Priest Anatoly Pershin,Rector of the Church of St. Basil the Great in Osinovaya Grove (St. Petersburg Diocese)

I have two lives - before meeting God and after. And I met God ... in the next world.

I had an injury, in intensive care the doctors pumped me out, and in the meantime my soul left my body and “flew with the wind to unknown worlds,” as Yuri Shevchuk sings. The actual exit from the body was completely painless. But then the Lord showed me my life in one second, and I realized that I had not done a single good deed, I lived only for myself, that I was an egoist, that everything in my life was wrong. And the first desire was: to rush down, back, and fix everything. And the feeling: “I got it!”

But when I wanted to do this, I felt that I had neither arms nor legs - I feel everything, I think, but I have no body. It was very unusual and I got scared.

However, the Lord, apparently, had his own providence: He stopped me with this accident.

I was born in the village. He wrote poetry and music. I looked for God, but I couldn't find Him. Nobody could tell me who it was. All I saw were icons, how grandmothers prayed... There were no icons in our house, we had all the communists. Although later I found out that my parents were baptized, and my mother prayed quietly, but she didn’t tell anyone about it.

My grandmother baptized me. On my own, without a priest - I really did not even know about it. I only vaguely remember how she dips me into some kind of basin. And the rite of Baptism was supplemented with Chrismation at the age of 33. Some time after clinical death. It was in the St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

There were different cases, as if the Lord had warned me. I think it happens to every person. We are simply inattentive to reality. But we can meet warnings anywhere, but we simply do not notice them.

But everything that happened there, from where I returned, was imprinted in my memory. And I had an understanding why. Gradually, I began to talk about it, saying: "People, you have no idea - hell begins here, right now."

I urged not to sin, but they considered me crazy. I saw the beginnings of hell everywhere - on the street, on TV, in relationships with people. People absorb it, it’s normal for them, but I couldn’t anymore, it hurt me. It's very difficult to describe, it's like breathing. I had a heightened sense of sin: I saw how it begins - in myself, in people ... and I felt bad. And all the time I wanted to warn people.

Moscow, Tishinskaya Square. Repair of the wall of the Perekrestok store. Photo of Anatoly Pershin's father

I had to forcibly return myself to normal human sensations - I still lived among people. I tried to sort of "land".

In a past life, I denied the Church as an institution, I thought that it was a museum, that these rituals had nothing to do with real life, that some new religion was needed now. Therefore, I did not even go to the temples. And after meeting with God, whole worlds, universes opened up to me. Before that, I did not know that the Lord is everywhere, that He is in me. It was only through bitter experience that it began to be felt.

Once - after the story of clinical death - I felt very bad. And Yura Shevchuk, with whom we have been friends since the mid-1980s, took me to his friends at the Military Medical Academy. There I was told that people do not live with such blood. Then Yura said: “I was on tour in Arkhangelsk and met there with one abbot, he invited me to his monastery. Let's send you there." So I ended up in the Antoniev-Siysky Monastery. And he received healing on the relics of St. Anthony of Siya.

I understood more and more clearly why the Lord brought me back from the other world. The main thing is that I realized that there is salvation, that it is possible to be saved in this world. It was as if some kind of program was invested in me, they gave me a direction where to go - into the light. Then, I think, my path to becoming a priest began. Although, of course, I myself didn’t know this yet, and on this path I had to go through many more trials and miracles.

I am grateful to God that He forced me to meet with Himself. I realized that He did it out of love. Like a surgeon who sees that the patient's appendicitis is about to burst, and the person will die from this pus. And then the surgeon makes an incision, removes this appendicitis, then everything heals in the patient, and now he is ready to run somewhere. But where? Sin? But the Lord puts understanding, knowledge into a person. And it is important for him to apply this knowledge.

God visits every person in his own time. And I do not condemn a person, for example, seventy years old, if he did not believe in God. After all, this can happen tomorrow, or a second before death ...

Now I am 60 years old. I believe that I have very few spiritual achievements, but still I have become closer to the essence. It's like I've been reformatted, set up like a receiver. And it is very important to keep the wave - as soon as she left, you handle - once! - and turned to the right position. You can not relax: a little to the side, and the enemy radio station begins to broadcast.

I feel sorry for people, and my task as a priest is to help them as much as possible. It seems to me that in the other world the truth was revealed to me: salvation in the world is service to God and people, service to God through people, through good deeds. And when I go out to the pulpit in my church, I have the feeling that my family is in front of me.

Prepared by Igor Lunev

On the screensaver: a fragment of a photo by Vladimir Stesin

People who have experienced clinical death


Most people who have experienced near-death experiences have said they saw "a light at the end of the tunnel." This is the most common occurrence they have reported while actually "dead".

Your body

Many people have experienced out-of-body experiences and saw their lifeless body during near-death experiences. In other words, they felt like an incorporeal spirit hovering over the body. They saw what was happening in the room and who was in it. Any attempt to restore the connection between consciousness and the physical body ended in failure, causing despair in the patient.

guardian angels

Many people claim to see at least one angel or spirit watching over and caring for them during their brief stop on their way to death. Some claim that they are accompanied by a spirit until they return back to their body.

Meeting with mother

Many people claim that when they are on their deathbed, their mother visits them in visions.

Stories from near-death survivors

deceased relatives

If a person has a large family, then there is a high probability of meeting your relatives in the "afterlife". Those who survived clinical death and returned to life claimed to have seen their deceased relatives.

Own life

Be prepared to see the worst and best moments of your life. Many people say that life seemed to flash before their eyes at the approach of death. They see their accomplishments and the memories play before their eyes like a slideshow of their lives.

You all see and hear

Many people talk about their ability to see people in the room with them and trying to talk to them, but being unable to do so because their body is lifeless while their mind is awake.


The vast majority of those who have been on the other side of life and returned claimed that they felt an all-consuming sense of peace and tranquility. It was so strong and loving that the mind did not know how to interpret this feeling of calmness.

Reluctance to return

According to many stories, the near-death experience was so serene and calm that many people did not want to come back to life.

One way or another, during our lifetime we will never know what will happen when we are gone.

We continue to acquaint our readers with the program of the Spas TV channel, My Way to God, in which Priest Georgy Maksimov meets with people who have converted to Orthodoxy. The experience experienced by the guest of this edition of the program is dramatic and at the same time ... bright, because it radically changed his life, which is rapidly rushing downhill, turned to Christ. How and why Vasily ended up in the world that he experienced there how the feeling of Christ's love helped to correctly comprehend life here , is his story.

Priest George Maximov: Hello! The program "My way to God" is on the air. Today's guest, I will say right away, experienced very dramatic events in his life, which led him to God. Among people who are far from faith, there is such a saying: "No one returned from the next world." It is pronounced with the subtext that as if no one knows what awaits us after death. However, the story of our guest refutes this proverb. But before moving on to talking about his death and return, let's talk a little about the background. Vasily, am I not mistaken if I assume that you grew up, like many of our generation, in an unbelieving environment and were unfamiliar with faith?

: Yes. I was born and raised in a different era. And after the army - for me it was in 1989 - a completely different paradigm arose. The Soviet Union crumbled. I had to find food somehow. Young family, the child was born. After the army, I worked a little at the factory, and then ended up in a security agency - a private security company. Now it is, of course, a slightly different structure, but then it was the guards, and at night the bandits who extorted debts. I've done a lot of bad things. Lots of terrible things. There is no blood on my hands, but everything else is enough. Therefore, I am still ashamed, although I repented. Many people died nearby. Some were planted. But, since my daughter was born at that moment, I decided to leave this path anyway. Slowly, I managed to get away without much loss. I just moved to another place, cut off all ties completely. I tried to somehow build my life, but there was no money, and I earned money anywhere: I traded, taxied in my car. I met my friends in the market. Back then it was called a "scam". He worked for three years in the markets of Moscow and the Moscow region. There he became addicted to drugs.

Father George: And how did it happen? After all, you were already an adult and probably heard that it was dangerous.

Heroin is a very clingy demon. He takes the man in his arms and does not let go. Twice is enough

: I then had a fight with my wife, I lived alone in a communal apartment, where I had a large company of drug addicts. I looked at their happy faces as they injected and said, "You don't need this." It was more like, "Don't throw me into the thorn bush." And so I wanted to try it. At first it was scary. Sniffed - did not give much effect. Then he pricked himself one, two, three ... And that's it. Enough, I think, two times. Heroin is a very clingy demon. He takes the person in his arms and does not let him go. No matter how many people were treated, tried to somehow get away, get off this topic - only a few succeeded. I know only one girl who succeeded, but even then at the cost of great effort, and in the female part she has a fiasco. That is, she will not give birth. Well, the rest died. Moreover, people experienced clinical death from an overdose and then went for a new dose.

I remember an incident with my friend. We were sitting in the kitchen: me, him and his girlfriend. Pricked - he fell. He became ill and called an ambulance. Those arrived quickly. They dragged him to the landing. They opened the sternum and did a direct heart massage ... This sight is not for the faint of heart, I tell you. Pumped out. And still, it did not give him anything, and literally two months later he left us due to an overdose. Terrible things. I sat there for about a year. This is relatively small. It hits people in different ways. Some people live on heroin for 10, 15 years - I don't know why for so long. But usually a drug addict lives for 5-6 years maximum.

Father George: Was your own death also due to an overdose?

: Not really. Then there was such an opinion: you can drink vodka, and through alcohol you will be able to get off heroin. But, as it turned out, this is not really the case. There were May holidays, and for this purpose I drank and drank. To get off heroin. But it didn't help. I could not stand it, and on May 11, my friends and I injected ourselves in the entrance. It was in the evening, after 22:00. And vodka and heroin are death at once. I don’t know what affects what, but it’s almost immediately. And I was still high on alcohol. I remember darkness. As if consciousness collapses. Eyes close and bells ring in the ears.

Father George: Does that mean you are clinically dead?

: This is the very moment of death. Didn't feel any pain. My eyes closed softly, calmly, and I fell down, rolled down to the garbage chute. There he stayed. I only remember how literally in a moment I saw - as if from under water and in slow motion - how a girl, one of us, was running, knocking on apartments to open the call to the ambulance - there were no mobile phones then. My friend, who was nearby, Sergey, is trying to give me artificial respiration. But he probably wasn't very good at it. Then I remember that I was already lying in front of the entrance. The ambulance has arrived. The body lies. I see my body from the side. They are doing something there. And somehow it didn't matter to me. Completely uninteresting. Start pulling to the right and up. Everything is accelerating. And such an unpleasant sound, a rumble. It whirled and carried upwards along such a large pipe. My thoughts never stopped for a second.

Father George: Understanding what has come, did not frighten?

: And at first I did not have this understanding. It came later. I was getting faster and faster. Then such translucent walls, a tunnel, the flight is accelerating. There are some pictures around, it can be compared with the star images of the Hubble telescope. And there's a bright light ahead. The brightest. It's akin to an amusement park ride where you spiral downwards, descend and fall into a pool of warm water. And such a chord of some unearthly music, or something. That's when I looked at myself. Only then did I realize that I was dead. There was no regret whatsoever. I felt joy, peace, pleasure. I could see where I am. He saw my body lying in the ambulance. But somehow I don’t care about him at all. Without any contempt, without hatred, just ...

Father George: How is it something else?

I immediately knew it was him. And He is like a father. No one has ever spoken to me like this.

: Yes. That's how you go by - there is a stone on the street. Well, lies and lies. After that, I was pulled up, you know, as if a warm palm was lifting up. I felt directly waves of happiness and absolute calmness. Absolute protection. Everything around is saturated with love - such a force that it is not clear what to compare with. I was drawn as if through some clouds. How the plane takes off. Higher and higher. And a figure appeared in front of me in a dazzling radiance. She was in a long robe, in a tunic. You know, until that time I had never opened the Bible and I had never had any thoughts about God, about Christ. But then I immediately realized with all the fibers of my soul that it was He. And He is like a father. He welcomed me with a love that you don't see on Earth. Nobody ever talked to me like that. He did not reproach, did not convince, did not scold. He just showed my life. We communicated with thoughts, and every word of His was perceived as a law. Without any doubt. He spoke quietly and affectionately, and I became more and more convinced that I was monstrously wrong not only to myself, but also to my relatives, and indeed to everyone. I cried, sobbed, my heart, torn, cleared, gradually it became easier for me.

You know, such a comparison has sunk into my head: when a potter makes some kind of pot, and then his clay blank falls - and he begins to straighten it with his hands ... Just like a potter, He ruled my soul. She was so dirty ... So, He played my life like a picture before my eyes.

It is known that this happens, I later read it from the same Moody or from others who experienced this. Nothing new here. I don't invent, I don't lie. They lie, probably, to achieve some goal. I just want to talk about what I saw so that people can hear. I have already got used to the fact that many do not believe me and sometimes twist their fingers at the temple.

So. He could stop life anywhere. It's like some kind of movie. But, what is most interesting, I could go anywhere to look at myself. Feel the situation from the point of view of each of the people around me.

Father George: Understand how they perceived it?

: Yes. How can. It's like... for example, a bullet wound and a knife wound that I had, cannot be compared with how a person can be wounded with just one thrown word. And how you remember it for the rest of your life. What are the consequences of this. How to be careful in your actions. Many people think that there is only this life, and then everything, some kind of dark, hopeless something, and there is nothing. No, my friends, everyone will have to answer for what they have done. Absolutely everyone.

I realized: I need to go back to earthly life. A wife, a child flashed before my eyes

Well, so, we dismantled these pictures with Him. Then He took my hand, and we started walking… I remember that there was some kind of misty substance under my feet, it constantly shimmered. The brightest light. That is, there is no shadow at all, although it is difficult to imagine here. I felt translucent. Like in the movie "The Invisible Man", where he just has boundaries. And He took me by the hand and led me and enlightened me with this brightest light. Then we ended up back at the place where we first met. And I don't remember what He asked about, but the main thing that I realized is that I need to go back to earthly life. Wife and child flashed before my eyes. By the way, by that time we had a fight and for about a year we had not lived together. In general, I realized that I need to return. I promised Him to take up his mind, to improve. The deepest sadness arose in me, and at the same time I was given to understand that we would meet again. This hope is probably still alive today. To be honest, I want to go there. Any minute.

Although, of course, what I experienced was so beautiful, it can be so bad for those who end up in hell. I was not in paradise, but, probably, in some eve of paradise. I don't know how to say it... This feeling is probably stronger than all the drugs combined on Earth and multiplied by infinity. The explosion of omniscience literally "knocked" me off my feet, perhaps. The truth only edged through me, but I felt the endless creative potential that is inherent in us. To know everything… there’s no way to retell it, just take my word for it: it’s great, we certainly won’t be bored there. It was so wonderful there. Warm, cozy. It is with Him. I felt that He was the father. Real father. Not like earthly fathers ... I was not very lucky with my biological father, and with my stepfather too.

In short, it turned out that I was already returning, as it were, in the reverse order. In May, the sun sets late ... I remember that it was still sunset, and I go down. Through the foliage of the trees, through the roof of the car and into the body. My consciousness jerks back in. I take a deep breath, my ribs hurt a lot. And I grab the paramedic's hand. He has a watch, keys, money in his palm ...

Father George: Yours?

: Yes. All from my pockets. Pockets turned inside out. I don't want to say anything bad about the ambulance workers. I myself am the son of doctors. My sister and I worked in the ambulance. I was a corpse. As it turned out, 14 minutes already. Naturally, they no longer took any resuscitation actions, they just took me to the morgue. Well, well… Anyway, I grabbed his hand. Those eyes should have been seen. I have never seen such horror before.

Father George: I can assume that in the future this person would no longer risk ransacking the dead. (Laughs.)

: Yes, there was money there ... I remember I counted out half of it to him - it was just a bottle of beer. And for the second half I bought myself a bottle of beer, sat right next to it and sat thinking to myself. The next day I woke up to a knock on the door. And I still did not understand practically what happened to me. Awareness occurred gradually over several weeks. So, I open the door: my wife is standing. We didn't see her for a year. All in all, we talked for about an hour. I dropped everything. Everything that was in that room. Closed it, and we went to her. I didn't go back there again. He cut off all the ends at once.

Cracking is the worst pain. You can't stand, you can't lie, you can't find peace at all

But heroin addiction has not gone away. By the end of the day, I felt really bad. And for the next two and a half months, I had such a diet: a bottle of vodka, diphenhydramine, tazepam, phenazepam - just to turn off completely for the duration of withdrawal. My wife is just a holy person. She was leaving me. She went to work and bought me vodka. And I lay at home. At the beginning of taking hard drugs, you don’t think about what will happen to you next, you feel good, and let the whole world wait. And when you want to end it, you find that the demon won't let you go. You no longer have veins, those that were, you "burned" a long time ago. You are all rotting, you are shaking and breaking in the literal sense of the word. Cracking is the worst pain. Not like a cut or bruise. It is rather akin to rheumatic pains, when the joints twist. But, again, a multiplied pain. And it's inside you. You will not tie, you will not attach anything. It starts to twist you. You can't stand, you can't lie down, you can't find peace at all. Plus all sorts of nightmares accompany it all. Terrible condition. And it's very easy to stop. You just need to pick up the phone, call, and in half an hour you will already be pricked, and everything is fine. But I promised to drop it.

It is extremely difficult to overcome withdrawal on your own, the support of loved ones and, of course, the desire of the patient are very important here. But the most important thing is that God help you in this matter.

Now I understand that the Lord also vouchsafed my wife to take care of me, and gave me strength. Alone, I would not have survived this.

It was a terrible summer. But I got over it. Then I stopped drinking. I won't say that I quit. After vodka, after all this “treatment”, I turned yellow sharply. An ambulance arrived and said: “Yes, you have hepatitis C. If you continue to drink, you will have cirrhosis, and hello.” I began to drink beer instead of vodka. It got even worse. In general, the case was nearing its end. Not from drugs, but from alcohol. We went to the clinic, where they code according to the Dovzhenko method. And now I have not drunk for 17 years. And it doesn't pull. I look at those who drink, and it becomes funny to me - this is just a circus. People don't understand what they are doing. I stopped drinking, and, naturally, in all these drunken companies I just get bored.

And the cessation of drug addiction, and the release from alcohol addiction - all this happened precisely after that incident. Some kind of internal directive arose, or something.

I went to work. Naturally, he stopped cheating on his wife after that moment immediately. Stopped smoking, stopped cursing

Now I understand that it is all connected with God. He puts on the right path. I went to work. Naturally, he stopped cheating on his wife after that moment immediately. I stopped smoking, I stopped cursing. It's gradual, step by step. In all my undertakings, I asked God for help. That's how he asked himself, and He always helped. By the way, a month after I turned yellow, I went back for blood tests. The diagnosis was not confirmed. I handed over still then some times - a hepatitis is not present. He just disappeared.

Father George: With all this, you did not immediately reach the Church?

: Yes. It's been a long journey. As if you first had to remove everything unnecessary from yourself. And the Church is already tuning, bringing to perfection. Getting rid of those dependencies that I listed above - this, I think, was only a rough adjustment, now I have to fine-tune. Fine tuning will continue until the last breath. It is much more important and immeasurably more difficult than the first stage. After all, quitting smoking is much easier than quitting envying someone. Or quitting drinking is easier than stopping hating someone or forgiving someone.

I did not reach the Church right away. And at first I just read a lot about the post-mortem experience of people. He walked in some wilds: Blavatsky, Roerich ... There he searched for the truth. But I found it only when I read in the Bible: “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Orthodoxy teaches this. I have not found this in other teachings. AND there, in my posthumous experience, - God is love. Absolute love. Exactly there I get it. I was protected, loved, understood. Like a son who found a father. It is Christianity that teaches that “to those who received Him, to those who believe in His name, He gave the power to become children of God” (John 1:12), “Therefore, you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Jesus Christ” (Gal. 4:7). And guided by this, I went to Church, took communion. Probably for the first time since the baptism. I was baptized in 1980; then we were in Vladimir, when everyone from Moscow was expelled for the Olympics, and there my mother baptized me in the church. Although she herself is a communist, her father is a communist. Doctors...

Father George: Just by tradition, perhaps?

After the first communion, I was surprised: “How can this be? And there - and here "

: Yes. Then I did not attach any importance to it. To be honest, until the age of 20 I didn’t even think about what God is - whether He exists or not. We just live, that's all. So. After that incident, probably six years passed before I came to the temple ... I began to periodically come to Communion once every three weeks. Confess, take communion. The first time I took communion, it was something unearthly. In general, I am a rather sharp person, sometimes I am rude. But here I just relaxed, and all people seemed to me such kind angels. It lasted for about a day, I guess. And it's very similar to the feeling I had there. A similar kindred feeling. Grace. But when we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, we become akin to Him. And after the first communion, I was surprised: “How can this be? And there - and here. Well, now, of course, this does not happen every time. And the first time it was at all ... I almost knocked off my feet in the church.

I understood a lot of interesting things when I thought about what I saw there. Those people who go to hell, they are then thrown into outer darkness. It turns out that a person who gets there after his death, he ... How sinful his soul is - she herself moves away from God. She condemns herself. The more sinful you are, the farther you are from the Light, from God. You yourself will not be able to approach Him, covered with the dirt of your thoughts and actions. You are carried away further and further into pitch darkness, where all your fears await you. And around Him there is no fear, only bliss. Life always ends suddenly for a person, and you will appear before Him with all the set of your deeds, and nothing can be changed there. And then you will condemn yourself and you will not allow yourself to approach the Light, for it will burn you unbearably. Like can only come into contact with like. This is not the Last Judgment, as it is often presented ...

Father George: Well, actually, you haven't lived up to the Last Judgment yet. Because the Last Judgment will be at the end of history, when the resurrection from the dead takes place. Souls will unite with the bodies of the dead, and then people, together with their bodies, will appear at the Last Judgment. In the proper sense of the word, heaven and hell will already be after the Last Judgment. And before that, as St. Mark of Ephesus says, souls fall into a state of anticipation of the Last Judgment. And in accordance with what the soul of each person is, either they expect future torments and thereby suffer, or they expect future blessings and experience bliss from this.

: Apparently, this was a small court. own condemnation. To be honest, I've seen a lot, but I don't even want to think about angering the Lord. At least somehow. There is not even such a thought. I've done crazy things before. Now, knowing all that there maybe... how much there can be good and how bad - I can't even think about it. I could not live before without the thought of a cigarette or: “You didn’t smoke marijuana today or didn’t inject yourself - the day was wasted.” And now I gave up everything after what I found out. To be honest, I'm not a coward, but I behave like a good boy. I don't want to go there. It's scary there.

Father George: Into this outer darkness?

: Yes. Especially since it's forever. I also understood such a thing that here we have, as it were, two births. The first time we are born from our parents, and the second - after death. And in this life, when we are here, in this earthly world, we must decide who we are with and what actions we are doing. I am extremely lucky to be given another chance. God gave me a new life in which I was able to understand what love is. Just time to change your mind. As St. Seraphim of Sarov said: one must acquire the Holy Spirit here.

Father George: Right here on earth, because there there is no longer a choice. Regarding the birth, I remembered the words of St. Gregory of Sinai, who said: “Here, on earth, a person bears the embryo of his future life. Or eternal torment, or eternal happiness with God. And, in fact, with death, he gives birth to that eternity, which he determined by his direction of will: to what his will turned out to be directed - to God or to sin.

My consciousness was not interrupted for a second. And it confirms that we are not dying. I say this for atheists, for those who reject the Lord God

: And that's what actually inspired me to tell my story. This is all deeply personal, in principle ... Not everyone agrees to talk about themselves like that. I want to testify that the individual is indestructible. My consciousness was not interrupted for a second. And it confirms that we are not dying. This I speak for, for those who reject the Lord God. Because if here they hope for something, maybe for the prince of this world, then there he won't protect them. There they will be rewarded according to their merit. This is absolutely accurate.

And it is necessary not only to believe, but also to do good deeds. Think about it: what were you born for? Is the most complex biological organism on the planet created just for an empty pastime? Our life on Earth is a moment, but a very important one: it is here that we determine whether we come to Him or not. There will be no second such moment, and after death nothing can be corrected. Try, while there is time, not to do evil, ask for forgiveness from those who have offended. Do everything for the Glory of God.

Let me remind you of the two commandments that Jesus Christ brought to us. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind…” and “Love thy neighbor as thyself” (Mark 12:30, 31). If all people fulfilled these two commandments, then the whole planet Earth would be shrouded in love. And in this regard, the Orthodox Church is the flagship. I believe that this is the only true teaching, and it is this that leads to the afterlife. And what is this life, I was convinced in fact. Perhaps my story will help someone think about their actions, rethink their behavior. Many said: “You had hallucinations, the effects of drugs, some kind of delirium that occurs when the cerebellum falls asleep somewhere” ...

Father George: But the fact that your life has changed so radically is already evidence that it could not be just hallucinations. Because every drug addict sees hallucinations regularly, but this does not change his life. Life can only be changed by real experience. And I think the Lord showed you, let's say, in advance what can be. Because in your previous life, everything led you to a completely different place, to that very outer darkness, but the Lord, in His love, showed you in advance what awaits you, so that you could properly dispose of it. And, thank God, you really did the right thing with your second chance.

Thank you very much for your story. God bless you!

To learn more about the afterlife and draw your own conclusions about the likelihood of its existence, we bring you some creepy, but incredibly interesting stories from people who have suffered clinical death.

Have you ever thought about what awaits us after death? Is there an afterlife at all, does Heaven and Hell exist, does reincarnation take place, or does our soul disappear forever along with the body? You can argue about this endlessly, but among us there are people who have suffered clinical death, which means that they were on the other side of life for some time.

1. My soul is under the ceiling

This is a very entertaining story of a 50-year-old man from France. “I had a myocardial infarction. I only remember the intense pain in my chest and the screams of the people around me. Then the pain went away, and I, suddenly opening my eyes, saw myself from the outside. I hung from the ceiling, and watched my body lie on the table, and the doctors bent over it. They fussed, talked among themselves, shouted something to each other. I did not hear the words, there was absolute silence, there was calm and some kind of indifference to everything that was happening.

Suddenly, a window opened in the ceiling. Through it, I saw crowds of moving people, and they were all golden, alive, but as if cast in gold. I tried to make out familiar faces in the crowd, I tried to talk to people passing by, but they did not answer me. And then I felt myself slowly sinking down and sinking into my own body. I came to my senses. After this event, it became obvious to me that our body is just a shell.”

2. Flight to heaven

And this is the story of a Russian pensioner who found himself in a similar situation. “Suddenly I felt sick. My son and daughter-in-law dragged me home and laid me on the bed. My whole body ached, blood gushed out of my mouth and I began to choke. But in an instant everything stopped! I suddenly saw myself from the side, and having left my own body, I began to be irresistibly pulled into an unusual corridor or tunnel. It was all black with stone walls, very long and narrow. At the end of it was a light that drew me to itself. And I swam towards this light, slowly at first, then accelerated so that my limbs went cold.

It flew for a long time, and finally flew out of the tunnel, hitting the dome with the brightest light. Around was another, some kind of fairy-tale world, with tropical trees and exotic birds. I seemed to be pulled forward towards a huge waterfall. I went up to him, and noticed a small well-kept house nearby. In the house I found my father, who died a few years ago. There was no surprise, as if I knew that everything should be just like that. My father came up to me and said: “Come back! Your time hasn't come yet!" Literally after his words, I woke up, opened my eyes and noticed the doctors standing nearby.

3. Became a cloud

Not all patients like to remember their own "flights" to another world. One such case is told by the wife of a patient who has been in the next world. “Yuri fell from a great height and for a week was in a state of clinical death due to a severe blow to his head. Every day visiting her husband, connected to the artificial respiration apparatus, the grieving wife lost the keys to the house.

But Yuri survived! And the first thing he asked his wife when he regained consciousness: "Have you found the keys?" And looking into her puzzled eyes, he continued: “They are under the stairs!” How could he know about the loss of the keys and how did he know where they fell out, the man explained later. It turns out that during clinical death, his soul left the body and became a cloud. He saw his wife's every move, no matter where she was. Moreover, he visited the place where the souls of his deceased relatives, his mother and older brother, rested. According to Yuri, it was his relatives who convinced him to return.

And a year later, when Yuri's son was dying, and his mother wept inconsolably, saying goodbye to her only child, Yuri hugged his wife and said: "He will live another year." Indeed, the child went on the mend and died only a year later. And at the funeral of his beloved son, the man reassured his wife: “Don't be sad. He didn’t die, he just moved to another world before us.”

4. Camera in hell

Professor Rawlings once saved a dying man by giving him a heart massage. The dying man's heart stopped, his pulse disappeared, but at some point the man suddenly came to his senses and in an imploring voice asked the doctor not to stop! It was especially unexpected, because during the massage, the doctor broke two of the patient's ribs!

The patient survived, and, having come to his senses, told the doctor the terrible story of his stay in the “other world”. After a car accident, he lost consciousness, and woke up in a cell with stone walls and strong bars. In addition to the man, there were four more demonic-looking creatures in the chamber. Huge, black, of incredible strength, they tore at his flesh, causing terrible pain. He could not even move, feeling as if there was not a single muscle in his body. It was also very hot in the cell, and the man went crazy with thirst. According to him, the torment continued for several weeks. But in an instant, he closed his eyes and woke up in intensive care. It turned out that he had been in a state of clinical death for no more than 8 minutes.

According to the surviving patient, he undoubtedly went to hell. Moreover, it was after this story that I truly understood the essence of the word “eternity”. Tellingly, clinical death seriously affected the worldview of a man. He gave up alcohol, stopped showing aggression towards people around him and became a deeply religious person.

5. Broken cup

During the operation, the patient was clinically dead. Within 10 minutes they tried to bring her back to life, and when the doctors succeeded, the woman came to her senses and began to tell a fantastic story. “When my heart stopped, I felt myself get rid of the body and hover over the operating table. Looking at my lifeless body, I clearly realized that I had died! It hurt me terribly that I never said goodbye to my family. And I just flew home! In the apartment, a neighbor sat at the table, my mother and beloved daughter, but in an unusual dress with green polka dots, which she had not had before. At some point, my mother dropped a cup, which immediately shattered to smithereens. At that moment, I opened my eyes and saw the doctors bending over me!

Later, the doctor of the same patient met with her mother and was incredibly surprised to learn from her that on that day and at the same time they really were sitting at the table and drinking tea. A polka-dot dress was brought to the girl by a neighbor, and the cup really broke. Perhaps fortunately...

As you can see, a variety of people, experiencing clinical death, tell fantastic stories that the afterlife is not fiction and, quite possibly, each of us will have to answer for our actions committed in life. But even if it is not, there is human memory. And it is better if the preserved memory of a person is good.

Five years ago, a user with the nickname monitormonkey was lying on the operating table and something went wrong.

It was as if I woke up in some space where there was no light. It was neither hot nor cold there, I did not want to eat and I was not tired - everything was somehow neutral and calm. I understood that there was light and love somewhere nearby, but I had no desire to rush things. I remember thinking about my life at that moment, but it was not the same as editing, when the whole life is in front of my eyes. It was like flipping through a book lazily... Anyway, this "immersion" has changed my life, but I'm still afraid of dying. At the same time, I am not afraid of what will happen to me later.

my brother came to me

Schneidah7 lost consciousness after the accident - he was riding a motorcycle and crashed at a speed of 80 km / h.

I remember how I was lying on the sidewalk and everything around me slowly darkened, it became quiet. The only reason I didn't pass out was someone yelling, "Ranger, don't pass out, everything will be fine, get up, get up!" Someone was hitting my helmet and when I opened my eyes I saw my brother squatting next to me. It was very strange, because my brother died of an overdose a few years ago ... The only thing I remember is how he looked at his watch, said that they would be here soon, got up and left ... I don’t remember anything else. Yes, then there was an operation, and I still have memory problems.

IDiedForABit described the exact opposite picture. Her heart stopped due to a severe allergic reaction. However, no emptiness, silence and darkness.

I remember feeling as if someone was sucking out the darkness, like a syringe sucking in water, it gradually disappeared, and soon I was in the garden. There were no flowers, only dust and yellow grass. In the middle was a playground, in the center of which was a carousel with two children, a boy and a girl. It's hard to describe, but it was as if I had a choice: stay or return. Then I listed all the reasons why I wanted to return, but nothing happened until I realized that I did not want to leave my mother. Then they let me go. Later it turned out that I was in a state of clinical death for 6 minutes.


The user with the nickname TheDeadManWalks was seriously ill as a child and one day his condition worsened sharply.

Looking back, I understand that the worst thing about it is that when you are there, it seems to you that everything is calm and peaceful. But to return, you need to force yourself to do something unpleasant - it's like pressing the alarm clock at seven in the morning. You turn it off again and again, but you realize that you need to go to school or work...

Some noise or scream

altburger69 had a heart attack, his heart stopped beating three times while being transported in an ambulance.

Apparently, I woke up every time they started my heart with a defibrillator. At the same time, every time I came to my senses, I told the doctors about some kind of noise or scream. There was no light, but just wanted to sleep.

I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive...

After falling from a motorcycle at full speed, Rullknuf stopped breathing and his body began to convulse. Two minutes later, his friend managed to resuscitate him.

For me it was just a blackout. No dreams, no visions, just nothing. When I woke up, I asked 10 times what happened, and realized that, apparently, I survived.