, stunned, looking at him. Then I say to myself that it's okay, it's all nonsense, we must quickly forget. She did not tell anyone anything and, however, forgot soon. And I remembered after the divorce ...

4. You cannot twist the wedding ring on your finger - you will get divorced. The wedding ring is a symbol of a sacred union, a special decoration. Therefore, it is considered unacceptable to have a frivolous attitude to a sacred thing: toss, twist. In addition, others are often annoyed when their nerves pull hair, edges of clothing, jewelry. Certainly someone will pull up. And this is just a sign of emotional tension hidden within strong feelings:

An acquaintance, when his wife began to cheat on him, was outwardly so calm. Only I twisted the ring so much that we even told him about it.

Many will accept the absurd: “If a wife buys socks for her husband, the husband will leave. If cowards - will change. " It's easier not to marry at all than to follow all the rules.

We've been spinning with my husband for a couple of years now. We calm the nerves.

5. The wedding ring turned black - unfortunately. It happens that the ring turns black. This is considered a bad sign. Although the reason may be a cheap alloy. Or the biochemistry of the body, the skin interacts closely with the ring. During times of stress, strong experiences change hormonal background... But, I must admit, there are such coincidence signs, warnings of fate, especially often associated with amulets (for example, crosses, icons, rings).

My engagement ring turned black a month after we got married. There is no allergy to gold. I went to the jeweler. He said that this was the first time he saw such a thing. The gold is good and the ring is black. Cleaned it up. After 2 weeks, it turned black again. Reflected our life. I left my husband when my daughter was 6 months old, my husband chased me with a knife when my daughter was in my arms. Was there a sign from above?

I strongly believe that ring stories can be harbingers of fate. My husband also lost his ring, and immediately we began to suffer. As soon as he got a mistress, my whole finger turned black under the ring, I was terribly scared, went to church, and there the grannies said, they say, a sign from above, a warning. Well, for sure, but when they got divorced, I wore the ring for a long time, it never turned black. Don't believe in omens after that!

7. Losing a wedding ring - to divorce. This is the most famous and most controversial sign. She is very frightening, therefore, it is dangerous with the negative programming of the spouses. Rings are often lost right at the wedding, because the hands are used for active manipulation, so it is easy for them to catch on and drop them. Many people get divorced, but not because of the rings. Gloves, wallets, keys, crosses, earrings, flash drives, glasses, documents disappear at the ends. And the wedding ring, it is worth losing a little weight, easily slides off the finger. Those who have had to go through a divorce will willingly dump failure into a bad omen. It is important to remember that losing the ring at a symbolic level is a sign of release from obligations. It happens that people try to get rid of it on purpose or unconsciously if the spouse got it in full. That is, first, a desire to leave appears in the soul, and then the ring is lost.

And one friend's husband came home from work and said that he had lost the ring. And then they got divorced, sorted out the relationship. He admitted that he handed it over to a pawnshop, and spent the proceeds with his mistress.

My friend got divorced after she lost her ring. True, she was already on the verge of divorce, and the loss of the ring only assured her of her decision.

When 3 years ago the child broke the mirror into 2 parts, the husband then left us for his mistress. They also said, they say, do not believe in omens. And he left and still has not returned. Before he chose her, I lost my engagement ring in a week.

8. You can not wear someone else's wedding rings - you take over the fate of the former owners. Another controversial sign. There are many conflicting opinions on this topic. I think it's important to trust your heart here. Do you want to wear your mother-in-law, mother, grandmother's wedding ring? How easy and comfortable is this thought for you? Afraid of invisible energy? Or, on the contrary, do you feel the protection and patronage of your ancestors? Answer the questions and it will become clear whether you need to take someone else's or buy a new one.

Before our wedding, my mother-in-law also ordered a ring from her engagement ring with my husband, she had such a fat one. Cool rings turned out. I'm not worried about the fate passed on, she and her husband have been living for 35 years! I wish them the same amount! So, if you pass on their marital fate to us, I'm only FOR!

I felt sorry for the money for wedding rings, wedding and so costly business. I wear my mother's ring, and my husband the ring with whom I first married. We polished them in jewelry. The husband immediately took off his ring: several times he clung to him at work, it almost came to injury. I wear mine without taking off.

My opinion: a wedding is new life, which the young will build themselves, from scratch. And therefore the rings must be new! As an example, I will give the story of my friend. Their rings were also not new, she got it from her great-grandmother. He has the remainder of his father, with whom his mother divorced almost immediately after the birth of her son. Their life is terrible. He walks, likes to drink. Many times they diverged and converged again because of the child. There is no normal relationship. Everyone lives as he wants.

But in the first marriage, we went to the registry office with rings rented: one from a friend, she had after the divorce, and the second is my mother’s engagement, although they did not divorce their father, they did not live together. The first marriage broke up quickly, and it was somehow ... painful for both. It seems to me that it is better to buy new rings, albeit inexpensive ones, even if not even from precious metal: You can buy others later for some anniversary.

I dare say that new wedding rings don't always mean happiness. In experience: the first marriage with completely "fresh" rings and disintegrated, and the second - with the rings of my husband's deceased parents. I, unfortunately for my own, did not recognize these BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, but I am sure that only in loving family such a wonderful person could grow up - my HUSBAND. I wore their wedding rings to church and there they were lit. We have been married for seven years. Happy. We wish you the same!

In no case!!! No used jewelry, no earrings, no brooches, no rings !!! All the energy accumulated by the thing from the previous owners will go to you!

9. You can not throw the ring on the floor - it will be offended. In family life, the most important thing is sanity and the ability to understand your spouse. If you want to preserve the family hearth without offending the ring, but annoying your spouse with superstitions, tears, resentments, then such a task is hardly feasible. It is not the thrown ring that destroys the marriage, but your selfishness, tantrums and anger. In the heat of conflict, the rings are thrown both on the floor and out the window, wherever they have to. But the fate of marriage is determined by a woman's ability, and this, to cope with her emotions of anger, fear, resentment, helplessness. You do not take care of your spouse, but worry about the ring - God help you!

In a fit of emotion during a quarrel, the husband threw the wedding ring on the floor. This was followed by reconciliation, and, naturally, he put it back on. I read that you cannot throw the ring, it can take offense. Even if people make up, the crack in the relationship will only grow, reaching the point of separation. My husband does not believe in all this, but he sees how I am nervous and cry all day. I am a very emotional and impressionable person. Is it true? And how can you avoid this? If so, how to “reconcile” the wedding rings and make them not “offended”? I read a lot of forums and in the morning I have already surfed the Internet. Many people say that you cannot do this (although they did), but there is not a single word how to fix it.

And an acquaintance on own wedding in a fit of rage, he threw his ring into a snowdrift. Naturally, they did not find it. They have been living for over 15 years.

10. For the marriage to be strong and the spouses do not part, you need to wear rings all the time. The most dangerous superstition that can cost you your health. There are activities where the ring on the finger increases the risk of injury. She herself is familiar with a wonderful person, an excellent family man, who tore off his finger while jumping off the side of a truck. The ring caught on the piece of iron. This did not affect the marriage in any way, but the finger is gone. It is even more difficult for a woman: the body changes with pregnancy, childbirth. Swelling begins, weight is gaining, and for some reason few people are in a hurry to adjust the ring to the new size.

My fingers were swollen during pregnancy. I came home and ... God, what are these sausages ?! And what should be done now? The unnamed person turned blue under the wedding dress. The husband says: "If you can't take it off in the evening, we'll go to the trauma." I understand everything, but I CAN'T afford to cut the wedding band. I don't really believe in omens, but this is TABOO. My talisman. In general, four hours, alternately lubricating my fingers with gel from edema, holding my hands under ice water, covered in soap and vegetable oil, scrolling the ring by thread, I did THIS!

Read what this sometimes leads to. Be smart!

And my husband recently lost a finger because of the engagement ring - he caught the ring on some piece of iron at work. Thank God, nothing happened. And just before this incident, I boasted to my friend that my husband never takes off his ring. Got good enough, jinxed.

I know a case from my mother's friends. Also my husband persuaded not to take pictures. And during childbirth and after, when she was in the hospital, it started! Almost lost a finger: a rush of blood there or something. During childbirth, she screamed from pain in her finger, not from contractions! And after giving birth, a carpenter sawed it off right on the armchair of women in labor. So for a month, probably, her finger did not move at all. And now he is bigger than the others, the hematoma has turned into a lump. And the engagement ring will certainly not fit now.

The strength of the relationship depends to a large extent on the qualities of character, many stories of strong marriages confirm this. I myself don’t believe in it, we don’t wear wedding rings to my husband.

Dad sold his ring right after the wedding. Mom doesn't wear her own at all, because she doesn't like rings. And nothing has been living together for more than 30 years. There was never even a single talk of divorce.

11. You need to take off your rings at night, otherwise your sex life will go wrong.

There is such an opinion. Decide for yourself whether to follow it.

By the way, do you know why rings are worn on the ring finger? And they also advise you to shoot at night? It seems that China has figured out that the ring finger is responsible for sexual energy. You put a ring on your finger - oops, and you don't want anyone ... Squeeze the energy ... So they wear it so that it doesn't stand on others. And they rent at home so that they want a husband-wife. I follow the advice, we are doing well in bed.

Why is there a need to follow the signs? The choice of a life partner, wedding, marriage are the most important milestones in our life, determining the fate of a person and his children. I myself have been married for 17 years and very happily. But I will say that it is still not easy to build a common life with another person, especially if children are born. There are many more responsibilities! It's good if you can rely on the experience of your parents and grandparents: on the experience of the generations whose continuation you are. If their family life was happy, then you are calm and omens do not bother you much. They did it, you can do it too. We're just repeating. But if our parents had scandals, there was a divorce, trouble, pain of betrayal, or, on the contrary, long loneliness, we ourselves - the first in the family - to build strong and warm relationships. Think for yourself how easy it is? Often young people try to find support outside themselves, for example, in omens. Therefore, there are many wedding superstitions. Be critical of omens, do not believe their predictions without analysis and reflection.

My cousin made a terrible scandal when they tied a ribbon on the car - yellow. We all say that yellow at the wedding to parting. So she started to get mad, almost canceled the wedding. They went to meet her, removed this tape. She calmed down. The wedding took place, and six months later they divorced. She just has such a character that no one can live with her. That's all superstition.

Anna Lyubimova September 13, 2018 9:28 pm

A lot of superstition is developed around marriage. Almost any trifle that appears during preparation can be interpreted in one way or another. Of course, such a fuss is due to the fact that the newlyweds are afraid to do something wrong and "put a stigma" on their marriage and their future life together.

Folk signs and traditions have several opinions about wedding paraphernalia and its subsequent wearing, but there is no one clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to take off the engagement ring after the wedding. This topic should be considered from several angles in order to understand why it is impossible to take off the ring, and is it really necessary to wear a wedding ring after marriage?

The husband does not wear a wedding ring - what do the signs say?

The wedding ring is a sign of union, connection, indicating marital status

All people accept its meaning differently. While a woman regards this piece of jewelry from a spiritual point of view, a man looks at the ring more indifferently, as a mere formality, noticing all its “inconveniences”, and, often wondering why it is necessary to wear a wedding ring.

Wedding rings

But both spouses may one day stop wearing this jewelry for different reasons, and there is no such law that obliges them to wear it.

For some, the ring helps to assert themselves, to show that he has a family, someone loves him, thereby increasing his social status, but with others the situation is different

Sign if married man does not wear a ring, does not say that he has lost interest in his wife or that his feelings have dried up.

Gold ring, SL(price by link)

The spouse does not wear a wedding band: reasons

If a man has removed his wedding ring, it may contain one of the following reasons:

  1. It is simply uncomfortable for him. It's not even about the size of the product, but about its shape. Men notice this point because they do not like tight things, which, in their opinion, bring discomfort.
  2. A man does not want others to know about his marital status. "Why, they say, should everyone know that I am married?"
  3. Dependence on the wife. Some people believe that the bonds of marriage set the boundaries of life, and the ring gives self-doubt and does not personify freedom.
  4. A man is uncomfortable or forbidden to work with a ring on his hand. Refers to professions most often associated with manual labor.
  5. He lost or broke his jewelry.

However, don't make a fuss right away if your husband has stopped wearing the ring. You need to talk about this with him personally - maybe the reason lies in something else.

Mens wedding ring

Possible reasons why a wife doesn't wear a wedding ring?

This kind of situation occurs quite rarely, because, as mentioned earlier, women are more sensitive to wedding rings and jewelry in general.

Nowadays, the tradition of wearing wedding rings is gradually disappearing. Until the 21st century, this topic was not even raised or discussed - everyone considered the presence of a ring on a finger a prerequisite. And now many modern bride and groom believe that the significance of the wedding ring is too exaggerated. Buy - bought, but it is not necessary to put it in everyday wear. This reason is common in the question of why one of the spouses does not wear wedding paraphernalia.

Womens wedding ring

If married woman Doesn't want to wear an engagement ring or hasn't put it on one morning, she may be guided by one of the following thoughts:

  1. The ring loses its liking... Over time, tastes change for all people, and, unfortunately, this also applies to such jewelry. Moreover, many women and girls are not constant in their choice: today I want one thing, and tomorrow another.
  2. Work does not allow... If a woman has a profession of a doctor (for example, a surgeon), masseuses, specialist in the field of food, etc., most likely she cannot have any accessories on her hands in accordance with sanitary standards.
  3. Washed dishes / washed / cleaned / cooked and forgot to put them back on. During some household chores, women take off their rings, because they do not want to lose or ruin them. A very common reason.
  4. Some girls and women take off their rings when they go to get a job. new job... For some reason, there is an opinion that family people less invest in their own business and do not want career growth and prosperity at all. But these are stupid, unfounded views.
  5. Has lost weight / gained weight, and the wedding ring has become small or large. The solution to this problem is simple - there are many workshops where the ring can be "adjusted" to the desired size.
  6. Cannot be combined with other accessories. This can happen if, for example, the ring is silver, and the other elements are gold - all metals must be of the same color.
  7. Ring Too Expensive - Woman afraid of losing him or thinks the jewelry might be stolen.

There are a lot of reasons why a woman does not wear a wedding ring, which means that a bare ring finger is not a bad sign at all.

Why don't priests wear wedding rings?

Not wearing wedding rings to priests is a well-established tradition that has existed for many years and, on some side, even a rule.

The ring, in addition to confirming the union, means belonging. In marriage: husband to wife, wife to husband

And in Orthodoxy, from the ancient scriptures, it is assumed that the ring (the same ring) personifies the direct relationship - the Son's belonging to the Father, where the Son is a man, and the Father is God.

Women's and men's wedding rings

So priests, as dedicated to only one God, and can only belong to him, therefore, during the ordination (the process, the result of which is the consecration of a person to the clergy), the priest removes the wedding ring forever, and it is established that he became engaged to the Church and is now her minister.

This means that the priest is now obliged to value and protect not only his family with his wife and children, but also the family given by God - his parish

Someone might think: "It turns out that the Church is more important to the clergy than their own children and wife?" But some believe that the stronger a priest serves God, the stronger his family becomes.

Can you wear your wedding ring before your wedding?

There are women and men who really want to put on an engagement ring right now, even if the wedding is just around the corner: I really like it, I want to show off or show everyone their marital status as soon as possible.

Others doubt: suddenly something goes wrong, the wedding will be canceled, friends will be jealous and in general - " Bad sign". This, of course, is not so - there is no sign of preliminary wear.

Gold ring with diamonds, SL(price by link)

There are two rings: engagement and wedding. The first differs from the second in that, as a rule, it is offered to a woman in exchange for her consent to become someone's spouse, and it has a stone, while the wedding is smooth. It follows from this that before wedding ceremony wear engagement ring.

According to custom, the wedding ring is first put on during the wedding; now it depends more on the newlyweds: their wishes and considerations.

But if your heart desires, you can also wear an engagement ring before the wedding, especially in a situation where the decision about marriage was made without engagement.

As it turns out, there are no signs about wearing or, conversely, the absence of a wedding ring on the finger, and the anxieties of grooms and brides are simple superstitions, which, especially in front of such important event definitely worth it push aside and calmly follow desires.

The history of rings dates back to ancient times. The ring was made in the shape of a circle. Since the circle is closed, and it has no beginning or end, like the love of two loving hearts, he was associated with infinity.

The circle was also considered a talisman against evil spirits, was a talisman for peace of mind... Obviously, such a symbol could become a link in marriage. The ceremony of wedding rings still exists today, as well as the unexplained mysteries associated with them that have haunted humanity for many centuries.

Since ancient times, there have been beliefs about wearing rings, about their appearance and their importance in the life of the spouses. For example, many years ago, wedding rings were worn on different fingers, but naturally it was all for a reason. Today, we'll figure out why you can't take off your wedding ring.

People have associated wearing rings on different fingers with other planets. One more interesting fact that doctors in some countries cannot wear a wedding ring, since it is impossible to disinfect under the ring. And in the United States, a person who has become bankrupt can pay debts with any acquired things and mortgage all his property, however, wedding rings are not included in this list.

How wedding rings are worn in different countries

In all sorts of countries, wedding rings are worn absolutely on different hands and fingers. For example, in Russia, Georgia, Chile, wearing a wedding ring is acceptable on the right hand on the ring finger, and in the USA, Great Britain, Sweden on the ring finger of the left hand. Therefore, how the rituals differ in different countries, so the signs are of a varied nature.

Why you can't take off your wedding ring

For many years, people have been wondering if wedding rings can be removed. It is not recommended to remove wedding rings in European countries. It is believed that this can cause illness of the spouse or the fate will strike an unexpected blow that will adversely affect their marriage.

In some countries, the ring is associated with eternity, love and, of course, loyalty. And it is believed that if the ring is removed, then its magical properties will go away with it.

Think the same bad omen take off the wedding ring to let it be tried on, because together with the ring you give it to try on your destiny, which in turn can destroy your marriage. The Americans are not overly superstitious in this matter.

They calmly take off and don't even wear wedding rings often. It is considered normal for them to remove all jewelry at night and put them back on in the morning. Therefore, it is impossible to give a concrete answer to the question of whether it is possible to remove the wedding ring.

Is it worth believing?

  • Believe in omens or not, this is everyone's personal business. Again, let's go back to different countries and remember that countries in which the main religion is Christianity categorically do not believe in omens. It is considered unacceptable and humiliating for them to believe this.
  • As for the countries where Islam is the main religion, then in their faith to surrender themselves to signs is nothing more than disrespect for God. Therefore, we can say with confidence that if you are a believer, then of course you can take off your wedding ring, and if you adhere to a different position, then it’s every man for himself.

Wedding ring is your talisman. This is a talisman for your love and fidelity. It is a symbol of eternal fidelity and understanding. Therefore, treat wearing your rings with special love and care.

Keep it and it is better not to take it off, so as not to lose it and not worry about what might happen if you take it off. Naturally, it's up to you to believe it or not, but try to make sure that you and your soulmate feel calm. So we answered the question why you can't take off your wedding ring.

In any self-respecting jewelry store, a showcase must be allocated for weddings, and some chains generally specialize exclusively in selling jewelry for newlyweds. Gold, silver, platinum, s precious stones and without, engraved or folded into one piece - the choice of rings is truly impressive.

It is now fashionable to refuse wedding feasts with all relatives, bride ransoms and wedding loaves... But wedding rings are not losing ground, judging by the number and variety of proposals.

But what happens after the wedding? When beautiful photographs of two intertwined hands adorned with rings are taken. Does everyone continue to wear this "symbol of endless love"?

Has taken off the ring - free of obligations?

There are many reasons why a person does not wear a wedding ring. Allergy to gold (yes, it happens), safety rules at work, dislike for jewelry (or, conversely, love for their ideal combinations).

But it is strange to observe situations when a person is judged by the presence or absence of a wedding ring. Married, but you don't wear a ring - you are looking for an affair on the side. Married, but without a ring - everything is "not for real" with you.

Photo source: pexels.com

A new reading of family values

Today the world is ruled by globalization and informatization, every person has to communicate every day with many other people whose views and beliefs are not always close to him. And in this world, you want to maintain some privacy without flaunting your personal space. In this context, refusing to constantly wear a wedding ring looks quite logical. Friends and relatives are aware of marital status, and it is important for participants in a business meeting to know only my business qualities and not be distracted by marital status and the number of children.

For some, on the contrary, the role of a wife or husband is a priority, and I want to emphasize it. Here the wedding ring is just the way, and for those who want to tell everyone around them about children, there are bracelets and brooches with the corresponding number of boys / girls.

Personal stories

Lyudmila, 30 years old, married for 8 years:

We have been wearing rings with my husband since the day of marriage. The husband does not take off at all, takes care, especially after an incident at sea. He had already entered the water and, in order not to lose the ring, was going to put it on a chain with a cross. But dropped it into the water. I was very worried. I specially went to Poland to buy the same one as it was. Since then, he has not taken off.

At one time I walked without a ring, and I felt uncomfortable - as if something was missing: apparently, I touch it unconsciously many times during the day. And then I caught myself thinking that something was wrong.

My parents have been together for 36 years now, they live without wedding rings and doubts about this. I think the main thing in this matter is that the solution suits both.

Photo source: befitcompany.com

Elena, 34 years old, married 5 years

When planning a wedding, I rushed to choose wedding rings and only then I thought, will we wear them? I don't wear rings at all, they bother me and get lost, except for a couple of hours as an addition to the image I can put on something from jewelry, then I take off with relief.

The husband does not recognize something foreign on the body in principle. That is, so carefully chosen and not the cheapest jewelry was waiting for the fate to be hidden in some box in a secluded corner.

As a result, we decided not to buy rings., our relationship did not become "fake" from this, and I do not pay attention to the presence of a wedding ring among people, since it is we who put meaning into any things.

Tatiana, 30 years old, divorced

Our marriage lasted 12 years, and the last of them were not the happiest. But I wore the ring until the moment when I decided to divorce. And although I was still married, it was for me a kind of symbol of freedom from marital obligations.

Elena Safronova

Do you wear wedding rings?

For what reasons does a married woman not wear a wedding ring?

I read all the answers carefully)) Here are listed probable special cases when wearing a wedding ring for a woman becomes inappropriate and even impossible: thickening of the ring finger of the right hand with age, production reasons, economic reasons, inconvenience when driving a car, all kinds of allergic reactions, financial problems - etc.

But, as I understood from the question (and the sub-questionnaire), the author is not interested in special cases, but in today's objective reasons for women not wearing wedding rings. Rather, the author wants to understand the current trend: why do most women today do not wear wedding rings?

Seriously or as a joke, I will add from my recent observations of women in the Moscow metro. Sometimes, in order to quickly pass the distance of the metropolitan subway, I set myself some task, for example: to count the number of women in the carriage with wedding rings on their fingers.

My statistics, of course, are very relative. But still, based on it, I managed to draw some conclusions for myself: wearing wedding rings is not in trend today! According to my observations, a traditional wedding ring can be seen on the finger of one in a hundred women today.

It turns out that no one today wants to wear wedding rings - neither young people nor old. And why it became not fashionable to wear rings is anyone's guess. It can be assumed that the looping does not mean anything and does not portend anything definite in life.

As a recent well-known example: a couple recent years television constantly and clearly showed the wedding ring on the finger of our president. And in the end, the personal story ended. unexpected divorce))


Comments (1)

And my statistics are exactly the opposite. I really don't count, but just examine my hands (carefully).
Moreover, I began to notice that the number of men with wedding rings has noticeably increased :-)

I believe. But, nevertheless, your statistics on the Moscow subway seemed to me very relative)) Since it is known that you were born "with gasoline in your blood" - and you dissect the metropolitan spaces exclusively behind the wheel))

Yusha, unfortunately not. Firstly, traffic jams, and secondly, a tank of gasoline for 1,500 rubles flies away instantly. And thirdly, movement is the only form of human existence. I love to walk)
And that's how I noticed about the rings. I will look more closely)))

Indeed, several years ago it became fashionable among men to wear wedding rings, especially among businessmen and officials. They say that there is more respect and trust in a married, family man, especially from a foreign business.

They (men) are now putting rings straight into their noses - "here! I'm married! Have you seen everything?")))))))))
If you have to go to your mistress, you can put the ring in your pocket and put it back on later. Very comfortably:-)
The institution of marriage and rings are needed if there are feelings, sincerity and confidence in a partner. If they are not there, it would be more correct not to lie to yourself, and not to say, like one of my friends, "I love my husband very much," and a little later - "he is a monster." He was not a monster, but you invented love for yourself and wanted to play it, but there were no real feelings.
In general, if people went to the registry office, followed the unloved, there is nothing to complain about later. Will not endure and will not fall in love.